132 - Part 4

Part 4 of 6 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



I would just like to remind you all that I have given you an exhibit, and it is called the Three Stages Of Resurrection. It is a series of ten diagrams with three stages of resurrection. Each stage is in three parts. I think it is either the second or the third stage, probably the third stage. There are four diagrams, even though it is in three parts because I felt it was necessary to give you the whole picture, but it is in three parts. II Corinthians 5:21, is a crucial scripture in understanding that the man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, was not born perfect. He was born with a human soul and with a fertilized human spirit. He was born with the life of God and with the life of the adamic soul. He was not perfect until the life of God in him overcame the adamic life that he was born with. It is my understanding, that happened at the time of his baptism. This scripture is an alternate translation of the scripture, and if you have an open heart, it should be very clear to you. It is the strongest witness I have seen. The Lord has given me this scripture since He had me start to preach this. I do not know that this is going to be on the tape or not, but I want to exhort you, if you are having any kind of a manifestation towards this, at all, that it is a wonderful wonderful word. I am not attacking the deity of Jesus Christ. The man, Jesus of Nazareth, was God after the baptism. Before the baptism, he was in a very similar condition to that which we are in today.


This is a wonderful, exciting, liberating word. We are in a similar condition to him and he stood up in full stature. He overcame his sin filled adamic soul. That means we can look at him and say we can do it too. Paul said, we do not know what is coming, but we see Jesus. If you think that Jesus was born God, what does that really mean to you? If you believe that he was born in a condition similar to that which you are in, and he overcame, that means something to you. A lot of people hear this message, and they do not want to hear another word. They call it blasphemy. It is all a technique of Satan to stop us from hearing the truth, because as the truth becomes or is made flesh in us, Satan must die. Satan, in our minds, must die. Our adamic soul must die, so he is not fighting fair. He is the accuser of the brethren.


The first thing that is going to rise up in a mind that is yielded to Satan is accusation towards the one who is bringing forth the word of truth. This is the first thing to rise up. He is the accuser of the brethren. The heart of man is ruled by Satan. I just want to exhort you one more time. Everybody here seems to be okay, but I want to exhort you one more time. If anything you hear on a tape, or anything you hear me say, or anything you hear anybody else say, do not be afraid. God is with you. You, at least, have the baptism with the Holy Spirit, and hopefully you have Christ being formed in you. Why will you not pray about it? Why will you not ask if it is true? I am not talking about going to the local wizard and getting doctrine. If someone appears to be a person of God, and you perceive an anointing, why will you not pray about it? It is a technique of the enemy that will have you not even talking to such a person. This is not the teaching of Christ.


Jesus had dinner with sinners. He did not cease from talking to people that did not share his lifestyle or that believed in the "Rapture." That was a joke. The people that believed in the Mosaic Law, or were not willing to give up the Mosaic Law, did not stop him from talking to them. Just try and keep an open heart, and if you feel any manifestation, recognize it in yourselves. It is probably something that is attacking your adamic soul, because Christ does not manifest. Christ does not do that. Christ does not rise up and throw you out of the house. Christ does not rise up and accuse you. Christ does not rise up and attack you. He does not.


What does Christ do? Does anybody know? Christ tells you the truth in love. He does not reject you as a human being. He may not make you his best buddy and hang out on the street corner with you, but He will not break relationship with you. Jesus did not break relationship with Judas. Jesus called him friend. Judas went away and was so convicted, he killed himself. It is very important that we understand how Jesus reacts in as many situations as the Lord will reveal it to us. How does he act in this situation? If we do not know that, it is going to be hard for us to tell whether it is Jesus responding in us, or whether it is our carnal mind responding in us. It is important that we know what is responding in us. Jesus is not afraid. Jesus does not run when he is hurt. Jesus, when he is hurt, runs towards that person. Jesus, when he is afraid, runs towards the challenge. Jesus does not break communication. Jesus increases communication. Jesus solves problems. He is at peace with you, unless of course, it is your turn for the judgment, and he is attacking sin in you.


The Church is bound by fear. That fear does not just happen to be there. It is there because it is a technique of Leviathan to keep the truth away. It is a technique of anti-christ. I hope you know that all these spirits overlap; Leviathan and anti-christ. They are all Satan operating in the adamic soul. They are just different manifestations of his personality. It is a manifestation that we find in Roman Catholicism, and a manifestation that we find in Popes. It is not a manifestation of the life of Christ. We have to be aware of these things because the Lord has much to tell us. We may not be able to bear it right now, but we are going to have to bear it if we want to stand up in full stature. We need to grow up, and at least listen to it, and ask the Lord. We do not have to walk around being afraid that we are cursed and that God will never bring us back. This is not Christ, brethren. Glory to God.


Would an Apostle behave like that? Paul went to the heathen. He spoke to them on Mars Hill. They wanted to do sacrifice to him. They were into witchcraft and idolatry. He went and talked to them. Now what did he do when they wanted to make sacrifice to him? He stopped them from doing it, and he preached Christ to them. Did he run away from them? He preached Christ to them. It is really important that we know the one whom we are trying to become like. Glory to God.


We are going to go on with the message on Life tonight. We are taking the categories on the spiritual life of God, which appear in the Open Bible. We are dealing with the evidences of the life of God. This is the second part on the evidences of the life of God. There are so many entries in the encyclopedic index, that is spiritual mindedness, that we could not do it in one night. Spiritual mindedness is a sign that we are growing in God.


Let us go on to Romans 8:6; For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. There is a big error in the Church that must be overcome. When the Scripture talks about death, it is not talking about the death of this body. It is talking about a spiritual condition. Death and life are spiritual conditions, conditions under which we exist. I declare to you that we are spiritual beings, that we were with the Lord before the foundation of the earth, and we have existed so far in two different stages. Lord willing, we are about to enter into life. We are eternal, brethren. Our soul is not eternal. The soul that sins shall die. The living soul sinned, and it is under a judgment of death. The soul that we bear in our total being, is under the judgment of death, until it is raised from the dead.


We, in our basic spiritual being, which is spirit, were joined to Christ from the beginning. From before time, we were with Christ. That part of us, our human spirit, is eternal. That spirit is Christ, right now residing in a fallen soul, in a fallen body, for the purposes of reproduction. The Lord is forming a creation, and we are not created yet. It is not finished yet. First God made the animals, then he made the soul man, and now He is making the spiritual man. The resurrected Jesus Christ was the beginning of the creation of God. The creation of God has not begun yet. We are still being formed in a womb of the earth. We are in utero, and our form is not yet permanent. As you know, a fetus in utero changes. They have pictures of it. I am sure they are available to anyone that would want them. You can see the fetus at one week, the fetus at one month, the fetus at six weeks, and the fetus continues to change. Brethren, our true spiritual being, which is human spirit, is continuously subject to change, until the birth.


What confuses us as humans is that the physical existence of this body comes to an end. They do not understand that our human spirit is with Christ, and that it is Christ that is taking the journey through the earth in us. He is experiencing existence with the soul man, in conflict with him, with the full intention of overcoming him, and becoming the fullness of the creation of God. What is the creation of God? It is the life of Christ, the spiritual life of Christ, which is eternal. It always existed. It exists now, and it shall exist. Maybe I should not say Christ. Christ is God in the flesh. Let me say the eternal existence of the Son. He always existed. He exists now. He shall always exist; Jesus Christ, yesterday, today, and forever, always the same. The spiritual life of the Son is joined to the earth man, and the earth man has a soul, and he has a body. Together they make Christ in his immaturity.


When the processing is completed, the Spiritual Son of God, is going to be permanently joined to us. You see, when a human being dies, his soul and his spirit separate. The spirit goes back to God, and the soul which has sinned dies. The creation of God is the permanent joining of the earth man, including his soul and body, to the spiritual life of the Son. The Scripture describes this joining to be so complete that it could be likened to the dissolving of salt or sugar in water. There will be a new product created from the joining. Salt with water is called saline solution. Salt water or sugar water is no longer sugar and it is no longer water. It is sugar water or salt water. This creation of God is not yet complete. How do I know it? The spirit keeps separating from the soul. Why is that? Because the soul has sin and it dies, but the spirit does not die.


Jesus Christ, the resurrected ascended Christ, was the beginning of the creation of God, who was the first member of the human race to have the spiritual life of the Son. The Father is always present with the Son, joined to the earth man permanently, irreversibly joined. Does anybody know how they were joined permanently and irreversibly? Does anybody want to take a guess? They were joined through the death of the earth man. In our present condition, the spirit and soul separate upon the death of the body, because the spirit lives on with Christ, and the soul is under the judgment of death and it dies. The earth man shall be delivered by the death of death. Have you heard of the second death? The earth man is already dead, and he is going to die when he is joined to the Son.


The Son, with the Father within him, is a consuming fire, and in the joining of the Son of God to the earth man, the earth man is cast into the lake of fire, where he will burn for the life of the ages. That burning is a purifying preserving fire. It is not a fire that tortures. It is a fire that restricts what? Sin. It will not tolerate sin, and through union with the Son is life. All life is in the Son. Through this intimacy, the earth man receives the life of the Son. He who has been raised from the dead can die no more. The earth man was already dead. When he is joined with the Son, he dies to death. He is raised again in the newness of the life of the Son. We are told, once you are raised from the dead, you can die no more. This joining is permanent. Alleluia !!! It is the carnal mind of man that has devised all of the fables that are being preached in the Church today. Glory to God.


We shall dwell with everlasting burnings. That is the way it is expressed in Isaiah. It is a little clearer in Isaiah where it says, who shall dwell with the everlasting burnings? The one who is purified from sin and joined to Christ. He is the one who shall dwell with everlasting burnings. When they say the lake of fire, it is easier to believe that it is a tormenting thing, but it is not true. It is not true. It is not even tormenting to the earth man. It is tormenting to the earth man to get to the place where he is permanently joined. Why? Because as the Christ in us increases, and the fire touching the earth man increases, and is burning up all his sin, it is painful for a season, but that season comes to an end when all the sin is burned up. Then we dwell, for the life of the ages, with the Father and the Son, in peace.


We found scriptures that said, Satan is going to be castrated. Satan, the god of the earth man is going to be castrated. He is a wild raging bull, a warlike creature, who is going to be harnessed and domesticated and serve by the pulling of the plow. He is going to serve the spiritual man. It is not unbearable torment because we can do all things in Christ. The fire coming upon the earth man is the drawing close to God of the earth man, painful as it is, it is bearable. We shall pass through the fire, and we shall be purified as pure gold.


The problem in the Church today is that they hear all these scriptures, but it is so strong in their minds that these are hate doctrines of punishment and retaliation, which is the direct opposite of the personality of God. They separate the revelation scriptures from all the good scriptures, and they make it another area. It is not another area. There is only one message in the Scripture. Of all the books of the Bible, there is only one message. God formed a creation. It is made out of His very own life, just like your child came out from your person. It is made out of His flesh, made out of His bones, made out of His mind. We are told Adam was the son of God. That offspring of God fell, and it died, and its Father is our Father God. What is mind boggling, for all these thousands of years, is the process of raising it from the dead. It has taken all these thousands of years. This is what is blowing our minds. The fact that we see individual persons pass on, that is what has confused humanity.


The message is, God had a child. God produced a child, and it died. We are down here in hell, waiting to be raised from the dead. When He raises us from the dead, we are going to be fully born in the newness of life. Let me say this, for those of you that are thinking this question. Before God's child died, it was not perfect. It had not yet sinned, but it was capable of sin. It was still being formed. It was not completed. Then before God could make it safety proof, before God could make the creation so that nothing could happen to it, it died. We are down here in hell, and Christ is in us, and He is with us. Why? Because we are Him. We are made out of His very substance, and it is His full intention to raise us from the dead, and restore us to a vital life with Him. Every individual, the entire creation, has something of God in them that will go back to God. That is it. That is the whole story of the Bible.


There is nothing made that was not made by Him. That does not mean that He formed it with His hands. What it means, if you look it up in the Greek, is that there is nothing made that was not made out of Him. He was the Lamb slain from the foundation of the earth. He was slaughtered like a cow and cut into pieces. Each one of us is one of those pieces. We are Him, but God is so great that He is yet separate from us. Jesus said, I and my Father are one. What was the difference between the Father and the Son? The Father was Spirit and the son was soul, but God is superior to a human being. We are Him. We came out from Him, and we will come back into Him in a completed form. We shall be as inseparable from the Father as Jesus and the Father are in this hour.


When we are glorified, when we ascend to pure spirit form, we too shall be as one with the Father as salt dissolved in water. That is the message of the Bible. It is that simple when you understand it. When you do not understand it, it seems very complicated. The Bible is not fragmented. The word of God is not fragmented. There is no contradiction in it, just lack of understanding in our minds. Glory to God.


I just want to show you briefly the three stages of existence. That is what I started to do when I stood up here at the board. The three stages of existence. The first one was called innocence. God created a soul. Its name was Adam. The Father was the God of the living soul. Adam was the soul, and Eve was the human spirit. It gets confusing sometimes, but the whole creation is called the living soul. Each individual member of the whole creation has a personal soul. Sometimes, I call it a human soul. There is the corporate living soul, and every individual has a soul, which is part of their personality. This is the age of innocence. Adam was capable of sin, but had not yet sinned.


There was something down here that the Lord really did not talk about very much. His name was Satan. He had no authority at all. He was the intelligence in the earth. I remind you that the creation was spiritual, and God wants to be seen. He has covered Himself with earth. In the earth, just as in our earth today, there are earth worms, and all kinds of creeping crawling things. There was a spiritual pestilence in the spiritual earth that God covered His creation with. His name was Satan. He had no power to do anything to Adam or Eve to hurt them in any way, so long as Adam and Eve did not sin. His total power was in seduction. While the Father was ruling here, everything was fine in the creation. Glory to God.


The Lord wanted the creation to multiply into many members. He said to Adam, I have showed you the way things should be. I have given you the law, and I have talked to you about everything that is right and wrong. I have instructed you, and as long as I am present, you will not be able to multiply because I am changeless. It is likened to someone who wants to form a piece of glass. Have you ever seen a glass blower? They take the glass and put it into the fire, and they get it very soft so they could change it. Otherwise, the glass is permanent. It is the same thing with clay. When it is soft and wet, you can mold it. Once you bake it, it is unchangeable. The Father was the preservative. He was unchangeable, and He wanted His creation to increase into many members. He said, alright Adam, I have given you all the rules, and I have explained everything to you, and I am withdrawing. Occupy until I come.


This is the scoop. I have given you a woman, and it is not what you have been taught in Sunday School. The creation was spiritual at this time. She is your spiritual fertile parts. It is my plan for me to marry her and produce Christ. Why? Because I know that you will never be strong enough to keep Satan from stealing the creation from you. I am giving you an instruction, and beyond that let me tell you this. Also, for this creation to appear in the realm of appearance, there must be a spiritual offspring. Every human being appearing in the realm of appearance has produced a spiritual offspring. In everybody's case, except the man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, that offspring is the carnal mind. She is the offspring of Satan and Eve. What is the offspring of the Father? What is the offspring of the Father and Eve? Anybody? Yes, it is Christ. Amen.


The Father said to Adam, I am going to marry Eve and I am going to give her the offspring of Christ. You will appear in the realm of appearance in righteousness and in safety. I am drawing this on the board. Do not let Satan, down here, copulate with Eve because if he does, she will produce the carnal mind, and you shall appear in the realm of appearance without safety. Then the Father withdrew, and Satan sent a message up here. You see, Adam was ruling. He was on top there. Satan sent a message to Adam, and said, oh you do not need to let Eve copulate with the Father to produce Christ. You do not have to wait to appear in the realm of appearance. You can be as God. He just does not want you to have what He has. Now you are saying to yourself, the scripture says it was Eve that was the one who was deceived.


I want to suggest to you, that Adam was the conscious mind of man and Satan was coming out of his unconscious. They are both two different parts of Adam. It is just like you have a conscious and an unconscious mind. This creation had a conscious and an unconscious mind. In case you do not know it, go to school and take a psychology course. They will tell you that your unconscious mind is criminal. The unconscious mind of human beings is criminal. Any psychologist will tell you that. The way we survive is that we have a conscious mind that has been instructed in righteousness and survival, Lord willing, by our parents. It is the job of the conscious mind to restrict, to police and to deny, and to control the unconscious mind, or we would be destroyed. The heathens know that.


Adam yielded to his unconscious mind. The Scripture tells us that Satan seduced Eve. Well, where was Adam? Why did he not help her? Why did he not do anything? I will tell you why. Adam had yielded to his unconscious mind. I want to tell you, when we yield to our unconscious mind, we are one with our unconscious mind. The one that you serve, you are in bondage to. We did this on the last message, Romans Chapter 6. The one you serve is your god. When he listened to his unconscious mind, Satan became Adam. See, there was not three. There was really just two.


Adam had two sides to him, Christ and Satan, and he chose Satan. Now when he chose Satan, Christ disappeared. It was really Adam that spoke to Eve, but it was a different side of his nature, so God called him by a different name. It was Adam who seduced his own fertile parts. At this point, Adam's name was changed to Satan, and they produced the spiritual offspring, which is necessary to form a personality that will appear in this world system. They produced the carnal mind, and they left the stage of innocence. They were no longer innocent. They entered into a new existence, and the name of that existence is death.


What happened to them? Their spiritual condition, their spiritual makeup changed places. It would be like someone taking a human being today, and rearranging our organs. We cannot live that way, with our stomachs outside of our body, or a heart outside of our body. That is what happened. This moral order, the Father, Adam, Eve and Satan underfoot was totally reversed. They came into this condition with Satan on top as god, instead of the Father. Eve got married. She married Satan and produced the carnal mind. Adam is down here, not much good for anything, and he is the beast that the harlot is riding on in Revelation 17. He is needed for a human being to appear in this realm of appearance, but basically he is totally servant to this unholy trio; Satan, Eve, and the carnal mind. He appears as the beast that the harlot is riding on in Revelation 17.


Now the creation cannot live in this condition. What is confusing man is that we have been existing for thousands of years. We are the beast who was slain, but yet still lives. God killed us. He cursed us in the garden. He cursed our ancestor and all of us in the garden, but we are still alive. When God cursed the creation, He knew it would take all these thousands of years to die. Thank God for it, because He is going to save us just before it is too late. We cannot live in this condition with Satan as our god and the carnal mind being the personality that causes us to exist in this realm of appearance. We cannot go on forever. It is an unholy condition. I have to make a correction here. I used to believe this situation in the creation would self destruct, but the Lord has shown me that we will not self destruct, that this is, in fact, eternal torment.


The human race will go on forever in this unholy condition, where all kinds of problems and torturous situations, emotional torture, physical torture, spiritual torture, destruction on every turn. This is the condition of death. It is the reality of eternal torment, Satan's world system. It is not God that is casting unbelievers into eternal torment. It is Almighty God that is taking people out of eternal torment, casting them into the lake of fire, which will purify them, which will kill their condition of death, and raise them up unto the newness of His life.


Once again, we see the accuser of the brethren, the mind of man, accusing God of the very thing that he has done to the human race. We have already been cast into eternal torment, and we are there now. Again, what confuses people is they see human bodies dying. I declare to you that there is a man that is in eternal torment. His name is Adam. He is the living soul that God created, and he is a spiritual entity. Everything that he touches dies. This whole world dies. Trees die, food die, Adam will die, people will die. If you have a home, the paint peels. You have to paint and keep continuous maintenance on everything. Everything dies. You clean the house and you have to clean it again. Everything is death. Everything is negative. The garments that this spiritual man is wearing keep dying. There is a man that was cursed in the garden. His name is Adam. His wife, Eve, was within him. She was his spiritual fertile parts. He did not look like we look now. He lived over nine hundred years. He did not look like we look now. He did not have this kind of body. We are only one step away of being preserved in the Garden of Eden, and this man is in eternal torment. Adam is the one in eternal torment, and Adam is in many members.


When one member has a physical body that dies and a soul that dies, he appears in other members. Since this is the realm of death, and everything dies, nothing is permanent. His bodies and his souls, that he is appearing in keep dying, and he keeps taking on new ones. How? People have babies, but there is one man. His name is Adam. He is in eternal torment. We have to get spiritual to understand this. Everybody knows, especially people that have raised children, children are very selfish. It is their state of being. We are spiritual children. We must stop focusing on ourselves and look at the whole picture. There is one spiritual man that is in eternal torment, and we are members of him. He is stuck down here.


Adam is the man that God formed, that has died. The Lord has a plan to raise him from the dead. That plan included revealing His Son two thousand years ago. Actually, the plan started when God went to Abraham. God has been working to raise this man from the dead for thousands of years. The creation, in the condition of death, will continue forever as a condition known as eternal torment, which is what the accuser of the brethren accuses God of doing to His enemies. The very God that said, forgive your enemy and pray for those who despitefully use you; love your brother, honor your father and your mother, thou shalt love your brother as yourself. This is the God that they say is throwing more than three quarters of the world into eternal damnation.


I want to tell you something, brethren, if you do not know it already. Maybe you know it already. When you start coming up against worldly people, and God lets you see what they are really like, what is their number one technique? They accuse you of what they are doing. They accuse you of what they are doing. Sometimes they know what they are doing, and sometimes they do not. A lot of them know what they are doing. It is a technique in the business world. They will come right out there and accuse you before you can come to them and say what are you doing? Then what do they do? They put you on the defensive. A lot of people do not know what they are doing, but it is the way the carnal mind manifests towards any form of righteousness. It does not have to be a Christian manifesting Christ. Righteousness in any human being in a conflict will be falsely accused by the person that is in the wrong. God has shown me that.


This whole creation is out of the substance of God. He is in it at its basic spiritual root. Christ is buried in here somewhere. It is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Righteousness will appear from time to time in men, without that person even being a Christian. They could be a Hindu or a Buddhist, but the manifestation of Christ in its roots of His spiritual being, can appear in any man, any place, any time. When that man is standing for righteousness, whoever his enemy is, will accuse him of exactly what he is standing against, and trying to win over and help.


Let me just finish along this line. I do not want any misunderstanding on this tape. You cannot attain to eternal life if you are a Hindu or if you are a Buddhist. To attain to eternal life, Christ must appear in you and swallow up your adamic soul. If you are an adamic man, it is possible for the righteousness of Christ to appear in you, in an instance, in a moment. Some men live their whole life fighting for a righteous cause, and it is Christ in them, but it is a temporary manifestation of Christ. They die. The fact that Christ has appeared in them to fight for righteousness, or to impart some good thing to the creation, does not mean that they are going to have eternal life. It does not necessarily mean that they are going to have communion with God. His spiritual substance is in men, and in Him is every good thing. In Him is every talent, every mercy, every glory, and He will appear and rise to the surface in carnal men from time to time, because He is the spiritual root of the creation. Does anybody not understand this? I am not saying the person is saved or that they are going to heaven, whatever that means. Glory to God.


I want to tell you, any fine music that has appeared in this world is out of the mind of God, like Christian hymns and classical music. In my opinion, and you do not have to agree with me if you do not want to, the only really acceptable music is classical music. In the other music there is something ungodly in it. I love the fifties music and I love country music, but I want to tell you it is loaded with lust. Listen to it, listen to the lust in it. It is going to stimulate lust in you. If you want to listen to it, you can listen to it. I listen to it once in awhile, but I am very aware that it is attacking me in the area of lust. I will listen for a bit and I have to shut it off because I do not want to be attacked in that area. If you are not aware of this, you might keep on listening to it, and all of a sudden you have a lust problem. You will say where did that come from?


To the best of my knowledge, the only music that does not arouse ungodly emotions is classical music. I declare to you, in the men that brought it forth, it came forth from a root of Christ in them. It was just a glorious manifestation of our spiritual root that rose to the surface in that human brain, and imparted a gift to humanity. I know that in many great artists, they led utterly reprobate lives. You are saying what are you talking about? I am thinking of certain composers right now. Mozart, I am told was utterly perverse and crazy. Well brethren, what about that great man of God down the street in that Pentecostal Church, that is casting out demons and healing the sick, and runs off with the organ player. You tell me what the difference is. There is no difference. I suggest to you, there is no difference.


We, the human race, are about to enter into the third stage of existence. God calls it life. The Scripture clearly tells us that life is in the Son. There is no life apart from the Son. If the Son is not ruling in your life, if you are not joined to Him in some measure, you are abiding in death. That is what this scripture says. To be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded, and that does not mean witchcraft. It means the Spirit of the Son. To be abiding in the Spirit or the mind of the Son is life and peace with God. Why? Because if you are abiding in the carnal mind, you are at war with God. Why? Because the carnal mind is enmity with God. If you are in agreement with the carnal mind, you are at enmity with God.


We are entering into the third stage of existence. It is called life, and it is through union with the Son. The only way to enter into life is to join with the Son. To join with the Son, we must die. Our adamic soul, which includes our carnal mind, must die. Where the carcase is, there the eagles shall gather. When your adamic soul is a dead carcase, the life of Christ shall be revealed through you. There is more than one word that means death in the Greek. That scripture that I just quoted to you, the Greek word that is translated carcase, means dead, dead, dead as a doornail when they put you in the grave. It is not talking about being carnally minded. It means dead. Our adamic soul must die, so that we can be raised from the dead. How are we raised from the dead? Christ becomes our life. In Christ is life.


Christ is taking over our vessel. He is taking over our body. He is taking over our mind. He is going to be the life force that is keeping us appearing in this realm of appearance. That is the first stage of the resurrection, the death of our adamic soul, and Christ appearing in us as our life. Then it is called the resurrection of our soul. Let me just put this on the board for you to see what it is going to look like on our diagrams. We are going to be ruled by the Father again. Satan will no longer be our god. The Father will have His marriage to Eve, and their offspring will be Christ, and we will be appearing in this world system. It will not be by the abominable trio that I mentioned earlier; Satan, and Eve, and the carnal mind, but we shall be appearing by this glorious trio and all three go by the one name, Christ. That name is Christ. There is also a generic name that refers to the three of them. This is the heart of God, which is the same thing as the mind of God or the mind of Christ. This trio, together, appearing as your personality, is the mind of Christ.


The ungodly trio; Satan, Eve, and the carnal mind, is the carnal mind. It is the mind of adam, and I do not know why they call it the carnal mind. Continuing on with the drawings. This is the mind of Christ and the carnal mind; two hearts. It is the heart of God and the heart of man. The one is opposed to the other, and the flesh lusteth against the spirit, and there shall never be any peace between them, except through the death of the enemy of God.


Still working at the board: Satan is down here. Satan is not destroyed, but his state of being is changed. His nature is changed. He is going to be castrated. He is not going to be able to even whisper to us anymore. It is not going to be a battle to stay sinless. There is going to be no more temptation, and he will serve the creation in that he will become the spiritual skeleton. The name of this condition is life, the third state of existence that the creation will pass through. We shall abide for the life of the ages in this condition of life. Eternal torment, also known as hell and death, shall be thrown into the lake of fire, which is right here; Christ. Glory to God. What a glorious message.


We are dealing with the spiritual life of God, and we are saying that one of the signs of growth is spiritual mindedness. We have been talking about Romans 8:6. For to be carnally minded is to abide in death, but to be spiritually minded, and to think with the mind of Christ is to abide in life, and to have peace with God. Although it does not say it here, what it means is to be carnally minded is to be at enmity with God. We have that in another scripture. It is not a simple thing to be carnally minded. It is not something to laugh at. It is not something to make light of. It is very serious. To be carnally minded is to be at enmity with God. When you are a believer, it is very serious. When you are not a believer, God looks away because you do not know any better.


For a believer to be carnal is very serious, especially if you are entering into the mature things of God. We are to pray for the ability to discern our carnal mind, and to deal with it in a Christ like manner. We have to pray to be spiritually minded, and to always think with the mind of Christ, no matter what is happening. Whether it is an encounter with an individual, whether it is a spiritual encounter, or a business encounter, or whether we hear someone give a testimony in the church, we are to view that happening with the mind of Christ. When we do that, if we perceive sin, we are to say, Father, I perceive sin. Is there anything you would have me to do? Is there anything you would have me to pray? Then we let it go.


Brethren, we could never bear the burden of seeing sin. I want to tell you something, I am moving into this thing, and I see sin everywhere. We could never bear it. We cannot bear this burden. We cannot bear a burden of praying an hour for every prayer request that comes to us. I want to tell you what I do. I get lots of prayer requests. I would be on my knees all day. I cannot do it. I will put my hands on the letter. I will say, Father, bless it. Help him. Meet their every need. If it is okay with you, answer their prayer request. If you have a more specific prayer for me to pray, you put it in my heart. I want to tell you that is the extent to which I pray, unless God puts a more specific prayer in my heart. That is being faithful. If God does not give me a prayer, what good am I doing you anyway? Lots of times He will give me a prayer for you. When God gives me a prayer for that person, it comes down right out of the realm of the Spirit. It usually is not very long, but very powerful, and it does the trick. That is how you survive meeting the needs of thousands of people.


Brethren, the sons of God are going to manifest. Lord willing, we are all going to be in that company. They are going to be chaining themselves to our doors. Do you have any idea how many troubled people there are out there? When they get wind that you have spiritual power, and God takes the veils off of you, they are going to be storming your doors. We must know how to deal with them. If we try to deal with them the way we have been taught to date, we are going to die. How many people can you minister to? What is wrong with the way we have been dealing with it to date? There is nothing wrong with it for the season in which it was taught to you. You were taught to deal with these problems out of your soul. Now we are called to a higher place. We are being taught to deal with these problems out of the Spirit, in which there is no labor. There is only labor in the realm of the soul.


I want to tell you, and I really cannot give you any examples. I do not think the Lord wants me to. I have prayed some incredible prayers that have come down right out of the Spirit. I have seen things happen that have boggled my mind. This is what I do. I put the need before the Lord, and if He gives me a prayer, that is fine, and if He does not, that is fine. If He gives it to me, I pray it. It is usually not more than five minutes, and it is done. You are not going to survive praying out of the soul. This training is very important. Glory to God.


Our next scripture. We are dealing with signs of spiritual growth. The next scripture is Romans 8 verses 9 thru 13. But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. I do not have the tapes ready, but we had a very interesting message last week talking about things just like this. A lot of Christians will read this and they will say to you, well I cannot possible be carnal because my Bible says I am not in the flesh, that I am in the Spirit. Now I have not studied this in the Greek, but I am telling you Paul is saying is that you have the ability to be in the Spirit. Now that you have been given the ability to be in the Spirit, it is not acceptable to God for you to be in the flesh. This is what I just said to you. It is not a light thing to be carnal. It is not a light thing. It is not a cute thing.


God is telling you when I give you my Spirit, I expect you to live out of my Spirit. I expect you to think with my Spirit. If you fail, because you are not perfect, you repent and you go on. He expects you to be reaching for it. Most Christians that I know, they just think that they are saved, sanctified, and covered with the blood, and they are going to heaven. They are not even resisting ungodliness in their mind. This is what Paul is saying. If you have the Spirit of God, the Lord is expecting you to be living out of it. Therefore, you are not in the flesh, and if you miss it, and you repent, God still considers it living out of the Spirit. If you are not striving to live out of the Spirit, if you miss the Spirit, if you fall into the flesh, and you are not even looking at yourself, and aware of it so that you can repent, you are out of God's will. There are requirements.


This is what the next phrase says. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. He says, now I am not talking to the people that do not have Christ. This instruction is to the people that have Christ. If you have Christ, if He has begun to be formed in you, I expect you to be waging the warfare that is going to result in you walking out of Him. If you have a bad moment, you repent and you go on. If you have Christ, and you are not engaged in this warfare, you have a problem with your Father. I point out to you that he did not say, if you do not have the Holy Spirit, you are none of His. That is not what Paul says. Paul says, now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.


Let me remind you of this once again. Does anybody remember what the difference is between the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Christ? Anybody remember? No, this is talking about the Spirit of Christ. The lady said the Holy Spirit is the Father and Christ is Christ. This scripture says the Spirit of Christ. It does not say Christ. The Holy Spirit is the Father by Himself, the Father alone. You have heard of Jesus only. Have you heard of Jesus only, full stature and Jesus only? Well, Jesus is never alone. Jesus always has the Father with him. Sometimes the Father is alone. The carnal mind always gets it backwards. The Holy Spirit is the Father alone. He comes to men with the sole purpose of impregnating you with the life of His Son. He is the Father alone. He is not the Son. He impregnates you, and Lord willing, Christ is formed in you.


When Christ is formed in you, the Father does not go away. Christ is never without His Father, but the Father alone is called the Holy Spirit. The Father, when He is with His Christ, changes His name. That is scriptural. It happens all the time. His name becomes the Spirit of Christ. Why? Christ is what? Is Christ a Spirit? Christ is a soul and He has a Spirit. His name is the Father or the Spirit of Christ. Christ is in the soul realm. Every spiritual entity appearing in the soul realm must have a ruling spirit. What is the spirit that rules Adam? Satan rules Adam. The Spirit that rules Christ is the Father in the form of the Spirit of Christ, not the Father in the form of the Holy Spirit. It is the same Spirit, but different administrations. Same Spirit, but different manifestation thereof. Jesus said, my Father is greater than I. Spirit is greater than soul.


I noticed one thing when I was in Africa recently. There is a heavy Catholic influence in Africa, in Nigeria anyway. I noticed that a lot of the people there pray to the Holy Spirit, and not to Jesus. A lot of them. Maybe it was just the people that I was around. I do not know. I heard thank you, Holy Spirit. It was very common. They would send their petitions to the Holy Spirit. When I was there, I wondered about it. I said I wonder why that is. We are told to pray to the Father in the name of Jesus. Why would they be praying to the Holy Spirit?


Then we found out here not too long ago, that the Holy Spirit is the name that has been given to a female deity to deceive men. It is a hidden name that is given to Mary. Now I am not saying the Holy Spirit is Mary, but the spiritual entity that is known as Mary wants worship. It has put on a disguise, and it is going around telling people that she is the third party in the trinity. It is saying there is a third party to a trinity, and it is called the Holy Spirit, and it is really Mary in disguise. There is no trinity. There is just the Father and the Son. All of a sudden I hear people praying to the Holy Spirit. They are not praying to the Father and they are not praying to the Son. Why are you praying to the Holy Spirit? It is a spiritual force there that is trying to divert true worship to God.


This is very important. Everybody, this is very important that you know this. Paul says, if you do not have the Spirit of Christ, you are none of his. He does not say, if you do not have the Holy Spirit, you are none of his. Brethren, We were talking about this in the car coming out here. If you have the Holy Spirit, or you are baptized in the Holy Spirit, if you have all kinds of wonderful gifts, God bless you. Still, what you are is a natural man that has received the gifts of a God, that would like to join with you, and impregnate you with His Son. You have the gifts. You do not have the sexual union, and you do not have the child.


Having the child, whose name is Christ, brings you into another category of believer, and the name of that category of believer is a partaker of the new covenant, or the everlasting covenant of God. Brethren, if you are baptized with the Holy Spirit, and the most gifted person in the Church, you have not entered into the new covenant. You are still under the old covenant, not under the law of ordinances, but under the law that is administered by the Holy Spirit. That is love your brother as yourself, and love your God with your whole heart, mind and soul. You are still under the law. You cannot go out and murder people. I remind you that the law is not for a righteous man. The law is for a man that is unrighteous. If all you have got is the baptism with the Holy Spirit, you are still an unrighteous man.


The vehicle to impart righteousness to you has been imparted to you. I remind you, there was one Apostle sent to the Jews, and another sent to the Gentiles. Does anybody here believe that the same ministry was given to the Gentiles that was given to the Jews? No, I do not think anybody here believes that. Brethren, the ministry that was given to Israel, to prepare them to bring forth the Christ, was known as the old covenant, which was mediated by Moses. The ministry to the heathen, that is to prepare them for the bearing of the Christ child is known as the Holy Spirit. It was ministered by the man Jesus. I want to tell you, we are told that at the end of the Gentiles, the Lord is going to bring the Jews in. At the end of this season of the Gentiles, we are going to have two groups of people, the natural Jew and the heathen, that have both been offered a covenant by God to come up higher to go on to perfection.


They both have received their invitation of two different covenants. With a few exceptions here or there, I am generalizing, for God always has a remnant. Generally speaking, we have a Church world and a world of natural Jewry that have been given the word of God. In some instances, the Jews have received the Spirit of God. They certainly did in the Bible days. When the Gentiles are ready, when God has made the fullness of His offer to the Gentiles, He is going to take the two groups together, and offer them the everlasting covenant. He is going to take the two groups together, and offer them the opportunity to bear His child, so that they might be saved in childbearing.


It looks to some perverted minds in the Church that God has left Israel behind for all kinds of reasons. I want to tell you something, they are not any more messed up right now than the Church is, those that are practicing their religion. They know the Scriptures, or they know the letter of it a lot better than a lot of Christians that I know. God is coming to both groups at the same time to say come up higher. Does anybody not know what I am talking about? This is the same principle that I have given you my opinion on. It is my understanding of the Scripture right now, that there are going to be many people entering into a condition of full stature, where their soul has been raised from the dead, but they are still in a vile human body.


It is going to be happening to individuals, just like individuals receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit. After a period of approximately fifteen hundred years of this invitation being offered to men, everybody that has experienced this condition as we know as full stature, is going to be glorified together up to the next stage. I want to tell you, the Jews have had to wait for us. The Scripture tells us, that God hardened their hearts so that this word could go to the Gentiles. We are all going up to the next stage together. Does anybody not know what I am talking about?


This is very exciting. This is very important. If you are just baptized with the Holy Spirit, you are a natural man, and you are in the John the Baptist Company. Who has the Spirit of Christ? How do you know if you have the Spirit of Christ? To have the Spirit of Christ means that you have received the engrafted word. You have received the seed of the Father, and that you have not only flirted with Him, but you have had sexual intercourse with Him, and that you are pregnant with His Son. If that is your condition, you are of the category that Jesus described by saying, he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than the greatest who has the Holy Spirit.


There is no way that I can prove to you that you have Christ being formed in you. I would not worry about it, first of all. Anyone hearing this tape or reading this transcript, please do not get hysterical. There is room for everybody. If you never heard this before, and you hear it now, that means that God had brought this tape or transcription to you, and He wants you to have it. You go ahead and tell Him you would like to have it. You ask Him if there is anything that He requires you to do. You cannot get pregnant unless a man has sex with you. He has got to do it. There is no reason for you to get frantic and get hysterical. You just tell Him you want it, and ask Him what you have to do. This is very important. Why is this so important? Because the Son has already started to appear in a company of people. There is a company of people in the world that are pregnant with Christ. They are a church within the Church.


They could see the carnal Church, but the carnal Church is blinded to the sons. It is important that we understand who we are. If you do not know whether or not you have received the seed, ask the Father. I want to tell you this. Whether you are convinced in your heart or not, that you have received the seed, if you are submitting to this kind of teaching, either you have received it or the Lord wants you to receive it. If you are in that category, my counsel to you is to start living like you have it. What do I mean by that? You have got a lot of wisdom coming out of this ministry. Listen, and ask the Lord what tapes you need to listen to. Learn how to handle yourself, and most important, understand that we are sent to minister to Christians.


Right now I am ministering to a Jewish rabbi. I can say I am sent to minister to Christians and Jews alike. You can say whatever, according to your experiences. We must minister from a position of submission. Why? Because they cannot see us. They do not know who we are. We are not going to be able to get anywhere near them if we walk into their office and say, now listen to me, Charlie, I am a son, and you better knuckle down and listen to what I have to say because you do not know what you are talking about. They are going to throw you out. We must learn to minister from a position of submission. I will give you a definition of ministering from a position of submission. It means to engage in a dialogue, a conversation, a relationship, with a person who is in this category.


Anybody listening to this tape or reading this transcript, I am not putting you down if all you have is the baptism with the Holy Spirit. I am not putting you down anymore than I am putting down a two year old that is not in school yet. I am just telling you the truth about your condition. We must enter into a relationship with people that do not have the Spirit of Christ, but are baptized with the Holy Spirit, and in some cases, people who do not even have that, if they are Jewish or of another faith. We must respect their office. We must respect their office. If God sends us to a pastor, we must know that they are a pastor, and we are not a pastor in their church. Now I happen to have a ministry here, but God is going to use you before you have a ministry.


I am talking to the person that does not have a formal ministry. Any encounter we have with someone in the ministry, we must respect their office, no matter how little respect you may or may not have. Some people have had some very bad experiences with people in the ministry. I do not care what they have done. You respect their office. I do not mean their physical office, their spiritual office. Whether you have made a judgment that God did not put them in that office or not is besides the point. If they will present themselves to you as a pastor, as an evangelist, as a prophet, whatever they are, if they are accepted by other members of the Church world, you are to respect their office. I should have put this number one even before that. We are to respect them as a human being. Everybody is to be respected as a human being. We attack nobody.


Now if the Lord comes upon us with a Spirit of Righteousness to rebuke, that is another story, but you had better make sure it is God. You are to respect every human being. Jesus said, treat your brother as you would have him treat you. That basic law cannot be broken. We respect them as a human being, and then we respect their office, and we engage in a relationship with them, and we pray silently in our mind. Lord, what am I doing here? What is the word that you would like them to hear? Direct the conversation, Lord. What are you trying to accomplish here, Father? What would you like me to say? What would you like me to do? I have even prayed, Lord, this conversation has gotten really ungodly. I feel filthy, and I have tried to turn it three times, and I failed. Get me out of here. Within sixty seconds the conversation has turned around. We must rule from a position of submission. Anybody not know what I am talking about? It is very important.


If you are hearing these tapes regularly, of if you are attending these meetings regularly, your ministry as a son has already started. Open your eyes and look around, and you will see God bringing people into your life, especially if you are at a point where you could start teaching this doctrine on any level. He will bring someone to you. It has already started. It is really exciting. Do you hear what I am saying? It has already started. Glory to God.


They cannot see us. They do not know who we are. Do not expect them to honor you. They will not know what they are doing, but their carnal mind is going to attack you in very subtle ways. They will find your weak points, and they will touch you right on your weak points. They do not know what they are doing. We have to learn to deal with all these things. Pray without ceasing. Stay in continual communion with the Father. It has already started. I am very excited. The people that you go to are going to have ungodly reactions to you.


I really knew it was a good possibility a friend would not be here tonight because the way I express it was I heard her soul like a spiritual heartbeat. I heard her soul, and he was saying nasty things to me. You see, her soul knew. Do you understand what I am saying? The people God sends us to, whether it is in their conscious mind or not, their soul knows who you are, and they want you out of their life. If they cannot get you out of their life, they want to knock you down from your high place into a very carnal place where you cannot do any harm. Most of it is unconscious.


Part of your training is to know who you are, to discern these reactions in other people, and to learn how to deal with them in a way that will glorify God. You are not here to defend yourself. You are here to serve God, and your assignment is to bring these people into Christ. What happens to us when we first start out, is that we will get attacked in our soul, and we will forget who we are, and we will respond like a natural man. What the person will have succeeded in doing is bringing us down from our high place where we can no longer minister Christ to them. It is all unconscious, so you have a great challenge to meet.


We were in Romans 8:10; And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. This is some book. If Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin. Now there are two main issues here. First of all, you know your body is not dead. We know this is a vile human body, and it is existing in a state of death. Paul is not saying that your physical body has died. He is not saying that. That is another witness that we have to really look deep into what he is saying. He is speaking spiritually, but there is a much more important issue that I would like to go over with you. I have talked to you about it before, so we will talk about it again. That is the issue of what a body is.


Now when we read about a body, I do not know what it is like in other languages, but especially in English, if anybody talked to me about a body, what that means to me is my human physical body. The Lord has shown us that a body is a vessel. Sometimes in the Scripture it is typified by a cup. It is a vessel that holds something. Our soul is a cup that holds the water of the Spirit. You heard about water spouts or bottles from heaven? What they are talking about are human beings that hold spiritual life.


Drawing at the board now: When we are a carnal man, we are a cup or a goblet. Look, I am learning to draw. Not bad, right? (Laughter) All the artists here are razzing me. Our physical body is a cup. That which it holds is our adamic soul, the water of our adamic soul. Brethren, let me just show you this, in case you have forgotten it. Do you remember that this circle is what your spiritual life looks like? Satan is ruling in the living soul, and then you have adam. Christ is coming forth right in the middle. Do you remember that? Christ is coming forth from our center. He is coming forth from within, not from without, so what am I saying? There is a new cup. Let me try this again. How do I explain this, Lord?


new element of our being is coming forth from within. Now it is coming from within the adamic soul that is already in a cup. This is what I want to suggest to you. Now I remind you, that when we change, God changes names. It is all through the Scripture. Anybody here not know that? He gives a different name to a different expression of something. When Christ starts to be formed in you, something has changed in you. I want to suggest to you that from that point forward, God no longer refers to your physical body as the cup. He refers to your adamic soul as the cup. Inside of the cup is the life of Christ.


This physical body is a manifestation of the Spirit. It is a hard physical manifestation of the spiritual life of Satan. It is a visible manifestation of the life of Satan. It has nothing to do with God at all, as shocking as that may be to you. It is the truth. From the moment that Christ starts coming forth in you, when Paul refers to your body, he is talking about your adamic soul. He is not even talking about this physical body. I looked all through the Scripture, and I could only find one or two scriptures referring to it. It is referred to as the outer court. I found one scripture in the Book of Revelation where the Lord is saying, do not even talk about it. It is not even a part of the creation of God.


From the minute Christ comes forth in you, when Paul talks about your body, he is talking about the cup of Christ that holds Christ, which is your adamic soul. I want to tell you, I struggled with this for years. You will hear it on a lot of my tapes. When you get into the Revelation tapes, I would go back and forth between whether the Scripture meant the physical body or the soul. It was all mixed up. Then finally, as you go along in the tapes, you will hear it. God gave me this revelation somewhere pretty far along with the Revelation tapes. When He talks about the body, He is really talking about the adamic soul.


In view of what I just said, let us read this scripture again. And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin. If Christ be in you, your adamic soul is dead because of sin. If Christ be in you, your adamic soul is dead. Why? Because of sin. What does that mean? When Christ comes forth in you, it judges your soul. When Christ starts to be formed in you, it is the beginning of the white throne judgment. He is righteous, and because of His righteousness, all sin when compared to Him, is revealed. When Christ comes forth in you, the adamic soul is viewed in light of the standard, which is Christ.


When Christ comes forth in you, the adamic soul is viewed in light of the standard, which is Christ, and it is revealed as sin. Because it is sin, the Lord has declared it dead. What does that mean? He has said, when Christ comes forth in you, you shall not live out of your adamic soul, because I have revealed it to be sin. Therefore, reckon it dead because you now have an option. When Christ is not in you, you must live out of your adamic soul. What else would you live out of? When Christ starts to be formed in you, reckon your adamic soul dead because it is filled with sin, which will do nothing but kill you. That is what He is saying.


If Christ be in you, the body is dead. Your adamic soul is dead because it is filled with sin. Do not use it. But the Spirit is life because of righteousness. If you reject your adamic soul, you will live out of Christ. He is talking about the Spirit of Christ here. You will have life. Why? Because the Spirit of Christ imparts righteousness. There is death in sin and there is life in righteousness. This is what he is saying. I am going to say it one more time. He is saying, not when you have the baptism with the Holy Spirit now, but when Christ begins to be formed in you, He is a new mind or a new soul. You now have a choice. You do not have to sin.


In any instance, you can pray, dear God, I recognize the thought in my mind as sin. Help me to not let it possess me. I pray this all the time. Give me your thought in this crisis. Let this mind that was in Christ be in me. I want to tell you, He answers my prayer. This is how the body of sin will be destroyed. We must resist it, and ask the Lord to give us His mind, and engage in the warfare by His power. Glory to God.


Verse 11: But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. I do not know about you, but those of you that know me know that I have been dealing with health problems for all the years I am with the Lord. I am much better, but I am still not what I would like to be. I had many years where I was very sick for long periods of time. I used to look at that verse, and I would say, Lord, what does that mean? Is not the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead the Holy Spirit? Is he not dwelling in me? Why am I still sick? I am not even asking to be raised from the dead. I just want to get healed. I want to tell you something, the Holy Spirit did not raise Christ from the dead. The Spirit of Christ raised Christ from the dead.


The manifestation of the Father, that was in a mature Christ, raised him from the dead. It was not the Holy Spirit. Brethren, did you ever ask yourself why we are not having the miracles today that they had in Bible days? Did you ever ask yourself? Brethren, it is a different administration. It is the same Spirit. It is the same God, but it is a different administration, and it is a weaker administration. It is not the Holy Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. It is the Spirit of the Father, that has come to fertilize you, to bear His Son within you, which will be the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. Alleluia !!!


But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead. Now I want to point this out to you. When the Scripture goes back and forth between Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus, and Jesus, it is not an accident. It is important. This scripture says, the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead. It does not say the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. This word, Jesus, is referring to the man Jesus; But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you. I want to suggest to you that Jesus was raised from the dead when He stood up in full stature, after the temptation, after the baptism. It was the man, the human man Jesus. What is the resurrection of the dead? The Christ in him utterly bruised Satan underfoot, and his soul was raised from the dead.


Still at the drawing board: Let us go on. But if the Spirit of him that raised Jesus from the dead, the man, if that same Spirit is dwelling in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies. There is a difference between Jesus and Christ. God help me to explain it. Help me Lord. Glory to God. Christ was raised from the dead. Who is Christ? What do we call Christ in its fallen condition? We were just talking about it at the beginning of this message today. What is the name of Christ in the fallen man? It is the human spirit. The human spirit was with Christ from the beginning. The human spirit was with Christ from the beginning. She is a part of the man that God made and she died when the man died. The dead and the quick are being resurrected for judgment. Amen. The dead that is being raised is Adam, which is soul. The quick that is being raised is Eve, the human spirit. Glory to God. Thank you Jesus. Alleluia !


Let me just look at this again; If the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead. Jesus was the natural man that was raised from the dead when his adamic soul was bruised under the feet of the Christ in him. He was a man like you or me, that was raised from the dead. Christ was raised from the dead when what happened? When, in the man Jesus, his human spirit gave birth to Christ. Anybody not understand this? I am going to say it again. It is very important. The man, Jesus, just like you are a man, the human being Jesus, the totality of the man Jesus, was raised from the dead when his adamic soul was bruised under the feet of Christ in him.


After the baptism he was led away by the Spirit to be tempted, and he overcame Satan and bruised him under his feet, and his soul was raised from the dead. Christ was raised from the dead before that. Christ was raised from the dead when, in the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth, his human spirit was fertilized. Of course, this happened in Mary's womb, but in our case it is not happening in the womb.


Okay, let us talk about us. When we receive an experience with Christ, we get baptized with the Holy Spirit, whose job it is to have spiritual sexual intercourse with us, and impregnate us with His Son. When we become impregnated with Christ, he has been raised from the dead, in you. He was your human spirit, a manifestation of a dead Christ. Your human spirit is a manifestation of a dead Christ. When your human spirit becomes pregnant, with what? Who is your human spirit becoming pregnant with? Christ. Your human spirit plus her offspring, Christ, becomes one spirit. It is the resurrection of your human spirit, also known as Christ.


The human spirit is a dead Christ. It is a manifestation of the dead Christ in you. The Christ that died, the Christ, your human spirit, is a part of the lamb that was slain when the earth was formed. Christ the Spirit died at the foundation of the earth so that we could be born. The human spirit is fertilized by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the Father, and becomes pregnant with a living Christ. She is raised from the dead through union with the living Christ. Our human spirit plus her offspring, and also the Father is present there. Of course, they are one Spirit. This is the resurrection of Christ.


What are we saying here? The spiritual life of Christ, which is made up of what? The Father, Eve, and the Son, also known as the mind of Christ. When it has begun to be formed in you, it is raised from the dead. It is raised out of sleep. That is something that is within you. After that happens, as the Christ in you that has been raised from the dead matures, he will wage war against your adamic soul. When he defeats your adamic soul, and puts him down in the bottomless pit, and becomes your very life, you the person, shall be raised from the dead. You see, you all have in you a potential to be raised from the dead, a seed that is capable of raising you from the dead. The first thing God is doing is raising your seed from the dead. Then when your seed, known as Christ, is raised from the dead, put your own name in here, you the whole person, shall be raised from the dead.


First your human spirit is raised from the dead. If Christ is being formed in you, it is happening right now. The resurrection of Christ in you is not full stature. The resurrection of Christ in you is the quickening of your human spirit. It is the joining, it is a process, it is the beginning of the appearance of Christ in your human spirit. It is the resurrection of Christ in you from the dead. Full stature is the resurrection of your soul. Full stature is when the Christ in you puts your adamic soul underfoot, totally defeated, and becomes your total source of existence. That is typified by the resurrection of the man Jesus. Amen. Look at those diagrams I gave you. This is what it is all about. Alleluia ! Glory to God.


But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead; that of course is not the Holy Spirit, I point out to you again. It does not say the Holy Spirit. Well, who raised Jesus from the dead? Christ raised Jesus from the dead. Who is the Spirit of Christ? It is the manifestation of the Father that is in Christ. If the Spirit of Christ, the one who raised up Jesus from the dead, if that Spirit dwell in you, not the Holy Spirit, brethren. It is not talking about the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of the Father that dwells in your resurrected human spirit. Do you hear what I am saying? If he dwells in you, if your human spirit has been resurrected, that is what it is saying. If Christ is being formed in you, the one that raised up Christ from the dead, the Spirit of Christ, and who raised up Christ from the dead? How did Christ get raised up from the dead? The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the Father, came to you and impregnated you. The Holy Spirit joins with the human spirit and produces Christ. From the moment that Christ is formed it is no longer the Holy Spirit, but it is the Spirit of Christ.


If the Spirit that raised up Jesus the man, from the dead, dwells in you, that is the Spirit of Christ, the one that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies. Everybody thinks that he is talking about our physical body, but he is talking about our adamic soul. Did you ever wonder why Paul would say, your mortal body. Do you have an immortal body? He is talking about your soul. Why is he saying mortal soul? It is because you do have two souls. You have a mortal soul and you have an immortal soul. Christ is your immortal soul. He is distinguishing between your two souls. If you are having trouble believing this teaching, that when Paul talks about a body, he is talking about your soul, if you are having any trouble with it, this is a real witness to it.


Why would he talk about your mortal physical body, and do you have an immortal physical body? No, but when Christ is being formed in you, you do have a mortal and an immortal soul. He is telling you right here that if this one that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you, he will quicken your mortal soul also. He will quicken your mortal soul also. He has already raised Christ from the dead, and he is going to do the same thing for your adamic soul. How is your adamic soul going to be raised from the dead? It is going to be raised from the dead. It is going to be raised from the dead through death, also known as the second death. We must die to death and be resurrected to the newness of life in Christ. Alleluia!


If the same spirit is in you, he is going to quicken your adamic soul by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. We are talking about the Spirit of Christ that is a manifestation of the Father that comes with the formed son in you. It is a different manifestation of the Spirit. It is a more powerful manifestation of His Spirit. It is a more glorious manifestation of His Spirit. Right now in this message, we have spoken about three different manifestations of the Spirit of God. We have spoken about the Holy Spirit. We have spoken about the human spirit as a dead manifestation of Christ. We have spoken about the Spirit of Christ, which is the Father ruling in His resurrected Christ. The Father appears in many manifestations. He even has many names. He is the Spirit of Truth. He is the Spirit of Righteousness. Glory to God.


Verse 12; Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. What he is saying is we are not debtors to the flesh. We do not owe the flesh anything. What is the flesh? The flesh is our adamic soul. We are no longer in bondage to him. Why were we in bondage to him before? Because if we only had one soul, we had to manifest out of it or we would cease to be. What were we in debt to our adamic soul for? We were in debt to our adamic soul for our very existence. We had to serve our adamic soul to exist, but Paul says we no longer have any indebtedness to our flesh or our adamic soul. Why? Because now we have the opportunity by the provision of Christ, and the power of His Father to live after righteousness, to wage this good fight of faith, and move into Christ. We no longer have an obligation to adam. We have another choice.


Verse 13: For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. If you live after the adamic soul, your body and your personality shall surely die. But if you mortify the deeds of your body, if you mortify the deeds of your adamic soul, you shall live. The Church really has stumbled here. They think this scripture means do not fornicate, do not steal, do not do with your body. This is a deep mystery. We must understand that Paul is saying we must mortify the deeds of our adamic soul. We cannot yield to them. We must stop doing them. They are the enmity in our flesh, and they must be slain. They must be refused. They must be resisted with agony of mind. I have been on my face before God, holding my head saying, God, get these thoughts out of my mind. I declare they are sin. That is how you mortify them. Refuse to obey them. Every thought wants you to do something.


First it wants you to yield to the thought. It wants you to hate. It wants you to envy. It wants you to do something in your mind. If you yield to it in your mind, you will eventually do something that is a manifestation of this thought with your body or with your mouth. These thoughts are powerful spiritual influences that want to rule through you, that want to live through you. Now that you have Christ, it is possible for you to deny them. We must mortify the deeds of our adamic soul. They must be slain.


Now brethren, this scripture does not tell you to cast them out. I am not against deliverance. It has its place in God, but it is not the whole show. I have heard people in deliverance tell me to my face, we will just keep casting them out, and casting them out, and we will be okay. No, you will not be okay. You have a body of sin, and it is not talking about this body that fornicates with human sex. There is a body of sin, and it is in your mind. It is a mind that is formed and rooted and exists through sin. It must be destroyed. Casting out the demons is a part of it, but the casting out of the demons is the lion and the bear. The big battle with Goliath is the battle with your adamic body of sin. We must kill it a thought at a time. Glory to God.


But if ye through the Spirit. See, you cannot do it alone. You can only do it with the strength of Christ. Brethren, let me point out to you that you


cannot do this with the strength of the Holy Spirit. You need the Spirit of Christ to do this. That is why we do not see much of this teaching in Old Order Deliverance. Old Order Deliverance, the casting out of demons is God's ministry to the man that has the baptism with the Holy Spirit. That is God's mercy to the man that does not have the Spirit of Christ. It is a wonderful thing, but for those in whom Christ is being formed, we have a better way. We have a more powerful way. We have Christ and the Spirit of Christ. We have the spiritual strength to wage war against that thing that is causing the birth of the demon, and to destroy it.


I want to tell you that as you engage in this warfare against your own adamic soul, demons that are flying around in your mind, are going to automatically flee from you. Now if you still need them cast out, I will be glad to pray for you. If the Lord anoints me, I will cast it out. I am not against deliverance. Those of us that are hearing this message, we have entered into a new realm of deliverance, which involves hand to hand combat with our own soul. As we take the victory, most times the demons just flee, but if you have one that needs to be cast out, praise God, I am here. I will pray for you. I am not against it. Alleluia!


But if by the Spirit, you do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. How are you going to live if you are killing your own soul? You are going to live out of the life of Christ that is being formed in you. You cannot do this if the life of Christ is not being formed in you. If you have a problem, and the life of Christ is not being formed in you, you must go to an Old Order Deliverance ministry, which only has partial success. I challenge anybody to deny that to me. Everybody that goes there is not helped.


This deliverance is mortifying the deeds of your flesh by the indwelling Christ in you. You cannot fail, if you give it everything you have got.


If you really believe what I am saying, if you go for it, and you pray and seek God, and wage the warfare, you cannot fail. I am not saying you are going to take the victory overnight. You may have to wage this warfare for a long time. I hope not, but you may have to. I am telling you to fight the battle. Of course, Christ has to have been begun to be formed in you. If that is your spiritual condition, and you are willing to honestly fight this battle, every person that satisfies those two qualifications will be victorious. I call it New Order Deliverance. It is for everybody.


The Lord has shown me that the many people that are highly demonized, classified as mentally ill, that desperately come to Old Order Deliverance


seeking help, do not get help. God has showed me the answer for these people is that Christ must begin to be formed in them. When He sends them to me, I have one prayer that I pray for them. I do not cast out demons. I do not even try. I have one prayer for them; Father, let the Christ be formed in them. Go through my hand, and let the seed be engrafted, and let the warrior appear in their own soul. Alleluia!


I will go a little further with the evidences of spiritual life before we call it quits for tonight. There are a few more verses in Romans 8. That is the Spirit's testimony. Evidences of the life of Christ is that there will be spiritual testimony. The reference is Romans 8, verse 15.


For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.


For ye have not received the spirit of bondage. What is the spirit of bondage? Anybody? What is the name of the spirit that puts us in bondage? Yes, Satan.




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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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