133 - Part 3

Part 3 of 3 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



I have the notes of I Corinthians 7, but I have some other things on my heart, so I am just going to go with the Lord. Maybe I will do both. I am just going to follow the Lord. If I do not do this message tonight, Lord willing, I will do it some time in the future. I just want to share a couple of things with you about our society. I was watching a talk show today. They had a fourteen year old boy who had married his 44 year old neighbor. I am laughing because it sounds funny on the surface, but it is not funny. It is a very serious matter and I would like to show you, spiritually, what is happening here. I would like to discuss with you the spiritual principle behind this so you can understand what is happening in our nation today. I am told it is across the world, but I only know about this nation. What is happening is we have a society made up of people that are breaking every rule. They are breaking every rule, and because they do not see the consequences of that infraction of the law immediately, they think that there are no consequences to their breaking of the rule.


I was a teenager in the fifties when large numbers of the young women were married as virgins. I have seen and witnessed the whole sexual revolution. This you have probably heard me say before. When it first started, the majority of young women were having premarital sex with their fiancees, with men they were very serious about. They were saying, what is wrong with that. We are getting married anyway and we love each other. You are just a prude. Now forty years later we see fourteen and fifteen year old girls, and sometimes twelve year old girls, already having had four or five partners. The devastation, the consequences, the spiritual consequences of the infraction of spiritual laws are not visible immediately. If you are a person who is breaking one of these laws and you expect to see a lightning bolt fall down on you, you will be disappointed. You might lead a very happy life, but the results of your behavior will be revealed in your children or your grandchildren.


The spiritual principle behind a fourteen year old boy marrying a 44 year old woman is this. Several years ago, I do not know exactly when it started, but every once in awhile I would turn these silly talk shows on. I do not know why I do it, but sometimes I just overload my mind so much with spiritual things that I cannot take any more for a few minutes. A couple of years ago I started to see on the talk shows that they would have couples up where the woman was older than the man. Traditionally, in our society, the man is older than the woman. The reason for this is, that in times past women did not work, and they were in a position to marry very young. Men were the ones that had to accumulate wealth in order to afford a wife and a family. It was not unusual to see a man, depending upon the society, to be as much as ten or twenty years older than the woman. If he was working and could give her a good life it was socially acceptable. That is how it started. Also, going back, women were not educated and they were raised in a home where they were not expected to be making decisions. The man was expected to carry the brunt of the responsibility, financially, spiritually and emotionally in the raising of the children. The fathers were very involved in the ruling of the family. It was very acceptable for a woman to be married young and not practical for a man to be married young. This all falls into God's natural order of the leadership being with the man.


As our society started to change, and physical labor was no longer an overriding factor in our society because of the industrial revolution and machinery, women found that they could get jobs because now we are dealing largely with the intellect. They could get jobs. They could get educated. They could earn money and women have become very independent. These laws were controlled by natural factors. What do I mean by that? They were controlled by the natural factor that in days past the women could not get a job, and the man would never be permitted to marry the woman unless he was financially stable. That was the way the society was. They could not live unless he could support her. That was the natural factor that controlled the relationship between men and women that were getting married. These natural factors have been torn down. Women are no longer helpless when they can support themselves. Women are much stronger and more mature, emotionally and spiritually, in many areas. They have entered into a realm of spiritual manhood. Spiritually, they are doing what men have traditionally done. That is just the truth. If anyone does not like that, I am sorry, but it is the truth. It is a spiritual reality.


We started to break these natural laws. Then we find a woman that was forty years old, and then let us say she falls in love with a man that was thirty-five. Everybody would say it is just five years. What is wrong with that? It is no big deal. I am not saying there was anything wrong with it. I am just telling you how it happened. Another few years went by and then we started hearing about a woman in her forties marrying a man in his late twenties. People were still saying, oh well, it is flying in the face of tradition, and it really does not lend very much towards the man being the head of the household with the woman being fifteen or twenty years older than him. He is a man and he is an adult and he can make up his own mind. If they fell in love with each other, let everybody live their own life and stop judging people and mind your own business. The people that oppose it are called narrow and bigots. Again, on its face there really is nothing wrong with a five year difference. I, personally, have no problem with it, but with a ten year difference it starts to get hairy with me. I really have to ask myself why. Why are you marrying a man ten years younger than you? When you get into fifteen or twenty years, I really feel, spiritually, something is wrong here. Something is wrong here in this flawed relationship. Because these rules were broken and because our society is going along a path which is saying, if it feels good, do it, and everybody mind your own business and stop judging people. It has now come to a point of abuse.


You see, humanity can never walk the line. Jesus said, either you are for me or you are against me. You are going towards God or you are walking away from God. Either you are obeying the law or you are walking away from the law. Humanity needs a status quo. It needs a standard, and either you are adhering to the standard or you are rejecting the standard. If you are rejecting the standard that is in line with the Scripture, you are going in some measure to perversion. You are spiraling downward. That is why being in a soul realm without the headship of Christ is called being in the bottomless pit. You just continue to evolve downward. With every generation that goes by, it gets worse.


Now I see it with my own eyes. A forty year old woman with a 12 year old child, and two more younger than that, sitting on a TV program holding hands with her fourteen year old husband who was still in high school. She actually sat there and said he is the head of the family. Listen to this. Jesus, have mercy on all of our souls, for you are a Glorified Spirit. The reason for her saying this is that it is in the Bible. Every nut in the world quotes the Bible. The Bible says that the man is the head of the household. My fourteen year old husband, who is attending high school, is therefore the head of our household. I almost said son. It was not sick when the man was five years younger. It was not sick when he was ten years younger. It was questionable, but I really would not call it sick when he was twenty years younger, but this is sick. This is sick. Do you hear what I am saying?


When they made pornography legal, there were those who said if they are consenting adults and they want to look at pornography, you should not be going into people's homes. It should be legal. Mind your business. They made it legal and now twenty or thirty years later, standard pornography between men and women does not satisfy them anymore. Even sexual activity between homosexuals does not satisfy them anymore. What do they want now? They want kiddy porn. People are selling their children to be used to make pornographic movies. What is happening now? The Government is forced to come down on them and start prosecuting them. Why did you not prosecute them when it was just two heterosexual sexual adults? Why did you not say it was not legal then? Do you hear what I am saying? It is a descending spiral downward. It does not maintain the status quo. As you lower your standards and accept it where it is, it will go down and descend more into the bottomless pit. We have come to a point where you either utterly compromise everything that you know to be decent and right or you have to start fighting it. Why fight it down in the pit? Why not fight it when you still have some measure of self respect? Mankind, human beings that are not in Christ, their mind is reprobate. There were people in this audience applauding this sick marriage.


I would like to say this to the woman who quoted the Bible, saying that the man is the head of the household. A man is not known by his genitals. A penis does not make you a man. I am sorry, but that is the truth. Whether you are fourteen or whether you are forty-four, you are a man by the way you live your life, by the way you relate to the people in your household, by your attitude towards God. By the way you just generally live your life, makes you a man or a woman. There is a difference between a male and a man. A large percentage of the males in this nation are not men. They are women. A large percentage of the women in this nation are not women. They are men. The country denies it, but it is still the truth It is very acceptable right now, unless Jesus intervenes, we are just going to keep on spiraling downward. What the next step down is, I really do not know. I just know we have fallen into a large measure of sexual perversion. The question is asked, why did the boy's parents let him marry her? They had to sign. No clergy man would marry them. They had to go to a church. The answer was they tried to stop it. They nailed planks to his window because he was climbing out of his window at night to go to this woman. They could not stop him and he tried to kill himself. When he tried to kill himself, the mother signed the paper. The father would not do it. I want to tell you that if it happened to me, I do not know what I would do. The boy tried to kill himself. Even if you put your child in a hospital, the hospitals are so perverted today, you do not know what you are turning your children over to.


What am I saying? This society is spiraling downward into the bottomless pit. There is only one thing that is going to stop this downward spiral and that is a very powerful stroke from the Lord. It is coming. It has got to come. I do not know why I am talking about this tonight. The second thing I saw on TV recently were interviews of men and women who had been abducted by aliens. I have spoken to you about this subject before. I have told you my opinion. I believe that these people have had genuine experiences, the ones that say they have been abducted by aliens. Various numbers of them have drawn pictures of the aliens. No matter where these people are in the world, the pictures of the aliens always look the same. The stories are always the same. The aliens are always doing medical examinations on them. On one of these tapes somewhere, one of these 314 tapes, I have an exhortation where I give you my opinion what is happening to them. It is not that they are being taken into outer space, but that they are having an experience known as the displacement of their mind. A spiritually mature human being, such as Jesus Christ of Nazareth, can get from one place to another.


Let me start this way. When a spiritually immature human being, like anyone of us, wants to get from one place to another place, our mind thinks it and our body walks. Our true personality, which is in the realm of the soul, goes as a passenger with the body. When a spiritually mature man wants to get someplace, he thinks it and the power of his thought is strong enough to translate his body. It will disappear from the area where he is and appear in another area without the labor of walking. That is a spiritual mature man with spiritual authority over his body. There is such a thing that is called displacement of the mind. It is what is happening to us. The Bible calls it the renewing of your mind. What it is really saying is that what you think, you are. There is a truth in it, but there must be spiritual authority over what you think. I have to make this clear. I do not want anyone sitting down and saying, well I am a son of God and expect to go jumping off a building and fly. It does not work like that. I am talking about the condition of your mind. When your mind is converted and renewed to the point, not that you think or fantasize you are something, because you are not that thing. That is not what I am talking about.


When your mind thinks like a son of God, you will be a son of God. When your mind thinks like fallen man, you are a fallen man. Let me say it one more time. You are what you think, but not through fantasy. As you think, so you are, not that you have the authority to fantasize that you are a millionaire and become a millionaire. I believe that if your mind functioned like a millionaire's mind functions, you would probably be a millionaire. I do not know how a millionaire's mind functions. Do you hear what I am saying? This is the renewing of the mind. When we think like Jesus, we will be like Jesus. While we are in this battle, known as Armageddon, and this battle is to stop thinking with our carnal mind and start exercising the mind of Christ. The more we live out of Christ, the more our life will change and eventually our bodies will change. We will have the spiritual authority to do many things. Glory to God.


I believe that these people that have claimed to have been abducted by aliens, they have had an experience known as mind displacement. I do not understand it completely, but I know that it is a reality. It is likened to soul travel. Their body stays where it is, but somehow their carnal mind within them, whether or not it is their carnal mind or an individual demon, I really do not know, but an ungodly spiritual power within them, somehow has the authority to take their soul to another place when their bodies remain where it is. It is forced soul travel. That is what it is. Spiritual life deals with illusion. Whether or not they are really taken up into a spaceship or not, I do not know. I honestly do not know, but this whole world is an illusion. Our bodies are an illusion. Spirit has no form or shape. I believe this experience is a mind displacement. It is a forced soul travel that does not take the body. Soul travel leaves the body behind. Travel in the spirit takes your body with you. What is the difference? Different degrees of spiritual authority. It takes a very high measure of spiritual authority to take your body with you. Glory to God.


I have told you all this, that it is my opinion that it is the demons or the actual carnal mind. I am not sure what it is abducting the external person. Why all the medical experiments? I have suggested to you that they know that Jesus is about to take over the whole creation. They are trying to figure out a way to make their own bodies or to make bodies because they know that they are no longer going to be able to inhabit the bodies of humanity. I have been saying this for a long time. I turned this program on the other day and they were interviewing these people and a doctor, a psychologist or a psychiatrist, who was studying the phenomena. He said it was multi-generational. If it happens to the father, it is likely to happen to the son. It is coming down on the family line. I am suggesting to you that it is a curse of spiritual weakness, some kind of a curse that enables unclean spiritual powers to do it to this family line.


I want to tell you that being a nominal Christian is not enough. One of the men up there went to church all the time. If you are in such a weak spiritual condition that your own carnal mind can abduct you at will, and do experiments on you, you need Christ formed in you. No book called the Bible is going to help you. No going to church on Sunday is going to help you. No eating a little cracker and drinking a little grape juice is going to help you. You must have the spiritual reality of Christ to be formed in you, to wage war against this wickedness that is happening within your own vessel.


That is what I want to put on this tape today. The Lord has given me some more information, proof right out of the secular world that it is a multi-generational curse. It goes down from generation to generation. What is more, the doctors are finding out that it happens to the individual several times. It keeps happening to them. These people were sitting on the TV show saying there is just nothing we can do about it. They take us at will. Nobody can help them. As far as they know, nobody can help them. They do not know where it is coming from. They have done studies on all the people that this happens to. The man that is doing these studies cannot find anything in common with all these people. They have all different backgrounds. Satan is breaking through into our society. The walls have been torn down and he is coming in and stealing the sheep. You thought that was just Jesus making a light comment about stealing the sheep. No, they are literally stealing the sheep. There is much I do not know about the realm of the spirit. We must have Christ formed in us because there is a great plague coming upon the earth. Satan is breaking through. He is going to be breaking into the flock and stealing the sheep. He is going to be taking all the people. Glory to God.


I really do not know why the Lord wants this on the tape, but it is very strong in my mind right now. I just said it and I am going to say it again. They are reaching for people from within their beings. I do not know whether it is the demons or the carnal mind. We are coming into a time where these demons, are going to come into the spiritual authority to grab people and literally pull them in so that they disappear. Do you understand what I am saying? Within us is an invisible realm. The visible realm is without. The demons are rising up from the invisible realm and will somehow eventually develop the authority to grab hold of that which is in the outer realm, which is our body, and pull it inward. Have you heard of people disappearing? Have you heard of the Bermuda Triangle? People just disappear with no trace of them. Their body is completely gone. For some reason, in that geographical area, there is enough spiritual power to enable the ungodly forces of the spiritual realm to pull whole bodies inward into the invisible realm. What happens to them, I do not know. I do not even know why I am preaching this tonight.


I told you recently, and I will tell you it again, if you enjoy binding and losing, if you enjoy casting out demons, you have not seen anything yet. That was just practice. That was kindergarten. You have not seen anything yet. I still do not know why I told you this. I really feel that is very prophetic coming from the Lord. I heard preachers preaching that there are going to be demons all over the place. I never got it myself like this. There is going to be a very large group of very surprised Christians because if they are Christians without Christ, there are going to be Christians experiencing this too.




I am going to try to preach this message. What a combination. I am going to try and finish up I Corinthians 7 tonight. We have two other tapes on that already. Lord willing, we are going to finish it tonight. I think I went through the end of it. Just let me check here. I think verse 40 was the end of it. This is going to finish it up.


I Corinthians 7:37  Nevertheless he that standeth steadfast in his heart, having no necessity, but hath power over his own will, and hath so decreed in his heart that he will keep his virgin, doeth well.  KJV


We will start with nevertheless he that standeth steadfast in his heart. Nevertheless is Strong's #1161 and that is what it means. He that standeth. The word standeth is Strong's #2476. It is the Greek word histemi. It means to stand up. It is the same Greek word that is used to express the understanding of standing up in full stature, to stand up in full spiritual strength. He that standeth steadfast. Steadfast is Strong's #1476 and that means immovable. In his heart. The word heart is Strong's #258, heartia. I remind you that we have two hearts. I want to remind you that the heart is the mind. We taught this on several other tapes. The heart is the center of our spiritual being, just as the natural heart is the center of our physical being, and it is what keeps us alive. It is in the spiritual realm. It is formed by the union of a male and female spiritual entity. They produce their child. They produce the third part of them. They all join together and become the heart around which all the foundation upon which a spiritual being is built. Who is the foundation of the spiritual man in Christ? Who is our foundation? Christ is our foundation. Christ is our foundation.


For the natural man, his foundation is the carnal mind. The heart or the foundation around which the spiritual being is built is the carnal mind in the natural man and the mind of Christ in the spiritual man who is formed as a result of God. We are saying, nevertheless, he that standeth steadfast in his heart. We have to find out which heart he is talking about, since we have two hearts. We are going to go on with the verse, but I am going to suggest to you right now that this word is talking about the mind of Christ. Why? It is talking about someone standing immovable. We will check it out further as we go on with the verse. I am going to suggest to you it is talking about the mind of Christ. I would like to remind you that we have this in other studies, mostly in the Book of Revelation. In a situation like this, where the Scripture can be referring to two different hearts, as we will see a little further on down, that the Scripture is referring to the adamic heart also. It will use just a shade of a different way of expressing it. If you look at the two ways or the two expressions that both mean heart, you will think that they are interchangeable. You will find out that in this particular scripture or any particular scripture you are involved in, one word is assigned to the mind of Christ or the heart of Christ, and another word is assigned to the carnal mind. If you do not have spiritual understanding, it will go right over your head. We have spiritual understanding here, thanks to the Lord God.


I am going to say that this Greek word, claudia, is referring to the mind of Christ. A little further down, you will see that the carnal mind is referred to as the self will. Self will is the carnal mind. Glory to God. Also, let me point out to you that there is another shade of meaning in the fact that the word heart is referring to the mind of Christ, and that self will, which we know to be the carnal mind, is not being called a heart. I declare to you, this is the other shade of meaning. Once Christ begins to be formed in you, the Lord does not consider your carnal mind your heart. He not only does not consider it your heart, He does not even consider it your mind. He considers it your self will, that which must be put down, bruised under your feet, and slain. It might have served a Godly purpose before Christ began to be formed in you. What Godly purpose? It was keeping your body alive, and keeping your personality alive until such time as the seed of Christ could be engrafted in you.


Once that seed is engrafted in you and starts to grow, your carnal mind becomes a waste product. It becomes your enemy. It becomes something to be utterly defeated and overcome without compromise. In this scripture we will see that the Lord calls it the self will. Now I do not think that anyone that has been in Christ for any length of time, whatsoever, could not recognize that the expression self will is not a positive thing at all. We all know our self will has to be put down, but a lot of us do not know that our heart has to be put down. That means our old heart, the carnal mind. Glory to God. Alleluia.


Alternate Translation of I Corinthians 7:37  Nevertheless, if a man is standing immovably in Christ, in the heart of Christ, in the mind of Christ, nevertheless he that standeth steadfast in his heart, not just any heart, nevertheless, if a man is standing immovably in Christ. ATB


We are not talking about a man that has a lot of will power through his carnal mind. The strength must be coming from Christ, where we could be saying, nevertheless, if a man is rooted in Christ. I like standing immovably in Christ better, continuing to live, having no necessity if he is standing immovably in Christ, having no necessity. Having no necessity for what? The word, having, is Strong's #2192 and it means to have possession of. The word, no, Strong's #3361, can also be translated without necessity. It is a negative. That word, necessity, is Strong's #318. It means constraint. I was not satisfied with what I found in the Lexicon, so I went into Webster, and I found out that the word, constraint, means to force or to produce in an unnatural manner. What this verse is saying is for the man who is standing immovable in Christ and is not in a position where he unnaturally represses his sexual urges. So what is this saying? It is saying that if you are really rooted in Christ, if you are not going to be doing it in the natural, you are not going to be battling with your sexual urges in the natural. We are going to see further on, that a supernatural power is going to be imparted to you to live virtuously without marriage.


The Scripture is making it very clear, to do this without being anointed in Christ, is not of God. It is a work of the flesh, and no good thing can come of it. Now if the Lord has anointed you to do it, it goes to His glory. If He has not anointed you to do it, it will not glorify Him, and it will do damage. We are going to translate that second quarter of I Corinthians 7:37 not need to unnaturally restrain his adamic sexuality. Nevertheless, if a man is standing immovably in Christ, not needing to unnaturally restrain his adamic sexuality, that has power over his own will. That word, power, is Strong's #1849 and it means supernatural power. The word, over, is Strong's #4012 and it means concerning. That word, own, his own will, that word own is Strong's #2398. It means pertaining to one's self. The word, will, is Strong's # 2307, one's own determination, one's own choice. As I told you earlier, I am suggesting to you that this word, will or self will, spoken about here, is the adamic heart, which has become a waste product. It is likened to our study in The Harvest, where we found that the plant that brought the fruit forth is laying wasted in the field. After the fruit is harvested, the dead plant is lying in the field, and the angel said cut it down. That is about the adamic soul after it has brought forth the soul of Christ, it is nothing but a dead plant. It has served its function. There is nothing more for it to do.


Third quarter of I Corinthians 7:37. Having supernatural power to live out of Christ rather than out of the carnal mind, nevertheless if a man is standing immovably in Christ, not needing to unnaturally restrain his adamic sexuality, but having supernatural power to live out of Christ, rather than out of the carnal mind, and has so decreed in his heart that he will keep his virgin.


That word, decreed, is Strong's #2119. It means to make a judgment, to conclude, and to call into question. The Greek word indicates that this word means that one has drawn a conclusion after examining the issue. They have so decreed or concluded in his heart. This word again, heart, is the word heartia. It is talking about the heart of Christ. He has not made this decision in his carnal mind now. If you made this decision in your carnal mind, it is not going to glorify God. He has so decreed in his heart that he will keep his virgin. That word, keep, means to guard or watch over. It is the equivalent of the word keep that is translated from the Hebrew where Adam was told to keep the garden. It means to detain in custody or to maintain. The word, virgin, is Strong's #3943. It can be translated a maiden, an unmarried daughter. It can also be translated virginity, which would be relating to a man. There are two ways to take this. If the person is a woman, it is easily understandable. If the person is a man, it could be referring to his virginity. It could also be taken on a spiritual level.


Brethren, we are suppose to be made virgins for Christ. The fact of the matter is that if you marry after you have developed a relationship with the Lord, you are placing someone else between you and the Lord. This is the truth now. I am not telling you not to do it. God is in full control of your life. If He gives you a husband or a wife, that is fine, but the truth is still the truth. For a season, He has given you a life style where there is something that is going to be interfering with your relationship with Him. That is why the Scripture is saying if the person is strong enough in Christ to live without that lifestyle, they will be a virgin unto God. To have that may appear to some minds to be a contradiction. We are told in the Book of Revelation that those that follow after the Lord wherever He goes, are virgins. Yet we are also told that we are to marry Christ. How can we be married to Christ and be a virgin?


Let me comment on this for you. When we are fully married to Christ, our adamic personality shall have been totally swallowed up by Him. Our marriage to Christ is the glorification. It is a total and complete joining with Him. There is a transition period during which we are separated from our present husband, Satan, and our illegitimate offspring, the carnal mind. We must be separated from them and remain a virgin until we are fully joined to Christ. During this time period, we will have interaction with Christ, but it could be likened to an engagement, a man that you are engaged to. The hidden meaning in this scripture is if you choose a lifestyle based on God's call on your life, to give up a natural husband or wife, that is a sign. Now remember, if God calls you to this, and if you are doing it by the supernatural power of the Lord Jesus Christ, not as a religious work, if you have done it under those conditions, it is an outward sign that we are moving towards spiritual virginity. Spiritual separation from Satan in the carnal mind is in preparation for the full joining with Christ.


Now remember the three stages of resurrection. The first stage of resurrection is that Christ rules from a position of weakness. He rules what? He rules his adamic soul or his carnal mind from a position of weakness. The second stage is He rules the carnal mind and his fallen adamic soul from a position of strength. In the third stage of resurrection He slays the enmity in his flesh and joins the two souls so completely that of the two He makes one new man, the creation of God. Wherefore, that person has decided to remain a physical virgin, he does a good thing. Nevertheless, if a man is standing immovably in Christ, not needing to unnaturally restrain his adamic sexuality, but having supernatural power to live out of Christ, and has therefore decided to remain a physical virgin, he does a good thing. Why is it a good thing? It is a good thing because if you do not have a natural husband or wife, you will be able to utterly devote yourself to Christ.


Brethren, we are in a natural realm. The more time and energy you put in, the more Christ is going to be developed in you. You are going to find out later on, and I believe we spoke about this on the last tape, if you are a spiritual woman, the Lord will give you a choice. If you really want a husband, He is very likely to give you one, if you are a spiritual woman. If you are called to spiritual manhood, and if you are called to spiritual manhood at the moment that you are hearing this tape, He is not going to give you one. There is a group of people in the Church that have a choice, and there is a group of people in the Church that do not have a choice. The way you find out who you are is that if you want to get married, you have a desire to get married, you ask the Lord. Tell Him you would like to get married and ask for His perfect will in your life. If you do not get a husband, and I am not talking about six months from now. You have got to give it at least a couple of years here. Do not give up after six months now, maybe after ten or fifteen years. I know a woman of God who is well in her thirties. She had prayed constantly, and He has not given her a husband. I think she is approaching forty at this point. I would venture to say, and I think she is saying this herself, He has not given her a husband.


If you feel you want a husband, you tell the Lord how you feel, and you give it a good few years before you go making any kind of a decision like God has not given you a husband. If you are a young woman, and that is your heart's desire, and you are hoping for it, you go on hoping. You have every reason to hope.


We have talked about this before. He can give you a husband and a family, and twenty years from now could call you into a deep walk with Him. There are many ways He could do things, ways that transcend upon your carnal mind. You can have both, but not necessarily at the same time. If you are young, He may let you have your family, and then call you. That is okay. If that is what is right for you, it is okay. Amen.


Nevertheless, if a man is standing immovably in Christ, not needing to unnaturally restrain his adamic sexuality. That means you are not suppose to be suffering. If you are suffering, you need deliverance. Nevertheless, if a man is standing immovably in Christ, not needing to unnaturally restrain his adamic sexuality, but having supernatural power to live out of Christ, and has therefore decided to remain a physical virgin, he does a good thing. Why has he decided? It is because he has the supernatural power to do so. He has therefore decided to remain a physical virgin, and he does a good thing. They are talking here about the man, not the one that has prayed and prayed for a husband or wife and has not gotten one. This is talking about the spiritual man that is reading the Scripture or hearing this tape, and is not praying for one. He has decided to be a eunuch, and have Christ be his primary relationship in his life.


This is not someone that it was forced upon. This is someone who chooses. The Lord says if you choose this lifestyle, you do a good thing. As we talked about on the first two parts of this tape, the Church world is not lining up with this scripture. They put a lot of pressure on young people, and tell them that they should be getting married, and that God said to Adam, it is not good to be alone. They quote all these scriptures at them. Although they are true scriptures, what they are telling them is not accurate. Paul said, the time is very short. If you are married, live as though you did not have a wife. Glory to God.


I just want to put it on this tape again. I am not against marriage. I am here in defense of the people that have been called to be eunuchs, that are being talked about, and that are being subjected to psychic prayers to get them married. This is ungodly and wickedness in the Church. Do not pray for other people in regard to their personal life unless they specifically ask you to pray for them. Do not make a judgment about what is best for them and then pray that judgment. That is witchcraft. Glory to God.


An unmarried lifestyle is not socially acceptable or healthy for a natural man. For those that are able to live out of the Christ being formed in them, without restraining their sexuality by any unnatural human means, will power, torturing themselves saying I can do it, it is a preferable lifestyle. It is for those who can contain themselves out of the authority of Christ in them. You are going to find out in the next verse that Paul clearly says that both lifestyles are acceptable. Both lifestyles are acceptable to God, marriage and to be a eunuch, except in the case of those who are looking to marry because of lust. They are looking to marry for the wrong reason. If they have a lust problem, and they do not want to deal with it in Christ, if they know they are a latent homosexual, and they do not want to deal with it, and hide behind marriage, that is not acceptable to God. God's answer to that is to get delivered. It is to face the problem and get delivered.


1 Corinthians 7:38.  So then he that giveth in marriage doeth well, but he that giveth not in marriage doeth better.  KJV


So then is Strong's #5628 and it means therefore. He that giveth in marriage is Strong's #1547. We had it up above. It just means to marry off a daughter or giving in marriage. He does well. That word, well, is Strong's #2573. It means morally well. It is a good thing. It is a moral thing. It is acceptable to God to get married. The word does, does a good thing, is Strong's #4160 and it refers to a single act of well doing. If you get married, God says it is a good thing to get married, but He is not saying that everything you have ever done or will do for the rest of your life is good because you have gotten married. It is a single act of well doing.


Alternate Translation, first half of I Corinthians 7:38: So getting married is a singular morally good act. It is a good act. It is moral in the eyes of God. Continuing with, but he that giveth not in marriage doeth better.  ATB


Even though marriage is a good thing, the Lord is saying there is something better available for those who are called to it. An old testament witness to it is the love that was higher than the love of women. Now of course, I know David got married, but we do have a witness in the old testament that there is a love that is higher than the love of women. That love is Christ. We can have a relationship directly with Christ and we can have relationships with other believers in whom there is a mature Christ. What is this love that is higher than the love of women? What does that mean? It is talking about the basis of your relationship. In a marriage the basis of your relationship is usually a carnal joining, and a desire to have a carnal marriage, a carnal lifestyle to raise children. It is an earthly lifestyle.


Now Christ can be in it. He can bless your children. He can bless your home life, but it is an earthy lifestyle. I hope everybody can agree with me on that. It is not a lifestyle where you go off flying in the Spirit, and traveling in the Spirit, where you go about evangelizing, where you are preaching every day. It is not that kind of a lifestyle. It is earthy. You have children. It is physical. You bear children and engage in sexual intercourse. You are cooking and feeding your family. Maybe you are breast feeding. It is an earthy, physical lifestyle. Glory to God.


There is another lifestyle that is higher. What the couple that is married have largely in common is an earthy physical carnal thing. Now of course, they have a spiritual joining. We know that the two are one flesh in the Spirit. The basis of their marriage is carnal, even if you start out with it being spiritual, even if you are both in Christ, and you are looking for a partner in Christ. Once you get married you start living this lifestyle of having children, taking them to the doctors, giving them baths, ironing their clothes. Even though you both love God, and I am not saying that you cannot love God, the root or the cement of your marriage is your family life, which is physical. In the life that is higher than marriage, the cement of your relationship is Christ. It is talking about Christ, it is studying Christ, it is living Christ. Maybe you will eventually get into the ministry, even if it is part time. It is ministry. It is doing it, living it, and walking in the Spirit a large part of the time. That is the difference between the two loves.


Paul says they are both good. They are both good, but one is better. You do not have to have the best. If you are called to get married, you will have the better later. It is only better because it is closer to God, but that does not mean that it is right for you at this time of your life. I have told you before and I am going to tell you again, it is an error to open up this Bible and think that every scripture that you come to is appropriate for you, and can be applied to your life at this time. Every scripture in the Bible cannot be applied to every person at every moment of their life. There are some scriptures that apply to you when you are young. Some scriptures that are applicable when you are older. Some scriptures are applicable when you are married. Some are applicable when you are not married. There are many different scriptures that will refer to different lifestyles and different times of your life. Glory to God. Alleluia. So that he that giveth in marriage is a good thing. He doeth well, but he that giveth not in marriage doeth better.


Alternate Translation of first half of I Corinthians 7:38. So getting married is a single morally good act. I think I did that twice. He that giveth not in marriage doeth better.  ATB


Now this word, not, is Strong's #3361. It is a short word, and it is called a negative word that denies the thought of the thing. If we are talking about marriage, this word, not, means to deny marriage. We are talking about the man who is denying himself this morally acceptable human experience. It is an institution that God has given to men. It is a morally good thing that there is a category of men out there who would deny himself this good thing. Why would he deny himself this good thing? He would do it to obtain to something that is better. You cannot have them both at once. You can have half of one experience and half of another experience, but one of the two experiences will always have to be primary in your life. Now when you have young children, when you have a husband and a young family, that family must be the primary thrust of your life because they need you. You can be married and you can have a relationship with the Lord. You can read your Bible, go to church, and even teach with a ministry on the side, but the primary thrust of your life will be your family. What I am saying is you are limited, but the one who has the power in Christ to deny himself from experiencing this good experience, this morally acceptable experience in Christ, he will enter into the spiritual things of Christ in a much fuller degree because that will be the primary thrust of his life. Does anyone not understand this? Glory to God.


Alternate Translation of the second half of I Corinthians 7:38. But denying oneself marriage is a single morally good act of greater advantage. The whole verse reads, so getting married, the single morally good act, but denying oneself marriage is a single morally good act of greater advantage. ATB


1 Corinthians 7:39: The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth. But if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will, only in the Lord.


The word, wife is wife. The word bound means knitted together. We know in marriage, our souls are knitted together. We become one flesh. This expression, by law, is Strong's #3551. It is referring to a spiritual principle. Married people are knitted together by spiritual principle. What does that mean? It means that it is stated in the Scripture that when you are married, the two are one flesh. You know it is going to happen. It is a natural law. It is just like saying if you jump off of a terrace, you are going to crash down on the ground beneath it, and you probably are going to kill yourself. The law of gravity is what goes up must go down. It is a spiritual law. When you marry, you become one flesh. Brethren, this is talking about sexual intercourse. When the book was written, it was virtually unheard of for a young woman to engage in sexual intercourse without marriage. It is referring to sexual intercourse. When you join your bodies, it is a spiritual principle that your souls are joined. You cannot see it because if you have sexual activity, and you separate from the man, you may never see him again, but the spiritual principle says that your soul, in the spiritual realm of the soul, it is still joined.


If you had had such a sexual encounter outside of marriage or if you have experienced a divorce, you need to submit to spiritual ministry and have the soul ties broken because your soul is knitted together with the soul of your partner.


The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth. What does that mean?


It means that as long as your husband is alive, your soul is going to be knitted to his. I want to tell you something, brethren. Let me explain this to you. If you are divorced, and God did not honor your divorce, your soul will remain knitted to this man until he dies. This is why Jesus says, if you must leave your husband, leave him, but do not marry again because if you marry again, it will be adultery. Why? Because you separated your bodies, and you made a legal degree that has separated you, but your souls are still knitted together. Now there is something here that is not clear in the Scripture. I want to put it on the tape for you. I do not know why it is not clear in the Scripture, but I know it is what the Lord told me. There is not a doubt in my mind that it is true. Jesus does state one acceptable reason for divorce. That is for fornication. Now the Greek word translated fornication is not the same as the English word fornication. The English word, fornication, merely means that two unmarried people have had a sexual encounter outside of marriage. This is fornication in the English language, but this is not what the Greek word says. The Greek word translated fornication means perverseness. If you find yourself married to a man who is perverse and inflicting that perversity on you, you have legal grounds for divorce.


If the Lord witnesses to you after much prayer, and after doing everything you can to help your partner, you can divorce. For example, if this person is perverse, if you are a woman and he is beating you, or if you are a man or a woman committing incest with your children. Now I am not talking about him wanting the window open and you wanting the window closed. If the man is perverse, if your life is in danger, if your spiritual life is in danger, if he is physically insisting that you kneel down and worship idols, you have legal scriptural grounds for a divorce. I do not care if you could line up twenty pastors to tell you that you have legal grounds for a divorce, and you go into a court of law and get your divorce, but God Almighty does not think that you have legal grounds for a divorce, you are not divorced. Does anybody not know what I am talking about? You have to get this from God. If God says He grants you a divorce, and you submit yourself to spiritual ministry, that knitting of your souls will be separated. Under the anointing and the spiritual authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, that soul tie will be broken and then you can go and marry somebody else without being in adultery.


Paul says that if you cannot live with your husband, leave him, but stay unmarried. That says to not marry again. I do not know why it is not clear in the Scripture. It has to be there somewhere, but the Lord has not shown it to me yet. It has got to be there somewhere that what the spiritual reality of this condition is, that if you find yourself in an ungodly marriage, and you have done everything you can to help this man, and the living conditions are impossible and destructive, you have got to go. I am sorry to tell you this, but you did not wind up in this marriage by accident. Even if every indication is that you are the victim and your husband is the monster, or that the husband is the victim and the wife is the monster, no matter what it looks like, it is not true. Something linked you up with that person. If you look perfectly innocent and you look like you are the victim, something wrong in your heart caused you to marry this monster.


The scriptural principle here is when you leave that monster, stay by yourself long enough for Jesus to clean you up so that when you get married again you will not marry another monster. There has got to be something wrong with you. I am not condemning you. I am not condemning you. You have a spiritual problem in your soul that drew you to a monster. Everybody does not marry a monster. The world is filled with married people that are reasonably happy. That is the spiritual principle behind it, if you must leave your husband, if you really cannot live with him. Of course it does not say anything about a man leaving his wife, and I will get to that in a minute. If you really cannot live with him, go away. I want to tell you, you do not get cleaned up from this kind of a spiritual thing in a year. It is a miracle for Jesus Christ to bring that kind of deliverance in your life, and it does not happen overnight.


That is why it is just really not clear on that in the Scriptures, if you are married and it is a bad marriage, and God okays your divorce and you go away. I know God witnessed it to my heart that you get your deliverance when you submit yourself to God, and immerse yourself in the Scripture, and the spiritual life of God. You want to know something, and I am not putting anything on you, but I have never seen it happen in less than ten years.


Now God can do anything He wants. I am one of the few women that this has happened to. Ten years seems to be the round number. That is how long it takes to correct, ten years of serving God to correct the error in your soul. I know several of them who got married again and it worked. Alleluia.


If you think that you are going to leave your husband and six months later or a few years later, that you are going to find another man and everything is going to be wonderful, you are mistaken and it is adultery. The reason it is adultery, is that your soul is still knit to your husband, and your soul is still knit to your husband because your spiritual problem has not been cleansed out of your soul. Why? Because it is your spiritual problem that is knit to his spiritual problem. When you get delivered of a spiritual problem, it is gone, and the whole soul tie is gone. Does anyone not know what I am talking about? You will not be on the rebound or doing the same thing all over again. Now the Scripture does not say to the man, if you cannot live with your wife, leave her, but stay single. The reason the Scripture does not say that to the man is that the man is suppose to be ruling the marriage. You see, if you are a woman, and your husband is abusive in some way, you are suppose to be the weaker vessel.


We have a lot of wives around this country today that are not the weaker vessel. They are the hammer and their husbands are the nail. That is the truth. You are suppose to be the weaker vessel, so God is giving you an out. You can leave if your situation is really irreversible, and God gives you permission to leave. If you are a man, He is saying you get your wife in order. I want to tell you, we are living in a messed up society where a lot of men are not men. Let me tell you something, God's spiritual principles do not change. I do not care if you are the man and you are the nail and your wife is the hammer. The command of the Lord is the same to you. Get your wife in order. You do not know how to get your wife in order, she henpecks you, she browbeats you, or there is a husband abuse situation. We have women beating up on their husbands. The answer for you is not divorce, the Lord says. Get on your face before God and submit to the ministry and the chastening of God to make a man out of you and get your family in order. There is no scripture that says to the man it is okay to leave under any circumstance. Glory to God.


Jesus said, in Moses' day you could get divorced because your heart was hard. Well what does that mean? It means that your heart was adamic. You had a stony heart, so it was okay to get divorced, but now we have the mind of Christ. Get your family in order. I want to tell you, these natural relationships, and this natural order of authority, we may have people all over this country denying them, but Jesus is still honoring them. If you are a man, you are the head of that family, and if you are not living as the head of that family, you are an abomination to the Lord. He wants you to stand up on your two feet and take authority over your family.


You do it in a Godly way. You pray your way through. You do it together with Christ, and if your wife leaves, she leaves, but you be the man that He has called you to be. If you are not, you are in an element of spiritual homosexuality. You are denying the authority He has given you. If you are a woman that is called to spiritual manhood, and you are not exercising the authority He has called you to, you are in an element of spiritual homosexuality. You are an abomination to the Lord, a man that is not a man. It is a disgrace. You have been taken to Babylon and castrated. You have been made a prostitute in some rich man's bedroom.


He is raising up a whole community of spiritual men, some in male bodies, some in female bodies. We start ruling and reigning in natural areas. You start in your family. You do what you have to do. If she leaves or if he leaves, let him go, but you serve God and you fulfill your office to the fullest possible extent in the love of God that He enables you to do it. Whatever happens, happens. You will never be right with God if you are not walking in the fullness of the office, or at least striving towards it, walking in the office that He has given you. You cannot do whatever you want. The confusion comes from the fact that He does not crack down on you immediately. Sometimes, I have seen Him let it go for years with people. When He has given you authority, rule. Do not let anyone take your crown. Do not let anyone take your authority. It is possible to go down fighting, but if you are going to go down fighting, go down fighting, but do not give it away.


A woman is knitted to her husband by spiritual principles in that they become one flesh. It is a spiritual principle like the law of gravity in the natural. They are knitted together for as long as he lives. If you have an illegal divorce and you remarry, you are guilty of adultery. Unless God unknits your soul, you are guilty of adultery. If her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will. This word, liberty, is Strong's #1658 and it means to be free, free as a citizen, not as a slave. It means to be exempt from obligation, exempt from obligation. Remember Paul said, I am not a slave, I was freeborn. This is what he is talking about. But if her husband be dead, she is at liberty or free to be married to whom she will. We are dealing with her right to choose her own husband. I do not know which English word it is, but it is the Greek #2309. It means she is free as a citizen to choose who she will marry, but only in the Lord. She is at liberty to be married to whom she will only in the Lord. That word, in, is Strong's #1722 and it means within the limits of. So we are saying she is free to marry, but only within the limits of Christ. In other words, God has to approve the marriage. He has to be a Christian man, and God has to approve the marriage.


Alternate Translation, second half of I Corinthians 7:39. But if her husband dies, she is not a slave to be apprehended by Christ, but as a free citizen, can choose whether or not to be married to the Lord.  ATB


I guess I looked up all these words in the Greek, and apparently I came to a conclusion that what it is saying is that not so much that she can choose to marry another man or not, but as a spiritual woman she can choose whether or not to be married to the Lord. She can choose to marry another natural husband or she can enter into a marriage with the Lord, which will bring her up to spiritual manhood. We said earlier, that spiritual women have a choice. They can either be married, have a natural mate or be joined to the Lord. If you are a spiritual man, and you are called to be a spiritual man, the Lord will hinder you from marrying.


The woman is knitted to her husband by spiritual principle for as long as he lives, but if her husband dies, she is not a slave to be apprehended by Christ, but as a free citizen, can choose whether or not to be married to the Lord. Verse 40: But she is happier if she so abide after my judgment, and I think, also, that I have the Spirit of God. Happier means supremely blessed. Paul says, if she remains, and that word, remains, Strong's #3306, means to dwell. That word, after, means according to or down under. It means down under the authority of Christ. She will be happier if she remains under the authority of Christ. But she is happier if she so abide after my judgment, and I think that I, also, have the Spirit of Christ.


This word, after, in the phrase after my judgment, is Strong's #2596 and it means to be down under authority. Paul says, this is not commandment, but I have the Spirit of God. He says, I think also that I have the Spirit of God. What he is saying there, is that he was not prophesying. This was not a commandment of the Lord coming forth as an oracle of God, which would be the Father now. Paul was in the condition of son. He was in full stature. He was in the condition of son, so if it was a commandment from the Lord it would be the Father giving the commandment. He said, no it is not that, it is not the Spirit of God speaking through me, but I am the son. I have the Spirit of God. I am speaking of myself, but I am Christ. I do not live out of my carnal mind. That was what he was saying. But in my judgment, spiritual women are supremely blessed if they dwell under the authority of the Lord. Although this is not the Father speaking through me, I nevertheless am speaking out of the Christ that is within me. Glory to God.


RECAP: Alternate Translation, I Corinthians 7:37-40. Nevertheless if a man is standing immovably in Christ, not needing to unnaturally restrain his adamic sexuality, but having supernatural power to live out of Christ and has therefore decided to remain a physical virgin, he does a good thing. So getting married is a single morally good act, but denying oneself marriage is a single morally good act of greater advantage. A woman is knitted to her husband by spiritual principle for as long as he lives, but if her husband dies, she is not a slave to be apprehended by Christ, but as a free citizen, can choose whether or not to be married to the Lord. In my judgment, spiritual women are supremely blessed if they dwell under the authority of the Lord. Although this is not the Father speaking through me, I, nevertheless, am speaking out of the Christ that is within me. ATB


Alleluia. Does anyone have any questions on this issue?


COMMENT: If a person has premarital sex to a person they are not married to and then they get married to another, what happens to the soul tie?


PASTOR VITALE: The soul tie has to be broken in Christ. Spiritually, if you know anyone that has had that experience or if you have had that experience, you really need prayer for that because you need curses of adultery broken on you. Spiritually, the curse of adultery has come upon you and your children and your grandchildren. If your soul is knitted to somebody, and then you marry somebody else, it is spiritual adultery. Even though you separated physically from the man, it is a spiritual principle.


COMMENT: Even though he was not married to that person, there was no marriage contract, but then he had got married to that person, is that true too?


PASTOR VITALE: The reality is that if two people have had sexual intercourse, that their soul is knitted together. If they then separate, and each marries another person, even though as far as our laws are concerned, there is no adultery, the spiritual principle says that a curse of adultery has fallen upon you when you married the man that you are now married to because the man that you had sex with you have already been knitted together to him. In the realm of the spirit, you have been married.


Of course, people that are listening to this tape or reading this transcript, you are not to go divorcing your husband or doing anything silly like that. You are going to submit yourself for spiritual ministry. Ask that any existing soul ties be broken, and any curses of adultery that have come upon you and your family line be broken. Years ago when most young ladies were virgins when they got married, if it was found that you had sex with a woman, you had to marry her. You have heard of a shotgun wedding. Today I hear about a lot of young ladies that are pregnant and the young ladies say I do not want to marry that creep, and they do not get married. But years ago, if you were found pregnant, both sets of parents would get together and you had to marry that girl.


COMMENT: Say the man is not aware of this. He cannot break the soul tie.


PASTOR VITALE: He cannot break the soul tie if he is not in Christ. Is he a Christian man? You have to be in Christ. You do not have that privilege if you are not in Christ to break those soul ties.


COMMENT: Then the wife has to do all the breaking of soul ties between the man and the first sexual contact?


PASTOR VITALE: I do not really know that it could be done, if the person that had premarital sex is not in Christ. Let us say that it is a man, and he marries a woman, and now there is a curse of adultery on the family line. If the woman is in Christ, I believe she could break that curse on her children. It has nothing to do with whether or not you are a man or a woman. The person that is in Christ is the high priest of the family, so that woman could break the curses on the children and the grandchildren, but to the best of my knowledge, she has no authority to break the ungodly soul ties between her unsaved husband and his ex-partner. I do not think that it could be done, to the best of my knowledge.


COMMENT: You mean until he comes into Christ, then he can do it for himself only.


PASTOR VITALE: Right. You see what is happening in this country. With all this premarital sex, and all these multiple partners, the curses that are falling on this nation are phenomenal. Everybody is laughing their head off because they do not believe it, but it is happening whether they believe it or not.


9-20-10 mjs




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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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