074 - Part 1
(Revelation 14)

Part 1 of 2 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Glory to God, brethren. I have two comments to make before we get into the message. One has nothing whatsoever to do with our -- any recent studies or any future studies, but it is an issue that I would like to record on message. I have been asked by believers my position on cremation, what I think about cremation. I don't think I have anything on a message about it at all. Whoever has asked me, I have told them that God has never spoken to me about cremation. The only I can tell you is that anyone that I've ever read about dying in the Scripture has been buried either under the ground or in a cave and that, to the best of my knowledge, there is no cremation in the Bible. And for that reason, I would not partake of it.


But the Lord spoke to me recently about cremation, and this is what He told me. He told me that there is nothing ungodly about cremation. Put your eggs and your tomatoes away, please. He told me that the whole Bible is a parable. It's a story that is to help us understand spiritual things. And the reason every time somebody dies in the Scripture -- the reason that they are buried in either a cave or under the ground and that a stone is put there to mark that grave is because this death, the death that occurs in this world system, is a type of the spiritual death which occurs when the Spirit of God incarnates into the flesh. When spiritual life -- I shouldn’t have said the Spirit of God. The spiritual life incarnates, and a baby is born. That spiritual life has entered into the realm of death, into the valley of the shadow of death, and it has died. And God puts a marker. His [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- the spiritual life -- the grave of the spiritual life is the soul and body that it's living in. And the stone that marks the grave is the spirit itself. Stones typify spirit.


So that's the only reason that this is the only form of burial in the Bible, because it is a death that is a type of spiritual death, and God is teaching us. But in this hour, He's calling us to be delivered from the letter of the law and from Pharisee-ism.


And I want to tell you something, brethren. The only reason that I would even consider cremation is that I am so offended at what the world has made of burial. You read the Scripture, brethren. Somebody dies. They stick them in a hole, and they forget about them. There's no gathering of thousands of hundreds or even tens of people. There's no clergymen saying a prayer. There's no $1,000 to $3,000 engraved headstone. There's no casket that costs from $1,000 to $5,000. There's no perpetual care of the grave. There are not fields of graves where you can pass by and see thousands of tombstones. There are no people visiting the graves. There's no flowers applied to the grave on the anniversary of the death. There are no mothers, wives or husbands weeping at the gravesite, speaking to the dead earth. There are no funeral parlors making thousands of dollars and a livelihood that has become a business from people dying.


It offends me, brethren. The thought of my daughter spending one red penny, one copper, to bury me offends me. The thought of a purchase of a $1,000 coffin, which is probably the most cheapest one you could but, the thought of purchasing a gravesite from someone who owns land, the thought of people standing around while some religious person speaks some religious, carnal prayer over me, the thought of people coming to a grave and speaking to me -- to the flesh that was my body, it offends me, brethren. The thought of a stone having engraving on it with my name and the date of my birth and the date of my death, where in the Bible does it say that, brethren? And I declare to you that if I were to die and it were legal in this country, which it's not, to dig a hole in the ground outside my house and stick me in it and put a stone on it that you picked up in the field, I'd say bury me like they tell you in the Bible, brethren.


But I don't want to partake of this garbage that's going on in this country today. I don't want a grave that's purchased. I don't want a headstone that's engraved. I don't want a coffin that's made professionally. I don't want a model picked out, coffin A,B,C or D. I don't want flowers. I don't want perpetual care. I don't want a carnal clergyman saying the Lord's prayer over me. I don't want people standing there and crying, and I don't want visitors coming to that carcass that was my body.


And I'm putting it right on this message. If I die, Maria, cremate me. Don’t you dare participate in this abomination which is a perversion of the Scriptural method of dying. Burn this carcass. I am spirit. And if God lets this body and this soul die, you burn it. And don't you let anybody use it as a source of idolatry, and don't you let anybody use it as a source of making money, and don't you let anybody profane it by using it for the purposes of this wicked society that we live in. Burn it. Don't save the ashes. Scatter the ashes. The only thing that lives shall be my spirit.


Glory to God. We have a comment in the congregation.


            [INAUDIBLE] I feel the same way that you feel. I used to tell my kids to burn -- I wish they could burn me in the backyard. But with the burning, they even go trough a ritual. They even make you pay for a casket that's going to be burnt       up. And they go through all the big, you know, ceremony, even with the burning.


Well, if we can't find a crematory -- is that the [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- the crematory that will do it without and to-do, at least we will avoid having a marked place where people will visit. But I would definitely investigate. I would suspect that somewhere there's a crematory that would do it with [?any ado?]. You'd have to pay for it of course, but it's nothing at all like having a wake and a burial. [?You know?], so we are restricted by the society that we live in and by the country that we live in. We -- the body would have to be cremated by a licensed person, and the best we could do is look for somebody that will do it as simply as possible. My spirit just tells me that there are people out there, at least in this hour. I don't know about another couple hundred years from now, but hopefully Christ will have appeared by then. My heart just tells me that there are crematories out there that will do it with no fanfare at all and a very reasonable price, probably just a couple hundred dollars, and dispose of everything.


What an abomination. Do you know, brethren, man can't do anything right? He gets it right for a very short season, and it becomes perverted. He can't walk that line. No matter what kind of good g- -- and we know that everything that's good comes from Christ, the Christ that's buried in the earth of the living soul. Everything that's good that surfaces, in a short period of time, becomes perverted. Man cannot stay on the straight line unless he is joined to Christ in some measure. He perverts everything. So that is my comment on cremation.


Glory to God. I'll repeat it. If I could find a place to be buried without any fanfare, not in a graveyard, in a grave just marked by a stone, un-inscribed. According to Bible ways, I would choose that, but I don't see how that's possible in this hour. And I see -- I perceive cremation -- in view of the severe idolatry that's surrounding our society's manner of burying people, I perceive cremation to be preferable. Now the church world really has something to crucify me on. Glory to God.


OK, the second comment that I would like to make does affect something that I've been preaching about for a long time now. And my pride isn't too happy about this, but I did -- I have found an error in my preaching, and I have to tell you about it. I have this on a lot of, lot of, lot of messages, but, praise God. I have been teaching you for almost 2 years that the Holy Spirit is the vehicle that fertilizes our human spirit. And a few weeks ago, the thought caught my mind or the Scripture came to my mind where Jesus said My spirits are words -- are truth, and My spirit are life, and I think I even preached it on a message that when a preacher preaches under the anointing, the words go forth, their spirit and their truth, and they fall upon your heart.


And all of a sudden, it just clicked in my mind. And I said, well, Lord, if the words of the preacher are what's falling upon your heart and rooting there and become the engrafted Word of God, well, then, how is the Holy Spirit fertilizing you? And I prayed about it for a couple of weeks, and the Lord spoke to me. And He told me that the Holy Spirit does not fertilize our human spirit. I have been in error. And He di- -- He reminded me that the Holy Spirit is the type of the servant that Abraham sent to get a bride for Isaac. The Holy Spirit comes to us to -- and He comes with gifts to bring us to a place where we can receive the preached word that comes forth under the anointing. The Holy Spirit comes. He brings healing. He brings deliverance. He brings prophecy. He brings joy. Sometimes He brings, you know, all kinds of spiritual presents. He brings us to a place where we start reading the Bible, and we start gathering in groups. And we submit to an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and He gets us in the state of mind that hopefully, eventually, will bring us to a place where we hear the true Word of God, the gospel of the kingdom, preached under the anointing.


And I know, for one, that I would have never been in the church where the anointed word fell upon my heart if the Holy Spirit had not come to me first and directed me to be a member of that church for well over a year before the gospel of the kingdom was brought to that church. So the Holy Spirit is the servant that prepares us to meet the bridegroom, and the bridegroom is either Christ in a preacher who has -- in whom He has been conceived or the Spirit of Christ, which was an imputed anointing, upon a preacher who is preaching a true word. Is there any question about that at all?


You can receive the Word of God, which is the -- and the words that come forth from the preacher are likened to the many sperm that are introduced into a woman when she's trying to conceive. And those words must come forth either from a man with a measure of the imparted anointing, which means Christ has been conceived in him and Christ is preaching through the preacher, or through a preacher that is under an imputed anointing of Christ. In other words, h- -- God has brought to this man the message of the gospel of the kingdom. In my case, it was the message of sonship. And it was God bringing this message of sonship to the preacher, and an imputed anointing of the soul of Christ was imputed to this preacher to preach this true word so that whoever was in the congregation that it was the will of the Lord to be fertilized could be fertilized. It must come from a soul of Christ, either imputed or imparted.


Only the Word of God can reproduce the Word of God in another man's heart. This Holy Spirit is not the Word of God. We shall be saved in childbearing, brethren. And the child that we're bearing is Christ, and Christ is the Word of God. So it takes the Word of God to reproduce the Word of God. The male, the Word of God, Jesus Christ, must fertilize the female to bring forth His Son. It's the Son of the Word. It's not the Son of the Holy Spirit. It's the reproduction of the Word in each and every member of the living soul, ultimately. Is there any question on that?


Ouch, my pride, ouch, ouch, ouch. Well, this was an easy one. I can't even imagine preaching the rapture for years and having to stand up and say there is no rapture. That takes a very big man, and I don't think there are many people that could do it.


And for those of you who may be listening to this message as one of the first messages of this ministry, I repeat that I use the word man as a generic term. I consider anyone in a female body that is manifesting Christ a male. So when I say a man preaches, I mean a human being that has been anointed by God to preach the gospel of the kingdom. Brethren, women do not preach the gospel of the kingdom, but you cannot tell whether it's a man or a woman preaching by a human being's personal genitals. It is a spiritual sex that we are talking about. So you hear me speaking a lot about men. I'm talking about spiritual men. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Glory to God. You don't hear anything in the Bible about a daughter of God. You're a son of God, brethren. If you're joined to Christ in your mind, you become His son. You're male. You're male; it has nothing to do with your body. Glory to God.


OK, we have just come out of a 10 part series in the Book of Daniel where we studied Chapter 7, all about Daniel's beasts. And we did that after we came out of -- I don't know how long the series was in Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation where we studied the first beast and the other beast. The Scripture does not say the second beast. It says another beast, of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John. And now, we are starting tonight in Chapter 14. We're starting to study about the Lamb who has appeared on Mount Zion.


So we're starting with Verse 1. Glory to God. "And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the Mount Zion, and with Him a hundred forty and four thousand, having His Father's name written in their foreheads."


Now, I'll tell you in advance that we'll be doing three verses tonight, the first three verses. And they're largely very repetitious of verses that are found, I believe, in Chapter 5, yes, Chapter 5 of the Book of Revelation. I'm not going to be redoing all of that teaching. I'm just going to be giving you references to review if you'd like to follow up or get a deeper understanding of these expressions.


So let's go on with Verse 1 of Chapter 14 of the Book of Revelation. "And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the Mount Zion." The word looked, that means to see in the spirit. We've been using this expression since the early chapters of the Book of Rev- -- of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John. And I remind you that the apostle John has received a visitation from the Lord Jesus Christ. He is in a trance. He has been caught up. His soul has been joined by the soul of Christ and has been elevated to the spiritual realm of God. And he is seeing into the future of the human race, of the living soul. God is giving him a vision. He is giving him a lesson. He is giving him an exhortation of what the end of the living so- -- of what the beginning and through -- all the way through to the end of the living soul shall be.


But He is giving John this information through the spiritual language of symbols. He is not speaking to John in the English language. He's showing John visions of symbols and saying, John, now you put it into the English language and write -- or not the English language. But you put it into He- -- the language that human beings can understand, and you write it down in a book so that the rest of the world can partake of this vision that you have entered into. So John looked. He continued to look. He's been looking all the way back from the beginning of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John. So he continued to look, and now he sees a Lamb standing on the Mount Zion.


And I remind you that the word Lamb typifies Jesus Christ. Now, we know that Jesus Christ has many titles, and He has many names. And we have mentioned prior to this that every time Jesus Christ takes a different title or uses a different word to describe Himself, it's not because He's bored. It's because He's trying to impart to us an understanding of what He is doing when He takes this name. if Jesus Christ describes Himself as kings of kings and Lord of lords, He is explaining to us that He is the greatest in the realm of the spirit and He is the greatest in the realm of the soul.


When He describes Himself as a Lamb, He is giving Himself another message -- I'm sorry. He's giving us or the world another message about what? About who He is. This book is called the Revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ to St. John. Jesus Christ is revealing Himself to the apostle John for the specific purpose of the apostle John revealing the Lord Jesus Christ first to the church and then to the entire world.


And what does it mean to be revealed? It means to be known, to be understood. The Lord wants puny man to know Him, to understand how He thinks and why He does things and what's happening to the world and the people in it. He wants us to understand, but it's very hard for a superior life form to impart knowledge from His intelligence down to people that are on such a low spiritual level as we human beings. So Jesus Christ is engaged in an elaborate process of expressing spiritual truth so that men could understand it.


And we are involved today in partaking of that process, because not only can we read this book that was written by the apostle John and understand. If you've been studying these messages from the beginning, you might remember that it's not enough to just read the words of this book. The words of the book must be illuminated. How? By the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ joining Himself to the mind of the preacher so that the words that come out of the preacher's mouth are as close to truth as possible in view of my imperfection. And then He's illuminating the minds of the listener, joining Himself to the mind of the listener wherever they are in their spiritual growth, helping them to understand my words. That's what's going on, brethren.


So John continued to look, and he saw a Lamb. And the Lamb, we're told -- we studied the Lamb in several chapters prior to this. There's no question that the Lamb is Jesus. But what I never told you in the past -- I don't think I ever looked up the word lamb in Webster's, and I did it this time. I didn't even look this up in Webster's. I looked up the word Lamb in Strong's Concordance, which I don't believe I ever did in any of the earlier chapters because the whole church world knows that Jesus is the Lamb. But I looked it up today, and Strong's said that a lamb -- this is a lamb, which is a young sheep, less than 1 year of age who still has his baby teeth. This is a baby sheep, male. The word sheep can refer to male or female. The word lamb, or this Greek word anyway -- I don't know about the English, but the Greek word that's translated lamb refers to a male lambkin, a baby sheep less than a year old who still has his baby teeth.


Now, how could Jesus be described as such a young being? Well, brethren, the Lord Jesus Christ was a spirit. He was spirit that had no beginning and no end, but there was an hour in which He was joined to the earth. And it's the full intention and has been the full intention of the Father to birth the spirit of His son as a soul man and eventually a spiritual man. And the reason the word lamb is used in the Book of the Revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ is that its intention is to impart to you that the will of that Father has been accomplished. The spiritual life of His Son has been joined to the earth and birthed as a soul and then a spiritual man. And He is a very young spiritual man standing here on Mount Zion, less than a year old. I declare to you, the one in the same is the man-child of Revelation 12, a baby, brethren, the beginning of the creation of God.


Hallelujah. Another question that might be going through your mind is how can Jesus call the church His sheep when -- and He Himself a Lamb? How can Jesus say I -- My sheep, they hear My voice when Jesus Himself is the Lamb? And I declare to you that in the Scriptures where Jesus says that, My sheep, hear My voice, in that -- those Scriptures, He is not a Lamb. In those Scriptures, He is in the role of the shepherd of the sheep. Jesus Christ, by His spirit, can take many different roles in His relationship to His people.


Glory to God. Hallelujah. OK, I would like to remind you, also, that the Lord describes the totality or the whole of the mature creation as a sheep in Daniel 7. And you can review that on Message 71, Part 4, if you like.


So what am I saying? I'm saying that a lamb typifies -- or a sheep typifies animal life, and the soul is the animal life of the creation. This -- I'm reading you my note. I told you this already. Lamb is the word Jesus uses to signify that He is appearing in the form He took when His soul life was joined to His spiritual life. Behold, the Lord that taketh away the sins of the world, even the glorified soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ, not His life before His glorification, now, His glorified soul life. Hallelujah.


Hallelujah. Glory to God. OK, remember further with me, please, that the Lamb -- the soul life of Jesus Christ first appears in the Book of Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John in Chapters 5 through 7, which chapters take place in the realm of the spirit and the realm of the soul. My point, Jesus has not yet appeared in the realm of appearance in these chapters.


You can review, if you like, message number 66, Part 4, which speaks about the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world. And I will remind you about that. We have a study on that. I just gave you the number of the message, that the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world is the spiritual life of Jesus Christ that died when it entered into the earth.


You also might like to review Message 31, Part 2 where we discussed the blood of the Lamb, which talks about the glorified soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ.


And you also might want to review Message 40, Part 3, which is a very controversial message in which we discussed the fact that the slain Lamb of God, the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the earth, the spiritual life of God that was slain so that He could be joined to the earth, is in fact the resurrected Christ and natural man. I'll just comment a couple of minutes on that. The Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the earth, the spiritual life of Jesus Christ, was joined to the earth in which Satan was present, and He -- His spiritual life died.


He became [?rich?] -- He became poor that we might become rich. What does that mean? Jesus Christ lost all His spiritual authority for a season so that this world could be formed. We -- every human being on the face of the earth, excuse me, has been formed out of the very life substance of the slain Lamb. The natural man is the Son of God that lost His spiritual authority when He was joined to the earth.


However, in the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Father God has begun to resurrect this slain Son of God. And in the realm of the spirit, from the mind of God, with the eyes of God, from the moment that Jesus Christ of Nazareth was resurrected, in the mind of God, the whole living soul was resurrected. But we know that down here on the soul realm, we're waiting for it to come to pass. We're waiting for it to manifest. We're waiting for it to be appropriated in each and every human being alive.


So what am I saying? I’m saying there was a spiritual entity named the Son of God. He had all authority, all of the authority of the Father, and He laid down that authority to be joined to the earth, to be the water that was joined to the dust that formed the clay out of which mankind was made. And the way the Lord set it up was that for a season, He would have to lose His spiritual authority. So for a season, the entire living soul, fallen man, could be called the Lamb, the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the earth.


But as of 2,000 years ago, from the day that Jesus Christ of Nazareth was raised up, the first of many brethren, the first member of the living soul to be resurrected back unto the spiritual authority that He laid down at the foundation of the earth, from that day forward, God stopped calling fallen man the Lamb, and He started calling resurrected man the Lamb. Because as far as He's concerned, it's done already. If I've confused you, I'm sorry. If you have any questions and you'd like to contact me, I'll try to make it clearer to you. I understand that it's a difficult concept.


OK, let's go on. Glory to God. So what am I suggesting to you? In Chapters 5 through 7, we're discussing Jesus Christ. We're discussing the Lamb in the realm of the spirit and the soul and that this Lamb does not appear in the realm of appearance until Chapter 14. So what we are seeing in Chapter 14 is the appearance of the spiritual life of the Son of God birthed in a soul man appearing in the realm of appearance. Hallelujah.


"And He stood on Mount Zion." The word stood is Strong's 2476. We've had this word a lot. It's the Greek word histemi, and it is the Greek word that means to abide, appoint, continue, establish. And it is the Greek word used to describe the reality of a human being standing up in spiritual strength. The living soul is fallen. It's lying down. The soul realm has authority over it. God is in the process of standing this living soul back up on its feet, and when it stands back up on its feet, the soul realm, which is ruled by Satan, shall be under the feet of the creation of God.


But there is no way, brethren, that you are standing up in spiritual strength without righteousness. Your heart must be converted. You must be converted. You must confess your sin. You must repent. You must submit to the delivering judgments of God, and your heart must be converted. A spiritual change must take place in your heart, rendering you incapable of sin. And [?you?ye?] stand in the power of Almighty God over every horror of the soul realm in victory. Glory to God.


So he's John. He saw the Lamb. Now what did I just say the Lamb is? I said as of 2,000 years ago, the Lamb is those members of those -- of the living soul that have been resurrected. Remember? Jesus Christ is the Lamb. He has been resurrected, and every member of the living soul that is resurrected and joined to Him in His resurrected life is a member of the Lamb company.


So John looked on Mount Zion, and He saw a Lamb. He saw a Lamb standing. He saw a human being, we're going to find out, in many members, that have been resurrected out from among the dead ones, standing in spiritual strength with the soul realm under their feet. And they were standing on Mount Zion. The word mount is Strong's 3775, and I'm not going to spend too much time on that. We've talked about mountains. You can review these teachings on Message 10. Mountains in the Scripture refer to -- they can refer to nations in the realm of appearance, and spiritually they refer to projecting spiritual power that permeates beyond the body.


Zion is 4622. There was nothing much about it in the Greek, so I checked it out in the Hebrew for you. The word Zion, in the Hebrew, means a permanent capital. And, brethren, I remind you that the soul that we're living in is not permanent. Our souls die, brethren. Why? From sin. The living soul has fallen, and every member of the living soul that is born must leave this Earth realm because our soul is corrupt as a result of sin. But the Lord has promised us a permanent home for our spiritual life to dwell in. It's called the New Jerusalem. It's called the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ that shall live for the life of the ages. And we must move our spiritual substance from the fallen soul of Adam into the glorified soul of the Lord Jesus Christ if we are to receive the promises of the Bible.


We must move, brethren. We must come out of Egypt. We must get through the wilderness. We must cross Jordan, and we must enter into the Promise Land of the glorified soul of the Lord Jesus Christ. And if you think that that's going to happen to you while you sit around your table stuffing yourself with turkey and having no problems, you are mistaken, brethren. It's going to be a battle, and you've got to do your part.


Hallelujah. This word means a permanent capital in the sense of conspicuousness [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. In other words, the name means that it's obviously seen as something rising out of a dry place. It comes from a root that refers to a dry place or a wilderness. And I remind you of all the Scriptures, particularly in the prophet -- in the writings of the prophet Isaiah where he says a root shall break forth out of dry ground or where the desert was -- what was desert, it shall be blooming with vegetation. Brethren, the dry ground is the dead living soul, and the life of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be growing in a place where it's impossible for anything to grow. Why? Because the Lord Jesus Christ doesn't need anything from this soul realm to grow. His seed is within Him, and He'll come forth anyplace, in His own season, according to His own will.


Hallelujah. It -- this word Zion also means a sign or a mark. And you might want to review Message 27, thy la- -- "Thy Neighbor's Landmark," which speaks about the landmark people of Almighty God telling us that when the Lord was dwelling in natural Israel, any human being -- or not any, but it was possible for a human being to hear about Israel as Naaman did. Naaman heard about Israel from a Hebrew servant girl. She said, brother Naaman, you have leprosy. You have cancer. There's a prophet in Israel that heals by the power of God. And Naaman got the word, and he went to Israel, and he found the man in whom this healing power resided. Although, I don't want anyone calling me on this. I'm very aware that Elijah went to him. Naaman made the mistake of going to the king of Israel.


But my whole point is that at least he knew how to get to Israel. And once he got to Israel, the Lord sent His prophet to him. In this hour, it's impossible but by the anointing of God to find the life of His Spirit. I know there's a church world out there, brethren, but most of the world rejects it and for very good reason. It's filled with false doctrine, filled with sin. It has many, many, many problems. And all Israel are not Israel. The true anointed of God are not on T.V. The true anointed of God are hidden, and you can only get to them if the Lord leads you. But the Lord has promised that He will have a landmark people, that He will have a people in the earth where anybody can know where to go if they wanted the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.


So Mount Zion is typifying that obvious place that is projecting out of a dry ground, even the Israel of God, man, the sons of God manifesting in the earth, where the heathen can look up and say, my God, this sin is overtaking me. I repent. I'm going to Zion. Let us go up to the mountain of the Lord and seek His mercy and see if He will not have mercy upon us. Glory to God.


I’ve watched videotapes, brethren, of ministries. Now, don't -- you know, don't get me wrong. The ministries that are in the earth today, they're doing the best they can, but, brethren, they're an in-part ministry. They're not the real thing. They're just a temporary measure until the sons of God manifest. I recently watched a videotape of a ministry down in Times Square. And the preacher was calling people, and a man came up, and he was so desperate. She said to him, would you bow your head? And the man was so desperate, he went down on all fours. I don't know what God did for him, maybe a little and maybe nothing. Some people are getting helped in this hour, but the day's coming, brethren, that everyone that asks God for mercy shall be delivered. This is an in-part ministry that's in the earth today. Some people get it, and some people don't. Now, don't be naïve. It's a statistic. Thousands of people answer these altar calls at these meetings, and more than 50 percent of them fall away. It is not a lasting conversion. It's an in-part ministry, brethren. Glory to God.


So I have a few Scriptures for you on Zion, to give you an idea of the significance of the Lamb appearing on Mount Zion. Mount Zion is the city of David, II Kings, Chapter 8, Verse 1. "Then Solomon assembled the elders of Israel, and all the heads of the tribes, the chief of the fathers of the children of Israel, unto Solomo- -- unto king Solomon in Jerusalem, that they might bring up the ark of the covenant of the Lord out of the city of David, which is Zion."


 Zion is dwelt in by the Lord. Psalms 9:11, "Sing praises to the Lord, which dwelleth in Zion." Zion has sinned. Micah 1:13, "O thou inhabitant of Lachish, bind the chariot to the swift beast: she is the beginning of the sin to the daughter of Zion: for the transgressions of Israel were found in thee." So Zion is a city. I suggest to you it's the New Jerusalem. The Lord dwells there, and we know that the temple of the Lord are human beings. And then we find out that Zion is sinned, so obviously Zion is made up of many people in which the Lord is dwelling, and they have sinned.


All in Zion are not Zion, or all in Zion are not Israel. II Kings 19:31, "For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and they that escape out of Mount Zion." There's going to be an escape out of Mount Zion. A remnant is going forth out of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the soul, and Mount Zion is the spiritual realm of that soul. If God dwells in Zion, God dwells in a m- -- when God dwells in a man, He joins to that human spirit of that man. The Lord is in Zion, the spiritual realm, and the word is spoken out of the soul realm. Glory to God.


Zion shall be restored by the Lord. Isaiah 52, Verse 8, "Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing: for they shall see eye to eye, when the Lord shall bring again Zion." God is going to restore the fallen members of His true church.


Zion shall be restored. How? Through judgment. Isaiah 1, Verse 27, "Zion shall be redeemed with judgment, and her converts with righteousness." Brethren, you're not going to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and be raptured to streets of gold. You receive the Holy Spirit for a season and then the judgment, brethren, that will restore righteousness to your soul.


Zion shall bear children. Isaiah 66, Verse 8, "Who hath heard such a thing? Who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children." Brethren, this is not speaking about Israel being raised up in the Middle East. There is a nation -- a spiritual nation about to be birthed. They shall be saved through childbearing, and the child that's being born is being born in their mind, and His name is the Lord Jesus Christ. And when that happens, the law shall go out of Zion.


Isaiah 2, Verse 3, "And He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths: for our of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem." The spiritual law of God shall proceed forth from your spirit that is joined to Christ, the law that prevents you from sinning. Mount Zion shall judge the flesh. After Christ appears in the high realms of the spirit, in the minds of these members of the living soul, saviors shall appear. What that means is that each and every human being that Christ appears in shall become a saver -- a savior.


Obadiah 21, and when those saviors stand up in full spiritual strength and in righteousness, they shall judge their own souls, and they shall judge the flesh realm. "And saviors shall come up on Mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the Lord's." Brethren, the mount of Esau is the flesh man, and the flesh man shall come into submission to Christ.


OK, we're continuing with, "And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the Mount Zion." I remind you that mountains typify nations in the Scripture. And I'm suggesting to you that the Lamb standing on Mount Zion is the corporate firstfruits company, the man-child of Revelation 12, even Jesus Christ appearing in His offspring, the 42nd generation, and they're appearing in the realm of appearance.


Alternate Translation, first third, Revelation, Chapter 14, Verse 1, "And I continued to look at the vision, and there it was, the newly born soul life of Jesus Christ standing in full spiritual authority in the realm of appearance where He could be seen by men. And I continued to look at the vision" -- John speaking -- "and there it was, the newly born soul life of Jesus Christ standing in full spiritual authority in the realm of appearance where He could be seen by men."


Continuing with, "And with Him a hundred forty and four thousand." If you'd like to review this expression, with Him, you could do that on message number 18, Part 4. And we spoke about this expression being used in Genesis 3 where it's -- where Eve was tempted by the serpent and she ate of the forbidden fruit, and she gave also to her husband with her. And we found out that in those days, Adam and Eve were one. They were one entity. If you are a pregnant woman and you eat, you give to your baby that is with you. So I'm suggesting to you that the 144,000 that were with Him were literally one with Him. How were they one with Him? They were many membered soul men, and they were joined to the spirit of Jesus Christ in their minds, and they were one man.


The term 144,000 you can review on Message 38, Part 3, if you like, and also on Message 42, Part 4. And I just remind you that the correct Greek translation is thousands of hundred and forty fours. 144 is the number which describes the spiritually completed man. Six is a nat- -- typifies the natural man. 12 typifies the spiritual man, such as Jesus be- -- was before the crucifixion. And the number 144 typifies the completed or glorified man.


Now, this doesn't not include the adoption of His body. We're just talking about His spiritual life now. And that was -- hmm, I don't know if this is right or not. I'm not going to take any time on this. I wrote down Jesus after the crucifixion. I think I made a mistake here. I don't think that this is referring to men that have had adopted bodies yet, that have had their bodies adopted yet. I'm going to skip over this. I'm not going to get into it now, maybe on another message.


Remember also that the number 1,000 typifies the human spirit that was separated from Satan. You can review that on the exhibit that goes with Message 71, Part 5. So we see in the realm of appearance a group of men to whom Christ has been added, whose spirits have been separated from Satan and who have received the double portion sealing of Christ swallowing up their Adamic soul. Christ has appeared in their human spirits. He stood up in full stature, and He has joined --


Ah, OK, thank you, Jesus. That's it, OK. Number six typifies the natural man. Number 12 typifies the spiritual man such as Jesus was before the crucifixion. And Jesus Christ, in that condition, was standing in full stature, totally author- -- taking full authority over the soul man that He had received from the line of David. But that soul man was not dead. We know that it tempted Him after the baptism. The soul man that He was joined to rose up and tempted Him, but the spiritual life of the Lord Jesus Christ prevailed, put Satan under His foot, brought him into submission to the spirit of holiness and walked in the full power of the anointing. However, the number 144 typifies the joining of the victories spiritual life of Jesus Christ to the soul life that is already in submission. Glory to God.


Now, in -- with regard to Jesus Christ of Nazareth, this happened, basically, at the same time that His body was adopted. I believe the Lord has told me that this will be happening in the sons of God. Their -- the spiritual life of Jesus Christ will be joined to their soul life that has been brought into submission, and they will stay in that condition for a season before their body is adopted. This is [?one?] -- the revelation that I'm walking in right now.


Brethren, these little technicalities really aren't important. If you don't understand it, don't worry about it. If you don't agree with me, don't worry about it. Because if I'm wrong, the Lord's just going to change it anyway, and I'm going to have to tell you about it. We're just trying to find out the truth. The most important thing is that we know that Christ is appearing in us, that He taking authority over our soul man and that we shall be converted into a spiritual condition whereby it is impossible for us to sin, and we shall be judged righteous. And in that condition, we shall go forth in the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and bring every member of the living soul up to where we are. That's the only thing that you have to understand. This Bible isn't -- is not that important. Glory to God. Hallelujah. OK, so what are we up to now?


Alternate Translation, second third of Revelation, Chapter 14, Verse 1, "And He was appearing in His firstfruits company, which was separated from Satan in their mind, and raised to a higher state of being." The Lord Jesus Christ, by His glorified, resurrected spirit that has ascended to the right hand of the Father was appearing in a many membered firstfruits company. How? By being joined to them in their minds. And because He was joined to them in their minds, they had been elevated to a higher state of being whereby they were incapable of sin. They had become righteous.


Glory to God. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. Continuing with, "Having His Father's name written in their foreheads." So these -- the members of this company, of this Lamb company had the name of Jesus' Father written in their forehead. The Father refers to Father God. The word name, I remind you, typifies spirit in the Scripture. And the word written is Strong's 1125. We discuss that in an earlier message, Message 39, Part 1, where we spoke about the little book, I believe, of Revelation 5. Let me not put the wrong chapter on this message. Revelation 5, the sealed book was engraved. It was written upon, and we studied that on Message 39, Part 1, if you'd like to review it. And we found out that the writing refer- -- well, let me tell you. Let me go a little further first.


And it was written on their foreheads. The word forehead is 3359, and we studied that word with regard to the mark of the beast on Message 42, Part 3, if you'd like to review that. I'll just remind you that we found out that the forehead was referring to the soul. So when we speak about having the Father's name written on their forehead, we're talking about the spirit of the Father being engraved upon their souls.


Brethren, in case you didn't know it, that's the work of the Lord Jesus Christ, to engrave the spirit of the Father, which is the nature of the Father, which is the character of the Father, which is the righteousness of the Father, upon your soul. And in case you didn't know it, the engraving that you have upon your soul now is Satan. I don't care if you have the Holy Spirit. I don't care how much revelation you have. I don't care if you speak in tongues. I don't care if you're a deacon in the church. The engraving upon your soul is Satan, and that engraving has to get erased, brethren. And you have to receive the engraving of the righteousness of Almighty God.


Alternate Translation, third third, Revelation 14, Verse 1. "And the Father's nature was engraved in each of their souls."


Alternate Translation, Revelation 14, Verse1, "And I continued to look at the vision, and there it was, the newly born soul life of Jesus Christ standing in full spiritual authority in the realm of appearance where He could be seen by men. And He was appearing in His firstfruits company, which was separated from Satan in their mind, and raised to a higher state of being. And the Father's mature -- and the Father's nature was engraved in each of their souls."


Hallelujah. Glory to God. Verse 2, "And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps." The word voice we've studied -- we've been studying it all through the Book of Revelation. It's not necessarily referring to language. It can be referring to an utterance, a spiritual disclosure.


Heaven we just studied on the message from the last meeting, message number 71, Part 10. We had a whole study on the fact that heaven -- there are two heavens, and it's either -- we're either talking about the spiritual realm of God or the spiritual realm of the soul, and this all exists in the mind.


Many waters you can review on Message 32, Part 1. I remind you that water typifies the soul, and many waters would mean many souls. John heard a sound which sounded like it was being made by many souls, but you see, they were all saying the same thing. So he wasn't sure whether it was many souls speaking or one. He heard one spiritual disclosure, but it wasn't exactly clear, because there were so many souls saying it at the same time. It sounded like the voice of many waters, God speaking through many men.


Glory to God. And as the voice of a great thunder. The word great meaning large, mighty, authoritative. We've had this several times during our recent studies. And thunder we studied on Message 32, Part 5. I remind you that the spiritual application of thunder is a -- well, thunder is a s- -- natural thunder is a sound that is made when electricity or lightning passes either between two clouds, which are two soul men, or between a cloud and the earth. Thunder is the sound when spiritual life passes from a man that's dwelling in the heavenly realm of God and another man in the same condition or between a man that's under a heavy anointing and a carnal person. And when that carnal person receives that spiritual electricity, he can receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit, he can receive a healing. His hu- -- his spirit can be quickened, can be fertilized. Several things can happen.


Alternate Translation, the first half of Revelation, Chapter 14, Verse 2, "And I was aware that a communication came from the spiritual realm of God, and it sounded like it was being expressed through many souls and like an authoritative voice in the realm of appearance."


"And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as a -- and as the voice of a great thunder." " And I was aware that a communication came from the spiritual realm of God. " "And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters." "And it sounded like it was being expressed through many souls." "And as the voice of a great thunder." "And like an authoritative voice in the realm of appearance."


Now, what this is talking about, brethren, is the fact that the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the minds of his firstfruits company, uttered a spiritual communication. To where? To the spirit in the individual man. And that individual man then spoke what he heard from God in a human language so that men that were utterly carnal could understand what God was saying to them. And we study that on Message 49, Part 1.


And if you want to know, brethren, why it's necessary for Jesus Christ to utter a communication directly to the spirit of His sons so that they could speak it in human language, turn on the radio and listen to the garbage that the preachers are preaching today, because I declare to you, brethren, they have not heard the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ.


But there has been a spiritual communication uttered in -- by the spirit that is joined to their spirit, and I declare to you, brethren, the name of that spirit is Satan. And he is pouring his false doctrine and his garbage into the ears and into the hearts and into the minds of the innocent people of God that are seeking Him with all of their heart and soul. And they're looking to this existing fivefold ministry because they believe that they're the landmark, but they're not the landmark. They're a counterfeit. They're a lie. They're a temporary paper mache model, and God never anointed them to preach prophecy. Come down out of the pulpit if you won't shut your mouths. You're not anointed to preach prophecy. And stop misleading the people, because if you don't repent and stop doing it, God's going to take you down, and He's going to stand up in your place, brethren, the firstfruits company of righteous men who will hear from God and del- -- faithfully deliver that word to God's people, that they might live and not die.


I've got a flash for you, brethren. This is not a contest about who's right. This is not a contest about your pride or my pride. This is not a contest, brethren. We are talking about death and life. You preach a lie; you kill those people.


Continuing with, "And I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps." We studied harps on Messages Thir- -- messages number 39, Parts 2 and 3. And we found out that the harp symbolizes, excuse me, the natural man whose nature is evil. So the harper is one who plays the harp. He is the one who controls the natural man with an evil nature. And who is that but the spiritual man. And the expression, harping their harps, refers to the spiritual man in the sons of God or in the firstfruits company causing their natural man to function or to perform as God ordained. And how has God ordained the natural man to function? God has ordained that he should serve the spiritual man. He is not to rule. He is not to preach. He is not to teach.


Alternate Translation, second half of the Revelation of four- -- I'm sorry. Second half of cha- -- of Revelation, Chapter 14, Verse 2, "And I understood that Christ was ruling in the mind of each member of the firstfruits company and that each son of God was ruling his own soul."


Alternate Translation, Revelation, Chapter 14, Verse 2, "And I was aware that a communication came from the spiritual realm of God, and it sounded like it was being expressed through many souls" -- that' the firstfruits company -- "and it also sounded like i-" -- well, that's in the realm of the soul. It was being expressed through many souls. "And it also sounded like an authoritative voice in the realm of appearance."


Hear that, brethren, one voice, no variation in doctrine, the truth of God's word being spoken by many sons all saying exactly the same thing.


"And I understood that Christ was ruli-" -- why? Because, "I understood that Christ was ruling in the mind of each member of the firstfruits company and that each son of God, each member of the firstfruits company, was ruling his own soul."


The garbage you're hearing preached, brethren, is the doctrine of the soul realm, which is ruled by Satan. The rapture's coming this year.


Verse 3, "And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the 144,000, which were redeemed from the earth."


Now, if I haven't made it clear, brethren, what we are dealing with in these first three verses of Chapter 14 is the events taking place in Chapter 5 appearing in the realm of appearance. The events described in Chapter 5 are appearing in the realm of appearance in Chapter 14, and we're going on with Verse 3.


"And they sung." Who? The members of the firstfruits company. "They sung as it were a new song before the throne." The word song, we did a study on that in message -- on Message 39, Part 3. We found out that a song refers to harmony that is produced from many different instruments playing in a manner that they complement one another. And the harmony produced in the minds of the firstfruits company is produced because they are all thinking with the same mind, which is the mind of Christ. Their spirits are in submission to the spirit of Jesus Christ, and their souls are in submission to their spirit. And they may not be saying the exact same sentences like robots. They may have different sounding voices. Some may have female bodies, and some may have male bodies, so their voice can be heavier or lighter. But the spiritual message that's being preached is exactly the same, without variation in spiritual substance.


Hallelujah. So they sung as it were a new song. It's a new song because it's a new soul, brethren. It's the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ. They're no longer seeking -- singing the soul -- the song of the living soul, which is a nightmare that could be likened to the bever- -- the perversion of the worst rock and roll music you can imagine. They're singing the song of Christ. They're all thinking with His mind and dwelling in His soul.


And they were doing this before the throne. And we've had many teachings on the fact that the word before means in front of. And I'm going to remind you that the throne of the creation of God is the two-part throne of the Father. Glory to God. It's the two-part throne of the Father. And the two parts to that throne -- excuse me, and the two parts to that throne are the soul of Jesus Christ of Nazareth that is in submission to the Father and the souls of the many members of the firstfruits company that are in submission to the Lord Jesus Christ. That's the two-part throne.


And I don't have any message numbers for you to review. I looked it up in my encyclopedic index, and there were so many messages on it, I really didn't know which ones would be more appropriate. So check your encyclopedic index, and if you don't have an encyclopedic index and you'd like to contact me, I'd be glad to speak to you.


So they sang this new song. They were involved in the new soul of Christ where they were in one mind and one accord. And they did this before the throne. They were in front of the soul of Christ. They were in the realm of appearance. That's what it says. If you're in front -- what's in front of the soul? The deepest recesses of our spiritual being is spirit, and then comes soul, and then comes the flesh. They were in the realm of appearance, brethren.


And they also did it in -- before the four beasts. And the four beasts typify the many members of the completed soul life. I remem- -- I remind you that the word four refers to fullness, and it is referring to the full num- -- the fully completed number of the firstfruits company. There is a specific number that the Lord has called to be in the firstfruits company. I don't know what that number is. It's not 144,000. Believe me, it's not. And -- but it was the completed number. And they also did it in front of the elders, which is the spiritual men.


What are we talking about? We're breaking down each member of the firstfruits company. He has an elder within him, which is his completed spiritual man. He has a soul man in him that is in submission to his spiritual man. And he also has a satanic realm that is in total submission to the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, remember, the satanic realm is a spirit that flows through the entire living soul and the many members of the firstfruits company. That satanic realm is in total submission to the mind of Jesus Christ.


Alternate Translation, first half, Revelation 14, Chapter 3 -- Ver- -- Chapter 14, Verse 3, "And the members of the firstfruits company were in perfect agreement because their unconscious mind, even Satan, was in submission to the spirit of Jesus Christ." That's the spirit that flows through the whole living soul. In these members, it was in total submission to the spirit of Jesus Christ. "And each of their human souls, the human soul in each individual member of the firstfruits company, was in submission to the completed spiritual man in that individual."


Well, this Scripture is reading like the whole living soul has already been absorbed into Christ, but this is not yet the case in the realm of appearance. Once the firstfruits company manifests, as far as the Scripture is concerned, looking at the situation from the realm of the spirit, it's done. But we know that it's going to take a while for this to manifest in every member of the living soul in the realm of appearance.


And I just wanted to let you know that I translated the word throne in the above verse as the satanic realm, because the only way the soul can be brought into submission is to subdue its vicious ruler, which is Satan. And that seemed to be the way that the verse was reading.


Let me give it to you again. "And the members of the firstfruits company were in perfect agreement because their unconscious mind, even Satan, was in submission to the spirit of Jesus Christ. And each of their human souls was in submission to their spiritual man."


Continuing with, "And no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth." This word man is Strong's 3762. We have this on another message. It's the word that -- it's very indefinite. And we determined on this other message, I don't have the number for you, that the Scripture or that John used this word because he's not really referring to a single human being, but he is referring to the many membered living soul and more specifically to those members that, in this hour, are in the firstfruits company.


"And no man could learn that song." The word learn is Strong's 3129, and it means to learn in any way or to understand. No man could understand. No member of the living soul could understand that harmony. The living soul is so divided. No man, not even those in the church world, could understand how this group of people could be in such consistent agreement and harmony.


"And no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth." The Greek word translated redeemed is Strong's 59, and we found that word also in Revelation, Chapter 13, Verse 17, where we translated it to incarnate, and we associated it with another Scripture, which I believe was Revelation, Chapter -- I don't want to give you the wrong chapter. It's either 17 or 18 -- 18 or ni- -- 18, Revelation, Chapter 18. We also have the word buyeth, and we have a whole study in the 32 series on that. I mentioned it on Message 70, Part 2, where we translate this word redeemed to buy. It's the same word translated to buy in Chapter 18 of the Book of Revelation. And we found out that from a spiritual point of view, to buy means to purchase the spiritual substance, to gather to you the spiritual substance necessary for incarnation.


"And no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth." And the earth, I remind you, brethren, refers to the earth of the living soul, which is formed out of the earth.


Alternate Translation, second half, Revelation, Chapter 14, Verse 3. "And no member of the living soul can be in harmony with Christ because it's impossible for a natural man to bring his unconscious mind or his human soul into submission unless and until his spiritual state of being has been raised to the higher power, which is Christ. And no member of the living soul can be in harmony with Christ because it's impossible for a natural man to bring his unconscious mind or his human soul into submission unless and until his spiritual state of being has been raised to the higher power, which is Christ."


Alternate Translation, Revelation, Chapter 14, Verse 3, "And the members of the firstfruits company were in perfect agreement because their unconscious mind, even Satan, was in submission to the spirit of Jesus Christ. And each of their human souls was in submission to their spiritual man. And no member of the living soul can be in harmony with Christ because it's impossible for a natural man to bring his unconscious mind or his human soul into submission unless and until his spiritual state of being has been raised to the higher power, which is Christ."


Which is what has happened to the firstfruits company. There's no faking it into the firstfruits company. That's what this says. You can't fake it into the firstfruits company. There's no way you're going to be a part of that company unless your satanic realm and your soul has been brought into submission. And there's no way that you could do that unless Jesus Christ raises you to a higher spiritual power. This is the work of the Lord Jesus Christ, brethren. You cannot steal it, and you cannot fool Him. And no evil or wickedness or darkness is entering into the kingdom of Almighty God. You shall not enter in if you have not been delivered from your sins. You'd best confess them and start repenting now. You shall not sneak in the back way.


Recap, Revelation, Chapter 14, Verses 1 to 3. "And I continued to look at the vision, and there it was, the newly born soul life of Jesus Christ standing in full spiritual authority in the realm of appearance where He could be seen by men. And He was appearing in His firstfruits company, which was separated from Satan in their mind, and raised to a higher state of being. And the Father's nature was engraved in each of their souls.  And I was aware that a communication came from the spiritual realm of God, and it sounded like it was being expressed through many souls and like -- it also sounded like an authoritative voice in the realm of appearance. And I understood that Christ was ruling in the mind of each member of the firstfruits company and that each son of God was ruling his own soul."


"And the members of the firstfruits company were in perfect agreement because their unconscious mind, even Satan, was in submission to the spirit of Jesus Christ. And each of their human souls was in submission to their spiritual man. And no member of the living soul can be in harmony with Christ, because it's impossible for a natural man to bring his unconscious mind or his human soul into submission unless and until his spiritual state of being has been raised to the higher power, which is Christ."


Glory to God.


Any questions today? Question ministry? No question ministry.


Glory to God. God bless you.


5/19/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

5/20/14 1st Edit CAS & BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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