340 - Part 8
(An In-Depth Study)

Part 8 of 14 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Recap Job - Chapter 41 verses 1 through 12 interspersed beginning with verse 3. Will the serpent appoint Leviathan, her completed female mind to rule over you or will she sacrifice her so that Christ Jesus can rise from the dead? Can Leviathan's malignant tongue, the mind of that many membered band of destructive men and the fallen soul, which has been choking since the weed of the carnal mind killed the incomplete Christ mind be submerged underneath the mind of Christ Jesus and the spiritual visible world, which is in his image? Will the men who are bound to Leviathan because of the serpent's witchcraft be able to separate themselves from him by digging through the earth of their souls and unraveling his completed mind? Can you, Job, save this fallen dead soul by completing Leviathan, that dead militarily defensed mind which the serpent birth in her and by judging the spirit of Cain, which is her unconscious mind? Can your mind penetrate the dragon, Job, and join with the human spirit, who is joined to him so that she can increase into Christ Jesus, the one who is strong enough to boil Leviathan until he evaporates and releases the human spirit? Will you, Job, who really are the serpent, cut Leviathan away from your own soul so that your human spirit can overcome death by increasing into Christ Jesus? Will you, Job, who are the incarnation of the serpent, will you unfold your fallen dead soul into your own mind and enslave her for the life of the ages, which is called glorification. Obviously, you can't do any of these things, Job, because look at what the serpent has made out of Jehovah's creation and you are a member of her creation. She is so fiercely sinful, that means, you too are fiercely sinful, Job. She is so fiercely sinful since she incarnated that there isn't a man anywhere, that includes you Job, who can survive the fiery presence of the Lord. You have the serpent's mind, Job. Your mind is too weak to do any of these things I've just challenged you with. Only the mind of Christ Jesus can do these things. So you may be laughing at Behemoth's power to hurt you now, Job, but you won't be laughing when you find out that you are Leviathan's prostitute. Nevertheless, don't worry Job, your fallen condition will not last forever because Leviathan will be cast down when Christ Jesus appears. Therefore be a man in the war to determine whose nature will be engraved in your soul and fashion her, your soul, after the Lord Jesus Christ so that you don't conceive your enemy Leviathan, the serpent's completed mind. And now that the woman which belongs to Christ Jesus has been conquered by the Lord Jesus Christ and is under subjection to the Lord Jesus Christ, I should be able to make the serpent good.


You see, the serpent has not been conquered by you and me, nor is she under to subjection to you and me. She has only been conquered by and is in subjection to the first cell of humanity, the first leaf of the plant, the first to be begotten out of this realm of death. So that all the preachers that preach that Satan is in subjection to those of us who are believers, it is a lie. Satan is the god of all the believers. We worship her every day and if we worship the Lord Jesus Christ at all, we have two gods. We are double minded. We are waiting for Christ Jesus to appear in us in such a degree of power that He brings the serpent and her defensed mind, Leviathan, under his authority. Christ Jesus in you and Christ Jesus in me, the hope of glory, must subject the serpent for our own person.


The Lord Jesus Christ has given us the weapon with which we are able to do this. Now we must pick up this weapon and do it. We cannot do it until the weapon has been fully formed in us. I personally don't know anyone in the earth, in this hour, in whom that weapon, whose name is Christ Jesus, is fully formed and matured enough to the point that the serpent and her wicked mind Leviathan can be brought in submission to him. But I believe that it is about to happen at any moment. And now that the woman which belongs to Christ Jesus has been conquered and is under subjection to the Lord Jesus Christ, I should be able to make the serpent good and this is how I will do it. I'll engrave my nature upon their human spirits, upon the human spirits of the many members of humanity and the word of God shall be born in them. That's the mind of Christ. And they shall be highly esteemed and very valuable because their new man, Christ Jesus, shall give them mastery over their own soul.


Continuing with Job, chapter 41 verse 13. Who can discover the face of his garment or who can come to Him with his double bridle? At first glance and based on the prior verses, one would think that both of these questions are referring to Leviathan, but I hope to convince you that that's not correct; that the true translation, the true intent ... what is the true translation? Some men will say to you, well it's just a matter of opinion. Brethren, it is not a matter of opinion. There is only one true translation and that ...would anyone like to tell us whose translation is that? It is the translation which imparts to us an understanding of what Jehovah wants to say to us.


It is not my opinion of what Jehovah wants to say to us or Rosie's opinion of what Jehovah wants to say to us or Mickey Mouse's opinion or anyone's opinion of what Jehovah wants to say to us. The only true translation is one that accurately reflects what Jehovah in His opinion intends to say to us. The problem that we have in this hour is that men's minds are carnal and fallen. There is only one man who is able to accurately convey to us the true message that Jehovah is trying to transmit to us. And what's His name? His name is Jesus Christ. His name is Jesus Christ. Therefore the only teacher; Jesus Christ is the only teacher, so the only human teacher that can give you this information is the man who is teaching or let me put it to you this way, the man through whom the mind of Christ Jesus is teaching. So as long as you take your instruction from a man who is teaching from his carnal mind, you are not likely to be taught the accurate message of Jehovah to mankind.


Now, you may be able to be taught an accurate message of history, of what happened when Jesus hung on the cross. You may be able to receive an accurate understanding of Jesus' birth and the circumstances surrounding His life and His thirty-three years on the earth. Man is capable of imparting that information to you; the message of faith; the doctrine of laying on of hands. He might be able to understand even the doctrine of baptisms to some measure, although there is a great deal of misunderstanding about the doctrine of baptisms. There is a whole denomination that teaches there is just one baptism and the bible says that. But they will tell you that the one baptism is water baptism. Absolutely incorrect. Water baptism is the first step in a series of baptisms which result in your spirit being, and eventually your soul and your body being completely immersed into the life of God. It is a spiritual baptism. But you must be water baptized because that is the first step on the ladder. And you can't get to the top step unless you step on the first step first.


So we see that carnal men are capable of teaching out of the scripture, history. They are capable of teaching history and some minor spiritual understanding. They can teach about the gifts of the Spirit. They have a knowledge of speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues. But when we are talking about Jehovah's actual message to mankind, Jehovah's message to mankind is an instruction manual on how He is going to deliver us from hell. When fallen men get into that you can be sure that you are getting a false message because this message is only in the mind of Christ Jesus and it can only be taught to you by a man through whom Christ Jesus is teaching. For Jesus to be teaching through a man, that man must have Christ Jesus formed in Him. And he must have Christ Jesus formed in Him to a degree of maturity where that mind is able to teach and there aren't very many men in the church in whom Christ Jesus is that mature in this hour.


So, I don't even know how I got into that, but I just recall that I was speaking about Job 41 verse 13 and I was speaking about the first question; Who can discover the face of this garment? I'm suggesting to you that despite the way this King James translation sounds, we are speaking about the Lord Jesus Christ in this first question. When we speak about the face of His garment, we are speaking about the Lord Jesus Christ's garment. And in the second question; Or who can come to him with his double bridle, we are speaking about Leviathan again. So I hope to convince you of that. You don't have to believe it if you don't want to, but this is how I come to that conclusion.


Who can discover the face of this garment. Who means who. Can discover, Strong's #1540 means to denude or to make nude; to exile; to unveil; to cause to appear. Now I prayed about this phrase for a long time and I couldn't make any sense out of it. So I went into Gesenius' Hebrew and Chaldean lexicon and I did find an alternate translation that seemed to make sense out of this phrase. That alternate translation is to clear up confusion.


Strong's #6440 translated the faith of in Job 41:13, Gesenius tells us can also be translated to clear up confusion. Now I ask you, who is the one who is confused? Who is the one who is confused? Who was the one who was confused in Genesis, chapter 2:25? Adam is confused because he became Eve. And he was a man, but now he thinks he is a woman. You see, Adam was a man because the mind in him was male. Adam is the name of God's creation. Adam really is the name of the soul which Jehovah made. And the sex of that soul is determined by the mind which is born in the soul.


Now at the beginning, Jehovah joined with that soul and immature mind of Christ was formed in it, so Adam was male. But you see, his mind was immature and it was incomplete and the serpent, who was the earthen part of the soul, because Jehovah being an invisible God is in the process of weaving Himself a garment that will enable Him to be seen; when He covers Himself with a garment, He will be seen; and one of the ingredients or one of the elements in the garment that Jehovah is covering Himself with is earth. But we are not talking about the earth that is on the ground outside here. We are speaking about spiritual earth, earth that is on a much higher level than the earth outside my house here; and this earth is able to think. This earth has an intelligence. This earth has an existence. And the earth spoke to the Christ mind or we might say the earth spoke unto the man, but when you speak to me, you don't speak to my arms or my legs. You speak to my intelligence. When you speak to me, you speak to my mind, do you not? Do you speak to my finger when you talk to me? You talk to my ability to comprehend; you talk to my mind. So the earth spoke to the creation's mind and the name of Adam's mind in that hour was Christ.


So the serpent spoke to Christ and said to him, hey Christ, you think you are a man, don't you? But you are not, you are a woman. And Adam said, oh no, I'm a man. See I don't really know that I am a man because I haven't experienced manhood, but Jehovah told me that I am a man. Now this may sound bizarre to you, but have you ever spoken to a three year old child who will tell you that they are a little girl. I have. I've had a little three year old girl say to me, I'm a girl. And I said to her, how do you know that you are a girl? And she said, my mommy said so. Is there anybody here who doesn't know what I am talking about? I've even teased children sometimes and I'll say, oh no, you're a boy. And they tell me right away, oh no, I'm a girl; my mother said so. That's how I know I am a girl. Well Adam said to the serpent, I'm a man. I haven't experienced being a man; haven't lived as a man; I'm not even really sure what it means to be a man.


Do you think that three year old little girl knows what it means to be a girl? Of course not. Adam said to the serpent, Jehovah told me I'm a man. And the serpent said to Adam, no, you are my woman and proceeded to stimulate his mind in some way; don't know exactly what Adam experienced. The serpent stirred up the creation's emotions, gave pleasure to that soul man, Adam, and Adam not knowing that men don't respond to that kind of pleasure responded to the serpent and said, yeah that feels good; make me feel good; keep doing that, not knowing that when you receive your pleasure from someone else, you are a woman. Because the woman receives and the man gives. Can you hear this? The man is the one who gives. The man is the one who gives support; the man is the one who gives advice; the man is the one who gives counsel; the man is the one who gives children; the man is the one who gives pleasure. And from the second you submit to another human being to give you pleasure, you have fallen out of your manhood. Can you hear it?


The minute you let someone else become your counselor, you have fallen out of manhood. Now that doesn't mean that you don't listen to people's opinion, but the minute you give up the decision making power, you have become a woman. And Adam turned himself over to whatever kind of pleasure the serpent was giving him. I don't know what he felt, but he liked it. I suspect it was some form of pleasure which fed his pride. But I have no way of knowing what he experienced. I just know that the serpent used witchcraft. The serpent used seduction and the serpent used manipulation. And then we are told that Adam was confused. Before he blinked his eyes, he had been converted from a man into a woman. And he didn't even know that it had happened to him. You see, the Christ mind was not deceived; the man was not deceived.


But you see, in that hour at the beginning of time, the soul had the ability to think apart from her husband. The husband of the soul is the mind. The serpent stimulated the emotions of the soul and the soul did not obey the mind, but had a thought apart from her husband. And in that hour separated from him; the soul separated from Christ and joined with the serpent in thought. And because the mind in the creation no longer told the soul that he was a man, but told the soul that he was a woman, the whole creation, the living soul died and became a woman; became the prostitute or the harlot of the serpent's mind.


And now this is a great mystery. When the mind in the creation is the son of God, which is begotten of Jehovah; Jehovah does not make this soul a harlot. Jehovah raises the soul up to be His equal. Jesus said, the Father and I are one. So when the mind in the creation is the son of God, the soul is raised up from being female to being male. Jehovah raises us up. But when the mind which is begotten in the soul is the serpent's mind, the serpent keeps us a woman and elevates herself to manhood and uses us as a harlot. Jehovah exalts us into manhood. The serpent brings us into servitude and bondage to her inordinate desires. Jesus!


Who can cause to appear or who can unveil, who can clear up this confusion? Brethren, Jehovah's creation is suppose to be a man, but we are a woman. We think like a woman, we feel like a woman, we act like a woman and we are in complete subjection to the woman and in fact, we are the woman. And the serpent treats us like a woman and we believe her. We believe that we are a woman, every member of humanity. What does that mean? I suggest to you that there is not a man upon the face of the earth who is not content to be in this world so long as he has shelter, food and clothing, and so long as his emotional and physical needs are met. He is not looking to leave this world. He is not looking to give up the things of this world to become a man. Because to have our mind dismantled and reformed into the mind of a man; we have a female mind right now.


To become a man, that mind has to be broken down into pieces and reformed into a man's mind. In order for that to happen to us, we have to give up the pleasures of this world. Now most people have no problem giving up the pain of this world, but they don't want to give up the pleasure of this world. So you see, humanity is very content to be a woman. And our problem is we don't know what it's like to be a man. See? You cannot truly choose unless you have experienced both. You can't choose unless you have experienced both. That's why Jesus ignores you if He makes a determination that it is your turn to experience salvation and you say, no, I won't go. If in His judgment, it is your turn, He ignores you.


He violates your will because He knows that you don't know what you are talking about. He will bring you to a certain height in Christ Jesus. He will conceive Christ Jesus in your mind. He will let you have an experience of being double minded until Christ Jesus matures to a certain degree of maturity whereby Jehovah can say, you have truly experienced spiritual manhood. And then He'll give you your choice. Are you willing to give up the pleasures of this world? Are you willing to give up the pleasures that the serpent gives you to go all the way and become a full fledged man, now that you have tasted of the good word of God and the miracles of the age to come? Now that you have truly experienced spiritual manhood, not the gifts of the Holy Ghost; I'm not talking about the gifts of the Holy Ghost, I'm talking about walking in authority. I'm talking about having dominion. I'm talking about having power over all of the evil of this world system. Now that you have tasted it, will you give up the pleasures that the serpent can give you to go the rest of the way to make yourself a full fledged man? And when Jesus puts this question to you, this test to you, the name that we read about in the scripture is called the temptation.


You are going to be tempted with everything in this world that gives you pleasure and I want to tell you, you will never ever ever make it into true spiritual manhood if you don't walk with the revelation in your mind that you choose Christ Jesus and the things of His Kingdom. Because the pleasure that the serpent will throw at you will be overwhelming. The offer of the pleasure plus the witchcraft that she will use against you to make you desire it will be overwhelming. And without a clear vision and a clear memory of having experienced the power of God, not having been a recipient of the power of God, but of having wielded the power of God, without that memory, I personally don't think it is possible for any human man to choose Christ Jesus over the things that are highly desired and highly esteemed in this world system. You will never make it if you haven't experienced the spiritual power which arises out of righteousness in Christ Jesus.


So the test doesn't really come until you get to the point that you have experienced that power. Now most people, you may know I was quoting Hebrews 6, at that point, Hebrews 6 verse 4 to 6; most believers think that that scripture is talking about the power of the Holy Ghost. It is not talking about the power of the Holy Ghost. It is talking about the power which is in Christ Jesus, the power which comes out of righteousness. It's a whole different ball game. Who can discover the face of his garment? Who can cause to appear or who can clear up this confusion in man's mind? And a big issue that we have had in this ministry with the young people who were here was this issue of marriage.


This is a very controversial thing that I am saying, but to go on into the kingdom, you must give up marriage. There is no marriage or giving of marriage in the kingdom. There is one person that I have in mind right now that had a very high call on her life and I really believe that the primary reason that she stopped ascending, and I believe that she stopped ascending, is that she could not turn this issue over to the Lord. And as I teach here, I don't tell anybody you have to give up all hope of a marriage, but what you do have to do is truly give it to God and say if there is no marriage for me, I accept it. And I am not even going to think about it anymore. If you want me to get married, provide a husband and if not, I will serve you.


Now this one person, marriage was an obsession. I just heard it out of her mouth this last week, all upset that somebody new in her life didn't give her hopes of getting married, but was neutral in light of what the Lord Jesus would do on her behalf. But it is idolatry and an obsession and it has really caused a hindrance to spiritual growth. So who can clear up this confusion to fallen man? Look, when you are called to be a son of God, marriage is not a natural act. Human marriage is an act of spiritual homosexuality when you are called to be a son of God. Oh God, I hear the Pharisees screaming. Listen, when Jesus apprehends you and calls you to be His, human marriage is an act of perversion. You don't want to hear the rest of this tape, I don't care. You don't want to hear or have anything to do with this ministry again, I don't care. I'm telling you the truth. I'm telling you the truth. That to walk in the high realms of the Spirit with the Lord Jesus Christ, you have to spend hours of your day with Him and that doesn't mean you can't be with Him if you are married, but the more time you spend with Him, the higher you ascend. The more time you spend with Him, the more wisdom and knowledge you receive and the more you become like Him.


Look, Paul said it; I'm not saying anything that Paul didn't say. If you are married, you'll minister to your husband or your wife. Didn't he say that? Didn't he say that? I think it is 1 Corinthians 7. He said it. Where your heart is, that's where your treasure is. What do you want more? The Lord Jesus Christ's will in your life or a natural marriage, whether He has it for you or not? And if the answer is that you want a natural marriage, whether He has it for you or not, your heart is not in the Kingdom of Heaven. And if your heart is not in the Kingdom of Heaven, neither is your soul or your body. And such an attitude will prevent you from entering in to the high realms of the Spirit, which is in Christ Jesus, and you are confused. You don't understand that you are called to be a son of God and that there is no marriage or giving in marriage in heaven. You think that the normal righteous thing is to get married. You think you are a spiritual woman, but you have been called to spiritual manhood and you are all mixed up. And the truth of the matter is, since you haven't stopped reading, maybe you will listen to the rest of it; the truth of the matter is that nobody in this world is called to human marriage. It is just being allowed for the time of our captivity.


Jehovah said to Judah, you are going into Babylon for seventy years. Plant your fig trees and plant your vines and get married and do your thing. You are going to be there for seventy years. But when the call came to come out, the Hebrew men had to leave their wives and their mixed children behind. Human marriage is spiritual homosexuality. It is soul to soul, brethren. It is acceptable to God and honorable until such time as the call comes to you to come out of Babylon. And when the call comes for you to come out of Babylon, you are required to give up your heathen wives and your mixed children. And if you are mad at me, that's okay. I don't care. I'm just the Lord's mouthpiece and your argument is with Him. Jesus!


So who is going to clear up Adam's confusion? He is suppose to be a son of God and he is thinking and acting and living like a spiritual woman. I would like to read you my written comment just in case I left something out on this subject. Remember that in Genesis 2:25 Adam was confused meaning that he, the whole creation, which is mind and soul was a man, when his mind was Christ. But he became a butch lesbian, a lesbian acting like a man, when he willfully sinned by committing adultery with the serpent and his Christ mind died. Now remember, a mind is a woven garment and it is woven from two or three threads. An immature mind is woven from two threads and the mature mind is woven from three threads. So my notes says that his Christ mind died, that's a two thread mind and only the single thread which was the breath that Jehovah breathed into the creation at the beginning remained.


That immature Christ mind was formed from the breath that was in the soul as it joined to the Spirit of Jehovah; formed a mind made of two threads or two spirits. And the thread which was Jehovah's breath which remained after the Christ mind died...what happened when the Christ mind died? The Spirit of Jehovah separated from the spirit which was in the soul. Remember, Jehovah breathed the breath of life into the soul and after Jehovah breathed the breath of life into the soul; it didn't deplete Jehovah in any way, He was still whole, in the same way as the Tree of Life was still whole after the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil separated out. So after Jehovah breathed the breath into the soul, Jehovah in His fullness came and joined with that breath and intertwined with it and it became the immature mind of Christ. But when the Christ mind died, Jehovah separated from the breath in the soul and the breath was left alone as a single thread.


Now the breath that was left alone as a single thread was not the same breath that existed before he was a part of the Christ mind. It is just like saying that a divorced woman cannot be a virgin anymore. This breath which was in the living soul had experienced a union with Jehovah. This breath had experienced being a mind. This breath had experienced being male. This breath had experienced having dominion over the whole creation and lost it. The way things used to be in this country fifty or seventy-five years ago, we would say he was a spoiled woman; he lost his virginity. Therefore his name changes. We no longer call him breath; we now call him human spirit. His name changed.


The breath before union with Jehovah was breath or the breath or we could call him the son of God in his very very primitive stage and the breath after experiencing the heights of dominion and fallen from those heights had his name changed to human spirit. Human spirit; that part of fallen men which has the ability to be raised from the dead. Your body is not being raised from the dead, your soul is not being raised from the dead. Your human spirit, that breath of Jehovah's life which died when he was unraveled from Jehovah and ceased to be the glorious mind of Christ. He was apprehended by the serpent and woven into the serpent's mind whose name is the dragon.


That single thread which is either a thread in Jehovah's mind or a thread in the serpent's mind. There can be no mind that does not include the human spirit which is the breath that Jehovah breathed into the soul. There can be no mind born into the soul unless that mind be woven at least in one point, at least have a part of that mind the spirit which is in the soul woven into it. Because mind is the offspring or the increase of the union of a male spirit with the spirit that was breathed into the soul at the beginning of time. Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! And the thread which was Jehovah's breath which remained after the Christ mind died, after Jehovah unraveled himself from that breath is called the human spirit. And the serpent joined herself to Adam's human spirit and formed an altar and we found out in other scriptures that that two thread mind is called an altar.


When Jehovah forms with the breath, an altar is formed and the sacrifice that comes forth on that altar is Christ Jesus. He is the sacrifice that is the eternal sacrifice that is never consumed. He is the bush that burns but is not consumed. He is made at least in part out of natural material because he is born of the union of Jehovah and man and he is typified as a bush or wood that burns and is not consumed. The sacrifice that appears on the altar which is formed by the union of the serpent and the breath or the spirit in the soul is called, the mature sacrifice is called Leviathan and she can be consumed; she can be consumed by the fire of Christ Jesus, which is the lake of fire. And we hear that the devil and Satan or Satan and the devil are cast into the lake of fire. She will surely be burnt and be consumed by that burning, but Christ Jesus will not be consumed by the burning that is in the mind of Christ. Alleluia.


The human spirit will not be consumed when she is woven into the mind of Christ and the fire of God is revealed through her. Only the flesh, only the wood is burnt up. Thank you Jesus. And the serpent joins herself to Adam's spirit and formed an altar and the altar formed of the union between the serpent and the human spirit is called the dragon. Now I just said Leviathan, but I don't want to confuse any of you reading this; the dragon is the name of the serpent's two thread mind just as Christ is the name of Jehovah's two thread mind and Christ increases into the Word of God, which is Jehovah's three thread mind and the dragon increases into Leviathan, which is the serpent's three thread mind.


So we are saying that the serpent joined herself to Adam's human spirit and formed an altar and the altar formed of the union between the serpent and the human spirit is called the dragon, which is the serpent's two thread mind. And Adam was converted or he was rebuilt into the woman. How could Adam be rebuilt? Brethren, there is no separation between the soul which Adam is and the spirit in that soul. There is no separation between your body and your heart. Adam was, you see, there was a spirit in Adam and that spirit was a part of the mind which was begotten in that soul. And when that mind pulled apart and the soul was reformed and the mind in the soul came forth as the dragon, we say that the creation, the soul whose name is Adam, he was converted or changed from a man to a woman. He was rebuilt. He was reformed when the spirit that was breathed into that soul ceased to be a part of the union with Jehovah, which formed the Christ mind and began to be a part of the union with the serpent, which formed the dragon, the two thread mind.


The mind determines the condition of the soul. If it's a mind which is spirit, the whole creation is spirit; the whole creation, soul and mind, is alive. If the mind in the creation is dead, if the mind is a mind which is begotten of the flesh and the whole creation, soul and mind, is dead. You see, that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit. The mind in the creation which is begotten by the spirit is spirit and there is life in the spirit. But if the mind in the creation is begotten by the soul, if the soul is self-fertilized, that which is born of the soul is soul. And when the mind in the creation is soul, the whole creation, soul and mind, is dead.


So this is a great mystery. The soul that Jehovah made is female, but when she has intercourse with Jehovah, His mind is born in her which is His son. And when her mind is the son of God, the whole living soul, mind and soul becomes male or the man. When she, the soul, has intercourse with the serpent, the serpent's mind is born in her, which is the serpent's daughter. And when her mind is the daughter of Babylon, the whole soul, mind and soul, remains female and becomes the woman. And Jehovah's creation is no longer the living soul, but a dead fallen soul.


Now the condition of this dead fallen soul is that one part of the soul has raised herself up and made herself a man. It is as if your heart or my heart exalted itself over our brain and brought our brain into submission. So there is a part of this spiritual creation of which we are. Her name is the serpent. She is the earthen part. You see, the creation is earth and spirit. The creation is earth and breath. The breath is suppose to have dominion over the whole creation, breath and earth. And the way that breath would have dominion is that the Spirit of Jehovah would join with the breath and beget a mind which is capable of ruling over the whole creation, earth and mind or soul and mind. The soul is made out of earth. But something went wrong here. The earth rose up and took dominion over the breath. The creation is upside down. It is inside out. And the earth is on top of the breath and she is using the breath or the spirit.


The scripture tells us she is a harlot, Joel 3:3. She made a harlot out of a young man. And who is the young man? The immature mind of Christ. The serpent rose up and made a harlot out of him, made him the woman and she is still doing it every time she succeeds in keeping a son of God from ascending into the heavenlies by offering him sexual pleasure. She is keeping him in the bestial realm. Brethren, God does not give you the pleasures that a beast experiences. I'm sorry if you don't like to hear this, but the pleasure and the satisfaction that Jesus gives you is of the mind. That's why there is no marriage or giving in marriage in Heaven.


Human sexuality is an activity of the beast kingdom and it is acceptable to God for so long as you are in captivity. But when the call sounds for you to come out of captivity, you must give up the kingdom of darkness and everything included in it and that includes sexual activity, as the Lord Jesus calls you out of it. Don't go doing anything as a religious work. Don't go breaking your wife's heart; don't go breaking your husband's heart. If you are married you don't withhold yourself. You wait for the Lord Jesus to bring a natural end to your sexual relationship. It may not happen in your lifetime. I don't know who is hearing this tape. It may not happen in your lifetime, but if it has happened to you, if the sexual aspect of your marriage has withered and died or if you find yourself without a mate and you are praying and praying and the Lord does not give you a mate, maybe you have been called to ascend into the heavenlies where there is no marriage or giving in marriage.


Now if you are a young person and you desire marriage, you can tell the Lord how you feel. But you must put this desire on the altar. If He gives you a mate, fine, but if He doesn't, you should know that you have been called to a high calling in Christ Jesus. Don't set your will against Him, because you will lose what He has for you. Don't set your will against Him. There is nothing wrong with desiring it, but if He says so, you must give it up or you will lose whatever He has for you. So Adam, who was made to be a man became the serpent's harlot when he engaged in spiritual intercourse with the serpent instead of Jehovah. Please note that when Adam is male, the Father and Christ are the two threads which are the woof of God's garment. Now the woof goes vertically from Heaven down to the earth. And the Father and Christ are two threads of the garment. And what is the garment that is being woven?


What is it called? The mind. The garment that is being woven is to cover the spirit. Okay. The mind covers the spirit which is the god of the creation. Listen brethren, all you people out there that think you are independent, that think you don't need God, that think you don't serve anybody, you are spiritually ignorant. Because for you to have an existence you must have a god, you see. For you to exist in this flesh, there must be a spirit which has incarnated you. This body is a slave. Just look up the Hebrew and the Greek word that means body. It is as clear as the nose on your face. This body is a slave. It serves the spirit which dwells inside of it. For you to have a visible presence in the earth, there must be a spirit which has incarnated you. And that spirit is your god. Whether you know it or not, or whether you acknowledge it or not, the spirit that incarnated you is your god. That means you have a god. It's just like a turtle or a tortoise. All you see is a shell. There is a life inside of that shell. This body would not exist without spirit inside of it and the human spirit that is a part of the soul does not have the authority to incarnate a human body. She cannot do it by herself.


All you New Agers out there who acknowledge the Christ consciousness, you are talking about the spirit which is in man. She does not have the power to incarnate you. For you to exist, she had to have joined with a male spirit. And the male spirit that she joined with is the spirit who has used her to incarnate you. When she is one with him and in this hour, to the best of my knowledge, every human being on the face of the earth has been incarnated by whom? By Leviathan. Actually it is by the dragon, incarnated by the dragon and when he actually appears in the flesh, he increases into Leviathan. But at the point of initiation of the incarnation, he is the dragon. And when you completely appear in the earth, he has increased into Leviathan. Can you hear that? Okay. So it is very nice if you name Jesus as your Saviour. It is in faith, brethren. It hasn't happened yet. Your god is the serpent who is appearing through her mind. She is the god. The serpent is inside of the mind that she has woven, Leviathan, who is inside of this flesh. That's how Jesus could call the pharisees, vipers and devils.


The whole human race in this hour are the offspring of the serpent. Christ in you, the hope of glory. He is the hope that we have, that the Lord Jesus Christ will come in the form of Christ Jesus in you and me and defeat the spirit which has incarnated us and take us back from that spirit. And you will know that that has happened to you when you stop aging and you stop dying. And you won't stop aging and you won't stop dying until you stop sinning. So as long as you are aging and dying, you have to know that there is sin in your mind. Now grow up all of you. You are the children of the devil. When either the Lord Jesus Christ or Christ Jesus is present and actively working in our life to change our condition, but it is not changed yet.


And if you have bought that lie that this body is going to die and you are going to go to heaven, you are just a child believing in Santa Claus. And if you don't come out of that lie because out of faith in Jesus Christ, you have the courage to say to the Lord, I heard this crazy woman preaching this crazy message. Could it possibly be true? If you don't have the courage to pray that prayer and mean it, in the hour in which Santa Claus is completely exposed as a sham, you will surely be ashamed.


What's another way that we can say that? In the hour that Christ Jesus makes a public appearance in the face of this earth, in men, you will surely be ashamed. What does that mean? He won't be appearing in you. What does that mean? There will be a company of men appearing in this earth whose bodies will have become incorruptible; whose mind will have become sinless and you won't be one of them. And when you compare your vile body to their glorious body, you'll be ashamed. And to know that this message came to you and that you had the opportunity to be one of the company of glorious men and that you didn't even have the courage to say, Lord Jesus, is it true? And if it is true, help me to believe it. You will be ashamed at your ignorance. Because it is no skin off your nose to pray that prayer. I pray that prayer. I'm the one who teaches and preaches this doctrine and to be honest with you I can't remember what the issue was, but just this week, I prayed that prayer over something that must have put a doubt in my mind. And I said, Lord, could it possibly be that I am wrong in this area? And I submitted it to the Lord. So if you can't pray that prayer, your pride is killing you.


So we see that Adam is male. That when Adam is male, the Father and Christ are the two threads, see the double portion, which are the woof of God's garment going vertical, running from the heavens down to the earth. And that these two threads keep the serpent, now the serpent is the woof of the garment. She is a single thread running horizontally along the earth and the two threads of the woof keep the one thread of the warp in position. And if you don't have the warp and the woof running in their right ordained positions, the garment is going to unravel. But when Adam is a female, the serpent and the dragon are the two threads, which are the woof of the serpent's garment. And those two threads together force the breath of Jehovah's life, which is in the soul, into the horizontal position or the position of the warp.


We might say in the vernacular or the idiom of this English language that the spirit which is in the living soul is forced down on her back and men don't lie on their back, brethren. So when the dragon and the serpent are the woof of the garment, the breath in the creation is forced down into the female position. It is suppose to be the serpent in the horizontal position. When the serpent exalts herself into the vertical position of the woof...we are told every cause has an effect. Brethren, if there are two people and one is lying down and the other is standing up and one stands up, the other has to lie down or everything falls apart. It is a complete reversal of God's order. The serpent is suppose to be lying down; she is standing up; the breath of God's life is suppose to be standing up and He is lying down; complete reversal of God's order. And that's why this creation is dying. We cannot live in this condition.


So we are dealing with this phrase, who can discover the face of this garment? Whose garment? Whose garment? The Hebrew word translated garment is Strong's #3830 and we have dealt with this word a lot over the years. It can be translated apparel, clothing and it is also the Hebrew idiom for a man's wife. What is an idiom? It is a phraseology, it is an expression of the language that would make no sense to someone who is not familiar with the language. But it is an expression that people who are familiar with the language know what it means. When a Hebrew man talks about taking on a garment or taking on a covering, he can mean he is taking a wife. He is taking a wife. I have this in many messages.


So whose garment are we talking about? The Lord Jesus Christ's garment. And please remember in part 7 of Leviathan, we reviewed Isaiah 63 verse 1 which reveals that this sin stained soul which we are is the Lord Jesus' wife or His garment. I would like to read that for you again.


Who is this one who is separated from His unrighteous, violent and treacherous sin stained wife, which is His flesh? That woman who was pregnant because the dragon which is dwelling within the multitude of human beings, which she has generated has had intercourse with her. It is I, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is saving the fallen dead creature from death by arranging her many members in the correct moral order.


Alternate Translation; the first half of Job 41:13; Who can clear up Adam's confusion? He is suppose to be the son of God and the undisputed ruler over Jehovah's creation, but He thinks He is a woman and He is content to be Leviathan's harlot. Who can clear up Adam's confusion? He is all confused. This soul is all confused. Mankind is all confused. All we want, the highest we can hope for is to have our physical and emotional needs met. I said it earlier. Shelter, food, clothing, love and sex and we wouldn't want another thing for the rest of our lives. Jesus said it is hard for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. And He didn't say, give away all your money. He said, sell all that you have. You see, there is no problem with money, but the answer is that when you have money, you are most likely to have all these needs met. You can afford shelter; you can afford clothing; you can afford food and usually when you have money, you can afford to buy physical and emotional comfort, usually. The most likely weakness that a rich man might have that would drive him to the Kingdom would be infirmity because your money has no control over that. Physical illness or mental illness or curses of death that take your loved ones from you.


There is nothing wrong with being rich. It is really impossible to enter into the Kingdom when your every need is met in this world. You will never give it up. There has to be something driving you towards another answer to happiness when you haven't experienced that answer, but you just read about it in a book. Do you remember that I mentioned earlier, you can't really be expected to choose between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Darkness until you have experienced the power of the Kingdom of God, which not many people have. Despite what they think, they have not experienced it. So to give up the pleasures of this world for a promise, it is not human. In our fallen condition, it is not human. No one in their right mind would do it. A bird in the hand is much better than two in a bush. And we find that it is human nature for many people who reach out and start to walk and follow the Lord Jesus, when they experience the pain of being stripped of the pleasures of this world, before the pleasures of the Kingdom of God have come to play in their life; they can't bear it. They turn back.


The Hebrew children came out of Egypt. They ran after Moses, but when the hardships of the wilderness touched their flesh, they moaned and they groaned and many wanted to turn back. They turned on their leader and they stoned him and they cursed him. Who can enter into this Kingdom of God? It is impossible for man with the weakness in his flesh, but brethren, with God all things are possible. But the way is not without pain. Who can clear up Adam's confusion? He is suppose to be the son of God and the undisputed ruler over Jehovah's creation, but he thinks he is a woman and is content to be Leviathan's harlot. Jesus.


I have a scriptural witness for you on that. It is Hebrews 2:15 which says, speaking about humanity; Those who through the fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. I commented on this verse before. I would like to remind you that an investigation of the Greek revealed that Paul is not speaking about a fear of death, such as we would be afraid of a dog. The Greek word indicates a reverence for death, a respect for death. It is referring to the fact that death has authority over us. Every man born into this world dies. Death has authority over every man existing in this world and we are in bondage to death in that he has the power to kill us. It is just a matter of when or where or how. But we all die, we all die. Except one man didn't die. Well, He died, but the Father rose Him from the dead and He made an open show of the Principalities and Powers. He said, you have no power over me, thus prophesying the end of their rule and their reign and the whole world system over which they have authority. He made an open show of them. He stripped them of their power. Jesus.


As I was checking the scriptures and doing what I had to do to bring the scripture into my notes, I felt to read the few verses before and after it and it struck me at that moment that this is another witness to what I believe to be the fact that the man, Jesus, was not born perfect. So although this has nothing to do, Jesus' perfection and birth, or whether or not Jesus was perfect at birth has nothing to do with this message, I would just like to make a brief comment on it. And for those people who haven't heard my teaching in this area, I believe that the man, Jesus, was perfected at the time, well He was caught up to full spiritual maturity at the time of His baptism, but even then He was not perfected until that mature mind of Christ in Him defeated Satan. Which event we know as the temptation. It was after Jesus' testing, after Satan departed from Him, at that point, He ascended into perfection or what we would call full stature. I would just like to read you these few verses and give you a brief comment on it.


For as much then as the children (meaning us) the children refer to the human manifestations of the spirit which has incarnated us. Who has incarnated us? The dragon. The dragon has incarnated us. He has done the work just as the Lord Jesus has done the work for Jehovah. We are incarnations of the serpent. It is her nature that is engraved on our souls. The nature of the dragon is the serpent. So this is Hebrews 2:14-18. For as much then as the children (that's present humanity) are partakers of flesh and blood, He (speaking about Jesus) also Himself, likewise, took part of the same that through death He might destroy him that had the power of death. That is the devil. If you can see it, what it said to me, that just saying that the life of the flesh is in the blood, that just saying that Jesus incarnated in this fallen flesh and blood, and it says He also took part of the same.


Some Christians would argue that He didn't have a carnal mind, but I believe that He couldn't have this flesh if He didn't have a carnal mind. The whole key to His perfection was that He had two minds. He was born with a carnal mind from His mother and He also had the mind of Christ from His Father. And because the mind of Christ purified the fallen nature that He received from His mother, He perfected the whole man, Jesus. So all those lines of thought, to me, this is another witness that He being a partaker of flesh and blood and taking on the same, that through death He might destroy him who had the power of death. Well brethren, what kind of a miracle would it be if death had no power over Him when He was born? If He was born perfect and it was declared that death had no power over Him, even from the beginning, what is this great miracle that death couldn't kill Him? What's so great about the fact that the god of this world couldn't kill Him?


The miracle that resulted in Jesus making an open show of the Powers and Principalities can only be considered a miracle if death had the power to kill Him. You see? All those early years of His life, death had the power to kill Him. But because He had purified Himself from sin, the Father raised Him from the dead. Now if He was born sinless, what kind of a miraculous overcoming of the Powers and Principalities of this world could it have been? You see, the miraculous overcoming is that He took on flesh and blood. He had a sin nature, but He also had a glorious nature. And the glorious nature prevailed and purified and brought the sin nature into bondage and because Jesus of Nazareth prevailed, because the mind of Christ in Him prevailed over the carnal mind or the sin nature that He was born with, He made an open show of the Powers and Principalities. There would be no open show if the devil knew from the point of His birth that He wasn't subject to death. As a matter of fact, if I am not mistaken, if you look at that scripture in the Greek, which talks about Jesus making an open show of them, if I'm not mistaken, this just popped into my mind, so I'm believing it was God.


If you check it out in the Greek, the Greek word even refers to a contest, some kind of a contest. And what kind of a contest is it if the Powers of this world never have the power to kill Him? What kind of a contest? No contest. No contest, brethren. Verse 16; for verily He took not on Him the nature of angels, but He took on Him the seed of Abraham. Abraham was a fallen man. So He had sin within Him. But the righteousness within Him swallowed up the sin. Verse 17; wherefore, in all things it behooved Him to be made like unto His brethren. He had to have a sin nature. That He might be a merciful and faithful High Priest in things pertaining to God to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. Verse 18; For in that He, Himself, hath suffered being tempted; He is able to succor them that are tempted now. Isn't it James that said, God doesn't tempt you. God tests you, but God doesn't tempt you. James said it, didn't he?


What's the difference between testing and tempting you? You see, this is the difference. When God tests you, He presents a situation and He says what will you do? It's an honest test. Choose ye this day who you will serve. It is an honest clean test. But that's not what the devil does. The devil comes with witchcraft and with seduction and tries to make you sin. You see, temptation influences you to sin. You have to fight it, you have to resist it, you have to work and pray against it to not yield to the temptation. A test doesn't do that to you. A test is clean. Temptation is dirty. So it says that in that He, Himself, has suffered being tempted. And I thought Jesus said, the Prince of this world cometh and he has nothing in me, meaning He couldn't be tempted.


Brethren, there is no way the devil can tempt you if you don't have the potential to sin. If temptation is witchcraft and seduction and manipulation playing upon your weaknesses, that will try to make you yield to your weaknesses; that's what temptation is. How could Jesus have been tempted if He didn't have weaknesses? He had weaknesses, but His strength was greater that His weaknesses. His weaknesses didn't pull down His strength. His strength purified His weaknesses. You cannot have a potential for sin in you and be without sin. I said that wrong. Some Pharisee is going to get me. The potential for sin in you makes you imperfect, you see. Adam, when he was first formed was not perfect. He was good because he had the potential for sin, but he had not yet sinned. But he couldn't be called righteous so long as He had the potential for sin in him. He can only be called good. So for Jesus to be tempted, He had to have the potential for sin in Him. And to have the potential for sin in Him, He could not be called Jesus Christ, the righteous. He can only be called, Jesus the good. So we see an evolution from Jesus the good to Jesus the righteous, which means He wasn't born righteous. He wasn't born sinless. He was born with the power to overcome sin and He did it. And He became righteous. Praise the Lord! That was just an extra tidbit.


Continuing with the second half of Job 41:13, let me read you our alternate translation of the first half again just to get you back to where we are. Who can clear up Adam's confusion? He is suppose to be the son of God and the undisputed ruler over Jehovah's creation, but he thinks he is a woman and is content to be Leviathan's harlot.


Continuing with the second half of Job 41:13; or who can come to him with his double bridal. Can come, Strong's #935, means to go in, to enter, to come in. To him is not in the Hebrew. Or who can come with his double bridal or who can enter in with his double bridal or who can enter into his mind despite his double bridle? Now why would anyone want to enter into Leviathan's mind? What is he looking for? What specific thing is he looking for? What is a part of Leviathan's mind that somebody would want? The human spirit. Yes, the Lord Jesus Christ wants to enter into Leviathan's mind. He wants that single thread, that human spirit, because the Lord Jesus needs that single thread to build the mind of Christ in fallen humanity.


So we are told in another place that the Holy Spirit enters into the heart of man, I believe in one of the books of Corinthians, we are told that, that the Holy Spirit pierces our heart. The reason our hearts are being pierced is that the Lord Jesus wants the human spirit. Without her thread, there will not be a mind formed. And it is the Lord Jesus Christ' commission to raise Christ from the dead in the increased form of Christ Jesus and He needs the human spirit to do it, so He has to rescue her before He can complete Jehovah's commission of raising up Christ Jesus in His creation. So you see, you can't enter into a strong man's house unless you first bind up the strong man. Then you will get into his house and you will take his goods. His goods, his household, his wife.


So the Lord Jesus is at war with Leviathan because He wants something that is a part of Leviathan's mind. It is like me coming to you and saying I want your heart. It's like some witch doctor in the depths of Africa or some vampire in the middle of Europe somewhere and coming to you and saying, I want your blood because with your blood I can live. Now when the serpent came to the Christ mind and said I want your blood; I want the human spirit so that I can beget my mind in the creation, the serpent came saying I don't care if my taking of that single thread of the breath of life kills you, I want to live and I want the breath of life that is in the soul that Jehovah made and I don't care that taking that thread is going to kill you. And she did it. But when the Lord Jesus Christ comes to fallen man and says I want that thread in Leviathan's mind, He is coming to give you life. He will have to kill Leviathan. Well, Leviathan will have to die and the serpent will have to die to her present existence when she loses that breath of life. But the mind of God gives life. And the mind of the flesh or the mind of the earth or the mind of the serpent gives death.


So whatever the Lord Jesus has to do, He has to kill the serpent's mind in you to get Eve out. Eve is another name for the human spirit and He has to kill him. And if He has to wreck your life as it exists now to deliver you from hell, that's what He has to do. You cannot take your life that you have now into the Kingdom. You have to leave it behind and nobody, I don't know anybody that's willing to give it up. Well maybe there is someone out there that's willing to give it up, I don't know, but the Lord Jesus is coming with one of those big balls that the construction workers use, that's hanging on a big chain off one of those big trucks and He is wrecking your life. He is wrecking your life because there is a little seed in your life that He wants. He wants to join with it and build a whole new life. The only problem with it is that we feel pain in our soul when He wrecks our lives. When He wrecks relationships, we feel pain.


Who can come to him with his double bridles? Who can enter into his double bridles? The word double merely means double so the mystery is this word bridal here. Bridle, Strong's #7448; it is something that restrains. It is a halter, a jaw. It is used of restraint, a throw off and figuratively it is the jaw of a crocodile. Now I would like to remind you that in Leviathan, part 3 of this message we discussed that a jawbone signifies the dragon, you may recall. The jawbone signifies the dragon and that each tooth which is set in the jawbone signifies one of the many carnal minds of humanity. The dragon is the corporate unconscious minds of fallen man and each tooth signifies an individual carnal mind. And if you know anything about physiology at all, the jawbone holds the teeth in place. When you break somebody's jaw, they lose their teeth.


So we see that the unconscious mind of the dragon, the corporate unconscious mind of man called the dragon is holding together all the many carnal minds of humanity. It is keeping us functioning. It is keeping us functioning. It may not look like we are functioning as one because every man is out there doing his own thing, but I suggest to you that there is an order in this fallen world and that there are Powers and Principalities and that they operate through the unconscious realm of the mind of man and that there is communication in that unconscious realm. We have workers of witchcraft that know all about it. Some people in the Kingdom know about it, but there are some people in this world that don't know about it.


Some people that know about it and refuse it and deny it and choose not to believe it, but I would say that the majority of people of this world know that the power of the unconscious mind is very real and that there is a communication and that if you are spiritually sensitive, you know what is going on in other parts of the world and in other people's minds and in other people's lives depending on how active your unconscious mind is and depending also upon the degree to which the veil, you see there is a veil with a separation between your unconscious mind and your conscious mind. So depending upon how thin that veil is or how thick that veil is, you will have more or less sight from your conscious mind into your unconscious mind. And your unconscious mind is where all knowledge is. It is through your unconscious mind that you can know what is going on in China because there is no time or space in the realm of the spirit.


Some people have a very thick veil, a very very thick veil between their conscious and their unconscious mind. People who are in a very great deal of denial have a very thick veil. They don't want to know what is going on in their unconscious mind because your unconscious mind is largely motive. Some people feel it is too painful for them to look at their own motives or to acknowledge that other people's motives are evil. The way they survive in this world is to think good of everybody which is fine if you are not called to be a son of God. It makes you a nice person; make excuses for everybody; think good of everybody and walk around being happy in your own little world, but it is not reality. It is not reality. If you are called to be a son of God, you are called to know and be aware of people's evil motives. You are called to walk in the truth. You are not called to punish them; you are not called to condemn them, but you are called to know the truth so that if the Lord Jesus wants to move through you with any particular form of prayer, He can.


The Lord Jesus is not likely; I can't tell you what He will do or won't do, but He is not likely to use you to execute a judgment or even pray a prayer of deliverance if you are not acknowledging the person's sin. Why? Because the forgiveness of that sin is an essential factor in spiritual ministry. You have to know the person's evil before you can pray, Father, forgive them. Can you not hear this? What good is your words, Father, forgive them if you are not even acknowledging that they have done evil? Can you hear this? You've got to see it. You have got to know the fullest extent of their evil for your forgiveness to have any validity whatsoever. Okay?


Now that's not condemnation. The sons of God don't condemn. The sons of God don't punish. But your ability and your power in Christ Jesus to forgive sin is directly proportionate to your ability to be aware of the depths of their wickedness. If you can hear it, hear it. It is very important to see the reality of people's motives. No matter how wicked it is for the purpose of forgiveness of sins. So we see that this word bridle is a word that means jawbone. Now in verse 2 of Job 41, I believe that word jawbone comes up; Can you bore his jaw through with a thorn? This is not the same word. It is not the same Hebrew word as appears in verse 2.


When I examine the two words, I found out that the Hebrew word used in verse 2 means jaw. It is referring to the actual jaw, but this Hebrew word used in verse 13 is referring to the function of the jawbone and the function of the jawbone is that it restrains. What does it restrain? It restrains the teeth. It keeps the teeth in place. So we have two different words. One word describing the actual jaw and the other noun referring to the function of that jaw. One of restraint, but for our purposes of this alternate translation, we are talking about the restraint, well that factor which is the controller of all the carnal minds of men. And I suggest to you that the bridle, the hidden meaning of this word bridle in Job 41:13 is the jawbone, the spiritual jawbone that has control over all the carnal minds of men and that spiritual jawbone is the dragon, also known as the corporate unconscious mind of man.


What does that mean? It means that my unconscious mind is the same unconscious mind that you have. The unconscious mind of this creation is signified by the sea. It is as if to say, we all have the same sea flowing through our minds and each of us is an island in that sea. If you can hear it, the unconscious mind, you see. We are living, we exist now, we are Atlantis and we are existing underneath a spiritual sea. It is a cosmic sea. It is not the kind of water that is in this cup. It is a cosmic sea and the water flows through everything. Just like in the natural, we have large oceans; but even the land masses of this world, if you dig down deep enough, what do you find? Do you get to China if you dig down deep enough? No, you find water. I just read an article recently that this world is 99% water. It is just that in some places the land mass is so dense that there arises above the water an island or a continent. So each human being is an island and the scripture speaks about the isles; and the isles shall praise Him. Who do you think the scriptures are speaking about? It is talking about us. We are the islands. Okay?


So our spiritual world is 99% water. All of what appears to us to be empty space between us is really a spiritual sea. There is spiritual water because the whole soul realm is signified by water. So it exists between us and the water also flows through us. That water is what is the unconscious mind of man. It is the dragon. He is the sea. And he is outside of us and he is inside of our minds and he is continuously flowing just like the ocean moves. So there is some measure of communication between the unconscious minds of men depending upon how spiritually developed that person is. A lot of people respond to spiritual impulses and they don't even know they are doing it. I read an article a couple of years ago that said 85% of man's behavior is determined by his unconscious mind. He doesn't even know why he does it. So we see the dragon is the controlling force of this world. Jesus! The dragon restrains the carnal mind. Now what is the dragon restraining, looking at this spiritually, what is the dragon restraining? He is restraining the carnal minds from leaving his possession.


Now listen, the jawbone holds the teeth in place. So the unconscious mind of the dragon is holding every carnal mind in place. Why is he holding you in place? He is holding this whole world system together. And there wouldn't be any world system here if he didn't have possession of the human spirit. There can be no incarnation unless the human spirit is one of the threads of the mind, which is involved in the incarnation. That's why the human spirit is so valuable that there is a cosmic war going on between Jehovah, by His faithful servant the Lord Jesus Christ, and the serpent, through her mind the dragon. There is a war going on and they are fighting for the human spirit because whoever possesses her is the god of the creation.


Now we know that Jehovah is the God and the author of this creation, but at this moment this incarnation has been formed by the serpent. I don't want any pharisee getting me and misinterpreting what I am just saying. Jehovah is the creator of this creation and He is all powerful, but despite what is being taught in the Kingdom church today, man was made with a free will and Jehovah did put man to the test and man did fail the test. It was a righteous test, you see.


I just got some recent newsletters today, which I can't even say I was distressed by them anymore; I'm numb that so many preachers, many of which have served the Lord Jesus faithfully for so many years are in this day caught up in this false doctrine that there is no free will and that Jehovah is the One who is responsible for the painful condition that man finds himself in. That's not true. Jehovah tested His creation and the test was righteous. We are told in Romans 7, I believe, that the test was righteous. The test was righteous. It wasn't a temptation. Jehovah didn't say to the man, you have a potential for sin and I'm going to press your buttons and I'm going to stimulate that sin and I'm going to try and make you do it. Jehovah said, I have equipped you to the best of my ability to overcome and now you must walk for yourself. I've given you everything that you need to overcome. Now go and overcome. And after you have done everything you can to stand, stand! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!


So Adam didn't stand. Jehovah said, I've done everything I can to equip you to stand; now stand. And Adam didn't stand. He fell. I don't believe the Lord has ever condemned him. The man condemned himself when he fell. But I believe that Jehovah is doing everything that he can and is working as rapidly as He can to raise us up out of this fallen condition. But the reality is that because of Adam's failure, the serpent has gained possession of the spiritual substance out of which this world is formed and that spiritual substance has a name. Her name is the human spirit. The serpent has captured her and joined himself with her and formed the dragon through her, which dragon has incarnated this creation and increased into Leviathan, the fallen completed criminal mind that is present in men today. Jesus!


So we see that that which the dragon is restraining is the human spirit. The reason he is so defensed, the reason he has scales on him, the reason that he is in military array is that he has no intention whatsoever of giving the human spirit up to the Lord Jesus Christ because giving her up means his death. Giving up the human spirit will cause his mind to unravel. The giving up of the human spirit will certainly cause Leviathan to cease to exist because he is the three thread mind. Okay? And the dragon will still exist, but the dragon is formed from the serpent and the human spirit, so if the human spirit is taken from the dragon, we have nothing left but the serpent. And the serpent alone is certainly no match whatsoever for Christ Jesus.


So we see that the serpent in the form of the dragon is a two thread mind. Now when I talked about the woof and warp earlier, I said the serpent and the dragon together have made themselves the woof of the garment going from heaven down to earth and they forced the breath in the soul down on her back and made her the warp, the horizontal thread of the garment. So we see that which Leviathan is defending is the human spirit. He is defending the human spirit. He won't let her go because if he gives her over to the Lord Jesus, his mind or the serpent's mind will surely unravel and she will lose all of her power. There is a lot of movement around here. I just rebuke all distraction. I rebuke it in the Name of Jesus. I will finish this message.


My note says the dragon restrains the carnal mind from leaving his possession. The dragon is the jawbone and the carnal minds are the teeth. He restrains the carnal minds from leaving his possession or more clearly the dragon restrains the human spirit within the carnal mind and the carnal mind is just another name for Leviathan. The carnal mind means the mind which is born of the flesh; carnal, flesh. And the name of that mind is Leviathan. More clearly, the dragon restrains the human spirit, who is the force that gives existence to the carnal mind, from leaving his possession. Remember the dragon is Adam's unconscious mind.


Alternate Translation, the second half of Job 41:13; who can penetrate fallen Adam's unconscious mind? What are we working with? Let me show it to you. Who can come into his double bridle? Bridle, we said means jaw. Jaw, we said is speaking about the dragon. The dragon is doubled. He is one thread serpent and one thread dragon. The dragon is the two thread mind. Who can come into the serpent's double or two thread mind? Who can penetrate the dragon? Or who can penetrate fallen Adam's unconscious mind?


As I told you earlier, please note that the word his in the first phrase of verse 13 is speaking about the Lord Jesus Christ, that is His garment, the Lord Jesus Christ's garment and the second phrase of verse 13 is speaking about the serpent that is her altar or her two thread unconscious mind, the dragon, which the serpent has formed in man.


Alternate Translation, the whole of Job 41:13; Who can clear up Adam's confusion. He is suppose to be the son of God and the undisputed ruler over Jehovah's creation, but he thinks he is a woman and is content to be Leviathan's harlot. Or we can say, who can penetrate fallen Adam's unconscious mind? Listen, the only way to clear up Adam's confusion...how are we going to clear up Adam's confusion? We have to penetrate his carnal mind. We have to lay hold of the human spirit and pull her out of that mind so that Leviathan's mind unravels. That human spirit has to be joined to the Lord Jesus Christ and increase into Christ Jesus so that the mind of Christ can be formed. And when the mind in the creation is the mind of Christ, Adam won't be confused anymore. He will know that he is a man and he will act like a man and he will walk like a man and he will talk like a man and he will do what a man does. He will bring the serpent right under his authority. Can you hear it? Amen. And when that man brings that woman under his authority, the creation will no longer be double minded, but her mind will be single and the name of that mind will not be the Kingdom of God anymore. It will be the Kingdom of the two heavens. Absolutely.


Alleluia. Let me read it for you one more time. Who can clear up Adam's confusion? He is a man, but he thinks he is a woman, walking like a woman, talking like a woman, acting like a woman, thinking like a woman. He is suppose to be the son of God and the undisputed ruler over Jehovah's creation, but he thinks he is a woman and is content to be Leviathan's harlot. And we can say all that in one simple sentence. Who can penetrate fallen Adam's unconscious mind? Pull out the thread, unravel Leviathan, unravel the dragon; have the Lord Jesus Christ join with the thread or join with the thread, increase into the mind of God; bring the woman under submission to you and set this creation straight.


Job 41:13 is saying it in one sentence; who can penetrate fallen Adam's unconscious mind, and everything that I said after it is implied. If you know the mystery, if you know the secret message of Jehovah to man, if you know what penetrating the dragon's mind means; but if don't have the secret message, you are sitting there saying, why would the Lord want to penetrate the dragon's mind? So what good is even having the power to penetrate Leviathan's mind if you don't know what to do when you get in there? And there is no way you are going to know what to do when you get in there if you don't have the blueprint. And there is no way that you are getting the blueprint out of some false teacher's carnal mind. And even if by some miracle you can get an understanding of the blueprint, there is no way you are going to have the power to get inside Leviathan's mind if this message hasn't become a reality in your mind. And when this message has become a reality in your mind and the mind in you is Christ Jesus, your mind will be strong enough to go out and do all these things to the mind of every man on the face of this earth. And this is how the Lord Jesus Christ in submission to His God, Jehovah, is saving this creation from the serpent. And that's exactly what we are being told as we read the other translation or the earlier translation of this very chapter.


We see Jehovah saying to Job; are you going to do this to Leviathan, are you going to do that to Leviathan? Verse 3, because the verses are all mixed up. Are you going to do this to Leviathan, Job? Verse 1; are you going to do this to Leviathan, Job? Verse 6; are you going to do this to Leviathan, Job? Verse 7; Leviathan. Verse 2; are you going to penetrate the dragon, Job? Verse 4; are you going to circumcise Leviathan away, Job? These are all the things that Christ Jesus are going to do. Verse 9 and 10 tells us how severely sinful the serpent has become and beginning with the second half of verse 9, Jehovah is telling Job, well don't worry about it Job. I know you can't do it because you have the serpent's mind.


And then in verse 11, Jehovah says; now that the Lord Jesus has conquered the woman, I'm going to be able to save the whole creation and in verse 12, Jehovah is saying this is how I'm going to do it. I'm going to engrave my nature upon their human spirits. That was verse 12 from the last message. And now in verse 13 of this message we see that the way that Jehovah or the beginning or the first step in the way that Jehovah is going to engrave His nature upon the human spirits of humanity is to penetrate Leviathan's mind. Because to engrave His nature upon the minds of humanity, He must first lay hold of the human spirit. And the joining of the Lord Jesus to the human spirit and the increase, and her increase into Christ Jesus is the very engraving of Jehovah's nature on humanity.


So in Job 41, we see Jehovah challenging Job, asking him if he has what it takes to deliver mankind and the answer is, no Job, because you, too, have the serpent's mind. And we see Jehovah exalting Himself and saying this is what has to be done and I'm going to do it. Glory to God. And we do not yet know what the rest of this chapter says. Our human spirit has to be set free so that we can worship the Lord. Now we can relate this scripture to Moses' request to Pharaoh, set God's people free so that they could worship Him outside of the camp. You see, right now, whatever measure with which we are worshipping the Lord Jesus, our human spirit...there would be no worship without the human spirit. Every spiritual activity arises out of the human spirit. When the spiritual activity is controlled by the dragon, the spiritual activity is witchcraft. When the spiritual activity is controlled by the Lord Jesus, it is worship to the true God, Jehovah. So we see that our human spirit is woven into Leviathan's mind. That's the serpent's three thread mind.


So even to the extent that the Lord Jesus lays hold of our human spirit and uses her, has the use of her, while she is still interwoven into Leviathan's mind, we are worshipping God in Spirit when that happens to us, but we are worshipping Him from within the enemy's camp. Our human spirit is still very much braided into Leviathan's mind. It's a very tight braid. The Lord Jesus Christ has the power to come in and touch us even in our condition of servitude and bondage. And when He joins with us, it is possible for us to have true worship of the Spirit, for God is a Spirit and we must worship Him in Spirit and in truth. We must worship Him through a union of our human spirit and the truth which is the Lord Jesus. But the commandment is let my people go that they might worship Me outside of the camp. Therefore, I suggest to you we are not capable of worshipping Jehovah through the Lord Jesus Christ in the fullness of our strength until the human spirit is freed from the braid which is Leviathan's mind.


And that is the first two verses of Job 41 and the Lord is saying to Job; can you get that thread out? Can you get that human spirit out from her condition of being woven into Leviathan's mind? So to whatever degree you are worshipping the Lord in this hour, it is only a partial worship. We must get free from being the fiber of the garment of Leviathan's mind, which is really the mind of the serpent, to fully worship the Lord Jesus and to be fully delivered from hell. We must be unraveled and extracted from the serpent's three fold mind named Leviathan. I'd like to read you the Alternate Translation of verse 13 and we are going to do verse 14 and wrap it up for today.


Alternate Translation, chapter 41:13; Who can clear up Adam's confusion. He is suppose to be the son of God and the undisputed ruler over Jehovah's creation, but he thinks he is a woman and is content to be Leviathan's harlot. Or we can say, who can penetrate fallen Adam's unconscious mind?


Continuing with Job 41:14; Who can open the doors of his face? His teeth are terrible roundabout. Who, once again means who. Can open, Strong's #6605; to open wide, to loosen, to plow, to carve, to draw out, to engrave. Well that's pretty clear to me. As soon as I hear engrave or carve, I know that this word is speaking about carving a nature upon this soul. So Job is asked the question by Jehovah, who can open the doors of his face? But the Hebrew word translated can open means to plow or to carve.


So it is really saying, not who can open, but who can carve or who can engrave or what male spirit or what spirit is powerful enough to engrave His nature upon the human spirit? That's what it says to me. Let's see what the other words mean. Who can open the doors of his face? The doors, Strong's #1817; means something swinging. It also means the valve of a door.


Psalms 141:3 says; set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth. Keep the door of my lips. John 10:9; Jesus speaking, I Am the Door. By Me, if any man enter in, He shall be saved and he shall go in and out and find pasture. I suggest to you that doors signify the entrance way into the mind. Remember the Lips can speak only what the mind thinks. We are taught this in the book of James.


Jesus was saying, He is the provision to beget the mind of Christ in fallen man and what or who is the entrance way into the mind? I suggest to you that a mind cannot be formed in man without the human spirit. We talked about that earlier. Whether we are speaking about the mind of Christ or the mind of the serpent. There can be no mind unless one...well we know that a mature mind is formed from three threads. It is woven. It is a braided mind. But that there can be no mind unless one of those three threads is the human spirit, the spirit which is the breath that was breathed into the soul when Jehovah formed it. So the entrance way to the mind, I suggest to you, or that factor by which we can enter into a mind or that factor by which we can form a mind or that factor by which we can beget a mind or bring a mind into being is the human spirit. There can be no mind without her.


Jesus was saying that He is the provision to beget the mind of Christ in fallen man. And I'm suggesting to you that a mind cannot be formed in man without the human spirit and she therefore is the entrance way into the mind. Jesus could say that He was the Door because His mind was possessing the human spirit. Jesus had a mind that was called the Word of God and the Word of God was one with the human spirit. And that human spirit was in submission to Christ Jesus or to the mind which was in the man Jesus and we might say that the human spirit had become a part. She had been woven into the mind of Christ, which is the name of the mind which is in the man, the spiritual man Christ Jesus, which was Jesus of Nazareth's new man. First of all, when Jesus was saying I am the Door, He was saying that He had a mind and that that mind was the entrance way into the Kingdom of God and that the human spirit was woven into that mind. So we have a door being an entrance way into the mind and to be a door you must have possession of the human spirit. You must have possession of the human spirit.


We are dealing with the phrase that says who can open the doors of his face? The word face we had in the prior verse, in verse 13 and in verse 13 I think we used the definition which means to clear up confusion. Yes, in verse 14, it is the same Hebrew word Strong's #6440. We are going to choose a different translation. We are going to choose the translation which means presence or direction. The term direction is referring to the serpent's course which you may remember as west. He came out of the spiritual realm of God in the east. Actually it wasn't the serpent that came out.


We are talking about the spiritual man, the creation of God. He came out of the spiritual realm of God which is in the east and he started on his journey. And if you recall the message that we had a couple of weeks ago called the Physics of Creation, we saw that the spiritual man was suppose to turn at a right angle downward and was suppose to turn in the southern direction to form a right triangle which would have created the visible spiritual world that Jehovah was forming. But the man fell and because he fell, he didn't make his turn. He didn't head southward. He didn't make that left turn downward closing off the southern quarter and forming the visible spiritual world. But because the mind of the creation was no longer Christ, but that the mind in the creation was the mind of the serpent called the dragon, he didn't make the turn that he was suppose to make. He kept on going straight and he went straight ahead into the western quarter and the western quarter is the quarter which is the visible physical world that we live in now. He went beyond if you remember the teaching. The serpent went beyond the point that the creation was suppose to go. He was suppose to make that left turn down towards the south at a certain point. But he didn't. He kept on going and he headed right into the western world and he formed this visible physical world which is the serpent's world. This is the serpent's world.


I had a thought that the Lord wanted me to give you and it went right through my mind. Do you feel this heavy anointing that hit here? My eyes are almost closed. Do you feel it at all? O Jesus, I am sorry that I lost that thought. If you would like to return it to me, it had something to do with the southern quarter. It had something to do with the right triangle and the southern quarter and the son of God making that...oh yes, I know what the Lord wanted me to say. Paul says something about praying that while those that he teach and he prays that he should not be shipwrecked. I think, I haven't studied this myself, but I heard this from another teacher, that if you study what Paul is saying in the Greek, he is saying that it is very important for us to carefully follow the Son of God because the Son of God isn't always going on a straight line and if the Son of God zigs and we zag, we are going to find ourselves shipwrecked. That's what Paul is saying. If you are following a river and the river curves and you keep going straight, you are going to find yourself up on a sandbar somewhere stuck.


Well the son of God came out of the eastern quarter which is the eternal realm of the Spirit and he was suppose to make a left turn and head downward to the southern quarter to form the visible spiritual world. But because the Christ mind died and was taken over by the serpent's mind which was the dragon, the creation didn't zag while he was suppose to zig. The son of God came out of the east and at a certain point he was suppose to make a left turn and go downward to the southern quarter. So the path of God turned, but the son of God didn't turn. He kept on going straight because he had a criminal mind in his soul. Does anyone not know what I am talking about? The river turned, but the creation didn't turn. He kept going straight. And that was how this fallen world was formed. Because his mind was the mind of the flesh and didn't understand the things of God. He didn't know that he was suppose to turn. He kept going straight and he messed up. I find that interesting. I love the word of God. It is a great blessing to me. Alleluia. So we are going to translate this Hebrew word Strong's #6640 which is translated faith as direction.


Alternate Translation, the first half of Job 41:14; who can change the nature of Leviathan's direction? Okay. Who can carve the doors; who can carve the human spirit; who can carve the nature of the direction? Okay, this isn't that clear. But while I believe what this verse is saying is that because the nature of the creation was changed from spirit to flesh, he kept on going straight.


So Jehovah is saying to Job, who can change the direction of this creation. Who is strong enough to change the image or the carving or the mark in the mind of the creation because when you change the carving on the mind of the creation, you will change their direction. You see? It was the serpent's mind that caused the creation to go straight. Well, if you want to get the creation to turn backward into the southern quarter so that they can enter into the spiritual visible world, there is only one way to do it. And that's to change the carving on their mind. In order to change the carving or the image in their mind, you have to get hold of one of the three threads which hold the image, you see. It wouldn't do you very much good to try to carve the nature of Jehovah upon the serpent. It is not going to do you any good. You have to lay hold of the human spirit and carve the nature of Jehovah on the human spirit. And when you do that, you are going to change the mind in the creation. When you change the mind in the creation, you will change the direction of the creation. That creation that is headed right into the western world will make that left turn and head down into the southern world, which is the spiritual visible world which is not hell, but which is heaven.


And then you could say it another way. This creation is headed for destruction. Creation is headed for disaster. Who can change the direction? Who can turn this creation around? What's another way of saying that? Who can bring this creation to repentance? Because repentance means a change of mind, a change of direction. That's what repentance is. Who can bring this fallen creation into repentance? Who can bring the criminal mind which is ruling over this creation or this soul, who can bring this criminal mind to a true repentance? Who can turn around this criminal mind? Who can turn this criminal mind away from destruction? Who has the power to do it? Only the person that has the power to change the engraving on one of the three threads out of which this criminal mind is woven. And before you can change the nature on this thread, you have got to penetrate Leviathan's mind to get to the thread that holds the genetic material. The human spirit is the thread which holds the spiritual genetic material. If you can hear it?


We have some scientists today playing with genetic materials, maybe not with men but in animals. They certainly do it in plants. That's what your hybrid tomato is, scientists playing with genetic material. If you want to take a rat, I don't know if they are doing it or not, if you want to take a rat and play with his genetic material, it is not going to do you any good to do something with the rat's whisker. It is not going to do you any good to lay hold of the rat's paw. You have got to penetrate his flesh, however you even do it, I don't know. You have got to lay hold of the DNA of the rat if they want to play with its genetic material. Well brethren, if you want to change the direction of this creation, if you want to change an individual man's mind, if you want to turn him around, if you want to give him a different nature, you have to get to the place where the spiritual genetic material is stored. And that place is in one of the three threads which are woven together to form that mind. And you can't pick any thread that you want, either. It has to be the thread called the human spirit.


So Jehovah is saying to Job, who can change the nature of Leviathan's direction? Who can change his mind? Who can bring Leviathan to repentance? Let me tell you brethren, as a member of the two witness company who has been struggling with the beast of spiritual Ephesus for several years now. It takes a miracle to bring Leviathan to repentance, that criminal fugitive mind which is fleeing from Jehovah's justice, which is possessing the human beings of this world today. You try penetrating his mind and bring him to repentance. He is defensed, brethren. He is militarily defensed. He has warheads in his mind depending upon the degree of the witchcraft power in that person that you are trying to penetrate and bring to repentance. He can wound you; he can hurt you; he can wound you emotionally, spiritually and if he is strong enough he can hurt you physically. And if you don't believe it, you don't know what you are talking about. Because I am telling you that Leviathan is a weapon.


We talked about this on other tapes. The mind is a weapon. The Word of God is a weapon. Leviathan is a weapon. What kind of a weapon is the mind likened to in the scripture? A sword. A sword. A sword that not only penetrates your heart, but once it penetrates, it severs and cuts and wounds and separates your mind from your soul. The circumcising knife. The Word of God is circumcising Leviathan and Leviathan is trying to circumcise the Word of God. Brethren, if you are in this war, you have got a duel going on in your heart. Don't think it strange that you feel pain. You have got two spiritual powers in the form of a mind, each trying to kill the other mind and cut him off of your soul. You have got one mind called the Word of God trying to sew himself to your soul and you've got Leviathan in there trying to stop Him from sowing Himself to your soul. Jesus attaches Himself and Leviathan tries to cut Him away. Jesus! Jesus is real pain. It is real pain.


Who can change Leviathan's nature? And how do you change one's nature? Who can bring Leviathan to repent? Who can bring Leviathan to repentance? Continuing with his teeth are terrible roundabout. Teeth, Strong's 8127, a tooth, ivory. It is speaking about the material that the tooth is made of. It can also mean a sharp pointed rock. Please remember from previous studies that teeth signify the carnal mind. His teeth are terrible roundabout. Terrible, Strong's #367. Now one of the translations offered up by Strong on this Hebrew word 367 is idol. And it is interesting because the word terrible is an adverb. Terrible modifies a verb. He is terrible. His head is terrible. His arms are terrible. His feet are terrible. Terrible modifies, well if you are saying his arms are terrible, then terrible is an adjective. It is modifying a noun. It is an adjective. It is not an adverb. Yet we see that Strong says the same Hebrew word that is translated as an adjective can also be translated as a noun. It can be an idol.


Now who remembers who the true idol is? Who is the true idol? We taught this on several tapes. Who is the true idol? The carnal mind is the true idol. Yes, the image which is engraved in the soul of man. Your idols are in your heart, we are told. I think Jeremiah says that, if I'm not mistaken. Your idols are in your heart. It's the engraving of the serpent's nature in your heart. That's where the true idol is. That's where the true idolatry is. And if you are not worshipping anything outside of yourself other than the Lord Jesus Christ, you are really worshipping your reflection of yourself. Brethren, if you have an expensive car; you wash it; you polish it and you think about it day in and day out. You are worshipping the car, but you are really worshipping yourself. Why? Because the only reason you would be taking care of a car like that, to that degree, is because at some level in your mind that car is making you an important person. That car is giving you prestige, so it is building you up. And it is just a reflection of the idol which is in your heart which is the nature of the serpent engraved in your soul. It's the serpent's mind that would worship a car. The Word of God would never worship a car. The Word of God worships God.


So the true idol is in your heart and we see the Hebrew word translated terrible can be translated idol. His teeth are idols. You see, teeth typify the carnal mind and terrible typifies the carnal mind and then we have the Hebrew word translated roundabout, Strong's #5439. It's from Strong's #5437 and it means a circuit; it means to compass about on every side. And I remind you that there is a scripture in one of the major prophets that says the Lord shall do a new thing, a woman shall compass a man, the soul shall be surrounding the spirit or the soul shall be surrounding the mind. Habakkuk 1:4 says; therefore the Law is slack and judgment doth never go forth for the wicked doth compass about the righteous, therefore wrong judgment proceedeth. The wicked, the carnal mind whose name is Leviathan is completely surrounding the righteous.


Who is the righteous one? Christ. I think what this scripture means, that the wicked completely surrounds Christ, who is your human spirit, therefore, and has brought forth the wrong mind. Therefore wrong judgment has proceeded. I think what it really means is that in this case Christ, the young Christ, is woven into the wrong garment. She is woven into the serpent's mind, which is Leviathan. She has been formed into the wrong mind and therefore wrong judgment proceedeth. Judgment doth, the law is slack, judgment doth never go forth and this is the reason why the wicked doth compass the righteous, therefore wrong judgment proceedeth. The righteous one is interwoven into the garment or the fabric of the wrong mind, the serpent's mind. And therefore there is no judgment and there is no law, there is no righteousness.


Alternate Translation, the second half of Job 41:14; his carnal minds, because there are many. Each human being has a carnal mind. His carnal minds, whose carnal minds? The dragon's carnal minds, remember the dragon is the jawbone and the carnal mind in each tooth in the spiritual jawbone represents the carnal mind of an individual. We are speaking about a many membered soul and the dragon is their unconscious mind and their conscious mind is Leviathan and Leviathan is the mind which is brought forth of the flesh and that's what carnal mind means. It means the mind that is born of the flesh. He also has a proper name and that name is Leviathan.


Alternate Translation, the second half of Job 41:14; his carnal minds are idols which compass the human spirit roundabout on every side. His carnal minds are idols which compass the human spirit roundabout on every side.


Amplified Translation, the second half of Job 41:14; his carnal minds are evil gods which compass the human spirit roundabout on every side. What is an idol? An idol is an evil god. His carnal minds are evil gods which compass the human spirit roundabout on every side.


Alternate Translation, the whole of Job 41:14; Who can change Leviathan's nature for who can bring Leviathan to repentance? His carnal minds are evil gods which compass the human spirit roundabout on every side. Who can bring Leviathan to repentance when the only way to bring him to repentance is to reach the human spirit. But the human spirit is surrounded by evil gods on every side. Who can do this feat? How could you bring Leviathan to repentance if you have to reach the human spirit? And you can't reach her. She is completely locked in there and defensed. And you may recall when we did that series on narcissism, I think it was tape #163, I don't remember what we called it. We did several tapes on Narcissism. We looked into what many physiologists and psychiatrist were saying about narcissism and we found that they were all pretty much in agreement that the condition of the narcissism is produced from a soul that has captured the human spirit, from a soul that has captured the human spirit.


Now when I taught those messages, I think I was moving in the revelation that the soul was because of a perverted way of thinking, thought that he was protecting the human spirit. But he had her locked up so tight trying to protect her that he was destroying her. But as we continued to labor in the doctrine of God we find out that this is not even true. The soul in no way is trying to protect the human spirit, well not for the human spirit's sake, but the soul is protecting the human spirit against Christ Jesus. The soul is holding on to the human spirit. It is capturing her, making her his harlot, defending against anyone who would try to set her free because she is like that small measure of plutonium. She is the power source that brings this creation into existence. Without her we will cease to exist. Leviathan will unravel. The dragon will unravel. This whole world and this whole expression of the serpent, this whole incarnated expression of the serpent will unravel and cease to exist if she loses the human spirit. The human spirit is the power source. So the soul isn't protecting the human spirit because of some kind of convoluted wrong thinking that he is protecting the human spirit for his own safety. He is protecting the human spirit against Christ Jesus because he knows without her he will cease to exist. If you can hear the difference.


What's more, what comes to my mind right now is our alternate translation of the temptation in which Satan misquotes one of the psalms. I really should put it on this tape except that I am getting slain in the spirit. Alternate Translation of Matthew chapter 4 verse 6; And the dragon tried to confuse Jesus by saying if you are really the Son of God, submit to my lordship because God has commanded that this fallen dead soul should be delivered over to the authority of the dragon's angels.


Now listen to this. For the purpose of preserving her from the damaging effects of being fastened to Christ Jesus. So we see that Satan is speaking to Jesus telling Him that the penetration of the mind of Christ into fallen man and the fastening of that mind of Christ to the human spirit of the man is going to damage humanity. Well it's true. It will damage humanity as she now exists. When the mind of Christ penetrates your mind lays hold of that human spirit, actually it is the Lord Jesus Christ, the glorified Lord Jesus that would be penetrating your heart and lays hold of your human spirit, it penetrates her. He will bring forth the mind of Christ and He will severely damage this creation as it now exists. That's true. When we worked up this alternate translation, however, we found out that Satan was misquoting the psalm that he took it from. Now I'll send my angels to keep charge over you. We found that Satan misquoted the scripture. And when we first worked this up or when you first read it, it sounds like Satan is just lying to Jesus, just lying to Jesus saying this wicked thing to Him that God has commanded that this fallen dead soul should be delivered over to the authority of the dragon's angels to preserve her. To preserve who? The soul from the damaging effects of being fastened to Christ Jesus. Now that's a lie. God turned this soul over to Satan for what purpose? To be fastened and joined to the chains of darkness until the judgment which would result in the resurrection of the dead.


So what happened here? You see Satan or the fallen mind of man, Leviathan, heard the truth. God has turned this creation over to the serpent's mind, but probably the only information that the serpent had was that God turned the creation over to her. And then the carnal mind, that reprobate mind of Leviathan, finished off the revelation by giving the reason why God turned this creation over to the serpent. So you see, we see a mixture of truth and error. It is true that God turned us over to the serpent, but somewhere along the line, that's where the information that Leviathan's mind was receiving...you have to forgive me, I'm half slain in the spirit. I know I am stumbling, let me try this again.


So this kind of an error, see when I first would read something like this, I would say, well Satan is just outright lying. But the Lord taught me, no, the serpent is not outright lying. The serpent has a twisted mind and gets things all backwards. I believe that Satan believes it when she she says a lie like this, that she got a piece of information, Jehovah turned the creation over to the serpent's mind to be bound in chains of darkness until the judgment. But somewhere along the line, the serpent only received the revelation up to the point that said Jehovah turned the creation over. And then Leviathan moved in to draw the conclusion as to why Jehovah did this. And Leviathan's conclusion as to why Jehovah turned the creation over to the serpent is that she was to protect humanity from the damaging effects of Christ Jesus. That's the serpent's mind, but that's not what Jehovah said. That's not what the Word of God says.


I have been teaching this here for a long time that you have to be really careful. Your carnal mind gets a hold of a truth and where that truth ends off, your carnal mind continues right on with a false revelation and she continues right on so smoothly that you can't even discern that the revelation coming from God stopped and your carnal mind picked up. That's how subtle she is. You have to pray about everything. You have to continuously ask for the mind of Christ. Every revelation that comes into your mind, you have to ask the Lord, was it really from you? Was it really from Him or did Leviathan sneak in there? You have to pray and pray again or you will receive a lie. And once that lie gets rooted in your mind, it grows. You have to pray continuously for the Spirit of Truth and for the ripping of all error out of your mind. Thank you Jesus. How am I going to finish this up because I can't even keep my eyes open?


Alternate Translation Job 41:14; Who can bring Leviathan to repentance when his carnal minds are evil gods which compass the human spirit roundabout on every side?


Recap Job 41 verses 13 and 14; Who can clear up Adam's confusion. He is supposed to be the Son of God and the undisputed ruler over Jehovah's creation, but he thinks he is a woman and is content to be Leviathan's harlot or we can say; Who can penetrate fallen Adam's unconscious mind and bring him to repentance when his carnal minds are evil gods which compass the human spirit roundabout on every side?


So we see that verses 13 and 14 are both one thought. Let me give it to you again. Who can clear up Adam's confusion. He is suppose to be the Son of God and the undisputed ruler over Jehovah's creation, but he thinks he is a woman and is content to be Leviathan's harlot or we can say; Who can penetrate fallen Adam's unconscious mind and bring him to repentance when his carnal minds are evil gods which compass the human spirit roundabout on every side? It is really one sentence, verse 13, well the last sentence of verse 13 and 14 are one sentence. Actually that last sentence of verse 13 should really be a part of verse 14. Or we can say who can penetrate fallen Adam's unconscious mind and bring Leviathan to repentance when his carnal minds are evil gods which compass the human spirit roundabout on every side?


Any questions or comments?


COMMENT: So you are saying that Satan is deceived by her own deception, right?


PASTOR VITALE: I think what you are saying is Satan believes her own lie. Is that what you are saying? Yes, she believes her own lies, yes. As I said earlier, I use to believe that Satan's lies were knowledgeable lies, but in many instances, I can't tell you in every instance, but the fallen minds of man frequently is deceived by her own lie. You see, it's that condition of mind that it takes a miracle to defeat. It is very hard to defeat someone who believes in what they are fighting about. That's why Pharisees are so undefeatable. Except that in Christ, all things are possible. When somebody believes that what they are saying is true, they will fight to the death. If somebody knows what they are saying is not true, you may be able to reach them on some level. So if someone believes their own lie and they are convinced of what they are telling you, you will have to kill them, they won't back down. And yes, I believe Satan believes her own lies.


COMMENT: I'm thinking about the things happening over in the Middle East and Iran, holy wars so to speak, and that they really believe that they are in the right and they are willing to sacrifice their very lives.


PASTOR VITALE: And what about these death tours in World War 11; we had the Japanese pilots who would fly their planes right into allied ships. They knew they were going to die. They thought that they would have glory in heaven so they were very glad to give up their lives. We find a lot of fanatics like that among the PLO forces in the Middle East. You can't win when you are fighting against a fanatic, you really can't. When you are fighting against someone who is sold out to a cause, they are pretty undefeatable. I have to tell you that there aren't many Christians today who are sold out; there are very very few, very very few.


What does sold out mean? I mentioned it earlier. It means you are willing to give up everything for the cause. Very very few who are willing to give up everything. They will give up everything except their family. They will give up everything except their money. They will give up everything except sex. They will give up everything except... very few that are willing to give up everything for the Kingdom of Heaven's sake. And I know this is a hard word, but I believe it to be the truth. There is no way you are entering in unless you are willing to give up everything. Now I didn't say you have to give up everything, I said you must be willing to give up everything. And whether or not the Lord Jesus Christ takes it is up to Him. But you have to be willing to give up everything.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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