143 - Part 9

This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

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Recap: Daniel, Chapter 8, Verses 8 to 10: “And Satan's carnal mind used violent military strength to make Herself High Priest over the creation. And Satan entered into righteous Adam's unconscious mind, and the carnal mind entered into His conscious mind and into Eden, the vision which His Christ mind was sustaining in the spiritual Earth. And the carnal mind broke the spiritual bones of the Father’s Christ and offered Him up as a sacrifice to Satan. And Satan's carnal mind purchased God's creation, and Satan's carnal mind went beyond Eden, the visible spiritual Earth and caused Nod, the visible physical Earth to appear.”


“And Satan's carnal mind aborted Christ, permanently altering the spiritual potential of God's creation and the many members which were to be born into it. And Satan reformed the members of God's creation into Her own image and they became earthly, sensual and devilish.” I'd like to make two comments on these verses. The first one, I thought of it on previous messages and I kept forgetting to bring it forth. Where I said in Verses 8 through 9, where Satan’s carnal mind made Herself High Priest over the creation, you may recall it when I first worked up that alternate translation, the word that directed us to this idea was a word indicating a prophet. And I went back and forth between the word prophet and high priest. So I want to comment on that.


I want to remind you that a prophet is a man through -- or is an office by which God speaks through a man -- to men, and high priest is an office by which man communicates to God. When man wants to communicate to God, he goes through the high priest. When we want to communicate with the Father we go through our High Priest, Jesus. When the Father wants to speak to man, that office of the person through whom the Father is speaking is a prophet. In the Old Testament it was not possible to be a priest and a prophet. We had priests, prophets and kings in the Old Testament. We had a division of authority, but now with the new covenant and in this sun, we are kings and priests and prophets. Unto God, we are kings and priests unto God and the Lord's Prophet unto the people.


So Satan's carnal mind was both, a high priest and prophet. The carnal mind is a -- is Satan's Prophet to us, and the carnal mind is the High Priest -- is our High Priest by which we communicate with Satan for so as long as we're still doing it, and if we weren't doing it at all, we wouldn't be in the mess we were in. So everybody is still in some measure of communication with the carnal mind. And if you're in communication with the carnal mind, you’re in communication and relationship with Satan. Now, don’t shut off the tape. Words can't hurt you, and the truth is going to set you free.


Brethren, if Satan wasn’t your God, you wouldn't have the problems that you have. Jesus is in the process of separating us from Satan and Her carnal mind. And denial of our condition is not going to help the situation at all. Now, there was something else that I wanted to speak to you about of the phrase. We found it in two separate verses, “And Satan's carnal mind went beyond Her limit.” She went beyond Her limit. And in Verse 10 we say, “And Satan's carnal mind went beyond Eden.” I just wanted to tell you one more time, I feel in my spirit you haven't really grasped this.


Remember that Adam, righteous Adam at the beginning of Daniel 8, was seeing coming out of His spiritual realm of God, also known as Heaven. And He was pushing into the earth. He was appearing in the earth. He was a spiritual creation and under the authority of Christ, He was appearing in the earth. Sometimes we call it the soul realm. And He was a spiritual creation. The spiritual realm of God or Heaven is typified by the East. And when you come out of it, you head towards the West. If you come out of the East you're going towards the West.


And righteous Adam went a certain distance and appeared. He became visible in a part of the earth which was still spiritual, which we likened to Jesus Christ after His resurrection. He had that kind of visible spirituality. Jesus was seen after the resurrection, but He could change His form and He could appear or disappear and He was not in any way subject to this earth and realm. When the Scripture says, “Satan went beyond the limit,” it means She went further to the West. She went one step beyond what righteous Adam did. And She caused to materialize the physical world that we live in today. Righteous Adam formed the visible spiritual world and Satan formed the visible physical world. She went one step further. Anybody having a problem with that?


She went beyond the limit that righteous Adam had already extended Himself to. She went further. Now, remember the spiritual life is coming from the inside out. Our inward parts and our deepest -- of the deepest recesses of our heart is spirit. A spirit works its way outward, it enters into the earth of our soul. And then as you go further, she enters into our body. And this is the condition of the so-called aliens today. The carnal mind is filled with spirit. The carnal mind -- Satan is the spirit and carnal mind is the flesh of Satan. It's the mortal soul that Paul speaks about, and there's spiritual life in it.


And they have spaceships just like we have spaceships, but they're spirit. And they get in them and they start going to the West. They start penetrating from Heaven into the spiritual Earth and then into the physical Earth, and when they get here into the physical Earth they start off in somebody's mind, or they penetrate through into the physical Earth. Let me say it again. They start in the spiritual Earth of the carnal mind, and when they arrive in the physical Earth of this world system called Nod, they become hard and they take form. And we find spaceships and aliens. Sometimes something goes wrong and they can't get back. I don't know what goes wrong. I don't know any more about it. But sometimes they can’t get back and this is where the aliens and the spaceships are coming from.


There is a limitless area of spiritual existence in the mind. And when people are abducted and taken into hospitals in spaceships, they are experiencing a displacement of the mind. Those of us who are carnal, even those of us who consider ourselves spiritual, we’re still a lot more carnal than we would like to think. We are existing under the curse. And the curse said to the serpent, “You shall crawl on your belly. Your existence shall be in the outer realms. You shall not be a spiritual man, you shall be a carnal person.” And those of us who are carnal are not aware of this spiritual world that's inside of us, we’re blind to it, but that doesn't mean that it's not there.


So when an alien abducts us, it lays hold of our mind and moves it or removes it from this outer realm called Nod, or the physical Earth. And it calls it in to the spiritual Earth of the carnal mind and the person that is abducted experiences the spiritual earth of the carnal mind. That's what’s happening. Glory to God. I’ve had this word in my heart for a long time, but I only recently found out that it's this -- that people that experienced this experience it -- Experience what? Experience abduction over and over again, and to me that's just a confirmation of what the Lord has told me of the explanation that God has given me about this phenomenon, that the same people are adducted over and over again.


It's a spiritual condition that can only be corrected by the impartation of Christ. And I’m not talking about an external prayer. People that are having this problem need Christ to be formed in them to save them, that’s the only thing that's going to help them. Hallelujah. And then also, as I saw on the TV they're also saying that it seems to go from father to son. It's a family line curse, brethren. It's a weakness in our spiritual being that opens us up to this penetration by the carnal mind with such power that it becomes reality to us, that it takes form and speaks to us.


That's a great deal of witchcraft power operating on the family line. If you're hearing this message and you have this problem, your only hope is the formation of Christ in you. That's why the holy water didn't work. That’s why the priest couldn't help you. That's why the man saying prayers over his family at his dinner table couldn’t help you. That's why the Pentecostal preacher couldn't help you. Only Christ can help you. No prayer from the outside is going to help you if you're that far gone, that the demons of your own mind are displacing you inward to their earth. There's no hope for you outside of Christ being formed in you.


You have to repent and ask the Lord to be your personal savior. Then you have to receive -- you have to have water baptism. You have to receive the Holy Ghost and then you have to pray that the word be engrafted in you and that your Savior starts to come forth within you, and start to defeat these enemies that are in your own soul. Hallelujah. So please note that first the carnal mind tread Christ underfoot, then She broke His bones. What do I mean tread Him underfoot? She took authority over Him. First She took authority over Him, then She broke His bones and offered Him up as a sacrifice. Was does that mean? She broke His structure.


What kind of a structure does Christ have? Christ has three parts. He's made up of the Father, the seed of the Father in union with the Father's wife, Eve, the female seed of the creation and the product of the two is Christ. And all three are joined together and all three are Christ. So to break Christ’s bones means that she broke up His union, she separated them. The carnal mind succeeded into separating them and then She offered Him up as a sacrifice to Satan, and then she killed Him. We say that She aborted Christ. What I'm saying is she killed Him. Christ is slaying the enmity in our flesh or the carnal mind slew Christ. In the time where Christ was not yet permanent, where he was good, but not yet perfectly formed to the point that nothing could separate Him from His roots. Which is what? The seed of the Father and the seed of His mother, Eve.


He was good, but not yet permanent. So in this hour Christ is in the process of breaking the carnal mind’s bones and the church is thus in the first stage of resurrection after waiting almost 2,000 years. It’s starting to happen. He imputed the seed of the imparted anointing as being poured out; it's being sprayed upon the masses. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Continuing with Daniel 8:11. “Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of his sanctuary was cast down.” In order for us to understand what this verse is saying, I'm going to have to read it to you as it appears in the interlinear text.


Now, remember especially with Prophecy, the King James’ translators have done the best that they could do and they've taken a lot of license. They’ve moved a lot of words around, they've in some instances change the meaning of words. They've taken a lot of license and the reason they've done it is that they couldn’t make sense out of it, so they did the best that they could. So we’re going to rearrange these words and I'm going to read you the English in accordance with the sequence of the Hebrew words. And this is how it appears in the interlinear text.


“Even to the prince of the host, he magnified himself and was cast down the place of his sanctuary.” The words “even to the,” Strong’s 5704, it means once again, to some certain limit. And this phrase can be used to denote transition. And I'm suggesting to you that the creation Adam was in transition. He was Christ and He was changing over to the carnal mind. Remember, God made one creation when the Spirit of the father joined with the female fertile parts of that creation. Adam, when the Father -- brethren, well, if you're a woman and you have sex with your husband, he joins with your female parts, he doesn't have sex with your ears or your eyes.


If you want to have a baby, you have to have traditional intercourse. When the Father joined with the creation in Adam, He joined with Adam’s female parts, with His reproductive parts. Adam was both male and female, so the Father joined with Eve. And we have the creation called righteous Adam when Christ is produced. When the spirit of Satan joins with Adam’s female parts, the offspring is the carnal mind and we have fallen-Adam, the creation is always Adam. His either righteous or He’s fallen. Depending on what males spirit has brought forth his offspring within Adam. So Adam we find to be in transition from righteous Adam to fallen Adam. The word “prince” is Strong’s 8269 and it means ruler, leader, commander, and it’s used of Nobles and Priests of God.


And I’m going to suggest to you that this prince is righteous Adam, who is High Priest to Jehovah. When Adam is righteous, when He is joined to the Father and the Christ, the Christ is the High Priest of the whole creation to the Father. When Satan has brought forth Her carnal mind in the creation, the carnal mind is the High Priest of the whole creation to their God, Satan. Church you're going to have to -- I just see it in the spirit, they're screaming. You're going to have to face it. If you think the Father is your God, you have two Gods. Satan is still you're guard and the carnal mind is still Her High Priest. If you are one 100 percent Christ, you would not be dying, you would not be sick and you would not have any of the problems that you have.   


You’ve got to face the reality of who and what you are, and where you are in this spiritual scheme of things. There is no deliverance for you if you cannot admit that you have a problem. And you're answer to the problem is not to have your body die and fly away to Heaven. There is going to be a transition taking place and hopefully it’s already started within you. You are fallen Adam. Satan has produced Her Christ in -- Her carnal mind in you. But Christ is present and He is trained- -- transforming you, from fallen Adam back up to righteous Adam. Hallelujah.


“Even to the prince of the host he magnified himself.” The host is consistent; this word is consistent throughout Daniel 8. It's referring to the many members of the creation and of course at the beginning of time, Adam was the zygote. He was the first cell of the whole creation, but He had the potential to bring forth the many members of humanity. And the Father already knew how many members there would be. “Magnified himself,” Strong’s 1431. This is the same Hebrew word translated “became great” in Verses 4, 9 and 10. I remind you that it means to intertwine oneself or to bind oneself together with. Even to the prince of the host he magnified himself.


Alternate translation. The first third of Daniel 8:11. “And Satan's mind intertwined Herself with righteous Adam.” Brethren, the Holy Spirit is doing the same thing to us today in the reverse. He is entering in to where the carnal mind is High Priest of a man's life and He is intertwining Himself with fallen Adam and bringing forth Christ. And Christ is intertwining Himself with your spiritual life. It's the exact reverse. Continuing with, the second third of Daniel 8:11. “And by him was taken away the daily sacrifice.” And by him, means by Adam. I want to point out to you that it's talking about by Adam was taken away the daily sacrifice. “Was taken away,” Strong’s 7311, means to lift up oneself. To rise, to build a house, to erect a monument or to grow worms.


I want to tell you the variation of the translations in these Hebrew words are incredible. But listen to what this is saying. Every one of them can be applied to with the Lord has been showing us in this Scripture. “The daily sacrifice was taken away. To lift oneself up, to rise, to build a house.” Did we talk about what the daily sacrifice was? “And by his was taken away.” OK. I'll do this first. I didn't put down the daily sacrifice first. So to raise oneself up, the rise, to build the house. I'm suggesting to you, this is speaking about the creation that Satan is bringing forth. She's is arising. She was spirit, She was in the realm of the spirit and She was appearing in the earth. She was in Heaven and She was arising in the earth.


Brethren, the Scripture clearly states that men are trees on the earth. The Lord sees us spiritually, we’re as trees. We’re the only form of life that walks on its two feet; every animal life walks on all fours. We are trees; we are above the ground. We are earth that standing up on the earth. We are buildings. We are monuments. And we are also -- we’re houses. And to erect a monument in the New Testament Jesus calls the Pharisees sepulchers. Sepulchers, talking about the kind of grave that's on -- that’s a house built on top of the ground. He called them monuments, because they were houses that housed the dead. They were religious people and they thought that they knew God, but inside their spirit had not been generated. That's why you call them sepulchers.


You said you have the word of God buy your house is that house the dead. There is no life in you. So we see here the phrase, “And by him was taken away the daily sacrifice.” And by who? By Adam was caused to rise or was caused to ascend Satan's creation, the manifestation of Satan through the creation. And the last translation that I put down for you means to grow worms. Now, if you’ve listened to our 31 series, you know that we’re made out of garbage and the Lord sees us as worms. We are red worms crawling on the earth. And we’re going to be changed into butterflies. There's a life inside of us.


To the carnal mind, this translation was -- first of all was taken away. I guess the way they got that translation was taken away. They must have taken it from “to lift up,” but it really is not the overall meaning of the word, they just couldn't make any sense out of it. So I'm going to suggest to you that this Scripture is saying that Satan’s spiritual sexual union with Adam produced a creation of physical men. It produced a creation of physical men, that's what its saying. We'll go over it in a little more detail. Let me give you this word, “daily sacrifice.”


We had this word also when we did Daniel 12. It's Strong’s 8548 and it does not mean daily sacrifice at all. If you look in your King James, you'll see that the word sacrifice is in italics, which means it doesn't appear in the original Hebrew. In the translation of the original Hebrew is either eternity or perpetuity, which means something that continues without end. Or it also means continuous labor. It is the word that is used in the Book of Ezekiel, where it talks about men of employment or men of continuous employment in Ezekiel. So it may sound like those two translations are opposite, but they're really not. It's talking about men that labor continuously or can simply mean perpetuity, eternity. So what we see here is that by him. By who? By Adam, was taken away perpetuity. The Scripture is saying that Satan’s spiritual sexual union with Adam produced a creation of physical man who would be engaged in continuous labor.


Alternate translation. The second third of Daniel 8:11. “And through Her union with Adam.” Through who’s union? And through Satan's union with Adam built a creation of physical men, who engage in continuous labor. Let me go over that again. I don't think I made it very clear. “And by him was taken away the daily sacrifice.” And buy him or through Adam. What is the daily sacrifice? The daily sacrifice is the physical creation. The words, “it was taken away” means to build a house. So by Adam was built the house of physical men that would labor continuously. Satan could not have done it without the creation. The creation is female. Adam is female in relationship to God.


So by him. By Adam, through Adam was built a creation of physical men, which we are who labor continuously. That's the translation of by him the daily sacrifice was taken away. It has nothing to do with the sacrifice at all. They did the best they could and further on, I'm going to compare this verse or this phrase with the way it was presented in Daniel 12, and I'm going to show you that it’s basically the same thought. Very similar though that the book of Daniel is consistent, even though the words are not exactly the same. So we have the second third of Daniel 8:11. “And through Her union with Adam, through Satan's union with Adam, She built a creation of physical men who would engage in continuous labor.” That's us, we’re stuck down here. We’re trapped down here in Satan's creation.


“And the place of His sanctuary was cast down.” This is the third third of Daniel 8:11. “And the place of His sanctuary was cast down.” Was cast down is Strong’s 7993 and it means to overthrow. Glory to God. I just want to give you that alternate translation of the whole thing. “And Adam, Christ’s dwelling place was overthrown, and the place of His sanctuary was cast down. And Adam, Christ dwelling place was overthrown.” The place of who’s sanctuary? The place of Christ’s sanctuary was overthrown. “And Adam, Christ dwelling place was overthrown.” Adam was overthrown. He felt He was Christ and He became the carnal mind. He’s still God’s creation, but He's fallen.


In our study of Daniel 12, we found the same phrase, the daily sacrifice was taken away, but the phrase was taken away was rendered from two different Hebrew words, one Hebrew word in Daniel 12 and another Hebrew word in Daniel 8. It's the same exact phrase in the English. The daily sacrifice was taken away. The Hebrew word for the daily sacrifice is the same, but the Hebrew word translated “was taken away” is two different Hebrew words in each of Verse 8 and Verse 12. With these King James’ translators really giving us a run for our money, huh, with these words missing them up.


So I want to over the usage of this phrase in Daniel 12 and compare it with Daniel 8 to avoid any confusion. Now, let me remind you that in Daniel 12, the word translated “daily sacrifice,” Strong’s 8548, means added -- oh, it means this word. I'm sorry, it means continuous, perpetuity or without end. And the word, “taken away,” the Hebrew word translated “taken away” is Strong’s 5493 and it means to depart, to turn back, to recall. Strong’s says this word can be translated “to behead.” Now, we have all this on the message, Daniel 12. I'm just reminding you. Remember, the recent teaching, the Lord brought forth from Revelation 24, where the Adamic man is beheaded or separated from Satan. And we see the Lord beheading Israel or removing Israel from his headship in Hosea 9:12.


So what am I saying? In Daniel 12, which shows the translation “eternity” for the Hebrew phrase translated “daily sacrifice.” And in Daniel 8, we chose the translation “men of continual employing -- of continued employment.” Now, some carnal minded person is going to lay hold of this and try and say that I don't know what I'm talking about, and that's why I'm comparing the two verses for you. The Hebrew word translated “daily sacrifice,” in Daniel, Chapter 12 we translated it -- I think I said we translated it “eternity.” And in Daniel 8, we translated it “continual employment.” Now, both terms refer to perpetuity, one referring to the perpetuity of the God, the endlessness of God, and the other referring to the endlessness of a fallen age. OK.


Now, we’re going to find out that the Hebrew words translated “taken away” modify the word translated “daily sacrifice.” And then we have to deal with the entire phrase. We cannot pick out a word by itself; you have to study the words that appear with it. They're called -- if the word you're dealing with is a noun, the word that's modifying it is called an adjective. So we have to take the whole phrase and take it together, and that's what we're going to do here. And we're going to see that both verses are pretty much saying the same thing. Please note that in Daniel 12 in the phrase, “the daily sacrifice was taken away.” The words, “daily sacrifice” are modified by a Hebrew word, which means to turn back or to recall.


We see in Daniel 12 then, that a positive translation of the word, “Eden” or “eternity” is modified by a negative phrase, “to turn back.” Thus, making the idea of the entire phrase, the daily sacrifice was taken away in Daniel 12, negative. Remember that daily sacrifice means eternity or Eden. So when Eden was called back or turned back, or taken away from Adam, He died. We're talking about the end of Eden, the end of eternity, the end of Eden. In Daniel 8, we have the same English phrase, “the daily sacrifice was taken away,” we found out that the Hebrew word translated “taken away” means to build a house or to make worms.


We see that in Daniel 8, that a negative translation of the words, “daily sacrifice,” are not modified, but supported by the phrase, “to build a house” or “to go worms.” Remember, that in Chapter 8, daily sacrifice means men of continual employment. So we see that Satan's carnal mind built a house of men of continual employment in the physical Earth. In Daniel 12, we see that eternity came to an end and in Daniel 8 we’re told that Satan built a house of men of continual employment. So we’re saying the same thing in two different ways. I'll go into it a little more. Despite the use of two different adjectives, we find that the phrase, “the daily sacrifice” was taken away in both Chapters 8 and 12 indicate that righteous Adam died.


Chapter 8 tells us that He died and was replaced by a nation of continue laborers. And Chapter 12 tells us that Adam died and that the abomination of desolation or the carnal mind was set up in Adam's mind. Chapter 8 tells us how Adam's death affected the visible creation or the earth. And Chapter 12 tells us how Adam's death affected the spiritual creation or the mind of the creation or Heaven. Chapter 8 tells us that the creations fall resulted in a nation of physical men engaged in continuous labor. And Daniel 12 tells us that Adam's death resulted in the erection of the carnal mind as the mind of man.


Daniel 12 tells us what happened to man's mind and Daniel 8 tells us what happened to man in the visible earth. Everybody OK? OK. And I suggest to you that that phrase in Daniel 8 and Daniel 12, that it is consistent. OK. We’re continuing with the phrase, “and the place of his sanctuary was cast down.” The place of is Strong’s 4349, it means dwelling place, especially used of the dwelling place of God. It means a temple. The word, “his sanctuary” is Strong’s 4720, is a holy place, especially used of the tabernacle of God, a holy thing, something that's consecrated. At first glance, it looks like the phrase, “and the place of and his sanctuary” seem to mean the same thing. On second glance however, we see that the two words together are speaking about the dwelling place or the Temple, that's the first word of that holy thing, his sanctuary. The dwelling place of that holy thing, the place of his sanctuary.


What holy thing? The holy thing in the creation was Christ. Christ within Adam was the holy thing. This is what we've got to struggle with. Ask God to help you. Adam had within Him female parts. Adam had -- righteous Adam had within Him a righteous Holy Thing, Christ that was destroyed and in its place He had wickedness, the carnal mind. But He’s still God's creation, Adam. And as His internal parts change, He changes. And I want to tell you something, this affects our physical body too. I don't know how long it takes, but I'm convinced that a change in your mind affect your physical body.


You know, for years I've been looking around at the young men around here where we live, and many of them are very slight almost, no muscles at all. And I just noticed than compared to young men of other generations or other nations, they're just not very muscular, and I never could figure out why. And the Lord just spoke to me the other day and he said, “Sheila, there is role reversal in the United States.” And as the men fall from their condition of spiritual manhood and become spiritual women, their bodies are reflecting their spiritual condition. I look at the young men today, not all of them of course, many of them, you really can't tell whether they're male or female.


This is a reflection of the spiritual fall of a man in this nation. I don't know whether it takes one or two generations, but it’s happening. Long hair -- I -- everyone now and then I see a young person walking down the street and I can’t tell whether they're young man with long hair or whether they're a woman, I really can't tell. Yes, I really can't tell. Remember, then that the angel referred to Christ, which was to be conceived within Mary in Luke 135 as that holy thing. And I'm suggesting to you that that Holy Thing, Christ was dwelling in the Temple of God, Adam, and the whole of righteous Adam, which included the clay that was covering Him. Adam is the whole, including that holy thing plus the clay that was covering Him.


It's just like saying, you are [?sealy?] and you also have a heart and lungs, and right now I'm going to be talking about your lungs. Don't doctors do that sometimes? They talk about a part of your body. This is what God is doing. Adam was the whole, the Holy Thing plus the clay covering. And then we have the holy thing alone. Now, remember righteous Adam did not have a body like we have. He was a spiritual creation. And I'm offering you Verse 11 of Daniel 8 as another witness that our physical body is not the temple of the Holy Ghost, as almost everybody in the church believes. But our mortal soul, also known as our carnal mind is the Temple of the Holy Ghost. We have a lot of teaching on this; this is another witness.


This body is not the temple of the Holy Ghost. Your mortal body, your mortal soul, your carnal mind is the holy temple of the Holy Ghost. This body is the outer court. It's not of God, it's a manifestation of Satan. And as soon as Christ in us is mature enough to not need it, it's going to be discarded. It's physical. Christ, the creation of Christ, the visible creation of Christ is spiritual. This is the body that resulted when Satan went beyond Her limit. It's not of God; it’s of Satan. And I just feel to put this in, that the Lord just quickened to me recently that the reason we have two eyes -- Now, why do we have two eyes? If you watch a horror movie as they always come in with the aliens with the one eye in the middle of their forehead. Why do we have two eyes? I suggest to you that it is a reflection of our spiritual reality. That we see with two eyes, the carnal mind in Christ. We’re double-souled, we’re double-minded. We see with two eyes.


Alternate translation, the third third of Daniel 8:11. “And Adam, Christ’s dwelling place was overthrown.”


Alternate translation, the whole of Daniel 8:11. “And Satan's carnal mind intertwined Herself with righteous Adam and through Her union with Him, built a creation of physical men who would engage in continuous labor, and Adam, Christ’s dwelling place was overthrown.” And what is Christ’s dwelling place? Christ’s dwelling place is Adam in His righteous condition. Righteous Adam is the dwelling place of Christ. Fallen Adam is the dwelling place of the carnal mind. So when the Scripture says, “and Christ’s dwelling place was overthrown,” it’s speaking about the fall of the creation from righteousness, that is in Christ unto the lower realm in which we exist through the carnal mind.


Christ dwelling place, that clay that Satan was the ruler over was overthrown. Did the phys -- did the visible creation disappear? No. It became Satan's dwelling place. Satan who was on the outside, went inside, she became spirit, she penetrated the creation and brought forth Her own offspring, and it became the carnal mind’s dwelling place. The creation was spiritually destroyed, but not physically destroyed. I remember once, I was studying with a dear friend of mine and he got so upset with me, because he was insisting that the creation needs to be utterly destroyed. And I was trying to explain him, no, it's not going to be destroyed to the point that it becomes nothing. It's not going to be destroyed to the point that it ceases to exist. We’re going to die to what we are. It’s  going to change form. And he was so upset, he got up and left my house, at the time thinking what could a woman possibly know. This very man went into a rage when God raised up his ministry. Absolute rage.


Amplify translation, Daniel 8:11. “And Satan intertwined Her carnal mind with righteous Adam and built a nation of physical men, who would engage in continuous labor, because of Her union with Him. And Adam, Christ’s dwelling place was overthrown.” Continuing with Daniel 8:12, “And a host was given Him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression. And it cast down the truth to the ground and it practice and prospered.” The word, “host,” once again, is Strong’s 6635, meaning the many members of the creation. “Was given,” Strong’s 5414, to give into custody. And I call to your memory our teachings in the second Peter. I have the actual verse for you a little further on.


We talked about in the first three messages of the number 60 Series. Where we found out that the angels cast down to Hell was the original creation that were bound in chains of darkness to Satan, that’s exactly what we’re discovering in Daniel 8. They were given over into His custody to be reserved unto the judgment. God did not wipe out the creation, She cast us down to Hell, bound us with chains of darkness, which is the carnal mind, which is Satan, to continue in an existence known as death, until the proper time arrived for the judgment which would judge our sin and restore us back to righteousness.


And we see that principle right here in Daniel 8. I don't know about you, but I get so excited when I see something like Daniel 8 tying in with second Peter, and other parts of the Scripture, it just really gets me excited. “And the host was given him against the daily sacrifice.” The word, “against” is Strong’s 5921, and once again it can be translated to go beyond. “To go beyond the daily sacrifice.” We keep hearing about going beyond Satan. Satan keeps going beyond. Going beyond what? She keeps going beyond the spiritual visible Earth. Satan's realm is different than the Father realm. Her realm is physical, carnal, earthly, devilish.


Christ’s realm and the Father’s realm is spiritual. This whole world is a prison house, including your body. “The daily sacrifice,” the same word, 8548, it meaning the visible or spiritual earth of Eden. By reason of the transgression is all one word. Because of the transgression is Strong’s 6588, this word means rebellion. It's from a root of Strong’s 6586, which means to break away from just authority through the idea of expansion. And I remind you that Satan expanded, She went beyond Her limit. She expanded beyond the limits that God had allotted to Her. Now, I've heard a lot of controversy about what the sin was. Some people say it was disobedience, some people say it was physical sex. But I declare to you, Daniel 8 says, “That the sin that brought down the creation was rebellion.”


Alternate translation, first third of Daniel 8:12. “And the many members of God's creation were given into custody beyond the spiritual earth of Eden, because of rebellion.” Let me go over that with you again. “The host -- and a host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression.” “The host, the many members of the creation was given,” can be translated to give into custody. “Against” can be translated to go beyond. So the many members of the creation were given into custody beyond the daily sacrifice, the visible spiritual earth of Eden by reason of transgression because of rebellion.


“And the many members of God's creation were given into custody beyond the spiritual earth of Eden, because of rebellion.” Continuing with, the second third of Daniel 8:12. “And it was -- and it cast down the truth to the ground, and it cast down the truth to the ground.” “And it cast down,” Strong’s 7993 can be translated to commit to someone's care. So we see we just read it out, being turned over to Satan's custody, and now hear about being committed to someone's care. And as I'll show you very shortly we’ll find out that these two phrases sound similar, because one is referring to the whole creation, Adam, and the other is referring to the many members of His creation. I can make that clearer for you right now.


“And the host was given against the daily sacrifice.” The host was given into custody, the many members were given into custody. And it -- and now we see the truth was cast out. The host was given into custody, but the truth was committed to someone's care. And what is the truth? The truth was righteous Adam, and from Christ was appearing Christ as the truth. So the many members were given into Satan's custody and the truth was committed to someone else's care. So you see, even though we’re fallen, God still calls us to truth. We are the house of the truth and we will be the truth again. Right now, we’re a lie, but we will be the truth again.


The word, “truth” is Strong's 571 and again, it talks about perpetuity, that means something without end. It speaks about faithfulness, and Christ is the faithful one. It speaks about integrity of the mind or the truth of God. I declare to you it’s speaking about righteous Adam, the creation through whom Christ was being revealed. And the word, “ground, and it cast down the truth to the ground.” The ground is merely a 776, it means ground. And we’ve talked about this many times. Ground refers to our earth. And either it’s the earth of Christ or the earth of the carnal mind. Righteous Adam was committed into the custody of the earth. And I remind you that Satan is the guard of the earth.


Did you think it’s strange that God made Satan the Prince and the power of the air? He's the Prince of this world. See, God is not taking His Princeship away from Him. He's taking the whole physical world, He’s shutting down the whole physical world. This whole physical world is Satan's dominion. It's going to cease to be. We’re going back into the spiritual world over which Go- -- the God is Christ. The Father through His Christ. This whole physical world is a prison here, it's a perversion. Hallelujah. That verse is second Peter 2:4. Where we found out that the creation was delivered into chains of darkness, which is Satan reserved unto the judgment.


Alternate translation, second third of Daniel 8:12. “And Righteous Adam was committed unto Satan's custody.” Continuing with, the third third of Daniel 8:12. “And it practiced and prospered.” “And it practiced,” Strong’s 6213, means to make or produce by labor. “And prospered,” Strong’s 6743, used to describe a spirit breaking forth upon men. Do you recall the Scripture as we see it a lot in the First Five Books of Moses? “And the spirit of God broke forth upon them.” Means everybody started either receiving the Holy Ghost or the holy -- they started speaking in tongues. The Spirit of God breaks forth, a spirit can break forth upon men. In this instance we see that that spirit is Satan. It means to appear in the men.


Adam, the host was given over into Satan's custody. Adam was given over into Satan's custody and the spirit of Satan broke forth upon the many members of the living soul. They came forth in Her image. And when, of course Her Satan -- and of course when Satan’s spirit broke forth upon the many members of the living soul, that was the beginning of our existence of continual labor. And I remind you that Satan didn't have any tremendous authority to do this to us, that authority came from God. I remind you any mind right now hearing this message that wants to give glory to Satan, the Father cursed the creation. And He said, “Adam, you shall labor,” Satan was merely fulfilling the Father's instruction. Make sure that you don't give Satan anymore due than She's entitled to, She only does what God tells Her to do.


Alternate translation of the third third of Daniel 8:12. “And Satan brought forth upon the many members of God's creation and Her carnal mind appeared in them. And they entered into the physical earth of Nod, where they would labor to survive.” And I remind you that in the visible spiritual earth there is no labor. You think, and what you desire appears. But I remind you, you won't be desiring anything ungodly. Right now, we have some -- to be some manifestation of Him. Whether we are in Christ or whether we are in Satan, we think and then we go out and we do, and it appears.


If you think you want new furniture for your home, you go out shopping and you make a purchase and it’s delivered, and the furniture has appeared in your house, but you have to do something physical for it to happen. In the spiritual earth where Christ rules and reins, you just think and it just appears in your house. I'll never forget an experience that I had in the church; it really amazed me. I prayed for somebody once, they had a lot of hard times. Something had happened that they had lost all their furniture, I don’t remember the details, but they had lost all their furniture. And I prayed and I knew it was God, I commanded that their furniture be restored. They didn't have much money.


And I was invited to their house for dinner about a year later, and the house is completely furnished. And the person said to me, “well, this person gave us that and that person gave us that.” It didn’t cost the any money, but I knew in my heart that God was telling me that it was the prayer that He had put in my heart, that he had manifested that furniture in their house. But in this physical world, someone has to literally give you the piece of furniture. In the spiritual world, it will just appear. Hallelujah. But it's happening today. You get a vision in your mind, you want to go to college, you work very hard for four years and you get that college degree. It has appeared in your life. But you do it -- you get it with labor. You don't get it without labor.


Alternate translation, the whole of Daniel 8:12. “And the many members of God's creation were given into custody beyond the spiritual earth of Eden, because of rebellion. And righteous Adam was committed into Satan's custody and Satan broke forth upon the many members of God's creation and Her carnal mind appeared in them and they entered into the physical earth of Nod where they would labor to survive.” Amplified translation, Daniel 8:12. “And righteous Adam and the many members of God's creation were given into Satan's custody beyond the spiritual earth of Eden, because of rebellion. And Satan broke forth upon them and Her carnal mind appeared in them and they entered into the physical earth of nod where they would labor to survive.” And we’re still here today.


All you prideful Christians out there that think you’ve arrived, I declare to you, you are still laboring to survive. Not only are you laboring in your secular job and not only are you laboring to clean your house and to mo your lawn and wash your car, but you’re laboring in the Word of God. But I declare to you when you enter into the spiritual realm where Christ is King, all knowledge will just be in your mind. There will be no more labor. No more long hours of instruction of sitting in meetings like this, you will just know. I love this scripture where Jesus was on the road to Emmaus, and it says that He taught them and He quoted to them every Scripture in the word that related to His resurrection.


Brethren, I can’t do that. Maybe you can, I can't. I don't know everything that's in this Bible. It never ceases to amaze me how I can open up the Bible because it's my time for me to learn a particular thing and God will show me a Scripture, and I don't even remember ever reading that Scripture. And brethren, I have read this book from cover to cover several times, and I'll read a passage that I have no idea it was in there that's going to cease to me.


Recap, Daniel 8, Versus 11 and 12. “And Satan intertwined Her carnal mind with righteous Adam and built a nation of physical men who would engage in continuous labor, because of Her union with Him. And Adam, Christ’s dwelling place was overthrown. And righteous Adam and the many members of God's creation were given into Satan's custody beyond the spiritual earth of Eden, because of rebellion. And Satan broke forth upon them and Her carnal mind appeared in them and they entered into the physical earth of Nod, where they would labor to survive.


6/17/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

6/18/14 1st Edit BP & CAS






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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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