071 - Part 2
(Revelation 13 & Daniel 7)

Part 2 of 10 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Daniel Chapter 7, verses 2 to 4, “Daniel responded to his night vision by telling about it.  And there they were, the spirits that were in right standing with God when they were one with him in the realm of God’s Spirit, before they unfolded and germinated forth as the plant life of this world system. And they were breaking forth from the realm of God’s spirit down upon the very large living soul as a child issuing from the womb. And huge living creatures, with a domineering nature, typifying the fullness of the living soul’s reproductive potential were appearing in the realm of appearance. And the first three were completely different from the fourth one. The living creature that came before all of the others was a highly exalted, fierce, spiritual warrior who dwelt in the high realm of God’s spirit, even the first Adam.”


Glory to God before the fall. “I continued to look at the vision until I saw the Spirit of God removed from him. And the Spirit of God was taken up from the earth of the living soul. And Adam was made to incarnate in the manner of a mortal man even by means of his own reproductive parts. An immortal foundation was laid into him even the male spirit known as Satan.”


Verse 5, “And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.” Those words, it had, are not in the original Greek. And “three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.”


Now, the Alternate Translation we’re going to get on verse 5, like the earlier verses, are going to -- is going to be very different. And I just want to remind you that this is a parable form. The Lord has written this by inspired men of God in the Hebrew language to impart a deep truth to those that have ears to hear. And to those that do not have ears to hear, this parable sounds like a very nice story. Jesus spoke in parables; it is a doctrinal technique of God. He speaks on a level that the most spiritually immature person can hear and fantasize about. And we know that there’s all kinds of interpretation of these Scriptures throughout the church world.


But somewhere, God has a people that have his Spirit, that have spiritual ears to hear, that will hear the truth. And it’s really a miracle, if you stop to think about it, that God could write something that could be taken on two such extreme levels. And of course, most of us would find it easier to relate to the parables of the New Testament that were spoken by Jesus Himself, but the same principle applies here. So, bear with me. This is going to be a little difficult but yet, not as difficult as the Sunday Message. That was really tough.


OK. “And behold another beast, a second, like unto a bear.” This word second, in the Hebrew, it really meant second. So, I went into Webster’s, and Webster’s says that second means: next to the first in degree. In other words, you could be counting first, second, but second also can mean inferior to the first if you’re going according to degree, inferior, subordinate, ranking next below the top of a grade or degree in authority. The first is the top or the greatest or the best, and second is inferior to that.


So, here we see another beast, and it is inferior to the first beast that was glorious, that had the Spirit of God attached to it, the living soul that was attached to the Spirit of God. And the Scripture says, “And behold another beast” -- another living creature -- “one that was inferior to the first. It was like unto a bear.”


And the word bear, I want to point out to you to that the concordant, literal translation says that this is a she-bear. It is female, telling us that it is soul and not spirit. And I refer you to our message 66, part 2 if you would like to review the studies that we did on the word bear. And I’m just going to tell you -- I’m not going to redo it, but I’m going to tell you for this message that the bear in the Scripture typifies the spirit that rules in and appears through the living soul: the wild, raging, warmongering beast even Satan. And we looked up bear in the Greek and in the Hebrew, and we did an extensive study on it on message 62, part 2. It is the spirit, the wild, ranging [sic], warmongering beast, spiritual beast, known as Satan, that rules in the living soul.


Alternate Translation, the first quarter of Daniel, chapter 7, verse 5, “And there it was: a different living creature, one inferior in authority and subordinate to the first. And this one was a wild, raging, warmonger.” Now, the first one was glorious, but it lost its spiritual authority. And what I’m suggesting to you is -- listen to this.


I want to read you the last part of the Alternate Translation of verse 4, “And the Spirit of God was taken up from the earth of the living soul. And Adam was made to incarnate in the manner of a mortal man even by means of his own reproductive parts. And a mortal foundation was laid into him even the male spirit known as Satan.” And after all this happened, “there it was: a different living creature, one inferior in authority and subordinate to the first. And this one was a wild, raging, warmonger.”


And now, what I’m suggesting to you is that the second beast is that one, which resulted after the original Adam -- after the Spirit of God separated from the original Adam. That right after verse 1 -- everything that happened to Adam in verse 1, the result of it wa- -- not verse 1; I’m sorry. Verse 4 -- the result of what happened to Adam in verse 4 is what we see in verse 5 after the Spirit of God lifted up [?for?] him, after he was made to reproduce by his own reproductive parts, after a mortal foundation was laid into him “even the male spirit known as Satan.”


He became the second beast. Brethren, if someone gives you a new heart, if someone gives you a new face, if someone changes you totally around, for all intents and purposes, you are another person. If you were evil and now you have the righteousness of Christ and the mercy of God, you are a new person. Indeed, we are a new creature in Christ Jesus.


Well, I declare to you that this is the fall of the living soul. He was a cherub of God, dwelling in the high realms of the spirit. The Spirit of God separated from him. We have a description here of what happened to him, and the result of it is verse 5, the second beast. He was a raging, wild, warmongering beast. And I’m suggesting to you, brethren, that without the Spirit of God, man is a raging, wild, warmongering beast.


And the Lord was speaking to me about this the other night. You’ve all heard my testimony: how much deliverance I’ve had, how I’m a totally new person, how He’s remade my personality. Well, brethren, I want you to know that there’s not a doubt in my mind that what has happened to me is that Christ has taken control of my life, that he has cast evil spirits out of my life that were ruling me but that the root of my nature that produced that evil spirits is still there, and it’s still me. And the reason it’s not showing is because Christ is ruling in my life, and that ungodly part of me is underfoot.


And if Christ were to separate from me, in this moment, I would go right back to what I was. What am I telling you? This change is not permanent until Christ utterly swallows up your soul. It is not permanent, brethren. Christ can be tread underfoot again until the marriage. When Christ appears in full stature, he shall marry our soul. And after the joining, there is no reverse. Be not deceived. Think not that you’re standing brethren lest you fall. Glory to God.


Continuing with, “and it raised up itself on one side” -- talking about the bear now -- “and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it.” “And it raised up itself on one side,” and “three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it.” This word raised is Strong’s 6966, and it is the same word translated, made to stand, in verse 4. It means to arise, to come forth, to exist, to erect, to set up a statue. And I remind you that we determined in a past message that it means to incarnate, to arise, to arise up from the invisible realm of the spirit and appear in the realm of appearance. Glory to God.


“And it raised up itself on one side.” I’m suggesting to you that this means the bear incarnated itself. It incarnated itself. We’re saying that the bear typified the wild, raging, warmongering spirit of Satan. The spirit of Satan caused the living soul to incarnate itself. Now isn’t that exactly what we were told in verse 4? “And Adam was made to incarnate in the manner of a mortal man.”


What’s happening in verse 4 is that all the provision is being worked into Adam so that he could do what he’s doing in verse 5. Verse 4 says he’s being equipped to do it, and verse 5 says, and he did it. It raised itself up one side. It incarnated itself by committing spiritual incest and caused itself to appear in the realm of appearance. Glory to God.


“And it raised itself up on one side.” This word one, it really means one. And I had to pray about this, and what I’m going to suggest to you -- I want to remind you: I don’t have my board up tonight, but I gave you an exhibit about a month ago about the spiritual man appearing as a right triangle, that our spiritual condition is a right triangle. Does everybody remember that? I don’t have the board up, so I’m not going to take it out for this.


I’m suggesting to you what this is saying -- he incarnated on one side -- that if you think of the bear as the living soul, OK, ruled by Satan and you think of him as a right triangle -- and it says “it raised itself up,” it incarnated on one side -- what it’s really saying is that when the living soul incarnated, it incarnated on the s- -- on the one side of the triangle  that was on the earth. The second line of the triangle goes up to the heavenlies. Do you remember? There’s two sides of the triangle that we’re dealing with: the one from the heavenly that comes down to the earth, that’s Christ, and the bottom of the triangle, the base of the triangle that rides along the earth. And we’re saying here that the living soul incarnated on one side only. It only incarnated on the earthen side. Christ did not appear. When the living soul committed incest within itself and caused itself to incarnate, it incarnated only on the earthen side. Christ was not a part of it. Anybody have any problem with that? Glory to God. Hallelujah.


OK, the word side is Strong’s 7859, and it really means side. It could be a side of anything, and I’m suggesting to you that it’s a side of the right triangle, which typifies our spiritual being.


Alternate Translation, second quarter of Daniel, chapter 7, verse 5, “And she, the living soul, incarnated as a mortal man without the image of Christ.” Glory to God. “Without the image of Christ.” “And it raised itself up on one side, and she incarnated” -- the living soul incarnated -- “as a mortal man without the image of Christ.”


Continuing with “and three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it.” “And three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it.” The word rib is Strong’s 6763, and this is the same Hebrew word translated rib in Genesis 2:21, where God took Adam’s rib and formed Eve. It means -- and I don’t know if we’ve ever studied this here or not, but it really does not mean the rib of the m- -- of man as we know it today, because in that hour, Adam didn’t look like we look today. It merely means the side. It could be the side of a body, the side of a door. It could be the side of a house. And it’s especially used to describe a floor or a ceiling made of wood. And I declare to you that we are the house of the living God, and indeed, we are wood. We are made of a natural substance, and when God took a rib, He merely took one of Adam’s sides. We don’t have no idea what Adam looked like in that hour.


So here, we’re talking about the bear, typifying the living soul in its fallen condition, and three ribs in the mouth of it, and three sides in the mouth of it. That’s what we’re saying: three sides in the mouth of it, the three sides of the spiritual being of the living soul. And we know the spiritual being of the living soul is typified as a right triangle. And Satan, the spirit that rules in the living soul, incarnated only on the earthen side. Christ was not apparent in him.


“And three ribs in the mouth of it.” This word mouth is Strong’s 6433, and for all of the entries listed under mouth in Strong’s Concordance, the only time 6433 is the word that’s used -- I think it’s three times, each time in the Book of Daniel. It’s not used anywhere else in the Scripture, so we see a special application here. And Strong’s says that it’s this -- it’s used in place of 6310. There was really no information under 6430 [sic], just a mouth, but it says, in place of 6310. And 6310 says, the mouth as a means of blowing, typifying spirit, typifying spirit. “And it raised up itself” -- and it incarnated itself on the earthen side and three sides of its spiritual being in the spirit of it. And it incarnated itself on the earthen side only. It had no Christ in it. And within it, within the spirit of it, there were three parts. There were three parts to the spirit of the living soul that incarnated in the earthen realm. Glory to God.


And I’m suggesting to you that the spirit that rules in the living soul without Christ is in three parts. Can anybody tell me what the three parts are? Anybody recall? Well, close. Satan, Eve, and what’s the third one? That carnal mind, amen. Adam is flesh. Adam is not spirit, so Satan joins to Eve, and they produce the carnal mind. And we have a three-part spirit that is ruling in the living soul. Of course, Satan is the driving source, but Satan could not appear without marrying Eve and producing the carnal mind. So, they’re a- -- there are three parts, and all three [?are one?]. And of course, Satan is the driving force. Glory to God.


So, the bear, the raging, warmongering beast, incarnated itself on the earthen side. And there were three parts to the spirit within it, and that spirit was between the teeth of it. And this word between means -- it’s just merely used to describe a distinction, used to describe a distinction. There was a difference between the three teeth.


Now, this gets a little hairy. You may have to pray about this. This word teeth is Strong’s 8128. It is one of these situations where it is the same Hebrew word as 8127, the same exact spelling, but for some reason, they broke it down into two words. And so, we’re going to use 8127. I want to quote you a Scripture using the word teeth. Job 13:14 says, “Wherefore do I take my flesh in my teeth, and put my life in my hand?” “Wherefore do I take my flesh in my teeth, and put my life in my hand?”


And [?Gesenius?] says in his lexicon that the meaning of the above statement by Job is to say that he is exposing his life to the greatest danger as anything held in the teeth may easily drop. That’s [?Gesenius’?] opinion of that obviously metaphoric comment that Job made. Obviously, he knows he didn’t take his flesh in his teeth. Job means something symbolic there. And [?Gesenius?], an expert in the Hebrew language, says that what it means is that he’s exposing his life to the greatest danger, because anything held in the teeth may easily drop.


This is a proverbial way of saying that the spirit that incarnated this living creature is [?mortal?metal?]. And the raging monster known as a bear incarnated on the earthen side only without Christ. There were three parts to the spirit of it, and it was mortal. “In the mouth of it between the teeth of it.” It was vulnerable. It was mortal. It could fall. It could hurt -- it could be hurt. Anybody have a problem with that? Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, three-quar- -- the third quarter of Daniel 7:5, “And the spirit that caused the fallen living soul to incarnate had three parts to it: even Satan, Eve and the carnal mind. And she was mortal.” Even though it’s a spirit, and spirit is male, it’s a soulish spirit. It’s certainly inferior to the Spirit of God. It’s described as a bear, and in comparison to God, spirit or not, she is female. We know that when God is not present in the living soul, Satan takes a male role. But as soon as Christ enters in, as soon as the Holy Spirit enters in, Satan is once again female as soon as the presence of God is revealed.


“And the spirit that caused the fallen living soul to incarnate had three parts to it: even Satan, Eve and the carnal mind. And she was mortal.” Satan is destructible, and God calls him she.


Continuing with “and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.” And I’m suggesting to you that the “they” typifies Satan, Eve and the carnal mind. And Satan, Eve and the carnal mind said unto it -- unto what? Unto the whole of the creation -- arise, devour much flesh. The word said is Strong’s 560. It means command, declare, speak, tell. And this word obviously indicates the words of a human being. This is something that’s happening in the realm of appearance.


The word it, “and they said thus unto it,” the word it is, in the Greek, 846. And it can be translated themselves. And it can be translated themselves. What am I saying? And the -- and Satan, Eve and the carnal mind said thus unto themselves. They said within themselves -- glory to God -- arise. Strong’s 6966, that’s the same word we used above. Arise, it means to incarnate. And they said to themselves, they said within themselves -- they were in agreement. Satan, Eve and the carnal mind was [sic] in agreement. Let’s incarnate. Let’s incarnate this living soul and devour much flesh


The word devour is Strong’s 399. And [?Gesenius?] says that this word may be translated to accuse. I didn’t write down any example for you; I should have. Maybe it wasn’t there. I don’t know. But it’s in the [?Gesenius?] lexicon that this word may be translated to accuse. And Adam and -- I’m sorry -- and Satan, Eve and the carnal mind said un- -- amongst themselves, within themselves, “Let’s incarnate, and let’s accuse the whole human race.” The word flesh is 1321, and it really means flesh. It indicates the whole human race.


Alternate Translation, the fourth quarter of Daniel 7:5, “And Satan, E- -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT]


-- -n, Eve and the carnal mind said to themselves, let us incarnate and be the accuser of all mankind.” Glory to God. “And Satan, Eve and the carnal mind said to themselves, let us incarnate and be the accuser of all mankind.” Do you see it? What happened in verse 4, the preparation of the living soul that was prepared in verse 4, is coming to pass in verse 5.


Alternate Translation, Daniel chapter 7, verse 5, “And there it was, a different living creature: one inferior in authority and subordinate to the first. And this one was a wild, raging warmonger. And she incarnated as a mortal man without the image of Christ. And the spirit that caused the fallen living soul to incarnate had three parts to it: even Satan, Eve and the carnal mind. And she was mortal. And Satan, Eve and the carnal mind said to themselves, let us incarnate and be the accuser of all mankind.” Hallelujah.


The second living creature is the fullness of the spirit that rules in the living soul: even Satan, Eve and the carnal mind. Remember now, the first living creature was the living soul that fell. The second is the fullness of the spirit that rules in the living soul.


Verse 6, “After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; and the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it.” I want to note to you that verse 6 does not say the third beast. It just says another. Now even though the beast in verse 7 is described as the fourth beast, the ver- -- the beast in verse 6 does not say third. It just says another.


And I’m suggesting to you that the third beast is not subordinate to the second beast as the second beast was subordinate to the first beast, but on the other hand, that the third beast is one with the second beast. She is the totality of the beast, which is the living soul. She is the spirit of Satan even the carnal mind, which is the second beast.


And the third beast is the soul of Adam. The two together -- let me say that again. The second beast is the totality of the spirit that rules in the living soul: Satan even the carnal mind. The third beast, which is not identified as the third beast, I’m hope to establish, is the human soul. And the second and third are one. They are the fallen Adam. The first beast is Adam before the fall and his stripping. The second and the third together are one. They are the fallen Adam. And I hope to establish, starting next week, that the fourth beast is Christ.


Well, let’s go on. “After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard.” And we also studied the leopard recently in Revelation 13. I remind you that it’s a female panther to be spotted o- -- and it means to be spotted or stained. It means a leopard or a tiger. And we established on the message -- I mentioned the name -- the number of the message earlier -- that a leo- -- that the leopard typifies the stin- -- sin-stained human soul, the sin-stained human soul. The soul that’s [?seen it?], it shall die.


Alternate Translation, the first quarter of Daniel 7:6, “After all that I had already seen, I looked again, and there it was, a different one: wild, ravenous, and stained with sin.” See, it doesn’t call it another beast. It doesn’t call it another beast. He says, I saw a different one. “After all that I had already seen, I looked again, and there it was, a different one: wild, ravenous and stained with sin.” And I suggest to you it was a part of the second, that the leopard is a part of the bear and that the two are one.


And we see that, indeed in Revelation 13, that the beast -- let me turn there, Revelation 13 -- if you recall, brethren, they’re all part of one beast in Revelation 13. 13:2, “And the beast which I saw was like a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear.” So, the leopard and the bear in Revelation 13 are part of the same beast. And I’m suggesting to you that that is the same situation here in Daniel 7.


And the reason that the number jumps from first beast and second beast to fourth beast -- I don’t have my board up. I don’t know how I can explain this without the board. But if you recall, we ha- -- well, I can’t explain this without my board, so I’m going to let it go. Maybe I’ll do it at the beginning of next week’s message.


And “After all that I had already seen, I looked again, and there it was, a different one: wild, ravenous and stained with sin.” Continuing with “who had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl,” “four wings of a fowl.” Now this word back, “who had upon the back of it,” is Strong’s 1355. It’s the only -- there’s only one other time that it’s translated back in the Scriptures. And it is, again, the same Hebrew word as 1354, spelled exactly the same way. And we’re going to use 1354.


1354 is the same Hebrew word translated rings. Do you remember us studying Ezekiel 1:18, and his rings were so high, they were terrible? Ezekiel’s glorified man? You can review that on message 38, part 8. And we did a deep study on the word rings, and the conclusions that we drew were that the word rings, this Strong’s 1354, is the exterior surface of the spirit, the outer rim of the place that is the [UNINTELLIGIBLE] even the human soul. This word ring, after a deep study -- we spent a lot of time on it. We determined that it meant the human soul. You could review that on message 38, part 8.


So, we’re saying he who had the -- who had upon the soul of it, four rings of a fowl. The word four, I remind you, means fullness. Four means squared. [?You could either?] squared of the soul or squared of the spirit. It means fullness in the realm of the spirit. The number seven means fullness in the realm of appearance. The word four means fullness referring to the realm of the soul. Glory to God. I think seven means fullness in the realm of the spirit also. We’ve used it both ways. But four -- in this instance, the Lord told me that it means the fullness in the realm of the soul.


And it had four wings, wings being number 1611. And this is a different Hebrew word than the one translated wings in Ezekiel 1. And it really means flight or rapid progress, the act or manner of flying. And I’m suggesting to you that four wings typify the fullness of spiritual flight. The fullness of spiritual flight, well, whe- -- spiritual flight where? We have to find out whether it’s in the realm of the spirit or the realm of the soul, so let’s look for some modifying words.


Who had upon the soul of it, the four wings of a fowl. Now, this word fowl should determine whether he’s flying in the realm of the spirit or the realm of the soul. And the word fowl is 5776, and it’s from a root 5774, which means to fly and all those other good words, but it also means to be covered with darkness, pressed down by calamity, to fail in strength. So, what are we saying? He had the fullness of the living soul’s ability to function or fly in the spiritual realm of darkness. And the spiritual realm of darkness is the spiritual realm of the soul.


Alternate Translation, second quarter of Daniel 7:6, “which had the fullness, he who” -- after all that I had already seen, I looked again. And there it was, a different one: wild, ravenous and stained with sin, which had the fullness of the living soul’s ability to function in the spiritual realm of the soul.” Glory to God.


Continuing with “the beast also had four heads,” “the beast also had four heads.” And the word for heads is 7217. We studied this, in particular, in Revelation 13, and we taught that the head is something that’s easily seen. When you look at somebody, the first thing you look at is their head. It’s easily grabbed hold of. And we taught that the spiritual application of it was that the head is that part, which arises above the threshold of the realm of appearance. A he- -- the head is something that’s seen in the realm of appearance. The roots are underneath the ground. And they typify the realm of the spirit. And four heads symbolizes the fullness of the living soul in the spiritual realm of the soul. There is nothing in verse 6 to indicate that the living soul was appearing in the realm of appearance in this account.


The seven heads of the beast of Revelation typify her fullness in the realm of appearance. If you remember that teaching -- I can’t go int- -- I don’t have the whole Scripture in front of me now, but if you remember that teaching, we taught that the living soul -- well, let me go back there. Let me go back there to Revelation 13, back there again.


Revelation 13, verse 1, “and I saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon the horns ten crowns.” So, he was rising up out of the sea. And that rising up means incarnating above the threshold, incarnating in the realm of appearance. And the seven heads meaning the fullness of the living soul’s ability to produce human bodies. Glory to God.


Now, we’re talking about the -- what was a second or part o- -- third or part of the second beast. And it says, “After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl.” It’s nothing about rising up there, so we’re looking at a spiritual description in Daniel 7. And the Lord uses the number four to describe fullness in a spiritual description as opposed to using the number seven to describe the fullness of the human bodies produced in the realm of appearance in chapter 13 of the book of Revelation. Anybody have any problem with that? OK. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, the third quarter of Daniel 7:6, “The living creature had everything she needed to incarnate in the spiritual realm of the soul. The beast had also four heads, and the living creature had everything she needed. She was complete in her ability to incarnate in the spiritual realm of the soul.” Glory to God.


Continuing with, “and dominion was given to it.” Dominion is 7985, and it means rule, to have power over. And the word given means to be granted.


Alternate Translation, four quarters of Daniel 7:6, “and ruling authority over men and over all of the earth is being granted to the living soul.” “And ruling authority over men and over all of the earth is being granted to the living soul.”


Alternate Translation, Daniel 7:6, “After all that I had already seen, I looked again. And there it was, a different one: wild, ravenous and stained with sin, which had the fullness of the living soul’s ability to function in the spiritual realm of the soul. The living creature had everything she needed to incarnate in the spiritual realm of the soul. And ruling authority over men and over all of the earth is being granted to the living soul.” Glory to God.


I’m going to recap Daniel 7, verses 4 through 6. “The living creature that came before all the others was a highly exalted, fierce spiritual warrior, who dwelt in the high realm of God’s Spirit even the first Adam. I continued to look at the vision until I saw the Spirit of God removed from him. And the Spirit of God was taken up from the earth of the living soul. And Adam was made to incarnate in the manner of a mortal man even by means of his own reproductive parts. An immortal foundation was laid into him even the male spirit known as Satan.” Adam was prepared to incarnate as a natural man.


Verse 5, “And after he was prepared, there it was! He became a different living creature, one in authority -- one inferior in authority and subordinate to the first. And this one was a wild, raging warmonger. And she incarnated as a mortal man without the image of Christ. And the spirit that caused the fallen living soul to incarnate had three parts to it: even Satan, Eve and the carnal mind. And she was mortal. And Satan, Eve and the carnal mind said to themselves, let us incarnate and be the accuser of all mankind.


“After all that I had already seen, I looked again. And there it was, a different one: wild, ravenous and stained with sin, which had the fullness of the living soul’s ability to function in the spiritual realm of the soul. The living creature had everything she needed to incarnate in the spiritual realm of the soul. And ruling authority over men and over all of the earth is being granted to the living soul.”


And I’m suggesting to you that this different one, which is not identified as third, is the human soul attached to the fullness of the spirit that rules in the human soul. Glory to God. And I remind you that what we are seeing here is an account of the creation of God from its very inception unto its very end.


And what are we up to now? We are living in the days whereby this living soul, made up of the fullness of the s- -- of the three-part spirit and the human soul, is indeed exercising authority over the whole planet: over men, over animals -- they’re des- -- we’re destroying animal life everywhere. We’re destroying the atmosphere. We’re destroying the earth. We’re destroying the trees. God has indeed given us dominion, and we have abused that dominion.


But glory to God, brethren. There’s a fourth beast. And I declare to you that He is Christ and that where we have had six verses of chapter 7 describing the beginning of the creation, we go from chapter 7 to chapter -- to -- from verse 7 to verse 28. 21 verses describing the glorious kingdom of Christ, the kingdom of God. And I believe that we’re living on a threshold of entering into that kingdom. Indeed, our little toe is already in the water, but it’s going to flood upon the entire earth. The kingdom of God is going to descend upon the entire earth as a flood. And we’re going to live to see at least the beginnings of it if not more. Glory to God.


Any questions on this message?


5/08/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

5/12/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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