103 - 1 Part

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Glory to God. We are in the book of Micah today, Chapter 4 of the book of Micah. Hallelujah. Micah is one of the minor prophets. Glory to God. His book or his message to the church appears before Nahum and after the book of Jonah.


The Lord is asking me to tell you that many people, not only in the church world, many unbelievers have heard of the Old Testament, of the Scriptures of the Old Testament. They have heard of the prophets, and because they do not understand the word of the Lord coming through the prophets, they have called the word of the Lord condemning, unforgiving, and unmerciful.


A lot of people have turned against Christianity and turned against the living God, because they could not understand the word of the Lord in the form it came out of the mouth of the prophets. Nor was there a teacher in the earth that the Lord worked into an ability to interpret what the Lord was saying through these words that were written down, that they should hear the true Gospel of the Kingdom, the everlasting Gospel that is preached about in the book of Revelation, or as the Lord has instructed us to call it here, the Gospel of Perfection.


This is not the Gospel of the Kingdom that is being preached in the church world today. A lot of preachers think that they are preaching the everlasting Gospel. To avoid any confusion, and to make clear the call of the Lord, even the trumpet of the Lord that is sounding in the earth today, the Lord has instructed us to give the message that is coming forth in this hour a different name. A name that means the same but sounds different, so that it will catch the people's attention.


The Gospel of Perfection, the true everlasting Gospel, that when it is preached to the earth shall bring salvation to the world. This is the message of the prophets, brethren, and it is glorious. It is glorious.


On a previous message, the Lord had us preach Chapter 5 of Micah. At that time, I had no idea that the Lord would be bringing us back into the book of Micah, so I named the message Christ Jesus, the Judge of Israel.


I wrote down the number of the tape for your somewhere, tape #95, if you would like to listen to that. Now if you are thinking, "Why does the Lord start with Chapter 5, and then go to 4?" At this point, I think that there is a very good chance that we will be doing 1,2, and 3. Expounding on them, we will not study them, we will be expounding on them. I do not know why the Lord started with Chapter 5, and now is going to Chapter 4 etc, etc. I do not know. I do know this, that we frequently, here on the soul realm, think exactly opposite than the way the Lord thinks.


We are His mirror image. He is righteous, we are sinful. He is light, we are darkness. It frequently looks like He is going backwards, but He is not. We are the ones that are going backwards. He has got it straight. Glory to God.


COMMENT: Does that mean we should read the Bible backwards?


PASTOR VITALE: (laughing) Well no, we have to read it with our spirit. The back side of our soul is our spirit. I do know if you heard that, do you want to put that question on the tape?


COMMENT: I said, does that mean we should read the Bible backwards?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, it means we should read the Bible backwards. The back side of the soul is the spirit. We should be reading the Bible with our spirit, and not with our soul. That is true. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Just as a brief overview, since I believe that the Lord is telling me we will be doing this whole book. Micah, Chapter 1, sounds like a lot of doom, and gloom, but in Verse 15 of Micah, Chapter 1 we see a promise of an heir. Let me read that to you.


Micah, Chapter 1, Verse 15. "Yet after all of the sins," and who is he talking about? He is talking about all of the sins of Israel. Chapter 1, Verse 15, the Lord says, "Yet will I bring an heir unto thee, O inhabitant of Mareshah. He shall come unto Adulam, even the glory of Israel."


The promise of an heir. An heir of what? An heir of the Life of the Father. Brethren, according to the Levitical law, and the way people lived under the Old Covenant, the oldest son inherited the entire substance of the father. It was expected that he would care for and nourish his younger brothers, his sisters, and his widowed mother.


The entire responsibility for the corporate family or, in this society, we call it the extended family was given over to the heir to the father, the oldest son, who lived with the father day- by-day. Fathers did not go to work in Manhattan in Bible times. They lived and worked in full view of their family. The sons grew up with their father. They not only learned math and history like we learn in school today, they learned how to be a man, and they learned how to be a Godly man. They learned how to treat their wife, how to treat their brothers, and sisters. They learned how to treat their mother. They learned how to have mercy on the criminal.


This may come as a shock to a lot of people today, brethren, but in this country our young people are being denied 90% of what their education should be. They are taught to read and write. In this country anyway, in most instances, they are prepared to earn a living, they are prepared to learn a skill that would earn them money. In many, many instances I think that in more than 50% of the families (the percentage is much higher than that), they are not taught to respect their elders.


They are not taught how to get along with their brothers and sisters. They are not taught how to give and not receive. They are not taught how to forgive. They are not taught how to manage their money. They are not taught how to deal with the death of a loved one. They are not taught about how to live. They are taught about how to make money. They are not taught the Godly way to use that money.


They are not taught to relate to their fellow man, which comes to them in many different forms. Mother, brother, sister, father, stranger, enemy, etc, etc. Years ago when a relative died, a close relative died, a mother, a father , a grandmother, or someone that lived in the house, that person was laid out in the house. They took a room, usually the living room, and they laid out the corpse in the living room. The wake was held in the house.


That body lay there for three days, and all the people whatever they did, said good bye. This was their good bye to the person that died. The children had an opportunity to experience death, to see how their parents, friends, and relatives responded to death.


Unfortunate that someone in this child's life, someone that they loved, died, that they would have a memory to draw upon to help them to cope with the death of a loved one. What is happening today, brethren, we have funeral parlors. The dead person is taken out of the house. I have been to a few funerals, they never bring the children. Do not bring the children, you do not want them to see this. Children have been totally isolated from death, except that the person totally disappears.


Small children have been known to, either when they are small or when they get older, have the need of a psychiatrist in their life, because when they are not shown what happens to the dead body, their imaginations go to work. It is the same principle that the carnal mind operates in. When we cannot understand what God is telling us, the carnal mind jumps in and creates a fantasy. He imagines the answer to our problem.


There are many young children today that cannot cope with death, because they do not understand it. All they know is that the person disappears, and they become terrified. We have a new thing in our education system today. Second and third grade teachers are taking their classes on a class trip to a funeral parlor to teach them what death is and what happens to the person when they die.


What I am I saying to you? There are elements in this society that are recognizing in this hour that our children are not completely educated, that everything outside of their academic education is being severely neglected.


As more and more mothers go to work, as more and more fathers work further and further away from the home, their children cannot see them, cannot partake of their reactions to problems. Do you know that children learn how to deal with problems when they experience your reaction to problems?


Children must see the problems, and they must see how you solve them, how you deal with them. There is a deception over the whole society today. We think that if we get them a babysitter that keeps them clean, feeds them, changes them, keeps them from running out into the street that they are cared for.


Brethren, your children need to be educated. They need to be educated by watching you live. Hallelujah. I do not know where that come from. I would have to say that has nothing to do with the message at all. I would have to say that it is on this tape because God wants it on this tape. I do not know where this tape is going, but praise the Lord, glory to God.


In Micah, Chapter 1, Verse 15. After God tells them all of the problems of Israel, I am not going to go into it. I see idiolatry, graven images, we have not preached that yet. The Lord gives a promise that there is an heir to the Life of the Father. There is one that He is raising, and shall raise up in this earth who will care for the human race, who will be the elder brother, who will give each according to his need, who will educate, who will provide, who will have mercy.


He says you are doing all these wicked things now, but here is an heir, and he will come to deliver you through education and mercy. Education of what? Education of how to live right. We do not know how to live right, brethren. We are killing each other, and we are the enemy of Almighty God, even those of us that are preaching the gospel and sitting in the congregation.


There are areas in our life that have not yet been renewed. If our mind in any manner, shape, or form opposes or is different than the mind of God, we are His enemy. I do not know where I am His enemy. All I know is that He comes to me day-by-day and corrects me. I Know that I am not in full stature, so I must have thoughts that do not agree with God. In those areas, I am still God's enemy. I need and older brother to teach me how to deal, how to deal and how to think in certain areas. That older brother is promised to us in Micah, Chapter 1, Verse 15.


Micah, Chapter 2, as I skip through it, the Lord is again rebuking Jacob, He is rebuking Israel, He is rebuking the people and telling them all of their wicked ways which is the truth, and there is no condemnation in the truth. We have preached this many times. Sometimes people are told the truth by an authority and they perceive it as condemnation.


Brethren, there is a difference between conviction and condemnation. How will you repent if you do not know that you are in sin? Condemnation is a spirit. The spirit that tells you the truth determines whether you are condemned or convicted of sin. When the Spirit of Truth that comes from God says, "Repent, receive the mercy of God and be delivered," hopefully, you will be convicted of your sins. There is no condemnation in the truth, brethren.


If you are told the truth in a spirit that says, "You are wicked, you shall never change, there is no delivering power of the Lord Jesus Christ in your life. You will die a wicked person because there is a Savior, but He will not save you." That is a spirit of condemnation. Hallelujah.


We are in Micah, Chapter 2. The Lord goes on to tell Israel of all their wicked sins. Yet in Verse 13, we read, "The breaker has come up before thee, they have broken up and passed through the gate and are gone out by it, their king shall pass before them and the Lord on the head of them."


I declare to you, brethren, the understanding of this Scripture in view of the Lord's Gospel of Perfection, I say to you, "The breaker is the destroyer, even the Lord Jesus Christ. He has come up before each and everyone of His people. He has arisen in their soul, He has come up, He has arisen into their headship, and they have indeed broken up, spirit, soul and body."


Their wicked alliances have broken up in view of the Christ appearing in them, the carnal mind is destroyed and shall be destroyed. The marriage between Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and Eve has been broken up. They have passed through the gate.




I declare to you, brethren, we are in hell now, that this world system is hell. We shall pass through the gate, yea, saith the Lord, you shall pass through the gate. My people shall file out, and they shall be restored unto the new Jerusalem, saith God, for I will deliver my people. But you must submit, saith God, you must submit to my teaching. You must submit to my ministry, you must hear this word and you must repent, saith the Lord, and I shall do this thing. I shall be the breaker, I shall destroy everything ungodly in you, saith the Lord. I shall lead you to places you have never seen before. I shall lead you out of hell, into Heaven, saith the Lord, even the Kingdom of God. Yea, even the life of my Son. Hallelujah.


The destroyer has come up before them, Jesus has appeared in them. He has broken you away from Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, destroyed the carnal mind and cast out inequity. They have passed through the gates of hell, they have gone out by it, they have passed through it and gone out from hell into where the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ is. Their King shall pass before them, Jesus shall lead the way, and they shall follow after Him and the Lord on the head of them. He shall be their ruling spirit.


They shall live under His protection, even for the life of the ages. Hallelujah. Do not hear your sins and block out your sins. People that have condemnation within themselves, they would hear their sins spoken to them, and their ears block out the promise of deliverance.




Hear your sins, confess, repent, and be delivered, saith the Lord for, indeed, I shall pass you through the gates. I shall pass you out of this world system. Lift up your heads, open your eyes, hear the word of the Lord and see were you dwell.


The disciples said to Jesus, "Lord, where dwellest thou?" I declare to you that the Lord Jesus Christ was in the earth. His members were on the earth. His feet and His body was on the earth, but He dwelt in Heaven.


Brethren, our feet are on the earth, our body is on the earth, we dwell in hell. There is only one man that I know of, to date, that has broken through the gates of hell. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ. He broke through and not with His body, brethren, with His soul, His fallen adamic soul that He inherited from Mary. He broke out of hell and into the life of the Father that dwelt within Him. Glory to God.


Glory to God, there is a rapture. I will not argue with you about it. It is not your body that is being raptured, it is your soul. It is being taken off of the earth of your fallen adamic soul. It is being lifted up from your fallen adamic soul, and it is meeting Jesus in the air, even the soul of His Son, the Son of the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ. We shall be with Him forever in the air of His soul life. Hallelujah.


That life that is above this earth, it is above the life of the earth of the fallen adamic soul, but yet it is lower or lesser that the life of the pure spirit form where the Father dwells. Glory to God.


Now we are doing Micah, Chapter 3, Verse 12. The Lord goes on to tell Israel all of their sins, and, believe me, they are pretty wicked. I believe it is in this chapter that He is indicting the prophets, the priests, the kings, and everybody is a mess. Yet, in Micah Chapter 3, Verse 12, the Lord says, "Therefore, because you have committed all of this wickedness, therefore shall Zion for your sake be plowed as a field. Jerusalem shall become heaps, and the mountain of the house as the high places of the forest."


What do you see positive in that, Pastor Vitale? Brethren, before God brings you into Christ, fallen Adam must be destroyed. The Lord God has promised to destroy this whole world system which is hell and your very own fallen adamic soul, and the carnal mind that it has produced. It must be destroyed for you to enter into Heaven. Join with the Lord in the destruction of your fallen adamic soul and your carnal mind. Deny it, hate it, turn against it.


Cleave unto the word of the Lord, and His promise will be yours. What promise? The promise that He shall destroy your fallen adamic soul. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Micah, Chapter 4. We are going to do the whole chapter after Chapter 3 which is pretty tough. He is indicting the prophets, the priest, everybody. Glory to God. Let me read you a couple of verse so you know what I am talking about. Verse 9 in Chapter 3. "Hear this, I pray you, ye heads of the house of Jacob, and princes of the house of Israel that abhor judgment. Ye hate righteousness, and you pervert all equity, your pervert or destroy or go away from all fairness.


They build up Zion with blood and Jerusalem with inequity (I will get into that when I preach it), there is great wickedness going on with the princes and the heads of the house of Jacob.


In Verse 11, it says, "The heads thereof judge for reward, and the priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for money. Yet they will lean upon the Lord and say, is not the Lord among us? None evil shall come upon us." "The judgment is not for the church. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, did that to me."


Chapter 4, Verse 1. "But in the last days, it shall come to pass that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains, and It shall be exalted above the hills; the people shall flow unto it." In the last days, brethren, in the last generation, and the ages are in our hearts. There are people living in the realm of time, on the face of the earth in this hour, in several different ages. There are those that are in the age or in the day that Adam is being formed. That means that Christ is not in their heart. That means they are in the sixth day. Man is still being made.


There are people in this hour that are living already in the seventh day, they have their toe in it, they are not in it completely. Christ is in their heart. He is the New Age. They are partially in the new age and partially in the old age. The transfer from the old age into the new age is the transfer from the fallen adamic soul to the soul of Christ. It is happening within your being, your spiritual being. There is an exchange of souls taking place.


In the last days, in the days when the soul of Christ is available to whoever God decides to give it to, because no man comes to the Son unless the Father draws him. In those days, the Lord is giving His soul or sprinkling His soul upon the hearts of people. I know that He is going to pour out His spirit upon all flesh, but, brethren, it is not a bath. He is sprinkling. When you sprinkle, not everybody gets it at once.


In the last days, it shall come to pass that the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountain. The mountains is the high place where we worship. The heathen get on top of a natural mountain because they think God is in the natural sky, and they are trying to get close to Him. The mountain of our spiritual being is our human spirit, brethren. The place where we can get closest to God is our spirit, for God is a spirit, brethren, and we must worship Him in spirit and in truth. The mountain of your life is your spirit. In those days, in the last generation, for those people whom Jesus has sprinkled on, and the ones that in their hearts He is dwelling, the mountain of the house of the Lord, the spirit of the Lord, shall be established in the top of the mountains.


The spirit of Jesus Christ shall be established on top of your human spirit. He is coming into your spiritual being, and He is not entering into submission to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. He is not entering into submission to anybody or anything about your natural being. When Jesus Christ enters in as the mustard seed, when He sprinkles upon you, He enters in and goes to the head of the class. He is the Manchild of Revelation Chapter 12. The second He enters in, He goes right to the head of the class. He shall be established on top of the mountain which is your human spirit. Glory to God.


"It shall be exalted above the hills." What shall be exalted above the hills? Your human spirit that is now joined to the spirit of Christ, and they are having a child. That child is the Christ that is being formed in you. The spirit of the Lord is entering into your spiritual being. He is going to be established, or rooted down, or joined to your human spirit. His life shall be reproduced in you. Christ shall be reproduced in you. It is the spirit that is entering into you.


The Christ that is being formed in you is Christ in the soul realm. It is the spirit of the Father that is entering into you, and reproducing the soul of Christ in your soul realm, so that you will be as Jesus Christ of Nazareth was. He said, "I and the Father are one, but the Father is greater than I." Jesus Christ shall be within you, brethren, and He shall always be greater than you, but you and He shall be one. He shall be spirit, and you shall be soul. The two of your shall dwell together. Where? In your mind. Hallelujah.


"It shall be exalted above the hills." Christ in you shall be exalted above your soul life, and the people shall flow unto it. When Christ starts appearing in you, you shall be as a bright light. Those who Christ is drawing shall flow unto you, they shall see something in you. They shall know that there is help for them in you. In the hour that the Lord shall bring it forth, they shall flow unto you, and you shall form Godly soul ties with them, brethren.


The word "flow" usually refers to "water or spirit." Human beings do not flow, they walk. Spirit flows or vibrates. The people shall vibrate towards you. That in them that is crying out to God, shall recognize God in you, and they shall flow towards you. In God, you shall form Godly soul ties. They shall have the same experience you had though your Godly soul tie. The spirit of the Lord shall enter in and be established in their mountain, and Christ shall be formed in them. Hallelujah.




Hear the word of the Lord, brethren. Do not run from, do not be afraid of, and do not shy away from the conviction of the Lord upon you. Your sins are wicked, your sins are great, your sins are abundant, but hear the end of them, saith the Lord. Hear that I shall deliver you, saith God. Let my mind be your mind, confess your sins, repent. Say that my word is true that you are guilty, and this is what I shall do for you. My mind shall be your mind. All of the blessing of my Life and my Kingdom will be imparted to you. You shall have the strength, saith the Lord, to prevail over the wickedness in your own soul that would cause you to die.


Chapter 4, Verse 2. "Many nations shall come and say (the nations are just the people, they are the many members of the living soul), many nations shall come and say, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob, and He will teach us of His ways, we will walk in His paths, for the laws shall go forth out of Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem."


Many nations shall come, many people shall come to what? To the light that they could see in your soul. When they come to you, they shall say to each other "Let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, let us go to the place where the Christ is appearing, let us go up to the high place of the human spirit of the vessel where Jesus Christ is appearing."


"Let us go up to the mountain of the Lord and to the house of the God of Jacob." Now Jacob is the natural man, and Israel is the spiritual man. They are going up to the mountain of the Lord Christ and to the house of the God of Jacob. They are going to the natural man in whom Christ is appearing.


"He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths." Brethren, the Lord wants to teach you in His ways, but there is a big problem in the church today. We are filled with pride and rebellion. There is a lie in the church that says God will teach every man directly. I know the Scripture says, "No man need teach you." You do not need the carnal doctrines of men, but God does not teach you everything directly. He is expressing Himself through many different teachers. We are still human, and each of us has a little part of what He wants to be made available to the body of Christ.


Sometimes, you must get it from a teacher. If you wait on your stool waiting for he Lord to teach you directly, by the time you realize that, everything has passed you by, this whole move of God has passed you by. It may be too late. If you are one of these people, and you believe this, put it before the Lord. Ask Him to tell you if this word is not true. If it is true, what teacher to go to, what teacher to study under, how He wants you to get there, how often, and what kind of relationship He wants you to have with them? Do not say, "Well, I have family obligations, I have financial obligations." Do not put your answer in the Lord's mouth. Say to the Lord that you are willing to go if He makes a way. When He makes a way, go. Hallelujah.


We are in Verse 2. He will teach us His ways, very frequently through the Christ in other men. You are not the only one that has Christ. He is not doing the same thing in your Christ as He is doing in the Christ in me. I want what He is doing in you and you should want what He is doing in me. There is a five-fold ministry, we can all learn from each other, but there is a ministry. They are to be recognized, and to be honored. Everybody is not equal in function. We are all equal that Christ is being formed in us, but we are not all equal in function. We do not all teach on the same degree.


We do not all minister on the same degree, with the same power. We do not all prophesy in the same degree of authority. We do not all have the same degree of knowledge. If God wants to tell you something, and He wants to do it in a level of spirituality that He is not bringing forth in you, He will send you to another believer.


He does it to me. I do not sit here and say, "I am going to seek Christ about this, if He does not tell me directly He does not want me to hear it." I want everything for me, and if what He has for me is available in another believer, in another manifestation of ministry, I will submit to the ministry to get what I want. That does not mean that this ministry is invalid, help us Lord.


Verse 2. "He will teach us of His ways and we will walk in His paths. He is going to teach us, He is the heir that is going to teach us how to forgive, how to love, how to get along with the body of Christ. He is going to teach us to live our lives in a way that will make us optimally ready for Christ to appear in us. We shall ever have that hope, that hope of His appearing in us, if we are doing the very best we to obey His laws.


He is going to teach us how to be God-like. He is going to teach us His way, and we shall walk in His paths, "For the law shall go forth from Zion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem." Zion typifying spirit, and Jerusalem the soul. For the law, the spiritual law, shall go forth from your Zion, when the spirit of the Lord is joined to your human spirit and Christ is being formed in your soul.


"The Law shall go forth," what does that mean? It means that the law shall be fulfilled in you, brethren. You shall no longer be able to sin when Christ is in full stature and fallen Adam is tread under your foot. The law of God shall go forth from Zion imparting life. Paul said, "Yet in my members I see another law, even the law of sin and death." That law imparts death unto your body and to your soul.


A new law shall go forth from Zion. Even the law of the Father which imparts life, and the word of the Lord shall go forth from Jerusalem. The everlasting Gospel, even the Gospel of Perfection, the gospel that will teach you, that will give you the knowledge, the spiritual knowledge you need to enter into perfection


Entering into perfection is the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. We can sow and we can water, but only God can give the increase. There is something for you to do, you do not live your life and sin willingly and find yourself one morning in full stature. That is a rapture mentality, brethren. We must work towards perfection, we must strive for it, we must study to show ourselves approved. When we fulfil all of God requirements, He shall catch us up and meet us in the air. Hallelujah. Even the life of His soul.


Chapter 4, the book of Micah, Verse 3. "He shall judge among many people and rebuke strong nations far off, and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. And He shall judge among many people and rebuke strong nations afar off." Brethren, the judgement is between righteousness and sin. He shall judge in every encounter you have with another human being. He shall judge every thought that is in your mind. He shall make a judgement of what is sin and what is righteous. When sin is pointed out to you or to me, we are required to repent.


When we repent, the Scripture says "He shall rebuke the strong nations that are afar off." Afar off, you mean in China? We are here in the United States, far off away from God, brethren. He will rebuke the strong nations that are away from God. Have you not heard the living soul that died is in rebellion against the living God? That she is afar off from Him in this hour, that she is alienated from Him. Where? In her mind.


The Lord shall rebuke every nation, every man, every human being that is far off from Him. Where? In His thoughts. If your thoughts are reprobate, you shall be rebuked. You can be a believer, you can be living for God in every way that you know how, but if in one corner of your mind there is a thought that is afar off from God, you shall be rebuked.


Why? So that your thought can come into agreement with Christ and that you can continue to be prepared to be caught up into full stature, even perfection or spiritual manhood, where you no longer sin. He is going to teach us, brethren.


A lot of people hear that, and they get all excited, "Oh wow the Lord is going to teach us His ways and lead us in His paths." Brethren, do you know how He teaches you? He teaches you by painful experiences. Why does He do that? Because when He talks to you, you do not hear Him, or if you hear Him, you do not listen, or if He talks to you through another man you say, "I do not believe it." When you have that painful experience you are going to believe it, that God did not want you to do that. Glory to God.


We are still in Verse 3. "They shall beat their swords." Who? The strong nations. You do not know that the living soul that died is strong, the carnal man is very strong. What is the source of his strength? Witchcraft power, even the spirit that rules in the carnal mind. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is generating witchcraft power in your carnal mind. Do not say, "Not me!" Everybody. Unless you have been perfected. Glory to God.


They shall beat their swords into plowshares. Who? All of the strong nations that were being ruled by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and using witchcraft to get their needs met, they are going to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. What are their swords, brethren? How do we slay each other. We are not our body, we are spiritual beings. How do we kill each other? With our mouth, brethren.


Our tongues are our swords, the words that we speak kill our brethren. Jesus teaches that in the New Testament. Glory to God. They are going to beat their swords into plowshares. What is a plowshare? It is something that you use to turn over the ground where the ground comes into a condition where it grows food. The very same place where they were killing people, in their mouth. Of course, James teaches us if we can rule our tongue we can rule our whole spiritual being.


What does that mean? The words that come out of our mouth are being generated by the spirit that is ruling our mind. If we stop killing our brethren, that means the spirit in our mind has changed. There is no longer a criminal spirit ruling our tongue, there shall be a peace-making spirit ruling our tongue.


Our swords shall no longer be used for death and destruction, but they shall be used for Godly purposes and to provide food. What is the food that shall save the world? Even the word of God. Where their mouth was used to preach death, it shall now preach life.


It shall tell the people, "You who are condemned to burn in hell forever, you who were told that there was no hope for your mother and your father, there is hope in Christ Jesus. You who have sinned, you who have murdered, you who have blasphemed, you are forgiven."


In that very same place where you blasphemed, from that very same place, shall come forth the Gospel of Perfection. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Their spears shall be beaten into pruning hooks. Well, I am expounding today, so I really did not look up the difference between swords and spears. We will have to go past that. Generally, when we get into a word combination, like this one word means your spirit and one word means your soul as a general rule. Glory to God.


"Their spirits will bring forth food, and their spears will turn into pruning hooks," I do not know what it means so I am going to let it go. "Nations shall not lift up a sword against nation, no man shall hurt his brother again, neither shall they learn war anymore." They will not learn war anymore. What does that mean? If you do not learn, that means you are not being taught. Who teaches us war? Jesus teaches us life and peace. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, teaches us to wage war.


Prophesy is very subtle. To understand, or to even get a relative understanding of what the Lord is saying, we have to read the sentences or the phrase and ask questions about it. How are we not going to learn war anymore? Because Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is not going to be there to teach us war anymore. He shall have been swallowed up, nailed to Jesus Christ for the life of the ages. He is going to be castrated. All you spirits of pride out there, I declare to you that your Lord, even the Lord Jesus Christ, He is the one that is convicting you, He is the one that is going to crucify Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, in you. He shall deliver you out of the mouth of the lion.


You shall no longer be His enemy, you shall be His friend, you shall no longer be a criminal, you shall be a Godly person. You shall no longer hate, you shall show the love of God, even to your own enemies. You shall no longer be bound by unforgiveness, you shall forgive in the very same place where you have transgressed the law of God.


Verse 4. "They shall sit every man under His vine, His fig tree. None shall make them afraid for the mouth of the Lord of hosts has spoken it." Now we know that Jesus is the vine. I did not have time to study the difference between the vine and the fig tree. We know the fig tree is the fruit. Glory to God.


We know that every man shall be safe under the rulership of Jesus Christ, and the fruit that He has produced which is Christ in us. No one shall make us afraid, because fear, brethren, is a manifestation of hell. Every man shall sit safely under a benevolent spirit, even the Lord Jesus Christ, because, brethren, we are not safe under Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. We shall have a benevolent, loving spirit that shall be our Father, and we shall sit under Him. We shall sit safely under our fig tree, which is the fruit of His life, even the soul of Christ.


We shall not be afraid because fear hath torment, brethren, and fear is a manifestation of hell. We shall no longer be in hell, we shall be in Heaven, even the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ. "For the mouth of the Lord of hosts has spoken it." How do I know this is going to happen to the worst sinner I have ever met in my life? Because the Lord of hosts has spoken it.


To all you people out there that have a problem that Hitler could be saved, I declare to you the truth of the gospel of the Kingdom. It is this. The Lord has made a creation, He describes that creation as a lump of clay. The Scriptures says He is breaking pieces of that clay off, He is making individual human beings as we know them out of that clay.


The Scripture says that some of them are a vessel of honor, and some are vessels of dishonor, that He is setting them against one another, so that the vessels of honor can be perfected, because we are perfected through tough times, hard trials and crucifixion. When He finishes with the vessel of dishonor, He dissolves him. Peter talks about the elements being melted. It is the elements within your soul. He dissolves the vessels of dishonor.


The body goes back to the dust in the ground, the soul goes back to the lump of clay, and the spirit goes back to the Father. Out of that lump of clay, the Father continues to break off pieces and form new vessels. In that day, in that last hour, in that last generation every human being on the face of the earth shall be made into a vessel of honor until there is no more clay left in that lump, brethren. You see, the same clay was used to form the vessels of dishonor as it is used to form the vessels of honor.


There is no more Hitler. The individual personality is not resurrected, but the living soul that died, the all, the creation that God made which was once formed for evil, shall be formed for good. The Lord Jesus Christ shall indwell us until total perfection, at which point He shall offer us up to the Father. The Father shall be all in all. He shall be the total driving force of every vessel formed out of the clay. The whole creation shall be raised up to the high realms of the spirit. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Verse 5. "For all the people will walk, everyone, in the name of his God." We will walk in the name of our Lord, our God, forever. For all of the people, brethren, For all of the vessels that were formed in that last generation, in that last day, everyone of them is going to have the spirit of God, because in the Scripture the word "name" means "spirit." Everyone will walk, live out his life in the spirit of God. We will walk in the name of our God, forever and ever. The heathen and the Gentile shall have been joined, and every vessel appearing on the face of the earth shall be generated by the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ.


We shall exist because He has called us into existence. We shall all be formed into vessels of honor. The entire creation shall be polished and perfected. Individual personalities shall not be resurrected. Sister, you there with your heart breaking because you are Jewish, and you cannot comprehend God having mercy on Hitler, dry your tears, sister. Hitler is not walking around in the high realms of Heaven. Hitler has been dissolved. He has been dissolved, he shall never rise again.


Nevertheless, the entire creation, the substance which human beings are made, shall be reformed. Does not the Scripture tell us that the potter marred the vessel, and that He reformed the clay. The substance of this entire creation came forth out of the life of the Lord Jesus Christ, even the lamb that was slain from before the foundation of the earth. Those vessels of dishonor shall be dissolved into the whole and reformed, but there shall be no sign whatsoever of the man whose name was Hitler. Glory to God.


Verse 6. "In that day, saith the Lord, I assemble her that halt." That word "halt" is Strong's 6761. I just looked up a few words today, it means "lame." Webster's says that the word means, or can mean, "to be lacking, needful, or desirable substance." Eve is the lacking one, who was disabled because of her separation from God. Eve cannot function without a husband.


Eve must be joined to a husband and his offspring. To what? To appear in the is realm of appearance. She is our human spirit, and she is lame because she has an adulterous husband, and a wicked son that she is joined to. She cannot do what she is supposed to do to get away. She cannot do what she would be able to do if she were married to the spirit of Christ; that is, to have Christ formed in her soul so that she could stop dying.


Her lameness is causing her, and every member of the living soul to die. Glory to God. "In that day, saith the Lord." What day? In the day that every vessel that is formed is an honorable vessel. In that last day, in the day, in the age that Jesus Christ is sprinkling upon every human being on the face of the earth. I am not talking about people getting up out of their graves, brethren. Let us not get ghoulish here. Jesus Christ is not in the business of digging up bones that have been buried thousands of years ago.


Every dishonorable vessel, every vessel that was not perfect, I am sorry, yes your mother. Every vessel that was not perfect has been dissolved back into the lump of clay. The Lord Jesus Christ the master builder, the potter, has marred that vessel. In that day the entire lump will be formed into new honorable vessels. The Lord shall be their God.


"In that day, will I assemble her that halted." The word "assemble" is #622, and it means "to take to oneself, to gather to the fathers." It speaks about returning to one's original ancestors.


I am suggesting to you in that day, in that last generation the Lord Jesus Christ is going to every human spirit of every vessel formed and gathering her to Himself. He is going to marry her. He is going to join with her, and she is going to bear His child. Christ is going to be formed in her soul, and that vessel shall be honorable, because Christ shall appear in her. She shall be saved in childbearing. Glory to God.


In that day, the Lord is going to redeem Eve, and He is going to get her back from her adulterous marriage, He is going to get her our of captivity. He is going to marry her and give her the child that is going to permit her to appear in the realm of appearance for the life of the ages.


The Lord says, "I will gather her that is driven out, her that I have afflicted." I ask you who has the Lord driven out? Where has He driven her out of? The only one that I know of that was driven out of, was fallen Adam, and he was driven out of the Garden of Eden. Fallen Adam today is in many members. I have never seen a more afflicted bunch in my entire life. It is fallen Adam that was driven out of the Garden and all of his descendants. That is you and me, we are being afflicted because of his sin.


"In that day," the Lord said, "In that day He is going to gather her,"...oh, you mean you did not know that fallen Adam was a her? Everyone in relationship to God is female, brethren. God is the only male spirit. We have some illegal male spirits around that have jumped in because the spirit of the Lord divorced Israel and divorced the whole human race. Almighty God is the only male spirit. The Lord is going to gather Eve unto Himself and marry her again. That is our human spirit. He is going to gather, that is another word "gather," and it just means "to collect, congregate." He is going to gather all the members of the living soul that died, that were driven out of the Garden and have been afflicted.


Why have they been afflicted? Because of their sins. This is what the Lord is going to do.


Verse 7. "I will make her that halted a remnant. Her that was cast far off a strong nation and the Lord shall reign over them in Mount Zion from hence forever, even forever. I will make her that halted, I will make her that was lame a remnant." Glory to God. The word "remnant" is Strong's #7611, and it means "reviving or remainder."


"A remnant, a piece of the original." I declare to you that the human spirit also known as Eve, that she is a piece of the original spirit of Jesus Christ that was joined to the earth when the lamb was slain before the foundation of the earth. That rock which is Jesus Christ that was propelled into the earth and joined to the ashes of the earth has been ground into sand. There is a drop of sand in you, and there is a drop of sand in me. That sand is a piece of the rock. Glory to God.


"I will make her that halted a remnant." You see, she is not a piece of the original now, the Lord is saying. When she is joined to the spirit of Christ, and Christ is formed in her soul she is going to be a piece of the original powerful Son of God before He lost His strength, before He became poor so that we can become rich. She is going to be made a piece of that original. He is going to make her, that was cast far off, a strong nation. The spirit of man, Eve is now going to be made a remnant, part of the original. She that was cast far off, the one that was driven out of the Garden, the many members of Adam are going to be made a strong nation in Christ.


The ungodly man is called a violent nation. Sometimes He calls them a strong nation. We can be strong spiritually in Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, or we can be strong spiritually in Christ. When we are strong spiritually in Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, it takes its toll on us. It usually kills our body and brings many curses down upon our family and our loved ones. When we are strong nations in Christ, only blessings are included in that, and we shall live, and our children shall live. This is what the Lord is going to do for you, you who are being indicted for your sins.
Turn not against the Lord, hate not and rail not against God when He points out our sin. "Despise me not, saith the Lord, for I come to save your life."


We are still in Verse 7. "The Lord shall reign over them in Mount Zion hence forth forever and ever." After the Lord brings forth Christ in your soul, and Eve is made a part of the original strong, powerful Christ before the Lord gave up His strength so that you can be formed, Adam in you shall be a strong nation. By the spiritual strength in Christ, the Lord shall be a ruler over your vessel. He shall dwell in Mount Zion which is on top of your human spirit and her head, her husband, from hence forth forever and ever, even for the life of the ages.


Verse 8. "Thou O tower of the flock, the stronghold of Zion unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion, the Kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem." Hallelujah. Who is the tower of the flock? Jesus is our stronghold, He is the place where I run to and hide when the city is being besieged. Brethren, when the Lord Jesus Christ bombs your fallen adamic soul, when the fire of the Lord Jesus Christ, when the burning comes upon your soul, when fallen Adam in you is thrown into the lake of fire, there is a strong tower in you. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ, you shall flee into His soul.


He shall keep you alive. Glory to God. "You O strong tower of the flock," even Jesus Christ the stronghold of the daughter of Zion. He is strong in our spirit, and He is strong in our soul, not in our fallen adamic soul. He is our new soul and He is the stronghold of our spirit. The daughter of Zion, brethren, is the many members of the living soul. There is a daughter of Babylon, those are the many members that are ruled by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. There is a daughter of Zion, those are the many members of the living soul, whose ruling spirit and soul life is Christ. Hallelujah.


We are in Chapter 8. The Scripture says, "O you tower of the flock." O you Jesus Christ, the stronghold and the strength of the many members of the living soul that are producing your life, or in whom you are appearing. Unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion. The first dominion is coming to Jesus Christ. What does that mean? Dominion is Strong's #4475. It means chief ruler or primary rulership. I am suggesting to you that the term "first dominion" means "the dominion that was yours at the beginning." Hallelujah.


The dominion, the power, the spiritual strength, the glory that was the Lord Jesus Christ's before He became poor so that we can become rich. Brethren, He did not come poor in natural gold and silver. When He became poor, He gave up His spiritual strength so that you can be formed. Have you ever seen a woman after she has given birth, brethren? She is weakened. She is weakened. The formation of the child has drawn upon her strength, taken vitamins out of her body, taken her physical strength, taken her mental strength. He gave up His strength, brethren, He gave it to you that you can be formed.


He has a Father in Heaven, you see, that owns everything, and He shall be restored to the full strength that He had from the beginning, even the first dominion. We with Him. Jesus Christ the soul, the protecting soul of the many members of the living soul, the spiritual strength of the many members in whom He is ruling, unto you shall a come even the first dominion, the spiritual strength, power and authority you had at the beginning. The kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem. Now Jerusalem is the new soul. There is going to be a new Jerusalem. We are giving up our fallen adamic soul, and we are taking on the soul of Christ.


I declare to you the first dominion, the original authority, the high place shall be in the Lord Jesus Christ, ruling in your mind, but the kingdom, the soul life that is on this earth shall be for you, and it shall be for me, because that is for the daughter of the kingdom. Jesus' inheritance is rulership. Jesus' inheritance is leadership. Jesus inheritances the rulership, and the leadership, and the first dominion over every member of the living soul. The kingdom, the life of the ages, that is our inheritance. It is for the daughter of Jerusalem, the daughter of the new Jerusalem which is the word of God.


Verse 9. "Now why dos thou cry out loud? Is there no king in thee? Is thy counselor perished? For pangs have taken thee as a woman in trivial." I suggest to you that this verse, and the next few verses are directed toward the daughter of Jerusalem. Brethren, Jesus Christ did it already. He brought His soul into submission, now we have to do it by His strength, power, and authority. We are having a baby, brethren, the baby is the Christ child. He is the offspring of the Father God, the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ and your human spirit.


He is being born in your soul. When He is born, He is not going to leave you like a human baby leaves you. He is going to stay within your spiritual being. We are told in the book of John, it is either 7 or 8, I could never remember, that the servant does not abide in the house forever. When Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, married your human soul and gives birth to the carnal mind, your body dies, your soul dies. The carnal mind does not have the strength to keep you alive.


When you give birth to Christ, brethren, the Son abides in the house forever, and you shall live for the life of the ages. "Despise not the convictions of your sins, saith the Lord. Repent and receive this glorious promise." Hallelujah


Verse 10. "Be in pain and labor to bring forth O daughter of Zion. Like a woman in travail, for now shall thou go forth out of the city and thou shall dwell in the field and thou shall even go to Babylon, there thou shall be delivered. There the Lord shall redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies." Be in pain? The Lord wants me to be in pain? Brethren, I cannot tell you why, but this is the way the Lord set it up. When a woman has a baby, it is painful. When a woman or a man has a spiritual child, it is painful.


The Lord is not sadistic, and He is not a monster. When He says, "Be in pain," He is saying "Bring forth the child." If you are not in pain, it is not coming forth. Stop thinking with your carnal mind, think with the thoughts of God. He does not want to see you in torment forever, be in pain. He means "enter into your labor," that is what He is saying.


"Enter into your labor O daughters of Jerusalem and labor to bring forth." How do you labor the thoughts to bring forth? Deny the thoughts of your carnal mind. Hate them, work against them, plot against them, kick them, pray spiritual warfare against them, get them down under Christ in you, work with the Lord, labor! Labor to bring forth what? The Christ child.


"Be in pain to bring forth O daughter of Zion, like a woman in travail." The Lord is saying that there is a spiritual labor. It is very much like a physical labor. If you want to understand the birth of Christ in you, look at a woman in labor. Why are you surprised that the fiery trial is upon you? Has some preacher told you that you are a king's kid, and this is not supposed to be happening to you? He is a liar. The Father is not in him.


"Be in pain and in labor to bring forth O daughter of Zion like a woman in travail, for now thou shall go forth out of the city." We are going forth out of our fallen adamic soul, brethren. That which is our true life, our human spirit, is going out of our city known as our fallen adamic soul. You are not going up into the universe, brethren, neither are you going to another planet. Your true spiritual life which is not the body you are looking at, neither is it your fallen soul which is your personality. Your true spiritual substance which is Christ is leaving.


Leaving what? Leaving your personality. It is going out into the field, it is going out into a wilderness, brethren. "For now thou shall go forth out of the city, and thou shall dwell in the field." If you look up that word "field," it means "a place." It is just like a blank empty place.


You are going out of a place you have lived all your life. You are going out of a world system, where you know nothing other than it. You are going into a place that is really not formed yet. It is not sure, it is not clear, it is hazy, you do not know where you are going and you are scared, but you are going anyway.


How do you think the children of Israel felt when they came out of Egypt. You think they were not scared? They did not know where they were going. That is what you are going through now. The Lord says that when you start to be in labor, you are going out from fallen Adam. You are going to start to reject the old, fallen adamic ways in your mind and in this world system. You are going to dwell in a place that is really not formed. You are even going to go to Babylon and there you shall be delivered. There, the Lord shall redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies.


Your are coming out of a life that you know now, you are going to a place that you are not familiar with, and I am not really sure what this means, that you are going to go to Babylon. It means several things to me. I have to tell you this, I am not telling you this under the anointing, God has not clearly told me what it means, but to me, personally, in view of all the experience that I have had, it means that in some instances, it is when He calls you out of the established church world that is preaching false doctrine in this hour. I know that you are confused, you see the anointing, you see healing, you see deliverance, you hear prophesy and tongues, but the doctrine is not of God. It is Babylon.


When you come out of there, I know that God sent me back, I know that He sent me back for a season. You can be going to Babylon there. Those of you that know me, I almost died recently, and the Lord gave me this prophesy. What it meant to me was that He sent me to the hospital to be healed, He did not heal me supernaturally.


Exactly what it is going to mean in your life, I do not know, but I will tell you this, when God starts to call you out of your fallen adamic soul, you go into a place that is very unclear, that is very hazy. It is a real attack against your mind. Maybe God will send you to study under somebody that has a very small, very few people in the ministry. It is going to look to your carnal mind like it is not God. Very unclear, very undelineated place.


You are going to be experiencing things that look not right to you. You are going to have to pray your way through and trust God. The way He describes it in this Scripture is that He is taking you out of your fallen adamic life into a not-too-well formed place. He may very well be sending you to places with unsaved people. Either the church world in false doctrine, or places with unsaved people to minister to them. He will be sending you to have your needs met, your financial needs met, or your physical needs met.


I know I have heard some well-meaning believers say, "I would never take an unemployment check." Well, brethren, if that is where the Lord gives you your money from, you better take it or you will have no money to eat. It is very nice to say a Christian should not be taking an unemployment check, but if Jesus Christ decides that is where your income is from and you do not take it, you will not have food money.


It is very nice to think that way, but do not set your mind against the will of the Lord, because that is called pride. "There ye shall be delivered in Babylon." Well I think I just heard something from God. He says, "You are going to be taken out of your fallen adamic soul and all of the ways of existing, all the ways you have been taught since you were a child." He is going to be meeting your needs in Babylon. Whether that means a secular job, if you think that you are called to preach, if you are in fact called to preach, and He does not provide an income for you, He is going to deliver you financially by giving you a secular job, which is Babylon.


Do not be surprised when you start coming into Christ, to find out that you are not wealthy, that you are not in a fully formed place. I am going to drop it at that. Hallelujah


He is going to be delivering us out of this world system. I know I did not make that right. When we start coming out of our fallen adamic soul, we will find that we will be delivered from many of our needs, medical, financial, whatever, that the answer to our problem is going to be in Babylon, whether it be a job, or a doctor, or an unemployment check for a season. You cannot stay on unemployment for the rest of your life.


Do not be surprised, and do not let the church world tell you that you are not Son of God, because He is meeting your needs in Babylon. Hallelujah. There you shall be delivered and there the Lord shall redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies. We are redeemed from the hand of our enemies in Babylon. The only thing that I have for you on this Scripture is that Jesus was crucified without the camp. We are not entering into the soul of Christ until we have been completely delivered from our sins.


This procedure that is perfecting us, purifying us, is taking place in Babylon. The Church world thinks they are going off to Heaven without being perfected, and when they arrived on those streets of gold all of a sudden they are going to be sinless. It is not true. We are going to be delivered from our sins here in Babylon, in this world system. When we are perfected and purified then we shall enter into Christ. Hallelujah.


Verse 11. "Now many nations are gathered against thee, that say let her be defiled and let our eye look upon Zion." Glory to God. Brethren, this is the mind control of the fallen adamic soul. The many nations are the many members of the living soul that died, in particular, the church. They are gathered, and they are against you because you do not look like they look, you do not follow their religious ways, you do not believe their false doctrines, and you are not doing what they tell you to do.


They are looking at you, and there is a new spirit on you. They discern that you are different, but because they cannot see their own carnal mind prevailing in their life, they think that there is something wrong with you, brethren. They cannot see their sins, this word has not done its work in them. They are not convicted, they think they have got all the answers. They are high and lifted up in pride, but there is something different about you.


They do not even go before the Lord and say, "What is it Lord? Could it possibly be me?" Oh no, they draw their conclusion right off the board that there is something wrong with you. "We do not want you in this ministry. There is something wrong about you. I do not like the doctrine you are preaching either." They are all gathered against you. They are saying, "Let her be defiled and let our eye look upon Zion."


I know that these people do not know what they are doing, but the spiritual reality, brethren, is that all these believers in the church are defiling us with their thoughts. They are trying to modify us with their thoughts. Christ is appearing in us, and they are saying that it is not Christ. They are saying it is an ungodly spirit, that it needs to be repented of, that you need to be delivered of it.


Their thoughts are hindering the Christ in us. Their thoughts are causing us pain. Their thoughts are causing us to deny ourselves and to wonder, "Did God really say that?" Their thoughts are damaging us, brethren. They may not be aware of it in their state of delusion, but the Lord God says that the reality of what they are thinking in their mind, in their unconscious mind anyway, is, "Let her be defiled, let Christ come down and be tread underfoot."


You cannot defile the regenerated Adam, brethren. "Let Christ in her be defiled, let Him be tread underfoot." Bring down that other spirit and that other doctrine. They hate it. Bring it down, let her be defiled, and let our eye look upon Zion. Zion, the high place where God is.


Verse 12. "But they know not of the Lord, neither understand they His counsel." All of these foolish Christians, they are usually the Christians, they are not the people in the world. May God have mercy on their soul. They know not the thoughts of the Lord, neither do they understand His counsel or His guidance. They are not even being guided by the Lord. Do you think they would be attacking the immature Son of God if their behavior and their words were ruled by the guidance of the Lord?


They say, "Lord, Lord, but they do not what I say, saith the Lord." I know one woman every other word out of her mouth is, "The Lord this and the Lord that." She is not a Godly woman, she is not following after His spirit, nor is she following after His counsel.


"For He shall gather them as the sheaves off the floor, but they know not the thoughts of the Lord, neither do they understand His counsel." Because He is going to gather them as sheaves on the floor. Now the word "sheaves" is Strong's #5595, and it means "scrapping, or that which results from the threshing of wheat." The floor is just the place where they would put the wheat on the floor, I think they beat it if I am not mistaken. They beat it against the floor, and it would separate into the wheat and the tares, the chaff and the regular wheat.


These people that are cursing, that is what they are doing. I am not nice, I do not want to be nice, I want to tell you the truth. They may not know that they are cursing, but they are still doing it. They are cursing the Sons of God in the making, the immature, the incomplete, the not-yet- in-full stature that are coming up. These are the members of the church, they are cursing them, that is what they are doing.


They are tearing them down, they are making their labor more difficult. Do you know that there is a natural example of that in this country today? For centuries woman have given birth sitting on stools. They United States Medical Society says that you have to lay down in a bed. It is twice as hard to bring forth that baby on your back. It is going against gravity, that is what these Christians are doing to us.


We are in pain, we are in torment, we are in travail, and they are the ones that are crucifying us. They are putting the nails in. Hallelujah, but they do not know the thoughts of the Lord, neither do they understand, because He is going to gather them as the sheaves on the floor. He is going to do it to them too. He is going to scrape the carnality off of them too. He is going to separate them from their fallen adamic souls too. Here they are tormenting us, speaking evil about us, and it is the Lord's thought, it is the Lord's mind, it is the Lord's counsel to do the same thing to them. Hallelujah.


Verse 13."Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion." Thresh what? Thresh your own soul. Separate fallen Adam from Christ. Fill your mind with the gospel, read it, hear it preached, listen to the word. Separate your fallen adamic thoughts from the thoughts of Christ in you. Arise, wage the warfare. "Thresh O daughter of Zion for I will make thine horn iron. I will make thy hooves, brass. "


"I will make your spiritual strength as strong as iron." Iron is a strong metal that come up from underneath the earth. "Your hooves," remember Israel is the goodly horse of the Lord. Brass means "judgement." As we serve God, we are horses. He shall make our hooves brass. Our hooves shall be the vehicle in which we shall judge who? Our own souls. The Lord says, "Arise and thresh. Separate your thoughts from fallen Adam, and I will give you the strength to put fallen Adam and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, under your feet."


"Thou shall beat in many pieces, many people." Glory to God. Fallen Adam, Eve, the carnal mind, are being separated. They are being beaten, they are being melted, they are being ripped apart. This whole world system, it is just an image out there. The reality of it is within the minds of men, and it is being melted, it is being beaten to pieces, it is being torn down, it is being dismantled.


When the mind of Christ, or the New Jerusalem, is erected in the minds of the members of the living soul, this whole world system that is just an image of what is in our mind shall be the Kingdom of God. In the very same place where you were a profane person, and now you say, "glory to God" in your mind.


This whole planet is a profane planet, and in the very same place it shall be the Kingdom of God. "Arise and thresh O daughter of Zion for I will make thy horn iron, I will make thy hooves brass, thou shall beat in pieces many people. I will consecrate their gain unto the Lord, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth." The word "gain" is Strong's #1214, and it means "that which is perfected or completed." I am going to suggest to you that our human spirit is completed in Christ.


The word "substance" is Strong's #2428, and it means "twisted." For those of you who have not been studying with us, we found out in our study in Revelation that our fallen adamic mind is going to be twisted together with the mind of Christ. They shall become one mind under the dominion of Christ.


Fallen Adam shall be female, and he shall be silent in the church. I have got to stop calling him "he." It is "she." She shall be silent in church and in the presence of her husband. She will only say what He does, and do what He tells her to do. "Arise and thresh O daughter of Zion," separate yourself from the fallen adamic thoughts. The Lord has promised to give you the spiritual strength to do it. He will make your feet strong as brass to crush fallen Adam underneath and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, with him. "You shall beat in pieces many people." Once you do this for yourself, the Lord will send you out as a Son of God to help others to put their own fallen adamic soul which is ruled by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, underneath their feet, to break that soul apart. He will consecrate his gain unto the Lord.


The human spirit will be joined to Christ. He shall consecrate your substance, the fallen adamic mind, to the Lord of the whole earth. "The Lord" meaning "the Lord of Heaven, the spiritual realm." "The Lord of the whole earth," meaning "the Lord of the soulish realm." Jesus Christ shall be Lord in Heaven, and He shall be Lord in the earth.






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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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