163 - Part 1

Part 1 of 2 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



How does the Lord Jesus Christ open, and what does He open to you? He opens the door. And what is the door? He is the door. And how does He open Himself to you? He plants His seed in you, and He causes it to grow. His life has to be growing in you, not outside of you, not on top of you, not underneath you, but it has to be planted in you and growing in you. And the Scripture describes this as having Christ formed in you, and it's also called the engrafted word.


So, brethren, if there is an engrafted word, there must be an un-engrafted word. If there is an engrafted word, there must be a word that is not engrafted. There is such a thing as the word of God being engrafted to your soul, growing in you, and then there is a word of God that you may be hearing, you may be enjoying, you may be speaking, but it's not engrafted. And if the word that's in you is not engrafted, when the fire of God that's coming to burn up this whole earth touches you, you will burn up because the only thing that's going to survive the fire is Chri- -- is the gold of Christ. All of the wood, which is the carnal man, is going to die, not necessarily a horrible death, but they will pass away just like everyone in this world that we know of except Jesus Christ of Nazareth passes away, amen.


So when Jesus Christ openeth, when Jesus Christ engrafts to your soul, brethren, no man can shut off the flow of Christ to you. Now, brethren, if Jesus Christ is not engrafted to your soul, man can shut off the flow of the word and the Spirit to you. Can you hear this? If you are dependent upon a minister or upon a glorious outpouring of the Spirit of God that you have to go to church to get, that can be taken from you. If the man goes away, if the church shuts down, if you can't get there for some reason, that door has been shut to you by man, but I declare to you that if that's your condition, that door was also opened to you by man. Who? The man that's running the church.


But if Jesus opens a door to you and He opens the door in your heart, you will stand. If the man that you have believed in for 10 years backslides, if the church burns down, if, God forbid it should ever happen, every copy of the Bible is destro- -- of the written word is destroyed, if you're isolated from any other believer, if you're the only believer left alive on the earth, if Jesus Christ has opened the door to -- what is the door to? The door to His life, the door to Eden, the door to the spiritual realm of God in which is all provision, no more tears, no more pain and no more curse. If Jesus has opened that door to you by planting Himself in your heart and start -- and increasing there and is being formed there, no man can take it from you, but if man gives it to you, man can take it from you.


And as we're going to find out in the message today, I declare to you, the hour of great tribulation is coming upon the earth. It's already started, but it's just flickering. It is coming upon the earth, and everything that can be shaken will be shaken. What does that mean? Everything that is not rooted and grounded in Christ is going to pass away. And if somewhere there is a human being whose spiritual life is not rooted and grounded in Christ, he will pass away. Yes, as human spirit, we'll return unto the Father's, but that personality, that man will not partake of the glory that is about to descend, or I should say ascend, upon this earth.


Now the man -- the people that burn up are not going to be in Hell forever. It’s not going to be a tortuous burning up. But what the Scripture is saying, when Christ comes upon the earth and all sin is dealt with -- and how does God deal with sin? He destroys it. If Christ is not being formed in you, there will be nothing left of you.


So the Church of Philadelphia, he that openeth and no man shutteth, and when Jesus shutteth, no man can openeth. Now, brethren, I've been teaching here for a long time. I don't go along with this Hell and damnation and this condemnation, this -- the condemnation of man that is upon the whole church and the whole world, but this ultimate reconciliation message, as it's being preached, is a heresy to say that every human being alive is going to en- -- that has ever lived, that that personality is going to enter in. It's a lie, and it's causing people to be relaxed that would not otherwise be relaxed. My Bible says right here that there are going to be some -- there will be some men to whom Jesus Christ will shut the door.


Now let's get this thing straight. I don't agree with the way it's preached in the condemning church world. I don't believe that there is a man who is so wicked that Jesus Christ will not forgive his sins and that's why the door is shut. That's not why the door is shut. I'll tell you why the door is shut. The door is shut because this whole creation can be likened to a plant. The Scripture says we are the planting of the Lord. We are a spiritual plant that has multiplied into many members, and the Lord Jesus Christ is becoming the root of that plant. We are a fallen plant. The root of it is Satan, but the Lord Jesus Christ is working a miracle, and He is becoming the root of the plant.


And in this process, which can be likened to the moving of a tree -- did you ever dig up a tree and move it to another part of your garden or your backyard? Sometimes you lose leaves. Sometimes you lose branches. Sometimes the tree looks like it's just going to die. It just wilts there until it roots into the ground and rises and rallies, and then you look at your tree and the branches that didn't make it. You saw them off, and you throw them away. And does not Jesus speak about men who his branches will be hewn into the fire?


Some branches will not produce fruit. What does that mean? Some branches, some men, will not produce the fruit of Christ. Now they're not going to be burned in Hell forever, and the Lord Jesus Christ is in control of everything, and whoever He calls, they're coming. So if we find a barren man who has not produced the fruit of Christ, there is no condemnation on him. Live out your life, and pass on. The reality is that the whole plant is being dug up out of the soul over which Satan is king, and it is being replanted and transplanted in the soil of the earth over which the Lord Jesus Christ is king.


And if you know anything at all about gardening, this is a trauma to the plant or to the tree. Trees can go into shock. Isn't that true? They go into shock. Sometimes they die. Every plant that you transplant doesn't always live, but I declare to you this tree of the knowledge of good and evil shall live, and it shall be transplanted into the Garden of Eden, and it shall once again be only a part of the Tree of Life. It will no longer have its own existence. And the branches and the leaves that have not borne fruit or that have fallen away during this stressful process will be cut off and discarded. And their human spirits shall be a part of the root, but that personality will be discarded.


And the only shame, I declare to you, and the only condemnation is when the Lord Jesus Christ has called you and you have a fruitful womb and you have refused to come and you have aborted your own child. There is more of a shame in that than the shame of a barren woman who cannot bring forth. But I declare to you, in this hour, the Lord Jesus Christ is about to begin the completion of His word, and He's going to be dealing with the entire creation. And those of us who will minister in His Spirit will minister life and not condemnation.


We will minister life and not condemnation, but that doesn't mean that there won't be men who will not produce the fruit of Christ. Do you hear what I'm saying? The one camp says condemnation on you who won't come to the Lord. You're going to burn in Hell forever. The second camp says there's no condemnation on anyone. Every personality ever born is going to be converted into Christ. And then we have a group of people who are saying every human being born -- who has ever been born is not going to be converted into Christ, but there is no condemnation in it. The whole planting is being saved, and you are a branch or a leaf that was destroyed because of the shock of the trauma of the transplant.


And when I read this Bible, the only sh- -- I read about shame in this Bible. You know, some people hear my preaching, they don't like to hear me talk about shame, but that word is in this Bible. You shall be ashamed. If the Lord comes to you and says bear My child and you won't do it in the hour of His appearing, you shall be ashamed. That's a Scriptural word.


Now neither do you let any demon in your mind. Use this to put an ungodly fear upon you. You seek God. You petition Him. You serve Him to the best of your ability. You ask Him to correct you if you're wrong, and you believe He will be faithful unto you, but ask Him to help you, to be honest with yourself. Many today are deceiving themselves. It's a great distress to me to see the denial in the church.


I received a phone call from someone who used to come to these meeting the other night. They left here about three years ago. I believe, there's not a doubt in my mind, without the Lord's permission, without the Lord's instruction they removed themselves. When they heard I was ill, they rejoiced and decided surely they got out of this wicked ministry. Then when I survived and started teaching again, I received a phone call. They were shocked that I was teaching again.


Well, now what are they going to do? You see, if they decided that they could justify leaving here without God's permission, because I was this wicked person -- but God didn't shut me down. God raised me from the dead. God started me teaching again. Well, now they're not here, and they're not partaking of what God is pouring out here, so how are they going to deal with this? God didn't kill me, and He didn't take me out of the ministry. How are they going to deal with this?


Well, this person called me up and said to me -- they called -- you know, called -- the -- it was a friendly phone call, wanted to say hello to me. And they said to me, in so many words, well, surely the Lord's not teaching anything new at Living Epistles. We heard it all, those of us that were there for the first three years. You're just repeating what you taught three years ago. And I said, why would you ever think that? I said, the revelation is intense. Every two months something new is coming down. And they got very upset. I said, you could have the messages. You want the messages? I'll send you the messages. This [?is what do I want?] with the messages? It's the same doctrine. I said, not at all.


And this person happens to have very intense mind control and witchcraft. I came under an onslaught. I was up all night that night. I woke up at 3 o'clock in the morning. I woke up at 4 o'clock in the morning. I woke up at 5 o'clock in the morning. I woke up at 6, 7 and 8 o'clock in the morning in sever distress. I said, Lord, what's going on here? And this is what He told me. How dare I say to this person that you're missing something? Because if I could say to you that you're missing something, that means God didn't tell you to leave.


The denial is incredible, and it is maintained, and it is propelled by witchcraft and mind control. When you deny something, whether it's about a ministry, whether it's about your natural family, whether it's about any relationship that you have, don't think that you're the only one that's involved because your denial is hurting somebody. Your denial is hurting the person that you are denying. Denial is rooted in witchcraft and mind control. No good thing can come out of it. It does not glorify God. Hallelujah.


So let me finish this little exhortation. So when Jesus shut the door, no one can open it. If Jesus says you're barren, brethren, you're barren. Now He could change His mind. You might want to petition Him, but no man can open the door. When Jesus says you're spiritually barren or physically barren, no man can give you a child, but Jesus could give you a child.


The Lord says, "I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength." Now did you ever wonder what Jesus was talking about? You have a little strength. A little strength to do what? A little strength to keep My word. You've kept My word, and you have not denied My Spirit and s- -- have not denied My name, and names in the Scripture means spirit. A little strength for what? A little strength to battle with your own carnal mind and with the carnal minds of men. Brethren, if I had a lot of strength, I wouldn’t go through what I go through. I have just enough strength that I'm in the battle, and I've been being beaten sore for many years. Why am I beaten so sore? Because I only have a little strength.


If I had no strength, I'd be completely overcome, and I would probably have a wonderful life. Satan wouldn’t be my enemy. But I have a little bit of strength, just enough to battle, to get beat, but not enough strength to defeat the enemy permanently. I am waiting for the Lord Jesus Christ to join with me and give me that strength that will totally overcome my enemy.


So those who are in the Church of Philadelphia have a little strength to keep His word, and, brethren, that does not mean the false doctrine that's in the church today. It means the truth of His word because you don't have to fight to lay hold of the false doctrine. That's no battle. "And you have not denied My spirit." And, brethren, the church is full of people denying the spirit of Christ, not necessarily in the services, but when you come to them on a one-to-one basis, this is the test. When someone in whom Jesus Christ is manifesting comes to you and tells you something you don't like to hear, do you deny the spirit of Christ because you don't want to hear it, or will you say it's the church and Christ in that person spoke it to me, or will you preserve yourself by saying that wasn't Christ? And I want to tell you that that is what the carnal mind of man does. He will deny that you are Christ when he doesn't like what you have to say.


And I declare to you that, if you are doing that, if you have any idea whatsoever that you're doing that, that you are determined to preserve yourself to such a degree that you will the spirit of Christ, that is telling you something you don't want to hear, an unclean spirit, you are shutting the door on Christ. You are running the risk, if you do it to a certain point, that that door is going to be shut. Why? Because we have to live either out of Christ or out of our carnal mind.


And if we're out to preserve this life, if we're out to preserve the life of this existence, if we're out to watch out for ourself instead of trusting our life to Jesus to such a degree that we're living out of our carnal mind almost continuously, the door to Christ will shut. Jesus  will shut it. Why? Because you have chosen to reject Him. Why have you chosen to reject Him? Because you have chosen to preserve the ungodliness in your own heart by calling Him unclean. Hallelujah.


And this, the Lord gave me the -- I don't know, but if you can relate to this, that's fine, but He gave this to me. "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews" -- or which say they are Christians but -- "are not, but do lie; behold, I will make the m to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee." And I said, Lord, I really don't particularly want anyone to come worship at my feet. I wouldn't mind if they found out that this doctrine is from you. I'm really at the point that I don't care very much anymore, but I wouldn’t mind, if they found out that this doctrine was of you. And He said to me, the two go together. They're going to find out that the doctrine was of Me, and they're going to worship at your feet because it's going to be Me being revealed through you.


And the word -- another word that came to me from someone else was this word, "Will not come back void." That's the truth of God's word. It's glorious. It's not being received, but it's going to be received very shortly. It will not come back void. Everyone that's been laboring with me that's been persecuted and -- or rejected in any way because of this word, it will not come back void.


And as I prepared for Revelation, Chapter 16 this afternoon, and I had no idea I would be doing it until the last minute, I realized that I couldn't give you the insight I hoped to give you at this meeting if we hadn't studied the other topics that the Lord had given us to study since we finished Chapter 14. Now why we have skipped Chapter 15, I have no idea. Nor do I know whether we will go back to Chapter 15 or beyond Chapter 16, but I know the Lord has this whole thing under such control that it boggles my mind.


If you follow the messages that have come out of Living Epistles over the past five years and you see the way He put us in the S- -- in the appropriate Scriptures and brought forth the revelation in an order that made us or that equipped us to understand the following revelations, the way He planned this thing out, anyone that can't see God in this really needs to ask the Lord to help him be spiritual because it boggles -- it bos- -- boggles my mind how He does this thing. And in case you're not aware of it, in these last days, when it's been prophesied that knowledge will increase, the Lord has chosen to open up the hidden manna of this entire Bible to us here. I'm not saying we know everything, but we're charging forward with deeper and deeper understanding. So I hope this Chapter 16 blesses you.


I will say one more thing before I start it. The mind of man will lay hold of God's revelation and turn it into a condemnation. God's condemnation is not man's condemnation. When God says you're condemned, He always makes a way out. There's always a way of escape. If we're condemned, it's our own fault. Why would we be condemned? Because the light has come into the world, and we've chosen the darkness. Why? Because our deeds are evil. If the condemnation is of God, He always makes a way of escape. He will deliver us from the darkness of our own minds. But when man condemns you, there is no escape. You are relegated to burning tortures in Hell forever. That's monstrous.


The Book of Revelation has been severely abused by well-meaning members of the church, but I would just like to say, before we start, that no matter how terrible any judgment sounds, when you look at it with the mind and the eyes of Christ, it is so exciting that, I don't know about you, but I start to cry. And I want to tell you that God loves this world, and He loves the people that He has created, and a terrible tragedy happened at the beginning of time. The creation was castrated and fell down to a condition of spiritual weakness that the Lord describes as spiritually effeminate. We became subject to the creation over which we were to be ruling, and we have become perverse in our minds. Our minds have become perverse, and because our minds have become perverse, our bodies have become perverse. I don't care how beautiful you are. Your body will die and rot in due season unless Jesus appears in you.


So I declare to you that the Lord our God is righteous, that He has made a judgment that we are so perverse that a correction, which we perceive to be painful, is necessary to restore us unto life, that He is righteous, that His motive for judging us comes out of the mind of God and not out of the destructive, perverse mind of man, and that the end of everything that He does I good, even if we cannot understand it at the moment. And if it's distressing you that human beings whom do not -- whom are not bearing the fruit of Christ shall cease to be, I encourage you to give God right. Because who are you to judge the Lord? Who are we to know the mind of God, that from our low position we should make a judgment that He is doing unrighteousness?


And I declare to you that this is a manifestation of pride that will bring destruction to you and to your children and to your children's children and to your children's children's children. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. I saw a movie recently. It's called "The Raisin in the Sun." And the mother -- there was no father. The mother was a God-fearing woman, and her 20-year-old daughter got all upset one day and went into a tirade and said, who does this Go- -- who is this God? There is no God, and I'm tired of God taking credit for things that man has done. And she went on for about 60 seconds or so, and her mother smacker her across the face, and she said to her, you will repeat after me. In my mother's house, there is God.


Brethren, in this hour, we have adults all across the face of the earth who are spiritual children, who are shaking their fist at God and saying, how dare you? And God is already and shall continue to smack us across the face until we say, in my Father's house, God rules. May God have mercy on all of our souls. Hallelujah.


Chapter 16 of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John. This is an exhortation. I have studied it only briefly. I have no Strong numerical references for you, and I hope to do 14 verses. I intend to do 14 verses, unless the Lord changes that, however long it takes. I have some very skeletal Alternate Translations for you. I just did not have the time to work on this the way I would have liked to, but I hope this blesses you because it just really blessed me. The church shutters and waits for destruction to fall. Brethren, I wait for the sons of God to manifest. I wait for the correction to come to this world that will deliver us out of the bondage and misery of unending rebirths through our offspring into this fallen place called Hell.


And I remind you, I'm going to say it again, if this is the first message you're hearing, don't shut off the message. There is a spiritual man, one spiritual man. He has fallen, and that spiritual man continues to be born into this earth-time, this space-time continuum that we live in. Every time a baby is born, that one spiritual man is appearing in the earth of this space-time continuum, and it will continue forever. This is eternal torment for the spiritual man who is fallen, and he is born continuously in many members, and some members are tormented more than others, and he will remain in eternal torment, where he was put by Satan, until the Lord Jesus Christ delivers him out of it. The Lord Jesus Christ is not putting us in eternal torment. He is delivering us from it. And if whatever your problem is your answer is to blame God or blame God's servant, you're working towards keeping yourself here because only a recognition of Christ in his righteous judgment will deliver us out of here. OK.


Chapter 16, Verse 1, "And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth." The great voice, I'm going to -- we -- you know, we've done 14 chapters of the Book of Revelation, so I'm going to not go into any great depth here, but the great voice, great meaning authority, and I'm suggesting to you that the great voice that came out of the temple is the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ. And I remind you, from previous studies, that the temple of God, the Father, is the soul life or the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul said, don't you know you are the temple of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is the spirit of the Father.


Brethren, the spirit of the Father is not dwelling in your physical body. He is dwelling in your fallen, Adamic soul, also known as the carnal mind, and we've studied this before. The Scripture says very little about this fallen body. It's talking about the fallen, Adamic soul. It's talking about the Father. It's talking about Christ. Very little is said about this body, and when you see the word body appearing in the Scripture, it is referring to your fallen soul. Let me put this on the board for you. A body, sometimes typified in the Scripture as a cup, holds something. This physical body holds our fallen, Adamic soul. Let me do it this way. We'll call it the carnal mind, is in a physical body. But when Christ is born in the midst of the carnal mind -- whoever told you that, Sheila? Well, there's an inner man, and there's an outer man. When Christ is engrafted to your fallen Adamic soul or your carnal mind, Christ becomes the inner man. Your carnal mind becomes the outer man, and your carnal mind becomes the body of Christ.


At the beginning, however, Christ isn't there. At the beginning, the Holy Spirit enters in, the spirit of the Father, enters right into the carnal mind, and the carnal mind becomes the body of the Holy Spirit, and God stops talking about this external body completely. What? Know ye not ye are the temple of the Holy Ghost? Why don't you -- now Paul doesn't say, why don’t you know your physical body is the temple of the Holy Ghost? He doesn't say what he's talking about. The Scripture is a parable, brethren. We have to dig into it like it's a jigsaw puzzle, and I suggest to you Paul is saying, why don't you know your carnal mind is the temple of the Holy Ghost? When the Holy Spirit causes you to conceive and Christ comes forth, Christ is the inner man, and the carnal mind is the outer man. But before you conceive, when it's just the Holy Ghost in there, the temple of the Holy Ghost is the carnal mind. OK, everybody OK? Scripture rarely is talking about this physical body. This physical body is just an eggshell. We need it in our fallen condition to say alive.


So I heard the great voice of the Lord Jesus Christ come out of the temple. He was coming out of a man's mind. And he was saying to the seven angels, go your ways. Now the seven angels, seven is the number of completion, and an angel is a messenger of God. And I declare to you that if Christ being formed in you, you have an angel that dwells within you. You are the temple of that angel. Your carnal mind is the temple of that angel. His name is Christ. He's the inner man or the new man, and you carnal mind is the outer man or the old man.


So that great voice, the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ, was speaking to the seven angels, to the company or to the corporate Christ that is dwelling in the many members of the human race where He's being formed, Christ in you, Christ in you, Christ in me. The way the Lord describes it is he says the seven angels, meaning the fullness of Christ in His many membered body. Are you OK? Are you OK?


So the great voice of the Lord Jesus Christ spoke out of the temple. He spoke out of the carnal minds of the body of Christ, which are under the control of Christ. The carnal mind is under the control of Christ. And He said to the seven angels, go your ways. Now let me just remind you over here that the glorified Lord Jesus Christ, in this hour, is pouring out of His spirit upon all flesh, and he is not the unconscious mind or the new unconscious mind in the human beings in whom Christ is being formed.


In the fallen Adam, who is the unconscious mind? Who is the unconscious mind of fallen Adam? Satan is the unconscious mind of fallen Adam, and the carnal mind is the conscious mind of fallen Adam. In those human beings in whom Christ is being formed, they not only have a new conscious mind, which is Christ, but they have a new unconscious mind, which is the spirit of Christ or the Father that dwells in His Christ. So the glorified Lord Jesus Christ that is now a glorified spirit that is dwelling in your mind, He is your new unconscious mind, and He has come to you, and Lord willing, He has engrafted to you, and He is forming the second generation of Christ in you. He's bringing forth His son, Christ Jesus.


So that great voice speaking out of the temple is your new unconscious mind, and He's speaking to the Christ or to the Son which you are. And this is what He said, "Go your ways, and pour out of the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth." The words, your ways, is not in the Greek, so the glorified Christ is saying, go, and pour out your vials upon the earth. This word vial, I did give you a number on this. It's Strong's 5357. It can be translated a broad, shallow bowl, but it can also be translated a deep saucer. Webster's says the word saucer is a small, shallow dish in which a cup is set at the table.


Now isn't this interesting? What do we have here? The Scripture talks a lot about cups, Old Testament, New Testament. The harlot has a cup. I don't see saucers. We know about a cup and saucer, but I don't see a saucer anywhere. Now let me remind you that the cup -- let me just erase this. I shouldn't have -- the cup is something that's seen in the earth, and it typifies soul life or personality, and inside of the soul life or the personality -- let me give you another color over here. What's in the cup? The Scripture describes it, what's in the cup, as wine. And what does wine typify in the Scripture?




No, spirit. Wine typifies the spirit, and down here we have a saucer that the cup is sitting in. Now I'm going to suggest to you that the spirit is the spirit of Christ, which is the Father, that the soul life or the personality is Christ. So we have the Father, the spirit of Christ, the unconscious mind, Christ, the conscious mind. And what is the saucer over here, anybody guess? I'll make it green.


            It's the [INAUDIBLE] soul.


Which soul?


            The spiritual soul.


Well, this is Christ which is the --


            Oh --




            [CROSSTALK] physical.


The Adamic soul.




The fallen soul, OK, or the carnal mind. Now, remember, when the spirit of Christ is appearing in the unconscious and Christ is appearing in the conscious, the carnal mind is under the control of Christ. Nevertheless, it's still there, a carnal mind, and the Scripture calls it the saucer that holds the cup of Christ which holds the spirit of the Father. And all three are one, and when They appear in the realm of appearance, They have a name, and what's the name? Son of God, also called Christ Jesus. The individual person is a son of God. All of the sons of God, corporately, are called Christ Jesus.


So we see in Verse 1 of Chapter 16 of the Book of Revelation the glorified Christ, which is now their unconscious mind, saying to the sons of God, go, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. Now this translation of the King James sounds like the angels are holding bowls in their hands, bowls of judgment, and that they're going to pour out judgment upon the earth, but I suggest to you that this is not the intent of the Scripture. If you look at it in the interlinear, I suggest to you the Scripture is saying, go, and pour out the wrath of God, which is in you, upon the earth.


Brethren, the sons of God are filled up. We're told in Verse 1 of Revelation 15. They're filled up with the wrath of God. Their spiritual being is filled with the wrath of God. Now what is the wrath of God? We studied the wrath of God in at least two places in our previous Scriptures in the Book of Revelation, and we found the wrath of God to mean the desire of God, the passion of God for His wife. That word -- that Greek word translated wrath can also be translated passion. And we find, in particular in the 78 series, that God is so passionately desiring His wife, whom He cannot join with because she is so filthy with sin, that He is judging that sin with the intent of cleansing her so that He can join in a spiritual, sexual union with her, and, therefore, we see the one Greek word meaning both passion, desire, the desire of a bridegroom, and judgment because He is smacking His wife's -- whatever part of her He's smacking because He is going to bring her into order so that His marriage can be in order and so that His household could be in order, just as you judge your children.


I visited my niece the other day, and I walked in, and my little grandniece was crying. She's 3 and a half years old. They're all sitting at the dinner table, and I said to her, why are you crying? My niece and nephew are not saved. I said to my grandniece, why are you crying? And she says to me, daddy pushed me down. And I said, well, now why would daddy do that to you? Were you having trouble staying in your seat? Did you not sit in your seat when he told you to? And she said no, and I said, well, then daddy helped you to obey. Say thank you, daddy. And my niece and my nephew laughed. They thought that I was ma- -- they thought I was joking with the child, but I was not joking with the child, brethren. I was not joking with the child.


I will tell you, from personal experience, if you do not discipline your children when they are small so that that discipline can become internalized in them so that when they are big they can do it themselves -- do what themselves? Discipline themselves -- you have killed your child. The Scripture says you hate them, and hatred kills. I was not joshing with the child. I thank God for every trial and hard time He's put me through. I thank God for every tear that I have shed as well as I thank Him for every change He has affected in me and everything He has taught me. I can honestly tell you I would not particularly desire to repeat these experiences, but I nevertheless thank God for them. We've got to get our spiritual eyes open, [?breve-?] -- brethren. Don't despise the chastening of the Lord because there is life in it. Don't defend yourself against it, and don't defend yourself against the vessel through whom God is bringing the judgment because it's His mercy. Hallelujah.


And, of course, that Greek word translated, pour out, can be translated, to pour out of, so the wrath of God, which is the life of Christ, which is filling up the men in whom He's appearing who are sons of God, is going to come pouring out of what part of these men? It's going to come pouring out of their minds, and when it comes pouring out of their minds, it will be reflected in their mouth. It's going to be pouring out of their mind as expressed through their words and their thoughts.


And the earth -- we see the earth mentioned twice here, I think. "And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth." I'm sorry. It's only mentioned once. The earth, I suggest to you, is the earth of the fallen, Adamic soul, the conscious mind of fallen man, also known as the carnal mind. So we see the sons of God, whose unconscious mind is now the Father and whose conscious mind is Christ, are thinking and speaking thoughts that are going to fall upon the carnal minds of men as wrathful judgment.


And we'll find out, as we go on a little further down, the Scripture clearly states that it's OK for them to do this because it's Christ in them doing it, and His motive for hurting the human race is the righteousness of God. God can do anything. He can hurt you in any way He wants. He can kill you if He so desires because everything He does and has ever done has been motivated by something that will produce the end result of life.


And if you're having trouble with that, think of your garden. You cut those leaves and branches off. I had a tomato plant once. I pruned it until some people thought it wouldn't even survive. The Lord is challenging us to look at our condition and His treatment of it with His eyes because as long as we look at it with our fallen, carnal mind and the eyes of our fallen, carnal mind, we will continue to be in our sins. We shall remain in our sins. If God is judging you, brethren, you are guilty, and He is righteous, whether you can see it or not.


I put together some Alternate Translations here. As I said earlier, I didn't have much time, but I hope they bless you. Verse 1, Revelation, Chapter 16, "And I heard an authoritative voice coming from the Lord Jesus Christ saying to the second generation of Christ, go and let God's passion for His wife pour out of you upon the conscious minds of men. Go and let the wrath of God or the judgments of God pour out of you, out of your mouth in confron- -- in godly confrontations and out of your mind in prayer, and let the righteousness of God fall upon the fallen, conscious minds of men, which is the -- which are the carnal minds of men."


Verse 2, "And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image."


There were other Revelation Scriptures that we did where I found out what the word, first, second and third meant, and I just didn't have time to do it. If the Lord lets me finish this chapter and He gives me the time, I'll look it up for you, but I'm passing over these words that say the first, second and third because I didn't have time to work on it.


So the first went. Now it doesn't say angel. It doesn't say first angel. It says the first went. At the first, when the sons of God first manifested, they poured out of their vial upon the earth. When the sons of God first manifested -- and what was that manifestation? They poured out of their v- -- now what's their vial? It's the saucer that the cup is in. So when the sons of God first manifested, they poured out of the saucer. And what's the saucer? The carnal mind. OK, so they poured out of the humanity. I'm going to suggest to you they poured out of their humanity. It started with the spirit of the Father. He passed through into the personality of Christ which passed through the carnal mind which was under His control. If the carnal mind was not under the control of Christ, Christ Jesus, the sons of God, could never have poured out of their humanity to reign judgment.


Why could they not have poured out of their humanity to reign judgment if the carnal mind was not under control? When I say th- -- maybe that wasn't too accurate, saying the carnal mind was under control. I would have to say the carnal mind was purified. Brethren, for you to be or for anyone to be a son of God through whom judgment is going to reign out, this son of God or the carnal mind that belongs to this son of God must be purified. Now if you are moving in the two witness company and you are not in full stature -- well, we know that that's happening, that God is reigning out judgment in part, in this hour, through imperfect people.


But I declare to you, if you think the Lord has sent you, in this office of two witness -- a member of the two witness company, to deal with a sin in a human being that you ha- -- do not have -- excuse me, that you have not taken dominion over, you better get on your face before God because God's not sending you. He is not sending you to deal with a sin in a person about a sin that you have not taken the victory over, and we saw it happen in one of the biggest tragedies of the modern church. A televangelist went and cited somebody for ungodly, sexual behavior, and I don't even think it took a year. He was splattered over the headlines with his sexual sins.


So let me say it again. In the hour that the sons of God are in full stature, the spirit of the Father is going to be pouring through His Christ, is going to be pouring through the carnal mind, out, reigning the judgment of God upon men who are still fallen. And the only way they're going to be able to do that is by -- because they will have overcome sin, the sin in their own carnal mind. Well, what am I saying? If there's still sin in their carnal mind and they come to you with judgment, it's going to fall on them as well as it's going to fall on you. Brethren, you can't help somebody with something you haven't overcome. I said that first of all, and second of all, I said this judgment is falling through people that are members of the two witness company, in this hour, who are still yet imperfect, but God is only sending them to deal with the sin in another person that they have overcome in their own life.


If someone is coming to you -- I've seen this happen. If you're in fornication and someone that's fornicating tells you they're going to cast a demon of fornication out of you, brethren, you're being deceived. It's not likely to happen. And what's going to happen, most likely, is they're going to wind up engaging in fornication. Their spirit of fornication is going to get together with your spirit of fornication, and what started out as a deliverance session is going to be a fornication session. If you're looking for cleansing, you go to a holy man, and if nobody is in full stature, you go the person that God has anointed who has overcome in the areas where you have a problem. If you have trouble with masturbation, you don't go to someone that's masturbating. You go to someone who's taken the victory in those areas.


So we see the sons of God pouring out, the spirit of the Father pouring out through Christ, through Christ Jesus, through the carnal minds of these human beings which have been purified of sin, and they're not under judgment. They're not getting hurt. The fire's not burning them. Why? Because their sins have been dealt with.


So at the first, the company of sons, Christ Jesus, they poured out of the carnal minds upon the earth of mankind, "and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image." This word, they -- there fell, it's Strong's 1096, and I'm going to suggest to you it doesn't mean that something fell out of the sky. The way this tran- -- the King James translation reads is that the sons of God poured out or emptied out a bowl, and this judgment fell out of the sky, but I'm going to suggest to you the judgment came up from within the spiritual beings of Christ Jesus, and they became -- the men in whom Christ Jesus was manifesting became a noisome -- how is it phrased? "A noisome and grievous sore unto the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon the which worshipped his image. The sons of God became grievous to the people who are being judged. They couldn't bear them. They hated them. They thought evil of them.


The word noisome, Strong's 2556. It means contrary to the law, and that could refer to either divine law or human law. The sons of God became something that was contrary to the law, but we know that they were in the righteous image of God. So I'm suggesting to you, they became contrary to the law of sin and death, which Paul speaks about finding in his members. He said, I find another law. It's the law of sin and death, and the sons of God became an opponent to the law of sin and death, in the carnal minds of men. The word grievous is Strong's 4190, and it means evil associated with the working class.


Now, brethren, I don't think the Scripture has anything against blue-collar workers. But if your recall a recent message that we did out of Daniel 8, we found out that God's creation, the living soul, fell, and when they fell, they became a creation of laborers, a creation of men of continual employment. So Christ Jesus, the sons of God, pouring out of their humanity by their mind and their mouth, became a law unto the human beings that were still in the fallen realm of continual labor. They became a law unto them, and with the law comes authority to punish. They became a spiritual law unto them. Because sin in their own mind had been dealt with and the righteousness of Christ had been imparted to them, they became a presence in the earth that could discern sin without condemnation but discern sin out of the motivation of the righteousness and the love of God and pronounce judgment on these people to the extent that hard times would fall upon them.


Now it's already happening, brethren, but it's going to happen with a much greater intensity. Several years ago, I know somebody whom the Lord sent to a young woman whose husband had abandoned her and her three children. She was really struggling financially. The man had remarried and had produced another two or three -- I'm not sure, at least two more children. He had a good job. He was doing well. He and his second wife and his new family were flourishing. He had a very expensive car. And she went -- and you know that he was born again, or he had a born again experience. They went to the same church, and she came in a pauper with her three children, a car that barely ran, frequently didn't have enough money to buy food, and he was greatly exalted in the church. Why? He gave a lot of money. And she went to the pastor, and she said, pastor, this isn't right, we don't have enough f- -- money for food. He gives me nothing. He's in this church, and he's exalted as a great man of God, and he gives us nothing, and we're barely surviving, and the pastor through her out of his office.


And the Lord sent a son of God to this woman and witnessed to the son that this was the truth, and the judgments of God were executed in the presence of other witnesses faithful to God. I want to tell you that man fell down. He lost his job. He lost his wife and his two children. He went into such a tailspin that I believe he -- I may not have this exactly right, but I think he was living on the streets. He completely flipped out of society, and as of the last that I've heard, it's about six or seven years, he still hasn't recovered.


So you say, what kind of a success story is this? I declare to you our God is a righteous God who pleads the cause of the widow and the orphan. There is not a doubt in my mind that when this man repents, God will restore him. God uses all things for the good. This man's parents are missionaries. They have given up their entire life and worldly goods to serve in foreign nations. He is their only son. And I declare to you that if he were a bastard, this would not have happened to him. Sometimes the chastening of the Lord goes on for years. Don't judge God wicked. He's not. He's righteous.


So we see his judgment being executed, to my eyes -- maybe you have a different experience than I do, but to my eyes, very minimally today. It's there. It's here. It's in the earth, and His judgment is real but very minimally. We are about to enter into a season where the wrath of God shall be poured out upon the whole earth, and there shall be a separation in the church. Those believers in whom Christ is being formed shall ascend as a re- -- spiritually ascend as a result of the fire. Those believers in whom Christ never engrafted will be lumped in with the people of the world. Some of those people will produce the fruit of Christ as a result of the judgment. They will cry out to God. They will repent, and Christ will be formed in them, people that were in the church but didn't have Christ and people that were in the world, but not everybody will repent.


And for those who don't repent, if God so chooses that that vessel shall pass out of this earth without producing the fruit of Christ, so be it. And I declare to you it's no great tragedy. They may live out their lives, a normal life. We've got to grow up. And if your carnal mind is saying to you, well, this terrible trouble is coming, and they're going to be hurt, brethren, human beings have been in torment on this earth for thousands of years. People have been tortured and maimed. They've lost their babies in other nations, in this nation. Terrible atrocities have been happening from the beginning of time. And there seems to be no end to the endless cycle of birth in this time-space continuum where people suffer, some more than others, but people suffer.


Now the judgment is coming, that no matter how painful it may be, it is going to put an end to this endless cycle of births into this fallen world known as Hell. It is an hour for rejoicing, but it is the carnal mind of man that will cry out and blaspheme against God because of His good work. Jesus said, for what good work do you stone me? I've come to deliver you from Hell, and because you don't like the procedure that My Father has written out, you kill me? Therefore, you prove that you are the children of the fallen creation that [?resulted?] from the castration of righteousness at the beginning of time. You are still attempting to castrate righteousness in this hour, thousands of years later. You're doing the same thing. You haven't changed.


I want to tell you when the Scripture says that there is nothing new under the sun, it could not be more true. I was on the other side of the world in a nation very foreign to me, and I want to tell you people are the same. I saw envy. I saw strife. I saw rebellion against parents, the same thing as the people over here. It has nothing to do with the color of your skin or with the religion that you were raised in. I believe the nations -- the different nations and the different ethnic groups do have certain characteristics that are known to their group, but the basic human nature of fallen man is the same. It is rooted in pride and envy and greed and selfishness and every other evil, wicked work. It doesn't matter what you look like or what language you speak.


There's only two categories of men in this earth, those that are fallen and those that have been resurrected from the dead and stand in the righteousness of Christ. And in this hour, to the best of my ability, Jesus stands alone in the camp at the right hand of the Father, but this is about to change. This judgment is wonderful. I thank God for it, and my prayer, brethren, is that He strengthen me so that He should not be ashamed of me in that hour. That's my prayer. Let me go through that You can say, well done My good and faithful servant. Give me whatever I need to make it through. That's my only prayer. However terrible it might be, I don't care. Just get me through. Give me what I need to get through. How are you glorified, Lord, if we fall? And I tell you no man's making it through in his own strength. I'll tell you that right now. You will not stand in your own strength. Whoever's hearing this message, I prophesy to you, you will not stand in your own strength.


So the first manifestation of the sons of God went forth, and they poured out of their humanity upon the carnal minds of men, and they became a noisome and grievous sore upon the men, and they became a law. Noi- -- the word noisome means law, and they became a law that was contrary to the carnal minds of men and contrary to the evil that is associated with fallen Adam.


And the word sore is Strong's 1668, and it means ulcer. Webster says that an ulcer is a break in the skin or mucous membrane which results in the loss of surface tissue. Now what's on the surface of our spiritual being? We have the inner man, and we have the outer man. And I'm declaring to you that Christ is arising from underneath, from the inner man. He's rising up, and He's piercing through the outer man like an ulcer. He's breaking through. It's the spiritual circumcision without hands. Christ is arising from underneath our spiritual life, breaking through, but to the carnal minds of men, this is so grievous that they perceive Christ to be an enemy. The perceive Him to be an ulcer out of which comes puss, which is physical germs. It's physical filth, puss.


Now this is how the carnal mind sees Christ coming forth. Carnal mind, the fallen mind of man whose mind is deformed and perverted, sees the glorious Son of God as puss. He is projecting his own spiritual filth onto the Son of God. I used to think this only happened in the church, that the wicked in the church projected their wickedness on those who were standing in righteousness for Christ, but that Lord has showed me this isn't true. It will happen anywhere in the world with any man who is standing for righteousness in any controversy. The person who is not doing righteousness will accuse the person standing for righteousness of every evil thing in their own heart. This is what fallen man does when he's confronted with righteousness. He attributes evil to the one whose heart is trying to do right in fairness and justice.


So it fell as, "a grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image." I'm not going spend much time on this because we've studied this in other messages, but the beast is fallen Adam. The beat is fallen Adam. The word mark -- the Greek word translated mark means a graven work, and I'm going to remind you that Satan's nature was graven into the mind of fallen man. The mind of fallen man is typified either by clay, or it's typified by wood, both of which can be graven or carved.


So everybody born already has the mark of the beast. Stop worrying about it. You've got it. Man, as always, has it backwards. The issue is not to avoid getting the mark. The issue is to get the mark erased and replaced with the mark of Christ. It's being preached backwards, brethren. You've already got it. You were born with it. It's Satan's nature engraved in your conscious mind.


So this noisome and grievous sore fell upon the men which had the mark of the beast. It fell upon everyone who had a carnal mind engraven with Satan's nature, every human being on the face of the earth except those who have been raised from the dead through the purification of their Adamic, fallen soul. And it also fell upon them which worshipped his image. Whose image? The beast's image. The word image -- the Greek word translated image means likeness, and I'm suggesting to you that the carnal mind, which is the human personality, is the image of the beast, and we already did this on other Revelation series. So the mark is the nature of Satan engraven in the personality, and the whole personality is the image of the beast. Didn't Jesus say I am the shape of the Father? That's the same word translated image. Christ is the image of the Father, and the carnal mind is the image of Satan or of the whole spiritual beast which is ruled by Satan. Glory to God.


Worshipping the image or worshipping the carnal mind is referring to the submission of the believer to their carnal mind. Brethren, if Christ is not being formed in you, you have no choice. You must submit to your carnal mind because it's the only mind you have, and one cannot be mindless. But when the mind of Christ begins to be formed in us, we have a choice, and the mind to which we submit is the mind that we worship. I'm sorry if I'm disappointing you, but singing a song or raising your hand in church is not the worship that the Scripture is speaking about. It's nice. It's a carnal manifestation of worship, but you're not going to get in trouble because you raised your hand to some statue.


Brethren, when you submit to your carnal mind, you're in trouble. Your whole life is in danger. If you've been drawn into this end-time battle and the mind of Christ is resident in you and you are submitting to or obeying the dictates, the voice of, the thought of your carnal mind, you are in trouble. What does that mean? It means the Christ in you is going to reign down judgment upon your carnal mind. Now you can either join with the Christ in you and wage war against your carnal mind -- if you judge yourself, you won't be judged. Believe me, it's much less painful to look upon yourself honestly and perceive what is in your mind and the source of that thought and the source of that motive, judge yourself, find out who you're obeying, and if it's your carnal mind, lay hold of Christ and start to [?whimper?]. Because if you don't do it, Christ, most likely, will be sent to you in the form of another man and start reigning down judgment with their mind and their prayers and their mouth from the outside.


And, again, don't take this negatively. It's not negative. It's no- -- don't you let anyone tell you, you are so bad that you didn't judge your own soul, that Christ had to send a man to humiliate you. That is a lie. If for whatever reason you are not strong enough to pick up the weapon of Christ and use it to slay your carnal mind, God will send you help. Your carnal mind will perceive that help as an enemy, but it's not negative. It's positive. God wants you in His image. He wants you to defeat your carnal mind, and if you can't do it, if you can't judge yourself, He will send someone else to judge you.


Now open up your mind, brethren. If some fool that sits -- well, if some fool comes to you and says, God sent me, you just don't receive everyone that comes to you to judge you, but be careful. Be careful that you don't call the one whom Christ really sent evil because they're telling you the truth and you love the darkness better than you love the light. You've got to get a look at yourself. There's no condemnation anywhere, but start looking because if you're not looking, God's going to do it for you, and I'm telling you of a truth.


We're all human, and we all get embarrassed, and we all have feelings. It's much easier to do it yourself or to take the word from one person that loves that is speaking to you gently than to have yourself -- God only knows how -- w- -- God will do anything he has to do to get you delivered. He takes no pleasure in embarrassing you, but if that's the only thing that's going to do it, He'll do it, and I've already told you He did it to me once.


And of all the deliverance I had, it was one thing. I couldn't cope with it. I believed it of myself. I couldn't go to a deliverance worker and say, I need deliverance from this, and the Lord set me up, surrounded me with five faithful deliverance workers and gave it to them by word of knowledge, and everybody heard it. And I could have denied it and got up and left, or I could have said, well, cast it out, and they cast -- and I said, cast it out, and they cast it out.


Denial will get you nothing but a more public, embarrassing exposure. Some people are in such deep denial that they've got to be in an extreme condition of public explo- -- exposure to admit it. God's not out to get you, but He'll do whatever He has to do. If your time has come for his cleansing, He will do whatever He has to do. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation, Verse 2, Chapter 16 of the Book of Revelation, "And the first -- or the first manifestation of Christ Jesus separated from the Father." Now let me comment on that. "And the first went, and poured out of his vial." What does that mean? It means that they were dwelling in heaven with the Father. They weren't dwelling in carnal things. I don't know where their body was, but spiritually they were in heaven with the Father, and they went, and they poured out of their humanity. They came down to the human level. That's what that means.


"And the first manifestation of Christ Jesus separated from the Father." Where? In their minds. "And they poured out of their humanity." Why? Because the Father isn't pouring out of His humanity. All judgment is given unto the Son. The Father remains in heaven, and the Son of God is appearing in the earth. How? In His thoughts, in His prayers and through His words. So they left the Father in that high place. They came down. Why? To minister to the people that God is determined to deliver from Hell, that are going to fight Him every step of the way.


"And the poured out of their humanity upon the conscious minds of men and upon their environment, which is this world system, and the second generation of Christ became a spiritual authority arising from underneath the carnal minds of the men who had Satan's nature and who were submitting to their carnal minds." Now let me explain that to you a little. If the sons of God are coming to you and pouring out judgment upon you, the end result of this is that Christ will start to either -- if Christ was not appearing in you, if you hadn't conceived Him, you will conceive Him. If you had conceived Him and He wasn't strong enough to fight alone, He will be strengthened by the Son of God from the outside, but eventually Christ in you must arise. The inner man must arise and start to be felt by the old man, start to pierce him, start to cause him to ulcerate.


I remind you, an ulcer is a tearing of the tissue and that a substance comes out, known as puss. The Son of God is arising from underneath your carnal mind, penetrating it, and a -- the substance of Christ is going to pour out through that opening. And the reason it's written so negatively in the Book of Revelation is that the carnal mind of man puts together this translation. It's as simple as that. The carnal mind of man sees the appearance and the substance of Christ pouring out as a grievousome [sic] sore. He sees Christ as an enemy. He's fighting against Him every step of the way, calling Him evil. That's why they killed Jesus. That's why they stoned Stephen. They saw no good in them. All they saw in them was evil.


Only Christ in a man can discern Christ in another man. Don't expect them to recognize who you are unless they too have Christ appearing in them, and sometimes even when they have Christ appearing in them, depending on -- there are many variables. They may refuse to recognize Christ in you. Usually the reason is self-preservation. That's usually the reason. It's an automatic reflex. The Son of God comes and is jabbing and exposing something that the person has kept hidden, something that they have denied, something that they believe, however unconsciously, if this is exposed, they will surely be destroyed. All of this is unconscious thoughts, and the Son of God comes and starts to uncover it, and they attack the Son of God.


So we see that the work of Christ Jesus, through His prayers and through His words, more so through His words, literally injects the mind of Christ underneath that person's carnal mind. It's a penetration, a warlike penetration to either get Christ in you conceived or to rescue the Christ that has already been conceived in you but is so under siege that He can't stand up. But when a Son of God is sent to you, it is a penetration.


OK, Verse 3, "And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea." The second manifestation of the sons of God, they poured out of their vial, they poured out of their humanity upon the sea. The second big move of the sons of God is they poured out upon the sea. Now let me tell you here. Ask God to help you be spiritual. This is happening to each man individually. We are not going to see however many sons of God stand up doing the same thing to everybody at the same time. That's not so. This is spiritual. This -- there are people in the earth already experiencing this. Then there's going to be a group of people that are going to experience it and then another group of people that are going to experience it.


It's not happening to everybody at once. That's why Jesus said no man knows the hour because it's not going to be the same for every man, but when your hour is come, the procedure that you go through that's going to bring forth Christ in you to full stature is going to follow along these lines just like you know your 6-month-old will do this and your 1-year-old will do this and your 2-year-old will do this. None of them are exactly the same, but you know what to expect in general. This is the general rule. It's going to happen to every human being. A son of God is going to come into their life, and their conscious mind is going to hear the truth.


And the next thing that's going to happen is that the sons of God are going to pour out of their humanity upon the unconscious mind of man. Well, let's find out how that happens. I'll tell you right off the top, the way you affect a man's unconscious mind is through prayer. You affect a man's conscious mind by speaking to him. It's called communication, but some people, when you speak to them, it doesn't do any good. You can't penetrate them, for whatever their reasons. They're in denial. They just don't understand. Whatever the reason, communication fails sometimes, so you go into prayer, and by prayer, you penetrate their unconscious mind.


So let's see what this says. "And the second angel poured out of his humanity upon the sea." And I remind you that the sea typifies the corporate unconscious mind of the fallen living soul. The sea typifies Satan, the corporate unconscious mind of the fallen man. That's you and me. We all have the same unconscious mind. You heard that we're all one body in Christ. Well, we're also all one body in fallen Adam. A drop of the sea is in each of us. I know it's hard to understand, but it's a spiritual truism. Ask God to help you.


There's a sea, a spiritual sea, and there are islands in the sea, and each of us is an island, and a drop of that sea is inside of us. It's our unconscious mind. It's not like it is in the natural sea where you see a big body of water and a little island here and a little island there. Here we have the people which are the islands, and the sea is inside of the people. It's backwards.


"So the second angel poured out of his humanity upon the unconscious mind of men; and it became as the blood of a dead man." Now the word man is not in the Greek. The Scripture's really saying, "And it became as the blood of a dead, or a dead one." The King James translators made it a dead man because that was what made sense to them. Now I'm going to ask you a question. Who is the one who died? Did not the Lord Jesus Christ die so that we might live? I'm going to suggest to you that what this Scripture is saying in parable form is that the angel -- the second angel, which is the manifestation of Christ Jesus, poured out of their humanity upon the salt sea, upon the sea which typifies Satan, the unconscious mind of fallen Adam, and that salt sea became as the blood of a dead one.


Now, brethren, Satan and the fallen creation is already dead. Is not Satan and the creation already dead? Well, the church may not admit it, and the world may not understand it, but I declare to you that we are already dead. The sons of God, their mind, their prayers, their spirit was poured out upon the unconscious mind of man, and he was -- she was revealed, excuse me, to be dead. Brethren, the world doesn't know we're dead. The church doesn't know we're dead. I want to tell you our whole existence is the most incredible science fiction story I have ever read. We are dead. The only man that has ever lived that is not dead is the Lord Jesus Christ. Is not Hell the place where the dead continue to have an existence? This is it.


But we've been taught that, no, this is a third place. I don't know whether they call it Limbo, whatever name they have for it. This is not heaven, and this is not Hell. It's some other place, and when this body dies, there you're going to have an existence that continues in torment. Brethren, I've had enough torment in this lifetime. I don't need to go someplace else. So what am -- what is the Scripture saying in Verse 3? When the mind of Christ is poured out upon the unconscious minds of men, they will realize that we are dead. They don't want to believe it. OK, amen.


"And the second angel poured out of his humanity upon the unconscious mind of the fallen man; and the unconscious mind of the fallen man was revealed to be the blood of a dead man." Now we know the life of the flesh is in the blood, and then the Scripture speaks about the blood of Jesus. Blood refers to life, that which gives us existence. The mind of Christ attacked the unconscious mind of men, and man -- fallen man was revealed to be a dead one. The truth is going to be revealed after the unconscious mind of man is smitten.


Brethren, any strength that we have to be in denial or to live a lie, the strength is really not in the conscious mind. Spiritual power comes from the unconscious mind, which is Satan. The strength is in Satan, and he's going to be -- she -- excuse me, she's going to be smitten, and the world's going to find out that we're dead. And it doesn't say so in Verse 3, but I'm going to tell you that when they find out that we're dead, they're going to find out that this is Hell. They're going to see the truth. Hallelujah.


You know, this truth is in the mind of man. Years ago, when I used to watch all these horror movies before the Lord came into my life, I saw a -- what's the name of that program again? It h- -- really has weird stories in it.


            "The Twilight Zone."


"Twilight Zone," yeah.  "Twi-" -- I used to watch "The Twilight Zone," and there was show, and there was a man and a father and an adult daughter, and they had a house full of servants that were robots that the father had --




Oh, yeah, really?


            [?Yes.?] [INAUDIBLE]






So I'll just put it on the message. The -- and they had a house of robots for servants, and the daughter rebelled. She wanted to go out and to have company and whatever she wanted to do, and she couldn't understand why her parents wouldn't let her out, and finally it was revealed to her that she too was a robot. She found out that she wasn't alive, and she didn't know it. She thought she was alive, but she found out that she was dead. Brethren, we're dead, even those of us in Christ, even me with all the revelation I have. Either you're dead in the process of being resurrected or you're alive in the process of dying, but either you're dead or you're alive. Jesus is the only one, to day, who has been raised from the dead. We're dead. Hallelujah.


"And every living soul died in the sea." You may recall that this word every can also be translated, the whole of. Now every time I ever read this verse, I read it, "And every individual living soul died in the sea," but look at it again with me, please. The word every, if you look it up in the Greek, it could be translated, the whole, and I'm going to suggest to you it should say, "The whole of the many membered living soul, which were in the sea, died." And I remind you that Revelation, Chapter 20, Verse 13 says, "And the sea gave up the dead which were in it."


So we find Revelation, Chapter 16, Verse 3, although the translation is phrased a little differently than the verse we just read, is really suggesting to us that the second manifestation of the sons of God poured out of their humanity upon the salt sea, which is Satan, and it was revealed that mankind, which is fallen Adam, is really dead, and it -- what? It, the fallen creation, became as the blood of a dead man, and the whole of the living soul, which was in the sea, died. They didn't die in the sea. Those that were in the sea died, but, brethren, they're already dead. So what does this mean? I'm going to suggest to you right up front that the blood of the dead one fell upon the unconscious mind of the corporate fallen creation, and that which had already died, died to this existence of death, therefore, being resurrected into the newness of the life of the Lord Jesus Christ.


The whole of the living soul, which was in the sea, died.  Now what does that mean? Well I'm going to suggest to you that there's a couple of words missing there, and we found this in prophecy. If you don't have the revelation before you read the prophecy, you'll never understand it. I remind you of what the Lord revealed to us in the 78 series, that Eve, our true reality, our human spirit, is dissolved in the water of the living soul. She died when she joined with Satan. Let me put it on the board for you. I wouldn't have known this if the Lord had us do Revelation 16 six months ago.


Remember, Eve joined with Satan. Eve is what? Eve is spirit. She joined with Satan who is soul, and soul is typified by water in the earth. Jesus is a river in the earth. And the two joined, and Eve, typified by crystals -- if you do a study on the breastplate of the priests and all the gems -- if you do a study on gems in the Scripture and you follow these words down to the last root that you could find. I did this once. You'll find out that every single one of them is a particular kind of mineral, and we found out, in our study in the 78 series, that Eve is typified by mineral crystals, and when she joined with the water of Satan -- and we'll call these mineral crystals salt. We did a whole study on this in the 78 series. I'm not going to go over it again.


And when Eve, which is the salt of your earth -- she's the -- that which is -- which remains of the broken bones of Christ. She's supposed to be preserving the earth of your soul, but she's not doing it because she's lost her [?Savior?saver?]. She's lost her preservative powers, and she be- -- joined with Satan and became dissolved in the water of his soul, and they became, together, seawater. The two joined and became a new product, seawater.


So the whole living soul was dissolved in the sea, which is Satan, and died, but there's a new sea. It's going to be a sea of glass. She's going to be separated from Satan. She's going to become salt again, and she's going to be joined with the sea of Christ. Now this seawater is unstable. Seawater is unstable. It takes many forms. It doesn't have a permanent form, but she's going to be joined with the sea of Christ, which is going to be hard like glass and formed. So the living soul died when the true spiritual nature of the living soul, which is spirit, wa- -- typified by salt, was dissolved in Satan's soul.


Let me give it to you again. This is a tough one. And it became -- and what? The unconscious mind of man became as the blood of a dead one. Humanity found out it was dead, and the whole of the living soul, which was in the sea, died. And we're going to say, and the whole of the living soul, which is presently dissolved in the sea, died. And the second angel separated from the Father and poured out of their humanity upon the unconscious minds of men, and they were -- excuse me. So the sons of God poured out, and they were the resurrected, glorified blood of Jesus, and the whole living soul which was dissolved in the sea of fallen humanity died to that fallen humanity. Do you hear what I'm saying? The blood of Jesus, the spiritual life of the Father, covered over the unconscious mind of the fallen living soul, and the whole of the living soul which was dissolved in the seawater of Satan died to their fallen condition. You can't be resurrected until you die.


And the second angel separated from the Father, and they poured out of their humanity upon the unconscious mind of men, and the resurrected, glorified blood of Jesus became fallen man's new unconscious mind, and the whole living soul, which had been dissolved in the salt sea, which is Satan, died to the death of his rulership and o- -- to the death of the existence over which he was king. And they were thus raised from the dead and brought into the newness of life in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah.


Verse 4, "And the third angel poured out of his vial" -- or out of his humanity -- "upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood." Now I remind you that Jesus is the river of life and the fountain of living waters, so I'm suggesting to you that Verse 4 is speaking about the conscious minds of men, that in Verse 3 we see the sons of God pouring out upon the corporate unconscious mind of men and turning that into the life of Christ -- or the life of the Father, excuse me. And in Verse 4, we see the sons of God pouring out upon the conscious minds of men, fountains and rivers. Water, in the Scripture, typifies the conscious mind, the [?existing?] personality in the earth. That's the fresh water, fountains and rivers. Fresh water typifies the conscious mind. The saltwater sea typifies the unconscious mind.


So as I just said, I'll say it again. We see in Verse 3 the sons of God pouring out upon the unconscious mind of the fallen creation, turning that unconscious mind or converting it into the spirit of the Father. And in Verse 4, we see Christ Jesus pouring out, excuse me, upon the conscious minds of men, the rivers and the fountains, the freshwater, and converting that from the carnal mind into Christ. And the third angel -- this is Verse 4. And the third angel separated from the Father and poured out of their humanity upon the conscious minds of men, and mankind was raised to full stature. Hallelujah.


Now let me point out to you that Verse 1 speaks about judgment of the conscious minds of men. Verse 2 speaks about the judgment of the unconscious minds of man. Verse 3 speaks about the conversation of the corporate, unconscious mind of man into the life of Christ, and Verse 4 speaks about the conversion of the conscious minds of men into Christ. Hallelujah.


Verse 3 and 4 together, "And the second angel separated from the Father, and they poured out of their humanity upon the unconscious mind of man. And the resurrected, glorified blood of Jesus became fallen man's new, unconscious mind, and the whole living soul or the corporate, unconscious mind of the whole living soul, which was dissolved in the salt sea of Satan, died. And they were raised from the dead in the newness of the life of Jesus Christ. And the third angel separated from the Father and poured out of their humanity upon the conscious minds of men, and they too were raised from the dead."


Of course, it's one resurrection in two parts. The conscious mind shall be raised from the dead through a conversation from the unconscious mind which is Satan, into the unconscious mind which is the Father, and the conscious mind shall be raised from the dead through a conversion or through the death of our carnal minds and through our exchange or our transfer into the mind of Christ, one conversions, two parts to it. Ha- --


Verse 5, "And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shall be, because thou hast judged thus." This word judged -- the Greek word translated judge means to separate. And I heard the angel of the waters. I heard Christ say, you're righteous Lord. I heard -- excuse me, I heard Christ Jesus in the individual sons say to Jesus, you're righteous, Lord, You who are and wast and shall be. We know Jesus Christ the same, forever today and -- yesterday, today and forever, so we're talking about Jesus. So the sons of God who are executing the judgment are saying, Lord, You're doing the righteous thing. Men are dying, and there's terrible tragedy across the earth, but You're doing it not because You're a wicked God but because You're righteous, because You have judged this way, because You have separated this way, because Christ has been harvested from fallen man through judgment.


The judgment is the separation of the life of Christ from the carnal mind. Remember the wheat and tares? Jesus says, don't rip up the tares until the wheat is fully grown because if you rip up the carnal mind before the wheat is fully grown, the whole plant's going to die. But in the hour that Christ is fully born in us, the judgment is going to fall which will separate Christ from the carnal mind, and Christ Jesus is saying to the Lord Jesus Christ, the way You're doing it is righteous because we have a whole ma- -- a whole humanity saying God is unrighteous. Why are You putting such pain on us? I don't know why He's putting such pain on us, but I know that's He's righteous, and I know that if I think I know better than He does, I've got a problem with pride. Anybody that judges someone in a higher office than they are, in an office that they have never been in, in a situation that they have never experienced, and they make a judgment that that person is wrong, it's pride. How could you know if you were never there? I'm not God. And if He said this is the way He's going to do it, this is the way He's going to do it, and He's righteous, and I'm wrong.


Verse 5, "And I heard Christ Jesus saying to Jesus Christ, the eternal son of God who is now their unconscious mind, Your judicial decision, legal decision, to separate the second generation of Christ from the carnal minds through painful experiences is a correct, moral decisions." Just what I'm doing here tonight, the sons of God, Christ Jesus, will declare to the church and the world that the judgment of God is not a wicked punishment from a demonic God but a righteous judgment that is designed to deliver the human race from this time-space continuum of continuous births into a tortuous environment.


You don't hear this in the church today. The sons of God are going to preach the truth, and our example for this is in the Book of Job. God is righteous. Everything He does is righteous. No matter how much He hurts you, He's got a good reason for it. There's no evil in Him. He's not capable of evil motives towards you in the way man thinks of evil. He does evil against you if you're sinning, but the result of His evil towards you is life. The evil God does to you is likened to the parent paddling of the child so that they should live and not die.


"And the third angel separated from the Father and poured out of their humanity upon those in whom Christ was being formed, and they were raised to full stature -- and those men were raised to full stature also."


Verse 5, "And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou" -- oh, I did that already.


"And I" -- excuse me, "And I heard Christ Jesus saying to Jesus Christ" -- this is Verse 5 -- "the eternal son of God, Your judicial decision to separate the second generation of Christ from their carnal minds through painful experiences is a correct, moral decision." Verse 6, "For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy to be given blood to drink."


This is a very poor translation, brethren. I'd like to read it to you. I'd like to read you Verse 6 as it appears in the interlinear before I attempt to give you an Alternate Translation. Verse 6 in the interlinear, "Since blood of saints and of prophets they poured out and blood to them you gave to drink, deserving for they are." Now I'm just going to, right up front, tell you, brethren, that humanity deserves to be saved, and the reason they deserve to be saved is that holy ones and prophets died so that the life of Christ could be imparted to whosoever the Lord would give it to, to whosoever will, and because the firstfruits of the life of Christ is in a person, they are worthy to be saved. This creation is worthy to be saved because the blood of the holy ones and the prophets were shed for them. Can you hear that?


"For they have shed the blood of the saints and prophets." No, this is not saying humanity has shed the blood of the prophets. The blood of the holy ones and the prophets has been shed. Well, humanity did it, but it was God's plan. That blood was shed, that thou hast given them blood, that thou hast given them the blood of Jesus, the life of Christ, to drink. Didn't Jesus say drink My blood or you have no part in Me? Fallen Adam is worthy to be delivered out of the death of this existence because the blood of Christ was poured out so that it could be given to them. They're worthy.


We have millions of people, a lot of Catholics, saying they're not worthy. Unfortunately, a lot of Catholics can't believe they're worthy, can't believe Christ would die for them, can't believe Christ would raise them from the dead, can't believe Christ would really forgive them, can't believe Christ could love them, and, in short, they think they're worthless.


And I declare to you, brethren, that the Scripture says there are two requirements that you must fulfill before you can be raised from the dead, and the first requirement is that you must receive a revelation of the worth and the value of this creation. We are made out of the life substance of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are made out of the spiritual life substance of the Lord Jesus Christ. He gave up His soul life. He permitted Himself to be crucified, which was the death of His soul life. That means he died the second time. He died to His spiritual life, and He died to His soul life. Now don't get me, all you Pharisees, He was only crucified once. His cru- -- His soul life was crucified, but His spiritual life was given to form the foundation of the earth. He's the lamb that was slain from the foundation of the earth. His soul life was crucified so that a drop of it could be in each of us so that we would be worthy. And the second qualification is we must think and speak every word and deed as Christ does, and that's the hard part, but it's His work in us, brethren.


Verse  7, "And I heard another out of the altar say" -- now it doesn't say another angel, brethren. I heard someone else speaking out of the altar, and we went through this in our 78 series. And I'm suggesting to you that it goes back and forth. The dialogue in these Scriptures are going back and forth between Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus. They're talking to each other. "And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are Thy judgments."


"And I heard another." I'm suggesting to you that the other speaking out of the altar -- "I heard another out of the altar." Christ Jesus spoke to the glorified Jesus Christ in Verse 5, and in Verse 7, the glorified Jesus Christ is speaking to the Father. The word true is referring to the real nature corresponding to the name.


You know, we call ourselves Christians, brethren, but we don't have His nature. We don't have His nature. We are not in His image. His nature may be vibrating through us in a few areas here or there, but we don't have His nature. So the word true is talking about the man who truly has the nature of God, the one who has been raised from the dead. And the word righteous is referring to one who is in a correct moral order.


Verse 7, "And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are Thy judgments." "And I heard the glorified Jesus Christ say, Amen, the judgments of Christ, which are being executed upon fallen Adam arise from the spiritual nature of the Father and the mind of Christ, which is in the correct moral order."


There is no malicious or evil or self-serving motive for this destruction being reigned upon men. The motive for this destruction being reigned upon men is that good should be done to the men who are being judged. "And I heard the glorified Jesus Christ say, Amen, the judgments of Christ which are being executed upon fallen Adam arise from the spiritual nature of the Father and the mind of Christ, which is in the correct moral order."


Let me remind you, brethren, when you find yourself in an encounter when you're amongst spiritual people, if you see a judgment being executed, if you see something that doesn't look right to you, if you see something that looks violent or unfair, remember, you're not to judge the action. You are to judge the motive of the person, and if you don't know how to judge the motive of the person, stand still. Because if the motive of the person is the nature of the Father and the mind of Christ and you interfere, you have interfered with a work that is to bring deliverance to that person.


And if we believe that the Lord Jesus Christ never engages in conflict, if we believe that the Lord Jesus Christ never speaks in an authoritative tone, whatever the fantasy is in your mind, if you think the Lord Jesus Christ only speaks sweetly and gently and you perceive a different tone in a minister of Christ and draw a conclusions that this is not Christ because of the tone or because of the appearance -- did not Jesus say do not judge according to the appearance but judge righteous judgment? What does that mean? Judge out of the nature of the Father and the soul of Christ, and if you can't, ask God for that ability, and until it's developed in you, stand still.


Because this is just the beginning. We are going to see things happening that are going to be violent. I, for one, would not want to interfere with the work of Christ, and you can't tell whose work it is by looking at the activity or the behavior. Nor can you tell whose work it is by whether or not your emotions are upset because if somebody's being ministered to in this way and you have the same problem, you are surely or very likely to be upset because that ministry is touching you also. But the fact that you're upset does not mean that it's not Christ.


There's only one thing that means that it's not Christ, and that is that it is not the spirit of Christ. That's the only thing that makes it ungodly, that it is not the spirit of Christ. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the way it looks, sounds or feels. Watch your emotions. Christ is not an emotion. He is a rational mind. Hallelujah.


Verse 8, "And the fourth angel poured out of his humanity upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire." The sea typifies Satan in the earth, and the sun typifies Satan as the ruling spirit of this fallen, visible earth. Now we've studied other Scriptures that say, and a sackcloth shall be thrown over the sun, something like that, shall become black as sackcloth, OK. The sun is going to be covered over, and in those other Scriptures, we found out that the sun of this world system, which is Satan, is going to be made black. It's going to lose its brightness, lose its shining, lose its authority, and that's going to happen because the garment of Christ is going to be thrown over him. Christ is going to cover over Satan.


Remember the story about the tree? Let me put this on the board for you. The Lord's shown it to us two ways. In Daniel 8 we had a ram that had two horns, and there was one animal present, and somewhere in that animal - you couldn't see him. The animal's name was ram or righteous Adam, and somewhere in there was a spiritual law called Satan, but she was in her place so completely that just as one would not address one's skeleton, one merely saw the whole ram. One did not say, well, there's a ram and his skeleton. There was an animal, but the ra- -- but the spiritual skeleton, Satan, arose. She no longer agreed to be one, and she manifested in the earth with one horn, as a he-goat.


Let me just check the Scripture again. Please, bear with me. "And the fourth angel poured out of his vial upon the sun." OK, so now we see Satan has appeared in the earth as a he-goat, or you could say she appeared as her own sun. She could be completely seen, but she's about to be covered over and become hidden. She's going back into the ram, and the way the Scripture describes that is that the sun is going to be covered over. The sun of Satan's existence is going to be covered over by the spirit of Christ, and once again there will be just one animal known as the ram.


We saw it also as the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. There was one tree in the Garden of Eden. It was the Tree of Life, but we found out in a recent study that in the midst -- not in the midst of the garden but in the midst of the Tree of Life was another tree that was not created to exist by itself. It was a partial tree, we found out, and when it was in its right place, all you saw was one tree, the Tree of Life. But a tragedy happened, and Adam disobeyed God, and this partial tree that was in the midst of the garden separated out from the tree, and it came out from under the shadow of the Tree of Life and became its own tree, and we found Adam and Eve hiding behind the trees of the garden. It was one, and now there were two.


So this tree could be called a sun. It has an existence of its own, but it' going to be covered over by the Tree of Life. You see, it's going back inside the Tree of Life. The sun is going to be covered over by the Son of God or the Tree of Life, and it's going to be hidden again. It was never meant to be seen out in the open.


"And the fourth angel poured out of their humanity upon the sun of this world system." Satan, is he not the prince of the power of the air? "And power was given unto him to scorch men with fire." Pronouns such as him, brethren, there's one Greek word, whether it's him or them or they. I suggest to you that the word should be, "Power was given unto the sons of God to scorch men with fire."


Now, brethren, before Satan is dealt with -- Satan is a military force. Satan and his carnal mind is a military force. The sons of God have to attack the military force before they're going to be able to scorch men with fire. Men are not what they appear to be. We just see each other. Well, we're just human beings, but there's a spiritual authority in each of us that's living through us. We are the city that he's living in, and he's not about to let the Son of God scorch any of us, that's ruled by the carnal mind, with fire. The carnal mind is the weapon -- is the spiritual weapon of Satan, so when the Son of God approaches unto a man to render judgment, the Son of God has to dismantle that spiritual military power, or he's going to get hit. I get hit all the time.


And as we found out in the exhortation earlier, that the believers that are associated with the Church of Philadelphia, they have a little strength, just a little spiritual strength. So when the ca- -- someone's carnal mind attacks them, they get hurt. Now they're never destroyed, but they get hurt. So when the Son of God comes up against somebody to minister Christ to them, they better expect to be confronted by the carnal mind whose god is Satan. So what does the Scripture say to us? It says they covered over the sun. They dismantled the spiritual authority of Satan, and in doing that, they received the power to burn Satan's cities, or the men, with fire.


And I remind you this is not talking about our physical bodies. The sun is Satan. He was put away. Satan's city is the carnal mind. The Father's city is Christ. Satan was covered over, and the carnal mind was burnt with fire. And I remind you that the judgment in the Levitical law for adultery is to be burnt with fire. Why do I tell you this? Because the carnal mind is adulterous.


Does anybody remember the three parts of the carnal mind? Does anybody remember? The carnal mind is the -- did someone have an answer?




The human spirit, right, carnal mind, and what was the third one?




No, Satan.


            Satan [INAUDIBLE].


OK, Satan is the male or the spirit. Well, I'll say the male. The human spirit is the female. The carnal mind is the offspring or the daughter, and the three of them go under the name of the carnal mind.                  


            [INAUDIBLE] three stages [INAUDIBLE]


It's not three stages, but there's three parts to the carnal mind, the Satan which is -- Satan, which is male, the human spirit, which is female and the carnal mind, which is the offspring or the daughter of this adulterous union. And we'll find out in another verse or two down -- and we also found out in the Daniel -- in number 71, the Daniel 7 series, we found out that God calls this the threefold spirit of fallen man. There is a spirit in fallen man, and this is the three parts to it.


OK, we're in Verse 8. "And the fourth angel poured out of their humanity upon the sun of this world system, Satan, covered him over, broke his power, and authority was given unto the sons of God to scorch the carnal minds or the conscious minds of men with fire."


"And men were scorched" -- well, let me see if I have an Alternate Translation for you. Yeah, Verse 8, "And the fourth angel separated from the Father and poured out of their humanity upon Satan, the god of this world, and Satan -- I'm sorry, and Christ Jesus was given spiritual authority to overshadow Satan's spiritual power and bring fiery trials upon the lives and minds of mankind." The fiery trials are coming on two levels, mentally, which is our emotions, and physically. It could be a physical illness.


Verse 9, "And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give Him glory." And men were burnt by the fiery trial. This is spiritual fire, brethren, spiritual fire that their soul is going into, and sometimes physical illness causes great pain and emotional distress to your soul, so we're talking about physical illness and emotional problems that could result from a lack of finances.


There's going to be a great tribulation coming, brethren. Only those that are going to be able to cleave unto Christ, only those that are going to be able to go inward are going to make it. If you're going to be looking to get your needs met by the outside world, you're going to fall away, brethren. You've got to turn in. The Scripture says, come in until the indignation passes. Draw close to Christ until the indignation passes, and no matter what happens to your life or to your body, when you're home is the kingdom of God, which is within, there isn't anything that you cannot survive.


"And men were burnt with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God." They cursed God. They said it was His fault. Well, they knew that God had power over the plagues, but they said that they didn’t' deserve it. Therefore, God was unrighteous. And they would not repent. Nor would they give God the glory for doing the wonderful thing that He was doing. They wouldn't repent. They blamed God. They denied that His motive was to do good unto them.


Let me just take it from the top. "They were burnt with great, emotional and physical trials. They said wicked things about the spirit of God because they knew that he had power over the plagues. They wouldn't repent, and they would not admit that God was doing a good thing to them."


Verse 9, "And mankind knew that it was God who was subjecting them to severe, spiritual emotional and physical trials, but they refused to admit their guilt and repent and, on the contrary, accused God of afflicting them unjustly.


Verse 10, "And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast -- and the fifth angel poured out of his humanity upon the seat of the beast." I remind you, in a recent message, we pointed out that the seat of the beast is likened to the throne. When the Scripture's talking about Jesus or the Father, it talks about the Father's throne is Jesus. The seat of the beast or the throne of Satan is the carnal mind, the seat of the beast, that which is the throne of the fallen creation.


"And his kingdom" -- whose kingdom? Satan's kingdom, "was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain." This word gnawed, it means to eat or to consume. The Greek word translated tongue, brethren, defines it as the organ of speech, and I'm going to give you -- if you can't receive this, please, just pray about it. I know it's not that clear, but James did said -- say that the man who bridles his tongue is a perfect man. And I'm suggesting to you that the Scripture here is not speaking -- and I don't believe that James was speaking about this physical tongue in our mouth. He was talking about that spiritual organ within us which produces the things that we say, and I suggest to you that that is the carnal mind because as we think, so we are. What the carnal mind think, it's -- eventually, it's got to come out of our mouth. That's what James was saying, that you don't bridle your tongue by closing up your physical tongue, but you -- the way you bridle your tongue is to bridle your carnal mind.


Haven't I been preaching here for months, get your carnal mind on a leash? I know James was saying it in the form of a parable. He was saying it in a hidden way, but what he was saying was bridle up your carnal mind, and then your tongue will not speak any profanity, and you will be a perfect man. When Christ in you puts a bridle on your carnal mind, you'll be perfect, and the physical manifestation of that perfection is that you will never say one word out of the way. That's what James was saying. So I'm suggesting to you that the tongues that they were consuming were their carnal minds.


And did not Jesus say [?My word?] that you are hot or cold because if you're cold -- because if you're lukewarm, I'll spew you out of My mouth. This concept of eating is referring to the union that is taking place. The Scripture calls it the marriage. Jesus is eating us. He's joining with us. He's marrying us. It's a spiritual joining. So this Scripture is saying that Satan's throne, which is the carnal mind, was darkened, and the men ate the organ of their speech or they consumed their carnal minds as a result of the great pain. How wonderful, our carnal minds are supposed to be consumed. That means that the judgment is working. They did what they're supposed to do. They were so desperate, nothing else worked. They finally turned to God, and the way the Scripture expresses that is that they ate their carnal minds.


Did you ever hear somebody say to you -- let me see. Well, this happened to me. I'll give you my own personal example. We mail all of our packages to Nigeria, and I had a bit of a problem at the post office. The clerk wanted me to put a customs receipt on every package, and we sent out a lot of packages. That would have been a lot of extra work, and not only was that a lot of extra work, but the one time we did it, we got a letter from the people in Nigeria saying don't do it because the customs in Nigeria think that the package is valuable, and they charge us money. So I couldn't get -- every time I got this one clerk, he gave me a hard time.


Finally, he called out the assistant postmaster general, and I explained the situation to him. And he said to me, well, I'll tell you what. We won't put the customs receipt on under one condition. If the package comes back, you eat the postage, and I said, deal. You hear what I'm saying? If the package comes pack, you eat the postage. You take the loss.


And did not Paul say, why don't you suffer the loss? What do you think Paul was talking about? He was talking only about loss of money. He was talking about loss of pride. He was talking about giving up what would cause satisfaction to your carnal mind. He said, why don't you suffer the loss? Let your carnal mind be consumed in this instant, and let Christ live in this situation. Hallelujah.


They swallowed up their carnal minds. They finally turned to Christ, but they had to be beaten to a pulp to be convinced that for all of those people who have not given up their worldly ways of getting their needs met, the Lord has removed those worldly ways from them. And as a result of the painful -- the pain which has resulted from this knowledge and from this experience, they finally consumed their carnal minds and turned to Christ. Hallelujah.


Pain meaning both great trouble and intense desire. Now we saw this combination in the word wrath. It means -- it has been used to describe, in other Scriptures, the intense desire of Christ for his bride, which is the living soul, and it also means intense pain, great trouble, tribulation, the word wrath, great wrath, great tribulation, great pain and also great desire. It's the same principle. The word darkened can be translated to mean to blind the mind. It can have a spiritual significance, to blind the mind to be unable to see.


We're dealing with Verse 10. "And the fifth angel poured out of his humanity upon the carnal mind, and his kingdom -- the kingdom of the carnal mind was full of darkness." The carnal mind is a kingdom, brethren. The carnal mind is that which controls our whole life, the way we think, the way we see things, the way we perceive things.


There's even a deeper meaning that I'm going to try and share with you here. The word darkened means to be unable to see. Webster says that to see is to form a mental picture. To see is to form a mental picture, and it also can mean the reception of visual impressions. And I want to suggest to you that this word, the kingdom of the carnal mind was darkened, what it means is that this whole world system which is an illusion, this whole world system which is an image -- I'm going to suggest to you the carnal mind lost her strength to sustain it.


You may remember from our studies in Daniel 8 that this is what happened to righteous Adam. After Satan got out and birthed her carnal mind in righteous Adam and broke Adam's bones and offered him up as a sacrifice to Satan, righteous Adam lost the spiritual strength or no longer had the spiritual strength to maintain or sustain the vision of Eden in the earth. And I'm going to declare to you that this Scripture, hallelujah, is saying that Satan, through her carnal mind, no longer had the strength to sustain or maintain the vision of this fallen, corrupt world in the earth. Hallelujah. And I would have never known that if we didn't do Daniel 8 before we did Revelation 16. Isn't that incredible?


"And the fifth angel separated from the Father and poured out of their humanity upon the conscious mind of fallen man, and the carnal mind was unable to sustain the vision of this fallen world, and the great trouble which fell upon them" -- upon who? Upon all of the fallen men living out of the carnal minds -- "because of the Lord's intense desire for His wife, consumed their carnal minds."


"And the fifth angel separated from the Father and poured out of their humanity upon the conscious mind of fallen man, and the carnal mind was unable to sustain the vision of the Land of Nod, this fallen world. And the great trouble which fell upon the many members of the fallen living soul, because of the Lord's intense desire for his wife, consumed their carnal minds." The trouble caused their carnal minds to be consumed, and this world system fell, the exact reverse of what happened in Daniel 8. Hallelujah.


Brethren, this whole world system is maint- -- it's an illusion which is maintained and sustained by a s- -- a mind which is superior to us as individuals, not superior to the Lord Jesus Christ, but there is a corporate mind, and it maintains and sustains this wicked world and orchestrates everything, all the wickedness that goes on through the minds of men, except where the Lord Jesus Christ is operating. And when the sons of God attack it and weaken it -- and I don't see it in Revelation 16, but I'm going to say it anyway.

When the sons of God break its bones and offer it up as a sacrifice to the Lord Jesus Christ, that corporate mind that is sustaining this wicked, fallen world will lose the necessary strength to sustain the vision of this world, and it will cease to be


But standing right there in the [?eves?] are the sons of God with their own vision of this world, and Eden will be erected exactly where this fallen Land of Nod was. It's going to happen simultaneously. We will not, at any time, be left without a world. Nor will we be left, at any time, without a body, until the time comes that we don't need the bodies anymore. It's going to be a simultaneous taking over. Hallelujah.


Verse 11, "And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds." "And they continued to say that Christ was responsible for their great" -- excuse me. Let me remind you that the sores -- we established in an earlier verse, the sores typify the sons of God, and this is the carnal mind looking at the sons of God negatively, seeing them as noisome pestilence and grievous sores. And I'm going to suggest to you that the reason the Scripture says the God of heaven is  that there is also a god of the earth. The god of the earth is Satan, through his carnal mind. So we're going to call the God of heaven Christ.


"And they" -- who? The fallen men, "continued to say that Christ was responsible for their great physical and material troubles and for the sons of God and they -- and that Christ was also responsible for the sons of God who were judging their souls out of the mind of Christ, out of righteousness. And they refused to admit that they were guilty." "The fallen men continued to say that Christ was responsible for their great physical and material troubles and that Christ was responsible for sending the sons of God who were bringing great, fiery trials upon them out of a righteous motive."


So fallen men continued to say that the sons of God were unrighteous, bringing unrighteous pain and affliction and discomfort upon God's people, and I'm telling you they're going to do it as you minister Christ, and to the carnal mind it looks violent or ungodly. They will be attacking you and attributing evil, ungodly motives to what you are doing, and in some instances, try to defend the people being judged, and this judgment is to bring forth life.


"And they continue to say that Christ was responsible for their great physical and material troubles and that Christ was also responsible for sending the sons of God who were judging their souls out of righteousness, and the carnal, fallen men refused to admit that they were guilty." To the bitter end, they blamed Christ.


Verse 12, "And the sixth angel poured out of his vial" -- our poured out of his humanity -- "upon the great river Euphrates." Now this is very interesting because years ago the Lord showed me that Euphrates was Eve, and in the number 18 series, we go into that, but the Lord showed it to me before I ever started to teach that Euphrates, of all the rivers in Eden, typified the human spirit.


Now let me remind you that the four branches that the river in Eden broke out to was typifying the spiritual formation of the creation, the Euphrates typifying the human spirit of man, which is man's true reality. The human spirit in you is that residue of the broken bones of Christ which remain in humanity. Tho- -- the human spirit in you are Ezekiel's bones which are going to be raised from the dead. Hallelujah. When the Lord said to Ezekiel, "Prophesy to these bones," he said, "Son of man, can these bones live again?" And I say to you that your human spirit will live again through union with Christ. Amen and amen.


So Euphrates typifies Eve. "And the sixth angel poured out of his humanity upon the human spirits of men." Now, look, before they could get to the human spirits of men, they had to hit the conscious mind, they had to hit the unconscious mind, they had to cover over Satan, kill the existence of death that we're living in now. "And the sixth angel poured out of his humanity upon the human spirits of men." Oh, bones, rise in the name of Lord Jesus Christ. "And the water thereof" -- the water of Euphrates, "was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared."


The water was dried up. What are we talking about? What do you mean the water was dried up? The water of the river Euphrates was dried up. Do you hear this? The river Euphrates is Eve. Eve is typified by salt. Christ is the preservative. Eve is that which is left of Christ, but she's in solution. She's joined with Satan. Eve has become saltwater. Her water is dried up. What is she going to be again? She's going to become salt. She's being separated from the salt sea. We talked about this a couple of verses back. The human spirits -- the human spirit of men is going to be separated from the water of Satan that she was joined with when she committed adultery with him at the beginning of time. And why is this going to happen? We're told, "so that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared." Now the east typifies the spiritual realm of God. The sun rises in the east, "so that the ways of the kings of the east," the kings that come out of the spiritual realm of God. Who are they?




Right, the sons of God, the priests and kings in Christ, amen. So the water that Eve is dissolved in is going to be dried up. Why? So that she can be separated from Satan so that her salt can join with the water of Christ and that the sons of God can come forth. Hallelujah. This is incredible what God is giving us.


"And the sixth angel separated from the Father and poured out of their humanity upon the human spirits of mankind, and Christ" -- well, let me stop here. Let me give you some more comments here. Let me remind you that the Lord showed us in our studies of Daniel 7 -- the number is the -- of the series is 71, that the way God is separating Eve from the water that she's dissolved in is by boiling the water. Is not the living soul typified by water? The living soul is typified by water. Soul life is typified by water.


And we found out in Daniel 7 that God is boiling our soul as a sin offering. And if you know anything about the Levitical sacrifices at all, there is a boiled sacrifice. And what does boiling do to a piece of meat? What does boiling do that roasting or baking or any other form of cooking cannot do? Do you know?




What does it do?




Well, yeah. It does, but that's not what I'm getting at. What does it do, with the meat in comparison to the bones?




What is the relationship of the meat to the bones?


            [?Separates the meat?] [CROSSTALK]


It separates the meat from the bones. Boiling separates the meat from the bones, the flesh of the soul from the bones, which typify spirit. Eve is being separated from the water of Satan and from the flesh of the carnal mind. Remember, we had it on the board before. Eve is married to Satan, and they've produced the carnal mind, and all three are one, and Eve is being separated. The soul is being boiled. The water of the living soul is being boiled. Satan's going to be boiled away, and the carnal mind, which is the flesh, is going to be separated from Eve which is typified by the bone in the boiling. But you try sitting in that boiling for a while. You're going to be yelling and screaming ouch, ouch, ouch, but the end result of it is that Eve is going to be freed from both Satan and the carnal mind.


So here we are in Verse 12, "And the sixth angel poured out of his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up." Satan was boiled, "that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared."


"And the sixth angel separated from the Father and poured out of their humanity upon the human spirits of mankind, and Christ boiled fallen Adam as a sin offering" -- that's in Daniel 7 if you want it -- "so that Eve could separate from Satan and the carnal mind, marry Christ and give birth to the sons of God." Hallelujah.


Verse 13, I'm ju- -- I just have two more verses. I know this is really a -- I didn't think it was going to be this long. I'm preaching two and a half hours already. Verse 13, "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet." OK, that's it. "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet."


This translation, brethren, is not accurate. I'd like to read you the interlinear translation, and we'll -- I'll try to explain it to you from there. You're going to have to pray about this one. These verses that are translated so poorly, if you can't receive it, don't worry about it, but pray about it.


Verse 13 in the interlinear text, "And I saw out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet spirits three unclean like frogs." And this is what the Lord told me, brethren. It's talking about the threefold human spirit that I was talking about earlier, Satan, Eve and the carnal mind. [INAUDIBLE] So these three unclean spirits, what the Scripture's really saying is the three part unclean spirit of man. I saw that unclean spirit, the unclean spirit of man, speaking out of three different parts of the fallen human mind. I saw the unclean spirit speaking as the dragon, which is spirit, Satan. I saw him speaking out of the mouth of the beast, which is the carnal mind and which is a personality. And I saw him speaking out of the mouth of the false prophet.


And we found, in other studies in the Book of Revelation, that Eve is the false prophet as well as the harlot. Eve is involved in every spiritual activity of a human being. When Eve is joined with Satan, she is a false prophet. She is speaking the words of Satan as a spiritual authority. When Eve, our human spirit, is joined with the Father, she is the true prophet of God. When God wants to speak to man, what does He do? We just had it in Daniel 8. He joins with the human spirit of that man and speaks through that man's soul. She's a true prophet. But when it's Satan that's joining with our human spirit and speaking through the carnal mind of that man, she's the false prophet. She's the harlot. She goes both ways, man.


So, "And I saw" -- it's not three unclean spirits. It's the three part unclean human spirit, like frogs. Now this word frogs, brethren, in the Greek it's Strong's 944, and it means -- I couldn't find any definition other than frogs either in Strong's or in Thayer's, but I don't believe it means a frog. I went back into the Hebrew, the Hebrew word that this Greek word was rendered from, and in the -- the Hebrew number is Strong's 6854, and this word can mean a frog, but it also means to dance or to leap, in the Hebrew, to dance or to leap.


Now let me remind you that the Greek text was translated from Aramaic. The Greek text - the original New Testament was not written in Greek. It was written in Aramaic. Some scholars translated the Aramaic into the Greek, and I believe that this is an instance where the translators could not, in a million years, comprehend what the Scripture was saying, and they were so sure that the word meant frog, especially since the frogs were one of the plagues in Israel, that even Thayer has only one translation, frog. But in the Hebrew, it can also mean leaping and dancing. And I want to remind you that when Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel, what does the Scripture say they did? They leaped and they danced, and the called -- and they cut themselves, and they called upon the name of their god.


And I want to suggest to you that this encounter that the Lord is speaking about in the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, Chapter 16, is the spiritual reality which the account of Elijah and the prophets of Baal was put in the Bible to express. Are we not told that the Old Testament is there for an example of us to help us understand spiritual things? What am I saying? The false prophets of Baal, in the minds of men, were leaping and dancing and calling upon their god, Satan, and it was coming out of their mouth from the three different sources, the human spirit, Satan and the carnal mind. It  was coming out as false words, and they were leaping and dancing, and these false words were the result of their ministry to their god, Satan. Can you her me?


"And I saw the unclean threefold spirit of man leaping and dancing from within each of its parts, Satan, fallen Adam, the beast and the harlot, Eve, and the result of their leaping and dancing and ministry to their god, lies, spiritual lies were coming out of their mouth."


Alternate Translation, Verse 13, "And despite God's judgments, I saw Satan boldly expressing himself as mankind's unconscious mind, and I saw fallen Adam boldly expressing himself." I guess we should say fallen Adam's carnal mind, "boldly expressing himself as mankind's conscious mind. And I saw the harlot, Eve, boldly performing signs and wonders by Satan's spiritual authority."


It was Verse 13. "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs came o- -- come out of the mouth." That word come is not in the original Greek. "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet." "And despite God's judgments, I saw Satan boldly expressing himself as mankind's unconscious mind, and I saw fallen Adam boldly expressing himself as mankind's conscious mind. And I saw the harlot, Eve, boldly performing signs and wonders by Satan's spiritual authority."


Verse 14, this is the last verse, brethren. "For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth into the king- -- unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty." I'd like to read you the interlinear text. This is another difficult verse.


Verse 14, interlinear text, "They are for spirit of demons doing signs which go forth to the kings of the earth, even of habitable world whole, to assemble them to the war of day that the great, of God Almighty." Spirits of demons, "For they are spirits of demons." The word of is not in the Greek. "They are spirits demon," and I'm going to suggest to you what the Scripture is saying is they are the spirits. This is the threefold spirit of man which has produced the demons.


And I remind you of our study. I believe it's in Romans. I'm not sure. I know it's in the series, "Life," where we did that Scripture where Paul is saying, "And she has produced iniquity unto iniquity," and we said that iniquity was the carnal mind, and the iniquity unto iniquity were the demons that was produced by the carnal mind. The threefold human spirit has produced demons. Eve married Satan and produced the carnal mind. Eve fornicates with her own offspring, the carnal mind, and produces demons. This is the threefold human spirit which has produced the demons.


Go forth. I'm suggesting to you the word, go forth, means to manifest. These demons are manifesting. The kings of the earth, men who are subjects -- oh, that's not right. Kings of the earth -- oh, I see. Kings of the earth, men who are subjects of the king, Jesus. If you're -- if Christ is dwelling in you, you are a king and a priest. Are you not? Mankind who does not have Christ resident in them are called the nations. Men who have Christ resident in them are kings. Mankind without Christ resident in them are nations.


The habitable world, I suggest to you, speaks of habitations for spiritual life. Brethren, we are houses. We are cities for spiritual life. Our carnal mind is a city for spiritual life, and our physical body is the wall that goes around the city. The habitable earth is men. There is a whole creation here. There are animals. There are trees, but man is the only form of existence which is a house for spiril- -- spiritual life. The part of the earth which is habitable is men. OK, everybody OK?


Verse 14, "For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth" -- let me take this a verse at a time -- a phrase at a time. "For they are the devils which have been produced by the threefold spirit which are going forth, which are appearing in the kings of the earth." The men in whom Christ is resident and of the whole world -- they're appearing in the men that have Christ as well as the nations, and the reason they're appearing is to gather these men to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.


And I'm going to suggest to you that that translation should be, "to gather them together to the day of war of the great one of God, the Lord Jesus Christ." There is a day of war. It's already started, but it's just trickling, and it's the day of the Lord Jesus Christ. It's the day that He will win back the creation for the Father through judgment. And the war known as Armageddon is between Christ and the carnal minds of men.


And it sure looks like a lot of this stuff is happening out there in the natural, brethren, but I've been preaching this for years, and I continue to preach it to you. Whatever happens out there cannot touch you if you're cleaving unto Christ. And you have no way of controlling it. It's just a reflection of what's happening in the spiritual world. Don't be deceived. If you keep your eyes on the outer realms, you're not going to turn inward. Your safety is inside. Your ca- - -safety is in the kingdom of God, which is within you. We are to hide in Christ until the transgression pa- -- or the indignation passes.


But if you've got your eyes fixed on the outer realms -- brethren, where your eyes are, where your mind is, that's where you are, and if you're in the outer realms, you could get hurt. Go in. The Lord is calling us in, not out. Now that doesn't mean that you don't want to know what's going on out there. I listen to the news. I -- but to put your heart in studies of what's happening outside of you, you're killing yourself. You have to get in the Ark. If you want to survive this thing, you have to get inside the Ark, and the Ark is inside of you. It's not out there.


They came to kill Jesus, and He disappeared amongst the midst of them, brethren. I remind you that at the hour of this -- of these terrible things falling upon the earth, at the very selfsame hour, the faithful of God shall be ascending into the high spiritual place of Christ. If your eyes are on the outer world, you could miss this thing. It's going to be very subtle. I declare to you the command that the door is open, that you could pass through into the safety of heaven is going to be very subtle.


We've got to be looking for it, watching for it. Didn't Jesus say watch? I know Jesus said it's going to be as obvious as the sun rising in the east and setting to the west. It's going to be obvious to the individual that is watching for it. Those who aren't watching aren't going to see it. And, remember, the Scripture states the door is opening for a season. I don't know how long it will be, and then it's going to close.


I'm sorry. I don't know what the ultimate reconciliation preachers do with these verses. I don't know how they explain them away. I don't know how they explain away the Book of Jude. I've never heard them address the issues. There's a great tribulation coming upon the earth. Safety is in the Ark, and the Ark is in Christ, and Christ is in the kingdom of God, and the kingdom of God is within you, and you have to know how to get inside. It takes discipline and training to get into the Ark. That's what we're doing here. I'm not here to cut you into ribbons other than to reveal to you how to recognize your carnal mind and get away from it.


You see, there's a f- -- there's going to be a false Ark out there. That's what this verse is all about. The threefold human spirit is producing demons that are going to be doing signs and wonders. For what? To produce a false Ark so that when the crisis comes, you want run into Christ. And what's the false Ark? Signs and wonders, brethren, healing and deliverance. Maybe they're even going to be feeding. Maybe they're even going to be manifesting food and raising the dead, but it's going to be by another spirit. I'm telling you Buddhism and Hinduism is easy. You know that's not Christ. But when men start showing up, speaking the name of Jesus, spouting the Scriptures, giving you communion, if you cannot distinguish between the spirit of Christ and the spirit of this world, you stand, like, a very great chance of being seduced.


Now don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. Fear is never of God. You've heard the message. Tell the Lord that you heard the message. What does He want you to do? I pray all the time. What do You want me to do? And give me the strength to do it. More than that, I can't do. Fear is never of God. I rebuke fear. If you don't hear this message, how are you going to stand any chance at all of being prepared?


Someone once came to me and said, you're frightening the people. Stop preaching that stuff. The answer is not for me to stop preaching it. The answer is for you to take authority over your own fear, and if you can't, to come for deliverance. I have to preach it or your blood is on my hands. See, all of the preachers out there that really don't know this, I don't know what God's going to do with them, but I know it. If I don't tell you, your blood is on my hands. Because the threefold spirit of fallen Adam has produced the miracle working demons which are appearing in the existing leadership of the church as well as in other fallen spiritual men.


You know, when God first gave me this message, that there are Christian preachers out there casting out demons by another spirit -- as a matter of fact, the same person that I mentioned earlier in this service that just called me the other night, that left in a very ungodly manner, was very offended. They did not want to believe it. And when I sought the Lord as to the reason for such opposition, such an anger at me, the Lord told me that the reason this person was angry was because they had been in this person's service, and they discerned it to be Christ. And rather admit that they failed to recognize that that was not Christ, rather than to admit that they were deceived, they called me one who was not preaching by Christ and rejected the message.


Brethren, your pride will kill you, whoever you are. I'm not talking to anyone here in particular. If any one thing is going to kill you, it is your pride. And this is the same person that was calling me up the other night that was telling me we can't possibly be learning anything new here because they left the ministry. That meant that the ministry was finished. They've been convinced of that for three years. Pride, denial, deception, it kills, and it will kill you. Ask God to help you.


If there's any distress in your heart at all, it's because the spirit of Christ in me is attack in your carnal mind. Whoever's listening to this message, you have no argument with me. If you're upset, it's because the truth is cutting into your carnal mind. Give yourself unto God. Ask Him to witness if it's the truth, and ask Him to help you. He's faithful. That's why He sent me.


OK, just the last phrase of Verse 14, "To assemble them to the war of day." I suggest to you it should mean the day of war, "to gather them to the battle of that great day." It's the day of war of the great God, Jesus. They have the words a little backwards here. "To gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. It's really saying to gather them together to Jesus' great day of conflict, the day in which He will defeat the military weapon of Satan, the carnal mind, and restore the creation to the Father.


This battle is on two levels, brethren. It is between the Christ in your mind and your carnal mind. And when you take the dominion over your own carnal mind, God will send you, the Christ in you, to others who are either not as mature as you or not as strong as you so that the Christ in you will join with the Christ in them and wage war against their carnal mind, but eventually everybody must fight their own battle. God will send someone to you, initially, to get you started, to get Christ in you conceived, to get Him strengthened, to get Him raised up, and as soon as Christ is functioning on His own in you, you have to start fighting your own carnal mind, and eventually you will be sent out to help others that are not yet functioning on that level. If you don't fight, you'll day. It's the word of God. There are no cowards in the kingdom. You'll fight or you'll die. Hallelujah.


I'm going to stop here. I would just like to read these Alternate Translations. Please bear with me. I -- when charging out of the house, I didn't even put them together, so I'm just going to be flipping through these pages, reading them to you.


Chapter 16 of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John, Verses 1 through 14.


"And I heard an authoritative voice coming from the Lord Jesus Christ saying to the second generation of Christ, go, and let God's passion for His wife pour out of you upon the conscious minds of men."


"And the first manifestation of the sons of God separated from the Father and poured out of their humanity upon the conscious minds of men and upon their environment, this world, and the second generation of Christ became a spiritual authority arising from underneath carnal minds of them men who had Satan's nature and who were submitting to their carnal minds."


"And the second angel separated from the Father, and they poured out of their humanity upon the unconscious mind of men, and the resurrected, glorified blood of Jesus became fallen man's new conscious mind, and the whole living soul, which had been dissolved in the salt sea which is Satan, died."


"And the third angel separated from the Father and poured out of their humanity upon the conscious minds of men, and they were raised, and the living soul and every member of the living soul was raised from the dead."


So on Verse 3 we see they died, and in Verse 4, they were raised from the dead. Hallelujah.


"And I heard Christ Jesus saying to Jesus Christ, the eternal son of God, Your judicial decision to separate the second generation of Christ from their carnal minds through painful experiences is a correct moral decision.


"Fallen Adam is worthy to be delivered out of the death of this existence because the blood of Christ was poured out so that it could be given to them."


"And I heard the glorified Jesus Christ say, amen, the judgments of Christ which are being executed upon fallen Adam arise from the spiritual nature of the Father and the mind of Christ, which is in the correct moral order."


"And the fourth angel separated from the Father and poured out of their humanity upon Satan, the god of this world, and Christ Jesus was given spiritual authority to overshadow Satan's spiritual power and bring fiery trials upon the lives and minds of mankind."


"And mankind knew that it was God who was subjecting them to severe spiritual, emotional and physical trials, but they refused to admit their guilt and repent, and on the contrary, accused God of afflicting them unjustly."


"And the fifth [AUDIO CUTS OUT] separated from the Father and poured of their humanity upon the conscious mind of fallen man, and the carnal mind was unable to sustain the vision of this fallen word, and the great trouble which fell upon them because of the Lord's intense desire for His wife consumed their carnal minds."


"And they continued to say that Christ was responsible for their great physical and material troubles and for the sons of God who were judging their souls our of righteousness, and they refused to admit that they were guilty."


"And the sixth angel separated from the Father and poured out of their humanity upon the human spirits of mankind, and Christ boiled fallen Adam as a sin offering so that Eve could separate from Satan, marry Chr-" -- I'm sorry -- "separate from Satan and the carnal mind, marry Christ and give birth to the sons of God."


"And I -- and despite God's judgments, I saw Satan boldly expressing himself as mankind's unconscious mind, and I saw fallen Adam boldly expressing himself as mankind's conscious mind, and I saw the harlot, Eve, boldly performing signs and wonders by Satan's spiritual authority because the threefold spirit of fallen Adam has produced the miracle working demons which are appearing in the existing leadership of the church and of other fallen spiritual men to gather them together to Jesus' great day of conflict." Hallelujah.


            [INAUDIBLE] was watching TV the other night, and these people were laying hands on other people and causing healings to take place.




            [?In Jesus?] [INAUDIBLE]


            There was no mention of Jesus at all.


[CROSSTALK] there's a movie out. You could probably get -- it's a VCR, and it's called -- I believe it's called "Resurrection" if I'm not mistaken, and it's about a woman who has the gift of healing, but it's not in Christ. And I believe that it's an interesting movie to see. I think we could learn a lot because she's going around healing everybody with not requirements, no righteousness, no repentance. And they have one entrance of a believer who looks like some nut who stands up and that says she's doing these things without the Holy Ghost, but they made him look like a nut, and they made her look like this wonderful person that's loving the world and is healing anybody, everybody that comes to her, without requirements.


And I watched that movie, and I was very offended, but it was a learning experience because I believe that these people are already in the earth, and they are going to increase, and that is going to be their attitude. And we already see that they're calling us bigots. They call Christian and any people that stand for any per- -- people that stand for any kind of morals at all, they called them the most horrible names. They think we're perverse.


            You said -- I'm not sure if that was in 10 or 11. You were talking about -- and the sons of God would be ministering, but they're not -- they're going to be ministering to the other people, but they still will be fighting their own demons in their carnal mind.


Well, I don't think I said -- I know what you're talking about, but I don't think I said it that way. I think once these Scriptures come to pass, the sons of God will be in full stature. At this time, right now --


            [?Oh, but?] you said --


-- I know that there are people in the earth who are not in full stature who are doing this in part. There's two stages of it. When I said that, I said that right at the very end.




And I was talking about people that are just entering into it, but I believe, by the time these Scriptures come forth, the sons of God will be in full stature.


            [?I thought?] -- yeah.


Right. But everybody, when they're starting out, starts out that way.


            That's what I always thought. you said it seemed [?like they we were?] both be fighting their own and [CROSSTALK]


No, there's --




There's two different stages. The sons of God are manifesting now out of imperfection, but I believe that once the firstfruits company --




Once the firstfruits company appears, those that are not yet perfect will -- I don't -- you know, I could be wrong, but I don't think they're going to be doing what they're doing now. Either you're going to forward and be in  full stature or you're just going to be a disciple. That's my opinion, but I could be wrong.


            Looking up at the board and seeing the salt and the saltwater, I found it interesting how the Scriptures say first the natural, then the spirit. Scientists are trying to do something to see if they could make it drinkable by removing the salt.


            Some new converts like, for instance, the Chinese who lay down their lives, is it possible that Christ could be [?found in them?] in that short of time? Does it matter about time or --


I don't see how it matters, but it's possible, but it really doesn't make any difference. See, the whole -- I know it's a really hard word, but they're just a leaf on the plant. And the- -- so that leaf got weaned off, got pruned off, and now it sounds very hard and cold, but it -- I -- it's the reality of the Scripture. And the only benefit that God has shown me so far to someone having Christ formed in them before they die is that Christ is ever increasing, and if He's formed in a man before that man dies, I don't understand it completely, but I believe the chances of that man's offspring, of Christ appearing in that man's offspring, is much greater. So the benefit of Christ appearing in a man before he dies would be to his offspring, not to him.


            So we are awaiting the Feast of Tabernacles within us, am I right?


Yeah, we're all awaiting for that, yeah, but the Feast of Tabernacles is in three parts. The ultimate of the end of the Feast of Tabernacles is coming out of your house and dwelling in anther house, so that include glorification. The Feast of Tabernacles includes glorification, so we're only waiting for one of the -- parts of it. I'm not too good on this stuff, but my understanding is that the first part of the Feast of Tabernacles is the blowing of the trumpets, which is the message. That's what we're doing here. The trumpets of the Feast of Tabernacles are blowing here, and if I'm not mistaken, the second stage of it is the Day of Atonement, which is the judgment, and we're --




The judgment. Rosh Hashanah, which is the blowing of the trumpets, and Yom Kippur. I think they're only about a week apart, so the message and the judgment  are real close. And, again, if anyone's listening to this message and I'm wrong, you got me. I believe the third stage are the Feast of Tabernacles is several months further on. There's a much bigger separation of time between the second and third stages than between the first and second, so it's during that long period of time after the judgment that you stand up in full stature and eventually you're glorified. That's going to be a long time, I believe.




Well, in my case, the judgments been going on for years. I believe as the hour for full stature draws closer, the Lord will somehow be able to do it in a shorter period of time, but I've been under judgment for years. I don't see how it could take that long for other people. I think once the hour comes, it'll just go much more quickly, and I think once the sons of God are in full stature, they'll be able to bring a much more powerful judgment that will bring a much more rapid increase of Christ. I think maybe the reason it's taking so long with me, because I'm one of the first people to go through it, and Christ in me, according to the Scripture we read earlier, only has a little bit of strength, so it's taken so long. But once God sends someone to you that's in full stature that has the full strength of a mature Christ, maybe He'll just move the people right through.




            [AUDIO CUTS OUT] -- that the anointing has been, in all this time since the New Testament, or the imputed anointing when they lay hands on the people, will that bring them into a quicker deliverance so to speak?


I can just guess. You're talking about the sons of God in full stature?


            Yeah, and when they're ministering to the new people, will God be using that imparted anointing which will --


Oh, you mean the new converts?


            Yeah, one -- the sons of God, the ones that are going to minister to the others. Do you think that that special anointing as they're manifesting as sons of God -- will that anointing be different from the anointing that the imputed --


Oh, definitely.


            -- that it would even make them even have more understanding, whatever it is, to come into that place where God would use them to be used for someone else.


Definitely. If you recall the message o- -- "The Truth About Baptism," we found out that there is a baptism with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and that there's a lesser and a greater an- -- of every manifestation of baptism, there's a lesser and a greater. And if I remember correctly, the lesser anointing of the baptism in -- with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the baptism that we find in people that we will say have the thirtyfold. It's obvious they have a relationship with Lor- -- with the Lord, but they're not baptized with the Holy Spirit. And the greater of the baptism of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is receiving the seed of Christ, so we found out that the apostles, which either were in full stature or certainly much more mature than we are, that they were going around and causing people to conceive Christ by laying hands on them and preaching to them.




I don't know if they were hundredfold. I don't -- who was a hundredfold?


            Well, [INAUDIBLE] would that mean -- what you were just referring to, would that mean that the apostles had the sixty or a hundredfold blessing of the seeds?


Well, I don't -- I think Paul had a hundredfold. I don't know about the others, but I think that there's an in-between. I think there's a 70, and 80 and a 90. I think apostles like Peter, for example, we know that he sent out napkins and people were healed, so Paul was -- Peter was pretty high up, but I question whether or not Peter had the hundredfold simply because the Scripture tells us that when he -- that he was afraid of the Jews, and when he came to fellowship with the Jews, he hid his relationship with Christ and that he had a big argument with Paul over it, so I question that Peter ever attained to full stature, but he was much higher than anything we see today.


            That was Paul with the napkins, right?


Wasn't it Peter and Paul?


            I thought just Paul. I don't remember Peter.


            Peter's the one [?the shadow?].


Or the shadow, OK.


            I think it's Peter with the napkins though, wasn't it? I mean Paul with the napkins.


            Yeah, Paul with [?napkins?].


OK, so Peter --


            [CROSSTALK] shadows.


Yeah, OK.


I was just thinking. [?This time?] that Christ was born, between September 15th and October 15th, and also that the Feast of Tabernacles would occur at that time.


Uh-huh, so what does that mean to you?


            I just wanted to say [UNINTELLIGIBLE] comment on that timetable.


Well, I think that we have every reason to believe that the firstfruits will appear at that time of the year simply because Jesus was crucified as the Passover lamb at Passover and that He returned on Pentecost in the form of the Holy Spirit and that His sprit was poured out on Pentecost. So I think it -- we have every reason to expect the firstfruits to appear around the time of the third feast.


            When you spoke before about bridling the tongue and you spoke about it's really bridling the carnal mind, I used to think, you know, the deaf and dumb, they can't speak and how their tongue was bridled. [CROSSTALK] is that automatic perfection or control?


That's interesting.






I guess a lot of anti-Christs out there must say that James didn't know what he was talking about, huh?


7/22/14 – Transcribed by VerbalFusion





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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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