078 - Part 5
(Revelation 14)


L.078.5.1.HARVEST THE.REVELATION 14.good   L.078.5.2.HARVEST THE.REVELATION 14.good   L.078.5.3.HARVEST THE.REVELATION 14.good   L.078.5.4.HARVEST THE.REVELATION 14.good


Part 5 of 11 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


So I hope that you have had time to review the 78 series. If you had not, you might want to after this message tonight. I was very surprised this morning when the Lord gave me this message because I have not prepared part 5 of the 78 series that He gave me an exhortation in Isaiah 33 where He reveals the same message of the wine press and the lake of fire. So it would help you if you've heard part 4 of message 78. If you have not, you might want to review it when you get home. Glory to God.


Chapter 33 of the Book of the Revelation -- I'm sorry. Chapter -- well, I guess it is the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, only it's in the Old Covenant. The Prophet Isaiah, chapter 33, the Hidden Revelation of Christ, "Woe to thee that spoilest, and thou wast not spoiled; and dealest treacherously, and they dealt not treacherously with thee! when thou shalt cease to spoil, thou shalt be spoiled; and when thou shalt make an end to deal treacherously, they shall deal treacherously with thee." Now, this indictment is to the corporate living soul, but I'm going to suggest to you that this is a reality for individuals.


I know that it's my testimony, and I believe the Lord -- before I ever saw it in the Scripture, the Lord told me that it was true and that no matter what your wickedness is when you are in the world -- we all know there are many people in the world that are involved in all kinds of wickedness, and they are not reaping what they have sown; but the time that you repent and come to Christ and stop doing it, all of a sudden, you will find people doing it to you, and I know that it was my experience. I did not reap the wickedness that I sowed until I repented and was accepted by the Lord in a relationship with Him, and the most wicked, evil people came into my life.


So this is a spiritual reality, and it's also a spiritual reality for the corporate living soul that when she gives up and knows that her days are finished and recognizes her weakness and her inability to continue her existence that the Lord will do evil to her and will do treacherously to her; however, when the Lord does evil, good comes out of it. When the Lord does treacherously, good comes out of it.


And the natural example that we have is a parent chastening the child. Somebody that knows nothing about children or raising them or anything about humanity, if they saw a parent paddling their child, could be very distressed; and in this hour, in fact, we have many people that are saying it's wickedness and it's treachery, and the children are be- -- of this generation are being destroyed. Many of them are being destroyed because they are not being adequately disciplined. They're not being disciplined with the love of God coming through the parent that when that happens will cause the child to be strengthened in righteousness, to grow up with His discipline internalized with having -- finding within themselves the strength to resist ungodly impulses in their own soul. And we have a nation of drug addicts and alcoholics and codependence and compulsive adults suffering from depression and every form of torment that you can imagine, and a large factor in this is that they were not disciplined adequately as a child.


Glory to God. Verse 2, "O Lord, be gracious unto us; we have waited for thee: be thou their arm every morning, our salvation also in the time of trouble." So this is the living soul. It's Israel. It's the church today, and they're saying, Lord have mercy on us. We've waited for you. Be our strength every morning and be our salvation in the time of trouble. Now, in verse 1, it's -- we just said that the Lord is going to deal treacherously with the living soul, and He's going to spoil her; and in verse 2, we hear the natural man crying out. He could be the natural man. He could be Israel. He could be the church.


This word is for everybody in this hour because if you've been studying with us for a while, you know that the whole living soul today is God's people, but all Israel is not Israel. The whole living soul is Israel, but everybody's not walking in it. All Israel is not Israel, but the whole world has been called to salvation. The whole world has been called to a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ; therefore, the whole world or all of humanity is Israel, but all Israel is not Israel. Everybody doesn't know it. Everybody's not walking in it. Even everybody that calls themselves Israel isn't walking in it, and we had a teaching on this.


Hallelujah. So we see the natural man crying out, Lord have mercy on us. We've waited for you. Be our strength in the morning, and the morning, of course, is when the sun rises, and Jesus Christ is the sun of our righteousness. So that means they've called on Him when they saw the sun rising, but have they called on Him in the darkness and in the twilight? And because they have not called upon Him in the darkness and in the twilight, they find it necessary in the morning, in the light of His rising sun to cry out and say, dear Lord, have mercy on us. Why? Because He has come to spoil them and to do treacherously to them and to recompense every sin.


Judgment is already falling, and I just would like to remind you that the fact that you have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ does not mean that you avoid judgment. Just because you are covered with the blood, it does not mean you will not be judged. The difference between someone who has a relationship with Jesus Christ and the one who doesn't is the result of the judgment. If you don't have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who was executing the judgment upon you was Satan, and you shall die from the judgment. You shall surely reap what you have sown. You have sown death, and you shall reap death. You shale surely die.


When you develop -- when you receive permission to enter into a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, your judge is the Lord Jesus Christ who is sitting on the throne of your heart; and when the Lord Jesus Christ judges you, you shall surely reap everything that you have sown, but He will use it for your good. He will teach you from it. He will give you the ability to change, and He will cleanse you from the sin that you have reaped -- I'm sorry, that you have sown. He will cleanse you. In the reaping, you will not be destroyed, but you will be cleansed and converted into His image. But Christians that think there is no judgment are deceived. Christians that think they will go to sleep one night and wake up in heaven, you are deceived. What a great hour of awakening is waiting for you. May the Lord surely have mercy on your soul, and woe be unto the shepherd that have taught you such a lie that contributed to your pain.


So in verse 3 -- I'm sorry, in verse 2 we see the people that were wicked in the night saying, Lord be gracious unto us. We've waited for you. Be our strength when your sun rises and be our salvation also in the time of trouble; but, of course, the time of trouble is Jacob's trouble, and Jacob's trouble is described in the Scripture as a man in such pain that he has his hands around his loins, and he's like a wo- -- he's likened to a woman in travail to bring forth a child. So because the Lord God has decided to do treacherously with them, they are now crying out and saying, Lord, we have waited on You, or we have served You in the sun. When they saw Him, they served Him; but when they couldn't see Him, they had no fear of Him whatsoever.


Verse 3, "At the noise of the tumult the people fled." What is the tumult? We've had studies the Book of Revelation where we found that the noise and the tumult is the Christ in us coming forth and then making a lot of noise. They're attacking our wicked [UNINTELLIGIBLE] souls, and they're making a big confusion, a big tumult, a big noise, and the people that don't know what's happening go into derision, and they give all the glory to Satan.


It's not Satan that's after you; it's the Lord if you're a believer. Remember what I just said. If you're not a believer, Satan's after you. If you're a believer, it's the Lord that's after you. Stop giving Satan all that glory. Look at the wickedness exists [sic]. If you're convinced that it's Satan, then you don't acknowledge there's anything to repent of. If you don't repent, the judgment must continue; and if it continues long enough and it doesn't produce its goal, which is to purge you of wickedness and have Christ formed in you, you are an unprofitable servant, and the Scripture says that it's possible that the bellows should be blowing and the heat should be very high and all of your spiritual parts are melted, but yet the wicked are not [?called?] out. Why? Because you'd think that the heat is from Satan and there's no reason to discharge anything from within yourselves. You know, walking with the Lord is very serious. This is very serious. This is not something you do once or twice or three times a week. You go to church or you read your Bible for a half an hour in the morning. Your life is on the line, and in don't know how many people know that.


Glory to God. Verse 3, "At the noise of the tumult the people fled." When they saw the judgment coming, when they saw the sons of God coming, they ran. "At the lifting up of Thyself the nations were scattered." At the lifting up of the Thyself. It's talking about the Lord. At the manifestation of Christ, the nations were scattered. Who were the nations? They're the natural man. When Christ manifests in you, when He arises in you, when He lifts Himself up in you, the natural man in you will be scattered. Now, what does that mean? He's going to be blown apart. He's going to be broken down to his component parts. He's going to be melted. He's going to flee in all directions. Christ is destroying the natural man, but our life in Christ will be better than anything we could have ever achieved as a natural man.


Hallelujah. Verse 4, "And your spoil shall be gathered like the gathering of the caterpillar." Now, what does the word "gathering" mean? "And your spoils shall be gathered like the gathering of the caterpillar." We found out in the number 32 series that the word "gather" refers to incarnation, that in the realm of the spirit, when the Lord wants to bring forth a child, He literally gathers all of the spiritual components that are needed to make a person. If you're an artist and you're going to paint a picture, you gather what you need. You gather your canvas. You gather your brushes. You gather your paints. Whatever it is that you use, you gather all of your tools together before you start your project. In the Scripture we found that this expression "to gather" refers to just this, the gathering of the spiritual components that will form a human being, that will begin a human being in utero.


So we're told in verse 4 that your spoils "shall be gathered like the gathering of the caterpillar." Well, how was a caterpillar gathered? What does that mean? How was a caterpillar formed? He forms in a cocoon, does he not? And the Scripture teaches that the Christ is in the cocoon of the Adamic soul, which is in the cocoon of the human body. Christ is being formed after the manner of a caterpillar.


And also the caterpillar is what is sown, but it is not what is reaped. What is reaped? The butterfly is reaped. Paul said that which is sown is not the same as that which is reaped. This natural body, this human soul, this whole world system as we see it, that is what is sown; and when the reaping comes, it's not going to look anything like this at all. So when you hear that message that you're Christ now, if you can't believe that I'm telling you it's not true, you better pray because you're not Christ now. You are the caterpillar, and those of us that are the caterpillar, we shall cease to be, but we shall live in another form -- as a butterfly. The caterpillar crawls on the ground. He is vile. Who likes caterpillars? We run from them. The butterfly is beautiful. He flies in the heavenlies, and he no longer needs his cocoon.


So resist that lie, and I rebuke it in the name of Jesus, and I pray for this whole creation and I pray for this whole church world; but, nevertheless, may the will of the Lord be done. In this hour, everybody is not going to reveal Christ. The hard, cold fact is that in this hour everybody is not going to reveal Christ, and there are people who will receive the error and there are people who will fall away, and there's nothing anybody can do about it; but, thank God, they won't be burning in hell forever, and their spiritual substance shall return unto Christ.


So in verse 4, "And your spoils shall be gathered like the gathering of the caterpillar: as the running to and fro of locusts shall He run upon them." Now, we know in Revelation chapter 9 we talk about locusts. Now, the whole church world preaches that they're the demon locusts. I'm the only one that I know of that preaches they're the sons of God. Now we find the locusts appearing in the same Scripture where we're talking about the caterpillar, and we just related it to the sons of God. So the caterpillar is likened unto the natural man, which will be converted into the sons of God; and they, when the are converted, shall be running to and fro like locusts. Do you see this? The caterpillar is that which is sown, the natural man; and the locusts is that which is reaped. The locusts, they ascend out of the pit. When your damaged soul is put in the fire and burnt, the sons of God are released.


And your spoil or your offspring, He's referring to -- this is the Lord speaking. And your sp- -- the spoil of the Lord, the offspring, the increase of God shall be gathered. They shall have the beginning of the caterpillar, which is the natural man, and their end shall be as the running to and fro of locusts. They shall metamorphosize [sic] from caterpillar into butterfly, from an earth dwelling creature to one who flies in the heavenlies.


Verse 5, "The Lord is exalted; for He dwelleth on high: He hath filled Zion with judgment and righteousness." How is the Lord exalted? He's exalted when He is obeyed and submitted to and yielded to and Satan is resisted. The Lord is exalted when He manifests in us, when He appears in us. When He is revealed through us, He is exalted; and when that happens, we shall obey Him and we shall submit to Him, and this is the battle of the ages. This is Armageddon. It is the battle between the mind of Christ and the Adamic mind, or the mind of the living soul, and it's happening in each individual, each man in his own order, and there shall also be corporate manifestations of it on the world scene. It is as I've told you many times. What go- -- what happens in the world scene, we have no control over. I really don't bother too much, and there may be a lot of truth in what is being said, and there are books written about it, and many Christians or so-called Christians running to read these books. But what could you do about it if you find out that a man will rise up in the east? What good is it going to do you? We must all take the victory in our own minds; and when that victory is taken in our own minds, no matter what's going on in the Middle East, when Christ is ruling in our mind, we shall be saved.


"The Lord is exalted; for He dwelleth on high." He's appearing in us. "He hath filled Zion with judgment and righteousness." And Zion is Mount Zion, and throughout the Scripture we've established on other messages -- I don't have any references for you right now -- that Zion is referring to the human spirit. It's the high place from which we worship God.


It's the high place from which we worship God, and she is filled with judgment and righteousness. What does that mean? It's means that she's been set free from Satan because right now Zion is filled with wickedness and unrighteousness. She is joined to Satan. She has married Satan. She is joined to him in every cell of her spiritual and physical being. She is stained with his existence, which is sin. She is stained, totally penetrated, by the sin -- by the sinful being known as Satan.


So for her to be filled with judgment and righteousness she must be set free from Satan, and this is happening through burnings. She's going to be burnt in the fire, and the pure gold of her spirit will survive, but that which is not of God's Spirit will be consumed. She shall be made a virgin again, and she shall be joined to the Father. And now she shall be stained with the judgment and righteousness of Christ, and she shall be joined in every cell of her being, her spiritual and physical being, to Christ, and she shall be stained with righteousness and judgment instead of sin and unrighteousness.


And I meant to put this on as an exhortation at the begin, and I forgot. I'll put it on the message right now. In the last meeting, someone asked about this -- the image of the Spirit, and my answer to you was that the image is in the soul, and then I wasn't too sure. This is on the last message, but the Lord reminded me that there is an image in our spirit. The Scripture talks about the molten image and graven image. The graven image is the clay of our soul. It's engraved. The image of the spirit that's ruling us is engraved in the clay of our soul, but we also have a molten image -- molten meaning it's made from metal, and metal typifies the -- what our spirit is made out of.


So the molten image -- our -- is our spirit, and that image is determined by whom our spirit is joined to. If she's joined to Satan, it's an idol; and if she's joined to Christ, she's judgment and righteousness. OK? So there is a molten image, and there is a graven image. [SPEAKING IN TONGUES]. Glory to God. So she's -- if she's joined to Satan, it's an idol, an illegal idol; and if she's joined to the Father, she's in a -- in the image of the Father, and that is acceptable. And we know that in the tabernacle there were cherubim. Have you ever wondered about that? That the great graven images are specifically forbidden in the Old Testament, yet in the ark were graven images of the cherubim, and this is the answer to that question. When our human spirit is joined to the Father, a graven image is acceptable, and the cherubim were -- was a- -- were acceptable because they were ordained of God.


So the graven image that's ordained of God is acceptable. Our human spirit joined to the Father is acceptable. Our human spirit joined to Satan is a molten image, and it is forbidden, OK, and our soul is the graven image. If it's engraven [sic] by the spirit of Satan, it's illegal; and when it's graven in the image and the shape of the Father, it is acceptable.


And we've been finding this out for four years. When man does it, it's illegal; when God does it, it's acceptable. Almost every -- as far as I've discovered, every sin that man is prohibited, God does it and good comes out of it. Good comes out of it because the -- whatever evil comes out from the Father must turn out for our good because He is goodness and He is [?life?light?] and He is [?life?light?], and everything He does must have a positive result, and He only opposes that which is evil, which is our sin-filled soul. Hallelujah.


OK. Verse 6, "And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times," and that word "times," it means generations, and wisdom and knowledge, which is talking about the Father and His Christ, shall be the stability or the security of your generations "and the strength of your salvation. The fear of the Lord is his treasure." So when we're joined to the Lord, we shall have wisdom, and we shall have knowledge. We shall be secure in our generation, and we shall have the strength to obtain salvation.


And "the fear of the Lord is his treasure." That's talking about the life of the ages. That word "times," it can be translated "generations" or it can be translated "ages," and wisdom and knowledge shall be your security for the life of the ages. It will keep you alive. The wisdom -- Jesus Christ was made unto us wisdom. The wisdom and knowledge of God sh- -- when it's in our spiritual being -- not when it's our head, when it's in our spiritual being, when we're joined with it in every cell of our body, it shall be our security for the life of the ages and the strength of salvation. It's going to give us the life of the ages.


Verse 7, "Behold, their valiant ones shall cry without" -- and that word "valiant" means "champions" -- "and the ambassadors of peace shall weep bitterly." Glory to God. The ones that are fighting for them shall cry and the ambassadors of peace shall weep bitterly. Now, the valiant ones, I suggest to you, they're the servants of God that are prophets of God that are trying to encourage the people to serve Him and withdraw from sin, and the ambassadors of peace, I suggest to you, are the apostles of the New Covenant.


Now, what is an apostle? An apostle is someone in whom the imparted Christ is manifested. There are apostles of different degrees. If you have the imparted Christ and He's manifesting in you in any measure, you are an apostle. You may not be an apostle of full stature. Jesus Christ was an apostle when He was in full stature, but if the living Christ is indwelling you and manifesting through you in any measure, you are an apostle.


And we found a Scripture -- I think it's in James, but I could be mistaken -- where there is a -- it's not translated ambassador in the -- in that epistle, but when we looked it up in the Greek, we found out that the word meant if you're an apostle that you're an ambassador. You're an ambassador of Christ. You are a representative of Christ; therefore, when you go to meet a heathen or you go to meet somebody, you are a represent- -- all of us here, we are representatives of Christ.


If we let our carnal mind out from under Christ, we've done in shame because we are ambassadors of Christ. So we must fight at all times to reap that -- to suppress our Adamic soul, that Christ should be revealed through us. Now, of course, if we have a moment that it doesn't happen, there's no condemnation in Christ, but we must have our goals in sight. We must have an understanding of what is required of us, and what is required of us is that which is required of ambassadors to other nations. You go out with your best foot forward when you go to work, when you go to the store no matter where you go, no matter who you're talking to, especially if they know you to be a Christian. Have you ever found that, that if you go to a heathen and you mess up, the first thing that they say is, wow, some Christian? We are ambassadors of Christ.


So, behold, their valiant ones, the prophets, they're crying -- they're crying [sic] that we should serve Christ and repent, and the ambassadors of peace are weeping bitterly for the condition of God's people, and what is that condition? They are stained with the sin of Satan, even though they have a relationship with Christ.


"The highways lie waste, the wayfaring man ceaseth. He has [sic] broken the covenant. He hath despised the cities. He regardeth no man," and this word "highway," it's Strong's 4546, and it means a public way for stepping, or where you walk. It can also be translated "a way cast up or embanked," and what that means is if you have a section of land and it's low and next to it is a section of land that's high, they fill up that section of land so you can have one flat highway. It's referring to a filling up. It can also be translated "ladder." It's a means to get up higher. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] it comes from the root 5549, which means "to gather or cast up into a heap, to get up high, to make a level way by casting up a bank." I just told you that.


Now, this root word, Strong's 5549, is also the root of Strong's 551, which is translated "ladder" in the phrase "Jacob's ladder" in Genesis 28:12. The word translated "highway" also appears in Proverbs 16:17 as the highway of the upright. It appears in Isaiah 7:3, the highway of the fuller's field, and a fuller is the one who washes clo- -- gets your clothes white. It appears in Isaiah 11:16, "And there shall be a highway for the remnant of His people which shall be left from Assyria, like -- as it was to Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt." So these are all spiritual applications of this word "highway." And, lastly, in Isaiah 40, verse 3, it says, "The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, 'Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.'"


So we see that this word "highway" -- in verse 8 of Isaiah 33, it says "the highways lie waste." I've just given you many references indicating that this highway is referring to a road to God, and although the Holy Spirit chose to use one word to describe Jacob's ladder, we know that Jacob's ladder is Christ. He's the only mediator between heaven and Earth, and that Hebrew word translated "highway," which comes from the same root as the word "ladder" in "Jacob's ladder" -- although the Holy Spirit chose to use one word for "Jacob's ladder" and another word in verse 8 here, the Hebrew word translated "highway," which comes from the same root word, is used to describe -- now this word translated "highway," it's used to describe both natural and spiritual roads.


The word used in "Jacob's ladder" is only used once in the whole Bible, and it's refer- -- that I could find, and it's referring to the spiritual ladder; but this word "highway," it can be natural or it can be spiritual; and the phrase "the highways lie waste" indicates that the pathways which are intended to connect heaven to earth -- and that highway is man, OK? Man is the connection. Within man is both heaven and Earth. Heaven and hell, it's all within us, OK. They are lying waste, which means they are not being used for that purpose. It means that heaven is being connected to Earth through these highways which we are. Hallelujah.


So the human vessels, men if you please, are not fulfilling the function for which they were created. "The wayfaring man ceaseth." "Wayfaring man," there is no number for either of these words in Strong's Concordance. When I looked in the interlinear text, however, it was revealed that the Hebrew word translated "man" in this verse is the Hebrew word which means "more [UNINTELLIGIBLE] man" and the Hebrew word translated "wayfaring" is Strong's number 734, which has the following definitions: a well-trodden road, a caravan, a troop; it can also mean a highway. It can mean a lifestyle or a race, and I remind you that the Apostle Paul told us that we're all running a race. So I'm going to suggest to you that this word "the wayfaring man" is referring to he who runs the race. The race of what? The race of this existence, which is supposed to end in the salvation of our soul, but we're told here that the wayfaring man ceaseth, and that word "ceaseth" is Strong's 7673, and it means to cease or to desist from exertion. He has stopped fighting the fight. Paul said fight the good fight of faith. He stopped making the effort. He stopped running the race. He stopped trying to get to heaven. He's accepted this existence as the reality, and all he can think about is functioning in this world system, and is not that the condition of the natural man? Even the members of the church aren't running the race. They just want to get through this life [UNINTELLIGIBLE] so that they can die and go to heaven. So the wayfaring man or the man that's running the race, he has stopped running the race.


"He hath broken the covenant." What covenant? The covenant that God made with man. He made it with Noah and his sons. He made it with A- -- the covenant with Abraham is still in effect, but the natural man has broken the covenant.


"He has despised the cities," and who are the cities? We are the cities. The individual man is the cities. How has he despised us? He has hated us. He is using our members for ungodly and pernicious purposes, for profanity and wickedness, the worst of which are drug addiction and alcoholism, all forms of destructive behavior -- sexual perversion. He's taking the vessels of God that were built to be the connecting point of heaven and Earth, and he's using us for filth, those of us in whom he can do it, and I think everybody here has had this experience before the Lord delivered us out of some terrible situation, whatever our individual situation was.


"He has despised the cities. He regardeth no man," and this word "regard" is Strong's 2803, and it means to braid or weave colored threads, and mentally it means to compute or to conceive an idea. Now, we found out in the 38 series that God is weaving a garment, and that we are the spiritual garment that He is weaving. And that in one direction is the colored threads, which is the light of Christ -- let me put this on the board for you. This is in the 38 series. Oh, I have colored chalk here too. How wonderful.


OK. God is weaving a garment, and to be honest with you, I forgot which way warp goes and which way the woof goes, so just bear with me; and, actually, I should be drawing the -- each of these rows in a different color, but I don't want to take the time. And then the other way -- Satan is going the other way. And just like He's weaving cloth, Satan's going -- one is the warp and the other is the woof. The color's going one way and Satan, which is colorless, is going the other way; and when He finishes weaving the garment, we're going to have -- all you're going to see is the color. Does anybody not know what I'm talking about? And this garment -- the Father is throwing this garment over Himself. The Father is invisible. He is a spirit. He has no form or shape, and He's throwing this garment of light over Himself. It's typified by Joseph's coat of many colors, and the Father's throwing this garment over Himself so that He can be revealed, and that garment is the soul of Christ. It is Christ, the life of Christ in us.


So we have have a Scripture here in verse 8, which says, "He regardeth no man," and we find out that this word "regardeth" means that he weaves no man. He doesn't cause man -- or he cannot cause man to come into existence in accordance with God's pattern. He does not have what it takes to cause men to be woven into soul. The garment is a soul. I said this is the soul of Christ. This fallen man, the living soul, he does not have the spiritual authority to bring forth the coat of many colors. He is bringing his own coat, and he is both the warp and the woof. He's the one that's going both ways. This is what Satan's doing in his fallen condition, and the garment is white. It's not colored. It's white. It doesn't have the color of life in it. Does anybody not know what I'm talking about?


This is the soul of Christ, the many colored; and this is the soul of Satan. I should say -- I'm sorry. I should say this is the soul of the Father. His name is Christ. This is the soul of Satan. His name is Adam, and he is white and colorless; and the soul of Christ is many colors typifying light. When you put light through a prism, it's many colors. So this is the soul of the Father, many colors, called Christ; and the soul of Satan, white, called Adam.


So we're told that he'd- -- that Satan -- that this natural man ruled by Satan does not have the authority to bring Christ into existence. He brings the counterfeit into existence. And another name for this soul over here is life. The soul of Christ is life, and the soul of Satan is death. So a great mystery -- this is a great mystery, but death has an existence. Death [?has an?is in?] existence. Now haven't we been taught that, that when you die you go to hell and you're tormented forever? Well, that's just a perversion of the truth. Death has an existence. This is it. The Scripture says the carnal mind is death. It's not nonexistence. Death is a form of existence that is a separation from God, but it is not for forever. It is only for as long as this age exists. It's until the end of the age.


Come out [UNINTELLIGIBLE] Roman Catholic spirits about hell, come out of there. You too. Come out of there you, all of you.


Death is in existence. It exists in a place, in a location called hell, and it's not forever. It's until the end of the age. So we're talking about his living soul. Hallelujah. And we said that he's not running the race; he's given up. He's even forgot [sic] that there is a race. He's broken his covenant with God. He's a hater to individual human beings, as we can just look around us and see what he's done to us, and he does not have the spiritual authority to give us life. He has given us death.


Verse 9, "The earth mourneth and languisheth," and of course our soul is the earth. This is the satanic soul known as Adam and death. It languisheth. It has no strength in it, and it mourns. We mourn all the time. We mourn for whom? For our lost life. We may not be aware of it, but every human being has a longing for something. Nobody's ever satisfied. Some people are more satisfied than others; nobody's ever satisfied, and even the heathen have guessed that it's a longing in our soul for a return to a relationship with God. We fell away from God. Hallelujah.


"Lebanon is ashamed and hewn down." Now, I really didn't have the time. God took me by surprise with this, this morning, and I didn't look up what these words meant, but I'll just give you what I think. "Lebanon is ashamed and hewn down," and I'm going to suggest to you that a tree is that which is hewn down. You hew down. It means to cut it down. What do you cut down? A tree. And who is the tree? The tree is the living soul. And we know that the tree was cut down but that the root is in the ground, and that we're told in the Book of Daniel that as long as the root is in the ground and the stump stands, that at the scent of water that tree will put forth a shoot, and, of course, the water is the life of Christ that's going to give life back to the tree that's been cut down.


Did you know that our current existence is described in the Scripture as a tree stump? Now, we were a tree that lifted all the way up into the heavenlies, that the leaves were in the heavenlies with God and the roots were in the earth, and we were tall and we were great, and our corporate name -- well the Scripture says, was Lucifer -- the King James says it was Lucifer, but our corporate name was the Light Bearer. We reflected the light of Christ and that the demons were underneath us. The thousands of -- or the beasts, they were underneath us. They couldn't hurt us, but the tree was cut down, and it fell down, and we came under the authority of Satan, and we are dead, and we're in hell. So I'm suggesting to you that Lebanon is the tree that was cut down.


"Sharon is like a wilderness." I know that the living soul is the wilderness. "And Bashan and Carmel shake off their fruits." I re- -- I don't really know what that means. I'm going to just go on.


Verse 10, "'Now will I rise,' saith the Lord." Now will I appear. Now will I manifest. "'Now will I rise,' saith the Lord; 'now will I be exalted.'" I'm going to manifest, and I'm going to appear. "Now will I lift up myself." He's going to be seen. Despite all this that has happened, despite the fact that the tree was cut down, that the natural man's not fighting the race anymore, that he's despising the city, that he's incapable of bringing forth the soul life of Christ, the Lord God has said, "I will arise. I will be seen, and I will be exalted in the Earth," and thank God for it, and then thank God that he has the authority to do what He says and to bring His word to pass.


Verse 11, "Ye sha-" -- and now this is the judgment of the Lord upon the living soul. "'Ye shall conceive chaff, ye shall bring forth stubble: your breath, as fire, shall devour you.'" Now, I did this whole verse, and I have an alternate translation on it, so I want to start working on that, and I -- the first thing that I want to suggest to you is that the tense is wrong here. It says, "Ye shall conceive chaff." I looked in all my reference books, and I couldn't -- I cannot prove to you that the tense is wrong, but I just ask you to pray about it. God has told me that the tense is wrong. It should be the past tense because we know that the living soul has already conceived chaff, and let me tell you what chaff means.


The word "chaff" is Strong's 2842, and it means dry grass, and we did a whole series on grass where we established -- where we went into all the Scriptures that talk about man being as grass, and we established, hopefully, on that series that man is likened to grass in the Scriptures. So we find that the chaff is dry grass, which would be what? Man without the [?life?light?] of God? Right? OK. Webster says that chaff is seed coverings and other debris which is separated from the seed in threshing grain. When you thresh the grain, the chaff is the cover and the debris that's not useable, that separates from the edible grain.


Now I want to remind you about our study in message 78, part 4, that we -- where we determined and established that the grape skins are the -- are separated from the fruit during harvest, when -- now, this is when the vine is thrown into the judgment of the wine press, the grape skins are separated from the fruit. The fruit is Christ, and the grape skins is the waste, OK. And we discovered on those messages that the grape skins is the carnal mind, the carnal mind that surrounds the life of Christ, and I'm going to suggest to you here that the chaff in this Old Testament verse is referring to the carnal mind. Now, I'm not going to go into it any more deeply now. I just suggest you go over part 4 of message 78 where I go into it in very great detail, maybe, possibly, part of it on message 3 also.


I'm going to say it one more time. We discovered that -- talking about -- let me draw you a picture here. Talking about the vine of the earth. In chapter 14 of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, we discovered that the vine has roots under the ground. Come out all of you hell spirits. Come out of there. The vine has roots under the ground, and the roots -- the name of the roots are [sic] Satan. Satan is the root. He is unseen. He is under the ground of our soul. He is hidden. Above the ground -- you have to forgive me. I'm a terrible artist, but I'm going to try. Above the ground, we have a vine. We have a thick vine, and on this vine we have clusters -- many clusters of grapes. The vine is in the realm of appearance -- it's seen -- and it's name is Adam. Satan is the unconscious mind, and Adam is the conscious mind. I guess I didn’t draw this too good. Is anybody not following me? And then we have the grapes, which is the fruit.


This is the vine of the earth. Satan is the root, the unconscious mind. Adam is in the realm of appearance. He's the conscious mind. What is the fruit of this vine? Does anybody know? No, this is the Adamic vine -- Satan and Adam. What's the fruit that they produce?




The carnal mind. The fruit of the Adamic soul is the carnal mind. He is the child, the offspring, of Satan and Eve -- the carnal mind.


Now, when Christ comes forth, He starts growing within the fruit of the whole Adamic vine. This is the vine of the earth. It consists of the root of Satan, the vine of Adam and the fruit of the carnal mind; and the whole thing is called the Vine of the [?Ark?], and Christ is coming forth -- let me do it with another color. Christ is coming forth in the midst of the carnal mind. He is coming forth right in here. That's the weakest point of the whole vine, but because of His spiritual strength, from this weakest point, He is going to pick up this entire vine and cast it into the winepress the Scripture tells us.


And how is He going to do that? We established during part 4 of message 38 that the winepress is the lake of fire, and the lake of fire is Christ. Here is the lake of fire right in here, in the weakest part of the whole Adamic vine; and from that weakest part, He is going to send out His rays. He's going to send out His fire, and He is going to swallow up the whole Adamic vine. Is there anybody that has a question on this? I want you to understand this. Is there anybody that doesn’t understand this? This is the casting of the whole Adamic vine into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is starting as a small seed, and it's going to grow, and it's going to swallow up the whole Adamic vine; and the Scripture expresses that by saying the Adamic vine was thrown into the lake of fire. Do you understand that? His fire is going to be projected from where he is. He is going to increase.


How does He get into the fruit?


He gets -- how does Christ get in here? OK. The Scripture says when the Holy Spirit comes to us, He engrafts [sic] Himself in our heart. OK, in our heart, and that's a heart.


[INAUDIBLE] does Adam have to accept Him?


Adam has nothing to say about it. This is another false teaching in the church. When the Holy Spirit calls you, He violently, in a warlike manner, will penetrate your Adamic heart, which is the carnal mind, OK, and He starts growing like a mustard seed; and as He matures, He increases, and He is going to increase until He swallows up the whole Adamic vine, and the Scripture expresses that by saying the vine is cast into the lake of fire.


[INAUDIBLE]. I thought I heard you say that. [INAUDIBLE] --


By saying that. OK. That's the way the Scripture expresses it, you see? The soul realm is the opposite, the mirror image, from the spiritual realm. The spiritual reality is that the lake of fire -- excuse me -- is extending out and swallowing up the Adamic vine; but it's expressed in the Scripture in the reverse way. The way it's expressed in the Scripture, you would expect there to be a big lake and this vine to be ripped up and thrown in it; but Christ is the smallest, weakest point, but He's a spirit. He travels like light waves. He vibrates. He expands, and He is going to expand out beyond the Adamic vine and swallow it up. And now this becomes the lake of fire because the rays of His life go out this far. Now this is the lake of fire, and it's bigger than the Adamic vine; but the lake itself is being generated from this spot within the carnal mind. OK? OK.


OK. So I'm going to try and read -- and what I'm suggesting to you is that this whole teaching that we had on message 78, the Lord has revealed it to us here in Isaiah 33.




Yes, but just please speak [?into it?].


Is Christ in the fruit a seed? Is He a seed in there, or is He just in there?


No, He starts out as a mustard seed.


He's a seed in the mind first, and then he breaks out of that seed within the carnal mind?


Yes, He will penetrate beyond the carnal mind. This is the circumcision of our stony heart, when He pierces through.


And he gets there by the Holy Ghost?


He is implanted there by the Holy Ghost. The first man in whom the human spirit was impregnated was the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and He -- the Holy Ghost impregnated His human spirit supernaturally when the Holy Ghost hovered over His mother Mary, OK. He was crucified, resurrected and ascended and returned to the Earth in the form of the Holy Spirit; and ever since then, when someone has their human spirit impregnated, or has the seed of Christ planted in them, it comes from the Holy Spirit that is dwelling in a man. You have to hear the Word preached or someone has to lay hands on you or however. God can do it any way that He wants, but in this hour, the Holy Spirit is in the Earth, and when He comes to a man, He violently penetrates the heart of that man and plants His seed in there. In my case, it happened to me from a book, so it doesn’t ha- -- you don’t have to have hands laid on you, but the important thing is that the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of the Father, today is present in the Earth; and when He wants to apprehend somebody -- this teaching in the church today is so wicked, it's such a lie to say the Lord won't force you, say you have to accept Christ and to go out begging people accept Christ before it's too late. We can't accept Christ, and I want to tell you when He wants you, there is nothing that you could do to stop Him from penetrating you -- and the Scripture likens it to sexual intercourse. If you want to, you can call it rape. When He wants you, He will have you.


And we found Scriptures in the message -- Jacob prevailed. The Lord says when He wants you -- what He did to Jacob was He actually laid hold of him i- -- like in the olden days when a pirate ship would want to attach itself to another ship to get on and to rob it, they would -- I forget what it's called, but it was a metal instrument, and they would pull up close to the ship and throw the metal instrument on board, and it would stick -- it had sharp edges and it would stick in the wood of the deck, and they would pull the ship close by and then they would board it, and they would go on with their swords and kill everybody that opposed them. That's the word that's used in the Scriptures when we hear about Jacob and the angel. The angel literally drew him close in a warlike, hostile manner and boarded him.


And that's what the Lord God does, and to preach it any other way is a perversion. That does not glorify God at all. And people don’t understand because in this hour the Lord is not doing -- He's not performing His salvation the way our carnal minds think it should be performed, but I'm telling you that the way He's -- I have some idea of how He's thinking. I can't tell you I understand it completely, but He is putting all of His efforts into one area, and that is to bring forth the first fruits company of the sons. And He's not dealing with the whole world right now, and that's why it looks the way it looks. But once the sons of God manifest, once the first fruits manifest and the way is pierced through, the way is opened, for more and more sons to come through, we will eventually see everyone on the face of the Earth either revealing Christ or dying off; and the day is going to come that every human being on the face of the Earth will reveal Christ.




Please use the mic. Make sure it's on when you pick it up.


[INAUDIBLE] knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord?


That's true.


Is that a -- that Scripture also means what you just said?


Yes, every human being on the face of the Earth shall be doing that, and those that won't do it eventually will die a natural death, and they won't be reproduced. They won't be reproducing themselves. They'll be bar- -- either they'll be barren or their offspring will conceive Christ. That's what it means.


OK. I'm going to try and go on with this. OK. We're in verse 11. "'Ye shall conceive chaff,'" and this word "chaff" means dry grass, which is grass which typifies man without the life of Christ. So I'm suggesting to you that what this -- the prophet is saying here is that -- not you shall, but you have already conceived the carnal mind. You have conceived the carnal mind, which is the outer husk, of the natural man, not the true seed, which is Christ. See, the true seed is in here, and He's saying to the natural man, you have just conceived chaff. You've just conceived the outer husk of the fruit or the grape skins, and He's saying Christ isn't in there. You're an empty shell. Do you realize that we -- those of us that have not conceived Christ, even so-called Christians with the imputed anointing, we are empty shells. We have been formed for Christ to be within us, and if Christ is not within us, we are empty shells. We are unprofitable servants. We have been born to bear the Christ child. We're barren women if we're not pregnant with him. So this is what the Lord is saying. This is His indictment to the living soul: you have conceived a dead shell. You have not conceived the true seed. You are a phony.


"Ye shall bring forth stubble," and the word "stubble" is Strong's 7179, and this word means straw which is gathered. It's referring to that part of the plant which remains attached to the soil after harvest. Now, when we have a vine -- and let me erase this here. When we have a vine in the natural world, when we have a plant in the natural world, a corn stalk for example, the root's underground, and you have a corn stalk, and the corn is -- the corn ears are harvested off. You have the stalk left in the field, and what does the farmer do? This is dead. The root is dead, and the corn stalk is dead; and the farmer will go in and he'll mow it down and he'll rip it up, and he'll use it -- whatever they use it for. I know they sell it. Maybe they feed it to the cows. Maybe that's what straw is. I'm not sure. After the fruit is removed, the dead plant remains. The plant that bore the fruit remains. It's worthless. It's useless, and the rip it out of the ground. That's what the stubble is.


And so the Scripture says you have conceived chaff. You've conceived an empty husk. The seed of Christ is not in it. You have brought forth stubble, that part of the plant which remains attached to the soil after harvest. Satan is the root, and the Adamic man is the plant; and I'm suggesting to you what this is saying, you have brought forth stubble. You have given birth to dead offspring or even to death itself. You have brought forth -- let me just get -- give you the exact words again. You sh- -- you have conceived chaff. You've conceived the carnal mind, and the seed of Christ is not within it, and you have brought forth stubble. You have brought forth the dead plant because the only fruit that's valid is the fruit of Christ. You've brought forth a shell without the seed of Christ and a dead plant. You have brought forth death. You've brought forth death, and the fruit of death is death. You have brought forth death. This is God's indictment. OK.


Now, this verse is another instance where the King James translators could not understand what God was saying, so they couldn’t make any sense out of it, so they switched a few things around. So, first of all, please note that the word "as" in the phrase "as fire" is in italics, which means it was added by the King James translators. It should not be there. Also please note that the period after the word "fire" makes no sense at all, and most likely it was supposed to be a comma, but both the comma before and after the word "fire" should not be there, and as we interpret the verses, the Lord has showed it to me. These corrections will make it clearer.


So I'm suggesting to you then that the first half of verse 11 of Isaiah 33 in the King James should read as follows: Ye shall conceive chaff. Ye shall bring forth stubble, comma, your breath. Ye shall conceive chaff. Ye shall bring forth stubble, comma, your breath, period. Now, I remind you that the original text in the Hebrew has no punctuation -- no punctuation and no capitals. So all of this punctuation was put in by the King James translators. They could not understand what the Lord was saying, so we're going to change that punctuation. Ye shall conceive chaff. Ye shall bring forth stubble, your breath. Or we could also say: Ye shall conceive chaff. Ye shall bring for stubble, which is your own breath. You're going to reproduce your own breath. That's what it's saying. Ye shall conceive chaff. Ye shall bring forth stubble, comma, your breath. Ye shall bring for stubble, which will be produced by your own breath, breath meaning spirit. You’re going to bring forth the fruit of your own spirit. Going to go.


Well, I want to remind you from the prior message that, of course, the Lord is speaking to the living soul here, and what is the fruit of the spirit of the living soul? It's the carnal mind. We can say this a couple of ways. You've become pregnant with the natural man incestuously by your own spirit and given birth to dead offspring, or you've become pregnant with the natural man by committing incest with your own spirit and given birth to dead offspring. I think we'll stay with that last one. You've become pregnant with the natural man by committing incest with your own spirit, and as a result of it, you have given birth to dead offspring. [INAUDIBLE] [?the name?] of this existence, therefore, is death. So we could also say you've become pregnant with the natural man by committing incest with your own spirit and have, therefore, given birth to this realm of death. Or you've become pregnant with the natural man by committing incest with your own spirit and have therefore given birth to the death of this world system and everything and everyone in it.


Death is this Adamic man and this whole world that we live in, which is the image projected by the mind of the natural man, also known as the carnal mind. How can I say that? I can say it because the carnal mind is spirit, and what we see out here is not spirit. It's matter. It's solid, and it is an image or an illusion which is produced by the mind of the natural man, which is ru- -- whose god is Satan, and we know that Satan is the god of this world. This is his world [INAUDIBLE] it's the projection of his image.


So we're going over the next phrase now: The -- a fire shall devour you. You've become pregnant with the natural man by committing incest with your own spirit, and have therefore given birth to the death of this world system, colon. We're going to take translator's license now and put the phrase "fire shall devour you" at the beginning of the verse. It'll sound like this. Fire shall devour you because you've conceived the natural man by committing incest with your own spirit and have given birth to the death of this world system. The judgment that's upon the living soul is that fire shall devour you. Why? Because you've conceived the natural man through incest with your own spirit, and have given birth to the death of this world system, and fire is going to devour this world system and everything in it, and the only thing that won't be destroyed is that which is made out of gold, spiritual gold -- the life of God's Spirit. Everything else is going to burn up. The fire that's going to do the purifying is the fire of God. So that means that this whole world system has to be burned in the fire of God.


We shall continue to exist as natural men in this spiritual condition of death right along with the rest of the human race. The only difference between us and the rest of the human race is that we have the promise of salvation, but sometimes Christians are even worse than the other people. They are more reprobate. They're more diseased in their soul and in their spirit, and they're arrogant and they're filled with pride. The only difference between us and the rest of the world is that we have received the promise of salvation, and we have received the vehicle or the power by which -- to have our souls purified, and the judgment, therefore, has started for us. But we shall continue to exist as natural men in this spiritual condition of death right along with the rest of the human race until we are fully resurrected out of it.


This resurrection is a process which takes place in our mind as we begin to reject the thoughts of the carnal mind and replace them with the thoughts of Christ. Christ's way of thinking or His mind or the mind of Christ shall eventually swallow up our carnal way of thinking, or our carnal mind, and we shall be resurrected out of or delivered from death -- death in our mind and the death of this world system. Romans 8:6 says that to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace, and I suggest to you, brethren, that the Scripture is speaking of the Spirit of God and no other spirit.


This world system is an image which is being projected and sustained by the corporate carnal mind of the many members of the human race. It is a reflection or a picture of the corrupt thoughts of humanity. When you see people sick and dying, when you see people starving, when you see buildings decaying and everything around us decaying, it is a reflection of the mind that is in man -- corruption, decay and death.


In the very near future, however, the fully mature mind of Christ shall be projecting through enough human beings to forcibly replace the corrupt image, which we know as our world system, with the image of Christ. In that day, the world in which we live shall be a reflection or a picture of the righteous mind of Jesus Christ. The corrupt mind of the natural or carnal man is death, and the image it projects is called hell. The righteous mind of the redeemed man joined to Christ is life, and the image it projects is called heaven.


When you develop a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, when He calls you and starts to work in your life, we still have the same name, the same family and the same body, but we are being translated from death into life as we reject old thought patterns and replace them with the thoughts of Christ. In the same way, this world system in which we live shall also be changed from hell into heaven when the mind of Christ swallows up the carnal mind.


This change shall not be accomplished, however, by the natural man understanding or believing this doctrine which is being preached today. We've talked about that. The image of heaven can only be projected by a righteous mind, and understanding this doctrine does not make on righteous. We become righteous only when Christ is fully born in us and swallows up or neutralizes or renders powerless the sin and death which exists in the carnal mind. The righteousness of Christ must replace the corruption of the carnal mind. It is only the mind of Christ which can produce the image of heaven. We see that there's a whole group of believers out there that are preaching something very similar to this doctrine. They think that the mind of man through this understanding can convert this world system to heaven, but he can't. Only righteousness can convert this world system to heaven.


And I didn’t make it clear, so I'd like to make it clear that it's not going to take the mind of Christ manifesting in every single individual to turn this world system into heaven. It takes every -- the mind of Adam in every human being alive to create hell, but Christ is much more powerful than Adam, and it's not going to have to be the mind of Christ manifesting through every human being to convert the world system. I don't know how many men will have to be in full stature to change the world that we see, but I know it's not going to be nearly a fraction of the population.


This is the war of the ages. It's on more than one level. It's in our own mind. Who's going to control our thoughts and thus our behavior, Christ or Adam? And that same battle of the ages is going on in this world system. Will the mind of Christ -- or how long will it take for the mind of Christ -- or how many men will the fully mature mind of Christ have to be manifesting through to knock out the picture that the carnal mind is projecting? That's all this world is. It's a moving picture, but because it's coming from a life form that's so much higher than we are, to us it has substance, and of course we're trapped in it. We are trapped in this world system because of our fallen condition.


Jesus Christ was not trapped in this world system. He walked on water. He walked above it. He had totally dominion over it -- total dominion over it. It could not make any claims on Him. It could not hurt Him. It could not kill Him. It could not make Him sick. It could not give him financial problems. It could do no damage to Him.


This world is an illusion except for those who are subject to it. And we heard on other messages and we found out in other studies that the Father Himself has subjected us to Satan. We were sold unto sin. We were sold to Satan, and we were put in chains of darkness, which means that we were joined to Satan in our spiritual being, and we are in that condition reserved for the judgment which will bring forth Christ in us. So to us this world is real, but to Jesus Christ and to the Father this world is not real. It's a bad dream, and He is working today to join us to His spirit so that we too can walk above it.


And the Lord has not told me how many men have to be in full stature to change this moving picture that we're trapped by, that we're caught up in. I don’t know. He hasn't told me. I don’t know. Maybe Jesus Christ of Nazareth could have done it, but it wasn't the right season. I really don’t know, but I know it's just going to be a few men, and when this world system out there becomes heaven -- and what is heaven? It's a place that is ruled by the spiritual law of God.


So when this world system becomes subject to the spiritual law of God, the people who are not manifesting the mind of Christ will be clearly identified as criminals -- clearly identified as criminals, which is not the case now. If anything, the Christians are identified as the criminals, and they will be subject to the law of God just as today those of us who are desiring and working towards manifesting Christ, we experience spiritual punishment from Satan. Sometimes he makes us sick. Sometimes he gives us financial problems. He gives us all kinds of heartache with our family and our children and our jobs and every aspect of our life.


We are being persecuted because we are seeking and desiring and working towards living with Chri- -- out of Christ; but when the spiritual law of God is ruling this world system, that kind of judgment will be falling upon the man who was joining to Satan in his mind and yielding to him and living out of his spirit. In this world system, the man who is completely yielding to Satan usually has a good life. Isn't that true? Well, it's going to reverse, and the true spiritual criminal will be revealed because, you see, the natural man is not a criminal to this world system. He's only a criminal to God. Hallelujah.


So we're going over verse 12. "And the people shall be as the burnings of lime. Thorns [sic] cut up, shall they be burned in the fire." The word "as" in the phrases "as the burnings of lime" and "as thorns" is in italics. In two places we have that word "as" in italics. Now, this means that these words were added by the King James translators, and we're going to leave those two words out, trying to understand what God is saying here. "People" -- the word "people" is referring to the individual members of the living soul.


And the word "burnings" is Strong's 4955. This word "burnings" means combustion, cremation of a corpse or calcification of lime, and what that means is that when you burn a corpse, what is left after the corpse is burned is something called lime, and it's a hard deposit mode up [sic] -- made up mostly of calcium and magnesium, but there are many minerals in it -- mostly calcium and magnesium.


And I want to remind you that our whole human body and this whole world system, is made up out of minerals, and the whole creation is water based. Our body is 96 percent water, and the whole creation is water based. It's minerals and water. Minerals and water. And if you were to take a human being and drain all the water out of them, you would be less -- left with a handful of minerals, and that's what this lime is.


Now remember, in this world system the water that's in our bodies is Satan. He's the water of the living soul. It's his spirit that's keeping us -- that has generated us. It's not keeping us alive, but his spirit has generated us, and this body that we're in is a reflection of the fact that his spirit has generated us. And if you put this body in the fire, it's going to die; but if the Lord Jesus Christ had generated us and you put the water of His Spirit in the fire, it wouldn’t die.


So for those of you that don’t believe me when I tell you that Jesus Christ has not generated you, that He has entered into your life after you were born with the purpose of literally taking you away from Satan, OK, well, take a look at this one because Jesus Christ has not generated you. Satan has generated you, and you have not yet been transferred over into the kingdom of God, which is dwelling within you, but we've got to get inside of it. We are s- -- all generated by Satan, and we're about to be burnt. We're about to be burnt in the purifying judgment of Almighty God. If Christ is in you, your burning has already started. Christ in you is judging your own soul and burning the sin out of you by the fire of His life which is within you. Glory to God.


So the burnings are what is left of human beings after the water of Satan's spirit has been burned out of him. A handful of minerals, which sometimes is called lime, mostly calcium. And -- well, the Scripture says "burnings of lime," and the word "lime" is Strong's 7875, and I pretty much told you what it is. Webster's says it's a solid substance made mostly of calcium and some magnesium. Lime is the product which results from burning limestone, which is largely calcium, and as I just told you the human body is made of minerals and water, and the bones are made largely of calcium.


So the Scripture is saying here that the natural man shall be separated from the water of Satan's spirit, which he is presently joined to. We are joined to we are joined to Satan's spirit. Our human spirit has married Satan. We have become one spirit. He was joined to the Lord as one spirit. He was joined to Satan as one spirit. That's why we have so much trouble seeing Christ in ourselves because we are joined to Satan in every fiber of our being when the Lord first enters in, and most Christians today only manifest Christ when they're manifesting the gifts, but their true nature is still satanic. Why? Because our true nature, which is our human spirit, must be separated from our husband. It must be separated from him, and that's why we're being thrown into the fire, for that purpose.


So the Scripture is saying that the natural man shall be separated from the water of Satan's spirit, which he is presently joined to, through burning and that only the mineral residue of her burnt bones -- whose burnt bones? The burnt bones of the living soul shall remain. Only the mineral residue of the burnt bones of the living soul shall remain. Bones in the Scripture typify spirit.


And I did a word study a long time ago on the different jewels that are in the Levi- -- the [?effid?] or the breastplate of the Levitical priest, and I spent a lot of time on it, and I looked all of the -- those words in the Hebrew and in Webster's, and I was very confused at the time because when I got down to rock bottom with each jewel, what it was was some form of mineral. That's all it was, was minerals, and I didn’t understand what it meant. What I'm suggesting to you it means is that our human spirit -- which was originally a part of Christ that was separated from Christ to become the female seed for the purposes of God's reproducing Himself -- she is likened to minerals, but she has been joined in marriage, in ungodly sexual -- spiritual sexual intercourse to the living soul, who is typified by -- to Satan, who is typified by water.


So she has become dispersed or diluted by the water of Satan, who is typified by the sea. He is salt water. He is water mixed with many minerals that are in sea water. That is the mixing of the water of Satan's spirit with the minerals of the human spirit, and they have become one, and there's only one way to separate the minerals from the water of sea water, and that is to boil the water. You have to boil the water. The water evaporates, turns into vapor and flies away, and all that you have left is the minerals. It's called distillation.


Persecution. Yeah, someone just said persecution. That's the only way to separate the living soul -- I'm sorry. That's the only way to separate our human spirit from Satan, is through the fire that's going to evaporate his spirit because we are in solution. If you've had any kind of a chemistry course at all, when you take chemicals or minerals that are in a powder form and you mix them with water, you form a solution, and you have a totally new product -- a totally new product. You had a glass of water and a handful of minerals. You put them together, you dissolve the minerals in the water, and you now have salt water or calcium water or whatever you have; but when you look at it, y- -- there's no way that you can get those minerals back except you boil the water.


And we found some Scriptures in Daniel 7, in our series on Daniel 7, where it says that Jesus Christ is boiling our soul as a sin offering. He's boiling our soul as a sin offering, and we know that one of the Levitical sacrifices is to boil -- or to boil the meat. Boiling is one of the methods of cooking the sacrificial animal. Glory to God.


OK. So when Jesus Christ boils our soul as a sin offering, Eve, the spiritual seed of God which is typified by minerals, shall be separated. She shall be taken out of solution. She shall be separated from Satan, which she is joined to by an illegal marriage, as he evaporates -- as he evaporates. Glory to God. He is now water, and he must be changed into vapor.


Now, we know that Satan is a soul or a female who has illegally taken a male role, and the male role is spirit. I've taught this on many messages. Spirit is likened to vapor, and a soul is likened to water in the Scripture. So one would expect Satan's reversal from spirit back to soul to be described as vapor being converted to water, but we see Satan, which is typified by the water of the sea, evaporating, or being converted to vapor. Now, I know this appears to be a contradiction, but by way of explanation I remind you that the realm of the spirit is the mirror image of the realm of the soul, so it's happening backwards. It's happening backwards.


In the realm of the spirit, Satan is being converted from vapor back to the water, OK, but in our appearance, in our natural types, he is the water that's being converted back to vapor; but the only thing that's important is that he's being converted. Glory to God, he's being converted, and there is no other way except by fire. There is no other way to separate chemicals or minerals that have gone into solution. It's the only way. You have eva- -- boil them and evaporate the water to get your minerals back. Hallelujah.


So the first half of Isaiah 33:12 reads "And the human spirit of each of the individual members of the living soul shall be separated from Satan," and that -- the verse that we're translating is "And the people shall be as burnings of lime," and the human spirit of each of the individual members of the living soul shall be separated from Satan. The people are going to be as burnings of lime. What that means is they're going to be what results after the lime is burnt, which is just the minerals, and this is the separation from Satan. Hallelujah.


And then the rest of that verse 12 is "[INAUDIBLE] thorns cut up. They shall be burned in the fire." So we see two phrases in that verse 12. Both phrases is talking about burnings. They're going to be burnings of the residue of lime after it's burnt.


"And they shall be as thorns cut up -- they shall be thorns cut up and burned in the fire." And the word "thorns" is 6975, and it's from the root 6972, which is taken from the idea of cutting or wounding. And "cut away" is Strong's 3683, which means to cut off or cut down a plant, as in harvest, and the primary idea is that of separation.


Now, here we see the people, or the natural man, likened to harmful and damaging thorns, which are cut off or discarded like the chaff of verse 11. And in Hebrews 8 -- in verse 8 of Hebrews 6 we find that thorns grow on cursed soil. Thorns can be likened to the chaff of Isaiah 33:11.


The stubble of Isaiah 33:11 describes the whole plant, which we liken to the vine of the earth in Revelation 14, but both chaff and thorns describe only a part of the plant. The stubble is the whole plant, or the whole vine of the earth, and the chaff and the thorns describe only a part of the plant.


So we're going to translate the second half of Isaiah 33:12. "Thorns cut up, they shall be burned in the fire." We're going to translate that: "The harmful parts of the plant shall be burned in the fire." So what is it saying here? The human spirit of each of the individual members of the living soul shall be separated from Satan. The harmful parts of the plant, or their harmful parts, shall be burned in the fire.


The human spirit of each of the individual members -- the human spirit is not harmful. The human spirit has been -- is weak, and she was raped. The type of what happened to her is the story of Dinah in the book of Genesis. Yes, she was ravished. She was ravished against her will. So what's going to happen to her is that she's going to be separated from her husband who forced himself on her, but the harmful parts of the plant -- or what is the plant? It's the living soul. The harmful part of the plants shall be burned in the fire. And what's the harmful part of the plant? We found in message 78, part 4, that the weapon of the natural man is the carnal mind. It's capable of killing, and if you don’t believe it, you are mistaken.


I want to tell you something. I just got back from Africa, and I want to tell you that there are people over there that kill with their minds, and it's very -- and it's known. Over here, it's not -- well, it's not too common, and when people have the psychic ability to harm with their carnal mind, most people don’t want to believe it; but I want to tell you that over there in Africa it is known that some people are born with such a psychic power that they hate somebody and that person dies. I'm not talking about making -- doing black magic or voodoo on them. I'm talking about having such inherent psychic power from birth that when you hate somebody they die. You know, we have movies here in the United States about things like that, and I have always thought it was fantasy, but when I got over to Africa I found out that every fantasy I've ever heard that has been in the movies is being practiced over there in Africa. Everything that I thought was a horror movie here in the United States is being practiced over there in Africa. It's real. And you have to be born with the psychic ability, and then you have to develop it. You have to be taught, but no matter how much teaching you would submit to, if you're not born with the spiritual heritage -- with this spiritual heritage, I don’t believe anyone could enter into it in one generation. It has to come down on the family line.


So -- glory to [?us?]. So we al- -- we translated Isaiah 33:12 to say "The human spirit of each of the individual members of the living soul shall be separated from Satan. This is the promise of God, and your harmful parts, the carnal mind, shall be burned in the fire." But, of course, the human spirit is being separated from Satan through burning. So they're both going to be burned.


The whole -- that's why the whole plant in Revelation 14 is getting thrown into the winepress, which we found out is the lake of fire. The whole plant is going in -- the root, the vine and the grapes, including the grape skin. The whole thing's going to be burned, and the result of it is that the soul is going to be separated from the spirit. The spirit, which is Eve -- she's of the Spirit of God -- is going to be separated from Satan, who is of the living soul.


And then we found out that the joints are going to be separated from the marrow, which means the life of Christ that's growing in the natural man is going to be separated from the destructive part of the living soul, which is the carnal mind. There is [sic] two separations, and we went into that in detail in the message 78, part 4. Glory to God.


I'm just going to read you my note [?I made?]. I don’t want to risk having missed anything here. OK. We discovered on message 78, part 4, that the vine of the earth typifies the Adamic or the natural man and that the root of the vine typifies Satan and the clusters of the grapes typify the life of Christ, which is the fruit dwelling inside of the grape skins, which is the carnal mind.


I'm going to draw that on the board for you. Glory to God. This is really important that you understand this. OK. This -- I'm using green, but it's a green blackboard, so it's not showing up as green. OK. This is the earth, and underneath the earth, we have the roots of the -- a root system of the plant. Above the earth is the realm of appearance, that which is seen, and underneath the earth is the unconscious mind. It's the unseen -- Satan, and this is the earth. And above the earth we have a vine. It's the living -- it's the soul in the realm of appearance. It's life source is the -- it's source of existence is Satan. Satan has generated this existence in the earth. We just disco- -- we just studied that. The spirit of Satan, which is an illegal spirit, [UNINTELLIGIBLE] to the root. She's a female who was soulless, but she has taken a spiritual role. She has stolen the male role, and she has committed incest within her own self, and she has produced an existence in this realm of appearance that the Scripture calls a vine, and the vine -- the name of the vine is Adam. The root is Satan. The name of the vine, or the existence in the realm of appearance, is Adam, and on this vine we're told are clusters -- that's not a good -- let me try to draw that again. On this vine we're told are clusters of grapes, and in each grape, the inside of the grape is the fruit, and on the outside of the grape is the grape skin. And, again, all of this was taught on part 4 of the 78 series. We found out, the Lord told us that the grape skin is the carnal mind, and that inside the carnal mind is growing the very life of Christ -- the very life of Christ.


And we found out that the whole purpose of throwing this vine into the winepress, as we are told in Revelation 14, is to get this fruit of God's spirit separated from the grape skins, which is the carnal mind, from the vine, which is Adam or the conscious mind, and from the root system that has generated the vine, which is Satan. And Christ, the life of Christ, which is within the grapes -- the most weakest [sic] part of the plant -- because He is the offspring of the Father has the strength to cast this entire vine into the winepress from the roots up. Everything's going in, and there is going to be a separation, and the life of Christ is going to come flowing out of the winepress. Glory to God.


So here we see -- in Isaiah 33, we see the Spirit of God talking about the same events that are discussed in Revelation 14. That's very exciting to me. I think at one time I even prayed to the Father. I said, Lord, well, I know there's a winepress in -- is mentioned in Isaiah, but it's not really the same thing as it is in the Book of Revelation, and I couldn't find the lake of fire in the Revela- -- in the Old Testament anywhere. So this is very exciting to me to see this revelation in the Old Testament.


So we're saying that the vine of the earth typifies the Adamic or the natural man, and the root of that vine typifies Satan and that the clusters of grapes typify the life of Christ, which is the fruit dwelling inside of the grape skins, which is the carnal mind.


And I just want to re- -- can I erase this? I just want to remind you that we the natural man are the husk or the outer shell, or you could say we're the amniotic sack in which the life of Christ is growing. We are a natural man. This is our body. Within our body is our Adamic soul, and within the Adamic soul is growing or is being formed the life of Christ. This is our spiritual maker, and we've been told a parable in the Book of Revelation that this Adamic soul is also called the grape skin, hallelujah, and that this body is called the vine of the earth and that there is another part that we can't see. It's the root of the vine. He's called our unconscious mind or Satan. Hallelujah. OK. Did I make it clear? OK.


We also found out that the separation of the soul from the spirit is the separation of the life of the Father which has been made into the spiritual seed for the purposes of reproduction. From the soul that she married to, she married to Satan, who was really soul -- and I know this gets confusing, but everything gets reversed here. Satan was the -- was the -- was a part of the living soul, which is female, and this part rose up and took on a male role and had the spiritual authority to fertilize itself.


Now, in this natural world that we're in, if someone becomes a lesbian, we know that lesbians have sexual activity, but they don’t have the authority to impregnate each other. But because the spiritual realm is higher, the living soul committed incest with itself and had the spiritual authority to impregnate itself. Glory to God.


So this separation of the soul from the spirit is the separation of the spiritual life of God in the form of His female seed which has been illegally, incestuously and homosexually joined to the spirit that is in the living soul. And that is the separation of the soul from the spirit. It is the separation of Eve from her illegal husband.


Now, we also found out that the separation of the joints from the marrow is the separation of the carnal mind. We found out in message 78, part 4, that that word -- Greek word translated "joints" means the we- -- a weapon or a dangerous part, and we found out and established that it's referring to the carnal mind. So the separation of the joints from the marrow is the separation of the carnal mind, which is typified by the grape skins, from the life of Christ, which is the fruit of the grape.


So the whole vine's going into the winepress. It's being crushed so that the life of Christ can come flowing out, and I'm suggesting to you then that the stubble of Isaiah 33:11 is the vine of the earth, which includes Satan, the root of the vine, and the chaff is the outer husk of the wheat, the part which is discarded, and that can be likened to the grape skins where -- in the manufacture of wine. The husk is likened to the grape skins on the vine that appears in Revelation 14.


So we established also on message 78, part 4, that the weapon of the living soul is the carnal mind, and I'm suggesting to you also then that the thorns typify the carnal mind, and the thorns typify the dangerous, destructive qualities of the carnal mind. Now, we said that the chaff typifies the carnal mind. The chaff is likened to the grape skins, but neither the word "chaff" nor the word "grape skins" indicate that the carnal mind is dangerous. Now, for whatever the Holy Spirit's reasoning, in the Old Testament as well as in the New Testament He gives the carnal mind another name which indicates that its dangerous if you can get this understanding by revelation.


This is getting very complicated, and when someone tells you that the gospel is simple, don’t you believe it. It's a lie. You have to study to show yourself approved. Jesus spoke in parables, and this is a -- you can study for your lifetime. God has to give you this word that is -- this word is not simple at all.


So what am I saying to you? For whatever the Holy Ghost's reason -- I don’t know what it is -- in the Old Testament and in the New Testament He gave the carnal mind two names. One name in the Old Testament [sic], a symbolic name, is the grape skin, which is harmless. In the Old Testament it's the chaff, which is harmless. In the Old Testament He also called the carnal mind thorns, indicating their dangerous ability, and in the New Testament he calls the carnal mind joints, which is to be separated from the marrow, which is the life of God. It's the hidden -- it's part of the hidden manna. It's a secret, and the Lord has just revealed it to us here. Did I make it clear to you? OK. Glory to God.


So Isaiah's prophecy then that God's judgment upon the individual members of the living soul and their carnal mind is fire. The judgment upon them is going to be the fire of God. This is a second witness to the controversial teaching on message 78, part 4. They're both -- the casting of the vine of the earth into the winepress in Revelation 14 and the casting of the devil, the beast and the false prophet and death and hell into the lake of fire in Revelation 20 are the same event as seen from two different points of view.


Now, the judgment of the winepress describes the release of Christ in the believer, and the -- it describes the separation that's going to release Christ, and the lake of fire describes the forcible military suppression and neutralization of the Adamic soul by the fire of Christ for the life of the ages. Glory to God.


So what am I saying? I'm saying that in Isaiah 33:12 the Scripture describes the carnal mind as thorns, and in Revelation 14 the Scripture describes the carnal mind as grape skins. In Revelation 14, the grape skin along with the rest of the vine and everything on it are cast into the winepress, which is the lake of fire, and that this same casting into the lake of fire is described in verses 11 and 12 of Isaiah 33 by the words "fire shall devour you" and "burnings of lime as thorns cut up." They are burned in the fire. But the most exciting thing about finding this revelation in the Book of Isaiah is that it's a proof that the -- it's the natural man being thrown into the lake of fire.


Now, when we did this study in the winepress, I think most people, if they could understand what I was talking about, wouldn't have any trouble admitting that the vine of the earth was the Adamic vine and, therefore, natural man, but the average believer has a lot of trouble believing that the beast and the false prophet and hell and death is the natural man. They really -- you really can't understand that unless God gives it to you.


But here in the Book of Isaiah, He's pulling the two revelations together. I think it's very clear that the Lord is speaking to the living soul. It's as clear that the Lord is speaking to the living soul as it is in Revelation 14 with the winepress judgment. It's obvious that that's man, OK, but in the book of Isaiah, it's not the judgment of the winepress. It's the judgment of the lake of fire. So it's pulling the two revelations together. Do you know what I'm talking about? Are you with me?








OK. I'll say it again. In the Book of Revelation in chapter 14 I think anyone is -- if they could ev- -- if they're just mature enough to understand what I'm saying, they wouldn’t have any trouble believing that the Adamic vine is the natural man and that the fruit on it is the fruit of Christ in the carnal mind. That's not too difficult if you’re into the deep things of God. But in Revelation 20, even believers into the deep things of God might have some trouble believing that the beast and the false prophet and hell and death are the natural man being thrown into the lake of fire. You really have to hear -- get that revelation from God. That's a very deep revelation.


But here in Isaiah 33, the two revelations of the winepress and the lake of fire are combined in Isaiah 33, chapters [sic] 11 and 12, where it's clear that the judgment is upon the natural man and that the judgment is fire, and that the judgment of the lake of fire is upon the natural man. Do you hear what I'm saying? So that's should help someone who's honestly praying to the Lord about whether or not the lake of fire can be the judgment for the natural man. If their heart is open and they're honestly praying, these Scriptures that the Lord has just revealed to us in Isaiah 33 should help them to get that revelation.


And whoever's listening to this message, just in case you don't know me, I did not wake up one morning and say -- and pull a number out of a hat that I'm going to preach from Isaiah 33. I'm preaching from Isaiah 33 because the Lord told me to do it. And before I went to Africa, the Lord had me announce to this group to review the 78 series because we are going to continue on with it, and this is the first message that He gave me since I came back, and He specifically told me Isaiah 33, and I had no idea that I was going to find something in it that would be a continuation of this series. [?Is?Isn't?] that amazing? Yeah.


So I did not pull this out of a hat. This is the teaching of Almighty God to whoever has ears to hear in this hour. This is teaching by direct instruction from the Father. I don’t decide I'm going to give you a message today or what that message is going to be. This is the word of the Lord to you, whoever is going to hear it. Glory to God.


So let us go on. I'm going to finish up here. OK. I'm just trying to find my place. Excuse me. OK. So I already told you that the winepress is describing the release of Christ from the Adamic vine which is happening within the believer, and the lake of fire is describing the forcible suppression and neutralization of the Adamic soul for the like -- life of the ages. And in Isaiah 33 we see all things. We see the separation. We see that it's happening to the natural man, and we see that the Spirit of God is going to be ruling.


I just want to rule for y- -- read it for you one more time, that Scripture. "The human spirit of each of the individual members of the living soul shall be separated from Satan." That's the separation of the soul from the spirit. "And the harmful parts of the carnal mind or the thorns of the plant," which is the living soul, "shall be burned in the fire, and there shall be a separation or a flowing out of the life of Christ when the harmful part is burnt up." Glory to God. I know I'm repeating myself a lot, but this is very difficult. So if you followed me the first time, please bear with me. I'm going to say it one more time.


I'm saying that in Isaiah 33:12 the Scripture describes the carnal mind as thorns, and in Revelation 14 the Scripture describes the carnal mind as grape skins. In Revelation 14, the grape skins along with the rest of the vine and everything on it are cast into the winepress, which is the lake of fire, and that this same casting into the lake of fire is described in verses 11 and 12 of Isaiah 33 as "the fire shall devour you" and "burnings of lime as thorns cut up. They shall be burned in the fire."


The fire in verses 11 and 12 and the devouring fire and everlasting burnings spoken of in Isaiah 33:14 are not only witnesses that the judgment known as the lake of fire is about to fall, but that it is already falling and that it's falling upon men. The winepress emphasizes the separation of Christ, the fruit of the grape, from the grape skins, which is the carnal mind, as well as the Adamic vine, which includes its root Satan and the -- which includes its root Satan; and the lake of fire emphasizes the ability of the fire of God's Spirit to prevent him from ever again appearing in the spiritual being of mankind. The lake of fire or the everlasting fire or the fire that shall last for the -- or burn for the life of the ages shall purify and preserve the spiritual man from the influence of the natural man for the life of the ages. And, in fact, the fire is the spiritual man, and his fire -- the fire of his mature life, the mature life of the Father in the realm of the soul, shall keep the spiritual man from ever being polluted or violated by the natural man again for the life of the ages. And mankind, also known as humanity, shall abide in the new heavens and the new Earth that we read about in Revelation 21. Glory to God.


I want to read those two verses for you again. Isaiah 33, verses 11 and 12. "Fire shall devour you because you've conceived the natural man by committing incest with your own spirit and have given birth to the death of this world system. The human spirit of each of the individual members of the living soul shall be separated from Satan. The -- her harm- -- and her harmful parts -- and the harmful parts of the plant shall be burned in the fire."


Now, I'd like to emphasize here that the judgments of God are merciful. So at the beginning of this teaching, we heard God indicting the living soul:


You've committed incest. You're a harlot. This is one of the worst crimes that you have -- could have committed, and what is My judgment upon you? My ju- -- this is the Lord speaking -- My judgment upon you is that which will restore you to a righteous order.


So when the judgments of God fall upon us, even if they're painful, even if they really hurt us, we should know at all times that the end result will be restoration and life and glory because God is merciful and He loves us, and He's not out to punish us for punishment's sake, but the punishment of God is against the evil that is dwelling or raging in us, and it will destroy that evil so that His righteousness and His and His life and His mercy can be poured out upon us.


It's really important that we know that, those of us that are so condemned because of our upbringing or because of the religion that we were brought up in. We have a misconception of God, and because we don’t understand God, sometimes when the correction comes we're condemned, but there is no condemnation in Christ. The wickedness must be corrected, but it is the mercy and the love of God that's going to deliver us out of this realm of death, and deliver us into the joy and the life and the mercy and the peace of His spirit.




The everlasting fire that they're being thrown into is not going to burn and torture them forever. It's not going to torture them. It's going to purify them and preserve who? The spiritual man from the influence natural man. The natural man is being thrown into the lake of fire, and it's not to torture him. It's to neutralize his destructive potential. It's to neutralize -- it's to make impotent his carnal mind.




OK. Does anybody else have a question about what I'm saying now?




The question is, what do you mean by the word "impotent"? It means that the natur- -- right now, the natural man has strength to hurt with his mind, and that strength -- he has a potent or a strong strength, and when he is made impotent, it means he won't -- he's going to lose his strength to hurt with his mind. So the everlasting fire, the fire that's going to burn throughout the age of Christ, is not a fire that tortures, but it's a fire that restrains the destructive ability of the carnal man.


See, God needs the carnal man. Why does He need the natural man? He needs the natural man because the natural man is the -- is His form. It's His cover. It's His garment. So God doesn’t want to destroy him off the face of the Earth, but He wants to change his nature from destructive to harmless. So when we abide in the fire that's going to burn throughout all ages, the natural man's destructive potential will be neutralized. He will not be destructive anymore.


So they won't be destroyed in the fire?


They will be destroyed to the extent that their form will change. They're going to be destroyed as to the way they -- the natural man now is destructive. He is going to be destroyed in that he will be raised up in a new form. He will no longer be destructive. The destructive natural man is going to be destroyed. We'll never see him again. [INAUDIBLE] --




So everybody's going in the lake of fire?


Everybody's going in the lake of fire.


The vessels of honor and the vessels of dishonor?


Everything's being swallowed up in Christ, yes.




OK. So the everlasting fire shall purify and preserve the spiritual man from the influence of the natural man, and this is expressed by the lake of fire experience, and the fire of God shall prevent sin from ever again appearing in the spiritual being of mankind.




So it's not the individual. It's the whole creation, OK, and all of us are experiences of Jesus Christ in His immaturity, and we shall all be swallowed up into His maturity just like your 15-year-old girl is now a part of you, but her body can't be seen and her personality can't be seen, nevertheless, she's a part of you. You wouldn’t be the same if you didn’t have your 12-year-old experience. Your body wouldn’t be the same if you didn’t -- if you were minus the growth that you experienced at that age. So on that last day, the vessels into which the lump of clay are formed, the mature vessels are all going into the lake of fire, but not necessarily every individual that ever lived.


OK. OK. We'll go on with verse 13. "Hear ye that are far off, what have I done, and ye that are near." Oh, "Hear ye far off what I have done." God wants everyone to know what He has done -- that He is the judgment, that He is is the burning. And this burning is the trials and tribulations that we're entering into when we have Christ. Remember what we said before? When Satan is your judge, you reap what you sow unto destruction; but when Christ is your judge, you reap what you sow unto correction and everlasting life. And God wants everyone to know that Satan is not bringing these trials upon you. God is bringing these trials upon you, and we are to petition Him and seek Him what it is that we must repent of, what sins we must confess, what He requires of us and what we can do to help ourselves get through this processing as painlessly as possible, but it will never be completely painless.


We have to work with God. Jesus said to Paul, don’t push against the bricks. Why make it harder for yourself than it has to be? But if you insist that Satan is putting these trials upon you, you will never petition the Lord; you won't confess your sins; you won't repent; and you won't change. So God wants everyone to know that He has done this to us, and the reason He's done it is that we've fallen down into death, and we have produced emptiness. We have produced death, the living soul, and the judgment upon us is to be thrown into everlasting burnings, which is Christ.


So he says -- what is Christ saying? He says -- what is the Lord saying? What is the Father saying? I'm going to bring forth My Christ in you despite yourselves. You fell down into death. You've brought forth emptiness, but, nevertheless, I am God, and I'm going to work a work that in the day that I work it no man will even believe it. A virgin -- behold, a virgin shall conceive.


And I want to tell you, when the virgin Mary conceived, it happened in the natural, but there's a spiritual virgin, and that's a many-membered spiritual virgin that is made up of all the believers who are being purified in their spirit.


And I declare to you, behold, a virgin shall conceive. We shall conceive Christ. The body of Christ, the virgin bride of Christ, and we are already conceiving him, and the whole creation shall be saved through this miracle working deliverance of the living God, and He wants everyone to know that he has done it. Hallelujah.


Verse 13. "Hear ye that are far off what I have done; and ye that are near acknowledge My might." Those that are far off are the heathens, and those that are near are the Jews of the cre- -- of the Old Testament or the Christians. He says, "acknowledge My might." Stop giving glory to this shadow called Satan.


Verse 14. "The sinners in Zion are afraid." Now, Zion -- Zion is the high place of Israel. He's talking about believers, and He's saying that there are sinners in Zion. Now, a lot of Christians would really take offense at that. They say, I'm born, washed in the blood, sanctified and forgiven. What do you mean I'm a sinner? But my Bible says there are sinners in Zion, and He says that they're afraid.


"Fearfulness has surprised the hypocrites." Now, I looked up in Strong's -- there is no entry for the word translated "hypocrites," but the interlinear reveals this word to be Strong's 2611 meaning profane ones, those who are soiled with sin, defiled. There are defiled people that call themselves Christians, and they -- and they're preaching that a Christian can't have a demon and that a Christian can't have sin, and my Bible says that they're defiled with sin. Hallelujah.


"The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness has surprised the hypocrites." Now, what does this mean? I declare to you that the judgments of the Book of Revelation are falling upon the church -- upon this church that expected to be raptured, upon this church that believed all of these judgments are for the heathen -- that the judgments are going to fall upon them. It's going to come upon them as a thief in the night because they refused to hear the word of the Lord; they rejected the truth; and the judgments are coming upon them without warning because they refused to be warned. And it says that they're afraid. Glory to God. They're afraid, and fearfulness has surprised the hypocrite. It's come -- the judgment has come upon them as a thief in the night.


"Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire?" Who is the devouring fire? The devouring fire is the Father, and the everlasting burnings, meaning the burnings that last for the life of the ages is Jesus. Who among us shall dwell with the Father and the Son? To approach near unto God? No man has ever seen God and lived. This is a miracle that we're being granted permission to approach unto God and not die. It's a miracle. So the Scripture asks the question, who shall be able to approach unto the Father -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT] -- and the Son and live?


Verse 15 says -- answers the question. "He that walketh righteously, and speaketh uprightly; he that despiseth the gain of oppressions, that shaketh his hands from holding of bribes, that stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood" -- that's gossip -- "and shutteth his eyes from seeing evil" -- that's gossip. The one that's going to be able to abide with Christ and not be destroyed is the one whose soul is converted, the one who gives up his sin. You can only walk righteously when it's Christ walking in you. Your unrighteousness must be exchanged for His righteousness. The way you walk, your lifestyle --




And he that despiseth the gain of oppression. He that hates deceit. He that shaketh his hands that -- from holding bribes, that won't take a bribe, the ones that can't be bought but stand for the righteousness of Christ, the one that won't listen to gossip or evil of another person and the one that won't look at their evil with their carnal mind.


Now, we know that sometimes Christ will show you things for His purposes, but we have to be able to determine whether Christ is dealing with us or asking us to pray for somebody or whether it is the spirit of gossip because if you’re dishonest with yourself and you’re yielding to a spirit of gossip and you think it's Christ, the judgment will fall on you by surprise; and we should all put ourselves before the Lord and ask Him if we're guilty of this, of thinking that we're helping people, and it may be -- and is it a spirit of gossip? I recommend everybody to ask the Lord that prayer because our self-deceit will destroy us. We've got to know.


I ask the Lord to tell me all the time, Father, what are my sins? Am I sinning and I'm not aware of it? Tell me. I want to repent. I ask him all the time, show me my sin because if we don’t confess our sins and repent, the judgment will fall -- take us -- fall upon us by surprise.


So we're talking about the ones that are going to be able to dwell with the Father and the Son for the life of the ages, and these people that are seeking to have a righteous lifestyle, to speak righteousness, that hates [sic] bribes and that will not listen or -- to or look upon gossip -- those people shall dwell in the high place of God's Spirit, and "his place of defense" -- this person's place of defense -- "shall be the munitions of the rocks," and rocks refer to spiritual powers.


So those of us that are dwelling with the Father and the Son will be in a high place, and our defense shall be the the de- -- shall be a spiritual defense -- the spiritual [?life?light?] of the Father. Hallelujah.


"And bread shall be given to him" -- the word of God -- we shall receive the word of God -- "and his waters shall be sure," or secure. And his -- our water is our soul. Our soul shall be safe. We shall be fed and we shall be defended by the spirit of God when we live according to His righteousness.


Verse 18. Now, I have a comment for you. Verse [sic] 15, 16 and 17 are spoken to the righteous, but verses 14 and 18 are addressed to the sinner. If you don’t understand this, it could be confusing. Verses 14 and and 18 are addressed to the sinner. "The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness has surprised the hypocrites. Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire?" And then it goes on to say who is going to dwell with God, but verse 18 reverts back to the sinner, and He says, "Thine heart shall meditate terror, and you shall say where is the scribe? Where is the receiver? Where is he that counted the towers?" You're going to be looking for help everywhere if you’re not close to Christ because the judgments will be falling on every side.


And verse 19 goes on to say -- and this is still speaking to the sinner -- "You shall not see a fierce people." Now, this word "fierce" is Strong's 36 -- 3267, and it means hard, firm or robust; and most of the time this word is translated negatively. It means obstinate, proud, but this verse is referring to the sons of God.


And if you've studied our Daniel series with us, we established and explained in that series that almost every word in the Hebrew language has a positive definition and a negative definition, and you have to understand what the general context of what God is saying in the whole verse, if not the whole chapter, in order to determine whether or not to choose the positive or the negative definition.


And I'm going to suggest to you that this verse is describing the sons of God in Isaiah 4, and I'm taking a positive definition, which means that they're hard. They're firm. They can't be hurt. They can't be penetrated. Their minds, their souls can't be penetrated by the carnal minds of the wicked. Their hard. They're defensed.


And the Lord is speaking to the wicked, and He's saying you won't be able to see a fierce people -- a people that's defensed. You won't be able to discern the sons of God. Why? Because they're going to look just like natural men, and they could only be discerned by My spirit, and you don’t have My spirit, so you'll never recognize them.


"You will not see a fierce people, a people of different speech than thou canst perceive." A deeper speech, that's what we're talking about here, the deep things of God. They won't be able to discern the people, the ones that speak about the deep things of God that they could never understand. They can never understand what we're talking about here tonight because Jesus Christ is the eyes of our understanding, and if we don’t have Christ, we could never understand these things. It's impossible for the natural man. What happens to the natural man when he tries to understand these things? It gets twisted in his brain, and he comes out with no- -- with Gnosticism. He comes out with the same message, only instead of exalting Christ it exalts man, and he dies because there's death in the lies. Hallelujah.


But you won't be able to see the sons of God, the ones that speak about things that you can't understand, and it says these men, they're of a stammering tongue. And this stammering, it means profane. I looked in all my reference books. I could not find a positive definition of this word. It means a wicked tongue. So this is what the Lord told me.


The verse is, "You won't be able to see the sons of God, the ones you talk about things you can't understand, of a stammering tongue, not understand." Now, those words, "that thou canst," was added in by the King James translators. It's the def- -- the translation is "of a stammering tongue, not understand," whatever that means.


Now this is what the Lord told me. I want to remind you with regard to the word tongue that James teaches us that the tongue reveals whether or not our soul is Christ or Adam. What we say reveals what spiritual force is speaking through us, and I'm going to suggest to you that Isaiah 33:19 should read as follows:


"You shall not" -- and He is speaking to the wicked. "You shall not be able to see the preserved people, the ones who speak about things which you cannot understand, and they too or they also have a wicked soul which is without understanding. They have a profane tongue, a wicked soul, with -- which is without understanding, but, nevertheless, they're still defensed and they don’t speak any wickedness and they understand deep and dark things."


Let me read that again. "You shall not be able to discern the people who are mature in Christ, the ones who speak about things which you cannot understand, and they can't be hurt by your carnal mind's reaction to what they say, the ones who have attained to the high calling in Christ even though they too have a wicked soul which is without understanding, just like you do."


Come out all of you.


"You shall not be able to discern the people who are mature in Christ, the ones who speak about things which you cannot understand, and neither can they be hurt by your carnal mind's reactions to what they say. These are the ones who have attained to the high calling in Christ even though they have a wicked soul which is without understanding, just like you do."


They have the same wicked soul that you have, but they have attained to the high calling in Christ Jesus and you have not. Why? Because they have desired righteousness and you have not, and God has granted them righteousness and He has not granted it to you. What is this Scripture saying? It's saying they're men just like you are. Those who attain to the high calling Christ Jesus, they're men just like you are. They have a wicked soul just like you do. It's possible. It's achievable. It's available to us. Those of us who are imperfect, we can do it. It's a possibility. Perfection in Christ is a reality. Strive for it, reach for it, pray for it. It is a reality. It can be done. That's what this is saying.


Wake up all of you. Wake up and all the demons come out.


Verse 20.




"Look upon Zion, the city of our solemnities. Thine eyes shall see Jerusalem a quiet habitation."


I'm just going to go through this quickly. "Look upon Zion, the s- " -- the human, the spirit of the sons of God -- "the city of our solemnities. Thine eyes shall see Jerusalem a quiet habitation" -- that's the New Jerusalem -- "a tabernacle that shall not be taken down" -- a tabernacle that shall not be taken down. These bodies are tabernacles. We are the tabernacle of the Lord. The skin that is stretched over our flesh, that is the same word -- the same Hebrew word that's used to describe a tent which is made out of dried skin. We are the tents of the tabernacle of the Lord, a living tabernacle. Well, right now we're a dead tabernacle, but we shall be a living tabernacle.


OK. Oh, where was I? I'm in verse 20. OK. Thine eyes shall see the New Jerusalem. It's going to be quiet. There's not going to be any warfare there. It's going to be a tabernacle that shall never be taken down. You -- the -- when a body dies, the Scripture says the tabernacle has been taken down. If this body dies and leaves the earth system, the Scripture describes it as a tent being taken down. They pull up the spikes, they take down the cords, and they collapse the skins. That's how the Scripture describes the death of one of these already dead bodies. The tent is take down, the promise here in verse 20 of Isaiah 33 is that we shall be a tabernacle that shall not be taken down.


"Not one of the stakes thereof shall be removed." Not one of the nails. That word "stakes" is the same word translated "nails," and on other messages we've established that one of Jesus Christ's titles is that He is the nail. You know that He's the anchor. Did you ever wonder what He's anchoring you to? He's anchoring you to this world system, to this realm of appearance, and when He is truly your anchor, your tent will never be taken down. And it says not one of the nails will be lifted up.


Well, see, there's really only one tent. It's a many-membered tent, and when it says not one stake will be pulled up, it means not one human vessel shall know death. In that last day when the tabernacle of God is brought into perfection, from that point forward not one stake of the tabernacle, not one individual will be ripped up out of this world system. We will be here and abide for the life of the ages. Glory to God.


"Not one stake thereof shall be removed, neither shall any of the cords thereof be broken." Now, this word "cord" is Strong's 2256, and it means an inheritance, a portion. It can mean a measured field. It's a scored area. It's our soul. It says -- in Ecclesiastes 12:26 it says -- it talks about a silver cord. The cord is the soul. A silver cord is the soul that has experienced salvation.


So we're in verse 20. Not one of the stakes thereof shall ever be removed. Christ shall never be removed from the people in whom He has been formed. Neither shall any of the cords or the souls thereof be broken.


Now, what does that mean? It means when this body dies, our souls are broken. They're broken into pieces. They're dispersed. So no more the death of our soul, and no more the removal of our spirit.


Verse 22 -- verse 21. "But there the glorious Lord will be unto us a place of broad rivers and streams" -- that's life in His Spirit -- "wherein shall go no galley with oars." Now, what does that mean? In the Spirit of God, when we dwell in the Spirit of God, there shall be no more labor. We won't be rowing our own ships. You know, right now we're rowing our own ships, and we keep crashing into the sand bars and messing up our lives. We won't be rowing our own ships anymore. No more labor in the Spirit of God.


"Neither shall gallant ship pass thereby." Gallant ship is a mighty ship. It's Strong's 117. It means powerful. It's used of the waves of the sea, and I'm suggesting to you that it's referring to the natural man, to that spirit of Satan that has generated this whole fallen soul, and the Scripture says that he won't be able to pass by in the life of Christ. He won't be able to rise up and possess any of us when we dwell in Christ.


Verse 22. "For the Lord is our judge. The Lord is our lawgiver. The Lord is our king. He will save us." He is the lawgiver. That means He is our spirit because the law comes out of our spirit, and He's our king and our judge. That means He's dwelling in our spirit, and He's dwelling in our soul. Hallelujah. He's the ruler of our spirit and the ruler of our soul. He's our everything.


Verse 23. "The tacklings are loosed," and a tackling is a twisted rope, and we're told that a threefold cord is not easily broken, and that threefold cord is -- "the tacklings are loosed." Excuse me. "Thy tacklings are loosed," and that threefold cord is Satan, Eve and the carnal mind, and they are being loosed. It's not easily broken, but the Lord God is strong enough to separate them.


"They could not well strengthen their mast." Now, this word is not translated in the King James. "Thy tacklings are loosed. They could not well strengthen their mast." The word that's translated "mast" in the King James, the interlinear says the correct translation is the "base of the mast." They left that word out in the King James for some reason. "They could not well strengthen the base of their mast."


And when I researched that word, I found out that it lines up with what we discovered on message 8, which -- in which we go into Zechariah 5 where the word to us was that the living soul went out from God and set up his own base, and that's the word we have on message 8. She set up her own base to do what? To incarnate outside of the will of God, and all of the vessels on the Earth today are the result of the illegal incarnation of the living soul. And I want to put on this message that on prior messages I have preached -- and I know that this is common in the church world and I preached it -- that the Lord knew about the fall and He permitted the fall because how else would have the Earth been filled with all these bodies if man didn’t fall? So God permitted it.


But I want to tell you that the Lord told me that's not true, that He had provided a way for man to multiply without the necessity of his falling. It didn’t have to be this way. It turned out this way because it was proven that man was capable of sin. But there was -- if Adam would have resisted the sin, there was another way for him to multiply into many members.


So we're saying in verse 22 this is the judgment on the living soul. "The [sic] tacklings are loosed." The twisted rope -- Satan, Eve and the carnal mind -- is being separated by the power of Christ. "They could not" -- who? The living soul could not strengthen the base of their mast. They're losing -- the living soul is losing her ability and her authority to generate this world system, to generate the people and to generate this whole world system, which is known as hell. Why is she losing her power to do that? Because the mind of Christ is appearing in so many individuals that hell is being converted into heaven, because this world system is a reflection of the mind that is ruling in the world system.


And Christ is appearing in the minds of men everywhere, and when we reach a certain point -- I don’t know what that point is, but I'm sure that there has to be at least some people in full stature for this world system to be converted from hell to heaven. How many people will have to be in full stature for this to happen? I don’t know.


Does anybody not know what I'm talking about? Anybody not know what I'm talking -- you don’t know what I'm talking about? You're not raising your hand. OK. Anybody not know what I'm talking about? OK.


So the living soul is being dismantled, glory to God. The tacklings are loosed. They could not strengthen the base of their mast. They can no longer continue to sustain the image of this world system. This world system is an illusion. It's a shadow. It's a lie. It's a reflection of the satanic mind that's being projected through us, and it can no longer be sustained because Christ is manifesting in the minds of too many people, and this image is being dismantled. It is being brought down, and the image of Christ is being raised up.


The base of Christ. You've heard me preach about power bases. There is now a new power base in the Earth. There are now two sources generating human beings and this world system -- Satan and Christ -- and soon -- there was one, his name was Satan. Now there are two, and soon there shall be just one. His name is Christ, and when Christ is the only power base generating this world system, you shall be in heaven because His life and His mind is heaven, and the reflection of it is heaven. Did you have a question?




OK. Please take the microphone.


[INAUDIBLE] [?waiting before?] how is hell going to be transformed into heaven? How will that take place again?


OK. This world system is an image. It's a shadow. It's an illusion. It's not real, OK. Just shut that off. Do me a favor, OK? Is it off? OK. It's not real. It's a picture. It's a reflection of the superior mind that is being reflected through the many members of the living soul, OK. Now, the mind is being changed. Christ is starting to appear in the minds of men, and when He appears in enough men in full stature, the reflection of His mind will replace the reflection of Satan's mind in there. Do you understand?




Do you?


[?I understand the way you explained it.?]


OK. OK. We're almost finished. Hang on. It's been long. You've been wonderful. It's two hours. OK. So this is the judgment. Her tacklings are being loosed. The cord's unfolding. The threefold cord is being separated. They can no longer sustain this world system because their mind is being weakened, it's being swallowed up by the life of Christ. They cannot spread the sail, and that word "sail" is Strong's 5251, and it means a banner which shows the people where to assemble. They can no longer spread out this world system and cause the people to be a part of this system of death.


"Then is the prey of a great spoil divided." Who is the great spoil? It's this living soul. All of the riches of this world system is going to be divided among those to whom Christ is being revealed. This whole world system, it's a great prey. These bodies are glorious. These minds are glorious. When the mind of Christ is being revealed through it, we will be able to do marvelous things through this body and through existence in this world system.


Eye has not seen and ear has not heard what God has in store for us. This is a great inheritance. Our bodies and this world is a great inheritance that has been stolen by Satan, and it's being abandoned by him because he's being caused to flee away -- the shadow is being caused to flee away as the true light rises, and he is leaving the riches of this world for those of us that have inherited Christ. And the Scripture says that it's a great prey and a great spoil, and it's to be divided amongst us.


"The lame take the prey." Who are the lame? We are the lame. We are spiritually lame. We can't walk in the heavenlies. We can't get our needs met. We're spiritually lame, and we are the ones who shall take the prey, but we shall be strengthened in Christ.


Verse 24. "And the inhabitant shall not say, I am sick." The inhabitant of what? The inhabitant of the Earth of our soul, the spiritual man. The true spiritual man is sick when he's married to Satan -- when she's married to Satan, and she shall no longer say that she is sick.


"The people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their iniquity." And sickness is a direct result of iniquity, and if we are sick, no matter how much revelation we have or whatever we have, we must petition the Lord and ask Him what he requires of us, why we have not yet been healed. Sometimes you have to wait a long time for a healing. Sometimes you have to labor in the Lord for a long time, but you owe it to yourself to petition the Lord to see if there is anything that you haven’t done if you’re sick for a long time, although we know that Paul had infirmity as a thorn in his flesh, but we can't assume any such thing. If we're sick, we really have to petition the Lord to see if there isn't any sin in our life.


But this final verse, of course, is really speaking about a spiritual sickness, and it says "the inhabitant of the Earth" -- the spiritual man -- "shall not say, I am sick." And he won't be sick any longer. "The people that dwell in the Earth of the soul shall be forgiven their iniquity." They shall be made spiritually strong.


And I just want to ask you to bear with me for another couple of minutes. I want to read you 2 Kings 7. There's just a second witness. 2 Kings 7, verses 5 to 8, and this is talking about the two lepers. Maybe I should read you from verse one.


"Then Elisha said, 'Hear ye the word of the Lord. Thus saith the Lord, 'Tomorrow about this time shall a measure of fine flour be sold for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel, in the gate of Samaria.''" That's a very cheap price. He's saying there's going to be food available for a very cheap price. This was after a great famine.


"Then a lord on whose hand the king leaned answered the man of God and said, 'Behold, if the Lord would make windows in heaven, might this thing be?'" Is it possible? Could it be possible?


"And he said, 'Behold, thou shalt see it with thine eyes, but shalt not eat thereof.'" Now, this great spiritual blessing that we just read about at the end of chapter 33 of Isaiah is going to be available, but everybody's not going to eat of it. "'Behold, thou shalt see it with thine eyes, but shalt not eat thereof.'"


Verse 3. "And there were four leprous men," typifying sinful men. That's the whole human race. We're all filled with sin. We're all spiritually leprous. "And there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate, and they said one to another, 'Why sit we here until we die?'" In the midst of this human race, there was a group of people that are willing to confess their sins, that are willing to admit that they're sinful, that they're spiritually leprous, that are going to say, why should we sit here and die? Let us confess our sins repent and go forward with God and see if this promise isn't really true. If there isn't deliverance from sickness, if there isn't deliverance from compulsion, if there isn't deliverance from depression and everything that's destroying us, if there isn't a reality of full stature, let us try. Let us do what God tells us to do and see if it isn't true.


And it says here in the book of 2 Kings chapter 7 that the men that were prosperous really didn’t believe it. They said, is it possible that this thing could be? But the lepers, the ones that were crushed by life, the people that had been destroyed, the people that are a byword and a proverb and a [UNINTELLIGIBLE], that the rest of society looks down upon, they are the ones that are going to say why sit here until we die?


"'If we say we will enter into the city, then the famine is in the city, and we shall die there.'" And there is famine in this living soul. We're dying from lack of the word of God. "'And if we sit still here, we die also. Now, therefore, come, and let us fall unto the host of the Syrians. If they save us alive, we shall live.'" In other words, let's go engage the enemy in battle; if they kill us, they kill us. If they keep us alive, we'll live. "'If they save us alive, we shall live; and if they kill us, we shall but die.'"


But we're dying from the famine anyway. Let's take on this enemy, which is our own carnal mind. If he kills us, he kills us; if he lets us live, he let's us live, but we're going to die anyway. See, the whole world out there, they don’t know they're dying. The whole church out there, they don’t know they're dying. They think they're going to die, but then they're going to wind up in heaven. They don’t believe this message. They say, could it possibly be true?


But there's a people -- God has a people that have been devastated by the afflictions in this life, and they're going to say, we're dying in this lifetime. Life is destructive to us in this lifetime. There isn't enough good in this lifetime to keep us going. We're dying anyway, and we know it. Let's engage this carnal mind in warfare and see if the promises of God cannot be true.


Verse 5. "And they rose up in the twilight." The twilight. It wasn't fully dark, and it wasn't fully light, but the rays of the sun of Christ had started to shine on their minds. "And they went into the camp of the Syrians," or the camp of their own carnal mind. "And when they were come into the uttermost part of the camp of the enemy, behold, there was no man there for the Lord had made the host of the Syrians to hear a noise of chariots and a noise of horses, even the noise of a great host; and they said one to another, 'Lo, the king of Israel has [sic] hired against us the kings of the Hittites and the kings of the Egyptians to come upon us."


Adam and your carnal mind is going to flee. The Lord is going to scare him. He's going to believe that a mighty host is coming against him. He's going to pack up. He's going to leave your mind.


"Wherefore they arose and fled in the twilight, and left their tents" -- that's these bodies -- "and they left their horses" -- that's our souls -- "and they left their asses, even the camp as it was, and they fled for their life. And when these lepers came to the uttermost part of the camp, they went into one tent, and they did eat and drink, and carried from there silver and gold and raiment and went and hid it, and came again and entered into another tent, and carried thence also and went and hid it. And they said one to another, 'We do not well. This day is a day of good tidings. We hold our peace if we tarry till the morning light.'"


And they decided they better go tell the others and let them share this salvation too. Glory to God. I'm not going to keep you any longer, but they went back, and they told the other people, and they told the king. And in verse 16 it says, "And the people went out and spoiled the tents of the Syrians, and so there was food for all."


So there's a group of lepers that are going to believe God, and they're going to attain to the promises, and then they're going to go back and tell everybody, and it's going to be for the rest of the people. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Did you want me to -- did you want to ask me that question again? I'll try and answer it for you.


[INAUDIBLE]. First of all, [INAUDIBLE]. I was asking when will the lake of fire manifest and burn the hay and stubble?


It's manifesting already in all of those people in whom Christ is being formed. He is the lake of fire, and He is aggressively reaching out for our carnal mind and destroying it. I know it's happening to me. It's happening to you. It's happening to everybody here.


OK. It's just -- I wrote down a couple of questions throughout the message, so I’m -- it's going to be, like, jumping from one thing to another. Jacob's ladder is Christ?


Jacob's ladder is Christ.


And He's the only mediator between heaven and Earth?




But then you said that man is the connector between heaven and Earth, and both heaven and Earth are in man. So which is the mediator, Christ or man?


Christ is the mediator, but the vessel in which He dwells is man. Man was created to be a house for Christ, which is the connection between heaven and Earth. But we are houses, but the connection isn't there. We're lacking something.


OK. The stump being man and it is raised up with the scent of water. What is the scent of water and why is Christ called the scent of water?


The scent of water is the Spirit of Christ coming to it to give it life. We're a dead tree. Christ is entering in, and He's described as the smell or the scent of water. It's Christ. He's giving us life back again.


But why is He called the smell of water, the scent of water?


I don’t know. I didn’t look that word up in the Hebrew, so I don’t [INAUDIBLE].


Why does the Lord say that some will go into everlasting life being the faithful servant, and the others He called -- the slothful and wicked servant went into everlasting punishment. These were two different vessels, and it looks like -- to me like He's pointing out the in- -- two individual [INAUDIBLE].


I would say He was generally talking about the natural man and the spiritual man. The one that's going into everlasting punishment is the natural man, and when you look up those Greek words, "the everlasting punishment," the punishment -- everlasting is for the life of the ages. The punishment that will last for the life of the ages is the fire of God that will restrain the natural man [AUDIO CUTS OUT] from yielding to his natural inclinations, which are sin. Punishment meaning restriction.


You said the reason that we must go to the everlasting burnings is because we produced death, but it looked like to me like you were saying that all of us are going through everlasting burnings, but what Jesus is saying is that, no, the faithful servant went into everlasting life, and the wicked servant went into burning flames.


The faithful servant is the spirit entering into everlasting life. He was not -- you see, when Christ is formed in you, He is the faithful servant. He is not changed when He goes into the lake of fire. He is not changed. The lake of fire burns all the chaff away from Him, so He goes into everlasting life [CROSSTALK] --


[CROSSTALK] the last question I have is about the vessels being incarnated. You said the -- that the vessel went out from God from -- to make up its own base, and then you said to ma- -- so that -- the reason why it had the base -- its own base of the mast is to incarnate outside of God's will. But you've al- -- and you said that the vessels that appear in the Earth today are incarnated outside of God's will, right?


Most of them. In this hour, some sons of God are coming through, but, by and large, the human race are inc- -- aren't -- are incarnated by the living soul.


So not all the vessels? Because then what did you mean when you say that there are vessels that are incarnated by the express will of the Father?


Well, like Jeremiah. God specifically called him forth. I think if we're called to this ministry, the Lord probably specifically called everybody here forth, but there are many human beings out there that just were born because a man and a woman had sexual intercourse.


But the whole living soul, you were saying, went out from the Father and made up its own base.




Then how appears Jeremiah, and how appears anyone else that is out of the full, express will of the Father if there wa- -- if the whole base was moved?


Because the Lord is sovereign, and He intends to save this creation and raise it from the dead, and He went in right in the midst of their illegal incarnation and brought forth one of His own.


Did they have a carnal soul, Jeremiah?


Everybody has a carnal soul. Everybody doesn’t have Christ. Everybody has a carnal soul.


What is the difference?


The Christ is what's added.


What --


I think it's messages 3, 4 and possibly 5, we deal with that -- those issues of being incarnated at the express will of the Father. So if you want to review those messages, they might be able to help you.


So there is ex- -- there at the express will of the Father and --


Oh, yeah.


-- they don’t come out of that base of the mast?


No, they do come out of that base.




The new power base -- I think I understand your question now. The new power base that's in the Earth today that's going to be generating people without the base of the natural man is coming forth in Christ. It manifested in Jesus Christ of Nazareth when the Holy Spirit hovered over Mary and brought forth that vessel, OK, but aside from that we're all still coming forth in the vessels of the natural man, and Christ is coming in and taking over their property -- taking over his property. But in the future -- we have on message -- I think it's message 20. We found Scriptures that indicate that at some time in the future we are going to be producing live young.


You see, right now when a woman has a baby, that baby is born dead. It's not born with the life of Christ. It's born dead, and it's been generated by death. OK, it has the potential for Christ to come in and implant His life in it, but it's born dead. But the day is coming that those of us that have the life of Christ -- see, right now, if you were to get married -- and I believe Christ is being formed in you, and if you were to get married to a man in whom Christ is being formed, you would still produce a dead child because when the power base of the natural man generates a being, they are born dead. So even though the two of you are on-fire believers, two on-fire believers in this hour cannot produce a live child --


All right.


-- OK, but the day is coming -- and we go -- have the Scriptures for that in number -- in message 20. The day is coming that a man and woman will get together and they will be able to produce a live child, and that --




I don’t know. I don’t know what's going to happen once the sons of God manifest. I don’t know how fast things are going to change. I don’t know. I hope it's soon. OK. But that is a sign that the power base of Christ has generated a child, when it's born praising God and speaking in tongues. OK. Did I answer your question a little bit?




OK. Praise the Lord. Now, right now, I've seen -- I've heard and I saw one little 5-year-old speaking in tongues, and she praised God and gets slain in the spirit. They're coming younger and younger, but I never heard of one child that has been born alive. If it's happened, I don’t know about it; but the promise of the Scriptures, it's going to happen.


One --




You know what I'm saying? Because it -- this is -- a lot of Christians don’t like to hear this, but the truth is that no matter how on fire we are for God, even if Christ is being formed in us, the predominant nature in us is Adam. Christ is not the predominant nature in us. Christ is the invading force that's trying to destroy our sin nature, but the base that generated us is sin and death. That's what we were born with, and it hasn’t been switched over yet.


So I have one more question.




The -- is there any hope for those that are born, and they're living out their life and they're not going to manifest Christ, is there any hope for them at all?


Yes, there's hope for them.


I mean ones that -- why were they in existence if they weren't to bring forth Christ? They live out their whole live as a natural man and die.


And that's on message 4. We go into that on message 4, "Out of the Dust," where we go into the Scriptures in the Book of Jude, which are [sic] very clear about it, that there are men that are just brute beasts because if we don’t have Christ, we are brute beasts. That’s what we are, and that there are men like that. And God has permitted the whole thing, and He's working all thing together for the good, and the brute beasts reveal the sons of God, and He's working everything together. But you have to remember that the personality is not [?resurrecting?resurrected?].


Right, but there's no hope for them in their li- -- in this lifetime?


Oh, yeah, they can have very nice lives. I've seen some brute beasts have very good lives. Sometimes they're very rich, and they have -- and they -- and they're very content with their life, you know. Their children are happy, and they're all professionals, and they're happy in their jobs, and they're happy in their marriages, and they're happy with their kids, and their kids are healthy, and the -- nobody's sick and nobody's divorced, and they're traveling all over Europe, and they're very happy.


But they're not ordained to bring forth Christ. They'll never --


They're not ordained --


-- they won't -- will never live forever. They won't. They'll dissolve.


Well, their human spirit will live forever. The human spirit is a part of Christ.












It's Christ. Their spirit --




Right, the spirit of Christ is in everybody, and it goes back to Christ.




Yes. The [INAUDIBLE] --




Yes. It's Christ that's having many experiences in many different souls and bodies. Yes, exactly.




Come out, come out, come out.


[?Go ahead.?]


Sure, I have three -- I have a few questions here. I always thought in the Scriptures that the people [INAUDIBLE] was Christ with two people in a marriage, that it wasn't easily broken.


Well, that's [CROSSTALK] --




Well --


-- you were saying it was Satan, Adam and -- [UNINTELLIGIBLE].


Yeah. Well, every Scripture can be taken on many different levels, you know.


OK. All right. [CROSSTALK] --


But --




Well, let me just go. But --


Oh, I'm sorry.


-- but the true understanding of it is that the three -- the true threefold cord is Eve, the Father and Christ, OK. If you want to apply that -- I know that in the message I said Satan, Eve and the carnal mind. That's one threefold cord. That's going to be dissolved, and the threefold cord that can't easily be broken is Sa- -- is Eve, the Father and Christ. If you want to apply that to your marriage, you can; but the depth of the Scripture is spiritual.




That Scripture was told to Joe and Barbara [?one?] --




-- evening, so that's -- you know, was [?penetrating his mind?]. Are his -- y- -- when you had said in the lake of fi- -- I say in the lake of --


Well, it was broken, right?




It was broken, right?


It was broken. [INAUDIBLE]


Yeah, that's not really the --




-- correct interpretation of the Scripture.


Is the lake of fire really purging His people?




That's what that is? You s- -- was [sic] saying in -- it wasn't time to talk at that time, but men were afraid. Is that making reference to -- and they were in terror -- at the time in the Book of Revelations when the men cry out for the rocks to fall on them? I can't remember just how you had said it, and there wasn't any break. I couldn't have asked it before, but I remembered you saying that, and that's the --




-- thought that had come in.


Well, that Scripture about the men crying out for the rocks to fall on them -- I -- you might be able to associate it with that. Do you have a question? Would you mind [INAUDIBLE]?


I don’t know how to ask this. When you're saying -- to be able to get the mind of Christ and your separated from the carnal mind -- now the individual has a part in the -- in his own salvation. [CROSSTALK] --




-- that? Is that so?


Yes, by throwing our will in line with the Christ, and how do we do that? When He shows it to us, we confess our sins and we repent, and we desire strongly to ha- -- to be -- reflect the righteousness of Christ, by rejecting those aspects of our personality which the Lord has revealed to us, [?our?or?] sin, and that's the part that we -- that is us throwing us in the lake of fire. Joining with Christ. Joining with Christ.


Without doing that, there is no salvation, right? There is no --


Well, salvation is of your soul. Salvation [?is?] redemption; redemption is not the same thing as salvation. Your spirit is redeemed, and your soul is saved; and your soul isn't saved, but -- your soul isn't saved unless you stop dying, but your spirit is redeemed. You have been purchased back. Your spirit has been purchased back. So I'm not really sure what your question is, but redemption is not the same thing as salvation.


The salvation of your soul, when your soul is saved, you will stop dying; so nobody's soul is saved except Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We are redeemed, however, if Jesus Christ is working in us. Well, we are -- we -- whether He's working in us or not, Jesus Christ has purchased back the human race. He's purchased us back, but our soul isn't saved yet. Do you know what I'm talking about.




Yeah, there's a difference --


[INAUDIBLE] goes on until death [INAUDIBLE] soul [INAUDIBLE].


I don’t understand your question.


Spirit is redeemed, and then the soul -- what happens with the soul now that --


Right. The soul is the -- first your spirit is redeemed. The Spirit of the Lord enters in and starts to join Himself to your spirit, OK, and He starts the judgment of your soul. When Christ enters into your heart, that's the beginning of the judgment of your soul. For your soul to be saved, it has to be purged of sin. OK?




Well, it doesn’t have to take a lifetime. It -- we have to enter into the season, and once we enter into the season we could find some very young people standing up in full stature. The reason it's taking so long now, for those of us for whom it started years ago, you know, is that -- can I ask you to please stay focused? You're really distracting me, you know. OK. OK. I forgot what the question is. What was I saying?


[INAUDIBLE] talk about some very young people [CROSSTALK] --


Yes, that's what I was saying. Yes, once we enter into the season, we can have people being called by the Lord and standing up in full stature very quickly. The reason many of us have been struggling for all these years is that it just isn't the season yet, and the Scripture for that is the workmen laboring from the beginning of the day getting the same pay as those entering in at midnight.


You see, our spirit is redeemed. The Lord has -- by His work on the cross, has purchased back the entire creation from Satan. We were all sold to Satan. God sold us to Satan. He sold us unto sin, and the Lord Jesus Christ by His redemptive work on the cross has purchased us back. We are now officially His property, but He has to work to cleanse our soul. OK. He's working to cleanse our soul, and our soul isn't -- our soul is saved in perfection. The soul can't be saved when it's sin-filled. The salvation of the soul is the perfecting of the soul. You see?




See, and the Lord is working to save the entire living soul. So if a human being dies before his soul is saved, that's why Christ goes on to the next group of people because when the soul dies, the soul that's in it, it must die. So it -- for whatever reason, it's because we haven’t entered into the season, or for whatever reason, the body dies before the soul is perfected. Salvation is perfection. Before the soul is perfected, OK, then the Lord has to continue His work in other vessels. Do you know what I'm talking about? You don't know what I'm talking about.




Don’t worry about it. Just -- you know, it's a lot.


Well, what confuses me is this whole salvation message that's been preached, you know, [UNINTELLIGIBLE] [?invented?], and I'm trying to get it out of my mind, you know --




-- and thinking that the individual can be born again --




-- you know.


See that --


That's why I'm saying --


-- see, that's the whole catch.




It's not the individual, yeah.


-- you know.


See, that's the whole catch. We have to stop thinking in terms of the individual. It's Christ that's appearing in the Earth of the living soul. It's Christ. We are all many members of the body of Christ, and He is the one that is being matured into perfection, and He is the one that's overcoming the living soul; and if He fails to overcome it in an individual vessel and that soul dies because it has sinned and has not been perfected, well, the Lord Jesus Christ, the spirit Christ, continues to overcome the living soul in other vessels.


I see.


And we are one of His experiences of His immaturity, like you're a 10-year-old child, and we shall live as a part of His maturity, which I'm sure is going to be much more glorious than the memory of your 10-year-old in you. I'm sure it's going to be a much more vital existence, but I don’t have any more information about it. But it's got to be good. It's got to be good.


[INAUDIBLE] possibly [INAUDIBLE] possibly be born in full stature?


Oh, yeah, I think so, eventually.




I think so.


Like, if the two -- if the parents were totally --


Well, that's what life is. If they're going to --


-- purged of sin? Totally purged of sin, they'd have to be, right?


I don’t know.


And then the child would be born already in full stature?


I don’t know.




Yeah, well, to be born alive -- because all the children are born dead today. To be born alive, you'd have to be born in full stature.


[INAUDIBLE] the child's born in full stature?


Yeah. So maybe that [CROSSTALK] --


[CROSSTALK] full measure of Christ?


That's what being born alive means to me. I said speaking in tongues. I guess that was an inaccurate thing. It would have to be born in full stature.




I don’t know. I really don’t know.


How come we don't -- how come the little kids aren't here hearing this? How come they can't bear it right now? I mean, why aren't they here? They should be the ones that -- they should get it early in life, is what I mean.


That's your carnal mind speaking. Excuse me.


No, but they say that, you know, you give a -- you take -- put a child in the Catholic thing and you go- -- if you have them for five years, you'll have them for the rest of their life.


But that's not what the --




-- that's not the way the Lord is doing it. You see, the Lord, He's having mercy on a few people here or there, but the primary thrust of the move of God -- and it has been from the beginning -- is to raise up the sons of God because that is the salvation of this creation. While all this is going on, He's having mercy on the people that are out there giving out tracts because they love Him in the way that they love Him, and they're doing the best they can, and He's letting them do their kindergarten thing, and He's blessing here, and He's healing this person there, and He's having mercy there.


But He is not a man. He is a glorious superior being, and His mind is beyond anything we can imagine, and the primary thrust of His mind is to raise up those sons of God so that the whole of the creation can be saved. He's having mercy on an individual here and an individual there, but that's not the thrust of His attention.


[INAUDIBLE] doesn’t care how old they are [CROSSTALK] --


He really doesn’t care, no, because the whole point is -- and I'm going to keep on telling it to you until I get through to you. The whole point is it doesn’t really matter if somebody dies without reaching perfection because our reality is spirit. This personality is not our reality. You are not this personality. You are spirit, and your spirit is Christ, and if you were to die tonight, your spirit would join with Christ and be a part of Him, just as Moses and Elijah was a part of Him on the Mount of Transfiguration. You will be found in Christ. You are not this personality.


Then why strive for perfection?


Because Christ is overcoming in you. He's got to stand up in full stature, and if He's doing it in you, that's what you’re supposed to do.


[INAUDIBLE] our reality [INAUDIBLE], you know, is Christ and the personality is going to die, does that include the memories, the past experience [INAUDIBLE] going through right now [INAUDIBLE] went through about two years ago when I remember it today? It's all going to go away and we'll never --


No, your experiences -- your spirit -- Christ in you is experiencing all these things, and all of that will be found with you in Christ.


Would I eventually forget? Christ will never remember this personality? [INAUDIBLE] dies [INAUDIBLE], you know [INAUDIBLE]. Eventually, the personality is going to die when Christ comes [INAUDIBLE]. Michelle is going to go and Christ is going to come?


Yes, Christ --


There will be no more Michelle? Michelle will never, ever remember her life [INAUDIBLE] [CROSSTALK] --


Oh, no. I think you'll remember it.




I think you'll remember it, but it'll be like a -- for your painful time.




It'll be a bad memory.




But I think you'll remember it.


Oh, you mean -- but I'll never feel the pain?


No, when Christ stands up --




-- in full stature, you won't feel the pain, but you'll remember it, and it'll be a positive experience --




-- in that you will have -- you'll remember it as an experience of sin because if your [CROSSTALK] --


I see.


-- heart, rejection, you know, that's all sin. There's no condemnation in what I'm saying, but it's all sin. Do you understand what I'm saying?




Yeah. So when Christ stands up in full stature in you, OK, He will have a memory, and it -- that memory will cause Him to to want to go that way again.


[?I see.?]




I thought I was [INAUDIBLE]. I thought the [INAUDIBLE] I won't remember. [CROSSTALK] --


No, you'll remember. He'll remember. He's going to re- --


[CROSSTALK] no more tears and no more sorrow --


Right. That was [INAUDIBLE].




-- and won't we see it as a positive experience?


Yes, and -- well, that's what I was trying to --


Like, our understanding will be changed, all right. We'll have a better --




-- fuller understanding of everything?


Yeah. And you'll be able to minister to people that have the same problems. We were just talking about that driving over here --




-- tonight, yeah. But all the pain and tears will be gone, and all of your experiences and all of your pain will contribute to making Christ the compassionate Christ that He is. It says that He is touched by the infirmities. He's experienced all these things. He's experienced all of these painful things in each of us, and that's how He can relate to people that aren't yet in full stature because He is having all of these experiences in us. Don't worry about it. It'll come slowly.


[INAUDIBLE] full stature [INAUDIBLE] all of that -- the pain and sorrow will be gone because He will overcome that, right?


Yeah. I want to tell you, June, that Rita sat in these meetings for a year, and she really didn’t know what I was talking about, and then one day God [?just quickened?] into her.


No, I understand.




I understand what your saying, all these things, but no -- like when you go to -- [INAUDIBLE].


Yeah, put her on.


When you -- [INAUDIBLE] just over the weekend, you know, when you're talking to someone and you just -- no, I -- the [UNINTELLIGIBLE] come out as to what to do for this person because I said -- you know, I want you to pray for me. And I said, Lord, how do I pray? You know, what do I say? And the woman is deaf. She's gone deaf just in the last year, totally deaf, and her husband has multiple sclerosis, and she has diabetes, and she has, you know, all these things, and -- and at one time I had told her to read John 3, you know, in the Bible, and she keeps reading it over and over, but she doesn’t get into the Bible. So I just wrote a quick not to her. I ju- -- all I could think of was -- I'm not going to give her this message where you have to --




-- you know, confess -- like we used to say in Romans, you know, confess Jesus Christ and that He died and rose again that you might be saved. So all I could do was write down that Christ has to be within you --




-- and a few other things that I -- you know, I just was at a loss as to [CROSSTALK] --


As what to say to this woman.


Yeah. You know, [CROSSTALK] --


Well, I want to tell you, June, that I've had the same experience, and I --


There's so much, you know, that your trying to understand --




-- and yet you want to be able to speak to someone about what you know --


Did you tell them --


-- and not give them something --




-- that's not true, you know.


Well, tell them about the love of God. Unless they ask -- just tell them about the love of God, and then if they are ready for something deeper, they'll ask you a question. God will reveal to you that He wants this person to hear something deeper. If nothing comes forward, then you just tell them about the love of God.


Well, I did write down Jesus wants to have a love relationship with you --


Well, that's good.


-- and that -- to repent and -- and I just said seek the kingdom of God first --


Well, that's good.


-- and --


And read your Bible.


-- and read the Bible. [INAUDIBLE] --


Well, you can't do anymore than that.


It just seems like -- you know, they just -- they're just reaching out so desperately because of -- well, of all the sicknesses that she has, and I don’t want to tell her, well, it's because your sicknesses, you know, are your problem, you know --




-- you know, your --


Well, I think that it -- one of the biggest problems for all of us is to face the fact that we have no strength to save anybody, that there is nothing that we could say, there's no prayer that we could pray, and that there is nothing that we could do that's going to make them come to the Lord. That -- we go and we tell them about the Father and tell them about the love of God and that they have to repent and that Jesus wants a personal relationship with them, and then you pray and you say, Father, if you will, I pray that this person be received into the kingdom, and there is nothing more that we could do. And that's a very hard word to those of us that are carnal people because we want to do something. We want control, and there is nothing you could do.


Well, same thing with my uncle just dying.




You know, I was at his bedside, and he was suffering tremendously in the intensive care --




-- and I -- all I could say to him was Je- -- you know, Jesus knows your pain and repent --


That's all you can do.


-- and forgive everybody, and then I just wanted to tell him tonight, I didn’t know what else to say [CROSSTALK] --


There's nothing else to say.


-- I love you and goodbye, you know.


There's nothing else to say. See, the more --


So then I was all right in --




-- saying those things and just --


Yeah, definitely.


-- letting it drop like that?




There's, you know, nothing else to [CROSSTALK] --


See, the more we move into the kingdom, the less there is for us to do, and Rita and I were -- I was just talking to Rita about this tonight, that when your in the carnal church, they teach you to bind and loose. I was telling Rita that someone came to me and showed me her knees, that she had big scars, big scabs on her knees, telling me that she's praying on her knees for hours. I don’t think God requires that of us. You know, that's a religious work, you know.


So when you're a carnal person, we're doing all of these things. I think I was saying that when Michelle came in tonight. But when Christ begins to be formed in you, he wants to be manifesting through you, and if we're all involved in these carnal works, we're cutting off His opportunity -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT] -- to pray through us or to minister through us or to counsel through us.


So that -- the typical experience of someone in whom Christ is being formed is that they don’t know what to say. They can't pray anymore. They can barely speak in tongues anymore. They don’t seem to be doing anything. This is a typical experience because when Christ starts to be formed in you, He starts to dry up all the works of your carnal man, and if you can't hear this word, it could be very stressful to you not understanding what has happened to your, quote, "anointing," which is -- has never been your anointing. It's God's anointing.


But He starts to destroy all of that religious stuff, and He wants you to be quiet so that He can manifest through you at will. If you're busy praying all these carnal prayers, He can't even get a chance to get a word in edgewise out of you. So this is what's happening. If it's happening to you, the chances are Christ has been conceived in you and He's killing all of your religious works.


Now, she asked for more tracts. I had them in the pocketbook [CROSSTALK] --


So you give it to her.


-- handed them to her, but, you know, I didn’t really expect anything to -- you know, I mean, a real truth to come through these messages, you know.


It has to be by His spirit, and if it's her time, she'll come; and if it's not her time, she won't. I want to tell you, I'm with the Lord almost 15 years. I hardly ever pray for my parents. I got a prophesy going back maybe 10 years. My parents are the ultimate anti-Christ, and I got a prophesy going back about 10 years ago that my parents were the Lord's, and I don’t think I prayed for them in 10 years. My mother I would minister to on the occasion that I knew it was God that set it up, and it was very rare. Maybe if it was twice a year. Now, my father was never around. Never ministered to this man at all.


[UNINTELLIGIBLE] my mother was alone, and I knew that Christ had set it up, and I would tell her so long as the anointing lasted. When I saw her start to manifest, I cut it off. I was very sensitive to her needs, and it was very rare. And after 10 years, I really believe my mother's been quickened. She's not walking in it very deeply, but I believe she's been quickened, and I think my father's been touched, and how far it's gone, I don't know.


But I hardly ever pray for them. I don't pray for them, and God did it. I'm not on my knees -- I mean, I'm not on my knees every night saying, Lord, save them. Lord, save them. And then if you’re on your knees for 15 years, and they get saved, you think you did it because you labored in prayer for 15 years. I don’t believe that.




Yeah, yeah. And -- I mean, I would have -- I would pray for anybody as the Lord leads me. You know, if they come into my mind, I'll say to them, you know, well -- I'll say to the Lord, well, Lord, what about it, you know? And most of the time I pray, Lord, do you put a prayer in my heart because I don’t even want to pray a final prayer. Put a prayer in -- you heard me pray that tonight. Put a prayer in my heart. What do you want me to pray? Because your carnal prayers are just dung. They're worthless anyway. They're bouncing right off the heavenlies, so what are you draining your energy for?


So it's a whole reeducation that we have to go through, and the longer we've been with the Lor- -- in this church system and the more religious our background, the harder it is to break out of, but, you see, God made it very easy for me because He just took it all away from me. And at first I was very disturbed that I was hardly talking to Him. I was hardly talking in tongues, and I was hardly -- I used to really pray in the anointing. I was a real prayer warrior. I couldn't pray anymore [UNINTELLIGIBLE] any kind of anointing.


I was very upset, and after about six months of it, He got a magazine to me. He had somebody hand me a magazine. They said, I don’t know why I'm giving you this magazine, so I figured I'd better look at it, and there was an article in it along those lines, and I said, oh, that's what happened to me, and I had some peace. Yeah, but that's what happens.


And it -- the whole walk with the Lord changes. It goes from being very external and very excitable, which we would describe as charismatically talking in tongues, and I used to prophesy a lot. I used prophesy. I hardly ever prophesy anymore. OK. I used to prophesy. There was a lot of excitement associated with it, and now that excitement's not there, but there's a real depth that's come, as I'm sure you're aware that's come forth from within me. It's coming forth in the teaching. It's coming forth in the wisdom.


Very frequently, I can -- I speak for long periods of time, and I know it's the word of the Lord coming out of me. I'm not saying thus saith the Lord, but I know it's the wisdom of God pouring out of my mouth, so it -- the Lord explained it to me that what was outside has gotten inside, that was how He -- and when He first told me, I said, Lord, I don’t know. It's not making me feel good the way this other stuff made me feel good. And what He said to me was, well, the other stuff used to gratify your soul. He said, I don't really -- I'm not concerned about gratifying your soul. I'm concerned about your spiritual growth, and all of that stuff --


Dance -- I used to dance in the spirit. I used to get slain. Oh, it was wonderful. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] lay on the floor after I danced in the spirit and I got slain, I said, oh, I'm in heaven. It was all gratification to my soul, and our soul is supposed to be dying.




So you don't gratify a soul that's dying, but the Lord lets it for a season because all of that resulted in the [UNINTELLIGIBLE], you see. But once the seed was engrafted in me, He pulled me out of it, and now He's concerned with bringing forth His spiritual life in me and killing my soul.




So I don’t have any of this fancy stuff anymore. Even for a long season, we didn’t even have any music, and that really hurt me. And finally I said, all right, Lord, [INAUDIBLE] music [INAUDIBLE]. And then Rita came. When I didn’t care anymore, Rita came. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] care. Music is music. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] So it's --


[INAUDIBLE] gratifying to the soul too.


Gratifying to the soul, but, I mean, it's nice. I thank God for your ministry and, you know, for June and whoever else plays. I thank God for music ministry, but what I'm saying is the Lord has brought me to the place where I know that my satisfaction is in the -- not reading the Bible, but in the spirit of the word and hearing Him talk to me and give me revelation and wisdom and knowledge and understanding. That's my gratification. And I go for long periods of time with a lot of pain in my soul because my soul is dying.


But He's finally taught me how to turn to Him for my comfort, and it took me a long time. I couldn’t do it because I wanted the soul-ish gratification. And it was a tremendous trial. It went on for years, and I finally learned how to turn to him. And now I prefer it. I prefer what -- I know when I'm distressed in my soul that the answer is not another human being. It's not calling up a friend on the telephone. It's not going out to visit. It's not going out to dinner. Whatever it is that you like to do, that's not going to fix me up.


That -- what's going to make me feel good is hearing from God. Not [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. I've got to touch God. I've got to touch God, however I do it. If I cry out, if I read the Bible, if I play a message -- my prayers are so informal. I'll say, Lord, I've got to touch you. I mean, that's how I pray, you know. That's where my comfort is, in touching God, and I've [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- you know, it's been very painful, but it's been very worthwhile, and I just keep on going.


You know, I remember the first time He said to me, go in. I was in a lot of pain. I said, what should I do? Should I go visit this preacher? I call that one? Should I do this? Should I do that? And He said to me, turn in. Go in. And from the time that He told me, it took me years to learn how to do it, so.


It's all that I can -- you know, I don't even know what to say to you because it's painful. I’m not going to lie to you, but it's very worthwhile because, these things, when we turn to other people because we are emotionally distressed, it's making us a dependent person. It's not ideal, yet I don’t want you to think that I'm telling you that -- not to have anything to do with other people. It's very hard for me to explain what I'm saying. You never give up what you have until God has replaced it, and it -- but ideally -- do you understand what I'm saying? I'm telling you not to go see other people.


But we should know that when we're distressed, the answer is spiritual things. When we're depressed, when we're upset, when we're hurt, and we turn to other people -- I know -- it's been my experience. I could go out and spend a whole day with somebody because I wanted to feel good, and I'd feel OK when I was with them. And the second I went home I was depressed again. So it wasn't the answer. If I had taken those seven hours and touched God, I would be OK for the next couple of weeks. Do you understand what I'm saying?


Yet the tendency of the carnal mind is to reach outside of us, and it took me years to accomplish this. I would call somebody up on the phone and talk on the phone for three hours and hang up the phone, and I'd still be upset. And I'd think, what did I waste three hours for? I could have spent three hours touch -- reaching out for God. But it took me years to get to the point to actually do it. Sometimes I would be depressed and I'd lay on the couch in front of the TV for four hours. That's really depressed. And I'd say what did I waste four hours for? I've got works, and I'd lay in front of the TV for four hours.


So, yeah, I just thank God for what He's done in my life because it was very hard. Resisting the tendencies of the carnal mind and doing something totally abnormal because the natural person, when they're upset, they want pleasure. They want to feel good. But this is what He's done for me. I [UNINTELLIGIBLE].


So hope nobody misunderstands me. I'm not telling you not to go out with a friend or not to call anybody up or anything like that, but I'm telling you the truth, that your real comfort is Christ. But you don't give up your carnal pleasures until He's more developed in you. You don't want to leave yourself without anything. That would be dumb. [INAUDIBLE], but ultimately we've got to touch the one that's inside, and we can go anywhere. He's shown me. I could go anywhere in the world and my every need is going to be met because He's got people everywhere. My every need is going to be met when you depend on Him. When you depend on men, when you’re open to having men, then you’re open to disappointment; but when you are really truly dependent on Him, He will never let you down. He'll have a meeting there to [INAUDIBLE]. Now, that's very exciting to get to that [INAUDIBLE].


So I hope I answered your question. There's no -- I can't -- there's nothing nice I could say to you. It's hard. There's no pat answer that I could tell you like all these [INAUDIBLE] preachers have an answer [INAUDIBLE]. It's hard.


05/28/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

05/30/14 1st Edit CAS

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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