071 - Part 8
(Revelation 13 & Daniel 7)

Part 8 of 10 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Glory to God. We are up to Part 8 of "Daniel's Beasts." This is another comparative study where we are comparing several aspects of the verses of the second telling of Daniel's vision to other verses of the first telling of Daniel's vision. It's going to be a very complicated message as the one previous. And I just suggest that you take it very slow. If you have to replay portions of the message, don't worry about it. Don't be discouraged, and, please, don't give up. Just listen to it as many times as you have to, and take it very slow.


And whatever God ministers to you from it, well, you're that much richer. There's no law that says you have to understand every single thing that I'm teaching. If you walk away any more enriched than you are when you turn the message on, you've been blessed, and that's all that matters.


So we're starting with the recap of the first half of Daniel, Chapter 7, Verse 20. "And I would like to know about the law of sin and death, which is ruling in each and every member of the living soul, and about the different law which was appearing from underneath the earth of the living soul, the one which caused the criminal mind of the living soul to prostrate himself."


Glory to God. And I remind you that in Verse 7 of Chapter 7, we're told that the living soul is brought into submission by Jesus Christ. But in Verse 20, we're told that he's not kept in that submission by force. He's not kept in chains. He's not in submission because he has a continual gun to his head. Jesus Christ brings that living soul to a place where he himself desires to worship and prostrate himself before God.


And I remind you, brethren, for those of you that aren't realizing this at this moment, that we are the beast that -- the second and third beast that come before Christ. We are he that is ruled by the satanic mind, and we are he that is not being destroyed but is being brought to a place where we shall prostrate ourselves and worship God willingly. It's us. We are the beast of Revelation. Hallelujah. The whole church world is looking to the heathen. They're looking to the Middle East. They're looking to the sky. It's you, brother. It's you, and it's me.


OK, I told you last week that the second retelling of Daniel's vision is in two stages, if you recall. But the Lord has showed me that it is actually in three stages. So we're going to do a little review here, and then I'll tell you about the third stage.


Stage one, Verses 17 and 18, tell us about the -- tell us that the soul of Jesus Christ -- glory to God. I'm going to start that again. Verses 17 and 18, this is stage one, the soul of Christ is giving information to Daniel's Adamic soul, and this is revealed in the phra- -- in the fact that it's a second party answer. I remind you that Daniel said, in Verse 16, "I came near unto one of them and asked him the truth." And in Verses 17 and 18, another party is answering Daniel in Verse 17, saying, "These great beasts, which are four." And what that -- what was happening there was that the soul of Christ was speaking to Daniel's Adamic soul.


In stage two, which is Verses 19 and 20, the soul of Christ comes down and joins to Daniel's Adamic soul. Now the soul of Christ has joined with Daniel on Daniel's level. and I remind you, brethren, when it comes to spiritual things, when it comes to relating to God, He must come down to our level, because there is no way that we can get up to Him. So Christ has descended to the level of Daniel's Adamic soul and joined with him in stage two, Verses 19 to 20. And this is revealed, glory to God, in the fact that there is no longer a second party but that Daniel himself is speaking the answer to his own question as he asks the question. And this is revealed in the words, "Then I would know the truth," and he goes on to talk about the beast and the little horn. And we found out in the last message or two that the answer to Daniel's inquiry -- that the answer to Daniel's desire for more information is coming forth in the very question that he asks.


Now, stage three, the Lord tells me, is Verses 21 and 22. The soul of Christ is no longer speaking through Daniel. Now, I remind you that language is a low spiritual realm. And we're told that in stage two, Daniel is asking the question, he's speaking words, and he's getting answers. The soul of Christ has descended to the Adamic soul. In stage three, the Adamic soul catches Daniel up. I'm sorry, the soul of Christ catches Daniel's Adamic soul up to the high realms of the spirit where communication is no longer in language. And Daniel is no longer speaking, but he is seeing a vision. And this is revealed through the words in Verse 21, "I beheld." Daniel's no longer speaking. He's looking at a vision. The soul of Christ has caught him up to the high realms of the spirit.


And stage three manifests in believers in the form of entering into a vision or a trance, as opposed to stage two which manifests in the form of knowledge that flows into a man's mind, causing him to think they are his own thoughts. Do you remember that from last week? Stage two, when your Adamic soul is joined to Christ, you receive the thoughts of God flowing right into your mind. And if you're not really sharp, you can think they're your own thoughts. But when the soul of Christ catches you up, you're not thinking anymore. You enter into a vision or a trance.


Glory to God. Review of stage one. Verse 17 tells us of the totality of the completed creation in the realm of appearance. Verse 17 says that four beasts shall arise out of the earth. Now, this is in response to Daniel's request for more information. We're being told that four beasts shall arise out of the earth. Verse 18 gives us further information. And if you recall, that word arise means to incarnate, manifest or incarnate. And that is information about the completed creation of God, the man that God is forming.


Verse 18 gives us further information about God's creation in the realm of appearance and that God's completed man is in many members. Verse 18 says, "The saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom forever and ever." Glory to God. So, first of all, in stage one, we're told about the four beasts, and we're to- -- which is in the realm of appearance. And we're told about the fact -- now, we know the four beasts is the totality of all of the beasts. He is God's new creation, man. And in Verse 18, we're told that he's going to be in many members.


Glory to God. This Verse 18 also tells of the totality of the completed creation in the realm of the soul. We are told that the saints will take the kingdom and will possess the kingdom. And the kingdom, of course, is the mind of Christ. So we're talking about the completed many membered man. He will be many members in the realm of appearance, and also, his mind in each member will be joined to Christ. So in stage one, we have information about the creation in the realm of appearance and in the realm of the soul.


Now, remember that the kingdom is the mind of Christ, and the word take -- you're going to take the kingdom. That word take means to acquire, to take hold of, to enter into, et cetera. And the primary idea of the word possess, they're going to possess the kingdom, is to bring together, to heap up or lay up, to possess. Glory to God.


And I have a form of an Alternate Translation for you here. "And, indeed, the men who are joined in their minds to Jesus Christ shall take authority over their own souls and become sinless. They shall enter into the kingdom of God, which is the mind of Christ, and they shall be joined to the mind of Christ." Glory to God. That was an Alternate Translation of Verse 18.


"And, indeed, the men who are joined in their minds to Jesus Christ shall take authority over their own souls and become sinless. They shall enter into the kingdom of God, which is the mind of Christ, and they shall be joined to the mind of Christ."


Now, I'd like to point out something that I think I missed in the last message. The term saints of the Most High, which appears in Verse 18, gives us expanded knowledge of the phrase, in Verse 13, "One like the Son of man came with clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days." What am I saying? In Verse 13, there's a phrase, "One like the Son of man came with clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days." That's in Verse 13. In Verse 18, we're told that the one who's like the Son of man becomes the saints of the Most High. He became or broke down into many members.


And in case I didn't make it clear to you, the second telling of the vision gives us more information than the first telling. So we're told that the one who's like the Son of man that came with the clouds of heaven, he's a many membered man. He becomes the saints of the Most High. Remember that the Ancient of days is the one who has overcome the soul realm and no longer needs a body to sustain his spiritual life in the soul realm. The understanding of the phrase, "The Son of man came with clouds," then, is expanded in Verse 18 where he is described as the saints of the Most High. A many membered body of Christ, which is the Son of man, with many souls, which is the clouds, which is covering the Ancient of days or the resurrected spirit of Jesus Christ.


Now, brethren, there's a problem in the church today. By and large, the believers do not understand that the spirit of the resurrected Jesus Christ is growing in our minds. And He's separate from us, and He won't be one with us until He swallows up our life. And when He swallows up our life, we will cease to exist. The thinking in the church seems to be that we, the natural man that is -- are receiving this supernatural power. Well, brethren, we're only receiving it in that He is emerging in us, and He's separate from us at this time. And when He's no longer separate from us, we won't exist anymore. We're not absorbing Him; He is absorbing us. And that will be the end of our fallen sin nature.


Glory to God. Also, in Verse 14, we are told that His kingdom shall not be destroyed. Glory to God. While, in Verse 18, we are told that the saints would take, "and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever." In Verse 14, we're told, "His kingdom shall not be destroyed." In verse 18, we're told that the saints will take, "and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever."


Now, we translated the phrase, "His kingdom shall not be destroyed," as, "His glorified body will not be destroyed." I'm sorry to confuse you, but that was an error, and it should have been translated, "And his joining to the mind of Christ shall not be severed. His mind shall never be separated after it's joined to the mind of Christ." So the expanded information that we receive in Verse 18 tells us for how long a period of time Adam's mind shall be joined to the Christ. And we're translating that for an indefinite period of time, even for the age which shall be the greatest of all ages, Adam's mind shall be joined to the mind of Christ. We're not -- we're no longer just told that the joining of the mind -- of Adam's mind to the mind of Christ shall not be severed. We're told it shall not be severed, and it -- because it shall be joined for an indefinite period of time, even for the age which shall be the greatest of all ages.


OK, what does stage one tells us -- tell us? Stage one tells us that there is -- gives us prophetic information about the future of the living soul in the realm of appearance. A spiritually -- and this is the information. A spiritually completed or mature man shall appear in the earth of the living soul, even Jesus Christ of Nazareth. This is what stage one tells us. A spiritually completed or a spiritually mature man shall appear in the earth of the living soul, even Jesus Christ of Nazareth.


It also te- -- gives us prophetic information about the future of the living soul in  the realm of the soul. In the realm of appearance, a man's going to appear. In the realm of the soul, we're told this. This spiritually completed or mature spiritual man shall be converted into pure spirit form and then shall incarnate in many human vessels, completing the human spirit and bringing the human soul and satanic realm, in each vessel, into submission to his mind or soul.


Brethren, I don't think there are many people in the church today that understand that the spiritual life that was in Jesus Christ of Nazareth has ascended to the Father, returned to a pure spirit form, and is not sprinkling on all forms of human flesh, and that if that spiritual life is in you, you are about to be brought to the same place that Jesus Christ of Nazareth was brought to, because He is dwelling in you. He now has a new body, you see. He has been born again, or He has incarnated in a new human vessel that has its own human soul. And He's going to do, in your mind, what He did in the mind of the man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.


He's going to bring your soul into submission. He's going to break your threefold human spirit apart, which is the spirit that you need to incarnate, the spirit of your humanity that appears in the realm of appearance is made up of Satan married to Even and their offspring, the carnal mind. He's going to break it apart, and He's going to marry Eve and produce Christ. And He's going to give you eternal life, because His life shall be dwelling through you. Glory to God. Help them to understand, Lord.


You are being changed, in that you are being absorbed into Christ. You must die, brethren. Everything of your natural life must disappear, and He shall live though you. God, help them to understand. I know they -- it's a very rare believer that understands this, and it's horrifying to the carnal mind. But it's the truth, and it shall be glorious because God is righteous.


Hallelujah. Now, remember, this spirit of the resurrected Jesus Christ is more than spirit. We talk about the human spirit. We talk about the spirit of the Father that was in Jesus. This spirit of the resurrected Jesus Christ is not just spirit. It is a whole personality or the soul of Jesus Christ. The fallen human race is not strong enough to overcome Satan, even when it has the spirit of the Father, which is the Holy Spirit. Natural Israel couldn't do it, and neither can the body of Christ. Do you know anybody in the body of Christ today, even if they're baptized in the Holy Spirit, that has totally overcome sin? A human being, even possessed of the Holy Spirit of God, is not strong enough to bring his wicked, satanically ruled soul into submission. Glory to God.


It is going to take Jesus Christ Himself, the resurrected personality, the man, Jesus Christ, that is not longer living in a body, the man, Jesus Christ, that reached a degree of spiritual maturity that permits Him to live in the soul realm without a body. That spirit or that soul of Jesus Christ is entering into you. He is the man that was born of the spirit of the Father and the mother of the living soul, the Jesus Christ which has already overcome Satan. He's in each of our minds to do the same thing for each of us. We are to be in agreement with Him, but the work is His. We can't do it, brethren, even with the Holy Spirit. We can't do it.


Hallelujah. OK, review of stage two. Verses 19 and 20 are an expanded spiritual description in the realm of the soul of the soul of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, which is the fourth beast, and the spirit of the Father, which is within Him, which is the little horn.


Now, those of you that have been following these teachings know that it is a literary style of the Bible for Him to name something first and then in the following verses break it down into its component parts. For example, the Lord might say so-and-so is a man. And in the following verses, He'll say he has a human spirit and a human soul and a satanic realm. Well, the fourth beast is a spiritual understanding of the mind of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. And the little horn that is spoken about right after the fourth beast is described is describing the spirit of the Father that was within Jesus. Now, the two are one. Jesus said, I and My Father are one. And He said, I do nothing except what My Father tells me.


Glory to God. The fourth beast, in Verse 19, the phrase, "nails of brass," expands the description of the fourth beast given in Verse 7 by telling us that the redeemed, fallen Adamic man is a part of the completed creation and that the natural man is not destroyed but brought into submission and a willful submission and a position of servitude to Christ.


And I would like to read you the Alternate Translation of Verse 19. "Then I asked to understand about the fourth living creature and to be assured that I was being taught God's truth about the one which is so different from the other living creatures that He appears perverted to them. He is gloriously terrifying, the one who has the spiritual strength necessary to boil the souls of man as a sin offering. And He is like one who used to have spiritual power but had fallen down to an existence on the soul realm. Nevertheless, He is the one which is burning the living soul, separating Eve from Satan and the carnal mind and then joining Himself to Eve and bringing Satan into submission to the authority of His male spiritual strength, which is Christ."


Verse 7 tells us that the beast had 10 horn, meaning that the horn, which are spiritual authority, are within it. The expanded description in Verse 20, however, tells us that the 10 horns were in his head, indicating that the spiritual authority of the fourth beast is not only within it, or within Him, but within each and every member of Him. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


This is the beginning of Verse 20. "And I'd like to know about the law of sin and death which is ruling in each and every members of the living soul."


Going on to the little horn. In Verse 8, we're told that three of the first horns were plucked up by the roots, but the expanded description in Verse 20 tells us that the three of the 10 horns fell before the little horn. In Verse 8, they were plucked up. In Verse 20, they fell. And this indicates that Satan was brought to a place where he was no longer being forced to submit to Christ but worshipped Him willingly.


Alternate Translation, Daniel speaking, "And I would also like to know about the different law which was appearing from underneath the earth of the living soul, the one which caused the criminal mind of the living soul to prostrate himself and serve the living God." Now, I remind you -- but I already said this, that the Scripture is speaking here about natural man. We are the beast ruled by Satan that will be brought into submission but the Christ of Almighty God.


Verse 8 tells us that the little horn has a mouth speaking great things. But the expanded description in Verse 20 tells us that he speaks of very great things. Now, the word very is Strong's 7260, and it's the same word that's translated great in Daniel 7, Verses 3, 7 and 8. So what I'm telling you is that there are not two Hebrew words, one translated very and one translated great. The English translation of Strong's 7620, in Verse 8, is great, and in Verse 20, they translated very great. It's the same word. That's what I'm telling you. There's really no difference. This is typical of the inconsistency of the King James translation of the Scripture. In Verse 8, they translate this word great, and in Verse 20, they translate it very great. I have no idea why.


Verse 20 give us an expanded description of the little horn in the phrase, "Whose look was more stout than His fellows." There is no similar verse in the first telling of the vision. The word look is Strong's 2376. It means sight, something seen, appearance, vision, aspect. And this word goes beyond a carnal appearance and indicates a perception of the spiritual makeup of one. Glory to God.


"Whose look was more stout than His fellows." The word more is 5750, and it's what we call a superlative. If we're saying more great, we would translate it greater. It means the extreme. And the word stout is Strong's 7229. It's the only time it's translated stout in the Scripture, and it really -- it's the Hebrew word rab, and it means captain, chief, great Lord and master.


"Whose look was more stout than His fellows." The word fellows is 2273. It's a feminine word, and it means associate or companions. And what I'm suggesting to you that this verse is saying is that the little horn had an appearance, a spiritual nature, that was more of a ruler or a leader or a captain or a master than His fellows or His companions. And Webster says that the word companion is one of a pair of matching things or one who is employed to live with and serve another. And I'm suggesting to you that the first three beasts were devised by God to be joined to to live with, to be one with the fourth beast who was swallowing the all up. And they shall have to give up their individual identities, the first beast, which was the innocent Adam who was capable of sin, who ceased to exist when he fell and became the fallen Adam who was filled with sin and stained with sin. Well, in the same manner, the fallen Adam that is stained with sin will cease to exist just like the innocent Adam ceased to exist, when he is swallowed up by the glory of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation, the last phrase of Daniel 7:20, "Who appears" -- this is the little horn now -- "Who appears much more like Lord and master of God's creation." This is the fourth beast. "He appears much more like Lord and master of God's creation than the three other living creatures which were -- who came before Him, which were designed to be joined to Him and serve Him."


And I remind you, in Genesis 1:26, the Lord said, "Let us make man in our image, after Our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."


Brethren, man has been created to be Lord and master over this whole creation. And the little horn is the one who appears much more like Lord and master of God's creation than the three other living creatures that are ruled by Satan, which were designed to be joined to Him and to serve Him. Brethren, the fourth beast needs to first, second and third beast. They're His skeleton. They're His underthings. God is building. If you -- you can't have a ladder with the first five rungs missing. But the one that shall appear shall be the final manifestation, the fourth beast. He's the one that's going to appear. He's the one that's going to be seen. And there's a much deeper understanding, then, to think that the first, second and third beast shall be swallowed up. Brethren, you and me shall be swallowed up, and the only thing that shall be seen in us is Christ.


Glory to God. So if you're laying up things for the future, if you're interested in the things of this world, beware that the Lord doesn't come to you one day and say, thou fool, this night thy soul is required of thee. Maybe it doesn't mean He's going to take you from this world in a physical death. Maybe [UNINTELLIGIBLE] it will mean Christ shall be swallowing you up, and there'll be no more room in your life for all of these things that you've idolized, for all of these things that you've rejected Christ for.


Hallelujah. Stage two gives us a spiritual description of the soul life of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, emphasizing the soul of Christ which was birthed in His human spirit and brought His Adamic soul into submission. Now, I'm talking about the fourth beast here. Stage two, the fourth beast, the second telling of the vision, gives us a spiritual description of the soul life of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, emphasizing His aspect of the soul of Christ which was birthed in His human spirit. Remember, the Holy Spirit joined to His human spirit, and Christ was birthed right there in His human spirit, and it brought His Adamic soul into submission, and He was raised up as a spiritual man in righteousness. And this concept can be reviewed on Message 22. Glory to God. I think it's Romans 1, Verse 4 that tells us about that.


A spiritual desc- -- and it also -- stage two also tells us about a spiritual description of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, emphasizing the spiritual authority of the Father dwelling in His Christ. Now, that's the little horn. That's the Father dwelling in the whole, the soul of Christ. And it's the Father in His Christ that's swallowing up the spiritual authority of Satan, spirit to spirit, and fulfilling the spiritual law of God in the living soul. Sprit swallows up spirit. The soul of Jesus Christ is soul and spirit. The Father -- the living soul has a ruling spirit. His name is Satan. Christ has a ruling spirit. His name is the Father God, and it's the ruling spirit of the soul of Christ, specifically that is swallowing up the spirit that rules in the living soul, fulfilling the spiritual law of God. Hallelujah.


Moving on to stage three. Verses 21 and 22 are an expanded description of the resurrected Jesus Christ in the soul realm, without His body, and His relationship to His many membered body. Verses 21 and 22 are an expanded description of the resurrected Jesus Christ in the soul realm, without His body, in spirit form, and His relationship to His many-membered body.


Verse 21, "I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them." In Verse 21, we find the word saints, which first appears in Verse 18 of Chapter 7. And as I explained earlier, the word is used -- maybe -- I don't know why this is written down here. I didn't explain it earlier. But the word is sued to give us the -- well, maybe I did explain it earlier. The word is used to give us the expanded understanding that the Son of man that is coming in the clouds is a many membered body. So God stops calling Him the Son of man that's coming in the clouds, and He starts calling Him the saints.


And this is God's way of telling us that Jesus Christ is now appearing in a many membered body. The saints are members of the living soul that have been come -- that have become holy because the first fruits, even Jesus Christ, has sanctified them by His Holy Spirit. This is only a imputed anointing, however, because the gifts and the calling of God are without repentance. So if you have received Jesus Christ by faith, in the eyes of God, you are justified and you are holy to the extent that you can have a relationship with Almighty God.


But, brethren, don't be deceived as many in the church world are. You are not holy, brethren. You have just been given grace. God calls you holy because as far as He's concerned, in the realm of the spirit, your purification has already been accomplished. But down here in the realm of the soul, brethren, it has not been accomplished. You and I are filthy. And if you weren't, you couldn't be lifted up in pride the way you are, looking down on the poor guy in the street, the one that can't stop smoking, the one that can't stop drinking, the one that can't stop fornicating. If you think you are better than they are, brethren, you have pride, and that is sin, and you are not holy but for the fact that God has had mercy on you because it is His intention to clean you up, with your approval or without your approval.


Glory to God. Remember that the soul of Jesus Christ, which is described in the form of the fourth beast now -- He devoured, He break in pieces [sic], and He stamped the human soul and the threefold Adamic spirit, Satan, even the carnal mind, separating them and bringing them into submission. But it is the spirit that rules in the soul of Jesus Christ, even the spirit of the Father, which is the little horn, that is fulfilling the spiritual work of Christ and bringing the many members of the living soul to a place of holiness that is not borrowed from Jesus but becomes their very own state of being. It is the spirit of the Father in Christ that is swallowing up the satanic realm of your soul.


This is a very important point that a large portion of the church is stumbling over. We can be in total submission to Jesus Christ, which I don't know anybody who is, and still not be truly holy. Sin can be waging in our mind, and we can be successfully denying it and obeying Jesus and still not be holy. The simple fact is -- the simple fact that sin has a voice in our mind, even though we have the strength to deny it, witnesses to the fact that the mind and life of Jesus Christ has not yet been completely engraved upon our soul.


Remember, the promise of the Scripture is that we shall rest from our spiritual labor of keeping Satan underfoot. The sign of the fullness of the imparted anointing, true holiness as our state of being, is that we shall no longer hear the voice of the serpent. There shall be no more temptation, and we shall rest in the reality that our state of being or that the state of being of our unconscious mind shall no longer be sin, but shall be holiness. All warfare shall have ceased.


In Verse 11, we're told that the beast, which is that fallen Adam, was slain. Verse 11 now, the beast, the fallen Adam, was slain, and his body, which we found out was the spiritual power of the Adamic man -- that's the human spirit that's appearing in the realm of appearance, Eve, Satan and the carnal mind. And his body destroyed, and then he was given to the burning flame, and we found out that the burning flame was Christ.


Now, Verse 21 gives us an expanded understanding of that. It tells us that the same little horn made war with the saints and prevailed against them. We're comparing Verse 11 to Verse 21. The saints are called the beast in Verse 11 because Christ is not exalted until Verse 13 at which time His first fruits imputed anointing is available to all those that have faith in Him. I'm telling you that the beast of Verse 11, glory to God, who was slain, whose body was destroyed and who was given to the burning flame, is the same group of people that we're now calling the saints. And the only reason their name has changed is because Christ was crucified, resurrected from the dead and glorified, and that His glorified soul has been made available to them. And God no longer calls them the beast. He calls them the saints.


And, brethren, this exists in our world today. Everyone that knows Christ in a measure is a saint. And if you're a member of the living soul and you don't know Him, you're a beast or a member or a member of the beast. But don't get all lifted up in pride because all those members of the beast can wake up one morning and be saints of God because of faith in Jesus Christ, and you, a saint with an imputed anointing, can find yourself locked out of the kingdom because of your pride. Glory to God.


OK, remember that our God is a consuming fire. So if the little horn is the spirit of the Father, why can't He be the burning flame of Verse 11? Brethren, one of the biggest errors in the church today is the idea that we're getting into heaven in our fallen, Adamic state of being, and then somehow, miraculously, cleaned up, after we arrive there. Brethren, the cleaning up or the judgment of our Adamic souls is in the flesh, not after we die. It's in the flesh, here and now on the earth, in this lifetime. If you're called in this hour, it's in this lifetime.


The church world can't even imagine the spirit of the Father being in the little horn because the Scripture clearly states that He makes war with the saints. Brethren, if it hasn't started in your life yet, get ready, because Jesus Christ and His Father within Him is about to wage war against your sin-filled rotten soul. You are not OK because you have the blood. You must change. You can't go on your way sinning. You can't go on sinning the way you've been doing it all these years, since the Lord apprehended you. You are called to holiness. You have got to stop lying. You have got to stop defending sin in other believers to cover up your own trail. And if you didn't know it, that's why you're doing it. Ask God. It's the truth. That's why you're doing it. You have got to stop fornicating, and if you can't or won't do it of your own volition, you shall be chastened. The little horn shall indeed make war with you.


Hebrews 12:7 to 8 says, "If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the Father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers" -- all are partakers of chastisement -- "then ye are bastards, and not sons." Brethren, you can't get away with this junk because you're a son of God. You have got it backwards in your carnal brain. The fact that you're a son, indeed, brings the chastisement upon you. The Lord is not judging the world in this hour. He is judging His church. You've got it backwards. It's not the devil, brethren, that's after you. It's Almighty God, and He's going after you. There is no place you can run. There's no place you can hide, for the day of His reaching out for you is at hand. Glory to God. And you're not entering into the kingdom in that condition. And if He's set His sights on you, neither is He throwing you away. He shall chastise you until holiness appears in you.


Continuing with, "I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them." That's Verse 21. "I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them."


To make war is Strong's 7129. It is the only time that this word is translated to make war in the Scripture. And it means a hostile encounter. It's from a root 7126 that means to draw near. It's used of sexual intercourse, which is the ultimate intimacy. And this word is used to describe God drawing near when He aids the afflicted. Psalms 69:18 says, "Draw nigh unto my soul, and redeem it: deliver me because of mine enemies." So this word that's translated to make war in Daniel 7 is translated, "Draw nigh unto my soul," in Psalms 69:18, and it's associated with redemption. "Draw nigh unto my soul, and redeem it," and then the following phrase is, "Deliver me because of mine enemies."


Brethren, the love of God is drawing your sin-filled soul close and waging war against it because it is your soul that is your enemy. Your very own soul is keeping you from righteousness and a glorious life with Jesus Christ. Those are also said to draw near to God who piously worship Him. And it -- this word is also used -- the word that's translated to make war is also used of those who serve the ministry of the temple. Brethren, it's only translated to make war once in the entire Scripture, and this is how it's used the other times, to draw nigh to God, to serve God in the ministry.


In Leviticus 16:1, this word is translated as follows, "And the Lord spake unto Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron, when they offered before the Lord, and died." That word offered is Strong's 7129, translated to make war in Daniel 7. That's the only time the King James translators ever translated it to make war. What a transgre- -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT] -- what a transgression, what a perversion. They just couldn't make any sense of a word that means to draw near to God being used in this context, but that's what it means, brethren.


Glory to God. Now, brethren, we're all waiting to draw near to God, but many of us think it's going to be painless. It's not going to be painless, brethren. The miracle of the whole thing, the miracle of the fact that -- of it all is that we shall be permitted to draw near to God and not die. The miracle that God is granting us is that He's permitting us to draw near in our sin-filled condition, through His Christ, and not die but be redeemed. That's the miracle, but He never said it would be without pain. It shall be painful, brethren.


"I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them." The word prevailed is Strong's 3202, and it means to overcome. This is a large shock to the majority of the church world, but that which Jesus Christ is overcoming in the Book of Revelation is our souls and the manifestation of our human souls and our carnal mind. We, indeed, are His enemy, brethren, not the world. The judgment, the tribulation, is for you. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, Daniel 7, Verse 21, "I looked at the vision, and that same spirit of the Father, which dwells in His Christ, that fulfilled the spiritual law of God in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, drew the members of the body of Christ near to Him and waged war against their sin-filled, corrupt Adamic souls, and overcame them."


Glory to God. "I looked at the vision, and that same spirit of the Father, which dwells in His Christ, that fulfilled the spiritual law of God in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, drew the members of the body Chri- -- of Christ near to Him and waged war against their sin-filled, corrupt Adamic souls, and overcame them."


Verse 22, "Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High." Now, the verse that I just read, the -- that the Lord is waging war with the saints, continues, "Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom."


And, "The Ancient of days came." This word came is Strong's 858. It means to come, to cause to come, to arrive, to appear. We are told, in Verse 13, that the Son of man and the clouds of heaven came or found themselves present with the Ancient of days. But the expanded description of this event, in Verse 22, tells us that the little horn waged war against and overcame the Adamic souls of His people until the Ancient of days was caused to appear in them.


Let me give you that again. "Until the Ancient of days came." This word came, it's translated to cause to appear. Back in Verse 13, we're told that the Son of man and the clouds of heaven came. This is a different word translated came, which means found themself [sic] present with. In Verse 13, we're told that the Son of man, with the clouds of heaven, found themselves present with the Ancient of days. But in the expanded description of this even, in Verse 22, we're told that what really happened was -- well, we're told how they're -- all of a sudden, they found themselves present with. This is how it happened. The little horn waged war against them and overcame their Adamic souls until the Ancient of days was caused to appear in them.


Now, remember, the Ancient of days is the mature spiritual man that no longer leads a -- needs a body to live in. So what this is saying is that the Christ and His Father within Him is going to -- Christ, but the spiritual power of His Father, is going to wage war against your sin-filled human soul, bringing it into submission to the spirit of holiness until He raises you up in a condition of spiritual maturity that you will no longer need your human body to live in. The Ancient of days shall appear in you. The resurrected, the fullness of the resurrected Christ Himself shall appear in you. He shall wage war against you until you are utterly in submission to Him and worshipping Him and praising God, at which point He shall appear in you, and you shall receive the life of the ages. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, the first third of Daniel 7:22, "Until the one who" -- now, we're talking about the little horn now waging war against the saints, and he's going to do that, "Until the one who overcame the soul realm was caused to appear in the many members of the living soul, even Jesus Christ. The spirit of Jesus Christ, the very person, the soul of Jesus Christ, shall appear in the many members of the living soul."


 Now, you may notice that I'm interchanging the phrase, the many members of the living soul, with the saints, because, brethren, it's just a matter of time. Every members of the living soul shall be a saint, and you become a saint when you receive the imputed anointing of Jesus Christ. So I'm saying the many members of the living soul because it's just a matter of time. Every members of the living soul shall be granted this grace. Hallelujah.


The Lord Jesus Christ shall wage war with your sin-filled soul, brethren, that is filled with pride and pockmarked with rebellion, until you bow down and worship Him. And then He shall appear in you in His fullness, and your carnal mind shall never be heard from again. He shall live through you, brethren, and you shall serve Him. And most of the church world today think that they're going to live through Him and that He's going to serve them. No, brethren, He's not your private party giver or your private gift giver. He shall appear in you, and you shall serve Him.


Continuing with, in Verse 21, "And the judgment was given to the saints of the Most High." Verse 10 tells us that the judgment was set, but our expanded explanation in Verse 22 tells us that judgment was given to the saints. I remind you that judgment is Strong's 1780. It means sentencing or tribunal. And, remember, now, that Christ in you is the white throne judgment. All judgment has been given to the Son. You're not running around with all your sin, judging the world, brethren. He's judging you from within your own heart. God, help us. God, help us. And judgment was given to the saints. Now we're comparing this to Verse 10 which says that the judgment was set. I remind you that the word set means to fix firmly.


And the Alternate Translation of Verse 10 -- of that phrase of Verse 10 is as follows, "The sentencing of the living soul or the dealing with the sin of the living soul, even Jesus Christ" -- He is the one that's going to deal with the sin -- "was firmly fixed within the heart of its many members. The sentencing of the living soul, even Jesus Christ, was firmly fixed within the heart of its many members."


Now, this is a tricky one, brethren. When Jesus' soul was brought into submission to Him -- when his Adamic soul was brought into submission to Him and slain, in the realm of the spirit, the provision for the white throne judgment of Christ was made for every members of the living soul. When the man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, brought His Adamic soul into submission, the result of that event was that in the realm of the spirit, after He brought His soul into submission and slew it, the result of that event was that in the realm of the spirit, the provision was set firmly, was firmly fixed. It was now made available for the sentencing of the entire living soul. Where? In the realm of the spirit. Where? In your mind. The spiritual reality of what happened with the crucifixion, resurrection and ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ is that He became the spirit, the glorified spirit, that is entering into your mind to judge your sin-filled soul.


You may remember that Verses 11 through 14 are an expanded explanation of Verses 9 through 10. And in Verse 11, we read about Jesus bringing His soul into submission and slaying it. And in Verse 13, we read about -- I'm sorry, my notes -- I lost something here in my notes. I don't know what I did. You may remember that Ver- -- that Verses 11 to 14 are an expanded explanation of Verses 9 to 10, and in Verse 11, we read about Jesus bringing His soul into submission and slaying it. And in Verse 13, glory to God, we see Him being glorified.


Continuing with, "was given to the saints of the Most High." We're still in Verse 22, "Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High." The word, was given, is Strong's 3052. It means to deliver up. It means to place or to lay a foundation. These words, was given, means to place or lay a foundation. And I remind you that in Verse 13, we read, "And He was given" -- I'm sorry. That should be Verse 14. "And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom." And we translated this word, was given, in Verse 14, to set up within him or to lay a foundation within him. Spiritual things are within us.


We're back at Verse 14 now. "And there was given Him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom." And we found out that this word was used to describe the laying of the foundation within him. The word dominion means mastery, power, to bear rule over.


And our Alternate Translation of this phrase in Verse 14 is -- the verse was, "And there was given Him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom," and the Alternate Translation is, "And there was set up within Him." There was set up within the fallen Adam a foundation that gave him mastery over his own soul. "And there was set up within Him a foundation that gave him mastery over his own soul."


So we see that the judgment that was firmly fixed in the realm of the spirit, as a result of the slaying of Jesus Christ's Adamic soul in Verse 10, is now, in Verse 22, being imparted to all men in the form of a spiritual foundation upon which that each man can build what? Righteousness.


I Corinthians 3:11 says, "For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ."


Alternate Translation, the second third of Daniel 7:22, "And He shall judge the living soul and cleanse her from her sins when He is laid as a spiritual foundation in the heart of every members of the living soul. And Jesus Christ shall judge the living soul and cleanse her from her sins when He is laid as a spiritual foundation in the heart of every members of the living soul."


Glory to God. The foundation for your entranceway into the kingdom of God, brethren, is Jesus Christ. And there is no other foundation that -- than that which is already laid that will get you in. Entrance in any other way makes you a thief and a liar, and you shall not succeed.


Continuing with, "And the time came that the saints possess the kingdom." Time is Strong's 2166. It means season, appointed occasion. And the word possess, the [UNINTELLIGIBLE] primary idea of it is to bind together, thus to heap up or lay up, to possess. In Verse 14, we're told that Christ was given a kingdom. I remind you that the words, was given, mean to set up. But the expanded explanation in Verse 22 tells us that the many members of the living soul possessed the kingdom or bound together with the kingdom, which is the mind of Christ. We're told, in Verse 14, that He was given a kingdom, that a kingdom was set up, that a foundation was laid, and in Verse 22, we find out, more specifically, that the way that foundation is laid is that our Adamic mind is being woven together or swallowed up by the mind of Jesus Christ. There's a joining coming.


Alternate Translation, the third third of Daniel 7:22, "And the season arrived during which the members of the living soul that had received the lone righteousness of Jesus Christ, which is without repentance, would be woven together in their minds to the soul of Jesus Christ and made truly holy. And the season arrived during which the members of the living soul that had received the lone righteousness of Jesus Christ, which is without repentance, would be woven together in their minds to the soul of Jesus Christ and made truly holy."


Alternate Translation, Daniel 7:22, "Until the one who overcame the s-" -- and now this is the little horn making war against the saints, "Until the one who overcame the soul realm was caused to appear in the many members of the living soul, even Jesus Christ, and He shall judge the living soul and cleanse her from her sins when He is laid as a spiritual foundation in the heart of every members of the living soul. And the season arrive during which the members of the living soul that had received the lone righteousness of Jesus Christ, which is without repentance, would be woven together in their minds to the soul of Jesus Christ and made truly holy."


Stage three gives us a spiritual description of the resurrected spirit of Jesus Christ, emphasizing His increase into many members or the body of Christ in the next generation. I should really say the soul of Jesus Christ, a spiritual de- -- stage three gives us a spiritual description of the resurrected spirit of Jesus Christ, emphasizing His increase into many members or the body of Christ which is the next generation or the 42nd generation. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] and it also gives us a spiritual description of the resurrected spirit of Jesus Christ, or the resurrected soul of Jesus Christ, emphasizing His relationship as Father with each son of God or member of the body of Christ or member of the living soul or saints of the Most High.


And in case you've never heard this before, brethren, when Jesus becomes your mind, your relationship will be the same to Him as the relationship between Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the spirit of the Father. Jesus Christ -- the spiritual being that was Jesus Christ of Nazareth has returned to pure spirit form. He is one with the Father. He is the Father. The only difference between Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the Father was that the Father was in spirit form, and Jesus was a man with a soul. When Jesus returned to the realm of the spirit, there's now no longer separ- -- any separation between Him and the Father. They are totally one. And when He's in your mind, He is the Father, in the same relationship that the Father had to Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and you have become the Son.


And in due season, when the appointed time comes, brethren, the same work that was done in Jesus Christ of Nazareth shall be done in you, and it's not blasphemy, brother, because it's God that shall be appearing in you, God that shall be ruling you. There shall be no room for your soul to abuse the power of God. It shall be totally swallowed up. The rapture is a blasphemy, teaching the saints of God that they can continue to sin.


I -- someone said to me, not too long ago, God's not finished with me yet. She had something to me, and I said, you know, that's a very high manifestation of pride. And her answer was, well, God's not finished with me yet. You can't go on like that, sister. And you're already under severe judgment. Hallelujah.


Recap, Daniel 7, Verses 20 to 22, "And I would like to know about the law of sin and death, which is ruling in each and every member of the living soul, and about the different law which was appearing from underneath the earth of the living soul, the one which caused the criminal mind of the living soul to prostrate himself and serve the living God, the one who appears much more like Lord and master of God's creation than the three other living creatures, which were designed to be joined to Him and serve Him."


"I looked at the vision, and that same spirit of the Father, which dwells in His Christ, that fulfilled the spiritual law of God in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, drew the members of the body of Christ near to Him and waged war against their sin-filled, corrupt Adamic souls, and overcame them; Until the one who" -- and this continued, "Until the one who overcame the soul realm was caused to appear in the many members of the living soul, even Jesus Christ. 


"And He shall judge the living soul and cleanse her from her sins when He is laid as a spiritual foundation in the heart of every members of the living soul. And the season arrived during which the members of the living soul that had received the lone righteousness of Jesus Christ, which is without repentance, would be woven together in their minds to the soul of Jesus Christ and made truly holy."


Brethren, the rapture is not where it's at. You shall become a holy one of the Most High God. From the lowest part of your state of being to the highest, you shall be holy. Glory to God. And you're denying the message will not stop it, for, indeed, this is the hour of His reaching out for you. And who shall be able to stand up in full spiritual strength? Who shall be able to abide the burning of His chastening and stand up in spiritual strength?




I pray for everybody listening to this message and for everybody in this meeting. I pray that you stand, brethren. So many preachers preach that Scripture from Ephesians. And when you've done all to stand, stand -- they don't even know what they're preaching. What it means is stand up. It -- when you've done all of the preparations that God's told you about, stand up in the full spiritual strength of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do it. Abide the chastening. Overcome the sin in your mind. Implement every weapon that God has given you. And by the power of His Christ, stand in full spiritual strength against the enemy, which is your very own soul.


Glory to God.


Any questions tonight?


5/11/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

5/13/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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