340 - Part 10
(An In-Depth Study)

Part 10 of 14 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team. 


Recap Alternate Translation of Job, Chapter 41 Verses 1 thru 17, interspersed.  This is Jehovah speaking to Job.  Will the Serpent appoint Leviathan, her completed female mind to rule over you?  Or will she sacrifice her so that Christ Jesus can raise you from the dead?  Can Leviathan’s malignant tongue, the mind of that many membered band of destructive men, and the fallen soul, which has been choking since the weed of the carnal mind killed the incomplete Christ mind, be submerged underneath the mind of Christ Jesus and the spiritual visible world, which is in his image?  Will the men who are bound to Leviathan because of the Serpent’s witchcraft be able to separate themselves from him by digging through the earth of their souls and unraveling his completed mind?


Can you save this fallen dead soul by completing Leviathan, that dead militarily defensed mind, which the Serpent birth in her, and by judging the spirit of Cain, which is her unconscious mind?  Can your mind penetrate the Dragon and join with the human spirit, who is joined to him so that she can increase into Christ Jesus, the one who is strong enough to boil Leviathan until he evaporates and releases the human spirit?  Will you, Job, who are the Serpent, cut Leviathan away from your soul so that your human spirit can overcome death by increasing into Christ Jesus?  Will you, Job, enfold your fallen dead soul into your mind and enslave her for the life of the ages? 


Obviously you cannot do any of this, Job, because look at what the Serpent has made out of Jehovah’s creation.  She is so fiercely sinful since she incarnated that there is not a man anywhere who can survive the fiery presence of the Lord.  So you may be laughing at Behemoth’s power to hurt you now, Job, but you will not be laughing when you find out that you are Leviathan’s prostitute.  Nevertheless, do not worry, Job, your fallen condition will not last forever because Leviathan will be cast down when Christ Jesus appears.  Therefore, be a man in the Lord to determine whose nature will be engraved in your soul, and fashion her after the Lord Jesus Christ, so that you do not conceive your enemy, Leviathan, the Serpent’s completed mind.


Now that the woman which belongs to Christ Jesus has been conquered and is in subjection to the Lord Jesus Christ, I should be able to make the Serpent good.  This is how I will do it.  This is Jehovah speaking.  I will engrave my nature upon their human spirits and the Word of God shall be born in them, and they shall be highly esteemed and very valuable because their new man, Christ Jesus, shall give them mastery over their own soul.  Who can clear up Adam’s confusion?  He is suppose to be the son of God, and the undisputed ruler over Jehovah’s creation, but he thinks he is a woman, and is content to be Leviathan’s harlot.


Or we can say, who can penetrate fallen Adam’s unconscious mind and change his nature, since the Dragon has imprisoned the human spirit and sealed her in the Serpent’s image, and Leviathan, the fallen dead creation’s conscious mind, is compassing her round about on every side.  The Dragon is so close to the human spirit that no other male spirit can get in between them.  A man is pursued and seized by himself, and is occupying himself like a woman, and now the man, the woman, and the mind that is born of that union are frozen together and cannot be divided. 


We see that so far we have gone through verse 13 and we see these verses already in three categories, I believe.  The first category is Jehovah asking Job if his mind is strong enough to do what needs to be done to overcome the Serpent’s mind.  We see Jehovah asking Job if Job’s mind is strong enough to overcome the Serpent’s mind, whose name is Leviathan. The purpose in overcoming Leviathan is to deliver humanity out from under her authority, because so long as humanity is subjected to the Serpent’s mind, whose name is Leviathan, all of us are in hell.  That hell exists in our mind and it exists in our emotions, and it extends out to our relationships and to our physical world. 


The second category of these verses, that we have done so far, we see Jehovah speaking about the condition of man, that we are fearfully sinful and that we are Leviathan’s prostitute.  Verse 8 says that we are in a war to determine whose nature will be engraved in our soul.  Verse 11 tells us that we belong to Christ Jesus and that the human race is adulterous, but that Jehovah has already begun to reel her back in, in that He has subjected the soul, to date, to one man, the Lord Jesus Christ, the first man strong enough to rule over this wicked woman, which is the soul, which Jehovah has formed.


Starting with verse 12, we see Jehovah starting to share His plan for deliverance for humanity.  In verse 12 He says He is going to do it by giving us a new nature, and He is going to do it by giving us His nature.  The method that He will do it is by giving us a new personality, a new man, not killing us, but by reforming that which we already are.  He is going to make the old new, and the new man will be in Jehovah’s image, so that we can go on with God, and be raised from the dead. 


Beginning with verse 13, we see Jehovah stating the problem.  I find this very interesting.  Verses 13 thru 17 tell us that Adam is confused, that he is a man, but he thinks that he is a woman, and that the Dragon is so close to the human spirit that no other spirit can penetrate that union.  Verse 17 tells us about the spiritual incest which occurred, that a man pursued his own soul and brought forth offspring from that spiritually homosexual and incestuous relationship, which offspring we are.  The human race in this hour is a complete perversion.  Of course, verses 14 and 15 seem to go into a prior category.  I think that verses 14 and 15 would have to go into the second category which speak about how Jehovah is going to change the nature of this soul. 


We see a progression, the Father speaking to Job, challenging him by saying, is your mind strong enough to deliver humanity from hell?  Of course, the answer is no.  Then Jehovah exalts Himself and tells us how He is going to do it.  The third category is that He is presenting the problem.  Now I find this very interesting, from what I know about Eastern religion and the other religions of the world, in particular Hinduism.  I have Hinduism and Buddhistism in mind right now.  These religions seem to have a pretty accurate concept of humanities’ problem.  What they do not have is the answers.


They seem to have a general idea of spiritual truth, of what mankind is lacking, and an understanding that we have to attain to Nirvana.  Hinduism teaches about Nirvana where we have to get to this place of evenness where our emotions are no longer up and down.  Buddhists know that we cannot respond to evil with evil because it will destroy us.  They have the basic understanding of the problem.  They do not have the knowledge or the power to solve the problem, but Jesus has the knowledge of what to do and the power to do it.  I do not see this in any other religion.


I just find it very fascinating when I look at this spiritual truth that is coming forth in Job, Chapter 41.  There are some spiritual truths here that I have not heard voiced.  Now it may be out there in the world because I am no expert on other religions.  I am certainly no expert on it, but I have never heard anything like verse 17.  I have never heard about the spiritual incest or the spiritual homosexuality, where a man is pursued and seized by himself and occupying himself like a woman, and that we are frozen together in this ungodly formation.  I have never heard that through another religion.  As I am telling you, it may be out there.  If anyone is hearing this tape, and has heard this spiritual truth come forth in another religion, I would really like to know about it just out of curiosity. 


Now we go on with verse 18.  I am going to tell you up front that verses 18, 19 and 20 are speaking about spiritual reproduction.  It just really excited me.  Now listen, verse 17 is a literary style in the Bible.  I have spoken about this before, but not for a long time.  There is a literary style that the Bible is written in.  Frequently, the Lord will state His case.  He will make a statement of the facts of a particular condition, and then the following verses will explain that broad statement.  This is what we have here.  Verse 17 is speaking about incest and homosexuality, spiritually speaking.  A man is pursued and seized by himself, incest, and is now occupying himself like a woman, homosexuality.  Now the man and the woman, that is the two parts of the creation, and the mind, or the offspring that is born of that union, are frozen together and cannot be undivided.  That is verse 17,  a general statement of what happened, but not really how it happened.


Starting with verse 18, we are going to hear about spiritual reproduction.  It is really quite amazing.  I feel led, for whatever reason, and I hope it is the Lord, to read you our alternate translation before I tell you how I got it, of verses 18 thru 20 of Job 41These are the Alternate Translations and Amplified Translations of verses 18, 19 and 20 and they are also interspersed, as follows


The spiritual sperm of the captive son of God mingles with the Dragon’s destructive seed.  They shoot out from the same reproductive part, that is the incest and also the homosexuality, and bring forth young. The souls which appear from out of his dead clay womb.  That is Leviathan we are talking about now.  The souls which appear, or which are born of this dead clay womb, have spirits which are proven insane, not legally responsible and useless, when Christ Jesus appears.  That means that no matter how great the greatest human being alive is, in comparison to the Lord Jesus, he will be proven to be insane and not legally responsible, and useless.  These men are the eyelid, or the mind in these men are the eyelid, which is blinding Christ.  Leviathan is the eyelid which is closed over the mind of Christ and blinding Him.  We are speaking about spiritual reproduction. 


Continuing with Job, Chapter 41:18.  By his neesings, a light doth shine, and his eyes are like the eyelids of morning.  Once again, before I continue, I would like to state this for the tape or for whoever needs to hear this again.  The translation of prophesy, in particular, this could be true of many translations, but certainly of prophesy, it is translated on two levels.  We are translating from the Hebrew or the Greek into English, and then we are solving the puzzle of the symbology of the words.  After we translate from Hebrew to English, we are looking for English words that are symbols with spiritual significance.  So it is almost like a double translation.  There is deep prophesy such as in the Book of Job


Someday I would love to do the whole Book of Job.  To me it is as mysterious as the Book of Revelation.  I do not know why I am saying this.  I just feel this way.  The Book of Job is more of a puzzle than any of the prophets.  I believe that whenever you find an English translation that makes very little sense, the problem is that when the Spirit of God wrote these scriptures, He wrote them from within a deep spiritual truth in mind that the King James translators could not comprehend.  They just did the best they could, and they translated it into something that does not make much sense at all.  I think the Book of Job is chock loaded with all forms of spiritual secrets out of the mind of God. 


Let us go on.  By his neesings.  There is no Hebrew word translated by.  This word was just put into the King James text by the translators trying to make some sense out of these words.  The Hebrew word translated neesings is Strong’s # 5846 and it merely means to sneeze.  Now brethren, get real, why would the Living God, the Creator of the universe, be speaking about Leviathan sneezing?  I do not think He would be speaking about that any more than He would be speaking about Leviathan coughing, or going to a roller skating party, or having the chicken pox.  There has to be some meaning to this word sneezing.


I looked it up in three different Hebrew lexicons.  The word simply means to sneeze.  So when all is lost and you cannot find anything that makes any sense at all in any of the Hebrew lexicons, does anybody know where we look next?  We look in the dictionary.  We go to the English dictionary.  Let us find out what this word could possibly mean.  Webster says, the word sneeze means to expel air forcibly from the mouth and nose in an explosive spasmodic involuntary action.  I do not know about you, brethren, but when I read that, all I could think about is the son of God being forcibly propelled away from the Father in the experience that we call the “big bang.”


I remind you that we, down here in hell, are a very very low life form.  Pretty much everything we do is a very poor attempt to mimic what the Father does on our very low level.  I am sorry if I am offending anybody, but the process that is required to impregnate a woman fits in this description too.  The sperm is forced out of the male body and is forcibly injected into the female body.  We see the son of God forcibly injected from the Father and forcibly inserted into the earth that formed humanity.  Now in Job 41:18 we read that sneezing means to forcibly expel air.  Air typifies what?  Spirit!  To forcibly expel spirit from the mouth and nose.  We will talk about what the mouth and nose is a little further on, but to forcibly expel spirit in an explosive spasmodic involuntary action.


All I could think about is spiritual sex, brethren.  Now we know that the Serpent has stolen this creation and she is acting like a man.  She is not a man.  She is a lesbian, but she is doing what a man does.  Because she is not as low as we are, she does have the spiritual authority to impregnate herself.  She is a higher life form than we are.  We are the lowest life form that you can have that still has spirit.  Only the animals are lower than us and they are just soul.  They do not have spirit.  The mind which is within us is a higher life form than fallen man.  How do I know that?  She has authority over us.  If we were a higher life form, we would have authority over her.  So all you silly Christians that go around preaching that we have dominion over the earth, you do not know what you are talking about. 


Dominion over the earth is a promise to man, but we do not have it.  The earth has dominion over us.  Even microbes bite us and we die.  Ticks bite us and we die.  Mosquitoes bite us and we get malaria, and we are tortured.  The earth has dominion over us.  The earth of our very own flesh has the power to stop us from doing what we purpose to do when disease is found in this flesh.  Sometimes our legs do not work.  Sometimes our arms do not work.  Sometimes we are laid up in bed with a fever.  This body has dominion over our will.  If you think man has dominion, you are silly.  If you think a man that calls himself a Christian has dominion, you are even sillier.  Where are your eyes?  It is just not true.  It is just not true.  It is just not true.


The end of the whole story is that everybody dies, including those men who call themselves Christians.  You do not know what you are talking about.  You must have a teacher that is a woman, and not the spiritual man, Christ Jesus.  I suggest to you, therefore, that the Hebrew word translated sneezings is speaking about the men that the Dragon incarnates.  You see, this word neesings is a noun.  By his neesings, by the air that he forcibly expels out of his mouth, by the breaths that he forcibly breathes.  Breathes where?  The son of God was breathed into the earth.


Well here is Leviathan counterfeiting Jehovah and breathing these breaths.  I suggest to you that the Scripture is speaking about incarnating fallen men.  When Jehovah breathe the breath of life, He incarnated a glorious creation.  Righteous Adam, before the Fall, was glorious.  He was in the image of the Father, but the Dragon in this hour is breathing out breaths and he is incarnating fallen vile deformed men. 


By his neesings a light doth shine.  Light is Strong’s # 216.  It means daybreak, dawn, the morning light, or lightning.  I remind you that Christ is the morning.  Please remember from our studies on Creation that the morning is a mixture of light and darkness with the light predominating.  Evening is a mixture of light and darkness with the darkness predominating.  This whole creation is darkness and light.  This whole creation is spirit and soul, and certain parts of it have the spirit predominating and other parts have the soul predominating.


That part of the creation which has the spirit predominating is called morning, and that part of the creation which has the soul predominating is called evening.  And the evening and the morning was the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth day.  A day is the creation in which the light is predominated.  It is the evening and the morning together under the authority of the light.  The night is the whole creation, light and darkness, under the predominance of the darkness.  Jesus.


By his neesings a light doth shine.  Doth shine is Strong’s # 1984.  It means to be clear.  It is originally used to describe sound, but it is usually spoken of with regard to color, to shine.  I remind you that color is the result of light being put through a prism.  Bright white light typifying spirit, when it is forced through a prism is the spectrum of the rainbow, which signifies spirit down here in this visible physical world, lowered spirit, lowered spirit, spirit in the soul realm as opposed to pure spirit, which is invisible.  The whole purpose of this creation, brethren, is that Jehovah, the invisible God, desires to be seen.  He is white light; invisible.  He is putting Himself through a prism so that He can be seen.  When He appears, He appears as color.  He appears as colors.


What is the prism that He is forcing Himself through?  It is the spiritual body of man.  The Spirit of Jehovah when forced through the creation that is in righteous standing will be the spectrum of the rainbow.  Right now the creation is fallen and muddy and dark and dirty.  So it is hard to see the colors of Jehovah’s light because we are covered with the miry clay.  The Hebrew word translated doth shine, Strong’s #1984, spoken of color, means to be clear.  It also means to boast and thus to be foolish.  It means to rave or to stultify.  We see that this word shine is speaking about nature and like so many Hebrew words, it could go either way.  It could be positive.  It could mean to be clear, which would indicate the righteous body through which the Spirit of Jehovah is appearing, or it could mean to boast, to be foolish, to rave or to stultify. 


I really should not have put this word clear in, but apparently I did not take it out because we are going to take the negative translation of this word doth shine.  Strong’s #1984 means to boast and thus to be foolish, to rave or to stultify.  Webster says that to stultify means to render useless or ineffectual, to cripple, to cause to appear stupid, inconsistent, or ridiculous, to act mad, or to act like a madman.  The legal term of stultify means to allege, approve, insane, and so not legally responsible.  I suggest to you Job 41:18, by his neesings a light doth shine, is saying the following.  The spirits incarnated by the Dragon are proven insane and not legally responsible and useless when Christ Jesus appears.  No matter how good we look, when we are placed up against the real thing, we are insane.  This mind that is in man is insane.  Look at how we hurt each other, and kill each other, and destroy our own households.


It says in the Book of Proverbs, anyone who destroys his own house is foolish, which is putting it mildly.  You build your own house.  When I was a young girl, there used to be a saying that would go around.  I have not heard it in a long time, but the saying was you never dirty in your own house.  If you are going to sin, if you are going to commit adultery, if you are going to commit evil, you never do it in your own house.  I am not for sin, but for fallen men this would be their rule.  If you are going to do it, do not do it at home.  This country is under a curse of foolishness today.  The fornication and adultery that is going on is largely turning into incest.  The destructive tendencies of men are turning towards their own wives, and their own children, and their own families. 


It used to be otherwise.  Men and women would preserve their family life.  They would keep secrets from their children.  They would not let their children know about their sin.  They knew that doing such a thing would destroy the family.  But in this hour, the whole nation is under a curse of foolishness.  Parents are exposing their sins openly and families are being ripped to pieces.  Children are being destroyed.  You do not mess in your own home.  If you are serving God, you do not mess at all.  But if you are a sinner, with some wisdom, you do not do it in your own house.  Why?  Because if you tear down your own house, brethren, you do not have a house.  If you tear down your own family, you do not have a family.  If you tear down your own marriage, you do not have a marriage.  Do not mess at home.  You should not mess at all, but if you are going to do it, do not mess at home.  To mess in your own family is to destroy yourself. 


Alternate Translation of the first half of Job 41:18.  The spirits incarnated by the Dragon are proven insane, not legally responsible, and useless when Christ Jesus appears.  Witnesses to that are Luke 23:24.  Then Jesus said, Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.  They are not legally responsible.  That was what Jesus said.  They are not legally responsible.  They do not even know what they are talking about.  Brethren, that is why the sons of God must forgive men’s sins.  People are insane.  You must be insane to attack a son of God.  You have to be mentally deranged. 


Not that long ago someone was cursing me right to my face.  I tried to stop them, but the person was in such ignorance that they thought I was trying to stop them because I was afraid for myself.  The truth is that I knew that they could not curse me, and that their judgment of me was unrighteous, and that such curse would be going back on their own head.  They would not let me stop them.  They thought it was for my good.  They did not know that I was trying to save them.  The curse was something really bad is going to happen to you.  They said it three times right to my face with great evil.  It was not even six months ago.  Brethren, something really bad has happened to that person that pronounced that curse on me.


See, they left me no choice but to send it back.  I was not going to stand there and receive it.  I tried to stop them.  I tried to help them.  They would not listen.  They were convinced I was an evil woman.  They called me an evil woman, and told me that something really bad was going to happen to me.  Now something really bad has happened to them.  Only an insane person would curse the son of God.  I think in that same conversation, I said do not curse the son of God.  They said, you are no son of God.  Father, forgive their sins.  You have to be out of your mind to pronounce a curse like that, on anyone doing the best they can to serve God, no matter how imperfect they are.  Forgive them, Father, they are out of their minds.  They are out of their minds. 


Isaiah 44:24.  Thus saith the Lord, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the Lord that maketh all things, that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself.  I am the Lord that frustrateth the tokens of the liars, and maketh diviners mad, mad meaning insane, that turneth wise men backward, and maketh their knowledge foolish.  Diviners, those who predict the future, all the people involved in all forms of spiritual works that are not of Christ, the wise of this world and their wisdom are insanity and foolishness, when compared to the Spiritual works and the wisdom of Jesus Christ. 


Continuing with the second half of Job 41:18.  And his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning.  Eye is Strong’s # 5869.  We have had that word many times.  It is used of mental and spiritual facilities.  It typifies the soul.  There is no Hebrew word translated for the word are.  The King James translators just put it in.  And his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning.  Eyelids is Strong’s # 6079.  The word is singular, one eyelid.  You may recall two summers ago when the Lord brought forth this concept of one eye and one eyelid.  You may have watched some science fiction monster movie sometime during your life.  Sometimes the monster is portrayed as a one eyed monster, a one eye purple people eater.  Something like that.  Why? 


It is because the mind of man perceives anything different than what we see here as perverse.  Therefore to have one eye in the middle of your forehead is perverse.  But brethren, having two eyes in the middle of our forehead is the perversion.  The two eyes that we have is a sign that we are doubleminded.  We are suppose to have a single eye.  Paul warns us to not be corrupted from the simplicity which is in Christ Jesus.  That Greek word translated simplicity means single.  We are to have a single eye.  We have two eyes.  Eye typifies soul, our fallen soul and our renewed soul.  They are to be functioning as one soul under the dominion of Christ.  We have two eyes in our forehead, but they function as one eye.


When a man has his two eyes going in opposite directions, he has got a problem.  That man has a problem.  Spiritually speaking, we have one eye, and it is the mind of Christ, and it is covered over by a sheath, which is Leviathan, the mind of the Serpent.  That eyelid must be opened.  Let the eyes of your understanding be opened.  Awake!  When you sleep, your eyes are closed.  We have one eye, one eye, a single eye, and His name is Christ Jesus.  That eyelid that is closed is lying over Him, and it must be opened or circumcised off, or however you want to say it.  Everything that we are which imparts life to us, our understanding, our life, our wisdom, our sight, everything that is good in us is, in this hour, at least partially covered over.  You see, we see through a glass darkly.  It is covered over by Leviathan, which is the proper name of our carnal mind.  That eye must be opened.  That sheath must be circumcised off.  Jesus.


And his eyes, his souls, are like the eyelids of the morning.  Jesus.  What did I do with my comment on the morning?  And his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning.  Well, I do not see that I put it down here.  I am going to assume that the Hebrew word translated morning just means morning.  I do not know why I did not put it down.  We see the kingdom of darkness is the eyelid covering over Christ Jesus.  We see the kingdom of the darkness.  It does not have to be covering over Christ Jesus.  It could even be covering over Christ, which is the human spirit.  We see that the kingdom of darkness is an eyelid covering over Christ, the seed out of which the mind of Christ Jesus is to grow.  Oh, I see what I did here.  His eyes, speaking about the soul, is the eyelid, the covering of the morning, and the morning is Christ.  We see that the kingdom of darkness is an eyelid covering over the morning, which is Christ.  Christ is the seed out of which the mind of Christ Jesus is to grow.   


Alternate Translation of the second half of Job 41:18.  And his souls are the eyelid which is blinding Christ.  And his souls are the eyelids which are blinding Christ.  Now this is a bit of a mystery.  How can his soul be an eyelid?  First of all, how could Christ be blinded?  Second of all, we are not talking about the Glorified Christ.  We are not speaking about Christ Jesus in full stature.  We are speaking about the human spirit or even the people in whom Christ Jesus is conceived, but still very immature.  Then the next question you would ask is why does the Scripture say his soul?  How is Leviathan’s soul covering over Christ?  Sheila, you just said that Leviathan, the mind of the Serpent is covering over Christ.  Does it not take a mind to cover over a mind?  Yes, that is true. 


The symbolic and hidden significance here is that Leviathan, as far as God is concerned, is not even a mind.  A mind is that which is born in the soul after the soul is impregnated by a spirit.  That which is born of the spirit is spirit.  Technically speaking, if you are a mind, you are spirit and you are male.  Therefore, that which is born of the flesh is flesh.  The mind which is born of the flesh, whose name is Leviathan, is not even considered a mind by Jehovah. 


This is the same situation as the example I have given you before.  During the Desert Storm, President Bush continuously referred to Saddam Hussein as Sadam Hussein.  He knew very well that he was mispronouncing his name and thus insulting him.  So we see here in Job 41:18 that the correct translation is, and Leviathan’s souls are blinding Christ.  The Lord Jesus is not even saying and the mind and the soul is blinding Christ.  He is just saying we are just soul.  There is no difference between the mind that is born of the flesh or the flesh.  We are just a product of incest.  You are just a product of homosexuality.  You are just a pimple on the flesh.  I do not even consider you a mind.  I am just calling you a soul, and I am making no distinction between the mind of the flesh and the soul, if you can hear it.  This is an insult to Leviathan by Jehovah.


Alternate Translation of Job 41:18.  The spirits incarnated by the Dragon are proven insane, not legally responsible, and useless when Christ Jesus appears, and his souls are the eyelid which is blinding Christ.  Amplified Translation of Job 41:18.  The souls incarnated by the Dragon are the eyelid which is blinding Christ, and the spirits he incarnates are proven insane, not legally responsible, and useless when Christ Jesus appears.  One more time.  Amplified Translation of Job 41:18.  The souls incarnated by the Dragon are the eyelid which is blinding Christ, and the spirits he incarnates are proven insane, not legally responsible, and useless when Christ Jesus appears. 


Continuing with Job 41:19.  Out of his mouth go burning lamps and sparks of fire leap out.  Out of his mouth go burning lamps and sparks of fire leap out.  Mouth is Strong’s # 6310.  It is from another Hebrew word, Strong’s # 6284 which means mouth, but specifically the edge or the portion or the side.  Now remember that other Hebrew words translated sides or edge or coasts have been found to mean spiritual fertile parts.  I am going to suggest to you that this Hebrew word should be translated mouth and that the spiritual significance of this symbol mouth is the creative spoken word; the creative spoken word.


We have had several scriptures and prophesy where the word size or coast were translated spiritual parts.  This particular Hebrew word that is translated mouth, I did not find any reference in the Lexicon saying that this particular word means spiritual reproductive part.  In view of the context of the whole verse, I am going to give the word that is symbology for this scripture.  The mouth speaks the creative word.  Life and death is in the tongue.  I suggest to you, in view of the whole verse, and the whole way the chapter is going that this Hebrew word translated mouth is speaking about the ability to speak a creative word; the creative spoken word. 


Remember the teaching here that before the Fall, righteous Adam had the ability to reproduce spiritually, not like the animals, and that all spiritual activity originates either with the spoken word or directly out of the mind without speech.  That is unverbalized creative thought.  We are fallen people, and even with us our thoughts create.  Our thoughts create.  Man conceives an idea and then he goes out and does it.  With a higher form of spiritual life, that idea which comes forth from the mind of a man does not require labor for it to manifest.  It just appears.  It just appears.  It just appears.  Hallelujah.


Out of his mouth go burning lamps.  The creative word that comes out of his mouth is go.  The Hebrew word translated go is Strong’s # 1980 and it merely means to go; out of his mouth go forth.  The creative word goes forth, and that creative word, we are told, is a burning lamp.  Strong’s # 3490 means a lamp or a flame or a lightning.  This Hebrew word is used to describe the presence of Jehovah.  In Genesis 15:17 for one example; And it came to pass that when the sun went down and it was dark, behold a smoking furnace and a burning lamp that passed between these pieces.


If you do a deep study on that passage, you will find out that the burning lamp is Jehovah and that the smoking furnace is the Son of God before incarnation.  What they were doing in this scripture was separating.  Of course, this scripture is referring to Abraham in the hour that Jehovah made His covenant with him.  The smoking lamp and the burning furnace moving in the midst indicates the power of God separating Abraham’s spirit from Leviathan for the purpose of that union with Jehovah. 


Daniel 10:6 says; His body also was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as lamps of fire, and his arms and his feet like in color to polished brass, and the voice of his words are like the voice of the multitude.  This verse is speaking about the Glorified Son of God.  I call your attention to the fact that his eyes were as lamps of fire.  This is the same Hebrew word translated burning lamps in Job 41:19.  One more witness is Nahum 2:4.  The chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall justle one against the other in the broad ways: they shall seem like torches, and they shall run like lightnings.  That Hebrew word translated lightnings is the same Hebrew word translated burning lamps in Job 41:19.  You may have perceived that this verse in Nahum 2:4 is speaking about the sons of God. 


One more.  Zechariah 12:6.  In that day will I make the governors of Judah like an hearth of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf; and they shall devour all the people round about, on the right hand and on the left: and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place, even in Jerusalem.  I point out to you the phrase which says like a torch of fire in a sheaf.  The sheaf is the human body and the soul which is in the body.  The torch of fire is in the soul, which is in the body.  The Scripture is speaking about the sons of God here once again.  This Hebrew word translated torch,  to be honest with you, I did not mark down whether it is the word torch of fire or hearth of fire, which is the same Hebrew word that is appearing in Job 41:19, but it is one of those two.


We are going to translate this Hebrew word which is burning lamps in Job 41:19 as spiritual sperm.  I remind you of the teaching here, that man before the Flood, the descendants of Seth anyway, had an ability to reproduce spiritually.  They did not reproduce like the animals.  They reproduced by some form of cell division, and the new men that were born were born fully mature.  They did not require to be mothered for fifteen or twenty years before they could function on their own.  They reproduced by a form of cell division.  The Lord did reveal to us several years ago that this cell division, or involved in this form of cell division was a spiritual seed that went out from their mind, which was signified by the word lightning.  It was signified by the word lightning. 


Here we see the same principle applied to Leviathan, and once again I tell you, that Leviathan is a copy cat.  The Serpent is a copy cat.  The Dragon is a copy cat.  All three are what?  The Serpent, Leviathan, and the Dragon are all the Serpent in different stages of development.  They are all trying to do what the Son of God does with very little success.  Usually the result of their attempts to do what the Son of God does, ends in death and destruction.  This is the mysterious answer to why the demons ask Jesus for permission to go into the pigs.


You will hear many believers or studiers of the Bible, tell you that they think Jesus told the demons to go into the pigs.  Jesus never told the demons to go into the pigs.  The demons asked for permission to go into the pigs, and Jesus said okay.  I suggest to you the rationale behind the demons asking to go into the pigs was that they had some perverted concept in their mind that if they could enter into the pigs, or ride the pigs like the Spirit of God is riding us like a horse, they could raise up that pig flesh into some being.  I do not know whether they thought they could raise them up into human beings, or whether those pigs would host them so that the demons could have a continued existence, if you can hear what I just said. 


Let me say it this way.  Human beings are animals.  We are a cut above the animals in the jungle because we have a spirit.  In that spirit is the dead Christ, which even in his death is glorious, and who is the seed of our potential for the resurrection of the dead.  Because that Christ, even in his dead condition, is indwelling us, we are a cut above the animals.  We, the human animal, are the host for the Spirit of God, even when that Spirit of God or the son of God who is dead, we are a host in which a spiritual being dwells.  You see, Satan has a knowledge of spiritual truth, but that spiritual truth is usually perverted, as we found out when we did our study on the temptation.


The demons, when they asked Jesus if they could go into the pigs, were saying to Him, well you are commanding us out of this human being, let us go into another kind of flesh.  Let us go into pig flesh, which is not even clean.  Surely Jesus, you would not have any objection to us going into pig flesh because the Jews will not even eat pigs.  So why would you even care?  They are not even the kind of animals that the Hebrews have in their flocks.  Let us go into the pig flesh, and we will raise up the pig flesh to be a host for these spirits.  That was what they were saying to Jesus.  Do not shut off the tape.  You do not have to believe it if you do not want to, but I am telling you that it is the truth.  If you do not pray about it, you are silly. 


You should at least ask the Lord if it is true.  That is why the demons asked for permission to go into the pigs.  They were saying to Jesus, there is a bunch of flesh over there.  You do not want to have anything to do with it.  It is unclean.  You will not even touch it.  You will not even go near it.  Your people will not go near it.  Let us have the pigs and we will raise them up to host us.  Jesus said okay.  Jesus never blessed their efforts.  He never cursed their efforts.  He never agreed that they would be able to do it or told them that they would not be able to do it.  I suggest to you that all that Jesus said to them was, do you want to try it, try it.


Jesus, knowing the whole time that their motive for asking for such a permission was a perverted knowledge of how superior beings or how spirits on a higher spiritual level reproduce.  Jesus knew that it would never work.  We are told that when the demons tried it, the pigs died.  The flesh that the demons tried to ride, the flesh that the demons attempted to make their host, died.  I declare unto you that demons or any form of spirit in this fallen world, outside of the Spirit of God cannot exist unless they are joined to flesh and bone.  So when the demons failed to apprehend the pigs and make those pigs their host, the demons as well as the pigs died.  We see this very very deep and controversial spiritual truth being spoken about in Job 41:19


Alternate Translation of the first half of Job 41:19.  Spiritual sperm, lightnings, spiritual sperm, the sperm of spiritual reproduction shoot out from Leviathan’s reproductive parts.  Spiritual sperm shoot out from Leviathan’s reproductive parts.  Now Sheila, I thought you told me that Leviathan is not spirit, but Leviathan is soul, that that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that the Lord is even mocking Leviathan, and not making any distinction between the mind which is born of the flesh and the soul itself.  That is true.  The spiritual sparks that shoot out from Leviathan, I suggest to you, come from the one of his three threads, which are truly spirit.  Who is that?  Leviathan is a three thread braided mind.  He is a mind which is woven or braided out of three threads.  Which of those three threads is true spirit?  It is the human spirit.


I suggest to you that this Scripture is speaking about the incarnating ability of the human spirit, which is Christ.  Even though he is dead, he still has energy flowing from him, or else this creation would never exist.  I mentioned this earlier in this message.  The Serpent or the Dragon, who is the two thread mind of the Serpent, has no raw material out of which to form a creation.  The Dragon had to steal the human spirit and once he has the stolen material it is like stealing the wood to build a house.  He does have the ability to build the house once he steals the material.  It is the stolen energy source, the human spirit, which is shooting out this spiritual sperm from the reproductive parts of Leviathan. 


Continuing with the second half of Job 41:19.  And sparks of fire leap out.  The word and was inserted by the King James translators.  It is not in the Hebrew.  The word sparks is Strong’s # 3590 and it means spark.  It is from another Hebrew word, Strong’s # 3589 which means crushing, calamity, ruin, and destruction.  I suggest to you that this spiritual sperm is now modified by the word sparks, which is negative.  It is calamity.  It is ruin.  It is destruction.  It is speaking about destructive seed.  This word goes back to yet another root, Strong’s # 3537, which means a sparkling gem, probably a ruby.  So we have the color red, and red is the color of fallen blood that has been exposed to the air of this world system.


I suggest to you that this word sparks is speaking about the seed of this fallen world.  We are speaking about fallen seed.  Let me just get that right word for you here, if you just bear with me a second.  We are talking about Job 41:19.  Out of his mouth goes burning lamps.  Okay, that is the spiritual seed which is coming from the human spirit.  That is the seed of God.  That is the true Spirit.  But the sparks of fire is the Serpent’s seed.  I will show you that a little more as we go on.  The color red signifies fallen blood.  However, the roots of this word mean destruction.  I suggest to you that this word is speaking about the Dragon’s spiritual seed.  What am I saying?  This verse 19 is speaking about two different kinds of seed.  Is not the Dragon incarnating a mind, begetting his own mind?  It takes two kinds of seed.  It is the Dragon that has risen up in the soul and fertilized the human spirit, which is a part of the soul.


So the burning lamp is speaking about the spiritual sperm which is in the human spirit, which is actually the male.  The word sparks of fire is speaking about the female seed, which comes from the soul itself, which is female.  We see the perversion right here; two kinds of seed, male and female.  The male seed is still coming from the human spirit which is subjected to the Dragon, and the Dragon seed is the destructive female seed.  If you can see it, even though the Dragon is acting like the male, her seed is still the female seed.  The Hebrew word translated burning lamps is speaking about the human spirit, which is Christ and his reproductive ability, which is presently in the possession of the Dragon. 


And sparks of fire leap out.  Fire is Strong’s # 784.  This word is specifically referring to a supernatural fire, a supernatural fire.  I suggest it is referring to the Serpent’s seed; the Serpent’s seed.  Leap out is Strong’s # 4422.  One of the translations means specifically to bring forth young.  So if there was any doubt in your mind that verse 19 is speaking about the male and the female seed which has produced this present existing humanity, we now see that there is another modifying word present translated leap out, which can also be translated to bring forth young. 


I could not find this Hebrew word, Strong’s # 4422.  I could not find this scripture verse that would show this word translated to bring forth young in the King James, but I did find the following verses which use this word,  Strong’s # 4422 to describe deliverance.  Hopefully, we all know that the only deliverance, the only way we will ever be delivered is for the birth of the manchild or for the manchild to be born in us.  So we might say that to bring forth young can mean the same thing as deliverance.  Our deliverance; we shall be saved, those of us that bear the manchild.  If we do not bear the manchild, we will never be saved.  So if you can receive this, fine, but if you cannot receive this it is okay too. 


Zechariah 2:6.  Ho, ho, come forth, and flee from the land of the north, saith the Lord: for I have spread you abroad as the four winds of the heaven, saith the Lord.  Who is the land of the north?  Yes, Satan.  I have spread you abroad.  I have spread your human spirit out.  So even though you are still attached to Satan, you are available to be fertilized by the Lord Jesus Christ.  Zechariah 2:7.  Deliver thyself, O Zion, that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon.  O Zion, human spirit that is braided into the mind of Leviathan, the daughter of Babylon, deliver yourself.  I have spread you out.  Join with my son, the Lord Jesus, and kill that wicked mind.  Deliver yourself. 


How is Zion going to deliver herself?  She has to join with the Lord Jesus, bear the manchild who is her deliverer, throw her will in line with Him, and kill that wicked daughter of Babylon, which is another name for the devil.  The daughter of Babylon is an old testament name of the devil.  The devil is the name of your whole old man.  The whole man is mind and soul.  The mind in the old man is Leviathan.  That mind and that soul together is called the daughter of Babylon or the devil. 


Alternate Translation of the second half of Job 41:19.  And the seeds of destruction bring forth young.  Alternate Translation of Job 41:19.  Spiritual sperm shoot out from his reproductive parts and the seeds of destruction bring forth young.  Amplified Translation of Job 41:19.  The spiritual sperm of the captive son of God is mingled with the Dragon’s destructive seed.  They shoot out from the same reproductive part and bring forth young.  There is your incest and your homosexuality.  The spiritual sperm of the captive son of God is mingled with the Dragon’s destructive seed.  They shoot out from the same reproductive part and bring forth young.  Please note that it is a perversion for both the male and female seed to shoot out from the same place.  The male is suppose to come from spirit and the female is suppose to come from soul.  It is a perversion that they come from the same place.  Jesus.  Thank you Lord.


I really hesitate to put this on the tape.  (Laughter)   The Lord always puts me on the spot.  Well brethren, I am going to put it on the tape.  There are those out there that are going to call me a pervert.  Listen, there is a natural example of this.  Paul said it is an abomination for sweet and salt water to come out of the same fountain.  Now we find the scripture that says it is a perversion for the female seed and the male seed to come out of the same place.  There is a natural example of that too.  If you look at the human sexual organs, the place from which we urinate is the same in the male.  It is pretty much the same place from which the seed of life comes out.  The place from which we pass the waste of this body, even in the woman, is very close.


Our anatomy is very close to the place where the seed of life is resting.  It is more in the man than in the woman.  The seed of life comes out of the same place where the urine comes out.  As a matter of fact, it is the same Hebrew word that describes both urine and sperm, if you know that or not. The Hebrew word for urine and sperm is mayim.  It is also the Hebrew word for water.  It is Strong’s # 4325.  Jesus.


Continuing with King James Translation of Job 41 verse 20.  Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron.  Out of his nostrils.  Nostrils is Strong’s # 5156.  It merely means nostril.  One of the Lexicons said an aperture of the nose.  I looked up the word aperture in the American Heritage Dictionary which says the word aperture means an opening in an optical instrument such as a camera or a telescope that limits the amount of light passing through a lens or onto a mirror.  So we see the nostril is an organ or an opening which limits the amount of light or the amount of spirit passing through it.  The example that we have is onto a mirror.  We know that the mirror of the spirit world is this soul world.  The soul world is the exact opposite or exact mirror image of the spirit world.


I suggest to you that the nose is speaking about an opening in Leviathan, in that mind somehow, which permits spirit to come through.  I suggest that the word opening suggests whom we are speaking about, spiritual reproduction here.  These words are very symbolic.  You are going to have to really pray about it, if you have any problem with it.  Surely I hope you are intelligent enough to know that talking about Leviathan and saying that out of his nostrils go smoke as out of a seething pot or caldron is lacking.  If that is the translation you are going to choose, the only thing you are going to get out of that is some imaginary dragon.


If you are trying to get a spiritual understanding of Leviathan, you are going to really have to pray, because this message on who Leviathan is, is very deeply hidden.  It is part of the mystery of God.  It is part of the Doctrine of Christ.  If you cannot receive it, I highly recommend that you do not come against this message or curse it.  If you do not understand it, put it on the shelf.  If you do not believe it, put it on the shelf.  Whoever is hearing this tape or reading this transcript, do not come against the preaching of it, because it can only mean destruction unto you.  If you cannot receive it, leave it alone.                                                                 


Although the word nose implies breath according to this understanding and not light, what am I saying about light?  I am saying that the definition of that aperture is an opening in an optical instrument, such as a camera or a telescope, but yet I am taking this definition and applying it to the nose.  Even though the nose implies breath and not light, breath signifies spirit and spirit signifies light.  It is the same thing as in mathematics.  If you say A equals 1 and B equals 1, then you could say A equals B.  Can you understand that?  I know you are not a math person.  Can you understand it?  A equals 1.  B equals 1.  Therefore, A must equal B.  Are you okay with that? 


We are saying nose equals breath, and breath equals spirit, therefore nose in this instance can equal spirit.  Are you following me at all?  I just want to know that you are following me.  I suggest to you then that the Hebrew word translated nose is suggesting the spiritual opening or the spiritual womb through which men are incarnated.  An opening in what?  An opening in the veil that is between the flesh and the spirit world.  There is a veil hanging between this world and the spiritual world of God.  This veil is our flesh, not this body, but our flesh mind.  The veil is the eyelid that is over the mind of Christ Jesus.  The veil is over our eyes.  We see through a glass darkly, and our eyes are our soul.  Jesus.


Out of his nostrils goeth smoke.  This Hebrew word translated goeth is Strong’s # 3318 and it is a different Hebrew word than the one translated go in verse 19.  The one in verse 19 merely means to go, to walk.  This Hebrew word Strong’s # 3318 can be translated go, but it can also be translated to appear, to spring out, or to stand out.  I suggest to you once again that this word suggests birth, to spring out, to appear.  It suggests incarnation. 


Out of his nostrils goeth smoke.  Smoke is Strong’s # 6227 can be translated vapor, dust or anger.  When I first looked at this, I said this is confusing for vapor to mean spirit, dust to mean soul, and anger is a characteristic of the violent man, which is the soul man.  Which do we choose?  Which translation do we choose?  Which definition do we choose?  Well, I felt led of the Lord to look up the word smoke in the American Heritage Dictionary.  You will see that this definition covers all three.  (Laughter)


Smoke, the vaporous system made up of small particles of matter.  That is your dust and vapor meaning spirit.  So we see that smoke is vapor and dust.  It is spirit and soul together.  It is found in the air, and it results mainly from the burning of organic material such as wood or coal.  We know that spiritually speaking we are wood.  We are cut out of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and we are being burnt by the judgments of God.  Such burning results in vapor or spirit and dust. 


Another definition of the word smoke is a suspension of fine, solid or liquid particles in a gaseous medium.  Smoke is spirit and soul, brethren.  It is spirit and soul.  It can also be translated a cloud of fine particles.  Some of you might remember the teaching here that a cloud typifies soul in which the Spirit of Christ is appearing.  We shall be a cloud of witnesses to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.  Last but not least, smoke can mean something insubstantial, unreal, or transitory.  This whole world is unreal, insubstantial and transitory.  It is temporal.  I suggest to you that smoke symbolizes soul and that the spiritual, that which is spirit in the soul, is the human spirit.  Smoke symbolizes soul.  The burning lamps of verse 19 signify spirit and the smoke of verse 20 signifies soul. 


Alternate Translation of the first half of Job 41:20.  Souls appear from out of Leviathan’s womb, whatever that womb is.  It is not like a human woman’s womb, but that part of the illegal evil mind of the Serpent, from which he incarnates men.  Souls appear from out of that place. 


Continuing with the second half of Job 41:20.  As out of a seething pot or caldron.  As out of a pot.  That is the translation of one Hebrew word, Strong’s # 1731.  It means a pot for boiling or a basket.  I suggest to you that this word means container, such as the soul is a container of the spirit and the body is a container of the soul.  The word pot means container; As out of a seething pot. Seething is Strong’s # 5301 means to puff, to blow hard, to expire, to disesteem, to cause loss of life.  I do not know about you, but as far as I knew that word seething means to boil. 


We see that the Hebrew word can mean to puff or blow hard, which to me indicates pride, personally.  To expire or cause loss of life means death.  To disesteem, to me, would mean spiritual death, to lose your value.  The only part of us which has value is spirit.  It would mean spiritual death.  To expire or cause to lose life would mean physical death.  So we see the word seething is referring to the death of the container.  Well, let us find out what this means.  We have one more word here.  This is the last verse I did, so try and hang on with me.  Lord, help me to get all this in.


The Hebrew word translated caldron is Strong’s # 100 and it means a marsh.  A marsh means a swamp for those of you who do not know.  By implication it is talking about rushes or bulrushes that grow in swamps.  Our Hebrew lexicon says this word translated caldron which means rushes is collectively speaking about a rope of rushes.  As soon as we hear rope, we know we are talking about a mind.  As soon as we hear the word rope we are talking about a mind.  So we are talking about a mind that is woven of something that grows in a swamp.  Now that cannot be the glorious mind of God.  It has to be speaking about the fallen mind called Leviathan.  Rushes grow in marshland.


I felt to investigate this word a little further.  I could not find anything that struck me under the word rush.  So I went into the dictionary and I looked under marsh.  The American Heritage Dictionary says a marsh is an area of soft wet low lying land characterized by grassy vegetation and often forming a transition zone between water and land.  Marsh is a mixture of water and land.  It sounds like this soulish world to me.  The word marsh reminded me of Job 40:21.  Now this is speaking about Behemoth.  He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens. 


Our Alternate Translation of Job 40:21 is as follows.  The son of God is lying down in the darkness of the lower regions, which is hell, where one is humbled because of spiritual weakness.


Satan has purchased him and is covering the spiritual riches, which is the human spirit, he exchanged for the miry clay when he was made into a man. Now the King James of Job 40:21 once again is; He lieth under the shady trees in the covert of the reed and fens.  The reed signifies bone and the fen signifies miry clay.  This verse is speaking about Behemoth.  Let me remind you that Behemoth is the Serpent’s immature completed mind, and Behemoth matures into Leviathan, the Serpent’s mature completed mind.  That mind is covered by flesh and bone. 


Alternate Translation of the second half of Job 41:20.  As out of a dead clay container.  How did I get that?  As out of a seething pot.  Pot is container.  The word seething means death, and the word caldron is speaking about clay, as out of a dead clay container.  This is what it sounds like.  Alternate Translation of Job 41: 20.  Souls appear from out of his womb, as out of a dead clay container.  Once again.  Amplified Translation of Job 41:20. Souls appear from out of Leviathan’s womb, which is a dead clay container.  What is that saying about Leviathan’s womb?  The minds of Leviathan is a dead clay container for what?  A container for the human spirit.  The only thing that has any value at all in this creation is the human spirit. 


Recap of Job 41 verses 18 thru 20.  The souls incarnated by the Dragon are the eyelid, which is blinding Christ, and the spirits he incarnates are proven insane, not legally responsible, and useless, when Christ Jesus appears.  The spiritual sperm of the captive son of God mingles with the Dragon’s destructive seed.  They shoot out from the same reproductive part and bring forth young.  Souls appear from out of his womb, which is a dead clay container. 


Recap of Job 41 verses 18 thru 20 interspersed.  The spiritual sperm of the captive son of God mingles with the Dragon’s destructive seed.  They shoot out from the same reproductive part and bring forth young.  And the souls which appear from out of his dead clay womb have spirits which are proven insane, not legally responsible, and useless when Christ Jesus appears.  Leviathan is quite enraged because the Lord is imparting his secrets here, secrets which will ultimately result in deliverance from hell.  Hell is originating in the mind and extending itself into our emotions and into our relationships, and into the visible world that we dwell in.  This is God’s plan as I understand it now.  This is what is required to get us out of hell.  This is my present understanding which I am sure will deepen as time goes by. 


We must have Christ Jesus being formed in us because He is our weapon.  He is our power source.  He is the warrior that has within Him the strength to overcome Leviathan, the Serpent’s criminal mind, which is possessing all of humanity in this hour.  We must have Christ Jesus being formed in us.  Next we must have an understanding of God’s plan for deliverance.  We must have an understanding of how the Lord intends to free us from this criminal mind.  Third of all, we are to pray that this plan be implemented in our minds.  You see, it is not just in our lives.  God’s plan for deliverance must be implemented in our mind, and in our spiritual being.  We must want it.


You see, God’s plan for deliverance can be likened to a painful operation, a triple or quadruple bypass.  The doctor tells you that you need a quadruple bypass, but it will save your life.  We need spiritual surgery.  There is a mind possessing us, which is a criminal, a spiritual criminal.  It is a mind which has been begotten in our person by the Dragon, the Dragon being the male expression of the Serpent.  This mind is destroying our lives, causing us physical, emotional, and spiritual pain, and in many cases torment.  We must recognize that we are in hell no matter how good our life is.  This is why Jesus said it is very hard for a rich man to enter in.


The less pain you have in your life, the less likely you are to be willing to believe that you are in hell, the less likely you are to be willing to accept God’s painful operation which will deliver us from this cancerous existence, and the less likely you are to actually actively pray to the Lord Jesus to implement His painful operation in us to get us out of hell.  I am telling you that this is what the Lord requires.  The power source, the understanding of the plan for the deliverance, and our free will actively praying, asking Him to do it to us.  It is as if you were dying of bone cancer and you needed a bone marrow transplant.  You are one of these people that goes on TV and says if somebody does not give me a donation of bone marrow I am going to die.  Is there somebody out there who will please, please, supply what I need so that I can have this painful operation which will save my life? 


We have a whole Church world out there that believes the doctrine alone is enough.  That is not true.  We have a whole Church world out there who believes the human spirit un-crucified by Christ is enough.  Not true.  We have a whole Church world out there that believes the human spirit crucified and increasing into Christ Jesus is enough.  Very few see the whole picture.  I, myself, do not see the whole picture.  This revelation that we have to be actively praying for Jesus to perform the delivering process in us is a revelation that is just coming to me now.  I have known that you need Christ Jesus in you.  He is the weapon. 


I have known that you needed the doctrine.  I have preached to you about the doctrine.  I have told you the doctrine is necessary, but it will not, in and of itself deliver you.  I did not quite have it straight in my mind what role the doctrine played.  I do not know whether you were aware of that or not, but I am honestly telling you I did not really have it clear in my mind.  I knew the doctrine alone could not get you anything.  Then the next stage of this revelation that the Lord gave us was that we must confess our sins and repent.  Okay, you need Christ Jesus.  You need the doctrine.  You need to confess your sins and repent, but I still could not quite figure out where this doctrine fitted in.


Brethren, you have got to pray the doctrine.  You have got to pray the doctrine.  Let Leviathan in my mind unravel.  May Christ Jesus beat him to pieces.  May Leviathan in my mind be beaten into small dust.  May my elements melt and come down with a crash.  May my soul be separated from my spirit and my joints from the marrow.  What does that mean?  May Leviathan be separated from my soul.  May he be beheaded, cut off, circumcised, guillotined off of my soul.  Once Leviathan is separated from my soul, may the human spirit who was fused to him, be separated from him.


May the joints be separated from the marrow.  May the sea of my unconscious mind be boiled to such completion that that sea evaporates, releasing the human spirit so that she may be joined to the Lord Jesus Christ, so that Christ Jesus may be formed in her.  This whole process, may I experience all of the pain that I might rise from the dead and serve my God outside of the camp.  It is painful.  It is painful.  It is painful.  May I enter into the temptation.  May I enter into tribulation.  May I be confronted by Satan himself.  May I overcome this painful trial.  Let it come.  Let it come.  Let it come and let me be victorious.


That is the place for the doctrine.  You have got to experience it.  You will not experience it until you ask for it and you will not ask for it until you understand what the plan is.  I have been preaching here for years.  I do not fully understand it, I have told you.  I have it on a lot of tapes.  I do not fully understand it, but the Lord does not do many things for me unless I ask.  I can walk around in circles trying to solve a problem.  I could go for months trying to solve a problem until one day I wake up and a light bulb goes off in my head.


I say, maybe Jesus will answer this problem for me.  As the words are out of my mouth, boom, the answer is there.  He has proven to me time, and time, and time again, He wants me to ask.  He wants me to ask.  He wants me to ask.  Why?  He wants the relationship.  He wants me to stop relying on my own mind.  He wants me to stop relying on the arm of flesh.  He wants me to talk to Him.  He wants me to submit to Him.  He wants me to acknowledge Him as my Head.  He wants me to acknowledge Him as God.  I have been preaching that here for years.  I have it on all kinds of tapes. 


Now here it is.  Here it is.  It seemed when I first started getting this revelation it was for little things.  The Lord wanted me to ask Him for little things.  This is a big thing, brethren.  He wants me to ask Him to operate on me.  He wants me to ask Him to give me a painful experience.  He wants me to count the cost and be willing to pay the price.  He wants me to want the end of the whole process badly enough to be begging for the painful experience, because with that pain is glory.  With that pain is glory.  The pain is in your soul.  Sometimes, the pain is in your flesh.  If part of your experience is physical infirmity, there is always pain in your emotions.  There is always pain in your emotions.  Why?  Because when you have a choice to make, and you choose to do what Christ Jesus would do in a given circumstance, Leviathan punishes you.


This is what the tribulation is.  The tribulation is the forcing of Leviathan, of the Serpent’s mind in you, of the forcing of him down under the authority of Christ.  What does that mean?  It means every time you have a choice as to how you will deal with a problem, every time you choose to deal with that problem out of Christ Jesus, Leviathan is being forced down, forced down, forced down, into the bottomless pit.  If you examine and research the Greek word that means tribulation, if you take it back to its originating root, you will see that what it means is to be vexed; to be vexed because you are being squeezed into a tight place.  That is what it means. 


This exhortation started out with me saying that I find this very humorous that we are being so severely harassed by the mind of Leviathan.  There was one member of this congregation that harassed us severely, and he is gone now, but now we have someone else.  I guess that is the way he has to be.  This is the temptation.  This is the overcoming.  The challenge is to respond to the irritation.  The challenge is to respond to the provocation out of Christ Jesus.  We have been under a severe attack for several days now.  Today has been particularly severe as we continue to translate Job 41.  Leviathan is just enraged.  He is just enraged.




We are going to pray some warfare.  Then we will see what the Lord gives us for the rest of the evening.  We are going to break every curse that is falling on this meeting, that is falling on me, or that is falling on anybody here or any members of our families.  We break you, and we return you back to the head of the sender.  We break the power of witchcraft, voodoo, water spirits, mind control, Jezebel, envy and every evil work, red, black, yellow and green magic and witchcraft, and every evil manifestation of Leviathan.  We utterly rebuke you.  We condemn you.  We unbraid you, and we cover you with the blood of Jesus.  We put you under Christ Jesus.  We exercise every aspect of strength that we have corporately, and we place you under the authority of Christ Jesus.


We rebuke the powers of lust, and torment, and harassment, and pride, and greed, and domination, and witchcraft, and control, and that spirit of jealousy.  We just curse you down to the pits of hell, and we bind you up, and put you behind closed doors, and we seal you up, and we forbid you from exercising any authority that would affect the ministry of Christ Jesus in any way.  We cancel your plans.  We nullify your mind, and your thoughts, and your purposes, and your intents.  We break the power of your hatred.  We break the rod of your staff and your scepter.  We break your neck, and your teeth, and your cheeks, and your bones.  We break the curse of the gypsy warhead in the name of Jesus.  We break all the gypsy powers operating in this room right now.  We pray for mercy on all men, but we declare the will of God. 


You see, we must pray the will of God.  That blaspheming spirit will not be forgiven in this age or in the next age.  We are going to bring down this age by praying God’s judgment that is already written against it, but you cannot pray it until you know what it is.  You are not going to find out what it is from someone’s carnal mind, because you see, a house divided against itself cannot stand.  If you think that your carnal mind, whose name is Leviathan, is going to tell you how to defeat him, you are being silly.  I do not know if he even knows.  I do not even know that he has a knowledge of the plan. 


Probably not, but if he did, he surely would not tell you.  If he did have a knowledge of the plan, he would try to confuse you as to the nature of that plan.  Why?  Because if you cannot understand the plan, you cannot pray it, and if you cannot pray it, it is not going to split the heavens.  The heavens have to be split.  The heavens have to be split.  The heavens have to be split.  The heavens begin to be split where?  Where is the beginning?  It is in your own mind.  Jesus was on the cross, and the scripture says the veil of the temple was split from the top to the bottom.  It was in his own mind.  If you think that you are going to be attacking Leviathan’s kingdom and not get attacked back, you are silly. 


There was a time that I did not know I would get attacked back.  There is only one reason where you would not really know why you will not get attacked back.  That is when you do not have a true realistic concept of how much damage you are doing.  I think Christians are naive.  We do not really understand that we are playing with a powerful spiritual force that has authority to kill us.  We go up against him as David went up against Goliath, believing that the God who is behind us is going to act as a higher court, and nullify Satan’s judgment of death on us, so long as it is God that is sending us up against him.  Otherwise, he would have knocked us out years ago. 


There is a higher force.  There is a higher authority that is saying you cannot kill them or you cannot kill them now.  No matter how faithful God’s servants are, if their body begins to give out at a time where the provision to live forever has not yet been implemented, that servant dies.  We saw John the Baptist die.  Jesus said John the Baptist was the greatest prophet of all time, and he died.  Why?  Because the door was not yet opened for men to pass through into a position where they would stop dying.  What is the door?  Who is the door?  Jesus is the door.  What does that mean?


The door into immortality is within your own mind.  You cannot enter in unless you have the door.  The door is not out there.  That is not the door over there.  The door is Christ Jesus in you, the hope of glory.  Christ in you is the hope of glory.  He is the door.  Who is running in?  Is your hand running in?  Is this body running in?  Is your nose running in?  How could this body run into a door that is in your mind?  Here is the mystery. Your body is not going in.  What is going in?  Your spirit.  Your spirit is going in.  Your spirit is passing into the door which is Christ Jesus.


What is the problem that your spirit has?  She is held captive.  By whom?  By Satan.  She is braided into Leviathan’s three thread mind.  She is one of the three threads that are braided together to form Leviathan’s mind.  You cannot enter into the door, if you do not have the door.  Once you have the door, you have to fight a war, not so much to enter in.  Jesus says the door is open.  You have to fight the war to get away from the other door that you are locked behind.  If you think Leviathan is willing to let you go, you are mistaken.  This war is going to manifest in your everyday life.  In your everyday life it is going to manifest.


Just as Christ Jesus appears in human beings, Leviathan appears in human beings.  The devil appears in human beings.  As you try to live for Christ, the devil is going to have a human being right there, which is manifesting a Leviathanical mind one hundred percent of the time.  So we must pray, we must pray, we must pray, not so much to control Leviathan.  See, we are not trying to control Leviathan.  We are going to destroy him.  We must pray that Christ Jesus should be mature enough in us to not come into submission to Leviathan.  There is no way you are going to destroy Leviathan if you are in submission to him.  You have to be fighting submission to him on every level.


Before you can do that, you need an ability to discern between good and evil.  You need an ability to discern between the mind of Christ Jesus and the devil, and the mind of the devil, which is Leviathan.  You have to be able to tell the difference.  Let me tell you, Leviathan comes as an angel of light.  He wants you to think he is God.  To the fullest extent that he can do it, he is going to look like God.  He is going to walk like God.  He is going to talk like God.  He is going to act like God, but he will not be God. 


The challenge to God’s people is to be able to discern between the good and the evil.  If you think that is easy, you are mistaken.  You are mistaken, because he is right here in your mind.  He is going to be talking through you.  He is going to be thinking through you.  He is going to be reasoning through you.  He is going to tell you he is the mind of Christ, and you are going to have to access all of your powers in Christ Jesus.  You are going to have to access the Word of God.  You are going to have to access all spiritual knowledge that you have, and you are going to have to mix that with experience.  An experience is an essential factor.  It is an essential factor.  Therefore, you will stumble, you will trip, and you will have failures, but the Lord will pick you up, and you will learn from them.  When the test comes again, you will be able to recognize the voice of the Serpent.  We must pray the doctrine.  We must pray the doctrine.  We must pray the doctrine.  Jesus.


Pastor Vitale's 95 year old Jewish tather comments here:


PASTOR'S FATHER: It is over two thousand years old, this misery, and just now you are bringing it up. 


PASTOR VITALE: Spiritual truth is eternal.  Spiritual truth is eternal.  It not only existed two thousand years ago.  It existed always.  It did not happen two thousand years ago.  It has not happened yet.  It is true that we all have been in misery for two thousand years.  The Bible says that one day to God is as a thousand years to man.  God is a Spirit.  He is different than we are.  Right?  As far as God is concerned, it is only two days that man is in such misery.  He is moving very rapidly to deliver us from this misery.  The way out of this misery is a relationship with Jesus Christ.  It is not just a story.  It has to happen to you.  The way it begins to happen to you, or for any of us, is to have a relationship with Messiah.  Is there anything else you would like to say? 


PASTOR'S FATHER: All the troubles.  We had two major world wars.  It never should have happened.  It should not have been allowed to happen. 


PASTOR VITALE: So you think that God was unfaithful to you.  You think God was wrong in letting those world wars happen.  So you have a gripe against God.  You have something against God. 


PASTOR'S FATHER:  I have nothing against nobody. 


PASTOR VITALE: You just said that you think God did something wrong to you.  You said you think that He made a mistake, and that He is guilty letting those two wars happen. You are blaming God.  Do you know who did that?  You know, someone else did that.  Someone in the Bible was mad at God for letting something happen to him.  His name was Job.  Did you ever hear about Job?  He is in the Jewish Bible.  The man’s name was Job and he was a rich man, the Bible says.  It says that he kept the law.  He kept Kosher.  He made sacrifices.  He did everything perfectly that he read in the Book, and terrible things happened to him anyway.  All his children died, and his house burned down, and all his cattle died.  He lost all his money, and he became very sick. 


On top of all the emotional pain from losing all the ones he loved, he became physically ill, and was in torment because of physical illness.  He said God should have never let it happen.  He said, I did everything right.  I kept the law.  I made the sacrifices.  I did everything the rabbis told me to do, and you should have never let this happen to me, God.  He felt that way for a long time.  Then one day God came to him and said, Job, who do you think you are telling me that I should not have let that happen?  Are you able to keep yourself alive?  Can you put strength in your legs so that they can get up and walk again?  Do you have the power to bring back your daughter who died?  Do you have power to bring your dead wife back to life?


Who do you think you are that you are telling me that I should not have let the two world wars happen?  You are just a man.  The Bible says that man is just a worm.  I am God.  I am the one who made you.  I am the one who made you and I am the one who has the power to heal you.  I am the one that has the power to stop men from dying, and I am the one that has the power to deliver men out of their misery.  I am the only one.  You cannot deliver yourself out from misery.  God said, I am the only one that can deliver you out from misery, so who do you think you are telling me that you do not like the way I am doing it?  Who do you think you are telling me that I am not doing it fast enough? 


After God spoke to Job, He challenged him, and He made Job realize that he was a very proud man and a very nervy man thinking that he knew more than God.  Who is this Job to think that he knows more or better than God?  After God spoke to Job, Job realized his mistake.  He realized that God is bigger than he is, and God is smarter than he is, and God is wiser than he is, that God made him, that God has the power of life and death over him, and that God is the only one that can deliver men out of their misery.  So he had better stop fighting with God and start asking God to be his friend.  Job said to God, I heard about you, but I never really knew you.  When Job admitted that he was wrong about God, and when Job admitted that he had a lot of nerve telling God that He was not doing it right, God came into Job’s life and He healed his life.  He delivered him from his misery. 


PASTOR'S FATHER : There is no evidence. 


PASTOR VITALE: Just the fact that you are alive is evidence.  Who do you think gave you life?  The fact that you are alive is evidence.  The fact that there is a planet.  The fact that there is food.  The fact that there is rain that makes the crops grow.  That is all evidence.  You need to repent of accusing God of doing evil to you.  He is a righteous God.  Man is unrighteous and God is righteous.  You need to tell God that you are sorry because you are thinking evil about Him.  You are accusing Him and you are calling Him a liar, and you are thinking evil of your Creator.  You need to apologize and admit that you are wrong because He is the only one that can help you.  He is the only one that can deliver you out of your misery.


No one in their right mind would be fighting with the only person that can help them.  Who would be fighting with the only person who could help you?  If there was only one person in the world that had food, you would have to be a total fool to start a fight with that person.  God is the only one that can help you.  Who are you to tell Him that He did wrong?  He is the only one that can deliver men out of their misery, and man shakes his fist in God’s face, and says you are a liar, and you are a phony, and there is no proof. What that says to me, that gives me proof that man is insane.  Only a fool would do something like that, and that is most of the people in the world today.


They are insane, shaking their fist at God and saying I do not believe that you are real.  Man is the criminal and God is righteous.  Every misery that we experience, we experience because of sin.  Misery comes because of sin, not because God is unrighteous.  If you have been miserable, it is because you have sinned.  You need your sins forgiven.  All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  There is a gracious God.  He wants to forgive your sins, but you have to be willing to admit that you are wrong and that He is right before you can receive any gift from God.  You cannot be going around telling God that He is wrong and expect Him to give you what you need.  Jesus.  Thank you Lord.  Jesus.


PASTOR'S FATHER: You are all wrong.  Something was said two thousand years ago and it still stands? 


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, two thousand years ago God made a promise to man.  He has not fulfilled the promise yet.  What do you think happened two thousand years ago?  Do you understand what happened?  What happened?


PASTOR'S FATHER: There is no evidence, nothing even an inch of anything that you said.  Everything is maybe. 


PASTOR VITALE: No, that is not true.  The promises of God are yea and amen.  They are not maybe.  They are definite.  They just have not happened yet.  They are not maybe.  God’s word will come to pass.  His word is that men will be saved from their misery.  That is His promise.  He is not a man that He should lie.  God does not lie.  God does not lie. 


PASTOR'S FATHER: I am not saying He is lying.  The people are telling a story and making it up from nothing. 


PASTOR VITALE: No, it is the Spirit of God.  It is the Spirit of God speaking to men.  God is reaching out to men to tell them that He loves them even though they are sinners.  He loves them and He intends to save them out of their misery.  It is just taking a little longer than some of us would like, but that is what happened two thousand years ago.  Jehovah sent His Son to give us a message that He is going to get us out of this misery.  He has been working on it ever since.  Jesus.


PASTOR'S FATHER : Pray unto your God and He should answer. 


PASTOR VITALE: He does answer.  He answers me every day.  He does answer every day. 


PASTOR'S FATHER: I should not be here alive. 




PASTOR'S FATHER: Because I do not believe in Him. 


PASTOR VITALE: You do not have to believe in God to be alive.  No, you do not.  There is a whole world full of people that do not believe in God and they are alive.  People are born for all different reasons.  Some people God causes to be born, some people the devil causes to be born.  Some people are just born because a husband and a wife have a baby.  You do not have to believe in God to be born.  What did you do that was so terrible that you think that you should never have been born?  What did you do that was so terrible? 


PASTOR'S FATHER: I should never have been born. 


PASTOR VITALE: Oh you know who said that?  Somebody else said that.  Do you know that is in the Bible?  What you just said is in the Bible.  Do you know who said that I should never have been born?  That guy Job.  He is the one I was just telling you about.  He said the same thing, I should never have been born. 


PASTOR'S FATHER: Why should we be born in this world and go through hell.  That is what it is. 


PASTOR VITALE: Sheila responds, yes that is true.  This world is hell. 


PASTOR'S FATHER: Why should God do that? 


PASTOR VITALE: Because of sin, because of sin. Do you know what sin is?  This is the judgment for sin.  Do you know what your Jewish Bible says?  The Bible says that the fathers will commit sin and the children will be affected.  It says the fathers will bite the sour grape and the children’s teeth will be set on edge.  It means that judgment for sin is visited unto the third and fourth generation.  That means the misery that you experienced is the result of the sins of your great grandfather.  It means the sins that you commit or that I commit, we experience it, our children experience it, our grandchildren experience it, and our great grandchildren experience the payment or the judgment for our sins.  So your misery in your lifetime is the payment for the sins of your great grandparents.  Misery is the result of sin.  Do you know what sin is?  Sin is a thought that disagrees with God.  Sin is a thought that disagrees with God.  Jesus. 




My God, have mercy on an insane people, Lord, who are possessed of an insane mind that is so reprobate that they do not know what they are doing.  Have mercy, Lord, for every attack on the soul man.  Jesus.  (Tongues)   Let this man be forgiven, Lord, but this blaspheming spirit, let him not be forgiven in this age or in the next.  Let him be brought under subjection to Christ Jesus.  Let him be cast into the lake of fire, O God, and may he burn through all eternity in the preserving fire.  May he be salted with fire, Lord.  Let every sacrifice be salted with fire.  (Tongues)   Come down, Leviathan.  Come down.  Unravel.  Unravel.  (Tongues)   Jesus.  Jesus.  Jesus.


Show yourself mighty, O God.  Show yourself mighty.  Show your greatness, O God.  We long to see your greatness.  (Tongues)   O God, appear.  O God appear.  Let the world see you in the fullness of your glory.  (Tongues)   O God, come and save the afflicted.  O God, give us dominion.  O God, give us power to do the work.  I rebuke the legion.  I rebuke the legion.  In the name of Jesus, I rebuke the legion.  O God, arise.  Give us the power, Lord.  How much longer?  How much longer?  How much longer, Lord God?  We hunger and thirst for the power which arises out of righteousness, O God.  The power to save, to truly save, for the birth of the manchild.  O God, may He be conceived in this man this evening.  O God, let him experience your glory.  (Tongues)   Jesus.


COMMENT:  (Woman addressing Sheila’s father)  God has been a tremendous influence in my life.  I have had many experiences with Him.  I have had many experiences with God in my life.  Can you think of the times that He has touched you in your life?  In many instances, can you remember where He has touched you in your life?  When was that?When did He touch you?  What happened?        


PASTOR'S FATHER:  He touched me when I was working.  I had an all night job and I was always in danger.  I walked the streets all night long.  I would get up at one o’clock in the morning and I went out to work walking the streets.  I did a policeman’s work.  I did not get the policeman’s money.  I went out anyway.  On an actual day job there were many times I was knocking on the door, but I got a break.  That is the way it goes.  If another man would do what I had done, he would be dead now. 


COMMENT:  Do you think God was with you at that time? 


PASTOR'S FATHER: Somebody was with me.  There was no evidence.


COMMENT:  Well, you are still here.  The danger that you experienced He brought you through it.  He did bring you through it.  If there was such danger that other people would be dead, He preserved you. 


PASTOR'S FATHER: Well, that is the question.  You have got to throw it up in the air and guess at it.  Maybe you are wrong.  Maybe you are right.  Who knows?  I do not know if I am right or wrong. 


COMMENT:  Did you ever ask God? 


PASTOR'S FATHER: Oh sure.  I had good friends of mine, worked with them for years, day by day.  Then they died, for no reason.


PASTOR VITALE: Sin.  People die because of sin.  People die because of sin. 


PASTOR'S FATHER: Who has got any sin? 


PASTOR VITALE: All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. 


PASTOR'S FATHER: Why do good people have really honest to goodness misery?  They stepped in and tried to help.  They picked up children abandoned by dead parents and decided to have a life in the country.  They move out to Connecticut and bought a farm out there.  The man went out one day to paint his barn, and boom, down he went dead.  He fell off the ladder.  I know a few others like that.  It actually happened. 


PASTOR VITALE:  That is very nice that they took in children, but those kinds of good things do not mean that you are not a sinner.  Taking in orphan children does not mean that you are not a sinner.  The Bible says that we are not saved by works.  You are not saved because you do good deeds.  You do not die because you do not do good deeds.  Sin is in our nature because our fathers sinned.  It is inherited.  Sin is inherited.  Every man on the face of this earth has sinned. 


PASTOR'S FATHER: They have what they call US Naval Reserve.  The main rivers have lifeguard stations.  I belonged to the one on the East River by Hunts Point, all the way out.  I had trouble there almost every night.  One night I was out there and the boat went by and I could not make it.  Like a dope I jumped in the lifeboat and go out after them.  It was all I could do just to handle the boat.  They picked me up.  They had four men in their boat.  I was in trouble.  They were strong.  They pulled into shore and they pulled me in too.  Stuff like that happened all the time. 


Continuing with Leviathan, Part 10


This is the translation of Hebrew 6.  It will be appearing in the new addition of our alternate translation of the new testament.  Hebrews 6 verses 4 to 6.  To willfully sin after experiencing the heavenly gift of the Holy Ghost and benefitting from the miracle working power of the doctrine of Christ.  What is the miracle working power of the doctrine of Christ?  It is the power that touches your life when you pray the doctrine.  You cannot pray the doctrine unless you know what it is.


The doctrine of Christ is the message that Christ died at the time of the Fall, that Christ is the name of the mind which Jehovah had begotten into this creation.  He died at the time of the Fall.  He died when He was killed.  Who killed Christ?  Who killed Him?  The Dragon.  That is close.  The Dragon killed the Christ mind which was in the creation at the beginning of time, and Christ was raised from the dead.  When was He raised from the dead?  Who was Christ raised from the dead, not the Lord Jesus Christ, but Christ? 


He was raised from the dead in the man Jesus of Nazareth.  At the time of his baptism, Christ was raised from the dead.  Christ, being raised from the dead was immediately brought into a conflict with the god of this world, Satan.  I am pretty sure I touched on it when we studied the temptation.  There is a difference when you read about the account of the temptation in the book of Matthew and you read about the account of the temptation, I believe, in the book of Luke.  The book of Matthew says the spirit of Satan caught Jesus up to be tempted in the wilderness.  But Luke says the spirit of God caught Jesus up.  Now the carnal mind of man says, wow, I got you.  There is discrepancy in the Scripture.  It is a phony.


No brethren, Jesus of Nazareth had two minds.  The spirit of Satan manifested.  The Scripture says the spirit of Satan caught Jesus up.  What that means is Leviathan manifested.  That is what it meant.  Leviathan stood up in his strongest position, in his warfare stance, in the strongest position possible.  It says the spirit of Satan caught Jesus up to be tempted.  I may not be saying the exact word, in the wilderness.  That is right.  The spirit of Satan, which is in the carnal mind, whose name is Leviathan, manifested in its fullest measure of power.  At the same time, the Spirit of Christ raised up Christ Jesus in Jesus’ new man, to his fullest potential for the showdown at “Okay Corral.”  There was a showdown at the “Okay Corral” at the time of Jesus’ baptism.  There were two catching ups.  


Leviathan was caught up and the Word of God, which is the mind of Christ, was caught up.  The conflict ended in a stand off.  Neither the Word of God, neither the Spirit of Christ, nor Satan, were destroyed.  But the Spirit of Christ prevailed over Satan to the degree that he forced Satan to depart from the man Jesus.  I do not know about you, but I always thought that when the Scripture says that Satan departed for a season, that it was Satan’s choice.  I always thought it was Satan’s choice, and that he got tired of tempting Jesus, or he got the message that he could not prevail over Jesus, so he left and he departed for a season.  I no longer believe that.  I believe the Lord has told me that Satan departed only because Jesus, by the mind of Christ in him, drove Satan away.


I do not think Satan would have ever departed of his own will on his own accord.  But Christ Jesus, and the Spirit ruling in that new man, the Spirit of Christ defeated Satan to the degree that they drove him away.  The Spirit of Christ in the new man, Christ Jesus, did not destroy Satan until the crucifixion and the resurrection.  Satan was destroyed in the resurrection.  He was not destroyed in the crucifixion.  The crucifixion destroyed the body of the man Jesus of Nazareth.  It was when the Father chose to raise Jesus from the dead that He broke down his entire soul and his body.  He beat his soul and his body to dust, and took those atoms and mingled them with his spiritual man, and Jesus arose from the dead as the beginning of the Creation of God.  That was the death of Satan.


He died to this present existence of dominion in the man Jesus of Nazareth at the time of the resurrection, not at the time of the crucifixion.  So we see that Satan departed from Jesus for a season because Jesus had won that bout, but Satan was not yet completely destroyed.  In another place, Jesus said Satan cometh, the prince of this world cometh, but he has nothing in me.  I believe that Satan was tempting Jesus the whole three and a half years of his ministry, and that he never ceased from trying to bring him down for the whole three and a half years.  I believe Jesus was tempted continuously.  He was in a better position than we are in today.  He was tempted when he was in a position of dominion.  We do not have dominion yet.


We are still subject to Satan, so when he tempts us, it is a very painful experience.  I find temptation very painful.  Why would temptation be very painful?  Because that which Satan tempts me with, I want or I think I want it.  Either I really want it or I am under some kind of mind control that makes me think that I want it.  The result is that it is fighting against and turning down something that if I did not know it was sin, I probably would indulge in it.  That is painful.  Once Jesus stood up in full stature, however, Satan did not have dominion over him.  Jesus had dominion, therefore the temptation could not have possibly been as painful as it is when you are being tempted by someone that has authority over you.  Jesus.


To willfully sin after experiencing the heavenly gift of the Holy Ghost and benefitting from the miracle working power of the doctrine of Christ, which crucifies the human spirit.  The doctrine of Christ crucifies the human spirit.  The human spirit is the dead Christ in your mind.  The doctrine of Christ, if it is truly the doctrine of Christ, is being preached by Christ Jesus in you, is going forth and is penetrating men’s hearts.  Jesus said my words are spirit and my words are life.  If it is Christ Jesus in you preaching, your words are spirit and your words are life.  They are entering into the hearts of men and they are crucifying your human spirit, crucifying it, penetrating it, piercing it, joining themselves to it, and strengthening your human spirit.  Lord willing, after that union takes place, increasing into your new man, Christ Jesus. 


To willfully sin after experiencing the heavenly gift of the Holy Ghost and benefitting from the miracle working power of the doctrine of Christ.  What is the miracle that the doctrine of Christ works?  It penetrates your human spirit and raises it from the dead in the form of Christ Jesus.  That is the miracle.  I will try it again.  To willfully sin after experiencing the heavenly gift of the Holy Ghost and benefitting from the miracle working power of the doctrine of Christ, which crucifies the human spirit in your own mind.  Now the mystery is that the Spirit of Christ crucifies the human spirit that is woven as a part of Leviathan’s three thread mind.  That is the miracle. 


We are doing a translation of Job 41 now.  We found a verse that was quoting Jehovah saying that Leviathan is woven so tightly, that the Dragon is woven so tightly to the human spirit, in the formation of the mind of Leviathan, that no other spirit can get in between them.  Now the carnal mind of man says contradiction, contradiction.  It is scripture written by man, does not make any sense, does not compute.  You are ignorant.  The Lord is the exception to everything.  He is the exception.  No spirit can get through.  No spirit can break that bond that exists between the human spirit and the Dragon except.  No spirit can get in the midst of them except.  No spirit can separate Eve from the Dragon except the Spirit that is strong enough to bind the strongman, you see.  If you first bind the strongman, then you can enter into his house and seize his wife.  The only one that I know of that is strong enough to bind the strongman is the Lord Jesus Christ.


He enters into your mind and crucifies your human spirit, raises him from the dead in the form of Christ Jesus.  I am sorry, but I lost my train of thought.  I am going to start at the beginning again.  To willfully sin after experiencing the heavenly gift of the Holy Ghost and benefitting from the miracle working power of the doctrine of Christ, which crucifies the human spirit in your mind, and begins to raise him from the dead by increasing into Christ Jesus.  When you willfully sin after you have had that experience, it strengthens the Dragon’s penetration of your human spirit.  So what do we have here?  We have a human spirit that is penetrated by the Dragon and by the Lord Jesus Christ at the same time. 


If you want to get technical, she is having sex with two men at once.  It is a human impossibility to be penetrated by two men at once, but spiritually speaking it is possible.  It is happening to everyone whose human spirit is crucified by the Lord Jesus.  If you are doubleminded, if Christ Jesus is being formed in you right now, you have been penetrated by the Lord Jesus.  You have been penetrated in a place where you have already been penetrated by the Dragon.  You are having a relationship with two men and you are having a child from each of them.  Leviathan is the offspring of the union between the Dragon and the human spirit, and the mind of Christ Jesus, also known as the Word of God, is the offspring of the union between the Lord Jesus and your human spirit. 


A natural example of this is twins.  I think it is called fraternal twins.  It is one egg in the mother that has been penetrated by two sperms.  The two sperms break the ovum in half and the ovum becomes two completely different children.  First two different embryos, then two different fetuses, and then two different children.  That is what is happening to you if Christ Jesus is being formed in you. 


If you willfully sin after you have this experience, this glorious experience of Christ Jesus doing this miracle of getting in between you and the Dragon, and you willfully sin, it is going to strengthen the Dragon’s hold on your human spirit.  Now look at this.  You have got one human spirit.  She is penetrated by the Dragon and the Lord Jesus Christ at the same time.  These are two men fighting for this woman.  Can you picture this?  The Dragon has her right arm, and the Lord Jesus has her left arm, and they are both pulling on her.  The one that she chooses to go with is going to have the power of her free will on his side.  Her choice of the man is going to put the weight on that side.  So if you willfully sin, to willfully sin is to reject the Lord Jesus.  To reject the Lord Jesus is to join with the Dragon. 


Here is the Lord Jesus fighting for you.  He has penetrated your human spirit while you are already penetrated by the Dragon, and He is fighting to take you away from the Dragon.  You willfully sin, and you have put your weight on the Dragon’s side.  It strengthens the Dragon’s hold on you, and it weakens the Lord Jesus’ hold on you.  The result of this is that the Dragon recaptures your human spirit and turns him into a prostitute again, thus making him a public disgrace.  What kind of a prostitute?  We are told in Joel 3:3 that the Dragon laid hold of Christ.  The Serpent was the female and Christ was the male.  The Serpent rose up and increased into the Dragon.  The Dragon became a male and knocked Christ down and made him a woman.


When you willfully sin after the Lord Jesus Christ has crucified your human spirit, and is in the process of ripping you out of the Dragon’s house, you give the Dragon power over you.  He rises up and that part of your human spirit, which is cleaving unto the Lord Jesus Christ, is ripped out of the Lord Jesus Christ’s arms.  So you see your willful decision to sin not only strengthens the Dragon’s hold on your human spirit, which is the dead Christ, but it actually kills the emerging Christ Jesus, when the human spirit, out of which he is being formed, is reclaimed by the Dragon.  Can you hear this?  He has got one arm being pulled on by the Lord Jesus, and the other arm being pulled on by the Dragon.  The Lord Jesus is saying come out of it, come out of there, I got you, I got you on a life line.  Come on out, come on out.


You are inching toward the Lord Jesus and you are inching away from the Dragon, and you are transferring over from the possession of the Dragon to being possessed by the man Christ Jesus.  Then one day you willfully choose to sin, and it is as if to say the Lord Jesus is a lifeguard that is grabbing you, and then you willfully choose to sin.  He loses His grip on you and you just go sliding right back into the arms of the Dragon.  Not only do you go sliding back into the arms of the Dragon, but it kills Christ Jesus, who is being formed between the union formed by you and the Lord Jesus.  That is why it is impossible to renew you to repentance, because repentance is in the form of Christ Jesus and you have killed Him.  You have killed the God in the midst of you that is reforming you in the image of Jehovah.


A heavy anointing just rolled in, brethren.  Jesus.  Anybody have a question? 


PASTOR'S FATHER: The nations that have the lowest of progress and education, who have the least amount of the world’s trade, the most backward nations, are the ones that really believe in that.


PASTOR VITALE:  That is not true.  The most backward nations are the ones who are Catholic.  We are not Catholic.  The most advanced nations of the world are the Protestant nations.  England, the greatest empire were Protestant, and are believers in Christ.  There is a difference between Catholics and Protestants.  The head of the Catholic Church is Mary.  The Head of the Protestant Church is Christ Jesus.  So you have your facts wrong.  Thank you Lord. 


The least knowledgeable people are Catholic.  The Protestant nations are basically the western nations.  They are highly educated, in the forefront, and the forerunners of progress in the world.  You have your facts wrong.  This country, the United States of America, is a Christian country.  We are a world leader.  We are not one of the most backward countries in the world.  This is a Protestant nation.  It is a Christian nation.  The Constitution acknowledges God.  God is everywhere in this nation.  England was second, and also one of the greatest empires in the world, and is a Protestant nation.  You are mistaken.  The most backward nations are the ones that are Catholic, not Protestant.  This is the greatest nation in the world.  It is a Christian nation.  What are you talking about?


These are the words to June’s song at the end of the message.


For as He is, thou too must be

In this His love and grace agree


The mind of Christ revealed in thee

 And manifest for all to see


 Follow His works that have been done

 Christ triumph, the war He won


 For it is His will to make us one

 Our perfect union with the Son


 Bring forth this mind from morning’s womb

 Dispel the old creation’s doom


 Christ Jesus now is rising soon

 Within His sons in radiant bloom


 Follow His works that have been done

 Christ triumph, the war He won


 For it is His will to make us one

 Our perfect union with the Son


 All that He is, thou art a part

 Oh truth that now changes the heart    


 02/15/12 mjs


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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