078 - Part 4
(Revelation 14)


L.078.4.1.HARVEST THE.REVELATION 14.good   L.078.4.2.HARVEST THE.REVELATION 14.good   L.078.4.3.HARVEST THE.REVELATION 14.good   L.078.4.4.HARVEST THE.REVELATION 14.good


Part 4 of 11 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


This is "The Harvest, Part 4." And as is my usual practice, I listened to Part 3 of the series, and I'd like to comment on two things which I heard on that message, which sound like a contradiction but which are not.


In one place I said that Satan experiences the torments of Hell as he's being forced down under the authority or feet of Christ. And in another place, that when you walk away from God, you may find yourself in a pigpen, which is torment. Now, if you think this is a contradiction, you don't know that Satan is the unconscious mind of the natural man. When the Lord forces our unconscious mind to agree with Him, our whole being, spirit, soul and body, experiences the pressure or torment of the correction.


The operation of this spiritual principle is demonstrated in the natural family when the father is sick, for example, or alcoholic or is under any other kind of judgment. His wife and children suffer right along with him. In fact, even the psychology of this present world knows that the family is a system, and whatever happens to one member affects the whole family unit.


I also said on Part 3 of this series that Elijah shall never rise again, and I can hear all the carnal minds saying, but he appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration. Brethren, I'm going to suggest to you that there is such a thing as a spiritual lifetime. I'll give you the natural example first. If you are a 40-year-old woman or a 50-year-old woman or man, you are, at one time, an infant, a 1-year-old, a 2-year-old, a 3-year-old, a 10-year-old, a 20-year-old, a student, a military man, et cetera, et cetera. All of your past life experiences have now been swallowed up into the personality which you are now are. All of the bodies that you dwelt in as an infant, as a 1-year-old, as a 10-year-old and as a 15-year-old have not left you. They have been swallowed up by the body which you now live in.


And as I'm sure you know, everything that is spiritual truth, the Lord -- for everything that is a spiritual truth, the Lord has given us a natural example so that we could understand. And I'm suggesting to you that the spiritual reality of a na- -- of a human being's natural lifetime and the evolution of his personality, which is his soul, and his body, during that natural lifetime, that 70, 80 or 90 or, hopefully, 100 years, is a type of the spiritual lifetime of the Lord Jesus Christ.


At the first, the Eternal One was a living soul. In His immaturity, Christ was joined to the earth. He became poor so that we could become rich. He gave up all of His spiritual authority so that the human race could be formed out of His life substance, and now He is us. He has become the living soul, and in particular the many members of the living soul. We are His immaturity.


And going back to the beginning of time, the first Adam is His infant. And as the years passed and the generations passed, the Lord Jesus Christ, the spiritual life form known as the Lord Jesus Christ, is experiencing life in His personality and in a body through many lifetimes, through many members, through many experiences. And the end of Him shall be that He shall be the sum total, in His soul, of all the experiences that He has had as a soul man, as the many members of the soul man, Adam. And His flesh shall be the mature expression of all the immature bodies that He has lived in, during all the generations that precede the fullness of the manifestation of the sons of God.


I declare to you, brethren, there is nothing but the Lord Jesus Christ. He has a shadow. His name is the living soul -- or her name is the living soul. Jesus Christ is the truth. The living soul is the lie. And what is a lie? It is a spiritual shadow. We are His shadow, and He is dwelling in us, over many thousands of years and through many separate individual experiences in many separate individual human beings. And because He is so great and He is Almighty God, He shall appear as the sum total of all of these experiences and as the sum total of all of these bodies that He has dwelt in, as the glorious body of Christ, which shall fill all of the earth, and which He shall eventually, when He has totally purified us from our sins, turn over to the Father, that the Father might be all in all.


So when I said last week on the message that Elijah shall never rise again, what I was saying to you is that the personality that we know as Elijah shall never rise again. Now, listen to me. The manifestation of the Lord Jesus Christ that was in that man that experienced everything that Elijah experienced, that shall rise again. Christ in Elijah shall rise again. And I declare to you that when the Lord Jesus Christ revealed His spiritual being on the Mount of Transfiguration and Elijah and Moses appeared, I declare to you that He was instructing the inner circle of the apostles. He just revealed this to the three, and they couldn't bear it. They fell asleep. And many can't bear it today, but the Lord Jesus Christ has ordained that this should be preached.


And I declare to you that which was white and glistering on the Mount of Transfiguration is the mature Jesus Christ that has swallowed up the many personalities that He has spent a human lifetime in, two of which we are told were Elijah and Moses. Christ in Elijah, Christ in Moses has experienced things that His Father wanted Him to experience as He grew up. And the personalities of those two men, and the bodies that they dwelt in, shall never rise again. But that which Christ experienced in those men lives on today in the sum total of the glorified soul of the Lord Jesus Christ, that glorified soul that today is in you. If you're listening to this message, I would assume -- I would hope He's in you.


Glory to God. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. So I hope that straightens that out. We're going on with today's message. We shall recap Revelation 14, verses 16 to 18, from the prior message. It may be the prior two messages. This series of messages, in Revelation 14, is turning out to be a very intense end time Revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ -- and the Lord Jesus Christ in His relationship to and through His sons. The Lord has revealed so much information through these few verses that it's almost boggling my mind. So I'm going to be repeating myself a lot, and I'm repeating myself from message to message a lot. I had thought this would be the last message. We started out with three parts to this series. Now we're up to four parts. There will definitely be a fifth part and possibly a sixth part.


So we're going to start be recapping our Alternate Translation of Revelation 14, verses 16 to 18. "And the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ appeared in the Adamic minds of the natural man who were called to be the firstfruits of the second generation of sons. And He cut down and destroyed their Adamic souls. And the firstfruits of the second generation of sons became spiritual men under the complete and total authority of the glorified mind of Jesus Christ. And the Lord Jesus Christ appeared in His glorified soul and his righteous mind was firmly controlling, protecting and preserving the firstfruits of the second generation of sons."


"And they were violently and verbally rejecting their Adamic emotions and Satan's spiritual authority over them. And they were furiously determined to live by the righteousness of Jesus Christ and the spiritual authority of the Father. And they were saying to Jesus, enter into the minds of those of us who are spiritual men and the firstfruits of the second generation of sons, and prepare and strengthen us for the fiery trials which will separate us from our Adamic minds, now that Christ is mature enough to keep us alive in this world system. And they flowed out of their Adamic souls into the glorified soul of Jesus Christ, and the firstfruits of the second generation of sons appeared in and became one with the glorified soul of Jesus Christ, which had authority over Satan."


Hallelujah. Going on with Verse 19, "And the angle thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God."


We once again find two phrases of a verse seen from the realm of the spirit. What this means to us as carnal men is that to understand Verse 19, we must reverse the sequence of the second and third phrases. It sounds like this in the King James. "And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God, and gathered the vine of the earth."


Now, that may not sound right to you in the King James, but as we look up all of the Greek words and find out what the Holy Spirit was really saying here, we'll find that that is the correct order that it has to be in for us to understand what the Holy Spirit is saying to us. And we have found in many places in the Scripture that phrases within a verse are reversed, and sometimes verses are reversed or in reverse sequence. And, I believe, that in some occasions, as I mentioned earlier, it's written that way, because when John wrote the book, he was seeing from the realm of the spirit, instead of the realm of the soul.


So if you're on opposite sides of a mirror, what you see first, the person on the other side of the mirror -- what you see last, the person on the other side of the mirror sees first. But sometimes there's a possibility that the people that translated this originally -- just, they were trying so hard to make sense out of it, that just like the Lord has me switching the phrases around, they may not have been able to make sense out of it, so they may -- might have switched the phrases around.


But all that I know is that the Lord has told me that the phrases, in many Scriptures, are out of order. I'm not changing the Scripture. I'm just changing the order they appear in, and it's up to you to say Amen, whether or not it makes sense the way the Lord has showed me to do it. Any questions about that?


OK, Verse 19, "And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of" -- oh, I'm in the wrong place. I'm sorry. "And the angle thrust in his sickle into the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God, and gathered the vine of the earth."


Starting with, "And the angle thrust in his sickle into the earth." I remind you that an angle is either a messenger or a message. And we know from previous verses that the angle with the sickle is the glorified soul of the Lord Jesus Christ. In the hand of the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ is the weapon of the Father, and that the sharp sickle is the second generation of sons in the hand of the Lord Jesus Christ, the sharp sickle and/or the second generation of sons is the weapon of the Lord Jesus Christ.


And what we're talking about here, in a word, is manifestation of spiritual life in the earth. When the Lord Jesus Christ manifested 2,000 years ago, He was the sickle or the weapon, the spiritual weapon, in the hand of the Father. As the sons of God manifest today, we are the sharp sickle, or the weapon, of the Lord Jesus Christ. And, of course, the Father is in Jesus, and we're in Jesus, and we're all one.


We're just like anatomy students, open corpses and study the intestinal parts of our body. The Lord Jesus Christ, in these Scripture, breaks down our spiritual anatomy into many parts so that we, who are carnal, can understand. Hallelujah.


"And the angle thrust in his sickle into the earth." The word thrust can also be translated, to thrust oneself. That means it's a reflexive verb. We found many times in our studies, that -- well, if --


Let me tell you what a reflexive verb is, in case anybody doesn't know. Almost any verb can be made reflexive, and it means that the action should be performed upon yourself. In other words, you can th- -- take the verb, to wash. You could say you're going to wash your child, but if you say I'm going to wash myself, it's the same word in a reflexive form, which means the verb reflects back upon the person that's speaking it.


So this word thrust can also be translated as a reflexive verb, meaning to thrust oneself. And it can also be translated to arise. And I suggest to you that the glorified Jesus Christ thrust Himself or thrust His mind into or caused His mind to arise or to appear as the unconscious mind of the second generation of sons.


So when the Scripture says, "And the angle thrust in his sickle into the earth," the earth is the Adamic soul, and the angel thrust in his sickle, he thrust himself into the earth. He thrust himself, which is a sharp instrument, into the earth, and appeared in his sickle [?reflexive?].


So Alternate Translation for the first third of Revelation 14:19 is as follows, "And the glorified soul of Jesus Christ appeared as the unconscious mind of the firstfruits of the second generation of sons."


And in case you haven't heard it before, brethren, we're getting a new mind. The Lord Jesus Christ is a new mind. He's not just a spirit that's out there to give you presents and parties and all kinds of good things. He is a new mind.


I hear many Christians saying we have the mind of Christ. Well, brethren, you may have the mind of Christ, but you have to be living out of His mind. And when His mind enters into your heart, your natural mind or your natural heart or Adam, which is ruled by Satan, wages war against the new mind that is determined to possess you, spirit, soul and body.


And if you're not waging this warfare, brethren, if you're not throwing yourself in line with the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ and doing everything you can to destroy the Adamic mind, which you were born with, you are going to be found with Adam and Satan when they are thrown into the lake of fire. Join with the Lord Jesus Christ. Wage the warfare. As hard as it may be, it's the best way to go.


Hallelujah. Glory to God. "And cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God." I remind you, we're taking the third phrase of Revelation 19 for the second phrase. The word cast is Strong's 906, and it means to powerfully hurl. Thayer says that this word can be used reflexively, and we translated it that way in Revelation 4, Verses 9 through 10, where we discovered that the sons of God are casting their spiritual substance out of Adam. They're throwing their true spiritual life out of the Adamic soul that they're living in so that they can enter into the life of Christ.


And we worked up the following Alternate Translation on message #39, Part 4. Alternate Translation, Revelation 4, Verses 9 through 10. "And when those living creatures" -- that's us -- "express their estimation of the value and worth of the creation" -- when we find out that every man is worth, because he is made out of the very substance of the life of God. "And when they express this knowledge through their minds" -- when they don't -- when it's not just lip service, when they understand it -- "and when they shall submit themselves in every thought, word and deed to Almighty God" -- when He has become your mind, brethren, and He has become your mind through a great and powerful and terrible warfare against Satan who is not in agreement with this transfer -- when that happens, the Christ which is birthed in their human spirit shall be caught up to full stature, and the sons of God shall have continual communion with Him who is a living -- who is living throughout all ages, OK.


And now, liste- -- I just want to repeat this. When you as a human being, when you have a knowledge and understanding in your heart that the whole creation and every member thereof has something within it that's salvageable, that being the human spirit, no matter how wicked they are -- the human spirit is the very life substance of God, and that is salvageable. When you understand that and when you have fought the warfare that has resulted in you submitting to every thought, word and deed that is coming from the Lord Jesus Christ, while you're repressing and refusing and rejecting every impulse to follow the thoughts, words and deeds of Satan -- when you do that, you're going to be caught up to full stature. That's the condition the Lord Jesus Christ was in before the crucifixion.


And after you're caught up to full stature, there's another step, and this is it. Verse 10, "And after they've done that, they shall lay hold of and cast forth their spiritual substance into the soul life of Christ." Brethren, you are spirit. You are not your personality, and you are not your body.


And there's a big opposition to this message coming forth in this hour. Just got a letter from Maine. Somebody made the statement, they're going to be the personality that they are now for the life of the ages. Brethren, you are spirit. Your personality is as temporal as the personality you had as a 5-year-old child. You are spirit, and your spirit is of the life of Christ. And the end of you is that you shall arise to such a place of spiritual maturity that the Lord Jesus Christ shall impart to you the ability to separate yourself from everything within you that is not Christ. And that is your personality, your human soul, Satan wit- -- which rules your human soul and your carnal mind.


We're getting back to Revelation 19 -- I'm sorry, Verse 19 of Revelation 14. We're in the second verse. "And cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God." Now, I would like to call your attention to the fact that the word it, "And cast it," is not in the Greek. The Scripture in the Greek merely says, "And cast into the great winepress." The King James translators added the word it because they did not understand that the Holy Spirit was using the Greek word, translated cast, as a reflexive verb. And I'm suggesting to you that whatever was cast was casting itself.


And I'll get ahead of myself, and I'm also going to -- I hope to establish for you, a little further down, that it was not the vine of the earth that was cast into the winepress but that the Lord Jesus Christ cast Himself into the winepress. The vine of the earth is the Adamic soul. It's supported by the spirit of Satan in the unseen realm. And the grapes hanging on the vine is the fruit of God's spirit encased in the grape skins, which is the carnal mind.


We talked about this on the last message. Spiritual life and strength and power is from within. It's not from out there on Mars. It's not a free-floating spirit in the street. Spiritual power dwells within the minds of men. Jesus Christ, being the most innermost part of this plant, He is the fruit of the grape, which is within the carnal mind, the grape skin, which is dependent on the Adamic vine, which is dependent on Satan. He's the weakest part of the whole plant, or he should be the weakest part of the whole plant, but he's not. He's the strongest part of the whole plant. And from within His position of weakness, which is within, because He's within us, He is going to rise up in spiritual strength and throw the whole plant into the judgment of God.


In the world, we see a man ripping up a plant, ripping it up by its root and doing whatever he wants with it. But spiritual life is within. Jesus Christ is at the most innermost point of our being. And the carnal mind would say, well, how could you grab anything and uproot it from a position of within? Well, that's the whole point, brethren. The life of the spirit is the exact opposite of the life of the soul. And whether it's the spirit of Christ or the spirit of Satan, he operates from within. He's not out there in the street.


Every demon, every spirit, he's rooted in a man's mind. It's a lie, free-floating spirits, strong men over certain areas. It's a lie. All demons come from somebody's mind or from the minds of a group of people that believe the same way. A strong man exists over a city when, in that city, live many men that think very strongly in a particular way, and a strong man appears over the city.


Hallelujah. I don't want to get too far off today. OK, we're dealing with, "And cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God." And I'm suggesting to you that it was Jesus Christ that cast not the vine but Himself into the great winepress of the wrath of God. And the word great is Strong's 3173. It means large or strong. And winepress is 3025. It's a vat where the skins of the grapes are broken so that the fruit can be separated from the skins. The skins are crushed so that the fruit can come in. The word wrath is 2372. It means passion, fierceness, indignation. And we established, on messages 48, Part 3 and 75, Part 2, that the wrath of God is God's passion for His wife, the living soul.


The Lord's passion for His wife is so great that for a man it would be sin, but God cannot sin. Man's lust is motivated by selfishness, but God's lust or passion is motivated by selflessness. There's nothing in it for Him. He just gives and gives and gives and gives, and the living soul and the members thereof, which we are, just take and take and take and take. When you start to appear in His image, brethren, you start to give and give and give. And most people that have any knowledge of this world know that the closest thing to God love in a man is mother love. She just gives and gives and gives, and children usually bust your chops and take and take and take, and they break your heart. And you just give and give and give and give. So we have a natural type of the God love in this world, the love of a mother for her child.


Glory to God. The glorified soul of the Lord Jesus Christ is therefore fiercely judging the sins of the living soul, which is His wife. Why? Because her sins are killing her, and His desire is to save her life. You see, it means nothing to God to wipe out the living soul. He could make another creation, but we're His child. We're His offspring, and He will not give up on us. No matter how far down we fall as a whole or individually, He will not give up on us. And, unfortunately, for many individuals that don't have spiritual eyes, they don't understand that things in the realm of the spirit appear to move very slowly to us down here in Hell.


Some- -- I heard someone say the other day, they're in a terrible crisis in their life. He said, I prayed. I guess God didn't hear me. It's two days since he prayed, maybe just 15 minutes. I don't know. They don't understand. And without understanding -- they won't be taught, but they're without understanding. When the judgments fall on you, brethren, it is the love of God, because if He permits you to sin, you shall surely die. Your spirit has died. Your soul has died, and it's just a matter of time until your body dies, unless His life appears and saves you and the whole living soul.


So the Lord Jesus Christ, there's nothing in it for Him, but He's going through all this grief with us. I don't know how He could take it. I've said that to the Lord many times. Millions of children busting your chops, no human being could stand it. That's why you're God. Rebellious, selfish, ignorant, stubborn, and He never stops loving us, and He never stops going after us. He never stops correcting us. He never gets tired of chastising us and says, oh, go do whatever you want, even though it might destroy your life, like many parents do today. He will not stop chastising us, because He is determined to raise us from the dead. Hallelujah. We are His child, and we have died, and He is in the process of raising us from the dead. We are His child. We are His wife.


You know, we're so deep into the -- into prophecy at this point, I'm concerned that anyone turning on this message first isn't going to understand a lot of things that I say. And one of the things that the Lord has shown us here is everything that's ungodly for man is OK with God. God commits incest. We're His wife, and we're His child. He does everything that we do, but for Him, it's OK. And when He does it, good and life comes out of it. When we do it, destruction and death comes out of it. Why? Because we are the mirror image of the realm of the spirit. He's heaven, and we're Hell. He's positive. We're negative.


Glory to God. Remember, now, the living soul sinned and fell down into Hell when Adam failed to protect Eve from Satan's seduction. Eve, the spiritual female reproductive parts of the living soul, is now become soul tied to Satan and the child he gave her, the carnal mind, through their illegal, adulterous, incestuous marriage. Satan and Adam, the unconscious and conscious mind of the living soul, and the carnal mind, which is our human personality who is joined to her mother, Eve, who is the spiritual seed of God, are all fused together and appearing in this world system as the fallen Adam or the many members of the natural man.


I'm sorry if I'm confusing you, but it's the same thing as saying, you, your heart, your lungs, your spleen, your liver and your intestines are all appearing in this world system together as Rita or Mary. That's what I'm saying, spiritually. Hallelujah. And, of course, there is just one man in the earth, and He is in many members, of which we are part. Glory to God. Glory to God.


OK, so we're still trying to deal with, "And cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God." And the wrath of God is God's selfless passion for His wife, the living soul, also known as Adam. The winepress of the wrath of God is the spiritual place where God is judging the sins of His wife, the living soul, also known as Adam. The winepress is a spiritual place. And I'm suggesting to you that that spiritual place is right here in this realm of appearance, in this world system, in our natural lifetimes.


Glory to God. Just want to read you my note here. I may be repeating myself, but I don't want to risk leaving anything out. The living soul died when she fell into Hell. She is being judged a member at a time in many natural -- in many members, each in their own natural lifetime, after the seed of Christ is conceived in the spiritual being of that member. This is known as the white throne judgment.


Brethren, the Lord Jesus Christ shall not, will not and cannot judge us until His life is conceived in us. Because the judgment, the white throne judgment, which is executed by the Lord Jesus Christ, destroys the Adamic soul. And if His life is not present in us, for us to flee into, we shall surely die. And what has He gained by judging us? So there is no judgment by the Lord Jesus Christ until He is living inside of you.


And I'm not talking about the Holy Spirit. His life -- you must be pregnant with His life. This is Christ. It is not the same thing as the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the spiritual, glorified life of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is now the Father. And His purpose is to join with you and fertilize your human spirit and bring forth the second generation of sons in you. And when you are pregnant, you are now ready for the white throne judgment. He's not going to judge you based on the Holy Spirit, because you'll die, and He's trying to save your life.


There is judgment in the earth before the white throne judgment, and this is the judgment of reaping what you have sown. This judgment is executed by Satan. You shall surely reap what you have sown, and sometimes, if there's great wickedness on your family life, you do get wiped out. You die prematurely, or your children die prematurely. But Jesus Christ is not here to kill you. He's here to save your life. So when He judges you, He does not start until His life is present in you. And His judgment intensifies in direct proportion to the spiritual growth of His life in you.


And when things get really hot, brethren, He says, here I am. I’m the city of refuge. Come on out and run into me, and then your soul is going to go down with the crash, like the City of Jericho. Glory to God, no more. And what does this mean? No more temptation to sin. Glory to God. No more falling short. Hallelujah.


We read about this in I Peter 4:6, which says, "For this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead." Who's dead? The carnal mind is dead. If you have a carnal mind, you're dead. Even if you're striving to live out of the mind of Christ, nobody in this hour, that I know of, is living totally out of the mind of Christ, because if they were, they'd be in full stature. We are to be striving to live a righteous life, and in the ears where we are failing, we are required to be repentant, waiting for the Lord to deliver us.


But the judgment is of the dead. That's you and me, brethren. The living soul died when she sinned and fell down to Hell, which is right here where we are. So for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead. That's us, "that they might be judged according to men in the flesh." That's us. And who are men in the flesh? What are we? We're sinners. There's no good thing in us. But because of the judgment, we shall receive in the power and authority to live according to God, in the spirit.


The destruction of our flesh, brethren, results in us turning to God, that we might live by His righteousness. And this is the way the Lord God has set it up, and there's no easy way to go. It is a warfare. Our flesh must be destroyed in direct proportion to the degree with which Christ is appearing in us, and it's painful, but you can do it, because the Lord God has said you could do all things in Christ, which strengtheneth you. But I'm not going to get you through by lying to you. It's painful, and it's tough, and it's grievous, but joy cometh in the morning, brethren. Hallelujah. The life of Christ, sinlesseness and all the glory associated with it, cometh in the morning, no more tears, brethren, no more curse, just the glory of God. Wage your warfare, endure the hardness as good soldiers, and receive His life.


Glory to God. Verse 20 gives a second witness that judgment takes place in this world system, and we're going to, hopefully, get to that with this message. Judgment takes place in this world system. That's what I'm saying. It's not after your body dies. It's now. If you're hearing this message, it's now. Judgment starts the moment that Jesus Christ sits down on the throne of your heart, and that's the conception of His life in your human spirit.


Glory to God. We're translating, now, the phrase, "And cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God."


Alternate Translation, second third of Revelation 14:19. "And because of His strong desire to save the living soul, He forcibly hurled Himself into the crushing judgment, which is separating the second generation of sons from their Adamic minds."


And you'll notice that I switch back and forth between the word soul and mind. Your soul is your mind. A lot of people say, oh, He's going to judge my soul. That's all right. But then they find out He's going to judge their mind, and they get all upset. Your soul is your mind. The way you think, it's got to die. You must think with His thoughts.


And because of His strong desire to save the living soul's life, He forcibly hurled Himself. Why? Because He was inside of her. He's inside of her, so He forcible hurled Himself into the crushing judgment, which is separating the second generation of sons from their Adamic minds. And why does He have to do that? Do you think you're going to willingly run into the judgment? Brethren, I declare to you, you're going to be Jonah. You're going to run as far as no one in their right mind would run into the fire, so He's your new mind. And He's going to throw Himself into the judgment, and you have nothing to say about it. Because if He's in you and He's running into the fire, you're going in too, and there's no place that you can run.


Hallelujah. Glory to God. Hallelujah. OK, and another point I wanted to point out to you is that the Lord Jesus Christ refers to the second generation of sons as Himself. This is very important. Christ in you is the Lord Jesus Christ. If Christ is in you, the life of the Lord Jesus Christ is in you. And in the Scriptures, the Lord Jesus Christ says that's Himself. Do you understand that? He's in you. It's His life, and He considers you Him. You're Him. If He's growing in you, you're Him. And you're not going to rule Him. He's going to rule you, because He's the man.


Hallelujah. Glory to God. Hebrews 4:12 tells us that this judgment is in two parts. And Hebrews 4:12 says, "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."


This is speaking about the end time judgment, not the satanic judgment of reaping what you sow. This is speaking about the white throne judgment that's going to result in Christ separating from the Adamic mind. Separating from it why? So that Christ, in you, can take dominion over your Adamic mind. He has too much power. He has a lot of power over you. And if you don't think he does, you're really playing with pride, brethren. He's got a lot of power over you. If you don't believe it, pray about it.


Christ is within. Adam, ruled by Satan, is laying on top of Him. And we're listening to two voices, but Christ is coming out, and He's going on top. And He's going to press down and crush down your Adamic soul, which is Adam, your conscious mind, Satan, your unconscious mind and your carnal mind, your full personality in this realm of appearance, with all of its quirks and its problems. Christ is going to crush it, and the only thing that shall be found in you is Christ and His perfection.


Hallelujah. Glory to God. We're going to discuss Hebrews 4:12 in four separate sections, general comments, the dividing of the soul from the spirit, the joints from the marrow -- and the dividing of the joints from the marrow. What did I say here? I’m going to try that again.


We're going to discuss it in four sections, general comments, the dividing of the soul from the spirit. We're going to define what the joints and the marrow are, and then we're going to talk about the dividing of the joints and the marrow. Hallelujah.


General comments on Hebrews 4:12. The soul, the living soul, is God's wife, and the spirit is the life of God in the earth, or the second generation of sons. So when we're talking about the dividing of the soul and spirit, we're dealing with the soul realm, the living soul, God's wife, Adam, Satan, Eve and the carnal mind, and the spirit -- I shouldn’t have -- I think I shouldn't have said that. When we deal with the soul, it's Adam, Satan and the carnal mind. Eve is now producing Christ and is joined with Christ. We're going to get into that in a little while. I jumped ahead of myself.


First of all, the fruit of God's life, the second generation of sons, must be separated from the spiritual strength of their earthly, unconscious and conscious mind, Adam being the conscious mind, Satan being the unconscious mind. Now, remember, we have the grapes hanging on a vine. The vine is on the earth. You see it in the realm of appearance. Satan is the support of the vine. He's in the unseen realm, and the life of Christ is typified by the grapes that's hanging on the vine. Satan is strengthening Adam, and Adam and the carnal mind are doing everything they can to possess and exercise authority over Christ.


And the Lord is going to put an end to this, and it's going to be in two processes. First, He's going to separate -- first, He's going to weaken the strength of the Adamic vine, which is ruled by Satan, and then He's going to rip the grapes off of it. Satan's not letting go of us, brethren. He doesn't care that Christ is in us. He is a wild, raging beast. He must be weakened so that the grapes can be harvested off and crushed so that the life of Christ can pour out. It's in two processes, the separation of the fruit from the vine and the crushing of the fruit. And in order to separate the fruit from the vine, Satan and Adam must be weakened. That is the separation of the soul from the spirit.


We learned in the last message that Adam is the vine of the earth and that Satan is the unseen spiritual support, or powerbase, which has been generating this vine's existence in this world system since the fall of man. And we mentioned in the last message that Jesus said that He is the true vine. He is another plant in the earth, another plant, another mind, another life form, another powerbase that is generating human life.


Second, the fruit of God's spirit, the second generation of sons, must be separated from their carnal minds. We also found out, in the last message, that the clusters of the vine symbolize the fruit of God's spirit, which is growing inside of the grape skins. And the grape skins symbolize the carnal mind. Spiritual life is generated from within, our innermost being, with each new layer pushing the previous layers outward. Christ, therefore, being the lastborn is the innermost layer growing within the grape skin.


And we could also call the grape skin a placenta. Do you know what a placenta is? In a pregnant woman, the placenta is the sack that the baby is being formed in, and it's a sack within the womb. Our Adamic soul is the womb. Our carnal mind is the placenta. Christ is at the innermost part of our being. And I said that Christ, being the lastborn or the second born, is the innermost layer growing within the grape skin.


And in case you never heard that Jesus was the lastborn, you can read about it in I Corinthians 15:45. "And so it is written, the first man Adam was a living soul, and the last Adam, which is Christ, was made a quickening spirit." He's the second born, and the Lord is giving Him preeminence by the right of election.


As you study the Scriptures, you see consistently, God rejects the firstborn and chooses the second born. Even though, in this world system, the firstborn is supposed to inherit everything of the father. In the realm of the spirit, by God's election, He chooses consistently the second born. He prefers the second above the first, by His unchallenged right of election.


Hallelujah. Glory to God. Although the command in Verse 18 is to gather the clusters, we are told in ni- -- Verse 19 that not only the clusters but the whole vine of the earth is cast into the winepress. This is because the clusters must be separated from the strength of the vine before they can be crushed. I told you that already.


Second category, the dividing of the soul from the spirit. Eve is now become Christ. Christ has been conceived in her and is growing out of her. And He who was joined to the Lord is one spirit. Spiritual offspring cleave unto their mother. Christ is now so overtaking Eve that she is lost in Him. We're going to go into that more deeply in another minute. Eve is become Christ, and she must now be separated from her adulterous husband, Satan. This is symbolized by the harvesting or severing of the clusters or the fruit from the Adamic vine, which is supported by Satan, our unconscious mind. It is the separating of the soul, which is Satan, from the spirit, which is Eve, who is now become Christ.


And for those of you who are thinking, I thought you said Satan was spirit, you can review "Changing Sexual Roles" on message 31, Parts 5 and/or 6, and also on message 57, Part 1. And I'll just put it here briefly. On the message, everything in -- for us is relative, not for God. God is who He is, and He changeth not. But for the living soul, everything is relative. In relationship to God, every single part of the living soul is female. For the season that the Lord was not dwelling within man, Satan raised up to a position of spiritual manhood that could be likened to a woman whose husband dies, and she becomes the head of the family and enters into the male role. She's still female, but she has every authority and responsibility of the man.


So, for a season, Satan was the prince of the power of the air. He was male. He fertilized his own fertile parts as a man, spiritual incest, which is Eve, and brought forth the carnal mind. But, in this hour, the man has returned to his house. The Lord Jesus Christ is present in the earth and in the earth of your soul, and Satan is revealed for what she really is, a tyrannical, raging, Jezebellic female who had appropriated authority that she was not qualified to wield, thus the condition of the living soul. Hallelujah. And her offspring is female. The carnal mind is female. Everything not of Christ is female.


Part three, the definition of the joints and the marrow. The joints is Strong's 719, and it's from Strong's 716, which are war chariots. The word joints just means joints, connections, and it's from a word that means war chariots that are drawn by many horses, and they're armed with scythes. And they're all jointed or fitted together. That's where you get the word joint from. And a scythe -- I think that's how you pronounce it, S-C-Y-T-H-E.


In the world, whenever you see a picture of the Grim Reaper, he's always carrying a scythe. I never really understood where the world got this image of the Grim Reaper from, but here we find it in the Scripture. The word joints means war chariots pulled by many horses that are armed with scythes. And we've established many times in the Scripture that a chariot is likened to a saddle, and it typifies the human soul. We are the spiritual horse of the Lord. He has put a saddle on our back, which is a soul, and He -- and we have a rider. It's either Satan or Christ. We are spiritual horses, brethren.


Webster says that a scythe is an implement used for mowing, as grass is mowed, and it's made up of a long, curving bladed, fastened at an angle to a long handle. We know that chariots in the Scripture symbolize the many human souls of the living soul and that grass in the Scripture symbolizes the spiritual life of God growing in the Adamic soul. We also know, from previous Scriptures, that the sickle symbolizes the righteous, war-like qualities of Christ, in this realm of appearance. I'm suggesting to you, then, that the scythes are the unrighteous, war-like qualities of the living soul in this realm of appearance, even the carnal minds of the many members of the living soul. The sickle is Christ in the realm of appearance. The scythe is Satan in the realm of appearance, the carnal mind.


So what am I saying? I'm suggesting to you that the joints of Hebrews 4:12 are the many human souls of the living soul, together with their war-like carnal minds, which mow down, as grass, the marrow or the life of God that is growing inside the living soul. I think I forgot to tell you. Did I tell you what the marrow was, that the marrow is 4221, and it means fat or oil, which typifies the life of God.


So the joints typify the human soul and the carnal mind in their war-like state, which are doing everything they can to destroy the life of God that's growing within them. Brethren, this is spiritual abortion. This is the root of abortion, first the natural and then the spiritual. Satan is doing everything he can to a- -- she can, excuse me, to abort her child, Christ. It's not her child. It's the child that she's carrying. And abortion is raging in this country.


But I declare to you, this child shall not be aborted. Satan shall fail. She shall bear this child. And when it's born, when the Christ child is born, He shall be the master of the household, and Satan shall return to her female role, and she shall serve her master. Glory to God.


The dividing of the joints from the marrow. Natural offspring, brethren, separate from their mothers, but spiritual offspring join with or marry their mothers. I Corinthians 6:17 tells us that he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit. Christ is growing out of Even, and they're joined, and they are now one spirit. And they're not the female Eve. They are the male Christ.


Hallelujah. And John 8:35 tells us that the servant abideth not in the house forever, but the Son abideth forever, the servant being the carnal mind, brethren. When this flesh bears the carnal mind, the servant does not abide in the house forever. Why? He dies. But the Son abideth forever. When your spiritual being bears the Christ, you shall live for the life of the ages. You shall indeed be saved in childbearing. The Son abides forever, and He's going to save you and your whole house.


Glory to God. Eve, our human spirit, can be likened to a human ovum. She is the female seed of God whose function in the creation is to birth Christ, the spiritual offspring of the Father. When a human ovum is fertilized by a male sperm in a natural woman, the two join so completely that they become a totally new cell, which is called a zygote. The ovum and the sperm no longer exist, only the first cell of a new human being exists, the zygote. The two have become one.


If Christ is being formed in you, your human spirit has two children attached to her or growing out from her, the carnal mind, which is the daughter of Satan, and Christ, the Son of God. They're both growing out of Eve, an illegitimate child and a legitimate child, the true heir and the daughter of the bondwoman. Hallelujah. And the Lord says,  cast out the bondwoman, and let the true heir inherit the promise.


The Scripture symbolizes the two offspring of Even in the members of the living soul as grapes. The grape skin is the carnal mind, and the life of Christ is the fruit inside of the grape skin. Remember, now, that Eve, the human spirit, is become Christ, which is the fruit of God's life in the earth. The clusters of grapes, which is Christ within the carnal mind, must first be separated from the satanically ruled vine of the earth, which is Adam, so that the carnal mind can be crushed to release the second generation of sons. And we mentioned that earlier. This crushing is the separation of the joints from the marrow. It's the separation of the joints, which is the war-like carnal mind of the living soul, from the marrow, which is the life of God. Hallelujah.


So we're still in Verse 19, and we're dealing with, "And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God."


And here's our Alternate Translation for the first two phrases of Revelation 14:19. "And the glorified soul of Jesus Christ appeared as the unconscious mind of the firstfruits of the second generation of sons, and because of His strong desire to save the living soul, he forcibly hurled Himself into the crushing judgment, which is separating the second generation of sons from their Adamic mind."


He hurled Himself. He considers Himself and the second generation of sons the same. He hurled Himself into the crushing judgment, taking the vine with Him, taking Adam and Satan, and the grape skins and the carnal mind with Him. And He threw all of them into the crushing judgment, which is designed to separate the second generation of sons from their Adamic minds. Hallelujah.


Continuing with, "And gathered the vine of the earth." We established last week that the vine of the earth is the Adamic soul. And the word gathered is Strong's 5166. Thayer tells us that the Greek word translated gather is used several times for Strong's 717 in the Hebrew, and that's the Hebrew word arah. Gesenius tells us that this word, in the Hebrew, can also be translated to burn, to enflame, to kindle.


Now, in all honesty, brethren, I could not find an instance in the Scripture that this word is translated to burn, but I have found, when dealing with prophecy, it is very frequent that God will use a word or a translation that is not used anywhere else in the Scripture. And I declare to you this is a hidden word. And I ask you if you have any doubts to pray about it, because the Lord has quickened it to me, that this word gathered, in this instance, which could be translated plucked up or cut up -- and the root definition is to destroy, that it can also mean destruction by fire, not only by cutting off or plucking up. But Gesenius says this word can also mean destruction by fire, and we're going to use it that way here because we know that the judgment of Almighty God is the lake of fire.


So let's see what we're going to do with this. Hallelujah. So we're going to use this translation, to burn, for the word gathered in this Scripture. And Gesenius, which is our Hebrew lexicon, says that this is a legitimate translation of the word. Well, how did Christ burn up the Adamic soul? I thought it was a winepress. OK, let’s --


Brethren, every Scripture is reconcilable to every other Scripture. If you open your heart and take authority over your pride, we're going to get every answer. He's going to give us every answer, so let's find out the answer to this one.


Revelation 20, Verse 9 tells us that Satan is devoured by fire from God. And Revelation 20:10 tells us that the devil is cast into the lake of fire. I'll read it for you, Revelation 20, Verses 9 and 10. "And fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever.


Now, this message is getting pretty long, and it -- I'm going off on all kinds of tangents because this one Scripture is so rich. But I feel, for the sake of the message and for you sake who are really trying to understand it, I'm going to have to take some time to explain to you how I can say that it's Satan that's being devoured in Revelation 20:9, when the Scripture just says them, and also how I can say to you that Adam is the devil which is being cast into the lake of fire.


OK, let's start with Satan being devoured. We've discussed many times how Satan and Adam are the unconscious and the conscious mind of man and that the two are one. Message 31, Part 6 discusses how Adam and Satan are the same, and message 60, Part 4, discusses the difference between Satan and Adam. The two are one, conscious and unconscious mind.


In Verse 7 of Revelation 20, we're told that Satan shall be loosed -- I'm sorry. In Verse 2 of Revelation 20, we're told that the dragon, that old serpent, is the devil and Satan. Dragon, that old serpent, is the devil and Satan. And I'm suggesting to you that the devil and Satan -- the devil is Adam, and Sa- -- the conscious mind, and Satan is the unconscious mind. So we get a witness, in Revelation 2:20, that there's a double understanding here. That old dragon -- that dragon, the old serpent, is the devil and Satan.


In Verse 7, we're told that Satan, alone, shall be loosed out of his prison, but the two are one. You can't let Satan out of the prison without letting Adam out also. How can you let your unconscious mind out of the prison without letting your conscious mind out? Now, it's possible to let your conscious mind out of the prison but not your unconscious mind, because our conscious mind is not -- is going to be let out of the prison in Christ. When Christ becomes our conscious mind, our conscious mind's not going to be in the prison anymore. But Satan got out, and if Satan got out, what's he doing? He's manifesting through our conscious mind. So if our unconscious mind got out of the prison, that means he laid hold of the use of, or the thought processes, of our conscious mind.


Glory to God. In Verse 8, we read, "And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog." Now, the whole church world preaches that Gog and Magog are the nations. But I declare to you that they are the hidden, symbolic Old Testament names for Satan and Adam and that Verse 8 should read like this. "And Gog and Magog, Satan and Adam, shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth." Satan got loose, and Satan and Adam, Gog and Magog, as soon as they got loose, what did they do? They went out to deceive the nations that are in the four quarters of the earth.


Verse 9 tells us that Satan and Adam failed to deceive the nations. Why? Because fire came down from God and devoured them. Satan and Adam failed to deceive the nations. Why? We're told, in Verse 9, that fire came down from heaven and devoured them.


And in Verse 10, we see the devil cast into the lake of fire. Verse 10 tells us that the devil, which is Adam, that deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire where the wild beast and the false prophet are. The word translated are is not in the original Greek, and the word translated where, in Verse 10, means, in the same place as. And I'm suggesting to you that the carnal mind might think that the same place is the lake of fire but that the intention of the Holy Spirit, in writing down these Scriptures for us, is that the same place is the living soul. Satan, Adam and Eve all dwell in the same place, the living soul.


So this is what it should sound like. "And the devil, or Adam, that deceived them, or deceived the nations, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, in the same place, or together with, the beast, which is Satan, and the false prophet, which is Eve."


"And the devil, or Adam, that deceived them, the nations, was cast into the lake of fire, which is Christ" -- they were thrown into the judgment of Christ. They were thrown into the fire, which is His life. "And the devil, or Adam, that deceived them, or deceived the nations, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, in the same place, or together with, the beast, which is Satan, and the false prophet, which is Eve." They were all thrown into the burning flame, which is Christ.


Well, how do you know the lake of fire is Christ? A lake, brethren, is a body of water which is surrounded by land. The lake of fire, then, is a lake which contains fire instead of water. Remember, our God is a consuming fire, which dwells within or is surrounded by the earth or land of the glorified soul of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Well, why would the Scripture say lake of fire in one place and winepress in another place? The Holy Spirit uses different words to describe the same thing under different circumstances. And He uses the word winepress in Revelation 14:19, because there He is emphasizing the separation of Christ from Adam. But He uses the words lake of fire, in Revelation 10:10, because there He is emphasizing the finality and permanency of Christ' dominion over Adam. He's speaking about judgment in both places, but in one place, He's emphasizing that the judgment separates, and in the other places, He's emphasizing that the judgment, which is His fire, will have eternal dominion over the sin in the living soul. So He uses two different symbols.


You have to understand the basic principles of prophecy to understand this. And one of the basic principles of prophecy is that the Lord, through the prophet, will use a different symbol to describe the same thing when He's saying something different about the same thing. Did I make that clear?


Glory to God. Well, then, how can the second generation of sons flow out of the vine of the earth if the vine's been burnt up? How could they flow out? How could they come out if the whole vine is thrown into the fire, into the lake of fire, which is Christ, the all-consuming fire of Christ? Fire, brethren, will burn up only that part of the vine of the earth which is earthy. The human spirit will not burn up, because she is the spiritual seed of God, which is become Christ. Christ has grown out of her, and the two are now one spirit, Christ. The second generation of sons are hurling themselves into the glorified soul of Jesus Christ so that the fire of God's life can burn up their Adamic prison houses.


And Eve has become Christ, the second generation of sons, and they're throwing themselves into the mind of Christ, the glorified soul of the Lord Jesus Christ, the lake of fire, the burning judgment. Why? So that their Adamic prison houses could get burned up so that they could be released from Satan, Adam and the carnal mind. Eve will not burn up. She is become Christ. Christ is typified by gold. It is a precious metal, and the fire purifies. It does not destroy. The fire only destroys that which is wood, and the living soul is made out of a tree. We are spiritual wood, brethren.


Not only you and me but this whole world system is cut out of a tree, and the whole thing's getting thrown into the lake of fire, into the burning judgment of Christ, into the fire of Almighty God. And we shall be -- every sin in us shall be consumed, and we shall be controlled by and under the dominion of the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ for the life of the ages. We shall be destroyed, but destruction to God is not what it is -- is not what destruction is to man. We shall be destroyed in that we shall live in another form. We shall serve Almighty God, and He shall be the man, and we shall be the woman.


In this hour, brethren, the living soul -- well, for many years, the living soul has been the ruling authority in the earth. She has taken on the role of man, when Jesus Christ -- when -- I just got ahea- -- I just got to my next point, so I'm going to stop it here. She took on the role of man at a time when Christ was not manifesting dominion over the living soul. But He is, once again, manifesting dominion over the living soul, and she does not want to give up her freedom. She is woman's libber, and she does not want to submit to her husband or fulfill her role.


And anyone listening out there that wants to call me a female chauvinist, you are mistaken. I am Christ, and I speak the truth unto you. And there is no male or female in  Christ Jesus. And if you want to be a man that bad, be a man in Christ. Petition Him for spiritual manhood. He just may grant it to you. But you cannot be a man and abuse that privilege in Adam.


Hallelujah. Glory to God. But I declare to you, brethren, if you're going to be a spiritual man in Christ, you just may have to give up marriage and children and a home life. You just may have to. Petition the Lord, and decide what you want to be. You cannot be a woman and a man. Sexually, the world calls that bisexual. You cannot be a spiritual bisexual.


The children of this society are being sacrificed on a second to second basis because the women want to be men. You can't do it in the natural. It brings destruction. You can do it in the spiritual when you are given special dispensation from the Lord Jesus Christ. But the chances are excellent that you will have to give up your womanhood in this natural lifetime to be a spiritual man. Hallelujah. You don't get an operation that changes your body, brethren. It's a spiritual thing.


Glory to God. OK, Eve, which is now He -- Eve, which is now Christ, she, which is now He shall be purified and set free from the tyranny of Satan, when the second generations of sons, because the mind of Christ dwells in them, hurl themself [sic], taking the whole living soul with them, into the lake of fire, which is the all-consuming fire of Almighty God, even Christ, in His full spiritual authority, dominion and manhood. II Peter 3:10 tells us about this.


We worked up the following Alternate Translation on message 36, Part 5, II Peter 3:10. "But when the Lord appears in you, He shall take away your soul unexpectedly. Secretly and without your permission in an unobserved concealed manner, He shall consume you totally, depriving you of life as you now know it and utterly ruin forever the organic existence known as natural man. And the spiritual realm of the natural man shall be destroyed with a great crash, and because of the great heat associated with appearing of the Lord, the soul man shall be reduced to his basic building blocks, even soul, spirit and darkness. And the carnal mind shall also be utterly consumed and burned to the ground."


Now, the carnal mind says, oh, woe is me. I'm destroyed. But I declare to you, brethren, Christ shall not be destroyed, and you, Lord willing, shall be found in Him in the day of His appearing. Glory to God. We shall live in Christ, and thank God for the destruction of our sin-filled Adamic soul. Don't fight for its preservation, brethren. Work with God to burn it. Labor with Him in the vineyard of destroying your own soul. The rewards are great.


Now, just to complicate this teaching a little more, my last point, I remind you that Jesus Christ is both the first and the last Adam. You can review this on message 57, Part 2. You may recall that we discuss the spiritual lifetime at the beginning of this message. Jesus Christ is His -- in His spiritual immaturity, in His spiritual childhood, is a living soul. But in His spiritual maturity, He is a life-quickening spirit. I'm suggesting to you, then, that the vine of the earth, which we've already established is Adam, and his unseen spiritual support, Satan, is actually the Lord Jesus Christ in His immaturity, [?amen?].


We already said the vine is Adam. I don't think anyone has a problem with that. I think most people listening to this message will have heard the teaching that the first Adam is Christ in His immaturity. So if the first Adam is Christ in His immaturity, then we're saying that the vine and Adam and Christ in His immaturity are all the same.


I'll tell you again. Jesus Christ is the first and the last Adam. You may recall the we discussed the spiritual lifetime at the beginning of this message. Jesus Christ, in His spiritual immaturity is a living soul. He's Adam. Jesus Christ, in His immaturity, is the vine of the earth. Jesus Christ, in His immaturity, is the vine of the earth. Hallelujah. He is not Satan. Satan is the darkness of the intelligence that was in the earth when the Spirit of God was joined to it. But Jesus Christ, in His immaturity, is the vine of the earth. And the carnal mind is the offspring of Eve, which is the life of God and Satan. So the carnal mind and the Adamic soul are Christ in His immaturity.


I Corinthians 15:45 should read, "At the first" -- or, "At the beginning, the Eternal One was a living soul, and at the last, a life-giving spirit." There's really only one man, brethren. When He was a child, He was a living soul, and when He's man, He's a life-quickening spirit. There's only one Adam.


It would be like saying your 10-year-old is a different person than you are. Brethren, your 10-year-old had to die so that you could become 11. Your 15-year-old had to die so that you could become 16. And I declare to you that the living soul must die so that the Lord Jesus Christ can become a spiritual man of full age. And when he dies, when the living soul dies, he shall disappear just as your 10, 11 and 12-year-old has disappeared. They still live in you as a memory. The total [?remain?remainder?] of your 10, 11 and 12-year-old is a memory, which is in your mind or your soul or your personality, and that is what we shall be when Christ appears in full stature in the human race.


And Adam has an illegitimate child. The carnal mind has to be crushed, and the satanic element of him goes back to Satan. And that which is of Christ, in the carnal mind, will cleave unto Eve and be found in Christ. It's an illegitimate child that has been produced as the result of the rape of the human spirit. And the way God is dealing with it is that this illegitimate child must be destroyed, and that which is of God's spirit, which is in it, will be returned to the spirit.


OK, so I'm suggesting to you, then, that the vine of the earth, which is Adam, and his unseen spiritual support, Satan -- I should say her unseen spiritual support, Satan -- is actually the Lord Jesus Christ in His immaturity. And that when the glorified soul of Jesus Christ, which we have already established is growing on the Adamic vine as the grape -- when He hurls Himself into the judgment, which I hope I have established is the lake of fire, He is hurling the vine, which He is growing on, which is Christ in His immaturity or the devil, if you will -- because we found out that the devil and Adam are the same. He's throwing the devil into the lake of fire.


When Christ -- what'd I say? I'm going to say it again. When Christ hurls Himself into the judgment, He's taking the Adamic vine with Him. And we found out that Adam is Christ in His immaturity. And in other places and on other messages, we've established that Adam is the devil, the conscious mind of man. So when Christ hurls the whole Adamic vine into the judgment or into the winepress, He is casting Adam, or the devil, into the lake of fire. You're going to have to pray about it. Glory to God.


Listen to the message again. S- -- it's very exciting. You know why it's exciting? Because we have got to come out -- the church must come out of this fantasy world. These Scriptures must be made real to us. We cannot continue to walk around with some imaginary lake of fire in our brain. We've got to find out what these Scriptures mean, and we've got to find out what they mean to man, and we've got to find out what they mean to us, because it's happening to us. And if you've gotten this far on the message, it's happening to you.


And the Lord doesn't want us to be ignorant. He wants us to know what's happening to us. He doesn't want us to be some ignorant teenager that got pregnant by accident and winds up in the labor room not even knowing where a baby comes out of or that there's -- such a thing exists as labor pains. He wants us to know what's happening to us. The lake of fire is not some abstract fantasy. It is a reality for human beings, and we must understand what this spiritual symbol means.


And I'm going to read this to you one more time, and then I'm going to wind this down. Glory to God. Hallelujah. I said, I'm suggesting to you, then, that the vine of the earth, which is Adam, and his unseen spiritual support, Satan, is actually the Lord Jesus Christ in His immaturity. And that when the glorified soul of Jesus Christ, which we have already established is growing on the Adamic vine, hurls Himself into the judgment, which is the lake of fire -- the winepress and the lake of fire are the same -- He is actually hurling the vine, which He is growing on, which is Christ -- which vine is Christ in His immaturity or the devil, if you will. He's throwing them into the lake of fire with Him. When Christ hurls Himself into the judgment, He's taking the Adamic vine with Him, and the Adamic vine is the devil. And this is the casting of the devil into the lake of fire.


Now, I further suggest to you that this is what each mature believer is doing. Now, if you're a mature believer, you're Christ, and this is what you're doing to your Adamic soul and your carnal mind when you deny the satanically ruled mind and choose to think and act with the mind of Christ. When you refuse satanically generated thoughts, when you will not obey your carnal mind, no matter how much it hurts you, but you refuse to do wickedness and you insist on doing righteousness in Christ, you are throw- -- you are Christ, and you are throwing your Adamic vine, which is rooted in Satan and which is appearing in this realm of appearance as the carnal mind or your personality, you have laid hold of it and hurled it, forcibly, into the lake of fire, which is Christ in you.


Hallelujah. Glory to God. We're dealing with, "And He gathered the vine of the earth." And please note, for our Alternate Translation, we have reversed the sequence of Verse 9 and 10 of Revelation 20. In those verses, the Scripture says, in Verse 9, that Satan and Adam are being devoured and, in Verse 10, that they're cast into the lake of fire. For those of us down here in Hell, we see it from the other end. And the so- -- and here on the soul realm, we're going to say that Satan and Adam were first cast into the lake of fire, and it was the lake of fire that devoured them. How did they get devoured? They were cast into the lake of fire.


It appears in the opposite sequence. It appears in a reverse sequence in the Scripture because the Scripture is written from the realm of the spirit. But us down here in Hell, we're seeing it from the other end. First, we have to get cast into the lake of fire, and then Adam and Satan is devoured. That's how they're devoured.


Alternate Translation, the third third of Revelation 14:19. "And the glorified soul of Jesus Christ cast Himself into the lake of fire, and Adam and Satan were devoured." Hallelujah.


And just in case I haven't made it clear, the judgment, which is separating Christ from Adam, is the lake of fire. And the lake of fire is the winepress.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 14:19. "And the glorified soul of Jesus Christ appeared as the unconscious mind of the firstfruits of the second generation of sons. And because of His strong desire -- because of the Lord's strong desire to save the living soul, He forcibly hurled Himself into the crushing judgment, which is separating the second generation of sons from their Adamic minds. And the glorified soul of Jesus Christ cast Himself into the lake of fire, and Adam and Satan were devoured, because they went in with Him."


Hallelujah. Glory to God. Any questions? Any more questions today? Have another question? Is that on?


            The lake of fire is separating Christ and Satan, right?


That's very close. I just want to make it a little clearer, OK, but that's basically true. The lake of fire separates Christ from the Adamic soul, and the Adamic soul is in three parts, Adam, Satan and the carnal mind.


            OK, but it a- -- the lake of fire is Christ or is a manifestation of Christ?


It is Christ. Well, you could say both. He is a consuming fire [CROSSTALK]


            So what happens to Satan?


What happens to Satan?


            What happens to Satan and the devil? He's in the lake of fire --




            -- and that is Christ.


Right. He's in the lake of fire, and it's going to be similar to -- well, I don't know if that's a good example. But because he's burnt in the fire, his form is going to change, and the fire is going to force him -- force her back into her female role. And Satan is in the creation to give form to the Spirit of God. God wants to be seen in the realm of appearance. And Satan is the intelligence in the earth, and the earth is covering over the Spirit of God, giving Him a form and a shape. And Satan shall perform her function in the creation. For all these thousands of years, she's been out of her place. That's all her form -- that's all her purpose is, is to be the mud that's over the Spirit of God so that He could be seen. But she has risen up and taken a Jezebellic authority over the ho- [AUDIO CUTS OUT]


5/31/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

6/6/14 1st Edit CAS/MJS

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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