018 - Part 7


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Part 7 of 9 Parts

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.

In the last message we finished a study on Behemoth, who is known traditionally throughout the church as a mystical character. He is called a hippopotamus or an elephant and many other things, but God has revealed to us that he is indeed the corporate natural man.

We spent at least two, if not three, messages establishing that. However, I did get a little something backwards, and the Lord is going to straighten that out today.

What I am going to do first is read to you the Alternate Translations of Genesis 2, starting with Verse 4, going right up to Verse 18 as a sort of review, because we have been studying Behemoth for two or three services.

Genesis 2:4,These are the histories of the realm of the spirit and the realm of the earth, which are together called time or the ages, when they were carved out of God himself and separated from him in the time period or age called day, which is the time of heat, lust, and passion. And it was in this age of lust that God began to form man, starting with the earth first and then going on to form the spirit or the heavens, and that is how he brought forth the man of the earth first. AT

What that means is that God formed the earth first and then the heavens. God brought forth the natural man, the man of the earth first, the soul man, the one who was in the likeness of God, and then the man of the spirit who is in the image of God. What we see today all over the face of the earth are earth men who are in the likeness of God.

The spirit man is now coming forth, and he is not dropping out of the heavens. He is coming forth from within the earth man. The spirit man, the Lord Jesus Christ is rising up from within the deep recesses of our spiritual being, and the earth man is going to be swallowed up and become a spiritual man. Does everybody here understand that? Praise the Lord.

Genesis 2:5, These are also the generations of the whole of the ones spoken forth or declared by God before they gave form to the earth, the soul man, and of every living spiritual growth shining with the life of God, which appears and reappears in the earth of the soul man on a regular schedule. For the Lord God had not yet poured himself out from the heaven upon the elements He created in the beginning age or generation of the creation which was called heat or lust. And no spiritually mature man had appeared or sprung forth from the earth to serve God by molding the man from deep within the bowels of the earth. AT

Now we are going backwards. This is the second half of Verse 7.

Genesis 2:7(second half), And this is how the earth became filled with light or the life called the soul life. God cast His Son into the member or sac, also called the enclosed place or the field. And the Son of God, being propelled into the powdered grey rubbish known as dust, with a great force of the spiritual power of God, caused great pressure upon the dust as it was infused with the light of His life. And the dust was converted into fertile soil called ground, and the ground rose up under the pressure of the propelling son of God, and it clave unto the son covering him, just like mud coming forth when you splash a puddle. It jumped up and it clave unto him, thus forming the man by revealing the previously invisible Son. AT

It is just like someone jumped into a mud puddle, and all of the mud jumped up and clung to him and you could see him.

Genesis 2:6, And after that, the life of the Son which was now interwoven and made one with the dust, rose up from the hard part of the creation and irrigated the part of the ground that was turned towards the realm of appearance. AT

We have studied how the spiritual life permeates our skin. The Son of God was made one with the earth, but that part of Him that was spirit ascended beyond the hard part of the creation. He was deep in the earth, but His life vibrated forth and watered or gave spiritual life to the outer realms because He was underneath.

I am going to read that again.

And after that, the life of the Son which was now interwoven and made one with the dust, rose up from the hard part of the creation and irrigated the part of the ground that was turned towards the realm of appearance.

The hidden dark part of the earth that was not turned towards the realm of appearance, was not watered, and remained without life. This is the Satanic realm, and the Son of God is braided and interwoven together with it.

Genesis 2:8, And God stood the man upright in the eternal realm of total provision, where the spiritual life of His Son would grow, which place was the imputed anointing of God. And God imputed or loaned His spirit to the man He had formed by interweaving His Son with the darkness of the earth. And the Son gave all His spiritual authority and power to the earth so that it might be infused with His life. AT

The result of this was that it left the Son spiritually weak, a natural man. The Son gave his spiritual life to what was the realm of death, so that it might live, but the result of it was that the Son lost his power because once you give it away, you do not have it. We have had studies on this in the last few weeks; when you give your substance to your firstborn, you do not have it anymore.

He gave his substance to the earth (that is us), that it might receive life, but He lost His spiritual power and became a natural man, Hallelujah. We are in here together; the humbled Son of God and us together are the natural man.

Genesis 2:9, And out of the irrigated soil made the Lord to spring forth every tree that is capable of bringing forth or developing spiritual sight, and good for spiritual food. The spirit of God, by His imputed anointing, was also in the midst of the Garden or the enclosed place, and also present was that part of the creation which was not watered by the mist of the Son of God, the part that was hidden and in darkness, who had a knowledge or remembrance of good from the Son whom he was interwoven with, and a knowledge of evil because that was his state of being.  AT

Without the Life of God we are evil. Only God is good. This is the Scriptural definition of evil, an absence of the life, and wisdom, and righteousness of God. If you do not have the life, wisdom and righteousness of God, you are evil.

Let me back up a little. We are talking about the dark realms, the carnal mind, which had a knowledge or remembrance of good from the Son who was interwoven with him, and a knowledge of evil which was his state of being, a form of existence separate and apart from the Life of God.

There is no Life outside of God, but there is existence. A Satanic realm, which is the unconscious part of the carnal mind, exists, but it does not have life. It exists in a state of evil and moral depravity, but it exists. This is a great mystery.

Genesis 2:10, And a river flowed out of the place of all provision by the power of God to irrigate the Garden, also known as the soul life, and performed four separate and distinct functions upon the living soul. 11,The name of the first administration of the imputed anointing of God which flows out of Eden is Pison. Its function upon the living soul, or the enclosed place, or the Garden (it all means the same thing), is to interact with it in a supernatural way which will produce the realm of appearance. AT

Pison surrounds and flows around about the entire living soul. This is the place where the humbled son of God is interwoven with the realm of darkness, the place from which he is birthed into the realm of appearance with much pain.

The Son of God has been buried in the earth, and a part of the earth has received His life and a part of it has not. The result of this is that the Son of God has lost His spiritual power. He is now a natural man, and he is about to birth the spiritual man.

In the natural realm everything is without, and in the spiritual realm everything is within. When we have a baby in the natural realm, he is birthed out from us and lives an independent life. In the realm of the spirit, when we have a baby, according to John 8, He stays within us, He abides within, and He gives us His life.

That is how you get eternal life, brethren. It is not from flying away in the sky. It is from birthing the Christ. That is only way you are going to get it, and to birth the Christ, you have to have an earthen body first. Hallelujah, glory to God.

Genesis 2:12, And the life of the Son buried in the hard part of the creation grants prosperity and life to the land. And the life of the Son is wisdom to the earth, he is the ability to discern good from evil. And also death is present, which is existence without the Life of God. AT

We have a creation, the beginning of God's creation, in form of His son, buried in the earth. Some of the earth received His life and some of did not. That part which did not receive His life is called death.

We have the humbled Son of God, the ground or the earth man which has the life of God, and the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, which is death. In last week's study, we found out that the function of the realm of death is to give bulk and substance to the creation.

God is spirit, He is invisible, and He wants to be seen. God is supplying a filler that is going to give him bulk so that He can appear. This filler has no life. It does not have the life of God; it will never have the life of God. Nevertheless, this filler has an existence, and its function is to give form to the creation.

God is so great; there is nothing that He does that is just totally inanimate. The fill of the creation has existence, but it is evil. It is the exact opposite of God. God is invisible; He wants to be seen, so the fill is the exact opposite of God. God is invisible, the fill is visible, God is righteous, the fill is evil. He is the exact opposite of God for the specific purpose of revealing God.

On the natural realm, I do not think you have any problem understanding that God is invisible, and He wants to be seen so He stuffed Himself with something, but on the soul level God wants to be seen also. How do you see somebody? You contrast them to the direct opposite.

God is invisible, and He puts himself next to something with bulk so you could see him. God is righteous, but He wants to be revealed. He will permit unrighteousness so that you can see the difference.

For you, a natural man, to see God spiritually, He will permit you to experience unrighteousness so that you can recognize the goodness, and the mercy, and the greatness of God.

When God first called me, I went almost immediately to a very powerful ministry where the Spirit of God was moving mightily every service, and the preacher said to me frequently, Did you see that fire come down, did you see that anointing?

Brethren, I could not see it.  I went in there, and I knew that I felt wonderful, and that I was ministered to, and my spiritual needs were met, and I wanted to come back, but I really could not see the fire of God.

One day, this preacher invited a guest speaker to the church, and this man had no anointing at all, and I sat in the service and said to the Lord, What is wrong in this service? Something is wrong in the service, something is wrong with the preacher, and I was all upset.

I could not figure it out. The next service, the preacher of the church that I went to was up there, and everything was wonderful again, and God said to me, That visiting preacher did not manifest my spirit. The fire of God was not within him, it was not upon him, and it was, therefore, not upon the service.

The way things are in the church world today, it is unheard of for an anointing to be on the service and not be on the preacher.  I do not deny that things will be changing, but for the time being, when you come into a service like this, as far as I know, it is unheard of for an anointing to be on the service and not be on the preacher. It just does not work that way.

Some day it might work that way, because we know that this anointing is going to the individuals, but you cannot say you have it until God has done the work in you, brethren. The way things are set up today is that when the fire of God is upon the preacher, it is upon the whole service.

Even though we were a Holy Ghost filled congregation on fire for God, when that preacher who was not manifesting the fire of God, got up there, it was a dead service.

This is how God taught me to discern the fire of God. He permitted me to experience a service that was dead, and ever since then I can discern the fire of God, and I thank God for it. Hallelujah.

He teaches us by contrast. He is being revealed to the natural man in two ways. First, He has been revealed spiritually by the addition of bulk to the creation. Then, when the spirit of God manifests in me, when I have power to heal you, when I have power to impart wisdom and knowledge to you, brethren, then God is revealed.

I hope everyone here knows that it is not me. I cannot heal anybody, I cannot teach you anything. It is only when the Son of God, the Christ within me, is rising up to do the work, that it happens.  I am his flesh; I am the house that He lives in. All I could do is pray for you, and either He heals you or He does not.

There is a very fine line between the ministry of the Lord and witchcraft. When the Lord has not risen up to do it by His power, then anything I do by my power is witchcraft. I have had a few phone calls in recent weeks of people asking me for ministry, and I could not seem to convince them that I have no power.

You have to get on your face before God with your problems, and when He decides to set you free, frequently (it is not a hard, cold rule), He will manifest in me and minister to you, your healing or your deliverance. 

I do not have any power to heal you. I am not a witch; I am not here to give you spiritual power to fight off heads of witches covens that are operating here on Long Island. Do not come to me to help you fight the emperors of the coven. 

If God does not rise up in me, and say, Take that woman on, I am out of here, I am running the other way. If you go up to fight without the Lord, you are as good as smitten. I cannot give you the Scripture right now, but it is there somewhere in the first five books of Moses.

I am no witch; I do not have spiritual power to brandish about at will. If you have a problem, seek God in your prayer closet, and the chances are pretty good that He will manifest in me.

COMMENT: Not audible.

PASTOR VITALE: He does not have to manifest through me.  It depends on your spiritual maturity, and it depends on His will. He does not have to manifest through me.

However, most of the time, that is the way He works. He desires to manifest in a man. I do not know why, so if you do not understand it, ask him.  He can heal you without a human body, but he prefers to use a human body. That is His choice.

I do not have spiritual power that I call up at will, or that I could use to war with local witches covens, because if God does not send me, I am going to be smitten, not only as fast as you but probably faster. I do not have spiritual power.

I do have the Son, and He is my head. I am not His head. I do not give him instructions. I do not take Him out of my pocket when I want to use His power. When He wants to minister to you, He gives me the instructions. He gets me up out of bed and says, Go to that person.

You cannot see him. You can see me, but He is the boss, and I am the servant. It is not the other way around, and He has full consciousness. He is not a toy that I take out of my pocket, He is a personality, He is real, whole. He just happens to be invisible.

He makes conscious decisions whether to help you or not. He makes conscious decisions as to how to help you, and He makes conscious decisions as to how to minister to you. He decides when, where, who, and how, and what He is going to let come upon you in the form of trials. I just carry out His decisions.

I carry out His decisions, and a lot of people who are new in God, do not understand because they are carnal. (It is nothing to be ashamed of if you are carnal. Carnality just means that you are young, it is nothing to be ashamed of).

The carnal Christians see me sitting up here (or see anyone in this position), and think it is the other way around. They think that I make the decisions, but it is not so. I am the servant, I am nothing, I am just His flesh, and I do what He tells me. Glory to God.

We have the Son buried in the earth, giving life to the earth, and interwoven with the Satanic realm, which fills Him in so that He can be seen in the natural. The second function of the Satanic realm, is to be unrighteous, so that, spiritually, we can see the righteousness of God.

I was abused so badly for years, brethren. I was hated, and I was cursed, and no one would help me. No one had mercy on me, and when Jesus Christ had mercy on me, I discerned the Spirit of the Living God because I know what it is like to be hated.

When He loves me and He blesses me, I know it is Him. When He sends someone to me, I can tell what spirit is operating in that person by the condition of their heart towards me.

Let us not get all hung up here, brethren. Let us get some wisdom of God. You do not have to be born again to manifest the love of God, because Paul tells us that if we come across a person who is not born again who is showing us the love of God, they are a law unto themselves.

Let us not get religious here, and let us not get legalistic. Let us understand that the Son of God was buried in the earth, and He is in every human being on the face of the earth.

Except that some human beings are manifesting the evil of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and some human beings are manifesting the good of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Then, there is a third category of human beings in whom the spiritual Christ has started to emerge, or come forth. You could have the Spirit of God but not have birthed the Christ. This is a great mystery. We have talked about this before.

You could have received the male element, the Spirit of God, whose job it is to fertilize you and bring forth the Christ, and you could be a terrible person. Your heart could be evil towards me, you could hate me, you could hurt me without repentance. The fact that you received the male element whose job it is to bring forth the Christ, does not make you righteous.

You have to do what is right, brethren. You cannot hate me and say that you are okay because you have the Holy Spirit. Maybe you are fooling yourself, and maybe you are fooling a few other people, but you are not fooling the Lord.

Then, you could have a person that is not born again, but they are showing the love of God. Let me tell you something, brethren, God notes it, God notes it. Let us not get religious here. It is dangerous to be religious.

We all know what happened to the Pharisees. They lost the promise because they were religious. We have modern-day Pharisees today saying, I have the Holy Spirit. Even if you have birthed the Son in a measure (no one here has birthed the whole fullness of the stature of the Son except Jesus Christ), do not think that you are better than anybody else, because you are not, you are not.

Until you are in the fullness of the stature of the Lord Jesus Christ, you are in as much danger of fornicating with the Satanic realm within your mind (Satan is the unconscious part of the carnal mind), as anyone else.

There are many people, as we all know, that have come from horrendous backgrounds that are being called to birth the Christ at this time. For whatever reason, God seems to be doing it this way. We have people that have been drug addicts, alcoholics, homosexuals, people that have been into all kinds of witchcraft, and sexual promiscuity and perversion, and the Lord God has had mercy on them.

They were manifestations of the evil part of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and the Lord God has had mercy on them, and He has given them His Spirit, and His Spirit has fertilized them. He has gone right into their human spirit where all this filth is, and birthed the Son, and the Son is emerging forth and defeating every wicked work in their hearts.

There are people out there that are not born again but are manifestations of the good part of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and you that are born again are no better than them, because they are a law unto themselves. That is what the Lord said. They are a law unto themselves, and their time is going to come. God is going to take everybody, Hallelujah.

I am saying it over and over again. This is the word of the Lord to you; this is a prophetic word of the Lord to you. Do not get religious and legal bound, otherwise you will fall away.

There are only two kinds of men in the earth. There is the earth man, and there is the spirit man. The heart of the earth man is desperately wicked, and there is nothing worth redeeming in him. It is just that the Lord Jesus Christ has had mercy upon us.

The heart of man is desperately wicked, whether you are a manifestation of the evil part of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, or whether you are a manifestation of the good part of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

The heart of man is desperately wicked, whether you are good or evil and you have the Holy Spirit, or whether you are good or evil and have a measure of the Christ. We are all the same to the Lord, and He is going marry every last one of us, and if there is one thing that He hates, it is one brother thinking that he is better than the other.

We have often said in these meetings, that it is very common in the church today for the weak brother to be condemned. Watch out, brethren, watch out. The fact that someone cannot get up off the floor, does not mean that you are any better than they are. Jesus is going to take them too.

I do not know what this is all about, but this is a prophetic word. I do not know whether it is for the people here, or whether it is for the people hearing the tape, but this is the word.

Prophetic Word

Remember the Pharisees, remember the Pharisees. You can lose it, you can lose it.

I had a dream last night, and I think the Lord wants me to tell you about it.


It started out in a very big room in a resort area. It was like a resort area up in the Catskills. This big room was fixed up like a church, and there were a lot of wooden pews there. All the people were sitting in the pews, and there was a man up there preaching, but it was a joke. All of a sudden the whole floor tilted, as if someone was turning a big handle, and the pews started sliding backwards.

The pews started sliding backwards, and then all of sudden they were going down this big escalator which was really steep. Instead of the people being in a large group, they were broken up into small groups, and some of them were standing trying to preach.

There was a woman, who was not that young, and she was dressed in a seductive outfit, but she was doing the best she could. She was trying to preach, and she was happy that she tried.

Then the person in the dream that seemed to have authority went into what was like a waiting room, where all these people were. He was going over and pointing his finger to everybody, and asking, Are you going to try? Are you going to try? Are you going to try?

Some of the people would not even try, and he went right past them, and everybody had to get up there and take their turn.


What I believe this means is that the hour is upon us in which the situation where the preacher entertains and the church receives is over. God is calling all of us to bring forth His Son in us.

Message continues

We have to start moving in the spirit. You cannot come along this path thinking that you are better than your brother. You cannot, he will not take you, he will not take you. That is the word.

I cannot get into this too deeply now, but I know Bill Britton has a whole book on this. In this hour, those people that are in the sixty-fold, are either going to go on to the hundred-fold, or they are going backwards to the thirty-fold. I believe that this is upon us.

You are either going to go forwards, or you are going to go backwards. You cannot dance around the church any longer, prophesying and speaking in tongues, and doing lots of nice fun things, looking down on the person that has been getting deliverance for ten years and still cannot get up on their feet.

You cannot do it, you just cannot do it. You have to have compassion on these people and ask God how you can help them. That is the word. You are either going forward, or you are going backwards, and when we go forward, what we are going forward to is perfection. You cannot take this garbage in with you; you cannot take this garbage in with you.

If you have been trying to help someone for ten years, and they cannot get up their feet, you cannot say, I am there and you are not. You have to ask God why they were not helped. You have to say, Why did you help me God and you did not help them? Is there anything that I could do to help them?

This is one of the prayers that I pray almost regularly. I pray very simple prayers, I pray for mercy for people, for help for people, and I say, Lord how can I help? If I can help, how can I help? That is the extent of my prayers. I cannot do anything for you. How do I know what you need?

The call is out, the trumpet has sounded, and God is calling the individual into the kingdom. You have got to get this revelation that you are not better than anybody else. Hallelujah, glory to God, thank you Jesus.

Genesis 2:13, Gihon separates out the human soul, one of the three parts of the living soul. AT

This is the mind, will, and emotions of man. The human soul was formed to serve God. We are the servant; the natural man is the servant of the spiritual man.

Genesis 2:14, Hiddekel separates out the realm of death, which is existence without the Life of God. The function of the realm of death is to give the creation bulk and form in the realm of appearance. Euphrates, which does not surround any of the land, is the human spirit which is the reproductive part of the living soul, which is infused into the living soul directly from the imputed anointing of God. AT

You might remember that Euphrates did not surround any land. She is a gift directly from the Spirit of God, infused into the living soul so that God could fertilize her. She is part of the life of God given to us so that we could be the female element.

She lives inside the whole living soul, and when God comes by His Spirit to fertilize the living soul, He goes to that which is His, that part of us that is the Spirit of God, because He is going to bring forth a pure birth. He is not going to bring forth a crossbreed.

We know the book of one of the Laws says, Thou shalt not mix thy seed. I have heard some terrible preaching about this. I have heard it used as an excuse to preach against mixed marriages. That is not what it means. I am not going to tell you what I think about mixed marriages, black, white, black, red, white, green.

I am not even going to give you my opinion, because I do not even think it matters, but what that part of the law is talking about is that God will produce a pure-breed child in the realm of the spirit. He will produce a child that will come forth from like-parents; the male element is of God, and the female element is of God.

When Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, fertilizes our fertile parts, we have a half-breed child, the offspring of the realm of darkness and the life of God. This is illegal, illegal, illegal. God will have a pure-breed son, whose father is the spirit of God, and whose mother is the spiritual part of God which is a part of the living soul. Hallelujah.

Genesis 2:14 continues, The function of the human spirit is to reproduce the life of God which, when He comes forth, will rule the human soul which is the servant. AT

We have already talked about that.

Genesis 2:15, And the Lord God married and joined himself to Adam, the living soul, and gave him rest from his labor of preventing his fertile parts from being impregnated by the realm of death that he was interwoven with.

And Adam was enslaved, subdued, and made to serve the Living God. And the man was formed by the indwelling Christ, who kept him safe from the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, which was a part of the creation, which would, if it could, fertilize the living soul and reproduce the existence known as death instead of the Life of God.

And God fastened the living soul securely to the eternal realm of God, where it was safe from the lusts of the carnal mind, (at this point in the creation, the living soul was safe and preserved by being married to God), who without the preserving presence of God, would surely seduce the living soul to fornicate with the realm of death and, thus, reproduce the realm of death instead of the Life of God in the mind of man. AT

We all know that this is what happened. Satan did in fact fertilize the living soul and reproduce the existence known as death instead of the Life of God.

This is all going on in our minds. We were supposed to have reproduced the mind of God. The righteousness, the knowledge, the wisdom, the glory of God, is supposed to be proceeding forth from our minds, and when it comes forth in our minds it comes forth from our mouth, and when it comes from our mouth, it comes forth in our behavior.

That did not happen; we reproduced the realm of death instead. Just look at the world out there. If you really have the guts, take a good look at yourself. We are in pretty bad shape, and that includes me. It is pretty bad.

Genesis 2:16-17, And the Lord God provided Adam with what he needed to come into lawful moral order, that is, the life of God ruling, and the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, underfoot. And He raised him to an erect position of real spiritual being. AT

This is not talking about an existence now. He was higher than being an existence because he had the imputed anointing. He had real spiritual being.

And God imputed into Adam's very being a knowledge of the spiritual law of God, which is that it is lawful for the mind of man to copulate with the mind of God, thus reproducing the life of God, but it is unlawful to copulate with the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, which exists within him, which he is indeed interwoven with.

And that the result of such unlawful copulation is the reproduction of the Satanic realm in the mind of man, and the ultimate result of such a moral failure is that the earth with all of the Satanic wickedness in it will not be subdued.

This is because the only one who can enslave all of this moral wickedness and keep standing upright in the spiritual realm of God, with all the wickedness underfoot, is the Son of God, and if you reproduce the realm of death in your mind, it means that you have not reproduced the Son of God.

You cannot have two kings, so if you reproduce the realm of death, which we have all done, it means the Son of God, who is powerless now, is buried underfoot. Do you understand what happened?

We have the Son of God who was powerless, and the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and they were equal. The only thing that was keeping the Satanic realm from overtaking the Son was the addition of the imputed anointing.

The Son of God was made a natural man, and he had no power over the Satanic realm. For some reason (we have not gotten to it yet), the Lord withdrew His imputed anointing, and it was an even battle between the humbled Son of God and the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.

The humbled Son of God had to protect His spiritual fertile parts from the Satanic realm that He was living with and was literally sleeping in the same bed with. Can you imagine sleeping in bed with a man and fighting him off night after night, after night, after night? He lost, he lost. That is what happened to us. He lost.

However, the Lord God has sent His Son by His Spirit to bring forth the fully erect Son of God, imbued with spiritual power, the offspring of the humbled Son and the Spirit of God. He is going to be birthed in us. He is our salvation, He is our Savior.

He is going to save us from being interwoven with the realm of death which rapes us at will, producing its offspring in our minds, bringing forth reprobate thoughts, reprobate words, and reprobate behavior.

God bruised His Son, stripped him of all power, and subjected him to the Satanic realm for a season, knowing that in the fullness of time, the Lord God would send another part of Himself (remember, the Lord is breaking Himself into pieces for the purposes of reproduction), to save the humbled Son buried in the earth, who has been totally overtaken by the Satanic realms, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.

The method by which He is going to save Him is to enter into His mind and fertilize His fertile parts, despite all of the garbage and the names of blasphemy that the humbled Son has produced.

The male element of the Father is entering in and is going to bring forth the offspring of the male element and the Son of God. The Christ in you (Christ in you the hope of glory), is going to grow up to full stature, and he is going to subdue the land of your mind, and he is going to rule from within you for eternity.

Hallelujah. Glory to God, it is so powerful. Hallelujah.

Genesis 2:18, And the Lord God said, it is not to the man's benefit and will work against his welfare to be separate, isolated without support or aid. I will make an instrumental device that will support him. AT

Webster's says that an instrument is a means whereby something is achieved, performed or furthered.

Why in the world did God remove His imputed anointing from him? He knew he could not stand against the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. He knew he could not do it.

I suggest to you that the Lord God did this for the purposes of reproduction. For as long as the Father, by His imputed anointing, was married to Adam, there was no way that Adam would have been able to appear in the realm of appearance.

At this point, the living soul is not in the realm of appearance. He is a spiritual creation, and God wanted him to appear in the realm of appearance, and, to do that, he had to fall spiritually. We are in a low spiritual state in these bodies. We are in a low spiritually state.

The Lord permitted it to happen. He permitted the creation to fall.

We had a teaching last week which I thought was very exciting as to how the Satanic realm which was in a liquid form, pierced the veil. We have a spiritual veil separating the realm of appearance from the realm of God, and because the Satanic realm did not want to be restrained by the restraints of God, he pierced the veil, and flowed out, and his form changed. He pierced the spiritual veil, and he was in the realm of the soul.

We have the realm of the spirit which is typified by air (gas), the spiritual realm of the soul which is typified by water (liquid), and the natural realm which is typified by ice (solid). It is the same element, but it takes different forms when different conditions affect it.

God knew that the wild raging beast called Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, would not want to be restrained. He knew that he was going to overtake and pierce through into the natural realm.

He thought it was to his freedom, and indeed it was to his freedom, because when he pierced through to the natural realm and caused the creation to sin, he got paid for it, for the wages of sin is death. He became the prince of the power of the air, the ruler of all the children of wickedness, and until God comes and saves us, we are His.

He had good incentive to do what he did, and the result of it is that the creation has multiplied. Now that there are many of us (the exact number that God has ordained would come to pass), the Lord has poured out His spirit from on high. He has poured out the male element to fertilize all of us which are female, and Christ is coming forth in us.

The end result of this will be that the entire creation, the entire living soul, will be fertilized in its individual member. Christ will come forth in each and everyone of us, and we will subdue the earth man, including Satan, the unconscious part of our carnal mind, that is within us.

The entire creation, by the power of God, is being elevated back up into the heavenlies. We are told that by one man all died, but also by one man all shall be made alive. We shall all be made alive with the life of Christ, glory to God.

I Corinthians 15:22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. KJV

We are moving on with this study, and we are in Genesis 2:19, glory to God. I will read Verse 19 and 20,

Genesis 2:19, And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them, and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

20, And Adam gave names to all cattle and to the fowl of the air and to every beast of the field, but for Adam there was not found a helpmeet for him. KJV

I have to correct something that I told you on prior tapes of this message #18. I had told you that in Verse 19, the word beast was Strong's #929, the singular of Behemoth. That is not true. The word translated beast in Verse 19 is actually Strong's #2416, chay, and not Strong's #929.

Strong's #929 is not used at all in the whole of Genesis Chapter 2. However, the plural, behemowth, Strong's #930 is used once in Genesis Chapter 2, and that is found in Verse 20, and is the word cattle. The singular of Behemoth is Strong's #929, behemah, meaning dumb beast, any large quadruped or animal. The plural of behemah is behemowth, Strong's #930.

In part 4 of this message, we started a study on the word beast, as in beast of the field, from Verse 19 of Genesis 2. I had told you there were only three words translated beast. I do not know where I was the night that I was doing that, but it is not true. There are more than three words translated beast, but there are only two words, Strong's #2416, chay and Strong's #929, behemah, that were translated beast a significant number of times.

Strong's #2416, chay, is translated beast, singular 30 times and in the plural, 53 times.

If you live here in New York, you may have had an opportunity to be exposed to Jewish people, and it is very common that they wear a chay. Have you ever seen it? Chay is a Hebrew word, it means life. The Jews wear it around their neck as a symbol of what they believe to be good luck or blessing. That is the word chay, and it means life, alive, living, fresh as a plant with its greenness.

We did have a problem that we addressed earlier. We said that many of us have been taught that the beasts of the fields are the demons, so I want to deal with that right now.

The Greek equivalent of the word chay is Strong's #2198, zao, and it means to live. Apparently, this word is used to describe both the life of God and ungodly or demonic life. I do not understand it myself, but I have two Scriptures to demonstrate it to you.

Acts 17:28, For in him we live and move and have our being. KJV

In Christ we live. The word translated live is this word zao, Strong's #2198 which is the equivalent of the Hebrew #2416.

Romans 8:13, For if ye live after the flesh, you shall die. KJV

The word live here refers to an ungodly lifestyle, and it is the same Greek word zao, Strong's #2198, which is the equivalent of the Hebrew #2416.

In the same way, the word translated beasts can refer to us human beings, the many members of humanity and also to demons.

The Lord has asked me to tell you that the fact that, in certain Scriptures, it is obvious to me that the beasts of the fields are the demons, does not deny the fact that this same word is used to describe beasts in a positive sense.

It is used both ways, and you have to read the whole verse and the surrounding verses to decide whether God is talking about a demon or a godly beast.

I have done a lot of studying in the Hebrew, and a lot of Hebrew words can mean the exact opposites, depending on the context of the sentence. This is very common in the Hebrew language. That is the scoop.

The word beasts right here in Genesis 2:19 is #2416, and it is the same word used to describe demons. However, in this context it is describing a godly kind of life. Hallelujah.

The second word for beast which appears 83 times in the Scriptures in the singular, and 48 times in the plural, is #929, behemah, meaning dumb beast, any large quadruped or animal. It is translated beast, and it is also translated cattle. The plural of behemah is behemowth, Strong's #930.

When we get down to Chapter 20, we are going to understand why God used the word cattle this time.

I would like to remind those of you that are having any kind of a problem being told that you are cattle, or that you are a four-footed beast (because we obviously walk on two legs), that in John 10:3, the Lord himself said, He calleth His own sheep by His name.

The Lord calls us sheep. He calls us sheep several times throughout the Scripture, and the Greek word for sheep is #4263, which means any four-footed tame animal or small cattle. I am sorry if that offends anybody, but God called us cattle. That is what we are. Praise the Lord.

I had also told you that there were only two words translated field. There are three words translated field, but only one is significant for our study so I am going to stay with that. It is the Hebrew #7704, saday, and it means a level tract of land.

Ezekiel 26:6, and 8 indicates that this word field can be used to mean the hard part of the earth as opposed to the sea. We just had a talk a few minutes ago on God using contrasts. In certain contexts it could merely be used to say the field is not water, it is hard land, and that is all that it means.

It also means a meadow which is plowed and prepared. It is the opposite of vineyards and gardens which have fruit and flowers growing in them. A field is a plowed, prepared, marked-off piece of land that is not the sea, but there is nothing yet growing in it.

I am suggesting to you, and we have touched on this already, that the field was Adam. When the Son of God was propelled into the dust, the dust became ground, and the ground jumped up and formed the Son of God. We know that God said, Go forth and multiply.

Adam who was formed from the ground was the first man that was created. He was a being that God intended to use for purposes of reproduction, and I suggest to you that he was the field, he was the place in which the Sons of God would grow. Amen.

We are reading Genesis 2:19, And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field. The Hebrew word translated formed, means to mold into a form through squeezing into shape, and it is associated especially with potters. It is the same word used to describe the formation of the man. Hallelujah.

God also formed every fowl of the air. The Hebrew word translated fowl means a bird, and it comes from a word meaning to be covered with feathers, or covered with wings. It is from a root which means to fly. What we are talking about here is an ability to function in the realm of the spirit.

We are talking about the soul part of us and the spirit part of us. We are all soul and spirit. We have a human soul, and we have a human spirit, amen? We function one way in the soul realm, and we function another way in the realm of the human spirit.

We have had examples here with unisex hair cutters. I am a hair cutter, I have a shop, I have a chair, I have scissors, I have knowledge and skills, I have ability, but what I do depends on who comes to me for ministry. You get ministry in accordance with your need.

In the soul realm, we operate in the natural, and in the realm of the spirit, we need different things. You cannot use your hands to get into the realm of the spirit. You have to use your mind and your voice. You do not create something in the realm of the spirit with your hands. You use your mind, you use the spoken word.

The ideal pattern for every human being on the face of the earth is that they are made up of a human soul, a human spirit, and a Satanic realm, which is the unconscious part of their carnal mind. The Satanic realm fills them in so that they could be seen.

What I am saying to you is the beast of the field is that part of our makeup that is soul, and that the fowl of the heavens is that part of our makeup that is spirit. The Hebrew word translated air is the same word that is translated heavens. The fowls that fly in the air are those men that have the power to function in the spiritual realm of the heavenlies.

We all have a human spirit but not all of us know how to function in the spirit realm. We have different categories of people.

Some people function in the spirit realm but we know that it is not legal to function in spiritual power unless your spirit is joined to the Lord Jesus Christ. We have these people whose spirit is not joined to the Lord Jesus Christ functioning in illegal spiritual power. This is witchcraft power. They are hissing, they are making noises and incantations, and casting spells. They do not have the power to speak things into existence.

Then we have men (and again when I say men, it is a generic term meaning men and women), who have a human spirit and do not even know it is there. They are not involved in witchcraft; they are not involved with the Spirit of God. They are not aware of their spirit, and do not even know it is there.

Then we have people that have been called by the Spirit of God and are moving in the realms of the spirit. They can heal, they can deliver, they can see in the spirit, they get words of knowledge, and they have dreams from God. They are flying; they are the fowls that are flying in the realm of the spirit.

Then we have believers who have received the Holy Spirit and are not using what God has given them. God speaks to them, he gives them dreams, he gives them words, and they choose to remain in the realm of the natural.

There are many parts to us, just like there are many parts in our society. If you take our society as a whole, there are men, women, children, old, and young. Within each of our own minds, there are many parts to us, and two of the major parts are the human soul and the human spirit.

We must function one way if we want to function in the realm of the spirit, and we must function another way if we are going to function in the realm of the soul. If we try to function in the realm of the spirit without God, it is illegal.

Father I just pray that you help me. I am going to try and convey a difficult point to you. I tried once before, and I do not think I made it. I am going to try again, Lord willing.

We are in Verse 19 which says, And out of the ground, the Lord formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air. KJV

Remember that God is forming them. That means they existed before the earth came up over them. They already existed, but they could not be seen. God is forming them by forcing them into the earth, the same thing that He did with the man.

My question to you is, who are these beings that the Lord calls the beast of the field and the fowl of the air? When God formed the man out of the ground, we know that it was the Son of God. Who are the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air that are being formed?

We know that God formed the man, and He said to him Go forth and multiply, bring forth many members, I want the living soul to have many members.

We know that those many members are the Sons of God that followed into the earth right after the Son. They came forth from within Him. We are the offspring of the Son. We are equal to Him as a son is equal to his parent, but He is still the Father, amen.

We did a study on this, weeks ago, in Genesis 2:5, and it says, And this is the history of every plant of the field before it was in the earth and every herb of the field before it grew. KJV

The Hebrew word for plant is from the root word to declare, the declared one of God, and the Hebrew word translated herb simply means glistening, and refers to one's spiritual life. God had a declared one with many parts, and each one of those parts had an element of spiritual life.

They were not in the earth yet; they, too, had to be formed. I am just going to leave it with you. If you cannot get it, do not worry about it. Listen to the tape, and if you cannot get it, do not worry about it.

What I am suggesting to you is that the plants of Verse 5, and the herbs of Verse 5 were created in the mind of God before they were ever in the earth, and in Chapter 2, Verse 19, God propelled them into the earth, everyone of those plants which were the members of Jesus Christ, and everyone of those herbs which was the spiritual element of God that was joining them. 

He propelled them into the earth, just like he propelled the son into the earth, and the earth rose up and clave unto them. When they became covered with earth, He changed their name. He no longer called them plants and herbs; He called them beasts of the fields and the fowls of heaven.

When they were pure spiritual form, He called them plant and herb. When they became covered with earth, He called them beast of the field and fowl of heaven.

We know that when we are pregnant, what we have inside of us is a fetus. Some women call it a baby, but it is really a fetus. In the womb it has one name, fetus, and when it is born it becomes a baby.

What the Lord formed had one name when it was pure spirit. When it became wrapped in flesh, God gave it another name.

What we are going to go on to try and impart to you, and try to give you an understanding of, is that the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air that God formed in Verse 19 of Chapter 2 were the sons of God that came after the Lord Jesus Christ.

First, the Lord Jesus Christ was propelled into the earth, and the earth clave unto him, and He was formed. Now all of the sons of God that are within Him came forth from within Him. We are all within Christ, we are the body of Christ, and we are each members of His body. We came forth from within Him.

First, He went into the earth, and then the sons of God came forth from within him. In their spiritual makeup was a human soul, and a human spirit. The beast of the field is the human soul, and the fowl of the air is the human spirit.

I am just going to tell you this and then I will come back to Verse 19. As you go down to Verse 20, the whole of the individual is called cattle, because we know that we are a human soul, a human spirit, and an element of the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.

I am going to give you an Alternate Translation on the first part of Genesis 2:19.

Genesis 2:19. And out of the ground, the Lord formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air. KJV

Genesis 2:19 Alternate Translation,

Genesis 2:19 And the Lord God caused the ground which was forming the whole of the Son of God to cleave unto His parts, even the sons of God which were within him, and He also caused the ground to cleave to the spirit, which God had given to the living soul, even that part of the imputed anointing called Euphrates, and Adam was divided into many members, each one having a human soul, and a human spirit. AT

Let me read it again.

And the Lord God caused the ground which was forming the whole of the Son of God to cleave unto all of His parts, all of the members within him, even the sons of God which where within him, and He also caused the ground to cleave to the spirit, which God had given to the living soul, even that part of the imputed anointing called Euphrates.

Remember, God gave His Spirit to the living soul so that he could reproduce.

Adam was thus divided into many members, each member having a human soul and a human spirit.

If you cannot relate to this at the moment, I will just make it really simple. You will just have to pray about what I am saying that this verse says, that this was the sons of God coming into the earth after the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Lord formed two of the three parts. We know that in each one of us, we have a human soul, a human spirit and an element of the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. What God is talking about here is the human soul and the human spirit. He has not mentioned the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, yet. He is forming the many members of the Son.

I am just going to go on.

And he brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them.

The Hebrew word translated brought means to bring someone or lead into. It can be translated to lead into. Genesis 43:17 says, And the man brought the men into Joseph's house. That is the same word, he brought the men into Joseph's house.

The Hebrew word translated see refers to spiritual sight, and the Hebrew word translated call means to mark somebody, to identify somebody. It does not just mean to call somebody to get their attention. It is a much more profound word than that.

Let us say that you take a baby that was just born, and he does not have a name, and you call his name John. It is much more than saying, Hey John, I want your attention. You are saying that this person's name is John.

It is imparting identity to the person. This is who you are in the earth, you are John Smith. I give you a birth certificate, you need a social security number, and you are an established entity that is recognized by the United States government.

The government is really clamping down on us today. If your birth is not recorded in that way, you really have a problem. You are not recognized by the computers, and they will tell you that you do not even exist. You need a name, and you need a number to be a viable valid person.

That is what this word to call, means.  Adam called them, and he said, This is who you are, this is who you are, you have just come out of me, I have just given birth to you, you have separated yourself from me, and you are my son John, and you are my daughter Martha.

He was identifying each and every one of these sons that came forth from him, and it is from a root that means to encounter. What it means is that the newly birthed son of God encountered their Father, and the result was that they became an individual personality.

They were no longer a fetus in utero. You could see them, they had feelings, and emotions, and a personality of their own. We can use our own children as an example.

The word translated what can also be translated how.

I am going to give you an Alternate Translation. This is radical. This is Verse 19, the second third.

Genesis 2:19(second third) And brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them. KJV

Alternate Translation,

Genesis 2:19 And God led the members of Adam who are his children, the sons of God, into him, and observed how Adam would separate them out from himself. AT

And God led the many members of Adam into him, and observed how Adam would separate them out from himself.

God did a work within Adam. He separated him into many parts, which the Scripture expresses as God gave him children, but the children were in his womb. God literally formed the children in His womb. He watched Adam to see how Adam would separate the children out from him.

We know that as women, we have thousands, if not millions, of ovarian eggs. These are all potential children within us. How do we get them out of us? How do they become children and leave us?

There is a specific procedure that God has established for one of your ovarian eggs to become a child and come forth into the realm of appearance. This is what he was doing with Adam.

God led the members of Adam who were the children of Adam, the spiritual sons of God, into the man that had been formed. He took them from the spiritual realm, and led them to be a part of this whole man that God had created.

He put them inside of him, the spiritual creation, and He observed Adam to see how Adam would bring them forth into the realm of appearance. Before you could bring a child forth, you have to have the egg.

He implanted the spiritual sons of God in the creation, and said, Alright Adam, let us see you birth them into the realm of appearance; that is what I have commissioned you to do. Let us see you bring it forth.

The whole time, God knew what a tough job He had given His Son. He was in there interwoven with the Satanic realms, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. What a tremendous burden and responsibility God put on His Son.

He propelled him into the earth, he lost his spiritual power, He interwove him with the Satanic realms, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and now He said, Alright, now that you are down there in the dirt, here come your children after you, (all the sons of God that sang in the heavenlies with the Lord in Job Chapter 38), here they come, and I am putting them right inside of your spiritual being. Let us see you separate them out from you, because I want many members.

I am going to read this again for you in the Alternate Translation.

Genesis 2;19, And the Lord caused the ground which was forming the whole of the Son of God to cleave to his many parts, even the sons of God who were within Adam, and He also caused the ground to cleave to the spirit which God had given to the living soul, even that part of the imputed anointing called Euphrates.

And Adam was divided into many members, each one having a human soul and a human spirit, and God led the members of Adam who are his children, the sons of God, from the high realms of the heavenlies into this fallen state and watched Adam, to see how he would separate them out from himself. AT

This is the procedure. You live in the heavenlies, you get buried in the earth, then you separate out to have an individual existence. Then the Son of God fertilizes you and raises you back up into the heavenlies. Hallelujah.

Third part of Verse 19, KJV, And whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. The Hebrew word translated whatsoever can also be translated the whole, all of those comprising the whole or the totality.

The Hebrew word translated living creature, is the same word for beast of the field that we talked about, Strong's #2416, and every entry for living creature is #2416, except this one. This is really interesting, brethren.

I went into about five different translations. God really showed this to me supernaturally. I happen to read a little Hebrew. I do not understand it, I just recognized the letters, and the Lord had me go into my Interlinear, and that word is nefesh.

In every other instance in the Scripture, nefesh, is translated soul, and it specifically refers to people like you and me. When the Scripture talks about souls, and so many souls were born, and so many souls died, it is the Hebrew word nefesh that is translated soul, and it is #5315 in Strong's.

In Genesis Chapter 2, Verse 19, the King James writers completely denied that. This is proof that God is talking about human beings. It is proof  that He is not talking about cows running around in the forest and birds in the air.

This word specifically refers to human souls. It is all throughout the Scriptures, and the King James writers could not deal with it. They did not translate it human soul, they translated it living creature, and they have wiped it out of almost every translation that I went into.

They wiped it out to the degree that when I looked up living creature in Strong's, it denied the word nefesh. When I looked up living creature in Strong's, the number that Strong's gave me is #2416, which means beast, but I saw it in the Hebrew. It is nefesh. Do you understand what I am saying?

They wiped it out. I went into about five translations. Every translation was living creature, with the exception of the one translation that is in the Interlinear, and it is King James II. I do not know what happened to King James II, but you never see it anywhere anymore. You see the New King James. I do not see the King James II anywhere.

I have an Interlinear which gives me the Hebrew, it gives me a word-for-word English, and then it gives me a translation which is King James II. In the King James II, it called it living soul. It did not call it a living creature. I have two witnesses; in the English, the King James II calls it a living soul, and in the Hebrew, I read the word nefesh, which is #5315.

This is the proof that God is talking about human beings here. He is not talking about animals, and they have wiped it out of every translation except King James II which you cannot find anywhere anymore.

I do not think you can even buy it if you wanted to. Has anyone ever seen a King James II? This is the infallible proof that Jesus is speaking about human beings when He is talking about beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, glory to God.

We are in the third part of Verse 19, Chapter 2 which says, And whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

The Hebrew word translated name means much more than saying your name is John or your name is Martha. Throughout the Scriptures, we know that names have had deep significance. When God named somebody, it was imparting unto them a form of character, because when God names you, you have to be conformed to His thought of you.

Remember that message about the mind and the memory of God. We do not become whatever we want, and then the name fits us. When God gives us a name, He is saying to us, This is what you are going to be. If I give you a name, for example Jacob, which means thief, then you would be a thief. When Jacob was named Jacob as a young baby, it was predestined that he would be a thief.

When God moved upon Jacob's mother to say, Name this child Jacob, God was saying that this child is going to be a thief, and he indeed was a thief, but then God changed his name, Hallelujah.

He changed his name to Israel, one who has power with God, and the Son of God was birthed in him. In God's mind, he became a respectable man, and he, therefore, became respectable. Whatever God thinks of us, that is what we are. Hallelujah.

The Hebrew word translated name means a mark or a memorial of individuality, and it comes from the idea of a conspicuous position. It describes who you are. You are not just John; you are John who is a certain age, who has produced a child, and who has had all these experiences in life.

That is who you are. I am not just saying, Hey you, and I could change it tomorrow and say, Your name is Gee Gee. You are what you are and it is indicated by your name. This is very important. It also means a mark or memorial. That word memorial means memory.

What it is really saying is when Adam named all of these souls, he named them in a way that God would know who they were. A memorial is a mark of memory. That was their connection to the mind of God. God said you are John, so now when God thinks of John he knows who you are.

He marked you so that God could find you. That is what Adam did when he named all of the beast and the fowl. He marked you so that God could find you. Why would God have to find you? Are you lost? Yes, we are all lost, we are buried in the heart of the earth, covered over, hidden by the color red.

We did a study on that. We are buried in the earth, we are lost. Jesus called us the lost sheep of the house of Israel. He is not lost, we are lost. He lowered us into the earth, and the day is coming that He wants us back, so He marked us so that when He is ready to dig us up He could find us. Hallelujah.

The Hebrew word translated that can also mean in order that, and the Hebrew word translated thereof can be translated at that time. There are many translations of these prepositions. It can mean there, therein, thereon, thereof, at that time.

I have an Alternate Translation, this is the third phrase in Chapter 2, Verse 19, And whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. KJV

Genesis2:19, And the whole Adam, the totality of the creation, Adam and all his children with him, called by name, thus marking as individuals every living soul within the whole in order that the separated out ones would be memorialized, marked so that God could find them at that time. AT

There was no longer one big lump within Adam, there were no longer a bunch of ovarian eggs. God made individuals out of them.

I will read it again.

And the whole Adam, the totality of the creation, Adam with his children, was called by name, thus marking as individuals every living soul within the whole in order that the separated out ones would be memorialized at that time.

Adam named them all, he separated them out, he marked them, he individualized them, and he arranged them so that God could find them when he wanted to call them back home. That is what he did.

And whatsoever Adam called every living soul, that was the name thereof.

Adam separated them out, they were still within him. If you are a woman and you conceive, one of your ovarian eggs has been separated out. It has become an individual, it has been marked, but it is still a part of you, you have to get it out.

If you are a woman, you have an apparatus that enables you to pass that child out of your body. Even if we could get a man to conceive, how is he going to get the baby out? I suggest to you, brethren, that caesarian section is not the way.

How do you get the baby out? You have an apparatus; you have a structure built into your body. It is not visible from the external realm, but when that baby comes forth you have what you need, the machinery, to get it out of you.

I want to read this again,

And the whole of Adam, the totality of the creation was called by name, and Adam marked individually every living soul within the whole in order that the separated out ones would be memorialized at that time.

Adam was not playing zoo. I want to read you the whole Verse 19, in an Alternate Translation.

Genesis 2:19, And the Lord God caused the ground that was forming the whole of the Son of God to also cleave to his individual parts, even the sons of God which were within him, and he also caused the ground to cleave to the spirit which God had given to the living soul, even that part of the imputed anointing called Euphrates.

And Adam was divided into many members, each member having a human soul and a human spirit. And God led the members of Adam out of the spiritual realms into the earth where Adam was, and God observed Adam to see how he would separate them out from himself.

And Adam, the whole of the creation, called each part of himself by name, marking as an individual each part of the living soul that was within the whole in order that the separated out ones, the parts of Adam, the sons of God within him, would be memorialized at that time. AT

They would be marked as individuals so that God could get them back. Can you imagine putting on a deep sea diving suit and going down to the depths of the ocean? What do they do?

They always have hoses and tubes that connect you to the boat at the top of the water. How would they ever find you to get you back if there was not a mark saying that So-and-so went down under the water at such-and-such a point, that is where he went down. God is getting them back. Hallelujah.

Verse 20, And Adam gave names to all cattle.

We are now talking about cattle. There are beasts of the field, there are living creatures, there are fowls of heaven. Where in the world did the cattle come from? The Lord has not said anything about forming the cattle from the ground. They are just there. Who are the cattle?

Verse 20, And Adam gave names to all cattle and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field, but for Adam there was not found a helpmeet for him.

I have already told you that this word cattle is the plural  of  Strong's #929, Behemah, meaning beast, and I am going to suggest to you that the cattle is the whole individual.

In Verse 19, God was dealing with the human soul and the human spirit in each individual. He never mentions the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, that third part that gives bulk, that enables us to appear in the realm of appearance.

I am suggesting to you that the cattle, which we are, is the whole individual. In the present state that we are in, we are a human spirit, a human soul and an element of the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind; that is the whole individual.

What the Scripture says in Verse 20 is, And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air and to every beast of the field, instead of saying the human soul, the human spirit and the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.

God gave names to every individual, each one of which had a human soul and a human spirit, and God does not even acknowledge the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, because He is nothing. He is for fill, he is for form.

Right now he is out of his place, but he is going back where he belongs. God has not marked him, God has no intention of getting him out, and God has no intention of giving him a life or a personality of his own.

God does not see him, because he is not in the memory of God. However, each son of God has now been separated out into an individual that is very similar to us today, except that they have not yet come down into the realm of appearance. This is still spiritual. He calls the whole, cattle. Hallelujah.

Verse 20, And Adam gave names to all cattle and to the fowl of the air and to every beast of the field, but for Adam, there was not found a helpmeet for him.

Glory to God. We have talked about the word helpmeet, Strong's #5828, in a prior meeting. It means aid help, an instrumental device, a means whereby something is achieved, and what it is really talking about in the Hebrew is something that encircles you, defends you and supports you, and shores you up.

It has nothing whatsoever to do with a wife. What God is talking about is bringing forth the apparatus, the machinery that would enable Adam to pass the sons that were within his spiritual being, out from him.

If you are a woman, you have organs that permit you to pass the baby out. Eve was the organ or the machinery that Adam needed to bring forth the sons that were already alive within him, just like a baby in utero. Hallelujah.

I have an Alternate Translation of Verse 20 for you.

Genesis2:20, Adam marked all the mute beasts, the ones who had lost their spiritual power to speak the answer to their needs into existence (that is us), and he marked them conspicuously, making them individuals. And the human soul, and the human spirit in each member became marked or separated out from within.

But within Adam there was no instrumental device or apparatus or machinery, (so to speak), which could birth his children into the realm of appearance, thus separating them from him. AT

Hallelujah, glory to God. I did say in the realm of appearance, but actually it was not in the realm of appearance yet. It was still in the spiritual realm. I am going to read that again.

Adam marked all the mute beasts, which we are, the ones who had lost their spiritual power to speak the answer to their needs into existence. He marked them conspicuously, making them individuals. And the human soul and the human spirit in each part of him became marked along with the whole, as it was separated out.

But within Adam there was no instrumental device or apparatus or machinery, (so to speak), which could birth his children into the realm of appearance, thus separating them from him.

God put Adam to sleep. I am not going to go into a deep word-by-word study for you today, but basically what He did was, He took a part of him, and formed the organs that would permit Adam to pass his sons out from him. When it says, He brought the woman to the man, it really means He brought her into him.

He took a part of Adam's very being, and formed this machinery and after He formed it, He put it back into him. It says that in Verse 23. Adam said, This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. This is the creation of the female part.

She became a literal part of him. We have had teachings where we said that the early creation was both male and female. The early creation was both male and female.

It was not until the creation descended to a much lower realm of the spirit that God separated us out as individual men and women, one person having male organs and another person having the female organs.

The prime example that the Lord has given us, that high forms of spiritual life have both male and female reproductive organs, is that God himself indeed has both male and female reproductive organs as we have been studying for weeks.

God is reproducing, we are a part of His reproductive process. He gave us His Son to be the female part, and He gave us His Spirit to be the male part. There is only one God, with male and female parts, not two gods.

The original creation was made in the likeness of God. Male and female organs were made in one entity. As the creation continued to descend so that we could receive these hard thick bodies, God separated us out into men and women.

Lord willing, we are going to finish this up, Verses 21-24, on Wednesday night. I will take questions now.

COMMENT: Not audible.

PASTOR VITALE: The only thing that is coming to my mind right now is that existence is pure evil. The only reason that we have the ability to have halfway decent lives in this world is that we are a mixture of the evil of the existence of the Satanic realm, and the Son of God.

COMMENT: Not audible.

PASTOR VITALE: We do have some opportunity, if we follow the rules, to have a decent life. As I see it, existence is pure evil, and I know that I have read books, and I have seen movies about people who were drug addicts and lost in the depths of sin, white slavery, whatever, and they say, I am not alive, this is just existence. It is just pure evil. Is there anyone else?

COMMENT: Not audible.

PASTOR VITALE: This is the earth of the soul. The soul is also made of the earth. That is why the soul that sins, will die. When someone that does not have Christ dies, both the body and the soul which are made of the earth dissolve, and the spirit which belongs to God returns to the Father.

Both the soul and the body is made out of earth. All that we have been studying for all of these weeks is really the formation of the mind. God separated us all out in the realm of the soul before we fell into this flesh.

COMMENT: Not audible.

PASTOR VITALE: The living soul is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil so it can produce good. I believe when God said to Adam in Genesis 2, 17, KJV, But of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, Thou shalt not eat of it was not like conversation. When God spoke, He literally impressed into the genes and the chromosomes of the natural man knowledge of the law of God.

I think we have mentioned this before. We can go into the depths of Africa and the depths of uncivilized society, and find people living in huts, who know that you are not supposed to steal, and you are not supposed to kill, and you are not supposed to make slaves of other people. Somewhere deep in the recesses of their being, they have knowledge of good.

COMMENT: Not audible.

PASTOR VITALE: As far as Mother Theresa is concerned, this is my opinion. It is possible for the living soul to produce a human being that has a lot of good. Now, we know that Jesus said, None is good but the Father, but we are talking about the soul realm. It is possible for the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil to produce a human being that is doing good.

Nevertheless, the only thing that is going to give us eternal life is the Son of God. Mother Theresa may be doing good for this life time, but her good works will not bring her eternal life. She does not have eternal life from her good works. If anyone is satisfied with living their lifetime, and passing out of this world without eternal life, that is okay.

However, do not forget that even if a human being is a manifestation of the good side of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they still have the potential for every wicked work. This is very important.

The only thing that has made them different from the criminal or the drug addict lying in the street, is that their life experience from birth has not caused wicked spirits to be birthed in their human spirit.

What determines how their life turns out even predates their birth, because they come into this life with family line curses and blessings. The people in their family line, before them, may have all been serving God, believing in good works, and God blesses that.

You may not have the Spirit of God, but if you spend your whole life helping people and obeying the law of God, Do unto your neighbor as you would have them do unto you, your children are going to be blessed. They are going to grow up with an absolute minimum of evil spirits, but you still do not get eternal life from that.

COMMENT: Do you think there is a place for Christian ministries doing good works?

PASTOR VITALE: I do. God is a very merciful God, and I think that if someone is dying of leprosy over in India, or if there is a flood and people are suffering, He would send help.

God is so much bigger than we are, and He is such a good God, and I think that He has people in every realm, every level of spiritual maturity. We happen to be very spiritual here, but He has people that are going to minister to the carnal people.

He is going to have mercy on the lepers, and on the depraved of the earth.  He raises up people to have mercy on them, and He permits people to be involved with good works, until it is their turn to birth the son. Hallelujah.

COMMENT: Not audible.

PASTOR VITALE: Amen sister. We were talking about that in the service today. For these people that are in spiritual darkness, all that it means is that it is not their turn to produce the Christ, but God will bless their lives.

They do not have AIDS, they do not have the problem with AIDS that we have, because they are obeying the law of God, and God is blessing them. The Scripture says that God pours out His blessings on the just and on the unjust, but the key is this. This is the key. Their good works cannot get them eternal life. It will give them blessings in this natural realm.

In this present world, you could have a terrible life, you could be a destitute. I see people lying in the streets everyday that I go into Manhattan. They are literally lying in the streets.

I also see people that have very beautiful lives. They are blessed with families and children, and have beds to sleep in, but they still do not have eternal life without the Son.

You can have a good life, and you can have an evil life in the soul realm, but to get eternal life, you have to go up, and that is not the rapture, brethren.

Is there anybody else?

COMMENT: Not audible.

PASTOR VITALE: I said, the higher the spiritual realm that we dwell in, the more likely we are to have both male and female organs. The highest form of spiritual life, God Himself, has both male and female organs.

We know that God has many names, and one of His names is the Breasted One. God produces and nourishes, and raises up children, and there is no Mrs. God. There is just one God, and He brings forth from within Himself.

What is really interesting....

God just asked me to tell you that when we look around in the soul realm, the higher animals do not reproduce from within themselves. It is the lowest life forms, the plant life form that is male and female. The highest life form, which is man and the mammals, has separate males and females. There is no such thing as a mammal that does not need to be fertilized.

However, the Lord asked me to remind you that everything in the natural realm is the mirror image of the spiritual realm. In the soul realm, it is the lowest life forms that reproduce from within themselves, but in the spiritual realm, it is the highest life forms that reproduce from within themselves. Hallelujah.

COMMENT: Not audible.

PASTOR VITALE: I believe that demons die. I believe that they are parasites. Remember, we just said a few minutes ago that everything that we have been studying so far is the formation of the souls before they came into the body. Demons are illegal offshoot of the soul, and they do not have a body.

They are parasites that are living in our bodies, so when they come out, they cannot exist in this soul realm without a body. When they are cast out, they die. The way they die is the same way a man dies. His body and his soul deteriorate because they are of the dust. They go back to the dust, and the spirit goes back to the Father.

Remember, a demon is the offspring of the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. The human spirit comes directly from God. The human spirit is a gift to each one of us from God, so that we will be equipped to reproduce His son because He is not going to have a mixed breed.

His son is going to have a mother and a father that is of the substance of God. We have a little piece of God in us that can reproduce His son, but Satan has risen up and raped her. We have an offspring of the Spirit of God and the Satanic realm. That part which is the Satanic realm, which is dust, deteriorates, and that part which is God goes back to God.

COMMENT: Not audible.

PASTOR VITALE: I do not believe so. I believe that is a big fallacy. They come out of you, and they die. I prayed about this extensively.

The only account that I know of in the Scripture of a demon coming out of someone and going into someone else is in Matthew 8:28-32 where Jesus permitted the devils cast out from the people possessed to go into the pigs. Everyone says, Oh yes, yes, yes, Jesus said, go into the pigs, but the Scriptures are very deep. We know that you have to look beneath the surface.

What happened when they went into the pigs? Did they abide in the pigs? Did they go into the pigs and live happily ever after? No, what happened was that the pigs died.

Apparently they could not go into the pigs without some spiritual authority, and even though Jesus said, Go ahead and do it, the new houses that they obtained for themselves, died.

I do not want anyone who is hearing this to say, Oh, a demon is going to come into me, and I am going to die! No, no, no, (what people's minds do to them is incredible), I am not saying that. I do not believe it for a second.

What I think happened was that Jesus was just making a point that they cannot go into another person without a high spiritual authority, and what Jesus said to them was, Go ahead, try; you will find out that it will not work.


Yea, saith the Lord, indeed I am the Holy one of Israel.  I am the one that has created the heavens and the earth,  I am undefeatable in the heavenlies, for indeed all things consist within me, and without me, you would come to naught.

I shall not tolerate witchcraft and rebellion any longer, saith the Lord. I shall indeed put it under foot. It shall no longer overcome my sons, saith the Lord, for I shall raise them up in great spiritual power, and thou, the realm of witchcraft and rebellion, shalt be as snakes and serpents under the feet of my totally erect ones. Indeed, I shall bruise you under their feet, saith God. I shall put down every enemy, of those that I have called in this hour. Come peaceably, saith God, or indeed I shall judge thee.

Yea, the hour is at hand, saith the Lord, that I shall pour out great power from on high,  and I shall cleanse thy minds, and thy souls, and thy spirits, and thy bodies, and I shall indeed erect, yea,  in this lifetime, saith God. Indeed in the very near future, I shall do this thing, and the unclean shall not enter into the kingdom, saith the Lord. Yea, the unclean, the thieves, and the liars, and the fearful, and the homosexual, and the rebellious, and the witches; they shall not enter in, saith God.

Those of you that shake your fist at me, saith God, I shall indeed break your fist. Yea, I shall stomp on thee, saith God, and I shall knock thee down,  and I shall plead with thee, in the way that I choose to plead with thee, not in the way that thou tellest me to plead with thee. I shall be me, and thou shalt change. I shall not change, I am eternal, I am the one who changes not. Indeed, I am the Lord God who changeth not. Prepare thyself, saith the Lord, for great judgment is upon thee.

COMMENT: Not audible.

PASTOR VITALE: I have studied that, I have studied that extensively, and I am going to give you a vague answer because I would really have to do a word-by-word to give you an answer, but it is my opinion that Jesus was not talking about demons in that account of the unclean spirit returning to his house.

Throughout the Scriptures, He uses the word daimonion, and it is translated devil, but, in that account, He does not say daimonion, He says, the unclean spirit, so we are not talking about demons.

In that account, Jesus was not talking about the devil, He was not talking about demons. The phrase that He used was unclean spirit, and before we can draw any conclusions, we have to find out what the unclean spirit is.

I do not know if I ever said this in the service or not, but I have told a few of you, that it is my opinion that there is a difference between a demon and a ghost. When a demon is cast out, I believe the demon dies. We just spoke about it.

I do believe there is such a thing as a ghost. We know that it is mentioned in the Scripture in the account of Jesus walking on the water, and when the disciples in the ship saw Him, they were afraid. In the Scripture, it says that they thought it was a spirit. If you look up that word spirit in Strong's, it is a different word from all the other words translated spirit, and it means ghost.

They thought He was a ghost walking on the water, and I believe a ghost is the personality of somebody that dies. I do not believe the demon survives when it is cast out, but I believe when a human being dies, the first thing that happens is that the body deteriorates, and then the soul which is also of the dust, deteriorates.

Now, the personality has a soul life, and a characteristic of the soul life is emotions. The more emotional you are, the more likely you are to be evil because intense emotions produce crimes of passion. I am not knocking anybody.

If you are highly emotional, you really need deliverance to calm down your emotions. We are not supposed to be filled with envy, and lust, and jealousy, and we are not supposed to be exhibiting behavior that comes forth from these emotions.

When a human being who is an evil person dies, they can exist for a season in this earth realm, by inhibiting the deterioration of their soul, and that is what a ghost is. When I say evil, I am talking about spiritual immaturity; spiritual immaturity which is likened to emotions.

When you have a very emotional person that has an intense lust or desire not to die, they are opposing with every strength of their being the fact that their body has died. The spiritual law associated with death of the body is that your soul dissolves following the death of your body. However, these people are opposing that law with every strength that they have.

I believe that for a season they can inhibit the deterioration of the soul, after their body dies, and that they can exist for a season in this earth realm. That is what a ghost is. Now, that is a whole personality, it is not a demon.

I believe that when Jesus was talking about the unclean spirit in Mathew 12:43-45 or Luke11:24-26, He was talking about the whole personality. He was not talking about a demon. If you study it word-by-word, He is really talking about incarnation. He is really talking about incarnation.

Mathew 12:43-45

When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then  he saith, I will return unto my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself; and they enter in, and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. KJV

It talks about walking through dry places, and then taking seven more spirits and coming back, but it is incarnation. It says, his house was swept clean...  what does swept clean mean? It was cleaned of all the garbage that is in the flesh.

All that account means is that he takes on the flesh again. We have done a study that says there is one living soul, and he rises up, and, on some occasions, he incarnates, and it is not at the express will of the Father. He says, I will return to my house. This is Adam saying, I will return to my house, I am going to take on the flesh again.

Maybe it means seven more incarnations, seven more illegal incarnations. I do not know, I really do not know, I did this study twice, and I am having trouble keeping it in my mind. I did it word-by-word twice, and I do not know. If the Lord leads me to do it again, I will do it again.

COMMENT: Not audible.

PASTOR VITALE: No, that is not true.  We were all very young in God when we were doing deliverance, and we are probably still very young in God. A lot of people would not like to hear this, but we have to grow up (and the truth of the matter is that carnality is immaturity).

When we were in deliverance, believing all those things and doing all of those things, we were operating in a very immature realm. I do not know if I am going to put this on the tape, but I really believe that a pure deliverance ministry that I was a part of for five years is a very immature realm, and I am not saying that to knock anybody.

Deliverance is a low grade of spirituality, it is a low grade. The people are starting to move into the spiritual realms of God in deliverance but it is an immature realm. In the realm below this are the Christians that are totally carnal, totally natural men, and God says. Come on, I am going to teach you to be a spiritual man.

God does not go boop, and you become a spiritual man. You have to learn, and you have to have spiritual experiences, and one of the first things He puts you in is a straight deliverance ministry like that, and it is a very kindergarten realm. I am sorry if I am hurting anybody's feelings.

COMMENT: Not audible.

PASTOR VITALE: Oh, it saved my life and as I said on a lot of the earlier tapes, a lot of people who God catches up higher to first grade and second grade, look back on deliverance, and say that deliverance is no longer valid; you should not be doing it. This is a very grave error.

COMMENT: Not audible.

PASTOR VITALE: I will tell you that there is a lot about the spiritual realm that I do not know. I do not know what the answer is, but I could give you two possibilities.

It could be a demon that is conjuring up an image of her mother to seduce her into a relationship with the demon. The demon would want her to start praying to the demon, and asking the demon for spiritual works (in order words, she would be fornicating with it), at which point she would come under the power of the demon.  That is a possibility.

I do not have any information for you on it, but this is the other possibility. I do believe there is such a thing as a personality that, in a burst of emotion, is clinging to this realm even without its body.

COMMENT: Not audible.

PASTOR VITALE: I do not know, but I believe they are real. I do not know long they could last when they do something like that, and I think they are usually people who had been very evil in their lifetimes.

I think it is possible that it is a manifestation of outright rebellion against God, because the Bible says, The soul that sinneth, it shall die. I think it is possible for God to take her body, but because of her evil works, and maybe even her witchcraft power, she is still floating around this natural realm without a body.

I do not know how long it could go on, and I do not know how God deals with them ultimately. I really do not know, but I believe that it is possible.

Is there anybody else? We have had some hot questions and answers these last few weeks. Glory to God.

02/04/02rr Trans, 08/04/03ab-1st & 2ndEdit


Hi Pastor,

You say in A Place Teeming With Life, #18-Part 7, that Adam had to fall. Do you still believe that?

Love, XXX

‘Why in the world did God remove His imputed anointing from him? He knew he could not stand against the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. He knew he could not do it.

I suggest to you that the Lord God did this for the purposes of reproduction. For as long as the Father, by His imputed anointing, was married to Adam, there was no way that Adam would have been able to appear in the realm of appearance.

At this point, the living soul is not in the realm of appearance. He is a spiritual creation, and God wanted him to appear in the realm of appearance, and, to do that, he had to fall spiritually. We are in a low spiritual state in these bodies. We are in a low spiritually state.

The Lord permitted it to happen. He permitted the creation to fall.’

PASTOR VITALE: No. I no longer believe this.

See, Message # 328, Adam’s Failure, Or God’s Plan???

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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