078 - Part 9
(Revelation 14)

Part 9 of 11 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


We are going on in our Harvest series, but right now we’re still in Isaiah 63. We’re in Verse 3 today, and the Lord is showing us that this is a second witness to the teachings that we have received from him in Revelation Chapter 14 with regard to the harvest of the Earth, and as we have stated on the prior messages, there’s a big problem in the church today. The translators of the scriptures that we have -- the printed scripture that we have -- had their minds steeped with Roman Catholic doctrine at the time that they translated these scriptures, and every -- almost everything, if not everything -- I can’t say everything, but close to everything is polluted with the hell and damnation doctrine that has come forth from and that penetrates and permeates the Roman Catholic church, and I’ll tell you again -- I’ll put it on every message -- as in the English language, every single word in the Hebrew and the Greek has many translations. If you go into Webster’s Dictionary of the English language, you will see sometimes up to 20 definitions of one word. In the Hebrew, it could be 30 or 40 choices of what this Hebrew word means, and each and every time the King James translators chose the hell and damnat- -- hell and damnation definition, but under the instruction of the Lord, we are not choosing the hell and damnation definition, we are choosing the definition that the Lord has witnessed to my heart, and if you can say amen, you say amen. It’s not a requirement in this ministry to agree with what I’m preaching. I just don’t know why you’d want to be here if you’re not going to be praying about it, but you don’t have to agree with me on anything. Hallelujah.


We’re going on now in Isaiah, Chapter 63. I’d like to make a couple of comments on the message last week, which was verses 1 and 2, and I’d like to point out to you that -- well, let me read it for you just to bring your memory back. Verses 1 and 2 of Isaiah 63 -- “Who is this that cometh from Edom with dyed garments from Bozrah? This that is glorious in his apparel, traveling in the greatness of his strength [sic] that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel and thy garments like him that treadeth in the winefat?”


Now, as amazing as it might sound, when we looked up every single word in the Hebrew Verse 1, we found out that -- who was this that cometh from Edom with dyed garments from Bozrah is the Lord Jesus Christ. This that is glorious in his apparel is referring to the living soul, the creation; and traveling in the greatness of his strength is referring to Satan -- and I that speak in righteousness mighty to save is the Lord Jesus Christ again, and we determined that when we looked up every single word and prayed about it and found out what the Lord had to say about it.


And I’d like to comment on the words garments and apparel. You’ll see that those two words appear both in Verse 1 and in Verse 2. The words -- the word apparel, I remind you, means clothing. It can be translated clothing or a spouse or a wife, and they also remind you that in the Hebrew, the expression “to put on a garment” can also be translated to lie with a woman, to have sexual intercourse with a woman or with your wife. That’s the word apparel. The word garments -- and this is all on last week’s message -- means covering or clothing, and it can also be translated treachery or pillage. It can also be translated to seize illegally or rob, and if you recall, both of those words apply to God’s wife, the living soul. I’m suggesting to you that the word apparel, which is singular, refers to the corporate spiritual being of humanity, which is the living soul. The scripture sometimes calls our corporate spiritual being principalities and powers, and I’m also suggesting that the word garments, which is plural, refers to the individual members of the living soul or the individual human beings which are appearing in the outer darkness of this world system, which have been seized or robbed from God by their own inner spiritual being. And I remind you that the living soul in her unfaithfulness to the Lord, did not wait for her husband, the living God, but committed adulterous incest from within her own spiritual being and brought forth this fallen creation which the Lord sees as a perversion.


And we found that in our study in the Daniel 7 series, that the Lord sees us in the condition that we’re in as a perversion, and he tells us in Daniel 7 that we are so perverse, so in our spiritual being -- I know we’re all beautiful in our bodies -- in our spiritual being, we are so perverse that when Christ starts to come forth, we perceive him as an enemy or as the very perversion. He is so opposite from us in his nature, in the way he thinks, in the way he feels, in everything that he does, that we who are perverse perceive him as the perversion; and because of that, he is at war with his people because we are at war with him. We are alienated from him in our minds. Even if you are baptized with the Holy Spirit, if you are not in full stature, there is some area in your life -- if you are not in perfection, there is some area in which you are alienated from God in your mind, and in that area, you are spiritually perverse, and when you perceive a human being who is manifesting Christ in that area, you will think they are perverse. We’ve got a problem. That’s a problem, being perverse and thinking the other guy is the one that’s perverse. Hallelujah.


Let me put -- let me say this at this point -- even though those of us here are moving on into Christ and we are actively, vigorously, aggressively challenging the wickedness in our mind, the Lord still sees us as perverse. So long as we are any degree short of pervec- -- perfection, we are still falling. We are still falling. We are in the process of being raised up. We are in the process of being perfected. We are on a long journey from death unto life, but until we cross over -- what is, the scripture sometimes describes as a river -- until we cross over into life, we are still in death. We are dead. We have received the promise of being raised from the dead, and we are in the process of being raised, but until we cross over, we’re still in the process of, and while we’re still in the process of, we’re still dead. And what that means is if you walk out of here tonight and you get hit by a car and your heart stops pumping, you’ll know whether or not you’re dead or alive by whether or not your body stands up, because when the spirit that’s inside of you is the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead in his fullness of his maturity, you will get up, even though your heart stopped pumping, and you will fix it, and you will walk away.


You cannot kill something that’s alive by the life of the living God. You cannot kill that which is imbued in every cell of his being with the life of the living God. They tried to do it to Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and they could not, and I don’t know about you, but I’m not about to get up and walk in front of a car, because I wouldn’t expect to stand up and walk away. That means we’re still dead. But we have the promise of life. There’s no reason to believe a lie, but let us not be religious about this. Let us be encouraged, and let us know that we have received a promise of salvation and that our Lord is full well able to perform the good work that he started in us until the day of the Lord appears in us, which is full salvation. Let’s not give ourselves a good time story that everything’s OK and we’re going to die and fly away to heaven, because it’s a lie, and no good thing can come out of a lie.


So what have I said to you? The word apparel is referring to the corporate spiritual being of the living soul, and the word garment is referring to the individual members as we appear out here in the outer darkness of this world system. And the first phrase of Verse 1 -- I’m gonna r- -- this is my note. I’m going to read it to you just in case I’m leaving something out.


In the first phrase of Verse 1, we find -- in the word garments -- we find the word garments describing the many members of the living soul, which have been separated from the Lord, and in the second phrase of Verse 1, we find the word apparel describing the corporate spiritual being of humanity, which has committed adultery with Satan, her own conscious mind. She has become impregnated by him, and she has brought forth a child -- a female child, and her name is the carnal mind, and in order to appear in this real- -- this world system or in this realm, we must have a spiritual child -- in order for the Lord Jesus Christ to appear, in order for God to appear in this world system, he must be appearing by his Christ. Satan is appearing by the carnal mind. And Eve, in this moment -- which is our true spiritual being -- has joined with Satan and produced his child, the carnal mind, and the three of them are appearing as our personality, and in order for us to pass from death unto life, we must be separated from our union with Satan, and from his offspring, the carnal mind.


Let me put this on the message. I have been teaching here for a while now that Satan is female, and I believe that Satan is female, but I feel that in certain contexts, especially when I’m speaking about his union with Eve, it’s just going to be too confusing to call him a her. It just gets too confusing. So I’m going to leave it like this -- Satan has stolen the male role. She was originally female. She rose up, and she usurped the male authority over the living soul and is functioning very imperfectly as a spiritual male, and that is why the creation is falling apart. OK. So, just in case you’re wondering why sometimes I say he and sometimes I say she, when Satan is in the male role, I’m going to call her a he. Glory to God. Does anybody not know what I’m talking about? OK.


In Verse 2, we find the words apparel and garments again describing the corporate living soul and its individual members, but the scripture here is declaring that the corporate living soul and all of its members belong to the Lord Jesus Christ despite the fact that they are separated from him and have committed adultery with Satan.


So the first verse tells us about Jesus, that he’s separated from his wife, that she has committed adultery with the beast, that she has become impregnated by him and that the Lord Jesus Christ is still her husband, and in the second verse we find out that he still considers her his wife even though she has taken up activity in this world system as a male, and she -- we have found out that she is a spiritual lesbian. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, Isaiah 63 Verses 1 to 2 -- And we worked this up in the last message. “Who is this one who was separated from his unrighteous, violent, and treacherous sin-stained wife, which is his flesh?” -- Everybody knows we’re the Lord’s flesh, I hope. He’s the spirit and we’re the flesh that’s wrapped around him. We’re his wife. “That woman who is pregnant because the beast which is dwelling within the multitude of the human beings which he has generated has had sexual intercourse with her. It is I” -- Now this is answering the question, who is this one that is separated from his wife -- “It is I, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is saving the living soul from death by arranging her many members in the correct moral order.” -- And before he can put us in the correct moral order, he has to knock us out of the incorrect moral order and that is where the judgment comes in. That is the purpose of the judgment and the tribulation. It is not to burn us in hell forever. It is like someone who has a broken bone that was set wrong. We need to be broken apart and reset in the correct moral order so that we can stop dying, because as long as Satan is the head, this creation will continue to abide in death. Only when Jesus Christ is once again the functioning head. We know He is the official head -- all power and authority has been given unto Him -- but if He isn- -- if He is the head of your life, you would not be dying, so He has not appropriated it yet in the lives of the individual beings, and we will continue to die until that happens. So He will judge us, and He will wage war against our reprobate minds, and He will wage war against our sin-filled ways, and to the soul man, it looks like God is a monster and that He really doesn’t care very much about us at all to hurt us like this, but we are finding out that God is a superior being. His mind is higher than anything we could even imagine, and even though we might be contented to live for 30, 40, 50, 60 years in this condition -- even though we might be saying to ourselves, well, it’s not so bad, and I really would like whatever it is I would like while I’m here, He is saying I have higher plans for you. I have greater plans for you, and it’s only because your mind is reprobate, that you’re happy where you are, and I know better, so I’m not going to give you what you would like to have at the moment, but I’m going to bring you to a higher place where you shall live with me for the life of the ages in perfection in the glory of my life and of my spirit.


Verse 3 -- Verse 2. “Why is Adam, the tr- ” -- now Adam is his treacherous wife, and we explained last week that Adam is not really a male name, it was just the King James translators who were indoctrinated with Roman Catholic doctrine that gave him a male name. The word Adam merely means red Earth and the creation of God. Everything, every spirit, everyone in relationship to the Lord is female. Everyone in relationship to God is female. He is the only male spirit. Why is Adam, the treacherous wife that you’ve been intimate with, appearing in this world system as a man? The Lord has already been intimate with his wife, and she’s turned lesbian.


Does anyone -- has anyone ever seen this happen in the world? I have. Married women, going off, leaving their wives [sic] for a woman. I’ve seen men leaving their wives for another man. We don’t do anything in this world that has not already been done in the realm of the spirit. We are acting out what is happening or what has already happened in the realm of the spirit.


Paul said that this world is a stage. The word used in the King James is gazing-stock, but if you look it up, what it really means is that this whole world that we live in, it’s a stage where a play is being acted out, and the reality is that the spiritual world is more real than this world. The spirit -- the spiritual world -- the beings in the spiritual world, they have no form or shape. They want to have a form and shape. They want to feel. They want to experience. They want to express their lust -- not only sexual lust, every kind of lust. And you can’t do it when you’re a spirit. You have to have a body and a soul. We don’t do anything that was not first conceived in the realm of the spirit. I rebuke spirits asleep. Wake up, carnal mind, you will not shut her down. Wake up. Glory to God.


When I reviewed part 8 of the Harvest, I realized that I had not included the meaning of the word apparel in our alternate translation for the second phrase of Verse 1, so accordingly, the alternate translation to the second phrase of Verse 1 of Isaiah 63 now reads -- “That woman who was pregnant because the beast which is dwelling within the multitude of human beings, which he has generated, has had sexual intercourse with her.” -- I added that phrase -- has had sexual intercourse with her. 


Does anybody have any questions on last week’s message before I go on? OK.


Continuing with Isaiah 63:3. “I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the people there was none with me: for I will tread them in mine anger, and trample them in my fury; and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my raiment.” I just got through half of that verse for tonight’s message, and we’ll start with the phrase “I have trodden the winepress alone.”


The word trodden is Strong’s 1869, and it means to walk or to tread down under. This word is used to describe treading down one’s strong enemy in Judge’s 521, and let me just put it on the message at this point that you can look up words in lexicons from morning until night, and what you really -- you may not get an accurate understanding. To get an accurate understanding, you really have to investigate the usage of the word. You have to go into the scripture and see how it’s been used in other cases, and what we found out many times, especially in the King James, is that a particular word can be translated six different ways throughout the scriptures, and then sometimes we come to the conclusion by the surrounding verses and the surrounding definitions that the translation of that one word in this particular verse is not right. It should be one of the translations that we found in another book. So usage is very important, and I’d like to call to your attention that this word translated, trodden, is used to describe tredding down one’s strong enemy in Judges 5:21, the verse that reads “Oh my soul, thou has trodden down strength” -- meaning demonic strength -- meaning that the Christ in the writer, which is David, of course, has trodden down the demonic strength of his own soul which is ruled by Satan, which is exactly what we’re talking about here. I’m suggesting to you then that the scripture is saying that the Lord Jesus Christ has tread down the spiritual strength of his strong enemy, which is his own Adamic soul.


Ezekiel 38:22 says, “I will plead against him with pestilence and blood, and that is my witness to you that when the Lord pleads with you, he pleads with judgment.” Why? Because when he says pretty please, nobody listens to him. The scripture is filled with witnesses of his own people running in the opposite direction, of his own people denying him, of his own people worshiping idols, of his own people going after their own lusts, so when he loves you enough to plead with you, expect judgment to fall, because if you’re not chasing, you’re a bastard son.


We’re dealing with the phrase “I have trodden the winepress alone.” The word winepress is still winepress. Strong’s 6333, and it’s referring to the judgment of God. It’s the place of separation. The expression trodden the winepress is speaking about the separation of sin from righteousness or the separation of Adam from Christ. This is what is known as sanctification. If you think you’re sanctified and your thoughts -- your Adamic thoughts and the thoughts of Christ are confused or mixed together in any area, you’re not sanctified, and I’ll just remind you that the Christ is growing inside of us if, Lord willing, he’s being formed in you. I hope he’s being formed in you if you’re here. He’s inside the depth of our spiritual being, which is inside of our Adamic soul. And there’s a layer in there between the Adamic soul and the Christ, and it’s called our carnal mind.


And we found in Revelation Chapter 14 that the Lord told us that this is a diagram of the grape skin. I’m sorry; this is a diagram of the Adamic mind. This is the grape skin. The carnal mind is the grape skin. The fruit of the grape is Christ. And the Adamic soul is the vine of the Earth, and the root of that vine is Satan, but there’s another vine in the Earth. It’s called the true vine, and the root of that vine is the father, and the vine is the Lord Jesus Christ. He said so himself. The condition that Jesus Christ was in was that His Adamic soul was in his center and it was paralyzed. Christ was out here ruling, and the father is ruling Christ.


Anybody not understand that? That right now, the ruling soul in our lives is Adam in the carnal mind, and he’s layering on top of Christ. That’s why you have a battle every time you want to obey the Lord, you’ve got to get past the carnal mind and you have to get past Adam who’s laying on top of the Christ in you. The Christ is coming forth in the deepest recesses of your being, and when he comes to full maturity, he’s going to pierce through that carnal mind and that Adamic soul, and he’s going to be out here, and the rays of the father are going to be shining with his glory, and Satan and Adam are going to be in here, and they’re going to be paralyzed. Anybody not understand? Anybody have a question? OK.


And the change from the first condition that I showed you with Christ in here and the carnal mind around him and Adam around him and Satan in the unseen realm, the change from this to this where Adam has power to where Adam is paralyzed is called the circumcision of your heart. Christ is cutting through the carnal mind. He’s a sharp instrument. He’s a knife. He’s cutting through the carnal mind, which is flesh, and he’s cutting through the Adamic soul, which is flesh, and he’s going to appear on the outside and destroy all of this stuff that’s killing you. He’s cutting through. He’s circumcising his own Adamic heart. Only in the natural, when a man is circumcised -- when a manchild is circumcised, the foreskin is thrown away, but in the realm of the spirit, it’s forced inward, and it loses all strength and power. Its only purpose will be to give form to the creation. When you look at the glorified creation with all of its glorious rays -- you should enjoy this like this -- and you peer beyond the glorious light, which we have some idea of what it’s like when we read about Jesus on the mount of transfiguration, when you get past all this glory, you’re going to see the form of a man. He’s going to look like a man, he’s going to walk like a man. Maybe he’ll talk like a man. He’ll be able to talk like a man if he wants to, but he’s not going to be wicked like fallen man. He’s going to be glorified man.


And I want to tell you that the scripture does not use any different word to describe glorified man than it uses to describe fallen man. It describe- -- the word is man. And today, fallen man is man in his immaturity. At the first, the eternal one was a living soul, and at the last, he was a quickening spirit. There is a truth to evolution. We are not going from monkeys to men, but man is maturing. Man is evolving, and he shall eventually grow up and be in the image of his father, and he’s not going to be that little monster brat that was running around wrecking your furniture at 2 years old and sawing off the legs of your favorite vanity. He’s going to grow up and become a spiritual man in the image of the father. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


We’re dealing with the phrase who -- I have trodden the winepress alone, Jesus Christ speaking. The word alone is Strong’s 905, and it means something separated, a part of the whole. Thayer, our Greek lexicon, says that this is used especially of a thread and even more especially of a linen thread, and I remind you of what teachings the book of Revelation -- I don’t remember what chapter it was, but it’s our number 38 series of messages -- where the Lord revealed to us that he is weaving a garment to cover his spirit, where we were taught that the Lord is visi- -- invisible and that he wants to be seen, and the example that he gave us is the movie the Invisible Man. He’s the -- in case you don’t remember the movie, this man, he was a doctor -- a scientist, and he became invisible, and he was frightening everybody because they heard voices coming out of the air. So he put a jacket on and shoes and socks on his feet and a hat on his head, and he wrapped bandages around his face so that you could see his nose and his mouth, and he looked like a man, because he was a man. He had substance to him, but that substance was invisible, and this is the condition of our God. He has the substance. We do not.


Somebody told me recently -- I don’t remember who it was. It was somebody here, but I think they saw a dead animal on the street, and it was just laying there. All the life had gone out of it. The spiritual substance had gone out of it. The scripture describes us as wine sacks, as bottles from heaven, as waterspouts. You know, that word -- a bottle from heaven -- that word bottle. It’s not talking about a glass bottle like we have today. It’s talking about the bottles that they had years ago, which were made out of animal skins, that collapsed when there was no water in them. And when you filled them with water, they puffed out, and as the water drained out of it, they went down, and they deflated. That’s what we are. We are the bottles from heaven, and when we’re filled with the life of God, we shall never die. But right now, we’re filled with the fallen existence of Satan, and we are dying. We are filled with the spirit of Satan and his offspring, the carnal mind, and Christ has invaded our being, and it is his intention to take us, to seize us, to remove us from the authority of Satan so that when he fully indwells us, we shall stop dying. Glory to God.


So Christ -- according to this, the word alone means a linen thread. How incredible. So I remind you that the Lord taught us in the 38 series that in our spirit we are being made the garment of God. We are what he is throwing over himself, not necessarily these human bodies, but in our spir- -- our soul is what he is throwing over his spirit, and he’s weaving a garment, and this is what it’s going to look like, and the thread is going one way -- the threads of this creation -- this [?soulish?] creation, and the threads going the other way, is the life of the Lord Jesus Christ, and they’re being interwoven, and this is what’s described in the book of Revelation as a crown, where you’ll receive your crown. The mind that we now have is going to be interwoven with the mind of Christ, and his mind will prevail over our fallen mind, and we shall receive the life of the ages.


So for this scripture to say that this word means a thread, especially a linen thread, because we know that linen is the righteousness of the saints, what it’s saying is it’s saying that one of these threads -- each one of these little squares is an individual human being. This is the corporate living soul, which is covering the spirit of God, and every dot that I’m making here is a man, and it says here that one of these threads -- each of these threads is referring to an individual as well as the dots, and it says that one of these threads is Jesus. So what is he saying? By saying I’ve thread -- I’ve tread the winepress alone, he’s identifying with the human race. He’s saying I’m a part of this. I’m a part of the fabric. I’m a part of the garment. I’m a part of the soulish creation. I’m not just the spirit of God. I’m a part of the soulish creation. I am both.


I’m going to read you my note. I’m always concerned I’m going to leave something out, even though I probably told you this already. The use of the Hebrew word translated alone identifies Jesus Christ with the human race and is prophesying that the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the only human being who shall judge his own Adamic soul and bring it into submission, to the Christ, which is in him, and the reason I made that the future tense is that this was written 1500 years ago. I’m going to read that again. This verse is prophesying that the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth, which was not born yet at the time of the writing of this, is the only human being who shall succeed in judging his own Adamic soul and bringing it into submission to the spirit of the father which is within him -- or to the soul of Christ which is within him. This is what we’re all doing.


The white thrown judgment starts when Christ begins to be formed in you. The judgment is coming from within your own soul. The Christ that is being formed in you is judging your own soul, or he’s supposed to be. And as he increases, the judgment of your Adamic soul increases, but the Adamic soul is very strong. The carnal mind is incredibly strong. This scripture is a prophecy which is saying Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the only man that shall succeed in bringing his wicked, treacherous, sin-filled, fallen, Adamic soul in submission to the soul of Christ which has been -- which is purification, which is perfection, which is ruled by the glorious, perfect spirit of the father. That is why we are told we are covered by the blood, that he has done the work for us. What this means is that this soul of Christ, this glorified soul of Jesus Christ has submitted to the Father.


We have a series on this too. It’s Chapter 4, I think. It’s Chapter 4 in the book of Revelation. Christ -- Jesus Christ of Nazareth has submitted to the Father. He is in right standing with the Father. He is in perfection. He is holiness. He cannot die. When he gets inside of you -- this is your Adamic soul on top of him. And his perfection goes to war with your imperfection. When he gets outside of you, because he’s passing through here -- when he gets outside of you, his perfected soul is going to slay the [UNINTELLIGIBLE] in your flesh. His perfected soul is going to do what he did to the soul of the man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. You know, that scripture in the book of Revelation, I think it’s Chapter 4, where John said I heard a voice that said come up hither, and he came up hither. When we did -- when we looked up every single word in the Greek, we found out that that scripture was saying -- and I entered in to a soul that was utterly prostrated before the Father. He entered into the soul life, the glorified, resurrected soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ, which was in perfect submission to the Father, and when we enter into Christ, we shall be in perfect submission to the Father, because we shall enter into Him who has already done it.


So just to remind you what’s going on here, I’ll take a minute to do this. We found out that our true reality, our true life is spirit -- our human spirit which was with the Son of God that was propelled into the Earth at the beginning of time, and we found scriptures that indicated that she’s in the form of crystalline minerals, mostly calcium and magnesium, and that when she illegally joined with Satan, who was so -- her crystals devolve- -- dissolved in the water of his soul, and for all intents and purposes, she disappeared. And now, our human spirit is so totally joined with the -- with Satan -- so totally joined with him that she is in solution. She has been diluted into the solution, which is called the living soul, and the only way God is going to get her free is to boil him as a sin offering, and we found that in the series in Daniel 7, and the boiling is coming to pass with the trials and tribulations that we are going through. It is causing Satan to evaporate. The fire is going to get so hot, Peter says the powers and principalities are going to melt. We could say they’re going to evaporate. God just uses different words to express different things in the scripture, but the idea is pretty much there. There’s going to be a really hot fire -- whether you’re evaporating -- whether he’s evaporating or whether he’s melting, the fire’s got to be pretty hot, and as he evaporates, there’s going to be a residue, and that residue is going to be the crystalline crystals, which are our human spirit -- Eve. And she’s going to be freed up, and she’s going to come right over here where the soul of Christ is, and she’s going to move right in here, and she’s going to go into solution with Christ. That is what we are in the process of right now.


This procedure cannot start unless the soul of Christ is in you -- unless Christ is being formed in you. The Lord’s not even going to start this process, so if you see Christians that have no trials in their life, that have no tribulation, that have no problems, probably -- there’s a real good chance that Christ has not yet begun to be formed in them, because the Lord’s not going -- because if he boils the living soul as a sin offering and evaporates Satan and leaves Eve in a crystalline form, and the soul of Christ is not available for her to join to or to go into solution with, we will die. So he’s not going to start this until first he is in the process of being formed in us, and for this to happen in its totality, he has to be fully formed in us, because if he’s going to boil Satan as a sin offering, he has to be mature enough to sustain the life of this body and this soul in this world system. And I’ve got news for you -- if he hasn’t freed you from Satan yet, he’s not mature enough in you yet to sustain your body and your soul in this world system, because he is not about to waste one second getting you free and in total position of his own person.


And this is what we’re waiting for. This is what we’re on the eve of -- you’ve heard the expression, the manifestation of the firstfruits of the sons of God, but do you know what it means? It means that there is a firstfruits company who are about to experience this, who have been in tribulation, who have been travailing with the Lord Jesus Christ, holding on -- this could be typified by the saints under the alter in the book of Revelation -- I can’t recall the chapter. I think it’s -- you’ll have to forgive me. I can’t recall the chapter. They’re travailing. They’re saying we’re trying, we’re fighting for righteousness. We’re resisting evil. How much longer is this going to go on? It’s going to go on until Christ is mature enough in you to sustain your life in this world system, and it’s about to happen to a group of people real soon, and once it happens to the first group of people, it’s going to go very fast for a lot of people. Why? Because God’s -- the fullness of God’s government shall have been established in the Earth. We’re -- those of us that are in the ministry, we’re ministering with a handicap -- with one hand tied behind our back and one leg tied behind our back. We don’t have full spiritual authority. There’s only so much we could do, but once the firstfruits company manifests, the fullness of the government of God will be in the Earth. Things are going to start moving very quickly. The way will be opened. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


So every natural man is a thread in the woven garment of God, which is made of fine white linen. The use of the Hebrew word translated alone identifies Jesus Christ with the human race and is prophesying that the man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the only human being who shall judge his own Adamic soul and bring it into submission to the Christ, which is also within him.


Romans 1:4 says “And Jesus Christ was declared to be the son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness by the resurrection of the dead.” And I want to diverge and do a word-by-word on this because it’s a second witness to what I just told you. “And Jesus Christ was declared.” The word declared is 3724 in the Greek, of course, and it means appointed or ordained, and, of course, this is a witness here that no man can ordain you. Only God can ordain you.


I rebuke the spirit of discipleship and shepherding that’s going on, on Long Island right now. You do not have to be under another man. You do not have to be under another pastor. You do not have to be under a denomination. When God calls you, you go and you do what he tells you to do, and if you’re answering to another man, and if you have placed yourself under another man, you have given up your spiritual manhood, because the only one over the man is Christ, and the man is over the woman. So if you’ve got a man over you, that means you are a spiritual woman, brother. And if you’re a woman, you’re not supposed to be preaching, you’re supposed to be silent in the church. So something’s wrong somewhere. Hallelujah. It’s going to be straightened out soon.


“And Jesus Christ was declared to be the son of God with power.” The word [AUDIO CUTS OUT] OK, the word translated with is Strong’s 4862, and it means possession. It can also be translated possession and/or completeness, and Jesus Christ was declared to be the son of God with power -- possessing power, having power. He was declared to be the son of God, and to have power -- we don’t need a name. We need power. It’s nice to have a name, but what good is it without the power? What good is it to be a king without a kingdom? What good is it to be a king if you’re down in the dowry? I’m told that was very commonplace in Europe after World War II. There was royalty all over the place that lost all their money and were living in the streets. Glory to God. Hallelujah. I don’t need that.


“And Jesus Christ was declared to be the son of God with power.” That word power is Strong’s 144, and it -- in case those of you don’t know here, sometimes I assume things, I’m sorry. There are two Greek words that are translated power in the scripture, for those of you who recall. One of them is miracle-working power and the other means authority. This is the word that means miracle-working power.


“According to the spirit of holiness.” This word according to -- the Greek word translated according to is Strong’s 2596, and this is the same Greek word used in the phrase in 1 Corinthians 11:4 “Having his head covered.” It means down under. So the phrase should read down under the spirit of holiness. Not according to, but down under the spirit of holiness. And I declare to you that the Lord Jesus Christ had his head covered, and it was covered by the spirit of holiness, which is the Father. The Father is over the Christ.


So we see that Jesus Christ, the soul man, had his head covered by the spirit of holiness. And, of course, the next phrase is “According to the spirit of holiness.” There’s only one Greek word that was translated into the three words, the spirit of holiness, Strong’s 42, and Thayer says -- Thayer, our Greek lexicon, says God’s incomparable majesty. It’s referring to God’s incomparable majesty, and he also says it is referring to the spiritual nature in Christ as contrasted to his agape. And I declare to you what this is saying is that within the Christ is the spirit of the Father. Wherever the Christ is, the Father is with him; that this word, Strong’s 42, which is translated holiness or spirit of holiness, is referring to the spirit of the Father, whereas the word agape, a form of love, is referring to the Christ which is the son of God in the flesh. The Father is God in spirit form. Jesus Christ, the man, was in submission to the spirit of holiness, which is the Father. The one who is in submission is in a female role. Therefore, in relation to the Father, Jesus Christ the man was female. Now don’t shut off the message. In relation to the Father, He was female. In relation to us, He’s male. And I’m telling you this because I’m going to show you -- I’m going to show you why in a minute. I’m just going to go on the way. I have it down here.


Just as the church is female in relationship to the spirit of Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ is female in relationship to the Father. The soul realm is always female in relationship to whatever realm is above it. In Jesus Christ’s case, it was the Father. Glory to God.


So we see that, as sons of God, when we are relating to the Father, we are female, but when the spirit of Jesus Christ is manifesting through us as Christ, we are spiritually male to whoever we are ministering to. So long as we remain on the soul realm, we will alternately experience being male and female, depending upon whom we are relating to.


There is a group of men on the Earth today that have an imparted anointing. I don’t know of anybody that’s in full stature at this time, but there are a group of spiritual men on the Earth -- that means their bodies could be male or female, but they are spiritually male. What does that mean? It means Christ is being revealed through them in some measure, not by a loaned authority that was given to them without repentance, but that Christ is being formed in them and manifesting through their minds and their mouths and their behavior in some measure, that Christ in them has some authority over their Adamic soul, that their Adamic soul is not doing whatever it wants anymore, and when one of these men appears to another member of the church who is not in that condition, the authority is established. The one in whom Christ is appearing is the male, and the one in whom he is not appearing is the female, but what I’m going to suggest to you is that there’s firstfruits that are about to be caught up to full stature, and I honestly don’t know whether -- and I doubt it, but I don’t know for sure -- that this is going to happen to everybody in whom the imparted anointing is ma- -- is manifesting at this hour. Everyone that would be considered a spiritual male in this hour, because Christ is formed in them in some measure -- let’s say there’s 10 of them, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. There are 10 men in that condition, and only five of them are caught up to full stature. These five men return to female. So long as there are men in full stature in the Earth, everyone that is not in full stature is lumped in one lump, female -- spiritually female, and they are to submit to those that are in full stature. This is God’s government in the Earth. So until someone is in full stature, their spiritual manhood could increase, and it could possibly decrease. Once you get into full stature, to the best of my understanding, there is no turning back. As I understand it now, there is no turning back.


Why am I telling you this? I am telling you this because this is the hour of his appearing. It is a spiritually dangerous hour. It is the hour of the manifestation of antichrist. It is the hour of the manifestation of the angels of light who are not going to be [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. They’re going to be Christians. And we must, by the grace of God, discern what is -- what anointing, what spirit is manifesting through everyone, and you cannot make that judgment today and six years from now tell me that Christ was manifesting in that man. You have to make that judgment every time you relate to that person. And we have some deep teaching on this on the 60 series. One day the man is Christ and the next day, it is possible for that same man, same body, same face, same name, same house, same job, same wife, same children, that [UNINTELLIGIBLE] should be appearing through him. Glory to God. So when the spirit of Jesus Christ is with the Father, He is the Father and He’s male. When He’s one with the Father, He is the Father, and He’s male. When the spirit of Jesus Christ is manifesting through a man and is one with that man, he is again female, but only in relationship to the Father. In relationship to the rest of the church, he’s male.


So we have to learn how to go back and forth. We have to know who we are in relationship to whom. We have to know that in relationship to the Father, he is 100% ruling. In relationship to the people that he has put in submission to us, we are to rule in a godly manner. And if someone walks through the door tomorrow that has a greater anointing -- the scripture says if a greater comes in and you have put yourself in the front row, you’re going to be embarrassed; but, of course, if God has put you in the front row, everything’s taken care of. That scripture is talking about people who put themselves in the front row. Every ministry that has raised itself up -- raised itself up of its own accord is about to be embarrassed.


So this is the hour of his appearing. It’s a very serious hour. And everybody’s eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage and having babies, and the inclination is to not be concerned, but I’m declaring to you tonight that this is the last drum. It’s a very serious hour. Very serious, and your spiritual life is on the line. There’s a big dragon out there, and he’s waiting to devour the man-child the second that he comes forth in you. So don’t be deceived by what you see with your eyes. Of course, you continue in your life, but don’t be deceived. Know that there’s a spiritual world and that the spiritual world is in a very serious transition right now -- that this age, this church age is coming to an end, and we’re about to enter into the age of the kingdom. Whether you’re married, whether you’re not married. Whether you’re a man, whether you’re a woman. Whether you have children, whether you don’t have children. Whether you’re eating or whether you’re fasting, the age of the -- the new age of the kingdom is coming, and it’s coming here to the Earth. And there are going to be five virgins that are going to be ready, and there are going to be five virgins that aren’t going to be ready, and if you don’t even know what’s coming, I think I’ll go so far as to take a guess to tell you, you’re not going to be ready. Glory to God.


I’d like to just go over 1 Corinthians -- well, let me just read you 1 Corinthians 11:3, just as a few witnesses to what I’m saying. “But I would have you know that the head of every spiritual man is Christ” -- I added the word spiritual, of course -- “And the head of the spiritual woman” -- which could be in a male body -- “is the spiritual man” -- which could be in a female body -- “And the head of Christ is God the Father.” The head of the spiritual man is Christ. Any man that submits to a denominational head, in God’s eyes, is a spiritual woman. Does anybody not know what I’m talking about? This is a very serious business because this whole structure is about to collapse with one big crash, and you’re going to have to be able to know how to find out who God’s anointed is without them wearing a collar or a black jacket or having a big building or belonging to the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Association. You’re going to be able to -- you’re going to have to be able to discern God’s anointed.


1 Corinthians 15, Verses 24, 27, and 28. “Then cometh the end when Christ shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father, when He, Christ, shall have put down all rule and all authority in power.” Verse 27 -- “For he, Christ, has put all things under His own feet, but when He, Christ, saith all things are put under Him, it is manifest that He the Father is accepted, which did put all things under Him.” Christ has a head. If somebody ever says to you who do you answer to? If you are a spiritual man, if you have been ordained a spiritual man by the Lord, the answer is Christ. Whether they believe it or not, whether they accept it or not, whether they mock you or not -- whatever their reaction to your statement is, if you are a spiritual man, the only head you answer to is Christ. You do not have to answer to the other pastors in your local area. Just make sure that it’s really Christ that’s ordained you, because if you’re deceiving yourself, you’ll find out sooner or later, and it won’t be pleasant. But once you know that the Lord has ordained you, there is no man that is your head.


Verse 28. “And when all things shall be subdued unto Him” -- Christ -- “Then shall the son also himself be subject unto Him, the Father that put all things under him, that God may be all” -- the ruling authority in all. So God manifesting in the flesh has a head. The only one that doesn’t have a head is God in the realm of the spirit. God in spirit form is the only one that has no one over him. So for all you men out there that came out of the church world and started up independent churches and think that you did it yourself and think that you stand by your own strength and think that you stand by your own power and that no one can take you down, I declare to you that you are speaking the words of Lucifer and that you shall surely come down when God the Father decides to deal with you. Glory to God.


Ephesians 5:23 -- “For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church, and He, Christ, is the savior of the body.” So the man in whom Christ is manifesting, the spiral- -- the spiritual man, is the husband of the church, and he is to love her and care for her. So if you see a man and you recognize that he’s fleecing the people, that’s one sign after you pray it through and make sure it’s not your carnal mind trying to destroy you, that it’s the truth when you determine that, when you try it, when you test it and you find out that it’s the truth, you know that Christ is not appearing in someone that’s lying to the people or fleecing the people, and if there’s someone preaching and it’s not Christ preaching in him, flee to the mountains, because it’s a spiritual woman up there, and he’s supposed be -- she’s supposed to be silent in the church. Why? Because she’s sure to destroy you if you look to her as an authority. Glory to God.


Continuing with Romans 1:4 “And Jesus Christ was declared to be the son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead.” That word by is Strong’s 1537, and Thayer’s says that this word is used to describe a place and can be translated from a surrounding or enclosing place or from the interior of, and this word denotes separation there from, and I remind you that Jesus Christ is in an interior place. He’s inside of us. He’s inside of the womb of the Earth. He’s inside of the carnal mind and the Adamic soul, and they’re exercising authority over him, and this Christ is waging war and trying to cut his way out, and it is a painful warfare, because the god of the Adamic soul, his name is Satan. He has authority to inflict punishment. He has the authority -- he cannot destroy Christ. I don’t even know if Christ in there can feel it, but he has the authority to inflict punishment upon your own Adamic soul, which is your motions, and your carnal mind, he has the authority to afflict confusion into your thought processes. While the Christ which is inside of us is trying to become our mind, our thought processes and our godly emotions, Satan has the authority to afflict great mental confusion and physical pain and emotional pain. This is the tribulation.


So this word by means the place -- I suggest to you it means the place where Christ is abiding, which is within the very depths of our being. And the word resurrection, of course, means to rise, to be resurrected. That means what it says it is -- what it says.


Now I hope everybody here knows that humanity is in the condition it’s in because we all fell down, and we’re about to rise up by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, the savior of his body, which we are -- or the many-membered soul life, which we are.  We’re dealing with the phrase by the resurrection of the dead. This word dead is Strong’s 3498, and Thayer’s says this word can be translated dead as well as -- as if already dead, sure to die, destined inevitably to die. And I’m suggesting to you that this phrase is speaking of those who have already died spiritually -- that’s us -- and are destined inevitably to die a soul and physical death. This is every human being appearing on the face of the Earth with the exception of the Lord Jesus Christ. And if you study in the interlinear, you’ll find out when God pronounced death upon Adam, in the Hebrew it reads, and dying, you shall die. Adam died spiritually, but he’s still kicking in the realm of the soul and in this realm of outer darkness, which is hell.


Alternate Translation. Romans 1, Verse 4. Talking about Jesus Christ -- “And Jesus Christ was ordained to be the revelation or the manifestation of God the Father in the soul realm, possessing miracle-working power because he submitted to the Father” -- or the spirit of holiness. I’m saying the Father here -- “Before he separated from his Adamic soul. And Jesus Christ was ordained to be the revelation or the manifestation of God the Father in the soul realm” -- in that interior place -- “and he is possessing miracle-working power because he submitted to the spirit of holiness.” That word according to means he submitted to the spirit of holiness or the Father, “And he did it before he was separated from his Adamic womb.” He did it while he was still surrounded by the carnal mind and the Adamic soul that he inherited from the woman that brought him forth. Her name was Mary. He had a human soul. He had a carnal mind. He had everything that he inherited from his mother plus what he inherited from his Father. He had everything that we have plus the glorified life of the Father was in him. The pure, perfect, holy thing -- the [?logos?] of God was also inside of him. Otherwise, He was just like us. He had something extra. But to those of us in whom Christ is being formed, now we have everything that He had.


And the scripture says that from this inner position, he submitted to the Father. He utterly refused to sin -- not with his behavior, but with his mind. He utterly brought his carnal mind and his Adamic soul into submission to the spirit of holiness. He made this wild, ravening beast, the fallen nature that he inherited from his mother, he made it bend its knee to the Christ that was within him, to the spirit of the Father that was within him, and he did it before he passed through, as I showed you on the other diagram. And because he did that, the Lord honored him with miracle-working power to do what?


The next phrase is the resurrection from the dead. Now, the above translation doesn’t make any sense. I’ll read it for you again. “And ordained to be the revelation of God, the Father, in the soul realm possessing miracle-working power because he submitted to the Father before he separated from his Adamic soul, the resurrection of the dead.” That doesn’t make any sense. So I’m suggesting to you that the phrase the resurrection of the dead should appear after the phrase with miracle-working power, and this is what it’s going to sound like -- and just let me remind you, that I’m not doing anything that any other translator doesn’t do, and if you studied it all in the foreign languages in the Greek or the Hebrew, you’ll see that the translators move phrases around, they change tenses of the verb. They do whatever they can do within reasonable limits to make the sense -- to make the sense of what is in the Hebrew understandable in the English. So all I’m doing is moving a couple of words into a different place. I’m not changing any of the words.


“And Jesus Christ was ordained to be the revelation of God, the Father, in the soul realm, possessing miracle-working power, resurrection from the dead, because he submitted to the Father before he separated from the Adamic -- from his Adamic soul.” Well, as I’m sure you can tell, it still doesn’t sound right. “And ordained to be the revelation of God, the Father, in the soul realm, possessing miracle-working power, resurrection from the dead, because he submitted to the Father before he separated from his Adamic soul.”


Well, as I investigated this further, I found out that the word from -- resurrection from the dead -- that the word from in the phrase from the dead does not appear in the Greek. It does not appear in the Greek. It’s just not there. I also found out that the Greek word translated raised to life in the phrase women receive their dead raised to life again in Hebrews 11:35 is the same Greek word with the same number in Strong’s translated resurrection from the dead. In Romans 1:4, it is translated resurrection from the dead. In Hebrews 11:35, it’s translated raised to life. I compared the two Greek word in Green’s Interlinear Text and confirmed that even though the Greek letters were exactly the same, the King James translators just used two totally different phrases.


So what am I saying? I’m saying that the King James translators have once again taken translators license with regard to the form of the verb. In Romans 1:4, this Greek word is translated as a nominal phrase, or we can say a phrase consisting of nouns, the resurrection from the dead, nouns; but in Hebrews 11:35, the very same word is translated raised, which is the past participle of the verb to raise or to resurrect. It’s the same Greek word and can also be translated to resurrect the dead. This is in the infinitive form of the verb. I’m suggesting to you then that the correct translation of the Greek word translated resurrection from the dead in Romans 1:4 is to resurrect the dead. This is what Romans 1:4 sounds like with this phrase appearing after the phrase with power. “And ordained to be the revelation of God, the Father, in the soul realm, with miracle-working power to resurrect the dead, because he submitted to the Father before he separated from his Adamic soul.” He was ordained to be the son of God with miracle-working power to resurrect the dead, and the reason he was given that glory was that he overcame his own Adamic soul while he was still surrounded by it. Glory to God. We also dealt with Romans 1:4 on message 22, which is a study on sanctification. OK. Does anybody have any questions before I go on?


OK, going on with Isaiah 63, Verse 3. “I have trodden the winepress alone, and of the people, there was none with me.” So we found out that Verses 1 and 2 of Isaiah 63 are speaking about the spiritual life of the son of God which was joined to the Earth at its foundation. Verse 3, however, is speaking about Jesus Christ of Nazareth’s human experience of overcoming the Adamic nature which he inherited from his human mother.


Alternate Translation. The first sixth of Isaiah 63:3. Jesus speaking. “I’m the only human being who has brought his Adamic soul into submission to the Father by overcoming her military strength.” And we found in, I believe it was Zachariah -- It’s message eight. I don’t remember what chapter it is -- that the living soul has a military strength that she is separated from God and that she has set up an existence on her own power base, and that she is militarily waging war against her own creator for the possession of the human vessels of this creation. And Jesus says I’m the only human being who has brought his Adamic soul into submission to the Father by overcoming her military strength.


Continuing with -- “And of the people, there was none with me.” The word people is Strong’s 5971, and it means the citizens or common people. It can also mean the companions or servants of a leader, and it’s used of the tribes of Israel.


And of the people, there was none with me. This word none is Strong’s 369, and it means emptiness. Emptiness, vacuity -- a vacuum. Absolute emptiness. And the words with me, I couldn’t find. There was no number for them in the interlinear, and I couldn’t find any reference for it. Glory to God.


So what have we got here with this phrase “And of the people, there was none with me.” Glory to God. And of the people, there was none with me. When I looked up that word in the Hebrew, it says here “And of the people, there was none with me,” but in the Hebrew, it’s the word man, number 376, which means mortal man. And our Hebrew lexicon says that this word can be translated each and every one. It can also be used collectively of soldiers, so the scripture is saying of the whole human race -- or with regard to the Old Testament, he’s talking about Israel, but now he’s referring to the whole world, and he’s saying there is not one man out of all of the peoples that is with me. Well what does that mean? Let’s find out what that means.


And each and every one of the people, which I -- which are my companions is empty. That still doesn’t make any sense. That word none, we’re translating it empty. And each and every one of the people which are my companions is empty. What does that mean? The Hebrew word translated none, which we have translated empty, is used to describe the uselessness of mortal man in comparison to God. I have two scripture witnesses for you. Isaiah 40:17 “All nations before him are as nothing and they are counted to him less than nothing and vanity.” So when Jesus is saying in Isaiah 63:3 that they’re nothing, he means that they don’t have the strength that he has. They’re nothing next to him, and he’s the only one that has succeeded in doing this. The second witness is Haggai 2:3, “Who is left among you that saw this house in her first glory, and how do you see it now? Is it not in your eyes in comparison of it as nothing.” He’s talking about Israel, that the former house was so glorious that the latter house in comparison to it is as nothing, so Jesus is saying the whole rest of humanity in the old covenant Israel; in the new covenant, it’s the church, which is all of you -- well, I’m not going to get into that now. All of humanity. He is the only one that was strong enough to bring his militant soul into submission, and the rest of the creation next to him cannot even be compared to Him, so how in the world are we going to do it? That’s what He’s saying. So we can say and each and every one of the people which are my companions is nothing in comparison to me.


I’ll give you the whole Alternate Translation of the first and second phrases of Isaiah 63:3. “I’m the only human being which has brought his Adamic soul into submission to the Father by overcoming her military strength, and each and every one of the people which are my companions is nothing in comparison to me.”


So because of that, the next phrase reads -- “For I will tread them in my anger.” And the word for is Strong’s 3588 and can also be translated therefore. My companions is nothing in comparison to me, and therefore, I will tread them in my anger. The word tread is Strong’s 1869, and this is very interesting. It can be translated to string a bow -- if any of you are into archery, you have to bend that bow to get the string on it. Anybody not know what I’m talking about? -- or it can also mean to guide or leng- -- or lead forth -- and I just want to take a minute to remind you of what the Lord taught us also in that 38 series where we found that God is -- this entire creation is based on scientific and mathematical principals, and everything that he has done, and everything that appears in this world system can be expressed mathematically, and He showed us that natural man is a linear line. He’s a straight line. And I’m drawing it this way for you, but the spiritual reality is that he’s on the circle of the Earth -- world without end, keeps going round and round and round, but it’s a linear line. It has no dimension to it. So just for the purposes, it’s going to be -- it would be too difficult to describe it on a circle. I’m going to take a portion of that circle, which is so immense that a portion of it can be a straight line. Anybody not following me? OK.


This is the natural man. His number is six, OK? And we can also call him the linear man. Jesus Christ is the Lord from heaven, he’s up here, and he’s coming down, and he’s meeting us on the line of the Earth. He is the spiritual man. He’s also a man, and when we found this out in the study -- in the 38 series, we found out that the way the scripture expresses it is that by his spiritual strength, when he comes down and intersects the line of the Earth, he is bending the line of the Earth upwards. You see, he has intersected this line. He has stopped it from continuing in its circle. He has changed its direction, and he has turned it upwards towards the heavenly. And we have found other scriptures where we find that man is the arrows in the Lord’s bow, so he is taking the linear man, and he’s changing our nature. He’s bending us upward towards the heavenlies, and we found out that what he’s forming here is a right triangle, and almost everybody has seen the body of Christ join in a triangle like that. That’s an error. That’s the occultish triangle, and that is not the triangle upon which the Lord has formed his creation.


His creation, the spiritual man, is a right triangle, and we also found out that this is what the head of the corner is, if you’ve read about it in the prophets, that Jesus Christ is the head of the corner. He is the place where the spiritual man meets the natural man, and he is the head of the spiritual man, and he has now become the head of the natural man. When the Lord from glory comes down and intersects the line of the Earth and bends that line upwards, he becomes the undisputed ruling authority over that natural man that has been bent upwards. Anybody not know what I’m talking about? He is the head of the corner. And then just -- it’s not really necessary for this message, but I’ll just finish it off for you. We found out that when the creation is completed, it’s going to be a square. So if you want more information -- the glorified creation is a square, so if you want more information about that, it’s on the 38 series. Very interesting.


So we find out here that this word tread -- to tread down -- is referring to stringing a bow, so what am I saying? When the Lord says he’s going to tread his church, he means that he’s going to bend it upwards. He’s going to make them into a spiritual man. So it’s not a promise of some horrible judgment, that he’s going to crush them and throw them into hell and torment them forever, it is a promise that says you’re in this condition because you’re carnal, and what I’m going to do is I’m not going to punish you forever, I’m going to change your nature so that you don’t have to stay in this condition, and I want to tell you, if you have received this doctrine of hell and damnation, you have surely received a lie, because my God is not such a weak God that he cannot change your mind if he wants to. He does not have to burn you in hell forever. He does not have to torture you or torment you, he will just plead with you with blood and pestilence until you change your mind and serve Him, and when you serve Him, you shall be a spiritual man, and He shall raise you up out of this realm of death and bring you into glory. He does not have to burn you in hell forever brethren. He is much too great a God to do that. Why would someone that has the spiritual strength to change your mind burn you in hell forever? You would have to be a demented God to do that, and Satan surely is a demented God of this world, and that is his doctrine -- eternal torment is the doctrine of Satan. It is the doctrine of the carnal minds of man. It is not the doctrine of the living God. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


And I want to tell you that the same carnal mind that says God will burn you in hell forever says that my God would never judge me because he’s a gentleman. I want to tell you that I spoke to someone on the phone the other night that has hopelessly backslidden into alcohol, did everything except say whoopee doo when they talked to me, and I had a word of wisdom for them. I said, you know, you can’t stop. God’s been pussy-footing with you for years. You’re OK for six months and then you drink for two. This time you’re drinking for seven months. You have proven you can’t do it with what he’s given you. Get ready, because a judgment’s about to fall on you that’s going to give you the strength to stop, and they said to me don’t you tell me that. Whoopee doo, like obvious in every word coming out of their mouth. They said don’t you tell me my God’s going to judge me. He’s a gentleman. I said, well, his being nice to you sure hasn’t helped you; this has gone on for years. And they said I prayed that no judgment’s going to fall on me. I think your prayers are that strong? They said yeah. I said you think your prayers are stronger than God? My God’s a gentleman, wouldn’t do it to me. I’m counting down. I’m counting down to their deliverance. But what amazes me is the mind of man. It amazes me. They pray and they pray and they pray and they pray, God, deliver me, and when he delivers them with blood and pestilence, they can’t believe it.


And the scripture clearly says get yourself in right order with God, receive whatever judgment he has for you with your agreement, because if you don’t, he’s coming without your agreement, and he’s going to climb up your wall like a thief, as we’re told in the book of [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. And enter into your windows, because you are his wife, and he is going to have you. And you can lock yourself in the bathroom for only so long, and your time’s up. Judgments are falling. Everywhere I look, judgments are falling. Glory to God. The judgments of God are merciful, but to the person that doesn’t expect them, they can be quite traumatic. Hallelujah, judgment is coming. Glory to God.


So the phrase that we’re dealing with is I shall tread them in mine anger, and of course, the King James translators would like you to think this is some horrible, devilish thing, but God is not the devil. God is glorious. I shall tread them in my anger. The word in is Strong’s -- in the Greek, it’s Strong’s 1722. There was no reference in the Hebrew. And this word refers to location, in the place of. And the word anger is Strong’s 639, and [UNINTELLIGIBLE] lexicon says that this word can also be translated double. Double? Anger? Double? Yes, another meaning for this word is double, and in 1 Samuel 1:5, this word, Strong’s 639, is translated as worthy portion, but the true translation is double portion. For whatever reason, the King James translators used the word worthy, but it’s double. He’s going to give them a double portion. Therefore, I shall lead them forth to the double portion.


They’re killing themselves as natural men in this world system. They can’t repent. They can’t get authority over their carnal minds. They can’t do it. They won’t return unto God, so he’s going to come down. He’s going to come down, the Lord from heaven, he’s going to meet them where they are because they can’t get up there where he is, and he’s going to give them the double portion. What double portion? They’re now going to be a spiritual man. They’re going to be a soul man and a spiritual man. He’s going to come down and meet them right where they are, and He’s going to become the head of the corner. He’s going to become the head of the soul man and give them the strength to overcome, because he’s going to overcome in them, and he’s going to whip this soul ruled by Satan right into shape, and he’s going to plead with them with blood and pestilence. Whether the carnal mind has its publicity campaign that God is a gentleman or not, he’s coming with judgment, and he’s bringing his soul into order, whether you believe it or not. Glory to God.


Therefore, I shall lead them forth to the double portion, and where is the double portion? It is in Christ, so let us say, therefore, I shall lead them forth to the soul of Christ. He’s going to separate them from Satan and their carnal mind and bring them safely into his soul life, which is already in submission to the Father, and where there is life. This is the journey that we are on. It’s typified by the Hebrews exodus from Egypt. You think you came out of the world when you had an experience with God? You have not come out of the world. The world is in your mind. You are joined to the world in every fiber of your being, every cell of your spiritual and physical being. And that natural man must be boiled as a sin offering so that our true nature can be released from him so that she [sic] can become diluted in Christ. Does anybody not understand that? OK.


And he’s also going to trample them in his fury. And trample them in my fury -- the word trample is Strong’s 7429, and it means to tread with the feet as a potter does clay. Now, we all know about that scripture in Jeremiah where he says -- the Lord says he’s the potter and we’re the clay. We’ve had a lot of teaching on that recently in the past few months, where every human vessel that dies, dies because it was not perfect and the Father has [UNINTELLIGIBLE], so we are being tread under the feet of the potter. This also means an oppressor. And I’m going to suggest to you that the Lord does oppress his people. He oppresses our sin-filled soul until it gets into the moral order. This is -- the correct moral order. This is the whole concept of tribulation. It means -- when we did a word study on the word tribulation, we found out that it meant to go down under, and what is happening is that the Lord Jesus Christ has come down from heaven, and he is forcing our Adamic soul to obey his criteria, his rules, his morality, his emotions. And a lot of people that come up against the spirit of God, they feel they’re being controlled, well, you are being controlled. God is a controlling force, you better believe it. He is not a gentleman. Don’t believe it. He is a righteous God, and he will control your unrighteousness. He will oppose your unrighteousness. He will interfere with it. He will hinder it. You are most certainly feeling controlled. You are correct. Glory to God.


So I suggest to you that the Lord Jesus Christ is an oppressor. Glory to God. However, he oppresses us by the agency of Satan, and I have a scriptural witness for you. John 4:2 says “When there-“ -- 4:2 and 4:3. “When therefore the Lord knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John, though Jesus himself baptized none. The scripture says Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John. They said Jesus did it. The scripture says Jesus did it, but the next verse says, well, he didn’t really do it, the disciples did it. I’m telling you, the Lord Jesus Christ is an oppressor, but he doesn’t really oppress you, Satan oppresses you, his faithful servant. Jesus is the destroyer. He is the angel of death of the Old Testament. He is a [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. He is a [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. He is everything, and a lot of what he does is by the agency of Satan, who stands or falls in accordance with the word of the Lord. Satan has no authority over you but that which the Lord has given him. And I remind you of the book of Job.


And trample them in my fury. So trample means to oppress. To squeeze into the image of the Lord, Jesus Christ. To force into the mind and emotions of the Lord Jesus Christ. You cannot be what you have been all of your life. You must change. Those of you who think you have now entered into a relationship with the Lord and you are about to start receiving wonderful gifts without changing, you are in for a big surprise. The gifts are truly yours, but you cannot stay wicked. You cannot stay fallen. You must enter into a process of changing, exchanging your old thoughts and emotions for the thoughts of the father and the emotions of the Lord Jesus Christ, which are righteous. Glory to God.


And trample them in my fury. The word fury is Strong’s 2534, and it also can be translated the warmth that comes from wine, and we know that wine typifies the spirit. It could be the spirit of God or the spirit of Satan, but we’re talking about spiritual things here, I suggest to you. And it also can be translated poison which burns the bowels. Poison which burns the bowels. And I really don’t want to get into it too much because it’s a little late, but I just want to remind you that we found out that Eve was proved to be adulterous, and when we go back to the lure of jealousies, which I believe is in the book of numbers, we find out that if a man wanted to prove whether or not his wife was adulterous, the priest gave her a potion to drink, and depending on what happened to her insides as a result of drinking that potion, we found out whether she was adulterous or not, and I suggest to you that the living soul is being fed this potion, and that her bowels or her reproductive parts are burning up. Glory to God. Hallelujah. And it’s also used of the poison of a scorpion, and for those of you that have been studying with us, you might know that the scorpions of Revelation 9 are the sons of God and that what they are destroying is this Adamic soul life that is filled with sin, that is destroying all of us.


And I will just briefly say here and I will just briefly remind you that what appears to be such blood and guts and destruction to the mind of the King James translators is, in fact, blood and guts and destruction, but it is the death of death. This whole world system is death. Everything here dies. And when it dies -- when death is killed, we shall enter into life. The death of death is life. So there is blood and guts and destruction coming against us, but when God destroys, life comes out of it. When man destroys, we just go down, down, down, down, down; but when God destroys sin and wickedness and evil and destruction and immorality, the results of it is that we get raised up in the power of his life. So all of this blood and guts and destruction, it is true, but not the way they’re saying it in the book. It’s not true that we’re destroyed or burned forever with little red freaks with pitchforks, with no saving grace coming out of it. Why would God punish you forever? His sole intention of punishing us is to bring forth righteousness in us, because the chastisement shall surely bring forth the peaceable fruit of righteousness. That is the promise of the scripture. To be burned in hell forever is the promise of Satan, and we know he’s a liar, although he would do it if he could.


  1. We’re almost finished. It’s been a little long tonight. I’m going to give you an Alternate Translation of Revelation 11:16 and 17. This is this -- this word translated fury is the equivalent of the Greek word translated wrath in Revelation 11:16 and 17, and when we studied those verses, we found out that this word wrath does not mean what the English word wrath means. The English word wrath is a wicked word. It includes murder and all kinds of horrible destruction, but we found out that in Revelation 11:16 and 17, it could be tra- -- it was translated the desire, the passionate lust that the Lord has for his wife that he likens to a bridegroom’s lust for his human wife. That’s our natural example to understand it, and the marriage bed is undefiled spiritually as well as in this realm of outer darkness.

Alternate Translation, Revelation 11, Verses 16 and 17. “And they bid Satan, the Spirit that ruled in their souls, and their souls that had been strengthened without repentance by the Holy Spirit to be their state of mind and hide them from the Christ.” The natural man is running from the Christ -- “and to hide them also from the desire of the father, which was reaching out for them.”


You see, the Father -- our God is a consuming fire, so when he reaches out for us, everything that’s in us that’s made out of wood starts to burn. What’s made out of wood? Our soul and our body. Everything except our human spirit is made out of wood, and the natural man is so frightened by this burning that’s coming towards him that he’s asking his own soul, which is ruled by Satan, to be his protector against Christ, which is ruled by the Father instead of joining with the Lord in judging his own soul. There is a small company that’s doing that, but the large majority of people in the church, when the trial -- when the fiery trial comes upon them, perceive it to be Satan in that they perceive it to be an unjustified assault upon their person. They don’t perceive it as a judgment of God -- as a corrective judgment of God, they perceive it as some demonic enemy that’s attacking them without good cause, and therefore, they will never repent.


But this word wrath can be translated, and I suggest to you in this scripture, both in Revelation 11 and in Isaiah 63, should be translated the passionate desire of the Lord for his wife. “For the mighty age” -- this is Verse 17 -- “For the mighty age of his reaching out for us has appeared, even Christ in you, the hope of glory, and who shall have the strength to separate himself from the carnal mind and stand up in spiritual power by entering into the soul life of Christ.” Glory to God.


You know that scripture in Ephesians 4 where it talks about all the armor and it says do all you can do to stand and then stand? Those are two different Greek words translated stand. So what is it saying? It’s saying do everything you can to prepare yourself and then stand up in full stature. Do it. Overcome your Adamic soul by the authority of Christ that has been given to you.


So we are dealing with the phrase in Isaiah 63:3 -- if I can find my place -- and I will -- and trample them in my fury. And we’re translating it “And oppress them because of my passion for my wife.” He’s going to oppress the sin-filled living soul who was running away from him. He’s going to oppress her and afflict her because he has a passion to be joined to her and to reconcile with her, and he is reconciling with her through oppression, through judgment. Why? Because when he’s nice to her, she won’t come back. It’s the same principal as saying if you don’t beat your children, you hate them. If you don’t correct your children, you hate them. It’s the same principle. Is he going to just let her go because she’s running away from him and will not come back and he knows that she’s running into disaster and destruction; and, in fact, we found out that as long as he leaves her to her own devices, she will remain in eternal torment. This world will go on forever until the Lord Jesus Christ -- or unless the Lord Jesus Christ intervenes and swallows it up and absorbs it into the age of his kingdom, and he is -- not only is he not burning you forever in hell, he is delivering you out of it -- the exact opposite. The carnal mind has it backwards. Glory to God.


So we translated that phrase -- “And oppress them because of my passion for my wife.” And I’ll put those two phrases together for you. “I will tread them in my anger and trample them in my fury. Therefore, I will lead them forth to the soul of Christ and oppress the many members of the living soul because of my passion for my wife.”


Now we’ve found many times in the scriptures that the scripture states events in the reverse order of the way man would see it happening, and that’s because the scripture is written from the realm of the spirit. I believe this is one of those instances, and I’m therefore placing the phrase “because of my passion for my wife” after the word therefore. The two phrases together sound like this -- “Therefore, because of my passion for my wife, I shall oppress the many members of the living soul and lead them forth to the soul of Christ.” “Therefore, because of my passion for my wife, I shall oppress the many members of the living soul and lead them forth to the safety which is in the soul of Christ.”


Alternate Translation, this is the first half of Isaiah 63:3. “I’m the only human being which has brought his Adamic soul into submission to the Father by overcoming her military strength, and each and every one of the people which are my companions is nothing in comparison to me. Therefore, because of my passion for my wife, I shall oppress the many members of the living soul and lead them forth to the soul of Christ.” Anybody have any questions tonight?


05/28/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion


05/30/14 1st Edit CAS






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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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