075 - Part 2
(Revelation 14)

Part 2 of 3 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.




Yea saith the Lord, indeed this is My work saith God. Have I not said unto thee that this is My work saith the Lord. From the beginning saith God, even two years ago when I raised you up I have said that this is the work of My Son and I shall do with it what I please saith the Lord. I shall increase it and I shall decrease it at an end. Indeed the vessels that compromise this ministry have obeyed Me saith God. Yea, I have found obedience in this ministry and they have given up and they have gone forth and they have obeyed Me and they have done My will and indeed My spirit has been glorified and has been increased and has touched many that would not have been touched for many years saith God, if I could not have found obedience. Yea, I have done a work in thee saith the Lord. Yeah, indeed thou art prepared vessels saith God for indeed thou doest strive to do My will.




And I have been aware of thy suffering saith the Lord. Indeed I am not without awareness. Neither am I without feelings saith God as to the pain and the toll and the cost that is exacted from men that will obey Me. Yea, I know saith the Lord and I am aware and indeed I am one with your pain for indeed I am you, saith God.




Fret not saith the Lord for indeed I have promised thee that I would not give thee more than thou couldst bear and I am not a man that I should lie saith God. Yea, I have strained thee and I have stretched thee and I have pushed thee against the wall saith the Lord and I have done a work in thee saith God and I am bringing forth My Son and I am bringing forth My Spirit and indeed I shall do mighty works through thee saith the Lord. Yea, even the greater works saith God. Thou hast endured as good soldiers saith God. I have seen thy tears and I have heard thy cries and I have seen the faith that is being formed in thee and I come down into thee this night saith the Lord to be a blessing unto thee. Yea, even a moment of refreshing saith God for I have come down to encourage thee saith the Lord. Fret not and fear not for indeed I shall move upon thy sons saith the Lord. Yea I have not abandoned thee saith God. Remember that for God one day -- what is one day to the Lord is one thousand years to God [sic]. I have not abandoned thee. I have not forgotten thee. I have not forgotten My promises to thee saith the Lord and indeed their suffering has come up before Me and your suffering has come up before Me but these things must needs be for indeed the whole plan is being worked into the good for the whole saith the Lord. Try to believe and try to be comforted. But indeed I shall bring relief in the near future saith God. I shall bring relief. I shall bring blessings and there shall be a turn for the better saith God.




For indeed how couldst thou know that I would not permit thee to fall off of the cliff if I did not bring thee up to the edge of the cliff saith the Lord. And indeed how would thou knowest that I would catch thee when I permit thee to fall off the cliff if I did not permit thee to fall off the cliff. There is no other way saith the Lord but trials and tribulations and testings to bring forth My faith in thee. Faith tried as pure gold and it shall come forth saith the Lord.




And thou shalt see the glory of My Spirit. Fear not saith God for indeed I am with thee in mighty power and in this hour I am gathering up My army saith the Lord and I have permitted thee and even called thee to be a part of it saith the Lord and thou shalt witness great and mighty miracles performed by My Spirit saith God.




Hold on saith the Lord. Fret not. A period of refreshing shall soon be upon you.


We have an interesting message tonight. It’s one of those situations where we find not only the King James translation to be the exact opposite of what God is trying to say but as far as I know every translation that I have ever read has been translated in a manner that the Lord has revealed to us this evening is not what He is trying to communicate to man.


Let’s continue. I just want to pray for this message because it’s going to be tough.




Father, I pray that You bless the people listening, that You open up their ears and their minds and their hearts and that You join to them, Father that they might understand this difficult word that, with Your help, I am going to bring forth tonight.


Recap: Revelation 14:6-8: And I saw a different messenger covering over and pressing down the high place of the living soul from which Satan broadcast his false doctrines into the minds of men, even the human spirit, so that he could declare the good news which he possessed about an endless life to those permanently residing in the realm of death, even Hell -- to all those who have never known God, to every physical race, to the many groups of people who have a different way of thinking, and to those who have known God. And he was preaching with an authoritative voice, reverence God and let the respect for His Spirit that appeared in your mind during the time that His judgments were falling upon you be revealed in your thoughts, words and deeds by denying your own soul and obeying Him that formed the spiritual realm of the soul, the conscious mind of man and the unconscious mind of man, even the one who caused the spiritual life of God to appear in the earth of the Adamic soul. And a different angel accompanied the first, preaching that the false religious systems of that proud city, which is being created to house the spiritual life of God, even the living soul, are being brought to naught in both the conscious and unconscious minds of men because she caused all men who have never known God to come into existence as a result of the raging passions of the spirit that rules her, even Satan, the one who engages the living soul in continuous incestuous sexual intercourse.


Verse 9: And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice if any man worship the beast and his image and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand.


Glory to God.


That’s a verse that does not complete the sentence.


In the Book of Revelation, Chapter 13:15-16 we are told about the beast, his image and his mark, from the beast’s point of view and by that I mean we are told what the beast can do to men. In Chapter 14, which we’re studying tonight, we hear the angel of the Lord warning mankind what will happen to them if they submit to the beast. Now please note, this is very important, that God never denies the power the beast has over men. He never denies how hard it will be to resist. He just tells us what will happen if we do submit. Unstated in the Lord’s warning is the fact that if we desire to overcome the beast the power of God is there to enable us to do it. No man can overpower the beast without being joined to Christ. Satan is stronger than every natural man.


So the big if is whether or not we really desire God over Satan. The truth of our spiritual nature shall be relieved at the time that we are placed in a position where we must make this choice. Those that truly desire God will overcome Satan. Many others will be overcome by the Lord Jesus Christ against their will. They will prefer Satan. They will not desire Christ and Christ will nevertheless rise up against their will and deliver them from Satan. Many in that last day who do not have the root of Christ will live out their lifetimes and die never to rise again.


I remind you that the spiritual substance of the whole living soul shall nevertheless be reconciled unto God. The living soul, the whole, the many, the all is being redeemed, saved, restored unto God. He is not redeeming flesh bodies. He’s not redeeming individual human souls that have lived a lifetime on this earth. He is redeeming the spiritual substance that is the whole living soul.


Glory to God.


If this is the first message that you’re hearing and this is a shocking doctrine to you, if you like you can write me. We have messages explaining it in more detail.


Brethren, the whole is being saved, not the individual. The war is being won -- not necessarily every battle.


Glory to God.


Continuing with -- this is verse 9: And the third angel followed them saying with a loud voice if any man worship the beast and his image and receive his mark on his forehead or in his hand something’s going to happen to them. We’re going to find that out in verse 10, what’s going to happen to them. We studied most of the words that appear in English in verse 9. Image, mark, forehead, hand -- we studied all those words in Revelation 13:15-16. After we form an alternate translation for Revelation 14:9 we are going to review Revelation 13:15-16. I’ll just be reading you those verses with the alternate translations following them.


Getting back to verse 9 now: And the third angel followed them saying with a loud voice if any man worship the beast in his image and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand -- and we’ll find out. We have to wait until verse 10 to find out what’s going to happen.


This is verse 9. The word follow -- we heard this on the last message -- means to accompany. The word loud means authoritative. The word saying means -- the Greek word that’s translated saying means preaching. And the third angel followed them saying with a loud voice if any man. This word any is Strong’s 1536. It’s a very indefinite word. It means any man, anything, whosoever. Very indefinite. It means any one, any soul, any human soul, any person. Very indefinite. Whosoever worships the beast. The word worship, I remind you from recent messages, is Strong’s 4352. It means to fawn, to crouch, to lick the hand of, to utterly submit to.


Glory to God.


To utterly submit. What I’m suggesting to you that implies is to submit to Adam instead of the Christ, both of which are in your mind. The image of the beast, I remind you, is the carnal mind in the realm of appearance and we established that on Message 70, Parts 2 and 3, if you’d like to review that. The word receive, if any man worship the beast and his image and receive the mark in his forehead -- the word receive is Strong’s 2983 and it means to take or to get hold of. To take or to get hold of the mark.


All these definitions I’m giving you are from Chapter 13, 15-16. The mark is Strong’s 5480 and I remind you it is a scratch or an etching, a sculptured figure. It’s not a tattoo, brethren. It’s not a tattoo and it’s talking about the image that your soul is producing after it fornicates with the spirit of Satan. Receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand. The word forehead is 3359 and it is a Greek word that means opposite the countenance or opposite the face and we established on Message 70, Parts 2 and 3, that the forehead is the human soul. And the hand, number 5495, we established is the body. The hand typifies the body. Brethren, a spirit has no means to grasp anything. If the spirit wants to feel, if he wants to take up something in his hand, he has to manifest through a body. So we determined on Message 70, Parts 2 and 3, that the forehead typified the soul and the hand typified the body.


Glory to God. Hallelujah.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: Revelation 14:9: And a third messenger from God accompanied the other two angels, preaching with an authoritative voice that if anyone submits to the lordship of the Adamic soul and the carnal mind, which are ruled by Satan, and revealed the spirit of Satan in their personality or behavior -- remember, verse 9 leaves us up in the air. Verse 10 is going to tell us what will happen. So what are we told here in verse 9? That receiving the mark means submitting to the Adamic soul, which is ruled by Satan and his carnal mind.


Glory to God.


And the result of that submission, which is in fact a spiritual fornication, is that we shall reveal the nature of Satan in our soul, in our personality and in our bodies, which is our behavior. If you want to know what spirit is ruling any individual look at their soul. Does anybody remember how you look at somebody’s soul? You look at their behavior, brethren, and you listen to the words that they speak. I’m sorry. Their behavior is their body and if you look at their soul you look at their personality. You look at the spirit in their personality. You look at their ideas. You look at the heart. That’s looking at the soul. And looking at their body is looking at their behavior. If they’re going out to a bar and picking up a different man or a different woman every night, brethren, it’s not at all likely that that person is copulating with Christ. I think it would be fair for anyone to make a judgment that they’re fornicating with the satanic mind. If someone’s robbing banks. If someone’s in rebellion against their parents or their husband. That’s how you know that their body is manifesting Satan. If they’re taking drugs. If they’re pumping alcohol into themselves. You could see what spirit is manifesting in someone’s soul, which is a little more difficult. When you see how they feel about things, when you speak to them and you hear their ideas. If they think that abortion is wonderful it’s not likely that they’re copulating with Christ.


There was a big spread on the newspapers today. I don’t know whether it’s true or not, but the New York Post yesterday published a front page saying Donald Trump says adultery is not sin. Brethren, he’s manifesting the satanic mind if he said that. If someone tells me praying to an idol is OK they’re not copulating with Christ. I’ve got a flash for you, brethren, if someone tells me that eating a little cracker and drinking a little piece of juice glorifies God you are not copulating with Christ. I’m sorry if that offends you. But Christ does not require you to eat a little bit of matzo and drink a little bit of grape juice. He wants you to reject your satanic mind which tells you to do that and join with His mind, which says lay down your soul life, lay down what you desire and follow me. If you can say amen to that, brethren, I would say there’s a good chance that you’re copulating with Christ. In this hour, nobody’s doing it 100 percent of the time. But Lord willing, we shall get there.


Glory to God.


And a third messenger from God accompanied the other two angels preaching with an authoritative voice that if anyone submits to the lordship of the Adamic soul, if they will not resist him and turn to Christ they shall reveal the spirit of Satan in their personality or behavior.


Revelation 13:15 says: And he had -- this is the beast -- and he had power to give life unto the image of the beast -- that’s the first beast -- that the image of the beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: And the human spirit was given the ability to birth human beings into the realm of appearance which are revealing the nature of Satan so that the carnal mind should have bodies to speak through and she is causing all of the members of the living soul that are not submitting to the wicked demands of the carnal mind to die. And he had power to give life -- that’s speaking about the second beast. I think I said the first beast earlier. I’m sorry. And he had power -- the second beast had power -- to give life unto the image of the beast and the human spirit was given the ability to birth human beings into the realm of appearance which are revealing the nature of Satan so that the carnal mind should have bodies to speak through and she is causing all of the members of the living soul that are not submitting to the wicked demands of the carnal mind to die.


Revelation 13:16: And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: And the human spirit makes the whole living soul, including the victims of this society and the powerful of this society, those who possess the wealth of this world system and those who have been reduced to public begging. Those who have the privilege of pursuing their lives as they will and those whose lives are ruled b other men. All of those people to bring forth the appearance and nature of Satan in their bodies and in their souls so as to please the one desiring this, even Satan himself. And the human spirit makes the whole living soul, including the victims of this society and the powerful of this society, those who possess the wealth of this world system and those who have been reduced to public begging. Those who have the privilege of pursuing their lives as they will and those whose lives are ruled by other men to bring forth the appearance and nature of Satan in their bodies and in their souls so as to please the one desiring this, even Satan himself.


Brethren, if you don’t know it, if you haven’t heard this word before, what Satan wants is your soul. Well, most Christians know that but they don’t know -- what they don’t know is what he wants to do with your soul. Brethren, he wants to join with your soul and appear in the realm of appearance. He wants to speak through your mouth and he wants to use your hands and he wants to use your feet and he wants to use the intimate parts of your body to fornicate with the members of the opposite sex. He wants to use your body for perversion.


Glory to God.


And every evil work that has ever passed through the mind of man; he wants your body to perform those deeds which he will first generate in your mind or your soul. In Revelation 13:16 we find the human spirit causing the living soul to bring forth the appearance and nature of Satan in men’s behavior and personalities. In Revelation 14:9, which is where we are tonight, we hear God promising men that those who do submit to the lordship of the Adamic soul and the carnal mind and do reveal the spirit of Satan in their personality or behavior will nevertheless someday be joined to God. As we’re going to find out in verse 10. I put this ahead of verse 10. I’m giving you a preview of verse 10. We’re going to find out that God is not cursing these people unto damnation. He is not saying unto them if you do it -- because everybody’s doing it. Brethren, everybody in the whole world except Jesus Christ of Nazareth is revealing Satan in their personalities and in their behaviors. Everybody’s done it. Everybody’s doing it. And the promise of God is not to damn you in Hell forever but that He shall give you the strength and the power to stop doing it.


Let’s see how I got that by doing verse 10. Verse 10: The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture into the cup of His indignation. That doesn’t sound like He’s going to bless you, brethren. That really sounds like He’s going to burn you in Hell forever. Well, I declare to you, brethren, that the carnal minds of the King James translators have come up with this translation. I’ll be honest with you, I’m not the most studied person in the scripture in the world, but I have never seen another translation that has translated this verse in any other way. If you have one, if you’ve seen one, please let me know. I’d like to know.


But God has told me to tell you tonight that that is not what He is saying. He is not going to damn you in Hell forever because if that were true we’d have to wipe out the whole human race including all you Pharisees in the church. And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, if any man worship the beast in his image and receives his mark in his forehead or his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture into the cup of His indignation and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. Not so, saith the Lord.


Let’s work this up. The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God. The Greek word translated the same is Strong’s 846 and it means this man. This man -- the one who does this. The one who fornicates with Satan. The one whose human spirit is fornicating with Satan and producing the carnal mind. This very same man shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God. The Greek word translated shall drink is Strong’s 4095. It means to imbibe, to drink, to take into one’s being.


Now, in Revelation 14:8 the Greek word translated to drink is a different word. Revelation 14:8: And there followed another angel saying Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. That’s a different Greek word translated drink than the Greek word translated drink in verse 10, which is talking about drinking of God’s spirit. What am I saying? One Greek word describes drinking with the spirit of Satan and a different Greek word describes the drinking of the spirit of God.


Glory to God.


The implication of Revelation 14:8 seems to be that of passivity. What I’m suggesting to you is that the Greek word translated to drink, used in connection with the ungodly spirit suggests passivity of the person that’s drinking. I remind you that that word was translated to irrigate, to give to drink, like you would give a baby a bottle or like even a better example is that you would pour out water upon the ground and the ground would drink in the water. The person being watered has nothing to say about it. That is the suggestion of the Greek word used to describe the ungodly spirit giving drink to the living soul. In other words, what I’m suggesting to you is that taking drink from a spirit is joining to that spirit. Brethren, when you drink something it becomes a part of you. We established that on a prior message. So when the ungodly spirit of Satan watered the living soul it fornicated with her. The implication is fornication and it brought forth the carnal mind. I’m suggesting to you that the Greek word used to describe this suggests that the living soul had nothing to say about it.  She was overcome by Satan. He forced himself upon her. He fornicated with her and she brought forth his offspring. This is indeed consistent with many teachings that have come down in this ministry. That Eve was utterly seduced and since the fall of man Satan has been fornicating with the living soul who has no power to deliver herself from his lordship.


Glory to God.


Revelation 9-10 tells us that men shall drink or men shall actively drink. Why did I put down revelation 9-10? Let me just check that out. I must have copied down a wrong scripture.


Glory to God.


I’m sorry. That must be Revelation 14:10 tells us that men shall actively drink of the spirit of God. The Greek word translated to drink in verse 10, which is used to describe men drinking of the spirit of God indicates an activity on the part of men. We shall not be passive slaves being copulated with by a God that we don’t want. God shall set us free. He shall strengthen us. He shall love us and we shall rise up in spiritual strength and, of our own accord,  having been joined with Him, of course, drink or partake of His spirit.


Glory to God.


Does anybody not understand the difference between the drinking of the ungodly spirit and the drinking of the Godly spirit? Do you have a question? Let me get this on the message. Hold on. You want me to give you the whole thing again?




I’ll give it to you again. I’ll give it to you again. If you still don’t understand it then I’ll talk to you later. OK? The spirit -- the Greek word that is used -- that is translated to drink, that is used in expressing the living soul drinking of the spirit of Satan is a word that implies a passivity. In other words the spirit of Satan -- in other words, if there’s a person lying there and water is being forced down their mouth -- the living soul is not seeking the fornication with Satan. That word implies that the living soul is overtaken. She’s partaking of Satan’s spirit because she’s overtaken by him. The Greek word translated drink which is used in the phrase to drink of God’s spirit implies that the people drinking, who are the same people, they are actively desiring to and partaking of God’s spirit. OK?


It’s really interesting. We’ve heard preachers all over this island preaching for years God is a gentleman. He never forces Himself on anybody. Well, maybe He doesn’t force Himself on you. He just changes your mind, you see? He changes your mind and we have found out that just about every sin we have ever studied or come across in the scripture, we find God doing the same thing. But when God does it it’s not a sin. I had someone call me from Florida. They were really shattered. They heard one of my messages where I said God commits legal adultery. They were just shattered by the power of what I said. But it’s the truth. Eve is married to Satan and the Lord has come in and is fornicating with this married woman and bringing forth Christ. And Christ is going to destroy their marriage. Thank God for it. What is sin to man, what is sin between two men is not sin between the spirit of God and the living soul. Everything that God does turns out for righteousness sake. Why? Because His motive is righteous.


And everything man does, usually everything evil, everything against God’s law that man does turns out to disaster. Why? Because his motive is evil. That motive is manifested in the results of his behavior. Even when God chastens you and we all here know how severely God can chasten you, it turns out for your good. Why? Because His motive, which is righteous, is manifested in His behavior towards you. That’s why a loving parent can beat a child continuously and bring forth a decent human being and a parent that hates that child can beat that child and bring forth a damaged child. Because his motive towards the child was destruction, whereas the first parent’s motive was to produce life in that child -- to discipline that child and chasten that child that they could survive in this world in righteousness. It’s your motive that causes the result of your behavior.


Did you ever hear anybody say to you I don’t understand why he got mad at me. I said it in such a soft, nice voice. Did anybody ever say that to you? In the meantime the words that they spoke were cutting the guy’s heart out. The Lord has had me say that to a few people. It doesn’t matter whether your voice is nasty or whether your voice is soft. The intent of your words cut the man’s heart out.


Glory to God.


Your motive towards him was evil and he did not respond to the softness of your words. He responded to your motive to him. Do you know how many people don’t know that? They expect people to respond to the tone of their voice. Well, brethren, I’ve got a flash for you. The whole world is not stupid. Just a few of us are stupid. There are people in this world that don’t even know God that will respond to the motive of your heart towards them. They know what you’re up to even though you honey coat it.


Glory to God.


You know one definition of a fool? One definition of a fool, brethren, is that you really think that you can manifest this wickedness continuously and never be seen. Do you know that there are people like this in the world? There are people like this in the church. They really think they’re fooling you all of the time. Constantly manipulating you and trying to control you and use you for their own benefit. Not only are they doing it but they really think they’ve deceived you into thinking it’s for your good. Sometimes they say that right to your face. I’m just doing it to help you. No, you’re not, Sister. Don’t give me that line. Don’t start a fight. Don’t be mad at me. Well, stop trying to manipulate me. You’ve got the wrong person.


Glory to God.


I’d like to give you a witness that the scripture uses the word drink to describe the partaking of spiritual life. First Corinthians 12:13: For by one spirit are we all baptized into one body whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free, and have been all made to drink into one spirit. To drink of the spirit, brethren, means to join with it, to fornicate with it if it’s Satan and to copulate with it if it’s God. Copulation being legal spiritual sex and fornication being illegal spiritual sex.


Continuing with: The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God. Let’s find out what this means. Wine we’ve had for months here. It typifies spirit. Now this word wrath is Strong’s 2372 and what it really means is passion. It does not mean destructive anger. It’s translated wrath. That’s a poor translation.


Glory to God.


But the word wrath -- the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God -- the word wrath is referring to the passion that God has for His wife, the living soul, which is not ungodly. When a man desires his wife it is not ungodly. So the same shall drink of the spirit of the passion of God. This word God is Strong’s 2316. Thayer, which is the writer of one of the lexicons that I use, says that when this word is preceded by the article -- and the article is either a or the -- in other words, the scripture says the God. In the Greek that’s what it says. The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of the God. And Thayer says when that article appears before the word God it means the supreme deity and indeed, the Greek Interlinear reveals that the article is used.


So what is it saying? That same person shall partake of the wine of or the spirit of the passion of the supreme almighty God. What are we saying here? If any man worship the beast in his image and receive his mark in his forehead or his hand that same man who has sinned shall someday cease from his sin and copulate with and be married to the supreme God. Brethren, this is not a threat. This is a promise. Can you hear this?


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: I broke this verse down into five parts. This is the first fifth of Revelation 14:10: That any man shall actively -- I’m sorry. That man shall actively partake of the spirit of Almighty God’s passion, which is a Godly passion. It is a passion rooted in His love for His wife. Brethren, if you have sinned, if you have fornicated with Satan, if you are manifesting his nature in your soul and in your behavior, what is going to happen to you, brethren, is that you’re going to stop doing it. You’re going to marry Almighty God and be faithful to Him.


Continuing with: Which is poured out without mixture. Which is poured out without mixture. The Greek word translated poured out is Strong’s 2767. This is the only time it’s translated poured out and the Interlinear says that the correct tense is not poured out but -- I’m sorry. The word means mixed. This is really strange, brethren. Try to stay with me. They really messed up this verse badly. The Greek word translated poured out means to mix and the word that’s translated without mixture means undiluted. I’m going to say it again. They just wanted to make sure we were really confused. The Greek word translated poured out means to mix and the word that’s translated without mixture means undiluted. This is the only time the word is translated poured out. Why? Because it means to mix.


Glory to God.


The Interlinear says that the correct tense is having been mixed. The word implies -- it means mingled. There are two Greek words that are translated mixed. One word means mixed to the extent that a new product is formed. If you take butter and flour and eggs and salt and sugar and blend it into one smooth paste and bake it and take a cake out of the oven, brethren, you have mingled those ingredients in that they have produced a totally new product. If you don’t know anything about baking you would not know that in that cake are eggs, yellow yolks and white whites and pure sugar and a whole stick of butter. You’d never know it. A new product has been produced. That is the intention of this word translated poured out.


There is another Greek word that simply means to mix. Did you ever see one of those jars with the different colored sands in it and it makes a beautiful picture because you see yellow sand and blue sand and white sand and that sand is mixed up but you can see that it’s all sand and it’s just sand of different colors. You can identify the blue sand and the yellow sand and the green sand. The Greek word translated poured out means to mix. To mix to the extent that a new compound is formed in which the old ingredients are not even any longer recognizable. We have a correction of the tense which those of you who have been studying with us know it’s very common that the King James translators choose an inappropriate tense for whatever their reasons. The Interlinear tells us that the correct tense is having been mixed.


Which is poured out without mixture. The word without mixture is Strong’s 194 and, as I told you earlier, that means unmixed or pure and it is used to describe wine that has been undiluted with water. The connotation is purity. The literal translation of the phrase without mixture means unmixed but the connotation is wine that has been unmixed with water and it means pure.


Glory to God.


We’re really getting into something here. Try and stay with me. Father, help them to understand. We all know that when we translate a foreign language into English it’s frequently -- commonly necessary to change the order of the words as they are spoken in the foreign language so that they can make sense in English. You all know that. When you speak to someone whose first language is not English they usually get their English sentences with the words all in the wrong order. Why? Because they’re translating it directly from their foreign language. When someone translates from one language to another they have to translate idiomatically. It’s not enough to just say word A means this and word B means this. You have to put it into a form of English that is grammatically correct and what happens is that the order of the Greek is always changed around when we translate it into English. Oh, God, I hope everybody knows what I’m talking about. Does anybody not know what I’m talking about? OK.


Glory to God.


I’m suggesting to you that to the best of my knowledge every translator that has translated the above verse has misunderstood what God is saying. Because they couldn’t understand what He’s saying they have failed to place the English translation of the Greek words in an order that would express God’s intention. The Greek Interlinear reads: Having been mixed undiluted in the cup of the wrath of God. The King James translates this as: Which is poured out without mixture into the cup. I’m once again taking translator’s license and I’m changing the order of the English words that have been translated. And this is what I’m going to say: This man shall actively partake of the spirit of Almighty God’s passion, having been changed into a new chemical compound, even the creation of God, by that undiluted spirit. This man shall actively partake of the spirit of Almighty God’s passion, having been changed by the power of that spirit. I’ll say it one more time. This man shall actively partake of the spirit of Almighty God’s passion, having been changed -- that’s the poured out -- which is poured out -- having been changed by that pure spirit.


Can you hear what I’m saying? I’m taking the word without mixture, and I’m putting it at the end of the phrase. I’m taking the phrase without mixture, which means undiluted and pure, and I’m putting it at the end of the phrase. This man shall actively partake of the spirit. Which spirit is without mixture? It’s the spirit that’s without mixture. It’s the spirit that’s undiluted. It’s the spirit that’s pure. It’s not the wrath that’s unmixed. It’s not the wrath of God that’s unmixed. It’s the spirit that’s unmixed and the spirit is pure. This man shall actively partake of the spirit of Almighty God’s passion which has been poured out, having been changed by that pure spirit. What am I saying? This man that has sinned, this man that has manifested Satan in his soul and in his body, the day is coming saith God that that same man shall actively partake of My spirit, saith God. Yea, even My undiluted spirit saith the Lord. Yea, even My pure spirit saith God, which has not been mixed with Satan saith the Lord but has indeed swallowed up Satan.


Glory to God.


This man that has committed those terrible sins, the day shall come that he shall not -- no longer fornicate with Satan but he shall actively, willingly partake of the spirit of Almighty God’s passion. That day is coming, brethren, after he has been changed into a new chemical compound. We’re going to be changed, brethren, in a moment -- in the twinkling of an eye. And when we’re changed, brethren, we won’t fornicate with Satan anymore. But we shall copulate with the spirit of the passion of Almighty God. This is not a judgment, brethren. This is a promise. You who have been overcome, you who have been humiliated, you who have been cast down, you who have been destroyed, you who are agonizing over your sin and can’t stop, after I change you saith the Lord you shall be married to Me and you shall drink of My spirit saith God and you shall produce the fruit of My Christ. Does anybody not understand what I’m saying? This is a promise to the sinner. You’re going to stop doing it and you’re going to be My bride.


The word dilute, I thought you might like to know, is from two French words. One meaning to wash away and the other meaning to atone for. It means to make thinner or more liquid by having something added by mixing. It means to diminish the strength of, to diminish the flavor or brilliance of by having something added by mixing. It means to weaken. I’m suggesting to you that the spirit of God shall not be weakened when it comes into contact with the spirit of Satan. The spirit of God shall not mingle with the spirit of Satan. Brethren, do you realize that both Satan and the spirit of God in His Christ are in your mind together? Do you hear this? They shall not mingle, brethren, as oil shall not mingle with water. The spirit of God shall not be diluted by the brilliance of Satan, who is shining high up in the Heavens of this living soul right now. But the spirit of Almighty God shall overtake and tread down and consume that brilliance. Yea, the sun shall be smitten and darkened and the moon shall be covered with blood and the stars shall lose their shining and a new soul shall arise in the Heavens.




A new star saith God. A new star, My Christ saith the Lord.


Glory to God. Hallelujah.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: The second fifth of Revelation 14:10: Let me read you the verse again: Which is poured out without mixture into the cup of His indignation. Shall have been exchanged by the undefeatable spirit of Almighty God.


Glory to God.


Let me read you the whole thing: That man that’s been sinning in his soul and in his body shall actively partake of the spirit of Almighty God’s passion. That’s a passion that’s in marriage, brethren. That man shall have been exchanged by the undefeatable spirit of Almighty God. He shall have been exchanged from the Adamic soul into the soul of Christ. All ye sinners, come unto your God and repent, for the hour of your redemption is at hand. Be washed saith the Lord and be purged saith God and be exchanged into My soul that you might marry Me, a clean and pure virgin saith the Lord. Enter into the marriage bed with Me saith God and produce My Christ and live.




Now the first phrase of the sentence that we’re dealing with -- brethren, I know how hard this is. Don’t worry about it. Just do the best you can. This translation is a mess but when you look at the power of what God is really saying here you shouldn’t have any trouble understanding how the Adamic minds of these men just really messed it up. Just hang in there. If you don’t understand these grammatical technicalities just roll with the punches. I just feel God wants me to put it on the message for those people that He wants to quicken it to.


The first phrase of the sentence -- the same shall drink -- is in the future tense. Do you hear that? The same shall drink. That’s the future tense. It’s not appropriate to say, it’s not good grammar to say the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out having been mixed. Remember, I said that the Interlinear said the correct tense is having been mixed? That’s a past tense. They’re combining a future tense with a past tense and it’s not good grammar so I changed the tense to -- and I don’t know the name of the tense, but I changed it to read: Shall have been exchanged. It shall have been exchanged by the undefeatable spirit of Almighty God. And the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God. That same man, when he shall have been exchanged into the soul of Christ by the undefeatable spirit of Almighty God, he shall drink of the spirit of God. That same man, after he’s changed, he’s going to drink of the spirit of God.




I’ve also substituted the word exchange for the word change because we found out that the word translated poured out means to mix or to change. I changed that word to exchange because it fits in with the teaching the Lord has given us about the exchange of souls. If you want to review that it’s on message numbers -- Revelation Message 32, Part 2; Message 34; Message 39, Part 4; Message 42, Parts 1, 2 or 4; Message 51, Part 6; or Message 60, Part 5. On all those messages we discussed the exchange of souls that the spiritual substance that is in every man is being rescued from Satan and transferred into or exchanged for the soul of Christ.


Glory to God.


Let me read you this again and we’ll go on. That man that has been sinning, he shall actively partake of the spirit of Almighty God’s passion. When? After he shall have been exchanged by the undefeatable spirit of Almighty God into the soul of Christ. The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture into the cup of His indignation. I’ve already given you that translation. I’m suggesting to you that the phrase into the cup of His indignation is to be translated into the soul of Christ and I’ll show you how I got that now.


The word cup is Strong’s 4221 and it merely means a drinking vessel. I suggest to you that a cup holds liquid, that liquid describes the spiritual life on the soul realm and that the cup of God is the vessel in which God dwells. It is His Christ. God dwells in His Christ. God dwells in a sack that holds Him. God sits upon a throne which is the soul of Jesus Christ. It is described here as a cup. A cup that all may come and drink of after they have been changed. The word indignation is Strong’s 3709. It is the only time this word is translated indignation and this word indignation is the Greek word orge. You can review that on Message 42, Part 2. It’s the same Greek word used to express ungodly lust and the desire of God for His wife. It’s the same word and, as I said, we go into that on Message 42, Part 2. We found that, in chapter 6:17, the word is also translated wrath and we found out that what that verse really means is that God is reaching out with a great desire for the living soul. Into the cup of His indignation -- into the cup of His desire -- into the soul of Christ, the place where the Father dwells and hungers for His wife. Let me give you the whole thing, brethren.


Glory to God.


That same man that has been sinning in his soul and his body, he shall drink or partake of the spirit of Almighty God’s passion when or after he shall have been exchanged for the undefeatable spirit of Almighty God into the soul of Christ, the place where the Father dwells and hungers for His wife. Let me give it to you again. That rotten sinner out there, brethren, that man shall actively partake of the spirit of Almighty God’s passion -- which passion shall produce and continue to produce Christ and the fruits of the spirit in him -- after he shall have been exchanged by the undefeatable spirit or power of Almighty God into the soul of Christ, the place where the Father dwells and hungers for His wife.


Continuing with: And he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone. The word tormented is Strong’s 928. We’ve studied this many times, brethren, and we found out that this word means vexation. The vexation which results from being forced to the bottom. And who’s being forced to the bottom, brethren? Anybody remember? Satan’s being forced to the bottom. The whole Adamic soul is being forced to the bottom of what? He’s being forced underneath the feet of Christ, brethren. You cannot be tormented in accordance with this definition until Christ appears in you because there’s nothing to force Satan underneath. You’ve got to have Christ before the torment, which is known as the tribulations, starts in your life.


Glory to God.


You can review that on Message 47, Part 3.


The vexation which results from being forced to the bottom or forced into the image of Christ. And he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone. The word fire is Strong’s 4442. It actually means lightning. You can review that on Message 40, Part 1 if you like. But I’ll just remind you that lightning is the flashing of light produced by a discharge of atmospheric electricity from one cloud to another or from a cloud to the earth. We’re talking about the transference of spiritual power from one soul to another. It’s the spirit of God. It’s the power of Almighty God in the soul realm. Men will be forced into the image of Christ when the power of God flashes from His cloud, which is where? In a man that is manifesting Christ. And touches the cloud or the soul or the Adamic soul of a natural man. Brethren, when Christ is manifesting in you and He determines that He is going to quicken the human spirit of a carnal man lightning will come forth from your soul that is Christ. The Father shall rise up in His Christ, which is in you, and vibrate forth and touch the Adamic soul of the person that the Lord desires to take, to quicken, to save, to rescue.


Glory to God.


You, brethren, are a part of a glorious creation that houses Almighty God. You are here on the earth to do His will, to take His spirit where He would have you to go that His will might be done through you.


Glory to God.


And they shall be tormented with fire and brimstone. Brimstone is Strong’s 2303. You can review our study on that on Message 48, Part 1. However I will remind you that it typifies Christ.


Glory to God.


You can review that on Message 48, Part 1 if you’d like to find out how we determined that brimstone, which actually is sulfur, typifies Christ. So many shall be tormented with fire and brimstone. Or man shall be forced into the image of Christ by the power of God which dwells within His Christ.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: This is the fourth fifth of Revelation 14:10: And he shall be conformed to the image of God by the spirit of God and by His Christ. Brethren, you’re not coming into the image of Christ by someone saying puff, you’re Christ and you get slain in the spirit. That’s not how it happens, brethren. Your Adamic mind must be defeated, brought down and come into submission to the Christ that is simultaneously being formed in you. This is a warfare and I’m not going to lie to you. It’s painful. But in the morning, brethren, when the man-child lies in your arms and you look down at that baby you’ll never deny that it was worth it. And you wouldn’t have given it up for anything.


Continuing -- and all this is going to happen in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. I remind you that an angel is a messenger. Holy means without sin. The angel is the Christ which is in you. We have teachings on that. I didn’t write down the message number but we have teachings that angels refer to the Christ that dwells within you. If you’re in a condition that most members of the church are in today sometimes you manifest and sometimes your Adamic soul manifests. You’re two men, brethren.


Only Christ is without sin and Christ in the believer is still without sin. He’s incapable of sin. He’s within you but you’re not joined yet, brethren, and your natural man is quite capable of sin. Christ in the believer is the sinless messenger of God. I’m suggesting to you that the holy angels are all of the manifestations of Christ in men. There are holy angels in this room right now, brethren. You may not be holy and I may not be holy but there are holy angels within us. Christ cannot sin. When he swallows up our Adamic soul we shall be holy. Let’s try and wrap this up. In the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.


Glory to God.


The word presence is Strong’s 1799. It means in the face of or in front of. I hope that you remember the teachings about the word before. We’re going through this whole Book of Revelation and we’ve had many teachings with the expression before the throne is stated. Before the throne. I’ve explained to you on many occasions that spiritual life is not measured from top to bottom but it’s measured from within to without. The expression before the throne, as well as the presence of -- the expression the presence of -- which basically means the same thing, refers to that layer that is in the realm of appearance. We’ve drawn this on the board and we’ve drawn it in circles. The Father dwells at the innermost part of our being. The soul of Christ wraps around Him. There were several other circles and the very last circle is our body which is seen in the realm of appearance. The way the scripture describes this is that part which is seen stands before the throne or in the presence of. What this scripture is saying here --


Glory to God.


That this judgment shall be taking place in front of the holy angels which are the spiritual men and in front of the Lamb. Father, please help me put this across. This is a very -- we haven’t had a message as tough as this in a long time.


Glory to God. Hallelujah.


I’m suggesting to you that man shall be tormented or forced into the image of Christ by the power of God in the soul realm or by His Christ when Christ appears in that man. This is the white throne judgment. We’ve studied that. When Christ stands up in a man the natural man becomes the outer spiritual layer of the creation which appears in the realm of appearance. When Christ stands within the Adamic man the Adamic man is in front of Christ or facing Christ or in the presence of Christ. Christ is the Lamb or the mind of God’s creation and the many holy angels are the body of Christ. They’re the manifestations of the Son coming forth in many members and the Lamb, the spirit of Jesus Christ, is the one mind that rules all of them. We’ve had teachings on that but I see that I didn’t write down the message numbers for you.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: This is the last part of Revelation 14:10: They’re going to be judged -- these sinners are going to be judged -- the sinner is going to be judged when he is joined in spirit to the members of the body of Christ and to the Lamb, who is their mind. Judgment will take place when the sinner is joined in spirit to the members of the body of Christ and to the Lamb, who is their mind. What I’m suggesting to you, brethren -- I have this on other messages.


Glory to God.


Is that when Christ is quickened in us, when he’s conceived in us and God is about to start the judgment of what? The judgment of our sin-filled Adamic souls. What does that mean? When God is ready to start the process it is going to weaken, it is going to cast down, it is going to place under the feet of the Christ in us our sin-filled Adamic soul. Why? So that Christ can rule and reign in our minds and in our vessels. God will send to us other believers in whom Christ is manifesting. What will those believers do? They shall convince us of sin, brethren. It could be at a meeting like this. It could be a prophet. It could be a believer with a word for you. This attitude of yours, brethren, this behavior of yours, brethren, this thought of yours, brethren, it’s sin. What do you want me to do? God’s not through with me yet. Change. How do I change? Confess it as sin, repent and ask God for the power to do so.


The judgment which shall conform a man into the image of Christ begins with the conception of Christ in that man. This conception brings judgment from two possible sources. Christ in a man, even though that Christ might be in embryo form, joined him by that spirit to every other man who has ever conceived Christ. These people will start coming into your life. Judgment usually starts by God sending a more mature believer to bring forth the word that will convince of sin. After due season -- and I remind you, brethren, we have a message on this. I don’t have the number for you. Conviction of sin is not the same thing as convincement of sin. Do you remember that teaching? I can preach here for the next 40 days and 40 nights and if you don’t walk away from me being convinced of the sin that’s in your heart that the Lord God has intended to convince you of I have not succeeded. If I convict you of sin I can preach forever and you will not believe it. If I convince you of sin that means you will believe what I’m telling you.


Glory to God. Hallelujah.


After due season the convincement of sin will become eternalized and he will come from the indwelling Christ within the believer. In any event, no matter -- now check this out, brethren. Open your ears. No matter how mature a believer is if because of pride or otherwise he does not hear the convincement of the Christ from within his own mind the Lord will send another believer to speak to him. No one is ever so mature that the Lord does not send a messenger to him. Be not deceived, brethren. God is not mocked. You can have received your chastening from the Lord directly from the Christ within you for years. Don’t think that He’ll never send another person to you. And He could send a very immature believer if He determines that that’s necessary to destroy your pride. We must receive Christ wherever He manifests. Be not deceived. Your spiritual life depends on it.


I do have a message for you to review. Message 60, Part 3, speaking about the white throne judgment - pretty much what I just mentioned. I have three witnesses for you, brethren. Speaking about the fact that the body of Christ is the corporate body of the holy angels.


First Corinthians 12:13: For by one spirit are we all baptized into one body whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free, and have all been made to drink into one spirit. Brethren, all of the people in whom Christ has been conceived are of one spirit. And these are the people that God will use to discern what needs correction in your soul.


Galatians 3:27: For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ, you have put on Christ. All of you that have been baptized into Christ, ye are the holy angels, the body of Christ, the holy angels and the Lamb is the mind that rules them.


Ephesians 4:4-5: There is one body and one spirit even as ye are called in one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism. I want to take a minute to put this on the message. We have hundreds, if not thousands, maybe even more than thousands of believers that believe that this scripture supports the fact that there is no baptism with the Holy Spirit in this hour. They read this and they see one Lord, one faith, one baptism and they say how can there be a baptism with water and a baptism with the Holy Spirit? There is no baptism with the Holy Spirit. Brethren, brethren, God help me say this kindly. Brethren, the scripture is filled with examples where we have one thing and then God breaks it down into many parts. We have the spirit of the Lord that is broken down into the seven spirits. I can’t think of any other example right now. We have one Christ in many members. There is one baptism in several parts. Of course water baptism is just a natural type. It’s an act of faith that God requires. There is one baptism and that is -- these people that say this believe that the one baptism is water baptism. Which is the farthest thing from the truth. The one baptism is the baptism into the spirit of Christ where we become totally immersed in Christ and Adam disappears. The baptism spoken of here is neither water baptism nor is it the baptism with the Holy Spirit. But both of those two baptisms will ultimately lead us to the one baptism which is total immersion in the spirit of Almighty God which will come to pass when He marries us.


Glory to God.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: Revelation 14:10: That man -- that sinner that’s done those terrible things, he shall actively partake of the spirit of Almighty God’s passion when he shall have been exchanged by the undefeatable spirit of Almighty God into the soul of Christ, the place where the Father dwells and hungers for His wife and he shall be conformed. That sinner, he shall be conformed to the image of God by the spirit of God and by His Christ when that sinner is joined in spirit to the members of the body of Christ and to the Lamb, who is their mind. That man shall actively partake of the spirit of Almighty God’s passion. That’s marriage to Christ. When he shall have been exchanged by the power of the undefeatable spirit of Almighty God into the soul of Christ, the place where the Father dwells and hungers for His wife and that sinner, he shall be conformed to the image of God by the power of the spirit of God and by His Christ. When he is joined in spirit to the members of the body of Christ and to the Lamb, who is their mind.


This is one of those situations where the event that comes last in the natural appears first in the verse. To actively partake of the spirit of Almighty God’s passion. The first thing that you have to do is conceive Christ is to be joined in spirit to the members of the body of Christ and to the Lamb. You have to be conformed into His image by the power of God. You have to go through the judgment. You have to go through the tribulation. You have to confess your sins. You have to repent. You have to lay down your soul life. You have to give it up. I can count on less than two hands the number of believers that I know that are willing to give it up. Everybody wants to be a hero. Everybody wants to be a star. Everybody wants a ministry. Everybody wants to be a prophet. Everybody wants to stand up in front of the church and heal. Everybody wants to stand up and preach. Nobody wants to be persecuted. Nobody wants to take up their cross. Nobody wants to sacrifice their lives for their brother. And most of us don’t even want to obey God.


Glory to God.


I have one more comment before I recap the alternate translations. The Lord did call to my attention that there are verses in the Old Testament that sound very similar to this one. The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture. The Lord wanted me to comment on it because it really sounds bad. It really sounds like it’s terrible judgment and somewhere along the line some wise guy might come along and say that woman, she perverts the scriptures and she changes everything around. I read something that sounded just like it in the Book of Jeremiah and she’s completely changing the scripture around. I want to call your attention to Jeremiah 25:15-16: they read as follows: For thus saith the Lord God of Israel unto me take the wine cup of this fury at My hand and cause all the nations to whom I send thee to drink it. And they shall drink and be moved and be mad because of the sword that I will send among them. That sounds like pretty terrible judgment. I’d like to call your attention to the word fury.


Glory to God.


Take the wine cup of this fury. The word fury is Strong’s 2534 in the Hebrew and it means anger, hot displeasure and hot rage. I remind you that in verse 10 of chapter 14 of The Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John, the wine cup is the cup of the Lord’s indignation, which is the cup of His godly desire for His wife. Even though the verses sound the same the one is talking about the cup or the soul of His hot rage, of His anger and the other is talking about the cup or the soul which at that moment is manifesting a godly desire for His wife. The word cup merely means soul. We all know that one day our soul can be manifesting great love and the next day our soul can be manifesting great anger. So is true for God.


Glory to God.


The King James translators probably relied very heavily upon the similar Old Testament scriptures when they translated Revelation 14, not realizing that the only solution available to Israel’s sins was destruction. But that under the new covenant which is in the blood of Christ we have conversion available to us. I’m going to just take two minutes to talk about that. I don’t want to go to two messages tonight.


Brethren, under the old covenant no provision had yet been poured out to deal with sin through conversion. According to God’s plan and according to His righteousness the only way to deal with sin was to destroy the human vessel in which it was manifesting. God is so misunderstood. Can you be surprised, brethren, that as you move deeper and deeper into His spirit you are misunderstood? The most misunderstood person in the universe is Almighty God. What a tyrant. Stoning people to death. Brethren, God looks towards the good of the whole. Under the old covenant He wiped out sin before it could be passed down through other generations. He killed that adulterous woman so that she couldn’t produce child so that the whole nation of Israel could be spared from pollution. And that’s why the Old Testament is filled with the wrath and the fury of God. Because Israel never ceased from sinning. And God, because of His righteousness, had to deal with her with fury and judgment and destruction. But His Christ has been crucified. The spiritual work has been done. The provision for salvation and conversion and redemption is in the earth, brethren. God doesn’t have to destroy you anymore. He has the power to give you the soul of His Son and He will destroy your soul but you shall live in Christ. Behold, a new creature. And your life is [UNINTELLIGIBLE] Christ.


God help us.


Recap Revelation 14:9-10: And a third messenger from God accompanied the other two angels, preaching with an authoritative voice that if anyone submits to the lordship of the Adamic soul and the carnal mind, which are ruled by Satan, and revealed the spirit of Satan in their personality or behavior, that man shall actively partake of the spirit of Almighty God’s passion when he shall have been exchanged by the undefeatable spirit of Almighty God into the soul of Christ, the place where the Father dwells and hungers for His wife and he shall be -- that sinner -- he shall be conformed to the image of God by the power of the spirit of God and by His Christ when that sinner is joined in spirit to the members of the body of Christ and to the Lamb who is their mind. Brethren, God’s not destroying anybody. He’s converting the whole living soul into His image.


Hallelujah. Glory to God.


This is a very heavy point. We have a whole group of believers in the church that believe in what they call a doctrine of reconciliation. They believe that every human being that ever lived on the face of the earth shall appear again, shall be resurrected. They believe that God has the power to save a human vessel, a man as we know it, even after death.


Glory to God.


Then we have groups of people in the earth today that are at war with the doctrine of reconciliation and believe if you’re not saved before you die that there’s no hope for you. That you’re going to burn in Hell forever. And the Lord has revealed to us, Brethren, that neither of these doctrines are correct. I can’t re-teach the whole thing tonight. If this is the first message you’re listening to and you’d like to study this third possibility, write to me. We’ll get you the messages.


And that third possibility is that the living soul is spiritual, brethren. These bodies are just vessels that He lives in. It is the living soul that is being saved and the bodies and the personalities that appear on His tree for a season will not be heard from again. His spiritual substance, the life, the existence of the living soul is being converted. The living soul is a tree and each season that tree produces leaves. What we call men are the leaves of that tree. They live for a season and they pass away. It’s a hard word, but the truth shall set you free.


I just bless everybody that made it through this whole message. This was a very tough message. I want you to know that I worked last night and I didn’t even have it right. I sat down at my computer this morning, I thought I had another half an hour’s work and the Lord showed me that I didn’t have it right. It took me a long time to straighten this out and to put down what God was telling me or to even understand what God was telling me. This is His truth, brethren. I just bless everybody that made it through the whole message. I pray that God quicken it to your understanding. I pray that He do the work in you and I long -- I lust for the day that I see His truth going out to larger groups of people. Right now it seems to be just one here and one there. The ones that are called to the first fruits company, the ones that shall minister to the masses are being called in this hour. It’s so glorious, Lord. The truth is so glorious. But your carnal mind must be destroyed in order for you to believe it. He must be tread under the foot of the Son of God for you to know that it’s the truth and for you to come up out from under your childish selfishness that lusts to see your dead love ones again. Brethren, we are just leaves on a tree that shall pass away. But our spiritual substance which is Christ -- Christ in you and Christ in me -- shall endure forever.


Glory to God.


Any questions tonight?




05/16/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion 

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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