365 - Part 1

Part 1 of 2 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed and Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



I anticipate this message being in two parts; however in the past those have been my famous last words. We have some series with an many as 20 parts, but in all honesty with this message I anticipate two parts.


Today's message will be a study, a word study, on the names of this message, Orion, Pleiades, Arcturus and the Mazzaroth. We will define them and do a word study. We are going to look at the roots, their grammatical roots, and we are going to translate these scriptures in which these words appear.


The Lord willing in the next message, I would like to teach you from an article on the constellation Orion which is appearing in the most recent edition of the National Geographic Magazine, and we will see what conclusions the Lord gives us. I will tell you up front that after doing the study that I have done so far, I am of the opinion, and as always you are free to disagree, but my opinions are educated opinions. The translations in the King James scripture which names these constellations are not an accurate translation of the Hebrew scripture. They are basically the words which are translated into the names of these constellations which are part of our English language. The constellation Orion, Pleiades, etc., these were conclusions drawn by the King James translators. Basically, the Hebrew word from which the names of these constellations were chosen as the translation were words that were obviously referring to stars or star constellations, but in no way does the Hebrew scripture name Orion. There is no Hebrew word that is translated Orion. There is no Hebrew word that is translated Pleiades. This was the conclusion that the King James translators drew after studying the Hebrew scripture, and I had studied the Hebrew scripture, and I disagree with their conclusions.


I had someone say to me not too long ago and from time to time people say to me, well who do you think you are to disagree with the King James scholars and the translation that the entire church world including the Roman Catholic has accepted over all these years? My answer to whoever is asking me this question is that I am a Son of God, and what makes me a Son of God is that my mind is Christ Jesus, at least with regard to the understanding of these scriptures. I have the spirit of revelation, understanding, and knowledge, and this is what my God has told me. Anyone hearing this tape, you are free to disagree with me, you don't have to like it, you don't have to believe it, you don't have to agree with me, but I warn you that if you decide to attack me you are engaging in the sin of witchcraft because I am not going to try and force this on you, and you are not supposed to try and stop me from doing what I believe my God has told me to do.


Let's start this interesting study. Orion, I believe is a Greek word. I have not looked it up in the English dictionary, but I think it is a Greek word. But it is an English word in that it has been adopted into the English language. If you take out an English dictionary, Webster's or any English dictionary and you look up Orion, you will find this word in the English dictionary and it will tell you that it is a star constellation so we call this a transliteration. I will have a lot of definitions for you in the next part when I teach out of the National Geographic article. I'll clarify this issue. As for now, I believe it is a Greek name that was given to a star constellation.


Does any one know the name of the constellation in which we exist is? The Milky Way. Another word for it is galaxy. Our galaxy is the Milky Way, and we are the third plant around one of the stars of the constellation or galaxy or another more common word apparently that our scientists are using is nebula, just to confuse us. I have no problem with galaxy. It seems that the word of choice the last few times I've read articles along these lines, the word of choice seems to be nebula. It is another word for galaxy. It is a star system. It is a constellation. It is a group of stars, many of which have planets orbiting around them. They are held together mostly by a mass of cosmic dust and gasses. That is what a star system is or a galaxy or a nebula. It is a mass of dust and gas. Isn't that interesting? Isn't that what we had at the beginning of Genesis? Dust and spirit which is typified by gas, and the way the stars are formed is that. . . .there is gravity which exists within this swirling mass of dust. There has to be gravity or otherwise they would not be in the same system. There has to be something pulling them together that keeps them in the same area. This is what makes them a system.


So every particle of dust has its own gravity, and on occasion there is a scientific explanation for it but I don't know what it is, because I keep telling you I am a science amateur, I am just doing the best I can with this. Under certain circumstances, particles of dust start to come together, and I find it very interesting that there is at least one scripture in the book of Job that talks about the clods of dust. If the Lord lets me, I will look at that one again in view of this new understanding. I think we have already translated that. I would like to look at it again in view of this understanding. The magnetic pull of certain particles of dust start to attract each other more strongly than the remaining or the extraneous particles of dust, and we start to see a clump or a clod of dust forming in the midst of this whole star system which is dust, but certain particles of dust start to clump together because of a magnetic attraction.


Once they clump together, the clump develops its own gravity and starts to collapse in upon itself, separating itself from the remaining dust and gas in the star system, and this is the beginning of a star. I hope to give you more information on it next week. I really have to go over that article again, and I don't even have any notes in front of me now, but basically this is the beginning of a star, and when the star forms if it is powerful enough, if it gives off enough energy, frequently what happens is that pieces of the clods of dust fling off from the star, and that is what forms the planets, that obtit around the star. The star is formed from dust and gas or we would say dust and spirit, and there is a process going on. It is called atomic fusion, and the clods and the dust are being joined together under heavy pressure and great, great, great heat, and sometimes in the midst of this process some of the pieces of dust, some of the pieces of the matter that was formed from the dust congealing, fling away from the star, but they cannot escape. You might say it is a by-product or waste product, but the gravity of the star only lets it go so far and captures that clod of dust that was flung off from the star.


The gravity of the star, the magnetism of the star only lets that clod go so far and catches it by its gravity or its magnetism, and that clod of dust starts to orbit the sun and becomes a planet of that sun. I will tell you that this is a fantastic article with beautiful pictures. I'll have all the pictures for you on Thursday, the Lord willing. Orion is identified by the writer of this article as a place where stars are born, a constellation, a stellar system, is a place where stars are born.


Let me put it to you another way. A constellation, a nebula, a galaxy, is an are in outer space where there are dust particles and gases and under certain conditions the dust particles begin to clump together and a star is born out of dust and gas. It is exactly what we are told happened in Genesis 1, so between you and me I have said to the Lord. What does this mean to us spiritually? I have much to learn because I don't know the answer to that, but I believe that we are spirit, or we might say we are gas, spirit, and we are trapped in the midst of the clods of earth which are the womb which is producing us. When I finished reading the article the first time, I will have to read it two, three or four times before I am capable of preaching on it, I was left with the thought in my mind. . . .The article also says that the star that is born that throws off planets and brings planets into its own orbit eventually can even go on and form its own star system. What does that say about us? We are stars being born in the womb of this earth, and what does that mean? Are we going to go forth and. . . .what is our purpose? I don't know what our purpose is.


The Bible is not clear about what our purpose is. Paul said, eye has not seen, and ear hath not heard what God has in store for us. All that we know is our immediate assignment. Our immediate, immediate assignment is to preach this word and to preach it to whom ever God send us to preach it, and just the sign that you had perfect silence is a strong witness that you are not doing that of your own will, but that Christ Jesus was doing it through you. That is a very strong sign that everybody is quiet. The Lord quieted the mouths of the Lions, and they were listening. So this is our immediate, immediate assignment. To preach this gospel of salvation, not the gospel of the cross, but the true gospel of salvation. Then, the Lord willing, when we stand up in full stature our immediate assignment, well even now on some level we are judging our own sins, and we are judging the sins of the people that God gives us authority to do it.


When we stand up in full stature that authority will be extended way beyond any authority that we have now, and now our primary source should be upon our own heart, and the greatest efficiency that you judge your own heart, that is the extent that other people will be sent to you to expose their sins. You have to do it in yourself first, and then you get others. Not that anybody wants it. It is no fun, but it is part of being a son. So, if you want to be a son, you will have to judge people's sins; therefore, it is the sin of pride to say, I don't like to teach, I don't want to judge people's sins, I don't want people to not like me, I don't want people to accuse me of doing evil when I am doing the work of the Lord. All of this is pride because if you are called to be a son, you should fulfill what the Lord Jesus Christ has ordained for you in your life, and sonship has an up side and it has a down side. It is very exciting when you see people joyous and happy, but when you see them crying and unhappy because you have done what you have had to do it is not pleasant. When they are attacking you because you have done what you are called to do, it is not pleasant. It is all part of being a son, you take the good and you take it with the bad. To the best of our ability we live a life of submission to the Lord Jesus Christ, and our only prayer should be, along these lines, that we are in His will. Of course, you pray for shelter and food and to have your human needs met. Of course, you pray for your family, but basically speaking with regard to your life, as regard to a career, with regard to your future as a human being, you pray for God's will in your life and be very careful about that, that you don't hear a voice and think it is God's will.


I was telling you that after doing this word study, in my opinion, the Hebrew words that have been translated into the names of known constellations, not one of them appears in the Hebrew. Not one of them. In each and every case it is a conclusion that the King James translators made and what does this mean to us as Sons of God? I want to suggest to you that it is fertile ground. What is fertile ground? to have the names of these constellations in the accepted translations of the Bible is fertile ground for reprobate minds to declare that astrology is in the Word of God, and who ever they can convince of that they will convince. For the saints of God that they cannot convince that astrology is in the Word of God because in another place the scripture says that you won't do that, you won't read the stars, to those people they are coming to convince you that astronomy is in the Word of God, and I have to tell you it has been in the church as far as I know for more than ten years, probably longer, what many Christian teachers and Christian writers are believing to be legitimate, they tell you it is not astrology, it is astronomy, and they are studying the stars.


The teachers who are truly trying to serve Jesus, as far as I know they are not reading your fortune with it, but they are giving legitimacy to the concept of astronomy which is just a hair away from astrology. My opinion is, it is not of God. Studying the constellations in the sky are no more of God than looking for the anti-Christ in the middle east. The Word of the Lord is, look in, look at your sins, confess them, so that you may slay Leviathan so that Christ Jesus might rise up and stand up in full stature in you so that you might be a vessel through which the Lord Jesus Christ will manifest His life in the fullness. Stop looking outside of you. It is just one more diversion to look away from your own sins. But this diversion has an edge to it that is dangerous. It is just one hair away from astrology.


I cannot tell you that I believe that this astronomy is sin. I cannot see it to be a sin any more than I see looking for the anti-Christ in the middle east to be a sin. I see it to be something which is non-productive and dangerously close to paganism. Something else that I learned when I did this study was that this concept of seeing a constellation in the sky, one being a great bear, another being a great warrior, are you familiar with it? The are not there, you know. It is all imagination. There is a star here and a star there. You will see the pictures at the next meeting. I remember years ago it came to my memory that someone pointed out to me and said, look at that, that is what ever constellation it was, I don't even remember, the big dipper and the little dipper. I remember looking up into the sky and saying, that's a dipper? and, of course, at the time I thought it was just me and I walked away from it. But to see these constellations in the sky brethren you must use your imagination because they are not there. I think we are going to put this on the board.


(There is discussion about the origin of the above paganism).


PASTOR VITALE: I don't know whether it is Greek, Roman, or Egyptian, I don't know any nationality there, but it is pagan, mythology. That is exactly what it is, and it is in the Bible.


Let me give you a slight example by putting this on the board. I had the same reaction to this big and little dipper that I had to being shown John Chapter, I'm sorry, the book of Revelation, Chapter 4:1 for it says that John was caught up into heaven and I was told that was the backup for the rapture. I had the same reaction, that's the rapture? That is the reaction I had to the big and little dipper. I don't see any dipper. Why? Because it is not concrete, you have to use your imagination. I will just give you an abstract example. It is as if there is in the sky there were three stars. That's all you have, a bunch of dots in the sky and someone came along with imagination and applying mythology said, Oh look at that. Here is the big handle, and here is a dipper. Look at that. Isn't that a dipper? You cannot see the constellation spoken about unless you draw lines just like the game, connect the dots. You have to use your imagination and connect the dots. These constellations are not in the sky. This is the imagination of a pagan mind. It has no place in God's Holy Scripture, and you will find out that with one constellation in particular, I believe it is the one which is the bear or maybe it is Orion. No, I can't find what I am thinking about. Let me just give you the principle.


In one of these cases, one group of astrologers named the constellation one thing, I think it is the bear, and the Chinese astrologers saw a giant in the sky. What is the bear? Arcturus? Arcturus is the bear. A certain group of astrologers looked at this grouping of stars and imagined they saw a bear in it, but the Chinese astrologers looked at the same group of stars, and they saw a giant in it. The Christians look at the same group of stars and say, I see the Son of God in it. Bologna! It is not of God, and it does not belong in the scripture. The only thing I read about astrology in the scripture is stay away from it, and I don't find astronomy in it at all.


Now I do believe that everything outside of us is a witness to the spiritual work of the Lord. Yes, space and the planets and this world are all visible examples of the invisible spiritual world within us, that's true. Space is infinite. The plants and the solar systems keep being born and extending out there, and our spiritual being is infinite. This is all true, but imagining Greek gods or bears or any kind of animals or characters in the stars is fantasy. It is not coming out of the mind of Christ. It is coming out of Leviathan, and at the very best that I could say, it is pagan. I believe that the Hebrew words that were translated into the these Greek named constellations have meanings to it that produce a very exciting translation. I did about three or four verses for you which reveal the plan of God for the salvation of this human race. I don't need a bear in the sky. I have the Word of God. I have the written Word of God, I have Christ Jesus in my heart, what do I need with the stars in the sky? Just stop and think about it. It is ridiculous. And it is pagan. It is not of God so let's go on. I will try one more time to start with these notes unless the Lord continues to lead me in another direction.


The Greek word Orion which has been adopted by our English language, this is called a transliteration. What does that mean? It means the Greek word is Orion, and it is now an English word, Orion. It means a particular star constellation. It is a translation of a Hebrew word pronounced kes-eel, Strong's #3684. It is a translation of Strong's #3684; however, Strong's.....I am sorry. It is a translation of Strong's #3685, pronounced kes-eel. However, Strong's #3684 through 3685 are all spelled exactly the same way, and they are all pronounced kes-eel. The word is a masculine word, and its literal translation is fool. Often with the additional idea of impiety. That means irreverence, lack of respect. And of course, lack of respect and irreverence implies not respecting someone who is entitled to respect. That not only make you irreverent, it makes you a fool as no good thing could come out of being irreverent to someone who has a right to expect to be respected/ No good thing could come out of it.


So, I will give you some verses in which this very same word is translated fool. Ps. 49:11, Prov. 1:32, 10:1, 10:18, 13:19, 20; 14:8, 24 and 33. One of these words #3684 through 3685, all of which are spelled the same way, one of these words is translated fool in all of these verses, and I did not copy down all of them. Gesenius says that kes-eel is the name of a star or a constellation, and that many ancient translators believe it to be Orion, but the Orientals have a different opinion. They call it the giant because they perceive it to be an impious giant bound to the sky.


Now brethren I see truth in this. If we are perceiving the sky as the spirit world, who is the impious giant bound to the sky? Can anybody guess? No we are not up to Goliath yet, no. Cain. He is the giant, and he is bound to the sky. Cain is the giant. He is occupying this whole earth. He is a giant spiritual being who is possessing the whole creation, and he is irreverent one. Cain is the irreverent one. Who is he not respecting? Jehovah and Elohim. More Elohim than Jehovah. Elohim had two parts to Him. He had a part that was joined to Jehovah and then He had a part of Himself that was joined to the earth. Cain is the name of the part of Elohim that was joined to the earth, and Elohim, but joined to the part of him that was joined to Jehovah was supposed to be ruling his whole person.


It is like me saying, I am Sheila and I am in control of what I think, and what I say, and what I do, and nothing can come out of my mouth unless I allow it to come out of my mouth. So Elohim was one but one part of him was mixed with the earth and the other part of him was mixed with Jehovah, and the part of him that was mixed with the earth did not respect the part of him that was mixed with Jehovah. What does that mean? The part of Elohim that was mixed with the earth did not respect the part of Elohim that was mixed with Jehovah. It means he was pulling in the opposite direction.


I mentioned in another message, there was a strange movie many years ago. Woody Allen was in it and it was called Dr. Strangelove. It was a comedy, and his right arm had a mind of its own so throughout the whole movie his right arm was doing something ungodly. Either grabbing to steal something or grabbing to punch somebody, and he had to grab it with his left arm and hold it in place. The movie was a comedy. Can you hear what I am saying? His right arm had a mind of its own. You could see his face grimacing, he was holding his right arm back. It is like saying we have a conflict in our heart. Well, I'd like that man's wife but I know I can't do it, but the man's heart is reaching toward that woman. He's got to lay ahold of his heart, take authority over it, and put it in its place. That was Elohim's condition. There was a part of him that was mixed with the earth.


Spiritually speaking, what was that water called? Urine, the part that was mixed with the earth. Elohim is typified by water. He was a spiritual being that was appearing in a watery world, or a heaven that was lower than pure spirit which Jehovah is, and part of himself, the lower part of him, was mixed with the earth, and that is called spiritual urine. And the part that was mixed with Jehovah is called seminal fluid. That is the medium which he separated from his Father in. So there were two sides to Elohim's nature. He was morning and he was evening. Both sides of him had light and darkness, but the evening had more darkness than the morning, and the morning had more light than the evening. The morning is that part of Elohim who was joined to Jehovah, and the evening is that part of Elohim who was mixed with the earth.


So Cain, or the spiritual urine or the part of Elohim that was mixed with the earth was disrespectful of the head of the whole being. It would be if my heart stood up and said, Sheila I am not going to obey you or I am going to lust for something, you are rebuking lust every day but I am lusting for this thing and I will not stop lusting for it. That is what happened, and the part of Elohim that was mixed with Jehovah rebuked it and prayed, of course I am exaggerating, I don't know if he prayed or not, I am trying to put this in a form you can relate to.


Elohim, the whole man, the head of the whole man, did everything he could to deal with that part of him that was in rebellion, but that part of him that was in rebellion, that part of his waters that were mixed with the earth, were very disrespectful of Elohim, and the part of Elohim that was joined to Jehovah who had the headship. He was so disrespectful, as a matter of fact, he outright rebelled and completely separated from Elohim. And the rest is history.


COMMENT: Do you think the Orientals knew this was Cain, or is this the revelation that God is giving now? Why would they call it an impious giant. Did they have a clue?


PASTOR VITALE: That is a good question. I don't think they knew that it was Cain because I don't have any reason to believe that the Orientals ever heard the story of Genesis, and I think it is very likely that the Orientals named it an impious giant before the scripture was ever written. That is a possibility. I don't know, I haven't checked it out. The Oriental culture is a very old culture.


My answer to your question is this, and this is my opinion, I haven't heard from God on this, but it seems to follow through with everything that I have been teaching here, is that there is one spiritual truth in this world. It sounds like there are many spiritual truths because that spiritual truth is filtering through many carnal minds. Some carnal minds have a more accurate story than others. But there is only one spiritual truth. That's why where ever you go in the world, you can go to the farthest corners of the world and they have legend that really could fit right in with the Bible because it is only one story. All of humanity have one ancestor in common, the Son of God. Adam was the Son of God, and he died, and the creation broke out into all these different nations, but at our root every society has the same source, the same history, so no matter how primitive or pagan the society is, some measure of the truth is coming down in their folklore.


So, I think the Orientals who saw an impious giant in the sky, #1 I think that some folklore must have existed in their lives that talked about giants or talked about irreverence, and #2 the Orientals were very psychic. They are all into astrology and witchcraft. They are very psychic spiritual people. So, they looked up into the sky, and don't forget that Satan has spiritual knowledge of the fall because who was Satan? Who is Satan? Satan is the expression of the serpent in man as we know him today. Just as Christ Jesus, or the Spirit of Christ is the expression of the Father in man today. Satan is the expression of the serpent, and the serpent is Cain twisted together with the earth.


Think of it this way. Let me put this on the board for you. Here is Cain. I am going to draw him as a man. Now we know he didn't look like a man. This is just to try and help you to understand this, and he is entering into a tunnel. This is Cain at the time of the fall. As he goes into this section of the tunnel, his name changes to serpent. Then he goes into this section of the tunnel and his name changes to Satan, and then he goes into this section of the tunnel and his name changes to Leviathan, and he goes into this section of the tunnel. . . .Now over here is the visible world, and he goes into this last section before the visible world. Does anybody know what his name becomes? The devil. His name becomes the devil because the devil is Cain's name in humanoid form. That is who the devil is. And of course we have another man going through the same thing.


I'll try to do it underneath. You have another man over here. His name is Abel, and he's going through the same tunnel. His first incarnation is Adam, the living soul. I think his next incarnation is the Lord Jesus, and his next stage of his incarnation is the mind of Christ which is really the Word of God. That is the name of the mind of Christ, the Word of God. Then, the equivalent of the devil is Christ Jesus, and then Christ Jesus appears in the visible world. We don't know what we are going to look like, but we will have a spiritual body so we will say, Son of God, spiritual Son of God. The Lord Jesus, the Word of God Christ Jesus, and the Son of God in the glorified body. Actually, to make this accurate, Abel started out as Elohim and Elohim broke out into Abel. Cain and Abel are within Elohim, started out Elohim and Elohim broke down into Cain and Abel and if Elohim didn't fall he would have gone straight into the visible world as a singularity, but we have a duality here. Elohim did not appear in the visible world as a singularity. He broke down into Cain and Abel and part of him is going in as Cain and part of him is going in as Abel, and there is going to be a reconciliation. At some point here, Christ Jesus is going to swallow up the devil and appear as the Son of God.


Glory to God. We have been talking about the Chinese astrologers. They were psychic and their psychic ability arises or arose from Leviathan in them. Satan is Cain. He is the unconscious mind of the whole human race. He is present in every generation. Leviathan is the individual person's fallen nature which is an extension of Satan. It is Satan, the spirit which incarnates every human being who is in this earth. You have to come into this earth. You have to be born of a woman. Now what happened when Jesus of Nazareth was born was that the Spirit of God took authority over Satan's domain and commanded that a woman become pregnant. That was part of the great miracle of the virgin birth. Jehovah could have caused a man to incarnate without being born . . . . Jehovah could have incarnated the Lord Jesus Christ without having him born of a woman, but the glory of what Jehovah did for us is that He caused His son to incarnate through the existing established channels of entering into this world, and the Son of God appeared because He was born wrapped in sinful flesh so that He could identify with us and experience our human experience and overcome. So Satan is present in every human being born of a woman, and every person that is born has their own personality and that is Leviathan in you and Leviathan in me. Leviathan is Satan who is running through the whole creation mixed together with your individual personality. That is who Leviathan is. We will see how much the Lord lets me do in the book of Job. I know there is a scripture in the book of Job where he speaks about his Leviathan. I'll see if the Lord lets me translate that. Have I given you enough information to go on now.


So the Chinese astrologers had an unconscious mind which was Satan. He has been around since the beginning of the incarnation. He knows all about Cain and Abel because he is Cain. The Chinese astrologers are coming out of the spirit of Cain. They have some knowledge of the fall, plus they are psychic, plus they looked at the sky, and they imagined that it wasn't a bear, that it was a giant. What's more, we see that certain Arab scholars perceived this constellation to be kenopus ? So we have three different sets of astrologers that are calling it a different name. If I am not mistaken, these Arab scholars even believe it was a different star.


You see, there was a word in Hebrew, kes-eel. One set of translators or astrologers, not translators but astrologers thought it was a particular star that the Greek's called Orion. Then there was another set of Arabs scholars said the Bible is not even talking about that star. It is talking about another star. Then there was a group of Chinese astrologers which said, I think it is in ? and it is not clear and Gesenius was ? that they agreed that it was the constellation Orion or that they agreed with the Arab Astrologers that it was a completely different star. Can you hear what I am saying? There is no Hebrew word that says, this for sure is the constellation, that's what the Bible is talking about. Not at all. As a matter of fact, from the research tools that I have I personally, unless I am missing it, now I could be missing it here, but from the research tools that I have I could not see how this Hebrew word kes-eel which means fool could be translated to mean star. It means fool, and my opinion of what happened is some where along the line the King James translators, trying once again to make sense out of a very deep spiritual book, Job is a very deep book, for what ever their reasons chose to translate this word as the name of a constellation, and after that everybody that came along followed, and they might have said, well I don't think it is that star, but nobody I know of, there might have been some people in the early church, I don't know, who said, hey, I don't even think that word means star.


The King James translators named it a constellation for whatever their reason was, but I am not arguing with you over what constellation it is, I don't even think it is a constellation. If anybody has said that, I haven't heard about it which could very easily be the case. I am really not that widely read in Church literature because every since I was a very young Christian the Lord has spoken to me directly in all these things, and I remember I mentioned that to my pastor once and he thought that it was pride in me, because he had asked me if I was reading books,and I told him, no, the Lord doesn't let me read books. All of my time is in these studies. I've been doing these studies since I was a very young Christian, having no idea at all I would be a teacher like this. The Lord taught me directly by looking up words in my concordance from almost the beginning. My pastor thought it was pride, and he started praying against me not reading books. How did I find out about this? I lost my ability to study the scripture like this, and when I went before the Lord to ask Him what happened, that was what was revealed to me, and the curse was broken.


My pastor, at the time, I guess he thought he was doing the right thing. He thought I was just a proud young disciple, and the curse was broken and I went back to my studies, and it is very rare for me to read a book written by somebody else. I might glance through it, and if you are listening to this tape and think that is pride I am sorry, but the truth of the matter is that the Lord teaches me so intently for me to take even an hour to sit down and read a book of what I most likely know about anyway is not what He wants me to do with my time. He wants me to be in the original research, and if that offends you I'm sorry but that has been my call from the beginning. So I've read very few books. I am not telling you not to read books, anyone hearing this tape. You study however the Lord tells you to study, but this is how He has told me to study. He doesn't want me reading other people's books except once in a while even when I feel led to read one I skim through it and I pray before I pick it up. What do you want me to learn. I am not beyond learning from other people. Is there anything here you want me to learn. If I feel to read it I will read it, but I usually skim through and I rarely go through a whole book. That is my walk with the Lord. If you want to read about Watchman Nee and read his works, by all means if you feel that is what the Lord is telling you to do you do it.


COMMENT: As we are talking here, and you are saying that different cultures would call it a different name, I remember years ago my brother-in-law tried to explain the signs to me, and he was saying Orion is the hunter, his belts and his sword.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, I showed you that. Orion the hunter, I think that is the Greek. It is all mythology. So what I am suggesting to you, and you can believe it or not believe it, it is O.K. with me, no problem with me. I don't believe that this Hebrew word was ever meant to mean a constellation in the visible sky, and as we go on with this message, I do have three or four scriptures that I translated for you, and I will show you how the translations that I've gotten out of the lexicon such as impious fool, I am going to say that it is talking about Cain. It fits right into these three or four scriptures in which these words appear, and the scriptures which appear in the King James as very bland, non-exciting scriptures, for example Job 9:9 says, which maketh Arcturus, Orion, Pleiades and the chambers of the south. How dull. It has a very exciting translation. I will read it to you on this part of the message. We will work it up later. Just to show you, compared to that, maybe you don't think it is dull, but I think it was nothing particularly exciting about that verse.


This is the Alternate Translation. It is on Page 4, which maketh Arcturus, Orion, Pleiades and the chambers of the south. Our Alternate Translation is, I believe this is speaking about Jehovah, picked up in the middle of the chapter. The one who bruises Abel while he is still inside of the devil puts Cain in the correct moral order acquires those of Abel's members who endure the bruising, that's what you got this morning, and establishes the mind of Christ who projects the image of the visible spiritual world.


I don't know about you but that translation excites me, and I believe the King James translation would not move you, doesn't move me at all. If you are listening to this tape, and you choose to prefer the translation that Jehovah made these constellations in the sky which is Greek mythology. If that excites you that He made the external sky, well if that is where you are that is fine, but that is not where I am. I am much more excited to hear that He is putting this fallen creation back together again, that He is going to bruise us, that He is bringing the judgment that is going to destroy Leviathan and restore us back up into the spiritual heavenlies. That is what excites me.


Again, to anyone reading this message, you all have to travel and grow at your own pace. I am here as an example to you if you choose to follow my example, and I am telling you that there is no glory to God in your being impressed at any part of the physical world. Why/ Because who formed this whole physical world? Cain formed it. This is Satan's world. The stars, the planets, the constellations, the earth, the bodies. It is all Satan's image. Now do not panic with what I am saying because it is not sin unto you unless you are convicted that it is sin, but in the end of the day when everything is exposed, you will find out that if you are looking up at the stars and say, oh wow look at God's handiwork, who are you worshipping? You are worshipping Satan. Now if you are hearing this tape, please don't panic. Please do not panic. Jesus loves you, and He is bringing you the truth so that the truth can set you free. He is not going to burn you in hell forever because you have been amazed of the stars. He is here to teach you. Don't go off in a gallop now, but the truth of the matter is that you are worshipping Satan. Just like when you put up your Christmas tree and say, ah ah, you are worshipping ?


COMMENT: Is that the same as a sunset?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, it is Satan's world. This body is Satan's body. Jesus does not make these bodies, and spirits don't have sex. No wonder you have such a small following, Pastor Sheila. It is still the truth, but the marriage bed is not defiled.


Let's go on. Now if that wasn't enough, how did I get one more witness that this is Cain, the Hebrew word translated Orion is Cain, in Gesenius' notes where it talks about the Oriental's calling this constellation the giant, Gesenius gives a Hebrew word, maybe there are Hebrew Orientals, but Gesenius gives a word which these Orientals have used to describe how they see this constellation, and that word is Strongs #5303, which is Nephilim. Anybody familiar with that word? Nephilim? Goliath was one of the Nephilim, the one that had the six toes and the six fingers. There were giants in the land. Now isn't that interesting? What am I saying here?


Let me say it one more time to make it clear. I am suggesting to you that the Hebrew word that is translated Orion, specifically intending to mean a particular star constellation is not the intention of the Hebrew word kes-eel, which means fool, and I believe that it was a conclusion that was drawn. It was intense translator's license that was taken by the King James translators. Once again, I do not believe it was any conspiracy to mislead God's people. They were scholars who translated the scriptures without the spirit of revelation, and their primary goal was to make some sense out of it, and in some cases they did not make any sense out of it at all. If you read some of the Prophets and some of the scriptures in Job, it doesn't make any sense at all. They just took the best they could, and this is one instance where, for whatever reason, they were led to believe it was a star constellation. My opinion is that it was not, and we are translating on that basis. Let's go on.


Pleiades, Strong's #3598, Gesenius says that this word means, a heap, a cluster of stars, and I suggest that the cluster of stars refer to the many membered human spirit which is the skeleton of the dead Elohim known to us as Abel. Pleiades means, a heap or a cluster. A cluster of stars. I think it is also known as the seven stars. Further on down it says, this is a feminine noun which means, a heap or a cluster, it is used especially of stars; hence, Pleiades or the seven stars which is a constellation that can consist of seven stars, seven larger stars, and seven lesser ones closely grouped more fully called the bundle of the Pleiades. This word is from a root which means to hold up, to sustain, to carry, or to endure. The word heap suggests the heaping up of the earth. I suggest to you these bodies that we walk in are heaps. They are funeral mounds. They are earth piled up. We stand above the earth, and we are a heap in which a spirit lives.


I suggest to you, that is the spiritual intent of the word heap. So Pleiades means heaps, human bodies, and groups of spirits. Now please note that Orion is masculine, and so you would say how can Cain be masculine? Because when he separated from Elohim he took on a stolen masculinity. When we speak about Cain, Satan, or Leviathan in relationship to Jesus, he is female, but when we speak about Satan as the God of this world he is male. When we speak about Satan as the one who was possessing humanity, he is the husband of humanity, but he is not really our husband because he is a lesbian, but he is our husband. He is in the role of. . . .You are as you function.


Let me give you an example. I know a lot of people who served in civil service jobs for years. Doesn't have to be a civil service job. You have an employment job, you have no college degree, but you receive some on the job training, and it turns out that you are very bright, and you learn how to be an engineer, at least how to do the work in this particular job, engineering work, graduate engineer, and you could do it because you are working under your bosses' license. You are doing the best possible job, but you never went to school and you never too your exams, but you are functioning as an engineer. Now are you an engineer? Or are you not an engineer? Technically, you are not an engineer. You don't have your paper, but you are doing the work of an engineer. That makes you an engineer. Hear what I am saying? So Cain is a female, but he is doing everything that a man does, a spiritual man does, so he is a man for the purposes of his rulership over this world and his marriage to the creation he is male. So we see Cain as masculine.


Pleiades, speaking about the heap, and the heap would be the devil, of course. These external bodies makes us the devil, the cluster of stars is Abel, the many membered spirit that is dwelling within these fallen heaps. So, we see that Pleiades is suggesting Abel's condition, Orion is suggesting Cain's condition (masculine) and Pleiades is suggesting Abel's condition (female) because has not Abel been formed into the female role? Does not Joel 3 tell us that Cain made a harlot out of a boy, made a homosexual harlot out of a boy. Cain did that to Abel.


Arcturus, Strong #5906, is a constellation which is called the great bear. Some astrologers look up into the sky and imagine they connect all the dots, and image that it is a bear. I suggest to you that this word is signifying the body of Christ in transition. That means anyone from someone who has just conceived Christ to someone who is just below standing up in full stature is typified by Arcturus. Can you hear that?


Let's see why I draw this conclusion. The lexicon says that this is the constellation of the great bear, Ursa Major. I'll talk to you some more about that next Thursday. The lexicon's differ, and I work with three Hebrew Chaldee English lexicons now. The lexicons differ as to the roots of this word as follows: Gesenius says that this word is from Strongs #6211 which means moth. However, the number of this Hebrew word is the equivalent of the Aramaic word which is listed as Strongs #6212. Now let me explain this to you. #6211 and 6212 follow each other in the Lexicon. Gesenius has a Hebrew Chaldee dictionary, that means some of the words are in Hebrew, and some of the words are in Chaldee. In case you don't know, Chaldee is the Hebrew word for Aramaic. It is another dialect of Hebrew that the Hebrew scholars used, and basically as I researched this I found out the two words really mean the same thing. They have two different listings and two different spelling, because one is Hebrew and one is Aramaic, but they mean the same thing.


We talked about this on a recent message, the fact that the word moth really means grass. On a recent message, I know I discussed it, and I told you for maybe for years, I am talking about being destroyed before the moth. I thought taking the scripture literally out of King James, I thought that it means that you are so weak that if a moth lands on you, he can knock you over, but we translated that scripture on a recent tape. I hope I have it in the encyclopedic index. I don't know whether I got it in there or not. We found out that it does not mean that at all. The word moth is really translated grass, and there are three different words for grass if you listen to our study on grass. Strong's #6212 is the word for grass which is seed bearing grass. Grass which has seed within itself. Grass which is not just going to die and wither because grass doesn't last very long, but a grass that has seed within itself so that when the grass dies the seed gets planted in the ground so that it regenerates. Sons of God, those who have the seed within them in a mature enough form to impregnate others or to seed or fertilize others. It is translated moth in some scriptures, and I did not check on it.


The same Hebrew word translated moth, Strong's #6211 is translated both moth and grass, and Strong's #6212 is translated both moth and grass. How come translators license, no rhyme or reason. . . .Jesus. Strong's #6211 comes from the root #6244 which means to fall away. It is used of clothes falling to pieces from use and being moth eaten. It also means to become lean and to be consumed so we see Gesenius' translations are a mixture of evil and good. They are a mixture of translations that mean seed bearing grass which indicates life and moth which means to fall away. Is this not typical or most Hebrew words? I have talked to you about this a lot. Most Hebrew words can be translated negatively or positively. When I went before the Lord with this years ago, I was in such confusion, almost every Hebrew word could be translated in either direction.


The Lord clearly showed me that the negative translation goes with Leviathan's translation and the positive translation goes with Christ Jesus' translation. It depends on which mind you are trying to understand with. If you are trying to understand the word of God with your fallen mind, he becomes a blood thirsty vengeful God, but if you are trying to understand Jehovah with the mind of Christ Jesus, He is a merciful God who bruises you to save your life and promises you great glory and peace and everything a man could ever want and beyond that after the period of testing. Strong, however, says that the, #5906 translated Arcturus, says that this word roots from Strong's #5789 which means to lend aid or to come to help, to hasten. To lend aid would line up with the translation of grass because grass typifies. . . .the seed bearing grass typifies the Sons of God that have seed within themselves, and they have come to aid fallen man by imparting the mind of Christ in them.


We are all lacking. What we need is Christ Jesus in us so there is a consistency here, but once again I believe the concept of Strongs #5906 talking about the constellation Arcturus, I believe was a conclusion that was drawn by the King James translators, and I am going to stick with the translation of what the word really means. Further Strong says to take a look at #5857 which word means, it is actually the name of a city which means a heap of ruins, and in that sense I suggest to you that this word is speaking about the body of Christ starting from the person in whom He is just conceived extending, this word can apply to people all the way just short of full stature. You can be seed bearing grass or it could be talking about your human personality which is being destroyed and eaten away and heaped up as ruins, depends on the context of the scripture. Those are the three words that refer to constellations. We have covered them: Orion, Pleiades, and Arcturus.


Let's review this. Orion is speaking about Cain. Pleiades is speaking about Abel. Arcturus is speaking about the body of Christ in many stages of development. There is one more word that is in the scripture. I believe it is pronounced Mazzaroth. It is Strong's #4216, the scripture tells you it is talking about the Zodiac, the 12 signs of the Zodiac and the 36 constellations thereof. I say, foolery, mistranslation. Our God is not into the Zodiac. What is the Zodiac doing in the Word of God which specifically preaches against astrology? How could there be a word that is talking about astrology aside from the Prophets warning against it? It is a direct contradiction of God's Word and misuse of it.


Strongs #4216, Mazzaroth. I suggest to you that it is speaking about the whole creation, the completed creation, good, evil, and righteousness maintaining the balance of power of good over the mature Sons of God. Now, I will show you how I got that. Strong says that this word is apparently from #5144 in the sense of distinction. Some noted constellation only in the plural, perhaps collectively, the 12 signs of the Zodiac and the 36 associated constellations. Well, what in the world is Jehovah talking about that for? If He says that it is sin. I will give you the verse that it is in. It is found only one time in Job 38:32 which the King James translators translate, canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth, in his season, or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons. Can you bring forth the signs of the Zodiac?


We all just go with the flow, including me, until the day came that I investigated it. I never questioned what the Zodiac is doing in the Bible. Let's see what else we can find out about it. Strong's #5144. That is the root that this word comes from. It is a primitive root. It means to hold aloof. It means, and please note the Hebrew pronunciation at the bottom of Page 2. It is nazar. It is the word from which Nazarite comes. It is a Holy man. Now look at the abomination here. I am going to tell you up front that this word is talking about the consecrated Sons of God in full stature, and in the King James translation, it is made into the signs of the Zodiac. That is about par for the course. Nazar, a primitive root, meaning to abstain from food, drink, from impurity. It means to specifically set apart for sacred purposes, to devote, to consecrate, to separate, to dedicate, to dedicate one's self, to keep sacredly, to live as a Nazarite. That is the root that they get the word Mazzaroth from. I am suggesting to you that it is talking about the mature Sons of God who are maintaining the balance of power in the creation under the umbrella of righteousness.


Strong's says, compare this word with Strong's #4208 which is mazzalah and it says that this word apparently comes from Strong's #5140 in the sense of raining.. What does rain mean to you? Who is the rain? Not reign. What you just said was reign and reigning is king. If you are looking in your notes, it is in the sense of raining, rain coming down from the sky. Who is coming down from the sky as rain? The Sons of God, the latter rain. The former rain and the latter rain. Actually, it is all Jehovah. He is coming in the form of Jesus and He is coming in the form of the Sons of God. So we see that the root of this word is speaking about rain. Another witness.


So we have Strong's #4208 talking about a sign that could be the Sons of God, and then we have the word that that comes from, Strong's #5144 speaking about consecration. So how they get the Zodiac out of Mazzaroth, it had to be just made up. Also, Gesenius says that this word, the root of the word Mazzaroth means lodgings. Now listen to this. In the vulgate, the vulgate is the Latin translation of the Bible. It is the equivalent of Lucifer. This word Mazzaroth is from a root which in the vulgate means Lucifer. What does Lucifer mean? Don't get into Church doctrine which is that he is the angel that fell and all that. Lucifer means light bearer. Lucifer means light bearer. He was in the high places of God, we are taking about Elohim, and he fell, and I am suggesting to you that this word Mazzaroth is speaking of the restoration of Elohim because Lucifer is not an evil angel. Lucifer is the light bearer. He is the one who carried light. Actually, he was Adam the living soul carried the light.


Who was the light? Elohim is the light, and He was within Adam so this is speaking about the light bearer. It is the restoration of the mind of God in the creation. The living soul was the immature mind of God. At the beginning, the Eternal One was a living soul and at the end He is a quickening spirit. The living soul was the two thread mind of God which was formed from Jehovah and Elohim mixed with the dust, and that was the light bearer called the living soul. His name was Adam, and he carried the light. Elohim was light in the beginning of time.


So Adam fell, and I suggest to you that this word is a restoration of the light bearer. Why do I say restoration? Because all the other words associated with it are talking about Holiness and consecration. If I read about light bearer, and I remind you that Lucifer never was a proper name until the Catholic monks translated the Latin version into English, and they made it a proper noun. Lucifer is merely a Latin word that means light bearer, and it was translated into a proper name in the King James, and this whole fantasy doctrine came out that he was some fallen angel that took a third of the angels.... The light bearer is Adam, the immature mind of Christ, and he fell and the light went out, but in this hour the light is being restored. Not to Adam the living soul, but to Adam the quickening spirit. The light is being restored in a more mature form, a three thread cord that will not fall.


When we come in on Thursday, I think there are two scriptures that I did not do. We will do those and then if the Lord lets me we will go on with the magazine article. I can't see it going to more than three parts, and we may finish on Thursday.


There are three scriptures that use the word Orion. That is Job 9:9, Job 30:31, and Isaiah 13:10. We find the word that is translated Orion in all those three scriptures, and I hope to show you how I can translate those scriptures in a manner that does not identify that Hebrew word or translate that Hebrew word as a constellation in the visible sky.


Job 9:9 - Which maketh. . . Now this is talking about Jehovah. Job is exalting Jehovah. Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades and the chambers of the south. The Hebrew word translated, maketh, is Strongs #6213. It can be translated bruises. Why would Jehovah be bruising anybody? Who is bruised? He is bruising the wheat to separate the wheat bearing from the tares. He is bruising fallen mankind so that Christ Jesus can appear in them. Jehovah definitely bruises. He bruises Arcturus.


We are translating Arcturus, the immature Sons of God which are in the carnal mind, and let me point out to you that there is an emphasis here that the Lord Jesus is delivering us without killing out bodies. We found this principle in Job 7 which we just finished translating, and we find it in this scripture now, and I believe in another scripture in this study. The Lord seems to be zeroing in on this point that He is killing Leviathan in us, but He is going to deliver us without destroying these bodies and these personalities. He is going to seize us. He is going to possess us in our present condition, and this beating and this whipping that we must go through which is painful and distressful is an alternative to being wiped out completely. It is His love towards us to correct us in this condition and give us the opportunity to go on.


You may be reading this message, and you may not agree with that, but that is my understanding of the scripture that this is Jehovah's love unto us to chasten us without wiping off the face of the earth giving us an opportunity to be translated from being vessels of dishonor to vessels of honor. So we are translating Arcturus as the immature Sons of God which are within the carnal mind. The mind of Christ is being developed within the carnal mind. What I did here if you are trying to follow your notes.


In the King James it says, which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades. . . . As I prayed over this verse to bring forth the translation that the Lord is giving me, I found it necessary to repeat this word maketh. In other words, Jehovah makes Arcturus, Jehovah makes Orion, Jehovah makes Pleiades. Only, with each one of those three words, we are going to choose a different translation of the Hebrew verb which is translated, to make, and that is Strong's #6213. So we see that Jehovah bruises Arcturus, the immature Sons of God within the carnal mind, but He puts in order Orion. That is another legitimate translation of Strong's #6213. He puts Orion in order. Now who is Orion? Orion is Cain, and when we talk about putting him in order, we are talking about putting him in the right moral order. Cain is on top acting like the man, but he has to go down underneath and be the woman. Jehovah is bruising the immature Sons of God. He is putting Cain in order, and He is acquiring....acquire, another legitimate translation of Strong's #6213, and He is acquiring. . . .Pleiades. . . is that what we are up to? Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades. We will go to another tape when this one runs off. Jehovah is bruising Arcturus, the immature Sons of God. He is putting Orion which is Cain in order, and He is acquiring Pleiades. Now who did we say Pleiades is?


The significance of the word, acquiring, is that He is not killing us, you see, He is not killing us and taking His spirit back, but He is acquiring us in the condition that we are, and then He is going to work on us to change our nature. Let me say it again. I hope I haven't confused anyone. The scripture says, Jehovah, maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades. I am amplifying that by saying, Jehovah maketh Arcturus, Jehovah maketh Orion, Jehovah maketh Pleiades. Except for each of those three words, Arcturus, Jehovah, and Orion I am choosing a different translation of the Hebrew word, Strong's #6213 which is translated, maketh. All three legitimate translations, Jehovah bruises Arcturus, the immature Sons of God. He puts Orion which is Cain in order, and He is acquiring Abel. I suggest to you that this word, acquiring, is indicating the acquisition of Abel by the Lord Jesus Christ, and how is the Lord Jesus Christ acquiring Abel? The Lord Jesus is crucifying Abel, and that crucifixion is a joining which is producing an altar of light, and that altar of light, the Lord willing, will increase into the man Christ Jesus who is our armor of light.


I gave you a few scriptures from Job 7 to show you how the Lord seems to be emphasizing this point in our recent studies. That He is acquiring us, He is not killing us, He is not burning us in hell forever, He is not punishing us, He sold us under sin, and now He is acquiring us back, and He is doing the work that He is doing. What work is He doing? We are evil, and we are going to mature from evil into good, and from good into righteousness. You don't go from evil to righteousness. You have to go from evil to good to righteousness. Everybody is not evil to the same degree, but this is the route that we take. If you are an extremely person, a criminal in this world, you will have to stop stealing, stop murdering, stop abusing people, you have to go from being evil to good, and from your condition of good. What does that mean? It means you are living the best life that you can live considering other people, and we wait for Jesus to catch us up to righteousness. That is the procedure. So the Lord is emphasizing this point to us. He is not killing us, He is not punishing us, He is acquiring us, and when He lays hold of us He is going to change our nature from the inside out.


I am reading to you now from Job 7. This is our Alternate Translation. Don't worry Job. This is why Leviathan is twisted together with mortal man as if he was supposed to be his mind, to punish him when Christ is conceived and to test him during the tribulation so that Jehovah can pardon Cain's transgression when the Lord Jesus Christ subjects Leviathan and forcibly carries Cain away and rejoins him to Abel at Christ Jesus' appearance, and possess the living creature which is in the womb of fallen humanity. The Lord Jesus Christ, at Christ Jesus' appearance, will subject Leviathan, forcibly carry Cain away and possess the living creature.


That's us, which is in the womb of fallen humanity. That's us. He is not going to kill us. He has no desire to kill us. He has no desire to torment you. He has no desire to punish you or rip you to shreds or humiliate. It is His full intention to possess you while you are still in the womb. Here, of course, is another witness that we are not fully born again until we are glorified. We are born again when we are born into the spirit world, and we are partially born again when our mind is born again. that's full stature When that glorified mind in us swallows up our soul and our body we are fully born into the spirit. That is the new birth. So at this time we are still inutero. He is possessing us while we are inutero. What does that mean? It means that Cain is fully intending to birth us into his spiritual world. See, there are two spiritual worlds. There is the visible spiritual world which is the image which is projected by the mind of Christ Jesus, and we might say, spiritually speaking, that is the world that is in the seminal fluid.


There is the visible physical world which is the world which is projected by the mind of Cain which is really Satan which is the image of the serpent, and he would like us to be fully born into his spiritual world which is the spiritual urine. He would like us to be fully born into hell and abide here with no hope of deliverance. So you see, we are in in utero now. It is almost like saying - let me give you a bazaar example so that you can follow me - it is like saying a woman is pregnant, and the sex of the child is already determined, it is a female child, and there was some procedure possible to go into the fetus while the fetus is still intern and change the child's sex. That is a bazaar example of what the Lord Jesus intends to do to us because we are spiritually female, and the whole creation is on the way to be fully born a second time into Satan's world, the spiritual urine. The world of the dark shadow, hell, the valley of the shadow of death. So you see the creation is going forward, and we shall surely be born again. The question is? Which world will we be born again into? We read about this in the New Testament that everyone is going to be resurrected. Where is that? Is it in Daniel? I thought it was in Daniel and you told me it was in joining you aright.


It is in the book of John that everybody is going to be resurrected. Now, I did not look it up in the Greek, but that word, resurrected, I don't know what the Greek word is, the English word, resurrected, implies everyone that dies is going to be resurrected. Well, everybody died spiritually when we were separated from Jehovah, but the intention of the scripture is not to be raised from the death of this body. The intention of the scripture is that everybody is being raised up into a spiritual world. We were in the spirit world before we died, in Jehovah's spiritual world. We died when Elohim separated from Jehovah. Now we fell down to the earth and became a very carnal people, but the creation is maturing, and we are all being raised back up to being very spiritual people. The only thing is, there are two different worlds that we could go to, and John says, some are going to awake and find themselves in the spiritual world of Jehovah , and others will awake and find themselves in the spiritual world of Cain, and it not going to be pleasant.


I am not exactly sure how things are going to work out yet, but I know that the Bible says that there will be some people who will be so involved in evil that they will have to be killed. this is not a popular message, but I am here to preach the truth. There are some who will be developing in evil who will be salvageable. I don't know the Lord Jesus will make these distinctions, but some people will be so developed in evil that they will have to be killed. Our example is the Philistines. Jehovah said, wait until their evil is filled up and then wipe them out. Someone said to me recently, coming out of their, and I don't say this with any insult, I am just telling you the truth, the person who said it to me was speaking out of their carnal mind, Oh but can't they repent? Can't Jesus bring them to repentance? I am sure that Jesus could do anything, but He may not choose to do it.


Why would Jesus not choose to bring some people to repentance? Well, because this physical life and the personality that the person is will be destroyed, but their spirit will be saved. Their whole house will be destroyed, but their spirit will be saved, and based on some knowledge that I am privy to, because I am not God, Jesus will make a decision that this one is still salvageable and that one isn't, and He is just going to break that clay body and reform the spirit. If you can hear it, hear it. It is the truth of our existence. These clay bodies and these personalities are temporal. The only value is in the spirit. If you love your body and your personality in this earth, I strongly suggest that you go before the Lord because it is idolatry of your flesh. You are spirit. If you don't want to let go of your flesh, it is idolatry of the image of the beast. Brethren, it is a form of the worship of beasts to not want to lose this body.


The first I heard about it was from a visitor that we had from out of state. He was engaged at me that I was teaching that these lifetimes are temporal. Then in Africa I met a young man who was horrified that my suggestion that these bodies would go eventually, and they will go eventually. They go in glorification. If you don't believe anything else I am saying. We lose the body at glorification, and I've met a few people on line that are horrified when I tell them that this body is generated by the beast. They love their body, and they want to believe that it is good, and they accuse me of gnostic doctrine which teaches that spirit is good and all matter is evil. I don't know what the gnostic definition of evil is, I really don't know, but if their definition of evil is worthless than I am in agreement.


The Bible clearly says, there is no good thing in this flesh. The only valuable thing is the spirit, and the personality and the body is temporal until such time as Christ Jesus is mature enough to make us permanent, and when He makes us permanent He spiritualizes our personality and our flesh. So that which you love about your flesh you are losing anyway. I am telling you, if Jesus appeared in the sky today with the truth of this doctrine, and He, now everybody that wants to get out of hell climb on this bus and leave your body behind and leave your human attachments behind and leave your sex life behind and leave your food behind and leave everything that makes your soul fell good behind, He could not fill up the bus. That is my opinion. He would not fill up the bus because they don't really want to get out of hell. They want a decent life, and a life free of pain in hell because hell is this flesh, and the average person does not want to leave it. I tell you the truth. Is that the truth? It is the truth! They wouldn't go. They wouldn't go if they had the opportunity.


We are working on Pleiades. Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades which is Abel, and the chambers. . . and He is acquiring Abel and those who endure....I don't know what I did there. I will check it out for the next message. It looks like I chose two translations for the chambers, the word the chambers. He bruises Arcturus. He put Orion which is Cain in the proper order. He acquires Pleiades which is Abel, and He prepares to endure the chambers. Chambers is Strong's #2315 and that Hebrew word means, the inner part of the tent. The tent suggests the body, and the inner part of the body is the heart or the mind, and it is speaking about the chambers of the self. The Hebrew word translated self is Strong's #8486, and it can be translated, southern quarter. You may remember that the southern quarter is speaking about the visible spiritual world. The western quarter is speaking about the visible physical world. We have established this on other tapes so I won't go into it any more right now.


When it comes to Abel, I took two translations. He is acquiring Abel and Abel's many members, those who endure. These are the words of the translation. Who bruises the spiritual life within, and the spiritual life within is Abel, and you will see further on down I changed that to Abel. He puts Cain in the correct moral order. He acquires those who endure, He acquires Abel who are those who endure. I think what I did was....those words, those who endure, speaking about Abel's many members I think that is an amplification, that I added that myself and you will see how it fits in the alternate translation. Sorry for the confusion. Jehovah bruises Arcturus, the immature Sons of God who are in the womb of the earth. He puts Orion which is Cain in order. He acquires Abel and He prepared the chambers which is the inner part. What is the inner part? The mind. He prepares the minds of the south, the southern quarter, the visible spiritual world.


What I have been doing in the last few messages is I have just been putting these translations together. They make no sense at all. I am just trying to show you what any translator does. This is what the King James translators do. They took the Hebrew words, and they choose a translation, they put a whole bunch of words together, and then they try to make some sense out of it. So, this is what our translations sound like, makes no sense at all. Who bruises the spiritual life within, puts Cain in. I added in the words, the correct moral order. Acquires Abel and establishes the inner part of the visible spiritual world. These words in this order make no sense whatsoever. This is the problem that all translators have. That is why no matter.... I could be completely literate in two languages. Let's say English and German, and I want to translate a chemical formula from German to English. I can be excellently literate in both of them, but if I don't know anything about chemistry it is not likely that I could translate that chemical formula.


I had somebody offer to translate our alternate translation of the Old Testament into another language, and the Lord told me that he would not be able to do it. The man is very literate in English and in his own language, and I never heard from him again, and I know he could not do it because you cannot translate. . . . This doctrine of Christ cannot be translated unless the Lord Jesus Christ raises you up to do it. You can't even understand it unless He raises you up to do it. My point is, that the very well meaning, very educated, and very talented King James translators could not translate the scripture of Jehovah because they did not know the first thing about His mind or how He thinks or how He feels of what His message is, and it is miracle that the King James translation and all the translations associated with it are as anointed as they are. I give all the credit to the Lord Jesus Christ, that He gave fruit to their efforts for the people on a level that they could understand it, and that translation of the Bible, and of course every translation today is just an offspring of the KJ translation.


You might call them their children, the new revised edition, the New International version, they are all offshoots of the KJ translation, and I suggest to you that the spiritual scripture, the original language, the spiritual Word of God, it is so deep. We can understand it on many levels. A year from now or five years from now this may be kindergarten what we are doing here. The point is that Jehovah is not in a box nor his servant, the Lord Jesus Christ, His Son, is not in a box. We cannot even imagine the depths of spiritual knowledge because we can't comprehend it now any more than a kindergarten child could comprehend Ph.D. level physics. I can't even imagine what THE TRUTH really is. I therefore suggest to you that the KJ translation and all the children that it has produced, all the translations, are offshoots of the KJ translation, was an understanding of the Word of God which was given to the world. I believe it was ordained that Jesus ordain the KJ translators to do this. I believe that the KJ translation and all of its off-shoots are an understanding of the spiritual scripture which the Lord Jesus Christ gave to humanity 2,000 years ago. It is a message for the church age, but you see there is a changing of the guard.


The end of the church age is upon us. The end of the ages are upon us, and we are entering into the Kingdom Age. I therefore suggest to you that there is a different understanding of the same Hebrew language because it is a spiritual word, and there is a whole different understanding of it for those of us who are entering into the Kingdom Age. Now this is shocking and terrifying to most Christians. They are terrified, and i guess I would be too. I was terrified when the Lord first started giving me this message, but I did what everyone that is listening to us must have done. I just prayed and prayed and screamed and I cried and I beat on the floor, and I told Him if I had a demon I wanted to be delivered, and it just kept coming, and just kept coming, and just kept coming. Nobody is going to understand or receive this message unless they have an intense relationship with Jesus Christ and unless they are brave enough to ? and implement that relationship in prayer, honestly asking Him if this is of Him and being brave enough to face the persecution when you find out that the answer is yes. Because you are not going to enter into this message without being persecuted. First by Leviathan within your self and then by Leviathan in other people.


So, what am I saying to you? This is a radical thing that I am saying, and it is very dangerous. I understand that this is very dangerous, but I also believe it is of God, and our safety is in Him, and if you pray, I have many tapes in which I give you many guidelines to pray. You pray honestly with all your heart, and He will see you through. It is dangerous. I don't deny that. I could be a kook, but I'm not. Jesus could have been a kook, only He wasn't. You liken yourself to Jesus? Well, it is His Word. It is His word coming through me. Paul also was severely persecuted. You liken yourself to Paul? Well, it's Jehovah's Word. Paul was persecuted and became well know because of Jehovah's words, and I liken myself to Paul. I am very sorry if that offends you, but it is the truth. I am daring to say to you is that the understanding of the spiritual Word of God can be radically different from generation to generation. Perhaps generation is not the right word for it. From age to age the translation and the understanding of the original Hebrew scripture can be radically different because it is a spiritual word that means one thing to one group of people and something else to another group of people. It is a miracle. The book itself is a miracle.


Yes, I am suggesting to you that we are bring forth a radically new translation of the same Hebrew scripture just as valid, in fact more valid, than the KJ translation and all of its off shoots. That does not mean the KJ translation is bad or wrong. The KJ translation is a gift from Jesus to a certain group of people. People's whose mind is Leviathan. People who were fallen. People who don't know the Lord or anything about His Word, and then begin to know Him through this Word, but it has a ceiling You can only go so far with the KJ understanding of the spiritual scripture. The Logos. If you want to go on, if you want to receive the promises that you have read about in the KJ translation you have to go on you have to get a new text book, not a new Hebrew scripture, but a new English understanding of the spiritual word. So whoever is fearsome, go home. That is what Jesus said to Gideon's army. If you are afraid, go home. There are going to be some people who are going to enter. . . .there are going to be some people who know their God well enough to do the exploits of actually studying this word. I call it an exploit. Would you call it an exploit, trying to understand this word? Oh, you thought the word exploit meant healings or deliverance but maybe it means this also. Maybe one of the exploits, one of the exploits those who know their God will be doing is actually dare to study this word with the hope of it being made alive in them. Maybe that is the exploit. Maybe that is what the spirit of God means when He spoke that translation or that understanding to Daniel.


We are in Job 9:9 I have read to you the words that make no sense at all. Let's try and make some sense out of it We are talking about someone who bruises Cain, who was within Leviathan, and puts him, Cain, in the correct moral order. And what is Cain's correct moral order? Where does he belong in the scheme of things? Is he supposed to be God? Is he supposed to be chief? Is he supposed to be in charge? Where is he supposed to be? Down under Christ Jesus' feet, and at the beginning of all things he was supposed to be under Adam's feet, and he got out from under Adam's feet.


Let's put it on the board? How could Cain belong under Adam's feet? Well, let's review who Adam is. Adam is the living soul. So this whole creation is a garment that has a warp and a woof. It has a series of threads running horizontally and a series of threads running vertically. The living soul is the mind of the creature. The living soul is the mind of Jehovah in the creature. The creature is an animal, the living creature is an animal, and Jehovah intends to put a mind within the creature, and that mind is being imparted to creation in two stages. The immature or the two thread mind and the mature of the three thread mind because a three thread cord is not easily broken. So the living soul is the immature mind of God in the creation.


At the beginning, the eternal one was a living soul and at the end He is a quickening spirit. At the beginning the eternal one is appearing in the creation as the living soul, the mind of the creature, and at the end the eternal one will be appearing as a quickening spirit, the Word of God, the mind, the three thread mind of the creature, and the creature will be made alive, and we will become all spirit. Even the earth is going to be swallowed up by the spiritual world. So, we have a garment. Elohim is supposed to be weaving a garment for Jehovah to dwell in, and we see that on the woof of the garment we have one thread, and that is Elohim. Elohim is the son, and Jehovah is joined to him. That is the two threads, and they are mixed with the dust, and this is the living soul. The immature mind of the whole creature.


Now we have threads running along the warp which are the earth. The name of the whole creature, the KJ translation says is cattle or the Hebrew word is behemah. Have you read about behemah in the book of Job? The whole early creature which is characterized by lust is called behemah. That is the name of us. We are the behemah, and the behemah is an animal, a beast, a living creature, and the behemah has a mind in it. The name of the early mind was the living soul which had the potential to mature into the Word of God. The name of the living soul of course is Adam. Adam is the living soul. He is the mind of the whole behemah, but because Elohim is interested in his spirit, when he talks about the whole creature he only calls him behemah once or twice. He talks about Adam or He talks about the man because it is the same thing as the condition that we are in now. We are not this body. We are our mind. As we think, that is what we are. As we believe, that is what we do.


In the same manner Jehovah, because Elohim and Jehovah were twisted together, refers to the whole behemah as the man because the only thing that is significant about the creature is the mind which is within it. So, who was Cain? I am showing you this beautiful diagram. Where is Cain? I want to suggest to you that Cain is a part of Adam. You see, when the scripture says that Cain and Abel were born it isn't a shock to people who have the revelation that Adam had two sides to him. He was spirit and he was dust and he was woven through the earth. He had two sides to him, spirit and dust, positive and negative, good and evil. Cain and Abel were within Adam from the very beginning.


Did you ever say to yourself, where did Cain and Abel come from? I thought Eve had twins. No, what was on the inside came to the outside. When the living soul died what was on the inside came to the outside. The good and evil which was on the inside of the living soul became visible, became apparent, become exposed because of sin. Why? Because you are not supposed to be talking about Cain. Do you go around talking about the organs of your body? Do you go around talking about the excretions from your body. Everybody knows what we do. The kindest thing I can say is, we sweat. Do you go around talking about your sweat. Do you go around talking about what comes out of your nose if you have a cold? Of course not. Cain was a part of Adam that he never talked about because he was not supposed to be seen. It was his lower nature. Cain was his potential to sin. He was always there. He was Adam's potential to sin. Don't you have a potential to sin? Do you go around talking about it? Do you give him a name? I don't give my potential to sin a name. While Adam was in right standing with the Father, he did not give his potential to sin a name. As a matter of fact, his potential to sin wasn't named until he arose to the surface and sinned, and then he got a name. His name was Cain?


What I will be drawing for you now is really an expansion of the diagram of the living soul, and I will do it in more detail. I will put it on its side, and we also know this living soul is flowing through water because the whole creation is water based. Jehovah, pure spirit, desires a visible creation and he begins by separating his son from himself in a watery medium. Water can be seen, but it is usually clear. The function of the water is that it is a medium upon which a reflection can be cast. The waters of the creation, the purpose of the waters of the creation, is that it is a substance upon which a reflection can be cast, and what is the reflection? It is the visible world that Jehovah wants. This whole world is a reflection. This world is not a reflection, I take that back. This world is a dark shadow because the reflection was done away with, but I do not want to get too technical. That is getting ahead of myself.


Let me put this on the board one more time. We have the waters of the creation, and we found out that the waters of the creation were what? Seminal fluid That they were the medium in which the sperma of God, Elohim, came forth from His Father, Jehovah. Seminal fluid, the waters of the creation. When we did the series, Creation Revisited, you may recall that the creation was water and dust and spirit. The dust was heavier than the water and it fell to the inside of the creation. The scriptures liken that to the ocean bed, to the ocean bed. The matter fell to the bottom and became the ocean bed and what is the name of the matter? Earth. Don't we have a type of that in our world? I don't know if the bottom of the deep sea is earth or sand, I don't know. As this teaching is coming forth, the hard part of the creation fell to the center and settled in the bottom. It became the ocean bed. I think the Lord is telling me to do this another way.


I never did it this way before so please hang in there with me. This is very hard for me. If you can see what I am doing here, I am putting the earth in the center as if we are looking down on the waters. You see how I am trying to draw that? So, the earth is along the bottom. Elohim is in the water. We know that He is the light. He is not one single spot, but He is light which is dispersed throughout the whole water, and His intention to cause a reflection of Himself to appear on the surface of the water. I don't even know how to draw this Lord. If you could see what I am doing here. I will just write image. It is like I am trying to make a three dimensional show. On the top of the water is the image, but the water is so clear that if you looked into it you could see the earth underneath it. Is everybody following me?


It is Elohim's intention to cast this image on top of the waters, but His light is being thrown everywhere; however, when it hits the bottom of the ocean the light cannot penetrate the earth at the bottom of the ocean. It can't go any further. It stopped. Now listen to me. This light that Elohim is throwing around, it wasn't electric light. It was more like a laser beam. Have you heard about laser beams. They are powerful. They do surgery with laser beams. We are talking about light that was an energy source so that when this light hit the bottom of the ocean and could not go any further it did not just go away. If I took an electric light and I put it in a water proof casing and went down to the bottom of the ocean and I shined the light on it, it could not get past the earth which is....disappear, but we are talking about light that was an energy source, and when it hit the bottom of the ocean it carved an image in the bottom of the ocean. Can you hear what I am saying?


It carved an image in the bottom of the ocean and that image, the scripture tells us, is the dark shadow. It is as if to say, a meteorite from outer space....we hear stories like this all the time, a meteorite came from outer space and crashed into some open prairie out in the mid west somewhere, and there is a big hole in the ground. That is what happened. Elohim's light hit the bottom of the ocean bed and carved an image in the ocean bed called the dark shadow, and then he also had the reflection of himself on the surface of the waters. A reflection is the true image of Jehovah and Elohim which was twisted together. The true image, it was visible and it was spiritual. That means it was visible but it was transparent. Just like we are told about in the book. . . . It is made out of dust, not earth. It is not made out of the earth. That stopped the light from going any further. It is made out of dust. The visible, spiritual world, you can see it but it is transparent. You can see its outlines, its form, but you see right through it. and the dark shadow is the visible, physical world. It is not spiritual. It is physical. You cannot see through it. Where is Cain in all this?


Well look brethren, look at it this way, try and stay with me - Adam, the living soul is in the midst of all this. This is the whole creation here. This is the behemah, and in the midst of it. . . .I don't even know where to draw it Lord. I know you told me to put it that way on the board but I don't know where to put the living soul in the midst of this. Father, I just really don't know where to put it in the midst of this diagram, so I will just draw it over here on the side because I don't want to confuse by writing on top of this whole thing, but the Lord has not told me where the living soul is. In the midst of this we have. . . well I have the light written over here so I will just leave it over here. The light is a combination of Jehovah and Elohim equals the light. The light that's bouncing off the ocean causing a reflection. It is going. . . . Do you know what it means to disperse light? It means the light bounces in every direction. Elohim was in the midst of the waters. He was floating in the waters. He was not only floating in it. He was all through the waters, and He dispersed Himself. His light went up and caused a reflection, and His light went down and caused an image like that meteorite crashing into the earth, and He was also all through the waters. That was what the living soul was then. I guess the Lord just answered me.


The living soul then was in the midst of the waters. You might almost say, dissolved in the waters. If you can hear that. If the living soul was dissolved in the waters, then there was a part of the living soul that was near the surface where the reflection was, where the image of Jehovah was, and part of those waters were down by the ocean bed. That is how the dark shadow was formed, and the part of the waters. . . now the living soul is throughout the waters. The part of the living soul that was close down to the ocean bed was much muddier than the waters that were up near the surface. the Lord just told me where the living soul is. I just don't know how to draw it. The living soul was in the midst of the waters. It was half way between the ocean bed and the top of the waters. If you can remember, Jehovah said, let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters. I don't know how to draw it. But the water that was close to the ocean was Cain and it was muddy. It wasn't a sperm in a whole bunch of water. It was the life of Elohim and Jehovah. I don't know if dissolved is the right word or not, but that is what I need to understand it.


The life of Jehovah and Elohim were dissolved. They were completely throughout the waters. The part that was close to the ocean bed was muddy, and it was Cain. And what's another name for the muddy waters close to the ocean bed? What is the name of the substance that it is? The spiritual urine. Cain is the spiritual urine, and the waters on top of that firmament. . . and what did we say the firmament was? We said the firmament is the stage. The firmament is the place of appearance where everything is appearing. If we want to try to understand this by relating it to this creation, the creation that we are a part of is the dark shadow. We are a part of the dark shadow today. If you want to relate it to this, you might say that all of the atmosphere outside of our humanity is Abel, and all of the spirit and all of the existence which is down inside of us is Cain. If you want to look at it that way to help you understand, but we know of course that both Cain and Abel is within us. I am just trying to understand this myself. The Lord gives me these messages without any warning.


So there is a spiritual creation, and it is within eternity. It has boundaries. The Lord is showing it to me as a cone. He showing me a vision of it as a cone. Let me see if I can draw it. Here we have the black hole over here, and I am not sure if that is right, but we have....this would be the firmament here, and this would be the waters underneath the firmament, that would be the dark shadow, and this is the waters on top of the firmament, this is the reflection, and this is the firmament. It is the visible world so if you are looking at it very carnally this is the sky, this would be the platform, and this would be the earth underneath. If you are looking at it spiritually this dark shadow is going all the way down into the bottom of the cone. This is the best I can do. I hope you understand what I am saying.


The firmament of course, is the mind, it's the living soul. It is the mind of the behemah. His name is Adam, and I am asking you to realize that we usually have at least two names for everything. We have a generic name and a personal name. What does that mean? Adam is a personal name, and he is the living soul. Soul, whether alive or dead, is a generic term. It is not a personal name. Adam is a personal name. The urine is a generic term. It is a substance, but its personal name is that it is Cain, and the living soul, Adam has a spirit. There is a spirit that lives inside the living soul, and that spirit is a two fold spirit, and it is Elohim and Jehovah. So we might say that the spirit of the living soul is the God of the living soul. The spirit. . . here is your living soul here. It is Jehovah and Elohim and dust. It has a God in the midst of it. It has a high place, and that high place is Elohim. Elohim is Adam's God. To be honest with you, I don't really have it straight in my mind as to who to call the God.


When the scripture says, Jehovah and Elohim I don't really have it straight in my head as to whether or not to say Jehovah or Elohim and maybe I should just say both. The ancient Hebrews that engaged in mystical studies, I told you that I started to read the Zohar, but I put it down as I found it to be too gnostic for me. What does that mean? They were off. In my opinion, they were playing with the doctrine of Christ with their carnal minds, and it was coming out backwards. That book, the little bit that I read did teach that Jehovah has. . . .I don't know if I am using the right word. . . .I will say extremity. I think they said extremity. That Jehovah, of course no one knows what He looks like, or what shape that He takes, but that He has a higher extremity and a lower extremity. That is what the ancient Hebrews taught, and when I read this I said, wow they had a revelation of the Son, both God, one spirit, just has a higher plane and a lower plane, the Father and the Son. If you can hear it, it is right there in the Zohar.


So I guess we could say that the God of the living soul is a God which has two extremities, a high and a low, Father and Son. In that case, I would have to say Jehovah is the God of the living soul, and the living soul is the god of the behemah. Can you hear what I am saying? Look, whoever has authority is a god. Jehovah is Adam's god, Jehovah mixed together with Elohim is Adam's god, and Adam has authority over the whole behemah and didn't the scriptures say, Let him have dominion. Adam was God of the whole creation. He was God of the whole behemah This whole exhortation is to show you that Cain was within the living soul all along. Only we knew him as the spiritual urine, and he did not receive a personal name until he started acting in a personal way.


This is the same principle of my teaching that the beings before the flood was of some form of superior beings who were both male and female, and their wives were never names in the scriptures. Sarah, Abraham's wife, was the first wife to be named of Seth's descendants because I believe up until that time or very shortly before that, certainly through Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth there were superior beings whose wives were within them; therefore, unnamed until they embarked upon or until wives began to become people. Cain did not have a personal. . . .he existed in the form of urine, didn't get his personal name until he started acting personally, til he separated out, until he individuated, until he started acting on his own. Well the superior beings whose wives were in the midst of them. . . what kind of wife are you then under those conditions? You are a reproductive part or maybe a lower extremity, I don't know but the wives of these beings did not have personal names when they were merely a substance or an organ inside of the husband.


So does everybody know who Cain is? He is the spiritual urine, and he became the serpent. He is the spiritual urine that was flowing in this living soul on the woof of the garment. Now listen, let me say it again. Cain was the spiritual urine. That means he was the part of the waters of the creation that was muddy. He was the muddy waters of the waters of this world, but then he twisted himself together with the earth, and he gave consciousness to the actual ocean bed, and at that point he became the serpent. He took another name, he became the serpent. He twisted himself together with the earth, took on strength, took on the power that is en masse, that's in the dense, solid material. He took on a negative power and became the serpent and then he increased, he engaged in cell division, and he increased into Satan and eventually continued to increase into Leviathan, the dragon. He eventually became the dragon. The mind that Cain formed. He formed his own mind.


What kind of a sacrifice was Cain offering? The fruit of the ground. What is the fruit in the scripture? Mind. The fruit for the creation is mind. The fruit is that which is born of the plant. The fruit is that which comes forth of the whole behemah, mind. Cain offered Jehovah to form the mind of the earth, and Jehovah said, no. And Abel who was really Elohim in a weakened condition offered Him the fat of the flock. Elohim offered to do it the right way. I don't know what it means the fat of the flock. All that means to me is that Abel was willing to do it Jehovah's way. At this time, I cannot relate the term, the fat of the flock, to this revelation that is coming down here. I am sure the Lord will give it to us when it is the right time.


Let me take this opportunity to tell you this before we go on with our study tonight. This living soul died when the dragon attacked it and killed Elohim. The dragon killed Elohim. You see, when Cain was mixing, wrapping himself together with the earth and increasing into Satan and forming Leviathan. I'm sorry. Leviathan is the dragon after he incarnates so let's just call him the dragon. Cain increased into the dragon. The whole time the living soul was still standing. Elohim was not dead. It is as if to say, God forbid I can't think of any other example, someone has cancer and there is a tumor within them and it is growing, and let's say that tumor is in their liver and their liver is still functioning. The tumor is growing and their liver is still function and the tumor is growing and then one day that tumor just gives a growth spurt and completely swallows up the liver and the person dies. The liver completely stops functioning.


Can you relate to what I am saying? That is what happened. The living soul was still alive. The mind of the behemah was still alive while Cain was forming himself or increasing himself into the dragon. And then that dragon was getting bigger and stronger, Cain was getting stronger, and the dragon rose up and attacked the God of the living soul. He attacked Adam. Cain, Adam's lower nature, attacked Adam. It is as if to say you attack an army, and you go for the commanding officer. The dragon attacked Adam, but he went for the God of Adam, and he killed Elohim. How did he kill Elohim? Cain increased into the dragon and at some point completely withdrew himself from Adam and established himself as a totally separate individual entity at which point Elohim died. If your heart stood up one day and said, I don't want to be a part of you any more. You would laugh at him. And you heart kept talking to you saying, I am running away, and you laughed at him. And then he packed his bags, and he stood at the door and you were still laughing at him, but when your heart opened the door and walked out, you died because you can't live without a heart. Of course, that is bazaar, but that is what we are talking about.


The living soul died when the dragon killed Elohim, and the dragon killed Elohim when Cain completely individuated and withdrew all association with the head. When my heart walked out the door he completely denied my authority. My mind having authority over this whole person that I am, including my body. Cain increased into the dragon and completely denied Adam, that Adam had any authority over him at all, withdrew and Adam died and Elohim died, the God of Adam died because half of him died. What do we have left? We have Cain and that which is left of Elohim. Half of Elohim. And his name is Abel, the part of Adam which remained faithful to Jehovah and His Son. He still remained faithful, but he lost all his power, and he died.


I told you all that to tell you this. I talk about the living soul. I talk about the dead soul, and I am trying not to use the word soul any more because of that recent revelation we got that soul really means mind, and I used to think that soul meant behemah so I trying not to use that word unless I have to, but the early mind is called soul, and the soul was alive when it was whole under the dominion of its God, Jehovah and Elohim. We then have a dead soul or a dead mind in the behemah, and he is formed on the warp of the garment. His name is Leviathan. Every human being that comes into this world today has a dead mind. Mind can be immature or mature. The immature mind is soul. Everyone is born with a dead soul, and this is a new understanding for me that I am trying to share with you.


I thought that the living soul would never be restored, but that we would be restored in the Word of God with the three thread corn when Jesus Christ comes, joins Himself to Abel, and increases into the Word of God. That is the restoration of the soul which died, but the Lord has shown me otherwise. This is what He told me, that when the Lord Jesus Christ joins with Abel in us it is a formation of the living soul. The living soul is not completely resurrected. He is not in the glorious position that He had before the fall, but that is what we have got. A living soul that is very weak. Now the way I have put it to you before is that when the Lord Jesus Christ joins with Abel in us, it forms an altar, formed the Christine altar which has the potential to increase into Christ Jesus. That is still true. The Lord has just shown me though that this Christine altar. . . . you see the word Christine altar is not in the Bible. I just called it a Christine altar because I did not know what else to call it.


I know the Lord has shown me when two spirits join it is the formation of an altar so I called it the Christ for Christine altar. I didn't know what it was. the Lord has just told me that what it is, that the actual name of it. . . see Christine altar is not wrong but now that we know what the name is let's try and use the name. It is the living soul. We have a dead soul. We have a dead soul in us , and we have a living soul in us. The living soul is weak, and beggarly, and poorly constructed. It is not complete, and it is continuously being harassed by the dead soul, but the living soul is in the process of being raised from the dead, and Elohim is in the process of being raised from the dead in us. We are literally being rebuilt while the dead soul still rules, and when the living soul raises up again, is regenerated, Abel will be in the form of the Lord Jesus Christ. The regenerated Abel is the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Father and the Son. Did not Jesus say, I go back to my Father? He is now one with the Father, and when he comes to our human spirit, when he comes to Abel in us, He is coming Jehovah and Elohim, and He is joining to Abel in us forming an altar and starting to raise Elohim from the dead in us, and starting to raise the living soul from the dead in us because Elohim is the God and the living soul.


Any questions on any of this? So we got into this whole discussion to define Cain. Do you know who Cain is now? The urine. Don't get too upset if you get the names wrong. It more important that you understand these principles. If you can do both that is fine.


Now we are in the middle of Job 9:9. We are working on our Alternate Translation of Job 9:9. We are talking about the one that bruises Cain who was within Leviathan and puts Cain in the correct moral order underneath the feet of Adam, the living soul, and the one who acquires Abel. Why is Abel acquired? Abel is acquired by the Lord Jesus Christ for the purpose of raising Elohim and Adam from the dead so they could put Cain under their feet, and he also establishes the mind which is the Word of God, that is the mature mind of Jehovah which is capable of projecting the image of the visible spiritual world.


And our final Alternate Translation Job 9:9: The one who bruises Cain while he is still inside of Leviathan puts him in the correct moral order, acquires Abel, and establishes the Word of God which projects the image of the visible spiritual world.


I see that I don't have this in the right order. We should say that he acquires Abel. That should be first. Why should that be first? Because there is no way that anyone is going to be bruising Cain under their feet until the Lord Jesus Christ acquires Abel and joins with him and begins to raise Elohim from the dead, and hopefully increase into Christ Jesus which is the one which will bruise Cain while he is still inside of Leviathan, and put him in the correct moral order. And at that point increase into the mature mind of God which has the power to project or to erect this image, Jehovah's image, which will be the visible spiritual world.


As I told you before, everything that we do here, everything that man does, is just a counterfeit or imitation of what Jehovah does. Everything that you see in this house, this whole image of this house, the furniture, the couch, the pictures, the flowers, everything that you see is the erection of an image. It begins with our mind, we have a vision, but then we make the furniture with our hands. We have to labor. We buy it now, but somebody has to labor to make the furniture. When a spirit creates an image it is completely done with his mind. We are existing in a world of continual labor until we are delivered or regenerated or raised up to a higher place where all we do is think and it will be.


While we were off the tape earlier we were talking about minds and the on line services and games, and I did mention to you but I don't think I really made the point though that it is very dangerous being in these video games too long because where you spend most of your time that becomes the reality to you, and it could be very dangerous. If we don't know what it could do to the mind to be spending more of our time in a fabricated, unreal world. Of course, this world is unreal too. You might even say that is what happened to us. We are spirit and somehow we got trapped in a world that is a lie. Everything here is a lie. It is not real. It is a bad dream, a nightmare but until we get out of it we are subjected to it.


The point that I am trying to make is that Jesus says, where your treasure is that's where your heart shall be. This brethren is the basis for traveling in the spirit. When your mind is mature enough you just think Nigeria and you are sitting in Xxxx living room. Here this Xxxx, I hope you enjoy this. That is the whole basis of travel in the spirit. When your mind is powerful enough to do it, you just think of yourself where you want to be and your whole behemah, your mind and the animal that your are dwelling in, is there. Now I'm imagining your living room couch, Xxxx, and I am still sitting here in my same old rocking chair so I guess it means that my mind isn't very mature. That is what it means. That is the whole basis for travel in the spirit. Think about it this way, right now if we want to get somewhere our body goes, we move our legs, we get into a car or a plane. Our body travels because our mind is weak and fallen and beggarly and dead. If your mind was alive, if my mind was alive I would just picture where I wanted to be and my whole body would follow after me. But the way it is now, my body goes and my body is a vessel that carries my mind.


Everything is backwards in this world. Evil is good and good is evil. That is why it is said that the apostles turned the world upside down. It is wrong, it is in a wrong order right now. That's why we are dying. That's why we are weak. That's why we are beggarly. I have a vision of being able to visit any of the brethren that are truly attached to us. We are all over the world, we are all over the country. We should not have to pay high telephone bills to fellowship in Christ Jesus. Especially when you call your conversations are truly in Christ Jesus. You should just be able to find yourself sitting on the person's couch. That is the way it is supposed to be. I am not a nut. The way it is now is perversion. You want to talk about the things of God with one of the few people that can understand you, and it costs you a fortune on the telephone. That is a perversion.


Job 38:31; Can you bind the sweet influences of Pleiades or loose the bands of Orion. So to bind, I am at the bottom of Page 4 now, to bind means to gird up. It can also be translated to equip or to endow or to prepare one's self for action, and we will translate it that way. To equip for war. The sweet influences, Strong's #4575 can be translated, to bound or to bind, the sweet influences. I don't know where they got that translation. Pleiades is symbolizing Abel. Or loose, Strong's #6605, can be translated to engrave, to engrave, and we talk a lot about engraving in this ministry. It is in the scripture. What part of us is being engraved? Our mind is being engraved and our spirit. There are two engravings. We are Elohim, and Jehovah's nature is being engraved upon our spirit.


We are the Son, o.k., and Jehovah's nature is being engraved through His union with us, and when our spirit is in the image of Jehovah we are engraving the mind in His image also. That is what Jesus meant when He said, whatever my Father says that is what I do. He meant He had the same image in his mind as in his spirit. He just put it in terms that people's fallen minds could understand. To engrave the bands, Strong's #4189, and this word is the feminine of Strong's #4900 which is translated, to draw out, in Job 41:1. The following is the comment from our study series, Leviathan, Part 1, on this word. The Hebrew word translated, draw out, indicated the maturation or the increase of the incomplete mind, the living soul, into a complete mind, the Word of God. The Logos, the mind of Christ Jesus, that is the Word of God, is the hard mind that is going to be engraved. Orion, we found out means the impious giant and that is Cain.


So here are the words that we have. We are dealing with Job 38:31 and we are just bunching the words together here. Can you equip for action, bind Abel, by engraving the increase, the human spirit of Cain. Makes no sense at all. So, let's try and put it together. Can you equip Abel for action by engraving him with the image of Jehovah, is bound to Cain? Now how do you engrave Abel with the image of Jehovah/ What is that talking about? It is talking about the crucifixion, the Lord Jesus Christ coming and crucifying Abel and joining Himself with him. That is how we are engraved in Jehovah's image because Jesus Christ is in Jehovah's image, and He is coming and He's crucifying Abel in us, and we are going to become one spirit, and Jesus is already in Jehovah's image. That means we are going to be in Jehovah's image when we are completely crucified by Jesus Christ.


Can you equip Abel who is bound to Cain for the warfare which will increase him into the mind of Christ. I added in the words, for the warfare. As I was telling you earlier there are a lot of words missing. If you don't know what the spirit is talking about you will never get the spiritual interpretation of the Hebrew. You will come up with something as the KJ translators did, but you will never get the doctrine of Christ if you don't first have it in your heart. You will never learn the doctrine of Christ from the written word. It is not in there.


Do you know how many people have asked me what is this doctrine of Christ? Now, it is mentioned in the scripture. I think Peter talks about it., The doctrine of Christ is mentioned several times. Well, what is it? Where is it? I challenge anybody who is into a study of the letter of the word to show me the doctrine of Christ in the scripture. It is not there. It is a spiritual doctrine, and it comes to your heart. For those who have an intense relationship with Jesus Christ, and He shares His secrets with you. It is a doctrine that comes from, well I can't say that I am married to Him, I don't know if we are married to Him yet. At the marriage we would be in full stature, but we must be very engaged. It is a knowledge that comes out of intimacy. It is a doctrine that comes out of spending hours with the person who is this doctrine. There is no way you will get it out of this written letter. If the Lord Jesus is not giving it to you in your heart or your mind. No way, because there are words missing. There is understanding missing. No more than you could translate that chemical treatise or that Ph.D. dissertation on what ever it is talking about. No way you could translate it if you don't know anything about what it is talking about.


My nephew was a chemist, and he writes articles for chemistry trade magazines, and I worked for him for a while. He's deaf. He is almost completely deaf, and it is really a great credit to him that he could actually be interviewing people to write articles. He is a very well adjusted, very brave man, and he likes to write. This is the way he does it. You have to interview people on the telephone. How can a deaf man interview people on the telephone. Well, he tapes his interviews and his wife listens on an extension telephone and lip syncs to him what the people are saying, and he reads her lips so that he can answer the questions. Is that unbelievable? But the whole conversation is taped and then he pays a typist to transcribe the tape. Well, let me tell you I had one heck of a time transcribing that tape, and I am a very literate woman. I am very intelligent. I am very knowledgeable, but he was using words I had never heard of. How could I possibly spell words I never heard of? I wasn't translating. I was just typing down word for word like you do when you transcribe the tape. It was painful. I hear these words I've never heard of this word, what does it mean? Can you imagine trying to put that into another language? Impossible. The doctrine of Christ must be in your heart for you to see it in the scripture. For someone to say to you, show it to me in the scripture, they will never see it any more than they will see the receiving of the Holy Ghost, any more than they will see the casting out of evil spirits the way we know it to be done because we have experienced it. I can't show it to you in the scripture. If you stay a Pharisee you are just going to die in your sins because the written letter of the Bible cannot purge you of your sins. The spiritual Son of God growing out of your heart can purge you of your sins.


These are the words. We are in Job 38:31. Can you equip for action, bind Abel, by engraving the increased human spirit of Cain? Jesus, what does that mean? Well, let's try it. Can you equip Abel for action by engraving him with the image of Jehovah, is bound to Cain. Still doesn't make any sense. let's try it again. Can you equip Abel who is bound to Cain for the warfare which will increase him into the mind of Christ?


Can you equip Abel who was bound to Cain for the warfare which will increase him into the mind of Christ. Abel is all bound up. Do you remember what happened to Abel? Let me show it to you on the board. Remember what happened to Abel? Cain built his dead mind on the warp of the garment, and he is all woven through Abel. Abel became the dust. This is what Jehovah's creation looks like now. Abel is up here with the dust to the extent that the scripture calls him dust. Doesn't even call him Abel, and Leviathan, the dragon, wrapped himself together with the seminal fluid, and the dragon of the earth became the dragon of the sea, and the name of the dragon of the sea is Leviathan.


So we have the mind which is incarnating the creation on the warp of the garment. This is the earth down here, and Cain and Satan. Cain engaged in cell division. He increased into Satan. The earth is down here. They are all wrapped together, and the name of all of them when they are in the waters of the creation, is Leviathan. Satan is the waters. . . I just found out who Satan really is. He is the seminal fluid. Isn't he a symbol of the sea? He is the seminal fluid. Thank you Jesus. Satan is the seminal fluid. Cain is the urine, and then we have the earth, and when they are all together they are called Leviathan. Cain and the earth alone is the dragon of the earth. Cain and the earth alone is the dragon of the earth or the serpent. The earth is just the earth. She has no name until Cain wraps together with her, and then she receives consciousness and becomes the serpent. Cain and the earth are the serpent, sometimes called the dragon of the earth.


When the seminal fluid wraps together with the serpent, the seminal fluid is Satan, the seminal fluid gets a personal name when he joins illegally the serpent and all of them together are called Leviathan. What a puzzle. isn't that something? So with regard to this study right now, the mind of the creature, the mind of the behemah is on the warp of the garment. Abel is just dust, and this criminal mind is completely woven through him. Abel can't move. Actually, he is completely captured by Cain who is manifesting in the form of Leviathan, and the scripture describes this condition of having the warp threads woven through Abel, the scripture describes it as a condition of harlotry because to produce the image of the world, this image is being reestablished a micro second at a time. Everything looks solid to you, look stable to you? It is no more solid than a moving picture that you are watching. I don't know how camcorders work, but the way actual movie pictures work is that there is rapidly flicking negatives and a bright light is shining through the rapidly flicking negatives, and if the negatives stop flicking the picture stops dead on the screen. It is no longer a moving picture. Right? That is what this world is. We found it in Ezekiel 1 if you want to restudy that series. I think it is the 38th series. It is in the Bible.


This world looks solid, it looks real, but all we are is a bunch of film being flicked in front of some light. What does that mean? It means the mind that is forming this image of this world including our physical bodies is re-projecting this image from micro second to micro second. Do you know what I am talking about? O.K. This is not a picture that someone drew and left there. The scripture describes this condition of the fallen dead mind called Leviathan being woven through Abel as a continuous interaction which is necessary to sustain this image. Every time Leviathan interacts with Abel to sustain this image which is a lie, which is the enemy of Jehovah, Jehovah says Abel is being prostituted. Because Leviathan could not maintain this image without the spiritual authority of Abel, and he is taking Abel against his will. Not only is he taking him against his will, because Abel is the residue of Elohim, he is God even in his dead condition, Abel is deity, Leviathan is using him like a woman. What does that mean? It means he has switched the poles.


The mind is supposed to be under the woof, male, the earth going on the warp, female, but that is not the case. The mind is on the warp, the mind of the behemah, it is on the warp; therefore, Abel, the woof is in the female position. Passive. Passive. An abomination unto the Lord. This Abel is what the New Agers call Christ, but what the New Agers do not understand is that there is no way that Abel is going to overcome his lower nature and increase into Elohim and Jehovah twisted together, there is no way he is going to do it without a warfare, and in his present condition he is powerless except to the extent that the Lord Jesus is connected to him. So all of you New Agers out there if any of you are listening to this tape, when you meditate and you go within you are not talking to the God within you. You are talking to the mind of the urine. He is the god of this world, but he is not deity. He is not of the family of Elohim, and you are deceived. You are talking to Abel. You are talking to Leviathan, to the dragon, who is wooing you like we woo mice into a trap with a piece of cheese, and as soon as you get in close enough he is going to spring the trap on you, and it will take a miracle to get you out.


Can you equip Abel who is bound under Cain's authority for the warfare which will increase him into the mind of Christ? What is the warfare which will increase him into the mind of Christ? What is the warfare? The Lord Jesus is crucifying Abel and we begin to perceive some vestige of life. The living soul is beginning to be resurrected. Elohim is beginning to be resurrected by the strength and power of the Lord Jesus Christ, and he begins to grow. He begins to be raised from the dead, and as soon as he has any strength at all, what is the warfare? He begins to attack Leviathan. Only Leviathan doesn't like it. What does he do? He hits him back, and Leviathan is no one to play with. The Lord Jesus Christ has to break the heads of Leviathan. What does that mean to break the heads of Leviathan? He is going to break him into what? There are two breakings. What is the first breaking? He is going to break Leviathan, now the KJ translation says, soul and spirit, just to confuse us, but He is going to break Leviathan into earth and spirit. I know the KJ says soul and spirit. Just go with the principle; otherwise, you will get very confused.


Who is the spirit? It is a two fold spirit in Leviathan. It is Cain and Satan. The dragon is the name of the whole thing. Now breaking the heads of the dragon, and he is going to break down into earth. The KJ says, soul and spirit. Earth and spirit. That is the first head that is broken. And the spirit is a two fold spirit, Cain and Satan. That is Cain twisted together with the seminal fluid. Satan is the seminal fluid, and the second breaking is Cain is being taken away from Satan. How is Cain going to be taken away from Satan? What is Satan's judgment? You should know that. What is going to happen to Satan's sea? It will be boiled. Satan is going to be boiled until the sea or the seminal fluid evaporates, and Cain will be free. We taught this a couple of years ago saying Eve was going to be released. Well, Eve is Cain. Remember the message we just preached a few weeks ago. There is no Eve, it's Cain. There is no Eve. The word only appears once in the Old Testament and once in the New Testament. It means life. It is a fantasy. It is like Santa Claus. It belongs to the Easter bunny. It's Cain. So Abel crucified by the Lord Jesus. Elohim and the living soul begins to rise from the dead, and as soon as there is any strength at all they are breaking the heads of Leviathan. That is what we are doing.


Anyone who's in the war who's trying to kill Leviathan, anyone who is living this message whether they are in this ministry or not. We met someone in Africa who told me she was so blessed to hear this message because she got it directly from the Lord Jesus. She had a lot of problems in her life, and she was crying out to the Lord and He showed her how to wage the kind of warfare we teach here. As far as she knew no one else was doing it. Breaking the heads of Leviathan. After Satan's sea is boiled and Cain is freed up, he is going to be grabbed by the resurrected Elohim and living soul, they are going to grab Cain and they are going to return him to the family of God and then increase into Christ Jesus.


When all parts of the family are present, Cain and Abel and the Lord Jesus. . . .well, Cain and Abel rejoined signify the resurrection of Elohim and the Lord Jesus is in the role of Jehovah so we are right back to here how it was in the beginning with the Lord Jesus, with Elohim complete and Jehovah complete and somewhere along the line there is going to be an increase into a third thread which is the Word of God. We will give the details as God gives it to us. We don't have it yet. We see that the resurrected living soul will be stronger than it was at the time that the dragon killed Elohim. There will be a third thread and a three thread cord is not easily broken, and because the resurrected living soul is going to be in a different form. It has a third thread. It has to have a new name because one name, the living soul, describes the mind of God with two threads and it takes another name to describe the mind of God with three threads, and the name of the mature mind of God? Anybody? The Word of God.


When the Word of God appears in the behemah. Remember behemah is animal. This creation is not going to stay animal. It is going to become what? Spirit. So when the behemah becomes spirit it's name has to change. When the Word of God completely swallows up all the earthen pot ? and the animal nature of the behemah, the animal nature is Cain, and the earthen pot. What's the name of the creature? Christ Jesus. The man, Christ Jesus. Some people call him the second Adam. I prefer Christ Jesus because it is easier to tell the difference. This puzzle that the Lord is giving us is incredible. I find it having a distinct name for every aspect helps me to keep track of things. Christ Jesus is the whole glorified mind, and then He eventually will swallow up the whole behemah.


That's O.K. Don't worry about it. Your mind, what's happening here is that seeds are pelting on Abel. There are seeds that are falling on your mind that are working to raise Abel from the dead, to raise Elohim from the dead in you. So, if you understand it, fine, because it is exciting but if you don't.... your understanding is only secondary. It has to get inside of you and besides if you knew as much as I know you would not need me and I would be out of a job. I wouldn't worry about it. Keep on doing what you are doing.


Can you equip Abel who was bound under Cain's authority for the warfare which will increase him into the mind of Christ? And what is that equipment? As I just showed you and I got ahead of my notes, that equipment is the Lord Jesus Christ. Job, can you do what the Lord Jesus Christ did? Do you have the power that the Lord Jesus Christ has? Can you raise Elohim from the dead? No you can't and all of you people out there in New Age or whatever you call yourself, you can't do it either. You are not going to raise Elohim f rom the dead with doctrine. You are not going to raise Elohim from the dead with will power. You are not going to raise Elohim f rom the dead by denying Cain's existence or his power. There is only one way Elohim will be raised from the dead in you, and that is to be crucified by the Lord Jesus Christ, and there is a price to pay.


You want to be crucified by the Lord Jesus Christ, you want Elohim raised from the dead in you, you want power with God, you have to pay the price. What is that? Leviathan has to die. I told you I was revising the Old Testament. I have to read my own book. I am telling you I was flying from reading that book, how clear it is in so many scriptures that the sin of price, it is a manifestation of pride, which will call people to fall away, is failure to confess sins and repent. That is what is going to do it. There are many, many people out there who don't want to do it. I was on line last night and I mentioned this issue, specific repentance, not just, I'm sorry Lord, but , this is what I did, and I acknowledge that it was wrong, and I want to not do it again. And I was accused of being very Catholic, being very Catholic because they have to go and confess their sins all the time. I did not stay on last night because it was just very sad. There were several Christians on there declaring their salvation, that they have nothing to do and nothing to worry about, and when I tried to tell them their attitude was that I was trying to destroy their faith, and I felt that the Lord was giving me no opening, and I really should not have been on there anyway. I was up until 3:30 this morning working on that translation. I wanted to relax a little bit before I went to asleep, but obviously it wasn't God because there was no opening whatsoever.


We have Isaiah 13:10. We will do one more tonight. Isaiah 13:10. For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light. The sun shall be darkened in his going forth and the moon shall not cause her light to shine. Now once again, I keep telling you this, I am not against the King James translation, I am just trying to make a point. What in the world does that mean? Do you have any idea what that means? Would you have any more of an idea if it were written in German? No. It doesn't make any sense to the rational mind at all except that the anointing of Jehovah is on it so people who are reading it in good faith get a blessing but many Christians don't even bother with the Prophets because they don't know what they are talking about. Glory to God.


We are starting with the word, the stars. The word, for, is Strong's #3588 and it just means for or because. Stars #3556 is a masculine word and stars are, they are round globular masses of earth which have energy. That is why they glow. I suggest to you that they are spirits. Spirit is energy. They are masculine, and they are of heaven. They are the stars of heaven. The word stars is plural and it is masculine so it is many membered, and I want to suggest to you that the many membered masculine spirit of heaven is Elohim, and that Elohim is the God of the living soul. I guess I got ahead of my notes as I have already talked to you about that. Elohim is the God of the living soul, and the Word of God, the living soul being the immature mind of God, and the Word of God being the mature mind of God. The immature and the mature mind of Christ, the living soul, and the Word of God. So the stars of heaven are the many membered spirit which is in the living soul.


Now remember soul is mind, and the spirit in the mind which is of God is Elohim. Elohim has died, and has left a residue or a skeleton , a bone of which is in each of us and his name is Abel. Abel is the old waste places if you have read scriptures particularly in Isaiah talking about the rebuilding of the old waste places. That is what the scripture is talking about. The rebuilding of that which is wasted away, and that which is wasted away is Elohim. He died, and he decayed into Cain and Abel. Just off tape somebody was questioning me on that word, and let me ask you a question. Do you find the word, decayed, so much more radical than the word, waste, to waste away, or to decay? Do you find one more radical than the other? So the KJ talks about the old waste places except we never knew what the old waste places were. The old waste places are Abel. Abel is the decaying remains of the dead Elohim. Shocking! I hear the Pharisee screaming, God can't die. Jehovah can't die. But Elohim in his formative years, because Elohim is the seed of the whole creature in the years that the creature is being formed, Elohim can and did, in fact, die. That is why you died.


Anyone objecting? I can hear them screaming. That is why you die. If your spirit was alive you body would never die. Jesus said, no one can take my life. He could have lived for the life of the ages because His mind was alive. So if your body dies it means your mind is dead. Even you Christians that are saved by faith. You are animals with a dead mind who are saved by faith, but if that faith doesn't become a reality to you, you will die like men. Didn't Jehovah say that to the Jews? Ye are gods, but ye shall die like men. I say that to the church, Ye are gods to whom the Word of God is given, but if you don't make a reality of the knowledge that has been given to you, you shall die like men. That means your body will decompose, and your personality will decompose, and your spirit will be gathered unto the fathers, but you will never see your relatives in some imaginary heaven which is the heaven of Egypt. Since this verse is speaking about the dead Elohim which is Abel, however, which means that he has decayed into Cain and Abel we are translating the phrase as Abel, his righteous remnant.


Let me say that again. . . .this verse is talking about the many membered stars of heaven so we don't know whether it is talking about Cain or Abel. See Elohim died and I was revising the alternate Old Testament last night, and it was quite a challenge because as I went through the book and looked at all the verses that I had translated before I had this revelation of Cain and Abel, I found that I was translating the words that were indicating the dead Elohim. Either I was translating them the dead Christ or just Christ, and in a couple of verses it was really confusing. I had Christ in two different contexts. I did not know what it means. I just left it that way, and as I was revising the Old Testament in view of this revelation I realized that the dead Christ, that term the dead Christ, can either mean Cain or Abel because Christ died, Elohim died, and he divided into two parts, and we even.... that is what I wanted to look up for this message and I didn't do it.


There is a translation in the Alt. OT that talks about the divided age, and when I translated it I had no idea what it means. I just knew I put all the words together like I show you that I do, and that was what it said, the divided age. I had no idea what it means. The divided age is Elohim in his dead condition. He is Cain and Abel. So we could find a verse that talks about the dead Christ, and it could mean either Cain or Abel. You have to read the context of the verse to find out who the scripture is talking about. What a jigsaw puzzle. Praise you Jesus.


Since this verse is speaking about the dead Elohim, however, which means he has decayed into both Cain and Abel but because the context of the verse is positive we are going to translate this phrase, the stars of heaven, as Abel, his righteous remnant. In a future verse which I don't expect to get to tonight, it will be on the next tape of this message, we have a similar situation where the verse is negative and we, therefore, choose to translate the phrase that indicates the dead Christ as Cain because the whole context of the verse is negative. Once again we are talking about modification. We have talked about that a lot, although not recently in this ministry. Either you have a word modified or a whole verse modified or a whole chapter modified. You have to take, translate in accordance with the context of the whole message. You have to be consistent.


Isaiah 13:10, For the stars of heaven, and we are saying that is the many membered Abel in the people today, and the constellations thereof. Now surprise, surprise, here is my biggest proof to you that the Hebrew words translated Orion, Pleiades, and Arcturus are not Hebrew words which are specifically referring to the constellations by those names, and here we see the word translated, constellations, first of all it is plural, second of all it is translated constellations, it is #3685 and I think that is the word for Orion. #3685, right, that is the word for Orion, and we see by the very same KJ translators that translated this word in another verse as the constellation Orion indicating to many reading the Bible that it was Jehovah's intention to name a specific constellation in the heavenlies in His Bible we see the same KJ translators translating this word, generally, generically, constellations. So by their own usage the KJ translators admit that this Hebrew word which they translated Orion does not specifically mean Orion. They drew the conclusion that that's what this word meant, and it is true in all cases of Orion, Pleiades, Arcturus and the Mazzaroth.


I do not believe that Jehovah put astronomy in His Bible because His Bible is spiritual, and He is dealing with the heart of man, and the spirit, and the stars are for unbelievers brethren. The stars are for people who need a sign. Those who have an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ don't need a sign. He is their sign written on the tablets of their heart. Got a witness to that. Thank you Lord. Constellations are groups of stars. This verse is speaking about the many membered spirit of Elohim which resides in the individual members of the body of Christ in the form of Cain and Abel, Elohim's divided skeleton, sometimes referred to as the divided age. Since the group of stars that we are dealing with here is a translation of the Hebrew word Orion, we are translating it, the many members of Cain? Why? Because we already established that Orion is speaking about Cain. The many members of Cain who are presently in the form of Leviathan for the purpose of this verse. Please note that the Hebrew word translated Orion, Strong's #3685, is plural in this verse which is a strong witness that the original scripture did not intend this word to be translated as that particular physical star or group of stars in order to establish a recognition by Jehovah of astronomy or astrology. Jesus.


For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light. The word, not, is Strong's #3808, that is a negative particle. We are translating it Leviathan. And the word, give, is Strong's #1984, can be translated, to boast, rage, or glorify. I think we will be translating it boast. Their light, this is Strongs #216, there are two different words translated light in the scripture. This is the word that speaks about the dispersed light. It is the word used to describe the activity of Elohim which results in the formation of a reflective image on the waters of the creation. Shall not give their light. The sun shall be darkened in his going forth. The sun, Strong's #8121, can be translated sun rising or shield.


When I first wrote this up I thought I might be used the word shield, but we are not going to be using the word shield. The sun is speaking about full stature. When you are talking about the immature mind of Christ, you are talking about the morning, the early rays of light arising out of the darkness, but the mature mind of Christ, the Word of God, abides in the heavens at 12:00 o'clock noon and it so bright that there is no shadows. At exactly 12:00 o'clock noon there are no shadows, so that is what the word sun means. It means a mind in full stature, and in this verse it doesn't mean the word God. It means the son of this fallen world which is the mind in full stature which is Leviathan. Shall be darkened, #2821, we are translating that hidden. In his going forth, Strong's #3318 can be translated spring forth.


And the moon, Strong's #3394. I want to suggest to you that the moon has no light of its own. You may know this. Any light that you see on the moon is a reflection of the sun. The moon is merely a reflection, and haven't we been talking about reflection. The reflection is the legitimate image of Jehovah. The illegitimate image is the dark shadow, so I am going to suggest to you that the moon is speaking about the image of the visible spiritual world. Shall not, again a negative particle. We are calling it Leviathan. Cause her light, that is the same Hebrew word light, talking about dispersed light, for forming of an image. To shine, Strong's #5050, means to make one's own light.


Now the KJ says, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine. There were a whole bunch of extra words put in there. It is just really talking about making one's own light so there is the word light and then to make one's own light. We have a lot of... this was a very difficult verse. It took me a very long time. I put all the words together like I told you that I do, and I have to tell you I had one hard time making some sense out of this, but I think I have a very exciting translation. It took me quite a bit of time. Let me tell you here that on the next few pages starting with Page 7 you will see some words with lines through them, and then you will see other words that are shaded, and what I did there is the shaded text is called red line only I don't have color printer, but if I had a color printer that shading would be red, and that is a standard printer's symbol for text that has been added.


The text with lines through it, that is called strike out, standard printer's jargon. It means text has been eliminated when you are comparing two documents. The notes that you have today are the same notes that you had at the last meeting, but I made changes. I made changes, and rather than just eliminate the verses that I took out I left them in but I indicated by these markings. What I added in the shaded area is what I added. It is called red lining and what ever has lines through it is called strike out text, and in case you are looking over your old notes you don't have to come back and ask me. Here is your answer right here. It was there in the old notes, but I didn't use it? why didn't I use it? Because I realized I did not really have the translation that the Lord wanted me to have. It was an extremely difficult verse, and I just didn't see it as deep as the Lord showed it to me today. Do you have any questions about what I just said? If you think it is going to confuse you just ignore what has lines through it, and the shaded text means it was not on your notes from the last message.


This was a terribly difficult verse. I am just going to put it together for you like I did with the other verse. Because the masculine spirits of the living soul and Cain's members Leviathan boasts of dispersed light sun rising shields be hidden springing forth reflection of the sun visible world Leviathan dispersed light image to make one's own light. Really, it is just awesome. Doing translations is just awesome. This is what translators do. This is what they do. I try to make some sense out of it. I am going to go slowly with you otherwise you may not be able to see how I got the final....Well let me read you the final translation first and then we will go back.


This is what I believe this verse is saying in the Word of the Lord. Cain's many members arre living out of Leviathan, and exalting themselves in the visible physical world because of Abel's weak construction of the living soul, but Cain shall be covered over by Christ Jesus when the visible spiritual world springs forth in front of Leviathan's self made visible physical world. Or we might say, in front of Leviathan's lie. One other thing I would like to point out to you. This verse speaks about the weak construction of the living soul.


I would like to point out to you that is referring to the living soul which is being regenerated. remember I spoke about it earlier. It is not the glorious living soul that existed when Adam was in charge of the whole creation, but it is the soul, its Abel, which is beginning to be made alive since the Lord Jesus crucified him. We have a weak construction of the living soul in us. You have it and you have it and I have it. It is beginning to be built. That is why I used the word construction. The living soul in us is beginning to be constructed, but it is very weak and Leviathan weakens it and every time we try to build it up he tears it down.


Do you remember the story about the building of the wall or the rebuilding of the wall in the books of Nehemiah and Ezra that is a type of the soul that is being raised from the dead in us, and there is danger on every side, and it is tremendous job and that is why this translation says that Cain's many members are living out of Leviathan. That is most of the people in the world and they are exalting themselves in this world because that is the same principle as saying the two witnesses were lying dead in the street and everybody was making merry, but when the spirit of life came into them, and they started to rise from the dead their joy turned to terror. This is the same principle. Cain's many members are living out of Leviathan and exalting themselves in this visible physical world because of Abel's weak construction of the living soul. They have no fear. As far as they are concerned truth and righteousness are lying dead in the street, but nevertheless Cain shall be covered over by Christ Jesus after Abel is raised from the dead by the Lord Jesus Christ and increases into Christ Jesus He shall cover over Cain, and He shall put Cain under His authority and the visible spiritual world shall spring forth when the Word of God is powerful enough to bring forth the image of Jehovah's world, it shall bring forth in front of Leviathan's lie, this world, this visible physical world which he made out of his own corrupted mind. I really suspect you are not going to follow me anyway, but I will just read you three verses which lead up to the final translation that I just gave to you.


Let me do this to see if it is clearer. Because of Abel's weak construction of the living soul, Cain within Leviathan's members, boast of themselves from the western image. Remember the western image is the visible physical world, but their sun, Cain is the sun. The sun typifies the god of the world. Cain is the God of this world. Shall be covered over or hidden when springs forth the moon which is Elohim's reflection in front of Leviathan's image. Not making any sense at all really.


I don't think I will even read the rest of it on the message. If you want to try and understand it when you study, you have the notes.


This is the final Alternate Translation. Cain's many members are living out of Leviathan and exalting themselves in the visible physical world because of Abel's weak construction of the living soul, but Cain shall be covered over by Christ Jesus when the visible spiritual world springs forth in front of Leviathan's self made visible physical world.


I see on Page 8, there is another paragraph that I should struck out and I did not and it is the paragraph that starts, con ? and it is right after all of those paragraphs that have lines through them. Now we have two more verses that have at least one of the four words that we are studying in them, and I started to work on Amos 5:8, and I felt, it is a very exciting translation, but I felt that it just wasn't complete so I looked at the verse before it and the verse after it, and I am not going to put it on this tape, but if you want to look at it you could see it. I did verses 7, 8, and 9 and I still don't see a complete thought. I am not satisfied with it.


We will stop for tonight and at the next meeting, I will start with verse 1 of Amos 7. If the Lord lets me do the whole chapter we will put it in its own series. All I know is I don't feel comfortable teaching on this one verse because it doesn't make any sense to me. I am going to work this up before Sunday, and I want to see what I get and if the Lord leads me that way. . .it seems to me that we are being led into the whole chapter of Amos 5, but we have a lot of room left on that tape. I will just read you the alternate translation. I won't go into teaching on it. I will just read it for you.


Amos 5:7, Those of you who overthrow Leviathan while you are under wormwood judgment will cast Cain down also.


That just really excited me. You want to know something I never realized that I've been under wormwood judgment all my life. You might have heard me say I've had, everyone that is here has had a hard life.


PASTOR VITALE: Does anybody remember what wormwood judgment is?


COMMENT: Judgment that comes from Satan.


PASTOR VITALE: No We have the gentle judgment of the Holy Spirit where if you make a mistake you say you're sorry and it is all over, and that is your judgment. Well what you went through with me last Sunday, that was your judgment. It is like having a child that is naughty, you whip their bottom, and it is all over. That is the white throne judgment, the merciful judgment of Jesus Christ, but wormwood judgment is when you just don't seem to learn from your mistakes, and you go under a judgment which is not repealable. The Jews were defeated by Nebuchadnezzar and 70 years of captivity was pronounced upon them no matter how they cried and moaned and groaned there was no time off for good behavior. The Jews were in Babylon for 70 years, and I know that I have come out of the heavily cursed background and that the Lord Jesus has done miracles in my life, and I preached on wormwood judgment. It just never occurred to me that I am coming out, well I knew I was coming out of family line curses.


It just never occurred to me that it was wormwood judgment, and I don't know how long this judgment has been on my family line, but it seems like the time of Jubilee is at hand because the family line curses are being broken in me. I have no idea how long this curse has been on my family, but what this alternate translation said to me, because everybody I know that is really in deep with God has had a very hard life, and that is what drives you to your intimacy with the Lord Jesus. Those of you who overthrow Leviathan while you are under wormwood judgment shall cast down Cain also. It means that it is so hard to overthrow Leviathan. At this point, I don't know if any one that is not under wormwood judgment can do it. Do you understanding what I am saying? It is so hard, you have to be so close to Jesus to get the strength to do it that it seems to me that only the people that have these really hard lives that are driven to Jesus are the ones that will even rise up to get that far.


So it is the people who are coming out of Babylon, people who are coming out of wormwood judgment that are determined enough and dedicated enough and committed enough and strong enough to overthrow Leviathan, if you are strong enough to do that you are going to bring down Cain too. Now what does it mean, we were talking about that tonight? If you overthrow Leviathan you are breaking him down into earth and spirit, and if you get that far you are going to break Cain away from Satan also. And what does it mean if you break Cain away from Satan? As soon as Cain gets freed up, it means Elohim is going to be raised from the dead. It is talking about full stature. If you overthrow Leviathan you are going into full stature. The rest is a piece of cake. Oh, I've got chills from the top of my head to the bottom of my toes.


So that really excited me, but it didn't help me at all with verse 8. The Alternate Translation is on Page 9. And Jesus squeezes together with Abel. That is Jesus crucifying Abel, and when he crucifies Abel the living soul begins to be raised from the dead. Jesus squeezes together with Abel into the living soul and increases into Christ Jesus who first covers over and then overthrows Leviathan, and frees Cain.


We just talked about that. And then the next phrase must be interspersed with another verse because it just doesn't fit. And distills the spiritual urine, making the earth barren and incarnates in the earth. I definitely have to work on that, and I one after it, Amos 5:9 on Page 10 is the alternate translation. The one who looses Abel because Leviathan is oppressing him so that Cain may enter and be added to Elohim's Holy City.


Here are the three verses together. Amos 5:7-9. I can't do anything with it. Those of you who overthrow Leviathan while you are under wormwood judgment shall cast down Cain also. Jesus squeezes together with Abel into the living soul and increases into Christ Jesus who first covers over and then overthrows Leviathan and frees Cain and distills the spiritual urine making the earth barren and incarnates in the earth. The one who looses Abel because Leviathan is oppressing him so that Cain may enter in and be added to Elohim's Holy City. I can't really do anything with that, I can't leave it like that so when I start studying for Sunday I will start with verse 1 and we will go with it where ever the Lord takes me, and then after we finish that which I think probably will be its own series we will come back. We have one more verse to do and that is Job 38:32. At the bottom of Page 11. . . If I do the whole chapter of Amos 5 we will come back on this tape and I will just finish Mazzaroth on this tape.


Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth within his season. I haven't done it.


This is the end of the words on this tape. The balance of the tape is blank. 




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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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