196 - Part 1

Part 1 of 2 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



If it has anything to do with the real it is talking about the unconscious mind and the genitals is talking about the carnal mind or the conscious mind and this young men, they were young men, young spiritual men were playing games. And we have scriptures especially in the Old Testament I do not know about the New Testament where it says and the young men went out to play. If you look that word play up in the Hebrew it usually means play war games it is not kiddie play, it is serious play.


Remember the wars against the carnal mind and the purpose of the war is to bring the carnal mind into subjection to Christ and another way to express that is to say we are covering over the carnal mind and we had a very fun time when we did Revelation 16. We found scriptures I know on the tape I ended talking about the flasher with the rain coat.


You have got to cover genital area brethren. You have spiritual genital area, you can run around naked up when you are up to 2 or 3 years old but when you are a young man you have got to cover yourself. You cannot go around with your seed hanging out unrestrained anymore. I am making a joke out of it but this is what God is saying.


We have to realise that we are spiritual children and every stage that an actual child goes through we are going through as spiritual children. There is a stage where is acceptable to run around naked or to run around with our seed hanging out and God is winking at it but as we get older He stops winking at it. He expects us to cover our genital area and that is the bottom line.


So these young men were playing war games, I suggest to you with their carnal mind they were completely exposed. They had no covering at all but they were playing the game they were fighting the war and when I walk by and they saw me they covered themselves. Now I must have typified I am not sure who I typified because I thought I was a woman in the dream but in any event, they were fighting the war and then they covered themselves which means they won the war. They pushed their carnal mind down and they were covered which means Christ came to the surface and the voice said they are not used to seeing a lady at this hour of night indicating it was of the carnal mind.


So I find the dream as obscene as it sounds very scriptural. This is God's way brethren everything about human life is a type of spiritual life and if anyone can deny that sexuality is a very important part of human life and it is therefore a very important part of spiritual life and also let me remind you that toilet training is a very important part of being a young toddler, infant to a toddler you are not being trained as an infant but as a toddler. One to two years old toilet training is it takes up your whole concentration.


Brethren we are being trained to deal with our lower nature, we being trained to take our sin and deposit it in a prescribed place. You cannot drop your faeces all over God's house there are consequences for it believe it or not this is the spirit of the word. You cannot do it anymore, you have got to go on the toilet bowl you have to wear pants you have to start being socialised in the realm of the spirit. There are things you can do and there are things that are not acceptable to God that will bring consequences to you if you do them.


And I know you have been doing them for the last 20 years or 10 years that you have been in the church but you have now entered into a new age level and these things are no longer acceptable in the kingdom of God.


It is time to make changes at the very least I challenge you to at least recognise that we are growing children in Christ and that things that were acceptable as a baby are not acceptable for a full grown man and these terms are all in the scripture, babies in Christ now that I am man I do what a man does it is all scriptural.


The rules are not the same for the babies as they are for the grown men. We have to find out first of all what our spiritual age is and what the rules are for that age. So at least we can do the best we can to live for God. Where did you ever hear this preached?


COMMENT: I have been talking spiritual ages since I have come into this ministry, so how old am I, to find out. To ask the Lord and he will tell you how old.....


PASTOR VITALE: And the Lord just told me either today or yesterday I have a pretty good track record of dealing with sin that appears in my mind. I will say it is my opinion if I am wrong let God show me. Up to ninety to ninety five percent of the time I may lay hold of it and I kill it. So what does that make me it makes me a toddler that is going down on the toilet bowl that is what it makes me.


If you are still messing in your pants you are still pretty young.


But before I say it again I want to tell you this do not let this discourage you because in the natural we are two years old for example and in every area of testing toilet training, talking, thinking, ability to learn read or write we are two years old across the board but with spiritual children that is not true. You can be two years old in one area and you can be a teenager in another area so that is very important that you can hear this.


So what I just said to you was if you are messing in your pants a large percent of the time meaning what meaning? Meaning if your carnal mind is succeeding in getting sinful thoughts into your conscious mind and especially if your carnal mind is succeeding in getting those carnal thoughts to be acted out through you so fast before you can restrain them the Lord said you have messed your pants.


Now I do not want you to be discouraged that if you are messing your pants if you are not toilet trained it does not mean you cannot be a spiritual man so far as doctrine is concerned. Do you understand what I said?


COMMENT: Oh yes in other words I have got some doctrine straight that I do not have that part straight and I have been messing in my pants.


PASTOR VITALE: You are a spiritual man, definitely you are teaching you are definitely a spiritual man in the area of doctrine and even entering into that room and counselling I have heard some very matured counselling come out of you but you still cannot hold on to your bowels.


COMMENT: Yes I see you are talking to me and that is what I realise...


PASTOR VITALE: Amen, amen praise God.




PASTOR VITALE: Amen, amen and we have a lot of very well meaning pastors I have seen it in two ministries where I have been present when the Lord will speak to the minister and say let the children pray and they call the little physical ten year olds up to do the praying.


And I know I was in one service or three services that I have been in that I have seen this happen and I have been in one service where there was a person on the prayer line desperate for prayer and the minister had all the ten year olds come up and pray. And this person was very upset.


COMMENT: So it is the Christ child that is in us to ........


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, yes exactly.


COMMENT: .. one of the meetings and I listened to you on one of the tapes and you said something like people we are going to raise the dead, we are going to be used to raise the dead I think you said and I said to raise the dead Christ in one another. That is what is going to be ?


PASTOR VITALE: Amen, Okay anybody has anything to say about this exaltation we are going to be in Romans 8 tonight. This is going to be a difficult message for me to preach, I pray the Lord will help me to bring it forth.


I have just returned from 5 weeks in Nigeria and in Nigeria we taught on Romans 6 and Romans 7. I will get the tapes ready for you as soon as I can, I do not know it could be a couple of weeks but I will do it as fast as I can.


There was a subsequent meeting whereby we did Romans 8 verses 19, 20 and 21 and then we followed it up with the first few verses in Isaiah 40 but the tape was ruined and I really do not have all of my research books there I think the Lord just there must have been something about how I presented it that He wanted redone.


So we are going to redo it tonight it is a very important message. Well let me read those 3 verses unto the tape so that the people listening to the tape know what I am talking about.


Romans 8 verses 19 to 21 for the earnest expectation of the creature waited for the manifestation of the sons of God. For the creature was made subject to vanity not willing but by reason of Him who has subjected the same in hope because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.


Now the way this message came about was that the teaching on Romans 6 and Romans 7 as the Lord gave it to me to bring forth was that there is this warfare between Christ and the carnal mind and that God is good and that God is holy and God's laws and God's commandments are good and they are holy.


And the word that came forth was that there is an element in the church today that is saying things about God that are not true. I will not go into any more detail than that, well let me make one more comment that God is being spoken of in many instances as a God who will subject men to car accidents and all kinds of wickedness.


The teaching let me just put this on the tape, the teaching with regards to that was that there are two different judgments there is the wrath of God which is mediated by Satan and that is the judgment which fell upon mankind when a righteous Adam fell, at the fall the creation died and we were cast down to hell and bound in chains of darkness to Satan we have had this on other tapes.


The angels who fell was the righteous Adam and everyone that was in him. In Adam we all died and when we fell we were bound to chains of darkness. That means we were bound to Satan in our minds and I remind you that Paul said that he is bound with this chain which is Christ.


He is bound with this chain so we or the man must be joined to a spirit in his mind and the way that it is expressed in the scripture where the man is joined to the Father or whether the man is joined to Satan I have just quoted two scriptures for you indicating that that condition is expressed in the scripture by saying we are bound with the chain. Paul was bound with the chain which was Christ and the angels which fell were bound and are bound to the chain which is Satan.


And in another place Revelation 20 we find Satan in the bottomless pit bound with the chain that is the condition where Satan is fallen to when Christ arises in someone and puts Satan under foot.


We find in the church today a teaching that God has done all this to us. I was telling you I was explaining the wrath of God, the wrath of God yes it is God's wrath that is upon us God's wrath for disobedience, for sin it is a judgment that results in destruction and death and it is mediated by Satan it is for the unrepentant sinner and it is designed to bring men to repentance.


The wrath of God is a judgement which gives no information it does not tell you why this is happening to you. It gives no information as to how you can escape but it just kills you that is the wrath of God. The way of escape that the Lord has provided for us is in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the way of escape and when the Lord Jesus Christ becomes your saviour when He enters into your heart and becomes your saviour this wrath of God judgment which is killing the whole human race and which has been killing you now becomes the white throne judgment of Christ which can be identified as the reaping and sowing judgment.


You come to the Lord you receive instruction, you now find out why these things are happening to you. You find out that it is necessary to confess your sins and to repent. And when you confess your sins and you repent you find out now that the way of escape is made available to you. Why? Because when the wrath of God was upon you, you did not know what, I know for years for years for twenty or thirty years I cried out to God I said Lord I do not know what I did but I am sorry. I had a very hard life. For years I cried out to God and said I do not know what I did but I am sorry help me.


And after thirty years or twenty eight years of the wrath of God being on me of the judgment for generations of sin on my family life falling on me after twenty eight years of crying out to God I do not know what I did but I am sorry. He showed the way of escape to me. He revealed the Lord Jesus Christ to me and I started to understand why these terrible things were happening to me and through understanding I was able to confess my sins and to repent and thus the way of escape the white throne judgment of Christ, the reaping and sowing judgment which says that which you have done to others will happen to you and now that you have experienced it let men everywhere repent confess their sins and learn not to do it.


COMMENT: I just want to get this straight about this the white throne judgment is reaping and sowing, I thought the reaping and sowing was for the one that is still under the judgment of Satan.


PASTOR VITALE: I may very well have said that in the past the Lord has just corrected me you may have heard me say that okay?


COMMENT: Okay so I do not understand then what who gives the judgment of Satan and what the judgment of Satan is?


PASTOR VITALE: The judgment of Satan is the wrath of God. It is not Satan's judgment it is the wrath of God which is executed by Satan. Satan is the henchman who is doing it.


COMMENT: what kind of judgement is that?


PASTOR VITALE: Destruction, sickness, disease, premature death, accident prone every evil that is befalling men in the world today, inability to earn a living, poverty, divorce, every form of destruction that is destroying the man spirit soul and body. Problems in your mind that destroy relationships and you do not know what is wrong with you. Curses in your mind all you know whoever fits in this category is that every relationship you enter into is a disaster women and men divorce ten times and they do not know why that is the wrath of God. That is the wrath of God unto destruction.


COMMENT: So who gives back as it looks like the ones that the sons of God are under that also.


PASTOR VITALE: The whole world is under that, the whole world is under that some people


COMMENT: We have two different judgments going on.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes you do have two forms of judgment going on at the same time but it is only for as long as it takes for the wrath of God to be converted into the white throne judgment. It is a process of transition, the first season you do have yes you do have both forms of judgment in your life in every area of unconfessed sin the wrath of God is abiding upon you. In areas of sin where you have not been convicted and therefore not confessed and repented it is a wrath of God abiding upon you and the wrath of God is supposed to bring you to repentance brethren, whoever is hearing this tape I exhort you when you see destruction in your life in any form do not tell me it is Satan. It is Satan but it is just doing his job when there is destruction in your life you are supposed to fall on your face before God and say Father I do not know what I did but I am sorry, show me my sin dear God so that I can confess it and repent and have it worked out of my life.


You see the casting out of demons and the breaking of curses comes after confession and repentance. It is such a fine line after you confess and repent yes then you have the authority to break the curses and cast out the demons but to be waging a warfare against the demons when there is no personal repentance is a fruitless labour. Which is witchcraft.


There is a place for deliverance ministry the breaking of curses and the casting out of demons but all of us know at least one ministry which has crossed over the line and it is literally at war with the demons but they are not confessing their sins and repenting. It is fruitless it is not producing the fruit of Christ in them. Okay did I answer your question? Praise the Lord.


So we are trying to get into this message on Romans 8, the whole teaching we have about four tapes we have got four to six hours of teaching on Romans 6 and 7 bringing forth among other things that God is good, God is righteous, God is holy and God does not bring incest upon people, and God does not bring rape upon people and God does not plan this wicked life so that you can learn to know evil, and that is what is being preached in an element of the church today.


So after this two nights of over 5 to 6 hours of teaching several people came forth and said well Sis Sheila what do you have to say about Romans 8 19 which says God subjected this creation to this vanity that He did it to us willingly. And I said to the people that I did not know I had not studied Romans 8 19 but that I will do it and when I went ahead and studied it the Lord showed me that the King James translation gives an impression that is not the impression the Lord witnessed to me in the Greek. This is how this message has come to pass we are doing Romans 8 19, 20 and 21 and then we are taking a second witness to it in Isaiah 40 I think verses 1 to 3.


I am going to try and bring this forth to you it is a little complicated I am very likely be going off on tangents to explain how I got a particular concept and I ask you to not interrupt me while I am preaching as I come to the end of a particular subject I will give the opportunity for questions at the end of that subject, Okay? Praise the Lord.


We are in Romans 8 19 for the earnest expectation of the creature waited for the manifestation of the sons of God. I guess I was talking about Romans 8 20 all along for the creature was made subject to vanity not willingly. Let us start with verse 19 for the earnest expectation the Greek word translated for is Strong's 1063 it means therefore. Let me read you verse 18 Paul speaking for I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed in us therefore verse 19 therefore the earnest expectation of the creature waited for the manifestation of the sons of God.


Now speaking about the phrase earnest expectation those two words together on the translation of one Greek word Strong's 603 the exact spelling in the interlinear text appears in .... lexicon of the Greek language as the infinitive form of the verb. An infinitive form let me give you a simple word to be we can say I am, you are, she is does anybody not know what I am talking about? these are all the verbs to be but the infinitive form the form that does not have a subject he, she, I, you we say to be that is the infinitive form. The infinitive form of the verb appears in the Greek it is not a noun. If you look at it in the King James translation it is translated as a noun. The earnest expectation it is not a noun it is a verb.


It is not a noun it is a verb now if it is a verb it has to have a subject, try and bear with me I will answer your questions after I get through this. It is a verb and it is in an infinitive form which means that it is not clear what the subject is. It is not clear what the subject is.


Let talk about the verb let us talk about what it means. Earnest expectation I do not know what that means to you but ...says that this word can be translated to watch with the head erect or stretched out it means like this someone is looking for something. Okay.


So now we have to be spiritual and not carnal, first of all let me remind you of who our head is okay. We know that right now the carnal mind is our head I hope I am not shocking everybody that is why our souls have to be beheaded for Christ because our head is the carnal mind and when we lose our head praise God we are going to get a new head. You see we are getting a new head He is growing, did you ever see that movie the two headed man. We have another head He is growing out of our neck but the head that is really ruling us at this time is the carnal mind.


There is another head He is growing in the midst of us but for Him to really take up residence sitting on the throne of our life being one hundred percent our head and sustaining the life of this flesh before that can happen we have got to be beheaded from our existing head. Is everybody okay?


The scripture says nothing about a gullotine because it does not say nothing about our bodies being beheaded it is says our soul will be beheaded. How do you behead a soul? Brethren a soul is in the realm of spirit it can only be beheaded by a spiritual weapon and there are only two spiritual weapons, anybody know what they are?


COMMENT: The mind of Christ.


PASTOR VITALE: The mind of Christ and the carnal mind. That is the war and there is only two weapons. Only Christ can behead your soul no man guillotine or otherwise can behead your soul. You have got to come up out of this fantasy.


We see this phrase earnest expectation talking about the reaching out of one's head and I want to suggest to you I cannot prove it to you I want you to pray about it.


I want to suggest to you that the carnal mind is already completely stretched out the one that is in the process of stretching out, the one that is in the process of reaching out is our new head which as he reaches out will behead the carnal mind.


The one that is reaching out stretching out His head is Christ, He is coming forth in us. Let me suggest to you that the translation should more likely be something like this. The one whose head is erect or outstretched this translation will be enough to convince me that this word is suggesting the stretching or reaching out into Christ or of Christ which results in full stature but besides that I have another witness for you it is the second witness to this, is everybody with me to this point?


The second witness if you look up under 603 in ....... and if you read all of the information you will come to a place where he gives you the Hebrew equivalent of this Greek word. He does that a lot, he does not do it for every word, he does not do it for every word but when he does it it indicates that this Greek word can refer right back to this Hebrew word and you may recall that frequently whenever I can I will go back into the Hebrew because the Hebrew word usually will give more of clue in the Greek word the Hebrew word is richer than the Greek.


Now remember that even though the new testament was written in the Greek it was written by men I guess with the exception of Luke who was not a Hebrew. It was written by men whose basic language was Hebrew so in their own hearts they were translating from the Hebrew. When the apostles wrote the new testament in the Greek the apostles or whoever wrote the New Testament with the exception of Luke who was a gentile Hebrew was their first language. They were writing in a language that was not their language. Greek was not their native language.


Therefore the Hebrew word that this Greek word is the translation of is very important. Anybody not know what I am talking about? Okay.


I went back into the Hebrew and I found that the Hebrew equivalent of this word is Strong's 2342 now the same as his first translation there was almost 2 pages of translations. His first translation was to turn around I do not know about you but it immediately means to me conversion to turn around to turn from the carnal mind to Christ. That is another witness right there and as I went on I found out that this word you know in the Hebrew now can also be translated to be twisted to be hurled or to bring forth and is used frequently it is translated to tremble or vibrate and it is specifically used with the relationship to a woman giving birth. And we know that we talking about it.


If I am talking about stretching your head out and saying that it is Christ we are talking about the spiritual birth of Christ. We see that the Hebrew root of the word is very clearly witnessing to this understanding. You see the Greek word was correct, the Greek word was correct it means a stretching out of ones head that when we go back into the Hebrew we find strong witnesses to the spiritual application of it.


Now this Hebrew word we have run across this Hebrew word many times and I want to remind you, I want to comment on the word twisted, hurled and well to bring forth means the spiritual birth so that is obvious.


The word twisted I remind you that the carnal mind has been twisted together with Christ or woven together with Christ and the word hold forth I want to remind you of the study that we did I know I wrote down the verse but I cannot find it in Revelations chapter 4 verse 10. The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne and worship him that liveth for ever and ever and cast their crowns before the throne saying and when we did that verse we found out that the four and twenty elders falling down meant full stature they hurl themselves when we looked up every word in the Greek we found out that what they did was that they were pounding on the flesh of Christ.


Now remember we have to pierce him, we have to pierce his flesh remember the life of Christ is dwelling within our carnal mind and that part of us which is our true reality spirit is attached to the carnal mind but we are stretching away from the carnal mind, stretching away from him and penetrating Christ we are knocking on that door which is Christ and the intention of Revelation chapter 4 I think I just said verse 10 is that when we are strong enough you see this is all an exercise that even though we are still attached to the carnal mind we are reaching out and trying to penetrate into Christ with our minds.


The scripture says you have to believe in Him but it means believe into Him we have to penetrate into Him it has to happen to us. It is not just the thought in our mind we have to believe to such a degree that we penetrate His life and the scripture indicates that as we try to penetrate Him one day the day will come that we will find within ourselves the spiritual strength to literally hurl ourselves with such a power that that part of us which is attached to the carnal mind will break away and we will find our self completely in Christ. And that is significance of to hurl one self.


We are talking about the Hebrew equivalent of the word which is translated earnest expectation so I have commented on the word to be twisted I have commented on the word to be hurled and I have commented on the translation to bring forth. The same is at the end of all the list of translations where I found the exact spelling that is in the interlinear which is in the place where it is translated earnest expectation. He has three specific translations to twist oneself, to hurl oneself or to rush violently we find this Hebrew word translated this way in Jeremiah 23 verse 19.


Let me comment to you I have not checked out these verses I have copied them out of ... from time to time when I have checked out his references he is must have a different kind of bible. I do not mean to indicate that he is wrong but he must have a different bible for example when he says Jeremiah chapter 23 verse 19 it is not unusual for me to find it in my King James in verse 18 or in verse 20. So if anyone is listening to this tape and you want to check out these references please bear that in mind.


The second definition is to ride with pain which could be labour and we find this Hebrew word which is the equivalent of the Greek word translated earnest expectation. It is translated to rise with pain as in labour it is translated that way in Job 15 verse 20 and the very last out of a whole page of definition at the very last we find the translation to wait for as is used in Psalms 37 verse 7.


So we see that the significance of the Hebrew word is rarely to wait for, the significance is the birthing of the Christ .... can anybody not see this?


With this in mind when we look at .... definition of the Greek word translated earnest expectation Strong's 603 I find this translation to watch with a heavy rector outstretched to me I have no question believing that it is speaking about the birth of the Christ. So we will say to ourselves why will the apostles picked this word the Hebrew is much richer than the Greek perhaps this was the closest equivalent to what he was trying to say and I suggest to you the scripture is talking about full stature at this point.


Therefore I am in verse 19 chapter 8 of the book of Romans. Therefore the full stature or the coming to full stature of the creature well let me tell you of the creature. The creature is God's creation we are a creature we are a many membered creature and we found out when we did Daniel 7 word by word does anybody remember what the creature is? What animal is typifying this creation?




PASTOR VITALE: The Sheep in Daniel 7 it is a sheep, in Daniel 8 it is a ram.


In Daniel 7 we found out that the creature is a sheep because in Daniel 7 the creature is appearing as God's wife. The whole creation is appearing as God's wife in complete submission to Him therefore she is female. Therefore she is female in that context.


The creature the many membered creation, we are God's sheep you know it is very interest because the word in English, the English word sheep is both plural and singular. My sheep one sheep, my sheep twenty sheep so when Jesus said my sheep hear my voice everybody assumes He is talking about His sheeps but He said my sheep it is just one sheep but you cannot prove it because it is an English word that is the same in the singular and the plural.


We find that the full stature of the creation waitet now this is I am going to make this as simple as I can but it is a very difficult translation. The Greek word translated waiteth is Strong's 553 it means eagerly expecting. And the word sons is Strong's 5207 and it is specifically a male son one who is begotten of a father. Now this whole creation everybody that is born into this creation with the exception of the Lord Jesus Christ is not begotten of the Father.


We are all in the image and likeness of Adam Genesis 5. Genesis 5 and Adam does it say it begat sons and daughters I am not sure but he procreated in his own image and his own likeness. Jesus Christ of Nazareth was begotten of the Father the only begotten of the Father.


The Greek word translated waiteth is also a verb now this is a great mystery we therefore now have 2 verbs in verse 19 but there is only one subject. For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of sons of God. How can we have two verbs in one subject? We have got a problem with the translation. Is everybody with me? Two verbs one subject something is wrong with the translation let us find out what is wrong with the translation.


I am going to suggest to you that the creation is reaching towards full stature so where the verse says for the earnest expectation of the creature should be translated therefore the creation is reaching towards full stature even the revelation of the sons.


Verse 19 therefore the creature is reaching for full stature take away that word waiteth for even the revelation of the sons and then God is waiting for them also.


I am going to put it to you another couple of ways hanging with me I know it is very difficult I meditated on this one verse for several hours and what I am suggesting to you let me put it to you more simply is that where the King James translator says the sons of God that that is not what the Greek said the Greek just says the sons and that the word God is the subject of the word waiteth. The creature is looking for full stature and God is waiting also for the manifestation of the sons.


Okay I am going to well the word of in the phrase sons of God there is no of in the Greek. I am going to read you the literal text right out of the interlinear. For earnest expectation of the creation the revelation of the sons of God is eagerly expecting makes no sense at all. Brethren what the King James writers did they just translated each and every word and they lined it up and they got what I just read to you and they made the best English they could out of it and I want to suggest to you that they did not do the best possible job on this particular verse.


Let me read it to you as I think it should be, therefore the creature or the creation that is us is stretching itself out towards the revelation of the sons which God is eagerly expecting also. We are fighting, we are struggling, we are running, we debating, we are asking questions we are stretching our self out towards sonship.


As we do all these things Christ is coming forth in us and as we stretch ourselves out towards the Son so that we can turn into Him and become Him the Father is equally waiting for those sons to be born. Let me read it to you again.


Therefore the creature is stretching itself out towards the revelation or the revealing of the sons of men in itself which sons God is eagerly expecting or we can say I am making it, I am amplifying it, I am putting it in better English or we can say therefore the creature is labouring to give birth to the sons which God is eagerly expecting or we can say God's wife. We can say God's wife is labouring to give birth to the sons which God is eagerly expecting. Everybody okay I will take a question now if you have a question. Is that not exciting? I think it is absolutely exciting.


Verse 20 for the creature was made subject to vanity not willing but by reason of Him who has subjected the same in hope. And the church world teaches that God is the one who subjected Adam to this vanity and I want to suggest to you that that is not true now before you shut up the tape I am not saying that God was weak. I am not saying that God was weak, God was not weak. What happened let me suggest to you what happened I am going off on a tangent here I want to talk to you for a few minutes about what happened.


God made a creation He made a man and He made that man with a lower nature. The reason there was a lower nature in the man was that the invisible God decided to become visible and the way he decided to do it was through contrast God is righteous He will reveal Himself by contrasting Himself against unrighteousness. The living God is invisible He would reveal Himself by covering Himself with earth. This was God's wisdom who are we to say that it is not good enough for us this was God's wisdom.


So He made a man He took His son and joined Him to the earth and in that earth was a moral impurity, a spiritual uncleanness you can say it either way. It was the unrighteousness which will reveal the righteousness of God and God said to the man I did not make this moral impurity equal to your righteousness because let me remind you that after God formed a man He breathe the breath of life into him and the mind of Christ was imparted to the man in an immature state.


How can I say that? Because the scripture says that God took the man and stood him upright in the garden to be standing upright indicates spiritual righteousness which gives one dominion over the moral impurity in the earth and because the creation is fallen the scripture describes us as lying in the bed but we are hoping very soon to stand up at the sound of archangel at the last trump. We hope to stand up to be caught up to our feet and to stand.


So God formed the man and inputted righteousness to him. Brethren you do not know whether you are righteous, you do not know whether I am righteous until the test. I want to tell you no matter how nice you think somebody is, no matter how loyal you think they are, no matter how faithful or no matter whatever good quality you want to attribute to them you do not know what somebody is made of until the test. How do they respond to you when you are hating them? how do they respond to you when you are accusing them? how do they respond to sin?


The test is how do you respond to sin? now if you respond with a like sin you have been revealed in that instance to be carnal. Where is my sign? for the people on the tape I have just raised up my carnal mind sign. If your response to sin is the prescription of Christ forgiveness, the love of God, an attempt to restore the person who has sinned against you, you have been revealed in that encounter to be Christ.


Brethren the man was not tested he had righteousness in him and he had moral impurity in him which of the two natures will prevail on the instance of the test.


So anybody who does not know what I am talking about this is essential. God did not make the righteousness equal to the moral impurity this was not a fifty fifty thing. God said to the man I have put the moral impurity under your feet. I have stood you in the garden that is why the scripture can say we have not sinned after the similitude of Adam because he sinned after God has placed the moral uncleanness under his feet. When we sin we sin from the position of being underneath his feet of the moral uncleanness big difference.


Righteous Adam had the power to not sin we outside of Christ has no power to not sin. Our nature is sin we cannot do nothing but sin except in the areas where God has changed and is changing our nature. That is why we are sinners and we need a saviour we can do nothing but sin.


We find the teaching in the church world that says God has a plan A and God has a plan B. And just in case Adam did not make it God had an alternate plan and that sounds like God is wishy washy and He does not know what He is doing.


We find another group of believers coming forth in the church saying no this is not true our God is not wishy washy and I do not believe our God is wishy washy. They say God knew exactly what He was doing He is not confused, He is not weak in His mind and men fell therefore God must have ordained that man would fall. It is true that righteous Adam fell but I want to declare to you that it was not God's will that he fall.


Let me tell you why I am saying this I do not agree with either teaching. I do not agree with the group in the church or the camp in the church which says that God did not know what He was doing so he had no alternative plan, and neither do I agree with the group in the church or with the camp in the church that says God being sound in His mind surely must have desired Adam to fall.


I want to suggest to you that there is another answer to this and this is what it is, God formed the man and the man or contained within the man were two heavens. Now what does that mean? Two sources of spiritual authority when we studied Daniel 8 we found out that the ram had two horns, two sources of spiritual authority one greater and one lesser. And God said to the man rule over the lesser spiritual authority and we found when we studied the scripture talking about the tree being in the midst of the garden and when we looked up all the words in the Hebrew we found that the lesser horn, the lesser spiritual authority was a partial tree, a partial tree that when the whole of the tree the tree of life plus that which was in the midst the partial tree when it was functioning as one the creation we very good but when that partial tree separated out we found out when we looked up all the words in the Hebrew that God said to Adam if you eat of the partial tree that is separated from the whole you shall surely seize to be immortal. I remind you God never told the man that He will seize to exist, He said you shall no longer be a god or you shall no longer be an immortal god but you shall become mortal.


So we see two sources of spiritual authority in the creation one righteous and one unrighteous and does not Paul speak about the law of sin and death operating in his members? He said with my mind I serve the law of life but in my flesh is the law of sin and death and the result of this is that I do what I do not want to do and I cannot do what I want to do. But righteous Adam at the beginning of time could do what he wanted to do because God stood Him upright in the garden.


I want to take a further divergence I hope that you are following me, you seem to be following me, I know I am all over the place tonight. The Lord recently showed me in a side study on the kingdom of God versus the kingdom of heaven that this is what the difference is exactly what we are talking about here that the kingdom of God is the kingdom which we call in this ministry we have been calling it the imputed anointing. The manifestation of Christ which we find in righteous Adam at the beginning of time the immature righteous Adam had a mind of Christ formed in him that was immature. And it was immature in that it was the result of a union with the Father but not the result of a penetrating union with the Father that has produced an offspring which was capable of putting down deep roots into the earth of the creation. The mature Christ that we saw in the man Jesus of Nazareth who was the Christ was begotten of the Father the spirit of the Father penetrated the spirit of that man and there was an offspring. Jesus said I am the son of God and I am the son of man. He was not double minded He was saying my Father is God and my mother is man or more specifically the female parts of men which is the human spirit.


The Spirit of the Father joined with the spirit of man and produced the Christ the son of God and Jesus of Nazareth whose mother was a fallen woman was a man whose mind was God.


At the beginning of time the mind of Christ which was in the creation did not come forth from the Spirit of God joining with the spirit of that man producing an offspring which was Christ. There is a formation of the mind of Christ which is produced from a temporary union not a penetrating union but a temporary union between the Spirit of the Father and the spirit of man the human spirit.


We saw that in natural Israel and the reason I say we say that in natural Israel is that the mature manifestation of Christ produces eternal life and it happened to the man Jesus but it did not happen to natural Israel the reason why is that the manifestation of Christ in natural Israel was imputed. There was no penetration and there was no offspring, it was a temporary formation of the Christ as such as we see described in the book of Daniel and I think also in the book of Ezekiel where it says where the spirit entered into Him. The spirit laid hold of him and joined with him why because God had a purpose He wanted to give Daniel, He wanted to give Him this revelation that we find in the book of Daniel so the Lord laid hold of his mind.


And when we looked up every single word in the Hebrew we found out that it not only laid hold of his mind but he lay over his mind utterly crushing his carnal mind so completely that there was no place for an error in the prophesies that Daniel wrote down in the book of Daniel and we see a similar anointing in the church today although not as strong much to many believers surprise the imputed anointing in the church today is not as strong as it was in natural Israel.


We find false prophesy all over the church today in Israel if you gave a false prophesy they stone you to death. There was no room for error. We see a manifestation of inputted anointing in the church today the Holy Spirit joins with the spirit of a man for a season for a moment bring forth the prophesy bring forth the word of knowledge and separates but in the man Jesus of Nazareth the anointing abides it does not release Him. It is permanently the anointing the Spirit of God Christ is permanently joined to his carnal mind His carnal mind was permanently repressed. Do not tell that He did not have a carnal mind He was born of the woman Mary and He inherited everything that she had a fallen physical body and a carnal mind but He was also begotten of the Father He had two minds brethren just like we do today. And the mind that was begotten of the Father dominated the carnal mind which He inherited from His mother, dominated it so completely that it was incapable of sin and eventually He killed. He slew the enmity in His flesh.


We see who He was in a man including the man Jesus of Nazareth the difference between Jesus of Nazareth and us is that He brought that thing into submission and that He killed it and we have not done that yet but we are in the war Lord willing we are in the war. Can everybody not see the two laws the two spiritual laws one of life and the other of sin and death? Can anybody not see this? Okay.


The kingdom of God brethren is the manifestation of Christ which is inputted the kingdom of God when Christ is formed in your mind either to prophesy to bring forth a word of knowledge to study the word of God to comprehend what the teacher in Christ is saying when Christ is formed in your mind in an inputted anointing the kingdom of God is operating in you. Did not Jesus say the kingdom of God is within you it is in your mind.


What is the difference between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven if you look these phrases up in the interlinear brethren you will see that the word heaven is plural more accurately the kingdom of heavens or the kingdom of the heavens or the kingdom of the two heavens the imparted anointing the kingdom which is within you which is formed when your Christ mind captures your carnal mind and weaves Himself together with it thereby imprisoning him for the life of the ages, putting Satan down in that bottomless pit if you will for the life of the ages.


The imparted anointing, the anointing that does not lift off of you after God completes His prophesy. The anointing that does not lift off of you after God does His work but the anointing that abides. The kingdom of God the imputted anointing which comes and goes, rises and falls. The kingdom of the heavens, the kingdom of the two heavens the imparted anointing. Is everybody with me? Any questions at this point? Okay.


I am trying to explain to you how this fall came to pass rejecting the teaching that God could not make up His mind or God was not strong enough to sustain the man and also rejecting the teaching that God did this to us deliberately. I suggest to you a third alternative that God formed man with a righteous principle in him as well as an unrighteous principle in him and He said to the man now you have got an inputted anointing and I have given you all I can give you. I have formed you and I have giving you dominion over the moral impurity and now it is up to you to weave the two minds together, that the kingdom of God which is within you should become the kingdom of the two heavens as you overcome the moral impurity in your flesh as the test comes to you.


Brethren let me say it again. God did all He could do for the man it is like taking your one year old child and standing them on their feet and say walk every time they fall down all you can do is pick them up and put them on their feet you cannot walk for them. Do you hear what I am saying?


God is not weak but He was not making a robot He was making a man and He said I have given you everything. There is moral uncleanness in there we have talked about why but I have giving you dominion over it, he is under your feet. Now I am going to withdraw my hand from you and that moral uncleanness is going to do his do his ... to get you to sin but I have given you the ability to overcome and every time you overcome you will be putting down deep root into the earth of your soul wrapping around that moral uncleanness until the two heavens have become one heaven until


the moral impurity in your flesh is so bound up that it is no more contest and I cannot do that for you righteous Adam you have got to walk. I have given you everything you need now walk and God withdrew His hand so that the creation could be tested.


I want to declare to you as we found out in Romans 7 chapter 7 verse 12 the law is holy and the commandment is holy and just and good.


Our God is righteous brethren whether you understand this or whether you do not understand this if God said that He did all He was going to do not that He was too weak to do anymore but the way God chose to set up the creation by His choice by His will that man should have a free will and should overcome sin after being fully equipped to do so if God said this is the way it has to be and now I will let you be tested after I have fully equipped you. This decision was moral, it was just, it was righteous and it was holy.


As the story goes on we find out that the serpent whispered to the woman the scripture says he spoke to the woman and he said you shall surely not die and when we looked up the word in the Hebrew we found out that the serpent said to the woman you shall not cease to exist. He used a different Hebrew word than the Lord used when He spoke to Adam. And in a deep study of this I cannot go into it again we find out that the serpent stimulated the man's lower nature by natural type brethren is a man seducing a woman by stimulating her sexual desire. If you have a young girl you keep her away from young men until you are sure she is old enough to handle her passions.


For Adam to find himself in this situation God must have made a judgment that he was old enough or mature enough to handle his passions but we find out that what happened was when the serpent which was the moral impurity in the mayhem when he rose up when he came alive he stimulated Adam's lower nature a natural type is the sex drive. And that was the woman that is what the woman is the woman was within Adam I cannot redo all this teaching all over again.


It was just one creation and his wife was within him. His wife was his lower nature she is reproductive parts if you recall the wife which was in Adam was that part which was capable of receiving the seed of the Father. She was the garden that Adam was supposed to subjugate and protect. She was his fertile part the part of him that could bring forth either Christ or the carnal mind.


And the Father said to him guard your garden keep the garden the Hebrew word means guard the garden because that garden is capable of producing either Christ of the carnal mind so do not have intercourse with anyone except the Father except me said the Father. But when the serpent came somehow he succeeded in stimulating Adam's spiritual passions.


The words that we read about in Genesis indicate that the serpent aroused the female nature of the man. Now the man was male and female and the serpent aroused the female nature and Adam yielded to that stimulation.


Our natural example will be a man, a married man being stimulated by a woman who was willing to commit adultery with him and just losing his head and winding up in bed 2 hours later or 5 minutes later saying how did this happen to me.


Adam got all carried away he yielded to his wife brethren you have got to come up out of this childishness brethren. He yielded to his passions he jumped into bed with the serpent and when he agreed with his passions you see Adam was in two parts he was male and female. The maleness in him was the rational mind which said God told me not to yield to my passions and the femaleness in him was his passions.


Now when the male mind fell into agreement with the female passions for that moment the man ceased to exist.


Listen to me this is very important I am going to say it again everybody wake up, everybody wake up. Listen to this one creation it was both male and female and God gave the male nature in the creation dominion over the female and said rule. The woman should be in subjection to the man but the moral impurity in the creation you might say Adam's libido his spiritual libido his sex drive rose up and stimulated Adam's female part. Adam was supposed to say no I am not jumping into that woman's bed thereby saving his own life this world is the woman's life but Adam did not do it. He fell into bed with that moral impurity and so that moment for all intents and purposes the man ceased to exist.


The man fell into agreement with the woman and he ceased to exist and the scripture said and the serpent said unto the woman. You see it was not the man who was deceived it was the woman what does that mean? The man could not be deceived but what the moral uncleanness did was stimulate the passions of the man and when he fell prey to his passions he became a woman and the woman was deceived.


Let me give you another example Israel brethren cannot be cursed. No one can curse Israel brethren. The Christ in you cannot be cursed but we as fallen men can be seduced to sin and when we are seduced to sin God judges us the same thing. It is our weakness that brings judgment upon us it is not the Christ in us. We all have Christ in us we fail everyday at least once a month we have got to admit to that. It is not Christ in you that is failing, it is your lower nature that is failing what has happened your lower nature was too strong so for developing Christ in you so for all intents and purposes in that trial you were not Christ but you were the woman and you were deceived.


When the test comes to you and the Christ mind stands and takes the victory you are a man in that trial. When the test comes to you, when trial comes to you and your weakness whatever it is gossip, fornication whatever your weakness is when the test comes and you fail to take the victory what has happened to you is that the weakness the lust to do this thing in you drinking, alcohol, drugs whatever the problem is when that problem arises up and responds to the temptation for all intents and purposes your manhood has died for that encounter and in that trial you are a woman. Is anybody not following me this is urgently essential. This is what happened to the man that God formed.


When he was in his Christ mind when he was in his manhood, he knew he was not supposed to do that but another part of his person started to rule. His passions rose up and he yielded his rationale mind unto his passions at which point he became the woman and the scripture says and the serpent said to the woman. Does anybody here not know that many men falls prey to this? Does anyone here not know that?


Outside of Christ even inside of Christ the most intelligent, educated rational man can fall prey to his own sexuality and be destroyed by it. Does anybody not understand what I am saying? This is essential okay.


So God said to the man I have given you everything you need and now it is up to you to bind together the two heavens so that the kingdom of God which I have placed in you can mature into the kingdom of the two heavens. God is righteous the test was righteous and the condition that we find ourselves in this hour is because Adam failed the test and the test was righteous.


So there was a plan A and a plan B and we find plan B described in Hebrews in the book of Hebrews chapter 9 verse 27 and as it was appointed unto man once to die but after this the judgment. Brethren the man died at the fall this scripture is not speaking about the death of your body. The man died at the fall and we all died in him we have already died so what does this word appointed mean. The Greek word translated appointed it means to be reserved and I want to suggest to you that what this scripture is saying is that God built into the man an ability to die only once. God said Adam if you fail to take the victory, if you fail to bind the two heavens together and move into the imparted anointing that will be the last time that that happens to you because if you fail you are going to fall done to hell. You will be the angel that will fall down to hell you will be reserved in chains of darkness.


As a matter of fact it just occurred to me, I have not looked up that word to see if it is the same Greek word translated appointed here. Are you familiar with that scripture in Peter? It says we will fell down into chains reserved I think that is the word reserved in chains of darkness? Chains of darkness that is what happened to the creation and we are reserved in chains of darkness until when? until what? anybody remember until the judgment.


Until the judgment, what judgment? The wrath of God judgment no the reaping and sowing judgment, the judgment seat of Christ which will restore us back up to righteousness not in the condition of imputted anointing but we fell brethren and we are down here and we are underneath the feet of the carnal mind which is Satan manifested in our conscious mind.


And as Christ begins to appear in us and strenghthen us the rising from the dead or the ressurrection of the dead Christ in us as he overtakes our enemy the carnal mind He is binding together the two heavens.


So what am I saying God says look Adam, you are going to be a righteous creation one way or another if you fail to bind the two heavens together at the beginning and you die I have made a provision. There is very much a plan B I have made a provision and that provision and that provision is Christ in you the hope of glory and when He comes forth in you He is coming forth in you as a matured Christ who will bind the two heavens together and therefore this will never happen to you again.


I like to give you an alternate translation on Hebrews 9 verse 27 there is built into man the potential to die only one time and should that happen after this the judgment. So whether Adam bound the heavens together at the beginning of time or whether he died and bound the heavens together through the judgment that we are experiencing now the creation the end of the creation is the imparted anointing of Christ flowing through him. And I declare to you that God knows everything and yes He knew that Adam will fall but there is no other way to go because God was not making an android. He made a man with a free will He gave him everything he needed to do it and He said Adam walk in it. But being a loving God not willing for His son to die He made a way of escape. He said if it happens we will go to plan B and that does not make God weak it does not make God wishy washy it does not make God unrighteous but it explains to us that the creation is being formed and God went so far and the rest of the work is for man to do. Can anybody not see that this is a third explanation?


Can any body not see that this is a third explanation? It is neither the teaching you have heard in the carnal church or the teaching that you have heard in the kingdom church I have never heard anything like this before it is a third teaching.


God is righteous and the test was righteous and God did not plan it this way and the fall the burden for the fall you see you have to understand that to say God planned it this way, to say that God planned that we will have the heartache that we have is calling God an unrighteous God. God did not plan that way.


He said Adam I gave you everything that you need to avoid this and if you fall it is because of weakness in you. It is not because of weakness in God. God is righteous, God gave the man everything he needed to prevail. The unrighteousness is in men. We see in the church today a subtle, subtle move to make man the righteous one and God the unritghteous one.


Brethren God is righteous men is unrighteous. It was God's wife the man in relationship to God is God's wife. He is a man to the rest of the creation but to God he is His wife the man committed adultery. The man was unfaithfull to God after God gave him every thing he needed to be faithful. Men has been proven to be unrighteous, men has been proven to be adulterous. God is righteous and we must confess our sins and repent and submit to the judgment which will restore us to righteousness. There is now no more condemnation in Christ Jesus but brethren let us not call God unrighteous to justify ourselves because this is the sin of pride that we see in Job and it is very subtle it is all through the kingdom teachings today very subtle. God did evil to us for no reason that is what Job said. Job by declaring that he did not deserve the trials and tribulations which were coming upon him whether he realised it or not declare the living God unrighteous. And we are doing it today it is all through the kingdom church.


So to get back to the point that I was trying to make which is in Romans chapter 8 we have an alternate translation for verse 19 therefore the creature is labouring to give birth to the sons which God also was eagerly expecting. Verse 20 for the creature was made subject to vanity. This Greek word translated subject is Strong's 5293 that means to be surbodinated to put down under the word vanity is Strong's 3153 that means uselessness or emptiness. And I remind you we have found several scriptures particularly in the old testament where God calls Satan nothing, nothing.


He calls her nothing she is as far as He is concerned she is useless and she is emptiness so I want to suggest to you that this word translated vanity is speaking about Satan. Satan the unconscious mind of fallen men appearing in the conscious mind of fallen men as the carnal mind just as we see the father as the unconscious mind of the new man and Christ the conscious mind of the new man.


This word vanity is speaking about Satan I suggest to you or the mind which Satan has produced in man and the name of the mind which Satan has produced in the man is the carnal mind.


So we see that the creature was made subject to Satan, can anybody not say amen to that? And is not that in line with the scripture that says the angels which were cast down? And bound with chains of darkness and then the scripture says not willingly that word willingly means can be translated volunteeringly.


Who was it willing that it should happen was it Satan that was not willing that it should happen? Some verses in the scriptures are more mysterious than others and I am of the opinion that the deeper the spiritual truth that we are dealing with the more difficult it is to dig it out of the way it is expressed in words.


I asked you a question? Is it clear who is not willing for the creation was made subject to Satan not willingly. Who did not will it?


Now I want to suggest to you God did not will it and neither did the man will it. I do not think Adam deliberately fell. He was seduced by his own lower nature brethren at the beginning of this message we were talking about young natural children and how they are our examples as spiritual children.


Brethren when an infant is born he cannot do anything for himself, he has no control over his bowels he cannot feed himself he will surely died if he was not cared for.


When Christ begins to be formed in us He is in the same condition and we as spiritual children start out in the same condition. Some of us cannot feed ourselves. Do you know that most young Christians cannot feed themselves? I feed myself by the grace of God I go into these studies and I feed myself. If you are not into studies if you are not into doing something for yourself there is no shame in it but you should know how old you are in this area.


If you cannot even bear to listen to a tape for an hour, if all you can do is present yourself to a service and seat there and hope for best you are an infant. There is no shame in that you have to know who you are. We in this hour are spiritual children especially those of us who will be listening to this tape or being in a meeting like this.


We have been trained to take control over our bowel and bladder functions over our spiritual bowel and bladder function. We are also being trained to take control over our legs because sometimes we walk when we are not supposed to walk.


Did you ever see a one year old walking and he starts his leg going and he cannot stop and he cannot switch directions. Have ever seen that they just keep going in the same direction, sometimes we wind up in the wrong place and we are not quite sure how we got there. Our spiritual legs could not make the right turn when God said go right. We are practicing to get control over our life. We need to be toilet trained, our legs need to be strengthened, our arms need to be strengthened so that we can get the food in our mouth without putting it in our eye. We have to learn how to dress ourselves of course the mature spiritual dressing it that God dresses us.


We have to learn how to function in the realm of the spirit brethren I do not know how to make it any clearer if you are hearing this tape the changes are excellent that you have not been spiritually toilet trained yet. You have to know this and you are sexually vulnerable you are not to be let alone with the spiritual man that is not Christ because you will surely be seduced if you are not Christ in this area.


If you are easily seduced you are a spiritual woman in the area of seduction. If you cannot hear if you cannot discern the spirit, if you cannot hear the seduction coming forth, if you cannot take authority over your lower nature that is responding to that seduction you should not be out without a spiritual man.


Now you are not going to stay in this condition for ever, spiritual growth results in spiritual manhood whether your body is female or your body is male you start out as a spiritual woman and you evolve into or you mature into a spiritual male it has nothing to do with your body.


So do not get insulted by anything I am telling you it is a gross process how will you grow if you think you have arrived and you just an infant.


We are in verse 20 of Romans 8 for the creature was made subject to Satan not willingly. I suggest to you God did not will it and neither did the man will it. He was overtaken by his passions and then we read a mysterious phrase but by reason of him who has subjected the same in hope and everybody says God did it maybe the man was willing but God did it to him. No God did not do it to him brethren the man did it to himself.


God gave him dominion over Satan and He gave him instructions and he said do not eat and when his passions decided to eat or desire to eat the man fell in agreement with his passions and became a spiritual woman.


So let us pull this apart a little bit and see what it is saying. The Greek word translated but means can be translated nevertheless it is Strong's 235 by reason of that is Strong's 1223 and it could be translated by means of or the means by which this is accomplished. This word him by reason of him we have a big mystery with this Greek word translated him. The Greek word translated Him in the interlinear has no number if you look up in Strong's concordance the word him you will find out that it is a word which is used so frequently that it is not listed in the main text but you have to go into the back where it just says it gives you all of the listings of the word him and it is one number. Let me see if I wrote down that number for you yes it is Strong's 846 if you look it up in Strong's it says that him is Strong's 846 but when I compare the spelling of the Greek word listed under Strong's 846 with the spelling of the word in the interlinear guess what it was a different Greek word. Is anybody not understanding me? You do not understand me? Okay I went into the concordance and I looked up the word him I got the number there is a number for it Strong's 846 when I looked up Strong's 846 and I looked up the Greek letters and I compare those Greek letters to the Greek letters in the interlinear text which says the word is translated Him it was a different Greek word. It was a different Greek word okay so from ... investigation I looked up by the Greek letters I found the Greek word I found the letters that appeared in the interlinear now there is no number in the interlinear. So I had to go looking through the Greek lexicon by following the letters and I found the word and I found it under Strong's 3588 which has many many entries. The word does mean him but it has a specific meaning which I will get into in a minute.


If you try to check this out you will have to go through all the entries under that number and look for the exact spelling. I found the exact spelling under this number as it appears in the interlinear and it is a different word which is translated him but the reason it is a different Greek word is that this you see in English it is the same word him but in Greek it is two different words and this word means the other one the other him it specifically indicates that the scripture is speaking about two people here. The other one the other guy that is what it means I am going to clarify this just try and hang in there with me.


COMMENT: .....


PASTOR VITALE: No there is no 846 it is Strong's 3588 but this word him indicates that there is more than one person. More specifically Strong says it is speaking about the one already mentioned, the one already mentioned. This means we must be speaking about two different hims. So let us go on I know it is confusing just bear with me I will clear it up for you.


The word the same or in italics you can see that that means it is not in the Greek and the phrase in hope is Strong's 1680 can be translated relying on the hope now let me tell you here who is the hope? What is the hope? Christ in you amen.


Relying on the hope that Christ will appear in you. Let us try and find out what this mystery means. But in the hope of the other guy subjecting the one who subjected us, for the creature was made subject to Satan not by the will of the Father or by the will of the man but in the hope that the other guy who has subjected it is so unclear I am just going to have to give it to you. You have to pray about it cannot make any sense out of it going word by word what it is saying is that this happened in the hope that now remember Satan subjected the creation. Can you see that?


What happened was Adam's lower nature came up and subjected the creation, are you okay? And this happened but nevertheless we have the hope that the other guy Christ is going to come and subject the one who has subjected us.


Now look at the verse the word subject is there twice. The creation was made subject to vanity not willing but by reason of him who has subjected in hope.


So we have the word subjected twice and what I am suggesting to you is that Satan subjected the creation but we nevertheless have hope that the other guy is going to come and subject the one who has subjected us. I will let you think about it for a minute that is the hope that Christ is coming to subject the one who subjected us.


Brethren that is what we have been preaching here for 5 years it is called Armageddon. Christ must be raised from the dead in you to subject the carnal mind which has subjected you a reversal is taking place.


COMMENT: The same is in the Greek?


PASTOR VITALE: The same is not in the Greek. As I told you I find that the deeper the revelation the harder it is you have to pray about it. It is not clear and I want to tell you this scripture never sat right with me. I never understood it but I cannot do everything at once I have never looked at in the Greek but it never sat right with me, never made any sense to me. I will take a question now just please put it in the microphone for me.


COMMENT: Are you saying that this is rearranged wrong here because this is saying by reason of him who and it looks like who is talking about him.


PASTOR VITALE: The word who I have the interlinear I do not think it is in there just a minute I will look it up for you. No the word who is not in there. You have to realise how difficult translation is and every translator including the King James they just take the verbs and the nouns and they line them up and they add whatever words are necessary and sometimes the remove words that seem to be confusing and they just make up a translation that made sense to them the word who is not in here.


COMMENT: Okay what is in here? Is that by reason of him has subjected in hope that is in there.


PASTOR VITALE: Just a minute I will read it to you. The creation was subjected not willing but through him subjecting on hope. That is what it says makes no sense at all. The King James translators had a problem with this verse and they did the best that they could. It makes no sense at all. I find the deeper the revelation the more abbreviated it is and that means that the fewer the words used to express it. It is almost like God is saying this is a mystery buried in the earth and you will never understand it unless I reveal it by my spirit that is what God is saying.


Okay let us go on verse 21 because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. We will not take too much time on this. The word delivered is Strong's 1654 it means to be freed. The word bondage Strong's 1397 means slavery, corruption means corruption and the word children is 5043 this is not the word for the son begotten of the father this is children with no regard to sex and I want to suggest to you that God is speaking about all of his children those who are spiritual male and those who are spiritual females.


Now remember that in the natural when you are born a male or a female you mature from an infant male or female unto mature male or female but in the realm of the spirit when you are born a spiritual female you mature into a spiritual male Lord willing you will mature into a spiritual male.


We do have spiritual men and spiritual women but it does not mean that you have to stay that way. If you find or if you have any reason to believe after listening to this teachings or otherwise that you are a spiritual female do not be discouraged just tell the Lord that you will like to grow up because spiritual maturity is spiritual manhood. What you are saying to the Lord is you want to grow up you say Lord grant me permission to go on to perfection that is what you are saying.


There is never any reason to be discouraged or envious or have any other such problem in Christ because God is able to give to all who ask liberally just ask Him and then you have to be patient because He does not always give it to you right away. You may need a lot of work before he can give it to you and when you are asked a question like that when you make a petition like that do not be surprised as the fiery trial comes upon you because He may be beating the ungodliness out of you so that He can answer your prayer.


I have an alternate translation for that because the creature itself will be freed from the slavery of corruption into the glorious freedom of the children of God. Let me read you all three verses together. Therefore the creature is labouring to give birth to the sons which God is eagerly expecting because the creation was not subjected to Satan because the Father or the man desired it but in the hope of the other guy subjecting the one who subjected us.


Now I am going to make that clearer for you but I left it that way so you can see how I got it because the creation was not subjected to Satan because the Father or the man desired it but in the hope or nevertheless we have the hope that the other guy will subject the one who subjected us because the creature itself will be free from the slavery of corruption into the glorious freedom of the children of God.


An amplified translation therefore the creature is labouring to give birth to the sons which God is eagerly expecting because neither the Father nor the man desire that the creation be subjected to Satan nevertheless because the Lord has given us the hope that Christ will subject the one who subjected us the creature will be free from the slavery of corruption into the glorious freedom of the children of God. Is that not beautiful?




PASTOR VITALE: There is no reason to it is pretty clear and it is pretty obvious in 21. I am very excited with this teaching brethren praise God. The light that is coming through is glorious. As I said at the beginning of the message I have preached this in Nigeria and I followed this teaching up with 3 verses in Isaiah 40. I do not know whether it is me I feel too tired to go on or whether it is you. Let me ask you would you like me to go on with 3 verses in Isaiah 40? What do you feel? What time is it somebody has the time? I want to take a break it must be me I am tired I will do it but let us take a 10 minutes break. Okay please shut the tape off.


Praise the Lord, so the Lord has given us another witness to the teaching in Romans 8 verses 19, 20 and 21 and Isaiah chapter 40 and we will do the first 3 verses.


Isaiah chapter 40 verses 1 to 3 comfort ye, comfort ye my people saith your God speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem and cry unto her that her warfare is accomplished that her iniquity is pardoned for she has received of the Lord's hand double for her sins. The voices in that crieth in the wilderness prepare ye the way of the Lord make straight in the desert a high way for our God.


I think I should have really checked this out, I think we have to do verse1 and 2, Isaiah chapter 40.


XXXX do you remember I think we only did verses 1 and 2 and then the next tape was verse 3 you say amen to that? We are just going to do verses 1 and 2 because I preached the balance of it on another tape in Lagos which I hope I will have available for you depending how much help I can get hopefully within a couple of weeks.


Verse 1 comfort ye comfort ye my people saith your God. The Hebrew word translated comfort is Strong's 5162 and strangely enough this word can be translated to take vengeance now there is a great mystery here I mentioned it before I will comment on it again. The Hebrew language in most instances will have translations of the word that are both positive and negative and to the carnal mind it seems totally inconsistent that one Hebrew word can mean to comfort and to take vengeance. It makes no sense at all until the Lord explained to me that the Hebrew language is so rich and so designed to deal with God's spiritual truth that a word will mean one thing when it is referring to the carnal mind and it will mean exact opposite when it is referring to Christ.


So when God says comfort ye He is saying be comforted all ye people in Christ but all you carnal minds watch out because vengeance is falling upon you. Do you understand what I am saying? Now this is very common in the Hebrew language to have contradictory meanings and that is the basis for it. God says peace peace unto those who are in Christ but when He says peace unto those who are carnal for God to bring peace unto the carnally minded He brings peace through waging war. He brings peace through waging war so when God says peace to the carnal mind it means warfare.


So I want to suggest to you that this Isaiah chapter 40 is announcing the warfare that will bring forth the manifestations of the sons of God that will bring forth the Christ who will subject the one who subject and bring the carnal mind into subjection and that Isaiah 40 is a call to war. And I also call your attention to the fact that this word comfort appears twice and I declare to you that God does not stutter nor is He confused but if He says the word twice there is a reason to say it twice.


And when I say Lord why would you say it twice? He says well I am saying it once to Satan and I am saying it a second time to the carnal mind. I am saying all my people take vengeance on Satan and take vengeance on the carnal mind. Comfort ye, comfort ye my people saith your God. Glory to God.


Verse 2 speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem and cry unto her. Let us review who Jerusalem is, Jerusalem is the soul, Jerusalem typifies the soul we have old Jerusalem and we have New Jerusalem. Old Jerusalem is unholy and new Jerusalem is the holy city, I suggest to you old Jerusalem is the imputed anointing the formation of Christ or you might say the kingdom of God appearing in an unconverted soul. And the New Jerusalem is the kingdom of the two heavens appearing in a soul and the very presence of the kingdom of the two heavens indicates that that soul has been converted.


It is the mind which is being revealed through the soul which determines whether that soul is righteous or unrighteous. When the carnal mind also known as death is being revealed through the living soul that living soul is dead and unrighteous but when the mind of Christ is being revealed through the very same soul that soul is righteous, new and holy.


You see God only created and He only formed one living soul, it is a many membered soul, that soul is either dead or alive, that living soul is either righteous or unrighteous, that living soul is either old or new, that living soul is either renewed and therefore the inner man or the new man or unrenewed or unregenerate and therefore the old man just one soul the renewing of the soul is in the impartation of a new mind.


It is the same soul the renewal of that soul is in a change of mind not just a changing of an idea because when someone said change your mind what he says to me is well I was thinking one way and now I will think another way that what change of mind means to me but the scriptural concept of change of mind means to literally behead yourself of one mind and have a new mind imparted to you.


The carnal mind has to die and Christ must be raised from the dead in you. I just said it backwards Christ must be raised from the dead in you and when He is raised from the dead in you He shall surely kill that wicked carnal mind. It is a literal change of mind not a different way of thinking but it is a spiritual reality we are getting a new mind just as if a new arm will grow out from us and then the Lord will cut of this arm.


You see we have a whole element of the church today that thinks that this experience is intellectually. You have to understand it that they lay hold of the scripture which says he who believes in me shall never die shall have eternal life. It is not a question of intellectual believing. What that means is he who believes into me and the whole principle behind it is that our mind is spirit and that spirit has the ability to vibrate out from beyond this form that we call our body and that when we believe or when we think our mind vibrates forth and goes some place and touches other people that is what a soul tie is.


Your soul vibrates forth and joins with other people but in Christ the tie is not soulish, in Christ the tie is spirit. When we believe into Him when we believe to such a degree that our spiritual substance vibrates out from us or actually I should say vibrates inwards and joins with the Christ, joins with the kingdom of God which is within us then we shall never die. It is not an intellectual believing it is a believing with such an intensity that a spiritual change takes place in our mind that our mind vibrates forth and pierces through into the kingdom of God.


So Jerusalem is the soul, the living soul that God created. Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem. Jerusalem is not modified by any word it does not say New Jerusalem it does not say old Jerusalem, it does not say holy Jerusalem but I hope I just established for you that there is a New and an old Jerusalem. As you will see it is the balance of the verse that modifies the word Jerusalem, speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem and cry unto her that her warfare is accomplished and that her iniquity is pardoned.


Brethren your iniquity cannot be pardoned unless you have iniquity amen. Is Everybody okay? I suggest to you that the phrase her iniquity is pardoned is modifying the word Jerusalem and identifying her as the old Jerusalem as the sin filled Jerusalem as the corrupt Jerusalem as the soul whose mind is carnal and I remind you this is a hard word some people manifest over this. Even though Christ is being formed in you for so long as the carnal mind is sustaining your existence the carnal mind is your true head. Anybody want to take a knife and plunge it into their heart and test this thing out? I tell you that if your head is truly Christ if your mind is truly Christ then Christ is sustaining your existence and if you plunge a knife into your heart you will not die.


Jesus did not die because nails were put into His body Jesus did not die because He hung on the cross, Jesus Christ of Nazareth who was the Christ died when by His own will He breath out of that body and not a second before.


So I do not know about you but I am not about to plunge a knife into my heart and test this one out. I am ready willing and able to confess to you that the carnal mind is still my head and that this conversion which is promised in this bible has not happened to me yet. It has been promised to me and the seed of this promise has been planted but let us be realistic brethren to live in reality is not a lack of faith to go around saying it has happened to you already when it has not happened to you is fantasy.


The truth is it has been promised we have received the earnest of our inheritance the seed has been sown in our heart but the fruit of the harvest or the fruit has not yet been harvested. Most of us that will be hearing this tape or in a meeting like this have produced the flower. Does anybody know what the flower is spiritual plant amen.


It is the Holy Ghost, flower is the Holy Ghost you cannot have any fruit without having the flower. You have a bunch of gardeners here.


Now just in case there is any Baptist listening I am not convinced that you have to have the experience known as being baptised with the Holy Ghost to produce the fruit. I am not sure the only thing I know is that there are a lot of Baptist out there who do not speak in tongues who have demonstrated a great deal of faith and understanding in the scripture and I see the spirit of God on them.


So exactly what the Lord is going to do with them I do not know. I know in the natural you cannot have fruit without a flower but with God all things are possible I do not believe He is going throw them away.


Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem that word comfortably is a different Hebrew word than the word translated comfort. Verse 20 it means heart, heart centre and the physical heart is the centre of our natural being and as the centre with a heart of our spiritual being is the mind which is in us. Our entire spiritual being revolves around the mind that is in us. The mind is very important as we think we are, as we believe we do and the living soul reflects the mind that is in us. I just spent 10 minutes talking about that.


Our spiritual centre also known as our spiritual heart is the mind which is in us. Speak ye to the heart of Jerusalem, speak ye to the heart of Jerusalem, speak ye to that mind which is in the sin filled Jerusalem. What mind is in the sin filled Jerusalem? The carnal mind so the Father is saying unto Israel take vengeance my people on both Satan and the carnal mind speak ye to that mind which is in your fallen soul.


Now the Lord has to be speaking to the people in who ...is appearing. You cannot take vengeance on yourself a house divided will not stand. This warfare cannot start until Christ begins to be formed in you. At which point you become double minded and when you read this scriptures you have to find out which one of your minds the Lord is speaking to and if you are wilfully following after God to the best of your ability as far as God is concerned you are Christ but you have a lower nature that got out from under your ancestor righteous Adam and killed her. And she set herself up she exalted herself into a position of powerful spiritual warfare and we find out from the prophet Zachariah that she went forth and started to incarnate under her own authority and we found other scriptures indicating that she is a powerful war machine. She started out as a submissive woman or a woman who was in submission she got out from under her head and she became a super Jezebel and is a powerful war machine. The Lord described her as such.


We found several scriptures with a living soul God's wife is described as a powerful war machine who is making war against whom? Against Christ her husband, look around you brethren. We see women making war against their husbands all over this country it is sin. Just like the scripture says honour your mother and father it does not say honour them if they a good job, it does not say honour them if they love you, it does not say honour them if they feed you it just says honour them.


Honour your husbands ladies whether they are doing the job or not. If you are not honouring them you are moving in a spirit of Jezebel. If the Lord has instructed you and your husband is opposing that instruction you have to obey God but there is a way to do it and there is a way not to do it. And even if the Lord has instructed you and you are obeying Him if you are dealing with your husband in a spirit of Jezebel you have got to repent. Whoever it is get before God I am not looking at anybody but I am telling you the truth.


It is not enough to say that God told me you have got to deal with people in accordance with spiritual principles. Your husband, your children, the head of the ministry that you are in there is a way to do it and the way that you do it proceeds forth from the spirit in which you are doing it. Let me give you a more contemporary way of saying spirit, let us say attitude that attitude in which you do it either glorifies God or condemns you. You must know this.


So speak ye to the heart of Jerusalem all ye people in Christ and cry unto her. The Hebrew word translated cry is Strong's 7121 and it can be translated to preach or proclaim to publish, preach to your soul brethren that is ruled by the carnal mind. Preach to your old man, preach to your old man, down you devil, get down, get down, get down you devil. Speak to you carnal mind and preach unto her and tell her that her warfare is accomplished. The Hebrew word translated warfare is Strong's 6635 and strangely enough ... tells us it means a mass of persons especially organised for war.


This Hebrew word that is translated warfare is speaking about soldiers. It is speaking about a war machine and again I am not picking on the King James translators I am trying to convince you that translato's licence is a reality and that the King James translators took a lot of licence and I am telling you this so that you can have some peace when I take licence. I want you to understand that translating especially translating prophesy is so difficult that it is an expression of the translator that is why the translation of the bible that you study is so important because every translation is an expression of the believes of the translator and you are getting the spirit of the translator. So you should seriously pray to God about what translation you study with.


So my whole point is every translator takes translator's licence. I am not doing anything that anybody else has not done. Is everybody following me?


This Hebrew word translated warfare means soldiers, warfare is an impersonal noun it is a thing but the Hebrew word according to ... it means soldiers. It is talking about people and we find a translation that makes a thing is a big difference.


Preach to the heart of Jerusalem preach to that carnal mind or speak unto her. Speak unto that carnal mind and preach unto her that her soldiers are accomplished. What does that mean? The Hebrew word translated accomplished 4390 and it can be translated either to come to an end or to be fenced in.


Preach to that carnal mind and tell her that she is finished that she has come to the end of herself because the very Christ has fenced her in, fenced her in.


Let me put it to you another way woven His mind together with her, is everybody following me? Glory to God. What an exciting word.


Alternate translation verses 1 and the first part of verse 2 Isaiah chapter 40, take vengeance, take vengeance my people. My people saith the Lord take vengeance against Satan and take vengeance against your carnal mind.


Speak to that carnal mind which is the heart of Jerusalem and preach unto her telling her that that carnal mind is fenced in and has come to an end. Halleluiah, glory to God.


I made that in a little bit of English let me read it to you. Speak to the carnal mind which has subjected you I am lining this up with the same language as Romans 8 19 through 21 preach to that carnal mind which has subjected you and tell her that I have fenced her in and brought her to an end. Halleluiah, glory to God.


Going on with verse 2 that her iniquity is pardoned, preach to her and tell her that her iniquity is pardoned. The Hebrew word translated iniquity is Strong's 5771 and it means moral evil. Now it is my understanding based on New Testament studies that the word iniquity is the fruit of the sin.


However in this verse we see the King James translators have translated this word which means moral evil as iniquity but just to avoid confusion because it is my understanding that sin moral impurity which is sin or moral impurity is sin and iniquity is the fruit of the result of that sin usually a curse or a demon.


We are not going to use the word iniquity we will call it either moral evil or sin and that sin has been pardoned. What is the sin? The sin is adultery that is what the sin is. You can say that Adam was disobedient, you can say he was rebellious but the evidence, the iniquity, the evidence or the fruit of the sin let me stop in the middle of the sentence by their fruits you shall know them the fruit the product the evidence of the sin should identify the sin amen. And what is the fruit of the sin? The carnal mind was born an illegitimate bastard child that is why we need to be adopted because the mind that is in us is an illegitimate bastard the offspring of Satan and God's wife.


So therefore I declare to you the sin was adultery. Is everybody okay? Spiritual adultery which produced the carnal mind and the carnal mind is iniquity the fruit of the man sin.


Now we find a lot of people saying it was the woman sin, brethren the man was responsible, he was supposed to be guarding the garden. So we see a lot of prejudice against women being revealed through this understanding saying that the woman was evil and the woman sinned. The woman was what she was created to be Adam's reproductive part which was his wife was made to respond to spiritual sexual advances. She could not do anything but the man was supposed to be protecting her. The woman was deceived the man was not deceived. The man yielded to his lower passions the sin was with him. When he yielded to his lower passions he became the woman and he was then deceived. In that state of mind he was deceived when his state of mind was male he could not be deceived but when he yielded to his lower passions and became the woman in that state of mind he was deceived.


Let us grow up brethren. Her iniquity is pardoned the Hebrew word translated pardoned is Strong's 7521 and it means to satisfy a debt, to satisfy a debt. Brethren the concept of forgiveness of sin is greatly misunderstood in the church. God does not say to you I forgive your sins and leave you in the same condition. God will never tolerate sin in his creation. When God forgives you of your sin he cleanses you from them and seals off your potential to commit that sin again.


We have a misunderstanding in the church we think that sin filled people are entering into heaven. Sin filled people are not entering into heaven brethren.


When God forgives He cleans you up, first He forgives you and then the judgment. First he forgives you and then the fiery trial, be not surprised at the fiery trial that has come upon you brethren. You cannot enter into the kingdom in the condition that you are in when you come to the Lord because no fornicator and no whoremonger and no murderer and no homosexual all of which qualities are resident in the carnal mind shall enter into the kingdom of God.


You must be cleansed and purged of all of this wickedness. It is a fantasy to think that you are going to pursue your life just as you are doing and die and go to heaven.


And it is just as great a fantasy to think that you will continue on in your sins and wake up one morning and be in full stature. It is a fantasy you shall be in full stature when you have put every enemy under your feet. When Christ in you has put every enemy being revealed through your carnal mind under His feet, when Christ totally overpowers your carnal mind so that she is incapable of sin, when He binds her to Him, when the kingdom of the two heavens comes to pass in your mind you shall be truly forgiven of your sins.


You see God is forgiving you of your sins on faith but from that moment forward the cleansing starts. Do not be naive every sin shall have its just recompense. To be running down the streets saying God has forgiven me and thinking that that is all there is you are being childish I do not mean to insult you. You are being childish you are being naive. You are being a silly woman, you cannot stay in this condition you must become holy, you must become righteous. The nature of God must be revealed through you.


Brethren you are not truly forgiven until the nature of God is revealed through you the forgiveness of sins is in the conversion of your soul and through the impartation and the revelation of the nature of Christ through you. Your sins are not forgiven until they are all covered over and it is Christ who must cover them over. So your sins are forgiven potentially but they must be forgiven experientially. It must become a reality to you.


Brethren from the time a natural woman conceives one might say she is a mother but she is not really a mother until that baby has been born and is at her breast. We must grow up.


Preach unto her that her iniquity is satisfied, it is completed that the debt is paid. Brethren we are complete in Christ, your iniquity is not pardoned until Christ has been fully born in you and completed you or satisfied the debt which your carnal mind owes by covering it over. The forgiveness of sins the pardon of iniquity comes in full stature when the kingdom of God in you matures into the kingdom of the two heavens and your carnal mind is completely bound and fenced in. Your sins shall be truly forgiven.


Brethren if your sins are not forgiven they will have a just recompense if there is still judgment falling in your life your sins have not been experientially forgiven. Is there not judgment still falling in your life? Is there no trouble in your life? Is every aspect of your life in order? Is every one of your relationships perfect? Your sins are not forgiven how do I know that judgment is still falling on you. Brethren we have got to get this straight. We have a church world living in denial and fantasy and as we like to say sometimes in this ministry quite dysfunctional. The church is a dysfunctional family.


Verse 2 the last phrase for she has received of the Lord's hand double for double. Now this is a very interesting concept double for double. Brethren the carnal mind of men just wants to believe that God is giving you double pain for your sin. The carnal mind wants to believe you are going to hell and then the lower hell. The carnal mind in men just wants to know that the devil is there is a pitch fork and a burning touch also that that is the double. Double pain for all the wickedness that you have done I want to suggest to you that that is not the mind of God saying that. Let us find out what God is saying the Hebrew word translated double is Strong's 3718 and it means a doubling it means two fold I did not write the scripture down it is in Job if you look up unto this number in ... 3718 he quotes a scripture in Job with this word this Hebrew word translated double is used to describe the manifold what infinite wisdom of God.


And ..... translation is God's wisdom has double folds meaning the wisdom of God is infinite so we find a scripture in which this word is used to describe the double goodness of God and what is the double goodness of God? It is the Father and the son, Christ in you the hope of glory. Wherever Christ is the Father is present, the spirit of Christ is present in Christ, the spirit of Christ being the unconscious mind, and Christ being the conscious mind of the Father.


So I want to suggest to you that this double fold double from all her sins let me tell you what I am getting at I want to suggest to you that fallen man cannot cover his own sins so we are getting the double portion Christ in you the hope of glory not a punishment brethren but to cover over your sins. Christ is the answer to sin.


Christ is God's rehabilitation. Christ is the grace of God which impacts to us the ability to stop sinning. There is no resurrection in punishment, there is no rehabilitation in punishment. There is no deliverance in cruelty or restraint, that is what Satan does and it kills us if the Lord does not intervene.


The judgment of God results in the appearance of Christ in the individual who rises up and covers over their sins. The mercy and the grace of God, the double portion not the immature Christ but the kingdom of the two heavens appearing in the mind of a man covering over or binding up together with the Christ the sins of the carnal mind.


In God is rehabilitation all fallen man can do and all that the laws of Israel could do was stone the offender or burn them with fire, kill them to stop that plague from spreading to the rest of Israel.


The kingdom of God was present in natural Israel the kingdom of God the imputed Christ but to stop sin they had no spiritual authority to stop sin all they could do was to kill the individual or the city in which that sin was appearing but in the new covenant brethren we find not the kingdom of God but the kingdom of the two heavens. The ability in a mature Christ to weave Himself together with the wickedness in our soul, thus covering it over, thus rendering to us double for our sins, thus rendering to us the rehabilitation of our sins, the covering over the binding up of our sins that will enable us to cease from sin. Is that not fantastic? Let all this condemnation in the church die, let it die. Let the truth of God's word bring life to his people.


He who is righteous in heaven who has said every sin will have its just recompense I will never forgive you to let you continue to sin has also said I shall be your ability to stop sinning. He will never stop judging sin never but He has made a way of escape He will give you the ability to stop sinning. Is that not incredible? What an incredible God. How we have misunderstood Him. Glory to God.


I have an alternate translation for that third third of verse 2, and the sins of the whole living soul is covered over because the double portion of God's strength which is in Christ has taken hold of himself. I forgot to tell you something. Speaking words to Jerusalem and crying to her that her warfare is accomplished that her iniquity is pardoned for she has received okay this is what I left out she has received of the Lord's hand double for her sins. I skipped that phrase she has received of the Lord's hand. The Hebrew word translated received is Strong's 3947 and it means to unfold oneself it is the same word that we find in Ezekiel 1 verse 4 where it says the glorified man appeared to be fire unfolding itself and what that word is talking about can be typified by kneading doe how you keep pulling stretching the doe out folding it in and stretching it out and folding it into itself.


It is just referring to a fact of continuously flowing inward to oneself so let us find out what this means. And she has received of the Lord's hand this Hebrew word translated hand is Strong's 3027 and it means the open hand of power. What we are saying here is that the sins of the whole living soul have been covered over because the double portion of God's strength that is his right hand which is in Christ has taken hold of himself.


Now behold brethren I show you a great mystery God refers to the living soul as himself. No man has ever hated his own flesh. We are His flesh therefore we are himself. There was a tragedy at the time of the fall and His flesh or His wife separated from Him and went off and started living her own life.


So we see the Lord saying in Isaiah chapter 40 at the end of verse 2 that the sins of the whole living soul has been covered over because the double portion of God's strength which is Christ has taken hold of Himself or has taken hold of His flesh or has taken hold of His wife which has gone out from Him. Is everybody with me? Okay, glory to God.


Alternate translation this is verses 1 and 2 take vengeance on Satan and the carnal mind my people speak to the carnal mind which has subjected you and tell her that I have fenced her in and brought her to an end and that the double portion of God's strength which is in Christ has taken hold of Himself and covered over the sins of the whole living soul.


He has enfolded her sins into Himself and the sins are now within and Christ is without. Therefore Christ is covering over the sins they have been internalised He swallowed them up. Victory has swallowed up death.


I want to give you another witness in the New Testament Ephesians 1 verse 14. I will start with the last phrase of verse 13. He was sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchase possession until the praise of His glory unto redemption. Now the reason I am bringing this in is that we are talking about the pardon to satisfy a debt, to satisfy a debt is to redeem it is to purchase back and that is why I picked out this verse as another witness.


Now the Greek word translated redemption in verse 14 is Strong's 629 and it can be translated ransom and the word purchase possession means property. So I just want to take a minute to go over ransom with you and then give you an amplified translation and we are going to call in the night.


A ransom, brethren in the natural when somebody steals something that you have you pay him a ransom and he gives you back your property and he runs away but in the realm of the spirit this is not so. Let me give you another example that we have been teaching here for quite a while. In the natural a man and a woman or a man impregnates a woman and the woman has the baby and all three are separate the man and the woman and the baby are separate but in the spiritual this is not true.


In the spirit the male spirit joins with the female soul and produces the offspring which is a what? The product or the offspring of the spirit and the soul is a what? Does anybody know? It is a mind. Amen.


The offspring of a spirit and a soul is a mind and all the three are joined together that is what the carnal mind is. It is the expression of Satan through Eve in the mind which is carnal and Christ is expression of the Father through Eve in the mind of Christ., all three are joined together and so it is with the giving of the ransom in spiritual matters.


Satan has stolen God's creation and the Father is giving a ransom to get this creation back but Satan is not taking the ransom and running away the ransom is being added to the existing creation. We have a creation which has a mind which is death in it. The mind is carnal it is made up of Satan, Eve and their illegitimate offspring the carnal mind and the ransom is being added to this condition the ransom is Christ Himself and it is being nailed to this tree. The living soul is a tree it is made out of wood according to the scripture symbolically. And the ransom is being added to Satan, Eve and the carnal mind and it is going to be joined there for the life of the ages.


God has given His Son as a ransom nailed to that tree but the fallen tree will not pollute the Christ but Christ will impart life to that fallen tree. The Father has given His Christ to be joined to this wicked soul for the life of the ages but He will bring her into submission, He will bring peace to His household, He will bring order to His household, He will bring life to the living soul and when He gets everything in order we shall all live in peace but right now everything is in chaos.


And the words purchased possession is just one Greek word and it means property so I will just put this in to emphasis the spiritual concept of having our sins pardoned through the addition of the ransom. It is just another way of saying your sins will be covered and I have been teaching here for a couple of years that we can cast out demons and break curses for the next hundred years and it will not result in our salvation.


Salvation is through union with the Christ, something must be added to us. He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit His life must be given to us. The breaking of curses and the casting out of demons prepares our soul to receive the seed which will produce Christ in us. The breaking of curses and the casting out of demons prepares our soul to have something added to us. If our soul is not prepared the earth of our soul could reject the seed and if the seed does not become engrafted and Christ is not formed in us there is no salvation to that individual.


So I have an amplified translation I am going to read you my alternate translation and then I am going to read you an amplified translation in view of Ephesians 1 verse 14. Alternate translation, take vengeance on Satan and the carnal mind my people speak to the carnal mind which has subjected you and tell her that I have fenced her in and brought her to an end and that the double portion of God's strength has taken hold of himself and covered over this sins of the whole living soul. Now I have amplified that I have changed some of the words around incorporating the concept of Ephesians 1 verse 14 as follows: take vengeance on Satan and the carnal mind my people speak to the carnal mind which has subjected you and tell her that Christ Jesus has ransomed his property which is this whole creation. He has ransomed her by covering over her sins. And tell her that Christ Jesus has ransomed His property the whole creation by covering over her sins. Halleluiah. encouraging, glorious, praise God.





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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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