340 - Part 4
(An In-Depth Study)

Part 4 of 14 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Recap of Job 41:1 thru 3.  Can Leviathan’s malignant tongue, the mind of that many membered band of destructive men, and the fallen soul, which has been choking since the carnal mind killed the incomplete Christ mind, be submerged underneath the mind of Christ Jesus?  Verse 2.  Can your mind penetrate the Dragon, and boil Leviathan until he evaporates, and releases the human spirit?  I amplified that.  Let me give you that again.  This is verse 2.  Can your mind penetrate the Dragon and join with the human spirit, who is joined to him, who is joined to the Dragon, so that she can increase into Christ Jesus, the one who is strong enough to boil Leviathan until he evaporates, and releases the human spirit?  Verse 3.  Will the Serpent appoint Leviathan, her completed female mind, to rule over you, or will she sacrifice her, so that Christ Jesus can raise you from the dead? 


In Part 3 we read from our alternate translation of the temptation.  Let me put that on this tape also, because I think it is so interesting that the alternate translation of verse 3 asking if the Serpent will appoint Leviathan to rule over you, or will she sacrifice him?  I find it so interesting that we had a very similar alternate translation back in tape 219 which must have been about a year ago.  As I tell you all the time, when I work up these alternate translations, I never know what I am going to get.  I do not go in with anything in particular in mind.  What is happening more and more is that we are finding cross references between alternate translations that really excite me.  To the best that I am able, I am putting these cross references into our alternate translation bible. 


Matthew, Chapter 4, Verse 9.  This is our alternate translation that was worked up a good year ago.  The Dragon says to Jesus, I will sacrifice my own offspring, the Devil, and let you possess all of the minds of humanity, which I just demonstrated that I own, if you will just give up your claims of Lordship, and acknowledge that I am god.  Now this play of names, Dragon, Devil, Serpent, on a lot of the verses that go back, I do not have it.  God is continuously refining the understanding, because it is not clear in the Scripture whether it is the Dragon or the Devil or the Serpent.  I put that in, and this revelation is still evolving in me. 


What I am saying to you in chapter 4, verse 9 of Matthew, I show you that the Serpent is sacrificing a devil, and in Job 41:3, I am saying that the Serpent is sacrificing Leviathan.  Most of these discrepancies are not errors, so much as the later or the more recent one is a refinement.  Let me explain that to you.  In Matthew 4:9, we say that the Serpent is sacrificing the Devil.  Now who is the Devil?  The Devil is your old man.


The Devil is your old man.  She is a whole personality.  A whole personality consists of soul and mind.  The Devil is your old man.  She is a whole personality, consisting of soul and mind.  Leviathan is who?  Is he soul?  No.  Leviathan is a mind.  Leviathan is the completed mind of the old man.  So if we are saying that the Devil is soul and mind, then the name of the mind of your old man is Leviathan.  Both are correct.       


In Matthew 4:9, the Serpent is sacrificing the Devil, the whole personality.  In Job 41:3 she says she is sacrificing the mind, specifically.  Leviathan is a part of the Devil.  So neither one is wrong.  I am hitting a blank wall today.  Is somebody here that does not have the vaguest idea of what I am talking about?  It seems to me it is you again.  Is it you?  Well, then I do not know who I am hitting up against.  It was the same thing in the last service. 




I rebuke you, and we tear down your wall, whoever you are, wherever you are coming from.  If you are in this meeting, if you are astral projecting into this meeting, we tear down your wall.  We scale it, and we go over it, and we utterly rebuke any force or mind that seeks to oppose the message coming forth here.  We break your curses.  We send them back, and we utterly disable your strength.  Leviathan, wherever you are manifesting, we unbraid you.  You three cord mind, we unbraid you, and we unravel you, and we separate your threads.  We pray that Christ Jesus and His mind, the mind of Christ, should rise against you, wherever you are, and utterly  cover you over and defeat you.


I pray, Father, that you help me to bring forth this message despite the opposition and the arrogancy of Leviathan.  Leviathan, we prophesy unto you, your days are numbered.  You are an illegal mind.  You are the result of the stolen human spirit.  You are the mind of the fugitive serpent.  You are a product of rebellion, and incest, and envy, and pride, and every evil work, and we execute the judgments written against you, and as the body of Christ, we apprehend you and unravel you.  Come down, says the Lord, and be rebuilt in the image of your true God and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.  Hallelujah!  Glory to God.


I have some comments on these three alternate translations.  Please note that verse 3 restates, and I say restates because we have heard before that Leviathan is the Serpent’s three thread completed mind.  Let me read it for you again.  Verse 3 restates what we have been teaching here, that Leviathan is the name of the Serpent’s completed mind.  Now both the Serpent and Jehovah have brought forth incompleted minds since the onset of this creation.  What is the name of Jehovah’s incompleted mind in the garden?  No, it is Christ.  Christ.


The name of the Serpent’s incompleted mind, at the beginning of time was the Dragon.  These incompleted minds are minds that are woven together with two threads, and are not very strong, and very easily unraveled.  Look at my hair, brethren.  I have two strands of hair here.  How do you weave them together.  All that you can do is twist them.  What could you really do with two threads of hair?  It does not take very much to pull it apart.  Well, I do have it twisted, but it is really not much of anything, and it comes apart very easily.  The three thread mind is a braid.  Now when you braid your hair, it is not that easy to take it apart.  Ask some of these women that wear their hair in many many braids.  It takes time to unbraid those braids. It takes time, and sometimes your hair knots.  It is possible to unbraid your hair, but it is not that easy.


So we see that both Jehovah and the Serpent have brought forth minds woven of three threads since the onset of the creation. The Serpent manifested her completed mind, which is a braid, for the first time back in antiquity.  Who was the first man in whom the Serpent’s completed braided three thread mind appeared?  What was his name?  Cain is his name.  What is the name of the first man in whom Jehovah’s three thread completed mind appeared?  The name of the human being in whom that mind appeared is Jesus of Nazareth.  Christ Jesus is the name of the spiritual man, or the new man, which was appearing in the man Jesus of Nazareth.  He had two men, and we are two men.


We have an old man, and we have a new man, and the old man is our soul, God’s creation, with a mind in it whose name is Leviathan.  Leviathan attached to the soul is your old man.  When your soul gets a new mind, he becomes a new man, and the name of the new mind which is in the image of the Father is the Word of God or the Logos in Greek.  The name of the whole new man, soul and the Word of God together, is Christ Jesus.  The name of the whole old man, the soul, plus Leviathan is the Devil.  Now we are talking about the spiritual man, not the first human being in which he appeared, but the name of your old spiritual man, soul and Leviathan is the Devil.  He really is not a man.  He is a woman, but it is a mystery that we have got a transvestite here and a butch lesbian.  (Laughter)


So you need spiritual discernment to know that he is not a man, that he is really a woman.  Now we are laughing, and you might think that this is funny, but I am here tonight to remind you that every spiritual truth is played out in the stage of this world, that we live in.  Every spiritual truth, if you look hard enough, you will find it being expressed as a play on the stage of this world with people as the actors.  If you cannot find it, you ask the Lord to show it to you, and He will show it to you. 


I was watching a talk show not too long ago, and they had a couple on the show.  She was a young woman, about fifteen or sixteen years old.  She cried through the whole program.  She had fallen in love with what she thought was a young man, and it was a woman.  You are laughing.  Did you see that show?  Well, it is funny until you see the person’s pain.  It is funny.  I am not rebuking you.  There was some reason that the police were called, and they frisked this butch lesbian that was this young girl’s boyfriend, and when they frisked him, they found out he was a woman.  The young woman was very much in love with him.  He was living totally as a male.  His whole existence was a lie.  He was being a boyfriend to this young woman. 


He had male friends as if he were a man, deceiving his pals and his girlfriend.  He was deceiving his girlfriend’s parents.  As bizarre as it sounds, he even deceived the girl’s father and her mother.  He deceived everybody, and do you want to know something, he deceived me.  I looked at him on the TV and said, surely that is a young man.  Of course, I did not meet him personally.  I am not talking about spiritual discernment now.  I am talking about the looks of the person.  So there it is, played out right before our eyes.  You might think it is strange if you have a carnal mind, you are saying to yourself, how could anybody not recognize a woman dressed up as a man?  It is possible.  It happened in the natural, and it is happening in the spiritual right now.  So your old man is a woman.  Glory to God.


Our true husband is on the horizon, and if anything is going to open up our eyes to the error of perceiving a butch lesbian as a man, what is the one thing that is going to open up our eyes?  Anybody?  Seeing the real thing, you see.  When you meet the real man, when you are reconciled to the real man, when you find out what it is like to have a relationship with a real man, you will know that what you have been with all these thousands of years, was not a man.  When you have the real thing, the truth will expose the lie.  You will be deceived by the lie so long as you have nothing to compare it to.  But when the light comes, brethren, all of the shadows will flee away, because when you have a basis for comparison, you will know the truth, and the Truth will set you free.  Glory to God.


So verse 3 reminds us that Leviathan is the name of the Serpent’s completed mind.  Once again, verse 3 is God challenging Job.  Will the Serpent appoint Leviathan, her completed female mind, to rule over you, or will she sacrifice her so that Christ Jesus can raise you from the dead?  Now this is very interesting.  When you read Job 41, it is really Jehovah speaking to Job.  What He is really saying is, Job, will you appoint Leviathan, your completed female mind, to rule over you?  Or will you sacrifice her so that Christ Jesus can raise you from the dead?  See, the implication is that we are the serpent.  We are the serpent.  Did not Jesus call the pharisees vipers?  We are the serpents.  The truth is that the biggest hindrance to mankind to being raised from the dead is that we, ourselves, are not willing to sacrifice Leviathan. 


In fact, do we not teach here that the scripture which says, you shall not enter into life without blood.  You shall not enter in without a sacrifice.  That sacrifice must be your own mind, which is born of the Serpent, your own carnal mind.  The name of the carnal mind is Leviathan.  Each of us has got to give up our own criminal mind to enter into life.  We have to give up our criminal mind.  We have to give up our independent existence.  We have to give up the pleasures of this world, because the promise is that for everything we give up, there is something much greater waiting for us.


There is a period which we call the wilderness experience where we must fast from the pleasures of this world because we have not yet entered into the pleasures of the next world.  It is a hard walk, and it is painful.  In many areas we feel empty and lacking, but it is doable, because our God and our Savior is with us.  We have enough to live on.  We are not going to die from the fast.  We will not die from the fast.  At the very least, our Lord will sustain us supernaturally, if necessary.  We will not die from the fast. 


So the mystery of verse 3 is that Jehovah is saying to Job, are you willing to sacrifice your carnal mind so that Christ Jesus can be formed in you, and raise you from the dead?  I want to tell you that the average believer would say what?  What would the average believer say in answer to the question, are you willing to sacrifice your own carnal mind?  They will say no.  They will say no.  well, if of course, if you go up to the average believer and ask them that, they will say yes, of course I am willing to sacrifice my carnal mind.


Are you willing to give up marriage?  Oh no.  Are you willing to give up children?  Oh no.  Are you willing to give up financial security and trust in God?  Oh no, absolutely not.  Absolutely not.  Not that one, Lord.  Absolutely not.  Are you willing to give up your ten room house and live in a furnished room?  I do not think so.  Are you willing to give up your prestige in this world and be in poverty for ten years?  Definitely not.  My pride could not deal with that.  My wife would never agree to that.  My parents would suffer terribly.  Sorry Lord, I cannot come, I have just taken a wife.  Sorry Lord, I cannot come, I just bought two oxen and I have to prove them.  Sorry Lord, I cannot come, a relative has just died and I must bury him. 


Personally, I do not believe there is a man born who would be willing to give up their own carnal mind to follow Jesus.  That is why we must be induced to do so.  We must enter into a lifestyle, usually of great pain and distress, which is so unpleasant and so unsatisfying to us, for the little bit of Christ Jesus which we receive in this hour.  Does anybody know what that is called?  I think we read about it in the epistle to the Ephesians.  It is called the down payment.  It is called the earnest of our inheritance.  It is just a taste.  You read about it in Hebrews, Chapter 6, also, a taste of the miracles of the age that is coming.  Our life has to be so disappointing, and so painful, or so threatening to our very existence, that the taste which we have received of the world to come is enough of an incentive to make us pant after it, and pursue it with such ardor, that nothing that this world could offer us would turn us away from it.  I am sorry, but that seems to be the truth of our fallen nature. 


Jesus put it this way.  The rich man said to Jesus, how could I enter into the kingdom of God?  Jesus said, sell all you have and follow me.  So the carnal Church says it is ungodly to have money.  No, it is not ungodly to have money.  Solomon was the richest man in the world.  Not only was he the richest man in the world, God gave him all the riches.  There is nothing wrong with being rich as long as it does not corrupt you, and money is the root of all evil.  Money is not evil.  What fallen man will do for that money is evil.  The temptation to fallen man to do evil to obtain that money is greater than most people can deal with.  When you do not want it anymore, that is when you get it. 


When you want it to such a point that you will do evil to get it, that condition of mind is the sin of idolatry.  Coveting, brethren, is idolatry.  If you see that somebody else has it, and you want it so bad that you cannot stop thinking about it, it is idolatry.  If you like it, and you can honestly say, not lip service, but if it is the truth of your heart, if God gives it to me I would like it, but if He does not, that is okay too.  You will probably get it.  It is the condition of fallen man, brethren.  We must be changed.  We are utterly corrupt.  Only death can come out of a mind that thinks like this.  Only death can come out of the mind that lusts for money, or that lusts for anything. 


Only death can come out of a mind that cannot sleep because of a craving for something, for anything other than our God.  It is okay to lust for Jehovah, who in this hour is appearing to us as the Lord Jesus Christ.  It is okay to lust for the things of God.  It is okay to crave peace and contentment, and joy, and everything which is in the kingdom of God.  There is no law against that.  It is not sin.  But when you are lusting for and obsessed with thoughts of material things that are found in this world because you mistakenly thing they will give you peace of mind, there is death in that.  Aside from death being in it, they do not give you peace of mind.  What did Jesus say?  You lie, and you steal, and you cheat to accumulate a fortune, and the moment you have attained your goal, your soul is required of you.  Now if Jesus gives you the money, praise the Lord. 


In verse 3, Jehovah is asking Job if he is willing to give up his own carnal mind so that Christ Jesus can be formed in him and raise him from the dead.  Of course, to the best of my knowledge, Job does not answer any of these questions that Jehovah puts to him.  Am I correct, all my letter scholars here?  I do not believe Job ever answers these questions.  Does he?  I do not think so.  I think they are rhetorical questions.  A rhetorical question is a question to which no answer is expected. Jehovah was asking Job rhetorical questions.  Jehovah knew the answer to the questions.  Job, in my opinion, did not know the answer to the questions.


Job was probably the man who would have said, of course I would give up my carnal mind for you, Lord, in a second.  But Jehovah knew better.  Jehovah knew that Job would have been one of those men saying he had to go test his oxen or minister to his bride.  That is why Jehovah was asking rhetorical questions.  He was not interested in Job’s answers because He knew that Job did not even have enough knowledge of his own heart and his own motives to give a true answer.  If you think that is uncommon among fallen men, you are mistaken.  Fallen men give answers that are socially acceptable to many questions.  They give the socially acceptable answer, and more often than not, they believe that that is what they think, but in their heart of hearts, they do not. 


Years ago, there was a young woman who was troubled, and she was questioned by a very wise person.  This young woman had problems in relationships, and with men, and she was asked by a very wise person, would you like to get married?  The young woman said, of course I want to get married.  Every woman wants to get married.  The wise person laughed and she said to him, why are you laughing?  He said to her I do not think you are in touch with your own feelings.  I think that you experienced such a horrible marriage between your parents, or you witnessed it, that you would not touch marriage with a ten foot pole.


Your mother told you that all young women are suppose to get married, so you go out, and you date, and you are looking for men, but you avoid every eligible male, and there is something wrong with everybody that you meet.  You just never seem to get married because in your heart of hearts, you would not touch it with a ten foot pole.  Does anybody not know what I am talking about?  Many of us are not in touch with our true motives a great deal of the time.  It is called denial, brethren, and it is called self deception.  We think we believe what we are suppose to believe, but we really do not. 


Now verse 2 speaks about Leviathan’s malignant tongue, indicating that Leviathan’s malignant tongue signifies the fallen men through whom the mind is speaking.  Spiritually speaking, a tongue is the man through whom the mind is speaking.  Jehovah is saying to Job, can your mind penetrate the Dragon, and join with the human spirit, who is joined to the Dragon, so that she can increase into Christ Jesus, the one who is strong enough to boil Leviathan until he evaporates and releases the human spirit?


Well of course Job’s mind cannot penetrate the Dragon.  He is the dragon.  Job has a fallen mind.  Jehovah is asking him all these questions knowing that Job has no knowledge of this spiritual truth at all.  Even if Job had this spiritual truth, would he do it?  Would he destroy himself?  Would he bring down his own mind?  As soon as I finish commenting on these first three verses, we are going to hear Jesus’ comment on this possibility in the new testament.     


In verse 2 Jehovah is asking Job, can your own mind penetrate Leviathan?  I have the Dragon in one place and Leviathan in the other place.  These variations are driving me crazy.  If you think they are driving you crazy, they are driving me crazy too.  I will check that out before I make these notes final.  Can your own mind, Leviathan, penetrate the Dragon?  Now who is the Dragon?  The Dragon is back there in your unconscious.  Let me give it to you in a way that you can relate to it.  The Lord Jesus is your unconscious mind.  He is the first generation of Christ.  He is back there, and is a part of your new man.  He is one with Christ Jesus.  Well, the Dragon is a part of your old man. 


He is on the same genealogical level as the Lord Jesus Christ.  He is the two thread mind, that when he became braided, got a new name, Leviathan.  So the Dragon is braided right in there with Leviathan.  Can you hear that?  The Dragon was the two thread mind, the Serpent and the human spirit.  Leviathan is the three thread mind, so the Dragon is a part of Leviathan.  Can you hear that?  I think I just made a mistake when I said he is on the same level as the Lord Jesus.  I made a mistake.  I am sorry.  The Dragon is on the same level with Christ.  Christ is the two thread mind.  When that two thread mind is woven into the word of God, Christ now is a part of the Word of God because another thread was added, and he has become braided.  Are you following me?


So how could Leviathan penetrate the Dragon?  It is his own mind.  If he penetrates himself, he is going to destroy himself.  It is called utter self destruction.  How did Jesus say it?  Does anybody know?  A house divided against itself cannot stand.  Can your mind, Leviathan, penetrate the Dragon?  Mark 3, verses 23 thru 28.  And Jesus called them unto him, and said unto them, in parables, how can Satan cast out Satan, and if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.  If a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.  If Satan rises up against himself, he cannot stand, but hath an end. 


I am going to expound on this.  I am not going to go into it as deeply as I normally do with all the numbers on the words and all that, but I am going to give you some insight into this.  What is a kingdom?  We have studied this.  What part of our spiritual being is a kingdom?  We have the kingdom of God.  We have the kingdom of the two heavens.  What is a kingdom?  A mind.  A kingdom is a mind.  The kingdom of God is the kingdom of Christ Jesus.  It is the mind of Christ Jesus.  The kingdom of darkness is Leviathan.  It is a mind.  Kingdom is a mind. 


We are told if a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.  That word stand means to lay waist or to be brought to desolation.  I want to suggest to you that it means to be unwoven.  A mind that is divided against itself will unravel.  How could a mind be divided against itself?  We are talking about a completed mind, three threads, three parts.  How is a mind divided against itself?  At least one of the threads must fall out of agreement with the other two threads.  How does a body get sick?  Something in the body rises up.  There are many diseases where one part of the body is attacking another part of the body, where the white blood cells are attacking other parts of the body.  When the body produces a cancer, that is killing the body.


The death is coming from within the body.  It is not a bullet going through your heart.  It is your own body producing a substance that kills you.  A body divided against itself cannot stand.  It will surely die.  Brethren, the mind divided against itself, I suggest to you, is the mind where all three threads are not in agreement.  Who is the thread in Leviathan that is not in agreement?  It is Eve.  She is in bondage.  She is not in agreement.  She is being held captive against her will. 


If a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.  I suggest to you that the correct translation is if a house be divided against itself; well, that is true, but not clear.  The word house means family or servant.  I suggest to you that the servant is the body.  If you study that in the Greek, the word for body is soma, Strong’s 4983.  This body serves the soul and the mind.  This body does whatever the mind tells it to do.  If a body is divided against its mind, and if a house, or if a body be divided against itself, be divided against its mind, that body cannot stand, or that body dies. 


Listen!  Your body has to do what the mind tells it to do.  The mind keeps the body alive.  A body that tries to go off on its own and have an existence is going to die.  I want to tell you that this is proven.  People who, for whatever reason, just resist what their mind is telling them to do, they get sick and they die.  Resisting your mind breaks down the body.  That is one of the basis for disease.  If you have a criminal mind, and there is something in you that is resisting, resisting, resisting, and it will not let your body do what it wants to do, the body gets sick, and it dies.


We could also say soul.  If a house or if a soul is divided, or separated against its own mind, the soul cannot live.  If a soul will not obey its mind, the soul is the emotions, whether it be your soul or your body.  If you are in rebellion against the commands of your mind, it is going to kill you prematurely.  If you have a mind that is evil, something that you inherited from your family, and it is commanding your soul and body to engage in a lifestyle that you are resisting with all your strength, you get sick.  People get sick from that.  Does anybody not know that?  This constant conflict in your soul makes you sick, and you could break down emotionally, and or physically, when you are resisting your mind, and you frequently have the same mind that is in your parents.  Your mind is your parent’s mind, if you can hear what I am saying; hear it.    


Verse 26.  And if Satan rises up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand.  I want to suggest to you that Satan rising up against himself, what that is talking about is the soul which has become its own spirit.  It is talking about the soul, whereby part of that soul rose up and became the spirit.  So if the soul is divided against itself it cannot stand.  If Satan rises up and becomes spirit, and in that rising up divides himself from the true mind, Christ, the soul in which the mind is born of the flesh, and not of the spirit, that soul cannot stand. 


Listen!  The soul who separates from its mind and becomes its own mind, the soul that has a mind in it which is born of the flesh cannot stand.  Only the soul, which has a mind born in it which is begotten of the Spirit of God can stand.  It is amazing what Jesus was saying to these pharisees, who read these scriptures, and they are just words to us.  Brethren, these words have to be real to us.  Listen to what Jesus is telling these pharisees.  The soul that separates from its mind will never stand up in full stature, and full stature is equated with life.  If you are not alive, you are dead.  The soul who rises up and begets its own mind under its own authority will surely die.  The soul that sins dies.  It is sin to beget your own mind and your soul.  It is the sin of spiritual incest. 


I did try to make it a little clearer.  This is what Jesus was saying to the pharisees.  Listen.  Going backwards now.  I did verse 27 also.  House is meaning body or soul in this verse.  No man can enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil, seize, his goods.  The Greek word translated goods means wife.  No man can enter into a strong man’s or into a spirit.  The strongman is always a spirit.  No man can enter into a spirit’s house and soul, and spoil or seize his goods, his wife.  Who is his wife?  The human spirit.  Except he will first bind that strong man.  What do you think the word bind means?  It means to weave, to wrap up.  No man will be able to enter into another spirit’s house unless he first weaves himself together with that spirit. 


Brethren, we are talking about the kingdom of the two heavens.  Even Jesus is not going to enter into your house, and through your body, and through your soul, and bind up the Dragon’s wife, unless He first weaves Himself together with that strong man’s mind.  That strong man’s position is underneath Christ Jesus.  No spirit is going to enter into another spirit’s house unless he first subdues him, and brings him into subjection.  When he does that, he will seize his wife.  After he seizes the wife, he will seize his house, the soul and the body.  Can you hear this?


Listen.  I think I just made it a little clearer with the last verse backwards.  For those of you who do not study with us that often, let me just put this on the tape.  We have found that frequently, for whatever reason, God knows, in the Scripture, whether it be Jesus or whether it will be Paul, we find that the logical order is reversed.  What do I mean by logical order?  To me, logical order is I woke up in the morning, got out of bed, washed my face, brushed my teeth, got dressed and ate breakfast.  We would find a sequence like that appearing backwards in the Scripture.  For example; I ate breakfast, got dressed, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and I got out of bed.  Why it appears backwards I do not know.  I have some ideas, but I am not going to take the time to repeat it, but it is very common in the Scripture.  Let me expound in sort of an alternate translation on these principles, starting with verse 27, going backwards.


No man can enter into a spirit’s house, into a spirit’s body, or the body in which a spirit is ruling and seize that man’s wife, and seize the human spirit, that is in that house, except the invading spirit first take authority over the spirit ruling in the house, and weaving the two minds together, so that the strong man of the house is in bondage, and in subjection to the invading spirit.  Once you have the spirit bound up and woven together.  Now listen, brethren, not just laying on top of him.  When you just lay on top of him, he is going to get away.  You have got to braid him into your mind.  We have a whole church world out there today that is laying on top of the strong man of their old man, and they think that they are entering into the kingdom because their behavior is acceptable, and even because they may be casting down some imaginations.


But I want to tell you that Christ Jesus, in you, has to braid Leviathan together with the mind of Christ in you.  The crown that we are promised in the Book of Revelation is not a European crown.  It is a crown of woven branches like Jesus had on His head.  The only way you are going to prevent Leviathan from rising up against you and flipping you back over, and putting you on the bottom, and him getting on top, is if you weave yourself together through his mind. There is only one way you are going to weave yourself together through his mind, and that is by having a union with one of the threads of his mind.  That thread is the human spirit.  We are not going to weave yourself together with the human spirit without a war.


So we have a lot of deceived Christians in the world today.  When that trumpet sounds, and Leviathan rises up, he is going to flip over.  He is going to flip Christ Jesus over on his back in a lot of people in whom the mind of Christ has been manifesting for years.  A lot of people are going to die to their spiritual life when sin is revealed in them.  We all have sin.  When that sin is revealed in them, they are not going to be able to stand because Christ Jesus has not been woven together with Leviathan.  It just has him pinned to the mat.  It will not do, brethren.  When the wind blows, and when the storm comes, your house is not going to stand. 


You see, you cannot be built on the sand.  When your house is built on the sand.  Who is the sand?  When the foundation that Jesus is lying on top of is Leviathan, the sand, which is the ground up rock, and the wind blows, your house is going to come down.  Your house must be built on the rock.  That sand, that is the foundation, that ground up spirit, which is your human spirit, must have increased into Christ Jesus, and gone from being a grain of sand to a rock.  If your human spirit has not increased from a grain of sand to a rock, by the time the storm comes, if all you have is Christ, and if He has not increased into Christ Jesus, the wind is going to blow your house down.  Can you hear it?  That is a nice parable, if your house is built on the rock, you will stand.  What does it mean?  You have got to find out what it means as a personal experience for you.  Why?  So that you could do whatever you have to do, so that that experience becomes reality for you.  If you think there is nothing to do because Jesus did it all on Calvary, get ready, because the big wind has started to blow, and your house is already breaking apart, and you are a fool.  You are not a wise son, but you are a fool. 


Verse 26.  If the Serpent separates herself from her mind, which is Christ, by acting like a spirit and incarnating on her own authority, she cannot experience everlasting life, but shall be mortal.  Is that not what happened in the garden?  Do we not have several tapes teaching on that?  If the Serpent joined with Eve, God said, if you eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will surely die.  The Hebrew word translated die, meaning become mortal.  If you eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will cease to be immortal and become mortal.  Here we have in Mark 3:26, If the serpent separates herself from Christ by acting like a spirit, and incarnating on her own authority, she cannot experience everlasting life, but shall become mortal.  A direct reference to Genesis, Chapter 3.  Because; she shall become mortal.  Can you hear it?


If you cast demons out of a soul as a means of entering into immortality, that soul will still be dead.  Oh God!  I remember when God first gave me that revelation when I was in that deliverance church.  I preached it and I have one woman in mind right now, and she just could not figure out what I was talking about.  But God gave me that revelation, you will never enter into everlasting life by casting anything out.  You are already lacking something.  You will only enter into everlasting life by the addition of who?  Christ Jesus has to be added to you.  Now demons have to come out, because demons prevent the Word from engrafting to you.  What is the Word?  It is the mind of Christ. 


If you have demons, if you have curses, they have to be broken, and they have to come out because they could be the thorns that will prevent the conception of Christ Jesus in you.  But you could cast out demons for the next hundred years, and you are still going to die, because we are completed only in Him.  If you have a mind that is producing demons as fast as you cast them out, your mind will produce more.  If you cast out the  demons, and the salt of the earth is not imparted to you, if you cast out demons and the preservative is not added to you, if you cast out demons which are spiritual weeds, and someone who could keep the garden weed free is not added to you, what happens after you pull the weeds out?  What happens?  They come back worst. 


It is not enough to pull the weeds out.  You have to put down the weed killer.  The weed killer, the one who keeps the garden, the one who guards the garden.  Who is the one who keeps the garden?  Who?  Christ Jesus.  God said to Adam, keep the garden.  It means to guard the garden.  Keep the weeds out of the garden.  The spiritual garden is your soul.  Keep the weeds out.  Do not let the carnal mind grow in your garden.  You can cast demons out forever.  You need someone strong enough to keep the weeds out of the garden.


Verse 25.  If you cast demons out of the soul as a means of entering into immortality, that soul will still be dead.  What does it mean by still be dead? A living soul does not have weeds in it.  Only a dead soul has weeds in it. 


Verse 24.  And even if the human spirit rebels against the Dragon, which is the two thread mind, your mind Leviathan, is divided against itself.  Listen, even if the human spirit rebels against the Dragon, that is the division in your own mind.  You still will not experience everlasting life, but that Leviathan mind, that two thread mind or that three thread mind, will unravel and you will die, unless Christ Jesus is present to take Leviathan’s place.  So it does not even pay to go to war unless Christ Jesus is appearing in you.  Do not go to war before the time, or you will die.


Did you hear what Jesus said to the pharisees?  Did you ever hear this preached?  Brethren, we have got to know what the master is saying to us.  A fallen mind that tries to cleanse itself by casting out demons is still dead.  A mind that incarnates under its own authority can only be dead.  Jesus!  A mind divided against itself cannot stand.  A soul that rises up and incarnates on its own authority cannot stand, and a fallen mind, the soul that rebels against its mind cannot live.  The soul that incarnates on its own authority cannot live.  The completed mind, and the whole personality that tries to give itself life by cleansing itself from demons still cannot live because you are lacking.  You cannot replace the Son of God.  You cannot live without the Son of God.  When the Son of God appears in you, He is going to bring you into order, and you still cannot live in the form that you are in.  You have to submit to Him.  You must have Christ Jesus added to you to live. 


Continuing with Job 41:4.  Will he make a covenant with thee?  Will thou take him for a servant forever?  Will he made a covenant with thee?  Now everybody thinks we are talking about Leviathan, but I think at this point, Jehovah is speaking about the Serpent.  Now remember, the Serpent is just Leviathan’s ancestor, so for all intents and purposes, they are the same one.  Will he make, is Strong’s #3772, and it means to cut off or to cut asunder.  I am going to suggest to you that this word suggests circumcision.  To cut off, to cut off, what is being circumcised?  The carnal mind, whose name is Leviathan.  He is being circumcised or cut off from your soul.  The mind is attached to the soul.  So the criminal mind is being circumcised or cut off.  Will he cut off, will he make a covenant with you? 


The Hebrew word translated covenant is Strong’s #1285 and it is speaking about a covenant that is made by passing between pieces of flesh.  It is speaking about a union that is made by passing between pieces of flesh.  I suggest to you what the Scripture is talking about here is that the carnal mind will be circumcised off of the soul, and that Jehovah is going to pass between.  Between what?  The mind, when it is circumcised off of the soul, will be broken down into two pieces.


Listen.  It is the separation of soul from spirit.  The separation of the mind from the soul, the circumcision of the mind.  Separation of soul from spirit, and then what comes next?  The separation of the joints from the marrow. Then the mind is broken into two parts.  What are the two parts?  The human spirit and Satan, in whatever form he is taking.  The human spirit is separated from Satan.  So when Jehovah passes through, He is going to join with the separated human spirit, and increase into Christ Jesus, who will join Himself to the soul, and save the life of the soul, because a soul without a mind cannot live.  Can you hear this?  Let me say it again.


The Hebrew word translated covenant is speaking about a covenant or a union, which is made by passing between pieces of flesh.  The mind is separated from the soul, and then Jehovah passes through that mind, separating the human spirit from Satan.  Then joining with the human spirit to form Christ Jesus, who is then attached to the soul, preserving the life.  So what do we have?  Will you, Job, who are the serpent, are you willing to circumcise your own carnal mind so that you can join with Him?  It is not even possible that you could join with Him.  It is not even possible.  Are you willing to cut off your own carnal mind so that you could join with your soul?  It is not even possible.  Do you see how ridiculous it is? 


Revelation 20:4 says, And I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of the Lord Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither have received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.  I would like to read that for you again with some added revelation.  And I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness.  I suggest to you that the witness is Christ Jesus.  The witness to what?  What does Christ Jesus witness to?  He witnesses to the resurrection of the dead.  The resurrection of what dead?  Christ Jesus, the warrior, is the witness that the dead Christ has been resurrected in a greater form.  Christ Jesus is the witness of the resurrection


And I saw the souls of them that were beheaded that were separated from Leviathan, because I saw Christ Jesus there.  They were beheaded for the witness of, I suggest to you not only Jesus, but the Lord Jesus, the resurrected Jesus.  I saw the souls of those that were separated from Leviathan so that the Lord Jesus, who was in the form of the Holy Ghost in this hour, could bring forth Christ Jesus in them, and for the word of God, which is the name of the mind which is in Christ Jesus.  I saw the souls of them that were separated from Leviathan, so that the Lord Jesus could bring forth the man, Christ Jesus, in whom the mind of Christ was present as a witness to the resurrection of the dead. 


It is very nice giving testimonies about the miracles that God has given you, but brethren, there is only one witness.  That is not witnessing to say that Jesus paid your rent when you were in trouble.  That a miracle and that is a testimony, and it is glorious, but it is not a witness.  There is only one witness, the True Witness, the Faithful Witness, the spirit of prophesy.  There is only one witness, Christ Jesus appearing, in you, in power.  He is the only witness that the Lord Jesus Christ has been raised from the dead.  It is the only witness that the dead Christ who died at the beginning of time, has been raised from the dead.  Christ Jesusin you manifesting power, supernatural signs and wonders, miracles, healings, deliverance, the resurrection of the dead, and an endless life.  All such miracles are leading up to an endless life.  You see, the Devil can heal.  The Devil can deliver, and the Devil can raise people from the dead in a condition whereby they will die again, but there is only one who can give an endless life.  His name is Christ Jesus.  He is the only true witness. 


Sinlessness is manifested through an inability to die.  So I saw the souls of men that were separated from Leviathan because the Lord Jesus, in the form of the Holy Ghost, brought forth Christ Jesus, and the mind in Christ Jesus, the Word of God, in those men.  Brethren, I saw those whose Leviathan mind was separated from them for the specific purpose of Christ Jesus, in whom the mind of Christ dwells, should be raised from the dead in them.  And these same people, the reason that happened to them, the reason Leviathan was able to be separated from them, and Christ Jesus was able to be attached to them, was because they had not worshipped the beast, who is the Devil, neither have they worshipped the image of the beast, which is Leviathan, neither have they received the mark upon their forehead.  What mark?  The mark of Cain.  Their foreheads indicating their unconscious mind, Satan.  Or have they received the mark in their hands, neither did they show the behavior of Satan, and they lived and reigned with the Christ, the Glorified Lord Jesus, for a thousand years, meaning they ascended to full stature.  That thousand indicates they ascended to full stature.  I cannot teach the verse all over again. 


1 Corinthians 6:17 says that he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.  They were separated from Leviathan, which separation freed up their human spirit, to which human spirit the Lord Jesus joined Himself.  Christ Jesus was appearing, and the mind of Christ was in Him, and as a result of this experience they did not worship the beast.  They did not submit to the Devil, neither did they submit to his image, which is his mind, Leviathan, and neither did they have the mark of Cain on their soul, on their minds, or in their behavior, and they ascended to full statue and ruled and reigned with Christ. 


Amplified Translation of the first half of Job 41:4: Will you, Job, who really is the serpent, will you cut Leviathan off of your own soul so that you can overcome death?  That sounds like something He said in a prior verse.  It sounds almost like the same thing as we had in verse 3.  Let me see verse 3 again.  Will the Serpent appoint Leviathan, her completed female mind to rule over you or will she sacrifice her so that Christ Jesus can raise you from the dead?  Will you cut Leviathan off of your own soul so that you could overcome death?  It is the same thing, only with more detail.  Verse 4 is saying the same thing, or asking the same question as verse 3 with more detail.  I amplify that for you.  This is the first half of verse 4: Will you Job, who are the Serpent, will you cut Leviathan away from your own soul so that your human spirit can join with my Spirit and overcome death?  We know the answer is no.  No man in his right mind will say yes, so you have to get in your left mind to say yes.  The Lord has to put some pressure on you.  No self respecting fallen man would ever say yes to a question like that.  Only the Son of God would say yes, and none of us is the Son of God. 


Our final amplification: Will you, Job, who are really the Serpent, will you cut Leviathan away from your soul so that your human spirit can overcome death by increasing into Christ Jesus?  Interesting!  It is very close to verse 3. Will you sacrifice your carnal mind so that Christ Jesus can raise you from the dead?  Will you cut Leviathan away from your soul so that your human spirit can overcome death by increasing into Christ Jesus. 


So verse 3 says will you sacrifice your carnal mind, and verse 4 says, will you circumcise her?  You have to circumcise her before you sacrifice her.  First you cut her away and then you offer her up to Jesus.  Second half of Job 41:4: Will you take him for a servant forever?  Will you take him for a servant forever?  It is not clear who him is.  Now we know that the Lord is not taking Leviathan for a servant.  Leviathan is going to die.  He is going to unravel and be un-braided.  But it is the soul that is going to be a servant forever, the soul that Leviathan is attached to.


The word take is Strong’s #3947 and it can be translated to mingle or to enfold.  I do not know if it is the same Hebrew word or not.  We hear that word enfold in Ezekiel chapter 1.  It is speaking about the glorified man.  And he was like a fire continuously enfolding himself.  It also means to mingle.  We have talked about that word mingle, and the difference between mingle and mix.  If you put raisins in a bowl of oatmeal, you mix it up, but the raisins are still raisins and the oatmeal is still oatmeal.  When you make a cake, if you beat butter, and flour, and sugar, and eggs, and you mingle them, you get a new substance.  You can no longer identify the sugar, the flour, the butter or the eggs.  You have a whole new substance. 


Will you, Job, mingle yourself with the soul to create a whole new creature.  Jesus said, I am the beginning of the creation of God.  When Jesus was raised from the dead, His whole body and soul was broken down into its component parts, into the smallest, probably some atomic particles, and His whole being was mixed up and mingled, and a whole new creature was made out of the substance of which the man Jesus was made.  So Jehovah is saying to Job, can you do that?  Can you mingle your mind with your soul and bring forth a whole new creation? 


Exodus 21:6 says, That his master shall bring him.  This is speaking about the bond servant, the slave which has earned his freedom, but chooses not to leave his master.  Then his master shall bring him unto the judges.  They shall also bring him to the door or unto the doorpost, and his master shall bore his ear through with an aul, and he shall serve him forever.  Everyone reading that King James Translation says, well the master shall bore the slave’s ear through with an aul and the slave shall serve him forever.  But I looked up the word serve, and the word serve means to enslave.  So I would like to suggest to you that thehe, and he shall serve him forever.  It is not clear who he is and who him is.  I would like to suggest to you that the he is the Lord, and He, the Lord, shall serve, shall enslave, the slave forever.


And his master shall bore his ear through with an aul and the Lord shall enslave the slave, shall permanently join the slave to the master.  Then his master shall bring him unto the judges, and he shall bring, and his master shall bore his ear through with an aul.  The idea of the word ear is to listen.  I suggest to you that the spiritual implication here is the heart.  The heart listens.  And the Lord shall bore the servant’s heart through, spiritually speaking, with an aul.  An aul is a pointed instrument or a flesh hook.  What does it sound like to you?  Boring a heart through.  What does that sound like to you?  Crucifixion, brethren.  It sounds like crucifixion. 


The servant who will not leave the Lord, the servant who has had an experience with Jesus, and has been healed, or been set free from whatever bondage that may have originally driven him into the arms of the Lord, but now even though he is healed, and he is on his feet, his life is functioning, he will not leave the Lord.  That is the man that the Lord will join Himself to for the life of the ages.  He got the loaves and the fishes.  He got his healing.  His belly is full, and his needs are met, but he still will not leave the Lord Jesus.  That is the man that will go on to everlasting life. 


Everyone is not going on.  Some men are just in it for the loaves and the fishes, brethren.  I know people like that.  They came and they got healed, and they left the heavenly anointed church where they got their miracle, and they went on to a very carnal life.  I was amazed to find that out, but there are people that do that.  It must be okay with the Lord.  Everybody is not called to go through to the max.  The word forever is Strong’s #5769 and it means eternity.  It means everlasting life. 


Alternate Translation of the second half of Job 41:4: Will you, Job, who are the serpent, will you enfold Leviathan into your own being?  Will you mix your spirit, will you mix your mind and your soul, and enslave that soul for the life of the ages?  Can you do that, Job? 


Alternate Rranslation of all of Job 41:4: Will you Job, who are the serpent, will you cut Leviathan away from your soul so that your human spirit can overcome death by increasing into Christ Jesus?  That is full stature.  Will you, Job, the serpent, will you enfold that soul into your being and enslave him for the life of the ages?  That is the end of verse 4.  It is amazing, is it not?  The Lord is challenging Job with intense spiritual truth.  Jehovah is challenging Job with His plan for the salvation of fallen man, and saying, Job, who do you think you are.  I am the only one who can save this soul, and this is my plan for salvation.  Can you do it?  Of course, the answer to every question is no.  Job cannot do it.  Any questions or comments on this message?  



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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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