142 - 1 Part


The Following Transcript Has Been Transcribed and Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing and Editing Team.


I want to tell you what God has told me that led -- well, I'm sure He put the question in my heart, but that led me into this study for tonight. And we're going to be in Daniel 12, in case you're interested. We're going to do the whole chapter. I don't know how late we'll be here, but, Lord willing, we're going to do the whole chapter.

The Lord put it in my heart yesterday that -- and I can't even tell you how it got into my mind, but it came into my mind that this whole creation is maturing. Let me remind you that this whole -- would you mind just taking your water on your tray? OK, thanks [?a lot?]. Let me remind you that this whole creation is one man. This whole creation is one man, the living soul that God formed at the beginning of time. And he is a many membered man. And I guess I never really thought about it in depth, but I always thought about, well, those members that are in Christ and those members that aren't in Christ, and then there's the group that have the engrafted word, and then there's the group that just have the baptism with the Holy Spirit.

And I've known for a long time now that Christ is about to stand up in full stature. And I have thought that, well, yes, I know we're going into a spiritual age, and Christ is going to stand up in full stature. But what the Lord told me is that the whole creation is moving into a spiritual age. Whether you have the engrafted word, whether you have the baptism with the Holy Spirit or whether you know nothing at all of Christ, each of us in any of those categories is a member of the creation that God began to form at the beginning of time. He's still making us, Amen. We're not -- He formed us, but we're not in His image yet. We're in the image of Satan. And some of us are in the process of being converted into the image of the Father, which is Christ.

We know that we have people on the earth today that are into spiritual realms. Some people in the church are a little spiritual. I don't really think we're very spiritual. I think when we experience really being spiritual, we're going to laugh at what we're doing now. I really believe that with all my heart. A lot of people think I'm spiritual. I want to tell you, maybe I'm more spiritual than whoever thinks that, but I'm not spiri- -- my degree of spirituality does not satisfy me. If I was spiritual, I'd be doing a lot of things that I would like to do, but I do not have the strength, the spiritual strength, to do right now.

And I can't even stand up after I fall down. That makes me a very young child, and I've told you that. When I get knocked down, I can't get up. Go- -- I have to wait for the Lord to set me on my feet, and I'm not kidding. That's the truth. Sounds funny, I laugh at myself, but I'm not laughing when I'm down there on the ground screaming my head off and all the bugs are crawling all over me because I got knocked down. Does anyone not know what I'm talking about?

Well, so we have people in this world today -- we have members of humanity that have entered into spiritual things illegally. We have some people that are very deep into spiritual things, but their god is Satan. The spirit by which they're moving, spiritually, is Satan. I don't know of anybody, really, in the church world, that's really spiritual. Maybe they're there and I don't know them. I don't know. But I look around, and I think, compared to the rest of the church world, I'm pretty spiritual, and I don't think I'm spiritual. So what does that say about the church world? When I think about someone being spiritual in Christ, I think about Jesus of Nazareth, and I can't do what He did. I can't do most of the things that He did, and that's the truth.

So this is what the Lord told me. He said, Sheila, you are incorrect, if you think that only the church is starting to enter into spiritual things. He said, I formed a creation at the beginning of time. They're all Mine. Adam, the Scripture clearly says, is the son of God. This whole creation is My son, and it's maturing. She is mat- -- well, He is maturing. The creation is maturing, just like our children go through the terrible 2s and we know what to expect of them at 4, we know what to expect of them at 6, and we know what to expect of them at adolescence.

But God said to me the whole creation is about to have a birthday, and the whole creation is moving into spiritual maturity, legally, with the blessings of God. His creation is coming of age, and some of us are going to be spiritual in Christ, and some of us are going to be spiritual in the carnal mind. The carnal mind is ruled by Satan, and the Christ is ruled by the Father. Do you hear what I'm saying? The criminal members of the living soul are going up also, and there's going to be a warfare of the minds, the like of which I cannot even imagine.

I used to think, well, the firstfruits company is standing up in full stature, and, well, we're going to help people. We're going to feed the hungry. We're going to impart the life of Christ to them. But I want to tell you I never had this thought in my mind before, that the criminal elements of the living soul that are moving in ungodly spiritual power, the god of which is Satan, is going up also.

I want to tell you I look around me now, and I look at the witches now, and I know I'm no match for them. I run the other way. I've had people call me up and say, Sheila, there's a witches coven in that [?roller rink?]. What don't you do something about it? And I said what do you want me to do about it? You want to get me killed? I am not there. Now, if God would send me in, I would go, because I would believe that He sent me. But I'm not ready to take on any witches.

I was recently in Nigeria. I asked the congregation that I was the kingdom -- congregation that I was ministering to. I said, you have heard stories of witches coming into meetings with bowls of blood, cursing the preacher, cursing him unto death, and the preacher doesn't die. You've heard of that, and they said Amen. I said, has one of you ever even heard a story, true or not, about God raising up a man and sending him into the witchdoctor's camp and cleaning it out? Have you ever heard of sending a man into the witch doctor's camp? I got a unilateral no. And to the best of my knowledge, the only man that has ever lived that was strong enough to do that and not only not die but to accomplish the purpose that God sent Him to do was Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

So my carnal mind has been saying to me, well, the firstfruits company is going to arise, and now we'll be able to challenge the workers of witchcraft. But guess what, they're going up also. You see, right now, it's not even a fight. I know a lot of deliverance churches seem to think that witches pray against us. Well, that may be true. But I want to tell you, in my opinion, I think they're laughing at us. I think people that really have spiritual authority in witchcraft laugh at us. They do not think we're very much of a threat. They walk into meetings with bowls of blood and the -- or with charms, and they don't work, but nothing happens to them. They just go away. Do you hear what I'm saying? They're not afraid of us. They're not the least bit afraid of us. It's not a fair fight.

So what the Lord has told me is that the whole creation is coming of age. We were meant to be in the image of our Father, and our Father is spirit. And we were formed to be a spiritual being, and we have been babies up until re- -- up until right now. The whole creation is going into puberty. And we're going to hear. In Daniel 12 we're going to hear it prophesied that there is going to be a warfare that, personally, I cannot even imagine the extent of which it's going to be. But we're going to be fully armed and fully capable of waging it.

And I want to declare to you that our enemy is the carnal mind of man wherever he's manifesting. And I want to remind you that you should know that the first place the Lord is sending the firstfruits company to is where?


The church, your own home, the church, amen. We're going to the church, and their minds are going to be capable of penetrating, ripping, tearing, cutting, hacking, sawing and doing great damage. And I want to tell you, people that call themselves Christians that are not running this race, that are not attending spiritual meetings, that are not seeking God, that are not doing whatever they could do to build their spiritual muscles, they are going to be overcome. Why? Because the carnal mind is going up. That means the carnal mind in us too. Christ has to be strong enough to overcome the car- -- our own carnal mind and then come against the carnal mind in those outside of us.


That's the war. It's already started for me. But I'm at the point I really feel God is telling me that what I experience is nothing. I have been under attack for three weeks. It just broke two days ago, three weeks of torment in my mind, throwing away master messages. God only knows what I did with it, doing all kinds of things, unable to work. For a whole week, I hardly did a thing, could not work, whipping around the bed at night, waking up at 2 o'clock in the morning, tossing and turning. It's not my imagination it's a spiritual warfare. And I've been crying out to God for years. When are You going to give me dominion over this?

And He put me in the Book of Daniel yesterday. I think there's a possibility He's going to let us do the whole Book of Daniel. I'm very excited, because I want to tell you, with all the revelation that I have, the Book of -- excuse me, the Book of Daniel has remained the most closed to me. And there are chapters in the Book of Daniel that I read last night that I see God is opening to me. And I'm very, very excited. Why? Because the Book of Daniel is what? It's sealed until when? Until the end of times. So if He's opening it, it means we're really getting ready to enter. This is really the last days.

Let me give you some ground rules. You may have heard me tell you before that when we studied in the Book of Revelation and when we did Chapter 7 of Daniel, it takes forever. It could take me up to 10 hours of study to do -- and a whole message to do three verses. It took weeks to get through Daniel 7. And I know that if we stay on that kind of a format, I don't see how we'll ever get this wo- -- you know, work done. And I feel -- this is what the Lord has told me. We're going to try it. I'm going to use a different kind of format tonight.

Just for those who are listening to this message that haven't listened to any of my other prophetic teachings, I would look up every single word in the Greek or the Hebrew, write it down, comment on every word and really walk you through the study. And I'm going to try to no do it tonight. I'm not looking up every word tha- -- well, I've looked it up for myself, and I formed an Alternate Translation. I'm only going to give you the numbers and the information about words that are significantly -- that translated so differently that I feel I have to give it to you.

So what am I saying? I'm saying that whoever's listening to these messages, I'm telling you you have two choices -- you have three choices. You can not [sic] listen to me, or you can discern the anointing on me and pray about it and ask God if it's true, and if you get a confirmation just go with it. But if you're a person that wants more proof, you're going to have to start doing your own studying. Because, I'm telling you, the time is short. We are out of time. God is pouring revelation into my mind as fast as my mind can tolerate it, because if He pours it in too fast, I'll explode. Believe me, He's moving as rapidly in me as I could bear it. There's not a doubt in my mind. And we're out of time.

There's 12 chapters in the Book of Daniel. This is the second one we're doing. If I could do it, OK, and if you could hang in there with me, I will preach until I finish. I don't know how long. It could be a three-hour message. I don't know. I honestly don't know. And if you could follow me, that's the question, if you could follow me. So the format's changing, and it's a more mature format. As I told you, whoever's listening to the message, you have three choices. I can't be going into every detail anymore.

And I'll really -- what I used to do was, if there was a cross-reference in the Old Testament or in the New Testament, I'd look it up. I'd quote you the whole Scripture. I'd tell you were it was. I would tell you what messages we talk about these matters on. I haven't done any of that. And what I'll probably do, as I go along, I'll say, well, you know, th- -- such-and-such a Scripture relates to this. But I haven't looked it up. I haven't typed it into my computer. I'm not going to read it to you. If you want to check it yourself, you've got to go get it yourself, OK.

And I know that you don't have encyclopedic indexes now, because they got wiped out of the computer. But as soon as it's typed into the computer, I'm going to give you encyclopedic indexes. So if I tell you I know we talked about this on another message, you can go and look it up yourself, OK. We're out of kindergarten, OK. We're in college now. You've got to start working for yourself. And it's -- I believe it's going to be a benefit to everybody.

So I'm going to try it, and we'll see if it works. I hope I can preach it. It's going to be -- I want you to know that it's much easier for me to preach when I have all of my research and all of my notes written out. And no question, this is going to be much more difficult for me to do. I'm going to try it. I did the whole Chapter 12. It had to take me almost 13 hours, somewhere between 11 and 13 hours. But 11 and 13 hours, sometimes, I spent on three or four verses before, OK.

So I have Alternate Translations for you of all of Daniel 12, but I'm not as detailed as how I got it. OK, everybody understand what I'm saying then? [INAUDIBLE]


It means that I look up all the words and I put it in more understandable English.


Well, this is in the Hebrew, so I'm looking up every word in the Hebrew. And I'm taking the whole verse, by looking up all the words in the Hebrew, and putting it in more understandable English. But even more than that, you know, in the English dictionary, there can be 20 definitions for every word.

  Yes, I know [INAUDIBLE]

And with seven of these words, you'll hear that the King James translators really did not choose the right words. And the reason they didn't chose the right word is that they really didn't have the revelation, so they didn't understand what God was saying.


OK. Do you understand [AUDIO CUTS OUT]

Daniel, Chapter 12. "And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one of them shall be found written -- every one of them that shall be found written in the book."

"And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased."

"Then I Daniel looked, and, behold, there stood another two, the one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side of the bank of the river. And one said to the men -- to the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?"

"And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever and ever that it shall be for a time, times, and a half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished."

"And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And He said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end."

"Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days."

"Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of thy days -- at the end of days."

But we're not supposed to be robots. We're supposed to be intelligent, thinking, human beings. And we're supposed to put that intelligence at the use of the Lord. And if a change needs to be made, we're supposed to make it. We're not supposed to be in bondage to the letter of the law. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. This letter will kill you.

I saw a science fiction movie once that was supposed to have been about this nation after a nuclear war, many years after a nuclear war. And the crea- -- and the country had been cast down. The people had been cast down to a very low level of existence. And they had a religion. And the star fleet landed on this planet, which was very much like Earth, America and Earth. And when they investigated the religion of these very primitive people, they found that they were worshipping an American flag, and they were repeating the Pledge of Allegiance. And they had no idea what it meant, but they were just saying the words over and over again, because somebody had told them that that was what they were supposed to do.

This is not what God wants of us. It is not what God wants of us. And the church world today, by and large, can be likened to a dysfunctional family. It is not letting the children grow up. The temporary fivefold ministry, which are female in their spiritual nature, are hindering the growth of the children. And the whole church world is crippled and sick and dying, because they do not discern the body of Christ. They cannot see Christ, the man, in the people.

And the Lord has told me that the condition of the church world, for 2,000 years, can be likened to the 40 days and 40 nights that Moses went up to receive the Ten Commandments from the Lord. And the people were building a golden calf and dancing and playing and getting into all kinds of trouble. That's what's going on in the church world today. But Christ is about to come down from the mountain with the law of God, and He is going to grind up their golden calves, and sprinkle it upon the waters of their soul and is going to come with the Levites to slay their wicked Adamic souls. Whole church world's laughing and singing and playing.

This is a very serious hour. It's like it was in the days of the Book of Judges. Everyone's doing what they think is right in their own eyes, and it looks like there's no judgment. But there is judgment, and there's going to be wailing and gnashing of teeth when Christ comes down from the mountain. Hallelujah.

Let's try this. What I'm going to do is read you a verse at a time. I'm going to read you the Alternate Translation, and then I'll go over how I got it, and I'll read it again. Try not to ask me any questions unless you really can't go on, and we'll just see how this format goes. Praise the Lord.

The Book of Daniel, Chapter 12, Verse 1, "And at the time of the end, Christ, the great prince who is our righteousness, shall appear in His people. And the sons of God shall enter into a period of conflict with Satan such as was never seen before they came into existence -- before the sons of God came into existence. And the whole flock of your people, Daniel, shall be delivered at that time. And the sons of God shall be a witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ."

"At that time," the word time is 6256. It means the appointed time. It also can be translated age, at that age. What age? At the age of the kingdom, at the age -- at the end of all things, which is happening right now. We're about to enter into that age now. "Shall Michael stand up," and those of you who have listened to our message number 4, I believe -- "Out -- is it "Out of the Dust?" I think it's "Out of the Dust," where we go into the Book of Jude, where Michael, the archangel, and Satan are fighting over the body of Moses. We found out that there's one Greek word for live body and another Greek word for dead body, and that the body they were fighting over was Moses' live body, which surprises everybody.

And the Lord told us, when I preached that message, that this was a parable to d- -- impart to those that are wise in Christ, those that have understanding. This is a parable describing the conflict in the life and the mind of every believer, between Satan, which is ruling their carnal mind which they were born with, their Adamic soul that they were born with, and the Christ that's being formed in them as a result of spiritual ministry. And they're fighting for the use of Moses' body, and it's going on in you now. Christ and the carnal mind are fighting over who is going to have the use of your mind, who is going to determine what you think, who is going to determine what you do and who is going to determine what you say.

So Michael is a type of Christ in the mind of the believer that is two-souled. And James tells us that the two-souled man is unstable in all his ways. Why? Because one minute he's thinking with the mind of Christ, and the other minute he's thinking with the carnal mind. So we're told, in Daniel 12:1, that at that time, as we approach, as we enter into the age of the kingdom, Michael shall stand up. Where? He's going to be standing up in the minds of the people -- of God's people who have receive the engrafted word. He's going to stand up in the minds of the people where He's being formed.

He's not going to stand up in the minds of the people where He's not formed. Brethren, women that are not pregnant are not going to have a baby. You've got to get pregnant first. Let's do things in order here. "And at that time shall Michael stand up in the minds of God's people, Michael, that great prince which standeth for the children of thy people." He is the great prince that standeth for us. He typifies Christ who is our righteousness.

We cannot stand by ourself [sic]. Brethren, only those who are righteous can stand. Those who are completely fallen are lying down in a bed. Those who have some measure of Christ in their life are sitting up in the bed. But only those who are righteous can stand. So if Michael stands up for us, it means when He is fully born in us, He will be our righteousness. And when He appears, we shall appear with Him. Hallelujah.

"And there shall be a time of trouble." There shall be -- this is Jacob's trouble. "There shall be a time of trouble." And what is this? It is the battle of the ages, the battle of the minds, between Christ and the carnal mind, both in the individual and between Christ and one individual and the carnal mind in another individual, "such as never was seen since there was a nation -- since ever was seen since there was a nation." And I'm suggesting to you that this is talking about the sons of God. Michael is going to stand up in His people, and the so- -- and what happens when He stands up? The sons of God appear. When Christ stands up in you, you are a son of God. Glory to God.

"And at that time they people shall be delivered." All of God's people shall be delivered from whom? From the tyranny of Satan and the carnal mind, "every one that shall be found written in the book." Now, I want to point out to you that this word trouble, "a time of trouble," is Strong's 6869, and it means a female adversary. This trouble that we're having is with a female adversary. And if you've been studying along with these messages, you know that the Lord has revealed to us that Satan is a female. And I've told you before, when He first revealed that to me, I couldn't understand why it was important, but I'm seeing more and more and more that it's all over the Scriptures that Satan is a female. And to God it's very important. Glory to God.

"And there shall be a time of trouble with this female adversary." And this word means enemy, especially a rival which is a female. Glory to God. And it says there never has been such a time of trouble, "since there was a nation." That word is 1961 in Strong's, and it means since the existence of or since this nation came into being. And if you look up that word, 1961 -- glory to God. Oh, it's two words. It's since the existence of the nation. It's two words in the interlinear, 1961 and 1471. And it can be translated a flock of locusts, since the flock of locusts came into existence.

And I remind you, if you've been following along with us, that the locusts of Revelation 9 are the sons of God. We have this on a recent message. I think it's maybe only two numbers before this, or maybe it's the number just before this that the sons of God are likened to locusts. We are the planting of the Lord. We are spiritual vegetation. Our Adamic soul is another planting. It's a false planting. It's a tear. And the sons of God are locusts who are going to chew up and consume the false vine. So this nation, I have just proved to you, Lord willing -- it's proved to me, that this nation that the Scripture is talking about is the sons of God. Glory to God.

And that -- "at that time they people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book." Now, this translation, every one, if you look up the word, it's Strong's 3605, and it really means the whole, every one of the whole. Everyone that is really God's people shall be delivered. Who are God's people, brethren? God's people are the one in whom Christ is being formed. God's people are those individuals in whom Christ is being formed.

I don't care if you speak in tongues or you wear a cross or you dance, you've got to be pregnant with the life of Christ to be considered one of His people. And in that hour, when Christ appears, either you're going to be one of His people, or you're not, and you're going to know it. You're not going to be able to deceive yourself any longer. Hallelujah. Glory to God.

"Every one that shall be found written in the book." The word written is Strong's 3789, and it means graven. And the book is something that holds a message. We've had this many times. The book is your soul, brethren. Our souls are engraven or written upon by the spirit that rules us. And what this is saying is that in that hour, everyone in whom the life of Christ is being formed shall have their soul engraven with the image of the Father. It is the completion of our creation.

Our Adamic soul, which is -- or our carnal mind is in the image of Satan, and we have been living by her authority for our entire life. We now have a new soul. It is the mind of Christ. And when He stands up in us in full stature, He's going to tread Satan, which is the god of the carnal mind, underfoot, and we shall be living by the spiritual -- our existence shall be because of the spiritual authority of Christ, whose God is the Father, Jehovah. Glory to God.

"Every one that shall be found written in the book." This word found is Strong's 4672, and it means to exist. It means these people shall be found -- what I just said. They shall be found existing by the spiritual authority of Christ. Because, you see, the Adamic soul is going to be destroyed. The Adamic soul, whose personality in the realm of appearance is the carnal mind, whose God is Satan, is going to be torn down.

See, God is not an arbitrary taskmaster that says I will save you and I will not save you. Brethren, when the Adamic soul is torn down, when it is destroyed, when it is found with no remedy but goes down to the pit, if Christ is not formed in you to sustain your life, you will not be able to survive. So only those who are existing by the spiritual authority of the Christ that's being formed in them shall continue.

God's not coming down with a bullwhip or with lightning bolts saying I'm going to take you because I like what you did, and I'm not going to take you because I'm a vengeful God. That's not the way it works. God is not like that. This message is going out across the whole Earth. And this chapter tells me, and you'll hear it shortly, that those that don't hear the word don't hear it because their hearts are wicked in that they have turned away from God. That's the word of the Lord. It's not my word. If I could do it, I would take everybody, but they won't come. They won't come, with very few exceptions. They just won't come.

So Verse 1, "And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: until their sha- -- and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book."

Alternate Translation, "And at that time of the end, Christ, the great prince who is our righteousness, shall appear in His people. And the sons of God shall enter into a period of conflict with Satan such as was never seen before they came into existence. And the whole flock of your people shall be delivered at that time, and the sons of God shall be a witness to the resurrection of Christ."

Those found written in the book, they shall be a witness to the resurrection of Christ. Have you read in the Book of Acts that the apostles went out and they witnessed to the resurrection of Christ? Brethren, it was not the signs and wonders that they did. The witness to the resurrection of Christ was that He was resurrected in them and thus enabling them to do the signs and the wonders.

We have men in the church today that do signs and wonders, and Christ is not resurrected in them. How do I know it? There is no ri- -- or there is no or a minimum of righteousness. They are lacking in righteousness, and they are lacking in love. The presence of Christ is not determined by spiritual gifts or doctrine, no matter how accurate their doctrine is.

Look for the love of God, and look for righteousness. And the love of God is not what your silly little female mind thinks it is. The love of God is tough love, and you've got to get your mind lined up with His mind as to what love is, or you're going to go around thinking people that are manifesting the love of Christ don't love you. You cannot define your own terms. The love of God is defined by Christ. It's not defined by your childish mind. Hallelujah.

Verse 2, "And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt."

Alternate Translation, "And the corporate living soul which is existing in the sleep of their carnal minds shall awake to their true spiritual nature, to the fact that they are spiritual men, some finding themselves dwelling in the world, or the mind of Christ, and others dwelling in the hated world of the carnal mind."

Let's take a few of those words. "And many of them," the word many is Strong's 7227, and it is a collective word that means many parts, the whole made up of many parts. The word awake is Strong's 7964, and it means to arouse from sleep abruptly. You know, I don't know what that means spiritually. I know the Scripture says that we're going to be changed in a moment, and the immature children in the church world thinks that it's really a moment, a second. But a moment in time could be a whole lifetime. A moment out of this whole age could be a man's whole lifetime. So I honestly don't know what this abruptly means, but that's the word, to arouse from sleep abruptly. It could mean in one lifetime.

The word contempt is Strong's 2781, and this word can be also translated pudenda. We've had this many times in our deep studies in the prophets. It means sexual parts, and we have spiritual sexual parts. Paul clearly said, "Gird up the loins of your mind." Hallelujah. The word everlasting is Strong's 5769. It can also be translated world or age.

And this is the same Hebrew word used in Ecclesiastes 3:11. We did a study on this recently in the 78 series. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, "Also he hath set the world in their heart." He has set the world in their heart. He has set the age in their heart. What does that mean? The age which is ruled by Satan. Is he not the prince of the power of the air. Is he not the ruler of this world? He's in your heart, and the age that he rules over is in your heart. But there's a new age. Glory to God. It is the age of Christ, and it is ruled over by the Father God, and He too, if He's being formed in you, is in your heart. And if He's in your heart, you've got two hearts, and one is going to swallow up the other. One is going to be exalted, and the other is going to be abased, and there is no question about who shall be exalted. It shall be Christ.

The word life is Strong's 2418, and it is used collectively of all those who are alive. And I just remind you that the Father sees us as one creation. We are a many membered creation. We are a system. This is a world system, and everything one person does affects another person. And I want to tell you that my mind is not great enough to fully comprehend this.

I know that the psychologists of this age are teaching that the family is a system and that the immediately family is a system and that everything or every problem that one person has must affect every other person. No matter how well they seem to be dealing with it, it must be affecting every other person. That I can comprehend. I can comprehend how one person in the fellowship having a problem can affect the whole fellowship. I can understand that.

But I want to tell you, when God says to me that my problem is affecting someone in China, I have a problem comprehending that. I really do. But I know that God said that it's true and that I'm carnal in that area. Because if I wasn't carnal, I would understand it. But I also know that He has told me that no matter how few people there are that are willing to listen to this doctrine and to receive it into their heart and to let it grow in them and change them, that just the fact -- no matter how few we are, that it's being preached, that it's going out into the atmosphere, that there are other minds that are hearing it. We are changing the entire world.

I know God told me this when I first started preaching five years ago, but I didn't really understand it until recently. We are the beginning of what will eventually be a tidal wave that is going to change the entire world. You hear what I'm saying? Don't look at the numbers. Don't look at the problems that we have here. Don't look at it, because we are making history, and God has let us be a part of it. How wonderful that we should be so honored to suffer, that He should be glorified.

Any spiritual warfare I go through, I praise God for it. I don't particularly love being beat up, but I love these messages and all the -- and the double for my shame that He gives me when I come out of it. It's usually revelation that I get when I come out of it. Hallelujah.

OK, let's try this Verse 2. "And the many of them that sleep in the dust -- and the many of them, the whole of them, and the corporate living soul, which is existing in the sleep of their carnal minds." Are we not made of dust? Isn't that our Adamic soul made out of the dust? OK. They shall awake, and the Scripture says awake abruptly. It probably means in one lifetime. "Some to everlasting life, " glory to God, "some to the age of Christ." Some are going to come of spiritual age through Christ, and some to the shame or that which is [?abort?]. I don't think I told you that. "And some to the shame of -- to the shame and everlasting contempt." And some to the shame, that which is hated, of everlasting, the age of contempt, also translated pudenda.

Everybody's going to be awakened spiritually. Some of them are going to be awakened spiritually because Christ is appearing in them, and others are going to be awakened spiritually because the sexual parts of Satan is going to arise in their mind. Is this coming -- do you know what I'm talking about? Am I presenting it? Glory to God.

The whole creation's going up. We're coming of age, and we're moving into spiritual puberty. And it's either going to be Christ appearing in us -- but for those who are wicked and will not heed to Christ's call, their Adamic soul, ruled by Satan, appearing in this world system as the carnal mind, is going to appear in them. People that are laughing at spiritual things now, people that tell you voodoo doesn't work unless you believe it, people, including Christians that tell you you can't be cursed, that's all in your imagination, they're going to find the carnal mind appearing in them without restraint, doing damage to whoever she wants to do damage to.

And they will not be able to restrain her. Because why? We're having enough trouble restraining her now, aren’t we, all of us? My carnal mind gives me one run for my money, lots of times. I have to cry out to God. But the people out there that -- we're going to find in a further verse, on the way down, that they can't even recognize that they have a carnal mind. They think every thought in their mind is Christ. Do you know Christians like that? Are they in for a surprise, because that spirit, that voice that they think is Christ is going to start telling them to do some obviously wicked things that they're going to have to sit back and say, hey, wait a minute. But they shall be overtaken.

Daniel 12, Verse 2, "And to corporate living soul, which is existing in the sleep of their carnal minds, shall awake to their spiritual nature, some finding themselves dwelling in the world, or the mind of Christ, and others dwelling in the hated world of the carnal mind, which is the sexual parts of Satan."

The carnal mind, that part of Satan that penetrates, that part that reaches out, that part that enters in and joins with other people's minds. That part of Satan that enters in and does damage to people's person, the sexual parts of Satan, the carnal mind.

Verse 3, "And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, as the stars for ever and ever."

Alternate Translation, Verse 3, "And those who teach shall enlighten the whole flock and turn them to righteousness, and their spirit shall be as bright as the spirit of Christ, because of their union with Him, and each of their souls shall be as a blazing star which will easily be seen by Adamic man during the kingdom age."

The word wise is 7919. I have down here those who teach. I don't know that that's right, but that's what I have down. I'm pretty sure the number is right, 7919. The word shine is Strong's 2094, and it means to enlighten. And the word ever is Strong's 5769. It means to go beyond the vanishing point or outside the realm of time. I'm going to suggest to you -- let me put this on the board for you. This is what it means. This word is a word for e- -- for the eternal realm of God.

And time -- in case you don't know it, time has an edge. It has a parameter. We'll draw it as a circle. Time has a beginning and an end. It keeps going around in a circle. It's not eternity without any end. Every age has a beginning and has an end, but the Spirit of God, which is eternal, He exists outside of the realm of time and inside of the realm of time. Time is inside of eternity. Eternity is the Spirit of God. He is outside of time, and He is inside of time. Has not it been taught here that spiritual life is within you and outside of you? I know I've taught it to you. Godly spiritual life, the Father, is within you, and is -- has the capability of vibrating out past you, and in the glorified creation, [?we'll?will?] be inside and outside.

Ungodly spiritual life is also inside and outside. Have you heard of auras? Whatever spirit is ruling in you, he's also outside of you. People that can see auras can see it. I can see an aura. I have to believe it's an occult gift, because I don't it's a gift in Christ that I don't have. I believe it's an occult gift. I discern the spirit on you. How? By righteousness, by trying you for righteousness and trying you for love.


Right, so I don't see anything in the Scripture about discerning your aura. Although, I know that Peter -- the Scripture says he had a shadow. I believe that was -- I don't know what the godly word, the godly equivalent, is for aura, but I believe that spiritual life was visible on him. Although, to the best of my knowledge, the Scripture does not say that that shadow was seen. It said that he had a shadow, that when people touched it they were healed. I don't know anything in the Scripture about it being seen. If you know about it, please let me know. And I, to date, I don't know anything about visibly seeing auras. We're not supposed to be looking at any man after the flesh. We're supposed to discern the spirit in their heart. Glory to God.

So what is the vanishing point? The vanishing point is the place where we exit out of time. Those of us that are living inside the realm of time, we have visibility. We can see each other. We can see this room. We can even get on a plane and go to the other side of the world. But there is a place beyond which we cannot see. We call it the realm of the spirit, and it's outside this barrier. You need spiritual eyes to see into it. The only way you can see past the vanishing point is if Christ is in you and He becomes your eyes. Does anyone not know what I'm talking about? Beyond the vanishing point, it's outside of the circle of time. It's outside of the age. It's in eternity. Glory to God.

So the vanishing point, this word -- I'll give you the number. This word, 5769, translated ever in Verse 3, means the realm of God's Spirit. And we have ever an ever. In Verse 3 it talks about ever and ever. They're two different words. One word is Strong's 5769, beyond the vanishing point, the realm of the spirit, and the other word is Strong's 5703, and it means a time period that has an end.

So we're told, in Verse 3, "And they shall be wi- -- and they that shall be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament." "And they that be wise," those who teach, those who God has anointed to teach, shall shine, shall enlighten who? Enlighten all the other people. Glory to God. Or whoever God will anoint to receive the word. "And they that turn" -- I can't read. You know, I'm having trouble seeing here. Can I put this light on back here? [INAUDIBLE] can't read, but I can't -- I can read, but I can't see.


OK. "And they that shall be wise," they that shall teach, that the Lord shall anoint to teach, "shall shine," or shall enlighten, "others as the brightness of the firmament." And that's the -- well, what is the firmament? The firmament is heaven. So they shall enlighten others. They shall be as bright as heaven. Well, how do you get as bright as heaven? Heaven has to be inside of you. Who is heaven? Heaven is Christ. He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit, Amen. If the spirit of Christ is inside of you and you are joining with Him, and because you are joining with Him, you have become wise and you are enlightening others, you shall be as bright as the firmament from within you. Amen, OK.

"And those that be wise," those that are anointed to teach, "shall shine," or enlighten, "as the brightness of the firmament." There's -- human spirits are going to be joined to Christ, and they're going to shine as the brightness of heaven is within them, "and they that turn many to righteousness shall also shine as the stars for ever and ever," the stars typifying the soul realm. Glory to God. They're going to shine as the brightness of the firmament in their spirit, and they're going to shine as the stars in their soul. And the result is that they're going to turn many to righteousness.

Alternate Translation, Daniel 12, Verse 3, "And those who teach shall enlighten the whole flock and turn them to righteousness, and their spirit shall be as bright as the spirit of Christ because of their union with Him. And each of their souls shall be as a blazing star which will easily be seen by Adamic men during the kingdom age."

Brethren, those -- the body -- the church is dying. Many in the church are dying because they cannot discern the body of Christ. They cannot see Christ in other believers. They don't know where to go for help. And almost without exception they think, when they come up against someone with a true anointing, a true imparted anointing, they perceive them as being an enemy. Their Adamic soul perceives them as an enemy, and they run right into the hands of their true enemy. They're dying, and they're sick, and they're weakly because they cannot discern the body of Christ.

But once we enter into the kingdom age, the true ministers of Christ are going to be as obvious to these people, obv- -- as obvious to believers as the stars in the sky or as obvious as the Catholic priests with their black coat and their white collar. That's a joke. OK. But it's going to be a spiritual sign. You see, the spiritual signs are here now on the true body of Christ, but the church is so ruled by their carnal mind, their mind is so darkened, that they perceive Christ as their enemy, and they flee from Him.

I had someone in my house today. God has called her. She is terrified of me. I told her to her face. I said, you're terrified of me. She started to interview me. I said, oh, you're interviewing me? She wanted to know how the ministry started. I said, sister, I don't have to present myself to you. So the only thing I have to do [UNINTELLIGIBLE] is present the anointing that's on me. The burden is yours. I don't have to sell myself to you. God has called you here. He's given you signs, and now you have to try the spirit and find out what you want to do. I don't have to convince you to come here. [?Poor woman?] was scared out of her mind.

This is the reaction of the Adamic man to someone with the imparted anointing. They're terrified. But in the kingdom age, they will recognize the true ministers of Christ, and they will be as obvious as the stars shining in the night sky. Hallelujah. Glory to God.

I would just like to point out to you that the Scripture says, "And their spirit shall be as the bright as the spirit of Christ." There is no division in Christ, brethren. If Christ is being formed in you, you are one with everyone in whom Christ is being formed. That is how Paul can say to us, "If the toe hurts, everybody feels it." If you have Christ in you, you have the same spirit as your brother or sister that has Christ being formed in them. However, we do have individual human souls that are hopefully being ruled by and purified by the spirit that's ruling us. We're divided in the realm of the soul, but we are one in the realm of the spirit. Glory to God.

Verse 4, "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end" many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased."

Alternate Translation, "But the resolution of this matter for you, Daniel, is to forget about it until the end times, when the whole flock shall push forth into the life of God's Spirit, and the knowledge of Him shall increase."

I want to tell you this is such a sexual thing. You know, some people get offended. God's giving me a tough ministry here. I'm telling you, this thing is very sexual. Jesus Christ is being born in us. We have been penetrated by Him as a woman is penetrated by a man, physically. And whoever the male spirit is that is ruling us abides within us. It's as if we were engaged in a sexual intercourse and we never come apart. Out here in the realm of appearance, when a man and a woman have sexual intercourse, they eventually come apart. You don't stay physically joined together indefinitely or for the duration of your marriage.

And people that engage in the most satisfying sexual life with their husband, legal, perfectly legitimate, have, still, all kinds of human problems. They have moments of loneliness. They have moments where one person is rejected. No one's perfectly compatible. One person's rejected. Somebody's disappointed.

But spiritual intercourse, spiritual sexual intercourse, the male spirit enters into the female soul and abides there, does not withdraw. Now, if the spirit that's within your soul is Satan, you have all kinds of problems, because she is a corrupt spirit. She is a lesbian, and she is illegal, and she is incestuous. And she has no right to be inside of you, and she's killing you. But if the male spirit that's inside of you is Christ or is the Father, which is bringing forth His Christ, He will be -- if He is that spirit that raised Christ from the dead, He will raise your Adamic soul from the dead and eventually your body out of this realm of death and disease and corruption and pain and torment in your body and in your mind.

We must be filled with a male spirit, and we will not have the problems that we have. The problems that we have now are resulting from the fact that we're filled with a female spirit. Glory to God. Hallelujah.

"But the resolution of this matter for you, Daniel, is to forget about it until the end times, when the whole flock," what flock? The flock of God's people. Who are God's people? The people that have God's Spirit. Who has God's Spirit? Those in whom Christ is being formed, those who have received the engrafted word, "until the end times when the whole flock shall push forth into the life of God's Spirit." What does that mean? Brethren, we have to penetrate Christ. The veil is His flesh. What veil? We're living here behind a veil, brethren. This is the realm of appearance. Paul calls it a gazing stock or a theater. We're existing behind a veil, which can be likened to the curtain in a theater.

You know, I -- they've had on TV recently an advertisement for one of these National Geographic series, and I can't get it out of my mind. They show a picture of -- it looks like a deer. I may have the animal wrong, but a deer type animal. And they show her having a baby, and they show you the back of the mother. And you're looking at the backside of this animal, and all of a sudden this head pops out of her backside. And the whole body of the baby is still inside the baby, and the head pops through with its eyes wide open, and it looks all around. That baby deer has been behind a veil, behind a curtain, couldn't see anything that was going on outside, was inside his mother's womb. And then, in one moment, his head popped out, and he saw the whole plane, and his body was still inside.

Brethren, our head has already been born. That's why we could see in the spirit, because the head is outside of our mother. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ. Who is our mother, anybody? Eve, the mother of all living, our human spirit, is pregnant with Christ, and our head has already pierced through the veil of her flesh. That's how we can see, but we're still inside the womb. This world is an illusion. It's not reality. Reality is on the other side of the veil, as amazing as it might sound. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Glory to God.

"But the resolution of this matter for you, Daniel, is to forget about it until the end times, when the whole flock, when every individual that the human spirit is producing shall push forth into the life of God's Spirit, and the knowledge of Him shall increase." We're going to push forth into the life of His Spirit.

Now, remember -- how am I going to draw this here? We start out as a natural person. There is Satan who is joined to Eve, our human spirit, and she has produced the carnal mind, and she's all locked up in there in bondage. I guess I did this wrong. Let me try it again. We'll do it like this. Satan, Eve and the carnal mind, and in the midst of her is coming forth Christ. He has His own circle here. And Eve is getting free from Satan and the carnal mind, and she's going to pierce into Christ. And this whole unholy circle is coming down. It's going to dissolve. It's going to melt, the elements. What elements? The elements of your spiritual being. The foundation of your Adamic spiritual being is going to melt. The carnal mind is going to die. Satan is going to be swallowed up by the Father, and Eve is going to come right in here in safety with Christ and the Father.

We must push forth from the Adamic soul and pierce the veil of His flesh. Those who have pierced Him shall see Him, not those who have crucified Him. Those who have pierced Him shall see Him. Oh, God help us. Glory to God. Those who have pierced Him shall see Him.

Now, for those of you who are confused because you realize that I said a few minutes ago that we must be penetrated by a male spirit, and then I told you that we must penetrate Christ, let me explain this to you. There are two penetrations. Glory to God. First, our Adamic heart, our Adamic soul, must be penetrated by the Father. When He penetrates our Adamic heart, He joins in a spiritual sexual union with Eve who is, at that time, fully bound to Satan and the carnal mind. This is a warfare for the Father to even get to her, but He gets to her, and He impregnates her. And when she becomes pregnant with Christ, that is the beginning of her personal salvation experience, because the savior of her soul, or the child that is going to save her in childbearing, is coming forth.

And the way she is going to be saved in childbearing is that when her child, whose name is Christ, arrives at full maturity, she will separate from Satan and the carnal mind and flee into Christ, the spirit of which is the Father. There is a transition taking place. There is a transfer taking place, and it is taking place in two stages. We must be penetrated by and impregnated by the Father. I guess we can say three stages. We must be penetrated by the Father. We must be impregnated by the Father, and then we must penetrate our own offspring, Christ, to find ourselves safely secure in His life. Two penetrations.

Does not the Scripture say no one can recognize the Christ unless the Father reveals it to him? No one can recognize Christ in a man unless the Father -- and it doesn't say what form the Father is in. It doesn't say the Father in the form of the Holy Spirit. Nor does it say the Father in the form of the spirit of Christ. Whatever form of the Father is within you, He has the authority to reveal to your conscious understanding that His own Son is manifesting in a particular human being.

And then, did not Jesus say, "No man cometh unto the Father but by me?" Has this ever confused you? This is exactly what we're speaking about here. Only the Spirit of the Father, only the Holy Spirit can reveal to you that Christ is dwelling in a man. And only when you become impregnated by the Father and Christ comes forth in you can you come unto the Father, can you be converted in the spiritual life that the Father is.

So our conversion has a plan. There is a pattern, which we much follow -- which we must follow to enter into glorification, and it begins with the Father revealing Christ in a man to us. And when we submit to that man for ministry, we shall become impregnated with the Christ. And after we become impregnated with the Christ, we must pierce through the Christ within our own spiritual being, pierce the veil of this flesh. And we shall come unto the Father. Who is there? Who is in His Christ. Glory to God. Glory to God.

And the knowledge of Him shall increase, not knowledge about inventions and cars and atomic generators. The knowledge of Him shall increase, and that's what's happening right here tonight. A knowledge of Him is increasing in your mind, in your soul, in your spirit, and it's going out into the realm of the spirit, and it's wreaking havoc out there. Just the fact that I'm preaching, that you're listening, that the messages are playing, it's killing the carnal mind. It is bringing destruction to this world system. Why? We are speaking forth, into the atmosphere, a new mind, a new way of looking at things, a new way of dealing with problems. And when we speak it, it is taking form.

And I know that it's taking form in my personality, and I know that I've touched the lives of others and that their personality is changed, and that because their personality has changed, they're dealing with problems has changed, and their life is improved. And if their life is improved, everyone whose life they touch is changing. It's like the ripples on the ocean after you drop a pebble in it. There's no stopping it, and it's going to turn into a tidal wave of the glory of God.

OK, let me give you a few words that I looked up for you on this. I see I didn't write this word down here. We're in Verse 4. "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book." OK, this must be shut up, because I have written down here plug up as a fountain or obstruct, and it's Strong's 5640. Let me write that down. It should be shut up. And, "Shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro." The word run is Strong's 7751, and it means to push forth. It doesn't mean to run. It means to pu- -- well, maybe it could mean to run also. It means to push forth. "And knowledge shall be increased," and I'm suggesting to you that -- the word knowledge is 1847, and it means a knowledge of God. And if you look that word up in your lexicons, they'll give you reference as to where it's translated or used to express a knowledge of God.

So Daniel 12, Verse 4, "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased."

"But the resolution of this matter for you, Daniel, is to forget about it until the end times when the whole flock shall push forth into the life of God's Spirit, and the knowledge of Him shall increase." This word cannot be understood until the knowledge of God increases. Where? In you. But I gave an exhortation earlier this evening [AUDIO CUTS OUT] -- I have been praying about the Book of Daniel for years, in particular, I think, it's Chapter 11. Yeah, Chapter 11 in particular. I've had a lot of revelation for many years. I couldn't get anything out of that Chapter 11. For years I gave up on it. As recently as a year ago, I said, Lord, I'm -- my mind is hurting me from trying to study this, and I know You're not in it, and I'm just putting it aside.

And out of a clear blue sky, God brought me into the Book of Daniel last night. And I have enough revelation on it, just from reading it last night, so that I can't wait until He lets me start preparing to teach that, because I know that He's opening that to me. Why? Because a knowledge of God, or the knowledge of God which is within me, must have increased since the last time I looked at it, because when I looked at it a year ago, I couldn't make head or tail out of it. And I looked at it last night, and it was making a lot of sense.

So the knowledge of God that is within me -- what is that? It is Christ. Christ within me has increased. Why has He increased? Because I'm using Him, just like you use your natural muscles. How will Christ increase in you? You expose yourself to spiritual ministry. If you're not yet mature enough or spiritual strong enough to actually practice living out of Him, then put yourself in a place where the anointing is flowing forth over you. Let it bathe over you. Let it start to root and to grow in you. And once you can start moving in Christ yourself, move in Him, and you will increase in Him. If you use Him, you'll increase. If you don't use Him -- [UNINTELLIGIBLE] any muscle will atrophy if you don't use it. If you have Christ and you don't use Him, if you bury under the ground of your Adamic soul, the Lord will take back what He has given you, that much of Himself that He has given you. He will take it back. Hallelujah.

Verse 5, "Then I Daniel looked, and, behold, there stood other two, the one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side of the bank of the river."

Alternate Translation, "Then I Daniel looked and saw a spiritual man having dominion over both the spiritual and earthen parts of God's creation."

The word other two, I don't have the number for you, but I looked it up. And it means -- it's talking about a two-sided man. It's talking -- it's not really clear in the Hebrew. The translators just did the -- the King James translators did the best they could. It's really not clear. But I'm suggesting to you that it's talking about the spiritual man that is the right triangle man, which one side of him is on the earth, and the other side of him is in the realm of the spirit. And the way the prophet describes it is that he had one foot on each side of the river. Half of him was a spirit man, and the other half of him was a natural man. And is this not our Lord Jesus Christ? We've just done a recent message on that.

And the word river, I'm going to suggest to you -- I can't prove it to you, but you have to start -- anyone who's listening to this message, it's time for you to get spiritual, because even if I could prove it to you with letters and words, God wants you to start praying about this stuff and start trying the spirit. And I'm going to suggest to you that the river that this Scripture is talking about is the river in Eden, the four-headed river in Eden, which we discussed on the number 18 series.

This -- in that -- in the 18 series, we discovered that that four-headed river was the beginning of the formation of God's creation and that the four-heads that are broken to are the different parts, the different spiritual parts of the creation. And I'm suggesting to you that this man that's standing upon it is the man that has been produced by the spiritual life of God that was joined to the earth at the beginning of time.

So let's try and go over it a little bit here. We're on Verse 5. "Then I Daniel looked, and, behold, there stood the two-sided man, the one that was both spiritual and natural. He was -- and Adamic. He was on both sides of the river, and the one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side of the bank of the river"

"And I Daniel looked and saw a spiritual man having dominion over both the spiritual and earthen parts of God's creation."

Why do I say that? Because the spiritual man is a right triangle, OK, and Jesus Christ is the head of the corner. He is the God of the right triangle man. And that is why I'm saying that this spiritual man had dominion. He was standing. He was not sitting. He was not sitting. That's a sign of spiritual dominion and authority.

Verse 6, "And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, ‘How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?’"

Alternate Translation, "And I Daniel said to the righteous man, who had dominion over the peoples, multitudes, nations and languages of humanity, ‘How long will it take for these miracles to come to pass?’"

Well, Sheila, where in the world did you get peoples, multitudes, nations and languages? I got it in Revelation 17:15 where it says, "The harlot was sitting upon many peoples, multitudes, nations and languages," and that the many waters are the many peoples of the world. Please note that Christ is standing on the waters of humanity but that the harlot of Revelation 17:15 is sitting on the waters. This reflects the two realms of spiritual power. First one, the realm of God's Spirit, whereby you're standing, and the second one is the spiritual realm of the soul, whereby you're sitting. The individual human being that is not engaged in either of these realms is depicted as lying down on a bed. Glory to God.

I'll go over it again. "And said to the man who was clothed in linen." Does anyone not know that linen is the righteousness of the saints? So, "I Daniel said to the righteous man, which was upon the waters of the river, which was -- which had dominion over multitudes, peoples, nations and languages that had grown out of the river," the four-headed river that we see in Genesis, the beginning of God's creation.

And I didn't want to take the time to look this up, but my recollection is that nations refer to peoples that do not know Christ. That as far as nations go, there's only two categories of people, those in whom Christ is being formed and those who -- in whom He is not being formed. Languages refer -- are referred to the different people that speak different languages, or the groups of people that each speak one language. 

And peoples and multitudes, I don't remember which is which, but one of them refers to a group of people, a national group of people such as the British, where, when you go to England, pretty much so, everybody really looks alike. People that are, you know, born British, they're the same color. They look alike. They have the same mentality. They speak the same language. They're British.

Then we have another group of people, which we find in a country like the United States, OK, where we do have something in common. We all speak the same language. This is our country. We have some common goals, hopefully. We vote or we're concerned about our government. But we don't necessarily speak the -- our basic language or our ethnic background is not necessarily the same. So one group of people is a group of people that is the same through bloodline, and the other group of people have something in common through an unnatural -- some kind of unnatural structure. OK, anybody not understand that?

"And I Daniel said to the righteous man who had dominion over the peoples, multitudes, nations and languages of humanity, how long will it take for these miracles to come to pass?"

Verse 7, "And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven." This is a big verse, so we'll just take a half of it. "And I heard the" --

Alternate Translation, "And I heard the righteous man who had the spiritual strength to visit both blessings and judgment upon the peoples, multitudes, nations and languages of the living soul."

I heard him do something. We're going to find out what he did. He held his left hand up to heaven. He left it -- held his left hand up to the Father. OK. I want to -- what? I want to -- pardon me?


OK. I want to point out to you that the word when in the phrase, "When he held up his right hand," it's not in the original Hebrew, and we're going to be leaving it out, because it doesn't -- it hinders what the Lord has told me the Scripture is trying to say. OK. The word for left, it do- -- if you look in the interlinear, it does not say left hand. This Hebrew word for left -- [?it is?] -- if you look in the Interlinear, it does not say left hand.

This Hebrew word is 8040, and it does not say left hand; it just says left. Now, the Hebrew word translated right hand says right hand, and it is the right hand of blessing. We see that in the Scriptures a lot, but it is -- this -- the word for left is just the word for left. And does anybody not know that Satan is the left side of God? He is the judgment of God. He is God’s servant. He is that part of God through which judgment is executed. Hallelujah.

And the number is 840, and the Concordance says that this word means north, which is a dark and a cold place, and I am suggesting to you that it is a type of Satan, and we have been preaching here that Hell is cold, that it is a lie that Hell is a hot place. Hell is cold; it is far away from the Son of God; it is cold, and it is dark, and it is miserable, and the fires that burn in Hell are the fires of God’s judgment because the Psalm [?has said?], “Whether I ascend to Heaven or descend down into Hell, thou art there,” so the fire is the power and the authority of God in Hell.

OK, now let me go on. “And swear by Him that liveth forever and ever, that it shall be for a time, times, and a half.” So he raised his right hand and his left unto Heaven.” Glory to God. He showed that He had the spiritual strength to visit both blessings, which is the right hand, and judgment which is the left hand upon those people’s multitudes, nations and languages, that he was sitting upon, and he swear by his Father, the one who liveth forever and ever, that all these miraculous events would take place in a time, times, and a half. Now we did some Bible numerology a couple of messages back, and we were giving [sic] -- we were given the meaning of this number 3,500; it is on message 140; a time 1,000 a times 2,000, so 1 + 2 equals 3,000, and a half a time is 500; 3,500. And I will just review that for you briefly. Well, let me just put the whole thing on the board. Just want to read that again.

            You said on message 40 [sic]?


Oh, 140.

Message 140. “And I heard the man clothed in linen, the righteous man, which was upon the waters, which had authority over the waters of the river, which had authority over the many members of the living soul that had been birthed since that original formation, and he held up his right hand of blessings and his left up into Heaven. He showed that he had spiritual authority [?in Heaven?and happened?] to give blessings and execute judgment, and he swear by him that liveth forever and ever the Father that it shall be for a time, times, and a half.” Now, remember, Daniel had asked how long it was going to take for all these wonderful things to start to come to pass, and the answer of the righteous man was 3,500.


I do not think it said 3,500 what. No, it did not say years, days or anything. It just said 3,500. OK. So I will review the Bible numerology that we did. The number 1,000 is equal to the human spirit separated from Satan. Remember, I had the diagram on the board before, that she had to get free of Satan and the carnal mind, so the number 1,000 is the human spirit freed. Glory to God. The number 3, we said, is equal to the spiritual man or the three-sided man, so the number 3,000 is equal to the human spirit freed on three levels. She is freed from Satan. She is freed from the carnal mind, and she is freed from the satanic body. What is the satanic body? It is this vile, fallen, human body that we are in. Glory to God.

Now, I want to suggest to you that this does not necessarily mean the glorification of the body. It means that she is freed from the dominion of this fallen body. In case you do not know it, or in case you have never experienced it because there are some people that have never experienced it, this body has the potential to be a tyrant over the spiritual man.

I want to tell you, for years, I have been dealing with the tyranny of this body that tortures me and makes me sick and gives me pain and hinders me from doing what God tells me to do. This body, a manifestation of Satan, has spiritual authority so long as I am in this world system to hinder me and to torment me.

So, my human spirit being freed from this body does not necessarily mean the glorification of the body. It merely means dominion over it, dominion over it, that it cannot stop me.

OK. Now we are up to the number 500. We will start with 100 -- we will s- -- OK. We will start with the number 100 is equal to Adam, Adam submitting, submitting to whom? Submitting to the rulership of Christ. Adam typifying our Adamic soul, which is expressed in this realm of appearance by the carnal mind, does not like to obey Christ. He wants to do -- or she wants to do what she wants to do. She is a rebellious woman. She is a Jezebel, and she is bringing death and destruction upon every person in whom she is reigning and ruling and treading Christ underfoot.

So the number 100 equals to the submissive Adamic soul, the Adamic soul which is expressed in the realm of appearance by the carnal mind is brought into submission by Christ; Christ the man is ruling his wife in the vessel which is typified by the number 100, and the number 5 is ministry, so the number 500 will be the ministry that appears when the Adamic soul is brought into submission. Now, does anybody not understand that no matter how strong Christ might be in you, if your Adamic soul is having its head, unless you are in full stature, of course, that she has some authority to hinder the ministry that Christ wants to bring forth from you. At the very least, if she gets you to not go where he sent you, how are you going to minister if you are not there? OK, so the number 500 is equal to the ministry that will appear in this realm of appearance. So, we are dealing with the phrase that it is going to take -- this is an answer to Daniel’s question -- how long is it going to take for all these things to come to pass? And I want to suggest to you that these numbers are spiritual, symbolic numbers; it is not a question of how many years; spiritual things are typified by events. Even Jesus said no man knows the day [?or thou?] -- even the Son does not know when this is going to happen. You are going to know that it is happening when you see it and you experience it happening. So all of this is going to come to pass when the human spirit is liberated. And the Christ, which is inside of the individual, is in an unhindered manner, ministering the power of Christ through that individual. When that happens to you, all these things are also going to happen to you. Christ must be conceived in your human spirit when he comes forth and he matures to the point of strength that he can -- let me put this on the board for you too, that he can project his ministry unhindered through you; all these things are going to happen to you, and it is not going to be the same time for you as it is going to be for me. And there are may -- may be those that it is going to happen to before me, and there are going to be those that it is going to happen to after me. It is going to be likened to the giving of the baptism with the Holy Spirit. I am convinced it will be one man at a time. I am convinced of it.

And I just want to show you the spiritual ministry on the board and remind you of the first stage of resurrection, where Christ has been formed in you, and he is layered over by the Adamic soul within which is the carnal mind ruled by Satan lying on top of Christ, and we have a body outside of that, but Christ has matured to the point that at will, he can penetrate this Adamic defense ruled by Satan and minister to the body of the person that he is dwelling in and also minister to anyone outside of that body that he would cho- -- choose to impart his spiritual strength to.

I had a dream the other night. I have been dreaming so much lately. It is incredible. But in this parti- -- you too?


Yeah -- but in this particular part of the dream I had a very real awareness that my body was -- I do not know whether it is true now or it is coming in the future, but this was my understanding of the dream, that my body was utterly filled up with the life of God in my spirit and in my soul, that if you think of my body as a container, I was just filled up with the life of God, but for some reason it just was not affecting my body; it was stopping right there, and I know that I am very strong in Christ. OK? It was in my spirit, and it was in my soul, but it was stopping right there, and as you know, I struggle with my health; I still struggle with my health very much so, and that was an awareness in the dream. Now, if that is true, well, then at any moment, it is going to just break through; it is just going to break through, and then I am going to be in the first stage of resurrection. Hallelujah. Oh, Jesus, Glory to God. I cannot wait. I cannot wait for this thing. I cannot wait for it.

OK. Now we have another phrase in verse 7 that we did not deal with yet. OK, so this is going to happen when our human spirit comes into that condition and when he shall have accomplished who? The man that is in this condition. And when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished. Now, I have a surprise for you over here. The word power, the power of the holy people -- now, carnal people that read these Scriptures, when they read about scattering the power of the holy people, they draw a quick conclusion that this Scripture must be talking about anti-Christ, that guy that is going to stand up in the Middle East. Well, we did Daniel 7, and the Lord showed us that [?an?] -- the little horn is Christ. It amazes me how little interest there is in these messages. It amazes me how few people hear about it, and they do not even want to listen to the messages. Amazing. Well, right here in this Scripture, we have another witness to the fact, that the one that is doing th- -- all of this damage to the saints is indeed the Lord Jesus Christ. And the reason he is doing all this damage to us is that we have a wicked sin-filled soul and that he is destroying. So this word power, translated power, is Strong’s 3027, and it means the open-[?handed?hand?], has many positive definitions to it, but it also has a negative definition. It can be translated armhole, and this is the same Hebrew word used by the Lord in Ezekiel 13:18 where he indicts Israel with witchcraft by announcing to her that she has been sewing pillows to the armholes of his people, and it is an indication of witchcraft power, and I have one witness for you in the Scripture; this same word is used in Proverbs 30:28 where it is translated the feet of a lizard, the feet of a lizard, and I want to suggest to you that this Scripture in Daniel is the second witness to the fact that no matter how holy you may think you are, and I may think I am, if we are not in full stature, or even if we are in full stature, we have another side to us; the Scripture likens it to a lizard; the Scripture likens it to a dragon; the Scripture likens it to a monster that lives in the sea, and either -- if we are in full stature, we have full control over her, and if we are not in full stature, we do not have full control over her, but this lizard, this dragon is a part of the creation that God is making, and she has a purpose to give form to the creation; she is the pestilence that is in the earth. Her name is Satan. And her expression in this realm of appearance is the carnal mind, and she is spiritually female.

All of this is going to come to pass in the individual when Christ appears in the first stage of resurrection, which is the manifestation of the sons of God, or which is Christ in full stature; there is many ways you can express it. So we find two conditions; we do not find a date; we do not find a year -- although I believe there is a season; we know Paul was born out of season, so it happened to Paul, but I do believe there is a season where it is going to start happening to numbers of people. Glory to God.

And once we enter into that season, there are two requirements for these things to come to pass in your life. What things are coming to pass in your life? You are going to stand up, and you are going to have dominion, and you are going to increase in the knowledge of God, and there are those that are going to be enlightening the whole flock and turning them to righteousness, and their spirit is going to be as bright as Christ, and their souls are going to be shining like stars, and the whole creation and its many members are going to awaken spiritually. There is going to be a spiritual awakening, some of them to spirituality in Christ and others to spirituality in the [?hated?] carnal mind, but the whole creation is going up, and the signs that it is happening is that Christ is going to appear in full stature, and he is going to break the power of the ungodly side of the cr- -- of the two-sided creation. First he is going to break it in his own self, and then he is going to go forth under the specific anointing of the Christ in him to break [?in and of this?].

Let me tell you something, brethren; there is no way you are going to be in the two-witness company until you have overcome your own soul. Now, if you are not in full stature, you cannot be manifesting in the two-witness company but only in the areas in which you have overcome. I declare to you, if you think that God is sending you to break the wickedness in somebody, in an area where you have not taken the dominion over that wickedness in your own life, you are deceived because the Lord is not doing that. First, you are overcoming yourself. Then you are overcoming your immediate family. Then you are overcoming your church family. Then he sends you to people outside of your immediate life. It starts with you. Glory to God.

Alternate translation, Daniel s- -- 12:7, And I heard the righteous man who had the spiritual strength to visit both blessings and judgment upon the people’s multitudes, nations and languages of the living soul. I heard him swear by his father that all these miraculous events would take place when the supernatural ministry of the sons of God appears in the earth and when the witchcraft power of the saints is completely broken.

Brethren, for all you preachers out there that are preaching, we are ascending automatically, I bless you, and I love you in Christ, but you are doing a great disservice to God’s people because they have heard your word, and they are not preparing for this. And I want to tell you no matter how carnal you think you are, God has a plan for you, and if you do all that you could do, he must keep you. I believe he will keep you. I do not care if you are in spiritual kindergarten; if you can understand where he wants you and you are doing the best you can to submit to his will in your life, he has got to keep you -- keep you from what? Keep you from being victimized by your own carnal mind when she stands up in full spiritual strength, making you your personality and your body an unwilling vessel for her wickedness.

I want to ask you a question; have you ever seen a drug addict that cannot stop taking drugs? Have you ever seen a serial murder that cannot -- murderer that cannot stop killing? Have you ever seen an overeater that cannot stop eating? Have you ever seen a human being doing something that he really does not want to do? Well, as bad as it is in our society today -- and, brethren, look around. It has already started. We have a c- -- a plague on our society today, people suffering from compulsive disorders; from simple overeating to things that my mind could not even imagine, people out of control; people being ruled by their bodies or by the lust of their soul that is not coming from their conscious mind; people doing things that, if they could change, they would not be doing. It is all over our country, and I am told it is all over the world. I honestly do not know about that.

Do you hear this? It has already started. Women that cannot say no, men that cannot say no to homosexuality, children that cannot say no to adults, adults that cannot say no to their cult leaders. Can you hear this? It has already started. It is going to get worse. The living soul is coming of age. Her spiritual nature is starting to appear. We- -- her breasts are starting to develop, we are told in the Song of Solomon. She is coming of age, and we have a nation full of people who are showing the signs of the puberty of the carnal mind, and she has got them abusing themselves, abusing their bodies, abusing their minds, abusing their families, abusing their societies, and she is just getting started. Brethren, they are going to be killing each other.

And it is also going to be on a spiritual level. It is going to be, also, on the level of the soul, which I feel has already started, but I cannot quote you any examples right now. I know what I go through when people are talking about me; I know what I go through when people are mad at me; I know what I go through when people are against me; I know what it does to me because I have begun to develop spiritually, and I feel it.

I want to tell you something, brethren. The people that do not stand up in full stature in Christ or at least do not get pretty high up, when these other people, when their carnal minds arise, if you are just [?trying your oxen?] and going to your parties; when these carnally-minded teenagers, not even aware what has happened to them, start being envious of you and start gossiping about you and start raging about you, whether you did something or whether you did not do something; when they start showing their puberty and their -- and was is the sign of their puberty? When their mind arises to the point that it can penetrate beyond their own self and travel in the realm of the spirit and touch you and penetrate you and cut you and wound you, you are going to be wondering why there is no defense in Christ because, when God called you to train, you did not come. And when he called you to do your exercises, you did not come. You were out there playing with this world because you were ignorant, and you did not understand.

But you want to know something? God is not [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- calling you in this hour to understand; he is calling you to obey. He is saying do it, and I want you to do it. And this understanding is only to the adults, but the church world does not realize that they are spiritual children. The same woman said to me today, "I have been in the church world for a long time. I am no baby." Oh, yes you right. It has nothing to do with how many years you have been in the church; it has to do with your spiritual development. It has nothing to do with how much you know; it has to do with who is in your heart and, even if you have Christ in your heart, whether or not you are strong enough to live out of him. Why do you have to be strong to live out of Christ? Because your carnal mind is beating you up every time you try, and if you do not believe it, you better think again.

I want to tell you that there are going to be people dying from people's envy. You know, this is a reality in Africa. They live with it in Africa. They know that it is true, that there are people there whose minds are so strong that you can die from their wrath. No one says it is not true there. If they are not in Christ, they run to their own witches and pay them to cast a spell to fight it back. They have some spiritual warfare down there, but it is -- most of it is ungodly except for the Christian church now, which is just starting down there. That is what is coming, and it is coming into a nation where a large percentage of the people does not -- do not believe in spiritual things, and they are going to be -- their minds are about to be penetrated by the carnal mind in puberty, rising up in spiritual strength with the ability to penetrate, enter in, rape, cut and ransack. And you want to know something? They are not even going to know what happened to them.

And do you want to know something else? You want to know why all those people are in mental institutions? I want to tell you they have been spiritually raped, spiritually abused and spiritually ransacked. They have been penetrated. I think a very small percentage of these people have been born like that, people that are institutionalized, that are totally irrational and hopelessly institutionalized. Very few of them were born like that. People that are asocial, we say in our society today, well, they did not have any love as a child, or they are -- they were emotionally abused. What is emotional abuse? What is verbal abuse? I want to tell you it is somebody's mind penetrating another person's mind and soul with a strength greater than theirs and raping them and cutting them and ripping them in an area that cannot be seen and stunting their development and stunting them as human beings and crushing them.

It is already happening. We have thousands of people, if not millions across the country or world, in institutions. They were not born that way, brethren. They were raped by a criminal mind that went unrestrained in a human being that did not even know what they were doing. And this creation is about to enter into puberty. What does that mean? Their mind is going to get stronger. I want to tell you there is going to be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

I have heard it said you can enter in without this doctrine; you do not need deep doctrine to enter in. Oh, really? Well, the doctrine alone y- -- is not going to enter you in, but you need Christ, and one of the signs that Christ is coming forth is the doctrine. The primary signs is [sic] love and righteousness, but also there is true doctrine and spiritual strength. You need weapons. You need weapons to stand against this thing that is coming at you. The whole world is in such a condition of naïveté that I just throw my hands up, just believing God that he is going to straighten everything out once the sons of God manifest, and he will, but there is going to be wailing and gnashing of teeth. It is going to be incredible. It is going to be something to see. Hallelujah. OK.

Verse 7, I will read it one more time. "And I heard the righteous man who had the spiritual strength to visit both blessings and judgment upon the peoples, multitudes, nations and languages of the living soul, swear by his father that all these miraculous events would take place when the supernatural ministry of the sons of God appears in the earth and when the witchcraft power of the saints is completely broken."

And may God have mercy on every believer that thinks he does not have witchcraft power or that he has authority over that witchcraft power without fulfilling what God is requiring of him, and there is a whole church world of people out there that think their doctrine is giving them authority over their, quote, "lower nature," unquote. Well, I want to tell you, brethren, when your "lower nature," quote, unquote, enters into puberty and starts reaching out to attack Christ in you, if he is in you, she just might be able to kill him. Do you hear what I am saying? If you are living out of a manifestation of your carnal mind which tells you or lets you believe that you are OK with God because you have an intellectual understanding of what is happening and that you are doing that because it makes you feel good because it is a manifestation of pride and you are doing this instead of working with the Lord to develop Christ in you, when your carnal mind enters into puberty, she is going to rear up and destroy whatever of Christ there is in you.

Now, for all you Pharisees out there that are all upset because I said Christ could be destroyed, let me remind you that the Spirit of Christ can never be destroyed. The glorified Spirit of Christ can never be destroyed, but he is bringing forth offspring. He is bringing forth a second generation of Christ in many members, and any individual member can abort. The overall glorified Christ will be seen in a many-membered company and stand upon the earth for all to see, but it is possible for him to be aborted in any one individual. We must wage this warfare, brethren, and if we do not align ourselves with Christ to destroy our carnal mind, she might very well rise up and overtake the Christ in any one individual person.

We are told about that in the Book of Hebrews where it says, if we taste of the good word of God and of the miracles of the age to come and we willfully sin, there is no more sacrifice for sins. If you agree with your carnal mind and you do not resist her in the strength of Christ, your sacrifice for sins, which is the indwelling Christ, can be tread under her feet and destroyed.

OK, I am going to reverse the last two phrases of verse 7 because I think it is obvious that the witchcraft power of God's people must be broken before the sons of God can appears, so I will read it one more time.

"And I heard the righteous man who had the spiritual strength to visit both blessings and judgment upon the peoples, multitudes, nations and languages of the living soul. I heard him swear by his Father that all these miraculous events would take place when the witchcraft power of the saints is completely broken and when the -- or resulting in the supernatural ministry of the sons of God appears in the earth." Hallelujah.

Verse 8, "And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?"

Alternate Translation, "And I heard what the righteous man said, but I did not understand him, so I asked another question. I said, oh, my Lord, how shall all this that is about to happen affect my people?"

I do not understand how long it is going to take, but what kind of an effect is it going to have on my people? And the word end in verse 8, "what shall be the end of these things," that word end is Strong's 319, and it means latter state or latter end. What shall the latter end of these people be? And you could see that translation used in Job 8:7, Job 42:12 and Proverbs 5:4. So that is a pretty simple verse. I am not going to waste too much time on it. I will just read it one more time.

Alternate Translation, Daniel 12:8, "And I heard that the -- I heard what the righteous man said, but I did not understand him, so I asked another question. Oh, my Lord, how shall all this that is about to happen affect my people?"

Going on with verse 9, "And he" -- who? The righteous man, "said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end."

Alternate Translation, "And he said" -- who? The righteous man said, "continue on with your life, Daniel, because the wonderful events I told you about are blocked, and they cannot take place until the end times."

They are blocked, and they cannot take place until the end time. Who is blocking them? The Father is blocking them. There is a season. Glory to God. Hallelujah.

Verse 10, "Many shall be purified." When? During the end times. "Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand."

Alternate Translation, "The many-membered living soul shall be separated from Satan and the carnal mind. Its individual human soul shall be washed, and the human spirit shall be melted by fire."

Now let me tell you how I got that. "Many shall be purified." For whatever reason I did not write the numbers down here, but the word, purified, if you look it up in Strong's, you will see it can be translated "to separate or remove impure things," and it can also be translated "chosen." They are going to be chosen. To be chosen means to be purified. Brethren, if you want to be one of the chosen of God, you have got to be purified, and we can conversely say, if you are not purified, you are not one of the chosen. So if you are running around dancing and spouting your dove pins saying that you are chosen, if you are not being chastened, you are not chosen.

This nonsense has got to stop. I want to tell you it offends me. I am not offended at the kindergarten believers. I could -- if I could cry, I would cry for them because they are sheep without a shepherd because there are women in the pulpit. The pulpits are filled with women, and these people are not being taught properly. If someone is being taught properly and their heart is evil towards God, well, so be it, but the people are perishing because they are sitting under women, and they do not even know that they are sitting under women. May Go- -- and every time you say may God have mercy on their soul, do you know what is happening? It is going right up to God and he is hearing you say, Lord, manifest your sons. Lord, manifest the man in the church and in the earth. You want to pray for the world? Pray that God manifest the man.

Look at your natural example, brethren. A man that -- over a family that is not a true man, a man that is weak -- and I am not putting anybody down. Spiritual weakness makes you a woman. I do not care what kind of a body you have. Read books and look at movies about how families were years ago. Men ruled their families. Did you ever hear the saying, "He is the king of his own castle"? You know, I used to think that meant that, well, what a great place for a man to be in. You know, he could go home, and he could feel like a big shot, and his ego could be built up.

I want to tell you something. The way God set up the family is that the man should rule like a king rules over a country, and when that man is ruling and he is in submission to Christ -- he has got to be in submission to Christ -- the whole family will prosper. If the man is not in submission to Christ and he is ruling, he is most likely [?ruining?] tyra- -- ruling tyrannically and cause destruction. If he is not under Christ and he is not ruling, the whole family is being raped by spiritual wolves, continuously. The church will not come into order until the man -- well, [?you see?] -- well, the man is appearing. He is not in full stature. He is appearing, but the church is running from him. They cannot discern him. They are frightened of the authority. They are discerning the authority, but they do not know what it is. They are frightened by it, and they are fleeing in [?severen?] -- seven different ways, so God has to bring the sons and the man into full stature, and he has to do whatever he is going to do to make the church and the world realize who they right.

 Now we know the Pha- -- most of the Pharisees never recognized Jesus' spiritual manhood, so we have every reason to believe nu- -- large numbers of the church will not recognize the sons when they manifest, and I do not believe that God is going to close down all of these churches. I do not think that he closed down all of the synagogues in Jesus' day. He did close down the temple. So what does that mean? It means the anointing is going to lift off of the churches, but the churches are going to stand, just like the mainline denominations. You go in there; they are dead, but the buildings are there. They have priests. The people are there. It is already happening in the Pentecostal Church. The Spirit of God has already begun to lift off. It is already happening, and there is going to be large numbers of so-called Christians that will not recognize the sons in full stature. Glory to God. OK.

So the word purify means to be -- it can be translated "to be chosen." That is just a little aside. It can also mean "to separate or remove impure things." The many or the many parts or the many members of the living soul shall be separated from impure things. Now what are they attached to that is impure? The many members of the living soul, they are attached to Satan, and they are attached to their carnal minds. They are both impure; they are uncleanness and iniquity.

"They shall be made white," and that is referring to the human spirit. The word, made white, refers to the washing of the human soul. How do you make something white? You wash it, and you bleach it with Fuller's bleach. That is how you make it white. That is referring to the soul. The soul is washed. Why? Because it is wood, and if you put wood in the fire, you discern it -- you destroy it. I am sorry; you destroy it. So wood has to be washed with the water of the word.

"And they shall be tried," and the word, tried, means -- believe it or not, it means to refine metal. I did not write down the number for you. It means "to refine metal or to purge the impurities out of metal." And what is metal? Does anybody know what part of us is typed as metal? What part of us is metal?


No, the spirit, our human spirit. Spirit is metal; soul is wood, so our human spirit is metal. Right now, she is joined to Satan and the carnal mind, and the way the Lord is getting her free is by putting her in the fire. Let me remind you of this. The Lord is freeing Satan -- is free- -- oh, is freeing Eve, our human spirit, from Satan and the carnal mind by using fire. Now Eve is over here. She is metal, and she is dissolved, remember, in the water of the living soul. And the Lord is coming, and he is starting a fire under the living soul, and he is going to boil this water of the living soul, and it is going to go up in smoke. And the only thing that is going to be left is going to be the gold of Eve's spirit. Glory to God.

And the way the Lord expressed it -- well, as I have told you many times, the Lord expresses things several ways. I guess, I should not say what is going to be left is the gold. What is going to be left is the crystals of her life, which are going to move over into the water of the soul life of Christ and dissolve there. But the reason I said gold is because this Scripture is talking about the fire or the fiery trial that is going to separate her from Satan. Now how is a fiery trial going to separate your human spirit from Satan? What effect does Satan have, or how does he react to a fiery trial? Satan is a mind. He manifests in you through his offspring, the carnal mind. He has a reaction to every trial that comes into your life. [INAUDIBLE] He has a reaction to everything that comes into your life. It is usually an ungodly reaction.

Some people in this world that are not -- do not have Christ being formed in them, we have talked about this many times. They have been raised in a mor- -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT] 

Some people in this world that are not -- do not have Christ being formed in them -- we have talked about this many times. They have been raised in a moral, righteous attitude, and they have godly reactions that come out of their Adamic mind because our Adamic mind is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, but I am going to suggest to you that once Christ begins to be formed in you and your righteousness is being imparted to you, your carnal mind is -- every suggestion out of your carnal mind is going to be unrighteous. Why? Because when Christ begins to be formed in you, it is a pressure that is put upon your carnal mind. I cannot give you any more information than that.

But Christ is the only righteous one, and when he is present, it will reveal the sin in your carnal mind. And the way it works that is Christ arises; your carnal mind descends and gets more and more wicked. The righteous get more and more righteous, and the wicked gets more and more wicked, and the very presence of Christ is designed to reveal the sinful nature of your carnal mind. And as Christ takes over the righteousness in your mind, every thought, more and more, will be coming -- that will be coming out of your carnal mind will be unrighteous.

That is why -- well, that is the reaction of the carnal mind to the trial. So what is the purpose of the trial? It is to separate Eve away from the unrighteousness. She is now cleaving unto the righteousness of Christ. See, she is joined to -- let me remind you of this. Eve is bo- -- is joined both to Christ and the carnal mind. Now [?are you?] -- I remind you, in the Scripture, we are told that Abraham had two sons. He was a man, and he had two sons, one of the bondwoman, name was Ishmael, and one of the promise. It does not say one of Sarah. It says the child of the promise, Isaac. OK.

Now both of these two came out of the seed of the man. Now we know that this realm that we live in is the mirror image of the spiritual truth. What is happening in the spirit is that the seed of the woman is up here, which is Eve, which is the female seed of God, and she has two offspring, and one is the carnal mind, and one is Christ. So it is the two coming out of the woman in the realm of the spirit, so to have two offspring, she has to have two husbands. Now did Abraham not have a wife and a concubine? That is how he had two different children. The child of the promise out of his legitimate wife, and the child of the flesh came out of his union with his concubine.

Well, we have Eve here. She has had two unions with two different men, and she has had union with Satan, although we know Satan is a lesbian in disguise. I am not going to get into that now. She has had a union with Satan, which has produced the carnal mind, which is the illegitimate offspring. And she has had union with the Father, which has produced Christ, the heir of the promise. She is joined to both of them.

And I want to tell you that every time a fiery trial comes upon you, Eve, in your mind, has to side either with Satan and the carnal mind or the Father and Christ, except in the rare occasion where the person breaks down. This is called mental illness, and they collapse because they cannot make a decision, and they get put away or drugged up. I am not talking about that. I am talking in a human person that is functioning on any level. When the crisis comes in their life, they must make a decision. They must have a reaction to that crisis, and that reaction must come out of either Satan and the carnal mind or the Father and Christ. And every time your reaction to a crisis comes out of one or the other, you cleave more completely to that side.

Now if you do not know that you have a choice, and we are going to find that in the next few verses, the Bible says there are Christians that do not know they have a choice. If you do not know that you have a choice, your decision defaults to Satan and the carnal mind. I want to tell you, if you are not waging the warfare, you better believe that what is coming through your mind is Satan and the carnal mind, and every time you agree with them, you are cleaving more and more closely to them.

If you are fighting the warfare and every time that fiery trial comes upon you; every time you are hurt; every time your pride rises up; every time you want to get up and run; every time you want to slug somebody; every time you are mad; every time something has happened to you that enrages you, that embarrasses you, that causes resentment in you; if you are waging war against the thought that is being inputted into your mind from Satan and the carnal mind, if you are resisting it and you are cleaving unto the thought that is coming from the Father and Christ, you are being absorbed into Christ. But I want to tell you, brethren, you are not joining with Christ in your mind without a battle. Y- -- this Satan and the carnal mind has been with you since birth. They are not letting go of you so easy.

I want to tell you I have experienced this thing. I have been down on my knees, crying out to God, telling him that if he did not give me dominion over this pride that was rising up that is hid in me, I would surely be destroyed in this instant. I want to tell you, on a job that I had, I went into the bathroom, and I went down on my knees in the office that I worked in, and I said, Lord, if you do not do something for me now, this pride is going to cost me this job, and he did it; it went down. The rage in me was so intense that it was ruling me. Do you know that there are people whose pride is so strong that it will result in the exact opposite of what they are trying to accomplish, that when they yield to this pride, it will accomplish the exact opposite of what they are trying to accomplish?

And whenever somebody is caught in the grips of pride, I say to them -- or say to yourself, what is your goal? What do you want to accomplish here? If what is aggravating you is your job or something that happened on your job, I say to you, what is your goal? Do you want to keep your job, or do you want to lose your job? You want to keep your job. Well, then you may have to compromise. Now you never compromise in righteousness, but sometimes you have to compromise. Worl- -- life is not fair. Things are not always fair. You may have to do something you do not want to do. You may have to forgive somebody you do not want to give. You may have to minimize something that you do not want to minimize. But what is more important to you, your job or your pride? And that is the question we have to ask ourselves continuously.

And I want to tell you something, that if the Lord Jesus Christ is moving you out of a job, he is not moving you out when you are fully manifesting pride. When you are in a rage, when your emotions are out of control, Go- -- and you -- whatever it is you are doing, God has not told you to do it, and that I can tell you without exception. If you are in a rage and you are leaving your husband, if you are in a rage and you are leaving your job, if you are in a rage and you are beating your child, God has not told you to do it. Your carnal mind, manifesting through pride, has told you to do it, and you are obeying, and as you obey, you are cleaving unto Satan and your carnal mind. You are cleaving to Satan and your carnal mind as completely as if a blowtorch was applied to you and soldered you to them.

And that is why our human spirit has to go through the fire to get free. That metal that is holding her has to be melted, and it is only melted through falling out of agreement with the carnal mind and Satan and joining, in our minds, with the righteousness of the Father and Christ. And what does that mean? It means when every pore of your being, every cell of your being is screaming to take vengeance, to scream and yell, to do whatever you want to, whatever it is telling you to do, do not do it. And if it is too strong for you, cry out to the Father to help you. When you do not do it, when you do not yield your members to unrighteousness, when you refuse to serve the sin in your own mind, that fire is freeing you from Satan and the carnal mind. Every time you yield to it, it is soldering you more completely and more securely to it.

Of course, everything is a process: two steps forward, one step backwards; three steps forward, two steps backward. That is OK as long as, in the long run, you are getting free from it. You do not overcome your carnal mind in a day. It is a battle, and it can be going on for years. So as long as the end result is that you are ahead, that is all that matters. Glory to God. And I cannot believe there are some ministries preaching there is no warfare. It just amazes me. OK.

"Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried."

Now I am going to reverse the order here. I am going to say, "Many shall be tried, made white and purified," because the order that it is going to happen in, in a human life. The individual human soul shall be washed with deliverance ministry. The corporate human spirit shall be refined by fire, and the whole of the living soul, as a result of this, shall be separated from Satan and the carnal mind. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Our soul shall be washed; that is deliverance ministry. The corporate human spirit -- we are all one in the spirit -- shall be refined by fiery trials, and as a result of this, the whole living soul shall be separated from Satan and the carnal mind.

And for those of you that may be a little confused by things that I am saying, I do not want to get into it tonight, but I will briefly put on the message that I believe that the whole living soul is being reconciled to God and saved, but not necessarily every individual human being that has ever appeared on the earth. It is the human spirit of every human being that has ever appeared that is being redeemed, and it is the clay of the corporate living soul, of that original creation, that is being saved, not every individual human being that was formed out of that clay. Glory to God. Hallelujah.

OK, we have a second half of verse 10 here, "But the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand."

Alternate Translation, "But Satan shall cause noisy upheavals from the unconscious mind of the guilty ones to keep them from distinguishing between the carnal mind and the mind of Christ, but those who are joined to the mind of Christ" -- excuse me -- "shall separate from their carnal mind."

Let us see what we have here. "But the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand." Now I almost -- when I was working up this Alternate Translation, I did not want to repeat the word wicked twice; it sounded ridiculous. And I said to the Lord, but there is no mistakes in the Scripture. Why would you name the wicked twice? And he reminded me that the wicked is in two parts, Satan and the carnal mind, and they are both the wicked.

And the word understand, "But the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand." The word understand is Strong's 995, and it can also be translated "to stand apart," "to be separate and distinct." But the wicked shall not stand apart. Stand apart from whom? Stand apart from the carnal mind and Satan. I can also be translated "to distinguish," and I am suggesting to you that this Scripture is saying that the wicked -- and who are the wicked? They are the ones that are living out of their carnal mind. They shall not distinguish between Christ and the carnal mind, both in themselves and in others.

"But the wise shall understand," and the word translated wise is 7919, and it also means to be inter- -- I do not even know if it means wise at all. I do not even know if I found that word, but it also means "to be intertwined" or "to see," so those that can see -- see what? Those that can see what I am telling you about here, those that can understand it. And to be intertwined, tho- -- and the only ones that will be able to see and to understand are those who are intertwined. Intertwined with whom? Intertwined with Christ. He is the eyes of our understanding, brethren.

If Christ is not being formed in you, you will never, never receive what I am telling you. I want to tell you, if Christ is not being formed in you, you might understand and receive some of the deep doctrine that is being preached in the church today, but you are not going to receive the judgment of your soul. And you are not going to receive this -- the teaching on this warfare because this warfare could be Hell. I know you have experienced some of it. It could be Hell, doing want to tell you no one that is intellectually receiving this doctrine is going to receive [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- some deep doctrine is going to receive this doctrine. Nobody wants this warfare, man. I do not want this warfare. I just know that I have a revelation that if I do not fight it, I am finished.

Going all the way back, years ago, the first time the Lord ever spoke strongly to me, I could not b- -- I was in shock, but the Lord s- -- I cannot even remember the incident, but he spoke very clearly to me, and he said, if you do not fight, I will leave you for carrion on the banks of the Jordan. I was hysterical. I could not believe he said that to me, but I knew it was him, and I knew that he meant it.

Nobody wants this warfare, brethren. Do you know how many people tell me, well, I go to the ministry where I have peace? I want peace in my life. I want -- well, I w- -- yeah, but right now, I am talking about peace. Yeah, they want friends. That is true, but they are -- it is not that they want friends. It is that they are -- the sign to them that God put them there is that they have peace. I want to tell you the sign that you are where God put you is that you have conflict because your carnal mind does not want you where you are going to get Christ built into you. Hallelujah. Right, he came with a sword, amen.

OK, so let us do this a word at a time. "But the wicked shall do wickedly." I see that I did not put down the word that means noisy conflicts. Now which word was that? "But the wicked shall do wickedly." I guess, the -- I did not write it down, but that word, wickedly, it must be the word that meant noisy conflicts. "But Satan shall cause noisy up- -- [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- noisy upheavals from the unconscious mind of the guilty ones, and the purpose for it is to stop them from distinguishing between the carnal mind and Christ."

I want to tell you, when Satan or your carnal mind is so strong that it can take control of you and cause you to do whatever it wants, to bring destruction into your life, to take control over your behavior and your actions, what Satan is doing is making a lot of noise. This is a tactic in the world. If thieves want to steal something, they send somebody in to make a ruckus so that all the people go running over there to see what is happening, and then the thief goes in and steals. That is what Satan is doing. If Satan wants to get you away or to stop you from doing what Christ is telling you to do, he will cause an -- if he can do it, will cause an upheaval in your mind. He will get you so upset and distressed over some little thing that you cannot -- it utterly blocks out the voice of God in your life.

 And I want to tell you that is true because I have experienced it. When I first came to the Lord, my carnal mind had so much authority over me, it could really -- well, it could do that -- it did that to me a lot, and the root of that kind of a problem is pride, that it will get you so upset that you will forget all your reason, and it can go on for days. I remember when I was delivered from the rod of pride. The rod of pride, because my pride was speaking -- what was upsetting me so much was coming out verbally, and I was having a problem with someone that was genuinely abusing me, and I was [?ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta?], and the Lord came to me one day, and he said, you know, you better said. He said, if you do not stop, judgment is going to fall on you.

And I was being abused by this person. I was so scared, I went before the Lord, and I said, Lord, I cannot stop. [AUDIO CUTS OUT] I do not know what kind of judgment would have fallen, but I know that my God was very stern with me, and he is very faithful because I went into church within a day or two, and I got delivered. It was the most profound deliverance I ever had, and I was delivered from the rod of pride. So we have to take authority over our Adamic soul, or it is going to destroy Christ in us and destroy everything that Christ is trying to do in us and through us. Glory to God.

OK, but Satan shall cause noisy upheavals from our unconscious mind. He shall cause noisy upheavals from the unconscious mind of the guilty ones. And who are the guilty ones? They are the ones who are yielding to their carnal mind. Brethren, if you yield to your carnal mind, you are guilty. Guilty of what? Guilty of sin. You are committing adultery with your carnal mind, and Satan's purposes in doing this is to keep you from distinguishing between the carnal mind and the mind of Christ. He has got you so caught up in your own self-interest and your own pride and your own hurt feelings that you cannot even hear Christ. But those who are joined to the mind of Christ -- and how do you join to the mind of Christ? You join to the mind of Christ by resisting these emotions and these rages and doing the righteous thing in the circumstance. Those who are joined to the mind of Christ, they shall separate from their carnal mind.

Brethren, so long as you yield and give authority to this sin in your mind, you will never separate from him -- from her. You have to wage the warfare. If you are engaged in this warfare and you have a bad moment, please, do not be condemned. Evaluate yourself. Bring yourself before God. As I said before, if it is three steps forward and two steps backward, that is fine, as long as you are doing better than you were doing last year, as long as you are doing better than you were doing last month. You must fight the warfare or you will be completely consumed by your carnal mind.

You know, some people, in line with what we were saying before, they go into a rage, and their carnal mind has dominion over them, and they say, well, it is just in that area. But, brethren, as your carnal mind goes into puberty and becomes stronger and stronger, she -- if she has a foothold, if there is any area in which your carnal mind can cause you to act compulsively right now, as she goes into puberty, she is going to have greater dominion over that area, and she will reach out into other areas of your life. I am telling you the truth. Take dominion over her now. Kill her; she has got to die, or she will kill you. And who are you? You are Christ. If you do not kill her, she will kill your life in Christ that is the gift of God to you.

"But Satan shall cause noisy upheavals from the unconscious mind of the guilty ones." Now that is either in yourself or in somebody else, to keep them from distinguishing between the carnal mind and the mind of Christ, but those who are joined to the mind of Christ shall separate from their carnal mind. Now there is another side to this. We had this in the last meeting. If Satan raises up a noisy clamor in somebody else, it is possible to be manipulated by that clamor, and we have that on the last message, OK. So it does not have to be only your own carnal mind. We have to get before God. We have to look at ourselves, evaluate ourselves. There is a certain kind of behavior in certain people causing us to respond to our carnal mind. It is just as important.

You know, certain behaviors are flipsides of the same coin. Some people have a tendency towards aggressive behavior. When they get upset, they are aggressive. This is the way they are. Other people, when they get upset, they are not aggressive. They get very quiet, and they withdraw, and people that are untrained will say, well, the person that makes a lot of noise, they are a horrible person, and the person that is quiet and withdraws, they are a nice person. This is not true. This is flipsides of the same problem, opposite sides of the same problem. If you are responding to the instruction of your carnal mind, whether you are raging or whether you have withdrawn or whether you have judged before the time, whether you have judged unrighteously, whatever you have done, if it is a result of yielding to your carnal mind because you are manipulated by somebody else's behavior, your sin is equal. Does anyone not understand what I am talking about?

We must not be manipulated by the carnal mind. She is death, and she will kill Christ in us. We must fight her with every strength that we have, and before we can fight her, we must be able to discern her. So if somebody's noisy upheaval, either our own or somebody else's, causes us such distress that we stop to -- that w- -- it stops us from distinguishing from Christ and the carnal mind, what must we do? We must go before the Lord, and we must confess it as sin and ask him to help us, ask him to strengthen us and give us dominion over this kind of noisy upheaval that has confused us into submitting to the carnal mind. Glory to God.

So the whole Alternate Translation of Daniel 12:10, "The individual human soul shall be washed with deliverance ministry. The corporate human spirit shall be refined by fire, and the whole of the living soul shall be separated from Satan and the carnal mind. But Satan shall cause noisy upheavals from the unconscious mind of the guilty ones, from the ones that are agreeing with him, to keep them from distinguishing between the carnal mind and the mind of Christ, but those who are joined to the mind of Christ shall separate from their carnal mind."

Hallelujah. Glory to God.

Verse 11, we are going to do half of this verse at a time. "And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up" --

Alternate Translation, "And for the season that the age without end has been recalled and the image that destroys set up."

OK, now these last two verses, I did a lot of work on it because they are not -- they are really very different than this translation sounds like, s- -- and some very important points. And from the time, from the age, from the season that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away. Now if you have a King James Bible, you will see that the word, sacrifice, is in italics, but whenever I read this, I always thought that it was a situation -- well, I knew the word sacrifice was in italics, but I thought that the Hebrew word translated "daily" meant both words. That happens sometimes. But the Hebrew word translated "daily" does not mean daily sacrifice. There is a Scripture in Deuteronomy where it is used -- where it refers to the daily sacrifice, but it does not mean -- this word does not mean daily sacrifice. All it means is daily. It is Strong's 8548, and it means continuance, perpetuity or without end. Continuance, perpetuity, that is a -- that comes from the word, perpetual. You know what perpetual means? Without end. It means without end, OK. A circle --


Constant, that is true. A circle is perpetual. You just keep going round and round and round and round and round and round and round. That is this age. This age that we are living in is described as a c- -- as a perpetual circle. Paul said, "World without end," and we found out that this age, this world that we are in, this is eternal torment, and the spiritual man -- well, the spi- -- the creation of God is -- he is not really a man. He is really a woman. The ma- -- the creation that God formed at the beginning of time is trapped in this spiritual realm that is typified by a circle, and he keeps appearing in different bodies, in different souls, and he is in eternal torment. Why? Because of all the things that go on in this world, wars, illness, rapes, muggings. We are a many-membered creation, and everything that happens to any individual is happening to this spiritual man that is trapped down here, and he cannot get out, and this is eternal torment. This age will not end until it is swallowed up by Christ. It will not burn itself out, and it will not end of its own accord. It will not come to the end of a season. It will continue, perpetually, unless something interferes with it, and that something that is interfering with it is the Lord Jesus Christ.

So this word does not mean daily sacrifice. The King James translators added that in because they could not figure out what the Lord was saying. It just means continual. And the word "taken away" is Strong's 5493. It means to depart or to turn back or to recall, until the daily is recalled. Is the right? "That the daily sacrifice shall be taken away." Well, what does that mean, until the daily is recalled? Strong's says that this word can also be translated "to behead."

Now I do not know whether you listened to the message or not, but one of the most recent messages that we did here -- I think it is m- -- only a couple of messages back. We did Revelation 20. I think I put the exact -- Revelation 20:4. We did Revelation 20:4, where it -- where the Scripture says I saw the souls that were beheaded for Christ, and on that message we talk about the fact that the souls that were beheaded were the souls that were joined to Satan. Satan was their head; he was their god; he was their spiritual authority. And they were beheaded; they were separated from Satan and joined to Christ. That is the significance here, to call back to be beheaded.

And I have a Scripture in the Old Testament for you. We see the Lord beheading Israel, the Lord separating him -- his headship from Israel in Hosea 9:12 where it reads, "Woe unto them when I depart from them!" or where I separate my headship from them. Glory to God. And from the time that the daily or the continuing shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up. The word, abomination, is 8251, and it is used of impure things, especially idols, and the word, desolate, is Strong's 5414. I am sorry. The word, desolate, is Strong's 8074, and it means to be put to silence or to be destroyed. Let me tell you what I am getting at. We did this Scripture on our numerology message, and we found out that this Scripture and the number therein was typifying the transition from the man who -- in the garden who had the imputed anointing to the fallen man, and that is exactly what this is talking about. From the time that the headship of the Father was removed from the creation at the beginning of time, and I will go into it a little more deeply here. Glory to God.

Let me give you some partial Alternate Translation here. "For the season that the age without end" -- I am [?sorry?]. It is a -- "and from the time -- the daily, the time, the age. And from the age of continuing, from the time of the continuing age, the age or the world without end" -- does anyone not follow that? "From the time of the daily, from the time of the age without end, of the world without end," OK. That is what it is saying. "And for the season or from the time that the age without end has been taken away has been recalled."

The condition of the imputed anointing that was upon Adam from the beginning, it was stripped from him. Was he not driven from the Garden of Eden? That blessing that was imputed to him was recalled. It was taken back. So from the time that this age of imputed back -- from whom? Taken back from the creation, and in its place was set up the abomination of desolation. Well, what happened when man was driven out of the Garden of Eden and he was beheaded from the Father? He was given a new head. The abomination of desolation was set up. Where? In his heart. And what was it? It was Satan. Satan was given dominion over him.

And you may recall in the "Numbers 60" series, we found Scriptures in one of the Books of Peter where, when we looked up every word, we found out that the human race has been sold unto Satan, and what that means is that we were disjoined or beheaded from the Father, and we were joined to a new head, Satan, and her job is to keep us alive, to not let the creation self-destruct until the judgment. "It is given unto a man once to die, and then the judgment." And every carnal Christian that reads that Scripture says, well, when this body dies, I will be judged on the other side of the veil.

Brethren, the creation died when he was -- when she was driven out of the Garden of Eden. The creation died when she was separated or beheaded from the Father. It is given unto a man once to die. I do not even know -- that is the Old Testament. I do not even know if that word is actually man or not because I know the creation is female; she is the wife of God. "It is given unto a man once to die." We have already died; everyone on the earth today is dead.

Is it not preached that Hell is an existence, that it is a place where people have an existence? It is not after the death of this body, brethren. It is after the death of the spirit. Every human being on this earth has a dead spirit, unless it is being joined to Christ in resurrection. "It is given unto a man once to die," which happened at the beginning of time, "and then the judgment," and the judgment is in this world system. Either you are under the judgment which is mediated by Satan; you shall surely reap what you have sown. Or you are under the white throne judgment, which is mediated by Christ, where you shall surely reap what you have sown, but it shall be used for your good, and it shall bring forth righteousness in you, that if you are chastened, you are a son and no longer a bastard.

The judgment is in this life, and it is the spiritual creation of God, Adam, that is being judged, the one who fell at the beginning of time, the one who yielded to Satan in the mind at the beginning of time, the one, the m- -- the creation that was beheaded from the Father and driven out of the garden at the beginning of time that is under judgment in that is world system, and Satan is the mediator of that judgment. And we found, in the Book of Peter, that we have been joined to her in chains of darkness. Where? In our mind, and now that Christ is here, those chains are being broken, and we are being freed from those chains through judgment. Hallelujah.

And how is that through judgment? We are being trained in righteousness. There will be no freeing from those chains of darkness until, by the power and grace of God, we come to a place where, when the fiery trial comes upon us, we choose the righteous answer to the trial because, when we choose the righteous answer to the trial, it is separating us from Satan and intertwining uth- -- us with Christ. And every time we join -- we choose the unrighteous answer to our problem, it is soldering us, sealing us to Satan and separating us from Christ. So we shall be set free from the chains of darkness through ju- -- through righteous judgment, and until we start making righteous judgments in our mind, we will not be freed from Satan because every unrighteous judgment we make seals us to him. Glory to God. OK.

So what do we have here? "And for the season that the age without end has been recalled and the image that destroys has been set up" -- well, what do you mean the image that destroys has been set up? What is that talking -- the abomination that maketh desolate, abomination, an unclean thing. It is an idol, maketh desolate, that destroys. Brethren, the true idol is in your heart.

And I have a Scripture for you here somewhere, except that I cannot find it. What did I do with it? Here it is. Ezekiel 14:3, "Son of man, these men have set up their idols in their heart, and put the stumblingblock of their iniquity before their face: should I be enquired of at all by them?"

Brethren, the true is that i- -- an idol is an image. The true idol is the image that is engraven in your soul that is not Christ. It is the image of Satan, which is the carnal mind. The carnal mind is the idol that is killing you. It is the unclean thing that is death. Is the carnal mind not death? Hallelujah.

So I am going to say, "And for the season that the age without end has been recalled" --and I am going to call the age without end the Garden of Eden. And how has it been recalled? We have been driven out of it. "And for the season that the Garden of Eden has been called back," or, "For the season that we are driven out of the Garden of Eden, and the image that destroys has been set up in us." In what? In place of Christ, in place of the imputed Christ that we had in the garden. Or we could say, "And for the season that the living soul has been beheaded from the Father, joined to Satan and driven out of the Garden of Eden," or we can say, "And for the season that the living soul has been driven out of the Garden of Eden and given the unclean image that separates her from the Father."

Do you know that sin separates us from the Father? When our mind is in the image of Satan, it separates us from Father -- from the Father. Why? Because the Father is in his Christ. So if the image on your soul is Satan and your personality is the carnal mind, where is the Father? So we can say also, "And for the season that the living soul has been driven out of the Garden of Eden and given the unclean image of Satan instead of the glorious image of the Father." I think we will stay with that. "And for the season that the living soul has been driven out of the Garden of Eden and given the unclean image of Satan in place of the glorious image of the Father.

"There shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days." The words, there shall be, do not appear in the original Hebrew, and the g- -- Hebrew word translated "day" is 3117, and it can also be translated "age."

So this is what the Alternate Translation sounds like: "And for the season that the living soul has been driven out of the Garden of Eden and given the unclean image of Satan instead of the glorious image of the Father, 1,290 days."

And I am going to suggest to you that the Scripture is saying that the number of the ages where man is in the condition described in this verse is 1,290. There is more than one age that man is in this condition. We know there was an age before the flood and that there is an age after the flood, so there is at least two ages that man is in this fallen condition. And we have a mystical number here, a symbolic, spiritual number that describes the condition of man during those ages. And we also went into this on the message on numerology, but I will go over it again. And that number is o- -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT] describes the condition of man during those ages. And we also went into this on the message on numerology, but I will go over it again. And that number is 1,290. Are you OK? Are you still absorbing this?


Are you OK?


OK. I am almost finished. It has been long. Glory to God. Celia is a workhorse. I think she could go for 15 hours if I could stand it. It has been two hours and 45 minutes. It will not be much longer.

OK, we are dealing with 1,290, and when we worked this number up on the numerology message, we found out that it was a number that described Satan in his ultimate, fallen condition in this realm of appearance. Now we know that the spiritual man is ascending, and the highest point that he can go to is what?


Well, not in numbers. His condition is glorification. The most he can hope to attain to is glorification. The spiritual man in Christ is ascending unto glorification. That is as high as he can get. The spiritual man that is not in Christ, the carnal mind, is descending, OK, and the lowest point that he can descend to is the number 1,290, so let us talk about that a little bit. The number 1,000, we said, is equal to the human spirit separated from the Father, beheaded, the human spirit beheaded from the Father. Then we had the number 100 is equal to the submission of the soul, submission of Adam. To who? To the carnal mind and Satan. Adam had been serving the Father and an imputed Christ, but he came into total submission to Satan and the carnal mind.

Well, I guess, I should not have put this up here. Number 100 is the submission of Adam, and the number two indicates that he is submitting to Satan and the carnal mind, so the number 200 equals Adam submits to Satan and the carnal mind.

Now the number nine -- well, let us start -- let us work -- start with three. We said that three is the number of the spiritual man, and that could be the spiritual man in Christ or the spiritual man in the carnal mind. Number three is the three-sided man; he is the triangle man, and nine is three squared. Does everybody know what the word, squared, means? When you multiply a number by itself --


Oh, when you multiple a number by itself, you are squaring it. [?Throw?] -- so three squared equals 9; three times three equals nine. So when we square the spiritual man, do you remember? I will do it up here very small, if you can see it. The spiritual man is a triangle. When we square him, we get a square. A triangle multiplied by itself is a square. We get the glorified man. When we are going up we get the glorified man. But we are descending here. This is typifying the fall, and we are descending, so the carnal mind squared is as low down -- is at the fullness of his descent. And because we are dealing with a 10-digit place, the number 90 will be the spiritual man at his lowest in the realm of appearance, spiritual man lowest in the realm of appearance and the lower point that he could fall to. It is the fullest possible expression of the fallen man in the realm of appearance.

Alternate Translation, Daniel 12:11, "And the number that expresses the seasons that the living soul -- the seasons or the ages that the living soul has been driven out of the Garden of Eden and given the unclean image of Satan instead of the glorious image of the Father is 1,290."

"And the number that expresses the seasons that the living soul has been driven out of the Garden of Eden and given the unclean image of Satan instead of the glorious image of the Father is 1,290."

Now in case you are wondering what all this has to do with the number 666, I just want to give you a little information about that. Are you OK?


Are you --


OK. Should not be much more than another fif- -- well, 15 minutes or so. The number 666 is the number of the carnal man who is dwelling on the circumference of the earth both in the realm of the soul and the realm of appearance. Let me show you this on the board. Well, maybe I should tell you first. Maybe I should do it the other way. The number 1,290 is the number of the spiritual man whose god Satan. It is a number of the spiritual man whose God is Satan. He is the spiritual but fallen man, and he is dwelling both in the realm of appearance as well as in the realm of the soul. He is in the realm of appearance as well as in the realm of the soul.

And, of course, we see the number 1,290. Now if we wanted to divide that by two, we do get a six here. So what am I saying? It is the six -- it is the man that is dwelling on two levels. He is the spiritual man. Ninety means he is spiritual. He is dwelling on two levels, in the realm of appearance and the realm of the soul. The number 666 is talking about the natural man that is not spiritual. He is just a carnal man, and remember that each human being on the face of the earth is a six-degree arch. The degree sign is a little circle here. It is a six-degree arch, so the number 666 is referring to a man that is only dwelling in the utmost outer realms of the earth, sometimes called outer darkness. He is a man that is totally carnal; he has no spiritual life at all, neither a spiritual life in Christ nor a spiritual life in Satan. He is just totally carnal. What does that mean? He eats; he sleeps; he drinks, and he g- -- he engages in sexual activity and all forms of gratification to his body, and that is all that he wants, and that is all that he needs, 666, man in the realm of the soul.

The 600 digit [?is not?] -- let me do it this way. The 600 digit is the man -- is the natural man in the realm of the soul, and the 6 in the 10 position is man in the realm of appearance. That third digit over there, that third six, it is the digit that deals with ministry. It is the digit that deals with ministry, so even his ministry is carnal. Well, what kind of ministry would be carnal? If he needs a doctor, he -- you know, he -- all of his healing comes from totally areas. No sp- -- do not we see that in this country today? In many other countries, they know that healing is associated with spiritually, almost everywhere, but we have humanism in this country today, so that third six is referring to ministry. Totally -- no matter what the problem is, whether it is emotional or spiritual, he bel- -- his healing and any form of ministry that he needs comes from the carnal man. He just rejects spiritual things totally, so 666 is the number for the totally carnal man. One thousands two hundred and ninety is the number for the spiritual, fallen man. Glory to God.

And remember what I told you at the beginning of the message, that the whole point of Daniel chapter 12 is that the whole man, the whole, many-membered man, is becoming spiritual as we enter into puberty. So that is why the Scripture is not dealing with 666 here; it is dealing with 1,290. Now let me see what I wrote here. Did I forget to tell you anything? I am just going to read you what I have here just in case. The fully fallen spiritual man's number is 1,290, and the fully spiritual man in Christ's number is 1 million, and that is the number 1,000 squared. So we said the number of the fully spiritual, fallen man is 1,290, but the number of the fully spiritual man in Christ is 1 million, and this is referring to the second stage of resurrection, which our chart says Christ swallows up the submissive Adamic soul. And what has happened is that Christ has circumcised his soul. Christ is now on top of Adam. Christ and his Father are on top of Satan and Adam, and this is the second stage of reger- -- resurrection. OK.

Please not that, in Christ, the human spirit which -- whose number is 1,000, is squared, and when that happens, the whole man is raised up; the spirit and the soul is raised up. OK. Now the -- it also affects the body, although this is not the glorification where the body is swallowed up. When Christ circumcises his soul and comes on top of Adam, it has to affect to body, and the way it affects the body is that the body goes into a condition of preservation, which is what Paul was in when the snake bit him and he threw his hand off. He was still in a vile, human body. This is the condition that Jesus was in before the crucifixion. He was in a human body, but that body -- no matter what happened to that body, the indwelling spiritual life was preserving it, OK. So although the body is not glorified in the second stage of resurrection, it is preserved, and this condition is typified by the number 1 million. It is the human spirit squared. Hu- -- the number of the human spirit is 1,000 squared or 1,000 multiplied by itself.

And I just want to remind you, because you probably forgot, that when we are dealing with spiritual life, the fact that we are multiplying by itself -- just the fact that we are multiplying indicates that we are being converted to spirit. When the human spirit is squared, it means that she is converting to a higher level of spirit, which is Christ, and that she is bringing her Adamic soul with her, con- -- spiritualizing the Adamic soul by putting him -- by putting the Adamic soul underneath the Christ, the Adamic soul is being spiritualized, raised to a higher level, and that is indicated in Bible numerology by multiplication, referring back to Einstein's theory of relativity. If you look at that -- is it on here? Well, I have another -- I am going to have to get you that other exhibit too where it -- I have another exhibit with Einstein's theory of relativity on it, and it shows it -- it shows how we compute spirit according to that law, OK.

Now I want to talk a little bit about Satan, and then we will go on. Satan's spiritual number is only squared in the realm of appearance, however, OK. Can I take this off the board? OK. Now, remember, I told you the human spirit is squared, and we get the number 1 million, and it is the second stage of resurrection. That is on the ascending Christ, but on the descending Satan, when -- as Satan descends, the number is 1,290, and the only area that we see squared -- the number 1,000 is not squared. The number -- there is no number in the hundred digits that is squared. It was just the three, which, remember, Satan is the spiritual -- is a three-sided man, and he was squared only in this area, which is the realm of appearance. Am I making that clear?


These last -- these two digits to the right of the number, the 10 column, typifies the realm of appearance, so Satan, the three-sided, fallen, spiritual man only shows signs of spiritual increase in this area, which is the realm of appearance. Now, remember, he is descending, and I want to suggest to you that this is what that means. OK. Now when we ascend in Christ, what happens to the human spirit? She becomes increased. Well, if Satan had the authority to decrease the human spirit -- if the human spirit decreased, would she not become soul? Do you remember what I just said in the second stage of the resurrection? When we square s- -- when we square the number and we are ascending and everything is being raised up to a higher spiritual realm, the soul is spiritualized. I just told you that. Do you remember? Well, Satan is descending, so if you start with the human spirit, what is the level below the human spirit? It is soul. If Satan had the authority to do it, he would be bringing the human spirit down to the level of soul, and if he had the authority to do it, he would be taking the Adamic soul and bringing it into flesh. He is descending. Do you know what I am talking about?


As Christ increases in us, our spirit is becoming spiritualized, our soul is becoming spiritualized, eventually our body is going to become spiritualized. Satan is descending, but he has -- she has --


Right. She has no authority to bring the human spirit down a level, to soul, and she has no authority to bring the soul down to the next level, which is the realm of appearance. The only place that Satan has authority to decrease or to destroy is in this realm of appearance. Which is what? This body. Satan's only authority to destroy or to bring down to a lower level is this body, which is in this realm of appearance, and she has been doing that since -- certainly, since Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth fell. Remember, they were the giants [INAUDIBLE] [AUDIO CUTS OUT] they lived for almost 1,000 years. Remember, after she does her worst -- after who? After Satan does her worst, our human spirit returns to the Father, and our soul returns to the original lump of spiritual clay. She only has the authority to destroy the body, which is her own image. Whose own image? The body is Satan's own image in the realm of appearance, and we found Scriptures where the Lord says that this fallen body is not the work of his Spirit. We had Scriptures in the Old Testament and the New Testament on that. OK. Let us finish this off.

Alternate Translation, Daniel 12:11, "And the number that expresses the seasons that the living soul has been driven out of the Garden of Eden and given the unclean image of Satan instead of the glorious image of the Father is 1,290."

Verse 12, "Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh thing the thousand three hundred and give and thirty days."

"Blessed is he that pierces through his Adamic soul and enters into the age of intimacy with Christ, whose number is 1,335."

Now, "Blessed is he that waiteth." Waiteth is Strong's 2442, and Strong's says that it can be translated "to pierce through," and Gesenius says it means "to tie a knot" or "to bind together." "Blessed is he that pierces through or binds together." With whom? With Christ. How do I know that? The word, comes, is 5060, and it means to reach into, and it is used to describe the touching of a woman. It is used to describe sexual intimacy, and I am suggesting to you that this verse is saying, "Blessed is he that pierces through his own Adamic soul and enters into the age of intimacy with Christ, whose number is 1,335."

I did not write anything down about the number. Let me show you the number 1,335. OK. Now, remember, the creation fell. After the creation was beheaded from the Father and driven out of the Garden of Eden, she was given the number 1,290, which is the abomination of desolation. It is the number of the fallen creation [UNINTELLIGIBLE] and the Scripture says, "And blessed is he that comes to the number 1,335." Is that right, somebody, one thousand three --

            One thousand three hundred and thirty-five.

OK. Glory to God. One thousand, human spirit separates from whom? From Satan. One hundred, Adam submits. Three, Adam submits to who? To Christ. Three is the spiritual man. That is 300, spiritual man. Number 300, Adam submits to spiritual man. Number three, again, is spiritual man. Ten is the realm of appearance, so 30 is Christ in the realm of appearance, and five is the number of ministry [AUDIO CUTS OUT] and five is the number of ministry.

So 1,335 is Christ ministering his spiritual ministry through a submissive Adam in the realm of appearance, and I am suggesting to you, if you can recognize, you may recognize it, this is the first stage of resurrection. One thousand, human spirit separates from Satan. One hundred, Adam submits. The number three, the spiritual man, A- -- and the number 300, Adam submits to the spiritual man, who is Christ. The number 35, three is the spiritual man. Three times 10 is Christ in the realm of appearance, and the number five is ministry. Adam submits to the spiritual ministry of Christ in the realm of appearance. This is the first stage of resurrection. So what is the Scripture saying? It is saying blessed is he that arrives at the first stage of resurrection.

Let me give you that Alternate Translation. Ble- -- so we can say, "Blessed is he that pierces through his Adamic soul and enters into intimacy with Christ," or, "Blessed is he that pierces through his Adamic soul and comes to the pla- -- comes to the first stage of resurrection, whose number is 1,335."

So we have a number for the first stage of resurrection. Glory to God. And if you look at that exhibit from message number 71, you will see that the number 1 million, which is the spiritual man, is the second stage of resurrection, and the number 100 million, which is the glorified man, is the third stage of resurrection, and there is no number for the first stage of resurrection on there. So we have just found out that it is number 1,335. OK. We are almost finished.


One after the -- 1 million is -- 100 million is the glorified man. OK. We are almost finished, OK.

Verse 13, "But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days."

And our Alternate Translation is, "But run the race, Daniel, and you shall live and arise in the flesh that the Lord allots to you in the last days."

"But go thou thy way," Strong's 3212. Strong's says that this word can be translated "to cause to run," and I am suggesting to you that the righteous man is encouraging Daniel to run the race that Paul tells us about. We have had a lot of teaching about that. Run the race. That means do all you have to do to transfer from being a spi- -- a natural man to a spiritual man. "But go thy way till the end." I w- -- you know, I really -- I meditated over this for quite a while, and the Scripture is not clear about the end of what. So after praying about it, and I was already an hour late today, I just felt the Lord was saying, so just run the race for the rest of this lifetime, for the rest of the lifetime that he was in when he was getting this message.

But go your way. Run the race until the end of this lifetime because you shall rest. And this word, rest, is Strong's 5117. It means to draw breath. You are going to breathe again. Well, most people, you know, that are Christians believe in the resurrection. He is -- the righteous man is telling him do the best you can in this lifetime because you are going to live again, so everybody knows there is going to be a resurrection, OK. But everybody -- well, most Christians think that it is going to be the body that the person lived in when they were standing on the face of the earth that is going to be resurrected, and we have been teaching here that is not true, and the scriptural basis for it is Jesus' own words saying, if you can receive it, that is Elijah appearing in the flesh of J- -- or the spirit of Elijah appearing in the soul and body of John the Baptist.

This is a great mystery, and there is tremendous resistance to it in the church because it sounds like reincarnation, but I declare to you that for -- every occultish doctrine is a perversion of some spiritual truth. There has to be some spiritual truth in this, and I declare to you that the spiritual truth is that the human spirit, the spirit of the person, is resurrected. The spirit of the person is resurrected, not the soul. The soul that sins, it dies, and the soul is the personality, and the body that sins, that dies too. The only thing that goes on is the spirit, and the spirit that was in Elijah appeared in the earth again with a new soul and a new body, and Jesus said, if you can receive it, receive it. If you cannot receive it, please, do not curse me. Jesus said it. It appeared the John in -- in John the Baptist.

And here we see, in Daniel 12, the righteous man, typifying Christ, saying to Daniel, live your life; run the race. Do everything you have to do, but do not worry about it because you are going to breathe again, and then he says, "for you shall rest." You are going to breathe again, "and stand" -- OK, and the word stand -- the Hebrew word s- -- that is translated stand is Strong's 5975, and it means "to arise." You shall breathe again, and you shall arise "in thy lot at the end of days." And this word, lot, is Strong's 1486, and it means the land that falls to anyone, especially by inheritance, the land that falls to one by inheritance.

"But run the race, Daniel, and you shall live and arise in the flesh that the Lord allots to you in the last days."

"But run the race, Daniel, and you shall live and arise in the flesh or the land" -- does anyone not know that our soul and our body is made out of earth? -- "that the Lord allots to you in the last days."

Do you remember when the Hebrew children were in the wilderness and they finally crossed Jordan and went into the Promised Land? Everybody was allotted an inheritance, and I declare to you that this Scripture is saying, Daniel, live your life. Do all that you have to do, and your spirit shall breathe again in the last days when you shall arise again in the soul and in the body that the Lord allots to you. Now if you can receive it, receive it, and [UNINTELLIGIBLE] it means the soul and the body that God gives to you. It is not going to be --


-- this man. I do not know what he looked like, but it is not going to be the same body and the same soul of this man Daniel, but the spirit that was in this man Daniel is going to live again in the last days in the body and in the soul that the Lord allots to him. And I know that I asked the Lord not too long ago, maybe about a year ago, for a second witness to what he said about Elijah. I said, Lord, I cannot find a second witness anywhere. Well, we just got it. The Lord just gave it to us, so if you can receive it, receive it. And if you cannot receive it, I ask you to put it on the shelf because, remember, your carnal mind is going into puberty, and if you start hating me or cursing me because you do not agree with me, you are guilty of murder. Glory to God.

So I will just read you the Alternate Translations of Daniel 12, and I will let you go home, unless you want prayer first. Glory to God.

"And at the time of the end, Christ, the great prince who is our righteousness, shall appear in his people, and the sons of God shall enter into a period of conflict with Satan, such as was never seen before they came into existence. And the whole flock of your people shall be delivered at that time, and the sons of God shall be a witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ."

"And the corporate living soul which is existing in the sleep of their carnal minds shall awake to their spiritual nature, some finding themselves dwelling in the world or mind of Christ and others dwelling in the hated world of the carnal mind."

"And those who teach shall enlighten the whole flock and turn them to righteousness, and their spirit shall be as bright as the Spirit of Christ because of their union with him, and each of their souls shall be as a blazing star, which will easily be seem by the ada- -- by Adamic men during the kingdom age."

"But the resolution of this matter for you, Daniel, is to forget about it until the end times when the whole flock shall push forth into the life of God's Spirit, and the knowledge of him shall increase."

"Then I Daniel looked and saw a spiritual man having dominion over both the spiritual and earthen parts of God's creation."

"And I Daniel said to the righteous man, who had dominion over the peoples, multitudes, nations and languages of humanity, how long will it take for these miracles to come to pass?"

"And I heard the righteous man who had the spiritual strength to visit both blessings and judgment over the people, multitudes, nations and languages of the living soul, swear by his Father that all these miraculous events would take place when the witchcraft power of the saints is completely broken and the supernatural ministry of the sons of God appears in the earth."

"And I heard what the righteous man said, but I did not understand him, so I asked another question, saying, oh, my Lord, how shall all this that is about to happen affect my people?" [INAUDIBLE]

"And he said, continue on with your life, Daniel, because the wonderful events I told you about are blocked and cannot take place until the end times, when the individual human soul shall be washed with deliverance ministry."

"The corporate human spirit shall be refined by fire, and the whole of the living soul shall be separated from Satan and the carnal mind, but Satan shall cause noisy upheavals from the unconscious mind of the guilty ones to keep them from distinguishing between the carnal mind and the mind of Christ, but those who are joined to the mind of Christ shall separate from their carnal mind."

"And for the season that the living soul has been driven out of the Garden of Eden and given the unclean image of Satan instead of the glorious image of the Father, her number is 1,290."

"Blessed is he that pierces through his Adamic soul and enters into the age of intimacy with Christ, whose number is 1,335."

"But run the race, and you shall live and arise in the flesh that the Lord allots to you in the last days."



            [INAUDIBLE] oh, like, when -- something about [INAUDIBLE] when --

Is it on?

            [INAUDIBLE] while Eve is married to Satan and how [INAUDIBLE] -- the way       that Christ is going to separate Eve from Satan is by the fire. You were talking       about the fire that has to come up on Eve to separate her from Satan, and you          were describing the fire as being the trials and the tribulations. And I just         wanted you to -- maybe just to go back a l- -- explain what you just said bef- --          a little bit on how does he do it again and [INAUDIBLE]

OK. Eve has to separate from Satan, and the way God does it is by putting her in the fire because he knows that the fire cannot destroy her because fire cannot destroy metal, and spirit is ty- -- is likened to metal, and he is melting her away. She is likened to ore. Do you know what iro- -- what gold -- when you -- when gold is dug out of the ground, it is in the form of ore, and it has to be smelted. It is put in a very hot fire, and it -- and the fire separates the gold from the impurities, OK. So that is -- does she want to go? Yeah. You want to go, honey?


OK, go ahead. You have been very brave. Thanks for doing all the messages. This was a real tough night. God, bless you, Rosie.


[INAUDIBLE] OK. So Eve is as joined to Satan and the carnal mind as the gold in gold ore is joined, you see. Her nature has been completely changed, and another way the Scripture describes it is that she is salt that has been dissolved in the water of Satan's soul. They are inseparable by -- it is a miracle that God is separating out true reality, which is Eve, from the carnal mind and Satan. It as if you take a piece of fabric and dye it; it is impossible to get that dye out. So God is doing a miracle to us.

            What are the examples of the trial and tribulations [CROSSTALK]

Oh, OK. Trials and tribulations are events that will stimulate our emotions to get upset, depending on the personality we start with. We can either become violent and go into a rage, or someone with a different kind of personality will get very quiet and withdraw. We have a lot of people in mental institutions that are withdrawn. They are called -- sometimes they go to an extreme, and it is called a catatonic state. They just [?bug out?]. They just separate themselves from society. They are not violent; they just do not even move, OK. So the trials are [UNINTELLIGIBLE] is a difficult situation that will require our making a decision as to how we will react to the trial, and if Christ is being formed in you, you are going to ha- -- even if Christ is not formed in you, if you have had exposure to the word of God and you are trying to live by it, you will have two thoughts in your mind, the thought -- and what thought? A thought of solution. One thought coming from the carnal mind and the other thought coming from Christ. And every fiber in our being will be raging to deal with the problem the way the carnal mind wants us to deal with it. So to deal with the problem the way Christ wants us to deal with it will take a warfare to be waged against the carnal mind. Every -- all of our emotions will be screaming.

Let me just give you a c- -- I will give you a crude example, OK. Let us say a ma- -- a person is dealing with sexual desire, OK, and they are not married and they do not have a regular outlet for it and their body -- Satan stirs up their body, and their body is screaming for a sexual release, and it can take over your whole mind. It can become an obsession, and Christ wan- -- is challenging that person to deal with it in his nature. And how would you do that? You would -- if it was me, I would just throw my -- I mean, I would just throw myself on the mercy of the Lord. I would tell him, Father, my body is rising up. My carnal mind is rising up, and it is telling me -- this is an extreme example -- to go out to a bar and pick up a man, and I do not want to do it, but this urge is very strong. Have mercy on me, and help me. And then f- -- resist that feeling, believing that God is going to give you victory in your emotions. But, usually, after we pray in a crisis like that, you have to hold on for a little bit to see the salvation of God, so it is a real warfare against what is raging in your emotions and in your mind to do what God tells you to do, but you do not have to do it in your own strength. See, a lot of Christians try to do it in their own strength, and they fall. The point is to cry out to Jesus and ask him to do it through you. Did I answer your question?


OK. And these trials will continue to come. Why? Because the more they come, the more we have an opportunity to separate from Satan. And I remember, about five years ago, I heard an evangelist, and he s- -- he told the congregation. He said, you know, these trials do not go away. He said, in all honesty, if I had to tell you, I would have -- the truth, I would have to say they are just ha- -- heavier than they have ever -- then why go on with God the heavier they get? And I got very discouraged when I heard him say that, but now that I am where I am, I would say it to you a little differently. What he said is true. They do not go away; they get heavier and heavier. But we get stronger and stronger, and they do not affect you, and they do not bring destruction into your life.

On the contrary, the awareness that you are standing in the trial and you are standing without -- you are not even using that much strength to resist Satan and the carnal mind. You are just standing against it, that this opposition to this sin, whatever your problem is, pride, does not have to be physical sex, pride, drugs, alcohol, whatever your problem is, OK, that you are -- the knowledge that you are standing against the urge to do it with such strength that y- -- it is not even an effort for you is glorious. It is just glorious. The victory is sweet. The victory is very sweet. So the tests get harder, but you are much stronger. Your spiritual muscles have been built up. OK. Anybody else? OK. Hallelujah.

10/08/15 Transcribed by VerbalFusion
10/15/15 1st Edit BP

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  •   631-536-2089

Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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