071 - Part 10
(Revelation 13 & Daniel 7)

Part 10 of 10 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Praise the Lord, everybody. It's very hard to tell how long the messages are going to be in these comparative studies. This is, Lord willing, praise God, the last of the comparative studies we are doing in the Book of Daniel. And it could turn out to be a very long message. As I said, it's very hard for me to judge with these comparative studies. I did feel, however, that I should not break it and that I should just finish it out. So if you get weary, just do the best you can. And if you're listening to the message, don't get upset. If you have to shut it off, shut it off. Just take it slow.


This has been a very difficult series, but as I've told the other members of this congregation, the -- it's very clear to me, and there's not a doubt in my mind that the more we strain ourselves, the more we can do and the easier understanding these messages becomes. So even if you don't understand it or you only understand a very little, if you are willing to submit yourself to the ministry and to listen to -- put in the time to listen to the messages, even though you're not understanding, the Lord must honor you. I believe that. I don't -- I can't promise you how long it would take, but He must honor you by giving you at least some understanding, and the more effort you make, the more understanding you will receive.


And I remember when I first came to the Lord, and I was reading through the whole Bible. I found reading the prophets painful. I didn't understand a word that I was reading, specifically in the Book of Isaiah. And I had committed myself to read two or three chapters, and I -- and it was agony for me, but I kept my commitment, and I kept it up. it was less than a year. The Lord responded to me very quickly, less than a year. He showed me a vision. I was plodding through one night without understanding, and He showed me a vision of the mighty angel of the Book of Revelation with one foot on the land and one foot on the sea.


And I didn't know what it meant at the time, but I know now that what it meant was that Jesus Christ was being conceived in my soul and giving me revelation and understanding in the spirit of the Scripture. And He started that, and He's still doing it, and I just praise God for everything He's given to me and for everything that He's given me the privilege of sharing with you.


So if you just press in, don't give up if you don't understand. If you just press in, the more you give to it, the more it's going to open up into your mind. I know, I review my old messages, and messages that I thought were so difficult at the time that I preached them. When I listen to them now, they're just a piece of cake. So as we keep on pressing in, God is expanding our capacity to understand spiritual things. And if we're willing to work at it, He will honor our efforts. I'm convinced of that.


OK, we are finishing up tonight with the third telling of Daniel's vision. And I am going to review the instruction that is on the last message with regard to the third telling of the vision. Please remember that the first telling was a vision imparted to Daniel's human spirit. Well, I guess, this is not just a review of the third telling. It's a general review of what we're doing in these comparative studies.


Please remember that the first telling was a vision imparted to Daniel's human spirit and is expressed by Daniel's words, "I saw the vision by night," and those words are found in Verse 2.


The second telling was imparted to Daniel's soul in three stages. The first stage, the soul of Christ imparts knowledge to Daniel's Adamic soul and is expressed to Daniel's -- and is expressed by Daniel's words,  "And He told me," which we find in Verse 16.


The second stage of the telling -- of the second telling, the soul of Christ comes down to and joins with Daniel's soul on the Adamic realm and is expressed by Daniel's words, "Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast," which words are found in Verse 19.


And the third stage of the second telling, so- -- the soul of Christ catches Daniel's Adamic soul up to the spiritual realm of God, glory to God, where the Christ speaks through Daniel, causing Daniel to prophesy the future of God's creation, as expressed by Daniel's words, "Thus He said," which are found in Verse 23.


Please note that Verse 16 clearly states, "He told me." Christ was speaking directly to Daniel. Verse 23 reads, in the interlinear, "So He said, the beast forth," or, "Thus said the fourth beast," or, "Thus says the Christ," or, "Thus saith the Lord," so we found out, in Verse 23, which is the beginning of the third telling that Daniel is prophesying.


Note that the first telling speaks about beasts' horns, the Son of Man, clouds of heaven, all abstract concepts that the average person would not understand. The second telling speaks about kings, kingdoms and making war, concepts that are understandable by the average person. It also gives us more information. The third telling is a prophecy which uses the same, more understandable concepts as the second telling and gives still more information.


Remember how events come to pass in the realm of appearance. God speaks the word. The word is sketched in the spiritual realm of the spirit, or in man's mind, and the word appears in the realm of appearance. The appearance of the word of God in the realm of appearance comes in two stages. The first one being that the word is spoken out loud by God's prophet, and the second being the word is acted out or appears in the behavior of men. In the case of Daniel's vision, the word is spoken by God's prophet because it is not yet the season for its appearing in the behavior of men. Remember that in Peter's vision the third stage was the acting out of the word of God, only because it was the time for it to appear in the behavior of men.


Glory to God. Recap, Daniel, Chapter 7, Verses 23 through 25. "Then Daniel prophesied saying, thus saith the Lord, Christ shall be the soul that shall develop into the highest spiritual potential through submission to and union with the Father. And He shall be different from the Adamic soul and shall swallow them up and shall humble them and bring them into submission to and under the lordship of the soul of Christ and shall separate them from every wicked personality trait that is not of God. And the spiritual authority of the law of the Holy Spirit that comes forth from the imputed anointing of Christ shall appear in a company of men who have become great because of the imputed anointing, and they shall incarnate in the realm of appearance. And another great man, even the Lord's Christ, shall incarnate after them."


"And the soul of Christ shall be different from the souls of the men that are great because of the imputed anointing, and Christ shall fulfill the law of sin and death in the hearts of the many, empowering them to cease from sin. And he shall preach about the judgment that Jesus Christ shall execute upon His sons and shall cause the carnal minds of the sons of God to decay and be swallowed up by the mind of Christ. And He shall anticipate moving His sons into the next spiritual season of his plan for the maturation of the living soul, even into the age into which Christ shall rule in their minds. And He shall also anticipate replacing their religious systems with the spiritual life of God, and the sons of God shall be subjected to the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge their sin-filled souls for three and one half generations.


Glory to God. And if you remember the teaching from the last service, the reason that their souls shall be judged for three and one half generations is that in the midst of the fourth generation, Christ shall appear, putting away all sin and therefore putting away any reason for judgment. Glory to God.


Going on with Verse 26, "But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and destroy it unto the end." Verse 10 tells us that the judgment was set. And the expanded explanation in Verse 22 tells that judgment was given to the saints. Remember, the Hebrew word translated judgment means the sentencing or tribunal that Christ in us -- that that is Christ in us. He is the white throne judgment. And that the Hebrew word translated set means to fix firmly. We therefore  translated Verse 10 as, "The judgment of Christ was firmly fixed within the hearts of the many members of the living soul."  


Verse 22 says, "And the judgment was given to the saints of the Most High." And we found out that the Hebrew word translated "was given" means to deliver up or to place or lay a foundation. Remember that every member of the living soul will eventually be a saint of the Most High when Christ is imputed to them. And we therefore translated the phrase in Verse 22, "And judgment was given to the saints of the Most High," as, "And there was set up within the fallen Adam," or the many members of the fallen Adam, "a foundation that gave him mastery over his own soul."


Glory to God. So we see that the judgment that was firmly fixed in the realm of the spirit, as a result of the slaying of Jesus Christ's Adamic soul in Verse 10, has, in Verse 22, been imparted to all men in the form of a spiritual foundation upon which they can build righteousness.


Continuing with the word judgment in Verse 26 now, which reads, "But the judgment shall sit." Remember, so far, we have Christ, and it was given over or laid as a foundation into the saints of the Most High. And now, in Verse 26, "And they shall take away his dominion, to consume and destroy it unto the end." The word sit is Strong's 3488, and it's a Chaldee word. Some of you may not recognize that name. Chaldee is another word for Aramaic. It's an Aramaic word which means to sit or to dwell. It corresponds to the Hebrew word, 3427, which also means to dwell and to remain, to marry. It's especially used of the places that judges sit when they render judgment. And it's used of an army which sits down in a place and holds possession of it. It means to abide or inhabit, persona- -- permanent possession.


This is the same Hebrew word translated sit in Verse 9, which reads, "And the Ancient of days did sit." We translated that verse, "Jesus Christ" -- we translated the verse, "And the Ancient of days did sit," as, "Jesus Christ," who is the Ancient of days, "the first one resurrected out from the realm of death, possessed or married the living soul and dwelt with her as a wife." Now, remember, the Ancient of days is the glorified soul of Jesus Christ which can live in this soul realm without a body, and that the judgment is also the glorified soul of Christ, not without a body in this case, but living in us or living in our bodies.


What am I saying? Do you hear it? Jesus Christ, the one who overcame the death of the soul realm, who can live here without a body and live in totally victory without a body, has chosen to take on the flesh again, even the flesh of the many members of the living soul, and to overcome in them, to do the same thing that he did in Jesus Christ of Nazareth in each and every members of the living soul, in you and in me, just as he did in the body of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, so that we too can become glorified souls capable of living in this soul realm without a vile human body and without being subject to the penalty of death.


Alternate Translation, the first third of Daniel, Chapter 7, Verse 26, "But Jesus Christ shall marry the first fruits company of the living soul." That is the translation of the phrase, "But the judgment shall sit," and we're translating it, "But Jesus Christ" [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- Jesus Christ is the judgment. He is the white throne judgment, "shall sit." He shall marry. He shall abide with the first fruits company of the living soul.


Glory to God. Continuing with -- and how do we know we're talking about the first fruits company of the living soul? We've established that in Verse 25, that we're talking about the saints of the Most High. Glory to God.


Continuing with, "And they shall take away His dominion." This word dominion is Strong's 7985. It means empire, mastery, power. And I suggest to you that it refers to power over the living soul. Verse 14 speaks about the dominion that was given to Jesus Christ when He overcame His own soul, and we translated the phrase, "And there was given Him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom," as, "And there was set up within the fallen Adam a foundation that gave Him mastery over His own soul." And as a result of that mastery, the fallen Adam became the Christ, even the fourth beast or the fourth and final phase of the creation of God.


Apparently, on message 71, part 5, where we study Verse 6, I didn't mention that the word -- that dominion was given to the third beast. I missed that on part 5. Dominion was given to the third beast, which is the human soul, in Verse 6, which we studied in part 5 of this series. Please note that the dominion spoken about in Verse 6 is a different dominion than is given to Christ. It is speaking about the temporary authority that Adam, which is ruled by Satan, has been given over the living soul until the appearance of Christ.


This is very important now. The dominion spoken about in Verse 14 -- in Verses 14 -- in Verse 14, excuse me -- in Verses 14 and 27 -- the dominion spoken about in Verses 14 and 27, starting with Verse 14 where it says, "And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him." And the word dominion spoken about in Verse 27, which we will study shortly, which reads, "And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High," is referring to the dominion of Christ.


The dominion spoken about in Verses 6, where it reads, "And dominion was given to a third beast," which looked like a leopard, and in Verse 12, which reads, "As concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away," this is the temporary dominion given to Adam, which is ruled by Satan, by God. God has given the living soul dominion until the appearance of Christ. So we have the same Hebrew word translated dominion. It's the same word, and we have to determine whether the Scripture is speaking about the dominion of the living soul, which is ruled by Satan, or the dominion of Christ, and we determine that by the context of the whole verse, by reading the whole verse and making a judgment under the anointing of the Holy Spirit as to who the Scripture is speaking about.


And I have two witnesses for you that Satan has been given authority by God. Ephesians 2:2, "Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this word, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience." I'm sorry. That's not evidence that God gave Satan authority. It is simply evidence that it is acknowledge by Paul in Ephesians 2:2 that Satan has authority, and I declare to you that all power is of God and that no one could have given Satan this authority other than Almighty God.


In John 12:31, we read, "Now is the judgment of this world." Now, this is Jesus speaking. "Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out." So Jesus acknowledged that Satan was a prince that had authority over this world system. So what am I saying? There are two different dominions, both of which have been authorized by God.


The problem that a lot of believers get into, when they try to understand this, is that they think, well, if God gave Satan his power, why does there have to be a warfare to take it back? The only answer I have for you, brethren, is quite simply that God, in His wisdom, set it up this way. I can't give you any more answer than that, and we're just going to have to accept that. I've asked him myself. Lord, why does this birth have to be painful? Why? Why do we all have to go through everything we're going through? Because. Did you ever tell your children because? Did they ever ask you an unanswerable question, a question not that you didn't have the answer for but that your children were incapable of understanding, and you answer them, because?


I watched a movie recently. I think it was called "Meet Me in St. Louis," a delightful movie with Liza Minnelli's mother, Judy Garland, and it was about a very nice American family. The father was a lawyer. They obviously lived in a beautiful home and led a very prosperous life, and he had about five children, I think, four of which were teenagers. And he came home one day very frustrated and in a very sour mood, and his teenage daughters who were in love with some young fellows down the block, and couldn't think of anything else, went running up to him and said -- well, one of them said, anyway, "Daddy, if you're so unhappy at your job, why don't you just quit?"


Now, all of us listening to this message know that he had to support that beautiful house that these five children and his wife were living in, including a servant and many other niceties that they were experiencing. And he just looked at them. His wife just got very quiet and looked up at the sky or the ceiling, and he huffed and he puffed, and he walked away. Now, he didn't say because. He just didn't answer them, because who could he have explained to this 14 or 15 year old girl that if he just quit, they could be in the street without shelter or food or raiment.


So I believe the Lord is saying to us, in answer to this question about the pain that we must go through, because. And this is the way it is. Glory to God.


Continuing with -- we're still in Verse 26. "And they shall take away his dominion, to consume and destroy it unto the end." Now, remember, the dominion we're speaking about in Verse 26 is Adam's dominion, Adam ruled by Satan. The Hebrew word translated, take away, is the same Hebrew word used in Verse 12, which reads, "As concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away." It's Strong's 5709, and it means to depart, to pass away, to remove. It corresponds to Strong's 5710, which means to bedeck or to bring an ornament upon. So we find out that the ones who took the dominion away from the rest of the beasts, in Verse 12, are none other than the saints of the Most High God. How did we find that out? Because we know that in Verse 26, we're talking about the saints of the Most High God. We found that out by studying Verse 25.


I'm going to say it again. So we find out, by studying Verses 25 and 26, that the ones who took the dominion away from the rest of the beasts in Verse 12 are none other than the saints of the Most High. We get expanded information in Verse 26 about the taking away of the dominion of the beasts.


Now, note carefully that in Verse 25, the glorified Jesus Christ is waging war against the carnal minds of the saints of the Most High, but that in Verse 26, they, even the saints of the Most High who have come into submission to the mind of Christ, shall take away the dominion of the rest of the beasts in Verse -- that's Verse 12 I just quoted from. So what are we saying? In Verse 25, we see Christ waging war against those to whom -- those members of the living soul to whom He has impu- -- already imputed His authority.


Does anybody remember why He's only waging war against the members of the living soul to whom He has imputed His spirit? Does anybody remember? Brethren, if He wages war against you and He has not imputed His spirit to you, He will destroy you off the face of the earth. He is only waging war against those members of the living soul to whom He has imputed His spirit so that instead of being destroyed off the face of the earth, their life substance, their spiritual substance, can be transferred into Christ and that they can live through Him as He -- and after He destroys their soul life.


Glory to God. So in Verse 25, we see Christ waging war against the saints. Apparently, He's successful because in Verse 26, we see that the saints -- the word is they, a multitude. It's not of the single Jesus Christ anymore. That the saints of the Most High have come into submission to the mind of Christ and that they shall take away the dominion of the rest of the beasts, which we read in Verse 12.


Got it? Jesus wages war against the first fruits company in the spiritual realm of the soul. And when they are brought into submission, the first fruits company wages war against the rest of the living soul. Where? Even in the realm of appearance, where the greatest to the least of men shall be able to understand what is happening. And how are the first fruits company going to do it? Remember, take away, the word -- the Hebrew word translated take away can be translated to bedeck or to bring an ornament upon. In Verse 12, we translated the phrase, "They had their dominion taken away," as, "And the other part of the fallen Adam, even the sin-stained human soul, they had Christ added to them."


Brethren, when Christ is added to you [AUDIO CUTS OUT] -- -cripture signifies it by saying that you shall receive jewels or you shall be ornamented or you shall be bedecked upon. I once heard a believer going to his minister saying, it must be all right to wear jewelry, because I read about it in one of the prophets. Brethren, I personally don't care whether you wear jewelry or not, but the speaking of jewels in the Scripture refers to the spirit of Almighty God. Hallelujah.


The first fruits company will wage war against the carnal mind, and they will fertilize them. They're going to win the war because the winning of the war is the fertilization of their souls. And when their sou- -- why is the winning of the war the fertilization of their souls? Because when their souls are fertilized and Christ appears in each and every one of them, each and every members of the living soul shall be brought into submission to the Christ that has been birthed in him.


I'm going to say it again. The first fruits company will wage war against the carnal mind of man and fertilize them, the many members of man, causing Christ to appear in each of them until every member of the living soul has been brought into submission to the Christ that has appeared in him.


Brethren, in that day, the spiritual government of God shall be internalized in the mind of every individual man. There will be no preachers. There will be no policemen. There will be no presidents. There will be no government in nations. Every man shall walk orderly before the Christ that is dwelling within his own mind. And the peace that all mankind seeks after and shall never find shall be accomplished only in that day.


Please note that in Verse 12, the fallen living soul had their soulish lives prolonged until the season appointed for them to waste away. And that this season is described in Verse 26. We get more information in Verse 26. We find out more information about the seasons. And we're told, in Verse 26, that the first fruits company shall take away his dominion to consume it and destroy it to the end, to consume it and destroy it until the end. So in Verse 12, the soulish lives of the living soul have -- are being prolonged for a seasons, but in Verse 26, they are -- the soulish life is being consumed and destroyed to the end, and we're going to find out what that means in a few minutes.


Alternate Translation, the second third of Daniel, Chapter 7, Verse 26. "And they shall destroy" -- who? The saints of the Most High God, the sons of God, the ones in whom Christ has appeared. "And they shall destroy the authority of the carnal mind in the remaining members of the living soul by causing Christ to appear in each of them."


Brethren, you are not going to save the world by giving [?tracts?tracks?] or by preaching or by healing or by deliverance. Ultimately, the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ must be internalized in every individual. And what we see largely going on in the church world today is that many ministers are blocking the spiritual growth of their own congregation. When they see Christ appearing in a member here or there, they take it as a challenge to their authority. Many of them, I'm not saying all of them. And they reach out to destroy the manifestation of Christ.


Brother, you must let go of your congregation. You must turn them over to Christ. They must respect you and honor you, and you are the head of your own household. They cannot come in and take over your church. Of course, anyone moving in Christ would not try to do that, but we have some very immature believers in the church world. But if it is a genuine manifestation of Christ and you crush it, you are guilty of sin against Christ. God helps us all in the ministry.


Glory to God. Now -- well, let me read that for you again.


Alternate Translation, the second third of Daniel 7:26, "And they shall destroy the spiritual authority of the carnal mind in the remaining members of the living soul by causing Christ to appear in each of them."


Now, remember, depending on the concept of the verse, both the Scripture, and I also, can refer to the saints of the Most High, meaning either those members of the living soul that have already been apprehended by Christ or the whole of the living soul. Well, this sounds like an inconsistency. Let me explain it. Because God is reconciling all things unto Himself, even though it may not appear in this hour that every members of the living soul is a saint of the Most High, and in fact they aren't. Why? Because to be a saint of the Most High, you must have received the imputed anointing. So every members of the living soul is not a saint of the Most High, but frequently God, and sometimes I, will refer to the whole living soul as the saints of the Most High because God knows that it's already been done in the realm of the spirit, that every single member of the living soul shall receive Christ, each man in his [?own way?].


Now, I switch to the phrase first fruits company when I want to distinguish between those members of the living soul which have already been apprehended by Christ and those who have not. Let me tell you that again. I switch to the phrase the first fruits company. I stop calling them the saints of the Most High and start calling them the first fruits company when I want to distinguish between those members of the living soul which have already been apprehended by Christ and those who have not yet received the imputed anointing.


Glory to God. Continuing with -- we're still in Verse 26. "To consume and destroy it unto the end." This word consume is Strong's 8046. It means desolate, to destroy -- it means to desolate, to destroy, to bring to nought, to overthrow, to perish, to pluck down, to consume and to destroy. The word and is Strong's 2532. That's in the Greek, and it can be translated even or indeed, and we're going to use it that way in this verse. The word destroy is Strong's number 7, which corresponds to number 6, and it means to lay waste, to perish, to disperse, to squander one's means of support, to cut off or to take one's hope away.


"To consume and to destroy it." The word it is not in the original Hebrew, glory to God. "Unto the end," and the word end is Strong's 5491. It is o- -- this Hebrew word only appears in Daniel 7:26 and Daniel 7:28. It means termination, conclusion, and it's used of the uttermost part of an army in Joel 2:20. So what is the Scripture talking about? "To consume and destroy it unto the end." Unto the end of what? Unto the end of God's purposes in the creation have been accomplished. And what is the end of God's purposes in the creation? Christ in you, the hope of glory.


And if you'd like to review this, you can listen to our message number 13, the end of the commandment is godliness. Glory to God.


So what are we saying? To consume -- they shall consume the dominion of the living soul and destroy it until the point that Christ appears in the many members of the living soul. Remember the sequence now. The Spirit of God must be imputed to that members of the living soul first. Then, the sons of God or the saints of the Most High shall wage war. Where? In the street, with clubs, with guns, with words, that call the ma harlot because they're not doing what's right? No, brethren. They shall wage war in the mi-- in their minds, with the members of the living soul that have received the imputed anointing.


They will speak the truth of God's words, and the carnal minds of the members of the living soul that have received the imputed anointing, the members of the church if you will, will respond to the truth of God's word with disbelief, with rebuke, with rejection, and, brethren, with witchcraft and mind control. I'm sorry, but it's true. Why? Because those are the weapons of the carnal mind of man. So we have the sons of God speaking the truth of God's word to the carnal members of the church who shall me fighting them in the realm of the spirit with their minds, with witchcraft and mind control. Glory to God.


OK, glory to God. I just see a phrase here that I apparently put in the wrong place. Someh- -- I don't know how I got that over there. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, the third third of Daniel 7:26. Glory to God.


Oh, I guess I did put it in there. If you'd like to jump ahead to Verse 28, you can see that it says, "Hitherto is the end of the matter." So we see this word end also appearing in Verse 28, and we see that refers to -- the phrase, "Hitherto is the end of the matter," refers to the everlasting dominion of Christ. The phrase in Verse 28, "Hitherto is the end of the matter," refers back to Verse 27 where we're told about the everlasting dominion of Christ. So the end of the matter is the dominion of Christ that will last for the life of the ages.


Alternate Translation, the third third of Daniel 7:26, "Because when Christ appears in them, He shall bring to nought, even lay waste, the spiritual, military strength of the carnal mind that shall rule the living soul until God's creation is completed by Christ being a-" -- I'm sorry, let me start over.


"Because when Christ appears in them, He shall bring to nought, even lay waste, the spiritual, military strength of the carnal mind that shall rule the living soul until God's creation is completed by Christ being irrefutably installed as king over the living soul."


"Because when Christ appears in them" -- in who? In the many members of the living soul -- "He shall bring to nought, even lay waste, the spiritual, military strength of the carnal mind that shall rule the living soul" -- it's not going to be destroyed, brethren, "until God's creation is completed" -- how? -- "by Christ being irrefutably installed as king over the living soul."


So Satan's a toothless wonder is he? Brethren, submit yourself to the instruction of the spirit of Almighty God. You are placing yourself at a great disadvantage by submitting yourself to the carnal, childish teachings of the existing fivefold ministry that is in the process of being wasted away. They have not been raised up to teach you doctrine, brethren. They've been raised up to teach you basic principles of the kingdom of God, the very basic principles of faith, of baptisms. They have not been raised up to teach you the deep, advanced, mature doctrine that shall lead you into perfection. And if you submit to their teachings, you are destroying your own soul. Glory to God.


You could review, if you like, our message number 8, called "The Latter End," which teaches about the military strength of the living soul that is waging war against the Lord Jesus Christ.


Alternate Translation, Daniel, Chapter 7, Verse 26, "But Jesus Christ shall marry the first fruits company of the living soul, and they shall destroy the spiritual authority of the carnal mind in the remaining members of each of" -- I'm sorry -- "the remaining members of the living soul by causing Christ to appear in each of them, because when Christ appears in them, He shall bring to nought, even lay waste, the spiritual, military strength of the carnal mind that shall rule the living soul until God's creation and every single member of it is completed by Christ being irrefutably installed as king over the living soul and over their individual souls in each and every member of it."


Glory to God. I have two witnesses for you. O- -- so one -- yeah, two witnesses for you. I Timothy 6, Verses 15 and 16 say, "Which in His times" -- speaking about the Lord Jesus Christ -- "He shall show, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords. Who hath -- who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; who no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honor and power everlasting. Amen."


Brethren, the living soul shall have authority over you until Christ appears in you. And I remind you that the appearance of Christ is a process, and He can be appearing in you in certain areas of your life and not appearing in other areas of your life. If you were a drug addict and you're no longer a drug addict, Satan is no longer ruling you in that area. Christ has appeared in you to put away the sin of drug addiction.


But, brethren, you have to be totally purged from all sin to tell me that Satan is a toothless wonder and that he's ashes under your feet and that he has no authority unto you. Brethren, stop taking the promises of the Bible that have not been accomplished in you yet and taking them for fact. You're destroying yourself. You need to repent. You need to confess your sins and repent and get deliverance and have Christ take the dominion over your soul in these areas.


Glory to God. I have one more witness for you. It is Revelation 19, Verses 11 through 16. "And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithfull and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war." Brethren, you cannot judge and make war out of your soul. If you're doing it, you're guilty of witchcraft. And if Christ is not appearing in you in at least some measure, you are totally unqualified to judge your brother or to wage war against him in any manner, shape or form. And for sure, you are not qualified to judge the world, because we are called to judge the church, brethren, and starting with ourselves, not the world.


Verse 12, "His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, and with it he would smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, the King of Kings, And the Lord of Lords." Glory to God.


Going on with Verse 27, "And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him."


The word dominion, I remind you, has been dealt with, in depth, in the earlier part of this message, but I'll just remind you that the dominion we're speaking about in Verse 27 is the dominion of Christ. "And the kingdom and the dominion," and the word kingdom -- we've studied this many times. I'll just remind you. For a kingdom to exist, we must have a king, Christ. We must have land, that's His soul, and He must have -- so the king must have subjects, and the subjects, of course, are the many members of the living soul that shall be transferred into the soul of Christ.


In Verse 14, we are told that Christ was given a kingdom. I remind you that the words, was given, mean to set up and that Verse 14 describes the glorified soul life of Jesus Christ of Nazareth being established as the kingdom or the soul that shall be inherited by all men. The spirit of the Father and Jesus Christ is the king. Jesus' glorified soul is the land, and the many members of the living soul are His subjects.


The expanded explanation in Verse 22 tells us, however, that the many members of the living soul possessed the kingdom or became bound together with the kingdom, which is in the mind of Christ. They became bound together with the mind of Christ. So we see, in Verse 22, that the subjects of the kingdom of God are in no way inferior to their master but are one with Him. Did you hear that? We're told in Verse 22 that the members of the kingdom are bound together in their mind, making them equal to Christ. You're going to be so woven together with Christ, you won't be able to tell the difference.


Luke 6:40 tells us, "The disci-" [AUDIO CUTS OUT] "is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master." Brethren, please note that we must be perfect, which means without sin, before we can make any claims to being equal with Jesus.


The situation in large parts of the church today, where it is being preached that in our present, sin-filled condition have all power and authority and the mind of Christ, is most unfortunate for the believers who have received this false doctrine and who are sure to be disappointed and very likely disillusioned when they find out otherwise. And it is also a very great stumbling stone for those not yet apprehended by the Lord, whose very common sense make the church of the living God look like a bunch of superstitious fools to them. They know that the people in the church don't have the mind of Christ.


I don't mean to be cruel, brethren, but some of the biggest fools I've ever met have had the imputed anointing. Some of the biggest sinners, some of the biggest liars, some of the most wicked people I've ever met have had the imputed anointing, and the world knows it. And what is the result? They simply don't believe. They reject Christ.


Brethren, hear the word of the Lord. You not only have no power. You have nothing at all other than that which the Lord has loaned to you. And if He has loaned it to you, He has done so that you might accomplish His purposes in the earth, not so that you can be practicing witchcraft.


Now, for everyone that's listening to the message that's ooing and ahing, whether you believe it or not, large portions of the church today have laid hold of the loaned power of God and are using it to pray their will upon other people. Brethren, this is witchcraft, and I suggest to you there are more practicing witches who are Christians, in this hour, than there are non-Christians.


You can review this subject, if you like, on messages number 48, Part 2 and also on Messages 12, 13 and 15. I -- if you're not going to listen to all of them, I recommend message 48, Part 2 first.


Glory to God. The church of the living God is filled with little witches. Hallelujah.


Still in Verse 27, and continuing with, "And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven." Let me read you that whole verse. "And the kingdom and dominion" -- oh, that is the whole verse. "And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven." So the kingdom is the soul of Christ, and the dominion is the authority of the Father that dwells in the soul of Christ.


Let's find out what the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven means. The word greatness is Strong's 7238. This word is only found translated greatness in the Book of Daniel, and it refers to an increase, in general, and more specifically to an increase in dignity or majesty. The word kingdom -- I would like you to see that in the interlinear, the word is plural, kingdoms. And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven. What am I saying? Remember, the kingdom is the soul of Christ, and the kingdoms, plural, are the many glorified souls of the first fruits company. Glory to God. Of the first fruits company or of the many members of the living soul, depending on whether we're talking about the creation of God being in an [?in part?] stage or being in a totally completed stage.


The phrase, "the greatness of the kingdom," refers to the increase of the glory of Jesus Christ to the many members of the first fruits company or the offspring of Jesus Christ, which is prophesied in Isaiah 53:10 or the spiritual 42nd generation described in Matthew 1:17.


We're dealing with the phrase, the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven. The word under is Strong's 8460. It refers to the depressed part or the low part. The word whole -- the part that's underneath. The word whole is Strong's 3606, and it refers to all or every part of. And the word heaven is Strong's 8065. We've discussed that many times. I'd like to point out to you that the interlinear tells us that the word is plural. "And the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heavens." And of course heaven means the high part.


The Lord asked me to diverge here to clear up the very old question of whether there are three or seven heavens. The answer is that there are only two, brethren, the spiritual realm of God, which is pure spirit, and the spiritual realm of the soul, which is both spirit and matter.


OK, I'm going to take just a few minutes here to read you a very common Scripture that causes most believers, that know anything about the Scripture at all to say, well, for sure, there's three heavens. And that is II Corinthians 12:2. "I knew a man in Christ above 14 years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such a one caught up to the third heaven."


Well, what do you mean, Vitale, there's no third heaven? Well, what do you mean there's no trinity? Brethren, let's find out what God is telling us. Put your pride away, and let's find out the truth. I don't think anyone listening to this message has any trouble believing that the word heaven refers to the spiritual makeup of man. It's referring to our spiritual being, that which is over the earth, the earth part of our spiritual being, which is the soul.


OK, going on from there. First of all, also remember our studies on the third part of man being the satanic realm of the living soul. If you'd like to review that, it's on message 48, part 2. We found out that the third part of man is the satanic realm [?or?of?] the living soul. OK, what have we got? We're dealing with the phrase here, glory to God, "Such a man caught up to the third heaven." This word to is Strong's 1518. That's in the Greek, now. And it can also be translated exceeding. Strong's says it can also be translated exceeding. Webster tells us that the word to exceed means to be greater or superior to, to go beyond a limit set by an existing authority.


Brethren, do you know what your existing authority is? I'm sorry if this shocks you, but it's Satan. If you get hit by a car today, you shall die. If you're hit that severely, you shall die. And I declare to you, if your existing authority was Christ, you would get up and walk away, brethren. The work has not been done in you yet. I wish it was, but it -- I'm -- I'd just be lying to you if I told you that it was. Your existing authority is Satan. Jesus Christ is in the process of transferring your spiritual substance, of breaking your spiritual substance away from Satan for the specific purpose of transferring you into His soul life. But we're not there yet, brethren.


The spirit of Jesus Christ will intercede for us. He will wage war with Satan for us. He will give us victories where we did not have victories before. But, brethren, it's an imputed anointing. He is waging war against the king that is enslaving us, but we are still joined to that king. Glory to God.


OK, now, remember that Satan is the God-appointed spiritual authority that rules over the fallen living soul. But Paul, glory to God, was caught up beyond the limit set by the existing authority that rules over natural men. He broke through the border of the spiritual border of Satan, and he entered into the spiritual realm of God, which is not only the creator of Satan, but who has never ceased at any time from being the supreme authority over Satan himself.


Paul pierced through the limits that Satan set. Satan said, you can't commune with your God. You can't enter into the high realms of the spirit where there is life eternal, or the life of the ages. But a voice said to Paul -- [?maybe?] He didn't say it to Paul. It was a voice that was said to John, "Come up hither." Paul was given special dispensation of God to come up, to break through the border of his own Adamic soul. And enter where? Into the soul of Christ, the spiritual realm of Almighty God.


Glory to God. So what am I saying? There are only two heavens, brethren, only two spiritual realms, the spiritual realm of God and the spiritual realm of the soul. There is no third heaven. Glory to God. There is no third heaven. Paul was given special dispensation to extend, to go beyond, the limit that was set by his ruling authority, even Satan.


Glory to God. I have been sick for four months, brethren. Do you mean to tell me that my God has inflicted this infirmity upon me? I'm sorry, but He has not. He has permitted Satan to inflict this infirmity upon me, but this infirmity does not generate from Almighty God. It generates from the sin that's in my life and on my family line, because Satan, the enforcer of God's law, has judged that sin.


He has authority over me, brethren. The Lord has not let him kill me. I would have been dead for sure if the Lord didn't interfere or intercede. He has stopped him from killing me, but He has not stopped him from executing all judgment against me. I wish I could tell you that He has, but I can't lie to you, and I can't lie to myself. I've really been suffering for a long time, and it's just the truth. Satan has authority over me. Jesus Christ has not utterly removed that authority from him, and He permits judgments to fall upon me so that the Lord Jesus Christ can be glorified. Hallelujah.


OK, let's go on to the seventh heaven. The expression, the seventh heaven, does not appear in the Scriptures, but nevertheless, some Christians have sought information about such a possibility, including Bill Britain [SP] who accepted it at one time and then rejected it because there were simply no Scriptures to support it. The Lord has told me that the expression seventh heaven merely refers to the fullness. Seven is the number of completion. It really refers to the fullness of whichever heaven we are speaking about.


Now, where does heaven exist, brethren? It exists in the minds of men. Either we're talking about the soul of Christ, or we're talking about the soul of Adam, the spiritual realm of the soul. The realm of the spirit is heaven, and there are two of them, the spiritual realm of the soul and the spiritual realm of Christ. The expression, seventh heaven, refers to the fullness of that heaven. Glory to God.


What I'm saying is that the seventh heaven of the spiritual realm of the soul exists in the many members of the living soul. The fullness of the spiritual realm of the soul, even the satanic realm, which exists in its entirety in the many members of the living soul, is the seventh heaven of the spiritual realm of the soul. The spiritual realm of the soul is fully manifested in every living human being. Where is it? In the minds of every living human being.


The seventh heaven of the spiritual realm God, however, in this hour, exists only in the mind of Jesus Christ. The seventh heaven is in the mind of Christ, but it is in the process of being expanded to the many minds of the Lord's first fruits company, and will eventually compass the totality of the minds of the many members of the living soul. When this occurs, there will be no more spiritual realm of the soul. Why? The spiritual realm of the soul or the seventh heaven of the living soul, the completion of it, shall have been totally absorbed into the spiritual realm of God, or the seventh heaven of God, and the two shall be one, even our new heavens, which will generate a new Earth, or body. Glory to God.


Continuing with -- in Verse 27. Hallelujah. "And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven."


Alternate Translation, first third of Daniel, Chapter 7, Verse 27. "And the soul of Christ and the spiritual authority of the Father within him, and the soul of Christ which shall be increased into the many members of the first fruits company, swallowing up their Adamic souls and bringing them under the authority of the new, combined heaven. And the soul of Christ and the spiritual authority of the Father within him, and the soul of Christ which shall be increased into the many members of the first fruits company, swallowing up their Adamic souls and bringing them under the authority of the new, combined heaven."


Something's going to happen to them. We haven't found out what it is yet. And I'd like to give you a reference. Revelation 21:1, "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea."


Alternate Translation, Revelation 21, Verse 1. "And I saw the spiritual realm that came into being when the spiritual realm of God swallowed up the spiritual realm of the living soul, even the mind of Christ. And I also saw the glorified body of the creation of God, because the spiritual realm of the soul and the vile, corruptible human body didn't exist anymore, and there was no more living soul, only Christ." Glory to God


OK, now we're going to find out what's happening to the kingdom, which is Christ, and the dominion, which is the authority of the Father, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, which is the saints of the Most High. They shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High. Did you say that, Sheila? Yes, I said it. The Father, the Christ and the saints of the Most High shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom.


Please, remember with me that in Verse 14, the kingdom was given to Jesus Christ. I remind you that the words was given mean to set up and that Verse 14 describes the glorified soul of Jesus Christ of Nazareth being established as the kingdom that shall be inherited by all men. In Verse 22, we're told that the saints shall possess the kingdom or that the kingdom or that the soul life of Jesus Christ shall be woven together with the minds of the many members of the living soul. So, remember, that was given means to lay a foundation.


So we're being told what? That the Father, that the soul of Christ and that the sons of God are being given to the people of the Most High. The word people is Strong's 5971. It means a congregated unit, a tribe, as of those of the tribes of Israel. And I'm going to suggest to you that the people of the saints of the Most High are the remaining members of the living soul in whom the first fruits company shall beget Christ.


Brethren, when the sons of God stand up, they are going not to the world, brethren. They are going to the church. They are only going to the members of the living soul to whom the Spirit of God has been imputed, and they're going to wage war with them. Where? In their minds. How? By speaking the truth of the word of God. And the carnal members of the living soul shall respond with witchcraft and mind control and rebellion and pride, and that is the warfare. Glory to God. It's not a physical battle, brethren. Neither is it a battle where you insult one another or you demand that somebody changes. It is the battle that will be waged by the Christ in you. If it's not Christ in you, you're practicing witchcraft. Glory to God. Quicken it to them, Lord. Quicken it to them.


Hallelujah. OK, we're dealing with the phrase, "whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom." We're dealing with the phrase, "whose kingdom." I'm translating this phrase, "whose kingdom," and because the soul of Christ. Well, who does the kingdom belong to? Whose kingdom? It's the kingdom of the people of the saints of the Most High. And it belongs to the people of the saints of the Most High because it was given to them, because -- or they were given the soul of Christ, so that's how I'm going to use it in this Alternate Translation.


Alternate Translation, second third if Daniel 7:27. "And the people of the saints of the Most High sha-" -- I'm sorry. I did that wrong. "And the soul of Christ and the spirit of the Father within Him and the saints of the Most High, or the sons of God, shall be the foundation which is laid in the minds of the remaining members of the living soul. And because Christ is the soul which shall live for the life of the ages, something's going to happen to the remaining members of the living soul.


I just want to back up over this for a minute. What do you mean the soul of Christ and the spirit of the Father and the sons of God shall be laid as a foundation in the minds of men? Brethren, they are all one. Jesus is one with the Father, and the first fruits company have become one with Jesus. And because Jesus is one with the Father and He's one with the first fruits company, the first fruits company is one with the Father, and they're all woven together in their minds. And they are being given to the people of the saints of the Most High, to the remaining members of the living soul, as a foundation which is laid in their minds, which is joined to their minds. And because Christ is the soul which shall live for the ages, let's find out what's going to happen to them.


Remember, brethren, we shall live for the life of the ages only when our death-filled, Adamic soul dies. Brethren, this is a great error in the church. Christians everywhere, running around believing pagan doctrines, that their souls, which only are raised up for a seasons, shall live again on the other side of the veil, that they're going to see relatives from three and four generations ago. Their dead -- their skeletons are going to be dug out of the natural earth. This is a pagan doctrine, brethren. It goes back to antiquity.


Your soul must die, brethren. The soul that sinneth, it must die. And in that last generation, our souls shall die. Why? Because they shall be swallowed up by Christ, and we shall be -- live through Him. But everything that you know of your life in this hour shall cease to be, brethren. God help them to understand.


Luke 9:24. Glory to God. 24 and 25. Hallelujah. "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for My sake, the same shall save it. For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away?"


Brethren, when Christ wages war against you, if you move to save your life, you shall lose it. But if you lay down and die before the onslaught of your soul, you shall save your life, your true spiritual substance.


Brethren, I've had two believers over this past eight months tell me that they committed the sins they committed, which ultimately ushered them out of this ministry, because they needed to survive. Well, brethren, they survived by the means of their carnal mind. They survived by the means of the natural man when Christ waged war against them. And they ushered themselves right out of the judgment of their souls. I don't know exactly what God's doing in their life right now. But I believe that if you're in rebellion against God, it's very hard to go on. You just stay at the very la- -- if you don't backslide, you at least stay right where you are until he breaks that rebellion and pride. You can't I sinned because I -- that was what I had to do to survive.


Unbelievable, people that sat here under the teaching, that answered questions, that knew that what you do when sin is revealed in your soul is that you confess it and you repent. When it happened to them, they lied, and they blamed the Son of God, that was waging war against them, of evildoing and of being the one in sin. And they were pushed right out of this ministry. Sorry, brethren, but I don't believe they're going on with God until these issues are resolved in accordance with God's prescribed plan. They must repent. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Please note that Verse 14 tells us that His kingdom shall not be destroyed, Christ's kingdom shall not be destroyed. And Verse 27 tells us that His kingdom is everlasting. In Verse 14, I translated the phrase, "His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and His kingdom that which shall not be destroyed." I translated that phrase as, "Adam's mastery over his own soul is for the life of the ages. He shall never lose it, and his glorified body shall not be destroyed.


Now, I'm sorry if I'm going to confuse you, but I have a couple of corrections there. First of all, I should have said Christ instead of Adam. "Adam's mastery over his own soul is for the life of the ages." I should have said Christ's mastery over His own soul. But of course we know -- or I hope you know. If you don't know, I'm telling you that Adam is merely Christ in his immaturity. So saying Adam is not really incorrect, but saying Christ eliminates any potential for confusion. We should have said, "Christ's mastery over His soul is for the life of the ages."


Second of all, I translated the word kingdom as His glorified body. Now, I remember why I decided to do that. I'm not going to tell you why because it'll just confuse you. I wasn't sure, and I remember why I decided to do that, but I have since changed my mind. And I'm going to say that I should not have translated that, "and his glorified body shall be destroyed." It should have been, "and his glorified soul shall not be destroyed."


Remember that the Hebrew word translated destroyed means to ruin, to pervert or corrupt. So we said that Christ's glorified soul shall not be perverted. Or -- what does that mean? Or return to the vile, fallen soul our spiritual life dwells in. Now, brethren, the soul that we dwell in now is a perversion of the soul of Christ. It's very ugly to God.


Verse 27 tells us that the kingdom or glorified soul of Jesus Christ is everlasting or shall live for the life of the ages. And Verse 14 assures us that the soul of Christ shall never revert to the fallen condition it is in today. Glory to God.


And then we go on in Verse 27 with the phrase, "and all dominions shall serve and obey Him." The word all means the whole of or the total of, and the word dominion, of course, we've had it several times in this message alone, means mastery, power, specifically power over the living soul. Glory to God.


Remember that both the living soul and Christ have God-given dominion, each in their own soul. Christ has dominion over His own soul and shall and [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- has in the realm of the spirit dominion over the Adamic soul. He hasn't appropriated it in every members of the living soul yet. But Satan or Adam only has dominion in the Adamic soul. I'm going to suggest to you that the Scripture is speaking of the dominion of Christ here, and the reason the word dominion is plural in this verse is that the Scripture is speaking of Christ appearing in the many members of the living soul, many dominions, Christ appearing in the many souls -- many human souls of the human soul.


In other words, the Christ in every member of the living soul shall serve and obey Him. The word serve is Strong's 6399. We've had this before. It means to worship, to break open or pierce, to bring forth or to strike through. Now, remember, we had it before in Verse 14. So remember that in Verse 14 -- well, I'm going to tell you something else first. OK, remember that in Verse 14, we're told that all people, nations and languages should serve Him. And we translated this phrase, "So that all peoples who know God and all those who don't, all nationalities and all groups of people with different ethnic backgrounds but who speak the same language, should" -- now, this is what the word serve means --"should break open their Adamic souls and pierce through into the realm of God's Spirit."


Glory to God. The word obey is Strong's 8086. It means to hear intelligently, to understand things heard, to cause one to be heard. Now, that really surprised me, because what it says to me is that -- well, we all know that no one could obey God unless it's granted to them. And I sort of have known this, but it's just much more clearer to me as a result of this Scripture, that it's impossible for any man to obey God, to come to the Lord in any manner, shape or form unless God causes His words and His instructions to be heard by the mind of that man.


This is another situation where because Daniel is prophesying, he is seeing things from the perspective of the realm of the spirit, and we know that the realm of the soul is a mirror image of the realm of the spirit. So I'm -- what I'm saying is that what Daniel sees happening first will happen last in the realm of the soul. And, therefore, in our Alternate Translation, I'm reversing the words dominions and obey so that it makes sense to those of us down here on the soul realm. And the phrase we're translating is, "and all dominions shall serve and obey him."


Alternate Translation, third third, Daniel 7:27. "Every member of the living soul shall be made to understand what the Lord requires of Him, and the Christ which has been birthed in each of them, shall break open their Adamic souls and pierce through into the realm of God's Spirit." Glory to God. "Every member of the living soul shall be made to understand what the Lord requires of Him, and the Christ which has been birthed in each of them, shall break open their Adamic souls and pierce through into the realm of God's Spirit."


I believe that any many who is given the ability to truly understand the desperate spiritual condition that he's in and the reality that there is a way out if he will obey Christ, would obey Christ. Who in their right mind, if they really got a revelation of the utter vileness of their condition and were shown a way out, wouldn't go?


As I see it, there are two problems facing the human race in this hour. One, the gospel of the kingdom is not being preached except to a very small remnant of the church. The people, they don't know their -- what their condition is, brethren. They not only don't know that there's a way out. They don't understand their condition.


And as far as the bride company is concerned, those to whom the imputed -- to whom the anointing of Christ or the spirit of Christ has been imputed -- well, you hear those preachers preaching, you know, Jesus save me. There's a way out. Yes, in a measure. They have an understanding that Jesus can get you off drugs, that Jesus can get you out -- off alcohol, that he can cure your brain tumor, but, brethren, it -- they are not being given an understanding of their vile, spiritual condition. They think they're OK now. They're just going to fly away to heaven. They really don't -- they really are not hearing the truth. It's a very immature message or a very immature version of the truth that they're hearing. And there is just not enough power in it to raise them up and to deliver them totally from sin. This is to raise them up to perfection and deliver from sin.


And, two, even if the world were to hear this message and understand it, we have not entered in -- I believe we have not yet entered into the season where it is possible for the many to enter into the promise of full salvation, which is the deliverance from sin. We've talked about this on other messages, brethren. The Holy Spirit was not available to the most anointing man of God before it was poured out on the Apostles in the day of -- on -- in the days of Pentecost in the upper room. We must enter into the season or the timeframe that Christ has opened the door into the spiritual realm whereby it is now possible for those that have been faithful in God to enter into perfection.


Glory to God. So even if someone in the world or someone in the church hears the true gospel of the kingdom, they really get a revelation of the desperation -- the desperateness of their condition and that -- brethren, this has happened to me. I have a revelation of the desperateness of my condition and that all I need is to get into the soul of Christ, and I'm going to be delivered from this hell on Earth. And I can't get there, brethren. I personally believe that if the door were opened in this hour, God would let me enter in. I personally believe the door is not yet opened.


And I had to really take authority over my soul, because I've experienced being very frustrated. Seeing the answer to my problem, I lead a mis- -- outside of the glory that God has given me through this message and the ability to preach it and teach it, I have a very painful life, brethren. And I have a vision of the answer to my pain. I know how to get delivered. I know which way to go. I know what's going to do it, and I can't lay hold of it. I must wait for Christ to catch me up into it. Glory to God.


I believe the Scripture clearly teaches that when the gospel of the kingdom is preached to all me, the blasphemous, corrupt multitudes, which are typified my Nineveh in the Book of Jonah, will repent. But without a question of a doubt, I believe they'll repent, but that there will many members of the living soul who, like natural Israel, have heard God but have never known Him. These are the members of the living soul that call themselves the church today, but we know that all Israel is not Israel and that every person that calls himself a Christian is not a Christian.


There are carnal Christians out there that have heard of God but have never known Him, who in this hour are moving in the gifts of the Spirit and who have the opportunity to know God if they would just ask for that knowledge. But despite this opportunity that the multitudes in the world do not have, they will not ask for it, but deny God continuingly -- continuously and choose their carnal doctrines and their religious rituals and their idolatries.


Matthew 7, brethren, Verses 7 to 8. "Ask, and it shall be given you ; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." Verse 8, "For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened."


Revelation 3:20, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me. If any man hear My voice and open the door."


Why does it say, in Matthew 7 and 8, "seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you," and in Revelation 3:20, it says that Jesus is knocking. Well, I'm going to suggest to you, brethren, that in Matthew 7:7 and 8, Jesus is speaking to the whole living soul, those that have never known Him. He's saying, anybody out there, if you come looking for Me, I'm going to receive you.


Now, remember, Jesus was speaking to the Jews when He said this. And these Jews had no idea whatsoever that the grace of God, in a very short period of time, would be extended to the Gentiles. And I remind you that Cornelius, who was the man that Peter was sent to, who was the man that was the subject of Peter's vision, was a heathen that had heard the message of Christ and was crying out to God day or night. He knocked, I tell you, brethren. Cornelius knocked, and the door was opened to him, even the door into the spiritual realm of God, through the apostle Peter.


But the Jew, brethren, you Pharisee out there, brethren, you religious Christian, you self-righteous, without mercy, uppity, condemning person that dares to call yourself a Christian, the Lord has been knocking at your door, brethren, for many a season, and you have not opened it. And I declare to you that that door shall remain closed in the hour of salvation, and you shall be one of those saying, Lord, Lord, I cast out demons in your name, and I healed the sick in your name. Why have you not taken me? And He shall call you a worker of iniquity and command you to depart from Him, because you have had the opportunity for only God knows how long. And you have loved your religious works, and you have loved to condemn the broken-hearted, and you have refused to give up your idolatries.


Brethren, these Scriptures are not speaking about worldly things but are telling us how to gain entrance into the spiritual realm of God. And I'm sorry if I'm shattering your doctrine, but the simple truth is that if you [?covet?cover?] the riches of this world, you shall not enter into the spiritual realm of God. Yes, we all need a home to live in, raiment and food, but don't be deceived into thinking that you can enter into the realm of God's Spirit without giving up large portions of your soul life.


I've seen Christians apply these Scriptures to getting Cadillacs and cars and vacations and husbands and everything that their souls lust for. Brethren, it's talking about an entrance, access to the spiritual realm of God. You cannot have the fullness of the realm of the soul and the fullness of the realm of the spirit. You cannot serve God and Mammon. One must take preeminence in your life. And Jesus said, if you're not for Me, you're against Me. If He's calling you into a deeper walk with the Lord and you will not give up the things of this soul realm that He has called you to give up, you have chosen Mammon. You have chosen Mammon by refusing to follow Christ.


Brethren, I declare to you that if He requires you to ride an hour to a service two or three times a week and you refuse to do it, you have chosen the comfort of your soul life over the spiritual realm of God, and you cannot have both. The spiritual realm of God shall withdraw from you. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, Daniel, Chapter 7, Verse 27. "And the soul of Christ and the spiritual authority of the Father within Him and the soul of Christ, which shall be increased into the members of the first fruits company, swallowing up their Adamic souls and bringing them under the authority of the new, combined heaven, shall be the heaven which is laid in the minds of the remaining members of the living soul. And because Christ is the soul which shall live for the life of the ages, every members of the living soul shall be made to understand what the Lord requires of him. And the Christ which has been birthed in each of them shall break open their Adamic souls and pierce through into the realm of God's Spirit."


Hallelujah. So we're told, in Verse 14, brethren, that all people, nations and languages shall serve Him. We translated that verse, "So that all the peoples who know God and all those who don't, all nationalities and all groups of people with different ethnic backgrounds but who speak the same language, shall break open their Adamic souls and pierce through into the realm of God's Spirit."


And in Verse 27, we find out that these many members of the living soul shall do this by the power of Christ, which has been birthed in their individual minds after they have been made to understand what the Lord requires of them. Brethren, what does the Lord require of us? He requires that we confess our sins, brethren. He requires that we repent of our sins, brethren. He require that we submit to His Spirit, brethren, and He requires that we resist the devil who is tempting us to sin. And He has promised us the ultimate deliverance, the appearance of Christ in you.


Verse 28, "Hitherto is the end of the matter. As for me Daniel, my cogitations much troubled me, and my countenance changed in me: but I kept the matter in my heart." The word hitherto, the interlinear says, is really -- should really be translated here. The word end, and here is the end of the matter, is 5491. It only ap- -- this word only appears in Daniel 7:26 and 28. We mentioned it earlier. It means termination or conclusion. And the word matter is Strong's 4406. It means word, command, discourse or subject.


Alternate Translation, the first quarter of Daniel 7:28. "This is everything that God showed me," or, "Here is everything that God showed me," or, "This is everything that God showed me. Hitherto, here is, the end of the matter, the conclusion. Here is the completion. Here is the totality of the discourse or the vision that God has shown me. This is everything that God showed me."


Continuing with, "As for me Daniel, my cogitations much troubled me." As for me is Strong's 5613, and can be translated, we're told, af- -- in Strong's, af- -- and after that. Glory to God. As for me Daniel, my cogitations much troubled me." Cogitations, Strong's 7476, it [AUDIO CUTS OUT] -- cogitations, Strong's 7476, this is the only time this word -- this Hebrew word is translated cogitations, and it means mental conceptions or thoughts.


"As for me Daniel, my cogitations much troubled me." The word -- Hebrew word translated much is Strong's 7690, and it means exceedingly great or mightily. They mightily troubled him. His thoughts mightily troubled him. The Hebrew word translated trouble is ni- -- is Strong's 927, and it means to terrify or to haste or to speed. It's corresponding to Strong's 926, which means to tremble. This word tremble suggests vibration, which is the movement of the realm of the spirit or the movement -- or this is the way the spirits move, by vibratio- -- spirits move by vibration.


And we studied this word in Verse 15 where we translated the verse -- let me give you the verse. In Verse 15, "I Daniel was grieved in my spirit in the midst of my body, and the visions of my head troubled me," and we translated that, "And spiritual communications, the visions of his head, were thrust into Daniel." Well, I see that I left something out. I didn't want to read you the whole study. You could review that message if you want. But I did give you an example in the Scripture where this word, Strong's 927, was translated thrust into, as far as I was concerned, typifying the move of the spiritual communication from the Lord. And we translated it, "And spiritual communications from the Lord were thrust into Daniel, or vibrated forth into Daniel."


Alternate Translation, the second quarter of Daniel 7:28. "And after seeing all this, the thoughts which the Lord gave me were thrust mightily into my Adamic mind. And after seeing the whole vision, the thoughts which I received when I was joined to the mind of Christ were thrust mightily into my Adamic mind."


Why? Because the mind of -- the Adamic mind of Daniel was about to be separated from the mind of Christ. Then there would have been no memory at all if those thoughts were not thrust into his Adamic mind.


Continuing with, "and my countenance changed in me." And Daniel's countenance changed in him. Strong's 2122 is the Hebrew word translated countenance. This word only appears in the Book of Daniel, and it means brightness or color, and it's used of the color of the face. "And my countenance changed in me." The word changed is Strong's 8133. It means to alter, to change or to be diverse. This is the same Hebrew word translated diverse in verses 3, 7 and 19 where we're told that Adamic soul is so different or so changed from the soul of Christ that Christ appears repugnant or perverse to someone manifesting the carnal mind.


Have you ever manifested Christ and had a so-called Christian tell you that it's witchcraft or mind control? It happens to me all the time, especially immature believers that cannot believe or will not believe that Christ can rebuke, that Christ can send forth a railing rebuke that is not sin. It is Christ strongly telling you of your sin and rebuking the error of your way.


I've had people in this ministry that as soon as a harsh sound comes from my voice, they tell me I'm manifesting witchcraft and mind control. They think that for me to be manifesting Christ, I have to be speaking like a tea party lady, gently. Brethren, open up your ears and your eyes. And to be honest with you, I've never heard anyone preaching under the anointing speaking like a tea part lady. Why? Because the living soul and the church is filled with sin. And usually when the relates to it or communicates with His church, He is giving a rebuke or a correction. He will follow that rebuke or correction up with the promise of the glory of the kingdom, but don't forget that He is waging war with your carnal mind.


And all you preachers of the kingdom out there that only preach the positive part of the Scripture, what you're doing is as dangerous as the preachers that are preaching the rapture. You are not preparing the members of the church for the slaughter of their souls. They will not be prepared. They will be in shock when it happens to them. You're preaching a rapture mentality. You're preaching the truth, but you're not telling them ho- -- what they're going to have to go through to get there. Arise in the spirit of Almighty God, and tell the people the truth.


So, getting back to Daniel. Glory to God. "Any my countenance changed in me." I'm suggesting to you that the significance of the brightness or the color of Daniel's face changing is that he fell out of the heavenly realm of the Spirit of God or the mind of Christ and was returned to his Adamic mind. His color changed. He was bright when he was joined to the mind of Christ, and when he stopped being bright, what did he become? Anybody know what color he would become? It doesn't say it in the Scripture. Anybody know? He became red, the color of the living soul, the color of Adam, red. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, the third quarter of Daniel, Chapter 7, Verse 28. "And the soul of Christ separated Himself from me, and the thoughts of my Adamic soul returned to my mind. And the soul of Christ separated Himself from me and took all the glorious thoughts of Christ with him, and A- -- and Daniel found himself thinking with the mind of a natural man again." Remember that for the third telling of the vision, Daniel's soul was joined to the soul of Christ.


Continuing with, in Verse 28, "But I kept that matter in my heart." Daniel kept the matter in his heart. Even though the soul of Christ is joined from him and the thoughts of his carnal mind return  to him, Daniel still kept the matter in his heart. The word -- Hebrew word translated kept is Strong's 5202, and it means to keep watch, to guard a vineyard, to keep watch or to guard a vineyard. It's the only time that this word is translated kept. "But I kept the matter in my heart." The word matter is Strong's 4406, and that is translated word, command, discourse or subject. And the word heart, I've told you -- I believe I've told you that. The English word heart has many Hebrew words. There are many Hebrew words that are translated heart. This one is Strong's 3821, and it is widely -- is used widely to describe the intellect. I suggest to you it means the carnal mind.


And I'm also going to suggest to you that Daniel willed, by his -- the willpower of his carnal mind, to retain the memory of God's communication to him, in his human intellect, knowing full well that if he did not at least make the effort, the memory of what God said to him would fade away. Brethren, did you every experience that? I have received the most glorious communications from Almighty God, and sometimes as recently as 24 hours later, they're just totally faded away, and my carnal mind is ruling. The death of my carnal mind that has destroyed the faith that was imparted to me through that word is ruling.


And the Lord has recently brought me to a place where I'm fighting, where I'm willing, through my Adamic soul, to remember what God has told me. But I want to tell you something, brethren. That's one tough battle, and I've started to write down His prophecies to me and just read them over and over again. And I choose to believe God, but I want to tell you, my carnal mind is beating on me.


Alternate Translation, the fourth quarter of Daniel, Chapter 7, Verse 28. "But I willed to remember what God had shown me."


Alternate Translation, Daniel, Chapter 7, Verse 28. "This is everything that God showed me. We've ju- -- I've just told you everything that God has showed me. And after seeing all this, the thoughts which the Lord gave me were thrust mightily into my Adamic mind. And the soul of Christ separated Himself from me, and the thoughts of my Adamic soul returned unto my mind. But I willed, I exerted every effort to remember what God had shown me."


Recap, Daniel 7, Verses 26 to 28. "But Jesus Christ shall marry the first fruits company of the living soul. And they shall destroy the spiritual authority of the carnal mind in the remaining members of the living soul by causing Christ to appear in each of them, because when Christ appears in them, He shall bring to nought, even lay waste, the spiritual, military strength of the carnal mind that shall rule the living soul until God's creation is completed by Christ being irrefutably installed as king over every single member of the living soul."


"And the soul of Christ and the spiritual authority of the Father within Him and the soul of Christ which shall be increased into the members of the first fruits company, swallowing up their Adamic souls and bringing them under the authority of the new, combined heaven, the spiritual realm, shall be the foundation which is laid in the minds of the remaining members of the living soul. And because Christ is the soul which shall live for the life of the ages, every member of the living soul shall be made to understand what the Lord requires of him. And the Christ which has been birthed in each and every one of them shall break open their Adamic souls and pierce through into the realm of God's Spirit."


"This is everything that God showed me. And after seeing all this, the thoughts which the Lord gave me were thrust mightily into my Adamic mind. And the soul of Christ separated Himself from me, and the thoughts of the Adamic soul returned to my mind. But I exerted every effort to remember what God had shown me."


Glory to God. Any questions tonight? Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. You have a question tonight? OK, let me get over there. The resurrection of our question ministry. Glory to God.


            I didn't understand too well when you were explaining about the heavens, the different heavens.


Anything specific or you just didn't understand anything that I said?


            I think I -- you said that -- when you -- that Scripture, was it Romans you were explaining?


II Corinthians.


            Oh, II Corinthians. Yeah, you explai- -- you said that He went above Satan?


Yes, he pierced through the natural border of his Adamic soul. You see, when we are dwelling in our carnal mind, we cannot receive the things of God. Everyone that has the imputed anointing of Christ, hopefully, at some time experiences what Daniel experienced. When God speaks to us, when He speaks to us in our thoughts, when we get an impression when we're reading the Scripture, when God communicates with us in any way, what has happened is, by the authority of the soul of Christ that's in us, whether it's imputed or imparted, we have gone beyond the limits of our carnal mind, joined with the soul of Christ and heard what He had to say.


            That we means we're in the third heaven?


Well, there is no third heaven. That means we have left our Adamic mind and entered into the mind of Christ. And I know that we did a study way back at the beginning of the Book of Revelation. If you want, I'll get the number of the message for you where we're told that -- John is told to come up hither, and when we did a word-by-word study, we found out that what he was really commanded to do was come out of the border of his Adamic soul and enter into the soul of Christ, in which is all revelation, truth and understanding. And we can enter into that soul of Christ, though many -- the different members of the living soul enter into the mind of Christ in varying degrees. God has given me this glorious revelation. I've been permitted to enter in for the purpose of receiving this word so that I could give it to you.


So what happened to Paul in Revelation, I believe -- in II Corinthians, I believe it was 12:1 -- 12:2, OK. He was given permission, by Christ, to go beyond the limits of his carnal mind and enter into the mind of Christ so that he could receive great revelation.


            So that's just an expression that he uses, the third heaven?


It's not an expression. It's a wrong interpretation. It's a wrong interpretation, that's what it is.




OK, anything else? OK, the King James Translators just didn't have a spiritual revelation that they could even imagine of going beyond the limits of their carnal minds, so that was how they translated. Neither did they have the revelation that the third part of man is the satanic realm in our mind. There is no way -- there's no way anyone could understand that or believe it if they hear you or me telling it to them, but that the Spirit of God should quicken it to them. It's a very deep, hidden truth. How many Christians know that we even have the promise of shooting out of our carnal mind or out of our Adamic soul and entering into the soul of Christ? Almost no Christian's even awaiting for that. They're waiting for their whole body to be taken up to Mars. I don't mean to be sarcastic, but it's the truth. There are preachers that preach it's another planet.


So for the people on the message, what's happening is that our spiritual substance, which is our human spirit, which is now joined to Satan, is being broken free from Satan. And it -- when the -- when Jesus says the hour is now, we shall be totally broken free from him. We shall be removed from him and enter into -- with a permanent joining, into the soul of Christ. And we shall have been raptured, if you would like to say it that way, into the spiritual realm of God where there is no death.


And until that hour, the Christ comes down to where we are, for certain reasons at certain times and under certain circumstances, and joins to us where we are for the purpose of imparting His Spirit to us, which is all the preparation of getting us out of there. He's strengthening us. Every time the spirit of Christ or the soul of Christ comes down to us and joins to us and communicates with us in any way, what He's doing is strengthening us in preparation for the big escape, the big getaway from Alcatraz. He's going to break us free from the carnal mind, where we're joined to and married to Satan, and marry us unto Himself. Glory to God. Which is the new heaven and the earth, is our glorified body.


Did I answer your question? OK, anything else?




OK. Glory to God.


5/08/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

5/13/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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