340 - Part 1
(An In-Depth Study)

Part 1 of 14 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Praise the Lord.  As I was just saying, the devil does not like what we are preaching here.  He does not like having the truth about himself exposed.  He would like the whole world, in particular the whole Church world, to believe he is a red freak with horns and a tail, and that he is ashes under the carnal Christian’s feet, and that every evil done is the responsibility of the Lord, who is a mean cruel wicked God, who punishes and casts down into hell forever, with not only eternal torment, brethren, but eternal unforgiveness.  The carnal mind of man justifies preaching the eternal unforgiveness of God with the doctrine called the unforgivable sin, which has been exposed in this ministry to be an erroneous doctrine.


There is no sin which is unforgivable, but there is a sinning or a blaspheming spirit, which shall never be forgiven, neither in this age or in the next.  The reason being that the Serpent in his manifestations in this world, the dragon and the devil, which is Satan, is incapable of redemption.  I am not going to repeat the whole teaching here, but one of the major teachings that the Lord has brought forth in this ministry at the end of 1994 is that the true forgiveness of sins is the surgical removal of that potential to sin.  We are forgiven from our sins on two levels.  We are forgiven by faith, which means the judgment that falls on us for that sin is no longer used unto our destruction, but used to help us confess and repent so that that potential for sin, which is in us, can be erased from our soul.


The second stage of the forgiveness of sins is the surgical removal of it and that potential for sin.  But the Serpent in his manifestations, or I should say her manifestations in this world, the dragon, the devil and Satan, can never be redeemed.  They are unredeemable.  They are, by their very nature, evil.  There is nothing good in them.  There is no righteousness in them, and they or she has no potential for righteousness, whatsoever.  That is why the Lord will not forgive them.  It is not because the Lord has unforgiveness, but because the Serpent and her expressions, the dragon, the devil and Satan, are not capable of having sin surgically removed from them because they are sin.


If the sin is surgically removed from them, they will cease to exist.  So we see that we are not dealing with an unforgiving God, but we are dealing with a form of existence which was not intended to ever be redeemed.


Redeemed means to be brought or purchased back.  You could only be purchased if you first have been sold.  Satan was never sold.  It was the soul that was sold.  The Serpent was never sold.  The dragon was never sold.  The devil was never sold.  It was the creation made from the dust, the soul, which was sold to the dragon.  The dragon was never in heaven.  He never came down from heaven, and therefore he can never return up to heaven.


So the very best that the dragon can hope for is to come under the authority of Christ Jesus, who will cause his potential to do damage to cease from manifesting, by continuously restraining him, and allowing that wicked Serpent or that ancient Serpent, that dragon, the devil and Satan, to be a part of the glorified creation.  That means that criminal element in the soul will partake of the goodness of God, not because he was redeemed, because he is not redeemable, but because the mercy of God has so restrained his ability to do evil, his ability to do damage, his ability to do hurt.  That power of God will cut off all such ability and restrain him to such a point that there is a positive function for the Serpent to fulfill in the glorified creation, so that the Serpent will partake of the goodness of God. 


This is very important.  Listen to this.  The Serpent is inherently intrinsically evil by his very nature.  He never was good.  He has not fallen from grace.  You see, man has fallen from grace.  He was good and he became evil, and he will be good again.  The devil was never good.  He is by his very nature evil, therefore he cannot be made good, but the grace and the mercy of God is restraining the expression of that evil, finding some function for him in the creation, which will do good, not that the Serpent will be good.  Our natural example is laying hold of a wild raging bull, which is untamable, unridable, un-restrainable, for agricultural purposes or for any service to man. 


When you geld that bull, when you strip him of his manhood, he becomes an ox who plows the fields.  The Lord Jesus Christ, by His power to utterly prevent this dragon from doing evil in the slightest degree, will utterly completely crush his potential to do evil.  The Lord Jesus Christ, actually it is Christ Jesus, the warrior Son, has the power to do that and to put a harness on the dragon and direct him.  The harness and a bit in his mouth, will cause a function that will benefit the whole world creation because Christ Jesus has the power to do that.  This raging wild beast, the dragon, will be able to partake of an experience or at least some of the goodness of the creation which is in submission to Christ Jesus.


Brethren, Genesis, chapter 4, is where the Lord would not receive of Cain’s offering.  The Lord would not receive of the fruits of the ground, but Jehovah said to him, if you do well, you will be accepted also.  You see Cain, your sacrifice is different than the sacrifice of your brother Abel.  The only sacrifice I want from you, Cain, is your submission to Abel.  You, Cain, the Serpent, the dragon, the devil and Satan, you cannot offer up offerings to Jehovah.  Only the priests can offer up offerings.


Saul lost whatever was left of his royal authority because he made the sacrifice instead of Samuel.  You cannot do it, you old dragon.  You have no authority to offer up spiritual offerings to Christ Jesus.  Cain, I will not receive your offering of the ground.  The only thing I will accept from you, the only behavior and mind set that will result in my allowing you to partake somewhat of the blessings of my kingdom, is your submission to my appointed authority, the man Christ Jesus. 


I intended to start out this message with an announcement and I got off on a little exhortation there.  I would like to explain to anyone listening to this tape or reading this transcript that we preach here pretty methodically and systematically.  Most people that study with us just pick up a tape here and there.  At least at the time that we are preaching these messages, they are so deep that there are only a very few people who can methodically go through thirteen parts of one series.  Most people just pick up a tape here or there.  The Lord uses these tapes supernaturally.  It can be one word or one sentence on a tape that somebody needs to hear.  It is a rare person that goes through a whole series.  Who knows, maybe ten years from the time that we are preaching it, these messages will be cotton candy to whatever is coming out ten years from now. 


Let me put this announcement on this tape.  We started out several months ago preaching a series entitled The Serpent, The Dragon, the Devil, And You.  I believe we got through part thirteen in which we did an alternate translation of one verse in Jeremiah 8.  I looked at the whole chapter and thought it would edify us.  So before we finish the series, The Serpent, The Dragon, The Devil, And You, it went off into a series on Jeremiah 8 from which I intended to go back starting with part 14 of The Serpent, The Dragon, The Devil, And You.  But before we finished Jeremiah 8, we had three more verses to go on Jeremiah 8 which proved to be a very interesting series which definitely tied in with The Serpent, The Dragon, The Devil, And You


Before we finished Jeremiah 8 I find the Lord leading me into an expose of Leviathan.  Now in an attempt to keep some order to these tapes, because as I said, The Serpent, The Dragon, The Devil, And You is already 13 parts long, and Jeremiah 8, I believe is 5 parts long already, this message is beginning a new number and it is called Leviathan, An In-depth Study.  Lord willing, we will do an alternate translation on all of Job, Chapter 41.  I am just making this announcement in the event that anybody picks up this tape, who God has anointed to try to follow through on these teachings logically, I would like you to know what is going on.  Maybe you know what is going on and I do not.  (Laughter)


Lord willing this series will be all of Chapter 41of Job.  At some point we will go back and do the last three verses on Jeremiah 8.  Whether or not we will ever go back to The Serpent, The Dragon, The Devil, And You, at this point I do not know.  Basically, what I am saying to you, who are the serious students, if you are listening to this series you might also want to listen to the other two series mentioned.  That is what I am trying to tell you.  The Lord seems to have woven the three series together; The Serpent, The Dragon, The Devil, And You; tape #313, Jeremiah Chapter 8 which is #338 series, and now this series, Leviathan, An In-Depth Study #340.


Lord willing, I will put some kind of an announcement on the last part of Jeremiah 8 which will probably be part 6.  Lord willing, we will do the last three verses and I will put a similar announcement on either part 13 or probably part 14 of The Serpent, The Dragon, The Devil, And You.  What am I telling you?  Let me make it clearer.  The three series are so intertwined that if you really want to get the entire spectrum of what God is teaching here, it would be to your benefit to listen to all three series.  Now I just had a thought in my mind, which I believe came from the Lord.  This is what He said to me.  He said, just as you may have heard of the expression, the harmony of the Gospels, so is the same principle being implemented here with these three tape series.


What is the harmony of the Gospels?  The principle behind the harmony of the Gospels is that you want to get the most complete picture possible of the story of Jesus of Nazareth, and the effect of His ministry, or how He affected the world in the days of the flesh of Jesus of Nazareth.  If you want to get the most complete picture possible, you would want to study all four gospels, because the four gospels repeat some of the information, but each gospel has its own area of information that does not appear anywhere else.  It could be one word.  It could be one sentence.  The weaving together of the four gospels gives the complete picture.  So it is in these three series; The Serpent, The Dragon, The Devil, And You, Jeremiah 8 and Leviathan, An In-Depth Study.  If you want to get the fullest possible picture of the spiritual nature of man, you would do well to study all three series.  That is the word of the Lord to us.


So let us go on.  With all that in mind, I have some comments for you on Leviathan, and then we are going to review Isaiah 27:1 which we did at the end, which we did on part 5 of Jeremiah 8, and then we are going to go on.  Then I have an alternate translation of Psalms 74:14, Thou brakest the heads of Leviathan in pieces.  Then I have an alternate translation of Psalms 104:26, There go the ships; there is that Leviathan, whom thou hast made to play therein.  Then we go on to Job, Chapter 41.  I have done verse 1 which excited me very much.  I really look forward to doing the whole chapter.


I may not have preached it, but I want you to know that I have looked into Job 41 in the past.  I have looked up the Hebrew words, and I could not make enough sense out of it to preach it, because I did not have the revelation that we have now.  I could not make any sense out of it.  I did not know who Leviathan was, and I did not have the ability to choose the correct translations of the Hebrew words because the revelation was not yet in my heart.  You might remember my explanation to you as to how I get these alternate translations.  I must first have the revelation of God’s spiritual word in my heart.  God has to speak to me.  Then I go into the established Scripture, the King James Version.


I look up each and every Hebrew or Greek word, and I examine the potential other translations for that word which are in the Hebrew and the Greek Lexicons.  The Spirit of Christ Jesus in me just quickens to me or just pulls out of my spirit the revelation that the Lord has put there, and the true translation comes forth.  I cannot bring forth the hidden manna out of the Hebrew words unless the revelation is first in my heart.  I looked up these words in Job Chapter 41 several times.  They just meant nothing to me, but now they mean something to me.  I hope that this message and that this study is going to bless you as much as it is going to bless me.  I am asking you to please bear with me.  I have a lot of notes here. 


Sometimes when I preach, it is real easy.  It is just A, B, C, D, and everything follows along, but I have all kinds of side studies here, and I am just believing God to help me weave this together, especially since this heavy confusion is on me.  The devil does not like what we are doing here, brethren.  He does not like it, and he has punished me severely of late, but the Lord has sustained me.  Jesus said, the devil would sift you as wheat, Peter, but I have prayed for you.  Do you know what Jesus meant when He said the devil would sift you as wheat?  Sifting means separation.  It is referring to the separation of the wheat and the tares.


When you sift something, you put it through a fine strainer, and that which is fine passes through the holes, and that which is too big is retained in the strainer.  That is what sifting means.  It is a separation.  When Jesus said that to Peter, He was saying to him the devil is seeking to separate the union of your human spirit with my Spirit, which is forming Christ Jesus in you.  The devil is seeking to break up your Christ mind.  That was what Jesus was saying to Peter.  Did you ever wonder what that meant?  The devil is seeking to break up your Christ mind, if he can do it.


If the devil can circumcise Christ Jesus off of you, and then break apart my spirit from your human spirit, it will free up your human spirit so that Satan can join with you in great power, and bring forth the carnal mind in you, as the prevailing mind of your vessel.  That was what Jesus was saying to Peter.  We heard this whole principle preached in our study of Elijah.  When Jesus said the devil wants to sift you as wheat, he was saying the same thing as Elijah was saying when he said, the sons of Israel have circumcised Christ Jesus in me and broken down the altar formed between Jehovah and my human spirit.  I just said the same thing in a different way.


So the devil is trying to sift me like wheat, brethren.  He is trying to sift you like wheat, and where is the devil?  He is in the minds of the sons of God.  He could be in the mind of a gentile, but the true danger is in the Church.  He wants to circumcise Christ Jesus off of you.  What does it mean to circumcise?  It means to cut away.  For Christ Jesus to be manifesting in you, in any kind of strength, there has to be some attachment of that mind to your soul.  There has to be at least one stitch put in.  You remember, the presence of your carnal mind is not going to be able to be severed, or cannot be severed from you unless Christ Jesus is at least basted to your soul, because if you do not have a mind, you are going to die.


So the carnal mind is backstitched to your soul, firmly secured.  To be honest with you, I do not know whether Christ Jesus has to be back stitched to your soul before the carnal mind is cut off or not, but I do know that He has to be at least basted.  He cannot just be flopping around on top of your soul, because if the carnal mind is cut off, and there is no attachment or connection between Christ Jesus and your soul, you will die.  So to circumcise a mind from you, whether it be the circumcision of the carnal mind, or the circumcision of Christ Jesus, or the mind of Christ Jesus, means to sever your head from your soul.  


The devil, brethren, and the men in whom he is dwelling, that are doing his dirty work, is trying to separate you from your Christ mind.  That is what it means.  The devil wants to circumcise you.  The devil wants to circumcise Christ in you.  The devil wants to sift you like wheat, brethren.  He wants to separate Christ Jesus from having any attachment, whatsoever, to your soul.  You see, for the devil, having the Holy Ghost is bad enough, but when Christ Jesus is being stitched to your soul, you are becoming more and more dangerous every day of your life to the devil. 


He wants to sever or circumcise Christ Jesus from your soul.  After he does that, then he goes after breaking off your relationship with the Lord Jesus.  Then he breaks down your altars.  Your altar is breaking down.  Your altar is separating your human spirit from Christ Jesus.  He will never stop until he has destroyed you completely.  There is no compromise.  There are no concessions.  He will not stop until he has utterly destroyed you. 


Brethren, we are fighting a lot of tangents this morning.  I am going to start this message with some comments that I have on Leviathan.  Going back a few messages, in Jeremiah 8 I think, as God started bringing forth this revelation, I told you originally that Leviathan was merely a name that had been given to the dragon after he appeared in the visible world.  Then I told you that the dragon appeared in both, in the invisible realm before the world came into existence.  The term to come into existence is referring to a corporeal existence.  Corporeal means solid, not a spirit existence. 


Technically, to say a spirit existence is inconsistent.  We only exist when we have a corporeal or a solid form.  We see that in the incarnation of the Son of God, Christ Jesus.  If you study it, you will find in the Scripture, one of the verbs used to describe it is the verb to be, which means to come into existence.  To be is to come into existence.   We are told that that which is not seen has more substance than that which is seen, because that which is not seen is eternal, and that which is seen is temporal.  But nevertheless, that which is not seen, spirit, technically speaking, has no existence because the word existence is referring to a physical existence. Well, it does not have to be a physical existence, but a visible existence in a body which has the ability to speak and to labor with one’s hands.


A spirit does not speak, brethren.  You say, oh but I hear the Lord speaking to me all the time.  Well, He is just using an interpreter, and He is just speaking to you because you are on such a low spiritual realm that you would not understand His forms of communication.  He has the power to communicate with you on your own level.  The way He is speaking to you is that He is utilizing and laying hold of your mind.  The Spirit of God is laying hold of your human mind to communicate with you because spirits do not speak.  You need a tongue to speak.  You need a mind to form thoughts.  Spirits speak with symbols and concepts.  It is a whole different life form than man.  Jesus. 


I had told you back a few messages ago the revelation I was walking in at the time about the dragon.  Let me start from the beginning by way of review.  At the beginning of time, the Serpent was formed in the earth of the creation.  The Serpent was in submission to the immature, incomplete mind of Christ, and there was no variation in their thoughts.  The Serpent was submitted to Christ and she thought his thoughts were her thoughts.  At some point, however, she separated.  Who?  The Serpent separated from the incomplete Christ in thought.  Originally, it was only in thought. Eventually it was in the soul, and then even yet further on down the road, in the physical body.


When the Serpent separated from her husband, the incomplete Christ, she became a mean creature, signified by Daniel 8 by a goat.  Her nature went from female to male, and she went from being passively in submission to being aggressively hostile and warlike.  She went from female to male, and her name changed to Dragon.  That was what I told you at the beginning.  Then as this revelation continued to unfold, we found out that it was really more than just a separation of thought.  It was when that Serpent, who separated in thought, joined with the breath which was breathed into the creation, that the incomplete mind of the Serpent was formed, called the Dragon.  The Dragon is the incomplete mind of the Serpent.


Let me put this on the board for you.  Praise the Lord.  I have got this up on the board for you now.  Let me just go over it briefly with you.  You see at the top of the board, that I have Jehovah, indicating that Jehovah is greater than anything that is happening in the earth.  Jehovah is the eternal place.  You can call it what you like, like the eternal realm of the Spirit.  I have had interchanges or exchanges with an orthodox Jewish rabbi who would argue with me that Jehovah is a Spirit.  He claims we do not know what He is.  Well, the New Testament says that He is a Spirit.  That is why I say that He is a Spirit, but I certainly would not get into any argument with anyone over it.


I would insist, however, that Jehovah is over all, that there is none greater than Him, and that He is greater than anything that exists in the place where time exists, because time has a beginning and time has an end.  No matter how great that period of time is, the fact that it has a beginning and that it has an end means that it is not eternal, but that it is temporal.  It began and it will end.  Jehovah has no beginning, and He has no ending, so I put Him up above all.  Some of you may recall there are elements of the Church that are teaching at this time that Jehovah no longer exists in a place by Himself.  They say He has emptied Himself out into humanity, and at this time, humanity is the only form which Jehovah takes. 


Jehovah is in the eternal realm.  He has no beginning and He has no end.  A lot of people object to this word realm, so I am trying not to use it.  A lot of Christians hear this word realm, and all kinds of bells go off in their head, and they think it means that I am in the occult.  Then they do not want to listen to anything that I say after that, so I usually try to use the word world instead of realm.  I am just asking the Lord to help me do that.  So underneath Jehovah’s world, we have the world or the place where time is.  We see that in the place where time is, we have two sides to time.


In the parable of the Garden in the Book of Genesis we have a fairy story which has behind it a deep spiritual truth about the beginnings of man.  What is the name of this place where time exists in the baby story, in the parable?  What is it called?  It is called the Garden of Eden or Paradise.  We see that in the Garden of Eden, right away there is a split.  There is a left side and a right side.  There is good and there is evil.  Jehovah is righteousness, but in the world of time, there is good and evil.  When good and evil is subjected to the authority of righteousness, righteousness will prevail.  Let us put it in a way that we can relate to better.  When the spiritual authority over the world of time is righteousness, which side is the positive side or the negative side?  Is it the good side or is it the evil side of the world of time?  Which is predominate?   Yes, the positive side. 


When Jehovah is the power, and principality, and ruling force over the world of time, He lends His strength to the good side of time, and we see the world where time exists becomes good.  But there was a tragedy, and the Dragon rose up, and the Lord God Jehovah, sold this creation.  Now the Dragon did not knock Jehovah out.  The Serpent did not knock Jehovah out.  Jehovah withdrew Himself.  I am not going to get into that now because I will be all over the place.  Jehovah withdrew Himself.  He sold this world of time.  He sold us under sin.


Did not Paul say I am sold under sin?  Jehovah sold the creation to the Dragon, and the Dragon became the ruling prince, power and authority over the world of time.  So now we have the principalities and powers in high spiritual places, no longer the righteousness of Jehovah, but the evil of the Dragon.  So which side of this world of time is now predominant?  The negative side of this world of duality, good and evil, darkness and light, is now being strengthened by the negative powers that own us, and this world is predominantly evil. 


We see a comparison up on the board.  We are told that Jehovah breathed the breath of life into the dust, and the dust became a living soul.  If someone is lying on the ground, and they are dying because they have no breath, if you give them mouth to mouth resuscitation, once you breathe into their mouth, that breath which was your breath is no longer your breath.  It becomes the breath that has given life unto that man.  So there was a separation between Jehovah and His breath.  When the breath joined to the dust, the name that the dust received was living soul.  There was an incomplete mind brought forth in that living soul.  The name of that incomplete mind was Christ. 


It was incomplete because it was made from two threads, just as if you could say the ovum in a woman has been penetrated by a male sperm.  There is an embryo present that is the beginning of a new life, but it is not a completed life.  From the moment of that conception, the embryo must go through nine months of development before it becomes a completed life, or before those two elements, the female egg and the male seed, increase into a third life.  So from the beginning we see that Jehovah has joined with the breath that was no longer His breath because He gave it to the earth.


Jehovah joined with what was His, the breath that He gave to the earth, male and female, with the full intention that that union would produce an increase into a completed mind, which would be powerful enough to rule the earth of the soul which Jehovah formed.  That soul which Jehovah formed is called the earth.  It is made of earth.  It is the earth.  The earth has its own intelligence, and the Bible tells us it is a wild raging beast.  The spiritual life of God was propelled, for all intents and purposes, if you need this to understand, into a wild beast.  It is as if the mind of God was placed in a lion, and the Lord said to the mind that was in the beast, mind which is spirit of my Spirit, you are to rule the beast.


What happened at the time of the Fall, was that the intelligence in the beast rose up and overthrew the authority of the mind of God.  That which was of God from the beginning became subjected to, and the slave of the beast that he was sent to rule.  If you need a natural example to understand that, read about Samson in the Book of Judges.  He was the anointed of God.  He was glorious.  He was un-defeatable.  He was powerful in the Spirit of Jehovah, but he was defeated by the Philistines’ very forces that he was sent to protect Israel from. 


On the right side of the board we see the corresponding negative experience.  The Serpent, the intelligence in the earth, actually the very earth itself had an intelligence, illegally joined with that breath that was in the earth, and the Dragon was formed.  The union of the Serpent with the breath in the earth formed the two thread incomplete mind of the Serpent.  All of this is happening in the invisible world before the world came into being, before the world appeared, before the world came into existence, before the world incarnated.  The spiritual reality is more real than that which you see with your eyes. 


Now going on to the incarnation of the first generation.  We see that we have Jehovah incarnating.  What does that mean?  Jehovah is Spirit.  He is incorporeal.  He has no form.  He has no shape.  He is pure Spirit.  He has come into being.  He has incarnated in the form of the man, Jesus of Nazareth.  Jesus said, I am the shape of the Father.  Now brethren, He was not talking about his body because his body was in the image of the Serpent.  Jesus was speaking about his mind.  We are told in John 1:1 that the apostles said, and we beheld His glory.  The apostles realized that it was His mind, not some man.  You see, people stumble over the fact that Jesus was a man.  They say He was just a man like everybody else. 


Correction.  He looked like everybody else, but His mind was not a mind like everybody else’s mind.  His mind was different.  How do you see a mind?  There is only one way you can see a mind, and that is with your mind.  You must have a like mind.  The apostles had the mind of God and they recognized that it was the mind of God in the man, Jesus of Nazareth.  When Jesus was raised from the dead, it was not the human being, Jesus of Nazareth, that was raised from the dead.  It was the mind which was in Him, which was indestructible, which swallowed up the matter which the body of the man, Jesus, was made of.  Actually, I did not want to get into that whole teaching right now.  It was the dead human god.


I am really going to get crucified for this.  Let me just make this correction and go on.  I cannot re-teach this whole thing.  It was the dead Christ in the man Jesus which was raised from the dead.  Then His soul, which was dead, because of the carnal mind that he inherited from his mother, was given life.  It was quickened, and the physical body that the man dwelled in, was broken down into its basic atoms and reformed into a spiritual body.  But the true resurrection of the dead was the resurrection of the dead spirit that Jesus inherited from his mother.  I cannot re-teach the whole thing.  If this is the first tape you are hearing, you need a whole bunch of other tapes.


We are talking about minds here.  We are talking about the mind.  This flesh is just clay.  This flesh is just clay.  We are talking about the mind which is in man.  If this flesh in you dies, or is capable of dying, it is because the mind in you is already dead.  How can it be a dead mind?  That is the mystery, brethren.  Is not hell by its very own definition a place where man has existence after death?  That means after the death of the spirit.  This existence that we are in is hell.  It is the place where our soul continues to exist after our spirit died because of separation from God.


The only reason your body dies is because your mind is already dead.  The reason Jesus of Nazareth could not be held in the grave was because He had a mind which was alive.  Now listen, Jesus called himself a green tree.  He said the rest of the creation was a dead tree.  Now how could the man be a tree?  If Jesus was talking about his body, how could He call himself a live tree and the rest of creation a dead tree?  Everybody else had a body.  Everybody standing around Jesus had a body, which was just as alive as his body was.


So how could he call himself a live tree and everyone else a dead tree?  It was because he was not speaking about his body.  He was speaking about his mind.  He said my mind is alive.  Your mind is dead.  Because my mind is alive, men could do anything they want to this body, but they have no power to kill a mind that Jehovah has raised from the dead.  But if your mind is already dead, men have the power to kill your body.  Do not worry about your body.  Get your mind raised from the dead. 


Let us go on at the board.  The first incarnated generation of the breath of life is on the left side of our chart, and of the Serpent on the right side of our chart.  On the left side, Christ Jesus, the three thread completed mind. The form of that mind is that it is braided, a three fold or a three thread braided mind is not easily broken.  This mind, this strong hard mind appeared for the first time in the physical man, Jesus of Nazareth.  On the right side of the chart we have the three fold or the three thread braided mind of the Serpent.  Listen brethren, both Jehovah and the Serpent want to be the mind of the visible men of this creation.  There is a war going on as to who will be the mind of the creation at large and of every man individually.  It is the war of the ages.


Jehovah would like to form His mind in you, brethren, and the Serpent would like to form her mind in you.  That which is born of the Spirit of Jehovah is Spirit and that which is born of the flesh of the Serpent is flesh.  The flesh lusteth against the Spirit, brethren, and the two shall never be in agreement, but shall be at war until there is only one remaining.  In the Spirit is life.  In the mind of the Spirit is life, and in the mind which is born of the flesh is this existence known as death. 


On the left side is the completed mind, the three thread mind of Jehovah, which is an expression of Jehovah in man.  The mind of a man is the expression of the spirit which is ruling though that mind in man.  The mind of Jehovah, which is born into humanity has a name.  What is his name?  The mind of Jehovah which is born into humanity has a name.  It is Christ Jesus.  He is the Son of God.  The mind of the Serpent, which is born into humanity has a name.  The name of the completed mind is Leviathan.  The three thread mind, the completed mind of the Serpent which is born into the creation has a name.  It is Leviathan, and he appeared for the first time in the man known as Cain.         


We have a lot of teaching on how Leviathan, the Serpent’s completed mind, was born into the man Cain.  When that mind appeared, when that completed mind of the Serpent appeared in a man, what was Jehovah’s reaction to it?  What did He do?  What did Jehovah do to Cain?  He drove him out of the Garden.  Cain was driven out of the Garden.  You see, you would think that Cain was driven out of the Garden because he murdered his brother Abel.  It is not that murder is good, but I declare unto you that the reason Cain was driven out of the Garden was because he had been completed in the nature of the Serpent, and the murder of Abel was merely the evidence that there was a corrupt mind appearing in this man.  That was why Jehovah drove him out of the Garden. 


We see that Leviathan, the three thread braided mind appeared, a completed mind, the full expression of the Serpent in a man, appeared for the first time in a physical man called Cain.  If you follow through the studies in this ministry, you will find out that at the first appearance the man was not yet physical.  It takes about four to five generations after the appearance of this serpentine mind, for whoever he is appearing in, to develop a flesh body, which body is the expression of the mind which dwells in it.  However, we do not really know how long a generation was in those days. 


If we can count we can find out it was approximately five generations after Cain was driven out of the Garden that his descendants fell into some form of physical expression.  It was approximately five generations after Shem, Ham and Noah had the completed mind of Leviathan formed in them, that humanity as we know it today, fell into physical bodies.  I cannot re-teach the whole thing.  Check it out.  We have all kinds of tapes on it.


The mind which is fathered by Jehovah is called Christ Jesus, and that mind appeared in the physical man, Jesus of Nazareth, for the first time.  A lot of people get messed up, especially a lot of black people.  They say how can you worship a white God?  Christ is not a white God.  Christ Jesus is a mind who appeared for the first time in a white man.  We are told in John 1:1, And we beheld his glory.  The glory of that mind in this hour is appearing in a multitude of men; black, white, yellow, green, orange, male or female.  God is a Spirit.  He is not a man.  He is not a woman.  He is not a white man.  He is not a black man.  He is a Spirit, and He is a Spirit that appears in men in the form of that man’s mind. 


A lot of Jews who study the Scriptures have a problem saying how could God have a son?  I had a man tell me that on the street corner a few years ago.  He was a very sincere Jewish man that studied Scripture and said how could God have a son?  What a ridiculous ignorant teaching.  Well, if you think that the physical man, Jesus of Nazareth, was the Son of God, it is not a rational teaching, but that is a misunderstanding of the Scripture.  It was the mind that was in the man Jesus of Nazareth that was the Son of God.  That mind is appearing again today in men.  God can have a Son.  The Son of God is Spirit.  God is Spirit and His Son is Spirit.  God is the God of the living, not the God of the dead.


He is the God of your spirit.  There is wrong teaching confusing people, driving people away, turning people against the Lord.  All wrong teaching.  The Son of God is the expression of the Spirit of God in man in the form of that man’s mind, whose body is just a garment.  That Jewish man was right.  How could a Spirit give birth to a body like this?  He has not.  He did not.  He will not.  He never will.  How could a fig tree produce olive berries?  That which is born of the Spirit is Spirit, and that which is born of the flesh is flesh.  Jesus.


We see now the second incarnated generation of these minds.  The Serpent has already incarnated the second generation of her spirit.  Jehovah, in this hour, had not yet incarnated the second generation of His Spirit.  The second generation of Jehovah’s Spirit is in the womb.  If Christ Jesus is being formed in you, you are the fetus of what is to be the second generation of His Son.  We see #2 on the left side of the board.  The resurrected Spirit of Jesus Christ joins with the human spirits of the many members of humanity to form the three thread completed mind of Christ Jesus.


What is the proof that the mind of Christ is completely raised from the dead in these men when it happens?  What is the sign?  I hear all these people running around saying Christ Jesus is raised from the dead in them.  What is the unequivocal, undeniable sign that Christ Jesus has been raised from the dead in you?  Do not show me your card.  Do not show me your dove pin.  Do not show me how smart you are.  What is the only sign that the Son of God has been raised from the dead.  The sign is you cannot die, brethren.


If I shoot you, you get up and walk away.  Please do not shoot me because I have not been raised from the dead yet.  See, the whole world knows about this.  Only the Church does not know it.  Nobody believes your story except other people who are fools like you are.  If you die, you are not raised from the dead.  If your body dies, if your body is killed and it is stays dead, it means that your mind was dead.  It means that your mind was not raised from the dead.  It means that your human spirit was not raised from the dead.  It means that the dead Christ in you was not raised from the dead.  If that Spirit which raised Jesus from the dead, if that Spirit which raised Christ from the dead is in you, and I shoot your body, that Spirit will raise your body from the dead.  How come you are still in the grave?  It is because your mind was not raised from the dead. 


But you see, we have this promise.  People are stumbling all over the world.  Two thousand years ago, that man Jesus was raised from the dead, yet look at the condition of the world.  Well brethren, this is a great mystery, but the Scripture says one day to God is as a thousand years to a man.  You see, we have a one to one thousand reconciliation ratio in the conversion of spirit to this corporeal world.  It is nine months in the womb for a child to be formed before it is born.  It is three spiritual days for Jesus of Nazareth to be fully raised from the dead in the body of humanity. 


Those three days are equivalent to three thousand years.  Actually it is just two thousand years so far for man, and it is coming to an end.  Jesus said in the first and second day I do cures, and on the third day I shall be perfected.  I shall be raised from the dead in the many members of humanity.  So we see now for two thousand years the Spirit of Christ has healed many, has delivered many, and has raised many from the dead, who lived for another twenty years and died again.  But we are about to go into a new age.  It has already started.  It is just not appearing yet in this corporeal world. 


It is about to happen that the mind of God is going to begin to be raised from the dead, a man at a time.  The sign that it has happened to you is that your body will not die.  For a thousand years, there is going to be a spiritual work being done which will begin very soon.  As far as I know it has not begun yet, but it is about to begin.  What is about to begin?  The spiritual work of raising humanity from the dead, a man at at time. You will know that the Christ, Christ Jesus, who was the only one who has the power to keep your soul alive, has been raised from the dead in you, when He keeps your body alive. 


If you die and you stay dead, it has not happened to you.  As far as I know it has not happened to anybody yet in the second generation of Christ, but it is suppose to be starting to happen soon.  It will take a thousand years to purify this creation from sin and raise it from the dead because there is no way you are being raised from the dead while you are filled with sin.  So we see the resurrection of the dead in two stages.  Cleansing from sin or purification from sin as typified by all the Hebrew rituals of washing and bathing, washing your hands, ritual public baths, all symbolic of spiritual cleansing which prepares our spirit for the resurrection of the dead. 


So it has not happened yet in the family of Jehovah.  The second generation of the mind of God has not been born into humanity yet.  That is why men are still dying.  That is why we do not see the supernatural expression in this creation that would exist if the mind of God was the principality ruling over this world.  The principality ruling over this world is still evil.  I hear all the pharisees screaming, quoting scriptures at me, all power in heaven and earth has been given unto Jesus of Nazareth.


Yes, He has the power, brethren, but He has not taken back the land yet.  He has the deed, but the devil still has his house built on it.  This is the devil’s world.  These high spiritual authorities of this world are evil, and they are connected to the evil in men, and therefore men are evil.  I do not care how much good you do.  I know that you are evil because, at the end of a period of time, you die.  Righteous men do not die. 


Now on the right side of the chart on the board, we see that the Serpent has already completed the second generation of her incarnation in men.  We are it.  The first expression of the Serpent in a man and the expression of a spirit in man is a mind.  The first appearance of the Serpent’s mind in man appeared in the physical man, Cain.  The Serpent completed her mind in him and God cast him out of the Garden.  We told in Genesis 4:25 that Eve said, the Lord has given me another seed.  The name of that seed is Seth.  So we see that God gave Eve a second seed.  That means that she gave birth to another son in whom the mind of the Serpent was not completed.  Now remember, Eve sinned and Adam fell with her, and the mind of the Serpent was formed in the creation, but it was a two thread mind.  It was a two thread mind.  As the creation appeared, Jehovah was still influencing the creation very strongly.  The Serpent completed herthree thread mind in a man called Cain and he was cast out.  Eve got another chance and she produced Seth.


In other words what I hear the Scripture saying, you could only stay in the Garden so long as the formation of the Serpent’s mind in you was only two threads.  This was even after the Fall, and you could still stay under the grace of God.  Now brethren, everybody that has the Holy Spirit today is manifesting a two thread mind of Christ Jesus, and you are in the family of God.  Technically, I do not know if you are in the family of God or not, but you are under the protection of God.  You are under the grace of God if you have the two thread mind.  Well back at the beginning of time, if you were a descendant of Seth and the mind of the Serpent was not completed in you, and was still a two thread incomplete mind, and you were still being strongly influenced by Jehovah, you could have a relationship with Jehovah. 


We know that Enoch and all of the great men of God had a relationship with Jehovah, even though they were fallen.  How come?  Because the Serpent had not yet completed her mind in that man, and that the presence of Jehovah was evident, very much there, and that that man had a relationship with Jehovah.  We are told about Enoch even to the extent that Enoch walked with God and Enoch was no more.  Well, I am sorry he was not raptured.  He walked with Jehovah to the point that the mind of Christ was formed in him to such a degree that the two thread mind of the Serpent, for all intents and purposes, ceased to exist.  It was overshadowed by the mind of Christ that was rising in the man Enoch. 


So we see the whole creation, with the exception of the descendants of Cain, the whole creation that descended from Seth, up until the time of the flood, only had a two thread mind, which was generated by the Serpent.  The name of that mind was the dragon, but they were strongly influenced by Jehovah.  We are told in the book of Genesis, that in that day the earth was filled with violence, and that the sons of God were mixing with the daughters of men.


I think most likely what was happening was that the offspring of Seth, which had an incomplete serpentine mind, were messing around with the offspring of Cain, which had a completed three thread serpentine mind, and that they were fallen down into the lust of the flesh.  If you read and study in the Hebrew, what happened was Jehovah took back His Spirit from these men and let the physical flood come.  We do not know what they looked like in those days.  I believe that the physical bodies or the spiritual bodies that we dwell in, are the visible expression of the mind in us.  These bodies that we are in now are the visible expression of the completed mind of the Serpent, whose name is Leviathan. 


Now listen, if the men before the flood did not have a completed mind named Leviathan, they did not have a completed mind of the Serpent.  If they just had a two thread mind, the expression of that two thread mind of the Serpent could not be the same as the expression of the completed mind.  How do I know that?  The completed mind of Jehovah, as He appears in the resurrected Jesus Christ, does not produce a body like this.  Jesus has a glorified body.  He is a ball of light, which has the power to take any form He wants.  I therefore suggest to you that the two thread incomplete mind of Leviathan manifesting through God’s creation had a different visible expression than the three thread completed mind of the Serpent in man, which makes us look like this.


This is the most solid proof that I personally find in the Scripture, that the human race did not appear the way we appear now, before the flood.  I have been preaching it for years that men, before the flood, did not look like we look now, but I had no scriptural basis for it.  This is the first scriptural basis I found for it.  What is the first scriptural basis that I found for it?  The teaching that the external appearance of a man is an expression or a picture of the mind of that man, and that an incomplete mind, which is made of two threads, cannot produce the same image or the same picture as a completed three thread mind.  So if what we look like today is the picture, or the image, or the expression of the completed three thread mind, we must look different than the men whose minds were only in-completed two thread minds in the image of the Serpent.  Hallelujah.

 The descendants of Seth had a different mind than we have today.  Seth was killed.  When God wiped out all of the men who existed before the flood, with the exception of Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth, what the Lord did was He wiped out every man, whose two thread mind was rapidly becoming completed in the image of the Serpent.  He killed them and He took back His Spirit.  Noah was the only one that was found to be righteous in the earth.  What do you think that means?  Does it mean that Noah went to synagogue on Saturday?  Does it mean that Noah divan on Saturday?  Does it mean that Noah kept the law of Moses, that he had different dishes for meat and dairy?  No, it does not mean any of those things. 


When the Scripture says that Noah was the only one that was found righteous, it means that Noah was the only man in the earth whose mind was still incomplete in the image of the Serpent.  He was the only one who was still serving Jehovah with enough faith and regularity that the Serpent had not increased into Leviathan in his mind.  So Noah and his three sons were allowed to go into the other side of the flood, this world as we know it now.  But something happened after they arrived here.  God made a covenant with them.  He restated His covenant with humanity through Noah, and after this great event, Noah’s mind was corrupted.  If you want to hear about it, get our tape on it.  I think it is the 60's series.  I am not sure.


Noah’s two thread incomplete serpentine mind was laid hold of by the Serpent through the open door of sin known as pride.  The Serpent got right in there and completed her mind in the man known as Noah, and also in his sons, Shem and Japheth, and eventually in Ham.  I preached this a couple of years ago without the understanding that I have today, that the mind of Cain appeared in these descendants of Seth.  What does that means to us today, the reason which God wiped out the whole human race  before the flood?  Why did God wipe them out?  Because their minds in humanity before the flood had been completed in the image of the Serpent with the exception of Noah.  That is why God wiped out all of humanity. 


After God got Noah and his sons to the other side of the flood, the same thing happened to them.  So for all intents and purposes, the mind which was in the man Cain, the three thread completed mind of the Serpent, was raised from the dead in the man, Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth.  The Lord considers them one man.  That is the manifestation of the second generation of the spirit of Cain in the form of the mind of Leviathan in the many members of humanity.  That is what we are today.  Jesus said to the pharisees, your daddy is the devil.  He called them serpents time and time again.


Everybody thinks Jesus was just into name calling.  Jesus was not into name calling.  He was telling the pharisees the truth about their spiritual nature.  He was telling them the truth about their lineage.  He was telling them the truth about their ancestors.  Your daddy is the devil and your original ancestor is the Serpent, and that makes you a serpent, because a fig tree cannot produce olive berries.  You are not in the image of God.  You are not in Jehovah’s image.  You think you are.  You talk like you are.  You walk like you are.  You act like you are, but in your heart you are a nest of vipers, serpents.  You are the Serpent’s brood.  You are the family that the Serpent has produced in the earth when that Serpent stole the Lord’s creation, which is His wife. 


Just to sum this up, what I am saying to you is that the second generation of the Serpent’s completed mind, called Leviathan, is already appearing in the earth.  The second generation of Jehovah’s completed mind in the creation has not yet appeared.  We are waiting for it to appear.  Those of you who have some experience with God, it is very common that the devil gets there before the Lord.  Most seasoned believers will tell you if you are praying and you need an answer from God for something, do not run with the first answer.  The devil walks faster than the Lord.  Ask for several witnesses.  Take as much time as you can.  Try the spirit and make sure that you have heard from God.  But this is the secret, Jesus is never late.


When Jehovah incarnates in the second generation of His Spirit as the mind of this creation in the form of the man, Christ Jesus, that man, Christ Jesus, will be far superior to that element of the creation which is the completed expression of the Serpent.  It will not be an equal match.  The man, Christ Jesus, will surely defeat the woman called the devil, and she shall be beaten back down into her position of submission to the man, Christ Jesus.  Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord; not the Serpent.  The spiritual man is the God of this creation, not the earth.  The Spirit is Lord and the earth is servant, and all things will be restored.  It is time, brethren, for the restoration of all things.    


The creation is out of order.  It is dying because it is inside out.  It is reversed.  It is confused, but the Son of God is about to appear in the earth, the one who is strong enough to melt the creation down and reform it.  You see, spiritually speaking, we are formed incorrectly, but we have hardened in that condition.  Our natural example is glass.  If you want to reform glass, you have got to melt the glass to reform it.  You have got to be melted and reformed in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ, and there is only one man strong enough to do it, and His name is the man, Christ Jesus.  He is not going to do it from out in Mars.  He is not going to do it from inside of me.  He is not going to do it from your TV screen.  He is not going to do it off of a tape.  He has to be in the position prescribed by God for Him to reform you.  Where does He have to be?  He has to be your mind.  He has to be inside of you.    


Somebody that already has Christ Jesus formed in their mind can help you only to the extent that they can get you started.  They can come over and punch the devil in your mind and weaken him so that you can get started, but every man has to fight for his own life.  Every man has to be reconciled to God.  Every man has to have Christ Jesus formed in him.  Every man has to have his sins exposed.  Every man has to be purified of his sins.  Every man has to be raised from the dead.  If it does not happen to you, you are going to pass out of this world system and cease to exist.  You are not going to be burnt in hell forever or tortured with pitchforks, but you will cease to exist. 


Every human being is a spiritual egg that can be potentially fertilized as a son of God.  That was what Jesus meant, well not even Jesus, that was what Jehovah meant when He rebuked Israel through the prophets.  He said, you are menstrual rags.  He said you are human beings, which have a spirit, which has the potential to be formed in the image of God, but you were not formed in the image of God.  You did not fulfill the purpose that you were born into the earth for.  Therefore, you will pass out of this world as an unfertilized egg passes out of a woman in the form of a menstrual cycle.  That was what He meant when He said they were menstrual rags. 


People read the Bible and they think Jehovah was just insulting Israel, saying you are menstrual rags.  He is the God of the universe.  He is not into insulting people.  He was telling them the truth about their spiritual condition.  They were unfertilized.  The Son of God was not appearing, where?  In their elbow, in their nose, where?  In their mind.  You see, they did all the rituals.  They went to synagogue.  They did not cook on Saturday.  They washed their hands in many ritualistic washings.  They did all of the rituals, but inside of their hearts and their minds they were filthy.  Filthy.  Filthy.  Dead men’s bones, liars, cheaters, corrupt, murderers, phonies, hypocrites. 


All of their washing, and doing, and talking and fasting did not produce the mind of God in them, and they were about to pass out of this world as a woman menstruates.  That was what He meant.  He was not insulting them.  Most carnal people, if someone who is in Christ tells them the truth about themselves, their automatic reaction is you are accusing me.  You are accusing me.  Brethren, accusation is a spirit.  Accusation is a spirit.  Truth is a spirit.  They are two different spirits.  One is negative and the other is positive.  They will never be in agreement.  The truth is the truth.  I do not accuse you when I tell you the truth.


Jesus said I do not accuse you.  There is one that has already accused you, and he is who?  He is Moses.  Moses has condemned you.  Why?  Moses gave the law.  Moses wrote down the law.  He said you shall not.  You shall not be jealous.  You shall not be envious.  You shall not bear false witness.  Well, you know that you are filled with envy.  You know that you lie all the time.  The very law of Moses has revealed the truth about you.  I have not come to accuse you.  I have come to deliver you from the sin that Moses has already exposed in you.


I have not come to condemn you.  I have come to deliver you, but if you say you have no sin, if you say you are holy because you do all these things, because you fast, and you do not carry keys on Saturday, if you say that makes you holy, there is nothing I can do for you.  There is nothing I can do for you.  This is the law of Moses.  It should have you looking for me.  See, if you read the law of Moses, and you know that you are not lining up to that law, you should be crying out every day for the Spirit of God to come and make you line up with this law.  How come after having the law of God for I think almost two thousand years, fifteen hundred years at least, the individual men of Israel did not know that they were unrighteous?


How come you do not know you are a hypocrite?  Do you not read the law?  Do you read it every Saturday in synagogue?  You read it like words that mean nothing to you.  Do you not know that you are not doing what it says there?  You should be crying out every day for God to change you, because if you are reading the law you know the judgment for breaking the law is death.  Have you no fear of God?  Are you so blinded with your own importance that you really think you are fulfilling that law?  Well, when you die, you will find out that you made a mistake.  He says the law speaks of me.  The law tells you about the one who is coming to make you capable of keeping the law.


Every Saturday you are in synagogue.  You should be praying every Saturday let Messiah come to make me capable of keeping the law because I know if I cannot keep it, I am going to die.  There were faithful men in Israel.  How do I know?  Well, for those of you who are Jewish, I know because we did an alternate translation in the book of Zechariah, chapter 11.  Jehovah said let those who are faithful in Israel resist sin in their own heart.  You try as hard as you can, and I will meet you right where you are, and I will do the rest of it for you. 


For those of you who believe in the New Testament, we are told that there was a man named Simon and a woman named Anna who were faithful, who were waiting to see the salvation of God’s people, born in the flesh.  Those that have a close union with Jehovah have the mind of God and they know what He is doing because He speaks to their heart.  Jesus.


So we have done a whole tape on this review to bring us to the point where I tell you that the Lord, in this hour, is exposing who Leviathan is.  I gave you this whole review because my basic point here is that I made a correction.  Leviathan is not just the name of the Dragon in an incarnated form.  Leviathan is the three thread completed mind of the Serpent.  The Dragon is the two thread in-completed mind of the Serpent.  I have just received an indication from our technician that we are approaching the end of this tape.  So I will just say to you something about Leviathan.  I think there is only about four scriptures where that word Leviathan appears in the Hebrew.  It is not a proper noun.  It is not a name.  I always thought Leviathan was a name, the name of the Dragon. 


We are all serious students here.  You may recall the teaching that the name Lucifer, or the word Lucifer, never appeared in the Hebrew scripture as a proper noun.  Lucifer is not a name.  Lucifer merely means light bearer.  When the Hebrew scripture was translated into the Latin by Roman Catholic monks, they took that Hebrew word that means light bearer and made a name out of it; Lucifer.  That is called a transliteration.  In the same manner you see the same thing with the word Satan.  It appears in the Old Testament as the name Satam.  Satan appears in the book of Job and I think in one other place in the history books with regard to David numbering Israel.  There is no translation for Satan. 


The word was transliterated into the English.  What does that mean?  They just took the Hebrew word, Satam, and made an English word out of it; Satan.  I sort of crossed my issues there.  I crossed the issue of transliteration and the fact that Leviathan is not a proper name, as Lucifer was not a name.  It was just a Hebrew word that was made into a name.  Leviathan was never intended to be a name in the Hebrew scripture.  It is a word which means sea monster.  Leviathan is a Hebrew word which means sea monster.  That word was transliterated into the English.  The Hebrew word is Leviathan.  The pronunciation may be a little different.  I do not have the Hebrew pronunciation for you right now.


Well, there is a translation of the word Leviathan.  It is sea monster, but the King James translators took it upon themselves to decide that this Hebrew word, Leviathan, was to be made into a proper name, and that was how they translated it in the English, as if Leviathan was the name of a particular sea monster, but it really means sea monster.  It is the completed mind of the Serpent as he appeared in the man or the personality known as Cain.  I wanted to make that point to you.  Leviathan is not a proper noun, but a transliteration of the Hebrew word Leviathan, which means sea monster.


I am just going to take another five minutes of your time and we will pick up after I read you my note.  After dinner, we will pick up with Isaiah 27:1, a review of our alternate translation of Isaiah 17:1.  I made some changes in it that will reflect a deeper understanding of Leviathan as the Lord has shown it to me.  So here is my note.  Leviathan is not a proper noun, but a transliteration of the Hebrew word Leviathan, which means sea monster.  I have been suggesting to you that Leviathan is the three thread braided and completed mind of the Serpent.  That is to say, brethren, Leviathan is the carnal mind.


Now I have always known that there is no actual scripture which says carnal mind.  The only reference to the carnal mind that I could find in the New Testament is the scripture which Paul says to be carnally minded is death.  I remember my surprise.  I was looking for this word, carnal mind, in the Concordance and could not find it.  I looked for it in my computer program and could not find it.  Finally, I found out that the word is carnally minded.  To be carnally minded is death.  There is no translation in the King James Translation of the Bible which actually says carnal mind, the carnal mind, your carnal mind, my carnal mind.  It does not exist.


Paul says to be carnally minded is death.  I suggest to you today for the first time that the name of the mind of the devil is Leviathan.  I have been teaching you here that the devil is the whole fallen personality of man.  That fallen personality is soul and mind.  The mind of the devil is in two parts, the unconscious mind and the conscious mind.  Now this is the first time you are hearing this, and I am telling you that the unconscious mind of the devil would be the spirit of Cain.  The conscious mind of the devil is Leviathan, the completed mind.  Now listen, I am lining that up with our study of Christ.  The unconscious mind of the man, Christ Jesus, is who?  It is the Spirit of Christ.  The conscious mind of the man, Christ Jesus, is Christ Jesus.


I do not know.  Maybe there is a separate name for that too.  I just do not have it yet.  The resurrected Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the form of the Spirit of Christ, is the unconscious mind of the man Christ Jesus.  Listen to what I am saying.  It is the resurrected Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, which in this hour is the unconscious mind, which is operating in the man Christ Jesus.  Can you hear that?  Let me say it again.  It is the resurrected Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is operating as the unconscious mind of the man Christ Jesus.  The man, Christ Jesus, is the second incarnated generation of Jehovah in the world.  It was the first incarnated generation who was now in pure spirit form, who is the unconscious mind of that second generation.  Is everybody okay with that?


In the same manner, there was a first incarnated generation of the Serpent.  His name was not the Lord Jesus Christ.  His name was the man Cain.  That first man Cain, the first man in whom the mind of the Serpent appeared, died.  He was wiped out in the flood, but the mind that was in that man is appearing again today as a second generation of Cain in the many members of humanity today.  That completed mind is called Leviathan. 


I will put it on the board for you.  As I have told you, do not get all hung up on this intellectual doctrine.  Keep your focus on the fact that Christ is being built in you, and the reality is that this deep doctrine is coming forth out of me.  What that means to you, primarily, is that I could not be bringing forth this doctrine without a high manifestation of Christ Jesus appearing in me.  The most important thing to you is that you are sitting in a place where this Spirit is manifested.  If you understand what I am saying, that is wonderful,  but the most important thing is that you are being watered by the Spirit which is in me.


Do not feel bad if you feel confused or you do not understand.  It is not the primary reason that you are here.  I am not here to tickle your ear.  I am here to manifest that measure of the mature Christ or the measure of maturity of Christ Jesus, which is appearing in me, to you, so that your spirit can be stimulated.  That is the primary reason that you are here, to partake of the anointing that is in me.  That is why you are here.  If you understand the doctrine, that is an extra bonus. 


On the left side of the board, the Lord Jesus is the first generation, the first incarnated generation of Jehovah.  We see Cain is the first man in whom the mind of the Serpent appeared.  Second generation; what happened?  The Lord Jesus died and was raised from the dead, and now the Spirit of the Lord Jesus is appearing in the spiritual man, Christ Jesus, and that spiritual man is appearing in men.  Is that clear?  The Lord Jesus was crucified, raised from the dead, and He is now a Spirit.  The Spirit of the Lord Jesus is now in the man, Christ Jesus, who is appearing in men.  These men are the second generation of Christ. 


On the right side of the board, the negative side, we see the man Cain, who was killed in the flood.  Now he is a spirit.  He was killed in the flood and we are going to say that there is a spirit of Cain.  Let me put it this way.  The Lord Jesus had a mind in Him, and the name of that mind was Christ Jesus.  We could really say the whole man, the Lord Jesus, plus the mind Christ Jesus, was raised from the dead, and now He is a Spirit man.  The Spirit of the Lord Jesus, who is appearing in Christ Jesus, who is appearing in fallen men today is the second generation of Christ Jesus.  We see the man Cain was killed in the flood.  The mind that was in the man Cain was Leviathan, the three thread completed mind.  It is not the flesh of the man Cain that is raised from the dead, but it really is the mind that was in that man Cain, which is raised from the dead.


When we say the spirit of Cain, we are talking about Leviathan in a spirit form, or the spirit of Leviathan.  Who is the spirit that is in Leviathan?  It is the Serpent.  The spirit of Leviathan that was in Cain, or the Serpent, is raised from the dead.  What does it mean to be raised from the dead?  It means he is appearing again.  That is what it means, that the Serpent is appearing in men in the form of a completed mind again.  That is what it means. 


Now listen, I am going to take it from the beginning again.  In the physical man, Jesus of Nazareth, there was a mind called Christ Jesus.  The physical man was killed, but that mind that was in him is appearing today as the Spirit of the Lord Jesus, and as the Spirit which is in the man Christ Jesus appearing in men today, the second generation.  The resurrected Lord Jesus is appearing on two levels, the Spirit of the Lord Jesus, which is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit which is in the man Christ Jesus, which is the Spirit of Christ, and the resurrected mind of Christ is appearing in men today on these two levels.  The resurrected mind of Christ, which is appearing as the Spirit of the Lord Jesus, or the Holy Spirit, is appearing as a seed.  The resurrected minds of the Lord Jesus, which is appearing as the Spirit in the man, Christ Jesus, is the warrior Spirit, not the seed, but the Spirit of the full grown man. 


Now over here on the right side of the board, the physical man, Cain, had a mind, and that mind was called Leviathan.  Now both of these minds, Christ Jesus, and Leviathan, are three thread braided completed minds.  The physical man Cain died, and his mind, the Serpent’s three thread braided mind died.  It was not appearing anywhere in the earth.  Men at that time, Seth and Seth’s descendants only had an in-completed two thread mind of the Serpent.  Leviathan was not seen in the earth, only the Dragon.  The two thread mind was seen in the earth.  The only place that Leviathan, the three thread mind could be found was outside of the Garden in the fallen descendants of Cain.


Inside the Garden, which is a spiritual place, all that could be found was the Dragon, the two thread in-completed mind of God.  At the time of the flood, Leviathan was killed completely, because the only human survival of the flood was a man whose mind was the dragon.  Leviathan ceased to exist.  After Jehovah restated His covenant with humanity through Noah, Noah was corrupted and Leviathan was raised from the dead in Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.  The dragon in Noah’s mind, the two thread in-completed mind of the Serpent increased into Leviathan.  The Serpent in his fullness was raised from the dead.  Is everybody okay?


The physical man Cain had a mind called Leviathan.  Leviathan was wiped out, but he appeared again as a spirit, as the spirit of Cain, which is the Serpent.  The spirit which was in the mind of Cain was the Serpent, and he has already appeared.  The completed mind of Leviathan has already appeared in the second generation of men.  That is us.  The second generation of the Serpent has been appearing since Noah’s fall.  The second generation of Christ Jesus has not yet appeared.  We are still in the womb. 


When He appears, the war of Armageddon is going to be fought.  The second generation of Christ Jesus has not appeared yet, but we are appearing, and the war has begun.  To the carnal mind, it looks like those of us in Christ Jesus are so overcome by those men in whom the mind of the Serpent is completed, that it is very discouraging.  But you see, we have information that the Serpent does not have.  We have information that the devil does not have.  The devil, men whose minds are highly developed in Leviathan, the greatest of them are no match for the completed mind of Christ Jesus. 


They do not understand that the Christians that they see today are just two thread minds, but in the very near future we shall stand up, and our minds shall be completed in Christ Jesus.  When the men, whose minds are completed in Christ Jesus appear in this earth, the men whose minds are completed in Leviathan will not be able to match us.  That is the mystery.  So we fight with all our strength, looking weaker, appearing weaker, looking like we are defeated, but not defeated, waitingwaitingwaiting, for Christ Jesus to stand up in us.  It will render us in a condition where we are un-defeatable within ourselves.


Right now, we are un-defeatable, for lack of a better word, in an inferior sort of way.  We are un-defeatable because the Lord Jesus stands behind us.  That means we are in a condition where we are cast down seven times, but never destroyed.  But we are waiting to stand up in a condition where we are never cast down.  So do not be deceived because you are capable of being cast down and you need the Lord Jesus to stand you up on your feet. 




The hour is coming and already is saith your God, that you shall stand in your own power.   You shall not be cast down anymore, saith the Lord, and the hour of tears shall have passed and the long hard winter and the battlefront shall disappear, saith God.  Your legs shall hold you up, saith the Lord, and your mind shall sustain you, and your armor shall not fail, saith God.  You shall go forward, and you shall be the aggressor, and you shall do exploits in your name, saith the Lord.  They shall fear you, and they shall fear the name of you and the reputation of you.  Men with wicked minds shall tremble at the thought that my sons are coming for any kind of an encounter with them.  They shall fear you, saith the Lord, as the heathen feared natural Israel.  You shall be as un-defeatable, saith the Lord, as natural Israel.  You shall go beyond, saith God, and you shall be me, and I shall be you, and we shall dwell together, saith the Lord.  We shall purify this creation from sin, and we shall make a reality changing of the guard of the spiritual government in the heavenlies, and righteousness shall rule, saith the Lord, and the lion shall dwell with the lamb, and peace shall cover all my holy mountain, saith God, as the waters cover the sea. 


COMMENT: I just want to ask a question about the Dragon.  The Dragon’s two thread mind is Seth.  Would not that have been Christ?  Originally it was the breath of Jehovah and the earth.


PASTOR VITALE: Let me stop here.  You are forgetting that the creation fell.  The creation fell and from the time that the creation fell, the source of incarnation was not Christ Jesus, but the Serpent.  The two thread mind produced by the Serpent, which is the Dragon, which generated the whole line of Seth, and that the Spirit of Jehovah was present and influencing.  Now as in the previous teaching, the line of Seth became the fig tree.  The fig tree, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which was being influenced by Jehovah for the good instead of for the evil.  The way Jehovah influences the fig tree for the good is that He comes into a man and joins to that aspect of him, which is a potential for good, and forms a temporary mind of Christ.  But that does not change the fact that the source of incarnation of the head which is attached is the Serpent’s head.  Do you hear that? 


Let me just say it another way.  What happened as a result of the Fall was that the Serpent became the foundation for the incarnated creation.  It was the Lord’s intention that Jehovah should be the foundation for the incarnated generation, but the Serpent became the foundation for the incarnated generation.  That means that man, as he incarnated, did not incarnate as the tree of life, but incarnated as the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  Therefore, man was not righteous.  He was either good or evil.  So Jehovah joining himself to the in-completed mind produced a high manifestation of good in the earth. 


Let me say it again.  This is really important.  Listen to this.  Right after the fall, the line of Seth was incarnated by the Serpent with an incomplete mind, which means when the Spirit of Jehovah moved to influence that creation, the defendants of Seth, He joined with the good in the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and produced a high manifestation, a powerful manifestation of good, very close to righteousness.  That is why men lived almost two thousand years before the flood.  After the flood, man fell down another step.  The Serpent’s mind, which was producing the foundation for incarnation, matured to completion, and now the Spirit of Jehovah influencing the three thread mind, no longer produced a high manifestation of righteousness, which resulted in an existence of almost up to a thousand years.  Now if men live to a hundred, they live to a very ripe old age.


What is the difference?  I have been asking that question for years.  I just got the answer this morning.  (Laughter)  The difference is that in this hour men have the mind which is completed in evil.  Before the fall, that mind was not completed.  It is as if saying before the flood, Jehovah had a big hole to get in.  He had a big area to influence men.  That area was just sealed off, and that line was completed in evil.  We are not capable, in this hour, of being influenced for the good to the same degree that the descendants of Seth, before the flood, were capable of being influenced for good because we have a different mind than those men had.  Can you hear it?


Praise the Lord.  We are reconvening and going right on with Part 1 of Leviathan, An In-Depth Study.  By way of review from this morning, I would like to read from my notes.  We see that the Serpent is the negative single thread existence in the earth.  The Dragon is the Serpent’s negative two thread or incomplete mind.  Leviathan, who by definition is the sea monster, which is in folds, or is the three thread braided complete mind of the Serpent in the visible physical world.  Now Leviathan is supposedly this great sea monster, this monster that dwells in the sea.  This world, brethren, is supposedly 96% water and air that we breathe.  I may have the percentage wrong.  Our bodies, I think, are 96% water.


The Hebrew word translated sea has an alternate translation in Gesenius Lexicon of the western quarter.  The same Hebrew word can be translated the western quarter of the world.  It was in one of our studies in Daniel 8, I think, where we established the spiritual meanings behind the four different quarters of the world.  Does anybody remember what they are?  The east typifies what?  The east typifies the eternal realm of the Spirit.  The north typifies the place where Satan is, the cold and dark place.  The north and the east typify the spiritual part of the creation.  The east, the place where God is.  The north the place where Satan is.  So the south and the west typify the visible world.  There are two different visible worlds.


The western quarter is another translation of the Hebrew word which is translated sea.  The sea typifies this fallen world.  That is where Leviathan is.  That is where the completed mind of the Serpent is in the sea.  So the sea typifies this fallen world.  I just told you and I will tell you again that the Hebrew word translated sea can also be translated the western quarter.  So there is only one left, the south.  The south, therefore, must typify the visible spiritual world, which is known as Eden.  We cannot see it right now because it is covered over by the western quarter, which is this sea, the visible physical world.    


I suggest to you, brethren, that this world that we live in is Atlantis.  Some people believe that Atlantis exists underneath the Atlantic Ocean.  Other people believe Atlantis is a myth.  I believe Atlantis is a mythologized story of a spiritual reality.  The world before the flood fell down under the sea of the western quarter.  Let me say it another way.  The world before the flood had never seen rain.  Do you know what the significance of that is?  It was a world which existed in the spirit in a high spiritual place.  When the rains started to come, it rained from the heavenlies, and also the floods came up from under the ground.  The old earth was covered with water.  Only those in the ark, only those animals and men in the ark survived. 


Now if you just listen to the spiritual significance of this.  A world of water is a sea.  That is where Leviathan the sea monster lives.  Leviathan, the sea monster, is the completed mind of the Serpent.  So what does the flood signify?  It signifies the world of the spirit, the southern quarter going down underneath the Serpent’s world, which covered it over.  Can you hear it?  This is Atlantis, right here.  We are under the water.  This is a world of water.  You must be born of water and of spirit.  The first birth is into this watery grave known as hell.  This is Atlantis.  We are in it.


The spiritual world that existed before the flood, was where men were different than they are today.  They had to be different because they lived for hundreds of years.  We established this morning what was different about them was that their mind, even though it was fallen, that their mind, even though it was the mind of the Serpent, was the in-complete mind known as the Dragon.  But after the flood, that mind was completed in evil.  Men today in this world have a completed mind of the Serpent known as Leviathan.  It is a three thread braided mind.  We are down here under the sea, under the complete authority of the powers and principalities of this world system, the  devil and Satan.


Before the flood we were not underneath the sea.  We were on top of the sea.  What does that mean?  Any waters that existed were completely buried under the earth like hidden springs, and they were under the authority of Jehovah.  Jehovah was their God over that world before the flood.  The Lord has led us right into the meat of tonight’s message by speaking about Atlantis and the fact that the world before the flood has sunk down underneath the waters of the devil’s world.  We find this principle in our alternate translation of Amos, Chapter 9, Verse 5


Reading from that alternate translation: And the Lord God of battle shall injure the carnal minds of men and they shall be cast down and dissolved, and Christ Jesus shall arise and the whole fallen creation shall sink down and become the bed of Christ Jesus’ river of life because I will command it, says the Lord Jesus Christ.  So we see a reversal happening of what happened to Atlantis.  That which was on top fell down under the waters of the devil’s world, but what is the world today is going to sink down and come under the spiritual waters of Christ Jesus’ world.  This existing world is going to be flooded over by the Spirit of Christ Jesus’ life.  We will become the ocean bed of the southern quarter, if you can hear it.


I have been preaching this here for a couple of years.  There are two worlds, brethren, but only one can be on top at a time.  There are two minds, but only one can be manifesting at any given moment.  We are doubleminded.  We have two minds, but at any given moment, only one mind can be functioning.  They do not function simultaneously.  It is a continuous up and down, a continuous flipping back and forth, a continuous change over as to which mind is predominant in you.  But at any given point in time, only one mind can be prevailing.  One mind is the ocean bed and the other mind is the ocean.  One ocean is physical, and therefore this world is filled with water, and the other ocean is spiritual.  It is going to be forcing the physical world underneath.  Thank you Jesus. Praise the Lord.  He does it every morning.  Thank you Lord.  Hallelujah !


Lord willing, we will find another scripture in the study tonight indicating that the creation is either the ocean bed or the ocean, depending on which mind is on top.  As I have preached here before, this is a very difficult concept, but I will put it on this tape, but I do not understand it completely myself.  There was a time when I thought, and I preached on it in earlier tapes, you might hear me say it, I do not know how long it is going to take after our mind stands up in full stature for this physical world to be converted into a spiritual world.  I was under the impression that because of the solid nature of our physical world, that this solid material; the streets out there, the trees, the earth, would have to be broken up and somehow changed over into a spiritual world, and therefore it would have to happen for everybody at once. 


But the Lord has told me this is not correct, and He has told me that depending on the mind which is manifesting in you, or the mind which is manifesting in you, makes the external world either physical or spiritual.  Two people could be standing next to one another, and for one person the world would be physical and corrupted as it is today in this fallen world, and someone with a mind, which is Christ Jesus in full stature, can be standing right next to you, and for them this world would be the Garden of Eden.  Relative realities.  Everybody’s reality is not the same.  Your reality is dependent upon the mind which is your foundation, the mind which is your spiritual foundation.


While I do not understand it completely, but after the Lord told me that, He did remind me, or He did show me that some of the tools that He uses to teach me spiritual principles are science fiction programs.  If that offends you pharisees, I am sorry, but the Lord shows me science fiction programs and teaches me from that point.  He will use it.  These programs are a visual aid.  He will say that is true, but that is a perversion.  He will use it as the foundation for His lessons to me.  If you cannot hear that, I am sorry.  If you are offended that the Lord uses spiritual programs, which are not out of Christ Jesus to teach me, I am sorry if that offends you.  I do not know of any Christian based program which is teaching spiritual realities in this hour, so the Lord will use whatever He can.


He uses spiritual programs which are of this world, and He shows me the areas in which they are accurate, and the areas in which they are inaccurate, and He gives me the accuracy.  When the Lord first started doing that, the Church that I was being raised up in was up in arms.  I am sorry if that offends you, but I am going with God.  The Lord told me in my spirit that the reality of our external circumstances, which includes the visible environment, is determined by the mind which is our spiritual foundation.  Two human beings can be standing next to one another.  One has their mind completed in the Serpent, which the name of your mind would be Leviathan, and the other with a mind which is completed in Christ Jesus.  The external world would be as different as day and night for the two people standing one next to the other.


Let me give you a natural example.  What is coming to my mind is two human beings standing one next to the other, both born into this fallen world, both male, both 5'10", both dark hair, blue eyed, and both with 196 IQ.  But one man is successful in this world.  He has loving relationships.  He has money.  His life is in order and his mind is sane.  I should have put that first.  His mind is sane.  The other man standing right next to him, and it could even be an identical twin, has a mind which is insane, and his life is a disaster.  His relationships are terrible, and he has no money, and no soundness to his life at all.  That principle that I just gave you can be extended to the physical environment. 


The sanity or the insanity of your mind determines your external circumstances.  It also determines your visible surroundings.  So if you cannot understand that, just put it on the shelf.  I hear somebody saying, well, you can take the most sane person that you ever met, put them next to an insane person, and they are both going to be looking at the same tree, and it is going to look the same to the two of them.  That is true.  We are not talking about two men, both of which have a fallen mind, one of which is sane, and the other which is insane.  We are talking here about two men, one of which has the completed mind of the Serpent, and the other which has the completed mind of Jehovah.


We are not talking about two men with the same mind, one a little more sane than the other.  We are talking about two men, one which has a mind which is alive and the other which has a mind which is dead.  We are talking about two men, one of which has a mind which is born of the Spirit, and the other one which has a mind which is born of the flesh.  Jesus had a mind which was born of the Spirit.  The very same external surroundings were radically different for each of them.  How dare I say that?  I dare to say Jesus walked on water.  Peter tried it and he sank.  There is a reason that Jesus walked on the water, and did not sink, and that Peter tried and did sink.  The difference in the two men was their mind.


They both had a human body, two legs, two arms.  They both were serving God.  They both knew the Scripture, but Jesus had a completed mind called Christ Jesus, which was single.  What does that mean?  The mind in the man, Jesus of Nazareth, was completely dominating the carnal mind which he inherited from his mother.  There was no shadow of turning in him.  Every second, and every micro second, was a manifestation of the mind of Christ Jesus in the man, Jesus of Nazareth.  But Peter had two minds that were not completely joined piggy back, you see.  There was a shadow of turning in the apostle Peter. When Jesus said, Come, the mind of Christ Jesus in Peter was manifested in a completed form, fully enough for Peter to begin to walk on the water. 


But at some point his carnal mind reared its ugly head, and separated out from under the mind of Christ Jesus, and the doublemindedness of Peter’s mind caused him to lose dominion over this physical world.  Let me put it another way.  The mind of Christ in the apostle Peter, for one brief moment, had completely subdued his carnal mind in him, and was piggy backing her, was riding her, was completely dominating her to the point of a total paralysis, and in that moment this physical world, to the apostle Peter, became a spiritual world.  It became a world that was no longer the ocean bed under the waters of the devil’s world.


This world became, to the apostle Peter, a spiritual world that was on top of the water.  Can you hear it?  Because the mind of Christ Jesus was dominating totally.  Peter’s carnal mind, his world, his environment, changed from a world where the water had dominion, where men sink down to the bottom of the water.  His world changed to a world where men were on top, where the ocean bed was on top, and the waters of this world were underneath.  Can you hear it?  Can you hear it?


Then after that split second the apostle Peter lost control of his carnal mind.  She got out.  The devil got out from under the authority of Christ Jesus and she thought another thought.  What was that thought?  This cannot really be happening to me.  You see, it was not an act of the unbelief of a fallen man that said if I could just believe it I can walk on top of the water.  You see, that is what the Church teaches you.  If I just believe with enough strength, I will walk on the water.  No, you can believe until kingdom come, and you are not going to walk on the water.  You could believe with your carnal mind until kingdom come, and you will not walk on the water without sinking down and becoming the ocean bed. You have to believe it with the mind of Christ.


As you can hear there has been some commotion in the background.  I apologize.  My father is almost 90 years old, God bless him, and has continuous outbursts when I preach.  I just asked Mary to take him to his room and put him to bed so that I can go on with the message.  I’m sorry for the interruption.  He was excellent in the morning service, and sat under the anointing all day.  It is just burning a hole in his brain, and he manifested in the evening service.  He sat here in the morning service and I preached to almost 3:00 P.M.  We had music from 10:00 A.M. for an hour, and then I preached to 3:00 P.M.  After dinner we played a 90 minute tape and he sat through that too.  He just seems to manifest in the evening services in the most unique kind of way.  (Laughter)


It is really blessing me because I cannot get the scripture out of my mind of the man who manifested in Jesus’ service.  Of course, Jesus, whose mind was completed in Christ, turned around and cast a demon out of him.  I do not know whether my father needs a demon cast out of him.  I do not know what his condition is.  He does not know the Lord.  He is not reconciled.  He is a carnal man.  He is doing better every Sunday.  He did really well today.  He was not aggressive until 9:30 P.M. in the evening.  He is doing better and better.  (Laughter) So we put him to bed because he was interrupting the service.  We bless him, Lord.  He is making a lot of changes and he is living with me probably since February.  For someone who is almost 90 years old, he is rising to the occasion, and he is making the necessary adjustments.  I think that is wonderful.  Praise the Lord.


We were speaking about Peter walking on the water.  Now listen, brethren, whether or not the water can hold up our physical bodies is dependent upon the mind which is sustaining our existence in this world system.  Do you hear that?  In the man, Jesus of Nazareth, there was no shadow of turning.  One hundred percent of the time, His mind was Christ Jesus.  He had dominion over this physical world because for Him, for the man Jesus of Nazareth, the water was underneath and the Spirit was on top.  But for the man whose mind is completed in Leviathan, the spirit is on the bottom, and the water is on top.  Therefore, in this physical visible world, our bodies would sink down and become the ocean bed of the ocean.  Can you hear it?    


I really have not looked up those verses in the Greek, but I will tell you from my spirit, Jesus was not rebuking Peter and saying oh ye of little faith.  If you just believe hard enough you can walk on the water.  That is not what Jesus was saying.  He was saying your Christ mind lost control of his horse.  You see, your Christ mind is suppose to be riding your carnal mind as if your carnal mind was a horse.  Your Christ mind is suppose to be in complete control of his animal.  Peter’s Christ mind was doing it for a brief moment and lost it, but he got other chances.  Jesus said to Peter, you will surely renounce me now, but the day will come when you will be caught up higher. 


Did not Jesus say that to Peter?  By the time the cock crows you will have denied me three times, but the Christ mind in you will increase, will grow, will mature, and you will have a strong mind which will be powerful enough to control that animal mind in you.  Your mind will increase from a condition of duality, two minds, the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness, to a condition of singleness, which condition is known as the kingdom of the two heavens.  Which heavens?  The kingdom of the heavens of God and the kingdom of the heavens of darkness, strapped together, piggy back, with the kingdom of God on top and in full unwavering control.  When the kingdom of the two heavens is your mind for you, spirit is on top of soul, and you will walk on water and have dominion over every physical law that is operating in this world system. 


When the Christ mind is over the carnal mind or the kingdom of darkness inside, even your fallen physical body has dominion over the physical laws of this physical world outside.  But when the kingdom of darkness, which your carnal mind is a part, is separate from the kingdom of God, has any dominion, whatsoever inside, if there is a shadow of turning in your mind for any period of time, the kingdom of darkness is ruling over the kingdom of God in your mind.  While you have a dual mind or if your mind is only the kingdom of darkness, the physical laws of this world system have dominion over you.  If you attempt to walk on the water, you can believe with all your strength for the next hundred and fifty years and you are going to sink.


Oh ye of little faith.  Oh ye, whose faith is in the little kingdom.  Oh ye, whose faith is arising out of the kingdom of darkness.  Oh ye, whose faith is of an inferior mind.  Can you hear it?  Can you hear it?  Jesus.  Do not believe the lies of the pharisees, brethren.  Why?  Because if you think you have the answers, you will not be looking for answers.  If the answer you have is a false answer, you will surely die in your sins.  You will surely sink down under the waters.  If your mind is sinking inside, your body is sinking outside. 


I was in a church a couple of years ago.  They called themselves a Christian church.  I believe they are into occult doctrine, and there is a lot of talk in the so called kingdom church today, saying let us be breaking these physical laws.  Let us begin to break these physical laws.  Brethren, there is only one way these physical laws will break for you.  That is when the mind of Christ Jesus utterly dominates Leviathan in your mind.  Then these physical laws will break for you.  Well, I guess man can break them with witchcraft power.  I guess that is true.  Witches travel in the spirit.  Witches walk on the water.  Witches slice their skin and their skin does not cut, but they still die.   


Jesus said, I will only give you one sign.  Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale.  You are going to find that principle demonstrated in our alternate translation of Job, Chapter 41:1.  Praise God, if I ever get to it.  (Laughter)  If I do not get to it tonight, I will get to it Thursday.  So let the Spirit of God have His way.  Thank you Jesus.  Praise the Lord. 


I just told the brethren that I feel in my heart the leading to go in a different direction.  Off the tape I just prayed.  I told the Lord that every time, to my recollection, that I ever felt compelled to go in a different direction, it turned out that I have been seduced by somebody’s mind.  I thought it was the mind of God, but it was someone else’s mind.  Now why would somebody’s mind try to convince me to preach in a different area?  I do not mean to put anybody down.  It is obvious to me that as I preach the word of the Lord, as He gives it to me, my mind is Christ Jesus, and Christ Jesus in me is mature enough to be classified as a circumcising knife.


That means that my mind has the power to be severing the devil from your soul, and the devil’s mind, Leviathan, from your soul.  That means if this is not God telling me to go in another direction, it is possible to have someone sitting in this meeting whose devil’s mind is being damaged.  They are being cut.  They are being severed from their authority by the power of the word which I am preaching.  So the devil’s mind in them, Leviathan, rose up in the past.  This has happened to me several times.  It rose up and said now hear this, this is God speaking.  I do not want you to preach that message, and Sheila said, amen, aye aye sir, and I stopped preaching the message, except that it turned out it was not God.  Then I was ashamed. 


When I sought the Lord about it, He said, Sheila, the next time it happens, before you obey, you pray, and I will make sure you hear the truth.  So I just prayed and said Lord are you sending me in another direction?  I believe the Lord has said to me, yes, but it is just going to be a five minute diversion.  The reason for it is that a judgment is being executed in the spirit.  Those of you that have been with us for a season may have heard me talk about speaking to people in the spirit.  You see, in Africa they know all about speaking to people’s minds in the spirit.  In Africa it is usually a form of witchcraft.  It is a form of controlling people’s minds.  You talk to them in a spiritual authority in the spirit and it touches their mind.


They do not hear you, and they do not know it is you.  It registers in their mind as their own idea.  Depending on how weak their mind is, they either respond or they do not respond.  We are told there is a tribe or tribes in Africa that speak to wild animals, and they subdue them, not with bows and arrows or guns or nets.  They speak to wild panthers and the panthers come in and walk calmly and peaceably through the village because the mind of the tribesmen is stronger than the bestial inclinations of the beast.  I do not know about you, but I am not about to speak to a wild panther and expect him to obey me.  I talk to the dogs that bark at my heel when I take a walk in the morning, and they do not listen to me.  I am not about to try a lion or a panther, or a leopard.


I am glad I gave you a laugh today, but it is funny on the surface, but it is not funny to think that a panther has authority over a member of the two witness company.  What does that mean?  It means he has a physical authority over me.  He is physically stronger than I am, and he has no fear of my mind.  Why?  Because obviously my mind cannot do him any harm, and certainly my body cannot.  So I may look like a tasty morsel to him, but my mind will not always be this weak, you see.  My mind will not always be this weak.  The Lord has promised me strength of mind unto the point where I have dominion over this entire world system.  Jehovah said, let them have dominion, and I am believing that that promise will take effect and manifested in me.  Why?  Because I have a personal word from the Lord that He will do it for me. 


Now you people, do not go jumping off the roof and flapping your arms because the Lord said, let them have dominion.  You do not have dominion until you have dominion, so do not jump off the roof and try to fly, please, and do not go talking to any lions until you are there.  I am a little humorous tonight, but what I am trying to tell you is about speaking in the spirit.  It is a form of exercising spiritual authority.  Now if the person that you are speaking to in the spirit has any experience whatsoever or has an in-born knowledge of spiritual things, they will know that you are speaking to them.  I frequently know when someone is speaking to me.


I do not know all the time, but I am knowing more and more frequently when someone’s thoughts are being propelled into my mind.  It is very serious to have someone’s thoughts propelled into your mind.  If someone comes up to you, and openly tells you to do something, I will say why are you telling me what to do?  But when they are whispering to me from a distance, when they are not communicating with me with an audible voice, but with a spiritual voice, which is penetrating my mind in a subtle deceptive way, the Lord calls that witchcraft.  We must guard against it always.  So I have had some training in recognizing that, but it is a whole new ball game not obeying when the mind whispering to you is powerful in the spirit of witchcraft.  I have been in this training for several years now. 


I believe I have heard from the Lord for the second time tonight.  He spoke to me earlier, and He gave me a scripture, and I thought I knew what He was saying to me, but I did not go ahead and share it with the group.  He is telling me now to take five to ten minutes to read this scripture to you.  I will have to look for it to give you an exact scripture.  Okay?  What is happening is that the court of the Lord Jesus Christ is going to convene briefly. We have some legal work to do here.  I believe that we are speaking to somebody’s mind, which mind is saying I have repented, and why will you not speak to me, and why will you not change your attitude towards me because I have repented.


I just remind you that there is the gentle repentance of the Holy Spirit, which says I receive your repentance, be ye restored.  Then there is the wormwood judgment of the Lord, which says I hear what you are saying, but I do not believe that you are capable of true repentance because as soon as I say okay, you are going to be doing the same thing again.  Therefore, seventy years are determined upon you, or however many years are determined upon you, until you have a true knowledge in your heart that God rules in the heavens as well as in the earth of men’s minds. 


Did I make it clear?  We have somebody saying I have repented, why do you not speak to me, and why does your attitude not change?  Thus says the Lord to this person.  It is coming right out of the word of God.  Praise you Jesus.  2 Kings, Chapter 1: Thus saith the Lord to you, you with the reprobate mind, that understandeth not the things of God, but rebukes and raises up your head against the authorities of Christ Jesus.  Then Moab rebelled against Israel.  Who is Moab?  Moab signifies the mind of the flesh.


Does anybody know what Moab means?  It means incest.  The mind of the flesh is born of incest.  The union of two different aspects of the flesh produced a perverse mind.  Thus saith the Lord to you, you perverse mind.  Then Moab rebelled against Israel after the death of Ahab, and Ahaziah the king; that signifies somebody who had some authority in Christ.  Ahaziah fell down through a lattice in his upper chamber.  Somebody was in the upper chamber.  Somebody had some aspect of life in Christ Jesus, and they fell down through an opening that was in Samaria. 

Samaria signifies idolatry, brethren.  The idol, the true idol is one’s carnal mind.  They fell down from a high place in Christ Jesus into their carnal mind, and they became sick.  A principle that the Lord has been teaching us here for well over a year is that spiritual death is in two stages.  First you become sick and then you die.  You get sick before you die spiritually.  So we see someone that was moving in Christ Jesus and fell down.  I do not know where he was, and he was sick.  He sent messengers, and he said unto them, go enquire of Baalzebub, the god of Ekron whether I shall recover of this disease. 


So there is someone that the Lord is speaking to in the spirit that has fallen down from where they were in Christ Jesus.  They are aware that they are sick, but they are not petitioning the Lord Jesus Christ as to their future.  They are petitioning their own carnal mind, and thinking the help of fallen men, and the reasoning, and the justification, and all of the support that comes out of the carnal mind, to find out whether or not they will be restored or force this restoration into the kingdom of God.


We have a sister here who had a dream last night of somebody trying to get into the house through an illegal means.  Did you not have that dream last night?  Someone is trying to get back into this fellowship, not through the door, but they are trying to climb in through the window.  Thus says the Lord God to you, who are entering illegally into the household of God.  This is His answer to you.  This man, he sent messengers and he said unto them, go and enquire of Baalzebub, the god of Ekron, whether I shall recover of this disease.  But the angel of the Lord said to Elijah the Tishbite; for the purposes of the execution of this judgment, this court is Elijah the Tishbite.


The angel of the Lord said to Elijah the Tishbite, arise and go up to meet the messengers of the king of Samaria, and say unto them.  Now this is in the spirit.  Arise and go up.  That is what we are doing right now.  We are going up.  We are speaking to the mind that is condemning us for not restoring this person to fellowship, completely ignoring the fact that the Lord has said, you shall not be restored, at least at this time.  I did not see any indication of it at any time in the future for restoration.  What will be down the road, I do not know, but right now the separation is completed, and this mind of Moab is condemning the decision of the servants of God with their corrupt mind. 

The angel of the Lord said to Elijah the Tishbite, arise.  That is us.  Go up and meet this person’s mind in the spirit because we have no physical contact right now.  Go meet the messengers of the king of Samaria and say unto them, now hear this, you corrupt mind of incest, is it not because there is not a God in Israel that you go to enquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron?  You see, whoever you are, God knows who you are, whose mind of incest is lifted up against the mind of God.  If you are truly seeking God for your future, you will have the truth, but you are not.  You are rationalizing this whole thing in your carnal mind, and you are doing damage in Israel.


Now therefore, thus saith the Lord, thou shalt not come down from that bed on which thou art gone up, but thou shalt surely die.  And Elijah departed.  And when the messengers turned back unto the king, he said unto them, why are you turned back?  Now I have to believe that this person is getting this message in the spirit.  You see, you sought the god of Ekron as for your future.  You are praying, whether you know it or not, to your carnal mind about your future in the church, but I am not letting your carnal mind answer you, says the Lord.  I am answering you.  You did not seek me.  Why?  Because you really did not want the truth, but I have interceded and your answer is not coming from the god of Ekron.  Your answer is not coming from your carnal mind. 


I shall speak to you directly saith the Lord, and I pronounce spiritual death upon you.  You shall not be restored, and you shall not enter into the sheep gate illegally.  But because of your sin of incest and your lack of repentance, you shall surely die.  This is what the king did.  He said to the messengers why did you turn back?  The king said unto him, there came a man up to meet us and said unto us, go turn again unto the king that sent you.  That is what we are doing right now.  Say unto them, thus saith the Lord, is it not because there is not a God in Israel that thou sendest to enquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron?  Therefore, it is because you truly have not repented.


You see, if you truly repented, you would be coming to me.  How come you are going to the god of Ekron?  You do not want to hear what I have to say.  You do not want to hear your sins.  You do not want to hear what you did.  You are calling on the powers of witchcraft to restore yourself without true confession and repentance.  But the god of Ekron has not answered you.  I have answered you, saith the Lord.  Therefore thou shalt not come down from that bed on which thou art gone up, but thou shalt surely die.  Now please note that this is the second time the judgment was pronounced.  The first time it was given to the messengers.  The second time the messengers gave it to the king, and it would be pronounced a third time by Elijah directly to the king. 


And the king said unto them, what manner of man was he which came up to meet you and told you these words?  The messengers answered him, he was a hairy man and girt with a girdle of leather about his loins.  And the king said, it is Elijah the Tishbite.  I suggest to you the mind that we are speaking to knows that he has been spoken to by the living God through his very own servant.  What does that mean?  This message in a spiritual way is reaching this man in his mind.  And who is the messenger?  The messenger is probably he, himself.  I do not know.  It does not have to be exact.  Messenger is the carnal mind, brethren.  What did the king do?  Did he repent?


He got a message through the messengers.  This person would not seek the Lord Jesus Christ themselves.  They got the message through the messengers of the Lord Jesus Christ, or the Lord Jesus Christ manifested through the messengers.  Did they fall down and repent?  Is this person falling down and repenting?  If God is having us execute this judgment, I would have to say no.  This person will not fall down and repent. 


Verse 9.  Then the king sent unto him.  Who?  The man who was in Christ Jesus, but became sick because he did not want his own sins exposed to him.  He did not seek the Lord Jesus Christ for restoration and healing, but sought his own carnal mind to justify his evil deeds and enter back into the fellowship illegally.  This man, in his mind, sent unto the messengers, the servants of God, a captain of fifty, with his fifty, and the captain went up to the man of God, this body here, and behold he sat on the top of a hill.  Elijah was in a high place in Christ Jesus.  The captain spoke unto him, and tried to take authority over him, and said, thou man of God, the king has said come down. 


I refuse your judgment.  I do not believe Christ Jesus spoke that through you.  I do not believe you are a son of God.  I do not believe you have power to execute judgments.  I do not believe you are the messenger of the Lord.  You take back that prophesy.  Brethren, that has been said to me in other forms.  You take back that prophesy.  I have said this when it has happened to me before, and I will say it again, only the Lord could show me that I made a mistake.  If He does not do that, I will not take it back.  I will not come down off of my high place in Christ Jesus.  Thus saith the Lord: Thou shalt surely die.   


Elijah answered and said to the captain of fifty, if I be a man of God, then let fire come down from heaven.  Let spiritual fire, come down from Christ Jesus in me and consume your carnal mind, and all of the soldiers that are in the witchcraft power manifesting though their mind.  And there came down fire out of Christ Jesus in the mind of God sent messengers.  And consumed him and his fifty.  All that I can tell you is it must mean that some damage is being done to this person’s carnal mind.  Did this person repent?  With this person repent?  Has this person repented?  Did the king in this account repent?  Was he frightened when he saw his captain and fifty soldiers destroyed?  Is he frightened when he sees his power drying up?  No !


Verse 11.  Again, also he sent unto him another captain of fifty with his fifty.  In other words, this person is sending out more soldiers from his carnal mind, more curses against the people of God, and saying unto them, oh man of God, thus hath the king, my carnal mind, says come down and this time he says, come down quickly.  Elijah answered, this forum here, all those that have been faithfully standing in Christ Jesus, answered and said unto them, if I be a man of God, let fire come out of Christ Jesus and consume you, and the spiritual soldiers and all the curses you have sent against us.  And the fire of God came down from heaven, from the mind of Christ Jesus, and consumed the second front or the second army of curses and spiritual wickedness that has been propelled against this ministry from this person’s mind. 


Did the king repent when he saw the second round of soldiers consumed?  No!  See, we know what to expect from this person because God is making this scripture personal to this person tonight.  The third time the sinner sent a captain of the third fifty, with his fifty, but this time the third captain of the fifty went up and he came and he fell on his knees before Elijah, and besought him and said unto him, oh man of God.  So we see our sinner recognizing the spiritual authority of Christ Jesus in this situation.  He had to be damaged severely in two different encounters.  How this will manifest in the person’s life, I have no idea, but they will have to experience some kind of loss.  Eventually, they will come to the conclusion that the power of Christ Jesus is present here. 


Now the first sign of true repentance coming forth is an acknowledgment that Christ Jesus is in this fellowship, and in particular, that Christ Jesus is in me.  This was also your dream, was it not?  The dream that you told me about at dinner.  It had three clips.  One was the person trying to enter in illegally.  The second clip was the person being an obstacle to those trying to serve God.  The third clip was a criminal being laid at the feet of two persons of God who were bound.  What would that mean?  The two persons of God who were bound, I believe were me, and another person in this ministry, who is not here right now.  We were the headship of the ministry.  The other person was in the headship of the ministry. 


We were bound means we were not in full stature.  We are carnal men, but God is going to lay our enemy at our feet.  We did not have the power to defeat this enemy, but even though we are bound, God is going to lay him at our feet.  It is not that I have any desire for it, but because the Lord Jesus Christ is doing it.  We are having a judgment executed tonight because with everybody praying in this war, we are just standing against being overcome.  We do not have the authority to break the spiritual witchcraft power of this person’s mind.  We just barely survive with a whole bunch of us praying with all of our strength. 


The Lord Jesus Christ has seen fit to break the power of this person’s mind.  Hallelujah!  If the Lord did not do this, there could be a physical death, but the Lord, I believe, has had mercy.  The execution of this judgment is telling us that He is going to break the witchcraft power of this saint’s mind.  Is that not what we studied in Daniel 12 and in Daniel 8, and in Daniel 11?  The witchcraft power of the saints must be broken.  If God hates you, He will not break your witchcraft power.  He will just kill you physically, and let you pass out of this world system.


I believe that this spiritual criminal has received the mercy of God, and that the Lord through this judgment, is breaking his witchcraft power and bringing him into a place of submission.  How this will manifest in his natural life, I do not know.  How long it will take to manifest in his natural life, I do not know.  But I believe that tonight the judgment which will break this person’s witchcraft power is going forth right now, at this moment. 


And he fell on his knees before Elijah, and besought him and said unto him, oh man of God, I pray thee that my life and the life of these fifty, thy servants, be precious in thy sight.  In other words, do not kill me completely.  Now listen, we have done many studies in the book of Revelation.  There are three parts to man; mind, soul, and body.  The way I taught it in earlier teachings was spirit, soul and body.



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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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