340 - Part 11
(An In-Depth Study)

Part 11 of 14 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Recap of Job, Chapter 41 verses 18 thru 20 interspersed.  The spiritual sperm of the captive son of God mingles with the Dragon’s destructive seed.  They shoot out from the same reproductive part and bring forth young.  And the souls which appear from out of his dead clay womb have spirits which are proven insane, not legally responsible, and useless when Christ Jesus appears.  They are the eyelid which is blinding Christ.  Just in case I have not made it clear or I did not make it clear in the last message, the young that they bring forth are the souls which appear from out of his dead clay womb. 


The spiritual sperm of the captive son of God, that is Christ, mingles with the Dragon’s destructive seed.  Christ is the male seed and the Dragon is the female seed.  Together they shoot out from the same reproductive part and they bring forth young.  Those young are the souls which appear from out of his dead clay womb.  Those souls have spirits which are proven insane, not legally responsible, and useless when compared up against our standard Christ Jesus.  They are the eyelid which is blinding Christ. 


Continuing with Job, Chapter 41:21.  His breath kindleth coals and a flame goeth out of his mouth.  His breath kindleth coals and a flame goeth out of his mouth.  The Hebrew word translated breath is Strong’s #5315.  This is the Hebrew word nephesh.  Most of the time when this word appears in the Scripture, this word is translated soul; a living thing, a breathing creature, a soul life, a person in mind.  It is speaking about the soul such as we find in humanity.  It is the creature with life in it.  You may recall from our teaching in The Serpent, The Dragon, The Devil, And You, when the breath of Jehovah was joined to the dust of the earth, that dust became a living soul.  It became a nephesh.  This Hebrew word nephesh is a two part entity.  He has the breath of Jehovah’s life, which is the son, and the dust of the earth.  He is the living creature.  Actually he becomes the living creature after the Serpent is joined to him.  He is the living soul.  Jesus.


Of course, this word soul can be modified.  It can be alive or it can be dead.  We know that the soul in this hour is dead.  I really have to ask you to forgive me.  I have just started and I am getting slain in the Spirit.  God is going to have to get me through this message.  I may be stumbling a little bit, and I am just going to ask you to forgive me.  This is the Hebrew word soul.  It can be alive or it can be dead.  You have to look for modifying words to find out whether it is alive or whether it is dead.


His soul kindleth coals.  There is no adjective here modifying the word soul, so we do not know whether it is a living soul or a dead soul.  The word living would be an adjective.  It would indicate, or modify the word soul, to say it was alive or dead, but we do not have that.  What we have is what I believe is called a adverbial phrase modifying the word soul.  You see we have a verb modifying the soul.  The verb tells us what this soul does.  So by studying what this soul does, it is going to help us to understand whether it is a living soul or a dead soul.  That is how we are going to find out, by studying what it does. 


Kindleth coals.  The Hebrew word kindleth is Strong’s #3857 means to lick, to blaze, to burn up, to set on fire or flaming.  The Hebrew word translated coals is Strong’s #1513 means a flame, a flash, a sharply polished blade or point of a weapon, a flame or a glittering sword.  This is a pretty deep symbolic revelation.  If you cannot receive it, you will have to pray about it.  I suggest to you that the spiritual weapon is the mind, and that Leviathan, the Serpent’s three cord completed mind, is igniting the passions of the soul, which passions stir up his spiritual weapon.  Passions lead us to murder.  Passions lead us to envy.  Passions lead us to do all kinds of wicked evil things.  A stirring in the soul can make us steal, can make us hate, can make us lust.  I suggest to you that starting with this verse and the next few verses in Job 41, they will be revealing to us the qualities to look for in somebody that will identify them as acting out of pride.  That is what we are getting into now. 


Remember in the last message, I broke down these alternate translations for you.  First, God is challenging Job, asking him if he could do the things necessary to save the living soul.  Then the Lord was talking about the problem of mankind and helping the human spirit to escape from the braided mind of Leviathan.  We are now entering into another category of Jehovah speaking to Job, and that is Jehovah describing the qualities in a man that would identify pride.  That is what we are up to right now in verse 21


I have an Alternate Translation of first half of Job 41:21.  His mind, Leviathan’s mind, stirs up warlike passions.  We know that the overriding characteristic of Leviathan is pride, just as the overriding characteristic of Christ Jesus is righteousness.  The overriding characteristic of Leviathan is pride.  Pride stirs up warlike tendencies.  Pride makes us want to fight.  Pride makes us want to argue.  Pride makes us want to defend ourselves.  Pride leads to very aggressive behavior.  So our Alternate Translation of the first half of Job 41:21 is his mind stirs up warlike passions; anger, rage, lust.


Continuing with the second half of Job 41:21.  And a flame goeth out of his mouth.  The Hebrew word translated flame is Strong’s#3851.  It means a blade and it is used of the flashing point of a spear or the blade of a sword.  It sounds like a very similar translation of the Hebrew word translated coals.  And a flame goeth out of his mouth.  Goeth out is Strong’s #3318 and it means to issue forth.  Sometimes we hear that word used with regard to the birth of a human baby in something issues forth from the womb.  Here we are talking about something issuing out of one’s mouth.  You have heard that life and death is in the tongue and that the word is creative.  That which comes out of our mouth issues forth as the seeds of something that could be born. 


If I speak life about you or towards you, I am spraying you with seeds of life that hopefully will one day sprout in your mind and produce the life of Christ Jesus.  If somebody sprouts hate over you, they are seeding you or pelting you with the thoughts of the Serpent, and hopefully not, but most likely your mind, which is fertile soil, will produce the nature or continue the already existing nature of the Serpent in your mind.  You see, our nature is continuously being engraved as the thoughts of the Serpent arise in us.  It is not only every day, but from second to second, the nature of the Serpent is being sustained in us, continuously engraved. 


The mouth is Strong’s #6310 and it is referring to the mouth of a man, in particular speech.  Psalm 55:21 says the words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart: his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords.  What does that mean?  We have preached about that a lot here.  You are at a great disadvantage if you just listen to men’s words.  If you do not ask the Lord to help you discern the spirit behind the words you are in great danger, because people with the nicest voices and the nicest demeanor could be lying to you, and tricking you, and trying to rob, steal and kill you.  You must be able to recognize or to discern spirit.  You must be able to discern motives because you could have two people doing the same exact behavior, one person having an evil motive which will result in disaster in your life, and the other person doing it for the purposes of God, which will result in life.


You must be able to discern motive or you are at an extreme disadvantage, not only in the kingdom of God, but even in this world.  People are being tricked every day and hurt very badly because they fail to discern that someone’s intention towards them is evil.  That person was nice to them.  He spoke softly.  He may have even taken them out to dinner, or come into their home and been kind to their family, but his intention was evil, and the person’s family was raped because they could not recognize the evil intention. And a flame goeth out of his mouth.  Flame is a flashing point of a spear.  Goeth out issues out.  Mouth is the speech of a man. 


Alternate Translation of the second half of Job 41:21.  And hostile words issue out of his mouth.  The man whose mind is Leviathan, whose overriding characteristic is pride.  He is a man who will speak hostile words.  Pride brings forth arguing.  It brings forth hostility.  It brings forth anger.  Alternate Translation of the whole of Job 41:21.  His mind stirs up warlike passions and hostile words issue out of his mouth.  His mind stirs up warlike passions because his passions are stirred up.  Passions are feelings and hostile words issue forth out of his mouth.  When you hear someone speaking hostile words, they are not words unto themselves.  Words are fruit.  Words are fruit, that if they are hostile words, they are the fruit of spiritual adultery.  They are the fruit of sin. 


Hostile words are the fruit of sin that have been conceived in your mind.  By one’s words you can tell what is in one’s heart.  This is a great mystery, but hostile words do not always sound angry.  Someone can be speaking with a very gentle voice, but be speaking by a spirit that is making war against you.  If you are judging that person by the tone of their voice, you are at a great disadvantage because they could be cutting or carving your heart out by the spirit that is saying those nice words.  You will be thanking them for it because you cannot realize that they are killing you while they are speaking in a nice tone. 


I have met people in my life, several times, that are all hung up on the tone of somebody’s voice.  Although I do not justify raising your voice to somebody because it is wrong.  It is nevertheless very common to see the person whose voice is raised as the damage party.  They are the party that has been wounded.  They are the party that has been hurt.  They are the party whose soul has been raped and clawed.  Therefore their response to the ungodly manifestation which is probably being stated in a very calm seductive tone is anger.  People, that do not understand, look at that anger and they hear that anger, and they say what an ungodly person.


Well, it is not right talking like that.  You should never be raising your voice to anybody, but sometimes, brethren, our soul is wounded to a point that we lose control.  People without discernment think that the quiet person must be innocent and that the person with the raised voice must be guilty.  This is not necessarily true.  That person with that raised voice could have been severely provoked to be doing what they are doing.  Although I do not justify it, it is not right to raise your voice, but things are not black or white, brethren.  I encourage you to be mature and not childish.  Issues are rarely black and white, if ever. 


Job 41:21.  His mind stirs up warlike passions and hostile words issue out of his mouth.  We are continuing with Job 41:22.  In his neck remaineth strength and sorrow is turned into joy before him.  There is a song where there is a verse in it that says turn my sorrow into gladness.  Do you know that song?  It is an upbeat song that used to be sung here.  I was wondering if this is the scripture that it comes from, because if it does, the scripture does not mean that at all.  (Laughter) Verse 22.  In his neck remaineth strength and sorrow is turned into joy before him.  Even that does not sound right because that is making Leviathan doing a good deed.  Sorrow was turned into joy before him.  It does not mean that at all.  The first phrase, in his neck remaineth strength.


Neck is Strong’s #6677 and it is speaking about the back of the neck, actually the shoulders, the place on which burdens are bound.  Remaineth is Strong’s #3885 means to be obstinate, especially in words, meaning to complain.  Brethren, people that are suffering from pride are chronic complainers.  They are looking for a fight.  Their passions are stirred up easily and they are very quick to lace you out with their mouth.  They are chronic complainers.  Why are we talking about all this?  Are we picking on people?  No, we are being instructed as to how to recognize people that are suffering from pride.  We will find out in a future verse that the Scripture is saying that people who are severely bound by pride are very hard to cure, very very hard to cure.  It is a serious spiritual problem.


As we have discussed on other tapes, psychiatrists frequently have said this.  I do not know about today, but in Freud’s day, he said they were incurable, and that they just could not do anything with someone who was narcissistic, someone who was severely bound by pride.  They are heavily defensed.  So we see people in whom Leviathan is appearing in strength are obstinate.  The American Heritage Dictionary says that obstinate means stubbornly adhering to an attitude, an opinion, or a course of action.  In other words you will not give it up even if you have reason to give it up. Even if someone is proving to you that it is wrong, you just will not give it up for your own selfish purposes.  Either you do not want to be wrong, or you do not want to be embarrassed, or for whatever purpose, you liked it the way it was.  You are obstinate.


The truth is not enough to make you change your mind.  You cleave unto your opinion, no matter what the facts are.  You are stubborn, obstinate.  The American Heritage Dictionary also says that obstinate means that you are difficult to manage.  You are difficult to control or subdue, and your condition is difficult to alleviate.  That means to give relief.  It is very difficult to relieve you or to cure you.  Pride is an extremely serious spiritual problem.  I find pride to be at the base of every serious emotional order.  Pride is the blighty of humanity.  It can make you physically sick also.  It is the root cause of drug addition.  It is the root cause of alcoholism.  Pride is a very very serious spiritual disease.  In his neck remaineth strength.  Strength is Strong’s #5797 means force, security, boldness or power. 


Alternate translation of the first half of Job 41:22.  He draws strength.  The man who is riddled with pride draws strength from complaining, stubbornness, and other negative and disruptive behavior.  People that are severely bound by pride have not accomplished very much and they do not have much to offer to the group.  So just as a young child will destroy what his older brothers have erected, the man severely bound by pride will do everything he can to be disruptive and to cause trouble instead of humbling himself and working together.  To be bound by pride is indeed a condition of severe immaturity.


Alternate Translation of the first half of Job 41:22.  He draws his strength from complaining, stubbornness and other negative and disruptive behavior.  That is how he gets strong.  How does that kind of behavior get him strong?  It wears you down, brethren.  It wears down the person that is trying to be fair, that is trying to be reasonable, that would really like peace and reconciliation.  This pride and this stubbornness, and this chronic complaining, he draws strength from it.  It will destroy the reasonable mind.  This is a great mystery, brethren.  I have talked about it before, but this existence is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and the evil in this tree is stronger than the good.  If you are a decent person, and you are trying to help, and be reasonable and compromise, a person that is bound with pride will wear you down and destroy you through their complaining, and their disruptive and harassing behavior.


Evil is stronger than good.  It is only righteousness that is stronger than evil.  It will take righteousness, that righteousness which arises out of sinlessness, to overcome a man who is bound with pride.  The best person in this world will be cast down by the strength that he draws from his negative thinking, complaining and trouble making.  It is negative power.  It is witchcraft and it is mind control.  Glory to God.


Sorrow is turned into joy before him.  And before him is Strong’s #6440.  We will translate that in the presence of or in his presence.  Is turned is Strong’s #1750 and it means to leap, to dance, or to spring.  We are going to take that translation.  It means to leap forth or to spring forth.  Into joy; those words are not in the Hebrew.  Now you say to yourself how could the King James translators add words like that?  Well they did it.  All you people that have idolatry for the King James Translation, I believe it is the best translation on the market, but it is not accurate in many areas.  The translators have taken a lot of license, and this is one of those cases.  Sorrow is turned into joy before him.  Into joy should not be there.  Sorrow is turned before him.  It does not make any sense at all, so the King James translators added the words into joy. 


Actually what it is saying is; And sorrow is turned before him.  Is turned means to spring forth.  Sorrow springs forth before him.  And sorrow springs forth in his presence.  This Hebrew word translated sorrow is Strong’s #1670 and it means faintness, dismay, failure of mental energy, which I suggest to you is depression.  This word sorrow also means pining or pining away.  The American Heritage Dictionary says that the word dismay means fear, alarm, anxiety, trepidation, disquiet, alarm, or panic.  Please note that the word pining indicates pining away, which signifies pathos lust.  Those of you who might remember, pining away is associated with pathos lust.  The word pathos is Greek.  It means sickness.  It is speaking about the kind of lust that has suicide attached to it, that will disturb you, and make you yearn for something all your life, and as soon as you get it, you do not want it anymore. 


For someone who is bound with pathos lust, they have to be ever longing for something that they could never get.  It is a condition of misery that the person has some unconscious programming in them that keeps them continuously in a condition of always wanting and never having.  In extreme cases someone bound by pathos lust will kill themselves by thinking that they are totally hopeless and have no chance, whatsoever,  of ever having any chance of this thing that they want so badly, so they might just as well kill themselves.  Of course, that is a lie, because there is only one thing we cannot live without and that is Jesus. I looked up the word dismay.  It means fear, alarm, anxiety, trepidation, disquiet, alarm and panic. 


Alternate Translation of the second half of Job 41:42.  Spring forth from his presence.  And lust, fear, anxiety and depression spring forth from his presence.  Alternate Translation of the whole of verse 22.  He draws strength from complaining, stubbornness and other negative and destructive behavior.  Lust, fear, anxiety and depression spring forth from his presence.  One more time.  I have an amplified translation for you.  Lust, fear, anxiety and depression spring forth from his mind, and he draws strength from complaining, stubbornness, and other negative and disruptive behavior. I hope I am making some sense.  I am three quarters passed out here.  Let me try that again. 


Amplified Translation of Job 41:22.  Lust, fear, anxiety and depression spring forth from his mind.  He draws strength from complaining, stubbornness and other negative and disruptive behavior.  Continuing with Job 41:23.  The flakes of his flesh are joined together.  They are firm in themselves.  They cannot be moved.  The flakes of his flesh are joined together.  Flakes is Strong’s #4651 and it means a falling off.  It could mean chaff, also something pendulous or hanging parts.


The Hebrew word translated flakes can be translated chaff as in wheat.  We know that the chaff has to be separated from the wheat.  The chaff is the husk that get separated in milling.  The flakes of his flesh, the hanging parts of his flesh.  The word flesh is Strong’s #1320.  It means flesh.  It means the male organ of generation, the pudenda of man.  It is talking about the sexual parts of a man.  The word flesh, meaning the sexual parts of a man.  I did not know that.  The male organ is made of chaff as in the negative male organ that is the Serpent’s mature mind.  I am actually slurring my words.  Jesus, get me through this message. 


The male organ made of chaff.  How do I get that?  The flesh is speaking about the male organ of generation and flakes is speaking about chaff or something pendulous or hanging part, something that is extra.  The chaff is extraneous.  It is milled away and it is discarded.  So we see that the male organ is made of chaff and that chaff is modifying the male organ.  Now if we were told this was a glorious male organ, it would be whom?  It would be Christ Jesus.  That is right, but we are told it is the male organ made of chaff.  That means it is the male organ of the earth or of the Serpent.  It is the Serpent’s mature mind which is Leviathan.  They are joined together, meaning to overtake, to cast, or to be melted.  They are joined together which is Strong’s #1692; to be melted, to be overtaken, to be joined together.  The American Heritage Dictionary says the word cast means to form liquid metal into a particular shape by pouring it into a mold. 


Alternate Translation of the first half of Job 41:23.  The negative male organ is formed.  The flakes of his flesh are joined together.  Flakes, the hanging part, the extraneous part, the chaff, his flesh, the main organ, are joined together to overtake, to cast, to molten.  The flakes of his flesh are joined together.  They are firm in themselves.  Jesus.  They are firm in themselves.  They cannot be moved. 


Did I give you the alternate translation there?  I may not have.  This is the worst I have ever been.  This is the closest I have come to actually being slain.  I am going out.  Can you hear it in my voice?  Were you sleeping too?  A couple of times I caught myself, and my voice was just going off.  I am actually passing out here. The word cast means to form liquid metal into a particular shape by pouring into a mold.  The alternate translation of the first half of verse 23 is the negative male organ is formed. 


Continuing with the second half of Job 41:23.  They are firm in themselves.  They cannot be moved.  The Hebrew word translated firm is Strong’s #3332 and it means to pour out, to melt, or to cast as metal, to stiffen or grow hard.  I remind you that metal signifies spirit.  The word themselves is Strong’s #5921.  We are dealing with they are firm in themselves.  The Hebrew word translated themselves is Strong’s #5921 and it means because; because they cannot.  Cannot is Strong’s #1077.  This word can be translated nothing. 


I remind you that there are several words in the Hebrew language that can be translated nothing, and they frequently describe the devil, the dragon, the serpent or Satan.  This Hebrew word translated cannot, Strong’s #1077 means nothing.  We are going to translate it the serpent for the purposes of this verse.  They shall not be moved.  They are firm in themselves.  They cannot be moved.  To be moved is strong’s #4131 and it means to be out of course or to slide or to slip. 


Alternate Translation of the second half of Job 41:23.  They are formed as spirit.  Who are they?  They are all the people whose mind is Leviathan.  They are formed as spirit instead of soul because the Serpent is out of course.  Who are they?  The many members of humanity are formed as spirit instead of soul.  Leviathan, who is of the soul, should be formed as soul.  Leviathan is suppose to be soul, and then the mind of the creation is suppose to be begotten into the actual creation by the son of God.  But we see that Leviathan has risen up and actually has borne himself as a result of the soul joining to the soul.  We see that the soul has given birth to the mind of flesh instead of to the mind of the spirit. The reason for this is that the Serpent is out of course.  This Hebrew word translated to be moved is Strong’s #4131 and it means that the Serpent is out of course. 


Alternate Translation of Job 41:23.  The negative male organ is formed.  They are formed as spirit instead of soul because the Serpent is out of course.  Amplified Translation of Job 41:23.  The chaff is formed as a male organ instead of a female organ because the Serpent is out of course.  One more time.  The soul is formed as the male organ instead of the female organ because the Serpent is out of course. 


Continuing with verse 24.  His heart is as firm as a stone.  Yea, as hard as a piece of the nether millstone.  His heart is Strong’s #3820.  It is speaking about the heart, the feelings, the will and the intellect.  This is a very common word.  It is the most commonly used word to describe the heart of man.  Is as firm is Strong’s #3332 and it means to cast hard.  Also the word as is as firm as stone.  The word as is Strong’s #3644 and it means like as. Stone is Strong’s #68.


Alternate Translation of the first half of Job 41:24.  His heart is as hard as stone.  Everyone listening to this tape, when it clicks off I am going to end and you are going to have to pick up with Part 12 if you want to hear the rest of this because I am being slain in the Spirit. 


Continuing with the second half of Job 41:24.  Yea, as hard as a piece of the nether millstone.  The word we are translating hard is repeated three times.  It is used twice in verse 24 and once in verse 23.  It is just a repetition.  His heart is as hard as stone.  Yes, it sure is.  It is as hard as a piece of.  Those words, as a piece of, are a translation of Strong’s #6400.  Actually the word means a millstone.  We have the words of the nether, which is Strong’s #8482.  It means the lower most.  It is a feminine and plural word.  It means the depths, the pit, or the womb.


I suggest to you that this is the Hebrew word which means the lower levels.  It is speaking about hell.  Here we have a witness right here that hell is the spiritual womb which is the Serpent or the pit, the hole that man has fallen into or the depths.  It is hell right here.  It is a condition of mind, brethren.  We see that this Hebrew word is speaking about the reproductive ability of the earth.  That is the reproductive ability of the Serpent.  Then we have, yea as hard as a piece of the nether millstone.  There is no Hebrew word translated millstone.  Millstone is a part of the phrase, as a piece of.  It is a part of Strong’s #6400.


Alternate Translation of the second half of Job 41:24.  Even hard enough to separate the chaff from the wheat.  Yes, his heart is as hard as stone, yea as hard as a piece of the nether millstone.  Yea, his heart is as hard as stone, even hard enough to separate the chaff from the wheat.  What does that mean?  It means that his heart is so hard that he will execute severe judgments that will result in separating the chaff from the wheat.  What does that mean?  Maybe this sounds more familiar to you.  Let us separate the soul from the spirit, and the joints from the marrow. 


Brethren, the mind of Christ is growing inside of your carnal mind.  Leviathan is the name of your carnal mind, and there has to be a separation.  The mind of Christ that is coming forth has to separate from the womb of the earth, which is this fallen mind which we are all walking around in.  May God have mercy on our souls. 


Alternate Translation of the whole of Job 41:24.  His heart is as hard as stone, even hard enough to separate the chaff from the wheat.  Amplified Translation of Job 41:24.  His heart is as hard as stone, even hard enough to execute the crushing judgment that is separating Christ from him.  His heart is as hard as stone, even hard enough to execute the crushing judgment that is separating Christ from him. 


Hebrews 4:12 says; For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.  Two thoughts.


Recap of Job 41:21 thru 24.  His mind stirs up warlike passions and hostile words issue out of his mouth.  Lust, fear, anxiety and depression spring forth from his mind, and he draws strength from complaining, stubbornness, and other negative and disruptive behavior.  The soul is formed as the male organ instead of the female organ because the serpent is out of course.  His heart is as hard as stone, even hard enough to execute the crushing judgment that is separating Christ from him.


I have in my notes several passages to comment on, which I am simply not up to doing.  I will put it on the tape however.  It is Ezekiel 11:17 thru 21Verses 17 thru 21 speaks about the hard heart being converted to a heart of flesh.  Ezekiel 36:20 has the same principle, although each scripture reference speaks about different things.  I will see what I feel led to do.  I might pick up right on this tape next week, and exhort on those two passages, if the Lord lets me do it.


In any event, whoever is listening to this tape, I hope that I was coherent enough for you to be somewhat edified.  Those of you that follow these tapes may know that I have been coming closer and closer to being slain in the Spirit over these last weeks.  This is the most serious condition I have ever been in.  I am sitting here with my eyes closed, and I can barely function.  I continue to make this my prayer, Lord.  I thank you for being slain in the Spirit.  I believe there is life in the experience, but how am I suppose to teach when my eyes started to close even before I open the Bible today?  Jesus.  I pray that you bless all these disciples, Lord, and bless everyone listening to the tapes and reading the transcript.  Thank you Jesus.        




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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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