071 - Part 9
(Revelation 13 & Daniel 7)

Part 9 of 10 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Glory to God. Recap. Daniel, Chapter 7. Versus 22 to 22. “And I'd like to know,” Daniel speaking, “And I'd like to know about the law of sin and death which is ruling in each and every member of the living soul, and about the different law which was appearing from underneath the earth of the living soul. The one which caused the criminal mind of the living soul to prostrate himself and serve the living God. The one who appears much more like Lord and master of God's creation than the three other living creatures which were designed to be joined to Him and serve Him. I looked at the vision and that same Spirit of the Father, which dwells in his Christ that fulfilled the spiritual law of God in Jesus Christ of Nazareth drew the members of the body of Christ near to him and waged war against their sin-filled corrupt Adamic souls and overcame them.”


“Until the one who overcame the sole realm was course to appear in the many members of the living soul, even Jesus Christ. And he shall judge the living soul and cleanse her from her sins when he is laid as a spiritual foundation in the heart of every member of the living soul. And the season arrived during which the members of the living soul that had received the lone righteousness of Jesus Christ, which is without repentance.” That's the imputed anointing. “Would be woven together in their minds to the soul of Jesus Christ and made truly holy.” That's the important anointing. Glory to God.


We are starting tonight with the third telling of Daniel’s vision. The third telling or the third recounting of Daniel's vision runs from Verse 23 of Chapter 7 through Verse 27. We are going to Verses 23, 24 and 25 tonight. And we shall, Lord willing, finish this series up at the next meeting. I thought we could do it tonight, but it was wishful thinking. And of course after that we’ll be back in the Book of Revelation.


OK. Please note or remember with me that the first telling was a vision imparted to Daniel's human spirit and this is expressed by Daniels words, “I saw in my vision by night.” And I didn't write down the verse for you. If you’ll just hold on I'm looking for it. It's Verse 2 of Chapter 7. Daniel says I saw in my vision by night. That is the first telling. The first time we hear about Daniel's vision. Excuse me. The second telling was imparted to Daniel’s soul, not his human spirit. His soul in three stages. The first stage; the soul of Christ imparts knowledge to Daniel's Adamic soul, which is expressed in Verse 16 by Daniel’s words. “And he told me. And the Christ who was separate and apart from Daniel spoke to Daniel and told him.”


The second stage of the second telling of Daniel’s vision. The second telling is imparted to Daniel’s soul and the second stage is as follows. The soul of Christ comes down and joints with Daniel’s soul. It comes down where? To Daniel's level. To the level of Daniel's Adamic soul, joins with him on the level of the Adamic soul and this is expressed by Daniel’s words in Verse 19, “Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast.” Daniel doesn't even realize the Christ has joined with him. He thinks he's still talking to him, but as Daniel continues to ask his question and we see information coming forth in that question we realize that the two souls are joined on the level of the Adamic soul.


And the third stage of the second telling of the vision which is imparted to Daniel’s soul is when the soul of Christ catches Daniel’s Adamic soul up to the spiritual realm of God, where the Christ speaks through Daniel causing Daniel to prophesy the future of God's creation and this is expressed in Verse 23 by Daniel’s words. Thus he said or as we shall find out as we go through a word by word study we can translate that, “Thus saith the Lord.” Glory to God.


Note that the first telling of the vision speaks about beasts, horns, Son of Man, clouds of heaven. These are all abstract concepts that the average person would have absolutely no idea of how to begin interpreting them or what they could mean. Someone in our society today basically could not relate to these words. The second telling however speaks about Kings, kingdoms and making war. These are concepts that are understandable by the average person. You could stop anybody on the street and ask them what a king or a kingdom is or what a war is and they'll know what you're talking about. So, we see as the vision starts to pour forth Daniel’s soul. We find -- let me back up. When the vision is imparted to our human spirit it’s virtually without understanding for human beings. As it enters into and joins with our soul we begin to receive some understanding.


But as we discussed on other messages, I personally and I hear a lot from the Lord in visions and in spiritual matters and I personally have never gotten understanding of a spiritual matter in my soul that has manifested in the realm of appearance exactly as I expected it to. The understanding in the realm of the soul is in part we see through a glass darkly, we never -- I have never experienced a vision that showed me exactly how something would manifest in the realm of appearance. I received enough knowledge of it in the realm of the soul to recognize it when it manifested in the realm of appearance, but it was never exactly the same. Glory to God.


The third telling of Daniel's vision is a prophecy which uses the same more understandable concepts as the second telling. Now, we’re talking about the word king and kingdom and war here. And it gives us still more information than the second telling. Do you remember how events come to pass in the realm of appearance? First God speaks the word in the realm of His Spirit. The word is sketched in the spiritual realm of the soul. And what is the spiritual realm of the soul? It's a man's mind. So when we say that it’s sketched in the spiritual realm of the soul what we are saying is, that God's thought has been imparted to a man's mind and it becomes the thought of that man. And unless you're spiritually sophisticated and you get an original thought in your mind you will think that it's yours and you will not understand that. That thought comes either from God, or from whom? From the Devil. Amen.


There's only two entities in this world that can generate thoughts. The Lord or Satan. You do not have any original thoughts. I am sorry to shatter you, but that's the spiritual reality of it. OK. So, we're talking about how events come to pass in the realm of appearance. First God speaks the word, then the word is sketched in the spiritual realm of the soul or in a man's mind. And lastly the word appears in the realm of appearance. Now, the appearance of the word of God in the realm of appearance can occur in two stages. The first stage is when the word is spoken out loud by God's prophet. “Thus saith the Lord thou shall prosper and be well and now shall be healed from thy infirmity.”


The word of the Lord is no longer just a thought in somebody's mind, but it has appeared in the realm of appearance although it may not have occurred yet in the person's body. The speaking of it in a language that other people can understand is the appearance of God's will. The beginning of the appearance of God's will in the realm of appearance. And of course the second stage of the word of the Lord appearing in the realm of appearance is that the word is acted out or appears in the behavior of men. Glory to God.


In the case of Daniel’s vision the word is spoken by God's prophet, because it is not yet the season for its appearing in the behavior of men. I think most of us know here that a large part of the reason why we have not appropriated many of the promises of the Bible is that they are not available to us in this hour. I personally do not believe that the adoption of our body is available to any man in this hour. We have not entered into the season or age or the timeframe where it's available. Before the Holy Spirit was poured out on the apostles in the upper room it was not yet the season where a man could freely partake of the Holy Spirit. It was not available to men. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


So, that's why in the third telling of Daniel's vision -- now if you recall a couple of messages back when we studied Peter's vision, the third telling was the actual event of it happening through men in the realm of appearance, because it was the hour, it was the time, it was the season that God had ordained that this would come to pass. But in the case of Daniel's vision it was not yet the time or the season for this to come to pass. So, because the third telling of the vision requires it to appear in the realm of appearance the Lord had Daniel prophesy it and it appeared in that form. Glory to God.


Starting with Verse 23. Excuse me. Hallelujah. Daniel prophesy now, “Thus he said, the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms and shall devour the whole earth. And shall tread it down and break it in pieces.” Glory to God. Verse 7 tells us about a fourth beast which is diverse from all the beasts that were before it. That's the first telling of the vision. Verse 7 tells us about a fourth beast which is diverse from all the beasts that were before it. For the second telling of the vision Verse 17 tells us that the fourth beast is a fourth king. Verse 17 now changes the word beast to King. Which shall arise out of the earth.


And we discussed on a prior message that this means that the fourth beast is the fourth stage of God's creation which shall swallow up to three beasts or the three stages of the developing man that occurred before him and incarnate as a completed spiritual man in the realm of appearance. Verse 23, this is the third telling of the vision now. In Verse 23 we’re told that the fourth beast is a fourth kingdom, which is diverse from all kingdoms. So what are we saying? In the first telling we hear about a fourth beast. In the second telling we hear about a fourth king and in the third telling we hear about a fourth kingdom. And I'm going to suggest to you that in the first telling we have no information at all as to what these beasts are. The word beast is an abstract concept of which we have no understanding.


In the second telling we find out that the beasts are kings or men which incarnate in the realm of appearance. We’d had teaching on that before, that kings are spiritual life that have incarnated with a soul in the realm of appearance. The second telling is speaking of the creature’s spiritual life. We find out the beast is a king. We’ve been told -- we’re been given information about the creature’s spiritual life. In the third telling we’re told that the beasts are kingdoms. You may remember that the requirements for a kingdom are a king, a piece of land and subject. I'm suggesting that the word kingdom suggests that the land, that the spiritual life of the creature dwells in even the soul. Glory to God.


I guess I didn't have a complete sentence here. I'm suggesting that the word kingdom suggests the land that the spiritual life of the creature dwells in, even the soul. The word kingdom speaks of the soul life of the creature or the creation. So we are told that we have four beasts in the first telling. In the second telling we're told that they are spiritual life. And the third telling we are told that these spiritual creatures dwell within a soul. Glory to God. We find out that they're a soul-man. That they are men that live on the face of the earth.


Alternate translation. The first third of Daniel 7:23. Glory to God. “Thus Daniel prophesied saying, thus saith the Lord. Then Daniel prophesied saying, thus saith the Lord.” Glory to God. Excuse me a minute. Sorry about that. “Then Daniel prophesied saying, thus saith the Lord. Christ shall be the soul that has developed to its highest spiritual potential through submission to and union with the Father. And he shall be different from the Adamic soul. Thus he said the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth. Then Daniel prophesied saying, thus saith the Lord, the fourth beast, Christ shall be the fourth kingdom soul who shall be the soul that has developed to its highest potential. Thus he said the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon the earth which shall be diverse from all kingdoms.”


“Then Daniel prophesied saying, thus saith the Lord, the fourth beast Christ.” Glory to God. “Shall be the fourth kingdom. It shall be the greatest kingdom. It shall be the soul that has developed to its highest spiritual potential and it shall develop to its highest spiritual potential through submission to and union with the Father. And this kingdom shall be diverse from all kingdoms.” Glory to God. “And he Christ shall be different from the Adamic soul. Then Daniel prophesied saying, thus saith the Lord. Christ shall be the soul that has developed to its highest spiritual potential through submission to and union with the Father and he shall be different from the Adamic soul.”


Continuing with, “And he shall devour.” Who? The fourth beast who was who? Christ shall devour the whole earth. When Verse 7 says, “It devoured,” now, that's the first telling. Verse seven says, “It devoured,” meaning the fourth beast devoured. Verse seven says, “It devoured.” Verse 19 says, “Which devoured,” but Verse 23 in the third telling tells us what it devoured and it says, “Even the whole earth.” “And shall devour the whole earth.” So, in the case of the word devour, the first and the second telling do not tell us what's being devoured. But in the third telling, in the prophecy we find out what's being devoured and it is the whole earth that is being devoured. Now, remember from your past messages that word devour means to eat or consume. And when we study these verses and other messages we found out that the Spirit of Christ was consuming the Adamic soul and swallowing up the spiritual life that dwells within it, even Satan.


Alternate translation. Second third of Daniel Chapter 7, Verse 23. “And shall devour the whole earth, and the fourth beast shall devour the whole earth. And the fourth beast shall swallow them, the members of the Adamic soul up. And the fourth beast shall swallow the members of the Adamic soul up. Once again I suggest that you stop here and review part six of message 71 which compares Verse 7 with Verse 19. So the next phrase of Verse 23 reads, “And the fourth beast shall tread it down and break it in pieces.” And the fourth beast shall tread it down. Shall tread what down? The whole earth and break it in pieces. He shall devour the whole earth and shall tread down and break it in pieces. So again, we know that we are talking about the whole earth.


Now, please note that Verses 7 and 19, that's the first and second telling. Say that the beast or the fourth beast break in pieces and stamped the residue with his feet. Remember the word residue refers to that which remains after the beast’s iron teeth boil the human soul as a sin offering. Even the threefold spirit of man. Remember the human -- glory to God. That which remains after the human soul was boiled as a sin offering is the human spirit which is now married to Satan and has produced the carnal mind. And I'll just refresh your memory that for a spirit to appear in the realm of appearance it must be a threefold spirit. You need a male and a female spirit and an offspring. Eve is the female spirit when she is married to Satan. Her offspring is the carnal mind and they appear in the realm of appearance by the carnal mind.


When Eve is married to the Lord God, they produce Christ. And they appear in the realm of appearance by Christ. Hallelujah. So, after the human soul is boiled as a sin offering, the threefold spirit of man remains. So what am I saying here? I'm saying that in Verses 7 and 19, the phrase, “Break in pieces,” refers to the breaking apart of the threefold human spirit which results in one. The death of the carnal mind. Now, the reason that the carnal mind dies is that when it's broken apart, it’s broken down to soul and spirit. Just like a demon it's broken apart, it’s separated down into -- remember it’s Father is Satan, which is spirit. It’s Mother is -- I’m sorry I got it backwards. His Father is soul, which is Satan and his mother is spirit, which is Eve.


And I know that I just confused you. I refer you to the teachings on the changing sexual roles. If you want to pursue this further and you cannot find it in your Cyclopedia Index or you do not have a Cyclopedia Index call me and I will get you the message number. I don't want to get into this too deeply, but when the threefold human spirit is broken down it dies. OK. I'm not going to get into that anymore deeply right now. And my witness to that is the second death. And those of you that have studied in the second death, you know that the death of death results in life. And I remind you that Scripture says that the carnal mind is death. When the threefold human spirit is broken apart and the carnal mind is dissolved, the carnal mind has died. Death has died. This is the second death and it shall result in life. Why? Because the human spirit that has been freed through the death of the carnal mind shall marry Chri - -- shall marry the Holy Spirit and produce Christ, life eternal. Glory to God.


OK. The second result of the breaking down of the threefold human spirit is the marriage of Eve to Christ, making her one with Him. And the third result of the breaking down of the threefold human spirit is the bringing of Satan into submission to Christ’s male spiritual strength. Now, remember that the Hebrew word translated stamped means to prostrate oneself. I'm going through this very quickly; because we have at least two other messages on this. And if you feel that you have to listen to the other messages to prepare yourself for it, then I suggest to you that obviously I can't re-teach this on every message. And we have the same subject matter in each telling of the vision, so that's how we get into this problem.


OK. We're talking about the phrase now that says the beast break in pieces and stamped the residue with its feet. Now, remember the Hebrew word translated stamped means to prostrate oneself and the Hebrew word translated feet refers to Christ’s male spiritual strength. So, we are translating the phrase, “Stamped the residue or the threefold human spirit, of which only Satan now remains.” Why? Because the carnal mind has been dissolved and Eve has married Christ. So after the threefold human spirit is dissolved, we have only Satan left. OK. So, we’re translating the phrase, “Stamped the residue or threefold human spirit of which only Satan remains with the feet if it or by the feet of the beast or who is the beast; Christ. Or by the feet of Christ. So what are we saying? Glory to God.


We’re saying that -- excuse me, my throat. In both Verses; 7 and 19, as Christ, which is the beast caused Satan to be brought into submission to his male spiritual strength. OK. This phrase, “Break in pieces and stamped the residue with his feet.” We’ve translated this on prior messages that Christ caused Satan to be brought into submission to his male spiritual strength. Now, note that Verse 23 says, “He who the fourth beast shall tread it down and break it in pieces.” And we can see from the prior phrase that the it that he's talking about is the whole earth. Let's read that from the Scripture. “He shall be diverse from all kingdoms and shall devour the whole earth and shall tread it down and break it in pieces.”


So, when we talk about treading it down in Verse 23, we know that the Scripture is talking about the fourth beast treading down the whole earth. And I suggest to you that the whole earth is the whole of the living soul; not the threefold human spirit and neither the human soul by itself, but the whole of the living soul which is being tread down and broken in pieces. Now, this is a very important point. Verses 7 and 19 speak about breaking the threefold human spirit in pieces or separating them and bringing Satan into submission. But Verse 23 in the third telling speaks about breaking not the threefold human spirit, but the whole of the Adamic soul into pieces; the whole of the living soul. Or crushing it or humbling it and as we are about to find out, crushing that soul under the feet or the soul of Christ.


So what am I saying? The first and the second telling talks about bringing the threefold human spirit into submission, but by the time we get to the third telling which is a prophecy, which is what's happening in the realm of appearance we find out that not just the spirit that rules and living soul, but the entire living soul is being humbled and brought into submission to the soul of Jesus Christ. Glory to God. And why is that? Because when you get the spirit that rules in the living soul -- if you get him to come into submission to you, everything that he has ruled automatically comes into submission to you. Brethren, if you smite the army of a land; all of the women and children, and the slave labor, and the gold and silver, and everything else that is there is yours. He who subjugates Satan becomes the ruler of the entire living soul, including the human soul and the body; the many human souls and the many bodies.


The same word can take on a different meaning; in general I’m not talking about any particular word here. And the same word can take on a different meaning when used in connection with a different phrase. For example, in Verses 7 and 19, one of the Hebrew word translated break in pieces is used in connection with the phrases stamped with the residue -- I'm sorry, stamped the residue with the feet if it. We translate this word, break, this phrase, break in pieces. We translate it in a way -- the word indicates that it's separating the threefold human spirit into three separate distinct parts. But in Verse 23 we see the phrase, break in pieces; and it’s the same words, but it’s used in connection this time with the whole earth, or the whole of the living soul. And because this phrase, break in pieces, is being used in connection with a different entity. It's not the threefold human spirit now; it's the whole living soul. We can translate it with a different intention, such as the bruising of the human soul and beating it very small or humbling it.


Now, you know that every word has many definitions. In the English dictionary each word has many definitions and every Hebrew word has many definitions. So, what I'm saying to you is we have a phrase here, break it in pieces and we’re choosing one definition of that word to describe its effect upon the threefold human spirit and we’re taking a different translation of the phrase, break in pieces, to describe its effect upon the whole of the living soul. And when we say break in pieces referring to the threefold human spirit, we mean it’s being broken down into Satan, Eve, and the carnal mind. And when we say that the whole of the living soul is being broken into pieces, we're talking about the bruising -- we’re talking not only about the separating of the threefold human spirit, but also the bruising of the human soul and the beating of it into very small dust, or the humbling of the human soul.


And what is the humbling of the human soul? It's bringing it into submission to the soul or the mind of Christ. When God tells you to go to fellowship and you don't want to go, but you know the Lord has told you to go and you go, your Adamic soul has been humbled or bruised, or beat very small as dust and brought into submission to the soul or the mind of Christ. And before that can occur in your mind, brethren, the master of your Adamic soul, even Satan, must be brought into submission to Christ in some measure or you would never obey Christ. Satan would never let you do it; he would punish you, brethren. So, before you can manifest any measure of obedience to Jesus Christ; Satan must be under some sort of judgment, which is coming from the Christ within you. Hallelujah.


OK. We are in Verse 23, the second half it. “And the fourth beast shall devour the whole earth and shall tread it down and break it in pieces.” Now, this phrase, tread it down, does not exist in the first or the second telling. The word is Strong’s 1759; it is the only time it is translated, tread down, and it means to trample or thresh. It means to thresh corn, which is done by oxen treading it out with their feet. They put the corn on a big platform or on the ground and the oxen tread it out with their feet. What happens when the oxen crush the corn? They are separating the outer husk which is inedible from the inner grain. And those of us that have had any studies at all may remember that Jesus likens the judgment of his church to the threshing of wheat. He's going to be separating the wicked from the righteous. Glory to God.


So, remember that the threshing of the wheat refers to the separation of that, which is edible, or acceptable to be joined to God from that which is not edible or not acceptable to be joined to God. The Lord shall break our Adamic souls into pieces or make it very small, or reduce its power and tread it down, or separate out if it every personality, trait that is not of Christ. And after He brings our human souls into submission, he shall impress the image of the Father upon our souls.


Alternate translation. This is the third third of Daniel 7:23. “And shall tread it down and break it in pieces. And shall humble the Adamic soul and bring them.” Bring who? The many members of the living soul. “Into submission to, and under the Lordship of the Soul of Christ. And shall separate them, the many members of the living soul, from every wicked personality trait that is not of God.” Please note that I have reversed the order of the phrases, tread it down and break in pieces. It says in the Scripture, “And shall tread it down and break in pieces.” In my alternate translation I put break in pieces first and tread it down second. Remember Daniel is prophesying from the realm of the spirit and sees the events in the reverse sequence, than those of us on the soul realm. If you are standing on the opposite side of a mirror from somebody, what you see first they see last and what they see first you see last. We've had this concept many times.


So we find scriptures that are in a sequence or that are in an order of occurrence that don't make any sense to the natural mind and that's because the person who's speaking them is not seeing them as a man, but seeing them directly from the realm of the spirit as God. “And shall humble the Adamic soul and bring them into submission to and under the Lordship of the Soul of Christ and shall separate them from every wicked personality trait that is not of God.” Please also note that in Verses 7 and 19, the first and second telling; “Satan the Spirit that rules in living soul is being brought into submission to the Spirit of Jesus Christ and that's the Little Horn.” But in Verse 23, “The earth of the entire living soul or the whole of the personality of the natural man is brought into submission to the overcoming glorified soul or personality of Jesus Christ.


I want to tell you that again. Please note that in Verses 7 and 19, the spirit that rules in the living soul is being brought into submission to the spirit of Jesus Christ, but in Verse 23, the earth of the entire living soul -- you see as it enters into the realm of appearance it gets bigger. The earth of the entire living soul or the whole of the personality of the natural man is being brought into submission to the overcoming glorified soul or personality of Jesus Christ. In Verses 7 and 19 it’s just Satan that’s being brought into submission. In Verse 23 it's the whole of the living soul, that’s Satan and the human soul. Glory to God. And I give you the phrase, I remind you the phrase; victory, which is Christ shall swallow up death; which is the Adamic mind. Hallelujah.


Alternate translation. Daniel Chapter 7, Verse 23. “Then Daniel prophesied saying, thus saith the Lord, Christ shall be the soul that shall develop into the highest spiritual potential through submission to and union with the Father. And he shall be different from the Adamic soul and shall swallow them up, and shall humble them.” Humble who? The many members of the living soul. “And bring them into submission to, and under the Lordship of the Soul of Christ. And shall separate them from every wicked personality trait that is not of God. Going on with Verse 24; “And the 10 horns out of this kingdom are 10 kings that shall arise and another shall rise after them. And he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.”


Verse 8 tells us, that the fourth beast had 10 horns. That's the first telling. We found out that the fourth beast had 10 horns or the spiritual authority of the law within him. We established that on prior messages that the 10 horns typify the spiritual authority of the law of sin and death and that that authority, that spiritual is within man. Verse 20 tells us, that the authority of the law of sin and death was not only within the fourth beast, but more specifically within each member of the living soul. Now, Verse 24; this is the third telling. Tells us that the spiritual authority of the law is out of this kingdom. Let's find out what that means. We know that the law of sin and death is within each member of the living soul and now we find out that it’s also out of this fourth kingdom. Let's find out what that means.


The phrase out of this is Strong’s 4480 and it means apart of anything, denoting apart, taken out of a hole. Apart, taken out a full. And the 10 horns out of this kingdom are 10 kings. Glory to God. The word kings is 4480, and the Hebrew word usually used for kings is 4428. This word 4430 is what they called the emphatic word for King and it’s used to emphasize the greatness of a King. It's usually translated, for example, as King of kings. As in the case of the King of Babylonia or Persia they called -- they took Jesus’ title. They called Him the King of Kings and they used this word 4430 instead of 4428. So we’re told 10 kings shall arise and the 10 horns out of this kingdom are 10 kings that shall rise. And I suggest to you that the 10 typifies a company of great men that are still under the law which shall incarnate. 10 is a round number. It typifies a company of men in whom the law is prevailing. That's why it's the number 10. Glory to God.


And I suggest to you that the 10 kings, the word arise means to incarnate. I remind you from other messages. And the phrase, the 10 kings shall arise, refers to a company of great men; that's the word we translated King of Kings, that is still under the law and that they're going to incarnate. And I'm suggesting to you that this group of men is the church of the living God and they are great, because they have the Holy Spirit. Jesus said the least in the kingdom of God is greater than any man or than the greatest profit that lived before the law -- before the new covenant that lived under the law. So these men are great, they are Kings of Kings, because they have the Holy Spirit, but nevertheless despite their greatness they are still subject to the law. Why? Because Christ has not yet appeared in them to fulfill the law. And what does the fulfilling of the law means? It means they will stop sinning.


So, they are great, the least in the kingdom of God. The greatest sin and that has the Holy Spirit is greater than the greatest profit under the law. So they're still great. Glory to God. But nevertheless they are described by the number 10, because they're still subject to the law. What does that mean? It means that they can sin. And when they sin judgment falls upon them. If they are unrepentant, judgment is to bring them into repentance. If they are repentant, judgment is to bring forth deliverance in that area of their soul. So do you understand what I just said? This seems to be a very complicated message tonight.


We have 10 kings that shall arise, that means 10 kings that shall incarnate. We're talking about a company of men that are made great, because they have the Holy Spirit. And they are typified by the number 10, because even though they are great men with the Holy Spirit they are still subject to the law. And we find that's a big problem in the church today. But we have many Christians that know they are great, because they have the Holy Spirit, but they don't seem to understand that they're still natural man. They think they have received all or most of the promises of the Scripture and that there's no need for repentance or deliverance, or change in their life and it's a big confusion in the church today. Hallelujah.


So, I just want to remind you that Christ did away with the law of ordinances, but there is and still an in-between stage, before the church enters into the fullness of the new covenant in which we are still capable of sin. Anybody that's honest knows that we are still capable of sin. The law that rules in this in-between stage is the law of the Holy Spirit. “Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all of thy mind, thy heart and thy soul. And thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself.” And if you want to review the teaching on that, that the church is still under the law, which a lot of preachers would get very upset if they heard me saying it, but it's the truth. We’re not under the law of ordinances, but we’re definitely under the law of the Holy Spirit. And that is reviewed on message nine. Glory to God.


Now, I have another reference for you here talking about these 10 kings; these 10 kings that are great, because they have the Holy Spirit, but are still under the law. We did a very interesting message 13, where we explained how the true church of the living God is within the hearts of these very carnal men and the Scripture causes a great ministry. And if you'd like to review that, it’s message number 13. It's very interesting. OK. Let's see what we've got here.


Alternate translation. The first third of Daniel 7:24. Glory to God. First third of Daniel 7:24, “And the 10 horns out of this kingdom are 10 kings that shall arise.” Now I remind you from prior messages that horns typifies spiritual authority and 10, the number 10 typifies the law of sin and death. So we’re talking about the spiritual authority of the law of sin and death. OK.


Alternate translation. First third, Daniel 7:24. “And the spiritual authority of the law of the Holy Spirit that comes forth from the imputed anointing of Christ shall appear in a company of men that have become great, because of the imputed anointing. And they shall incarnate in the realm of appearance. And the spiritual authority of the law, and the 10 horns that grow out of this kingdom. And the spiritual authority of the law of the Holy Spirit.” Glory to God. “That comes forth from the imputed anointing of Christ shall appear in a company of men that have become great, because of the imputed anointing. And they shall incarnate in the realm of appearance.”


I think I made a mistake here. “And the spiritual authority of the law.” Glory to God. “And the 10 horns out of this kingdom are 10 kings that shall rise.” I see what -- no, it's not a mistake; I'm sorry. “The 10 horns that come out of the fourth kingdom; the fourth kingdom is the Christ. So, the 10 horns, the spiritual authority of the law, it is now the law of the Holy Spirit, that comes forth from the imputed anointing of Christ shall appear in a company of men that have become great, because of the imputed anointing and they shall incarnate in the realm of appearance.” So in this case the 10 horns are not talking about the law of sin and death, we're now talking about the law of the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah.


Continuing with, “And another shall rise after them and he shall be diverse from the first.” Glory to God. Hallelujah. Verse 8 tells us that they came up among the 10 horns another Little Horn before whom, there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots, or before whom the law of sin and death, even Satan was brought into submission to Christ. That's Verse 8, that’s the first telling. I'm going to read it again. The first telling tells us that they came up among the 10 horns another Little Horn before whom were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots or before whom the law of sin and death, even Satan was brought into submission to Christ.


Verse 20, the second telling tells us of the other which came up and before whom three fell, or that Satan was not only brought into submission, but brought into a place where He prostrated himself before God and worship Him. However when we get to the third telling Verse 24, we are told that another king or another horn shall rise after them and he shall be diverse from the first or that the imparted Christ shall stand up in full stature after the company of men with the imputed anointing have appeared in his soul, Christ’s soul shall be different from the soul that is in the man with the imputed anointing. Now, let me back up a little.


The first telling tells us about Satan being brought into submission. The second telling tells us that Satan is brought to a place where he prostrates Himself and worships God. And in the third telling we see a company of men that are under the law of the imputed anointing. Do you see the sequence? This is all the members of the living soul, brethren. If you haven't heard any other message, Satan is the minds of the natural man. In the first telling of the vision he's brought into submission in the members of the living soul -- I'm sorry. He's brought into submission in Jesus Christ. In the second telling of the vision, Satan; the mind of the natural man is brought -- prostrates Himself and worships Jesus Christ. And in the third telling, in the prophecy for the future of the living soul. The law is no longer a law of sin and death; it is now the law of the Holy Spirit. Glory to God. It is now the law of the Holy Spirit.


Do you see the sequence of the evolution of the living soul? He is going from being ruled by Satan to Satan being defeated, to Satan prostrating himself, to becoming under the law of the Holy Spirit. And in the next event to happen is that that law shall be fulfilled in Jesus Christ and we shall no longer be subject to any law for the law -- we shall be the law. We shall be one with the law. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Let me read this phrase for you again. However Verse 24 tells us that another king or another horn shall arise after them, after the 10 horns. After the group of men that have the imputed anointing, another king is going to rise. We have a company of great men that are great, because they have the imputed anointing, that are no longer subject to the law of sin and death. Now they're subject to the law of the Holy Spirit. Glory to God.


But there's another horn that's going to rise after them and he shall be diverse from the first. He shall be diverse from the company that are under the imputed anointing. Or we could say it another way, that the imparted Christ shall stand up in full stature after the company of men with the imputed anointing have appeared and His soul, Christ’s soul shall be different from the soul that is in the men with the imputed anointing. Brethren, do you hear what I'm saying? I don't care how gifted you are. I don't care how well you preach. I don't care how much wisdom and revelation and knowledge you have. Brethren, if you are a man with the imputed anointing, you are a natural man with a gift.


And there is another man that is about to appear in the earth and he is the man that is not a natural man with a gift, but he is a spiritual man. He is Christ manifesting through human vessels and he doesn't engage in ritual. And he doesn't engage in witchcraft, He lives by the pure spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. And his soul is totally different from the soul of the natural men with the imputed anointing. And brethren, what do you think is going to happen when members of the Christ company come into contact with the natural men with the imputed anointing?


Do you think the imputed anointing will bow down and say I must decrease that he might increase? Brethren, I declare to you I have not met a man, natural man with an imputed anointing that has done it yet. Every time I've ever seen this confrontation, the natural man has risen up; tread his imputed anointing underfoot and waged war against the vessel in whom Christ is manifesting unto the pure letter of the Spirit. They waged war against Him and they have tried to bring him into submission to their rules and their regulations, and their ritual; and it can't be done.


Please note that the Scripture states that the men with the imputed anointing are a company, typified by the number 10. But that when Christ stands up in full stature, in the full stature of the imparted anointing, he shall only be from God's point of view one man and His name shall be the Lord’s Christ. Brethren, when there is a group of people that are manifesting the imparted anointing, the Scripture teaches that they shall be one man. There shall be no division, there shall be no separation; there shall be no disagreement, there shall be no variation of opinion. For indeed one mind, even the mind of Christ shall be ruling every thought, word and deed in every vessel in whom the imparted anointing exists.


He shall be one man, but those men that are great, because of the imputed anointing; they are still many men with many differences of opinions. God only knows; the whole church world is battling with one another. They all have the Holy Spirit, they all have different opinions; they all have different doctrines. Many of them are working witchcraft to try to make you to do it their way. And they must decrease, so that the greater can increase, but they have not learned their lesson from John the Baptist. They are not doing it. And as I perceive the situation in the church world today, they’re under a Spirit of grace. The Lord is being very gentle with them in my opinion. I don't know how long this is going to go on, but the day will come that if they don't step down, they shall be taken down. For indeed the Lord’s Christ shall be revealed to his church and then to the world. I don't know how it's going to manifest. I don't know. I honestly don't know.


Alternate translation. The second third of Daniel 7:24. “And another great man, even the Lord's Christ shall incarnate after them.” After who? After the company of men that have been made great by the imputed anointing. “And Christ’s soul shall be different from the souls of the men that are great, because of the imputed anointing.” Brethren, if you have a man or a group of men that have the imparted anointing and a group of men that have the imputed anointing; the difference between them is that they have a different soul. The men with the imparted anointing have a soul and its name is Christ. The men with the imputed anointing how the soul and his name is Adam and he is ruled by Satan. And in addition to that they have the gift of the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Remember the gifts and the calling of God are without repentance. No matter how gifted a believer is, he is still a natural man. When Christ stands up in full stature we shall no longer be natural men. Glory to God. Excuse me. Brethren, the believers with the imparted anointing and those with the imputed anointing are as different as lizard is to human. Continuing with, the third third of Daniel 7:24. “And he shall subdue three kings and the 10 horns out of his kingdom are 10 kings that shall incarnate and another shall incarnate after them in he shall be different from the first. He shall have a different soul from the first and he shall subdue three kings.


The word subdue is 8214, it is the only time that it’s used and it means -- that it's translated subdue. And it means to cast out, to be humbled; to put down, to lay low. Remember the plucking up of three horns or the subduing of three Kings changes the number of the company of men from 10 to 7. There were 10 horns and three are plucked up and now there are seven. This was taught on a prior message. The men in this company have had their number changed and that means that their spiritual condition has changed.


We’ve studied this with regard to 12 and 6 and 144. We've had many teachings like this. Their number was 10, three were plucked up and now their number is changed to seven and this indicates that their spiritual state of being has changed. They have gone from being a natural man with the imputed anointing, number 10 to spiritual man with the imparted anointing of Christ actually living through them. The plucking up of three horns or the subduing of three Kings is the fulfillment of the law in the hearts of men. And eventually this will happen to every man that is alive upon the face of the earth.


Alternate translation. The third third of Daniel 7:24. “And Christ shall fulfill the law of sin and death in the hearts of the many empowering them to cease from sin. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Thank you Jesus. Glory to God. [?FOREIGN LANGUAGE?LATIN?GREEK?]. I have a witness for you here. Second, Timothy 2:19. “And let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.” I had a sister tell me not too long ago, well, I'm not perfect; how could God expect me to be perfect. “Let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. Be holy as your Father in heaven is holy. And knoweth the Lord permit, let us go on to perfection.”


I know you're not holy, brethren, neither am I, who we’re supposed to press in. And as we press in the Lord will join His strength to ours and somewhere, sometime, someplace we’re going to jump out of the borders of our Adamic soul. We’re going to press so hard, we’re going to pierce through the skin or the flesh, or the border or the outline of our Adamic soul and we’re going to enter into the soul of Christ. The Promised Land, the land of milk and honey where there is no sin and there is no death, just the life and the glory of God. And then we shall join with Christ to utterly crush the Adamic soul under our feet. You’ve got to try. You’ve got to strain yourself. You’ve got to reach for holiness. And when you fail you repent and go on.


You can’t go around lying and doing all kinds of wickedness, and say, well, God’s not through with me yet. God help you. Glory to God. I tell you, I look at the people that I know that are under judgment and they're under a very gentle judgment, most of them, not all of them. What breaks my heart is my own daughter who is only 18 is under one of the most severest judgments of everybody I look at. Don't get me wrong; I don't wish severe judgment on anybody, but sometimes I don't understand. Sometimes I really don't understand. I see believers with great sin in their heart and the Lord is really being gentle with them in my opinion anyway.


When I look at my daughter and I look at the life that I've had, and I look at the life that a couple of other people have had and it’s just been horrendous. So all that that means is that I don't know very much and that I don't understand the ways of the Lord. And that sometimes I happen to be a little frustrated right now, a little hurtful for my daughter. I know God's in full control, but it's upsetting. But he knows what he's doing, I'm the one that's carnal not Him. “And let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.”


Alternate translation. Daniel 7:24, “And the spiritual authority of the law of the Holy Spirit that comes forth from the imputed anointing of Christ shall appear in a company of men who have become great, because of the imputed anointing. And they shall incarnate in the realm of appearance and another great man, even the Lord's Christ shall incarnate after them. And the soul of Christ shall be different from the souls of the men that are great, because of the imputed anointing and Christ shall fulfill the law of sin and death in the hearts of the many, empowering them to cease from sin.” Now, please note this is a very tough message. I just want to point out to you in case there's a question in your mind. We have been talking about two different laws. The law of sin and death is being fulfilled and the law of the Holy Spirit, which is the imputed anointing will no longer exist once the law of sin and death is fulfilled. We are talking about two different laws here.


“And the spiritual authority of the law of the Holy Spirit that comes forth from the imputed anointing of Christ shall appear in a company of men who have become great, because of the imputed anointing and they shall incarnate in the realm of appearance and another great man, even the Lord’s Christ shall incarnate after them. And the soul of Christ shall be different from the souls of the men that are great, because of the imputed anointing and Christ shall fulfill the law of sin and death in the hearts of the many, empowering them to cease from sin.”


Going on with Verse 25, “And he shall speak great words against the most high and shall wear out the saints of the most high and think to change times and laws and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times, and the dividing of time.” And I can hear voices yelling, well, let's see you make this one Christ. I don't believe that the fourth beast is Christ. I believe he’s antichrist. Let's see what you’re going to do with this verse. OK, brethren, open up your ears and open up your heart to a little honesty and I'll give you your answers. Verse 8 tells us that the Little Horn had a mouth speaking great things. We found out from our studies in Revelation 13, that a mouth of a spirit is the personality he projects in the realm of appearance.


Satan projects the carnal mind and the Father projects Christ, so when the Scripture talks about a spirit having a mouth, he's talking about that manifestation of that spirit in the realm of appearance that has the ability to talk. We found out when studying Daniel 7:8, that the Little Horn is Christ and that the great things He is speaking about are the promises of salvation and glorification to the living soul. “And he shall speak great words against the most high.” Verse 11 tells us about the voice of the great words, which the horn spake. The Hebrew word translated words means preaching; great words, it means preaching. So we now know that this is in the second telling now, we now know that the little horn is not just speaking to someone here or there, but is actually pronouncing or prophesying, because preaching is prophesying the promises of God into the realm of appearance. Glory to God.


I suggest that you stop here if you'd like to review Verse 21 on message 71, part eight. OK, we're going on now. Verse 21 tells us; we’re dealing with the phrase, “And he shall speak great words against the most high.” Verse 21 tells us that the same Horn made war with the saints and prevailed against them. We found out in our study of that verse that the beast of Verse 11 and the saints of Verse 21, both typify the many members of the living soul. Let me read Verse 11 for you. “I beheld then, because of the voice of the great words, which the Horn spake. I beheld even till the beast was slain and his body destroyed and given to the burning flame.” And we discovered in our prior study was the beast of Verse 11; of the verse that I just read, in Verse 21 becomes the saints. Glory to God.


And the explanation that we were given for that is that the Lord called them the beast, meaning the many members of the unregenerate living soul before the imputed anointing is given to the living soul. After the imputed anointing is given to the living soul, which occurs in Verse 13 -- I can't read you all the studies, you’ll have to check it out yourself. In Verse 13 the imputed anointing is given to the many members of the living soul and after that starting I believe with Verse -- Glory to God -- Verse 18, possibly sooner than that. All I see here is Verse 18. Now, the many members of the living soul are called the saints of the Most High God. They have received the imputed anointing. They have been justified by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, but this is only temporary brother. It's only temporarily.


You can’t live your whole life out in sin and die and go to heaven. You've got to stop sinning; you've got to depart from iniquity. You've got to make every effort; you've got to strain yourself to make every effort to enter into holiness until God carries you over the line. You can’t get yourself over the line, but you’ve got to try. Hallelujah. OK. Now, we are up to Verse 25 which tells us that he the Little Horn shall speak great words against the Most High. Glory to God. Oh, I'm sorry; I wanted to tell you something else first. We also found that in our study of Verse 21, that the Little Horn or Christ made war with or drew near to the saints. And because the saints were filled with sin, that drawing near was an hostile encounter.


The saints or the members of the living soul with the imputed anointing were given permission to join near to the Lord, and because of the sin in the soul -- in the hearts of the saints, that encounter or that drawing near became a hostile encounter that is described in Verse 21 as the Little Horn or the Christ making war upon the saints. And that Christ prevailed over their sin and they became holy. Christ won the war. He judged them and their sins were purged out of them, and they became holy. This is an expanded understanding of Verse 11, which tells us that the beast was slain. His body or spiritual power destroyed and given to the burning flame, which is Christ.


Now, we enter into Verse 25 and we’re told that the Little Horn shall speak great words against the Most High. Well, what have we got here? First of all the word great is not in the original Hebrew. The word words is the same as earlier. It’s Strong 4406. It means to give a discourse or preaching. And the word against, the Hebrew word translated against is Strong 6655. It is the only time it is translated against. In this word can also be translated according to both Strong’s and Gesenius Lexicon; it can also be translated at the side of, or on behalf of; or on the part of, or concerning. It corresponds to 6654, which is used especially to signify the left side. And I remind you that the left side or the left hand of God typifies the judgment of God.


So what are we saying? The Scripture says -- Hallelujah -- “That he spoke great words against the Most High.” And I'm suggesting to you that that can be translated; “and he shall speak or he shall preach words concerning the Most High. Or he shall preach words on the part of the Most High; or he shall preach words at the left side of the Most High; or he shall preach words that shall cause the judgment of the left-hand of God to fall upon the ears of those listening to the preaching.” Hallelujah. And I remind you that the Most High, we’ve already established in a previous study of Verse 18 is that this phrase means the supreme, or Most High one, or even Jesus Christ. Glory to God.


Let me give you that again. We are going to translate the phrase, “And he shall speak great words against the most high as, and he shall speak messages,” -- when we preach we call it a message, -- “concerning Jesus Christ or, and he shall preach on the part of, or on behalf of Jesus Christ; or, and he shall preach from the left side of Jesus Christ; or, and he shall preach about the judgment that Jesus Christ shall execute upon his sons or the saints.” And, brethren, let me tell you something. Let me give you flash, if you don't know it. You're listening to that message right now and let me give you a second flash; when you listen to this message, brethren, the judgments are about to fall on you. When you sit under a ministry that preaches judgment, your soul shall be judged. And what is the result of judgment? Anybody? Righteousness. The peaceable fruit of righteousness.


We've had people in this ministry that sit here and applaud to this word, that they said it was glorious, until the word uncovered the sin in their heart. And they manifested like carnal men and ran for the hills, rather than confess it and repent. Don't think you could listen to this word and not be touched by it. You’re deceiving yourself. You listen to this word in your sin shall be exposed. And, brethren, when that happens to you, let God be glorified in you. Say that it’s true, confess it, repent and receive the deliverance; for mercy's sake who do you think you're fooling by denying it. Amazing.


Alternate translation. The first-quarter of Daniel 7:25, “And he shall speak great words against the Most High, and he shall preach about the judgment that Jesus Christ shall execute upon his sons.” Continuing with, “And shall wear out the saints of the Most High.” The word wear out is Strong's 1080, it is the only time it is translated 1080. And it means to afflict or wear out. Strong's and Gesenius clearly state that this word is only used in a mental sense. It amazes me how many preachers preach that Antichrist, who they think a Little Horn is, is going to wage of physical war using Antichrist soldiers against the Saints; using guillotines and swords, and all kinds of fantasy. Brother preachers, open up your concordance. Excuse me.


Open up your Strong's Concordance. You don't need a fancy little-known concordance. It's right in Strong’s, brethren. It's as clear as a bell. This word is used only in a mental sense. The war shall be waged in the mind. And this word that's translated wear out is corresponding to Strong's 1086, which means to fail or decay; to cause to be consumed or to waste away. Brethren, the Little Horn, which is not Antichrist; which is Christ, shall wage war against the Adamic mind that is prevailing in His people; that is ruled by Satan. And I declare to you, it shall be consumed; it shall decay, it shall fail and it shall waste away; and Christ shall appear in the minds of His people.


Remember now, that Verse 12 that tells us, “That even though the fallen Adam lost his spiritual power, nevertheless the soulish lives of the members of the living soul were prolonged until the season for them to waste away.”


That’s our alternate translation of Verse 12. “Nevertheless the soulish lives of the members of the living soul, which are now the Saints of God, were prolonged until the season for them to waste away.” Brethren, the season for your soulish life, or your soulish mind; or your Adamic mind to waste away is the season in which Jesus Christ comes to you to judge your sin and replace that Adamic soul with his soul or his mind. And, brethren, the average believer that He comes to, ye that flees from Him or wages war with Him, that can't even perceive Him to be Christ; the sin in their mind perceives Christ as an enemy. The sin in their own Adamic mind, which they think is Christ perceives another soul. It's a correct discernment. It's another soul, but they perceive Christ as the enemy. They do not realize that their mind’s sin -- that the mind that they dwell in day and night is the enemy; and that it must fail. It must decay, it must be consumed and it must waste away.


I'm going to suggest to you that this stripping of power is what happened to Satan when Jesus was crucified on the cross. Large portions of the church stumble over the teaching that Satan has lost his power to Jesus Christ, because they do not understand that they shall remain carnal men subject to Satan as the enforcer of God's law. Satan is the enforcer of God's law; and as long as they're carnal men, they shall be subject to Him until the hour that their soul lives waste away and we become spiritual men. I don't care if you have the imputed anointing. I don't care how great your gifts are, brethren, so long as the Adamic carnal mind, which is ruled by Satan is alive and well and prevailing in your vessel, Satan has authority over you. Satan is the enforcer of the law. He still has authority over any man that has sin in his life or in his mind.


When the Scripture says that all power and authority is given to Jesus Christ, it is speaking about the reality of our present potential to be delivered from all sin. Now, listen; and because of our sinlessness, we shall no longer be subject to Satan's role as enforcer. Brethren, the only time Satan will be a toothless wonder for you is when there is no more sin in your mind. Satan shall have power in his realm of appearance, so long as even one man is still a sin-filled natural man. And Satan shall cease to exist when the law has been fulfilled in the last human being and the whole living soul has become holy. Just as the fire will burn until there is no more fuel, and then simply die without being doused with water or any other measures being taken. Satan will cease to be when sin ceases to be. Be not deceived, brethren; God is not mocked. You shall not sin with impunity.


Alternate translation. The second quarter of Daniel 7:25. Let me read it to you in the King James. “And shall wear out the saints of the Most High. And shall cause the carnal minds of the Sons of God to decay and be swallowed up by the Mind of Christ.” Glory to God. Continuing with, “And think to change times and laws.” The word think is Strong's 5452; it is the only time to suppose or think. Or it’s the only time that it’s translated think and it means to suppose or think. Now, this word I’m told from my Lexicon’s is the Aramaic equivalent of the Hebrew word, which is number 7664. Now, you may recall that when we’re studying the Greek, if I cannot find a translation of a Greek word that fits in with what the Lord has dropped in my heart, I'll go back into the Hebrew equivalent of that Greek word. Well, we are doing a similar thing here. We are doing the same thing.


This word translated to think is an Aramaic word, and this translation of to suppose or think did not sit right with me. So I went back into the Hebrew equivalent of this Aramaic word and that is Strong's 7664, and I found out that the word means not so much to suppose or think, but to hope and to wait with expectation to anticipate. “And think to change times and laws.” This word change is Strong's 8133; it is the only time it's translated change and it means just that; to alter or to change. The word times, is 2166 and it means appointed, occasion, or season. And the word laws is Strong's 1882, and that means law or decree; it can also be translated religious system, and we shall use it that way in our alternate translation. Laws, religious system; to be under the law, to be subject to a religious system.


Alternate translation. Third-quarter Daniel 7:25, “And shall anticipate,” -- we’re talking about the Little Horn now. Glory to God. “And the Little Horn shall anticipate moving his sons into the next spiritual season of his plan for the maturation or the growing up of the living soul, even into the age in which Christ shall rule in their minds, and he shall also anticipate replacing their religious systems with the Spiritual Life of God.” Continuing with, “And they shall be given into his hand, the Little Horn’s hand, until a time and times; and the dividing of time.” The word, hand is Strong's 3028; you may recall there are two Hebrew words translated hand. This is the word that means the open Hand of God, which is the hand of blessing; and the hand of power and authority.


And I just would like to remind you that the power is not inconsistent to say that one word can mean both power and blessing, because the power of God judges us and that judgment is a lesson because it brings forth holiness in us that brings forth life. “And they shall be given into his hand, until a time and times; and the dividing of time.” The word time here is a different Hebrew word than the word time above, which means a set occasion. It’s Strong 5732 and it means a set time, usually a year; and the implication here is a time that will recur, a year. You go for 360 days and then another year starts. It's referring to a cycle. The word time that we studied earlier meant a onetime set occasion. This refers to a time that will keep returning; we’re talking about a cycle here. And it’s from an unused -- I'm sorry, corresponds to 5708, which is an unused root, meaning to set a period; the menstrual flux, or an occasion that recurs on a regular cycle.


And for this study we are going to translate this word, generation. Generation, the cycle of human life that keeps recurring. Each generation is a new cycle of human life. And the word dividing means half; it's Strong 6387. It means to split, and every Bible scholar that I have ever studied with has translated this phrase at time and times, and a dividing of time. They’ve translated it three and a half years. A time meaning one year, times meaning two years and a half; three and a half years. And if you're familiar with it, we have that phrase in the Book of Revelation too. And the Lord has given me some understanding and it; he hasn't given me the whole thing, but enough to put on this message tonight.


And for this moment, let's translate that fourth quarter of Daniel 7:25. “And the Sons of God shall be subjected to the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge their sin-filled soul for three and a half generations; for three and a half time periods; for three and half years; or for three and a half generations. For three and a half cyclical periods. For three periods that are on a cycle that keep recurring. Glory to God. And we’re dealing with the phrase, “And they shall be given into his hand until a time, and times and the dividing of times. And the Sons of God shall be subjected to the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge their sin-filled souls for three and half generations.


Remember the teaching on spiritual menstruation. Each member of the living soul is a spiritual egg with the potential to be fertilized and produce Christ. When any human being fails to produce Christ; where? In his soul. His Adamic soul and body waste away. What does that mean? It means that we die. He who produces Christ in his soul receives the life of the age. The only one that I know of that produced Christ in his soul was Jesus Christ of Nazareth. And He said, “No man taketh my life, but I lay it down.” And indeed the Father raised Him from the dead. So every human being with the exception of Jesus Christ of Nazareth that has been born into this world system since the beginning -- since the fall of man, has been a menstrual’s egg, with the exception of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.


I'm going to suggest to you now. Listen carefully; this is radical. One more -- we’re going to -- I should put up a chart of radical teachings in this ministry. Everything is radical right. Some of the congregation just said, “I think all of it’s radical.” Glory to God. OK. I'm going to suggest you that the concept of three and a half cycles, three and a half years; three and a half time periods that are so closely associated with the end times refers to; now listen carefully; four generations of believers, who will be subject to the judgment, which is associated with fertilization of their soul. The halftime period or the half-generation typifies the fourth-generation; the one in which Christ shall actually appear ending the necessity for any further judgment.


I'm going to say it again. I'm suggesting to you that this concept of three and a half years or time periods that is so intimately associated with end time prophecy is referring to four generations of believers that shall be subject to the judgment of the tribulation of Jesus Christ; that judgment which is designed to bring forth Christ in their souls, but the first three generations that shall be subject to the judgment shall not produce the Christ. The fourth-generation halfway through shall produce Christ. And because of his appearance the necessity for any further judgment shall be cut off or ended. I have a Scripture for you. Romans 10:27 and 28, “Isaiah also crieth concerning Israel, though the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved.” Verse 28, “For he will finish the work and cuteth short in righteousness.”


I’ve prayed about this for years, brethren. “For he shall finish the work and cuteth short in righteousness.” The word finish is Strong's 4931, it means to finish entirely. The word work is Strong's 3056; it is the only time this word is translated work. And, brethren, it is the Greek word, logos. Have you ever heard that before? It means the word of God. “He shall finish the word of God and cuteth short in righteousness.” Logos, the living Word of God. Something said, including the thought. The divine expression. Of what? The divine expression of the Father; even Christ. He shall finish the Christ and shut -- and cut it off in righteousness. The word cut short is Strong’s 4932, and it means to join together with a single stroke. And, brethren, this may come as a shock to you if you're suffering, but for the 10 years that you've been under judgment in the Lord's mind this is one stroke; one stroke.


Alternate translation. Romans 10, Verse 28. “A remnant shall be saved.” Why? “Because the Lord shall complete the creation of the expression of himself in the realm of appearance and He shall do it by joining that expression to Himself with a single stroke of the judgment which produces righteousness.” “A remnant shall be saved, because the Lord shall complete the creation of the expression of Himself in the realm of appearance.” And He's going to do it by joining that expression Himself. Which is what? The living soul. “To Himself with a single stroke of the judgment which produces righteousness.” That is Romans 10:28. Romans 10 -- no, 28. I'll get you after the service.


Alternate translation. I'm going to give you the whole of Daniel 7, Verse 25. Glory to God. “And He shall preach -- and the Little Horn shall preach about the judgment that Jesus Christ shall execute upon His sons and shall cause the carnal minds of the Sons of God and be swallowed up by the Mind of Christ. And He, the Little Horn shall anticipate moving His sons into the next spiritual season of His plan for the maturation of the living soul, even unto the age in which Christ shall rule in their minds. And He, the Little Horn shall also anticipate replacing their religious systems with the Spiritual Life of God, and the Sons of God shall be subjected to the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge their sin-filled souls for three and a half generations. And at the end of that have generation, Christ shall appear in the midst of them, ending all necessity for judgment.


Recap, Daniel 7, 23 to 25. “Then Daniel prophesied saying, thus saith the Lord, Christ shall be the sole that shall develop into the highest spiritual potential through submission to and union with the Father and he shall be different from the Adamic soul, and shall swallow them up and shall humble them, and bring them into submission to and under the Lordship of the soul of Christ, and shall separate them from every wicked personality trait that is not God. And the spiritual authority of the Law of the Holy Spirit that comes forth from the imputed anointing of Christ shall appear in a company of men who have become great, because of the imputed anointing and they shall incarnate in the realm of appearance and another great man, even the Lord's Christ shall incarnate after them.”


“And the Soul of Christ shall be different from the souls of the men that are great, because of the imputed anointing. And Christ shall fulfill the law of sin and death in the hearts of the many, empowering them to cease from sin. And he shall preach about the judgment that Jesus Christ shall execute upon His son and shall cause the carnal minds of the Sons of God to decay and be swallowed up by the Mind of Christ. And He shall anticipate moving His sons into the next spiritual generation of His plan for the maturation of the living soul, or the growing up or the maturing of the living soul; even into the age in which Christ shall rule in their minds and He shall also anticipate replacing their religious systems with the Spiritual Life of God. And the Sons of God shall be subjected to the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge their sin-filled souls for three and one half generations.”


I hope I got that last one. Glory to God. That Scripture in Romans, was Romans 9:27 and 28. Hallelujah. Glory to God. And as I was just telling the congregation; we shut the message off briefly. As I was just telling the congregation; the Lord has not given me any revelation as to what the four spiritual generations are. I don't know. As soon as he tells me, I'll pass it on to you. But there are four spiritual generations; the last one of which shall be cut short, because the Lord shall join Himself to us and we shall be without sin ending all need for judgment. OK. We have some questions here.


I have two questions. When you said that thoughts either come from God or they come from Satan; now I've heard that before, before I came here. When you say that our will gets in the way or it might be your own will; it's really not our will, it’s Satan?


Well, I believe that -- that's a tricky question. OK. I believe that man does have a will, but when man does not have Christ; Satan is so powerful that the will of a natural man is no match for Satan. So for all intents and purposes, before the Christ joins Himself to you; before the Holy S - -- before you receive strength in the Holy Spirit, man does have a will, but he’s so overtaken by Satan that for all intents and purposes I don't believe he has a will. When the Holy Spirit joins himself to that man, and he joins himself to that man's will, giving him strength; at that point the man has a choice. And it’s my personal contention, that I don't care -- and I was very bound when I came to the Lord. I was a very bound person, physically and mentally; dying physically and pretty much being destroy spiritually and mentally.


And it's my personal opinion, that you could be lying on the floor utterly whipped by Satan, you know, to the point of mental illness or death and just that little voice inside of you, which is your will; all it has to do is say, Jesus help me, and you've got it. OK. But without Jesus, you don't have a chance. So you do have a will, but for all intents and purposes you don't, because you’re totally overtaken. But once you have the Holy Spirit; this is the whole point, that so many -- we've been preaching about it in this ministry. So many believers don't want to exert the effort to overcome Satan. I've had a woman sitting in this congregation saying, well, that's my manifestations; you have to put up with it. And I said, “No, I don't. I don't have to put up with your manifestations. Control yourself. And if you can’t do it, ask Jesus to help you, don't tell me I have to put up with it.” Do you understand? So that's the whole point. Man has a will, which is completely overtaken in the natural man. Jesus comes in, gives us strength and with that strength the Lord expects us to stand up and wage war. OK. You have another question?


Yes. I don't remember you talking about this before, but you might have. That there’s two laws; one of sin and death versus the law of the Holy Spirit, you know, so I didn't understand that too well.


OK. We have the law of sin and death, which is effective in the lives of men that do not know the Lord in any way. We cannot help but sin, because we are born in a condition of death; because our original ancestor, Adam fell. We have not sinned after the similitude of Adam, but we continue to sin, because we can do nothing else. And the law of sin and death says that we sin and we continue to die; and we’re involved in a cycle and there is no help for us outside of Christ. We’re going around the circle of the earth, we continue to sin and we continue to die, and there's no help for us. And that is the condition of the natural man. If the Lord has not made a provision to save us, the entire human race would eventually be wiped out.


When the Lord brings us out from under that law, He bring us under the Law of the Holy Spirit, because until our mind is without sin, -- oh Jesus, help me to explain this. The Lord brings us out from under that circle of utter destruction when He gives us His imputed anointing, but we still must be under the Lord, because our mind is reprobate; and our mind is corrupt. And the Lord does not come to us one day in a service, where we come up and say, I repent, and someone goes boop on the head, and we receive the mind of Christ. I wish that it was that easy, but it doesn't happen that way. So, even though we have now -- we now have a mighty strong one; we have a Savior, we have a Defender; our mind is still filled with sin, and frequently our mouth is filled with it; and our bodies are filled with it, and our hearts are filled with it. You know what kind of condition people are in when they come to the Lord. They're the same exact person that they were the minute before when they said, Jesus please be my Lord and Savior.


They are the same exact person. The only difference is that they now have a defender, who is going to help them to stop sinning. OK. So, they are no longer subject to the judgments that bring death into their life, but they still have to be under a law, because they're utterly reprobated. And Paul tells us; I think it's in the Book of Romans, I could be mistaken; that the law is not for a righteous man. One who would not sin by nature does not need a law. If one has a nature that would cause him to sin, he needs a law. So though Jesus has delivered us from the law of sin and death, which is judgment unto death; He places us under His Law of the Holy Spirit, which says when you sin, you're still going to be judged; but this judgment is not unto death. This judgment is unto righteousness, because now, you are a member of my body and all things work for the good for those who love the Lord; so when you sin, I shall chasten you like a loving Father.


And the result of that chastisement shall be that righteousness shall start to appear in your soul. Do you understand the difference? You're still under the law. You have to be under the law until there's no sin in your heart. You can’t be without law, unless you're perfectly righteous. It's a big error in the church; they think that they are not under the -- well, they are not under the law of ordinances, but they are most certainly under the Law of the Holy Spirit, which is our schoolmaster, who is leaning us to righteousness. What we will be under the Law of the Holy Spirit until Christ appears in us and then the law shall be internalized in our spiritual being. We shall not sin; we shall not think a sinful thought. And as Paul tells us, “If don’t sin, there’s no need for a law.” Did I answer your question? Let me get over there. Just a minute. Yes.


I feel you have, you know; at another time I may have more, you know, to ask you about it.


Praise the Lord. I know it's difficult. A lot of this is very difficult. You just have to listen to it and let the Lord work it into your spirit. And, you know, you'll find yourself thinking about it and asking more questions as it grows in your spirit. You just can't get this intellectually. It's got be birthed in you and it's got to grow, and it's got to come forth. But there’s just so much error in the church to say that we’re not under the law; how ridiculous, how utterly ridiculous. Thank God we're under the Law of the Holy Spirit. When the judgment falls, it turns out to be for our good. Before the Lord comes in our life, when judgment falls, it could wipe us off the face of the earth. I was almost wiped off the face of the earth at the moment that the Lord called me.


OK. Hallelujah.


5/11/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

5/13/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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