170 - Part 1

Part 1 of 2 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



I would like to recommend to you, if you are so inclined, to review Tape #15. You might find it helpful to go along with this tape. I started out with a very simple thought in my mind. I even said to the Lord, "I do not even know if this will be a whole message," and now it looks like it will be at least in two parts. It is just amazing how the Lord is just interweaving the whole Scripture, just one thing leads to another, to another, to another, to another.


I am just flowing with it. This is going to be a rather complicated message for me. I pray that the Lord helps me to deliver it, and I pray that it is a blessing to you. Just flow with it. If you feel that you are not following me, just ask the Lord to help you and try and flow with it. We will see what He gives us.


Basically, we are starting with the account of Jesus' baptism as it appears in each of the four gospels. When I started to do the research on this message, I was basically looking for an understanding of the Scripture's expression that the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus in the form of a dove. That never sat right with me. You see all kinds of Christians walking around with dove pins. It just never sat right with me, just like the rapture never sat right with me.


After we finished the Daniel 8 series, I started asking the Lord as to what to preach next and this is the study that I found myself in, investigating that expression that the Holy Spirit descended like a dove. It has turned into something much bigger than that.


What I have done here, as you look at your exhibit, is type out for you each of the four gospels. I have underscored certain areas in those accounts that we are going to do a comparative study on. I have footnoted them. You will see a little number next to the areas that are underscored. If you look, you will see numbers that run anywhere from 1 through 10. On the second page or second half of your sheet, I put the two pages on one side, you will see what each of those footnote numbers is referring to.


Lord willing, we are going to do a discussion on each of those areas. I only got through note 3 today and actually I did not even finish note 3 because one thing just led to another, and it just got so exciting, I decided to just stop fighting it and go with the Spirit. We will be at least two messages on this, if not three. Does anybody not understand what I am taking about? Does anybody not understand what we are doing with this message? Does anybody not know what I mean by footnotes? Can anyone not relate the little numbers to the explanations on the second half of the page? Okay. Glory to God.


I do not think I am going to read the accounts, but I will put it on the tape for people listening to the tape. The Scriptures that we are dealing with referring to Jesus' baptism occur in Matthew 3:1517, Mark 1:812, Luke 3:21,22, John 1:3234. The areas that we are going to study is number 1, the material which was covered on tape #15 which is basically the phrases, "my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." I think that is basically it. Also, "He went up straight away out of the water." Tape #15, for your information, was entitled, "And He went up out of the water." I think that is the name of the tape.


The second area that we are going to discuss is the fact that if you look for the footnote #2, you will see that sometimes the Scripture says "heavens," plural, and sometimes it says "heaven," singular. We are going to talk about that, we are going to discuss the difference, and why the Scripture uses "heavens" in one place and "heaven" in another place. In one account, I believe the words "heavens" and "heaven" appear. I believe it is in Luke. In Verse 21, the Scripture talks about the heaven. Well, I should not waste time doing this, it is in one of these. In one of the accounts, it has both "heaven" and "heavens" in two different places.


The third area we are going to deal with is the word "open," that the heavens were opened. We will find out that, that expression occurs in at least two of the gospels. We are going to find out what that means. In the fourth footnote, we are going to compare the expressions. In one gospel it will say "the Spirit of God," in another gospel it will say "the Holy Ghost," and in another place it will say just "the Spirit." We are going to talk about that.


The fifth footnote is that we are going to discuss what the Holy Ghost really meant when He used the expression, "descending like a dove in a bodily form." Then we are going to talk about the significance of Jesus being water baptized, which I have done some of the basic research on it already. I doubt that you have heard any of this before, it is very interesting.


Then we are going to discuss the situation that is in only one of the gospels, Luke. In the gospel of Luke, we are told that just before the heaven opened Jesus was praying. We are going to find out that He was praying, asking the Father to open the heaven. In the eight footnote, we will discuss the bodily shape the dove descended in. In the ninth footnote, we are going to deal with the words that say, "the Spirit abode upon Him," and in another gospel it says, "remained upon Him."


We are going to deal with this concept of the Spirit coming down upon Him, descending upon Him and remaining upon Him. I remind you that John the Baptist said, "He that sent me to baptize with water told me, look for the one upon who the Spirit remains, He is the one. He is the one that you are looking for."


We are going to talk about why, in one account, it says abode and in another account it says remained. Last but not least, we are going to speak about Jesus' baptism, the expression "Jesus was baptized and Jesus shall baptize with the Holy Ghost." I have also done some of the preliminary research on that, and I doubt that you have heard anywhere the information that the Lord is showing me. I will just give you a hint.


Basically, what it is saying is that when Jesus came up out of the water of water baptism, He was baptized Himself, He was baptized with the Holy Ghost. If you recall the teaching here, I do not know anybody in the world today that is baptized with the Holy Ghost. Everyone has received the Holy Ghost. We are going to talk about that. It should be a very interesting message. Lord, help me bring this forth, I pray.


Starting with note #1, I am going to go over briefly some of the material covered on Tape #15. In one instance, I am going to go into depth in an area that the Lord showed me. I sort of skirted over for that message. For whatever reason, the Lord did not give it to me in depth, but we are going to go into it in depth here. Let us review. In that Tape #15, we dealt with the phrase, well we dealt with Matthew, the account in Matthew 3:15 of Jesus' water baptism. We did cover the expression, "to fulfill all righteousness."


Let me just read you from Matthew 3:15 since that is what we are dealing with, let me put that on the tape.


Matthew 3:15, "And Jesus answering, said unto him,..." unto John the Baptist, "...suffer it to be so now, for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness. And Jesus when He was baptized, went up straight away out of the water. And lo the heavens were opened unto Him and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon Him. And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."


We find John the Baptist not wanting to water baptize Jesus, thinking he was not worthy to water baptize Jesus. I speak to anyone within the sound of my voice, if you have ever or are now having thoughts that say you are not worthy to be a Son of God, that you are not worthy to judge the Church, that you are not worthy to do anything that the Lord has called you to do, I encourage you and I adjure you to take authority over that carnal thought and to rebuke it. Jesus is saying to you, "Suffer it to be so for now, for it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness."


If you cleave unto such thoughts, and not unto righteousness, you are moving in a spirit of antiChrist, that is opposing the work and will of the Lord in your life. You must resist it, this is sin in your mind. One of the things we are doing in this ministry is revealing sin in the mind. The Lord has shown me that many people who are very willing to repent immediately, because of their love for God, do not comprehend that certain thoughts and certain things they are saying are sin, and they must be repented of. You cannot repent if you are not convinced that such a thing is sin.


That is what we are doing in this ministry, exposing sin, not generally, but exposing it how it is being revealed in your individual mind. Why? So that you can lay hold of it and kill it. Why? So that Christ can appear in you. Why? So that you can go forth and be a part of the company that is setting the entire creation free.


Whether you feel you are worthy or not, if God has called you to this company and to this work, and you do not do it, for whatever excuses in your mind, it is a spirit of antiChrist. If the Lord has called you and you are in the...I believe there is a company that He is going to take, if necessary against their will. If necessary, He will do whatever necessary to convince you that you have sin in your mind and that specific thoughts are sin. Better you should be in the company that He takes against their will than to be in the company that He permits to walk away. Praise God. It is a privilege to be chastened of the Lord.


We are dealing with the expression, "to fulfill all righteousness." I remind you that this means, "To fill up with moral purity or sinlessness of God." Jesus was saying to John the Baptist, "No, do it to me because this is part of the procedure, it is necessary, this is the time where it is possible for men to be filled up with the righteousness of God, therefore baptize me." He said to the apostles, "Let me wash your feet." They said, "No Lord, we will wash yours." He says, "No, if I do not wash your feet, you have no part in me."


Brethren, there are going to be things that Christ is going to ask you to do, there are going to be things that He is going to do, that He is going to do through others, that your carnal mind simply cannot comprehend. The word to you of the Lord, and I say this prophetically, is lean not to your own understanding, for the time has come that all righteousness is to be filled up in you.


Those of us that are not complete in Christ, have an empty space in our spiritual being. It is time for that empty space to be filled up with Christ. Lean not to your own understanding and submit yourself to God and He will do it. That does not mean that you are a passive robot. There is something that you have to go along with, something that you have to do, but the power is His. When He says that He will do it, what that means is that the power is available to you to do it through Him.


Do what? Do what is impossible in your own strength. What is that? To cleanse your spirit and soul of spiritual filth. This is impossible to do in your own strength. Jesus provides the power by which it becomes possible, but you must pick up that power and do it.


This is a big area of confusion in the Church. We have half of the Church world going out and wielding the power of God illegally. It is charismatic witchcraft. We have the other half of the Church thinking that there is nothing for them to do because Jesus is going to do it. The truth, brethren, is a combination of the two. There is power for you to use in Christ, but it is for you to use against your own carnal mind, not against the person that is causing you discomfort. Hallelujah.


"Went up straight away out of the water." We dealt with this on tape #15 also. "Went up straight away out of the water." This expression is also in Matthew 3:16 which we just read, and it is also in Mark 1:10 which I will not read now. I am going to spend a little time on that. Went up, the word "went up" is speaking of thoughts which spring up in your mind.


We are not talking about Jesus physically arising up out of the water. This expression, "went up," can be translated to mean, "thoughts which spring up in your mind." It can mean "To ascend in one's mind." I am suggesting to you that the Christ that was in the man, Jesus of Nazareth, ascended, ascended in His mind. What does that mean?


Only one mind can be manifesting from second to second, brethren. We all have two minds. James says we are double minded and unstable in all our ways. Every thought that comes out of our minds, if it is just one second long, it can only be one mind manifesting at that second. Each second can only be filled by the thoughts of one mind.


It is possible that one second it is Christ, and the next second it is the carnal mind. The second that it is Christ, it is only Christ, and the second that it is the carnal mind, it is only the carnal mind. Does anybody not understand that? Hallelujah.


When the Scripture says that Jesus ascended in His mind, what it means is that the mind of Christ in the man Jesus of Nazareth came to the forefront, it filled His mind, and there was no place for the carnal mind to be thinking through Him or performing through Him in any way. The mind of Christ became fully manifested in the man Jesus of Nazareth. That is what this means.


"Went up straight away out of the water." This word, "straight away," means "to be righteous or even." To be righteous or even. We have talked about that on many tapes. The kingdom of God is even. Existence in the carnal mind is a series of mountains, highs and lows, mountains and valleys, highs and lows. Neither one glorifies God. The mountains in our life need to be evened out when the power of God comes upon them. The valleys need to be filled up with the power of God.


Ideally, what we are striving for is to meet every circumstance of life calmly and rationally and with prayer. We are being trained to not respond out of our emotions because all emotions are carnal but to respond out of the rational mind of Christ, which looks at the tornado headed towards us and simply says, "Lord Jesus, help me." It is only human to respond emotionally so we must be trained to respond otherwise.


This expression or this word, "straight away," means that Jesus was...that the mind of Christ arose in Him, and He was made even, meaning that the mind of Christ in Him was fully manifested, meeting every crisis, every situation, great or small in His life and dealing with it perfectly.


"Went up straight away out of the water." Water, I remind you, typifies the soul. We can translate Matthew 3:16 to say, "And when Jesus was baptized of John in the Jordan, righteousness or equality with God, sprang up from His soul." "And when Jesus was baptized of John in the Jordan, righteousness or equality with God, (equality with God is only in the mind of Christ) sprang up from His soul."


Let me remind you that the mind of Christ is dwelling within our adamic, fallen adamic soul. It is inside, remember? The mind of Christ is growing, it is the flesh of the grape, that is under the grape skin which is the carnal mind.


For those of us that have two minds, our normal state of being is that our carnal mind is manifesting. We have been using computer language here, and the way we express it is that our mind defaults to the carnal mind. If we do not do anything, if we do not do something to cause the mind of Christ to manifest, believe it, it is your carnal mind that is manifesting. What can we do to cause the mind of Christ to manifest? We call on the name of Jesus, I pray all the time, "Dear God, this is my situation, do not let me see this with my carnal mind. Let your mind be made available to me. Let me see with your eyes, let me understand with your understanding. Let me evaluate with your mind that can evaluate beyond anything I could do. Let my response be out of Christ."


That is how you call up the mind of Christ. If you do not do it, believe me it is your carnal mind that is manifesting. Why? Because the condition that you are in today is that your mind defaults to the carnal mind. Why? Christ is underneath the carnal mind. Your automatic response is that which is laying on top. To access that which is underneath you have to call it up. Does anybody not understand that? You have to do it continuously. Hallelujah.


I would like to remind you, and we have talked about this before, that the Holy Spirit fertilized the human spirit of the ovum which was to be born as Jesus of Nazareth. When the Holy Spirit hovered over Mary and caused her to become pregnant with the man Jesus, at the same time that Holy Spirit penetrated the ovum that was in Mary that was to become the man Jesus and went into the human spirit of the man that was to come forth from that ovum and fertilized it.


The man, Jesus of Nazareth, was born with a fertilized human spirit. In this hour, we wait, many of us until we are adults, we wait for an experience with the Holy Spirit. Then, many of us have a relationship with the Holy Spirit for many years before we are fertilized, and Christ starts to appear in us.


There was a double miracle that happened within this woman Mary. Not only was the man Jesus conceived in her, but Christ was conceived in the man Jesus when He was still an egg in Mary's womb. He was born with a fertilized human spirit. Why did God do it that way? There was no one in the earth to lay hands on Him and give Him the Holy Spirit. That is how God did it. Of His own will, God did it. Glory to God. It was not until John baptized Jesus with water that Christ, the Logos of God, sprung up out of the water of Jesus' fallen adamic soul, which He inherited from Mary. Jesus was not in full stature before John water-baptized Him.


I would like to remind you of Romans 8:11 which says, "But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead...." Now notice the difference. I will read you the whole thing. It talks about Jesus, and then it talks about Christ. "But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus...," The soul, Jesus, "...from the dead, if that Spirit dwells in you,..." Who is that Spirit? It is the Spirit of Christ. "...He that raised up Christ from the dead, shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you."


We have gone over this before, let me remind you of it. The first part of you that is raised...did you ever hear the expression, "the first resurrection"? It is in the book of Revelation, "And this is the first resurrection." Did you ever wonder what that was talking about? Brethren, we are resurrected in three stages.


The first part of you that is resurrected is your human spirit. When it is resurrected, its name is called Christ. In Christ dwells the Father or the Spirit of Christ. If the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, Christ that was in the man Jesus, it is like saying your heart, you have a heart in your body. Christ, the spiritual life of Christ, that was in the man Jesus, the Spirit that was in that Christ after it raised Christ from the dead, raised the fallen adamic soul of that man Jesus from the dead.


First, your human spirit is raised from the dead, you get a new name, and your name is Christ. Then, the Spirit that is in Christ will raise your fallen adamic soul from the dead. Does anyone not know what I am talking about?


COMMENTS: The second resurrection is the resurrection of the fallen adamic soul?


PASTOR VITALE: The second resurrection is the resurrection of the fallen adamic soul. Amen.


COMMENTS: Is the soul the mind?


PASTOR VITALE: Okay, ladies please, I am sorry, I know we have got a problem, but you have to get up and get this mike. Okay, and I really would prefer it if you do not ask questions unless you cannot go on, unless you really need...we stopped already so let us have it.


COMMENTS: Is the soul the mind?


PASTOR VITALE: The soul is the mind. Okay, you could just lay it there.


Does anybody not know what I am talking about? I am suggesting to you that Jesus was not in full stature, but there is not a doubt in my mind that Christ was appearing in Him, from time to time, just as Christ is appearing in believers today from time to time. We have a lot of believers in whom Christ is appearing in this hour, but He is not abiding. He is not coming up and staying up permanently. He comes up, He says what He has to say, He does what He has to do, and then He goes down again.


There is not a doubt in my mind that Christ had already appeared in the man Jesus, probably numerous times, but this time when He was water baptized, Christ sprung to the forefront and stayed up, hallelujah! Never came down after it, full stature. When Jesus went down under the water, He not only got water baptized, but His human spirit was raised from the dead. We will find out, not tonight, in the next message, that He was also baptized with the Holy Spirit. All this happened at once. What is taking so long to happen to us, happened to Him all at once.


Please note that when the man Jesus was baptized of John in the Jordan, righteousness or equality with God, which is Christ, and what is our equality with God? Jesus thought it not robbery to call Himself equal with God. Why? Because God was His total source of being. Equality with God, which is Christ, sprang up from His soul. His human spirit, at that point, sprang, separated, sprang out from His soul and was raised from the dead. We will find later on, I am sure I have mentioned it to you before, but we will go into the Scripture later on, that the grave that our dead human spirit is dwelling in is our fallen adamic soul.


Our human spirit is in hell. It was buried under the earth of our fallen adamic soul and this fallen human body. His human spirit was raised from the dead, sprang up, and we will find out shortly, separated from His fallen soul.


Going on with the phrase, "My beloved Son," this is still under note #1. All this material was covered in Tape #15, if you will like to get into it in more depth. We find the phrase, "My beloved Son" in Matthew 3:17, Mark 1:11 and Luke 3:22. The word "beloved" on Tape #15, I said that this word means, "The one who has been reconciled to God." The Greek word, however, actually means, "To cleanse the chaff away from grain by winnowing." It means, "To grind to powder or to scatter."


This same Greek word appears in Matthew 21:44 and Luke 20:18 where it says, "What is this then that is written, the stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner. Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder."


The Greek word translated, "grind to powder" is the same word, believe it or not, is the same word translated, "beloved" in the phrase, "my beloved Son." I did not go into this in detail in Tape #15, but we are going to do it here. We are going to find out how there could be such a variation in translation. Basically, the reason for it is that the King James translators just simply did not know how to relate this word to Jesus' water baptism. We are going to relate it to Jesus' water baptism. Hallelujah, glory to God.


First of all, let me remind you that Jesus said...when Jesus was saying these things about whether the stone falls on Him or He falls on the stone...now remember, whenever you are trying to understand the Scripture it is really important to you find out who is speaking, who they are speaking to and what the circumstances were surrounding this interchange of words. Was Jesus rebuking them, was He teaching them? It is very important that you know what spirit the person was speaking in. If you want to understand the Scripture, it is very important.


Let me remind you that when Jesus spoke these words, He was speaking to the chief priests and the scribes after they had challenged His authority over them. They had said to Him, "Who do you think you are, you have no authority over us." After that, Jesus gave them the parable of the husbandmen and the owner coming back for his fruit, and the husbandmen not wanting to turn over the fruit.


After He gave them that parable, this is what He said to them, "What does this mean then in your Old Covenant, the stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner." He was saying to them, "I am the stone that you are rejecting and this is what I have to say to you, whosoever shall fall upon me shall be broken but on whomsoever I shall fall it will grind Him to powder." Let us find out what Jesus was saying.


It is nice to know what Jesus is really saying. I am tired of hearing all kinds of words that do not express what He ever said or what He ever meant. Hallelujah, glory to God.


The word "stone" in the Greek is speaking about the stones that one builds a building with. We find this word "stone" modified by the words "chief" and "corner;" however, in Peter 2:6 and 7 where it says, "Behold I lay in Sion, a chief cornerstone, elect, precious...but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner."


We see in 1 Peter 2:6 and 7, Jesus is saying...it sounds like almost the same thing except that we see the word "stone" is modified by the words, "chief" and "corner." Does anybody here not remember what we do, the message about modification? If a word is modified, it can change it. It can make it more negative, it can make it more positive.


It is very important that we look at every aspect of the word and what is surrounding it to find out what Jesus really meant. If we walk away from a Scripture with the wrong understanding of what Jesus meant, we have killed ourselves. We have killed ourselves, because if we come away with an understanding that is not true, we have come away with a lie. There is only life in the Son. If He never said it, there is no life in it, there is just death in it. If you cannot change, your pride has just killed you. Your pride is not worth anything, all it does is bring death. Let us try and understand this, glory to God.


The word "stone" then, when applied to Jesus, is speaking about His function as the first building block as the Body of Christ. Anybody have a problem with that? He is the stone, He is the first building block. That is what the cornerstone means, He is the foundation, the foundation stone that goes in first. He is the first stone in the spiritual Body of Christ. Well, what does that mean? I am suggesting to you, brethren, that these Scriptures are speaking about the spiritual life of Christ, now listen, which has had many spiritual experiences in the flesh. Not talking about the man Jesus now, the spiritual life of Christ which has had many spiritual experiences in the flesh. Two of which we know, anybody know?


COMMENTS: Elijah and Moses.


PASTOR VITALE: Amen, amen.


Let me say it again for you. There is a spiritual life manifesting in the earth, He takes many forms, He wears many garments. He is having many childhood experiences, two of which are Moses and Elijah. How do we know that? When Jesus was on the mount of transfiguration and what was inside of Him showed out, the Scripture says that the experiences that Christ had, had as Moses and Elijah were now a part of the maturest, to date, the maturest manifestation of that spiritual life which is the man, Jesus of Nazareth. Does anybody not know what am talking about? Experiences that you had at 10 years old, at 15 years old, at 20 years old, have contributed to making you what you are today. This is true of Jesus, this is true of the Christ on a much higher spiritual realm that I would not even try to comprehend.


That man, Jesus of Nazareth, who was in full stature, was the sum total, to date, of every experience that this spiritual life known as Christ had experienced in the flesh since the beginning of time. Does anybody not...I will take a question, only on this, anybody not understand this? It is essential. It is the message of the hour, it is essential. Thank you Jesus.


We know that these experiences in Christ, were woven together in the man Jesus who was in full stature. This spiritual life of Christ was woven together with the carnal mind which was in the man Jesus. This Jesus became the seed, or the zygote, or the first cell of the creation of God. To date, He is the only cell that is available that is in the image of the Father. I believe Paul was in the image of the Father, but he was offered up because he was born out of season.


Jesus Christ is the only human being alive, and He is alive, who is in the image of the Father. How did that happen? The Christ that was manifesting in Him, the sum total of all the experiences of Christ in the flesh, to date. That means all the prophets of old as well as Elijah and Moses, all those experiences, were woven together with the carnal mind of the man, Jesus of Nazareth, and He became the first cell of the creation of God. Hallelujah.


What are we, you ask? We are just a leaf on the plant, brethren, of the fallen living soul. He is going to do in you what He did. That life of Christ, that glorified Christ, if you are hearing this message, intends to do in your mind, what He did in the mind of the man, Jesus of Nazareth. He intends to rise up out of the water of your soul, whether your carnal mind likes it or not. He intends to put your carnal mind under His feet. He intends to purify it from the spiritual filth of the flesh and the spirit. He intends to weave Himself together with it, and He will do it. He will have His way with you, with your consent or without your consent. Hallelujah.


The Concordance Greek Text says that Jesus was the extreme corner or I suggest to you the first human vessel in which the spiritual life of Christ, which had already had many experiences in the flesh. In which flesh? In the flesh of the apostles, and the prophets of God, it was His spiritual life that was laid into, or connected to, or woven together with the carnal mind of the man in which He was appearing.


Let me just give you that Scripture back again, "My beloved Son." This word "beloved," that is what the Scripture is talking about. The word "beloved" means when the Father spoke and said, "This is my beloved Son," He said this is the one.


When the Father said, "This is my beloved Son," He was saying this one right here, He is the sum total of the experiences of my Christ to date and, not only that, but He has taken authority over His carnal mind. At that point, I do not believe the mind was woven together yet, but it was totally under submission. That is what the Father said, and the King James translators said "my beloved Son." Now come on brethren, I know they did the best they could but how are you going to get life in you by a Scripture that says, "my beloved Son." Let us get this straight. Hallelujah.


Continuing on with "my beloved Son." We said that the word "beloved" can also be translated "to grind to powder." We related it to Luke 20:18, where He says that on whomsoever it shall fall...who shall fall, the stone shall fall, it will grind him to powder. We find that Jesus is saying to the chief priests and to the scribes, that if they fall upon or if they reject, not the man Jesus, but the Christ mind which is within the man Jesus, or if they reject the Christ mind which is within any man whose carnal mind is either woven together with or under the authority of the Christ mind that is dwelling within him, that chief priest, or scribe, or that Pharisee shall be broken.


Brethren, listen to this, it is an issue that has been in this ministry. I want to tell you something, I do not pick these messages. God gives me these messages. It is an issue that we are just dealing with recently in this ministry. This Scripture is saying that Jesus is challenging the scribes, and the Pharisees, and the priests which we all are in the Church today. He is saying to them, "Now listen, if you reject Christ where He is appearing, you shall be broken."


Let us find out what that means before we panic. Jesus loves us and it is Jesus' will for us that we should not reject His mind, that we should recognize it, that we should submit to it, that He might visit His love upon us. I rebuke all condemnation. Remember, the King James translation was written out of a spirit of condemnation. To you who have come unto the Lord with your heart in your hand, there is now no more condemnation in Christ Jesus. Let us find out what He is saying here. Glory to God.


The word "fall upon," whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken. The word "fall upon " is Strong's #4098, and it means to fall upon, but it also means to cover over. It is saying that if Christ is appearing in your mind, and you permit your carnal mind to overshadow Christ, or if Christ is appearing in the mind of a man that comes to you, and your carnal mind will not receive the ministry of Christ and covers him over, that is what it is saying, that person shall be broken.


What does broken mean? "Broken" is Strong's #4917 and it means to break to pieces or to shatter, and it is from the word, Strong's #4862, which means, "union by process or by addition." Thayer says that this word can mean completeness. What are we saying here? To be broken is the exact opposite of being joined in union.


What He is saying is, brethren, if you do this, the one who does this, you have separated yourself from Christ. Not that God is going to come and kill you but, you yourself, by yielding to your carnal mind have separated yourself from Christ. He is warning you, He is saying, "Listen to what you are doing." It is the same principle as the Scripture that says, "But He who blasphemes the Holy Ghost, there is no forgiveness of sins for him in this age or the next."


It is preached in a severe condemnation, but what that is really saying is that if you blaspheme the Holy Ghost you cannot benefit of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is the one that brings the new age to you. Who is the new age? The new age is Jesus.


If you blaspheme the Holy Ghost, if you deny the Holy Ghost, if you reject the Holy Ghost, if you do not want to have any part of the Holy Ghost, you have brought upon yourself unforgiveness of sins in this age where the Holy Ghost is blessing you and the next age which is Christ. You have denied yourself the gifts of the Holy Ghost in this age, and you have denied yourself the blessings of Christ in the next age. This is the same principle. It is not a condemnation, it is not a threat, it is information. "Seek me early and seek me late saith the Lord, and I will help you." "You must discern Christ for if you cover Him over, saith God, it shall separate you from me. You shall be separated from me by your own hands, saith the Lord."


"Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken, but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder." Remember, the Greek word translated "beloved," Strong's #3039, can also be translated, "grind to powder" or "cleanse the chaff away from grain by winnowing or by separation." What are we saying? The priest, the scribe, or the Pharisee who uses the Christ mind within his own mind to cover over his carnal mind shall grind his carnal mind to powder.


Brethren, we have choices. We have choices. The power of God is being imparted to you, you must lay hold of it as your weapon of war. If you lay hold of it, you shall surely destroy your carnal mind with it, but if you do not lay hold of your weapon, your passivity shall separate you from Christ. It is you, "Choose this day, saith the Lord."


We can say that the priest, the scribe, or the Pharisee who uses the Christ mind within him to cover over his carnal mind shall cleanse the Christ mind from the pollution of this world. How could the mind of Christ be polluted? Brethren, at the very beginning, the mind of Christ is growing up underneath the filth of the carnal mind, and the two are one. The Scripture describes the relationship between the mind of Christ and the carnal mind as the flesh of the grape and the grape skin. It is very hard to separate them.


As the Christ mind in you starts to grow from the seed that is planted, it is polluted or surrounded by the spiritual filth that is in your human spirit and in your soul. If you use the Christ mind in you to cover over your carnal mind, it shall cleanse the Christ mind from the pollution of this world. It shall bring a separation, or it shall cleanse the Christ mind from the pollution of his carnal mind by separating or removing his carnal mind world away from or placing his carnal mind underneath his Christ mind. This is called sanctification, brethren.


We have a whole Church world out there saying, "I am born again, washed in the blood, saved, sanctified." No, you are not. Sanctification is the separation of the Christ mind from the carnal mind and the arising to full authority of the Christ mind, putting your carnal mind underfoot. That is what sanctification is. You are not sanctified because you stopped smoking, brethren. You are not sanctified because you stopped taking drugs or drinking. The spiritual filth is in your mind. You say, "How could Christ possibly be polluted, you do not know what you are talking about."


Brethren, let me tell you something. If Christ is in your mind, and He cannot get His will done through you, because your carnal mind is still too strong for whatever stage of development He is in, you have polluted Christ in your mind.


If He cannot think through your mind, because a carnal thought is there, and He cannot get in, or if He cannot get your body to go or to do what He wants you to do because the carnal mind is ruling in your mind, you have polluted Christ. A separation must take place, and this separation is brought to pass through the judgment of your carnal mind which will not yield its members to Christ. It will not. The Scripture clearly states, it will not give way to Christ. Therefore, judgment must fall.


Ideally, you will judge your own carnal mind. If you cannot, if you cannot recognize your carnal mind, if you cannot recognize sin, if you can recognize it, but you do not have the strength to wage war against it, God will send a son or sons to join with you in Christ to help you. The only way Christ will appear in you is through the judgment of your carnal mind. Judgment must fall, there is no other way.


I have some references for you. Matthew 23:26, Jesus speaking, "Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup." That is your spirit, "and platter..." Cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, cleanse your spirit first. "...that the outside of them may be clean also."


Brethren, when your spirit becomes cleansed, that means Christ will be appearing in it, and you will have the strength to cleanse that which is outside, your soul and your body, the cup and the saucer.


2 Corinthians 7:1, "Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit..." That is soul and spirit, that is the fallen adamic soul and spirit, "...perfecting holiness in the fear of God." What does that mean, perfecting holiness, brethren? If holiness is within you, where is He? Where is holiness within you, anybody? Where is holiness within you?




PASTOR VITALE: He is in your spirit. It is Christ who is being formed in your spirit. Perfect that holiness, how? Let Christ be fully formed in your human spirit, and let Him be raised from the dead. That is what it means to perfect holiness, brethren. Do it, we are told, in the fear of God. Do it because as painful as this judgment of your soul is, believe me it is easy, it is the easy way to go. You would not want God coming after you, doing it as a thief.


James 4:8, "Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands ye sinners and purify your hearts ye double minded." "Cleanse your hands," hands speaking about ministry, the things that you do, ministry, your relationships to other people and behavior. Change your ways ye sinners who are living out of your carnal mind and purify your hearts, ye double minded. Change your ways. How do you change your ways? By purifying your hearts. How do you purify your hearts? Through separation, through separation. When Christ separates from the carnal mind, Christ then takes dominion over and purifies your carnal mind.


1 John 1:910, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse from all unrighteousness." All unrighteousness is in the carnal mind. Brethren, yes, demons are unrighteous, but demons are the little guys, demons are the little guys. All you people that have been in deliverance for 5 and 10 and 15 years, I am not against deliverance but if you are hearing this tape, God has called you into the big time. Your soul will continue to produce demons until you take authority over your carnal mind.


Demons do not come from the outside, brethren. They are birthed in your soul. They are the result of the incestuous relationship, adultery, between , the harlot, and her illegitimate offspring, the carnal mind. As many as you cast out, they will be produced again until you start dealing with the root source which is the carnal mind that has produced them.


We turned on the television for a couple of minutes this evening, waiting for the group to come in. We saw (was that Bill Cosby? Who was it? It was Bill Cosby) Bill Cosby, he was talking to his little girl who was insisting that babies come from the stork. He was trying to convince her that babies are formed inside of the mother. As this little cute adorable girl gave him an argument, all I could think about was the Church world saying, "Sin is not within me, it is outside of me, it is not my fault, it is somebody else's fault, I inherited it from my mother, I inherited it from my grandmother, I did not do it, I am not guilty, deliver me of these symptoms."


All the little girl would say is, "No, the stork brings the baby." Her father said to her, "What makes the belly get so big?" She said "gas." All I could think about was the Church world saying, "It is not true. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is not in my mind, it is not true."


Well, what am I saying? I am saying it is spiritual childishness. Grow up. It is time for the Church to grow up, we must give up our childish fables and our fantasies. God is not winking any longer, and our childishness will destroy us. It is very cute to be a child when you are a child, but when you bring your childhood into your adulthood, you become a dysfunctional adult. You cannot bring your spiritual childhood into your spiritual maturity. It will contaminate your spiritual maturity. You must leave it behind.


"If we say that we have not sinned...," ... This is 1 John 1:10, "...If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us. For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." All you Pharisees out there that think you are without sin, that lay hold of the Scripture, "He who is born of God cannot sin," I say unto you, if you say that we have not sinned, you make Him a liar and His word is not in you.


2 Peter 2:20, "For if after they have escaped the pollution of the world, through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, after that they are then entangled therein and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning." The knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ is not an intellectual knowledge but an experiential knowledge which is typified in the world by carnal or sexual knowledge.


If you have escaped the pollution of the world, which is in your mind, which is the carnal mind, if you have escaped them because you have had a spiritual sexual union with Christ that has caused you, in Christ, to rise above your carnal mind and live out of Christ thereby escaping the pollution of your carnal mind, if after that has happened to you, you again entangle yourself in your carnal mind, your end will be worse than at the beginning.


I want to suggest to you, brethren, that once you have ascended above your carnal mind, the only way you can become entangled with your carnal mind, and what does that entanglement mean? It means spiritual adultery, it means falling into agreement with the sin of your carnal mind. I suggest to you, the only way that could happen to you is if you are in full agreement with the sin. Once you get untangled from it, God has given you dominion over that sin.


Alternate translation, Luke 20:18, "The priest, scribe or Pharisee who rejects Christ, either in his own mind or in another man's mind, separates himself from Christ. But the priest, scribe or Pharisee who covers over his carnal mind with the Christ, which is either in his own mind or in another man's mind, cleanses or separated himself form the spiritual filth which is polluting him."


Romans 16:20 says, "And the God of peace shall bruise Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, under your feet shortly." And the God of peace, that is the Father, shall put Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, in the form of his carnal mind under your spiritual feet which is Christ, shortly.


Matthew 5:20, "For I say unto you, that except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven." Brethren, we have a Church full of Pharisees today. We talked about it in the exhortation earlier. They think they are righteous because they play beautiful music. Please do not anyone go home and think I am attacking our music or our musicians. I am not.


They think they are righteous because they cast out demons, they think they are righteous because they have memorized long passages of Scripture. They think they are righteous because they fast. They think they are righteous because they drive people to church. They are whited walls which are hiding dead man's bones.


Who is the dead man's bones? They are whited walls behind which the dead bones of Christ lie unregenerate. Do you hear me? They are white walls making themselves look righteous but behind those walls their human spirit is still dead, and they are still in their sins. Unless your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the good works, you shall not see the kingdom of heaven. Why shall you not see the kingdom of heaven? Is God a terrible, vindictive God? No. You shall not see the kingdom of heaven because you can only see the kingdom of heaven when it appears in your own heart.


If you think you are righteous because of your good works, it shall never appear in your heart. You have cut yourself off from the kingdom of heaven. If you cover over your carnal mind, you have separated yourself from Christ. If you blaspheme the Holy Ghost, you have kept yourself from the gifts in this age and in the age to come. It is your sin that separates you from God. God wants you.


Believe or not, we are dealing with the phrase, "My beloved Son." The word "Son," the Greek word translated "Son," means male offspring. It is speaking about a male offspring. We can say that the phrase, "My beloved Son," is the Father's acknowledgment that the Christ mind in the man, Jesus of Nazareth, had separated Himself from the carnal mind which Jesus had inherited from Mary, making the physical man, Jesus of Nazareth, the Father's spiritually male offspring, the only begotten Son of God.


The reason Jesus was the only begotten Son of God was that He laid hold of that fertilized human spirit that He was born with and He used it. He used it to overcome His carnal mind. He used it to purify himself from sin. He rose above it. He took authority over His carnal mind. Eventually, although not at this point, I do not believe, He interwove the mind of Christ with the carnal mind. I do not believe the minds were woven together until He crucified His carnal mind on the cross.


When the Father said, "Behold, my beloved Son," He was saying, "This one right here, He is the one that is spiritually male. The reason He is spiritually male is that He lay hold of the talent that I gave Him and He did not bury it under the earth of His fallen adamic soul but He used it, and His human spirit was raised from the dead. He has become male. He has become male because Christ is ruling in this mind." Boy, that is a lot more than saying, "I love this kid." God help us. Help us Lord.


Continuing with the phrase, "in whom I am well pleased." This phrase appears in Matthew 3:17, Mark 1:11 and Luke 3:22. The phrase "well pleased," is one Greek word, Strong's # 2106. Now on Tape #15, we went back into the Hebrew and found out that the word means, "to reconcile to the poor by restoring the goods taken from them." Jesus is reconciling this poor people, the fallen living soul back to God, by restoring what was taken from them.


What was taken from them? Their spiritual life was taken from them. Jesus is giving Himself to us, He is the ransom, He is permitting Himself to be nailed to the living soul for the life of the ages so that our spiritual life can be restored unto us. "This one who cleansed Himself from spiritual filth by putting His carnal mind underneath His Christ mind is My spiritually male offspring, the one who is reconciling the many members of the dead living soul back unto Me by restoring the spiritual life which they lost when righteous Adam fell at the beginning of time."


Any questions on this area before we go on to note #2?


COMMENTS: You said that when Jesus when straight away out of the water that His carnal mind was covered over by the Christ mind?




COMMENTS: I thought that took place in the Garden of Gethsemane when He shed drops of blood?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, that is a good question. As a matter of fact, I thought I had a note on it. Maybe it is further on. That is a good question. What you are describing is the circumcision. Let me show you what the difference is. Can you see this board the way it is turned here? Okay.


What happened at the moment of His baptism, we will say that this was Jesus', the man Jesus' soul. Remember, the Holy Spirit had fertilized His human spirit which was lying under the dominion of His carnal mind. I must have it further on XXX, I know I worked that up. What that is really saying is that at this point, His human spirit stood up in full stature. His human spirit rose up from the dead. His human spirit was raised from the dead. In the Garden of Gethsemane, His human spirit, which became Christ, penetrated the carnal mind and went to the outside and remained on the outside.


What happened in the baptism was, what it is saying, and I am sure I worked it up further on, was when it says, "He rose up," His human spirit rose from the dead and a fully mature Christ appeared. Do you understand the difference? You want me to say it again? Okay.


What we are talking about now, that He rose up straight away out of the water, what it means is that His human spirit, that Christ stood up in full spiritual manhood in His human spirit. It was the complete resurrection from the dead from His human spirit. I know that most of...and I know that I have Christ in me, but He is just a seed. He has not really been raised. Either you are alive or you are not alive. He has not been raised from the dead in me. It is a procedure that has been taking many years in my life.


When the day comes that He is raised from the dead in me, my carnal mind will not be seen again. I am double-minded and am unstable in all my ways because He is in me, but He is in me in utero and He has not been born yet. Do you understand?


When He came up straight away out of water, He was raised from the dead. He was fully born, and He stood up in full stature, never for the carnal mind to be seen in His mind again. In the Garden of Gethsemane, that was the second stage of resurrection, by which that Christ which was raised form the dead penetrated out beyond the carnal mind and formed a scab on the outside. That was the next step.


Let me go on, because I am pretty sure that I go into it in more detail. I may have it clearer in my notes. Thank you Jesus.


We are going on now to note #2, which is a discussion on the reality that some of these accounts have "heavens" in the plural, and I think at least two have the account that mentions "heaven" in the singular. Let us find out what is going on here. Let me remind you that the heavens are the two realms of the spirit. The spiritual realm of the soul which is the unconscious mind of man and the spirit of the Father is the second heaven, which is...I am sorry, the Spirit of the Father is the first heaven which is beyond the mind of man.


Remember, the Spirit of God hovered over the earth in Genesis 1:1, and He also breathed the breath of life into the creation. That was the Father manifesting, and He was not in the mind of a man. He was beyond the mind of a man. The spiritual realm of the soul which is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, can only be seen as the unconscious mind of man. He does not exist outside of the mind of a man. Everybody understand that? Okay.


We discussed this on Tape #148, "Heaven and earth" if you would like to review it. Matthew 3:16 and Mark 1:10 both say that the heavens (plural) were opened to Jesus, and He went up out of the water. Matthew 3:16 says, "went up" and Mark 1:10 says, "coming up out of," but the same Greek word appears in both verses. "He came up out of the water, and the heavens were opened to Him."


The Greek word translated "opened," "the heavens were opened," can also be translated, "to part the eyelids so as to see." What does that mean? Your eyes are closed and when you open your eyes, your eyelids go up. That is what this word "opened" can be translated as, "to part the eyelids or to roll back the eyelids so as to restore one's sight." It can also be translated, "to open the eyes of one's mind."


Jesus went down under the natural water of Jordan, and the eye of the Christ which was formed in His human spirit was opened, or His carnal mind rolled back as if it were an eyelid which was closed over His Christ mind, and the spiritual sight which is in Christ was restored unto Him. I remind you of the teaching of the heavens rolling back as a scroll. Remember, we have been teaching here that Christ or the Garden of Eden is lying underneath the carnal mind. The carnal mind is going to be rolled back, hallelujah.


Here is another witness to this concept of the heavens being rolled back as a scroll. Now we see it expressed as, "It is going to be rolled back as an eyelid that is going to be opened." Is that not wonderful? Is that not gorgeous? Thank you Jesus.


In Luke 3:21, the heaven was opened to Jesus, heaven singular, was opened to Jesus when He prayed, or the mind of Christ was made available to Jesus when He asked the Father for permission to ascend. When Jesus prayed in the water baptism, He was saying, "Father, can I stand up in full stature?" I remind you that we found the same thing in the Garden when He asked the Father for permission to circumcise His fallen adamic soul, the second stage of the resurrection. He said "Father, if it is possible, can I pass through?" I want to declare to you that this is one strong witness as to the error of this teaching in the Church that goes out and tells fallen, reprobate man to receive Christ. Receive Christ? "I received Christ, I let Him into my life...(comments inaudible)."


Brethren, I suggest to you, this is bordering on blasphemy. It is bordering on blasphemy, and it is a manifestation of the false doctrine in the Church that says man can lay hold of the Holy Spirit and do whatever He wants with it. "I am a king's kid, and whatever I ask for I am going to get." What's more, I am going to tell you that it is New Age in the Church, because it is exalting man over God. It has made God a toy sword in the hands of some reprobate children that are hurting their own brothers and sisters.


Jesus Christ of Nazareth asked for permission to stand up in full stature. Then He asked for permission to circumcise His fallen adamic soul. When He was crucified, He waited for the Father to raise Him from the dead.


All you believers out there that are transferring into this true doctrine of Christ, that are coming out of this false doctrine, that are trying very hard to learn patience, listen to this word. You have been taught incorrectly for your 15 and 20 years in the Church. We are to wait on the Lord, wait on the Lord, wait on the Lord for everything that is of His Spirit. Wait on the Lord. All you could do is ask, "Father can I? Father can I minister? Father can I talk? Father can I tell them? Father can I ask them?" Any ministry that comes out of your mouth that is not of Christ is sin. What is sin to you now may not have been sin to you when you were a baby in the Church.


Brethren, when you are six months old you are not going to get hit for wetting your pants, but if you are twenty years old, your mother or your wife might get very angry if they have to wash your underwear because, for whatever reason, you did not get to the bathroom.


If God has called you to spiritual maturity, He is challenging you to stand still and ask for instruction. You will reach a point in your training, and I do not choose that point. The Lord chooses that. You will reach a point where He will say, "From this day forward, I have made a judgment that you have had an adequate amount of training, that you have had an adequate amount of teaching and preaching, from this day forward, everything you do of your own will, I will judge you for. Stand still."


COMMENTS: You said ministry, I do not know exactly how you phrased it, outside the will of God, something like that?


PASTOR VITALE: That comes forth from you carnal mind, yes.


COMMENTS: Does the Scripture not tell us to be ...(inaudible) in season and out of season, in other words to give out the Word of God, wherever it falls, we never know where it is going to fall.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, I never studied that Scripture but I can tell you this, that Christ wants to be your motivating force. Ministry that comes out of the carnal mind, up until a certain point the Lord is winking at it, because we are learning spiritual things. Once you are called to this level of spiritual maturity, He expects us to wait on His Spirit and to restrain our carnal spirit. This is the true worship of God, holding back. This is the true sacrifice. This is the true living sacrifice, to restrain our carnal desires, no matter how good they appear to be and only act upon the instruction of the Lord. The Scripture is that when you are young, you will dress yourself, but when you get older another will dress you. Another will do for you.


I know you are having a little trouble with this, because we have talked about it before. Do you understand at least for the moment, do you understand? You do not have to agree with me but do you understand what I am saying? Okay. "Father I just pray Lord that if it be your truth, that you help her with it Lord. She is trying, it is obvious that she is trying. You have to meet her where she is Lord. She cannot do anymore than try. Thank you Father."


In John 1:32, the spirit descends from heaven (singular). Remember, the Christ in Jesus' human spirit rose from the death of His adamic soul in Matthew 3:16 and in Mark 1:10. Now, in John 1:32 the Spirit of Christ descends or covers over Jesus' carnal mind. How do I know it was the Spirit of Christ? The Scripture says that it was the spirit that came out of heaven.


I am suggesting to you then that the Scripture is speaking about the rapture of Jesus' human spirit which has become Christ. This is what I was talking to you about before. What happened to Him when the Scripture says, "He came up out of the water," was that His human spirit was caught up, was raised from the dead. It was raptured.


What does the Scripture say? We shall be caught up, Christ shall come down, and we shall meet Him in the air and forever we shall be with the Lord. That is what happened to Jesus of Nazareth in the water. His human spirit rose to full stature. The Christ mind, the Spirit of the Father, came out of the Christ mind and took authority over the carnal mind. Took authority over the carnal mind. It did not scab it over, as in the circumcision, but it took authority over it. The way the Scripture expresses it here is that, "it came down."


The reason that it came down, you have to try not to be carnal, the reason that it came down was that the Christ mind was of a higher authority than the carnal mind. It was not necessarily physically over it but was of a higher authority. That is the way the Scripture is expressing that it took authority over it. I cannot do any better than that, I am sorry if it is confusing to you.


I will just remind you that the first stage of the resurrection, Christ was raised from the dead in the human spirit and took authority over the carnal mind even though it was still under the grape skin. The way it is expressed here is that the Spirit of Christ, which was spiritually high, took authority over the carnal mind. I cannot do any better than that. I am sorry if it is confusing.


Remember the teaching that as soon as our human spirit escapes from Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and the carnal mind and transfers into the mind of Christ, Christ shall burn that man's carnal mind with the fire that comes out of Christ. What is this saying? It is saying that Christ in the man Jesus arose, was caught up. It is the rapture, the mind of Christ was fully formed.


The Spirit of Christ, which is the Father that was in that mind, met the human spirit that was escaping from the adamic soul and fully formed her in the mind of Christ. This is the rapture of the man Jesus of Nazareth, the spiritual rapture.


Indeed, the spiritual experiences which followed Jesus' water baptism which we are discussing as water baptism here, that experience was followed by Jesus resisting Satan's attempt to regain dominion over the man Jesus. That is the temptation, the end of the temptation was proof that Jesus was standing in full stature. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, could not cause Him to sin. Then came the circumcision of Jesus' adamic soul in the Garden. Then the slaying of His adamic soul on the cross, of His adamic soul which is the enmity in His flesh.


As soon as the human spirit escaped from Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and the carnal mind, how do I know she escaped? When Jesus stood up in full stature, she was now one Spirit, "He who is joined to the Lord is one Spirit." As soon as she was safely in Christ, destruction fell upon the man Jesus' adamic soul in three stages. He took full authority over Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind,, who tried to get that authority back, who aggressively plummeted Him with temptation in the high realm of the spirit, in the wilderness of the spirit and he failed.


Jesus had dominion over him, first stage of the resurrection. Then He circumcised that adamic soul, second stage. Then He slew the enmity in His flesh, third stage of the resurrection, also known as the glorification. Are you okay? Is that okay? You do not have it? You do have it? Half and half? Okay, praise the Lord. Hallelujah.


In Matthew 3:17, Mark 1:11, and Luke 3:22, a voice came out of heaven and spoke. This is the voice of the Father speaking from a place beyond the mind of man. It was the spirit of Christ, which is the Father speaking out of the mind of Christ, which was now not only formed, but appearing as the only mind of the man, Jesus of Nazareth. The voice that spoke out of heaven, it was the Father speaking out of the Christ mind, which had now completely, was completely dominating the man, Jesus of Nazareth. That is where the voice came from.


Note #3, we are going to talk about, "the heavens were opened. Matthew 3:16 and Luke 3:21 both say "the heavens..." In one instance it is plural, and in one instance it is singular, "...were opened to Him." The Greek word used here is Strong's #455, and the more literal translation is "to be torn." When you say the heavens were opened, that is really a harmless word. I do not know about you but I never really knew what that meant.


A better translation of that Greek word is "torn." The heavens were ripped. The heavens were ripped. Remember, the carnal mind was being rolled back like a scroll. We have even drawn it on the board that a tear appeared. It was rolled back like a scroll. The Lord just never ceases to amaze me. He gives me messages that I would have no idea is a witness to what we have been teaching here. As I start to work them up, I find that He has given me another witness to everything we have just been teaching here.


When Jesus came up out of the water of His fallen adamic soul, when He stood up in full stature, the heavens were ripped. The eyelid was rolled back. The heavens were rolled back as a scroll. This Greek word, as we pointed out earlier, means, "to part the eyelids so to see, to restore one's sight, to open the eyes of one's mind." Thayer says that the Hebrew usage of this word is to indicate that someone began to speak.


As we found out earlier, the Father is the one who began to speak out of Jesus Christ's mind. Not only did the Father manifest and say, "This is my beloved Son," He is the one whose Christ mind has taken dominion over His carnal mind. It was even more significant than that. We now find an expression available to the Father, a way of expression for the Father to speak. A vessel through whom the Father can speak without having His words perverted. The first words He said was, "This is the man that I am going to be speaking through."


I do not know how you are feeling about this, but to me this is awesome. The translation is so simple in the Scripture, it does not give you the slightest idea of what really happened here. I do not know about you, but I thought Jesus just got dunked under the water. Hallelujah.


The word "opened" in Mark 1:10, however, is a different word. Both words translated "opened," both Matthew 3:16 and Luke 3:21, it was one Greek word, and now in Mark 1:10 it is another English word "opened," but it is translated from a different Greek word, Strong's #4977. The more literal translation of this Greek word is "to split or to divide by rending." The first one that means "to tear," it just meant to rip but this second word means "to divide into two."


The heavens were torn, this is the same word used in Matthew 27:51. It is Strong's #4977, and it means to divide in two. It is the same word used in Mark 1:10 and in Matthew 27:51. Matthew 27:51 says, "And behold the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom and the earth did quake and the rocks rent."


Brethren, I have been saying for years that this could not possibly be the physical temple. This is another thing that used to really drive me up a wall when I heard it in the Church until one day the Lord showed me in the Scripture. How could they possibly know the veil of the temple was rent? (End of Tape 1)


Tape 2


How could the centurion have seen it when he was standing there on Golgotha hill? For a while I thought, well he must have gotten a word of knowledge that it was happening. Brethren, I honestly do not know whether the veil of the physical temple rent or not. I do know that the veil of the temple known as Jesus of Nazareth rent.


We are going to finish up today's message by going over this verse, this verse and the two following verses. Is everybody okay? Are you all hanging in there? It is a little long tonight.


"And behold the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom, and the earth did quake and the rocks did rent." We are doing these few verses here because we are told that the veil, we are told that the heaven was separated, the same word as "rent," when Jesus came up out of the water. "And behold the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom, and the earth did quake and the rocks rent."


The word "temple" is #3485. Some of you here may know that there are two Greek words translated, "temple." One clearly refers to the physical temple that Jesus worked in and out of, that He rebuked the moneychangers in. There is a second Greek word that refers to the temple, when Jesus said that this is the temple of my body, or your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. There is a second Greek word that refers to the spiritual temple.


Just by way of reminding you, the temple of the Holy Ghost is not this physical body. The temple of the Holy Ghost is the fallen adamic soul. The Holy Ghost goes right into your human spirit and is dwelling within your fallen adamic soul. It is your fallen adamic soul. When Jesus said, "If you destroy this temple, I will raise it up again in three days," He was talking about His soul life. If you follow it through in the Greek, what was crucified was Jesus' soul life. The body, this flesh body is nothing. The soul keeps the body alive.


I am not going to go into it now. I know there are books written on it that Jesus died spiritually and all that, but if you follow it through and you ask the Father to show it to you, the part of Jesus that died on the cross was His soul. His spiritual life did not die on the cross. His spiritual life was slain so that the earth could be founded at the beginning of time. On the cross, it was the soul life of the man, Jesus of Nazareth.


That man, Jesus of Nazareth, had been raised from the dead. What does that mean? It means that He could have lived forever as the man, Jesus of Nazareth. He did not have to die. He gave up His life and the days of His flesh as the man, Jesus of Nazareth. Why? So that, that glorified soul life could be sprinkled upon the whole human race. Hallelujah.


This Greek word that we are studying is the one that Jesus used in John 2:19, where He said, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." Hebrews 10:19 and 20 say, "Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus through the veil, that is to say His flesh." We find out that the veil of the temple is His flesh. The veil of the temple is His flesh. The temple, brethren, is in the spirit. I am going to go into it more deeply.


The word "veil" is #2665, and it means "a veil spread out or a curtain." Basically, what it is speaking about is something that is lying over something. A curtain covers a window, a veil is a covering. Jesus' fallen adamic soul, or His carnal mind was covering over the life of Christ in Him. We have studied that deeply. It was the grape skin that was covering the flesh of the grape. This is another way of expressing it.


It was a curtain that was covering the most holy place. The adamic soul, the fallen adamic soul was covering over that holy thing that was born in the man, Jesus of Nazareth. The veil, brethren, is not the veil of the physical temple. It is the veil which is Jesus' fallen adamic soul, His flesh. His flesh is His fallen adamic soul.


If you look up that word "flesh" in the Greek, it is speaking about what is left after you strip the skin away. It is talking about the flesh of His fallen adamic soul also known as His carnal mind.


There was something separating Him from the outside world, and it was the flesh of His carnal mind. It was covering over the temple, the holiness that had been born in Him. That is what we are talking about here. When the Scripture says, "The veil was rent," it meant that this flesh, this carnal flesh, was taken out of the way. We are going to go into that more deeply right now.


The veil or Jesus' flesh, or Jesus' fallen adamic soul, or Jesus' carnal mind that He had inherited from Mary had two sides to it. It was spirit and it was soul. Our fallen adamic soul has a spirit in it, it is our dead human spirit. Let me put it on the board for you.


Our carnal mind, which is also our dead, fallen adamic soul, is both soul and spirit. What is the spirit in the dead, fallen adamic soul? Who remembers? Who is the spirit in the dead adamic soul? The human spirit. Her name is eve. She is joined to soul. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is soul who is acting like a spirit. That is why in another message, we called her a lesbian. She is really female, but she is acting like a man. I found in the Scripture that so long as she is the god of this world...the Scripture calls her male, so I will call her male. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind is soul, and the truth is that she is a lesbian. She is really soul. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, plus eve has produced the carnal mind.


The carnal mind is soul or flesh and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is acting like a spirit right now so that which is spirit in our fallen adamic soul is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, joined to eve. They are bonded together as closely as if Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, was the garment and eve was the dye. They are inseparable.


Actually, all three are inseparable, but we are going to find out that when Christ comes to break up this unholy trio, the first thing He does is separate the soul from the spirit. Does that sound familiar? "The soul from the spirit and the bone from the marrow."


The first thing He does is separate the soul from the spirit. Then, after He gets the carnal mind out of the way, He separates the...I hope I remember this correctly, we did this on the #78 series, He separates, I believe, the bone from the marrow. The marrow being eve, the bone being Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. If I got that backwards, and you catch me on it, I am sorry.


Basically, that is what is happening. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, eve, and the carnal mind are joined together, they are inseparable. They are as inseparable as the dye from the garment, as that flower is from that blouse, they are inseparable, but all things are possible with Christ.


When He comes in, His first separation is right here. He separates the carnal mind, and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and eve are still joined together. The second separation is of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, from eve. When eve gets free, she is going to flee into Christ, and forever she will be with the Lord. Eve is being raptured.


Everybody okay? Let us go on. Hallelujah.


The Greek word translated "opened," which also means "rent or torn," indicates that there were two things which were separated. For two things to be separated, they had to be joined in the first place. The veil or Jesus' flesh, or Jesus' fallen adamic soul, had two sides to it, spirit and soul. His human spirit , and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, are the spirit part, and the carnal mind is the soul.


I would like to take just a minute to, well I really just touched on it before, to talk to you about changing sexual roles. We are saying that Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is spirit. Originally, she was soul, but she is now an inferior spirit because she exalted herself to the role of spirit. She is functioning as a spirit, and God calls her a spirit for this age. She is a spirit in this age, but she will not be a spirit in the next age.


Did you ever wonder, brethren, why Jesus cried out with a loud voice on the cross? It says, "And He cried. Well, the first time He cried out, then He cried out again with a loud voice and the Scripture says that He yielded up the ghost. Well, the Church will probably tell you He was in pain or He was weary. I am going to tell you one more time, anybody that tells you that Jesus after the baptism, had any manifestation of weakness in Him whatsoever, is speaking to you out of their carnal mind. He had no weakness in Him whatsoever. Not in His mind, not in His spirit, not in Hid body.


I am going to suggest to you that He cried out, because when was ripped free of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, it was such a shattering experience, that even though it was purely spiritual, it had effects on His physical being.


She was literally ripped out of His carnal mind, and a loud voice came out of His spirit. When you are looking in the Interlinear, it says that, that loud voice came out of the spirit. In the King James it says, "And He cried with a loud voice," but if you look at it in the Greek concordance text it says, "And a loud cry came out of His spirit." It was probably when she came shooting out. Either it was when she came shooting out or it was Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, screaming. It was one or the other, but it came out of the spirit. Hallelujah.


The veil of the temple was rent in twain, from the top to the bottom. Did we get it straight, the veil was rent, meaning the carnal mind was rent? Eve was ripped. Well, first of all the carnal mind was separated from and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, then was ripped out. That was the renting. Well, I think I just got ahead of myself, I am sorry.


The fallen adamic soul was rent. It was ripped into two parts, it was separated into the carnal mind and the spirit, the spirit being made up of and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. It was rent into two pieces from the top to the bottom. The word "top" is Strong's #509. Thayer says this Greek word is often used to describe the things of heaven, and it can be translated, "from the first" or "from the beginning" or "from the very first."


I am going to suggest to you, brethren, that this Greek word translated "top" is speaking about that which was from the beginning, from the very first, or we can say from the beginning of time. The "top," I suggest to you, is a one word parable, which is speaking about the Christ which was formed from the very first, before Satan's carnal mind slew Him.


His fallen adamic soul was rent, it was torn from the Christ, unto the bottom. The "bottom" is Strong's #2736, and it is speaking about the parts or regions that lie beneath the earth, hell if you will. The spirit was ripped from the carnal mind. It was rent, His fallen adamic soul was ripped in two pieces. That which was from the beginning, the human spirit which is still joined to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, was ripped from the carnal mind. Hallelujah.


This is expressed in another way in the Prophets. The prophet is talking about boiling the piece of meat so that the meat separates from the bone. The meat or the flesh, the carnal mind, separates. Then the prophet talks about taking the bones and chopping the bones to separate the bone from the marrow, two separations, but I am getting ahead of myself again.


Christ in the man, Jesus of Nazareth, separated from hell, or we can say Christ in the man, Jesus of Nazareth, was raised from the dead. Let me remind you once again of Romans 8:11. "But if the spirit of Him that raised up Jesus..." The man, "...from the dead, if that spirit dwells in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead also shall quicken your mortal bodies..." Your fallen adamic souls, "...by His spirit that dwelleth in you."


Continuing with, "and the earth did quake and the rocks rent." "Quake" is Strong's #4579, and it means, "shake, tremble or agitate." Rocks in the Scripture typify spirit. Jesus is the rock. Amen. Remember that Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, has stolen spiritual manhood and is therefore considered spirit until Christ forces him back into his female position which will be in the next age.


The rocks being rent or the rocks being separated are and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. The two spirits are being separated. Jesus' fallen adamic soul shook and trembled as His human spirit separated completely from Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and the carnal mind's earth, which is the fallen adamic soul, and became one complete spirit with Christ.


Remember, we have been saying here recently that right now , who is the harlot, is having a relationship with two men. She is having a relationship with the Father, and she is also engaged in an adulterous relationship with Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and she has two offsprings, one legitimate and one illegitimate. The one of the promise which is Christ and her bastard offspring from Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. She is betwixt and between. She is partially in Christ, and she is still partially with Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.


At this separation, that part of her that is still attached to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is going to be completely rent free, and she will just follow the rest of herself like a river, flowing into Christ. She will be completely joined to the Lord, and "He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit," one spirit.


Colossians 2:1013, "And ye are complete in Him which is the head of all principality and power. In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by circumcision of Christ. Buried with Him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God who hath raised Him from the dead. You being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh hath He quickened together with Him, hath He forgiven you all trespasses."


Brethren, this is what has happened to the human spirit of the man, Jesus of Nazareth, and we have people in the Church today reading these Scriptures, and they will tell you that it has already happened to you. Brethren, that is a lie. That is a lie.


I am just going to quickly comment on these Scriptures. We are almost finished, really should not take me much longer.


When your spirit is joined to Christ as happened in the man, Jesus of Nazareth, you are complete in Him which is the head of all principality and power. He is the head of your fallen adamic soul. The principality and power is in your fallen adamic soul. In whom, speaking about Christ, also you are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, which circumcision puts off the body of the sins, that is the carnal mind, of the flesh. It puts off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ.


You are also, because of Him, buried with Him in baptism. This is not water baptism, brethren. This is the baptism into Christ. When you are in Christ, you are buried with Him, which means your fallen adamic soul is buried underneath the Christ. That is the baptism into Christ.


Wherein also you are risen with Him, raised from the dead with Him, through the faith of the operation of God who raised Him from the dead. The Church world tells you, "Well, this happened to you already." I had people quoting me these Scriptures, "I am without sin, I am circumcised, I am raised from the dead." Brethren, read the next verse. "And you who are dead in your sins, and the uncircumcision of the flesh...," This is the exact opposite of the prior two verses, "...hath he quickened together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses."


Brethren, it is a promise. You who are dead in your sins and because of the uncircumcision of your flesh, you have the potential to enter into everything that He has done through the forgiveness of sins.


There are two catches. It has to be the time and the season. I am sorry, there are three catches. It has to be the proper time and the season, you can only go on to perfection if He grants you permission to do so, and the third catch is, it is not a passive happening. When He gives you permission to do so, and it is the time and the season, you must pick up the sword of His spirit and destroy your carnal mind as David destroyed Goliath and, if you fight, the victory is assured. If you do not fight, He may just let you go down as a menstruous rag, as a spiritual ovum that did not produce Christ.


You may be in the category that He takes against your will. I do not know about you, brethren, but I would not play with God. I can encourage you to do anything as strongly as I can. I encourage you to jump up from your seat and lay hold of that sword and start hacking away at your carnal mind.


Revelations 9:23. "And he opened the bottomless pit, and there came out of the smoke, locust upon the earth and unto them was given power as the scorpions of the earth have power." The locust is the Christ in you, brethren, arising from underneath your carnal mind, and they are going to consume all of the spiritual vegetation of your carnal mind. This is all talking about the same thing. It is the appearance of Christ coming up, out from underneath the carnal mind.


Revelations 6:12, "And lo there was a great earthquake..." Remember, we said Jesus' fallen adamic soul was quaking, "...and the sun became black as sackcloth." The sun of His fallen adamic soul which is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, became black as sackcloth. Why? Because it was covered over by Christ, it lost its shining, it was covered over by Christ. "And became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood..." The soul became the blood of Christ, "...and the heaven...," Heaven singular, heaven, "...departed as a scroll when it is rolled together."


The fallen adamic soul rolled back as a scroll. It rolled back as an eyelid rolls back revealing your eye, and Christ was seen, oh hallelujah. Glory to God, glory to God.


Alternate translation, Matthew 27:51, "And there it was, Jesus' fallen adamic soul shook and trembled and was separated into two parts, spirit and the carnal mind or spirit and soul. And then His human spirit was separated from Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and joined to the Christ within Him. And the graves were opened, and many bodies of the saints which slept arose and came out of the graves after His resurrection."


The word "graves" is Strong's #3419. It means, "A visible object for preserving the memory of any person or thing." I am suggesting to you, brethren, that the word "graves" is speaking about the whole fallen man, including the physical, visible, human body.


Our human spirit which is a drop of the Christ, which died at the beginning of time, is buried underneath the earth of our fallen adamic soul, and our physical body is the visible object which preserves His memory. The word "opened," Strong's #455, this is one of the Greek words translated "opened" in our text of Jesus' baptism earlier. It is the word, I remind you, "to open the eyes of the mind." The heavens were opened, to open the eyes of the mind, to restore sight, to restore hearing, to open that which was sealed.


We see the same Greek word used in the phrase, "the heavens were opened," as well as in the phrase, "the graves were opened." It means "to reveal, to open the eyes of what was closed."


The opening of heaven refers to the opening or the mind of Christ, and the opening of the graves is referring to the opening of the eyes of the fallen, carnal man. "And the graves were opened," means that sight was restored to the carnal man. I am suggesting to you that the Scripture is not speaking about spiritual sight here but is speaking about the sight which is available to carnal men.


When carnal men see the full expression of Christ in the Sons of God, they will once again see and hear or remember the glory which was present in the creation before the fall, at which time they were sealed by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. When Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, sealed the living soul with his image by bringing forth his carnal mind, the living soul lost her memory.


Do you remember the recent Scripture that we found in Revelation Chapter 16, "And the living soul remembered who she was." She remembered that she was just soul and not spirit, and she submitted and bent her knee to the living God. We can say, therefore, that at the time of the manifestation of the Sons of God, the angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation and are now preserved by the chains of Satan's spirit in this age of darkness until the great day when Christ shall appear and judge their souls, shall remember their first estate and repent. I was just paraphrasing from Jude 6, brethren.


Continuing with, "And many bodies of the saints which slept arose and came out of the graves after his resurrection." The word "bodies" is Strong's #4983. This is the Greek word "Soma," which speaks about the spiritual body which we call the soul. There are two kinds of spiritual bodies, Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 15:40. The celestial or the immortal soul or the soul of Christ, and the terrestrial or the mortal soul or the fallen adamic soul.


The Greek word which expresses the physical body is Strong's #4984, "Selmaticos," and it is only used twice in the Scripture in Luke 3:22 and 1 Timothy 4:8. This word "bodies," the bodies that arose, brethren, it was not physical bodies coming out of the grave. It was the souls.


Remember, first your human spirit is raised from the dead. When your human spirit is raised from the dead, it is going to raise your fallen adamic soul from the dead. This is not talking about physical bodies. The word for physical body is another number. This is Strong's #4983, and the word for physical body is #4984. The body of the spirit was raised from the dead. It is the raising of the souls from the dead.


It is the same thing that happened in Romans, I think it was Romans 8:11 where it says that if the spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you, it is going to raise the mortal body of Jesus from the dead. Their souls are raised from the dead.


"And the graves were opened and many bodies of the saints which slept, arose." "The saints" is Strong's #40, and the Greek Concordance text paraphrased reads, "And many of the bodies of the sleeping holy." The Greek Concordance text says "holy ones," but the word "ones" is in brackets. The word is really just "holy." "And many of the bodies of the sleeping holy one (singular) were awakened and coming out of the grave after the waking of him."


I have two comments on this. One, the sentence is imperfect. It is not a past tense. The imperfect tense means that the event which is described has not yet been completed but is still happening.


I suggest to you, then, that this action will not be complete. The action of what? The action of the saints coming out of the graves. It is still going on. It will not be complete until Christ which is presently in many members is fully raised from the dead. That is, raised from the dead in each of the many bodies or in each of the many souls in which He is residing. As I told you, the word "ones" in the phrase "holy ones" is not in the original Greek text. It should be "the holy."


Brethren, there is just one Holy One. His name is Christ. He is dwelling in many souls and in many bodies, but there is just one Holy One. When that Holy One is raised from the dead, all the bodies and souls that He dwells in are going to be raised from the dead. Christ is not divided, brethren.


"And the graves were opened and many bodies of the saints which slept, arose and came out of the graves after his resurrection." This word "after" is Strong's #3326. Thayer says that this word can be used to express mental feelings, desires and emotions of bodily movements and of other acts which are, so to speak, the attendance of what is done or what has occurred so that in this way the characteristics of action or occurrence is described.


Well, what does that say? It saying that what this word is really saying is that all of the bodies that are being resurrected after Jesus was resurrected is just an automatic reflex.


Brethren, the head of the body of Christ has been born. It is just an automatic reflex, brethren, one more contraction, the body has got to come out. One more contraction, brethren, the head is out, just push, just push. It is an automatic reaction, the body must appear. I am suggesting to you that the Scripture should read, "And the many fallen adamic souls of the one whole and complete Christ, the sleeping Holy One, were awakened and started to rise after the rising of Christ in the man, Jesus of Nazareth." Jesus of Nazareth was the first cell of the creation of God to be raised from the dead.


"Came out of the graves after his resurrection." The word "resurrection" is Strong's #1454, and it means, "To be raised from the dead." Please note that the bodies of the saints or the souls of the Holy One arose from sleep, but the Holy One was resurrected. The Greek word translated "arose," merely means to awake from sleep.


Remember, Adam went to sleep at the beginning of time after Satan's carnal mind castrated Him. The word "resurrected" indicates a resurgence of power and the resulting increase. Remember the teaching on the incorruptible seed. The Father's power has now been added to, and she is bringing forth the double portion of the Father's spiritual strength through her legitimate Son, the Man Child of Revelations 12, Christ Jesus.


Please note that, first Christ is raised from the dead, then His many souls or the many members of the Body of Christ shall be aroused from sleep when the Holy One is resurrected in their human spirit. Then their graves or their carnal minds shall open, and they shall come out of their adulterous relationship with Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, of their own accord.


Then the many members of the fallen living soul shall see the fully visible manifestation of Christ in all of His glory in a many-membered company of spiritually matured men who are in the fullness of the stature of the Lord Jesus Christ, and they shall remember their first estate and repent. The graves of the Holy One are His many souls, and the graves of the many souls are the physical bodies of fallen man.


Alternate translation, Matthew 27:52. "And the Holy One who went to sleep at the beginning of time, arose from the dead in the many members of the Body of Christ, and their souls awoke from the sleep of death. And the many members of fallen Adam saw the sons of God and remembered that they, too, were Christ, and they willingly abandoned their adulterous union with Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind."


"And they went into the holy city and appeared unto many." The word "went" is Strong's #1525, and it means "to go or come into" and it means "to enter." They entered into the holy city. Brethren, they entered into the New Jerusalem. They entered into Christ, brethren. Eve escaped out of the souls or the bodies of the many-membered body of which the one Holy One was inhabiting. They entered into the holy city, they entered into the New Jerusalem, they entered into Christ, brethren.


Eve in each and every one of the people escaped, they were rent free from their adulterous union to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and they entered into Christ.


"And they appeared unto many." This word "appeared," it is the only time this word is translated "appeared" in the Scripture. It is Strong's #1718, and it is not the typical word translated "appeared." It means "to manifest, to exhibit, to view, to disclose, to declare." It is a public revelation.


Brethren, because Christ rose from the dead, the human spirit of every one of us which is not a divided human spirit, but which is a part of the one Holy One, shall be rent, separated from Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, in us. She, which is we, shall enter into Christ, and Christ shall appear in the flesh of the men in which this is happening.


When your human spirit is rent from Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and Christ appears, the first one He is going to appear to is you. Then it is going to be obvious to everyone that sees you and interacts with you. It is going to be a public appearance, you are not going to have to worry about discerning Christ in somebody because it is going to be as obvious as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. You will not need discernment any more.


The risen Lord appeared unto many in the apostles. He is already appearing today in the immature Sons of God and shall very shortly be appearing in full maturity in a First Fruits Company. Alternate translation, Matthew 27:53. "And their human spirits entered into Christ and Christ appeared to the many members of the living soul."


Recap Matthew 27: 5153, Verses 52 and 53 interspersed. "And there it was, Jesus' fallen adamic soul, shook and trembled and was separated into two parts, spirit and the carnal mind, or spirit and soul. Then His human spirit was separated from Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and joined to the Christ within Him. The Holy One who went to sleep at the beginning of time arose from the dead in the many members of the body of Christ. Their human spirits entered into Christ, and their souls awoke from the sleep of death. Christ appeared in the Sons of God and the many members of fallen Adam saw them and remembered that they too were Christ and willingly abandoned their adulterous union with Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind."


Brethren, believe it or not, we did not finish Note #3, "the heavens were opened." In the next message, Lord willing, we are going to very briefly review what we have said about the heavens being opened. We will finish up Note #3 and then, Lord willing, if we could do it, we will do Notes #410. If, as I study for the message, it gets as involved as this message was, there is a good chance it will be three messages. We will just go with the Spirit, I just go as He leads me.


PASTOR VITALE: You have a question? Okay.


COMMENTS: When you said that when Christ was on the cross, and He cried out, it was not really a cry of pain, but it was a cry from the spirit. Will that also happen with the Sons?


PASTOR VITALE: I hear people cry, I hear you crying everyday.


COMMENTS: It does not mean that a shout, like you said the spirit, it was like He was freed from His adamic...


PASTOR VITALE: I do not know that it was physically loud. It says a great noise, I think it said. I think the word is great. We dealt with that word many times when we did the chapters in the Book of Revelation. It can mean "an authoritative," it can mean "in a very strong, spiritually strong, authoritative crying." In other words, like I hear you saying all the time, "Get out, get out!"


COMMENTS: Or at this point, He is saying "I am free, I am free."


PASTOR VITALE: That was it. By an exertion of His will, He just said, "I am free" or "I am out," or "I separate" or whatever, something like that.


COMMENTS: When you spoke about that, I thought of a time that I was delivered of a spirit of death. I had just walked past a minister, and I heard this loud piercing scream. I turned around to see who it was, and I realized it came out of myself, and I did not even realize it.




COMMENTS: Does that relate to anything that...


PASTOR VITALE: Well, sounds good to me. I believe it is going to be something along those lines, something along that line. It is going to be a spiritual expression. Maybe it is even a victory cry that she is free, something along those lines. Anybody else?


COMMENTS: The same as the Garden of Eden when the heavens are rolled back, similar to?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, it is the same thing, it is just saying it a different way. Well , I am sorry, not really. I guess what you mean by the Garden of Eden is this world system. We are talking about what is happening in the mind of a man. First, it has to happen in the mind before it happens out here, but it is the same exact principle. It is going to happen on two levels. It is going to happen in the minds of men, and it is going to happen out here.


COMMENTS: Will that be the physical realm?


PASTOR VITALE: Would what be the physical realm?


COMMENTS: What is happening out there?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, what is happening out there is talking about this physical world. What we talked about tonight is talking about what happened in the mind of the man, Jesus. It is what is about to happen to our mind. I do not know how many people have to be in full stature.


Eventually, the same thing is going to happen to this world system. I do not know what that means, that there is going to be a rent, this world is going to roll back, and Eden is going to appear. I do not know what that means, whether this world will be bombed out or whether it will just cease to be. I do not know what that means. Did I answer your question?


COMMENTS: Yes. Now as I gather, because you are saying, there was no such veil in any big temple, it was just...


PASTOR VITALE: I do not know, I guess there is always the possibility that the veil of the temple rent but I do not, you know, they found the shroud that was on Jesus, where is the rent veil? I would like to see that. I would like to see somebody turn up with the rent veil.


COMMENTS: The shroud was not His.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, I know. I am just talking in general. No one has ever turned up with a rent veil. It had nothing to do with the natural temple. I would not particularly expect to find it torn if it could be found.


COMMENTS: I have heard about studies being done about the veil weighing two tons or something like that.


PASTOR VITALE: Who cares? You know, they do all this carnal stuff. You know what is going on in Israel and Jerusalem, and they have all these relics and everything over there. It has nothing whatsoever to do with it. As God moves you into the spiritual things, and He moves you when He is strong enough to do it, you will see more and more that everything that is natural is just vanity. It cannot do anything for you, it cannot give you anything.


The best example is the communion cracker and juice, what can it do for you? How could that heal your body? Eating a cracker, how could it heal your body? It is just vanity, and that is why Jesus says, "Unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the Pharisee, you shall never see the Kingdom of Heaven." It must become a spiritual reality to you.


(Inaudible) Look at this needle, it goes in and then it goes out. Then the third stage of the resurrection, Christ crucifies the carnal mind, it comes back in. Look at that stitch! You see that stitch? That just really blessed me. That just really blessed me. I guess we could do it this way, it comes in...I guess maybe that is not even completely accurate, maybe we should say it like this; the needle comes in, keeps on going through, pierces the carnal mind, comes back down. Put a stitch in there, man. Not only that, when you look up the words in Isaiah...Somehow I had the feeling that was more of a weaving.


Remember, He is doing this with all the cells in the body. When He does it with each cell, He is weaving together the whole garment. If you look up that account in Isaiah 53, I think it is the one that says, "By His stripes we are healed." It is right within those few verses there. If you read it, if you look it up in the Greek, what it is saying is, that we are being stitched, we are being stitched back to Him. I think that is the verse, by His stripes we are healed.


If you study it in the Hebrew, it is really a spiritual healing through being sewn together to Him. There it is right there. He is sewing us to Him. That really blessed me. This little tidbit really blesses me, you know.


(Continuing from two paragraphs before) It must become a spiritual reality to you, and that spiritual reality, as the Kingdom of God, must be within you, or it is of no use to you. Jesus' death, His crucifixion, His resurrection, and His ascension is of no use to you unless it is reproduced inside of you. If it is not reproduced inside of you, you are a menstruous rag.


I remind you of the teaching. What is a menstruous rag? What that means is you are an egg that was not fertilized and that has gone out in the menstrual cycle. You are a barren woman. You are going to pass away in the draft.


COMMENTS: I am saying, that would be very embarrassing.


PASTOR VITALE: I would think so especially with all the...I see so much pride in the Church. There is going to be a lot of very ashamed people when they realize that they missed it, but the ones that are going to be most ashamed are those that Jesus went to and offered them an opportunity to take part in it, and they turned their back on it. They are really going to be the ones. The ones that were never offered it or did not understand it, well you know, but the ones that it was offered to, they are going to be very angry.


I am convinced there is a group of people that are coming whether they choose or they refuse, but there is a much larger group that should know better, and if they walk away from it, He is going to let them go. I believe the ones that He is going to force to come, the people in this category, I am of the opinion, are people who are crying out, day and night crying out to God, trying to please God but, for some problem that they have, cannot recognize Him or cannot understand what He wants them to do.


What He is doing, He has made a judgment that their heart is right toward Him, but they are overcome in some area and, therefore, cannot follow what He wants them to do. Those are the people that He is going after whether they understand it or not. He is raining down judgment on them, because what He is doing is responding to the cry of their heart, "Jesus help me, Jesus help me," but they do not understand that this is what they have to do to get help.


He is ignoring their disobedience, and He is responding to the cry of their heart, "Jesus help me." Those are the ones that are coming against their will. The reason they are coming against their will is they cannot comprehend that what they are rejecting could possibly be Christ. The ones that should know better, He is letting them walk away. I believe it with all my heart, He is letting them walk away. He is letting them go, I have seen it happen.


COMMENTS: Is it safe to assume that if someone asks a question, that you can answer them? That you are not giving out of your carnal mind and your ministry.


PASTOR VITALE: You do the best you can. Basically, what you are referring to is an action that would be initiated by you. Do you know what I mean by that? An action that would be started up by you. In other words, if you see someone sitting over there and you think,"Well, I think I should witness to that person." I would say the thing to do would be to put it before the Lord and say, "Lord where did thought come from, you or from my carnal mind?"


If someone comes to you and asks you a question, you respond to them, you answer them. If someone comes to you and says, "Will you pray for me?" You pray for them.


COMMENTS: Just when I was coming here, I had to go round that way and drop some stuff off at the post office. I saw a woman who I have not seen in a good long while, and I just felt impressed to give her one of my books.


PASTOR VITALE: What did you say? A woman, you did not say her name, okay.


COMMENTS: She went past me, she did not see me. I said, "But Lord, she is already gone." Then, she just stopped right at the post office and just stayed there, and I went and gave her the book. She was very happy to receive it. For me, the timing was so perfect that I had gone out of my way to do what I had to do, and she just happened to be there.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, it sounds to me that it was supernatural. Just the fact that she just...but you see God does not want you to get into a bondage over it. What He wants you to do is to ask. That is what He wants you to do, to be aware that it is possible for you to be motivated by a mind that is not His. He wants to get you in the habit of asking. I wake up in the morning, I say, "Father, let this day be your day. Let my steps be ordered by you. Let me not do anything that is not motivated by your mind."


He wants you to have a mind that has received this word, and that is in agreement with this word that you do not want to do anything out of your carnal mind. Once you come to this condition of mind where, as soon as you can, I cannot force it on you, no one can force it on you, but when you come to a place in your own mind where you can receive this word that this new order ministry must be generated by Christ, and that you are in agreement with it, and that you are willing to deny your own carnal desires so that He can be revealed through you, once that becomes your state of mind, from that point forward, it becomes His responsibility to teach you by experience whatever you need to know.


My job is to give you the concept, to explain to you what He is doing in this hour, exactly what I just said to you. Once you receive the word in your heart and you say, "Yes Lord," then it becomes His responsibility to make it real to you.


COMMENTS: A couple of years ago, I woke up in the morning, and I heard what I believe to be one demon say to another demon, "Leave her alone, do you not know her steps are ordered of the Lord?" Is there a place that you arrive at or a realm in the Lord where you have said unconditionally, "You have your way over my way?" Because I do not remember consciously ever saying that to the Lord. I always prayed for His will. In other words, is it something that is fixed, that is done?


PASTOR VITALE: Well, I think He knows your heart. I think that, that is probably true of you. What is happening with you right now is that He is just making this real in areas that you are not aware of. I think your heart has always been turned towards God, and He knows that, but what He is saying to you now is XXX, "I have something new for you. I know that your heart is turned towards me, but I want to teach you, and I want to show you how it is going to be necessary for you to yield up your carnal mind to Me in more specific areas that I have never questioned you on before. I want you to grow up. I want to bring you into something deeper."


I do not think that you would even be here in a ministry like this if you were not sold out to God. He does not bring people here that are not sold out to God. We could be sold out to God in our heart and not really understand what He is doing in our life in this particular time. That is what my job is, to try and help you to understand so that you work with Him.


The following is part of the exhortation that came forth at the beginning. I want to tell you something, ladies. I am really excited about something that I see our God doing. I see Him bringing in older people. I do not mean to insult anybody, I am 51 myself, I am getting on there myself. I see Him bringing in people in their sixties and their seventies that really need help.


COMMENTS: The ripe fruit.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes. Now my carnal mind would say to me, the world would say, "Let them go get the young people." You cannot change people at that age. "Get the young people," that is what the world would say. I see the Lord bringing in people that I believe, from some area in your heart have been crying out to God for years. I believe he has been crying out for deliverance for years. I believe it. He is under this delusion that a large part of the Church world is under, that the problems that he has is sin that is separate from him.


It is this condition of the mind of the Church today. Jesus is coming in this hour to correct, and the correction is coming in the form of judgment because our carnal minds have us so bound that this lie is so strong in the Church that sometimes I look at it, sometimes I cry and sometimes I just want to hide. When I see how strong it is, it is across the board in the Church.


It is a rare believer where it is otherwise. They think they are okay because they make a general repentance, but the specific word-to-word, thought-to-thought things that they do, they really do not understand how it is sin. They do not understand, they just do not understand it. They are crying out to God for help, and they think that God is going to come and do something to somebody out there that is hurting them.


I see the Church, across the board, in this mental condition of denial. A large part of the problem is that the teaching has not been accurate. The teachings have been taught by preachers in the dysfunctional family known as the Church. The only thing that keeps me stable is that I believe, unshakably believe, that our God is righteous. Unshakably believe that He is righteous and that if He is coming upon people as a thief, if judgment is about to fall without the person's understanding, that if this is how God is doing it, there is no other way to do it.


I encourage you all, this is the end time ministry, I fully believe everybody here is called. Eventually, as soon as you qualify, the training here is to execute judgment, the training for everybody that comes here. That is what you are in training for. First, you execute judgment on your own carnal mind, and then when you reach a certain measure of victory, God makes that judgment, not me, He sends you to other people's carnal mind to execute the judgment that will free them from the bondage of sin that has been tormenting them all of their life.


Not a Roman Catholic punishment but a judgment. That is always painful but will result in the fruit of Christ appearing.


Prayer session:


"Father, in the name of Jesus, we just break these curses of perversion." I want to just make one thing clear here brother, when Sons of God send curses back to the head of the sender, when your heart is truly...if your heart is with the right...you can send curses back because they would go back, and they are going to be used for his good. If your true motive is vengeance, then you better not send them back. Does anyone not understand what I just said?


COMMENTS: No...(inaudible)


PASTOR VITALE: Check your own heart, I am sending them back. God has given me, personally, an instruction. He has told me that my deliverance of my heart, of my motives, has come to the point that, once I check myself, and I say, "Yes Lord, my motive is to save his soul," then I can send them back.


I went for years being battered and not sending them back. The Lord said to me, I am at the point now, He said, "You send them back." He says, "Whatever you send back I will..." That is His personal word to me.


COMMENTS: I am believing God is going to turn it around and use it for His White Throne Judgment.


PASTOR VITALE: Right, but if it is vengeance in any measure, it is going to come back on you, so be careful. If you are not sure, do not do it.


"Father in the name of Jesus, we just break these curses of perversion, of Jezebel, of witchcraft, of rage, of hatred. In the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, we send them back a million times over. Penetrate that man's soul, oh God. Rip it to shreds, Lord. That wicked soul that is covering over Christ, that will not let Christ appear. That wicked soul that is sitting in the temple of God calling itself God. Let the light be shone, and let him be consumed by the fire of the appearance of Christ. Get off of XXX. Get off of XXX. We separate you from whatever you have joined with in XXX soul that may be subject to rebuke. We sharply criticize you and command you to cease your activities.


In the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, we break your soul ties, we break your weapons, we break your arrow heads, and we turn your horns inwards. Go back, go back, go back, attack him. We say...that he will be forced to see what is in his own heart. Send back all those weapons, go back and tear down these walls of denial. Let him see the truth of what is in his heart and then have mercy on him, Oh God. Grant him repentance we pray, in the name of Jesus. Thank you Father, thank you."


"We cancel his plans for XXX. Come off of her. Come off of her body. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Loose her and let her go. We break the curse of night time emission, night time visitation, loose her and let her go. We thank you Lord. "


Prayer session continues.






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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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