078 - Part 8
(Revelation 14)

Part 8 of 11 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



This is a continuation of the Harvest series but it’s taking a new turn. We’re going to be in the Book of Isaiah, chapter 63, where we find six verses in which the wine press is mentioned. We’re going to be doing a word-by-word study of these six verses to see what the Lord has said to us about the judgment of the wine press in the Old Testament.


Glory to God.


Before I start that, I would like to read the alternate translations of Revelation 14:16-20 from our previous studies.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: Revelation 14:16-20: And the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ appeared in the Adamic minds of the natural men who were called to be the firstfruits of the second generation of sons and He cut down and destroyed their Adamic souls and the firstfruits of the second generation of sons became spiritual men under the complete and total authority of the glorified mind of Jesus Christ. And the Lord Jesus Christ appeared in His glorified soul and His righteous mind was firmly controlling, protecting and preserving the firstfruits of the second generation of sons from the Adamic emotions and Satan’s unrighteous thoughts. And those who had become spiritual men were violently and verbally rejecting their Adamic emotions and Satan’s spiritual authority over their thoughts and they were furiously determined to live by the emotions of Jesus Christ and the righteous thoughts of the Father and they were saying to Jesus: Let Your emotions and the Father’s righteous thoughts prepare and strengthen us for the fiery trials which shall separate us from our Adamic souls now that Christ is mature enough to keep us alive in this world system. And the glorified soul of Jesus Christ appeared as the unconscious mind of the firstfruits of the second generation of sons and because of His strong desire to save the living soul He forcibly hurled Himself into the crushing judgment which is separating the second generation of sons from their carnal minds and the glorified soul of Jesus Christ cast Himself into the lake of fire and Adam and Satan were devoured. And the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the second generation of sons were crushed in the lake of fire and the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ flowed out and spread abroad to the other areas of their spiritual being and Christ covered over Adam, the conscious mind of the Adamic soul, which is death, and Satan, the unconscious mind of the Adamic soul, which is Hell, even this world system where we strive to attain the prize which is the fullness of Christ. And the firstfruits of the second generation of sons became one with and appeared in the glorified soul of Jesus Christ which had authority over Satan. And the second generation of Christ flowed down into Hell and became the undisputed authority over this world system and the law which rules it.


Christ is the name of the many-membered second generation of sons which is governed by the glorified soul of Jesus Christ which is governed by the Father. The joining of the Father and the two generations of Christ in one body is the fulfillment of John 17:22-23, which reads: That they may be one even as We are one, I in them and Thou in Me, that they may be made perfect in one and that the world may know that Thou hast sent Me and hast loved them as Thou hast loved Me.


I remind you, however, that Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and man. I would like to review the false concept of the trinity with you. In case I didn’t make it clear, I’m associating the concept of the Father and Jesus Christ and the second generation of sons with the concept of the trinity. What I’m suggesting to you is that the Father, Jesus Christ and the second generation of sons are not three different persons or three different groups. They are not. There are only two. There is no trinity. There is only the Father and the Son. I’m going to review that for you. God willing.


We have the Father, and we have Jesus Christ, and we have Christ Jesus, the second generation of sons. Jesus Christ can manifest either as the Father or as Christ Jesus, the Son. Jesus Christ can manifest either as spirit or as soul. When Jesus Christ is manifesting as spirit He is the Father. When He is manifesting as soul He is Christ Jesus, the many-membered body of Christ. I know the Lord forgives me but the way I express it is that Jesus Christ goes both ways. There’s a vulgar meaning to that in this world system, but it’s the truth. Jesus Christ goes both ways. He is spirit and He is soul, and depending on how He is appearing to you in that moment, He is either the Father or the Son.


The man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, was crucified. He was raised from the dead. He ascended up to the right hand of the Father. That man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, no longer exists. The spiritual life that was raised from the dead exists. He is a spiritual being -- a superior, resurrected, incorruptible being who can appear either as a spirit or as a soul. When He appears as the spirit sometimes He is called the Holy Spirit. Sometimes He is called the Father. Sometimes He is called the Spirit of Christ. Sometimes He’s called the Spirit of Truth. But when He appears in the realm of the soul He appears in a many-membered company called Christ Jesus. The soul and the body of the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth no longer exists. When the spiritual man who was the only mediator between God and man appears as a soul He must appear in another soul. The soul of the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth was destroyed. The spiritual life of the glorified Son of God swallowed Him up. So when He wants to appear in this world system He has to appear in your soul and your body or in my soul and my body or in the soul and body of one of the members of the many-membered body of Christ, whose name is Christ Jesus.


This man Jesus Christ, the only mediator between God and man, this spiritual, glorified man, the Lord Jesus Christ can take two forms. And while He takes the form of the Father there’s no difference between the Father and Jesus Christ. They’re one. When Jesus Christ ascended up to the right hand of the Father He became spirit again. If you take a glass of water and you pour it in a glass of water you have water. When Jesus Christ is the Father He’s the Father. And when Jesus Christ is manifesting as the Son, He’s manifesting as the Son. So there are not three persons. There are not three persons. There is no trinity. That is a Roman Catholic doctrine and an error.


Glory to God.


And the scripture that we just read in John 17 says: That they may be one even as we are one. That who may be one? That the many members of the body of Christ may be one. I hear a lot about unity in the church but there’s a big misunderstanding. Many people don’t understand that there’s no unity in Adam. Adam is divided. Adam is dispersed. All division, all strife, all contention is in Adam. All union, all joining is between the spirit of Christ in you and the spirit of Christ in me. When we are one with each other we are one with the head, which is the spirit of Jesus Christ, which is the Father in the minds of every one of us. If there is strife and contention, if an issue is irreconcilable, somebody is in their Adamic mind. If you have three people that are reconciling and one that won’t, it’s pretty obvious who is in their Adamic mind.


Glory to God.


Does anybody have a question on this? Anybody?


            Why do you call Christ Jesus -- in that instance, why is it Christ Jesus?


When you read the scripture, if you just ask the Lord to show it to you, you’ll see that in some places the scripture says Jesus Christ and sometimes it says Christ Jesus. Some people think that’s just an accident; that it goes backwards and forwards. But it’s not an accident. That’s the way the scripture was written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and if you examine the scriptures and the intent of that scripture where it says Christ Jesus, you’ll see that it’s referring to the many-membered body of Christ that is being born right now. If you examine the scriptures that say Jesus Christ, you’ll see that consistently it’s referring to the man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth if it doesn’t say the spirit of Jesus Christ, which would mean His glorified spirit.


And there is a scripture that talks about Jesus alone and that has significance too. Jesus alone means the man Jesus. A lot of people get very messed up and they get into all kinds of doctrinal arguments. You have to understand that the scripture isn’t frivolous. It’s not careless. If there’s a difference or a reversal of words, it means something.


Did I answer you? OK.


Glory to God.


We have another witness in Isaiah 63:1-6 that Jesus or the spirit of Jesus Christ is the one treading the wine press of Revelation 14, and that the wrath of God, which leads Him to tread it, is associated with redemption. Now the carnal mind in all of the eternal Hell and damnation people would like you to believe that God is burning people in Hell forever or that He’s crushing them sadistically in some wine press. That their blood will flow out and there will be so much blood in the streets that it will be several feet high. That it will be a river of blood that will be as high as the bridles of a horse. This is a doctrine right out of the pit of Hell, which is the mind of the natural man. Our God is a merciful, loving God who does not destroy for the sake of destroying, who does not take any pleasure in your destruction, but who will bring severe judgment upon you if you find yourself unable to repent. He will plead with you with blood and pestilence and hard times and fiery trials until you do repent. When you do repent His mercy and His life shall appear in you and He shall be glorified in you and you shall be an obedient servant.


I’m going to read the first six verses of Isaiah 63 to you and tonight, Lord willing, we’re going to do the first two of them. Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? This that is glorious in his apparel, travelling in the greatness of his strength? I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel, and thy garments like him that treadeth in the winefat? I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the people there was none with me: for I will tread them in mine anger, and trample them in my fury; and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my raiment. For the day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the year of my redeemed is come. And I looked, and there was none to help; and I wondered that there was none to uphold: therefore mine own arm brought salvation unto me; and my fury, it upheld me. And I will tread down the people in mine anger, and make them drunk in my fury, and I will bring down their strength to the earth.


So the carnal mind of man -- and the Hell and damnation people will tell you that God is destroying this world and He’s throwing the people in Hell forever and He’s going to send some little demons with pitchforks and fire to burn them and torture them without end. I declare to you that this is the sadistic mind of Adam. That God could not even conceive of such a wickedness but that God loves His people with an everlasting love that is surely strong enough to deliver them from whatever destruction is in their own minds. That He’s bringing this condition of Hell upon them right here in this life now. Let me tell you something. To be subject to a demonized mind and have no control over it is a manifestation of Hell. Why? The demons with the pitchforks and the fire, they’re right inside of you, burning you, torturing you, tormenting you, destroying your relationships, destroying your life, causing you to lose your jobs. That’s it. That is Hell.


Glory to God.


And we found out, not in the last message but in two messages ago, when we did an alternate translation on Mark 9 that this world will never come to an end because of the judgment that’s falling down. I used to think, and I’ve preached it that this world is about to self-destruct. We found out in Mark 9 that that is not true; that this world is eternal torment. It is eternal torment in the flesh. And that it will never self-destruct. But because God is a merciful God He will bring it to an end. He will cut it short in righteousness. He will end it by bringing His law and His rulership down here into the valley of the shadow of death. He will put an end to the spiritual burnings by delivering us, by delivering our minds out of the grip of sin.


Hallelujah. Glory to God.


I don’t think any Bible scholar would deny that the above verses are dealing with the relationship between God and His wife. The reference books that I looked in as I was studying this, they all indicated, especially with verse 1, that this is Christ. I agree that the beginning of it is talking about Christ. But when I researched this and I looked up every word in the Hebrew, I found out that this verse number 1 is talking in the first phrase about Christ, in the second phrase about His wife, the living soul, in the third phrase talking about Leviathan, and in the fourth phrase is talking about Jesus Christ again.


I will read verse 1 of Isaiah 63 to you again, and I’m going to show you how I came to that conclusion and I hope that you can be blessed by it. Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? This that is glorious in his apparel, travelling in the greatness of his strength? I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save.


I want to remind you that the men who translated the Holy Scriptures from the Hebrew and the Aramaic and from the Greek were men who were not particularly spiritual men. They were probably nominal Christians of the day, Anglican, not particularly spirit-filled, with their minds laced with the Hellish doctrines that came out of Rome. And they translated these scriptures in accordance with their revelation. As I’ve explained to you many times, both in English and other languages, every word has many definitions. When I get these alternate translations I have to pray about which definition to take. And tonight when we get to verse 2, I almost had a wrong translation there. But I knew something just wasn’t right. I prayed. I said Lord, what does this mean? And He showed it to me. So we have a Bible that has many good things in it when it talks in the New Testament about faith and there’s a lot of wisdom in the Proverbs and in the Psalms. We can learn from it. But as to the actual message which declares God’s plan, God’s message to His people of salvation, of what has happened to us and what is happening to us now and what will happen to us in the future, that message is lost. It’s lost because the translators had no concept of it. But their mind was overshadowed with the carnal mind that believes this doctrine of eternal torment.


I’ll put it on this message again because I never know when someone’s just going to pick up a single message. The translator’s license that I take is perfectly legitimate. I’m doing the same thing that any other Bible scholar. I’m doing the same thing that the King James translators did. I’m looking up in the lexicons and I’m choosing a legitimate translation of each word. I haven’t changed one work in these scriptures. Just, in some instances, I’ve chosen other translations as the Lord leads me. You have to pray and say yea or nay. I ask you to not be one of the children in the church today that are so frightened because I’m saying something different that they won’t even pray about it. Surely the Lord will answer your prayer for truth.


Glory to God.


Who is this that cometh from Edom? The word cometh can be translated -- it’s Strong’s 935 -- and it can be translated to have intercourse or dwell with a wife, to be married. You know, sometimes I can’t believe what I read. I look up the word; I check the numbers on the words two and three times. But that’s what this word means. It can be translated to have intercourse or dwell with a wife or to be married. Who is this that cometh from Edom? The word from -- when I looked it up I found that it doesn’t appear in the Hebrew and that happens frequently with simple words. Strong’s doesn’t waste the room in his concordance to put in both the Greek and the Hebrew because it means the same thing in both languages. So my definition is in the Greek Lexicon, 575, and it means separation from, the separation of a part from the whole. There was a whole and a piece broke off from it. The Father and the Son were one and there was a separation. Now they were two. Who is this that cometh from Edom? Who was this one that married the one that broke off from Him? The word Edom -- I didn’t look it up in the Hebrew because I know -- you could check this out if you want -- that Edom is the land of the Ishmaelites and the Ishmaelites are the descendants of Esau who is a type of the flesh man. Esau was the ancestor of the flesh men. Jacob, of course, is the ancestor of the spiritual men.


So what have we got here so far? Who is this that cometh from Edom? Who is this that is separated from and married to the flesh? Who is this that broke a piece of himself off, made flesh out of it and is now married to it?


The word with is not in the original Hebrew. Dyed garments from Bozrah. The word dyed is 2556 and there are several meanings. We’re told in Gesenius’ Lexicon that as to color, it means dazzling red. As to taste, it means sour, vinegar, leavened bread. And we know that leavened bread typifying sin. As to the mind, it means violent, unjust, unrighteous, injurious. Dyed garments that are unrighteous and injurious. The word garments is 899 and it means a covering or clothing. It also means treachery or pillage. We’ve discussed it many times. You may recall that a garment is another way of expressing one’s wife. In the Hebrew language there is an idiom, there is an expression in the Hebrew language which says when a man covers himself with a garment he has taken a wife. Or when he takes a wife it’s expressed he has covered himself with a garment.


So this man has a garment or he has a wife that’s treacherous. And they come from Bozrah. Bozrah is Strong’s 1224. It is a place in Edom that was famous for its dyed garments. I’m asking you to remember the recent teaching we’ve had here on the human spirit being dyed or stained in every cell of her being with Satan. We also found in other studies that the scarlet-colored beast of Revelation 17:3 is dyed red. When you look up that word scarlet in the Greek it means to be dyed red. That beast of Revelation 17 is the Adamic soul which is now ruled by Eve who is joined to or dyed by the very personality of Satan. Both Eve and Adam are dyed or stained or penetrated with the very spiritual being of Satan which is sin.


I have an alternate translation for you for the first quarter of Isaiah 63:1: Who is this that cometh from Edom with dyed garments from Bozrah? Who is this one who was separated from his flesh, his unrighteous, violent and treacherous sin-stained wife? Who is this one who is separated from his flesh, his unrighteous, violent and treacherous sin-stained wife? We’re going to put the phrase his flesh at the end of the phrase just for clarity’s sake. It makes it clearer that way. Who is this one who was separated from his unjust, violent and treacherous sin-stained wife which is his flesh? I’ll read it again. Who is this one who was separated from his unjust, violent and treacherous sin-stained wife which is his flesh?


The Lord is telling me at this time to review with you who His flesh is. The flesh of the Lord is mankind. Mankind is made out of the very substance of God. The Lamb was slain from the foundation of the earth and He was made into the natural man. He became poor so that we could become rich. He gave up His spiritual authority so that we could come into existence. And for a season that which He became, the wife, the female element of His being, lost its power.


I’m not preaching pantheism. Nothing is alive unless Christ is in it. Pantheism teaches that God is in everything, therefore the tree is equal to the natural man is equal to the spiritual man. That is not what I’m preaching. But the flesh man -- the flesh man which surrounds the spiritual man -- is made out of the spiritual man. He broke a piece of Himself off and its now in another form. This whole creation is made out of the spirit of Christ. It’s in another form. But it’s not equal to the glorified Son of God who was crucified and raised from the dead and glorified.


Does anybody not know what I’m talking about? OK.


Glory to God.


Please note that this first phrase is talking about Jesus. We’re going on with the second phrase which I hope to convince you is talking about the living soul, His wife or His flesh. This or this one that is glorious in his apparel. The word glorious, believe it or not, means to swell up. It means to swell up. It means to be proud. It could mean to be proud or to swell up. We know that when you’re proud you stick your chest out. But it can also mean to actually swell up. I want to remind you that Eve swelled up or became pregnant as a result of her adultery with Satan. We go into this on message 60, part 4. The scripture speaks of Israel’s pride in many places. This scripture is so odd. What am I saying? This scripture can be talking about Israel’s pride or the church’s pride or it can also be taken in a more spiritual way, saying that the living soul swelled up. She became pregnant when she committed spiritual adultery with the serpent in the garden which is
Satan. This scripture is speaking about the spiritual adultery and the pride of God’s garment -- Israel under the Old Covenant and the church under the New Covenant.


This one that is glorious in His apparel. The Hebrew word translated -- there was no record of it. I had to go into the Greek. It’s the Greek 1722 and Thayer says in paragraph 4D at page 1722 -- this is what he says -- now this word in can be translated or used of the instrument or means by or with which anything is accomplished. Thayer goes on to say that this usage of the word in is much more common in the Hebrew language than in the Greek. Let me say that for you again. This word in, especially in the Hebrew, can be translated to mean of the instrument or means by or with which anything is accomplished. It doesn’t necessarily mean within or inside. It can mean by means of or by the agency of.


We’re dealing with this one that is glorious in his apparel. The word his is a pronoun that can also be translated her. We have to determine by the phrase or the verse whether it’s his or her. That’s translator’s license and we’re going to change it to her. The word apparel is Strong’s 3830 and it means clothing. I can also mean a spouse or a wife. And Gesenius says -- I mentioned this to you earlier -- that the phrase to put on a garment can be translated to lie with a woman. This is the Hebrew idiom. This word translated apparel -- Strong’s 3830 -- appears in Job 41:6 as covering. It’s translated as covering in Job 41:6. Green’s Interlinear Bible, speaking about Leviathan, says who can take off the face of his covering. Job 41:6, it’s talking about Leviathan and this is the phrase -- who can take off the face of his covering. This is the same word that’s translated apparel. The covering of the spirit is the soul. The face of the covering or the part which turns towards the realm of appearance is the carnal mind or human personality. Revelation 13:14 tells us about the image of the beast or the personality of the beast. We can also say the face of the beast. This subject can be reviewed on message 70, parts 1 and 2. Leviathan is the mystical name the scripture has given to the fallen Adamic soul. He is the beast of Revelation which is ruled by Satan, who was being revealed in this realm of appearance through Eve and her illegitimate child, the carnal mind.


What am I saying? I’m suggesting to you then that this phrase -- this one that is glorious in his apparel -- is describing the living soul’s adulterous impregnation by Satan. But we have a problem here. The Hebrew word translated this, meaning this one -- remember, I said this one that is glorious -- is Strong’s 2088 and it is clearly the male demonstrative pronoun which can be translated this or that. So how can I tell you that this could be the living soul? I asked the Lord that question. This is what He showed me.


Glory to God.


As I continued to pray on this and research it, the Lord showed me that the very next word in Strong’s -- now this word translated this or that, which is male -- it’s number 2088. And the very next word, 2089, has the same exact spelling as 2088. If you’ve been studying with me for a while you know that we run into this all of the time. That the writers of the lexicons cannot believe the variation of the meanings of the word in the Hebrew language and frequently they can mean exact opposites, depending on the context of the verse. So the writers of the lexicon, sometimes they can’t deal with it so they separate the words that are negative from the words that are positive and they give them two different numbers in Strong’s. But when you look at it it’s the same exact word and when I look at Strong’s for the pronunciation it’s the same exact pronunciation. It’s the same exact word.


This word, which the King James translates this one is the very same word as the following word in Strong’s, 2089, which means sheep. It means sheep or lamb. The word sheep identifies this one as an animal. It’s not a this one. It’s a this sheep. Who is this sheep that is glorious in his apparel? Well, to the King James translators that was ridiculous. So they said who was this one. But I’m going to translate who is this sheep.


Glory to God.


And we know from Romans 8:19 that the creation is a creature. God’s creation is a creature. We also found out in our study of Daniel 7:9, which is on message 71, part 4, that this creature is not only a sheep but the very animal life which the Lord Jesus Christ has been joined to or married to for the life of the ages. I used the wrong tense there. I should really say is being joined to or married to for the life of the ages. It has not been completed yet. The joining has started but it has not been completed yet. This joining has already taken 2,000 years and it’s still not complete. The scripture clearly states that one day with God is a thousand years to man. In view of the forgoing, then, I suggest to you that the phrase this that is glorious in his apparel is speaking about God’s wife, the living soul, who is a sheep, spiritually speaking. Her spiritual symbol is sheep.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: Second quarter of Isaiah 63:1: That one who is pregnant because of the beast -- I want to go over that with you again. That one or that woman or that female animal who is pregnant because of the beast. I just want to remind you -- this is a very difficult study -- but I want to remind you that the word that’s translated glorious in the King James can be translated to swell up or to be pregnant.


Glory to God.


And the word translated apparel can mean to take a wife.


Glory to God.


If you have to listen to the message again just roll it back. But it’s really very clear if you take it slowly. The alternate translation of the second quarter of Isaiah 63:1 can be: That woman who was pregnant because of the beast. Of course, the word in we are translating because of or by means of. So we see that the first phrase of Isaiah 63:1 was referring to Jesus, the spirit of Jesus Christ. The second phrase is referring to his wife, the living soul.


We are now going on with the third phrase which reads: Traveling in the greatness of his strength. This woman was traveling in the greatness of his strength. I remind you that Bible scholars associate this entire verse with Jesus. I’m suggesting to you that this phrase is referring to Leviathan, which is the beast. The word translated traveling identifies the existence or the life style spoken about as an earthy one. It’s on the ground. I’m suggesting to you that it’s referring to life or existence in this soul realm. Traveling in the greatness of his strength. The word in can also be translated within or inside of and the word greatness is Strong’s 7230. It can be translated a multitude of people. This word, 7230, greatness, can be translated a multitude of people. It’s a different word that I have a witness on. This word 7230, translated greatness, can be translated multitude of people. Traveling in the greatness of his strength. The word strength is 3581 and it’s used of the strength of Leviathan in Job 39:11. And it’s used of a large lizard in Leviticus 11:30. So we see a Hebrew word here that has two witnesses to being used to describe an unpleasant animal. Most Bible scholars would tell us that this word refers to the Lord Jesus Christ. But of course they would choose another definition of the word. I’m suggesting to you that this word in this verse refers to Leviathan or the beast, which is fallen humanity.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: Third quarter of Isaiah 63:1: The one who is existing in this soul realm inside of the multitude of human beings which have been generated by Leviathan. The one who’s traveling in the greatness of his strength. Traveling -- stepping through life, the soul life. Greatness -- many people. Strength -- spiritual authority of Leviathan. The one who was existing in this soul realm inside of the multitude of human beings which have been generated by Leviathan. Or we can say the one who was dwelling inside of the multitude of human beings which have been generated by Leviathan. Or we can say the beast which is dwelling inside of the multitude of human beings which he has generated. The beast which is dwelling inside of the multitude of human beings which he has generated.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: First to third quarter of Isaiah 63:1: Who is this one who is separated from his unrighteous, violent and treacherous sin-stained wife which is his flesh? That woman who is pregnant because of the beast which is dwelling within the multitude of human beings which he has generated. Heavy, huh?


Glory to God.


I’d like to read it again. Who is this one who is separated from his unrighteous, violent and treacherous sin-stained wife which is his flesh? Even that woman who is pregnant because of the beast which is dwelling within the multitude of human beings which he has generated. Please note that the third phrase of Isaiah 63:1 refers to the living soul’s adulterous lover and that this adultery has been committed incestuously within her own soul. The living soul fertilized itself. Now, we have a natural type of homosexuality in this world. We see men with men and we see women with women but, in this world, because we’re a fallen creation, that abomination, that perversion, that confusion has no authority to impregnate a woman. But we’re told that when incest takes place in a higher spiritual realm, fertilization can take place. And in fact, did take place. That is how the creation fell. Eve, the spiritual seed of God which is likened to a woman’s ovum was waiting to be fertilized by Almighty God and bring forth the Christ, which would have given her the life of God, perfection for the life of the ages in this realm of appearance. But she was fertilized by a homosexual incestuous experience that occurred from within the creation and produced the fruit of that abomination, which is the carnal mind. We are the result of it and, as we have been teaching for these last few meetings, the problem that we have is this -- we are not this body, nor are we of this personality. We are the spiritual seed of God that joined to the wrong male spirit. In fact, she joined to her own soul. It wasn’t a male spirit. A part of her female being rose up and took on a male role. She became a lesbian but because of where she was spiritually in this high realm, she conceived.


Does anybody not know what I’m talking about?


And she brought forth this fallen creation so our true reality, the seed of God, the female seed of God, the scripture has taught us, has been so penetrated by Satan that the scripture describes it as being stained by him - stained by her. She’s completely joined with him and to him in every fiber and cell of her being. She is joined so completely that not only would others look at her, but when we look at ourselves, unless we’ve had a very large amount of deliverance, we see Satan and we think that that’s who we are. We think that’s who we are. That is not us. In this hour what the Lord Jesus Christ announces to His church, all sins are forgiven. Come and be cleansed. He’s saying come and be separated from Satan, be joined to me and bring forth my child, and we’re going to start all over again. He knows who we are. It’s a very rare human being that knows who he is. We all think we’re Satan. We think we’re this personality that is wicked and evil and destructive, but that is not us. We must become disjoined from our adulterous illegal husband who is utterly coloring every thought that we think. And what we think we say. And what we say we do. Amen. Amen.


Glory to God.


Continuing with the fourth phrase of the first verse of Isaiah 63: I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. Referring to the Lord Jesus Christ. The word speak is Strong’s 1696 and it means to set in a row, ranging in order. This word used to really confuse me years ago when I first started to study. The Lord finally showed me what it means and we talk about it in a little depth on message 19, where the Lord revealed that the original meaning of this word, to speak, it really means to speak with a spiritual authority which would result in the molecules lining up in the necessary order to form the thing which was spoken of. The word speak goes back to a time when man had the ability to speak and it happened. We didn’t have to build a house or a chair. We were in such a high spiritual authority that we would say table and the molecules of the universe would come together and there would be a table. When the scripture says no labor in the next age, this is what it’s talking about. Our words will have such spiritual authority that whatever we need will form in a direct response to what we speak. Do you understand what I’m saying? That is how there will be no labor.


Glory to God.


This word I that speak in righteousness, the word speak is referring to someone who has the spiritual authority to speak and see it happen. And that I suggest to you is the Lord Jesus Christ. I’d like to put this comment in right now. We’ve been studying the scriptures in the original language for many years now. I want to tell you that when a word refers to the Lord Jesus Christ - I have never seen a word refer to the Lord Jesus Christ where an alternate meaning could mean lizard or Leviathan. I’ve never found a word where there was a choice. The only exception being in our studies in Daniel 7, for example, where it talks about the little horn being a vile person. We found several words in that study where there really were negative words but we did find other witnesses that, when they refer to the Lord Jesus Christ, they were ascended. They were ascended. For example, the word that says he’s a vile person. I may have the wrong scripture there. It may not be Daniel 7.


But when the scripture says he was a vile person or proud person, we find that any quality in man, when it’s attributed to the Lord Jesus Christ, it becomes righteous. So the expression in Daniel 7 was: He was speaking proud things. But we found out in our study in Daniel 7 that what He was speaking about was the kingdom of God and the glorious things that are waiting for men. Redemption and resurrection and glory -- those are the proud things that He was speaking of. But it was not pride as man knows pride. It was pride as God was speaking the greatness of what His Father has done for us. But I’ve never seen a word describing the Lord Jesus Christ that has an alternate translation of lizard. I’ve never seen it.


We’re dealing with the phrase I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. The word righteousness means righteousness. The word mighty, 7227, is a word that is used to describe collectives which have many parts. What that means -- it’s a single word but it’s describing something that has many parts. This Hebrew word is used to describe, for example, the many-membered tribe of Joseph in Joshua 17:14. I’ll read it for you: And the children of Joseph spake unto Joshua, saying why hast thou given me but one lot and one portion to inherit, seeing I am a great people? Joshua said he’s a great people. This word great is the same Hebrew word translated mighty in Isaiah 63:1. And he said he’s a great people. He’s a great many-membered tribe. I’m suggesting to you that the word mighty in the phrase we’re dealing with is used to describe the many-membered living soul. And the phrase is: I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. The word save is Strong’s 3467. It means what it says -- to save, to set free, to preserve, to aid, to give victory.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: Fourth quarter of Isaiah 63:1: It is I, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is saving the living soul from death by arranging each of her many members in the correct moral order. It is I, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is saving the living soul from death by arranging each of her many members in the correct moral order.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: Isaiah 63:1: Who is this one that is separated from his unrighteous, violent and treacherous sin-stained wife which is his flesh? That woman who was pregnant because of the beast which is dwelling within the multitude of human beings which she has generated. It is I, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is saving the living soul from death by arranging her many members in the correct moral order.


We hear about that woman again in chapter 17 of the Book of Revelation, verses 3-5. Read as follows: And I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet-colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and 10 horns and the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication and upon her forehead was a name written, mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth.


I’m not going to take too much time on this. I’m just going to comment on it very lightly. And I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet-colored beast. Now that’s the beast that’s dyed with Satan’s personality and this is referring to the entire creation. Satan, Adam and Eve were all present. We see that she’s arrayed in purple and scarlet color and she’s decked with gold and precious stones and pearls. She looks like she’s royalty and of course the Lord Jesus Christ is royalty. This is suggesting that, to those that don’t have eyes to see, those that could be deceived, she looks like she’s the real thing. In fact, we have a lot of people, even Christians, on the earth today saying we are in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are not in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are a fallen creation. We are in the image of Satan. So we see that the living soul will try -- if ever you hear anybody, whether they call themselves a Christian or not, if they’re telling you that we are in the image of Jesus Christ, you know you’re listening to their carnal mind, because the Lord would never say that. It’s a lie.


We know now that what the living soul does is that she tries to pass herself off as the Lord Jesus Christ and, as we’re going to find out in the next verse, of verse 2 of Isaiah 63, she is in fact trying to pass herself off as a spiritual man. She has conceived by incestuous lesbianism and she is female and her offspring is female and the whole creation is female and she is trying to convince everyone who will be convinced that she is a spiritual male. She has taken on a male role. She is doing what men do. But she is doing it imperfectly and the whole creation is dying. What does a man do? A man generates children. He begets children. She has begotten children -- the many members of the human race that are suffering and dying. Sometimes physically deformed, sometimes emotionally deformed.


Glory to God.


And she has a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication. I suggest to you that that golden cup is the creation. It’s the creation and it’s not filled with the life of God but it’s filled with abominations and filthiness of her fornication, which is the offspring of her fornication, which is what? The carnal mind. And upon her forehead was a name written, mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots, the Abominations of the Earth. I remind you that Eve is the mother of all living. We are not alive, brethren. We are dead. Eve is the mother of all living when she is joined to Christ. When she is joined to Satan she is the mother of all the harlots and who are all the harlots? They are all the many members of the living soul that are fornicating with Satan and with their own carnal mind and with everyone else’s carnal mind that comes along. They’re producing all the names of blasphemy which is all the unclean spirits and all the unclean human beings including all of the demons, etc. etc. etc.


Continuing with Isaiah 63:2: Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel and thy garments like him that treadeth in the winefat. Green’s Interlinear text translates Isaiah 63:2 as: Who knows why is red your clothing and your garments like one treading in the winepress? I’m suggesting to you that verse 2 in good English should read: Why is Adam, who is your clothing and your garments, like one treading in the wine press? Let me say that again. Green’s Interlinear text translates Isaiah 63:2 as: Who knows why is red your clothing and your garments like one treading in the winepress? I’m suggesting to you that verse 2 should read: Why is Adam, your clothing and your garments, like one treading in the wine press?


You will recall that we discussed in the earlier part of this message that to be one’s clothing and/or garments refers one’s wife or one’s covering. Starting with: Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel and they garments. So as you can see, I’ve taken a few words from the second phrase of verse 2 and made them a part of the first phrase of verse 2. Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel and they garments? Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel. The word wherefore is Strong’s 4069 and it means why or why is. The words art thou are not in the original Hebrew. The word red is Strong’s 122, and it is the word Adam, like in the creation, Adam, our original ancestor. Now this word Adam is a transliteration of the Hebrew word 'âdôm.


Let me review for you the difference between translation and transliteration. A translation of a word is the equivalent of that word in another language. If we have a Spanish word muchacha and I tell you in English that means girl we have a translation. A transliteration is when we take a word in a language and there is no equivalent in another language. There is no equivalent. What we do is we take the word from the foreign language and make it a part of our language. For example, in Spanish there was no word for computer. So when computers became popular the Spanish language adopted the English word computer and made it -- gave it a Spanish accent and called it computadora. OK? That is a transliteration. They made it female. That’s the difference between a translation and a transliteration.


When the King James translators saw the word 'âdôm they didn’t know what it meant because all that it meant was red earth -- earth that had red in it. So they didn’t translate it. There was no equivalent word in the English. They weren’t going to call it red earth. So they made it a proper noun, the name of a man, and they carried it over. They transliterated it into the English and said this word is Adam in the English and they made it the name of a man. But it’s really the name of God’s creation -- the earth that God created. That’s what it is. Red earth that God created.


When we find this word Adam in this phrase, wherefore art thou red in thine apparel, it really means -- it’s talking about Adam. We’re going to really have to find out what’s going on here.


Glory to God.


I just want to say one more time that this -- let me put this in. In the Hebrew, this word Adam, it’s not necessarily masculine. It’s a word that means the red earth. It’s just the King James translators saw it was God’s creation and they made a man out of him. But God didn’t say he was a man. God said he was Adam. That’s what God said. So it’s not masculine in the Hebrew and merely speaks of the color of the soil out of which Adam was formed.


Glory to God.


It’s the name that God gave to His wife. What I’m trying to suggest to you is that Adam is not male. In relationship to God he’s female and this whole creation is female. And the carnal mind of man once again manifested in the King James translators and gave the creation a male name. This woman wants to be a man. She doesn’t want to admit that she’s God’s wife. She wants to be God and she wants to be a man and she wants to do what men do and she is in fact doing what men do and she’s doing it very badly and she’s killing all of us.




Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel? The word end is not in the original Hebrew. And the word thine is not a separate word in the Hebrew. The Hebrew word translated garments is 899, meaning covering or clothing, treachery or pillage, and this is the same Hebrew word translated garments in verse 1, where we associated it with the wife of the Lord Jesus Christ -- the treacherous, dangerous wife of the Lord Jesus Christ. And I remind you that in the Hebrew idiom and also in many of the Arabic languages the way one expresses taking a wife is that he has covered himself.


Glory to God.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: First half of Isaiah 63:2: Why is Adam, who is your treacherous wife and the one that you have already been intimate with. You see, the King James Version makes verse 2 in two clauses, but I’m suggesting to you, as I said earlier, that it’s really just one clause that should flow right through so we’re stopping in the middle of the clause. Why is Adam, the treacherous wife that you’ve been intimate with? Why is she treading the grapes? Why is she crushing the grapes? Why is she acting like a man?


The second phrase: And thy garments like him that treadeth in the winefat. And they garments like him. Like him. Green’s Interlinear text says: Like one. I’m suggesting to you that the sex is not obvious whether it’s a him or a her. The King James translators just put that in and we’re going to say her. We’re going to say that this is the Lord’s wife, the living soul. And they garments like her that treadeth in the wine press. The word treadeth is Strong’s 1869 and it merely means to walk or to tread. The word winefat, 1660, means wine press. What is this saying? Why is your covering or why is your treacherous covering, which is your wife, why does she look like one that treadeth in the winefat -- in the wine press? What happens to someone that treads the grapes? They get red. But even more than that, I want to suggest to you something here. We see in the Old Testament that -- this is an Old Testament witness -- the wine press is the judgment of God.


I want to suggest to you that the execution of judgment is something that a man does. In the Old Testament women never went to war. The only time a woman executed a judgment in the Old Testament was in the rare occasion when she was a prophetess and the Lord put His spirit upon her to anoint her to do it. God could always break His own rules. In that event, she was a spiritual male. Women do not execute judgment. I’m going to suggest to you that this verse is saying why is your wife executing judgment? And why is his treacherous wife appearing in this world system like one who treads the wine press? Or we can say: And why is his treacherous wife appearing in this world system like one who executes judgment? Or we can say: And why is his wife appearing in this world system as a man? Why is she acting like a man?


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: The whole of Isaiah 63, verse 2: Why is Adam, the treacherous wife that you’ve been intimate with, appearing in this world system as a man?


Recap Isaiah 63:1-2: Who is this one who was separated from his unrighteous, violent and treacherous sin-stained wife which is his flesh - that woman who is pregnant because of the beast which is dwelling within the multitude of human beings which he has generated. It is I, the Lord Jesus Christ. He’s the one who’s separated from His unrighteous wife. It is I, the Lord Jesus Christ, who was saving the living soul from death by arranging her many members in the correct moral order. Why is Adam the treacherous wife that you’ve been intimate with appearing in this world system as a man?


Lord willing, we shall find out at the next meeting. God bless you all, and good night.


5/31/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion


6/6/14 1st Edit CAS/SP











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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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