Part 14 of 14 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
Recap of Job Chapter 41:Verses 28 thru 30. Only the Lord Jesus Christ can penetrate Leviathan’s defensed mind and change the dead Christ into the entranceway into the kingdom of God. Christ is circumcised and the dead human spirit is woven into Leviathan, the Serpent’s three fold completed mind. He is the one who scorns the fierceness of the two witness company. Leviathan comforts them, the many members of fallen humanity, that is, instead of the word of God, because this fallen soul is under the judgment of God. What is the judgment of Jehovah? Does anybody know? What is it that would cause us to seek Leviathan for comfort instead of the word of God? What is it about our present condition that makes us prefer and seek out the comfort that Leviathan can give us rather than making the word of God as our first choice of comfort? Well, that answer is pretty close.
Lord, help me get the letter of this word straight. It is either in 1 Peter or 2 Peter that we are bound by chains of darkness to Satan. It is 2 Peter verse 4. The judgment that Jehovah has executed upon this fallen soul is that she married the Serpent. Remember back in Genesis 3 when Jehovah pronounced the curse? He said unto you, Eve, which we are, the female side of the creation. We are female now. We died to our manhood and Jehovah said, your desire shall be unto your husband. When she partook of the fruit that the Serpent offered her, she joined with him and she married him. I had a preacher write to me from California once in a very argumentative stand. He challenged me to show him a scripture which said that Eve married the Serpent. Eve married the Serpent, brethren.
The curse is that her desire shall be unto him. What is the implied truth there? If your desire is unto the Serpent, your desire is no longer unto Jehovah. Jehovah divorced her when she went with another man, which really was not even a man, but which was a lesbian. That is the truth. If you are hearing this tape and it offends you, I am sorry, but it is the truth. When Jehovah said to Adam, it is not good for a man to be alone, He was saying, Adam, I have divorced you and you are now alone. I separated from you. The Scripture is a parable and you have to comprehend it. You have to pray about it. If you take every word literally without thinking about it, without meditating on it, you will benefit from it because there is life in it, but you will not benefit from it on the depth or on the level that is going to raise you up out of hell. You have to know the truth.
Jesus said, you have to know the truth if you want to be set free. The pharisees thought that they knew it all, and Jesus said that there was nothing he could do for them. The truth is that we are a fallen creation. All you pharisees are teaching all the young people and all the mature people in your church that Jehovah made a man and a woman so that they could live happily ever after in this hellish realm under a form of marriage which only exists under the curse. If you want to continue to believe that and hold your marriage seminars, and exalt this fallen lifestyle, you do it, but you shall surely die in your sins. That does not mean that you cannot have a good life with marriage, and family life, and children, but to deny that there is something better is a denial which is producing death in your life. That is the truth.
I hear a question in somebody’s mind. I do not know whether it is somebody here or it is somebody who is hearing this message in the spirit, and will be getting the tape. What could be better than a good family life with marriage and children, and everything else that is a blessing in that lifestyle? Brethren, there is something better. What is it? Marriage to Christ Jesus is better. You see, what is it that Paul said in 1 Corinthians, Chapter 7? He said marriage is a good thing, but to remain a virgin is better. Nobody preaches it today, but that was what Paul said. We found the same witness in the prophets, in Zephaniah, I think. It is a good thing. It is a fine thing. A wife is a fine thing, and family life, and children.
It is a fine thing, but it is not the best. If you are satisfied with it, that is wonderful, but do not lie about it, because your lie is mind control that goes forth into the realm of the spirit and it hurts the people who Jehovah has called to full stature in this hour. Now it is very important that you understand this because there are people in the Church and in the world who will deny that there is something better because they do not want to admit that they do not have the best. Brethren, everybody does not have to have the best. You do not have to have the best. You do not have to be the richest person in the world. You do not have to have the most handsome husband in the world.
Every one of your children does not have to be a doctor or a lawyer. You do not have to have perfect health. You do not have to be better looking than your friend. You do not have to have nicer clothes. You do not have to be the best to be happy. What does the Scripture say? Be content with what you have. Do not let me be in poverty, Lord, but neither do I desire riches. Riches can be a snare that will keep you out of the kingdom of heaven. Be content with what you have. Do not covet what your neighbor has. Be grateful for everything that you have. Everybody is not called to full stature in this hour. If you have a blessed family life, be grateful for it, but do not lie and say that there is nothing better because pride in you does not want to admit that you are not, or that you do not have the best.
That is what people do. A lot of people do it. I am here today to try to help you to understand that your denial goes forth with a spiritual power which is called witchcraft, and it touches through the realm of the spirit the people who are called to full stature in this hour. Maybe you are not and that is okay. Your mind control touches people who are trying to live for God, who God has called to a celibate lifestyle, who God has called to a single lifestyle, who God has not given a rich family life, for a specific purpose. In Isaiah 54:1, He says, O you barren, ye shall have more children than the married wife.
There are people who are called to this, and there is a group of people in this world, whether they are consciously aware of it or not, they are so selfish and so determined that if they do not have the best, no one else will have it either, that they set their mind against this aspect of the word of God that says, O ye barren, ye shall have more children than the married wife. There are people out there that do not have what you have. They do not have your family life. They do not have a wife. They do not have a husband. There are people in this world who are so selfish that they would deny this category of people who do not have what they have. They would deny them the blessings of God because they would not allow anyone to have something that they do not have.
Does anyone not know what I am talking about? There are people like this in the world. It does not matter to them that they have the husband, and the wife, and the family, and the other person does not. That does not matter. The other person cannot have anything that they do not have. They will not tolerate it. Their denial that there is something else or something that Jesus Christ calls better like marriage to God. Their denial goes forth with such strength that it becomes a warfare against the minds of the people to whom this lifestyle of marriage to Christ Jesus are called. It is a manifestation of pride that says you cannot have something that I do not have. It is a spirit of murder going forth from your mind.
You are murdering the person who is suffering in denial because they are called to a lifestyle that you do not have. Some of you may be called to it, and are rejecting it, and others may not be called to it. You are murdering the people who are trying to follow Christ Jesus. I tell you right now, wherever this message is going, and I do not think it is anybody here, wherever this tape is going, I am telling you right now that judgment is going to fall on you for it because you are murdering the people who are trying to follow Christ Jesus, and are submitted and willing to have a lifestyle of marriage to God, forsaking the things of this world. It is a spirit of murder. It is a spirit of envy, and it is a spirit of pride. Jezebel is probably involved also.
In due season the Lord will require a recompense from you because your heart is evil towards these other people. It is very difficult in this fallen condition to have an existence without a family life. It is difficult going against the path of society. It is painful, and if your mind and your envy is putting more pain on these people, who are trying to live for Christ, the day will come that the Lord will recompense you. I do not know why I am preaching this this morning. Somebody has to hear it. Is it you? I did not think so. Somebody has to hear it. Maybe it is for some of your children. I am not sure. Maybe it is for some of your children. Likewise, this is for all of your adult children who are envious and resisting the fact that their parents are called to a marriage to Christ Jesus, when they have fulfilled their obligations to you.
I know how nice it is when you have small children, you want the grandparents around, but the truth of the matter is that you, the parents, have the primary obligation to your children. It is a wonderful thing to have grandparents around helping you and blessing you. If it happens that the Lord Jesus has called your parents, or the grandparents of your children, to serve God at this stage of their life, and you are resisting it and hating it, and praying against it because of a spirit of envy, or because of a spirit of pride that wants the grandparents there to help you with babysitting or whatever else, when it is not their primary responsibility, and you are opposing your parents walk with God for this reason, the Lord will not tolerate it. He is going to step in and there will be a recompense.
If you need help raising your children, everybody needs help raising their children, you pray to the Lord Jesus and ask Him to provide the help that He is supplying for you. You cannot assume that it is your parents, and you cannot fight against God if your parents are called into the service of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is for somebody’s children right here. If they do not let go of this ungodly mind set, the Lord is going to make them let go, because it is a selfishness that is possessing a parent that has been called into the service of Christ Jesus.
It is a mind that is opposing their service of God with all the strength that it has for a selfish purpose. The Lord has spoken to them and told them not to do this, and they close their ears and harden their heart, and the Lord is going to move to reconcile this situation. He is very angry and He is very tired of this opposition that is coming from a child who is a believer. Jesus. That was under the anointing. I had no idea I was going to say this. Alleluia.
Continuing with Job 41:31. He maketh the deep to boil like a pot: he maketh the sea like a pot of ointment. To render an accurate translation of this verse we are going to have to restate the English. You may recall that we have done this several times. What I am saying to you is that when I give you the alternate translation that I have, I would expect you to have a lot of trouble following me if you are trying to relate it to the English translation. The King James translators probably moved the Hebrew words around so that their Leviathan mind could make some sense out of it. So we are going to move the English words around. We are going to restate the English words. When you hear it, it will be in poor English, but from that position, as I reposition the words, I hope you will be able to follow me as I bring forth this translation.
This is the restated verse 31. He maketh to boil like a pot the deep, the sea. Basically, what I have done is I have taken the first phrase of Job 41:31, He maketh the deep to boil like a pot and I have added to that phrase the words he maketh the sea, which is in the second phrase. I am saying to you that the King James translators put the colon in the wrong place. It should have included the phrase, he maketh the sea, in the first part of Job 41. The reason they did not do that is if you take the words, he maketh the sea, and you make it a part of he maketh the deep to boil like a pot, he maketh the sea, what you are left with is an incomplete sentence. What you are left with is, he maketh like a pot of ointment. It makes no sense at all in the English. In the King James translation it makes no sense at all, but I hope to show you that it makes sense with the spiritual translation that comes forth under the revelation of the Spirit of Christ.
He maketh to boil like a pot, the deep the sea. Maketh to boil is Strong’s #7570 and it merely means boil. That is an easy one. He maketh to boil. The next word I have here is deep. I do not know why I went out of order, but let us follow my notes. The deep is Strong’s #4688. We are told it is a deep place of water or mud; the bottom; the deep; the depth. I suggest to you that this word signifies this visible physical world which we have been taught in many of our studies is a black hole. It is the abyss. It is the bottomless pit. It is the exact opposite of the high place where Jehovah and the Lord Jesus Christ are. Of course, Jehovah and the Lord Jesus Christ are one.
If anyone listening to this tape is confused or thinking that I am a Jehovah’s Witness because I speak about Jehovah a lot, I am not a Jehovah’s Witness. I do believe that Jesus Christ is God, and that He always was, is now, and always shall be. The reason I use the name Jehovah from time to time as the Spirit leads me is because we are doing a study in the Old Testament. Technically, the Lord Jesus Christ is not in the Old Testament. The name of God which appears in the Old Testament is Jehovah. I believe that when the Lord Jesus Christ was raised from the dead and ascended on high, when He said I return unto my Father, He became one with Jehovah.
It is like a river flowing back into the ocean. How can you tell which water was from the river and which water was from the ocean? So I believe there is no difference between Jehovah and the Lord Jesus Christ. They are one in the same, but sometimes I say Jehovah for the purpose that I just stated, and sometimes for clarity, and sometimes I do it because you never know when a Jewish person will be willing to listen to a tape on the Old Testament. Many close their ears as soon as they hear the Lord Jesus. As the Lord leads me, I may say Jehovah or I may say the Lord Jesus. For the record, I believe they are one in the same. Amen.
We are saying he maketh to boil like a pot, the deep, the sea. To boil means to boil and the deep is this visible physical world, which is ninety nine percent water. How is the Lord Jesus making this world boil? What is the source of heat? Anybody? Yes, the fire of God. More specifically, the lake of fire. So when we see this visible physical world come into contact with the lake of fire, the water of this world system is not going to put out the fire, but the fire of our God is going to boil and evaporate the water of this world system. The result of that boiling and evaporation is that Eve, the human spirit, is set free. The human spirit, who is symbolized as salt, is suppose to be the preservative of this visible physical world. She is failing to preserve anything because she has been dissolved. She has been completely joined to, and dissolved in the spirit known as Satan, and she is completely under his dominion. So she is not only not preserving anything, but she is being used by Satan to do destruction. We know that salt water is not drinkable. It is not edible. It is poison to any human being who drinks it. So she, who was designed to be a he, and to give life, to be the breath of life in this creation, is in a form now which is imparting death to this people. Amen.
This is speaking about Jehovah now. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end. The secrets of God are in the heart of God, and the heart of God is a world. I believe the apostle James speaks about a world of iniquity being in our heart or being in our mind. The mind is a world, and this visible world that we see outside of us is an illusion. I like to remind you what we have studied. This world is an image, an illusion which is projected by the mind which is the venue, and actually the mind which has incarnated you. You see, everybody has a God. Everybody has a God.
Human beings who think that they have no God are spiritually ignorant and foolish because the way we come into being is that some spirit must incarnate us. Every whole human being that you see is an incarnation or an expression of some spirit, either Satan or the Lord Jesus Christ. Either you are an expression of Satan or you are an expression of the Lord Jesus Christ. You could not exist if there was not a spirit to incarnate you. Any spirit is a god compared to someone who is a soul, because the weakest spirit is stronger than the strongest soul man. Does anybody know the scripture on that? Jesus said it. John the Baptist, He said, is the greatest prophet that was produced before the sons of God appeared in the earth.
Jesus also said the least in the kingdom of heaven, the human being who has just conceived Christ in him is greater. Christ may not be manifesting or may not be active in you. You could be a brand new baby who has just conceived Christ Jesus, but you are greater than the greatest prophet that the past age has ever produced who was John the Baptist. Now you may not be functioning as the greatest in this hour and this is the mystery. This is going on today all over the Church world. We see men who have the gifts of the Spirit who have not conceived Christ Jesus, who are great in their element, in the Pentecostal Church world. They may be doing great miracles, and signs and wonders, and feeding the poor. They may be great men as this world measures greatness.
Standing right next to them might be a beggar man, someone physically poor, someone physically sick, or maybe someone mentally retarded. Jesus said, the human being in whom Christ Jesus has been conceived, even though Christ Jesus may not be manifesting out of that vessel at that moment, when the Lord looks at the two men, the one who has conceived Christ Jesus is greater than the greatest man that is manifesting the imputed anointing, the loaned authority of God in this world system. This is a great mystery that the fallen mind of man could probably never comprehend. But when Jesus says this, He is speaking about potential. He is speaking about potential. He is the one who calls things that were not as though they were. He does not look at you the way you are now. He looks at you as the one that He intends to mold you into.
So for anybody to say, how could I ever be a son or how could I ever have a place in the kingdom, this is a manifestation of pride. You need to confess it as sin and repent, because what you are expressing when you say this or when you think that, this is a lack of faith in Jesus Christ’s ability to make you into what He has called you to be. It is a form of mind control along the lines of the exhortation and what was said at the beginning of this message. You are setting your mind against what Jesus Christ has said He is doing. If there are other people in your life who are not in full stature, whose mind is vulnerable, they may have a problem believing Jesus Christ, and they may be more inclined to believe you, and then you are drawing everyone else into your sin.
If you are not drawing them into your sin, you are making life difficult for them. If they are trying to think with the mind of Christ, and they are listening to you because they love you, or they are trying to help you, you are working against their faith. So this is a very serious thing. I recommend that you all pray every time you feel led to do it. I do not want to put you into any bondage, but pray frequently for the Lord to help you to believe the word of God. If you are in His kingdom and He has put you in a fellowship where He has given you the opportunity to hear this glorious word, if you have any kind of a place in a ministry where Christ Jesus is alive and manifesting, ask Him to help you to be grateful for whatever role you are performing in this moment, and to fulfill whatever He has purposed to do in you, and to let you be content with it.
Now He will never fault you for saying, Lord, I would like to be a son and I would like to stand up in full stature, but whatever, Lord, right here at this minute, this day, this hour, this second, let me serve you to the fullest that you will permit me to do, and let me be content. You see, the mind of man wants security. When the Lord first called me to the ministry, and I tell you this testimony with all humility, and I am laughing at myself. I told Him I would never quit my secular job unless I had a full year’s salary in the bank. I wanted $30,00.00 in the bank before I quit my job. This is a joke. When I told Him that I was very serious. The only security that the Lord Jesus gives you is Himself. See, He does not give you that security of I promise you you’ll be a son, so you serve me because I promised you. No, you serve Him because He has called you to serve Him. You do not serve Him because He has given you a year’s salary in the bank.
It is just the foolishness of the mind of man because He could have given me a whole year’s salary in the bank. He could have put $30,000.00 in the bank and it would have lasted one year, and then what? It was much better to come into His service without any security knowing that He was with me for the duration of my service to Him, which hopefully will be the rest of my days on this earth, if I do not stand up in full stature. What good is one year’s salary, and likewise be aware, because this could be a spirit of lust in you.
If you are lusting for a calling in His kingdom to the extent that you are wanting Him to assure you that He will give it to you, you are robbing yourself of the gratification that you should be experiencing for whatever service He has given you today, no matter how humble that service is. If your mind is on something in the future, and you are obsessed with it, you cannot possibly be fully appreciating the work that He has given you to do today. That I tell you from experience is the truth. Take it a day at a time and be grateful that you have any part of His kingdom at all. Have faith in Him to do good things for you. Have faith in God. He is the only decent one in this earth, and the people through whom He is manifesting Himself. He is the only good thing around. He is the only reliable one.
You follow people and you love people as they follow Christ. You have good friends in Christ Jesus. I am not telling you not to love people so long as they are a vessel through which Christ Jesus is appearing. But in that day, I hope it does not happen, but should it happen that Christ Jesus is not appearing in them anymore, you had better pray very heavily about that relationship because we are just clay, brethren. It is just Christ Jesus in the person that is loving you, and it is Christ Jesus in the person that is blessing you, and it is Christ Jesus in the person that is helping you. If that person goes away, or anything happens, or their mind reverts back to Leviathan, the Lord will send other clay pots to you, through which He is revealing Himself, to meet your need. So you had better make sure your love is for Christ Jesus and His manifestations in the earth, and not for the clay. If you love the clay, you will surely be let down and disappointed.
Well, I am being very long winded this morning, but we will go with the Spirit. We have plenty of time. We have this service and tonight’s service to get these last four verses out. So why did I give you this verse, Ecclesiastes 3:11? I gave you this verse to point out to you, or to remind you, that the world is in your heart. The world is in your heart, and this image that we see, this visible world, is an illusion. It is an image which is projected by the mind which is in us. There is no mind unless there is a god that lives in the mind. The god is the spirit. He weaves the garment, which is the mind, and together the god through his mind, projects your physical appearance, your body, as well as the world outside of you.
We are dealing with He maketh to boil like a pot the deep the sea. This visible physical world is going to boil. Well, this visible physical world is just an illusion. My whole point is that which is going to boil is the mind which has produced the image. That which must boil is the mind which has produced the image. That which must boil is the mind which has produced the image. If you think that this visible world is going to boil, it would be like having a mirror set up in this room, and if you saw some dirt on my hand, you went to the mirror to try to scrub the dirt off of my hand. It is worthless. You have got to come to the source that is projecting the image if you are going to make any change.
The Lord Jesus Christ fully intends to change this world, and replace this place of deterioration and corruption into a glorious place. He is not correcting the image out here. You see, men try to correct the image out here. They come up with chemicals and machines and all kinds of plans that are going to fix this image, but you will never fix this image until you correct the source that is producing the image. The source that is producing the image is the spirit that is dwelling inside the mind that is inside of men.
In this hour every human being on the face of the earth is a leaf on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We are all one tree. Our mind is all one mind. In our consciousness we are individuals. What does that mean? It means in our personality. I will give you a better definition of personality as we go on. I will wait until I come to that place in my notes. In our personality we are individuals, but in the unconscious part of our mind, we are one, in the spirit, which is in our mind.
Paul says be ye renewed in the spirit of your mind. There is a spirit in your mind. Sometimes we call that spirit the unconscious part of your mind. There is just one spirit that is incarnating every human being on the face of the earth in this hour. His name is Satan. He is your foundation. Satan is your foundation. He is the spirit which permits you to exist, to appear in this world system. Actually, what I said was not technically correct. Technically it is the Dragon who is incarnating you, but once you appear, the Dragon’s name changes to Satan in an incarnated man. Once you are incarnated, it is Satan in the unconscious part of your mind who is your foundation. So the Dragon incarnates you, and when you are incarnated you are built on a foundation, and the foundation that you are built on is Satan. God has given us all these technicalities here. He has just asked me to clarify that for you. Jesus.
So the Lord is going directly to the source of your existence. He is going directly to your god. This is a shock to all you pharisees, but your true god is Satan. Your god is the spirit who is the foundation upon which your existence rests. I preached this before. Jesus Christ is the invading force. He is moving in your life in this hour, and He is waging war for the specific purpose of erecting a second foundation in you. When that foundation is fully and firmly established in you, He will be able to destroy the foundation known as Satan, at which point your very existence will be resting upon the Lord Jesus Christ.
As far as I know the only one who has experienced this is the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself. In this hour there is no one in the earth that is experiencing it. It was only the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself, who had this experience. It was Jehovah, Himself, that came in and became His foundation. All you pharisees do not like to hear it, but Jesus said I will tell you the truth and the truth will set you free. I am telling you the truth.
Paul clearly tells us in Romans, Chapter 7, to act as though you are divorced. Jesus Christ is your new husband, but in reality He is not your husband. He said count your husband as dead. What does that mean? Rebel against him. Disobey him, and acknowledge Jesus Christ as your true husband. But it is not a reality yet. Satan is not dead, and every time you reject Satan’s commandment and obey the Lord Jesus Christ’s commandment, Satan is going to punish you. For anyone who serves the Lord Jesus Christ in this hour, in the condition that humanity is in today, with any kind of strength, they are continuously punished by Satan.
They are continuously punished by Satan. They are continuously punished for your rebellion and your disobedience against the god that holds your existence in his hands. It is continuous punishment for your joining and giving comfort to the enemy, the Lord Jesus, who is here to destroy him. Torment and punishment from the god who has the right to kill you. He has the right to kill you because when you were born into this world, when you were incarnated by the Dragon, you came into a place where you are in submission to the lord Satan.
Now if you are serving the Lord Jesus Christ and the Lord Jesus Christ wants to preserve you alive, for whatever His reason, He must intervene and override Satan’s authority to keep you alive. Satan has the right to kill you. Satan has the right to kill me. He has the right to make us sick. He has the right to torment us and bring all kinds of trouble into our lives. We are his subjects. We are the subjects of his kingdom.
Therefore, says the Lord, do not go up into the battle against the rulers, and the powers, and the principalities of this world unless I have sent you. If you go up against the rulers, and powers, and principalities of this world, and I have not sent you, they might kill you, because I am only intervening on the part of those whom I have called and sent. I am only overriding Satan’s authority to kill you in the men whom I have truly called and sent. This is how I know that my God is on my side. My enemies do not triumph over me. Satan cannot kill me. There is nothing he can do to me. There is no torment, there is no trouble, there is no pain, that he can bring into my life that the Lord Jesus will not see me through. He will not only see me through it, but He will turn it around and work it for my good.
I want to tell you, if there is a servant in the kingdom anywhere, if there is a servant in the Church anywhere, that dies, it is because the Lord Jesus did not override Satan’s authority to take that man’s life. Now why would the Lord Jesus not have overridden Satan’s authority to take his own servant’s life? Well, I do not know, but I will give you a multiple choice. He may have looked like his servant, but he was not his servant. That is the first choice. The second choice is the work that the Lord called him to do was done, and the Lord Jesus made a judgment that this man would not be used anymore. It was not necessarily because he was not faithful, for whatever the Lord’s reason, He is going to another vessel to carry on this work.
Satan has full authority over this world. The only thing that stops him from making this world an eternal torment worse than it is is God. I watched the news today. I do not even want to turn the news on anymore. I watched the 700 Club the other day, and I am told that there is active slavery going on in this world in Africa and the Middle East, where they are taking people and branding them, and selling them for as little as fifteen dollars into a lifetime of slavery. These are young men and women. Do you have any question that this place is hell?
Why does Jehovah not stop that? Why does the Lord Jesus not stop that? It is because what is happening to you is happening to you because you have been subjected to a world which is ruled by Satan. The reason you have been subjected to this world is what? What is the reason you are subjected to this world? Sin is the reason. Sin has subjected you to this world, and Satan has authority to torment you, and ultimately kill you. God is not allowing it. Sin has placed you underneath the tormentor. You did it all by yourself. Jesus said I did not come to judge you. There is one who judges you. Who is that? Moses judges you. You have broken the law and you were justly placed in a penal colony called hell. Now to serve the Lord’s purposes, because He said I will have mercy upon whom I will have mercy, and I do not answer to any man, He might override Satan’s authority in certain situations.
If you want help getting free of Satan’s tormenting power over you, you had better start crying out to the Lord Jesus because He is not allowing anything. Satan has all power over you, except where the Lord Jesus intervenes. Satan has a right to you. You were sold unto him. The Lord sold us under sin. We belong to Satan. We are his bond servants. Any good thing we have in this world is because the Lord Jesus has intervened on our behalf. If your life is basically good, you are a trustee, and you have got privileges in hell. Jesus.
Well, I am going with the Spirit. (Laughter) This is going to be a long message. We are still on verse 31. He maketh to boil like a pot the deep the sea. So this whole world system is boiling like a pot when it comes in contact with the fire of God. Once again, I point out to you what happened in this world is the exact opposite of what happens in the spirit. The natural laws of this world are broken when we speak about spiritual things. In this world when fire comes up against water, the water puts out the fire. Water is stronger than fire in this world. When you mix oil and water in this world, the oil beads up. The water is stronger than the oil in this world. I remind you that fire and oil are both symbols for the Lord. Fire is the symbol of His Spirit and oil is the symbol of the increase of His Spirit, Christ Jesus. But in the spiritual world the laws are different. The laws are reversed.
Let me back up a little. The reason water puts out fire in this world is that the powers and principalities have authority. Here is your witness right here. The evil in this world is stronger than the good. The evil in this world is stronger than the good. We are waiting for righteousness to appear in this world, righteousness which is stronger than evil and good. Jesus. I have two more witnesses for you. I do not think I finished my point. In the spiritual world the fire lapses up the water. Is this not what happened when Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal? Did not God break the laws of this world? Jehovah broke the laws of this physical world system through the prophet Elijah when the fire lapped up the water.
So we see that in this miraculous event, in which the Lord manifested through Elijah, the fire that appeared was not the fire of this world, because the fire of this world is weaker than the water of this world. It was a spiritual fire. It was the fire of righteousness, not the fire of good. It was the fire of righteousness that licked up the water of this world. In this spiritual world of God, the oil which is Christ Jesus, the increase of God, is stronger than the water of this world. The oil of the increase, the oil of Christ Jesus, will not bead up when it comes in contact with the water of this world. Christ Jesus is more powerful than the spiritual water or the spiritual power of the Serpent, which is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Jesus.
Two more witnesses that the sea will dry up, and dry up as a result of being boiled. This is Jehovah speaking in the second half of Isaiah 50:2. Behold, at my rebuke I dry up the sea, I make the rivers a wilderness: their fish stinketh, because there is no water, and dieth for thirst. The lake of fire, which is the Spirit of Christ, which abides in the mind of Christ, which is the Word of God, which mind abides in the man Christ Jesus, which is your new man; spirit; mind; soul. The man is a soul. Spirit, mind, soul, Spirit of Christ, mind of Christ, whose name is the Word of God, and Christ Jesus, the soul man who was possessed of the Spirit of Christ through the mind of Christ. Have you all got that? Okay. Praise the Lord.
We see that the Lord is saying at my rebuke I dry up the sea. What is His rebuke? It is His judgment. What is His judgment? It is the lake of fire. When I manifest the lake of fire, the sea will dry up. The spirit which is incarnating this dead fallen creation will evaporate. He will be separated from his power source, which is the human spirit, and will cease to exist. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Thank you Lord.
Their fish stinketh. Fish refer to the existence in the unconscious mind. I do not really have that one hundred percent straight yet, but one's unconscious mind. Fish are cold blooded. Externally we are warm blooded. Fish refers to some aspect of the mind. I do not really have it straight yet. Their fish stinketh because there is no water and dieth for thirst. So those of us who are existing because of the spirit of Satan are going to dry up and die of thirst because we will not have a mind. Therefore, the Lord is not going to dry up our mind until the mind of Christ is ready to kick in and fully carry our existence.
You see, we have the mind of Christ, those of us in whom Christ is being formed. We have the mind of Christ, but He is not mature enough to sustain our existence. How do I know that? I believe with all my heart if He was mature enough to sustain our existence the Lord would make the transfer. He would circumcise Leviathan off of our souls. He would dry up Satan, the spirit that is in Leviathan, and He would free us from that wicked mind. Why would He waste any time at all?Therefore, I am convinced that there are many in whom Christ Jesus is conceived. How do I know that? The Lord said the fields are white to harvest, but the laborers are few.
It is not enough, brethren. I have just done some construction on a house. It is not enough to have the materials. It is not enough to have all the parts. It is not enough to have the tiles for your floor. You have to have somebody lay it down, and put it in, and get it functioning. It is not enough to have the fans even up on the ceiling. The wiring has to be connected to the switches. There are many, probably millions, who have conceived Christ Jesus, but you have got to hook up the wiring. The way you hook up the wiring is by tearing down the old wiring. They came into my house and ripped the wallpaper off the walls. They took the medicine cabinet and the light fixtures out. The house looked like it was wrecked.
I started to panic when I first looked at it. Then the construction men came in and they put it back together again, and it looked like new. You have to rip out the old wiring, brethren, before you can start using the new wiring. It is not going to happen automatically. You have to rip out the old. You have to destroy the old, but the old does not want to go, so you have a war on your hands. The whole kingdom Church, with maybe a few exceptions, the formal kingdom Churches, as far as I know, everyone is writing that has international newsletters that I know about, they are all out there telling you to sit back and relax. Just one morning you are going to wake up and the transference will have taken place. What a lie. It is a lie.
You are going to be left ashamed. You are going to be left ashamed because you did not fight the fight. Paul said, do everything you can to stand, and when you have done everything that you can to stand, then you have to stand. How do you stand? You have to kill the guy that has his foot on your neck that is keeping you down. Why would Paul say something like that? Now that you have done everything you can, to stand. Do you not know that you are suppose to stand? Well, I guess not. If Paul said that, there must be a lot of people that do not know they are suppose to stand up. Well who would not know they are suppose to stand up?
Maybe they think they are standing, but they are not. Maybe because they are not in poverty anymore, that they are standing. Maybe because the Lord put their marriage back together, they think that they are standing. Maybe because the Lord healed their disease, they think that they are standing, but they are not. The Lord has just had mercy on you down here in hell. So long as you are aging, so long as you get sick, and so long as you have any reason to believe that you will die, you are not standing. I tell you the truth.
Isaiah 51:10; Art thou not it which hath dried the sea, the waters of the great deep; that hath made the depths of the sea a way for the ransomed to pass over? Well, since I am being so long winded this morning anyway, I would like to take a minute to give you some revelation on this verse which just hit me between the eyes as I plugged it into my notes for this message. I have not looked up the Hebrew words, but I do believe I have heard from the Lord.
I have seen this verse before. I never really understood how a dried up sea could be a way for the ransomed to pass over, but the Lord told me last night when I was working on this, that when the sea dries up, it frees the human spirit. The human spirit is crucified by the Lord Jesus and increases into Christ Jesus, who is the door, which is the way for the ransomed, those of us that have been bought by the presence of Christ Jesus in our mind. He is the door. He is the way that our human spirit will pass through and pass over from death unto life. So that is how drying up the sea makes a way for the ransomed to pass over. That really blessed me. I hope it blesses you. Does anybody not understand what I just said?
Continuing with Job 41:31. I have been preaching for a whole hour and I am still on the first half of the first verse. Praise God. He maketh to boil like a pot the deep the sea. Like a pot is Strong’s #5518. It is from a primitive root which means to boil up. The idea of the word is to spring up rapidly; to spring up rapidly. I am going to suggest to you what this phrase is saying, is that when the Lord boils the spirit that is forming the image of this world, He evaporates what is going to spring up rapidly. What spirit? Well, when the spirit that is forming the image of this world is boiled to the point of disappearing, the Spirit of Christ is going to rise up rapidly and produce the image of the kingdom of the two heavens to take its place.
To boil up rapidly refers to increase. It refers to increase. It is not the human spirit, but it is the increase of the human spirit, which is Christ Jesus. We found this principle, I am pretty sure when we did Zephaniah, somewhere in one of the three chapters, probably 2 or 3. It most likely was Chapter 3 of the book of Zephaniah. We found this principle where the Scripture is using words which refer to the fermenting of wine and fermentation. Christ Jesus is the increase. So as Satan is rebuked, as Satan in our minds is rebuked, he begins to dry up. Remember everything God does is a process. Everything He does is a process. Nothing happens overnight.
If it looks like it happens overnight, it is because it has been happening for God only knows how long. We just were not aware of it. So when the sea is rebuked, when the sea comes in contact with the Spirit of Christ, as that sea is evaporating, Christ Jesus is springing up rapidly. As He springs up, the Spirit of Christ in that man, Christ Jesus, is going to be forming a whole new mind in you, which will be projecting a whole new image, a whole new life, a whole new world. The world will not be physical, but visible and spiritual at the end of the procedure.
Right now He is changing our life. He is changing our mind. He is changing our thinking. Although we have not stopped dying yet, to the best of my knowledge, He is healing a lot of us. He is healing our family life. He is healing our finances. A lot of things are changing, but at some point He is going to spring up so rapidly, and with such strength that He is going to change our external flesh through preservation. He is actually going to change our physical external circumstances. He will actually change or convert the world that we live in. To the best of my knowledge, the only one that that has happened to so far is the Lord Jesus, but it is going to happen to all of us, Lord willing.
He maketh to boil like a pot the deep the sea. The sea is Strong’s #3220 is from an unused root meaning to roar. It is from a root that is referring to the noisy surf. It is a sea with regard to the aspect of the sea being noisy. Another translation which comes from one of our lexicons, Gesengus or Brown, Driver and Briggs. I did not make a note on it. This word sea can also be translated the west, or although he says rarely, it can sometimes be translated the south. You may recall that the western quarter in this world signifies this visible physical world. The way we are saying it, it is the spiritual, visible world. The south describes the visible spiritual world, and the southern quarter is the visible expression of the mind of Christ, and the visible physical world is the visible expression of the Serpent’s mind, which is Leviathan.
The fact that this world that we live in is physical is speaking about the reality of its unchangeability. Everything is hard. The earth is hard. The trees are hard. If you want to cut down a tree it takes power. Everything is hard. Its form is set. The form of the earth is set, but in the visible spiritual world, the form is not set. I really do not have much information about what our existence will be like when we abide in the visible spiritual world. The only information that I have is Jesus. Jesus has passed into the visible spiritual world in which world He now can take any form that He wants. He can be a ball of light. He can look like the man, Jesus of Nazareth. He can take any form that He wants to.
That is the only information that I have about what it will be like for the individual. I have no information at all as to what the external circumstances will look like. I just know one thing, and I believe it in principle, is that it will be changeable. It will be changeable. This is very interesting because I do my research on a computer. I use a computer. The Lord recently blessed me very much. He let me switch over to a new program, which is a windows environment. Let me try and keep it simple. What I am trying to tell you is that the program that I am using now is in such a form that if I have, Lord, how do I explain this?
Some of you may have looked at the tape lists and the encyclopedic index. I can have the word Jesus written across it. With this program I can make that word Jesus as big or as small as I want it. I can turn it to the left. I can turn it to the right or I can expand it horizontally. I can expand it vertically. It is changeable. The environment, which means the screen that I work with in the computer, the words in it are changeable, the letters in it are changeable. You just go click, click, click, and you do anything you want with it. You turn it to the left, you turn it to the right, you make it bigger, you make it smaller, you make straight lines, you make curved lines. It is that easy.
This is what the visible spiritual world is going to be like. I cannot even imagine having a tree that is changeable. I do not know what that means, but I know in principle that that is what is coming, and that this world, which is Satan’s world right now, is already doing things along the lines of what the spiritual world will be like, but it is Satan’s way of doing it. I am talking about a computer now, and I am saying lines on a computer that are straight lines, I can make a curved line out of it.
Now let us compare that to the old way of writing up a set of notes like this. How would you do it? You would use a typewriter, or even in the earlier programs on the computer, you typed an A and it was an A. You typed a D and it was a D. When you worked off a typewriter, you hit the A and you had a thin arm with a dye cut A on it, that would strike your paper through a ribbon. It was a piece of metal that had the letter A engraved in it. It could never be anything except an A. It was rigid. It was permanent like this world. Then the next thing that the ingenuity of this world developed was what they called a dot matrix printer. The typewriter or the printer that had a dye cut metal letter on it was called a daisy wheel.
Almost nobody uses a daisy wheel anymore. It is almost unheard of in computers. I guess with a typewriter you have to use a daisy wheel. Now they have a dot matrix printer. What does that mean? If you want to type an A, you have a printer that at lightning speed, types a series of minuscule dots so close to one another that it looks like it is a straight line, and they type them in the formation of an A. What is the benefit of that? Well, the element that types the little dots can form any letter. You do not have a dye cut letter for every letter of the alphabet. You have one element that all it does is type little dots, but you can control it as to what direction those dots make, so you know whether it is going to type an A or a D or a Z or a V.
Does anyone not know what I am talking about? Now we have the computer on the screen where you can do anything you want with the words. You have a moveable environment, movable, impermanent, adjustable environment. This world is rigid, immovable, unchangeable. A tree is a tree is a tree. A birch is a birch is a birch. An oak is an oak is an oak. All this is going to change. A human man is going to become a ball of light. More than that I do not know, but it is going to be very exciting. I do not know more. We are going to be visible. We are not going to be invisible now. Yes, we will be transparent, but not invisible. We are going to be seen. Jesus.
Let us go on. Remember the southern quarter is the visible spiritual world of God, which is an image projected by the mind of God. We can say that, that the southern quarter is the very mind of God. Remember also, that mind exists only in man, and is the offspring of the male spirit which has begotten or incarnated him in the soul of that man. Let me say that again. Mind exists only in man. Mind is an offspring of the male spirit which has joined with the soul and produced an increase, or has begotten or incarnated the mind in the soul of that man. The unconscious part of the mind is the god or the spirit which incarnated that mind. The conscious part of the mind is the personality of the soul in which the mind is begotten. Let me give you that again, and then I am going to tell you the difference between personality and mind.
The unconscious part of the mind is the god or the spirit which incarnated that mind. The conscious part of the mind is the personality of the soul in which the mind is begotten. The American Heritage Dictionary gives us this definition of personality. It is the sum total of the physical, mental, meaning mind, emotional, meaning soul, and social characteristics of an individual. It is the organized pattern of behavioral characteristics of the individual. It is also personality, the essential character of the person. Personality is the essential character of the person. The personality is the nature which results after the blessings and the curses on an individual’s life cancel each other out. Personality is that which a man is, that which results after the blessings and the curses cancel each other out.
Now if you have more curses than blessings, you are going to be a negative person. If you have more blessings than curses, you will be a positive person with a positive life. This world is an expression of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. There is a balance of good and evil in everyone’s life. Every individual is either an expression of good with some evil or an expression of evil with some good. Did you ever hear about a man that no matter what he does, it turns to gold? No matter how he fails, no matter how he messes up, everything good happens to him. He has heavy blessings on his life. Then there are some men, that no matter what they do, it does not work out. They can get all the breaks in the world and their life is just a disaster. Too many curses are on his life cancelling out the blessings.
The devil is the Serpent’s nature uninfluenced by any blessings that might be on that person’s family line. The devil is one hundred percent percent an expression of the Serpent. Christ Jesus is Jehovah’s nature completely uninfluenced by the devil. That is mind. We are talking about mind now. The mind of Christ is purely righteous. The mind of the devil, which is Leviathan, is purely evil if it could have its way, but personality is the result of the playoff of the good against the evil. Is everybody okay?
The name of a god or a spirit changes when that god changes his form. Jehovah’s name changes to the Spirit of Christ when He appears in the mind which He has begotten. The name of that mind is the Word of God. The southern quarter then is the mind of God and the image which that mind projects. That is the visible spiritual world. The unconscious part of the mind of God is the southern sea. The southern quarter is the mind of God. The southern sea is the unconscious part of that mind, and the unconscious part of the mind is the spirit or the god that has woven that mind. So the southern sea is the spirit or the god which has woven that mind. Therefore, the southern sea or the spirit of the southern quarter is the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit which has incarnated or which has woven the mind of Christ. It is the Spirit which has woven the mind of Christ.
Actually the Spirit that is weaving it is the Lord Jesus Christ, and when that mind is formed, the Spirit in it is the Spirit of Christ. Just like the Dragon incarnates fallen man, and once Leviathan, the mind of the Serpent is formed, the name of the Serpent in a formed man is Satan. We have the Lord Jesus Christ incarnating in men today. Once that mind of Christ is formed, the Spirit in the mind is called the Spirit of Christ. The name changes when that spirit is in the process of incarnating a mind or weaving a mind. He has one name when the mind is woven and when the spirit is residing in that mind, he takes another name. Jesus.
We finally got to the alternate translation here. Alternate Translation of the first half of Job 41:31. The visible physical world boils and the southern quarter springs up rapidly. When judgment falls on this world, the world of Christ Jesus springs up rapidly. Jesus said, when you see all these things happening, do not be afraid, but rejoice, because your deliverance draweth nigh. Judgment precedes deliverance. The visible physical world boils, and the southern quarter springs up rapidly.
Amplified Translation of the first half of Job 41:31. Satan is boiled as a sin offering. The human spirit is released and crucified by the Lord Jesus Christ and the visible spiritual world, which is Christ Jesus, rapidly springs up in his place. Satan is boiled as a sin offering. The human spirit is released, and crucified by the Lord Jesus, and the visible spiritual world, which is Christ Jesus, rapidly springs up in his place.
Continuing with the second half of Job 41:31. He maketh like a pot of ointment. It makes no sense in the English at all. He maketh like a pot of ointment. He maketh is Strong’s #7760 and it means to transform into or to be converted. To be converted sounds more scriptural. Like a pot of ointment is Strong’s #4841. We are told it is a seasoning such as spices. A pot of ointment can be translated a pot that is used for seasoning or the seasoning or the spice itself. The Concise Colombia Encyclopedia tells us that spice is an aromatic vegetable product used as incense, preservatives, and embalming agents. So we see that spice as salt. I honestly do not know whether salt is considered a spice or not. I do not think so, but it may be. It is a preservative.
Spice is a preservative, and the ancient Egyptians used it in embalming. I think the Hebrews used it too, actually. Incense in the New Testament typifies prayer. Romans 12:1 says; I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. That ye present your bodies; I really think the correct translation should be souls. Present your souls a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. This word translated like a pot of ointment also is feminine, so I suggest it is signifying the soul.
Traditionally the female sacrifices her life and defers all her desires to her husband’s when she submits herself for marriage. If the husband has to leave the geographical area because there is no work in New York, and he is offered a job in California, the wife is not suppose to say to the husband, I do not want to leave or I will not leave because the husband is the head of the family. He is the breadwinner, and she is suppose to go where he goes. I met a man not too long ago right here in this geographical area who was quite bitter. He had no work in Boston where he had a good job.
He had a highly skilled job in the medical field, but there was no work in Boston. He had lucrative work here in New York and his wife would not come with him. She outright refused to come with him because she would not leave her family in Boston. So he was renting a room in this area. He worked from Monday to Friday and paid the rent on the room, which I think was $300.00 or more a month. Then he commuted to Boston every weekend and went home for two days. It is costing him $300.00 a month plus the airfare four times a month. He must have been making a sizable amount of money for him to be doing that, but he was bitter that he did not have the comfort of his wife and his family.
It is not Godly unless there is something happening that I did not know about. As far as he told me there was no illness or no extenuating circumstances. She just would not leave her family. This is not Godly to refuse to go with your husband. You are suppose to be deferring to your husband. So we see spice typifying the female soul which is suppose to completely defer to the man in a marriage.
Alternate Translation of the second half of Job 41:31. He is. Who is He? Leviathan is transformed into a submissive wife. I do not know. Maybe the word should be the Serpent is transformed into a submissive wife. We see that the Serpent is married to Jehovah’s breath, which is designed to be the man. There is a marriage between the breath that Jehovah breathed into the dust and the dust. The dust is suppose to submit to the breath, but the dust, whose name is the Serpent, did not want to submit to the breath, who had increased into the mind of Christ. She went off doing her own thing, and the result of which was that the family split.
There was one tree. It was called the tree of life. In the midst of the tree of life was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which was suppose to be functioning as one tree under the direction of the tree of life. But the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, known as the Serpent, separated out by thought. She had a different thought from her husband, which resulted in a separation, which resulted in the fall of the creature which Jehovah formed. Here we see in Job 41:31 being told that this separated creation is going to be transformed into a submissive wife.
The hidden meaning in that statement is that this whole world is coming down. It should never have been erected in the first place. The Scripture tells us it is extraneous. This physical world is an extra orbit on the atom of creation. It is all coming down. All the works that the Serpent has created, which she had no authority to create, is going to dissolve and burn up and evaporate, and she is going to go back under the authority of Christ Jesus and be a submissive wife so that the creation can become whole and live.
This condition where the soul is separate from the mind, that Jehovah intended to be ruling in this creation is a perverse condition which has resulted in the death of the creature. The creature is a soul creature. The creature has a soul and a mind, and the creature died when the mind which was begotten of Jehovah separated from her. Mind in the creature in this hour is a mind which the creature, herself, has begotten in the soul. We are clearly told by the Lord Jesus that that which is born of the flesh is flesh, that which is born of the soul is soul.
A mind which is soul cannot sustain the life of the creature because the mind to sustain the life of the creature must be spirit. The mind is spirit. The mind which is begotten of the Spirit of God will give life to the creature, but the mind which is begotten by the creature itself, which is flesh, will only produce death because to be carnally minded is death. Carnal, coming from the Latin word meaning flesh. That mind which is fathered by the flesh itself will produce a flesh as opposed to a spirit mind, which will cause the whole creature to abide in a condition of death. It is not a lack of existence, but an existence which is called death in a place called hell. Jesus.
Alternate Translation of Job 41:31. Satan is boiled as a sin offering. The human spirit is released, and crucified by the Lord Jesus Christ, and the visible spiritual world, which is Christ Jesus, rapidly springs up in his place. He is transformed into a submissive wife.
Amplified Translation of Job 41:31. Satan is boiled as a sin offering. The human spirit is released and crucified by the Lord Jesus Christ, and the visible spiritual world rapidly springs up in his place when the devil is transformed into a submissive wife.
So we see that Satan is boiled. He is the unconscious mind, but the devil, the whole personality of the Serpent, is transformed into a submissive wife. You may recall in Genesis 1:25 the man, the creation, the creature that Jehovah formed, was changed into the devil when the creature died to his manhood and was reformed into a woman. The name of that woman is the devil. So we see that when Satan is boiled as a sin offering, the devil will be transformed into a submissive wife. Why? It is because Satan is the power source. Satan has the spiritual power.
The devil is the personality of the fallen man. The devil refers to the soul and mind together, the whole person, but the power source of fallen man is Satan. When Satan is boiled away, and his power destroyed, the devil will have no strength to sustain a separate existence apart from Jehovah. She will once again break apart and revert to being the Serpent who will be a submissive wife to the Lord Jesus.
Oh, I hear the pharisees screaming. They are just going nuts at the sound of this doctrine, but it is still the truth. I do have a witness for you about Satan being boiled as a sin offering. The first time the Lord ever spoke this concept to me, I was really amazed. It appeared first to me in Daniel, Chapter 7 Verse 19. We did that study several years ago, if you recall. I hit verse 19 and whatever the King James Translation was, I could not make any sense of it at all. It was a real miracle. I spent hours meditating on this alternate translation. Then the Lord just showed it to me in Hebrew Lexicons that the appropriate word could be translated boiling.
When I first brought forth the alternate translation that I am going to read to you now, I did not even understand what it meant. I just knew that I had heard from God. As the years went by, the Lord taught us what He meant. It was not until a year or two later. I preached it on faith, and I remember, if you listen to the Daniel 7 series, I am pretty sure you will hear me saying on those tapes that you have to pray about it. If you cannot receive it, that is okay, but that is what God told me. Now this concept of Satan being boiled as a sin offering, is very old hat to me. I do not think twice about it. At the time the Lord first showed it to me, however, it was shocking.
So here is the Alternate Translation for you of Daniel 7:19. Then I asked about the fourth living creature who was burning, that is judging the fallen dead creature, the creature’s carnal mind or his conscious mind, and boiling Satan, the unconscious mind, as a sin offering. He shall separate the human spirit from Satan and marry her. This is Daniel speaking. And I asked about the fourth living creature, who was burning or judging the dead creature’s conscious mind, and boiling Satan, the unconscious mind as a sin offering. That is amazing.
Continuing with Job 41:32. He maketh a path to shine after him; one would think the deep to be hoary. He maketh a path to shine after him. The English words, he maketh, are not separate Hebrew words. They are attached to the word to shine. The Interlinear reveals this word to be a translation of he maketh to shine. He maketh to shine is Strong’s #215 and it means to be luminous, to glow, to shine, or to set on fire. I believe we are going to choose the translation to set on fire, which actually we just read about in Daniel 7:19. He is burning or judging the fallen creature’s carnal mind.
So we are going to choose the translation of he maketh to shine, as to set on fire. He maketh a path or he maketh to shine a path. Path is Strong’s #5410 and can be translated path, pathway, a path that is trodden with the feet or a traveler. I suggest to you that this word is speaking about the path of the fallen earthen man as opposed to the spiritual path. We know the Scripture says there is a way which seemeth right unto man, or there is a path or lifestyle, which seemeth right to man, but the end, thereof, is destruction. We are going to translate this Hebrew word translated path to mean the pathway of the carnal life. He maketh to shine a path after him.
After him is Strong’s #310 and it means the hind part. The hind part, I suggest to you is speaking about the unconscious part of the mind. The unconscious part of the mind, as we have spent almost an hour talking about this morning, is the god that weaves that mind. The spirit which weaves the mind, and the threads that the mind is being woven of is the spirit himself, plus the spirit, which is the breath which has been breathed into the soul of man. Those are the two initial threads, the spirit doing the weaving, acting like a male, the spirit which has been breathed into the creature by Jehovah, and those two spirits join, forming the immature mind, and they have an increase. They increase into an offspring, which is either the man Christ Jesus or the woman, the devil, depending on who the father is. The spirit is the god that weaves the mind.
Alternate Translation of the first half of Job 41:32. He is the light which is the god of the man of the earth. He is the light which is the god of the man of the earth. Amplified Translation of the first half of Job 41:32. He is the spirit which is the god of the man of the earth, or we can say he is the god of the fallen dead creature; the one who is being boiled. Now please note that the Scripture has switched from speaking about Leviathan to speaking about Satan. What is the relationship between Leviathan and Satan? Leviathan is the completed mind of the Serpent in a man, and Satan is the spirit, which is in that mind, or the spirit which has woven that mind.
We can say that the mind of a man is his consciousness. I know in the past I have spoken to you about an unconscious mind and a conscious mind as if they are two completely separate things. You may have noticed recently I have been preaching it a little differently. We all have a mind and our mind is our consciousness. There is a part of that mind, however, which is unconscious. Can you hear the difference? It is not a conscious mind and an unconscious mind. There is a mind, and a part of the mind is unconscious. If you cannot hear the difference, do not worry about it.
This is how the Lord has shown it to me as He continues to reveal His wisdom in me. Satan is that part of Leviathan which is unconscious. How can I say that? It is because they are woven together. Satan and the Dragon, and Leviathan are all braided and interwoven into one fabric. So therefore, it is not accurate to say there is a conscious mind and an unconscious mind. Everything is all mixed up and interpenetrated together. So we have a mind, and part of that mind, or one of the threads in that mind is unconscious. That aspect of the mind which is unconscious is called Satan. He is the spirit which is the god of the man of the earth.
Then we further amplified it to say in the first half of Job 41:32, he is the god of the fallen dead creature. Satan is the god of the fallen dead creature, and the creature is the whole creature, soul and mind. The spirit in that creature is the god or the controlling factor of the whole creature. Every man who thinks he does not have a god is spiritually ignorant. Every individual appearing on the face of the earth has a god. He has a god. A large part of that god’s function is unconscious. He is controlling you.
Perhaps a horse would not know that he has a man sitting on his back. I do not know what a horse feels or what a horse thinks, unless he has been a free horse that has lived in the wilderness. If he is a horse that was born in captivity, who had a rider on his back from a very young age, or the youngest age you can put a rider on a colt’s back, he may not even know what existence could be like without a rider on his back.
If you are a human being and you do not think you have a god or a spirit controlling you, you just do not know what it is like to not have one. What it is like to not have one is to not exist. He has just been controlling you for so long that you think that it is normal. It is normal for you to have a spirit controlling you. What is not normal is that that spirit should be Satan and not the Lord Jesus Christ. It is normal to have a spirit controlling you, but it has to be the right spirit. He is the god of the fallen dead creature.
Continuing with the second half of Job 41:32. One would think the deep to be hoary. This one gave me a tough time last night. I think I must have spent an hour or two on just this phrase. I said, Lord, what in the world does this mean? One would think the deep to be hoary. There is no Hebrew word translated into one. The King James translators just put it in because they could not make any sense out of this at all. I cannot help repeating myself, but it just amazes me that all these people criticize us for changing the words around. If you have any kind of an open mind at all, all this information is available to everybody.
The King James translators added words. They took words out. They took all kinds of license in this translation. It is right in the reference books. It is right in Strong’s Concordance. What is wrong with these people? What is wrong with them is that they just do not want to hear the truth, and they will make up any excuse to not believe it. We spoke about that in the exhortation at the beginning of this message. If you do not want to believe it, that is okay, but when you set your mind, thinking with power that this is a lie, it is witchcraft power which is opposing the work of the Lord Jesus Christ, and it becomes sin. Why would anybody do that?
For whatever their reason, they choose not to believe this. Who knows what their reason is. They do not want to come. They made a decision not to come. Their husband gave them an ultimatum, me or that ministry, and you chose your husband. Well, that is fine with me, but why do you have to make me a false preacher because you have chosen to submit to an ungodly demand of your husband? This is the operation of Leviathan in the mind of a man. You are trying to make me unrighteous so that you do not have to admit the truth of what you have done, that you have turned your back on what God called you to.
I am preaching a lot in the spirit this morning, and I do not condemn you for choosing your husband over God. That is between you and God. I never condemned you for it, but you condemn me so that you should appear righteous. Do not be deceived because the Lord is long suffering. Do not be deceived because judgment does not fall right away, but calling the prophet of God unrighteous to cover your sin is a very serious offense. I will recompense, saith the Lord. Brethren, all I could tell you in my most humble opinion, we know judgment has been falling for months now on the country, and on the Church. There seems to be a lot of judgment falling in the spirit this morning. That is what it sounds like to me.
One would think the deep to be hoary. Would think is Strong’s #2803 and it means to plait. That is the English way of saying to braid. It also means to interpenetrate. It means to weave. That is interesting that a Hebrew word, translated would think, could mean to braid or interpenetrate or weave. The principle behind this word is that to come up with any kind of a thought requires a process of interweaving. Interweaving what? The mind of God, information that you take in with your eyes, information that you take in with your ears, information that you feel. You put all these things together, and this is all done unconsciously, and you come up with a thought. You look at a person, you hear what they have to say, you look at their movement, you look at the way they are dressed, and you draw a conclusion. You have an opinion of that person. Well at the very least, you know whether they are male or female; hopefully.
I was on the train riding into Manhattan with our guest from India a week ago, and we saw a person, and he could not tell their sex. He leaned over to me and said, sister, is that a man or a woman? The truth is that I actually had to meditate on that person’s appearance. I did not form my own opinion. I drew the conclusion just a few seconds before he asked me, that it was a male, based on my observance that that individual seemed to have no breasts, whatsoever, and some muscle tone. Otherwise I could not tell whether it was a man or a woman either. (Laughter) Generally speaking, we look at people. We see, we hear, we perceive, we relate to what they have to say, and we interweave all this information together, and we come up with a thought. I come up with a function of the mind. It is a continuous interweaving of information that comes from different sources. One would think simply means to weave.
The deep is Strong’s #8415 and it means the abyss, which once again is speaking about the black hole or the pit that forms this world that we live in. This is the visible physical world, which is the image projected by Leviathan, the Serpent’s completed mind. To be hoary; to be is two very important words. That is a verb. Verbs are very important in language. They do not appear in the Hebrew. The King James translators just put them in. Why did they just put them in? Because they were commissioned to make a readable English translation of this Hebrew, and they could not make any sense out of this deeply prophetic passage no matter how they tried. So they added in the verb to be. It is perfectly legitimate. I am not criticizing them. I am just commenting on the ignorance of the people that criticize me for doing the same exact thing. Jesus.
Hoary is Strong’s #7872. It is a feminine word and it means old age. I am telling you that I meditated on this for a long time. I said Lord, you have got me. I do not know what to do with this. As I started to write up an alternate translation, that I knew in my heart was not really right, as I typed the first few words, the Lord just popped the revelation into my mind. This is the revelation. We are dealing with Strong’s #7872, and it is feminine, and it means old age. Now there is a Hebrew word, Strong’s #5769, which if you look that up in Strong’s, it tells you it means ancient time. It refers to the ancient age where Jehovah abides called eternity. It is frequently translated, that old. Even in the Book of Revelation we are told about that old serpent. It says old in the King James, but the meaning is ancient. It is a word that means back to prehistory, back to the very very beginnings, or even the timeless place where Jehovah is.
Now I suggest to you that Strong’s #7872, which is the word translated hoary in verse 32 of Job Chapter 41, means old also, and that this is the Hebrew word that signifies the ancient age of Leviathan. This is very common in the Scripture. It is a very subtle principle of translation, well not even of translation. It is a very subtle literary principle in the written scripture. As in English we have something called synonyms. There are several words that mean exactly the same thing. In Hebrew so it is also, that there could be many words meaning the same thing. As a hidden message, the Lord will consistently choose one synonym to mean this particular word with reference to God, and a different synonym to mean the same thing with reference to the Serpent’s kingdom.
I have a lot of tapes on this, particularly in our translation of the Book of Revelation, of the revelation of Jesus Christ to Saint John. In this instance I suggest to you that the word, Strong’s #5769, is a Hebrew word that speaks about the ancient times of Jehovah. I do not think any Bible scholar would dispute this. Now the mystery revealed, Strong’s #7872, a feminine word that means age is speaking about the ancient times of Leviathan. The ancient times, going back to when the Serpent separated out from the tree of life at the beginnings. The beginnings of the Serpent’s independent existence back in the old times, when the Serpent first began on a path apart from the tree of life. I suggest to you that the first lineage in which Leviathan appeared is Cain.
Alternate Translation of the second half of Job 41:32. He weaves the ancient visible physical world. We are talking about Leviathan now. He is the one that weaves that mind which was from the beginning, not the very beginning, because the very first mind that appeared in the creation was the two thread mind of Christ. But the very first time the Serpent’s mind appeared in the creation was in the man Cain. Everybody okay? We are talking about Satan now, the spirit that is in the Serpent’s mind, which is called Leviathan. He weaves the ancient visible physical world. Once again, I believe I have this on another tape. Let me remind you of the connection between the weaving of the mind and the weaving of a spider’s web. I believe that the spider symbolizes the Serpent. The spider symbolizes the Serpent, the one who is weaving the web that catches other insects, and the weaving of the mind called Leviathan is catching human insects.
We may be called human insects for this context. I know you all are un-weaving Leviathan’s mind when you pray. You may also want to burn that spider web and slay that spider. There is a scripture that says there are spiders in king’s houses. There are human beings in whom the mind of Christ is flourishing, but there are spiders in that house. You must be aware of spider webs that are being woven with the specific intent of overtaking the mind of Christ and binding it up in that web, which is witchcraft and mind control.
Amplified Translation of the second half of Job 41:32. He weaves the ancient serpent’s mind, which first appeared in Cain. Then again, where did it appear again? It appeared again in Noah. He weaves the ancient serpent’s mind, which first appeared in Cain, and then again in Noah. Boy, you people show you are really educated with your answers to my questions. I want to tell you, you are a wonder in the earth. You really are a wonder in the earth.
Revelation 12:9 says, And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world. The Greek word translated old, as we just said a few minutes ago, means ancient, the ancient serpent. This phrase is speaking about the spirit of Cain reappearing in the descendants of Seth, and specifically in Noah after the flood.
Alternate Translation of Job 41:32. He is the god of the fallen dead creature who weaves the ancient serpent’s mind, which first appeared in Cain, and then again in Noah. He is the god of the fallen dead creature who weaves the ancient serpent’s mind, which first appeared in Cain, and then again in Noah.
Continuing with Job 41:33. Upon earth there is not his like who is made without fear. Upon earth there is not his like who is made without fear. Well, at least that makes sense in English. I think we are going to change that translation a little, but at least it makes some sense. There is not, is Strong’s #369, and it means to be nothing or to not exist, a non entity. It is one of those negative particles that we have been working with for a long time. We usually translate it either the Serpent, the Dragon, or the Devil, because Jesus considers the Serpent a nothing; a nothing. We are going to translate it the Serpent in this instance.
Upon earth there is not. The word upon is a translation of Strong’s #5921 and it means above or over. It is used to describe elevation or preeminence. Preeminence means to have authority over, to be the highest. That is what preeminence means. I am going to suggest to you that the Serpent is higher than the earth. I will go into this in more detail. What this verse is saying is that the Serpent’s mind, Leviathan, is higher than the earth. The earth is the soul. What it is saying is that the Serpent’s mind is stronger than man without Christ Jesus. I have preached this many times. I think that I read this in the Scriptures somewhere years ago. I honestly do not know whether I got it by revelation or if there really was a scripture that said that. I have been looking for it for years, and I have not been able to find that scripture that says the mind of the Serpent is stronger than fallen man.
What Paul said is not the scripture that I had in mind, but it has the same message that the Serpent’s mind is stronger than fallen man. What does that mean? It means we do not want to sin, but he makes us sin anyway. Paul said, if I do what I do not want to do, then it is not me, but sin that dwelleth in me. So therefore, we see that man is not a complete manifestation of the Serpent. Even though we are fallen, and even though the Serpent has woven his mind in us, apparently there is something in us that makes us not completely given over to the Serpent. If we were a completed manifestation of her, there would be no conflict. Does anybody know what it is that makes us not completely given over to the Serpent?
First I would just like to tell you that the Hebrew word translated earth is Strong’s #6083 and it really is the word that means dust, dust as powdered or gray, hence clay, earth, mud, rubbish. Those of you that have been studying with us for awhile may recall that in our studies, Babylon Is Fallen, on tape #31, it is revealed to us through Isaiah, Chapter 14, I think, that our flesh and our soul is made out of rubbish. Our soul and our body are flesh. The soul part of the creature, which we are, is made out of the byproduct which was produced when the son separated from the Father. The world calls this the big bang theory.
They say this physical world came into existence with a big bang, with a cataclysmic explosion, which I suggest to you was the son being propelled away from the Father in the form of a spiritual sperm. It required an atomic like explosion, and there was an atomic ash which fell out, which was a byproduct of that explosion. That rubbish, that byproduct, is what this physical world, and our bodies, and our souls, are formed of.
I will just read you my note in case I did not include everything in my exhortation. Remember dust is likened to atomic ash, the residue of atomic fission. Adam, the creature that Jehovah imagined is formed from the waste. Did you all pick that up, the creature that Jehovah imagined? We are the creature that Jehovah imagined. We are a figment of Jehovah’s imagination. Our existence can be likened to a painting which is created by an artist. He has an image in his mind as to what he would like to paint. He goes out and he gathers canvas, paint, paint brushes, and everything that he needs, and puts that which is in his mind down on canvas. Our great composers, Beethoven, Mozart, they had a vision in their mind, but it was an audible vision, and they put it down as notes, and they created beautiful music.
We are the product of Jehovah’s imagination. He contrived us. One day He said, let us make man. What is man? Well, let us make him and we will find out. Then there was a tragedy. Jehovah was in the process of making man in His image. There was a tragedy. The substance which Jehovah was in the process of forming into His image was stolen by the earthen part of the creation. The Serpent, which is the name of the earthen part of the creation, has formed the very substance out of which Jehovah was making, or bringing His imagination into reality, into her very own image. The Serpent has formed that very substance, which we call clay, into the Serpent’s very own image. That is how we come to have existence. We are not in Jehovah’s image. We are in the Serpent’s image.
The reason we have existence is that the substance, which the Serpent has engraved her image in, is a clay that was breathed upon by Jehovah. Everything that is beautiful in this world, the trees, the grass, the birds, all of the creativity that comes forth from the mind of man, and the soul of man, the great music and art, everything, any heroism in a human being arises out of that part of the creation which is the breath of Jehovah that was breathed into the byproduct, which is ash. Everything evil in this creation is from the Serpent.
Adam, the creature that Jehovah imagined, is formed from the waste byproduct which was produced when the son separated from the Father. Dust is gray, symbolizing the absence of the life of God. The dust becomes ground, that is fertile earth, after Jehovah’s breath is joined to it. Jehovah considers the dead fallen creature, which is without Jehovah’s life, as dust. Numbers 23:10 says; Who can count the dust of Jacob and the number of the fourth part of Israel? Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his. Who can count the dust of Jacob? What I believe the Lord is saying is, how many men are in the tribe, in the family of Jacob?
1 Samuel 2:8; He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill. He raises up the poor out of the dust. The poor refers to those who are humble before Jehovah. How does He raise us up out of the dust? He raises us up out of being earthen men. He raises us up to be spiritual men, those who are humble before Him. If you want to be a spiritual man in Jehovah’s Spirit, pride has to go. It has to at least be confessed and repented of, and ultimately cast down. You cannot even begin to hope to cast Leviathan down until you can start to confess that you are loaded with pride, because every man is.
Then, that is not enough. You have to start to confess as the Lord reveals it to you, the specific working of pride in your mind, and the specific working of pride in your emotions, and the specific working of pride in your behavior, and in your thoughts. That is necessary prerequisite to being a servant, well not to being a servant, but to being a son, through which Christ Jesus is going to manifest Himself. We have a lot of immature Christians saying how could the Holy Ghost live in the same place with a demon there? Therefore, you cannot have any demons.
Well, there is some truth to it. The Spirit of Christ will not manifest in any degree of power in a person who is not, at least, confessing that Leviathan is there, and very active. He cannot live in the same place with the demons or with Leviathan. He will not. He just agrees to it temporarily, because to cast all the demons out, or to unweave Leviathan in your mind at this time, would kill you. So I guess it is wrong to say He cannot. What I meant to say is that it is an anathema to Him. He does not want to. He hates it. It is obnoxious to Him, but He does it because that is part of the sacrifice that He is making for you to deliver you out of Leviathan’s clutches.
Psalms 103:14; For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust. We are made of the dust, brethren. Isaiah 29:4; And thou shalt be brought down, and shall speak out of the ground. Remember the blood of righteous Abel crieth out from under the ground. Continuing with Isaiah 29:4; and thy speech shall be low out of the dust, and thy voice shall be, as of one that hath a familiar spirit, out of the ground, and thy speech shall whisper out of the dust. Of course, that verse is speaking about judgment upon men who have experienced being possessed of Christ Jesus, who are being brought back down to being carnal fleshly men. Their voice shall whisper. They will no longer speak with power, and their speech shall be low. They are losing the power of Christ Jesus. They are becoming fallen men.
We are dealing with Job 41:33. Upon earth there is not his like. His like is Strong’s #4915 and it is from another Hebrew word, Strong’s #4901, which means empire. That is interesting. The translation is his like, but I did not note whether this translation comes from Strong’s or Brown, Driver, Briggs’, but it comes from one of those two lexicons. The Hebrew words translated his like is Strong’s #4915 can also be translated empire. It is also from #4911 which means a parallel, or something likened to it.
Alternate Translation of the first half of Job 41:33. The Serpent’s empire has authority over the dust. Upon earth or over the earth there is not the serpent, his like, his empire. The Serpent’s empire is over the dust. The Serpent’s empire is over the dust. We read in the King James Translation of verse 33 the negative particle not, but I suggest to you that that phrase is not negative, that the Hebrew word translated not merely means the Serpent. The Serpent is upon the earth, and the English word is like is a translation of a word that can be translated empire.
Over the earth is the Serpent’s empire or the Serpent’s empire has authority over the dust. Now this is very interesting. Strong’s refers us, if you look up this number Strong’s #4915 you will see that he refers you to #7969 as an additional reference. I looked that word up Strong’s #7969 which is quite a distance in the alphabet from Strong’s #4915 which is the Hebrew word translated his like. I found the words, the letters of #7969 as compared to #4915 to be very similar except for the first letter. The first letter of #4915 is a mem. It is called mem, like our English letter M.
I honestly do not know why Strong’s referred us to this word. It is not at all uncommon for the writer of a lexicon to say, see such and such a number, that the word is derived from that, such and such a word. That is very common, but I usually can see the connection. I cannot see the connection between these two words, however the connection certainly fits into the revelation that the Lord is giving us here, because Strong’s #7969 means three. It means three. We know that Leviathan is a mind which is a braid that is woven from three strands. I found it very interesting that Strong referred us to a word that means three. Using that translation, we could say that the Serpent’s three thread mind is stronger than the dead fallen creature. That is interesting.
The mystery is that we are more than our mind. How can this be? This is the question I put to you just about five minutes ago. How come, if our mind is Leviathan, how come we are not completely evil? I have talked a little bit about this. I have said the creation is maturing. We are just coming into puberty now. We are the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, etc, etc, but do you not think Satan would have just locked us up, and apprehended us completely for evil, if she could have, thousands of years ago?
Let me suggest to you that the reason that we have not yet been permanently engraved with an evil mind is because of the Lord Jehovah’s command in Genesis 4:15. That is where we read about the mark of Cain. I suggest to you that the mark that Jehovah put on Cain prevents Leviathan, or forbids Leviathan, from destroying humanity outright by manifesting in the fullness of her evil at this time. Genesis 4:15 says, And the Lord said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him. Let us take a minute to look at some of these Hebrew words.
And the Lord said unto him, therefore whosoever slayeth Cain. That Hebrew word translated slayeth means destroyed. Whosoever destroys Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him. This Hebrew word translated finding means appearing in him. Lest anyone incarnating in Cain; lest anyone weaving their mind in Cain and all Cain’s descendants, should kill him. This Hebrew word translated kill is a different word than the word translated slay. It is a word which means to conquer him completely.
Let me give it to you again. And the Lord said unto him, therefore whosoever destroys Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold, and the Lord set a mark on Cain lest anyone incarnating in him should conquer him completely. So here we see a hidden message saying that, that which will destroy Cain completely is a mind that conquers him completely, and Jehovah had said, I forbid that. As I told you earlier, Satan is the god of this world. He has the authority to kill us. He has the authority to make us sick. He has the authority to torment us to the fullest degree to which Jehovah does not intervene.
But we see here that Jehovah has intervened in a powerful way. He has said, Satan, you cannot conquer them completely. You cannot conquer them completely because such a conquering would destroy them, would make them unredeemable, would render them in a condition whereby I could not restore them to righteousness. You cannot do that. Jehovah said to the sea, you can go so far and no further. You can kill the individual members that are born into this world system, but you cannot conquer the whole creation, the spiritual root of the creation, which is redeemable. You cannot incarnate them, now not the whole creature, into a full stature of evil.
I have preached that there will be individuals appearing in a full stature of evil, and I believe it. There may even be individuals in that condition now, in the depths of witchcraft laden areas. I am not sure, but the creature as a whole, to be incarnated into a full manifestation of evil that renders them undeliverable; no, you cannot do that. You can corrupt that leaf, and you can corrupt that leaf, but the whole root of the plant, to convert the whole plant into a full manifestation of evil that is unchangeable; no, you cannot go that far. Jehovah intervened.
You may recall that Cain was driven out of the garden, and it was only when Cain looked back and said, Lord, they are going to destroy me, that Jehovah turned around and intervened. Cain said how can I bear this judgment that you have put on me? What judgment? Jehovah turned Cain over to Satan, and it was the creature, himself, who cried out and said, Lord, there will not be anything left of me if you do not intervene. Now do we see Jehovah allowing Satan to do anything? No. Jehovah sold this creation over to Satan, and gave him full authority over us. He said, take him, you are the warden of the prison. But the creature cried out and said, Lord, if you do not modify that judgment somewhat, we will not survive, and Jehovah intervened.
It is a very subtle difference. I hope you can hear it. I will just help you with it as much as I can. It is a very subtle difference, but a very important difference. It is a very important difference to say whether God allows the wickedness that comes into this world. No, this wickedness is on you because you are under the wrath of God because you have sinned. But if you cry out, Jehovah might have mercy on you and intervene. He might shorten your sentence. He might get you out of solitary. But you deserve everything that is happening to you in this world. Do not tell me Jehovah allowed it. You are a sinner, the whole Church. I am not attacking anybody in this fellowship. This is a very important point. God wants you to understand it, because this expression appears throughout the Church world.
If you listen carefully, if you have ears to hear it, although you may not know it when you are saying it, you may just be repeating what you heard, but the subtle message of this expression that Jehovah or Jesus allowed it, the subtle message is that Jesus is guilty. He let him die. You know, Jesus killed you. No, sin killed you. Sin killed you. Sin killed you. Sin made you sick. Sin made you sick. Sin gave you pain. Pray that the Lord makes a way of escape for you, and that the existence of you and your descendants should be tolerable until you are completely delivered from out of this hell hole. You will never get out by blaming your condition on the only one who could save you from it. The pride of man is unbelievable. It is amazing that the Lord has not wiped us out. Jesus.
I would just like to read you my notes, as always, in case I missed something here. What did I do here? Leviathan is forbidden from ascending to a full stature of evil in humanity. At this present time, I believe that the whole creature will never be completely possessed of the Serpent’s mature mind, but that individuals can and will ascend to a full stature of evil. Jehovah’s mark is a blessing, which is cancelling out the curse of death that is upon the dead fallen creature. Remember earlier, I said that the personality in any one individual is that which results after the curses and the blessings cancel each other out. This mark that Jehovah put on Cain is a blessing which in effect is cancelling out the ultimate death sentence of humanity.
No matter what judgment you find yourself in, cry out to the Lord Jesus, because He does repent. What does that mean? Does it mean that He admits that He is guilty of putting this judgment on you? No! It means He softens His heart so that the judgment will not be that severe. There is no guarantee that He is going to do it. In many, if not all instances, I cannot say all instances because I do not know, but pretty much every instance that I know of, the Lord does not repent unless you ask. You have got to ask. Why? Because to ask, you have to humble yourself and He resisteth the proud. He resisteth the proud.
The Lord was ready to destroy us, this whole creation, but Cain cried out, and saved all of the descendants of this creature from ultimate destruction. It was because our ancestor, Cain, cried out. So there we find the balance between the Hindu teaching of karma, and the teaching which is in the Church, which says that fallen man, with some anointing, has all power and control. Let me say that again. I do not think I made it clear. There are conflicts in doctrine in the Church. There is a doctrine that many people subscribe to in the Church that says, if you have the Holy Ghost you have all power. If you have Christ Jesus, you have all power. Do not accept that sickness, do not accept that sickness, they say.
I had people really upset with me when I almost died four years ago. I had been crying out for thirteen years. I was dying when I came to the Lord. I cried out for thirteen years and I was not healed. I was at death’s door. I said I do not know why the Lord did not heal me, but if I am going to die, I am going to die. I was rebuked on my deathbed. I was yelled at by more than one person. Where is your faith? You are a pacifist. You are being passive. Do not be a Hindu accepting their fate. I am suggesting to you that there is a happy medium between being a fatalist, which says this is the portion that I was dealt, and there is nothing I can do about it. That is the one extreme. The other extreme is saying I have all power over the god of this world, which is a lie. You cannot save everybody from the dead.
You cannot raise everybody from the dead. God does not heal everybody. This is the happy medium as I see it. You say this is my portion in life. The blessings are my portion and the curses are my portion, and I petition you, Lord Jesus, to have mercy on me and lighten these curses as much as you are willing to do. Show me what you require of me. I will serve you to the best of my ability, and I pray that you remove every painful experience waiting for me and for my family, that you are willing to remove. Can you see that is a happy medium between the two teachings? Can anybody not see that? We do not have all power over the god of this world. We do not. It is a lie.
Jehovah’s mark is a blessing, which is cancelling out the curse of death that is upon the dead fallen creature. What is this mark? I suggest to you, it is the bones of his dead son’s skeleton. It is the human spirit. That mark or those bones are buried underneath the earth of our soul and cannot be seen by Jehovah until He increases into Christ Jesus. Now this is an interesting point. I was just speaking to somebody about it the other night. I was ministering to somebody who was ministering to a family in which there has been a death. People have a lot of trouble understanding this concept that only the spirit goes on.
The reason people have so much trouble believing this is because if you are not at least reconciled to the Lord, it is impossible to perceive the spirit in men. All you perceive is the soul. In order to perceive the spirit in man, your human spirit must be at least in the process of increasing into Christ Jesus. Your human spirit is imperceptible. Why? It is because she is married to Satan, and she is braided or interwoven into your soulish existence. You are all soul including the mark that is suppose to be saving your life. She is one of the three threads that is braided into your soulish mind. You cannot see her. She is a turncoat. She has the ability to be the prophet of God, but she is the false prophet. She has the ability to be a man, but she is being used like a harlot, and she is in full agreement. You see, you cannot see a person’s spirit until they start acting like a spirit. Your human spirit is a spirit, but she is not acting like a spirit. She is acting like a soul, so you cannot see her.
You cannot see her until she starts acting like what she is, the man Christ Jesus. She cannot start acting like what she is, the man Christ Jesus, until she is crucified by the Lord Jesus Christ, and has the actual spiritual experience of increasing into the man Christ Jesus. If you try to exercise authority that you do not have, you just make a fool out of yourself. One of the best examples of that in the Scripture is the sons of Sceva. They tried to exercise authority over demons and what happened? The demons sent them packing, stripped them of their clothing, and made an open show of them. So you see, you cannot be showing yourself as a man, or as God, or as any part of your inheritance in Christ Jesus, until it actually happens to you. You are just opening up yourself to humiliation and shame.
Luke 11:44 says; Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye are as graves which do not appear. There are graves which are not seen, and the men that walk over them are not aware of them. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees. You are suppose to be sons of God. Nobody can see a spirit. You look just like the rest of fallen humanity; soul. I do not perceive any manifestation of spirit in you at all. You are dead. Well, why would Jesus say woe unto you? It is because God has given you what you need to raise your spirit from the dead, but you have not used it. You are the ones who received that talent and buried it under the earth and did nothing to increase it. Woe unto you, you are going to lose that which you have. You are going to die like men. Ye were gods to whom the word of God was delivered, but ye shall die like men.
There is a scripture in the New Testament that says the gospel or the word of God is power unto salvation. Ye were given the word of God, the power unto salvation, but you did not use it to raise your human spirit from the dead. You have used it to make yourselves great ones in the earth. You have used it to set yourself up as kings, above other men, and you did not enter into the kingdom of heaven, and you did not let the others enter in either. Now the whole bunch of you are going to die like men because your rulers were women and children. Why? Because you would not confess your sins and you would not repent. You used the holy gift to make yourself great in the world of men. You see, there is nothing wrong with using the holy gift to make yourself great, if you make yourself great in the kingdom of God. The greatest one in the kingdom of God is a what? It is a servant. Jesus.
The Greek word translated grave in Luke 11:44 is Strong’s #3420. This word means remembrance. It appears only one other time in the New Testament in 2 Peter 1:15 which says; Moreover I will endeavour that ye may be able after my decease to have these things always in remembrance. So we see that this Greek word translated grave in one place and remembrance in another place is associated with Peter’s decease. In Luke 11:44 this Greek word, Strong’s #3420 is translated grave and the only other time it appears in the Scripture it is translated remembrance in the very same sentence where Peter is speaking about his death.
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye are graves or remembrances or marks which cannot be seen, and the men that walk over them are not aware of them. You are marks that cannot be seen. You are suppose to be stopping Satan from destroying these people, and you are not only doing the job, no one even knows you are there. It is like the Church today, brethren. Now do not misunderstand me, the Church is doing a lot of good works today, but they do the good works that unsaved men can do. They give food. They help the sick. Anybody can do that, but the Church is suppose to be a supernatural force in the earth. It is wonderful that we give money and feed the poor, but we are suppose to be feeding them like Jesus fed them.
We are suppose to be a supernatural force doing what fallen men cannot do. These supernatural acts are the witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. When the apostles went forth witnessing to His resurrection, that witness was that they were doing the same spiritual miracles that He did. Brethren, when Jesus Christ is raised from the dead in you, your witness that He is raised from the dead is not your verbal testimony. It is not you showing someone the Bible. It is not even your teaching, but the witness that Jesus Christ is raised from the dead, in you, is that you will do supernatural exploits, feats, and signs and wonders.
I want to tell you a radical thing. Those signs and wonders are not healings and deliverance that leaves the person in a fallen condition. The witness that Jesus Christ is raised from the dead, in you, is your ability to raise Christ from the dead in other people. That is the only true witness, that Christ Jesus in you is alive with such strength, that when you speak the word of God, your words are spirit and your words are life, and those words go forth and crucify the human spirit in other men, thus raising Christ from the dead in those other men. That is the only true witness, that He is raised from the dead in you, or is in the process of being raised from the dead in you.
All kinds of witchcraft power heals people. There are witches out there healing people. There are witches out there casting out demons. If you do not believe it, you do not know what you are talking about. The one thing that the workers of witchcraft cannot do is give you eternal life. It is the only thing that they cannot do. They cannot make you immortal. That is the only true sign to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ in you. Of course, this witness comes in stages. The early stages are healing and deliverance, but the fact is that other people with spiritual power from a different spirit can do the same thing. When you start to bring forth healing and deliverance, that is a sign that Jesus Christ is being raised from the dead in you; being raised from the dead in you.
The Scripture clearly states that Satan is going to appear as an angel of light. He is going to do the same thing. He is going to heal the sick. He is going to raise the dead. He is going to do all kinds of miracles, and feed the hungry by manifesting food. He is going to do everything that Jesus did except stop you from dying. That is the only thing that he cannot do. That is an awesome thought, but it is the truth.
Amplified Rranslation of the first half of Job 41:33. The Serpent’s completed mind is stronger than fallen dead humanity. The Serpent’s completed mind is stronger than fallen dead humanity. Continuing with the second half of Job 41:33. Who is made without fear. Made is Strong’s #6213 means to fashion, to put in order, to produce. Without is Strong’s #1097 can also be translated failure, nothing, destruction. It is from the root of Strong’s #2844 and from #2865 which means broken, confusion or fear. I do not have any translation that makes any sense at all, who is made without fear. The King James translators just put that together because it does not make any sense at all. But when I put all of the words of verse 33 together without breaking it down into two phrases, we do get something that makes sense.
The second half of verse 33 of Job 41 merely says to me these three words, failure, produced, and confused. I am going to put those three words together with the Alternate Translation of the first half of verse 33 and this is what we get. The Serpent’s failure has produced a confused, completed mind which is stronger than fallen dead humanity. What is the Serpent’s failure? The Serpent’s failure is to successfully function as a male. She functioned as a male. She produced a world, but it is a corrupt dead world. She failed to produce a living offspring. She produced a dead creature. The Serpent’s failure has produced a confused completed mind, which is stronger than fallen dead humanity.
Continuing with Job 41:34. He beholdeth all high things: he is a king over all the children of pride. He beholdeth is Strong’s #7200 and it means to regard or to have respect for. All merely means a whole, everything. High is Strong’s #1364 can be translated proud or haughty. We are going to use that translation; proud or haughty. This word is masculine, but I suggest to you this tense is merely reflecting Leviathan’s temporary authority, and temporary male role. She, Leviathan, is a counterfeit male. Even this fallen dead world recognizes such a one as a lesbian.
He beholdeth all high things. There is no Hebrew word translated things. The King James translators just put it in. Alternate Translation of the first half of Job 41:34. He respects every haughty thing.
Continuing with the second half of Job 41:34. He is a king over all the children of pride. He is a translation of Strong’s #1931 and it is merely the third person singular, he, she or it. Is a; the verb is, is not in there. The King James translators added it in once again. The Hebrew word translated king merely means king. He is a king over all the children of pride. Over is Strong’s #5921 and that is what it means; over. All is Strong’s #3605 and it means the whole. Children is Strong’s #1121. We see this word frequently. It means a child, an offspring, a member of a group, a member of a guild, an order or a class.
Pride is Strong’s #7830. One of the translations that appear in either Strong’s or Brown, Driver, Briggs’ Lexicon is majestic wild animals. Brethren, you have heard about the beast in the Book of Revelation and you have heard about the beast in Daniel, Chapter 7. I suggest to you that this magnificent wild animal, that is a legitimate translation of the word pride, is speaking about the beast. We are the beast. The creation, the creature that Jehovah imagined, has incarnated as a beast instead of a god. We are suppose to be gods. We are gods, to whom the word of God is delivered, but ye shall die like men. We are suppose to be gods, but we have incarnated as a beast. Why?
It is because the creation or the creature that Jehovah imagined is a marriage. It is a union between the earth and the breath of Jehovah. Jehovah intended the breath to rule over the earth, but something went wrong. There was a tragedy. The creature that Jehovah formed had to be tested, of necessity he had to be tested, because everything Jehovah does, He tests. The creature, who had not yet sinned, but had within him the potential to sin, failed the test. That does not mean that Jehovah failed. That does not mean that Jehovah created a creature that was not perfect because of a failure of Jehovah. Jehovah did not create a robot. He created a thinking individual with a free will, and that individual had to be tested. He failed the test.
Jehovah did not have a plan A and a plan B in case Jehovah’s plan failed. But Jehovah did have a plan A and a plan B in case the man failed. All you preachers out there that preach against a plan A and a plan B, the plan A and the plan B was in case the man failed. That was because the man was not perfect. The man was good, but not perfect. He was good, but he was not righteous. He was good and he had a potential to be evil. He was good and he had a potential to be evil. He was not yet righteous, and there was a plan A and a plan B in the event that the good, but not yet righteous man failed.
The carnal mind of man always wants to make Jehovah the guilty one. It is amazing. We have a whole group of preachers in the Church world today that do not want to admit that man is guilty, so they say Jehovah is responsible for every evil thing that is happening in the earth. They say He put it on us, and that He wanted it that way, and that it is for our training. It is all lies, lies, lies.
Pride is Strong’s #7830 can be translated majestic wild animals. That is what we are. The creature incarnated as a beast instead of a man, as typified by Nebuchadnezzar. We shall be down here in hell until we get the revelation that God rules in the earth as well as in heaven. There is no way we are getting out of here thinking that we are higher than God. There is no way we are getting out of here, absolutely no way. Our God is a giver of gifts. His mercy is bountiful, but He does not bless you when you are thumbing your nose in His face. He does not bless you when you are lying about Him. He does not bless you when you are overtly sinning. He chastens you. He rebukes you. He punishes you when you are doing any of these ungodly things.
Everybody that thinks Jehovah and the Lord Jesus Christ is Santa Claus and the candy man, you have got to grow up. The Lord Jesus Christ punishes sin, and sometimes He punishes sin severely. The Church is severely bound by pride, much more so in the United States than any other country in the world. We are a rebellious nation, stiff necked, filled with pride, unteachable, not even willing to learn what pride really is. How will you ever confess that sin if you are not willing to learn what it really is. It is in your mind. It is in your attitude, and you do not have to be consciously aware of it to be guilty. You are guilty whether you are consciously aware of what your attitude is or not. You are guilty. If your attitude is a manifestation which is arising from pride in you, you are guilty.
If you do not confess that your attitude is a manifestation of pride, you will never change. If you do not believe it is pride, how will you ever change? If you cannot hear that it is pride, if you cannot confess that it is pride, how will you ever repent? You will never change if you do not repent. We must learn to recognize sin. Most of us, especially those of us raised in Christian homes, were raised to overlook offenses that people do to us. Well you are not suppose to go out and fight with people. You are not suppose to go out and condemn people. You are suppose to forgive people, but if you cannot recognize that what they did was sin against you, how can you forgive them?
If you want to just whitewash it and cover it over, and say oh they did not mean it, it was not sin in their heart, it is just the human way, their blood is on your hands. If you do not admit they sinned against you, you are not forgiving that sin, and you are not functioning as a son. You are functioning as a woman. Sons of God recognize sin wherever it appears, wherever it appears, wherever it appears. Your carnal mind wants to tell you to recognize sin as condemnation. To recognize sin is not condemnation. It is to recognize sin. Call it what it is; sin. Then you either condemn the person or you forgive them. You have got to call it what it is or you are not a spiritual man. A spiritual man recognizes sin wherever it is appearing. If you are making excuses for people’s sin, you are a woman. I am telling you the truth.
Everyone in this ministry and who is listening to these tapes is called to be a son of God. You are not going to be a son of God if you are not recognizing sin wherever it is appearing. If you are covering over people’s sins, if you are making excuses for them, if you are justifying what they are doing, that is a very real sign that you are a spiritual woman. Now if all you want to be is a spiritual woman, that is between you and God, but do not think you are a son when you are acting like a woman. Do not think you are a man when you are acting like a woman, because you are not. You have to start recognizing sin and calling it what it is, without condemnation. We will worry about the condemnation later.
You have to start to recognize it, and call it what it is. If you are afraid on a conscious or an unconscious level, that you will not be able to discern sin without condemnation, well we will worry about that when you discern it. You have to start discerning it. If you find out that when you discern it, if the Lord witnesses to you that really in your heart of hearts you are condemning the people, then you have to confess that as the sin of pride, and let the Lord Jesus deliver you of it, and enable you to discern sin without condemnation. But you will never get to the part of the training where you are discerning sin without condemnation if you will not discern the sin.
Sin is in the mind. We do not have to say anything. You do not have to do anything. It is a manifestation in your mind that is available, that is recognizable in your attitude. Sin is in your attitude and in your emotions. You may say nothing, and if there is a son of God present, they know that sin has reared its ugly head in your mind and in your heart. It is called discernment. So if you cover it over and you deny it, you are just hurting yourself. If you cover over other people’s sins, you are hurting them, and their blood is on your hands. If you know that they have sinned, and they really do not know, at the very least you have to put it before the Lord.
Everybody has a chart in heaven. On such and such a day, sin was discerned in such and such a person. What are you going to do about it, Lord? When is their time going to come for the correction, which is the beginning of their conversion into spiritual manhood. You will not enter into spiritual manhood without correction to your soul, which is female. When you first come to the Lord, your soul has to be female. If your soul is female, your mind is female. If your mind is female, your reactions to life situations are female. If you want to be a spiritual man, you have to start reacting differently to life situations. For if you are to be a man, you have got to act like a man. In order to act like a man, you have got to think like a man. In order to think like a man, you have got to see sin wherever it is and call it what it is. You do not talk to every person about it when you see sin in them. You talk to the Lord about it, but you must recognize it or you are a woman. That is the bottom line. Jesus.
We are talking about a definition of pride being majestic wild animals. Random House Unabridged Dictionary says majestic means splendid, magnificent, regal, royal, kingly, imperial, noble. Daniel Chapter 11 verse 17 of the Alternate Translation says; These wonderful living creatures, meaning splendid, magnificent. These magnificent living creatures are spiritually mature human beings whose minds and souls have increased into their full spiritual potential, and they have ascended into the throne of Jesus Christ and become spiritual men. They shall stand up in the authority of Jesus Christ and rule the earth of their own souls.
So we see that mature spiritual men are called wonderful, magnificent living creatures. Now we also find out that pride is a majestic or a wonderful wild animal. Why would the wild animal be majestic or wonderful? What is wonderful about this wild animal? The breath of God is in him. Remember, the Serpent stole the clay out of which Jehovah was forming the living creature, and the Serpent formed the clay, not into a living creature, but into a wonderful wild beast. It was the same clay, same soul. When Jehovah has a hold of it, He forms it into a wonderful living creature. When the Serpent has authority over it, she forms it into a wonderful wild beast. The living creature is positive, and the wild beast is negative. The creature will either incarnate on the positive side called Eden or on the negative side called east of Eden, which is the female side of Eden.
Alternate Translation of the second half of Job 41:34; He is a king over the many membered magnificent wild animal, which the Serpent has incarnated. He is a king. Who? The Serpent’s three thread completed mind is a king over the many membered magnificent wild animal or the many membered fallen creation which the Serpent has incarnated. The reason this wild animal is magnificent is because the dead Christ is braided into her completed mind.
Alternate Translation of Job 41:34; He respects every haughty thing. The implication is disrespect for the things of God. And he is a king over the many membered magnificent wild animal which the Serpent has incarnated. As I said twice already, the phrase he respects every haughty thing implies that he has no respect for the things of God.
Jude 10 thru 15 says; But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves. Woe unto them! For they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core. These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots; Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever. Skip to verse 14. To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds.
You see, Jesus said I am going to show my people their sins. The sons of God are coming. Well I guess I should have read that verse. Let me see what number that was. We started with verse 10, 11, 12,13. Verse 14 of the Book of Jude. And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these reprobate men saying; Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints. What is God’s answer to these reprobate men that cannot recognize spiritual dignitaries that mock the things of God, that are carnal men, that cannot recognize the move of the Spirit if their life depended on it? God’s answer to these men is to come with ten thousands of His saints. He is talking about the sons of God.
They are coming to execute judgment upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds, which they have ungodly committed, out of all their hard speeches, which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him. The major function of the sons of God are not even to teach. It is not even to teach. It is to convince men of their sins. Let me tell you, that is not easy. I have been doing it here for eight years, and I have been telling the Lord I do not want to do it anymore unless He does something to defense me. Because every time I show people their sins, their Leviathanic mind rises up and takes pot shots at me. I am severely scarred and damaged after years of this.
The Lord has not answered me. He is probably ignoring me, but I am asking Him to defense me because it has been an extremely painful eight years showing people their sins. No one wants to believe it when you tell it to them. They think you are saying what you are saying for some ungodly motive and they wage war against you. I think we found in the Book of Micah that when Leviathan wages war against you, he wages a holy war against you. He is so convinced that he is right and you are wrong, it becomes an issue. It is more than that mind of Leviathan saying I do not agree with you. That Leviathanic mind is saying how dare you expose my sins. How dare you. He attacks to the point of the kill if he can do it. That is the job of the sons of God, to show the people their sins and their blasphemies. They are going to try to kill you every time you do it.
Somehow the Lord has to put some armor on us because I do not want to do it anymore. As I said, the Lord is probably ignoring me. When He tells me to do it, I will do it, but I am really tired of being beat. I want some armor on me. It has to be coming soon. This is what we are called to do, brethren, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches, which ungodly sinners have spoken against the Lord. These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men’s persons in admiration because of advantage.
They admire men because it is to their own advantage to admire men. They flatter wealthy men, men who can give them jobs, who can loan them money, who can teach them things. They are dishonest people in their heart. That is the whole human race, brethren. If we are not acting like that, the potential to act like that is in our heart, which makes us just as guilty as the people who are acting like that. The only reason we are not acting like that, if we are not acting like that, is because by our sheer will power we are forbidding ourselves to act like that. The way Jehovah looks at it, the way the Lord Jesus looks at it, that when the pressure on you is enough, when the pressure on you is so much, you will not be able to stop your gut reactions. You will not be able to hold them back anymore.
Tribulation is pressure. The Lord lets pressure or sends pressure against you. The purpose of the pressure is to see what your gut reaction is. That is what He wants. That is what He is putting the line of the plummet to. Your gut reaction, not the reaction that you have contrived, not the reaction that your religious mind says this is the way I should react and you have the power to bring it forth. He puts so much pressure on you that you cannot do that anymore, that you can only have a gut reaction that comes without your own will power controlling what comes out of you. Then you find out what you are really made out of. That is what you find out, what you are really made out of, and it is never pretty because we are all wild beasts, every last one of us. We do not know what we would do in a crisis situation.
We do not know. We probably would do what everybody else does; sin when your back is really up against the wall. It is a very rare person that will not sin to get out from out of that problem. That is just the truth. If you take the victory in one area, you are not likely to take the victory in another area because you are not perfect. You are just a sinner. That means that you and I are capable of every sin known to man. Under the right circumstances, with enough pressure falling on us, we are capable of every sin that man is capable of. So we do the best we can to lead a clean life, hoping that we do not find ourselves faced with hard decisions. What kind of hard decisions?
Well, maybe you stole some money from the company that you worked for. It was discovered that the money is missing, but they think it was your neighbor who took it. Are you going to let him go to jail or are you going to tell the truth? Brethren, if you did not steal the money you would not be in that spot. Perhaps you were engaged in fornication and you are pregnant. You do not believe in abortion, but here you are pregnant, and you are not married.
Are you going to do what is right or are you going to take the easy way out? I want to tell you right now that if you even consider for a second having an abortion, you might as well have done it. The sin was present in your mind. You actually considered committing murder. I do not tell you this to condemn you. I am telling you this to tell you that we are all sinners and we need a new heart. We are sinners because the heart that we have, and the mind that we have sins.
Let me take this opportunity to tell you the difference between heart and mind. I have been telling you here for years that in the Hebrew, pretty much the word for heart and mind is the same. In the Greek there are two different words for heart and mind. I was really never quite quite sure of the separation. This is what the Lord has told me. The Hebrew word for heart is leb. It means center. Mind is referring to rational thought. I believe what the Lord has told me this last week or two, is that the heart is within the mind. The heart, the center of the mind, is the spirit that is in the mind.
Paul said, be ye renewed in the spirit of your mind. That spirit is in the center of your mind, and it is your heart. The very center of your spiritual being is your human spirit. Your heart is your human spirit. He is the center and everything else is built around him. The whole mind is built around him. Another way to say this, is that your human spirit is the spirit which is in your mind. We are saying that the Dragon is the one who has formed our Leviathanic mind, but the Dragon is joined to the human spirit. He would have no power without her. He has apprehended her. He has possessed her. Your heart, your center, that part of you about which your entire spiritual being is built is your human spirit. She is your heart and the whole mind is woven around her. She is one of the three threads which woven together form your mind, and she is the center of your mind, the center of your being. She is your heart.
It is amazing the way the Lord gives me these little revelations. I just wait and He just seems to work them into a message here and there. He is wonderful and very faithful. We see that we all have a potential to murmurer, to complain, to walk after our lusts, to speak great swelling words that come out of pride, and to respect persons because it is to our advantage to do so. You do not know what you are going to do when you are hungry, when you are cold, when your life is being threatened. You do not know. You just do not know. I pray all the time that I should be pleasing unto the Lord, but He is showing me the sin in my heart. It is really incredible. I am telling you that you do not have to do the act. You just have to know that it is there. It really humbles you before the Lord because we are all wild beasts, capable of anything.
Recap of Job 41 verses 31 thru 34. Satan is boiled as a sin offering. The human spirit is released, and crucified by the Lord Jesus Christ, and the visible spiritual world rapidly springs up in its place when the devil is transformed into a submissive wife. He is the god of the fallen dead creature who weaves the ancient Serpent’s mind which first appeared in Cain and then again in Noah. The Serpent’s failure has produced a confused completed mind which is stronger than fallen dead humanity. He respects every haughty thing and is a king over the many membered magnificent wild animal which the Serpent has created.
Now I was going to comment on another verse. Why did I go past that? Jesus. I guess it is not going to go on this message. I would like to read on to this tape the alternate translation of the complete chapter 41 of the Book of Job as I mentioned to you earlier when I was preaching. I know I did not put it on the tape, so let me put it on the tape. The Lord has spoken to me and given me some understanding why when we do these translations we find that they are not in a logical order. When we translate verses 1, 2, 3, and 4 of Job, Chapter 41, usually for the translations to make sense to us, I have to reverse some of the verses. I may translate it verse 4, verse 2, verse 3, and verse 1 to put it in a logical sequence.
What the Lord has told me is that what we are doing when we take these translations and come up with a spiritual translation, is that we are literally un-weaving or unraveling Leviathan’s revelation of this Hebrew scripture. We are re-weaving it into the product which comes from the mind of Christ. It just has to be interspersed. It is in a different form. For those of you who have a copy of the alternate translation of the old testament, sometimes I leave these verse numbers in. I really am not sure what the Lord wants me to do about that. In any event, those of you who have the exhibit that is in my hand right now, which shows how I interspersed these verses, for example, I will start reading verse 3 and then I go to verse 1, and then I go to verse 6. Why am I doing this? It is because in accordance with the revelation that the Lord has been pouring out here, I am reordering these verses so that they read like a continuous story.
Sometimes I will take an alternate translation of a verse and break it into two parts and put another verse right in the middle of the one verse. In that instance you will see in your exhibit verse 7 and then comes verse 2a, then comes verse 4b, then comes verse 2b. I see I have 4b twice. I guess this must be 4a over here. 4b, 9a, 10, verse 5, 9b, 8, or verse 17. I have to intersperse these alternate translations for the whole chapter of Job to read like a book. I could not be doing that if I did not have the doctrine of Christ in my heart, because you have to know what the doctrine of Christ says to take the translations of all of these verses and make them read like a book.
I am telling you all I could never translate chemical analysis. I do not know anything about chemical analysis. How could I possibly translate it into another language no matter how good a linguist I was. So no matter how good a linguist you are you cannot translate a spiritual document. The Scripture is a spiritual document. You cannot translate it if you do not know anything about spiritual things or the doctrine of Christ. You cannot possibly get a true translation. Brethren, I am telling you just like this creation is glorious because the Serpent laid hold of the glorious spiritual clay, in which the breath of Jehovah is infused, even though that breath is dead, the creation that the Serpent formed is a magnificent wild beast, because the breath of Jehovah is in it, even though that breath is dead.
Let me tell you something, brethren, the carnal interpretation of the glorious work of God is marvelous, magnificent and wonderful, even when it is translated by someone’s carnal mind, because the word of God is so magnificent, that even when Leviathan translates it, it is wonderful. Can you hear this? In the same way as this creation is marvelous, the way this body works, nature, the gifts and the talents of this world are marvelous, because Satan formed it out of the clay that Jehovah made. This word of God, no matter how carnal the mind is that translates it, is marvelous. The translation is marvelous because the word of God is so marvelous that there is nothing you could do to completely render it powerless.
No matter what you do to it, no matter how much you pervert it, you cannot render it powerless. It has too much power in it, but when you get the word of God and you translate it with the true spiritual translation, you have got a hydrogen bomb on your hands, brethren. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation. Which gospel? The gospel of Christ, the story of what we are made of, of who we are, of what happened to us, and of how Jehovah is going to restore us to Godhood. You are gods. You are not beasts, but you are living like beasts, and you love your bestial lifestyle because you do not know there is anything else. You have completely forgotten what it is like to be a god. The power of God unto salvation is in the true gospel of our spiritual condition, of our spiritual history, and of our spiritual heritage. When you know that, when you believe that, and when you pray, the Lord Jesus’ answer to your bondage is power unto salvation. It is power to get you out of hell.
Job, Chapter 41 Alternate Translation starting with verse 3. Will the Serpent appoint Leviathan, her completed female mind, to rule over you, Job, or will she sacrifice her? I think I am going to read this from the outline. I am going to put that on the tape. If you have the tape, hopefully you have a copy of this outline. Number one; Receive Jehovah challenging Job. You might have heard Jesus say in the New Testament, can Satan cast out Satan? That is Matthew 12:26. Jehovah says to Job, first speaking about the Serpent, will the Serpent appoint Leviathan, her completed female mind, to rule over you, or will she sacrifice her so that Christ Jesus can raise you from the dead? Then Jehovah challenges Job with regard to Leviathan, the Serpent’s three thread or three strand completed mind.
Can Leviathan’s malignant tongue, the mind of that many membered band of destructive men, and the fallen soul, which has been choking since the weed of the carnal mind killed the incomplete Christ mind, be submerged underneath the mind of Christ Jesus, and the spiritual visible world which is in his image? Then Jehovah challenges Job on the Devil. We see a progression, the Serpent, Leviathan, the mind that the Serpent has woven, and the Devil, the human beings which are the incarnation of the Serpent, whose mind is Leviathan. Jehovah challenges Job on the Devil, saying, will the men who are bound to Leviathan, that is the Devil, the many membered Devil, because of the Serpent’s witchcraft, will they be able to separate themselves from him by digging through the earth of their souls and unraveling his completed mind? Why would they want to unravel his completed mind so that their human spirit can be freed up to be crucified by the Lord Jesus and to increase into Christ Jesus? Thank you Lord.
Can Satan cast out Satan? The answer to that question is no. If Satan casts out Satan, he would kill himself. He would not exist anymore. He would cease to exist. Satan cannot cast out Satan. Satan can cast out demons, but Satan cannot cast out Satan. Jesus. Can Job save his own soul? Jehovah’s plan for salvation. Jehovah speaking to Job, talking about His plan for salvation. Can you, Job, save this fallen dead soul by completing Leviathan, that dead militarily defensed mind, which the Serpent birth in her, and by judging the spirit of Cain, which is her unconscious mind?
So we see that Leviathan, which is the Serpent’s mind, even when she is fully completed, is not complete as far as the Lord Jesus is concerned. As far as the Lord Jesus is concerned, you cannot be complete unless you are joined to Him. The Serpent has brought forth her three thread completed mind, but it is completed without Christ Jesus. That means it is still incomplete. No matter how fancy the Serpent fixes up the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, no matter how much she believes that it is completed, it cannot possibly be complete without Christ Jesus. We are complete in Him, and in none other are we complete.
Here we see Jehovah’s plan for salvation. Next comes the crucifixion. This is verse 2a. We broke verse 2 up by inserting at least part of verse 4 right in the middle. Can your mind, Job, penetrate the dragon, and your human spirit, who is joined to the dragon, can your mind penetrate the dragon and your human spirit? Why would your mind want to do that? Because the mind that crucifies the human spirit is the mind that begets his offspring in the human spirit, and the salvation of this living soul, or the soul which is dead, is to bring forth the fruit of Christ Jesus. He is the warrior and the Savior which will deliver us out from hell. He must be conceived in us and born in us. As far as I know, the Lord Jesus is the only one that can do that.
We see Jehovah challenging Job, saying can you crucify your own soul and bring forth an increase that is strong enough to defeat Leviathan? No, you cannot, Job. I know you cannot. All of these questions that Jehovah is asking Job are called rhetorical questions. Jehovah never expected an answer. He was merely challenging Job and trying to stimulate him to realize that he cannot do any of these things, and that he needs a Lord and a Savior. Spiritually speaking, we all are very weak in this world. I do not care how physically strong you are. I do not care how mentally strong you are. I do not care how much money you have or what kind of muscles you have or whatever it is that you have. Spiritually speaking we are very weak. We are no match for a spirit that decides to single you out. You had better have a vital relationship with the Lord Jesus. You have no defense of your own against a spiritual enemy.
Jehovah is still challenging Job. Can you boil Leviathan until he evaporates and releases Christ so that Christ, your human spirit, can overcome death? Jehovah’s plan for salvation includes full stature, so that he, Christ, your human spirit, can overcome death by increasing into Christ Jesus. Next is spiritual circumcision. Verse 4b. Will you Job, the Serpent, cut Leviathan away from your fallen dead soul, which is the circumcision without hands. The final stage of Jehovah’s plan is glorification. Can you enfold your own soul into your mind and enslave her for the life of the ages? The meaning or significance of enslaving her here, of course, is to keep her from sinning.
Can you take authority over your own soul and prevent her from producing weeds, because your soul is a garden. Can you enslave the ground? Can you keep it so completely, that no weeds will appear in the garden of your mind? Who is the spiritual weed? Leviathan is the spiritual weed. The question is what is the difference between the devil and Leviathan? The devil is the whole personality, soul and mind. Leviathan is just the mind. The garden is your soul, so the weed that is growing in your garden cannot be your whole personality. It is the mind that is growing in your personality that is the weed, so it cannot possibly be accurate to say the devil. The carnal mind, whose name is Leviathan, that is growing in your mind, is the weed.
Next we see in Chapter 41 of Job that we are being told about the Serpent’s influence on the creation. What has she done to us? How has she influenced us? The Serpent is responsible for sin being revealed in the creature. The potential to sin was always there, but it was the work of the Serpent which caused that potential for sin to become actual sin, and thus be revealed. Verse 9a. Obviously you cannot, Job, you cannot save your own soul, because look at what the Serpent has made out of Jehovah’s creation. Verse 10. She is so fiercely sinful since she incarnated that there is not a man anywhere who can survive the fiery presence of the Lord. Sin subjects the creature to bondage. Verse 5. So you may be laughing at Behemoth’s power to hurt you now, Job, but you will not be laughing when you find out that you are Leviathan’s prostitute.
Verse 9b. Adam’s bondage is only temporary, however. Nevertheless, do not worry, Job. Your fallen condition will not last forever because Leviathan will be cast down when Christ Jesus appears. A warfare is necessary. Verse 8. Therefore, be a man in the war to determine whose nature will be engraved in your soul, and fashion her after the Lord Jesus Christ so that your enemy, Leviathan, the Serpent’s completed mind is not conceived like he was in the past age. Next we have the spiritual history of the creature beginning with his fall into incest in verse 17a. We are talking about Leviathan being conceived in the past age when mankind pursued and seized himself because the Serpent was out of course.
I must emphasize to you how obvious this is, that it is a form of spiritual masturbation. Mankind pursued and seized himself; spiritual masturbation. Because the Serpent was out of course. She was a woman, but she thought she was a man. The next step was that the creation fell into spiritual homosexuality when the Serpent formed the creature as a female or when the creature was formed as a female instead of a male. Now mankind is occupying himself like a woman. Mankind is occupying himself like a woman.
Now listen, all of you that are squeamish, I guess this doctrine of Christ just is not for you, but I am telling you that the meaning of that is, that the mind is occupying the soul and the connotation is very sexual. The mind is suppose to be male and it is suppose to be occupying the female’s soul, but we see that we are told that the man is occupying himself. That means that the mind in the creature was begotten by the creature himself, and not by a man. We see the creature is a lesbian, and is a homosexual, and has fertilized herself and begotten a mind within her own soul. So therefore the creature is now both the soul and the mind. He is occupying himself. Can you hear it? Can you hear this?
The mind is the male organ. The soul is the female organ. It is spiritual sexual intercourse, and the man is occupying himself. What does that mean? It means he is both in the male role and in the female role. That is not even possible with these bodies that we have, but spiritually speaking it is possible, and it has happened, and is happening. Verse 17b. And now mankind is occupying himself like a woman. Then Job goes on to speak about the creature’s present condition. Christ is fused to the dragon. Now mankind is occupying himself like a woman and the man, Christ, the woman, which is the creature or the soul, and the mind that is born of that union, are frozen together and cannot be divided because as verse 16 says, the dragon, which is the Serpent’s two thread mind is so close to the human spirit, which is Christ, that no male spirit can get in between them.
The next category is the creature. We are speaking about the creature’s present condition. The next condition is that the creature is the Serpent’s lesbian harlot. Verse 13. Who then can clear up Adam’s confusion? He is suppose to be the son of God and the undisputed ruler over Jehovah’s creation, but he thinks he is a woman and is content to be Leviathan’s harlot, a homosexual prostitute. The creation that Jehovah created is a homosexual prostitute at this time.
Christ’s rescue is impossible for man, but all things are possible with God. Verses 14 and the first half of 15. Or we can say, who can penetrate fallen Adam’s unconscious mind, and change his nature, since the dragon has imprisoned the human spirit, which is Christ, and sealed him in the Serpent’s image. Verse 32. And is become the god of the fallen dead creature who is weaving the ancient Serpent’s mind, which first appeared in Cain, and then again in Noah. And Leviathan, the fallen dead creature’s conscious mind is compassing him round about on every side. Christ’s reproductive strength is apprehended by the dragon.
Verse 19. And the spiritual sperm of the captive son of God mingles with the dragon’s destructive seed so that they shoot out from the same reproductive part and bring forth young. Christ and the dragon produce insane minds and dead souls. I remind you that even in the natural, inbreeding, incest, is much more likely to produce insanity in the offspring of an incestuous union than the union between two strangers. Sexual union between close relatives leaves a high potential for damaged offspring. We see that the creation, the soul that Jehovah created, at this point is a product of incest. We are spiritually insane and very damaged.
I am being slain in the Spirit. I hope I am making sense. I just ask you Lord to help me complete this exhortation, and we will close it out for the night. We thank you for your Spirit, Lord. Praise God.
Leviathan, the fallen dead creature’s conscious mind is compassing him round about on every side. Christ’s reproductive strength is apprehended by the dragon. Verse 19. And the spiritual sperm of the captive son of God mingles with the dragon’s destructive seed so that they shoot out from the same reproductive part and bring forth young. Christ and the dragon produce insane minds and dead souls. Verse 20. And the personalities which appear from out of the fallen dead creature’s clay womb, which is the soul, have spirits or minds which are proven insane, not legally responsible and useless when Christ Jesus appears. Christ is blinded by Leviathan. Verse 18. They, the insane minds, are the eyelid which is blinding Christ.
Next we hear from Jehovah in Job, Chapter 41 about his plan for deliverance in two phases. Phase 1. The Lord Jesus Christ, the only one born from seed. I remember it was several years ago, more than eight years ago, because it was before this ministry started up. There were a couple of preachers going around, and as far as I know they are still going around. They are probably very nice people, but they were going around preaching that Jesus is not the only begotten son of God, and that they too are begotten sons of God. That is not true, brethren. We are all sons of God, but Jesus is the only one who is begotten from seed.
We are all begotten by a cutting of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a cutting of His life that is engrafted to our spirit, which makes us a son. We are not born from seed. I confess to you openly, I do not have a full revelation of what that means. I still do not fully understand what Jesus experienced that we did not and are not experiencing. But I do know that the Scripture is very clear. He was conceived from seed and we were conceived from a cutting of the one who was conceived from seed. We have not and are not having the same experience that He had. The Lord Jesus Christ is the only one born from seed. Hallelujah.
Verse 28a. Now the Lord Jesus Christ is the only one who can penetrate Leviathan’s defensed mind. Verse 31. Boil Satan as a sin offering and convert the devil into a submissive wife so that the visible spiritual world rapidly springs up in his place. So now that the woman, which belongs to him has been conquered and is in subjection to him, the dead Christ can be changed into Christ Jesus, the one who should be able to make the Serpent good.
Next we have hindrances to Jehovah’s plan. The Serpent’s mind is a hindrance to Jehovah’s plan. Verse 27. But since Jehovah’s breath of the tree of life decayed into the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the dragon is weaving the human spirit into the Serpent’s completed mind. Leviathan’s incarnation as the creature is a hindrance to Jehovah’s plan.
Verse 25a. And Leviathan is incarnating as the many membered fallen creature and assembling them for his own evil purposes. The dead fallen creature’s lack of strength is another hindrance to Jehovah’s plan. Verse 26. And no man is strong enough to pull Christ out of Leviathan’s three thread defensed mind, lay hold of the spiritual riches which are in Christ Jesus, and stand up in full stature. The dead fallen creature’s lack of righteousness is another hindrance to Jehovah’s plan.
Verse 25b. Because they are all separated from the path of righteousness since Christ is circumcised and the dead human spirit is woven into the Serpent’s three fold completed mind, and Leviathan is scorning the fierceness of the two witness company. He is not taking them seriously. He is not taking them seriously. Leviathan in the minds of God’s people are not taking the two witness company seriously.
Many of them are receiving the doctrine, although there is a big opposition to the doctrine, but they do not want to hear about sin being exposed in them. They do not think that you have any right to tell them about their sins. They do not think you even can know what you are talking about because you are still not perfect. If that is your attitude towards someone that the Lord has raised up to show you your sins, that you cannot hear it from them, because they are not perfect themselves, it is the operation of Leviathan in your mind, and he is sin. He is sin. You must cry out to the Lord Jesus to save you from your own mind. Jesus.
Last, but not least, the last category we have in Chapter 41 of the Book of Job speaks about Leviathan’s characteristics. How we recognize him, how we recognize the operation of pride, because Leviathan’s foundation is pride. He is pride. How do we recognize him? What most people think is pride is the least mildest manifestation of pride around. Pride is wicked. It separates you from other men. It separates you from God. It is very evil. The first sign of pride is confusion. If you are frequently confused, you may be bound by pride.
Verse 33. The Serpent’s failure has produced a confused completed mind, which is stronger than fallen dead humanity. What kind of failure? How has the Serpent failed? She has failed to produce a living creature. She has produced a creature, but the creature is dead. She has failed to produce a living creature. Another sign of Leviathan or pride in your heart, a pride in your attitude, is irreverence. Verse 34. He respects every haughty thing, but he does not respect the things of God. He respects proud things, things that produce pride. He respects money. He respects power. He respects the things of this world, but not the things of God or those who are humble before the Lord. He respects every haughty thing and is king over the many membered magnificent wild animal that the Serpent has incarnated. He has a hard heart. If your heart is hard, it is a sign of pride.
Verse 24a. Leviathan’s heart is as hard as stone. He has a corrupt mind. Verses 21 and 22. Lust, fear, anxiety and depression spring forth from his mind and stir up warlike passions in his soul, which cause hostile words to issue out of his mouth. He draws strength from complaining, stubbornness and other negative and disruptive behavior. Another sign of Leviathan, he is conquered or he was conquered in the man Jesus. Verse 24b. Indeed, even though the Lord Jesus Christ has conquered the woman and brought her into subjection, we see that Leviathan is not conquered in the rest of the creature which we are. So indeed, even though the Lord Jesus Christ has conquered the woman, and brought her into subjection in the man Jesus, crushing judgment is still necessary to separate Christ from Leviathan in the many membered creature. That is us. The reason for that is, and this is phase 2 of the Lord’s deliverance for us, that we need Christ Jesus, the engrafted word.
The reason that crushing judgment is necessary is that they or we, the many members of humanity, seek comfort from Leviathan. We want him. We like him. We love him. We love the things of this world more than the things of God. We love the way he comforts us. We do not want the comfort of the mind. We want the comfort of food. We want the comfort of sex. We want the comfort of an easy soft life. We do not prefer the comfort of the mind. We do not prefer spiritual comfort. We do not prefer it. It would not be our first choice. We prefer the comfort of buying things, of money, of possessions. The reason that we prefer these things is that we are subjected to Jehovah’s judgment, which judgment has bound us with cords of darkness in our mind to Leviathan. We are one with him. We are married to him. We are inseparable, and we therefore are comforted by the things that comfort him.
Verse 12. But the word of God, which is the mind of Christ, can still be conceived in the many members of humanity, despite our condition of being so completely joined to Leviathan that we think with his thoughts. We feel with his feelings, and we are in fact him. Despite this condition, the word of God can still be conceived in us. The Lord is the same as the nature of Jehovah. Jehovah’s nature shall be engraved upon their human spirits, and they shall be highly esteemed and very valuable, because their new man, Christ Jesus, shall give them mastery over the wild animal that they are joined to. When I read this last verse, verse 12, it reminds me of a verse in Zechariah that I would like to read to you. I will put this verse in when I reference and footnote these scriptures in the alternate translation, but I feel to read it to you now.
Verse 12 says; But despite our condition, the word of God can still be conceived in us, and Jehovah’s nature can still be engraved on our human spirit. All is not lost. Let me just read you the corresponding verse in the Book of Zechariah, if you will just bear with me.
Zechariah, Chapter 6:7 says; Then the angel in a loud anguished cry explained to me, you will see in due season that the parts of the living soul that unfold toward the dark part of the unconscious mind, even the spark of my life, which is to bring forth Christ, but who is now joined to Satan, shall yet be the place where my spirit shall rest. It is just another way of saying that Jehovah still intends to save us and to engrave His nature in our spirit. What does that say? That the word of God can still be conceived in us and His nature engraved upon our human spirits. There is only one message, brethren. The true message that Jehovah is trying to get through to our pea brains is called the doctrine of Christ. It is everywhere in the Scripture, if you could just hear it; if you could just hear it.
Praise the Lord. We thank you for this outpouring of your Spirit, Lord. Are there any questions or comments?