078 - Part 6
(Revelation 14)


L.078.6.1.HARVEST THE.REVELATION 14.good   L.078.6.2.HARVEST THE.REVELATION 14.good   L.078.6.3.HARVEST THE.REVELATION 14.good   L.078.6.4.HARVEST THE.REVELATION 14.good


Part 6 of 11 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


We are starting with the alternate translation of Revelation 14:16-19. And the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, which is the Father, appeared in the Adamic minds of the natural men who were called to be the firstfruits of the second generation of sons and He cut down and destroyed their Adamic souls and the firstfruits of the second generation of sons became spiritual men under the complete and total authority of the glorified mind of Christ. I’ll just remind you that what this is saying is that when a human being is called by the Lord; the first thing that happens to him is that the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of the Father, enters into his heart. We all know that. Amen? Hopefully we get baptized with the Holy Spirit and the result of that is that his Adamic man gets cut down in that his influence over that man is wounded, is hindered, is laid waste and, Lord willing, utterly ripped up. Another way of expressing that is that the man to whom this happens now becomes a spiritual man who is able to respond to the Lord Jesus Christ which is within him. OK? Praise the Lord. Thank you, Jesus.


Verse 17: And the Lord Jesus Christ appeared in his glorified soul, or the Son appeared. Now in verse 16 we said the Holy Spirit appeared - the Spirit of the Father. In verse 17 now the Son appears and His righteous mind was firmly controlling, protecting and preserving the firstfruits of the second generation of sons from their Adamic emotions and Satan’s unrighteous thoughts, which were still present within them. So the second thing that happens is that Christ begins to be formed in us. Christ, which is the Son, as opposed to the Holy Spirit, which is the Father. And as the Son is formed in us, whatever influence the Adamic mind still has upon us is utterly suppressed and we’re told that Jesus Christ was firmly controlling the mind and protecting and preserving the firstfruits through the righteous thoughts of the Son. I’ll just put this word in here right now. If anybody hearing this message still does not understand that God is a controlling force, I ask you to pray about this. God controls. You had better believe that God controls. But His motives are righteous and because His motives for controlling you are righteous therefore the result of His controlling you will be a positive force in your life. There are some people that perceive control and automatically assume it must be satanic. This is an error in your mind if this is what you think. God controls. You’d better believe it because it’s the truth and if you don’t believe it I ask you to pray about it. He controls our lives and He controls our thoughts. At this point, not completely, but ultimately He will control our thoughts completely.


Verse 18: And those who had become spiritual men -- that’s us, everybody here, Lord willing I think we’re all spiritual men or we would never be here. I want to suggest to you that if you were responding to the controlling force of your Adamic mind you would never be here. I declare that to you. I boldly make that statement. That anyone that can listen to these messages or attend these meetings, you are responding to Christ in your mind and if you were under the control of your Adamic mind, which is your carnal mind, you would never be here. And some people are under the control of this carnal mind sometimes and not other times. Sometimes he gets stronger, sometimes he gets weaker, sometimes Christ is stronger, sometimes Christ is weaker. It’s an ongoing battle. But if you’re here for this message tonight, you’d better believe Jesus controls your mind and your behavior and brought you here.




Those who have become spiritual men -- that’s us -- they were violently and verbally rejecting their Adamic emotions and Satan’s spiritual authority over their thoughts and they were furiously determined to live by the emotions of Jesus Christ and the righteous thoughts of the Father. And they were saying to Jesus let your emotions and the Father’s righteous thoughts prepare and strengthen us for the next step, which is the fiery trials which shall separate us from our Adamic soul completely. And that this separation can now take place because Christ in us is mature enough to keep us alive in this world system. For there is a separation coming - our true substance, that which we are, our human spirit, must be separated from our Adamic soul. But Jesus will not do this until Christ is fully prepared in us to sustain the life of our flesh. Otherwise we would die.


This scripture is telling us there is a process. First you receive the Holy Spirit. Then Christ is formed in you. Then the fiery trials come upon you and the purpose of the fiery trials is to separate you from your Adamic soul and the separation starts in your mind. When you are completely separated in your mind you shall separate out of your body. But the separation starts in your mind. The battleground is your mind. And the way we do it as we said earlier, is to violently and verbally reject our Adamic emotions and Satan’s spiritual authority over our thoughts. If you can recognize it as ungodly, it must be rebuked and resisted at all costs.


Glory to God.


And after they did, first they received the Holy Ghost, then Christ was formed in them. Then they verbally and violently rejected everything in their minds and emotions that was not of God and the next thing that happened, hallelujah, was they flowed out of their Adamic souls and they entered into the glorified soul of Jesus Christ. And the firstfruits of the second generation of sons -- that’s us -- appeared in and became one with the glorified soul of Jesus Christ which had authority over Satan.


I want to draw this for you. This is our Adamic soul. We’re in here. That’s our human spirit. Can you see this from where you’re sitting?




Our human spirit is within the Adamic soul. This is Christ. He’s at our very center. I’ll make Him red - the blood of Jesus. That’s Christ. He’s growing within us. And in our Adamic soul is our human spirit. Thank you, Jesus. Now our human spirit is completely mixed with the soul. The way the scripture describes it is that she is salt that has been diluted in water and every fiber of our being, our human spirit, is joined to our Adamic soul. She’s in solution. We talked about this last week. It’s going to take a miracle to get her out of here. So this is our human soul and she’s joined to Adam. Our human soul joined to Adam. Do you understand me? Everybody understand me?


Glory to God.


The day comes -- let me draw a circle for our body -- and this is our body, this is our human body. This soul -- this Adamic soul -- is keeping this body alive. If you have received the false teaching or if you believe the false teaching that this body is keeping the soul alive, I want to tell you that that’s not true and ask you to pray about it. Everybody thinks that the body dies and gets buried in the ground and soul flows out. I want to suggest to you that the scripture clearly states that the spirit, which is in the soul, came back into the body and the body was raised to life. It is the soul that keeps the body alive. If this Adamic soul is removed before Christ is strong enough to sustain our body, our body will die. And there is a separation coming and it’s coming right here in our Adamic soul. Eve is joined to Satan in every cell of our body. She’s in solution. But we found out in the 71 series that Jesus, who’s in here in the Christ soul, we found out He’s fire. In fact, He is the lake of fire. He is putting His fire on the Adamic soul and we found out in the 71 series that this is described in the scripture as Jesus boiling our soul as a sin offering. Our soul is being boiled and what’s going to happen when it’s boiled is that Eve, our human spirit, is coming out of solution. She’s coming out of solution.


So we’re going to have another circle, and it’s going to look like this. I’ll draw it again. This is Christ over here and we see all the granules of salt which are Eve have flowed into Christ and inside of Christ is the Adamic soul. He’s going within and now Christ is going to be the one that is going to keep our body alive. Does anybody not know what I’m talking about? Eve, she’s coming out of solution. She’s coming out of solution and she’s going to flow into the soul of Christ and she’s going to mix with the water of the soul of Christ. OK? Do you understand what I’m saying? This is really important. Our Adamic soul is being boiled as a sin offering and there are two results of that. Eve is coming out of solution. She’s becoming separated from Satan and she’s coming into a condition where she -- the scripture calls her a virgin -- or practically, we’re told she’s becoming crystalline again in the condition such as salt where she will be able to dilute or become one with the water of the soul of Christ. And that which is left, Satan and Adam, are going to be dealt with. I’m not going to get into that now. This message is going to be too long.


There is a separation coming. It is a separation in our thoughts but it is much more than that. There is a spiritual reality coming and the scripture describes it as a divorce from Satan. So we can understand that. But it’s a spiritual reality just as if your arm were to be amputated. It is a reality for each of us. There is something happening within our spiritual being. It is an amputation. It is a castration. It is a separation. It is a boiling of our soul that will separate our human spirit, which is described as crystals, from the water of Satan in which she is diluted. Simultaneously, with this separation of Eve into crystals which the scripture describes as being made a virgin again, she is going to flow into the soul of Christ and go into solution with Christ and Christ will become the soul that will sustain the body.




I will take any question on that right now. Does anyone have a question on that right now? Adam, I rebuke your carnal mind. I rebuke you. I rebuke fear. I rebuke distress. I cancel every plan to destroy this message and I just ask You, Father, to quicken it because all I can do is sow and plant and water and You have got to give the increase Lord.




I want to tell you that before this can happen to somebody, at least in this hour -- I don’t know what’s going to happen with the balance of the creation, but for those that are being called now -- I am of the opinion that we cannot come out of solution with Satan unless we understand this word. Why do I say that? Because this scripture clearly states that the separation begins in our mind. It begins with resisting his thoughts and resisting his emotions. And I believe that when the separation actually takes place in the very core of our spiritual being we will have to understand what’s happening. That’s my opinion.




What it’s going to feel like? I don’t know. How long it’s going to take? I don’t know. But the scripture tells me here -- and we also found it, I believe it’s in chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation, we had an alternate translation where the scripture says that they kept hitting on this wall, they kept hitting on this wall, and they kept hitting on this wall and then one day they just went through. And the wall that they were hitting on is the veil which separates us from the kingdom of God. Which is His? Flesh. It is the flesh of Christ. We had to break through and enter in. We had to break through from the Adamic soul and enter in and pierce through the soul of Christ which is His flesh. And those who pierce Him, they shall see Him and the whole church world tells you those that have crucified Him are going to see Him. No, those who pierce Him are going to see Him. Those who pierce through into His flesh are going to see Him because he who was joined to the Lord is one spirit. When we see Him we shall be like Him. We’re going to be joined to Him. If you think you’re one spirit with Him now pray about it because you’re not. Don’t be deceived. How is Christ glorified in your deception? Ask Him for the truth.


And they flowed out of their Adamic souls into the glorified soul of Christ and the firstfruits of the second generation of sons -- that’s us -- appeared in and became one with the glorified soul of Jesus Christ which had authority over Satan. Satan went to the inside and Christ was now on top ruling and reigning over him. And the glorified soul of Jesus Christ appeared as the unconscious mind of the firstfruits of the second generation of sons and because of His strong desire -- because of Jesus Christ’s strong desire to save the whole living soul He forcibly hurled Himself into the crushing judgment which is separating the second generation of sons from their Adamic souls. And the glorified soul of Jesus Christ cast Himself into the lake of fire and Adam and Satan were devoured. I’d like to point out to you that when Jesus Christ gets inside of you to that point He considers you Himself. He considers you Himself and He’s strong enough to take you, your Adamic soul and your body into the crushing judgment which is going to separate you from Satan and Adam and devour them. The spiritual devouring is that they’re going to be forced to the inside and become servants of the kingdom of God.


If you go back to parts 4 and 5 of this series you will find out that the Lord has shown us that the wine press and the lake of fire are the same judgment as seen from a different point of view. The wine press is separating Christ from Adam and the lake of fire is preserving the living soul or keeping Adam and Satan underfoot for the life of the ages. Tonight we have a supportive study showing that Jesus clearly told us that fire is the preservative. That we are the salt of the earth and that fire is the preservative.


I have some notes here. Let me read them. I probably touched this already but I’m going to read it to you. I just want to make these few points before we go into Mark 9:42-50. First of all we found in these last few messages that the Greek word translated to gather is used in the scripture as a translation for the Hebrew word auror and that this same Hebrew word auror can also be translated to burn. So we found out that the Greek word translated to gather means -- and I’m talking about the phrase to gather the vine of the earth -- that it means destruction by cutting, severing or burning. Accordingly we are translating the phrase and gathered the vine of the earth as and burned the vine of the earth or and burned the Adamic soul. These are the scriptures that the Lord gave us to establish that the wine press is the same as the lake of fire. Second of all, we found out that the devil, the beast and the false prophet are cast into the lake of fire where they are burnt. Thirdly we found out that both the wine press and the lake of fire are the very same judgment of God.


Revelation 14:19 speaks about a wine press because the emphasis is on the separation of Christ from Adam through severing and crushing. But Revelation 20:10 speaks about a lake of fire because the emphasis is on Christ’s ability to preserve Adam from what? From sin and death for the life of the ages. Jesus shed some light on the scriptural concept of preservation by fire in Mark 9:49-50 where He says that everyone shall be salted with fire. So we’re going to start in Mark 9 at verse 42 and we’re going to cover this subject in a little depth.


Mark 9:42: And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believes in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he were cast into the sea. Now this word whosoever, we’ve touched on this in other revelation scriptures. It’s a term that the scripture uses and the Greek grammar calls it indefinite -- indefinite. What we found out that it means is that it means any man, which ever man. I’m going to suggest to you that it means the spiritual entity known as the living soul which is ruled by Satan manifesting through any man that he can manifest in this earth. The reason that it’s indefinite is because the scripture is not saying. The scripture is hidden. It’s a parable. It’s not saying Satan is manifesting through every man of the earth. It’s saying which so ever man Satan can manifest through that’s the man that we’re talking about. OK? Any Adamic man that Satan can have his way with. Let me read that for you. That Satan can have his way with that’s going to offend one of these little ones. He’s also saying that any human being out there that offends one of the children of the kingdom, it’s Satan in him doing it. That’s the same principle as Jesus saying to Peter: Only by the Holy Ghost could you know that I am the Son of God. So what we think and what we do is specifically generated by the spirit that’s ruling in our mind.


Glory to God.


So the word causes to offend or offend is Strong’s 4624 and it means to entrap, to trip up, cause to stumble, to trip up and cause to stumble or to entice to sin. This scripture is saying that there are men out there that cause other men to sin. Is that a shock to you? There are some wicked people out there and I want to tell you something, there are a lot of people out there that cause the children of the kingdom and others to sin and they really don’t know what they’re doing. But I want to give you a flash. Ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law. The scripture says my people perish for lack of knowledge. We are responsible. We are responsible for everyone we have encouraged to sin. Now there’s no condemnation in Christ Jesus. Ask God to show it to you, repent, and if there’s anything that you could do to make it right, you do it. But if you’re going around thinking that people have to put up with you or that there’s nothing for you to do when you happily are tripping along your way causing people to sin left and right because it’s a demon that has control over you that you haven’t taken the victory over yet that it’s OK, you are mistaken. You’re supposed to be striving and struggling to take authority over this wickedness in your soul because if you haven’t done, if you are not striving and struggling to take authority over this wickedness in your soul you cannot say it is not longer me but it’s sin that dwelleth in me. You can’t say that if you’re letting it have its way with you. I want to tell you something. You can’t call it rape if you’re not resisting that man. Those that have ears to hear, let him hear.


Please note that in Mark verses 39 to 41 Jesus is addressing the issue of whether or not to let men who are not followers of Christ cast out demons. You know whenever you try to understand any part of the scripture you have to read the whole chapter. Sometimes you have to read the chapter before and the chapter after. You have to go as far back and as far forward as is necessary to get the whole context of the subject. Sometimes the context of the subject doesn’t change at the beginning or the end of the chapter. We have to ask the Lord to help you where the beginning of the subject starts and where the end of the subject starts. So this whole context where Jesus talks about the salting and the preservation and being cast down into Hell and all of that is His answer to John, who said we saw somebody casting out a demon and he’s not a follower of us.


Should we stop him? And Jesus said don’t stop him. He said don’t stop them because there are people in this world who are spiritual enough to have recognized Me and they’re trying to do the same good works that I did. They recognize that I have spiritual authority and that I’m here to help men and they’re trying to help people by doing the same thing that I did. He said don’t stop them because no one that does a good work in My name shall lose their reward. Now maybe it’s not their time to be called to actually follow Christ. It wasn’t their time but Jesus said if their motive is to do good leave them alone. No bad thing can come out of it. You’ve heard if He sends out His word it won’t come back void. He said someone who’s trying to do a good work, no bad thing can come out of it. Leave them alone.


But then He went on to say, but there also people in this world who are spiritual enough to see Me and to recognize Me and they are out there trying to prevent those who would follow Me or those who would do good works from entering into the kingdom. And if you have spiritual eyes and you’re spiritual enough to recognize Christ and you use that ability to recognize Christ to cause the children of the kingdom to stumble, He said no good thing is going to happen to you. And we’re going to go over the next few verses where He’s going to go into more detail.


I don’t know about you but it happened to me. When I first came to the Lord I was in desperate need of deliverance. The people came out of the woodwork to tell me not to go to that church; to tell me that deliverance wasn’t real. I was so naïve, and I said to this one woman, I said I hear what you’re saying but I’m being helped. I’ve been crying out to God for years with these problems that I have and I’m getting help in that church. How do you explain that? And her answer was I don’t know. You’ll have to go talk to my pastor. Let me tell you something, I know it’s not for anybody here but it’s going on the message -- before you start to counsel somebody on where to go to church and what teaching to follow and who to submit to, you’d better make sure that it’s your revelation and that you’re not doing it because some man told you that that kind of teaching is wrong.


Because I want to tell you, you’re responsible. You are responsible for every person that you turn away from what God has for them. If it be deliverance, if it be deep teaching, if it be some simple matter of obedience to the Lord, if you have turned someone away from following the instruction of Jesus Christ this is no small thing. So if you’re giving spiritual counsel you’d better make sure that you have heard from God and not go around trying to influence people on someone else’s word from God, man. I don’t recommend that to anybody. Because you know what’s going to happen? You’re going to reap what you sow and someone’s going to come and seduce you away from what God has for you.


A lot of Christians, they cannot deal with the fact that the judgment for wickedness takes so long to fall, and they look at all these people doing wickedness, and it looks like the Lord’s doing nothing. But I’m telling you, look at these people 20 years later and look at what’s happened to you spiritually and look at what’s happened to them spiritually. Look at how you’ve grown and look at how they’ve died. The judgment of the Lord may not be what you think it should be. I many instances the judgment of the Lord is just spiritual death or wasted seven or eight years of no spiritual growth. God is not a man. He does not judge men with the minds of men.


Glory to God.


We’re dealing with the scripture that says: And whoever shall offend one of these little ones -- and let me just put this in here. A lot of Christians get confused about the little ones and they think that natural children are the children of the kingdom. You could be 70 years old and be a child of the kingdom. It’s the child that’s growing in you. So He said: And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in Me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he were cast into the sea. And Jesus is saying that it’s better to be a natural man and not even be aware of spiritual things than to be a man who can see spiritual things and use that ability to hinder the move of God.


That’s what He’s saying. Just let me give you some understanding of these particular words. He said it’s better for that man to have a millstone hanged about his neck. Now a millstone is the stone that’s used to grind grain and in the scripture it’s a type of slavery. That’s what the slaves did. They just walked round and round. If you saw the movie “Samson” you saw him chained to the millstone and they just walked around and around and by their brute force ground the -- or continued to have the millstones grinding against one another so that the grain was ground. It’s an aspect of slavery. And the neck is the part of the body that connects the head to the shoulders.


If Jesus Christ is not your head, Satan is your head. So He’s saying that this man that’s using his spiritual gift to do evil, he would be better if slavery or if his natural self was hung about his neck. In other words, if the connection between the head and the shoulders was not Christ, but if that connection was the natural man, and he were cast into the sea, which typifies the living soul. He would be better off not having that spiritual gift. That’s what Jesus is saying. Because another way of putting it is that when we have spiritual gifts we ascend or we float or we are up high and He’s talking about weighting somebody down and casting them down into the depths of the sea. He’s saying you’re better off not to be spiritual if you’re going to use your gifts to cause other Christians or other human beings to stumble because the judgment is much greater on you for just being ignorant and not being spiritual than for being spiritual and misusing it.


Jesus said that the judgment is not the same; that some will receive few stripes and some will receive many stripes, depending on how much knowledge you have. There’s great responsibility that goes with knowledge. I’ve seen a lot of Christians walk through this ministry. They want the knowledge. They want to be a big shot. They want to teach. They want to show what they know. I want to tell you something. You’re ignorant if that’s how you feel. And I’m not putting you down. I’m telling you the truth. Because you hear this word and if you don’t have an understanding of the responsibility that goes with it you are a fool. You are a scriptural fool and you shall be judged by this word. You shall be judged for what you do with it. Wait until God sends you, please.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: Mark 9:42: It’s better to be a natural man who is not aware of spiritual things than to have spiritual eyes and use that gift to turn believers away from the kingdom and back to their old sinful lifestyles and habits. It’s better to be a natural man who is not aware of spiritual things than to have spiritual eyes and use that gift to turn believers away from the kingdom and back to their old sinful lifestyle and habits.


Continuing with verse 43: And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off. It is better for thee to enter into life maimed than having two hands to go into Hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched.




The word hand is Strong’s 5495, and it’s an instrument for grasping. This whole physical world system is a spirit’s instrument for grasping. It’s the place in which things are solid. This whole body is a spirit’s instrument for grasping, for touching, for feeling, for experiencing. And that’s what Jesus is talking about and I’m going to suggest to you that this is speaking about the Adamic way of acquiring possessions. We acquire possessions through labor or, even if we steal them, we’re using this body -- this whole world system -- to acquire things, either working for it or -- in the natural we can labor for it. This also has a spiritual application in that if we lust for it with our minds sometimes we bring things to pass. Sometimes we influence people to get what we want. In fact, when Jesus talks further on about two hands that’s what I suggest to you that He’s talking about --  the way we acquire possessions physically and in the realm of the soul according to the Adamic mind. That’s what Jesus is talking about.


The word offend is Strong’s 4624 and it means to entrap, trip up, cause to stumble, or entice to sin. We had that before. And the word cut off is Strong’s 609 and it means to amputate, to castrate or to quit it altogether. Now this word has a double meaning. The word that’s translated cut off. It can mean to give up or cut out of your life a particular behavior pattern. And it can also mean to give up the spiritual adultery which is generating that behavior pattern by castrating or cutting off the male spirit which is producing it in you through fornication. And that would be deliverance. That would be deliverance. Cut it out. We have an Old Testament witness to the promise of Satan’s castration -- of his total castration on message 38, part 4.


Glory to God.


So we’re in the scripture. And if thy hand offend thee cut it off. It’s better for thee to enter into life maimed than to having two hands to go into Hell. I’d like to make some comments on the word life here. It’s better for thee to enter into life maimed. There are three Greek words translated life in the New Testament. Strong’s 5590, the word psuché and it refers to the soul life. We then have Strong’s 2222, which is zóé, and Strong’s says that that means vitality and it’s so basic it’s used even to describe plant life. Despite Strong’s opinion that this word is so basic that it’s used to describe plant life, we find that this is the Greek word translated life in Mark 9:43 and it’s also the Greek word used in such phrases as life eternal in Matthew 25:46 and everlasting life in Matthew 19:29. With only two exceptions, it is the only Greek word translated life in the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, which teaches about life in the new age of the kingdom of God. I’m suggesting to you then that the scripture uses the Greek word zóé, Strong’s 2222, to express the plant life of God’s spirit which is growing in the earth of our soul. And we’ve had that here before. I’ve mentioned to you that God considers  that He’s the husbandman and He’s planted the true vine. Jesus said He’s the true vine. The life of God that’s growing in our soul is a plant life. God’s growing us.




Now the third word translated life in the New Testament -- and there are several derivatives thereof, just different forms of the word -- appear only 10 times and they refer to this present existence. It’s called bios and it’s listed in Strong’s as numbers 895, 979, 981, 982 and 985. The Greek word bios, we’ll find out later on, is used in verse 44. It’s referring to this existence and to everything that’s associated with this existence. The food and the clothing and the buildings -- it’s referring to this world system.




Now I just want to put this on the message in case there’s a question in your mind. There is a word -- it’s Strong’s 4151. The word is pneuma and Strong’s will tell us that this word means life but it’s never translated life. I think it was -- I’m sorry. It was translated life once in Revelation 13:15 where it refers to the spiritual life of the beast. This word, Strong’s 4151, pneuma, is always, except for that one exception, translated spirit. It’s never translated life. And it is the Greek word which expresses the life of the spirit.




So we’re dealing with: And if they hand offend thee -- if the way that we get things or acquire possessions in this world system causes you to sin, cut it off because it’s better to enter into the life of God than having two hands to go into Hell. It’s better to enter into life maimed -- and the word maimed means crippled -- than having two hands to go into Hell. I would just like to remind you that we go into this in detail on our message number 17 -- that the angel crippled Jacob and the meaning of it is that he made him very weak and crippled in his ability to protect himself and meet his own needs in this world system. And if God is drawing you or has drawn you close He has crippled you in your ability to get your needs met in this world system and He’s done it so that you will be more and more dependent upon Him so that He can be glorified in you through meeting your needs. Because of the condition of the mind of the natural man we would never trust God to meet our needs while we’re strong enough to get them done in our own strength. It’s just the condition of our mind. So He touches our thigh, He cripples us in our ability to survive in this world system.


Glory to God.


So the phrase that says it’s better for you to enter into the life of God crippled in your hands, crippled in your ability to get your needs met, both physically and emotionally, than to go into Hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched. And these words to go into are translated from one Greek word. It’s Strong’s 565 and it means to depart, to go away, to go back, that which is behind. It means that which is behind and Thayer says it refers to the person or place to whom or from whom one departs. This word is referring to going back or backsliding into one’s Adamic or carnal lifestyle. So it says it’s better to enter into the life of God crippled -- it’s better to have an experience where God cripples you -- than to remain whole and cause that wholeness to weight you down in your carnality which Jesus says is like going into Hell. And then He says Hell is the fire that shall never be quenched.


Glory to God.


The word fire is Strong’s 4442, and it means spiritual authority, spiritual judgment. The word quenched is Strong’s 762, and it means perpetual, cannot be extinguished for the life of the age. So this word translated quenched we’re going to find out that further on there’s another Greek word translated quenched that is a different Greek word. This word translated quenched in the phrase going to Hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched, is specifically referring to the fire or the judgment of a particular age. An age has a beginning and an age has an end. Ages exist in the realm of time. The difference between eternity and time or eternity and the life of the ages is that eternity has no beginning and no end. And the life of the ages which is the life that exists in the realm of time, has a beginning -- each age has a beginning and an end. We know that there was a beginning of time. We’re told about it in Genesis 1. And there shall be an end of time when the eternal realm of God’s spirit utterly swallows it up.




This word quenched -- the fire that shall never be quenched, which is in Hell -- we’re specifically told right here that it’s only for the life of the age. And these verses are the very verses that their eternal damnation preachers use to prove eternal damnation and they never even looked up the words in the Greek. It specifically states it’s judgment, it’s torment, it’s spiritual authority that is limited to the age in which it exists. God help us.


Let me give you’re an alternate translation on that. This is Mark 9:43: And if your Adamic way of acquiring possessions is sinful, stop acquiring them that way because it’s better to enter into the spiritual life of God as a human failure than to be a successful natural man whose life in Christ is destroyed when he backslides into Hell, which is the judgment of this world system, which is going to come upon him for getting his needs met in the Adamic way. I’m going to read that again. And if the Adamic way that you acquire possessions is sinful -- either if you’re stealing them or if you’re cutting somebody’s throat in business to make money or if, in your heart, you’re hating somebody or lying about them, which would be the emotional manifestation of this -- if you are sinning to acquire the things of this world, stop doing it that way because it’s better to enter into the spiritual life of God as a human failure than to be a successful natural man whose life in Christ is destroyed when he experiences the judgments for the way he’s getting his wealth. Verse 44: Where the worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched. Now we’re going to deal with the phrase and the fire is not quenched first.


Glory to God.


The fire is the same word as above. It means spiritual power. And the word quenched here is a different Greek word. It’s 4570 and it means to go out or to extinguish and there’s no indication in this word that the fire is only for the age or limited by the age. The word quenched above, 762, is taken from this word. So what is Jesus talking about? First He talks about fire that’s limited to the age and then He talks about unquenchable fire. He doesn’t say whether it’s limited or not limited. So let’s find out what He’s saying here. You know, for years these scriptures have been preached by men that don’t even know what they mean, and it’s a great mystery how the Lord would permit this to happen. But I declare to you that nature will not tolerate a vacuum and that it’s been a long time since the Lord has preached the truth of these scriptures. In His silence the carnal mind has brought forth his doctrine in great strength. For I declare to you that the Lord Jesus Christ is the One who was strong enough to boil our soul for a sin offering and He is strong enough to tear down this false doctrine and replace it with His truth.


Hallelujah. Glory to God.


In verse 43 Jesus is saying that existence in this world system can be in either of two conditions. He said you can enter into life by resisting sin or you could not resist and reap the judgment of what you’ve done. He’s saying in this world system, even though this is Hell and we’re a fallen creation, we have choices. We can follow Christ and enter into life or we can follow after our carnal ways and stay in Hell. That’s what He’s saying in verse 43. It’s better to enter into life -- not life after the death of this body -- it’s better to enter into a lifestyle where you walk with Christ and have all of His spiritual blessings than it is to have all the spiritual blessings and let them snare you and cause you to sin and reap the judgment of that sin in this world system. He’s saying seek ye first the kingdom of God in His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. But if for some reason they’re not added unto you yet, don’t go out and do it yourself. Because you’re better off being in the kingdom while it’s on the earth with perhaps some lack, some temporary lack, than to go out and do it yourself and get cast down back into the natural world. That’s what He’s saying.




He’s saying that existence in this world system can be in either of two conditions. The first condition Jesus calls life. Psalms 23 describes life in the valley of the shadow of death as an existence where we are comforted and protected by the Lord. The second condition is called death. Sometimes it’s called Hell or Gehenna. Gehenna is the Greek word for Hell that’s used here. And this is a place whose inmates are continuously burned in the fire of judgment. Jesus tells those with ears to hear, however, that should we find ourselves in Gehenna or Hell, it’s only until the end of this age. It is not for eternity. That is a lie. When we enter into the new age of Christ which is the kingdom of God, which is within us, we shall be delivered out from Hell or death. First the age is being changed over in the hearts of men, but eventually, when the new age is manifesting in the hearts of enough men, it’s going to be seen out there in the world system. We’ve been talking about that a lot. So Jesus is saying we can live in this existence. We can live in this world system in a condition of Hell or a condition of Heaven, depending by what spirit we’re serving and what set of laws we’re following. He said we can be in Heaven before it appears in the world system. That’s what He said.


Glory to God. Hallelujah.


In verse 43 Jesus is saying that Hell or Gehenna is the judgment which exists in this present age or this world system. He then goes on in verse 44 to describe this present age or this present world system as the physical place where the fire burns but which place is not destroyed by that fiery judgment. This place is called Hell or Gehenna. Let me read it for you again. This is verse 43 and 44 together: And if the Adamic way of acquiring possessions is sinful, stop acquiring them that way because it’s better to enter into the spiritual life of God as a human failure than to be a successful natural man whose life in Christ is destroyed when he experiences the judgment associated with how he got the possessions which is the judgment of this world system, which world system shall continue to exist until the end of the age even though the fire can’t be put out. It will not be burnt up. Let me give you that again. I don’t want to read the whole thing.


Let me start from the beginning. And if the Adamic way of acquiring possessions is sinful, stop acquiring them that way because it’s better to enter into the spiritual life of God as a human failure than to be a successful natural man whose life in Christ is destroyed when he experiences the judgments of this age or this world system for getting his possessions the way he got them, which world system shall continue to exist until the end of the age, even though the fire cannot be put out. The fire is not going to destroy this world system. What’s going to destroy this world system? It’s going to be swallowed up by the new age of Christ. So we see Jesus using the word Hell and fire that can’t be quenched twice, but He’s really saying two different things. He’s saying that the judgment of Gehenna, which is Hell, exists in this world system -- which world system shall continue to exist until the end of the age even though the fire can’t be put out. The fire’s not going to destroy the world system. The judgment’s not going to destroy the world system. What’s going to destroy it is that Christ is going to swallow it up and put an end to it. That’s what He’s saying.


We’re talking about the worm dieth not. The word worm is Strong’s 4663 and on message numbers 31, parts 3, 4 and 7, we discuss the scriptural concept that the natural man is a worm. The scripture here speaks about the life of the worm. Is that what the scripture says? The life of the worm -- where his worm dieth not. Well that’s saying that his life won’t be taken from him. So the question is which life is the life of the worm? Is it the life of the spirit? Is it the life of the soul? Is it’s the general word for life which is used to express the plant life of God? What’s Jesus talking about here? Well, if the word worm is referring to the natural man then verse 44 sure sounds like it’s preaching about the life of the soul. But it’s not. The Greek word dieth not in verse 44 is Strong’s 5053 and it means to bring to an end or to finish life. Thayer’s lexicon of the Greek language says that it’s referring to Strong’s 979, bios. It’s not speaking about the death of the spirit, nor is it speaking about the death of the soul. It’s speaking about the end of this world system. The end of the way we eat. The end of the way we survive. That’s what it’s speaking about. So when Jesus said where the worm dieth not, what it’s talking about is this world system that will not come to an end because the fire is burning it. As we just said earlier, it’s only going to come to an end when Jesus swallows it up. The fire causes pain. The fire causes torment. But it does not end this world system.


And if you just stop to think about what’s being preached about Hell, this is what’s being preached about Hell, but it’s preached that it’s in another place. I looked up the word Hell. I think it was in Thayer’s lexicon and it says this place where people are tormented forever and it includes the people that dwell there. And the carnal mind of man has it as a hole in the earth, underneath the ground of the physical earth, and they’ve drawn the conclusion that men go there after their body dies. But if you can look at this with an open mind you will see that everything they say about Hell, with the exception of it lasting for eternity, is true of this world system. And indeed our spirit is buried under the earth of our soul and our body and it’s hidden and it’s dark unless the light of Christ is shining on you.




When Jesus says where the worm dieth not that’s what He’s referring to - this world system that will not be destroyed because of the fire that’s burning here.


Glory to God.


The scriptures which use the word forever and everlasting in the Old Testament with regard to the commandment of the Levitical sacrifices and feasts, for example, were in effect only for so long as the age existed. When the age ended -- what age? The age before Jesus came. The age that natural Israel was the landmark of God in the earth. When that age ended or, in another instance, when one’s term of office ends, for example, the law which applies to that age or to that office no longer has any meaning. If you’re President of the United States and you cannot be sued, for example, and then you’re no longer the President of the United States that law no longer applies to you. So when the age changes the law changes; when the office changes the law changes. There is a law that is present in this world system, but this law does not exist in the next age, which is Jesus Christ. So if you want to get out from under the judgment or the pain of this world system we must get into Christ and it’s a process that starts with rejecting the thoughts of this age whose ruler is Satan in our minds. When we reject those thoughts in our minds to the point that Jesus says we shall be separated or made virgin again we shall enter into the soul life of Christ as we spoke about earlier.


Hallelujah. Glory to God.


When Jesus -- one more time -- when Jesus is talking about the fires of Hell where the worm dieth not, He’s talking about the reaping and sowing judgment which exists in this world system, but which judgment does not have the power to destroy this world system. Just to torment us. Just like what the preachers of eternal torment are talking about - tortures us without killing us. But Jesus Christ the new age is coming to destroy this age.




Verse 45: And if thy foot offend thee cut it off. It is better for thee to enter halt into life than having two feet to be cast into Hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched. Now the word foot refers to one’s lifestyle, the way one walks. The term two feet refers to our two-fold lifestyle -- emotional and physical. What are you doing with your body? Are you fornicating? What are you doing with your emotions? Are you using your emotions in an ungodly way? Are you forming ungodly soul ties? Are you seducing people? Are you using witchcraft against people? The word lame means crippled and refers to not being able to walk. And the word cast is Strong’s 906 and it means to be deliberately hurled. So if you’re going to be deliberately hurled that means that someone is hurling you. The scripture says it’s better to be crippled than to have two feet -- than to have your life in hand, to have your emotional and physical needs met, and to have Satan -- I’m going to suggest to you that it’s Satan that’s going to cast you down into the judgment. Why? Because if you’re getting your physical and emotional needs met for your Adamic soul it’s sin and you’re going to be cast out of the life of Christ and into the Hell of the judgment thereof, which is in this world system.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: Mark 9:45-46: And if your Adamic lifestyle is sinful, stop satisfying yourself in ungodly ways because it’s better to enter in to the spiritual life of God emotionally damaged than to be an emotionally and physically satisfied man who Satan can hurl into the hellish judgment of this world system. Which world system shall continue to exist until the end of the age even though the fire can’t be put out. The fire tortures and torments but cannot destroy the age. Do you hear this? Do you hear this word? Both that the fire can’t destroy the age, only Jesus can destroy the age; and I’ve been preaching for a long time we’re about to self-destruct, but not according to this scripture. This scripture says we can’t self-destruct. Only Jesus can put an end to it. Isn’t that incredible? And it also says we’re better off to enter into life emotionally damaged. That means if you have homosexuality in your heart, don’t yield to it. They’re preaching out there today, yield to it. Whatever feels good, do it. Fornicate, commit adultery, do whatever you want. But that’s not what Jesus said. He said it’s better to enter into the spiritual life of God emotionally damaged for not yielding to this stuff. They tell you if you’re never married or you don’t have sex you’re emotionally damaged. That’s what they tell you. I don’t know that it’s true but that’s what they tell you. Jesus said it’s better to do that than to be an emotionally and physically satisfied person that Satan has the authority over to hurl into the hellish judgment of this world system. Which system shall continue to exist or torment shall continue to exist until the end of the age, even though the fire can’t be put out. It has the power to torture. It does not have the power to destroy the system.


Thank you, Jesus.


Verse 47: And if thine eye offend thee pluck it out. It is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye than having two eyes to be cast into hellfire. Eyes in the scripture typify the soul and those in Christ have two souls -- Adam and Christ. Second Corinthians 11:3 says: But I fear, lest by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity or singleness that is in Christ. We’re supposed to be single towards Christ. That means that our Adamic soul is supposed to be under the control of our Christ’s soul. We’re not supposed to be looking out of the eyes of our Adamic soul. We’re not supposed to be seeing, judging or understanding out of our Adamic soul. It’s supposed to be so under the authority of our Christ’s soul that we don’t even hear it. But most of us don’t have that kind of discipline. If your soul offends you -- if your Adamic soul is causing you to sin -- you’d better pluck it out and that word pluck is Strong’s 1544 and it means to eject or to drive out and I suggest to you it’s talking about deliverance. If your Adamic soul is so strong in you that it’s making you sin, you’d better get deliverance because it’s better for you to enter into the spiritual life of God being embarrassed or ashamed because you’ve been rolling on the floor or belching in front of somebody than it is for you to be cast down into hellfire.


Glory to God.


Verse 47 is saying it’s better to drive out or cast out our Adamic soul than permit it to drag us down. I see that I didn’t put the number of the Greek word translated cast used in the phrase cast into hellfire. It’s a word that’s similar to the word in the verse before that which talks about being forcibly hurled down. It’s a different word but it’s very similar and it’s referring to the return of our lifestyle to the domination of our Adamic soul, which is ruled by Satan. We have found out over the years that the Adamic soul is to be dismantled. It’s to be dismantled. It has to be separated from every demon that it’s produced. When the demons are cast out they die. They separate. See, demons are soul and spirit. They are the illegal offspring of Eve and the carnal mind. She’s fornicating with her own offspring. She’s produced all the names of blasphemy. So when demons are cast out demons cannot live. Demons are spiritual plant life. They cannot live if their roots are not rooted in a soul. I think I put this on another message.


Someone told me recently how witches cast out demons. The demon is really harassing you and they have the spiritual authority in this particular instance, anyway. She caught the demon in a bottle. You know the stories about the genies that are in the bottle? These are not fantasies. God is showing me these last few months, everything along these lines that you hear, it’s rooted in some truth. This is not a fantasy. These witches, they catch the demons and put them in a bottle and either they throw the bottle out to sea or, in this instance, they buried the bottle under the ground so that it couldn’t do its damage from where it was. But when Jesus deals with a demon, He rips it out by the roots and it dies and it breaks down into spirit and soul and that part which is spirit, just like your body separates from your soul when a human being dies, the demon breaks down into spirit and soul. It has no body. You’re his body. And the spirit goes back to Satan and the soul goes back to Adam - goes back to the lump of clay that it was made out of. So the Adamic soul is literally being dismantled.


First the demons are being cast out, hopefully. Then, when we get mature enough in Christ, the Lord starts to deal with the carnal mind. The carnal mind is the fruit or the offspring of the illegal marriage between Satan and Eve. And God starts to work on that how? By denying it. By resisting it. By refusing to live out of it or obey it. But the carnal mind can only be completely dismantled when Christ, the fruit of God’s spirit, is mature enough to sustain a life. So the hour of getting deliverance from demons is after the Holy Spirit enters into our life. And the hour for being delivered from the carnal mind is after Christ matures in our life. That doesn’t mean that the two can’t be happening simultaneously but eventually we will be delivered from all demons and when that happens the next step is to dismantle the carnal mind. But that can’t happen until Christ is mature enough. Jesus starts with it by helping us to resist his thoughts in our mind. And the two can be happening at once.




ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: Mark 9:47-48: And if your Adamic soul is making you sin, submit to deliverance from demons, which will give you the strength to take authority over your old man or your carnal mind because it’s better to enter into the spiritual life of God having suffered from the stressful experience -- having demons cast out of you can be stressful -- stressful, embarrassing in many ways -- it’s better to experience that than to backslide into Hell, which is the judgment of this world system, which world system shall continue to exist until the end of the age, even though the fire can’t be put out this fire has no authority to end the age. And what is the fire? It’s the spiritual authority; it’s the imputed anointing that has been given to Satan, who is the prince of the power of the air. He is the god of this world and my Bible clearly states that anyone that has authority has been given that authority by the Lord Jesus Christ.




Going on with Mark 9:49-50: For everyone shall be salted with fire and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt. Salt is good, but if the salt has lost his saltness wherewith will you season it? Have salt in yourselves then and have peace, one with another. Jesus is saying to the believers that everyone shall be salted with fire. So here we have a clear reference to the fact that Jesus Himself said that fire is a preservative. I’m suggesting to you that the lake of fire which is the very Christ Himself is the preservative of the spiritual man and it preserves the spiritual man by neutralizing the carnal man. By keeping him weak, by keeping him powerless, by keeping him castrated, by keeping him under control. This is what is known as the keeping of the garden. This was the commandment of God to Adam in the garden. If you look those words up in the Hebrew, what it means is keep authority over that soul and don’t let it rule you. And Adam lost control of the soul and it rose up and took authority over that which was of God in the creation and Adam could never get his dominion back. And that’s why Jesus Christ has appeared in the end of the age to put away all sin or to put the Adamic soul back down under the authority of Christ, which is her husband. Why? Because she is causing us to sin and because we sin the whole creation is dying. Jesus says that everyone -- everyone -- if you look that up in the Greek it means the whole -- for the whole creation shall be salted with fire. The whole creation shall be preserved.


I’m going to put it on this message. I don’t know who’s listening to this message and what else you’ve listened to by me but I declare to you this whole creation shall be reconciled unto God. It shall be preserved but not every individual personality. If this is the first message you’re hearing we have many messages on it. The personality is not resurrected. The soul that sins, it shall surely die. I’m not going to go into that any more on this message. Jesus said the whole creation shall be preserved by the fire. This whole creation is going into the lake of fire. The beast of the false prophet and death and Hell and everyone who’s not written in the book of life is going into the preservative of the lake of fire and every sacrifice shall be salted with fire. That means every individual. Remember I told you earlier Jesus is boiling our soul as a sin offering. Our soul is the sacrifice. See, God only made one living soul. So everyone’s Adamic soul is a part of the whole, including the Adamic soul that Jesus Christ inherited from His mother Mary. There’s only one soul. The whole Adamic soul needs to be sacrificed but it’s in many members.


Glory to God.


The whole of the creation shall be preserved by fire and the soul -- the human soul of the individual, which is the sacrifice that shall be salted with fire. The creation is going to be preserved on two levels - as a whole -- as the whole world system -- and within the individual, in their soul. The fire shall burn within and without and we’re told -- I believe it’s in the Book of Zechariah -- I hope I’m not wrong -- I believe it’s in the prophet Zechariah -- that the Lord shall be a fire within us and a wall of fire around us. That’s referring to the life of God in our own hearts, within us, and this world system, which surrounds us, shall be God. Right now brethren it’s Satan. Christ -- Lord willing, Christ is in there also but believe me, your life-sustaining force or the force that sustains this existence in this hour, I assure you -- it’s not Christ. Because the only way it could be Christ is if you’re in full stature, unless the Lord chooses to move sovereignly, supernaturally above and beyond this world system.


He saved my life recently. He moved sovereignly beyond the authority. He took authority over the authority that He placed in this world system and refused to let me die. But spiritually all He did was put a band aid on me. If He doesn’t stand up in me in full stature I will eventually die. Because it is the satanic power source or power base that has generated me. How do I know it? I still get sick. My human spirit, which was with God from the beginning, must come out of solution with Satan. She’s joined to him in every fiber of my being and when my soul is boiled as a sin offering she shall be rendered free. And she shall join with Christ and then the soul of Christ shall be sustaining my existence. But right now my true self is joined to Satan and he is death. He is the god of this world system which is death.


Glory to God.


Verse 50: Salt is good but if the salt has lost his saltness wherewith will you season it? Have salt in yourselves then and have peace, one with another. He’s saying fire is good. Judgment is good. But if the judgment has lost its preserving power what are you going to preserve yourself with? What does that mean? There’s a scripture in one of the prophets that says the bellows are burning, the fire is hot, but the wicked is not pulled out. The wicked are not pulled out and therefore [UNINTELLIGIBLE] I call you reprobate silver. Your soul has been subjected to the judgments but you have not been preserved.


Glory to God.


So Jesus is saying the whole creation is going to be preserved by fire and every individual soul is going to be sacrificed by being given to the fire and boiled and then He goes on to say: Trials are good. Preservation is good. Fire is good. But if it doesn’t work its purpose in you, if it has no -- even though you’re burning you’re not being delivered, what are you going to be preserved with? Where’s your preservative? If you are defeating the purpose of the trial in your life by giving the glory to Satan and saying that you are under attack continuously and there is no reason for you to repent, you have denied the preserving power of the trial in your life. I am under spiritual attack continuously but I am the first one to declare to you that if I were in full stature it would have no power over me and that the only reason that it has power over me is that I am still a fallen man and because I am a fallen man there is sin in my life. These attacks come in the channel of the areas in which I have not yet been delivered. That is the truth. No devil in Hell has authority over me, not even Satan himself, unless the Lord God permits it. And He is permitting it.


But I declare to you that the fire that’s in my life has brought me very close to the kingdom of God compared to where I was when the Lord first came to me. I would say to you the fire is doing its work in my life. I’m getting better every day. I’m getting closer to Jesus every day. I’m getting stronger every day. I’m getting more righteous every day. So therefore the fire, the judgment, the salt is doing its job in me. I know people that have been in the fire for years and they just blame the devil. They don’t see any reason to change. They don’t see any reason to repent. There’s no spiritual growth and there’s no change. And Jesus says well then, what good is the fire? And then He says have salt in yourselves, have Christ in yourselves, have trials in your life, have judgment in yourself, and have peace one with another. Don’t go around sending back the curses unless God specifically tells you to do it. Don’t go striving with your brother no matter what you think, no matter what they’re doing to you, unless the Lord has given you a clear word that this person needs to be rebuked and be very careful about that. When you have a conflict with somebody look inside your own heart. Ask the Lord what needs to be corrected.


Now sometimes you’ll have a conflict with somebody and you have no choice but to rebuke them because the person will not be corrected. They will not back down. They will not stop fighting with you. But be very sure that it’s righteous anger in you saying to that person I will not permit this argument to continue. No good is coming out of it. No communication is coming out of it. No understanding is coming out of it. No reconciliation is coming out of it. Your mind at this moment is reprobate. I will not continue in it. And how can God use that for your good? Maybe up until the time you could say these words you couldn’t say them and you found yourself getting into an ungodly argument. Maybe you fell prey to the ungodliness in the other person’s mind and you continued fighting for an hour. Well how was that used in your life? Now I don’t fight for an hour. I put an end to it as soon as I can. And in my opinion of myself and my own judgment of myself I didn’t put and I don’t put an end to it quickly enough. Why? Because there is a weakness in me, so I must get stronger to recognize these situations more quickly and deal with them and put them down immediately. But you can only do this when you really hear from God and know what the truth is in your own heart. You have to really know that you’re dealing with somebody that is in a manifestation that no good thing can come out of it.


Everything I teach you on these messages, I’m warning you that you don’t let it be used in your own heart to justify your own sin because I know people have come here, have done that. This is a mature ministry. You’re not a child that’s going to be told do this, do that, do this, do that. You’ve got to hear these words, you’ve got to put them before the Lord, you have to honestly look in your own heart and be open to the Lord showing you any contribution that you’re making to this problem. And when you honestly hear from the Lord and honestly believe that you have done all you could do, then sometimes you must stand in righteousness and if you don’t stand in righteousness and put an end to that ungodly behavior, your brother’s blood is on your hands. If you are involved in an encounter with a believer that has lost control of reason and you strive with them for an hour, you have hurt them as much as you have hurt yourself. If you refuse to continue with ungodliness, if you refuse to partake of their ungodly manifestation, you are strengthening then in your ability to stop this ungodly behavior. We are never alone. Every encounter we have and the way we respond to it affects our life and the life of the other person. If we are weak we kill ourselves and we kill them. If we are strong we save ourselves and we save them. Do not tolerate ungodliness. No matter what they say about you, do not partake of it. Do not agree with it. Don’t listen to it.


Glory to God.


And even though Jesus is describing the fires of Hell or the reaping and sowing judgment of this world system He is still saying don’t worry. Even though the spiritual fire of Hell, which is My life, continuously burns up sin-filled natural man without mercy, He said I have made a way for you to escape from Hell -- from the Hell which is this world system. So that’s what all of these verses about -- these verses that have been used to preach eternal damnation, the exact opposite of the love and mercy and understanding that God has given us. I rebuke that spirit. I rebuke every false doctrine of Hell. I curse it at its root and I command that it collapse and come down. I curse it as Jesus cursed the fig tree. Dry up and die false doctrine in whatever mind you are planted in. May you not be found in the morning.


Hallelujah. Oh, thank you, Jesus. Glory to God.


This was a very interesting teaching. I just would like to give you a few scriptures on this message to establish that God is fire.


Malachi 3:2: But who may abide the day of Christ’s coming and who shall stand when He appears? When He appears in us who’s going to be able to bear it? For He, Christ, is like a refiner’s fire and like a fullers’ soap, He is a cleansing force.


Matthew 3:11: John the Baptist speaking: I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance but He that cometh after me is mightier than I whose shoes I am not worthy to bear. He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire. Fire. It’s the weapon of Jesus. It’s the purifying agent of Jesus.


Hebrews 12:29: Our God is a consuming fire. And I declare to you that the fire in Hell is God. The spiritual authority that Satan wields is the spiritual authority of Almighty God. Jesus said the prince of this world cometh and he has nothing in me. He had no spiritual authority over the one in whom there was no sin. The authority that Satan wields is the authority of God and it is an imputed anointing which empowers him to judge the sin of this age. Satan is the god of this age. The Lord has sold us to him and the only way to get out from under his authority is to get out of the age and to get into the new age which is Jesus Christ who is within you. The fire in Hell is God.


Psalms 139:8 says: If I ascend up to Heaven thou art there. If I make my bed in Hell behold, thou art there. It’s God.


Now I have a few scriptures that show that God recompenses sin without mercy. A lot of Christians don’t understand what this New Covenant means. That Jesus said now love your brother and we’re not going to be executing the judgment that we found under the Old Covenant anymore. They don’t understand that God still will not tolerate sin. The reason He says love your brother and stop killing the wicked is that we are now entering into the new age where it’s possible for the wicked to be cleansed. Under the Old Covenant there was no provision for the cleansing of the wicked. The Lord had to kill them so that those that were following after him could survive.


Glory to God.


Witnesses that God recompenses sin without mercy and every sin shall have its just recompense.


Hebrews 10:28: He that despised Moses’ law died without mercy under two or three witnesses.


Hebrews 2:2: For the word spoken by angels was steadfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward. In this new age the Lord has made a way of escape from this judgment. The Lord is not saying it’s all right to sin now. What He has done is made a way of escape from the judgment of His own law which cast the human race down to Hell where we continuously experience tribulation. The reason we’re in this place is that the law of God cast us down here and He has not changed His mind. He is not accepting sin. He has made a way of escape through the life of His Son.


Hebrews 2:3: How shall we escape? From what? What are we going to escape from? From Hell and death which is this current age, this world system. How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation which at the first began to be spoken of by the Lord and was confirmed unto us by them that heard Him. Jesus Christ was the first man to talk about the way of escape from this world system, also known as Hell. And you’ve heard it said the gates of Hell shall not prevail against His church. And the pride-filled preachers say we’re crashing into Hell to get the inmates and out and it won’t stand against us. No, brethren, we’re in it now and we’re not crashing and we’re crashing out and the gates of Hell will not keep us captive. But in Christ and in His authority we shall exit this place. We shall flow out of here and we shall enter into Christ.




We escape by overcoming the world.


John 16:33: These things I have spoken unto you that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation. When you’re dwelling in your Adamic soul you’re going to have tribulation. But when you dwell with Me you’re going to have peace. Well what does that mean? When you’re dwelling in your Adamic soul you have war with God because when you’re dwelling in your Adamic soul you’re continuously sinning and the judgments of God are falling upon you. But when you dwell with Christ and you’re not breaking His law anymore the judgments of this world can’t touch you and you shall have peace. But, you know, people can’t change overnight so don’t become a religious person and go out condemning everybody that hasn’t been able to change yet. Take a look at yourself first and work on you. In the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. Well, what does that mean? When you are in your Adamic soul you shall have the tribulation which is the judgment of God, but be of good cheer. Jesus has overcome the world so when you transfer into Christ you shall have overcome the world. See, Jesus did it already.


Did you ever wonder what that meant? We hear it preached. He did it. He did it. But do you understand what it means? That when we separate from Satan and join with Christ, then everything that He has done we partake of. But we must separate from Satan. Our soul has to be boiled so that the water of Satan can evaporate and that we can be rendered in a condition whereby we can join with the water of the soul of Christ. There’s no other way but by judgment. Scratch that rapture story. There’s no way other than the fire of His judgment. Don’t push against the pricks. It’s hard enough when you’re flowing with it. Throw yourself down on your face and repent and ask God to get you through. Don’t defend yourself to me. I know you’re lying. We’re all guilty. The whole world is guilty. Jesus has pronounced this whole world guilty. When did He do that? When He gave the law that condemned the world it proved us guilty.




This world system is called Hell. Our existence in it is called death. That is the name of our soul -- death. The carnal mind is death. And we experience tribulation or judgment while we’re down here. The Greek word translated world is Strong’s 2889 and it is the Greek word kosmos. It means orderly arrangement, decoration or this world system including its inhabitants. Hell is the name of our very real but spiritual world which is the image and reflection of the Adamic soul. The image of the Adamic soul is appearing as the carnal mind in the many members of humanity and its reflection is appearing as this physical world system. Hell -- the living soul -- exists within us and outside of us. Spiritual is spiritual. What does that mean? It means whether it’s the spirit of God or whether it’s the criminal spirit of Satan things work along the same way. So if the spirit of God is within us and without us, as I just said before, that’s a witness to us that the spirit of Satan must be within us and without us. To have an existence we need a spirit within us and a spirit without us or surrounding us. And apparently I do have that scripture. It’s Zachariah 2:5: For I, saith the Lord, will be unto her a wall of fire round about and will be the glory in the midst of her.


In Habakkuk 2:16 the Lord says: Thou art filled with shame for glory. What does that mean? It means the glory in the midst of you is not My spirit. It’s the spirit of shame, which is Satan. And shameful spewing shall be on thy glory. The spiritual seed of Satan shall be -- you shall be filled with the spiritual seed of Satan. Very sexual connotation. I listened to the message on Habakkuk today. It was incredible. I felt like it was a knife in me cutting my Adamic heart out. It was incredible. An incredible message.


So what am I saying? I’m saying that the spirit which is the image or glory within you -- it’s your soul. The reflection or the wall around you determines whether or not you are in Hell or in Heaven. The living soul, which is the image of Satan, is Hell and the soul of Christ, which is in the image of the Father, is Heaven. And it exists in your mind in the way you think and it exists outside of you because this whole world system is the reflection of the corporate mind of man which is in Hell. Now you get a lot of people that are telling you start thinking on the high things and this world is going to turn into Heaven. No, no, no. It’s only the mind of Jesus Christ that has the authority to change the world outside of us. If the highest manifestation of the Adamic soul was appearing in every man on the face of the earth, if the greatest heights -- spiritual heights -- to which the mind of man could attain to was manifesting in the minds of every man, which is not the case, this place would still be Hell.


Jesus Christ of Nazareth was the only man that had the spiritual authority to dispel, to do away with, to cause to vanish the existence of this world system and replace it with the reflection of His glorified mind. I honestly don’t know whether the one man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, has the authority to do it or not. I hope the Lord tells me, but I do know this -- that He said if a corn of wheat fall unto the ground it shall bring forth a great harvest. I know from the Bible that the Lord Jesus Christ in obedience to His Father chose to willfully give up His glorified soul life so that He could appear in the many members of the living soul. So the Lord hasn’t told me whether or not that one man was strong enough to overtake and cause to flee away the reflection of the corporate mind of the many members of the living soul. But whether He could do it or not He chose to not do it. He chose to give up His soul life, to let it die, and do it through the many members of the living soul. And as I talk to you I feel very strongly that He probably had the authority to do it - that the sinless mind of God in one man was powerful enough to dispel the wickedness that’s being projected through the many members of the living soul.


I believe God has told me He had the authority to do it. But He chose not to do it that way. You see, a lot of people that get a hold of these scriptures and they get a true word but they don’t understand that a spiritual authority is needed that is only in Christ to bring it to pass. You can’t do it with the Adamic mind. This salvation is not knowledge. This salvation is not in doctrine. The doctrine is a part of what is happening to us as Christ is being formed in us. But the salvation is not in doctrine or knowledge or understanding. Salvation is in the life of the Son that must be formed in us. Whether He’s formed in us with the knowledge or without the knowledge; whether He’s formed in us with the doctrine or without the doctrine, it is only the life of Christ in us that will bring forth our change.




So what am I saying? I’m saying that the spirit which is the image or glory within you and the reflection or wall around you determines whether or not you’re in Hell or in Heaven. I don’t think many of us have a problem believing that our personality is either in the image of the living soul, which is ruled by Satan, or in the image of Christ, which is ruled by the Father. I don’t think many of us have a problem believing that at any one moment of time we are either in the image of Satan or in the image of the Father in the spiritual place known as our personality. I don’t think anyone that’s been following these teachings would have a problem with that. That is to say that in the single spiritual place where our mind dwells there is either darkness or light. At given moment, there is either darkness or light. There is either hate or love. There is either error or truth. There is either antichrist or Christ. There is either fear or peace. There is either doubt and unbelief or faith. From second to second only one mind is manifesting at a time.


Many of us do have a problem however understanding that Hell and Heaven, which is the physical manifestation of this mind, can exist in the same physical place which we call our world. They think we have to go someplace else to get into Heaven. They can’t understand that because it looks this way now that one day it could be totally converted -- a new Heaven and a new earth and a new world out there. This world system, this planet, can be either Hell or Heaven depending on whether or not it is reflecting the mind of Satan or the mind of the Father. Right now this world system is reflecting the mind of Satan and all you have to do is look around you to see that it’s Hell. Nevertheless, despite everything that you see now, in the very near future the reflection of the Father -- the reflection of the Father through the mind of His Christ, which is about to appear in a firstfruits company shall displace Satan’s reflection in our world system and in the very same place where you see corruption, disease and death, there shall appear wholeness, health and life.


The only difference is -- and this may confuse some people -- is that in our minds, in the place within us from second to second, it can be Hell or Heaven. But in the place out there where the thought has become hard, where it’s taken form, where it’s the realm of appearance, where it’s the stage where the thoughts of spiritual life are acting out, it’s not from second to second. The change comes from age to age. The change comes from age to age. We have to wait until this age is ended and the new age appears out there. So there is somewhat of a difference and a lot of people are struggling with that.  Jesus says we shall escape from Hell by overcoming it. Revelation 2:7 says: To him that overcometh I will give to eat of the Tree of Life which is in the midst of the paradise of God. Christ is the Tree of Life. To he who overcometh shall eat of Christ. Jesus said you must eat My flesh and drink My blood. That’s referring to joining with Him. He was joined to the Lord as one spirit so when you overcome you will be one spirit with the Lord.


Revelation 2:11: He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death. The second death or the death of death -- the second death, which is the death of death. This world system is death. The first world system was innocence -- the age of innocence -- and it died and it was replaced by the age of death which is what we’re living in right now. When death dies, this world is going to become the age of life. We’re going to enter into the age of life. So those of us who won’t be hurt by the second death, what that means is that when we are killed the life of Christ shall appear in us and sustain us. The people that are killed by this world system in whom Christ has not been formed will die. If the life of Christ is not in them to sustain their body -- we’ve been talking about this -- they’re going to die and they’re going to be hurt of the second death. The second death, the destruction that’s coming upon this world system, will hurt or destroy men in whom Christ has not been formed. But in the men in whom Christ has been formed it won’t hurt them because when their soul is destroyed Christ will give them life. So again the answer is that Christ must be formed in us. The Holy Spirit won’t cut it, brethren. The Holy Spirit won’t cut it.


Revelation 2:17: To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna -- that’s this doctrine that you’re hearing right here -- and will give him a white stone. You can’t understand this doctrine unless you overcome. Overcome what? Your carnal mind who does not want you to understand it. He must come under your feet. He must come under your authority. He must come under your dominion. You can only do this when you’re clinging unto Christ. He must be brought down under your feet. You have to work and pierce through and fight to understand this doctrine. But once He’s subdued them, I don’t fight to understand the doctrine anymore. I reached a point where it just flows and you can reach it too. But you’ve got to fight that thing. He’s a monster in your mind. To Him that overcometh will I give to eat of this hidden manna and will give him a white stone and in this stone a new name is written which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth. This is a new soul and a new spirit. We’re going to eat of the hidden manna and the result of it will be out renewed soul and our renewed spirit in Christ.


Revelation 2:26-28: To him that overcometh and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations and the morning star. Christ shall appear in the one who rejects the works of the flesh and does the works of the Father until the salvation of his soul. We talk about this on message number 13. The end is godliness or Christ in you, the hope of glory. He shall receive power over the soul man. The one who overcometh, he shall receive power over the soul man and Christ shall appear in him.


Revelation 3:5: He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment and I will not blot his name out of the Book of Life, but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels. Christ shall purify the soul of the overcomer. He’s going to be clothed in a soul that’s righteous. The white raiment is the soul that’s righteous. Let me start from the beginning. Christ shall purify the soul of the overcomer and make him a part of the spiritual body of Christ.


Glory to God. Hallelujah.


He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in the righteous soul. His name will not be blotted out of the Book of Life. He’s going to live and He will confess his name before the Father. He will be the mediator between this man and His Father and before His angels. Christ will be the mediator between this man and the Father and this man and all the other men that are in Christ. Christ in him will be witnessing to all of them that Christ is in him. We’re supposed to know each other by the spirit. It’s hard to believe today but we’re supposed to know each other by the spirit. God help us.


Revelation 3:13: Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of My God and he shall go no more out and I will write upon him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God. To him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of God. The word pillar -- we’ve had this several times -- if you study the word, what the word is is a resting place for the spirit of God. You are a pillar if Christ abides in you, if Christ rests in you, if He manifests through you at will. Jesus Christ was a pillar. Paul was a pillar. The anointing came upon him and it abode. It wasn’t one minute Christ and the next minute Adam. The Father rested in this vessel and manifested at will. Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of My God and he shall go out no more. He’s not going to die anymore. He’s not going to go out where? He’s not going to go out of this realm of appearance anymore. And I will write upon him the name of My God. He’s going to engrave him with the righteous image of the Father. And the name of the city of My God -- and his soul is going to glorify God and be in His image.


Revelation 3:21: To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in My throne. Well, we found in a couple of studies that the throne of God is the soul of Jesus Christ. The Father sits on the soul of Jesus Christ. So to him that overcometh I will grant to sit with Me in My throne. We’re going to be joined to the spirit of Christ and dwell with Him in the soul of Christ.


Last, but not least, Hebrews 11:10 tell us that Abraham looked for a city which hath foundations whose builder and maker is God and this city -- Jesus clearly told us, likened the word city to a soul -- and this city if the New Jerusalem which is the soul life of Christ.




So we’ve had a lot of side studies here and Lord willing, at the next meeting we’ll be back in Revelation 14:20. If the Lord lets me. I will finish up that chapter.


Glory to God.


Do you have any questions?


            It was quite interesting when you said that we would be boiled as a sin offering and there’s a lake of fire.




            So that’s the same lake that we were referring to last week.




            And that salt would be the preservative. Jesus is the preservative.


Yes. He is the salt. He is the fire.


            And that’s probably what that is consisting of when He is used as a preservative He’s taking us through that and we’ll be purified through that.




            I thought that was pretty interesting.


Praise the Lord.


            By the way, what is the age of innocence? What does that mean?


The age of innocence is the period of time that existed before the fall.




We are now in the age of death and we’re going into the third age which is the age known as life.


            Oh. I had never heard that before.


You never heard that?




I had that on message 20. I know you have that message.


            It must have --


Gone over your head. Listen to it again. OK? There’s so much on these messages, you know, that unless God’s calling your attention to it, it just goes -- it’s just like reading the Bible. Unless God is calling your attention to a particular scripture it just goes right past you, you know?


            I find the same thing in going through that or a prophecy. I’ll hear it again and I’ll say wow, I didn’t hear that before. But God opened up your understanding.


Yeah. If you get a chance listen to that message again. It’s a good message.


            When, in 9:43 in Mark, it is better for thee to enter into life maimed than to have two hands to go into Hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched. Now, this Hell -- we’re all in Hell now.




            So what would be the difference of the Hell that we’re going through than the Hell that they’re going through? Because they’re not going to come out of that torment?


No. Well, the way -- Jesus talked about the fiery judgment twice. Let me read it to you. He says that having two hands to go into Hell, which that Greek word translated Hell means the burning fire. OK? Into the fire that never shall be quenched. He’s talking about two different things there. He’s talking about the judgment, which is the reaping and sowing, which is the experience. And then He’s talking about the death -- the fire which is this world system. Listen to the message again because I went over it like six times on the message, so listen to the message again, OK? Because I went into -- I kept going over it and over it. I know it’s a very tough concept but Jesus was saying that we could fall into the judgment of this world system but the judgment is fire but the world system also is fire. But He said it’s possible to be living in this world system and still abiding in the life of God as described in Psalm 23. OK?


            There’s one other thing. You spoke about demons in bottles.




            And it brought to mind -- in the church I used to belong to a girl wanted me to come over, and they came here in the middle of the night, her and her future husband and her sister, all upset, because the mother had gone to India. She was all into that old guru. You know the one with the white hair with his legs all crossed and everything else. And she said the mother came back after  spending months there with a box and in the box was a demon.




            And she has to let it out once a year into the house. I couldn’t believe that. And no one was allowed to touch the box.


Pandora’s box, huh? Amazing.


05/29/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

05/30/14 1st Edit CAS

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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