186 - Part 8


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We're continuing with the message on Christ tonight and what we've done is taken all of the entries in Strong's concordance, which say Christ, and we have broken them down in three categories, Christ, Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus, and we're going to go through most of these Scriptures. The only ones that I'm leaving out are the ones that are either repetitions of what we've already studied or the ones that are really not pertinent to the question of who Christ is, and if the Lord lets me, after we finish the three categories, we'll do some Scriptures on the name Jesus, where it appears by itself. And I would like to point out to you that in the Scriptures where the King James translation says Christ alone, some of the times if you look it up in the Greek, the Greek says the Christ, and the word the, the article it's called the article, has not been translated. And when the Scripture says, the Christ, it's talking about Jesus, we know Jesus is the Christ, there are many Scriptures that say Jesus is the Christ, Jesus was the Christ, Jesus is the Christ.


If the article is before Christ, it's speaking about Jesus, if the article is not there, if it's speaking about Christ alone, it's talking about the mind of Christ which is within the human being, which was within the human being, the man Jesus, and that Christ which originally appeared at the beginning of time, that imputed Christ who was killed by the carnal mind, and who was raised from the dead, in whom, in the man Jesus Christ, amen, who was the first cell of the creation of God. Lord willing Christ will be raised from the dead in everyone of us, but in a many- membered body, Hallelujah.


Okay, and I just want to make it clear, don't be deceived, in many Scriptures, the King James says Christ, and they don't translate the article, in the Greek it says the Christ but it doesn't say it in the King James. So in the areas that I found it I'll give it to you but if ever you're studying, you have to look these Scriptures up in the Interlinear to find out, in many instances it says the Christ in the Greek and it's not translated. So it changes the whole context of the Scripture because if it says the Christ, it means the man Jesus who was Christ, but if it says Christ alone, we could be talking either about the imputed Christ who was killed at the beginning of time, at the fall by the carnal mind, or we could be talking about Christ who was raised from the dead in the man Jesus of Nazareth before he was crucified. Brethren if Christ was not raised from the dead in the man Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus would not have been the Christ, because the definition of a man being the Christ is that the Christ mind has total and complete dominion and control over that man's total and entire person, that's what makes you the Christ, that the carnal mind which you received when you were born of a human mother is totally dead, totally functionally dead.


We called it an imputed death, the carnal mind is not slain until glorification, but it becomes functionally dead, does anyone not know what that means? It absolutely had no function, it's like being brain dead. Do you know what it means to be in a coma and you lay there on those machines? You're functionally dead, in the medical world they'll call you a vegetable, where you just lay there and they are feeding you with tubes, what are they keeping you alive for? That is the condition of the carnal mind, Hallelujah, let it happen already. When we enter into the first stage of resurrection, the carnal mind is brain dead. He's crushed by Christ, he is functionally dead, it is an imputed death, he's still there, and if Christ were to disengage, he'd be alive and kicking, and then he becomes actually dead, in the glorification. Everybody okay? Hallelujah.


Matt. 1:16, "And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus who is called Christ." And we see clearly here that Jesus is called Christ, Jesus the man is not Christ, Jesus the man is Jesus the man, Christ was born in him and raised from the dead in him. Jesus is called Christ, Jesus is the Christ. And it wasn't until the father raised him from the dead that his body and his physical body and his carnal mind which he inherited from Mary were completely intermixed with the Christ, which the mind of Christ which he received from his father, and they were intermixed to the degree that when salt is placed in water, that salt becomes completely dissolved in the water, and they become one new substance, salt water. And when you mix sodium and when you mix chloride, they become one new substance, salt. That complete intermingling resulted in our glorified Lord Jesus Christ who was now spirit, but before he was glorified he was a human being like we are, whose mind was Christ, you are a human being who mind is carnal, so you are xxxxxxx the carnal, I mean all of us, I am Sheila the carnal, that's what we are it's a joke, you're not insulted are you, okay.


Jesus was the Christ. We are named after the mind that dwells in us, and if you have two minds, you're named after the mind that is sustaining your existence. Brethren, Christ is in me, I have a measure of the imparted anointing, but he is not sustaining my existence, if I were to plunge a knife into my heart, I mean he could raise me from the dead, but by in large I would be dead. When Christ is your mind and your carnal mind is brain dead, and you plunge a knife into your heart, all your blood pours out, I'm not quite sure whether you could walk around without your blood, or whether your blood would regenerate, I'm not quite sure, but I am quite sure of this, that if the mind that is causing you to exist in this world system is Christ, your body cannot die, because your life is not in the blood of this flesh, but your life is in Christ. Does anybody not understand that, are you all okay? Okay.


The only reason we are dependent on the blood that's in this body is that in this hour our mind is already dead, our carnal mind is death itself, and because our carnal mind is death itself, our body can be killed, but when our mind is life, this body cannot be killed no matter what you do it, put through a meat grinder, cut your arm off, it will grow back out. This body is just clay, it's not you. Everybody, that's really important, if we get to it, we have a really interesting study on that, is everybody okay on that? You have a question, okay.


COMMENT: In James it talks about a double minded man is unstable in all his ways, is that somebody who has the imputed Christ operating sometimes and the carnal mind operating?


PASTOR VITALE: Exactly. One moment we're righteous, and the next moment we're wicked and the two minds are at war with one another, the flesh lustest against the spirit and the spirit lustest against the flesh, okay, you alright? Okay.


Matt.1:17, "So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations, and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations, and from the carrying away in to Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations." Now most people think that the Christ of verse 17, is the same Jesus who was called Christ of verse 16, but if you count the generations you'll see that Jesus who is called Christ is the 13th generation and that the Christ of verse 17 is the 14th generation and he is not Jesus the Christ, he is everyone in whom Christ is being raised from the dead in this hour. We are the offspring of the Christ who appeared in the man Jesus, and who is now, that man Jesus who is now glorified. And the Scripture could say, and the Scripture, verse 16 says, Jacob begat Joseph the husband of whom was born Jesus who was called Christ. And we could rewrite that Scripture and say, and Christ begat Christ Jesus, we are the next generation. And Christ begat many sons, Christ Jesus. Christ begat many sons and Jesus who is called Christ begat many sons. I guess you could say he begat many sons and many daughters, but in Christ the daughters eventually grow up to be sons.


Everybody that stays in Christ becomes a son. Full stature is full spiritual manhood. The only women in the kingdom are the carnal minds in each individual. Everybody okay, is everybody okay? Matt.2:4, "And when he had gathered all the chief priests and Scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born." Now notice brethren he's not asking where Jesus was born, he's asking where Christ would be born. Christ existed before the man Jesus of Nazareth was ever born. Christ existed in the realm of the spirit, he was in the creation when God formed the man Adam, the mind in that man was Christ. Christ was formed at the beginning of time. When God set the man upright in the garden that was the formation of the imputed mind of Christ in him, or we could say the immature mind of Christ in him.


The mind of Christ that had the righteousness of God but had not yet had any experiences with what? Anybody, with evil, with evil, he had no experiences with evil at all, and because he was immature and not brought forth from seed, he was capable of being killed, and when Christ the mind in the man Adam died, the man died with him. When the mind died, the whole creation died.


Now most people think that your mind dies when your body dies, isn't that what you think, how do you kill somebody's mind, you have to kill them, first you kill their body, you assume their mind dies too, right? But that's only because you're already dead, it's only because your already dead, your mind is dead before you killed the body, I just said it. If your mind was alive, your body could not be killed. At the beginning of time, the creation had a mind that was alive, why?


Because God said it was alive, God imputed life to it, and the creation lived, and the way the Lord expresses it in parable form is that he set the man upright in the garden, but that righteous mind died to its righteousness and it became death, and because the mind in the creation is now death, everything dies. Our body dies, the flowers die, the trees die, this whole world is death because the mind in the man is death. And the answer is not to preserve these bodies, the answer is to get a mind which is alive. Everybody okay? Man, a fallen man cannot kill a mind, they only we can kill is someone's body. How do you kill a mind, if that mind is living by the life of God, how do you kill a mind. We don't have the power to do it, can anyone not say amen to that? All we could do is kill the body, okay. Okay, Matt. 11:2, "Now when John had heard in the prison the works of Christ he sent two of his disciples..." So we see here that Christ does the works, the man Jesus did not do the works, the man Jesus laid hands, the man Jesus spoke certain words, he said come out in the name of Jesus, he didn't say the name of Jesus, but he said come out of the woman, but we have a Scripture here that says Christ does the works, and any man in whom Christ is manifesting is not doing anything except expressing the instructions of the Christ within him.


We have no power brethren, we have no power of our own, Jesus said I do nothing except what the father tells me to do, Jesus did nothing of his own, he said I do the works of my father, and any person who does their own works is not moving in Christ, they are moving in the carnal mind, which is sin. So nobody here is being condemned, but we are in training to resist the works of the carnal mind, to recognize them and to resist them, and to eventually kill them, and the Lord is winking at our carnal works in this hour because he knows that we're just children in training. Is everybody okay, is anybody condemned, if you're condemned rebuke it because that condemnation will move in and steal your opportunity to learn this lesson, and it's a spirit of pride that comes in and says, Oh well I'm doing it, I'm finished, God hates me and that's the end of it, and what has happened? Your pride has entered right in and stopped you from laboring the spiritual labor, which will result in your distinguishing the carnal works are killing us. Can anybody not hear this? Watch out for that pride, he's very subtle.


So the works are of Christ. We have power that is traditionally likened to females. We have secondary power, we have passive power, we have a relationship with the father. We have a relationship, we have access to him, he listens to us, well don't tell me God listens to everybody, the Scripture clearly states God does not hear the prayers of the unrighteous. Does that mean he doesn't hear the prayers of the guy lying in the street with a needle in his arm. No brethren it doesn't mean that, it means he doesn't hear the prayers of the carnal mind. God does not hear the prayers of the carnal mind, you're wasting your time.


I want to tell you that guy that's laying in the gutter with a needle stuck in his arm, the day that his human spirit lifts up its head and says I have a memory that I have a father, and cries out to God, God hears his prayer, because it's the prayer of the righteous. Pharisees, he's not hearing your prayers. God does not hear the prayers of the wicked, he does not hear prayers for vengeance, he does not hear prayers for retribution, or retaliation or punishment.


He hears your prayers for mercy, for restitution, for rehabilitation, for healing. He'll hear your prayer for righteous judgment, but if your motive is retaliation, he'll turn around and do it to you. God doesn't like that Pharisee prayer, that Pharisitical prayer, he doesn't like it. So the works are of the Christ which is within you. Any power that we may have, is as a result of our relationship with God, and God is only relating to us as we seek him in righteousness and seek to do his will. So to the fullest degree that you are sincerely seeking to do the will of the father, and I don't care what you look like, only God knows the answer to that, I don't care how good you look brethren, I don't care if you're saying loud prayers in the synagogue, and I don't care if you're fasting four days a week, God knows what's in your heart, and the degree to which you are truly seeking a godly union with the father and desiring to do his work, that is the degree to which he is hearing and responding to your prayers. When it's selfish prayers for your prayers for self preservation and self gratification are not likely to be answered, he may be hearing them, but he's not likely to be answering them, and he's much more likely to be whipping you, to bring you up out of that immaturity that's asking for self gratification.


And then if you're really in pain, he'll have mercy on you even though you're crying out for self gratification, but he will not answer you in the carnal ways that you're asking for. He will answer you by building his Christ in you, by building his spiritual life in you. God is spirit, he'll grant your need for survival down here in hell, but by in large his long range plan for you is that your need should be met by his spirit. And the greater degree that you are called to his spiritual life, that is the degree to which he is denying your carnal prayers.


If he doesn't have much of the spirit for you, he's giving you every carnal thing that you've asked for that won't be destroying you, that will not be destroying you. But to the fullest degree that you are called to walk in the spirit, he may be and is likely to be denying you carnal things that wouldn't be destroying you. So why isn't he giving them to you? Because they are in opposition to his spiritual plans for your life. You have asked for carnal things that would not destroy any normal person in this world, but they will destroy the development of his spiritual life in you, amen?


Matt.16:16, "And Simon Peter answered and said, "Thou art the Christ, the son of the living God." First of all let me point out to you that the Scripture says living God, by reverse inference, if there is a living God, there must be a dead god, and what is his name? Satan, he is the god of this world, which is called hell. Absolutely. Christ is the son of the living God. Christ, not the man that he's dwelling in, is the son of the living God, a son must have a father, and a son must have a mother. A son is the offspring of a father and a mother. So we know that he's the son of the living God, who is who? Jehovah, his father is Jehovah, and who is his mother? Eve, the mother of all living.


Anyone that is alive has Eve for his mother. So we have a male seed and we have a female seed and we have an offspring, and Christ is the son of the living God, he is the mind which is born of the union between Jehovah and the human spirit in a man. When Jehovah joins with the human spirit in a man, a mind is born into that creation. A mind is born into that man, and that mind is the son of God. So if we find a man in the earth, and his father is not the living God, his father then must be Satan, and he is this man, the mind in that man is the son of Satan the dead god.


Let me just clarify something I don't want anyone getting confused on the tape, I said the father is Jehovah, in the case of the man Jesus of Nazareth, his father was Jehovah.


In the case of everyone who is having this experience today, our father is the Lord Jesus Christ, we are the second generation. Our father is the Lord Jesus Christ and our mother is Eve, but we're not called, well we're an imputed son right now, we know if we're being chastened we're sons, but we're really not the son of God until the Christ is in full stature in us, but God calls us son, because he fully intends to complete the work. So Christ is the son of the living God and when Christ which is a mind is appearing and is the only mind appearing in a man, that whole man, his body and his whole personality becomes the son of God. The personality and the man in whom the mind of Christ is totally absolutely unequivocally ruling becomes the Christ, why? Because he is the total property, and the total possession and the total expression of the mind in him. So the only way for a human being to become Christ or the son of the living God, is to be totally ruled by the son of the living God which is called Christ, it's your mind. Brethren you need to know this to minister to the Jews. I had a Jew approach me on the street, he was enraged, he said how could God have a son? Well you have to understand what it means.


The son of God is a mind, these bodies, they're just garments. The perverted mind of man says well God came down from heaven and had sex with a human woman, and she had a baby. Well I know that's what happened with Mary, but the baby that was born came from Mary, the son was wrapped inside that flesh that was born of Mary, it's subtle brethren. We must be able to tell these people that son of God is the mind of God in a man. You have to be able to tell them that God did not produce an offspring in an animal body, that came from whoever your mother was in the flesh, when God has a son, it's a spiritual son, when God has a son, it is a mind.


The offspring of God who is spirit, is a mind, which is spirit, which is the expression of God in a man, very important, everybody got that? Very important brethren. A human being is only called a son of God when his visible physical vessel is totally ruled and controlled by the mind of God. Matt.22:42, saying, "What think ye of Christ, whose son is he? They say unto him, the son of David, again they say, what think ye of Christ, whose son is he. Now this is Jesus, this is Jesus giving the Pharisees a hard time, this is Jesus busting the chops of the Pharisees who have come to try and mess him up publicly, he asked them a question that he knew they couldn't answer. He says, what do you say of Christ, what do you think about Christ, the anointed, the Messiah of the Old Testament, you're so learned and you know everything and you know that I'm not the Christ, this was Jesus was saying to them, you've made a judgment that I'm not the Christ, so what is it, tell me what you know about Christ, answer this question, it says you've made a judgment that I am not Christ, let's hear you answer this question. Whose son is he?


And they answered in the words of the Pharisee, they quoted right out of the Scripture, he is the son of David, he is the son of David, fully meaning that he would be a human man that would appear as the result of an offspring of one of David's descendants, that's what they meant and Jesus knew that is what they meant. Jesus asked them a spiritual question, he said, do you know that Christ is a mind?


That's what he said to them, do you understand that Christ is a mind, and it doesn't matter what body he appears in? And they answered with the letter, they said, he's going to come from the seed of David. So Jesus says to them, "How then does David is spirit call him Lord, saying the Lord said unto my Lord, in other words he's saying, if the Messiah if Christ is the offspring of King David call his own son Lord. You know ancestry was very important to the natural Jew, you would never call your son Lord, your son calls you Lord.


So Jesus said to them, well how do you explain this Scripture? And the Pharisees couldn't explain it, because they had no concept whatsoever that Christ is a mind. Jesus said, "before Abraham, I am", it has nothing to do with the body he's appearing in. Jesus said, I guess it wasn't Jesus, Paul said that Jesus' body was made after the flesh of the seed of David, but Christ was the mind in that flesh, and the mind that was in that flesh has existed from everlasting. So Jesus is saying to the Pharisees here, you've been pouring over these Scriptures for generations and you don't even understand that Messiah is a mind, that can appear in anybody that he chooses to, any physical body that he chooses to appear in, but Messiah is the mind of God in a man and it doesn't matter what man he's manifesting in. That's what Jesus, he showed them up that they didn't know what they were talking about. He said, "You come to trip me up and prove that I'm not the Christ, I'm going to show you what you are. Christ is a mind.


Matt.23:8, "But be not ye called Rabbi, for one is your master, even Christ and all ye are brethren." What this Scripture is talking about is the fact that and not only in those days but even today, Hebrews will give an honorary title, they'll call somebody Rabbi, it's like saying honorable sir, it's like saying reverend, it has nothing to do with the spiritual authority of the person, it has nothing whatsoever to do with the anointing of Christ upon them, but they would give honor to men in the synagogues, we see it in the church today. So the Hebrews calling somebody Rabbi is like calling someone reverend today, they wanted something from him, they want something from you, they call you reverend, they make you feel good, it's a flattery. So don't call anybody Rabbi, don't give anybody flattering titles, you can call them by the title if Christ is appearing in them.


If they're living the office because Christ is in them, if you want to, some people want to, you should honor them, if they want you to do it, you should do it, if it's true, you can give them the title, if they're moving in the office, you give them the title. But any man that lifts himself up with no anointing you should not be calling him Rabbi. We judge no man anymore after the flesh. Everybody okay?


So Jesus says, don't give men honorable titles, for one is your master." And if you look that word up "master" in the Greek it's saying, what it's saying is that this is the one that has the spiritual office. There is only one that has the true spiritual office, that would be entitled to the title, and that is Christ, and you are all brethren, you're all human beings. Christ is the only one that is the true teacher. But now we have a perversion in the church today, that says if you want to get the teaching of Christ, you have to get it out of the air.


Brethren Christ is a mind, that is expressed in a man. So God has teachers in the earth today, you must discern whether that teacher is teaching because it's Christ in the teacher preaching through that man. We have a whole church full of people that say, I won't be taught by a man, either God speaks to me directly or I won't take anything from anybody, and they're in great deception and they're sitting home in their own houses, and they'll read newsletters, they'll take that teaching, but they won't have a relationship with the teacher, why? Because if Christ is really in that teacher, you're going to get burnt, everything that's in you that's not of Christ is going to get burnt, it's stressful, it's hard, but if you stick in there, Christ will start to appear in you too.


We have a whole church world out there today, saying no man need to teach me, you're not a man, I mean you're a man you're not Christ. Well you better make sure that that's not Christ preaching through that teacher, because he can appear anywhere he wants.


And if he's appearing in a person that you don't like, and you stay away because you don't like that person, and he tells you to go and learn through that person, you are in rebellion against God. Don't tell me you can go someplace else and get the same teaching. He expects you to go where he sends you. Christ is a mind which is appearing through a man and you have to find out which man he's appearing in. He doesn't teach you in your dreams. He might tell you something in your dreams, but by in large brethren, either you're to be under a teacher or you are to be a teacher. Don't despise the fellowshipping of the saints and that doesn't mean a little social gathering without a head, which is what they're doing also.


They don't want to submit to a head. Either you should be in the ministry, or you should be in a ministry, either you should be a minister, or you should in a ministry under somebody, one or the other. You're not suppose to home in some corner of your house, avoiding relationships with people because they're painful, this is not God.


Verse 9, "And call no man your father upon the earth for one is your father which is in heaven." You don't have an earthly father when Christ starts to be formed in you, as you're moving into Christ, as Christ is conceived in you, you no longer have an earthly father, you have been adopted brethren. In the moment that Christ is conceived in you, his blood, his life in you is the adoption. Now don't let anyone hear this tape and say that Sheila says I don't have any obligation to my father anymore, that's not true. Jesus clearly showed that he had an obligation to his mother, when he hung on the cross. You have an obligation for your human relatives for as long as you're alive, for as long as they're alive. But your true father from the moment Christ is conceived in you is the father, it's not your human father. It's the Lord Jesus Christ, yes.


Verse 10, "Neither be ye called masters even Christ, for one is your master, even Christ." Now you know what that word master means, in the margin it says leader, but if you look it up in the Greek it's really saying God. Don't call yourself God, no man is God, Christ is the only God. We do have that, we have many cults where the leaders are calling themselves God, they're calling themselves the incarnation of Christ in the earth. Brethren the only time you can call yourself master is when you are so completely ruled by the mind of Christ that your carnal mind is brain dead, and if you're carnal mind is not brain dead, don't call yourself master, cause you only have one master, there's only one master, and it's Christ.


Matt. 24:5, "For many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many." Well we just talked about that, brethren you're not Christ until your carnal mind is brain dead. I got a flash for you brethren, when your carnal mind is brain dead, you're not engaging in sexual intercourse anymore, you want to test your carnal mind for brain death that is one good monitor. And you also don't need food and water to the degree that you need it when your carnal mind is alive. I honestly don't know whether Jesus could have survived without any food or water, I really don't know, but we know that he said I have meat that ye know not of. We know that he went without food and water for such a length of time that his family was concerned about him. So if you're filling your face at every meal, It's not likely that you're carnal mind is brain dead. If you're walking around with a little chunk on your bones it's not likely that your carnal mind is brain dead. Let's get this down to the earth here, let's get some reality in this. Hallelujah.


Help us Lord. And for those of you who are confused because you heard me tell you, you are not your carnal mind you are Christ let me offer you this explanation, when I have said that to you, you are not your carnal mind, you are Christ, I was trying to emphasize to you that the death of your present personality is not your true reality, your true reality is your human spirit which is being joined to the Holy Spirit, which will raise Christ from the dead in you or which is raising Christ from the dead in you. So you are an imputed Christ, you are not the Christ.


Let me say it again, if Christ is being raised from the dead in you, you are Christ, we can say you are baby Christ, but we know that the Scripture speaks about babes in Christ. When you have a carnal mind and the Christ mind, you are a saint who is growing up into Christ, but you are not the Christ. And you will not be the Christ until the mind of Christ is fully born in you, thus absorbing you into our Lord Jesus Christ. Are we not all being reconciled into him. So I hope I made it clear, let me put it in simple terms, God looks at you and he says, I fully intend to raise Christ from the dead in you and therefore I call you Christ. Now I know it hasn't happened to you yet, so you are an immature Christ, you are an imputed Christ, but to call yourself the Christ, Christ must be fully born in you and you must be one with our Lord Jesus Christ in your mind, amen?


Matt. 24:23, "Then if any man shall say unto you, "Lo here is Christ or there", believe it not, for there shall arise false Christs, spirits that say, minds that say they're Christ and false prophets, etc, etc. Lo here is Christ or there is Christ, believe it not. Don't go looking for Christ hither and thither. Verse 26, "Wherefore if they shall say unto behold he is in the desert", the desert is in the dry place that is in the soul realm, go not forth, he's a carnal man, "behold if they say he's in the secret chambers", if they say he's in the unconscious mind, don't go forth, believe it not, "for as the lightning cometh out of the east", and the east is where the Spirit of God is, and shineth even unto the west, the lightning or the power of God comes out of the spiritual realm of God and it illuminates the soul realm, so shall the coming of the son of man be. It's going to be, Christ is the spirit of God, fully and brightly expressed in the mind of a man, and it's going to be so obvious, he says that you can't miss it.


Verse 28, "For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together." Brethren the only true sign of Christ is a dead carnal mind. The only sign that God will accept that any man is the Christ is that his carnal mind is brain dead, because you can't fly and walk at the same time. When the carcase which is the dead body, when your body is dead, and not this physical body, your carnal mind which is your fallen soul, when your carnal mind is dead you will fly in Christ. Look at the birds brethren, they cannot fly and walk at the same time. You're either flying or your walking. You could be flapping your wings while your walking but you're still on the ground. If you want to fly your legs have to be picked up and if you pick your legs up and your wings aren't working you're going to fall on your face. You can not do both things at the same time.


The only man who is truly the Christ is the one who has nothing to do with the carnality of the fallen nature. You're not going to be able to recognize it by signs and wonders, why? Because the gifts and the callings of God brethren are without repentance. Unregenerate men do signs and wonders. His emotional needs are not met like the people of this world meet their emotional needs, do you hear this brethren, that means even if he has a family, his comfort will no longer be coming from that family, can you hear this.


Jesus called the apostles and they left their families. Now don't go leaving your families, my point is your needs will no longer be met by the things that give comfort in this world system. Now I'm going to make it real simple.


Power will no longer comfort you, money and things you can buy with it, will no longer comfort you, sex and fallen human relationships will no longer comfort you, and I put it into three very simple categories, it's called the lusts of the flesh, the lusts of the eyes and the pride of life. Brethren if you are trying to identify the Christ, check out the man's nature. Don't look at his healing and his deliverance because there's a whole bunch of angels of light out there brethren, it's his character, it's his character and how he lives his life, and frequently people with the character of God, don't have the things that make people important in this world. They may have some of them, but basically they don't have them, why? Because they don't care about them.


Remember was it Naman who came looking for the prophet in Israel, he went to the king, Christ is with the prophets brethren, he's not with the kings. I can hear some people say, well we're kings and priests, well if you're a king and a priest, then you're also a prophet, and God is with you, but there are kings in the church today that are not priests. Brethren priests intercede for the people to the father. Priests are intercessors. For someone to be a priest they have to be ministering the life of God to the people. Everyone in the ministry doesn't fill that category, you know that. Brethren, I'm going to make it even harder for you. The priests offer up the sacrifices. Your carnal mind must be offered up to the father, for you to be restored unto righteousness, and the true priest is teaching you and helping you and teaching you how to kill your carnal mind and offer it up to the father.


Now don't confuse this with our Lord Jesus Christ who is our Passover who is sacrificed for us. The Lord Jesus Christ is sacrificed for us, so that he could be raised from the dead, in the pure spirit form and pour out of heaven, upon all flesh, and because he is pouring out of heaven and landing on and in your flesh, Christ is being formed in you. But brethren when Christ is being formed in you, you have to be conformed to the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Lord Jesus Christ killed his carnal mind. So the Lord Jesus Christ is the atonement which when he gets inside of us makes it possible for us to sacrifice our own carnal minds and thus be raised from the dead. There's a lot of condemnation in the church, and there's a lot of counsel in the church, I don't hear anybody telling you how to do it.


We have a whole church world filled with kings that can be likened to the kings of the Old Testament, and I'm telling you the truth, I'm not against them, that's my job, I'm suppose to tell you the truth. They pray for you there's some healing, there's some deliverance, I'm not saying their prayers aren't valuable, their prayers are valuable, but their priests because they're not helping you to offer up your carnal mind as a sacrifice to God. The only sign of the Christ that you can trust is a dead carnal mind, is person who is flying in the spirit, a person whose every need is met in the spirit, that means even needs that would things that we need to live in here in the world, God is giving it to them supernaturally God is giving it to them, that's the sign. Their legs have to be inoperable, only their wings are working. Jesus.


Matt.26:63, "But Jesus held his peace and the high priest answered and said unto him, I adjure thee by the living God that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ, the son of God." Well we've talked a lot about this. The high priest wanted to know, this man Jesus, had a mind which was called Christ, and even more so, he wanted to know whether or not his carnal mind was brain dead, that's what he wanted to know. Matt. 26:68, "Saying prophesy unto us thou Christ, who is he that smote thee."


Again it's the Christ that prophesies, if man prophesies it's false prophecy or witchcraft prophecy, all the power and authority is in Christ even when it comes to the gifts, those people who are expressing the gifts have an imputed Christ, it's a formation of Christ that can be likened unto the Christ that was in the creation at the beginning of time. They have a Christ in them that is not brought forth from seed, someone who's prophesying with the imputed anointing, they have a manifestation of Christ in them, which is not brought forth from seed and it can be broken up, they can lose it.


Mark 9:41 "For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto, he shall not lose his reward. So again we see the separation of the man from the Christ, if someone does you a good turn because it's evident that you belong to Christ. Now you are not the Christ, your carnal mind is not brain dead, but there is enough of Christ in you, you're living out of Christ for the Scripture to say, you belong to Christ, and another way to say that, you are a member of this body. So again we see the separation between the Christ and the man, when your carnal mind is brain dead and Christ is in full stature, you are the Christ, if you have Christ being formed in you, but your carnal mind is still alive and kicking, you belong to Christ when you are a member of his body. Jesus.


Mark 12:35, "And Jesus answered and said, while he taught in the temple, how say the Scribes that Christ is the son of David?" Well that's pretty much the same thing, we did that already, so let's skip pass this one. Mark 13:6, "For many shall come in my name saying, I am Christ and shall deceive many. Now we did a Scripture that sounded just like that, but I left this one in because of something very interesting, if you have a King James translation, you will see that the word Christ is in italics, and every word of the King James that's in italics means, well the fact that the word is in italics means that the King James translators are admitting to you that they added this word, and it's not in the Greek. Now we found one Scripture where Jesus said, "beware, many are going to be coming and saying I am the Christ don't believe it, but here he says, many are going to coming and saying I am. So some are going to be coming and saying I am God, I am. Hallelujah.


Mark 13:21, "And then if any man shall to you lo, here is Christ, or lo he, or lo he is there, believe it not. Mark 16:32, "When Christ the king of Israel descend now from the cross, I just left this in to show you that Christ is the king of Israel, he is the spiritual king and every human being over which he is king is a citizen of Israel, we know that we now have citizenship in a heavenly country, that when Christ is truly your king, when Christ truly rules your life, you are a member of spiritual Israel, it has nothing to do with the geographical location, it's a spiritual location that exists inside of your mind, and it's a completely different mind than the one you were born with, it's called Christ.


The book of Luke starting with chapter 2:11, "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a savior which is Christ the Lord, so I just left this in to show you that Christ is the savior, he is the savior, what is he saving? What is he the savior of? He's savior of our soul, Christ is the savior of our soul, he's the preserver of our body. In the city of David a savior which is Christ the Lord. So when he is truly your savior, he will also be the Lord of your whole person. The end of your faith is the salvation of your soul.


Brethren your soul is not saved until Christ is raised from the dead in you, and I remind you of Rom. 8:11, when Christ is raised from the dead in you, when your human spirit is raised from the dead and become Christ again, your human spirit is the female seed that the father put in the creation at the beginning of time, and he imputed righteousness and spiritual manhood to her when he stood her up in the garden, she became Christ when she died, she became female again, she became your human spirit, and when she's raised from the dead, she shall be the Christ which is grown up from seed, and she shall become he.


In the kingdom of God brethren, female matures in to male. In the soul realm when you're born a woman, there's no legitimate way for you to change your sex, we have all kinds of perversions out there, and you mature from being a small child to a woman, and as we have in this world you can even mature into being a professional woman, you can develop your mind and your life, but in the realm of the spirit brethren, female matures into male. Every one is a man when they grow up. So when Christ is in full stature in you, he is in the Lord, he saves your soul, he gets, oh I know what I'm saying, he gives life to your soul.


Christ is raised from the dead in you and he gives life to your soul, and he becomes the Lord of your whole vessel. So unless Christ is in full stature he's not really your Lord, there has to be some area in which you're being disobedient, if you're not in full stature, you have two Lords, you have to gods, you have to kings, you're double minded, you're unstable in all your ways. You have to check out everything in your brain and find out which God it came from. I know God told it to you, the question is which god? God told it to you.


The book of Luke 2:26, "And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost that he should not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ." So we see that it is the Lord who brings forth Christ, the Lord meaning the father. Christ belongs to the Lord. The head of the woman is the man, the head of the man is Christ, and the head of Christ is God. Brethren there is no human being alive who does not have a head. Everybody has a head, if you are a spiritual man, your head is spiritual, and he's Christ. The answer to headship in the church is not a denomination, the head of the church is who? Christ is the head of the church. If you are a male minister, if you are truly ministering under the anointing of Christ, there should be no man over you, your head is Christ, or the spiritual man Christ.


Anyone who is over you brethren, if there is anyone over you, you have made yourself a woman. Oh man, they hate this teaching, they hate this teaching. The only one over the man is Christ brethren, that means the only one that can correct them is Christ, you have a problem you pray to Christ, you don't correct the man. The book of Luke 4:41, "And devils also came out of many crying out and saying thou art Christ, the son of God, that thou art Christ, that the mind in you is Christ, that's a great mystery that a mind has a mother and father, and that this mind that was in this man Jesus, he had a father who was God. Chapter 21:8, "And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived, for many shall come in my name saying, I am Christ," well there it is again, Christ isn't in the Greek, many shall come in my name saying I am. Some will say they're Christ and some will say they're god. Chapter 24:26, "Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory, and in the Greek that says the Christ. Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory. That Scripture is not speaking about the members of the body of Christ, we do not have to be crucified, that Scripture is speaking about the Christ, Jesus the Christ and it was ordained from the beginning of time that he would have to suffer these things.


And there is another Scripture I guess we'll get to it eventually, where it says, we have the sufferings of Christ working in us, and that Greek word translated "suffering" is referring to sensation.


It's referring to suffering caused by what you're feeling, and it doesn't have to mean your body, it can mean your emotions. And I want to suggest to you that we do not have to be physically crucified, but our carnal mind does have to be crucified, and that if Christ is being formed in you, and he is at war with your carnal mind and he is doing everything he can to penetrate your carnal mind, your carnal mind will be experiencing pain and brethren our carnal mind is us. It's that, it is our carnal mind is the person that we have been from the time of our birth, and as Christ in us is crucifying our carnal mind, we will experience the sufferings of Christ and the flesh of our emotions.


Now again, I don't mean to scare anybody, but I'm not going to lie to you, there is emotional and mental suffering, and sometimes physical suffering, I've been ill and it's been a part of the workings of Christ in my life. There is a suffering, but let me remind you that the apostles said, they were praising God that they had been found worthy to suffer, that Christ should be revealed in them, it's suffering that's likened unto child birth. No pain, no gain, brethren.


The book of John 12:34, "The people answered him we have heard out of the Lord that Christ abideth forever, and how saith thou the son of man must be lifted up?" Now check out this verse brethren, it's verses like this that cause Christians to stumble continuously, check out the play of words, the Pharisees say, now we have heard out of the law, that Christ will live forever, now you Jesus, how can you say that the son of man must be crucified? Does anyone know what their problem is here? Does anyone see the problem in this verse? They have confused the Christ with the son of man. They have drawn an assumption they have drawn a conclusion that Christ and the son of man are one and the same. Now Jesus said, I am the son of God, but he also said, I am the son of man. Jesus was born a human being. And not the son of God, the son of God was not going to be crucified, he was not tell the people the son of God was to be crucified, he said the son of man was to be crucified, and who is the son of man? His carnal personality that he received from his mother. His humanity was to be crucified, and they stumbled because they didn't understand, there was a difference between Christ and the son of man.


Brethren in this Scripture the Lord Jesus Christ is speaking about the physical crucifixion of the man, Jesus of Nazareth who was both a human being and the son of God and there is no Scripture that says Jesus Christ the son of God was crucified. Jesus was crucified, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of man was crucified, there is not one Scripture that says the son of God was crucified, and the thought that's in your mind is in the book of Hebrews, where we're told if we sin willfully we crucify the son of God afresh, but that is speaking about the son of God which is being born in us, it's not talking about the man Jesus of Nazareth.


His humanity was crucified brethren. Now there are Scriptures that say Christ was crucified, but as we've already discussed in this series, the crucifixion of Christ was to the carnal mind and killed that carnal mind. I will give you at least two Scriptures to support that further on in this message, and in the next message, probably the next message, we will go into several other Scriptures, I think at least three of which are in the book of Galatians, that will witness to and also support the teaching here that the crucifixion of Christ did not kill Christ but that it killed the carnal mind. But in this particular Scripture that we're dealing with now where Jesus was speaking about his physical crucifixion, he called himself the son of man, the son of God was not crucified brethren. The son of man was crucified.


The whole point of the crucifixion of the son of man being that because his mind was Christ, when his physical body was killed, the father raised the whole man from the dead. Brethren if the mind of Christ in the man Jesus was crucified unto death, there would have been no righteous standing upon which the father would raised the whole man from the dead, can you see that? If the mind of Christ which was the righteousness of the man Jesus, had been killed, the father could not have declared the man Jesus righteous. Why? We just said his righteousness was killed. Brethren the only basis on which the father raised the man Jesus from the dead, was that he declared him, that he found him to be righteous. If Christ died, there would have been no righteousness and there would have been no resurrection from the dead. You pray about it. But my whole point here is that the son of man had his physical body crucified on the cross, and actually he had his carnal mind crucified on the cross too, but it was Christ that crucified his carnal mind.


The physical body of the man Jesus and the carnal mind of the man Jesus were both crucified but not by the same people. The wicked men crucified his body, but the Christ mind in him, crucified the carnal mind. He slew the enmity in his flesh, two completely different actions, one physical, one spiritual, one killed his physical body, the other killed his carnal mind. One killed the man who was the Christ, one killed the man who was Jesus the Christ, killed the physical body of the man Jesus the Christ, the other killed the carnal mind, and after the death of the carnal mind, the father raised the whole man from the dead.


The book of Acts 2:30, "Therefore being a prophet and knowing that God hath sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne", that's speaking about the Patriarch David. "Therefore being a prophet and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him that the fruit of David's loins according to the flesh, he would raise up, and in the Greek, the articles there, he would raise up the Christ, to sit on his throne. Now this has some very interesting significance if you look at it in the Greek, the Scripture is saying that the man David, who was a prophet, was prophesying that the God had sworn to him that the natural fruit of David's loins, would be a natural descendant of him according to the flesh, and that in that natural descendant the father would raise up or would birth the mind of God in that man to sit on his throne. And everybody's saying well there is no throne in Israel today. See David heard this, and he thought it meant that there was going to be a king in Israel, that was why when Jesus came, the Jews couldn't understand why he didn't want to be king. But does anybody remember what the spiritual significance of the word throne is? What is the spiritual significance of the word throne, it's the mind.


So Christ is going to be raised up, Christ is going to be born in a physical descendent of David and sit on his carnal mind, take complete dominion over his carnal mind which is exactly what Jesus of Nazareth did. Now do you see here how it happens, that a prophet prophesies and misunderstands the prophesy? The prophet himself has the gift of prophesy but does not have the gift of understanding.


David himself thought he meant, that the Lord meant that there was going to be another king like unto David, but the Lord never said any such thing to him, he said I'm going to take one of your offspring and I'm going to bring forth the mind of Christ in him and I'm going to give him the authority to utterly put down and tread under his feet that carnal mind because you know David never did it. David never had complete dominion over his carnal mind. Everybody okay on this?


Acts 2:31, "He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither the flesh did see corruption." Now again if you look at this in the Greek, you'll see that the Scripture is saying that when the father brought forth this prophesy, he was speaking of the resurrection of Christ in this man who would sit on his own carnal mind as a throne, he was, now the Christ was not permanently resurrected in David, he had an imputed resurrection of Christ in him that did not exist all of the time, just as the Lord moved upon him, but in David's natural offspring the prophesy says, that that man will have his human spirit raised from the dead, in an imparted anointing, Christ will be raised from the dead growing up from seed, and that that, his soul would not be left in hell. Brethren, when Christ is raised from the dead in you, he will impart life to your soul, which is in hell, and that life which is imparted to your soul will raise your soul up out of hell.


Brethren hell is the carnal mind, when Christ is raised from the dead in you and sits on your carnal mind, it will raise your soul up out of hell, and your soul will be in heaven. "Neither his flesh did see corruption". And the prophesy is that the flesh of that man will not see corruption, and we know that Jesus' flesh was preserved, that the flesh of his body was preserved.


Okay, going on, Acts 8:5, "Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ unto them." And here we have a Scripture indicating that Christ is a doctrine, Christ is a doctrine, there is a doctrine of Christ and there is a gospel of Christ, and I suggest to you that that doctrine and that that gospel is different than the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The gospel of the Lord Jesus is the good news that our Lord Jesus Christ was raised from the dead, but the gospel of Christ is that Christ is going to be raised from the dead in you, because our Lord Jesus Christ was raised from the dead.


But they are two different messages. So we find out that there is a gospel of Christ. The books of Acts 9:20, "And straightway he preached Christ in the synagogue, that he is the son of God. Now I don't know about you, but every time I ever read that Scripture I always thought that he was talking about the Lord Jesus Christ that he is the son of God, but I want to suggest to you that Paul preached that Christ is a mind which is the born of the father in the human spirit of a man and that the son of God, I believe that he went in to the synagogue and he told them that Christ is a mind and that he wants to be born in you, and that the provision has now been made through out Lord Jesus Christ, for Christ to be your mind, I believe that was what Paul preached, that Christ was the son of the living God.


The book of Acts 17:3, "Opening and alleging that Christ must needs have suffered and risen again from the dead, and that this Jesus whom I preach to you is Christ, is the Christ." In the Greek, the article is there, Jesus is the Christ. Okay I think that's pretty explanatory, anybody have any question on that, let me just say it again that the Christ within Jesus rose from the dead, he suffered and he rose from the dead, the man in whom Christ is being raised from the dead, who will experience suffering, and it's necessary for him to rise again, and that this Jesus who Paul preached to them, is Christ.


Chapter 26:23, "That Christ should suffer and that he should be the first that should rise from the dead, and should show light to the people and to the Gentiles." Well I don't have it down that it says thee in the Christ, but in this instance, the rest of the verse is modifying the Christ, when it says that he should be the first to rise from the dead. Well then we know it has to mean Jesus.


So the Christ, when Christ is in you in full stature, you are the Christ, and if you are the Christ, you shall suffer in your carnality, you shall suffer in your carnality so that Christ can be raised from the dead in you.


The book of Romans 7:4, "Wherefore my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law, by the body of Christ that ye should be married to another, even to him who was raised from the dead that we should bring forth fruit unto God. Wherefore my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ and what this is speaking about is that it's the law of sin and death which is the carnal mind. You have become dead to the law of sin and death, it has no more dominion over you when you are living completely out of Christ. Now if you have both minds and you're unstable in all your ways, and sometimes you're Christ and sometimes you're in your carnal mind, well then you're subject to the law of sin and death in the areas in which you're in a carnal mind. So then the areas where you are in Christ, you are no longer subject to the law of sin and death, because your mind is Christ, in that area.


"..that ye should married to another, even to him who was raised from the dead." That word married is not in the Interlinear, what the Interlinear says is, "to become you to another", that you're going to be dead to the law because Christ is raised from the dead in you and the reason Christ is raised from the dead in you is that you should become another person, you should become a new creature, Christ, amen? And the one that you're going to become is the one who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God, that you should become another person, that the fruit that you raise up is Christ, the one that you're becoming.


The book of Rom. 8:10-11, "And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the spirit is life because of righteousness." Now if Christ be in you brethren, the body is dead, that's talking about your carnal mind, it's talking about your celestial body, and if Christ be in you, your carnal mind is dead because of sin, well what does that mean, it's means when the law of Christ begins to appear in you, it will convict the carnal mind of sin, without the law, there is no imputation of sin, amen? Well when the law was given to Israel, sin was imputed to the carnal works of men, to the physical workings of sin.


Brethren when Christ is conceived in you, the law is given to your carnal mind, and sin is now imputed to your thoughts, and when Christ begins to be formed in you, this is the giving of the law to your carnal mind. There's a Scripture it's either in Eph. Or Col. Where it says the powers and principalities will be taught of the sons of God. Christ in you will take authority over and teach your carnal mind. So if Christ is in you, your carnal mind is dead because the sin of your mind is revealed. Brethren when Christ comes forth in you, it is his job to expose sin in your mind, and we have a whole church full of Pharisees that have very nice people, and that they're doing good works all of their life and going to church four times a week and feeding the poor, they're very nice people, but I want to tell you when Christ begins to be formed in you, he will reveal the hidden sins of your mind, and everybody has them, because if they weren't there, you'd be perfect, and there would be no need to raise you from the dead, neither would you need a savior to do it. The hidden sins of your mind.


And everyone is out there, "Yeah, I want Christ formed in me, I want Christ formed in me", and as soon as he's formed in you, he's exposing the hidden sins of your mind and you're screaming and yelling, "woe unto me, what's going on here?!"


I thought you asked for Christ to be formed in you. We're all such children, I did it, I ran up to the front of that church, when the pastor said there's an anointing for tabernacles, I ran up, I was jumpin' up and down, and was saying Jesus don't leave me, I would do it again if I had to, but I had no idea what I was getting my self into. I had no idea. I thought Jesus was come and put a crown on my head and kiss me. I didn't know that for him to appear in me, he had to kill me. I didn't know that I was an enemy. The spirit is life because of righteousness. So when Christ is going to be formed in you, your soul is going to die, but your spirit is going to be made alive because the righteousness of Christ is coming forth in you, and he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit.


So when Christ comes forth in you, your dead spirit is raised from the dead, but your carnal mind has to die. Brethren it's an exchange, right now your carnal mind has an existence, but your spirit is dead, your spirit's got to be raised from the dead, but your carnal mind has to die. Hallelujah, glory to God, verse 11, "But if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead, that's the spirit of Christ, that was in the mind of Christ, every mind has a God, the head of Christ is God, every mind has a God. The mind of Christ has a God named the Lord Jesus Christ who is now the father, and the carnal mind has a God whose name is Satan. Amen. So if the Spirit that's in Christ, if the father or the Lord Jesus Christ who is now pure spirit and one with the father, that spirit's in you, the body well we did that already. But if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead shall dwell in you, if that spirit, now that's not the Holy Spirit, brethren, that's the spirit that dwells in Christ, and it's a different administration of the spirit of God.


I remember going before the Lord, I was dying when I came to the Lord, and about eight or ten years after I came to the father and I was still half dead, I went into a service and they were all jumping around and singing if that spirit that raised Christ dwell in you, and I sat there and I was half dead and said Lord I have got the Holy Spirit, I prophesy, I speak in tongues, I do the whole thing, I dance in the spirit, I get slain in the spirit, I'm out there working for you, I cast out demons, I heal the sick, why have not I been healed. Something is wrong with what I think, something is wrong with what I've been taught. Why wouldn't you do it for me? And not only me but I look around and there's lots of people with all kinds of problems. I said Lord, I'm not asking you to raise me from the dead, I just want you to heal my body. For the time being I'll take a healed body, why aren't you doing it? Because it's not the Holy Spirit.


I'm making light of it, because these meetings can get very serious, but I tell you the truth, it was not the Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, it was the administration or the expression of the father that is found in the fully resurrected mind of Christ, and if you want your body raised from the dead, Christ will first have to be fully born in you.


So if that spirit that raised Jesus, that raised the man Jesus from the dead, which was the spirit of Christ, if he's in you and you can't have him unless you have Christ in full stature, the one that raised up Christ from the dead, the one that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies. Now the one who raised up Christ from the dead is really the Holy Spirit, but now he's changed form, and he's now the spirit of Christ, he's going to quicken your mortal body, he's going to give life to your soul.


Christ is raised from the dead and that word "quicken" means to give life to your soul, and he's going to do it by the spirit that dwells in you, not if it's the Holy Spirit brethren, only if it's the spirit of Christ, and the spirit of Christ that's dwelling in a mature fully resurrected Christ, is the one that does this particular work of the father, what work of the father, to raise your mortal body from the dead. It has to be the spirit that raised Christ from the dead, whose name has now changed to the spirit of Christ, why? Because once Christ is raised from the dead, he's got a new name, isn't that true? When Christ died, his name became the human spirit, when he's raised from the dead, his name becomes Christ. When the spirit of the father enters into your heart, he's the holy Spirit, when he raises Christ from the dead, he now has a new arrangement in your mind and he's no longer called the Holy Spirit, he's called the spirit of Christ, and he has different functions, he has different powers, he does different things. It's not the Holy Spirit that's going to raise your body from the dead, it's the Spirit of Christ, it's the administration of the father that is in the mind of Christ which is fully mature and resurrected. Are you okay? Okay.


The book of Rom. 8:17, "And if children then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. Well brethren if we are children of God how do you know if you're a child of God? How do you know if you're a child of God? What's happening to you. How do you know if you're a son? You're being chastened, you're chastened. So if you're children, because you're being chastened. Now brethren if you're going out there and you're sinning and people are hating your guts because you're a dirty no good sinner, that's not the chastening of the Lord. The chastening of the Lord results in spiritual growth, and the development of Christ in you, you have to be growing.


So if you're truly a child of God, then you're an heir, and heir of what, you're an heir of God, and a joint heir with Christ. Now it doesn't say, I always thought that was a joint heir with the Lord Jesus Christ. No you're a joint heir with Christ, you're not a joint heir with the Lord Jesus Christ, he has the preeminence, he will always have the preeminence, but you are a joint heir with Christ, a joint heir of what? A joint heir of this body that you live in , a joint heir of this body. Brethren when Christ is formed in you, this body, this physical body becomes his, it becomes his body, it becomes his flesh. Now he's not knocking us our completely, Paul said, I live, yet not I it's Christ in me, the only part of you that's transferring over is your human spirit, but Paul said, I live in another form. So we are therefore a joint heir with Christ of this physical body. We will abide in here together, but there's a few things that you have to go through and then Paul tells you what these things are. He says if so be that we suffer with him, now that doesn't make Jehovah a bloodthirsty God, it doesn't make Jesus a sadist, what it's saying is that for Christ to be resurrected from the dead in you and be the God or the Lord of your personal being, your carnal mind has to die, and it's painful for your carnal mind to die. So if you're willing to go through the processing, it says, you will be glorified together with him.


If you're willing to die to your carnal mind, after Christ is raised from the dead in you, you will partake of his glorification. Now I don't really know what that means. I don't know what it means, but it's got to be better than this, why? Because I suffer a lot in my emotions. My physical life is good, you know I look at poor people and people living on the streets and I say, Sheila what is your problem, and every time I go before the Lord, he says, well you know you're really suffering in your emotions, it has nothing to do with material things, neither does it have anything to do with the fact that God has blessed me beyond my wildest imaginations, with this revelation, it doesn't negate the fact, it doesn't neutralize the fact that I'm suffering in my emotions. So to intellectually reason that because I have been given the goodness of God in my life, that I shouldn't be suffering is not rational, because the Scripture says, I'm going to suffer. So what is the answer? You have to find out in Christ how to deal with it, so that it doesn't destroy you, but that it's used for your good, and what is your good, that Christ should be raised from the dead in you. When you suffer brethren, forgive your brothers, forgive the ones that have despitefully used you, pray for those that are your enemies. Use it to develop Christ in you, because that's what this suffering is all about. God is challenged you in the midst of your pain to live out of Christ. That's what it's all about. Glory to God.


Rom.8:34, "Who is he that condemneth, it is Christ that died, yea rather that has risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us." Paul is saying who is it that can condemn someone in whom Christ is being formed? Christ died, but he's risen again, and he's risen to the right hand of God which means he's now an imparted Christ, he'll never die again, and he's making intercession for us. So who can condemn you, there is no more now condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus. Do not receive condemnation. Don't receive it from your own mind and don't receive it from anyone else. Don't receive it. Everything will work for the good for those who love the Lord, for those in whom Christ is being formed, everything will work for the good. There's only one thing that can separate you from God, and what is that? We're already dead, sin, sin, and there's another Scripture if we get to it tonight, where Paul is saying well you know what can happen to you, people can pray against, angels can come against you, what can separate you from the love of God? There's only one thing, and that's your sin, we must deal with our sin. There is nothing that anybody else can do to us, that can separate us from God, we can get hurt, we can have a bad moment, we can have a trial, we can be in tribulation, but the only thing that can separate you from God is your own sin, and willful disobedience, which separates you from him. Anybody have a problem with that?


The book of Rom. 8:35, "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ, oh here we are it's right here, Who shall separate us from the love of Christ, shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness or peril, or sword, nothing can separate you from God brethren, except your own sin, the only thing that could ever hurt the Hebrew children was their own sin, because when you sin and you don't deal with it, in God, if you don't confess it and repent, God turns around and comes after you. As it is written for they sake we are killed all the day long, we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Now brethren I know I preach a lot of controversial things and I think one of the controversial things that I'm preaching is that it's our soul that has to be sacrificed, now you're not going to hang on a cross, but your soul must die, your carnal mind must die, your fallen soul, your carnal mind must die, so that Christ can be raised from the dead in you, and here's a Scripture for it right here. We are killed all the day long. Brethren your carnal mind and your fallen soul, is killed all the day long, and we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.


Brethren we are the sacrifice. Jesus is boiling our soul as a sin offering, he is the Christ in us and his fire is upon our carnal mind, and he's burning us. Our soul is the sacrifice that is being offered up to the father. Our soul is the fact of the land which can be likened to the sacrifice that righteous Abel made unto the father. Righteousness is the killing and the sacrifice of your own carnal mind. Hallelujah.


The only thing that can separate you from God brethren is sin, I don't care how bad you're beat, the only thing that's going to bring you down and not come up again is sin. Now you can fall down, the Scripture says, you can be cast down seven times, but you will never be destroyed. The only thing that can destroy you is your own sin which you will not confess and repent of. Your pride, brethren, watch out for that pride. No matter what your sin is, David was a murderer, he was a fornicator, but he came through everything, because he always confessed his sins and repented, but pride will stop you from confessing your sins and will stop you from repenting and the one sin that's going to kill you is pride. Why? Because it will deprive you of the weapons that God has given you to overcome your own sin. Pride is your worst enemy, and the hated enemy of the believer, he will kill the believer and he will sit in the temple of God and he will call himself God and the believer that's bound with pride will tell you, "well God told me, God told me". God told you alright, your problem is you have two gods, you have two minds, you have two gods. This is God speaking, you better check it out, you better check it out real good. Glory to God.


Rom. 9:1, "I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost. I just left that in to show you that there is truth in Christ and there is truth in the carnal mind, not every man has the same truth, there is a way that seems right to man, but the end thereof is destruction. The only truth that has any validity to you, once Christ begins to be formed in you is the truth that comes out of the mind of Christ, I don't care what it looks like, I don't care what it looks like to your carnal mind, what someone did, what someone said, what's happening out there, I don't care what your carnal mind evaluates it to be, there is only one truth, and that is how Christ sees it. There is no difference of opinion in Christ.


If you're two believers and there's a difference of opinion, at least one of you is not seeing it out of Christ, maybe both of you, but at least one of you, and you better lay it down, anybody that's involved in a controversy, unless you're exercising a Godly authority, you better lay it down and get before God until he gives you his mind on the issue, you better step back, because there's only one truth, Christ is not divided, there's no difference of opinion, there's no I saw it this way and you saw, oh no you don't understand, there's none of that junk in Christ, there's only one truth.


Rom. 9:3, "For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh." Now that's a very mistranslated Scripture. I'm not going to spend too much time on it, but I looked it up in the Greek last night and what it's talking about is, let me put it to you this way, are you familiar with the Scripture that Christ was made a curse for us? Christ was made a curse for us, how was Christ made a curse for us? Cursed is he that hangs on a tree. Okay, you look that phrase up in the Interlinear and the word hangeth is not in there, it has nothing to do with hanging on a tree. The word means to enter into or to penetrate or to be joined to a tree. Cursed is he who is joined or enters into the tree, and who is the tree? We are the tree, we are the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and righteous Christ has joined himself to us, has put himself inside of us, cursed fallen creation.


Christ has put himself inside of fallen man, inside of the carnal mind, he's entering in as a mustard seed, and he has entered into the tree, he has become a curse for us, and Paul is saying here, if I had what it took to do it, I would literally get inside of my brethren so that they could be raised from the dead, that's what he's saying. I never understood that Scripture, "For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren", well what good would that do them. What he's saying is, I wish I had the power to raise him up, we hear that a lot in this ministry. What do I do, what do I do, how do I get them saved? It's not the one who willeth and it's not the one who doeth, it's the what?


Anybody, it's the mercy of God, it has nothing to do with what you want, it has nothing to do with what they want, it's the mercy of God whether he's going to take them or not. We don't have any power to save anybody brethren. The church is wreaking with pride, you just do as you're told, and if you can't hear from God yet, if you can't hear from God yet and I'm not condemning anybody, the truth is going to set you free, if you can't hear from God that makes you a woman and or a child in Christ. Well do what the women do, feed the poor, minister to the women, how to love their husbands, do the carnal pursuits and do them faithfully, and you'll grow up to be a full grown man, and then you'll do the spiritual works, and what are the spiritual works? They're the greater works, what are the greater works? That through your mouth by the Christ in you, Christ should be imparted to others, that the seed of Christ should be imparted to the people you minister to, that Christ should be formed in them. It's nice to pray for them and see them get the Holy Spirit brethren, but when you're a man in Christ you have the honor of reproducing the Christ or doing the work that will result in the reproduction of Christ in people, not the Holy Spirit, but the formation of Christ that will raise them from the dead. Does everybody have this straight, I'm not insulting anybody, know who you are and do what your office calls you to do.


If you're a child, do childish things, Paul said he did childish things when he was a child didn't he. But he said when he grew up he started doing manly things. He was to grow. So Paul was saying in Rom. 9:3, that if he could do it, he would be a seed and get inside, you know what he was saying brethren, that he would give up this earthly life, and he would become a spirit and he enter into their hearts and raise Christ from the dead, that's what he was saying, but he couldn't do it why? Because that wasn't his job, you have to do the job that Jesus gives you to do, he had to hang out and get all these books in the Bible written, so that the next generation could come forth. You've got to do what God gives you to do, you can't assign yourself.


Rom 10:4, "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth, for Christ is the end of the law because of righteousness to everyone that believeth. Brethren when Christ is raised from the dead in you it is the end of your subjection to the law of sin and death. You are no longer under a written law when Christ is in full stature in you why? Because the law is now internalized in you and your mind will know what is right and what is wrong. That's why Paul said to us all things are lawful. There isn't anything we can't do, why? Because the mind of Christ in us will tell us when it's ungodly. When it's not right, or when it's not expedient. You have to have wisdom. That's alright to eat brethren, it keeps your body alive, but there's a point where you have to stop.


Discipline is involved, self restraint, wisdom. When you have the mind of Christ and when you're living out of him 100% of the time, you don't need a law, it's going to be easy to keep the law, to keep you weight down, to stay away from fornication, whatever your problem is, you're not going to have any problem doing it, you see the law tells you not to do it, but doesn't impart the power to you not to do it.


The written law tells you not to do it, while the sin and death in your members is raging to do it. But the law which is in Christ, brings with it the power to keep the law, and you will no longer be suffering. See God hasn't called us to suffer, our problem is that we're in hell. Things that are denied us in Christ that may seem grievous to us now, are not grievous when you're in Christ. They're only grievous now because you're in hell and you're trying to get out, you're making a transition. Jesus, okay.


Rom 14:9, Did I finish explaining to you that the end of the law is Christ, when you start living out of the mind of Christ, you don't need a law anymore, a law is not for a righteous man, that is for a man when his heart is unrighteous, a criminal. The law brethren is for spiritual criminals. When our heart is the righteousness of God, we won't need a law, we won't be criminals anymore, okay. Rom.14:9, For to this end Christ both died and rose, and revived that he might be the Lord both of the dead and the living." I like this verse of Scripture. Now the verse before that says that if we live we live unto Christ, if we die, we die unto the Lord, and whether we live or die therefore, it's up to the Lord, he'll be glorified in everything.


So for this, or to this end, for this purpose, to make this a reality in our life, Christ died, and he rose again, now he died and he rose again, and he revived. He rose from the dead, he rose from the dead in the man Jesus, and revived means to live again, and he's living again in the members of the body of Christ today. Those are the three things, he died, he rose in the man Jesus and he's living again in us, for the purpose that he might be the Lord both of the dead and the living, that he might be the Lord of, now why did he die? Okay the Christ, Jesus the Christ, gave up his soul life as the man Jesus of Nazareth, he was perfect, he didn't have to die, he could have lived forever. What he sacrificed was his soul life of the man Jesus of Nazareth, that the Christ was living in. He had already gone through all the trouble of putting that carnal mind underfoot, the Christ had succeeded the life to the soul of Jesus of Nazareth, and preserving the body, and he could have lived forever without pain, but he gave up that life to become pure spirit, and to pour out of his spirit upon all flesh, and he's going through that same painful experience in all of us again. Why? So that he could be the Lord of the dead as well as the living.


Now when he was in the man Jesus of Nazareth he was the Lord of the living, Jesus was alive, but he gave that up so that as well as being the Lord living one, he can also be the Lord of the dead ones. He did it for us, so that he could raise us from the dead too. Everybody okay? He was the Lord of the living one, Jesus who was Christ, but he died and he rose again, but in this hour he's being revived, he's starting to live again, and he went through all of this painful experience and is still going through it, so that he is no longer only the Lord of the man Jesus, who is Christ, but he's also the Lord of all. Everybody okay?


Rom. 14: 10-13, "But why dost though judge thy brother or why dost thou set at naught thy brother. For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ, and there's a big controversy about the judgment seat of Christ, what does the church say it is, anybody? The judgment seat of Christ?


COMMENT: I think that they believe that it's when the dead are raised, they believe that the dead are raised from their graves and appear before the throne out in heaven with Christ, and when judges them right there, they will either go to heaven or hell, and the wicked are going to go to hell and the righteous are going to heaven.


PASTOR VITALE: yes, don't they say that it's for the sinner?


COMMENT: No, they believe it's for the Christian too I think because there is a verse in there that says we shall all die but after this the judgment, and it says that we will be judged before Christ for things good done in the body.


PASTOR VITALE: Well that's what it says, but the teaching in the church is that the judgment seat of Christ is for the sinner, and those are the Scriptures that I'm going to give you and that's good because it is for the church. But the teaching, a lot of the teaching in the church, there may be some people teaching it incorrectly, but a lot of the teaching in the church is that the judgment seat of Christ is for the sinners. So why do you judge your brother, he's saying you really shouldn't be judging your brother, and why do you say that he's worthless, don't do these things because we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ, okay. And I just want to go into what that is a little bit. In verse 12, it says that everyone of us shall give account of himself to God. Let us not therefore judge one another anymore, but judge this rather, that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother's way. So let's stop judging one another and criticizing one another and let's help one another because we're all going to be accountable to Christ for everything that we do and again, as I said, maybe some Christians are preaching it the right way, but many are not, and many are saying it's under the blood, and you just forget about everything you've done and it's under the blood, and you're going to be raptured and everything's fine, and that is in many areas of the church. So I want to take a little time, did you hear it preached that way?


COMMENT: that everything is under the blood? And that everything will be fine just repent or just a general repentance, yes.


PASTOR VITALE: There is a lot of it in the church, I'm sure it's not everybody, but there is a lot of it in the church, and there are even some preachers that don't believe in specific repentance, they say you just make a general repentance when you come to the Lord and there's no need to confess specific sins and repent of it, and that is totally untrue. So they're not dealing too much with repentance. So I just want to give you the Scripture about the judgment seat of Christ. This correlates also to II Cor. 5:10, as a matter of fact I think that's where I'm working from II Cor. 5:10, "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that everyone may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad." That means you're going to reap what you sow, and we've been talking about this for quite a while. Now you will surely reap what you have sown, and even if you confess it as sin and repent, it doesn't mean that you don't reap what you sow. If you don't confess it and repent, it will be destruction unto you, it will rip you away from Christ, why? Because sin separates you from Christ and it will turn you back to the world. But if you confess it as sin and you repent, God will use it as a learning experience, he will bring you out of it, he will mature you through it and he's very likely to send you to other people with the same problems, he will use it for your good, and he will use it for the good of your brethren, but you will reap what you have sown, and brethren if you sin, you will reap a recompense in the midst of you, which is speaking about the formation of curses and demons in your mind.


COMMENT: Does this also apply to the sins of our fathers and mothers where we continue to reap, I mean not just sin I did when I was younger?




COMMENT: But if I confess and repent the sins of my fathers and mothers, I'm still going to reap what they sowed in sin?


PASTOR VITALE: Well you're already reaping it, it has to be on your life.


COMMENT: So then this judgment of reaping and sowing, like if my father and mother or grandparents did horrible things to people, I reap horrible things done to me in this life time.


PASTOR VITALE: Right, but what happens is, if you're in Christ, usually by the time you find yourself in God, or the by the time you've been in God since you were a little girl, but by the time you got a revelation, by the time you grew up enough to say, well gee, some terrible things have happened to me in my lifetime, and maybe it's because the sins of my fathers, you didn't have that revelation at five years old, by the time you were old enough to realize it, you've been hurt by the sins of your fathers, you've already been hurt right? Okay. So this is the point at which you confess the sins of your fathers and usually by the time you're your age, you've pretty repeated them, well I know what you're talking about, you haven't, well you have done it, you're born with it, you're born with the curses in your mind and sometimes you're born with demons and because you're born that way you grow up and you do the same thing, so by the time you get to this point, you have to confess the sins of your fathers and the sins that you have done, but you are the place on the family line where this sin is going to stop. When you confess it and you repent, and God rips it out of you, and he doesn't always do it right away, you got to hang on to the horns of the altar, some people wait years for their deliverance, some people get it right away, I don't know it's up to God, it's not up to me, but when you finally get it ripped out of you, you know, then you're not going to pass it on the family line anymore. So the buck is stopping there.


So it's really a great honor although it's painful, it's really a great honor to be in this condition, that the family line curses come down and hurt you so badly, but it's a great honor that you're breaking it in you by your confession and repentance as priests for the whole family, that these curses are breaking on the whole family. It's the beginning of deliverance for your whole family. It's a great honor, we've all been hurt, but it's a great honor. Okay.


So some people they get all upset, they say, "Oh, the sins of my fathers, how could you tell me the sins of my fathers are on me?" Brethren it's just true but there's no condemnation on it, the carnal minded Christian takes it as a condemnation. There's no condemnation in it, it's a great honor that God has chosen you to go through this, to suffer everything that you've suffered so that these curses can begin to be broken on your family line, not only in future generations but your whole family now, your sisters your brothers your parents if they're still alive, your nieces your nephews, your labor in Christ to get yourself delivered is going to touch your whole family, and it's a great honor, it's not a condemnation, everybody okay?


Okay so I want to take a few minutes to go over this Scripture II Cor. 5:10, For we must appear before the judgment seat of Christ that everyone may receive the things done in his body according to that he hath done", and that's in the flesh. You see now the church teaches that your sins are judged and either you go to heaven or you go to hell, but it says right here that you're going to receive your judgment in the body, you're going to receive your recompense in the flesh, according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad. Brethren judgment is in the flesh. There's another Scripture I think it's in one of the epistles, I think it's Peter, it may be John, where it says and judgment is in the flesh so that we might learn to live after the spirit. Brethren God our loving father punishes us in the flesh, punishes us in this world system in our emotions, in our carnal mind, he punishes us, why? So that we should learn to draw on the things of the spirit. Hard times brethren, hard times are designed to point us towards spiritual answers.


Pain in this life, trouble, unhappy experiences shame humiliation are designed to direct us, to push us strongly in the direction of his spirit, as protection, as a means of getting our needs met. Brethren if you decide one day that you would like a Cadillac, and you go out and you steal a Cadillac and you get caught and you go to jail, that judgment which is in your flesh, it's happened to your physical body, you're in jail, that judgment Lord willing is going to teach you that there's got to be a better way to get your Cadillac, and maybe if you're blessed enough to have someone preach to you, you'll find out that the answer to your Cadillac is seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. I can't promise you that God will give you a Cadillac, I'm making a point. Judgment is in the flesh so that we should learn to implement the spirit of God in the things of the spirit, to get our needs met.


If we didn't have trouble in the flesh we would never turn to spiritual things. Brethren, I don't know about you but I'm a right handed person and my left hand is very weak I'm not good at it at all. Some people can use both hands, I'm not good with my left hand at all, but I want to tell you if God forbid I should wake up one morning and my right hand were permanently tied behind my back, I would start to work on my left hand and eventually it would probably be as strong as my right hand. Brethren God is touching our, the tendon in our thigh, he is crippling us brethren, because he wants us to stop using the things of this world and start using the things of his spirit to get our needs met, why? Because this world is what? What's happening to this world? It's dying, it's passing away, and if he doesn't hurt you in the flesh, thereby forcing you to learn to move in the spirit. When the flood of spiritual life comes upon this planet, and starts crushing every method we've ever known to get our needs met, maybe you're going to starve to death if you don't know how to get your food out of the realm of the spirit.


Brethren there's a new age coming, the things that work today are not going to work tomorrow. The purpose of the judgment is to turn you away from things that kill you. The judgments of God are merciful, that you should give up that which is damaging to you, and learn to move in his spirit, which is life. II Cor. 5:10, the Interlinear says, "For all us to be revealed..", brethren for Christ to be revealed in us, it is therefore necessary before the judgment seat of Christ that we may receive each of us, the things through the body according to what he did, whether good or bad. Brethren it's necessary for Christ to appear in you for you to go through the judgment. Brethren without the judgment Christ will not appear in you. The judgment of God is merciful, without it, you will remain dead and in hell.


So if you believe that you're already alive, and that you're not going to be judged at the white throne judgment because only the dead are being judged, and that when tribulation comes upon this earth, God's going to rapture your body and you're going to walk on streets of gold in heaven, you are believing a heresy, why? Because it is a belief that is going to deprive you of the salvation that God has provided for you. If every time the Lord corrects you, you attribute it to Satan, you are denying the work of the father in your life. "For all of us to be revealed", well let me give it to you this way, "For we must all appear before the judgment seat", this word "before", it's Strong's #1715, and it means in front of, we must all appear in front of the judgment seat, the judgment seat is Strong's #968 and it is the official place of a judge, but it is also a raised place, it's a higher place, it's a high place.


Brethren I suggest to you it's the mind of Christ, it's the mind of Christ, the judgment is within you.


And we're going to receive a recompense for the things done in the body, and that word body is the Greek word translated body, is not the physical body it's talking about your soul, it's talking about your celestial body, it's talking about your carnal mind. Brethren everything that your physical body does starts as a thought. The judgment is of your mind. When Christ begins to be formed in you it is the judgment of the hidden sins of your mind, maybe they're played out through your physical body, maybe they're not, if they're played out through your physical body frequently, it's easier for you to confess and repent because you know that you did it, then the Pharisee who has successfully buried every wicked thought, and has physically done no evil for the last forty years, and the father comes to them and says repent, and they say of what? That Pharisee has a problem and only the mercy of God is going to bring them through.


So, It's a contradiction, and I'm telling anybody to go out and sin, but if your sins have manifested in the flesh, it could be a blessing in disguise, if it's already happened to you, at least you know you did it, you know, you know you did it, right? So the judgment seat is a raised place, it's a high place, and I'm suggesting to you that it's the mind of Christ and the judgment is within, and the word "through", let me just find where it is for you, "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that everyone may receive the things done in his body", that word "according" it must be according to that he hath done, it's talking about that particular body, it's talking about your own soul, it's talking about the sin in your own mind, that's what it's talking about, I'm not going to spend too much time on it.


I have an alternate translation for you. For Christ to be revealed in us, it's necessary for each of us to receive a just recompense for both the good and the bad things we did, in that particular carnal mind, you're going to receive the just recompense for what you did in your carnal mind and you're going to receive the just recompense for what you did in your carnal mind and everybody is going to receive the just recompense for what they did in their carnal mind, whether it was played out in the physical body or not, you're going to have to pay the price for your own sin. So to say that it was this one's fault or that one made me do it, or anything like that, brethren it's your sin, whether you deny it or not, you're going to bear the recompense, best to confess it and to repent.


So let me give it to you again, for Christ to be revealed in us, for Christ to be raised from the dead in us, it's necessary for each of us to receive a just recompense for both the good and the bad things we did, when we were living out of our individual carnal minds, which is covering over Christ. Our carnal minds are covering over Christ. The reason these sins have to be judged, is that the judgment of them is cutting them away which is covering over Christ, our carnal minds are covering over Christ.


The reason these sins have to be judged is that the judgment of them is cutting them away so that Christ can appear. There is no judgment until Christ is conceived in you, when Christ is conceived in you, he is the judge, he is the high place, and the judgment of your sin is the mercy of God, which will rip that sin away, or will cause you to die to it, it's not physically ripped away at that point, it will cause you to die to that sin, and start living out of Christ and your carnal mind will become brain dead, in the first stage of resurrection, and in the second stage of resurrection, Christ goes to the outside.


So the judgment is necessary, if Christ is to appear in you, the judgment will render your carnal mind brain dead, when you sin and you get into trouble and you bear that iniquity in your own heart, and you're walking around with that problem because you know that you did it, you did something that produced this problem in your mind, and you're being tortured, brethren you're going to think five times before you do that again, and you're going to die to that sin, you're going to fight with everything that you've got not to do it again, and that is the killing of your carnal mind. But you can't do it unless you have Christ in you. You have to be drawing your strength from someplace, Christ must be conceived in you. So this is what the judgment is, and the end result of it is that your carnal mind will become brain dead and Christ will fully raised from the dead in you. The judgment is the mercy of God. Brethren, I speak to the whole church world, confess your sins.


I had a pastor two months ago look me right in the eye and said to me, you mean you think you sin? Now brethren if you believe that how can you confess that you have sin. Very nice man, very nice man, he believed it, the blood of Jesus covers us, I'm without sin, he who is born of God cannot sin. You think you sin sister how long are you saved? That's what he said to me, how long are you saved?


Brethren they say that I preach heresy, a damnable heresy is that which will separate you from the work of Jesus Christ, that's a damnable heresy, saying you don't have sin. And this mind control is appearing all over the country. People doing a particular sin accusing other people of doing what they're doing, it's happening all over the country and it's rising up in a lot of liberal places, I hear it on the tv, all those Christians, all those conservatives, they're trying to take our free speech away, the truth is the liberals are trying to take the free speech away from the Christians, that's the truth. How do you deal with somebody that tells you that you are the one that is guilty of what they're doing? What do you say to them? I declare to you brethren, there is nothing you can say to them. There's nothing you can say to them, they need to be defeated. Now don't anybody take me wrong, this is a spiritual thing, the Lord Jesus Christ must come and defeat them.


If it's another country doing it to you, you can wind up in a war. What I'm saying is when someone's mind is so far gone, when their mind, when their conscience is so seared, when they're so reprobate, the only thing that will work is some measure of force, and that's why judgment is falling on this nation, because in many areas we can no longer distinguish between good and evil, and we think evil is good and that good is evil.


For Christ to be revealed in us it's necessary for each of us to receive a just recompense for both the good and the bad things we did when we were living out of our individual carnal mind, which is covering over Christ, or which was covering over Christ at the time that we did it. Jesus. Well, I have a whole bunch of other Scriptures for you but I did another study, I think I'm going to give it to you, I'm going to jump ahead, and I'm going to give you the Scripture in I Cor.15:3-4, now what got us into this study in the first place, or one of the results of getting into this study, is that we're dealing with Scriptures that sound like Christ died for us, that are translated Christ died for us, and that indicate that Christ died on the cross, and what we are preaching here is the doctrine of Christ which says that the man Jesus of Nazareth died on the cross, Jesus of Nazareth who was the Christ, died on the cross, his physical body died and his carnal mind died, but the mind of Christ did not die on the cross, the mind of Christ died and the creation fell, it was the death of the Christ that caused the creation to fall.


That's what we're preaching here that on the cross, wicked men crucified the physical body of Jesus and the mind of Christ crucified the carnal mind that Jesus inherited from his mother, which was already brain dead, okay.


So whenever we run into a Scripture that sounds like it contradicts this doctrine, we are going to teach on it, we're going to rip it to pieces, we're going to look in the Greek and we're going to find out what the Scripture really says. So I have a bit of a controversial study for you here, and please don't manifest at me if you can't receive it at least pray about it, I ask you to at least pray about it, it's going to sound very different. I Cor. 15:3, Paul talking, "For I delivered unto first of all, that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the Scriptures. Well now Sheila that sounds like Christ died and he rose on the third day, what could you possibly be talking about? Well I'm going to share with you what the Lord showed me on it, again you're free to disagree, but I ask for your own sake that you keep an open mind believing that God will not let you be deceived, you're free to disagree with me, if you want to but pray about it.


First of all, there is no article before the word Christ so we know that the Scripture speaking about the imputed Christ, there's no article, the word "the" is not before Christ so we know that the Scripture is not speaking about Jesus who was the Christ, it's speaking about the imputed Christ who was slain by the carnal mind at the fall. Christ and again this Scripture has the principles we're using the same principles to translate it, that we use in Rom. 5:6-7, Christ died that Greek word translated "for", even that Greek word translated "for" can be translated "across from", Christ died in the age across from our sins, or our sinful state of being, now the word age, is not in this Scripture, when we did Rom. 5, we were told that Christ died in the age across from, but over here it just says that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, according to the Scriptures, well according to what Scriptures? There are Scriptures in the Old Testament but there were also Scriptures in Romans, that said it was a different age, you have to weave all the Scriptures together, it was a different age, and I want to review for you what this means that Christ died across from the ungodly.


I want to remind you that the righteous creation is a spiritual creation, and this fallen creation is a physical creation, and the two creations are facing one another like a mirror and the mirror image. Now the Lord has taught us here that the carnal mind is lying on top of Christ, that this world system is lying on top of Eden, is everybody okay? That when Satan brought forth her carnal mind, she went beyond, she went over to another age, she went beyond what the spiritual creation was you can say she added another layer to it if it helps you and in this hour, this world system which is called hell is lying on top of Eden, and it's going to be rolled back like a scroll so that Eden can be revealed again, are you okay, everybody okay?


In the age across from where we're sinful, when Christ is the name of the mind that was in the righteous creation, when Christ died, the creation fell and became ungodly, when Christ died, the creation fell down into another age, where they became ungodly. Do you remember the teaching from Rom. 5:6? That's the teaching, now the King James translators have translated it that Christ died for the ungodly, and in a few minutes, we're going to get into a little discussion of what it would mean if the King James translation is correct, what it would means to our doctrine, because I really feel I have to give you that explanation, it's a very important message.


If it were true that Christ died on the cross, now we know he was crucified on the cross, but that crucifixion killed the carnal mind, not Christ, if it were true that Christ died on the cross, I'm going to give you a little discussion of what it would mean to the church okay, because God told me that you really need to hear this, it's very important, I just want to give you a couple of Scriptures, Christ and the man Jesus, were raised from the dead at different times, Christ and the man Jesus, were raised from the dead at two different times, Rom. 8:11, and we already went over that tonight. "But if the spirit of him that raised up the man Jesus from the dead dwell in you, the one that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies", two different events, there are two different events, the raising up of the man Jesus, and the resurrection of Christ, two different events. The crucifixion killed the carnal mind, not Christ, the crucifixion killed the carnal mind not Christ.


Rom. 6:6, "Knowing this that our old man is crucified with him, who? That our old man, our old personality, our fallen personality is crucified with or to, you can translate that Greek word to, is crucified to Christ, why? So that the body of sin might be destroyed. Your old, the personality that you had when the carnal mind was your mind is crucified to Christ for the purpose that the body of sin which is your carnal mind, might be destroyed, that henceforth, we should not serve sin. The crucifixion killed the carnal mind not Christ. Rom. 6:6, Knowing this that our old man is crucified with the Christ, or to the Christ, that the body of sin might be destroyed. The sin is being destroyed so that henceforth, we should no longer serve sin. Gal. 2:19-20, "For I through the law am dead to the law that I might live unto God. Paul is dead to the law of sin and death which is resident in his carnal mind, so the purpose that he might live unto God, how do you live unto God, you only live unto God through Christ.


The carnal mind died so that he could live through Christ. Verse 20, I am crucified with Christ, Paul says, or crucified to Christ nevertheless, I live..." When Paul says I he's talking about his human personality. His old man as we hear in Rom. 6:6, Paul's old man is crucified to Christ, nevertheless he lives. Well how could that be, because we're told in Rom. 6:6, what happened as a result of the crucifixion was that the body, his body of sin was destroyed. Paul says yet not I but Christ liveth in me, Paul says I'm crucified with Christ and Christ liveth in me and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the son of God, which is Christ. Can anybody not see that? That the crucifixion killed the carnal mind, and now Paul is no longer living after his old man, but he's living by the life of Christ, that is in him. Everybody okay?


Jesus said no man taketh my life, that is his human life, the life which he inherited from the seed of David through Mary, this means that even if wicked men drained all of the blood out of the body of the man Jesus, the Christ within him could have sustained the life of the flesh of that man, we talked about this at the beginning of the message. I honestly don't know if the blood would have regenerated or he would have lived without it, but Jesus said no man can take my life, he didn't say no man can touch me, he didn't say no man could penetrate me, he said no man can take my life unless I agree to it. This being the case then, the man was not subject to the law of this world system, which says when a man's physical body dies, his soul separates from it, is that not the law of this world, when your physical body dies that's what the world says, when your physical body dies, your soul separates from it. Jesus wasn't subject to that. When his physical body died, the father raised it from the dead, something different happened to the man Jesus, the question is why?


How then could wicked human men have killed the mind of Christ, brethren if Jesus no man taketh my soul life, and if you look up that in the Greek it is talking about his human life. We had a Scripture earlier that Jesus said, the son of man is going to be lifted up. Jesus said no man can take the life that I got from my mother, not the life of Christ but the human life that I have. Well if that is true, if Jesus said that no one could kill his body, how are they going to kill his mind, now his mind was Christ, amen, how do you kill a mind brethren? How do you kill a mind. Now think about this, according to the law of this world system, when you kill somebody's body, that's the end of their mind, but the only reason that this could happen to you is that everybody's mind in this hour is already dead. This body is an expression of our mind, you could never kill a physical body in which dwelled a mind that had life, because the mind is producing or preserving the life of the physical body. The only reason these bodies die, is because we have a mind which is dead, or a mind which is death, it's called the carnal mind.


When we have a mind which is life, it will preserve this physical body and no matter what you do to this physical body it will not die, because life will be dwelling in the midst of us. Anybody having a problem with that, is this not the teaching of the Scriptures. Everybody okay? So crucifying, if crucifying Jesus body only killed him because Jesus gave up the Ghost, and we've talked about this on other messages, Jesus' soul did not, which is his mind, which was Christ, his Christ soul, his righteous soul, his Christ mind, did not leave his physical body because that body was crucified unto death.


The mind of Christ left the physical body of Jesus of Nazareth because he gave up the ghost, and if you look that up in the Hebrew, it means he willfully breathed himself out, he willfully left that body, it was his choice, the mind of Christ didn't go because the body died, the mind of Christ went because the mind of Christ decided to go, and I declare to you if the mind of Christ decided to stay that body would have been raised from the dead in the same form that it was in before it was crucified, I believe that Christ had the authority to either replace the blood or walk around in a bloodless body that would have been very much alive.


So why did he leave his body? Because it was the authority of the father that integrated all of the aspects of that man, the physical body, the carnal mind, and the mind of Christ, the father had the authority to glorify the man Jesus, Christ had the authority only to raise him from the dead to be in the same condition that he was in before the death. Now who did that happen to? Lazarus, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead and we did a study on that and we found out that he also raised him to full stature, Lazarus was a man that was raised into full stature, okay there was someone else that was in full stature besides Paul, Lazarus when Jesus raised him from the dead was in full stature, but he was still in vile body he was not glorified, only the father has the authority to glorify. So Jesus willfully breathed out of his body so that the body could die, so that the father would exercise his authority and glorify the whole creation.


So if wicked men really had no power to kill his physical body, how could they have killed his mind, how could they have killed his mind, his mind is Christ, they couldn't kill his body if Jesus had decided to, I'm sorry if the mind of Christ had decided to stay in his body and not leave, that body would not have died, the wicked men could not have killed his body, it was only with the agreement of the mind of Christ that the body died, how could these men have killed the mind of Christ?


Do you at least understand my question? He said no man could take my life, how are they going to kill Christ? I'm saying to you that man cannot crucify a mind, all that they could crucify is a body, and when that body is someone here in this fallen realm, or that body that they crucified has a mind which is already dead, then the body dies, but when they crucify a body that has a mind that's alive, the body won't die, so how are they going to kill his mind, do you hear what I'm saying?


How are they going to kill his mind? The mind Christ which is the son of the living God, how do you kill a spirit? The death of ones' mind is intimately related to separation from the body, I just told you this already. Well let me read this to you. The carnal mind cannot live without a body because the carnal mind is filled with sin, Christ was without sin, so he could therefore live without a body, and because Christ could live without a body, instead of the body dying because of the separation, the father raised the body from the dead. It was the exact opposite of what happens in this world system, and I'm going to tell you up front that what I'm suggesting to you is that when a human body dies, right then and there, the father makes a judgment, right then and there, if the soul has sin in it, the body stays dead, if the soul doesn't have sin in it, the father raises the physical body from the dead. Let me say it again, at the moment that our soul separates from our body because the body has been damaged, the physical body has been damaged, at that exact moment that father God makes a judgment, if that soul, does that soul have sin, or does it not, and if that soul that is separated from the body has sin, the body dies.


If that soul which is separated from the body is righteous, if there is no sin in it, that means that the mind or the soul in the body is Christ, and the spirit that's in Christ will raise the body from the dead, why? Because you can't die. Your body can't die, the law of Christ says your physical body cannot die when the mind in your is Christ, therefore the father will raise your body from the dead.


COMMENT: Does that mind have to be in full stature?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, unless God wants to give you an imputed miracle. We see people that are raised from the dead die again, they may live for another twenty, forty or fifty years and they die again, they go the way of all flesh. But when the father raises you from the dead, you become glorified, and you live forever, and that's only if the Christ in you is in full stature. So if Christ died on the cross then, who killed him, what man could kill the mind of Christ, the son of the living God, how was it done? They couldn't do it by killing his body, he was the mind of Christ, he had the authority to keep that body alive, Jesus said, no man can take my life, he laid it down, he let them kill the body by removing the life of his mind from the body. How do you kill the mind of Christ, if Christ died on the cross, who killed him? Fallen man only has the authority to kill the body. When the body of a fallen man dies it's because his soul is already dead, or the body would never die. And even if Christ who was alive in the man Jesus, had agreed that wicked men could kill his Christ soul okay, how would a human man kill that Christ mind? And that's the whole point, he can't, man cannot kill the mind of Christ, not the imparted mind of Christ.


Now we know that at the beginning of time that the carnal mind killed the Christ which was not brought forth from seed, but even then it wasn't a man, it was a spirit, it was another mind. It takes a mind to kill a mind, human beings can't kill a mind, but you just kill other human beings, that's the whole point, man cannot kill a mind, it's the father that decides whether the soul lives or dies. It's the father decides whether the soul lives or dies, man has no authority to kill a soul or the mind in that soul.


The fact that Jesus' soul didn't die when his body died, is the ultimate proof that was without sin and the very Christ and the father is the only judge of that, and we know that the father judged him righteous, why? Because he raised his body from the dead, he raised the whole man from the dead. So I have a Scripture for you, Luke 12:4-5, and I say unto you my friends be not afraid of them that killed the body, and after that have no more that they can do", Jesus speaking, "but I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear, fear him which after he hath killed, hath power to cast into hell, yea, I say unto you fear him." Now that's not an accurate translation, I'm going to take a couple of minutes to go over that translation, but obviously you can recognize that it's saying only God can kill the soul. Men can only kill your bodies, so who killed Christ on the cross?


And I'm saying to you that at the beginning of time, or not at the beginning of time I'm sorry at the fall, Christ was killed by another mind, the carnal mind, men cannot kill a mind. So how could Christ have been killed on the cross? So I just want to go over this verse very briefly, "but I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear, fear him which, and this implies that Christ is the killer, fear him which after he hath killed has the power to cast into hell, yea, I say unto you fear him." This Greek word translated "after" it's Strong's #3326, and it means in the midst of, and this word, the Greek word translated "killed" is really in the Interlinear it says killing, it's Strong's #615, and it is it's speaking of moral death, the lack of a spiritual life. And it reads in the Greek the one who in the midst of the time of moral death has the authority to throw you into hell. That's how the Greek reads let me give it to you again. The one who in the midst of this time of moral death, has the authority to throw you into hell. In this age, in this fallen age, which is the age of moral death, fear the one who has the authority to throw your soul into hell, or to raise it from the dead. Men only have the authority to kill the body. The father is the one that deals with your soul. Man cannot kill your mind. So we see that the son of God was not crucified on the cross, the son of man was crucified on the cross.


The Christ however was crucified, but that crucifixion did not kill the Christ, it killed the one to whom he was crucified, the carnal mind, he was crucified on the cross, he wasn't killed on the cross, he was crucified to the old man, so that the carnal mind could be destroyed. This was a big blow to that false doctrine.


COMMENT: It sounds like a contradiction when we say that this is the realm of hell, and then see him who had the authority to throw you into hell.


PASTOR VITALE: Yeah, I can't go into that teaching all over again but we do have it on tape 78 part 6, and we don't have it from Luke, but we took it from a corresponding Scripture where we talk about it, I don't want to go into it now, but you can read it on that Scripture and basically it's saying that when you're moving in Christ, when you have access to Christ even here in hell, the father has the power to cast you back down to hell, you can lose Christ. Okay, but for the purpose of this teaching, we're saying that the one that deals with the souls of men, is the father. Human men have no authority to kill, to kill souls.


Okay so I hope that I made my point to you that human beings cannot kill a mind and the only that has the authority to kill a mind or to cast a mind down to hell is the Lord. And I therefore suggest to you and offer this proof to you that the crucifixion of Christ, which did occur on the cross did not kill him, he killed the carnal mind as is clearly stated in Romans 6:6, and Gal. 2:19-20.


So I just want to finish up I Cor. 15:4, we're translating verse 3, "For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received now that Christ died for our sins or that Christ died in the age across from the age, in a different age from where we are sinners according to the Scriptures and he was buried and that he rose again the third day. This word buried is Strong's #2290 and it means to deposit in the earth, and I declare to you that the dead Christ had his name changed and after he died his name became what? The human spirit, one of his bones is in each human being and the name is the human spirit and that our human spirit is buried under the earth of our carnal mind, and that we are in tombed, this Greek word translated buried means to be in tombed, our human spirit is intombed, she's buried under the earth of your carnal mind and under the earth of your body. So we were saying that he was buried under the fallen souls of men and that he rose again the third day, well how are you going to get out of that one Sheila. And he rose again the third day. Well, this is the part that's going to be difficult, that I ask you to pray about, now if everything else that I demonstrated to you so far, is if you can believe it, or if you can at least believe it as a, long enough to hear me out, if Christ could not have died from the crucifixion because man doesn't have the authority to kill Christ, and if Rom. 6:6 clearly says that the crucifixion killed the carnal mind, and if that isn't supported by Gal. 2:19-20, if all of that is true and if Christ did die at the beginning of time, and he was raised from the dead in the man Jesus of Nazareth, well then he couldn't have risen after three days, because brethren and this is the answer to your question, if Christ was not raised from the dead in the man Jesus of Nazareth before his body was crucified, if Christ was not raised from the dead in the man Jesus of Nazareth before his body was crucified, the father would have never raised his body from the dead. If righteousness was not found after the body was killed the father would not have raised him from the dead.


So Christ had to be raised from the dead for Jesus to be the Christ. First of all Christ had to be raised from the dead for Jesus to be the Christ, and second of all, if the soul of the man Jesus of Nazareth was not found to be righteous, the father would not have raised him from the dead. So the resurrection from the dead had to happen before the crucifixion, and if Jesus had laid down, if he had caused Christ to die, the Scripture says Christ now being raised from the dead dieth no more. So if Christ was raised from the dead before the crucifixion, he couldn't die again, and if he died, if he could die again, if he did lay down that resurrected Christ mind, if he did lay it down, he'd have to have a mind, it would have released the carnal mind, and then sin would have been found and the father would not have raised him from the dead.


Remember the mind of Christ was not yet permanently joined to the carnal mind, it was just crushing it, he had it paralyzed, so if Jesus had laid down his Christ life, if he had done it, I don't think it would be possible, because Christ dieth no more, but if he had done it, it would have let his carnal mind out and sin would have been found. And first of all Christ raised from the dead dieth no more, so Jesus couldn't lay down his Christ mind, but if he could lay it down, I don't believe it's Scriptural, but if he had been able to do it, the death of that Christ mind which was paralyzing the carnal mind would have released the carnal mind, and sin would have been there, and if sin would have been there, and if sin was found the father would have never raised the whole man from the dead. Do you understand what I said? Okay.


So for two reasons he couldn't have killed own Christ mind. So if Christ was raised from the dead before the crucifixion and he had to be, he had to be raised from the dead for Jesus to be the Christ, can you say amen to that, he had to be raised from the dead for Jesus to be the Christ.


So if he was raised from the dead before the crucifixion then what in the world was the Scripture talking about, and he rose again the third day, what third day, I always thought that meant the third day from the crucifixion, but he was raised from the dead before the crucifixion, well now you just really confused me I'm going home.


Now let me remind you of the Scriptural principle which the Lord emphasized to us in our recent studies in the book of Daniel, brethren when the Scripture says within three days, we must ask three days from when? And the Lord has shown us Scriptures in the prophet Daniel, in the book of the prophet Daniel that say and this shall be restored, how ever many days it is from such and such a time, from the rebuilding of Jerusalem, such and such will come to pass in so much time, but in this Scripture it says, in three days, but it does not say three days from when. And I remind you that the man Jesus of Nazareth, the son of man who was crucified was raised from the dead in three days, but Christ the subject of the Scripture we're talking about here, was not killed at the same time that the man Jesus of Nazareth was killed through crucifixion. The Christ which is the subject of the Scripture that we're studying here was killed at the fall. So therefore this phrase and rose again the third day, doesn't seem to make any sense.


So in view of everything that we have been teaching for the past two hours, plus all of the other tapes before this in this series, based on all of that we're going to look for the possibility of another translation of the Greek words which were translated on the third day. Okay so I'm going to suggest to you that this is one of the mysteries of the Scripture and I looked up each of these words and I'm going to give you a suggested alternate translation, that if all of these other things that I just told you weren't true, you probably would never believe, but what I hoped that I had just shown you, that it couldn't possibly be, that this Scripture could not possibly be talking about three days from the crucifixion, because died die in the crucifixion, do you understand what I'm saying?


So in other words, if you can believe everything that I just told you to say that Christ was raised from the dead three days after the crucifixion makes no sense at all. And at this point we have all kinds of Scriptures, we have a doctrine of Christ, we have a whole doctrine developing here with Scriptures backing it up and now we find one Scripture that doesn't seem to fit in, so I'm going to give you an alternate translation, that I myself would probably never receive if it wasn't for all this other information, and I got to put all the other information together, okay. And this is what the Lord showed me when I looked it up. He was raised from the dead, and has been raised, first of all the translation here is wrong, and rose again the third day, it makes it sound like he raised himself from the dead, that's not true, the father raised him from the dead, and the Greek says and has been raised from the dead by the father the third day, what third day?


This word "third", if you look it up in the Greek, it can be translated the third part of, it can be translated the third part of the day, and we have quite a few Scriptures in our studies in the book of Revelation, I don't know what chapter it is off hand, but there's a whole series of verses, where it says and third part of the earth, and the third part of the grass and the third part of the trees.


And when we were doing that study, God revealed to us that what he's speaking about, he's speaking in parables in the book of Revelation, and that third part which carnal minds think it means the third part of the population, if you have nine men, it means three men are going to burn up. But that's not what the father is talking about, he was talking about the third part of the mind of man.


Now does not the mind of man have three parts to it? It has the soul, and it has the human spirit, and it has the fallen mind of man, the mind of fallen man has Satan in it. It has the soul which is the creation of God, it has the human spirit which is the seed of God, and it has the darkness in the earth, it has the pestilence in the earth, and I suggest to you that the third part is the pestilence in the earth. And we go into a little more depth in this when we look up those Scriptures in Revelation that I just suggested to you. So I want to suggest to you that what this Scripture is saying here is that he rose, he was raised from the dead, on the third, he was raised out from the dead, he was raised out from this realm of death, he was raised out from the third part or from the Satanic realm. Now before you shut off the tape, didn't the seed of Christ enter into the carnal mind, isn't Christ growing in the carnal mind, didn't Jesus circumcise his carnal mind, didn't he arise up out of the carnal mind of the man Jesus of Nazareth. Did not Christ rise up out of the carnal mind of the man Jesus of Nazareth? And he was raised again, he was raised out of the third part, he was raised up out of the carnal mind of the day. And this word "day" when I first looked it, I said Lord, they got me, I'm leaving town, I said I don't know what to do with this one, because the day means the light, so how could he have been raised up out of the darkness of the light, it doesn't make any sense, and then I looked through Thayer's and then I looked through all of the possible definitions and it said this Greek word can also can be referring to the civil day, which means that day that we have in this realm, a day that is a twenty four day, which includes darkness and light. And I want to suggest to you that if you have Christ formed in you, there is darkness and light in you, and your carnal mind is darkness and the Christ in you is light.


The man Jesus of Nazareth was a man, made after the seed of David, he had darkness in him, he had a physical body and a carnal mind, he also had the mind of Christ, he was a day that had darkness and light in it, the darkness was brain dead and totally under the dominion of Christ, but it was there, it was darkness. So when Christ rose from the dead in the man Jesus of Nazareth, he rose from the dead, he was raised to full stature, out from under his carnal mind, the third part of the day that had both darkness and light in it. The man Jesus was perfect under the Levitical law, he kept the Levitical law to a T, but he was a human being and he was raised to full stature, at the time of his baptism by John in the Jordan, of the time that he entered in to the water of Jordan, he had a carnal mind and he had a mind of Christ, and as he came up out of the water, Christ was raised from the dead and totally paralyzed his carnal mind.


Christ rose from the dead, Christ came up out of the third part of that mind, of that vessel that was both darkness and light. I'm going to say it again, the man Jesus of Nazareth had a human body and a carnal mind which he received from his mother Mary, he was also born with the mind of the father, the man Jesus of Nazareth had two minds, he had in that one vessel known as the man Jesus, both darkness and light, the carnal mind and the Christ mind, and when he entered into the Jordan and was baptized by John, we found out in our study Jesus and the Jordan, that one of the things that happened when he came up out of the water was that Christ was raised from the dead in him, Christ, the Christ mind which was underneath the carnal mind, Christ is within the carnal mind, the mustard seed goes in, pierces the heart, rose up within the carnal mind overtakes the carnal mind, eventually circumcises the carnal mind off and then slays the enmity in the flesh.


So Christ, let me give you that Scripture, Christ was raised from the dead, he was raised out of the third part of the day, out of the third part of a man that had both darkness and light in his vessel. He was raised up from the dead out of the third part of the vessel that had both darkness and light. Christ was raised from the dead, he was raised up out of the darkness of the carnal mind in the man Jesus of Nazareth, in which was present both darkness and light, as typified by the Greek word translated day. Christ died across from the sinful ones and then he was buried under the carnal minds of men and then he was raised out of this death, he was raised up, that word "again" is not in the Greek, and he was raised up out of the third part of the day, the darkness, he was raised up out of the darkness that is within the day and that's the carnal mind.


COMMENT: Then in the next verse, then he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve, and after that he was seen of about five hundred brethren, does that he mean he really did rise?


PASTOR VITALE: What do you mean he...


COMMENT: Oh because you're saying here on 4, that he was buried and that he rose again the third day, meaning that it was the light and the dark, became light, he...


PASTOR VITALE: He rose up out of the darkness of the mind of the man Jesus.


COMMENT: Then he had the full mind of Christ.


PASTOR VITALE: Right, right.


COMMENT: But does that mean literally and physically that he did, that he was seen of Cephas?


PASTOR VITALE: Well he was seen of Cephas, we know that, we know all that happened, so I have a comment on that also. Okay, yeah, so the question is, why would the Scriptures go into that in the next verse that he was seen of Cephas and the twelve, because it really sounds like he was raised up three days from the crucifixion, so I have a comment on that too.


I'm going to read you my note here, Christ was not raised on the third day, as we would think the third day of the crucifixion, the man Jesus of Nazareth was raised on the third day, this account that we're reading here now, which is I Cor. 15 verses 3 and 4, skips over the crucifixion, it just doesn't talk about the crucifixion, why doesn't it talk about the crucifixion has nothing to do with the resurrection of Christ, he was seen, the resurrection of, he was seen, the resurrected Christ was seen by those people, the crucifixion has to do with the resurrection of the man Jesus. If Christ wasn't already raised from the dead at the time the physical body of the man Jesus was crucified the father would not have raised the whole man from the dead.


So the Scripture doesn't talk about the crucifixion, it skips over it, but he was seen of Cephas, he was seen of Cephas, but he would have never been seen of these men and he would have never been raised from the dead, he would have never, the man Jesus would have never been raised from the dead, if Christ wasn't raised from the dead earlier.


So this Scripture, it's not talking about the crucifixion, it's talking about the resurrection of Christ from the dead, and the raised Christ, and because, okay let me put it to you this way, because Christ was raised from the dead, okay,


when the physical body of Jesus was crucified, the father raised the whole man from the dead and he was seen by Cephas, and then of the twelve, but that would have never happened that would have never happened if Christ wasn't raised from the dead before the crucifixion. Do you see what I'm saying, so it's like a deliberate omission of the crucifixion, because it's a mystery that Christ was raised from the dead and it had nothing to do with the crucifixion, yet if Christ wasn't raised from the dead, then the man Jesus would have never been raised from the dead, and Cephas and the twelve would have never seen him. Do you understand what I'm saying? It's really very hard.


You don't have to believe me, but I ask that you at least understand what I'm saying, it will help you, did you follow me at all xxxx? Okay, I just want to say that one more time, these two Scriptures do not say anything at all about the crucifixion, it talks, it skips over the crucifixion, it talks about the resurrection of Christ from the dead coming forth out of the mind of the man Jesus of Nazareth, and then it says that the resurrected Christ was seen by Cephas and the twelve, and what I'm suggesting to you is that the Holy Spirit wrote these Scriptures deliberately did not mention the crucifixion because it's the Scriptural way of saying that the man Jesus would have never been raised from the dead if Christ wasn't first raised from the dead, and Cephas and the twelve saw the man Jesus raised from the dead, therefore Christ must have been raised from the dead before the crucifixion, do you hear this, I mean this is awesome. I went before every, I want to tell you, I told you that this series is killing me, and every time I hit something like that you know my pride is on the chopping block and I just say father you know if I made a mistake, I'm going to have to admit it, I'll burn all the tapes, I don't know what to say, if I made a mistake I'm going to straighten it out, are you giving me this doctrine, and every time I hit a problem, when I pray like that, I was pacing around my living room today, saying Lord what do I do with this one? I said Lord what am I going to do with this Scripture, I said my pride isn't worth two cents, if it's wrong it's wrong, but I said Lord there's so many other Scriptures backing it up, there's got to be an answer.


And I want to tell you that I had trouble getting this revelation, I was pacing up and down in my living room for a half an hour until I got this into my head. I said Lord what am I going to tell them. So you have questions xxxx?


COMMENT: Paul and Lazarus, they were in full stature?


PASTOR VITALE: Well do you have any questions about this? Let's finish this.


COMMENT: Well it's all going around that.


PASTOR VITALE: Yeah, well all that I could tell you is that we looked up all the words in the Greek, and we found that when Jesus raised the man Lazarus, when he raised his body from the dead, he also raised Christ from the dead in him. We looked up all the words in the Greek and then just as a witness, I asked you the question, if Lazarus was raised from the dead just like the widow's son was raised from the dead, why weren't people coming from all over to see the widow's son, why were they just coming to see Lazarus? So there was something special about Lazarus.


COMMENT: What about those who died and rose from the dead when Jesus was crucified?


PASTOR VITALE: Well that's a carnal interpretation of the Scripture, when Jesus was crucified, okay those who were in Abraham's bosom rose from the dead, it's happening now 2,000 years later, and they appeared in Jerusalem, which is the new Jerusalem, I have tapes on the whole thing xxxx, it's a whole teaching in itself. I know it's hard but I'm telling you the truth, first the centurion who said that had to be seeing a vision, he was there on Golgotha hill watching this crucifixion. How did he know that the veil of the temple rent from the top to the bottom and how did he see an earthquake, how do you see an earthquake, and how did he know that those who were in Abraham's bosom rose from the dead? He had to be seeing a vision.


COMMENT: Are you saying that everything was black too?


PASTOR VITALE: There was no way, it had to be a spiritual happening and there was no way he could have seen the veil of the temple, and I think the Scripture is very clear that the veil that was rent, it was the temple of the man Jesus, and the veil that was rent was the veil, which was his carnal mind, that it was rent from top to bottom, the authority for the rending came from the top which was Christ and went down to the carnal mind which was underneath him, and he tore it down, it had to be a vision.


COMMENT: Back to what xxxx asked about Lazarus, that's the only one where he was raised it made the Pharisees furious, that's another clue.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, he raised other people from the dead, Jesus, you know there was no big deal over that.


COMMENT: When you were talking about the gap, it made me think about Lazarus and the rich man, Abraham's bosom, and the gap, you were talking about that. Well Abraham's bosom is well I'm trying to remember, Abraham's bosom, at the moment I don't remember, I know I have it on both tapes, Abraham's bosom, Abraham's bosom, okay, as a place in the mind of God. When God forgets, we are all manifestations of the thoughts of God, we exist because God has thought of us, if you can receive that, he is a high spiritual life form, when he thinks, it materializes, we exist because he thought of us. When God forgets about somebody they die, when God remembers somebody they live, okay.


Abraham's bosom is the place in the memory of God where God, you're in the mind of God, in the palm of his hand, where he doesn't let you die. So the saints that are in the bosom of Abraham, they are all of Christ the experiences in the flesh, that are in the mind of God, waiting to be incarnated in that last day when Christ appears in his full maturity. Remember we've talked about that and we've said, when Christ appears in his full maturity, he will be the sum total of all of his immature experiences, Elijah will be found there, every experience that Christ has had in you, will be found in the full mature expression of him. Well that's what is in Abraham's bosom, all of Christ's experiences in the flesh are stored up in the mind of God, waiting to be expressed through the flesh of men in that last day when Christ appears, and it's happening now. Those that were in Abraham's bosom are rising from the dead and incarnating again now. Daniel was told in the last day you'll stand on the earth again, all of those saints who were faithful to God are appearing now as the new Jerusalem, comes forth now, they didn't appear in the old Jerusalem. They didn't rise in physical bodies and walk into the old Jerusalem, well if they did what happened to them?


What happened to them? You know you raise somebody from the dead, if you raise a personality from the dead, now just think of this, when the man was alive, now just anyone listening to this tape, I don't believe that personalities are raised from the dead, but if personalities were raised from the dead, when the man was alive he had wife and he had a family, and a mother, father, brother, sister, he had a whole society in which he lived and you raise him from the dead hundreds of years in the future, and you put him on the face of the earth where he knows nobody? Or even if his wife is raised from the dead with him, they have no home, they have no clothes, they have no possessions, the skills by which they earned a living no longer can earn them a living because the world has changed radically. You mean all of a sudden you snap your fingers and presto and the whole family appears on the earth? Is their house resurrected with them? Are their pots and pans resurrected with them?


I tell you brethren this is fantasy, it's childish fables. Jesus said if you could receive it, in John the Baptist is the spirit of Elijah. That spirit of Elijah which was in Abraham's bosom, until they incarnated in the man John the Baptist, when that spirit of Elijah incarnated, he received a new soul, and a new body, that was born into a family that was established in that hour, he had a mother and a father and a household, and there was a facility to train him up so that he could survive in the world at that day and age. So all these saints rose from the dead, they didn't enter into the old Jerusalem, I suggest to you they entered into the new Jerusalem, it's happening today, it's happening today.


This is very heavy. Well thank you Jesus that spirit broke, it was a horrible spirit somebody wasn't understanding or was struggling, it just broke.


COMMENT: If Christ doesn't stand up in me, and pass on, my personality will, I will no longer exist, therefore God will just forget about my personality.


PASTOR VITALE: Your personality, but your spirit will return unto him.


COMMENT: Right, right, so anybody who has passed on, remember when you were saying Abraham's bosom is where it reads is because we were in his memory, when he forgets about us we no longer exist, that's what happened to the people who passed on, he just forgot about them, their personality?


PASTOR VITALE: The personality, what is remembered is any experience that Christ has had in that person, and that memory, that memory or it's more than a memory, that experience that Christ had in that person is carried into the mature Christ. Now our example is that you had many experiences as a ten year old and an eight year old and a fifteen year old, and they're all part of what you are today, but the body of that ten and eight and fifteen year old, doesn't exist anymore, okay, and neither does the personality exist anymore, you are the mature adult, young woman that you are, okay, so those experiences that you had, have come with you, but the bodies and the personalities have not. Now a lot of people get upset when they hear this, because they feel that their life in Christ is going to be nothing.


So let me encourage you, I can't tell you what it's going to be like but it's better than the best we can have here in this world system, it's got to be the best.


So although your eight year old is a memory and a part of what you are now, it has to be much greater for us, it has to be much greater, much greater than anything we could possibly attain here.


COMMENT: Sheila I'm very curious for a message like this, in my head it's clear and everything now, but what was trying to come through is rough, how did God give it to you that you had to fight it, to get the answer that you get.


PASTOR VITALE: I cry a lot, I cry a lot, no really I just go before him, I want to tell you you cannot go before the doctrine like this, if you have anything to lose, I want to tell you in all fairness, I think of a man that has a big church, a man that has $5,000 a month bills to pay between the mortgage and the electric and the employees, and everything, maybe even more, but $5,000 a month bills that he has to pay, that he can't, in his mind there's no way he can afford to have people leaving his church because he's preaching this way out stuff, there's no way he's going to get a doctrine like this, I want to tell you the only way you're going to get it, is that you have nothing to lose, and God has taken everything away from me, I have absolutely nothing to lose, and I just go before him and I say, "Father, you have given me this doctrine and I found a Scripture that doesn't jive, now what do you want me to tell the people, if I made a mistake, I'll tell them, cause there's nothing for me to lose." And this is nothing personal against any of you, but if you all go away tomorrow, you'll all go away tomorrow, either he'll give me somebody else or he'll give me a job, I have nothing, all my possessions are gone, I have nothing.


Do you understand what I'm saying, I love you and I want you here, but if I preach something that you don't like and you go away, well then you go away, and I tell you the truth, I don't have anything anyway. Can you just hold on one second there was something else that I wanted in there, there's no way that anybody that has anything to lose could preach this, and I want to tell you that time and time again, the only, if I don't get the answer until I tell him, Father if it's wrong I'll burn the tapes, 330 messages, burn them, you want to burn them, burn them, if you want to send them out send them out, I don't even care anymore, they're yours. When I talk to him like and obviously he knows that I mean it, he gives me an answer.


Let me tell you this glorious ministry sure isn't making me, they're fleeing from me in twenty different directions, I'm sorry xxxxxxxx what's your question?


COMMENT: When you were saying about these other ministers who have these bills of $5,000 a month, they're afraid to preach...


PASTOR VITALE: The truth, people that like the truth, some of them have it.


COMMENT: It's a shame that these people are being led astray, you know what I mean?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, but God is in control of everything, okay. So you have to believe that God's got everything under control, and that the situation. I mean they don't have this doctrine, but there are many preachers out there that have the truth, they know about Christmas, they know about the rapture, and they won't preach it. They won't preach, and I have the greatest compassion for them, I can't even imagine having a $5,000 a month worth of bills and the only money you have is from the people tithing, that's terrifying, that's absolutely terrifying. And you know what I've been through with my finances, I haven't made any secret out of it, and I'm just, like I say if you go away, the money will come from someplace else. Right now if God is making some measure of my certainly not all of my living expenses, I couldn't live on what's coming in here, let alone supply Nigeria, whatever he's giving me through you, well I thank you for your faithfulness and that God has told you to do it, whether he takes you away, or you go away of your own accord, he has got to fill in the gap, and he has done it time and time and time again. I could not minister to you if I believe that I had to have you in my good graces because you give me my money, there's no way I could minister to you.


So it's God that supplies my money, and whatever portion of it you supply, I thank him, but your faithfulness is towards God, and if any day anyone of you should wake up and become unfaithful, it will come from someplace else. There's no other way I could minister to you because, then I become your servant. If I had $5,000 worth a month in bills and God didn't put me there, and say I'm going to pay those bills, or if he did put me there and say that and I don't believe it, there's no way I'm going to upset you. I'm telling you and any preacher that's honest knows that that's true. And I tell the Lord all the time, I want as physically as little, I mean of course if he at any time should want to give me a building, I'll take it, but I don't want it. I don't want $5,000 a month bills, you could have a nervous breakdown every month. You know, you know what I went through just having him to pay my bills now.


COMMENT: Let's say one day someone was in this ministry and God decided that the person had to go somewhere else and that was God's decision, does that mean the person is unfaithful?


PASTOR VITALE: No, faithfulness is towards God. All faithfulness is towards God, okay, so you give it where God tells you to give it, but lots of people get mad at the preacher and they stop giving what God told them to give, and that makes them unfaithful towards God. But God is faithful towards the preacher you see, why, because the individuals, well no everybody, well there are always some individuals that are unfaithful, they get mad at you or they decide that they have a right to judge what you preach and if they don't like it they punish you by withholding their money, it's very common in carnally minded men. So God any preacher has to know that God provides your finances and that if someone goes away when God didn't tell them to, he's got to bring it in, I can't worry about pleasing you, I couldn't do the job. Or I become your servant, if I'm worrying about pleasing you.


COMMENT: I feel like I've noticed some of the ministers who just preach the gospel to please the people, and I'm very upset, is that my carnal mind or..


PASTOR VITALE: Well no I hope it's Christ in you, it's really upsetting, because it's spiritual adultery, it's harlotry, and what it is it's a bunch of Pharisees that are out there that have made the ministry their profession, they're just doing it as a career, and that's disgusting, and there's only one way you could truly serve God and that is to be willing to lose everything, he has to be your only source of supply, and what he gives you he gives you, and we have to, I don't know I tell, I haven't prayed it in a long time, but I use to tell him all the time, now Lord I'm believing that you're going to feed me, and that I'm not going to be on the street, and aside from, and that in this area, this geographical area that I live, you need transportation, and beyond that what you give me you give me and what you don't, you don't, and I just have such a peace about it, I went through a very bad time for several years over it, but now I just have a total peace over it, total peace, and I've never been without clothes and I've never been without food, and I've never been without shelter.


And so far as the other things go, what I get I get and what I don't I don't, the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, the Lord gave me a microwave oven and he took it away, it broke in less than a year, so praise God you know. You know it really doesn't matter to me anymore, it really doesn't matter to me, I'm really grateful to me life, and what he does he does. So the only you could preach stuff like this, forget it, can you imagine preaching stuff like this worrying about what people think about you? Praise the Lord.




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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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