070 - Part 2
(Revelation 13)

Part 2 of 2 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Glory to God. This is -- we're winding up the second beast of the Book of Revelation. You know, the Scripture really doesn't say second beast. It says, another beast. So we're winding up the other beast of the Book of Revelation.


And I'd like to make a comment on Wednesday's message. On Wednesday, I made the point -- I emphasized the point that Eve, or the human spirit, is that part -- the human spirit in each of us is that part of the Son of God that was joined to the Earth. So we have something within us that is of the substance of the slain Son of God. And I changed the pronoun. The Scripture quo- -- says the other beast is a he. In our Alternate Translations, I changed the pronoun to a she.


And I just wanted to make it clear on this message, in case you're wondering how someone made out of the substance of the Son of God could be a she, the answer is that this is the slain Son of God. And when spirit is slain, or when spirit falls down, it operates on the soul realm. It operates on the soul realm. You see, she's still spirit, but her authority has fallen to the soul realm. It's the same thing that happened to Satan. He is a part of the living soul. That means his authority is in the soul realm. But when the Lord separated Himself from Adam, Satan rose up and appropriated the authority of the spiritual realm. But in this hour, the Lord Jesus Christ is putting him underfoot, and he shall again be returned to the soul level of authority.


So spirit and soul are really levels of authority. When we talk about spiritual beings, whether they are spirit or soul is a level of authority. And that authority can be increased or decreased. So when we talk about a spiritual being, we're looking for two things. We're looking for their original substance. What is their original substance? And we found out that the first beast was Adam and that his original substance is the Earth, and there's no authority in the Earth at all. That's why he had to take the authority of Satan. He had to rise up out of the sea, taking Satan's authority. But the second beast is coming up out of the Earth, because she is spirit in her own right.


So when we -- we're analyzing a spiritual entity, we're looking for two things, the -- their original spiritual substance and the spiritual realm upon which they're functioning. Eve's original substance is spirit. She is experiencing being a spirit on the soul realm right now, and she is a she. But when she produces the manchild, she shall experience being a spirit in the spiritual realm of God. And she shall become a He, and her name shall be, anybody? Christ. Amen, glory to God. She becomes one with her offspring. Glory to God.


OK, I also want to let you know that I rewrote the last phrase of the Alternate Translation of Revelation 13:14. The general idea of the translation remains the same. I just made it a little clearer. I didn't change any of the substance. Glory to God.


And last but not least, in Verse 14, I told you that the word translated power is exusia. Verse 14, "And deceiveth them that dwell on the Earth by means of those miracles which he had power to do." I told you that that was the Greek word exusia, meaning authority, and I was mistaken. I actually made a mistake. How do you like that? And the correct word is Strong's 1325, and it's really not a word that means either miracle working power or authority. It's actually not an accurate translation. It's a word that means to give, to grant or to deliver. And what it means is that the human spirit was given Satan's power when she married him. She was given power. The slain Son has now power. Her power lies in her being joined to her husband and producing offspring.


Glory to God. Recap, Revelation 13:11-14, "And in the spirit I saw a different small, wild, dangerous animal appearing in each of the members of the living soul. And she possessed authority that looked like the authority of the Father and the Son, but she expressed the thoughts of Satan. And she appears in the realm of appearance and possesses all of the authority to incarnate and rule in the minds of men that the human soul ruled by Satan has. And she makes the living soul and all of its carnal members submit to the pride and raging passions of the human soul ruled by Satan, even the one who cured himself from the death of his separation from the life of God by manifesting the carnal mind. And she performs great signs and miracles by using spiritual power to heal and cast evil spirits out of men. And she causes the members of the living soul to stray away from the spiritual truth of Christ, even that this is not His Spirit, because the human spirit has been given the ability to do healing and deliverance in the realm of appearance, and she preaches to the members of the living soul that they should believe the lie, which results in the resemblance of Satan being impressed into their own human souls."


And what lie is that? The lie is that the healing and deliverance is being done by the spirit of Christ when it's the carnal mind. If you receive that lie, you wi- -- the carnal mind will be in the process of being reproduced in your mind. "And which also results in the appearance of the carnal mind in their personalities." This is what happened to Adam, the one who died when God separated from him, but nevertheless lived for a seasons and now exists in this world system. Glory to God.


Verse 15, "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, and the image of -- that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast" -- I read that wrong. Let me try it again. "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed."


Now, this word power is again neither miracle working power nor authority. It's that same word that was in the verse before. It means to give, to bestow, to grant, to deliver. She is using Satan's authority. Eve, or the human spirit, has no spiritual authority except that of her offspring. And I remind you from Wednesday night, as she's married to Satan, her offspring is the carnal mind. And when she manifests in a human being, you can recognize her because she is working witchcraft. When the human spirit is married to the spirit of Jesus Christ, she produces -- which is the Father, she produces Christ. And when she is manifesting in that form, in a human personality, you can recognize her if you can discern the spirit of Jesus Christ, either in preaching, teaching, doing signs and wonders or just in the mercy and the love of God.


But as we learned in the last few passages last week, that in the last day anti-Christ, the one who manifests in place of Christ, is going to be so much like Him that you will only recognize Him if you are so one with Jesus Christ that you know that that person over there is not manifesting you. And if it were possible, the very elect would be deceived. And I declare to you, don't even bother worrying about the people that preach the rapture. And it's going to be preachers. Listen to the message from Wednesday night. They're going to be preaching, and they're going to be manifesting another spirit that looks just like Christ, looks like it, sounds like it, feels like it. There's no way you'll be able to tell the difference unless you're so close with Jesus that He lets you know.


It's going to be in the end time ministry. They're going to be preaching deliverance, [?sonship?], reconciliation and whatever. They're not trying to stop the people that still believe in the rapture. They know they're not going through until they get out of junk. They're coming to the end time ministries, and they're going to try and tear it down, and they're going to come with an anointing. And they're going to come with a true word. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


So what are we dealing with here? "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast." And it was given to her. I'm changing the pronoun. It was given to her, to the human spirit, to that other beast, to give life unto the beast. And this is the -- the word give, it's the same word twice, to bestow, to grant or deliver. And if you read that in the interlinear, what it says is, "And it was given to it to give a spirit to the image of the beast." The other beast was given a spirit so that she could give that spirit to the image of the beast. Glory to God.


Now, I have another correction to make here. In the last message, we found out -- I was very much surprised to find out that that very last word in the Ver- -- in Verse 14, "and he did live." I was very much surprised to find out that that -- the Greek word that that is translated from is zoe life, because I've been preaching here for two years that the living soul doesn't have a life. He has an existence, that there's no life when you're separated from God. So I was very surprised to find that that word was zoe life.


And what I told you on the last message was, well, it must mean that when the living soul was connected to God, he was so -- he had an -- a relationship with God that was like electricity, and the power of God was just flowing through him, flowing through him, flowing through him. So when the Spirit of God separated from him, he still had so much of the life of God in him that he lived for a while, and then he started to exist. That was what I put on Wednesday's message, but I have to take that back because in Verse 15, this word -- we have another word life. Where am I here? Where is the word life? Verse 15, "And he had power to give life." There it is, "He had power to give life unto the image of the beast." That word life is also zoe life.


So I went before the Lord, and I said, Lord, how could this be? I don’t' understand it. And I'll tell you what the Lord told me. Apparently -- well, zoe life, if you study Trench [SP] -- I don't think any of you has his book. He says that zoe life can be likened to basic plant life. The grass that we see outside the window here has a form of life, and the Greek would call that life zoe. So it's the most basic form of life.


And when Jesus spoke about laying down His life in John 10:15, He said, "I lay down My life for the sheep." That's not the word zoe. It's the word psuche, and it's Strong's 5590, and it refers to the soul life. So what I have to tell you, then, is that apparently the Scripture uses this word zoe to describe the most elemental form of life, without intellect, you know, just like a blade of grass. So talking about people that do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ, the -- I'm still going to continue to say that they have an existence because people -- it will be confusing for me to say that they have life. But the Greek word describing that existence is zoe life, the basic, elemental plant life. And when we talk about the life of men, we speak about psuche, the soul life. And when the Scripture talks about the resurrected life, the way it's described in the Scripture is eternal life or everlasting life, which means the life of the ages.


Now, Jesus said, I will lay down My psuche for the sheep because Jesus had not been glorified yet. He said, I will lay down My soul life for the sheep, but when Jesus was resurrected from the dead, He received the life, the zoe life of the ages. So the word ages or eternal is modifying zoe. I'm sorry if I'm sounding confusing, but those are the three kinds of life, apparently, that are available to men in this world system, men that have nothing to do with Christ, zoe life, men that have something to do with Christ to the point that they've been quickened somewhat, it's called psuche life, the life of the soul. I don't know why that's not used, you know, for unsaved men. And once we're glorified, and that includes your body, brethren, because Jesus, when -- He was totally in control of His soul. There was no sin in Him, and He said He was going to lay down His psuche life, the life of the ages or everlasting life or eternal life, comes after the resurrected. Does anybody not understand that or have a question on that? OK. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, the first third of Revelation 13:15, "And the human spirit was given the ability to birth human beings into this realm of appearance, which are revealing the nature of Satan. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, and the human spirit was given the ability to birth human beings into this realm of appearance, which are revealing the nature of Satan."


Now, I'm sorry if I'm upsetting you, brethren. We've been preaching this here for two years. If you are a natural man, you are expressing the nature of Satan. Satan is not always what the world thinks of as satanic. If you're not being motivated by Christ, you're being motivated by Satan. He's the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And I also taught you in this ministry once -- I don't know whether you received it or not, but to the best of my knowledge, it's the truth. If you're a natural man and you really -- and the Lord lets your eyes open up and you square root every motive -- the motive for everything that you do, the basic square root of it is selfishness. That's what the natural man is made out of. That's what we're like. We want to feel good. You know, we want to -- the joys of this life. That's the nature of man.


Now, don't get upset. I'm not condemning you. Everything we do, even if we love a woman, [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- the way you test yourself is, are you going to make this great sacrifice and refuse the benefit from it? And I know I have this on another message. Are you willing to work -- be a man and go to work and support a household for a woman that's married to another man and is raising his children and not have any -- not have her companionship, not have her fellowship, not have a close relationship with her, not have her bare your children? Are you going to work for your whole life for a woman that's going to wave at you from across the street? Of course not.


Well, Jesus would do that because He doesn't ask for anything back. I'm not saying you're bad. I'm saying this is our nature. This is our nature. So if you are a natural man, even if you're a pretty nice fellow, you're manifesting Satan on his nicer side, on the bright side. Glory to God. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


OK, continuing with, "That the image of the beast should both speak." That the image of the beast should speak. And this word speak is Strong's 2980. It means to utter words and to preach. This beast is preaching, brethren. [?There's?] not just a man on the street. Now, remember the teaching, the human spirit -- if you're looking to identify the human spirit in a human being, you must look for a spiritual manifestation. She is either witchcraft, or she is Christ. If you're looking for the manifestation of the human soul in a human personality, he is either pride or raging passion. So if you have this knowledge, you can identify, when you observe somebody or relate to somebody, whether they are manifesting the soul, Adam, or the spirit, Eve. When Eve manifests, she is always spiritual.


Glory to God. So what are we saying? That she speaks, that she's given the image of the beast, the authority to speak. And what did we say the image of the beast was? We said it was the carnal mind, the whole of the personality that appears in the realm of appearance. We said the first beast was the human soul, that the other beast, or the second beast, is the human spirit, and that the image of the beast is that which appears. What is an image? You look in the mirror, and you see a mirror image. We had a whole series on it, Number 38 series, that this whole realm of appearance is the mirror image of the spiritual realm that we're representing.


So what is the image of the beast then? The man that stands up as a result of Satan incarnating him, the whole of the personality in the realm of appearance. You need a soul. You need a spirit, and you need a male spirit, either Satan or Christ. And everybody does their thing, and a baby is born. That's the reality of it.


So when the Scripture says that she, the human spirit, is giving the image of the beast the ability to speak, well, what did we just say? Whenever the human spirit manifests, it's spiritual. It's either witchcraft or Christ. This image is preaching, brethren. He's preaching, she's preaching, and if you receive the lie, you will not be manifesting Christ, but you will be manifesting the carnal mind.


But, now, remember, the lie is not what the carnal mind would think a lie is. Don't think that this preacher is going to get up there and say, Jesus already came again, or whatever lie. I don't want to come up with any bad example. They're -- you know, don't -- that's not the lie. The lie is that another spirit is going to be standing up there doing everything that Jesus would do if it was Him up there. He's going to be preaching a true word. He's going to be prophesying a true word. He's going to be giving you wisdom, healing the sick and casting out demons. It's going to look absolutely authentic, except that it's a counterfeit spirit doing it. And if you can't discern that counterfeit spirit, you've received the lie, and the image of Christ is not being formed in you. So somebody said, well, what's the big deal? The big deal is Christ is not being formed in you. Don't panic, pray. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation, the second third of Revelation 13:15, "So that the carnal mind should have bodies to speak through. The word speaking specifically refers to the formation of words. To speak words, you need a body, you need a mouth, and you need vocal chords. F- -- it's not enough to have a spirit and a soul. To appear in this realm of appearance, a body must come forth. Glory to God.


Continuing with, "and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed." The word cause is not in Strong's, but I looked in another translation, and that translation was confirmed, so I'm just going to accept it. The word worship, we've been studying it in the last couple of meanings, Strong's 4352. It means to fawn, to crouch, to lick the hand of. It means to utterly submit to, and the image of the beast, I remind you, is the carnal mind in the realm of appearance. And for the carnal mind to appear in the -- the carnal mind is the totality of the personality. We have the human soul that's getting its authority from the dragon, which is Satan, and a human spirit which is getting her authority from the dragon, which is Satan. And you put the three of them together, and you have what we call a human personality, the intellect of man, the carnal mind and the body that comes forth from it or as a result of its formation.


Glory to God. OK, and the word killed is Strong's 615. It means to kill outright, to destroy. I'm going to suggest to you, brethren, that the members of the living soul who do not submit to the will of their carnal mind, which are ruled by their unconscious mind, Satan, simply die. I know that the church world has made this very glamorous. I've seen movies of guillotines and people lined up with anti-Christ soldiers poking guns and spears at them and people making run -- ma- -- try -- people trying to make run -- a run for it, and all of this glamour. But I'm going to suggest to you, brethren, that members of the living soul who won't do the will of their carnal mind, which is ruled by their unconscious mind, Satan, simply die. They could get sick. They could have a car accident. they just die. We have to stop reading into the Scriptures. I'll show you this a little further. It's a death that's very likely to be just typical of any death in this world.


Now, I could hear somebody saying, but I thought God is in control of everything. Yes, God is in control of everything, but He's given Satan authority over men. He's given Satan authority over this world system. Satan has authority over life and death in this realm unless we're dealing with a particular individual that Jesus Christ has made a reality the Scripture that says, and all power and authority was given to Jesus Christ. If that is a reality in your vessel, then you have something to work against Satan with. And we know that if that is a reality in your vessel, it's not a completed reality. We know that you have two souls, and there's a warfare going on between Christ and Satan. You have a defender. You have a savior. You have hope, but if you don't have Christ, brethren, believe me, for you, Satan is still the prince and the power -- of the power of the air. You have a question?




Hold on, hold on. Let's put it on the message, OK. Otherwise we get a big blank on the message for the people who are listening. Yeah.


            Did you just say Christ -- in [UNINTELLIGIBLE] vessels, Christ has birthed. Did you just say birthed?


I didn't say birthed. I don't remember what word I said. I know we're splitting such hairs in this ministry. All that I'm saying is that if Christ -- well, even if you have the Holy Spirit, which is the most basic form of Christ being with you, you still -- you're two-souled, and there's a warfare going on. There's somewhat of a warfa- -- very basic warfare, in my opinion, if you just have the Holy Spirit. But I think that if you have the Holy Spirit, there's got to be some defense on your part, you know, against Satan, some defense.


But, brethren, Satan is still the prince of the power of the air. I know a lot of Christians get very upset about this, but it's the truth, because if he isn't, why are all your relatives still dying? Why did your great-grandmother die and your great-grandfather, and if you have closer relative die? Why are your brothers sick and crippled and maimed? Brethren, it's just the truth. You've got to wake up out of this fantasy. He's still the prince of the power of the air, and if you have some measure of the life of God in your life, whether it be the Holy Spirit or whether Christ is -- has been conceived in you or -- well, he hasn't appeared in anyone except Jesus, OK, then at least there's a warfare going on. You have a defender. You have a savior. You have a strong one and a mighty one that's fighting for you.


But every Christian that I know still dies outside of Jesus. Now, what does that say to you, brethren? I'm not suggesting to you that Jesus is weak. I'm saying He hasn't appeared yet and that Satan still has a lot of power unless you are walking really close with the Lord. But even if you're walking really close with the Lord, people are still dying. You'll get the victory, you know, over your job, you know, over your finances, over your personal relationships. God will give you the victory, but He's not stopping people from dying in this hour. Anybody disagree with me? Do you know anybody that's not dying?


Even if they're raised from the dead, brethren, they die again. I don't think it's going too much in this country, but I hear it's going on a lot overseas, in the Philippines and people that get sick and die at 40 years old. They're raised from the dead, so they live another 30 years and they die again. People are still dying. Satan has not been unseated yet. I'm sorry if I ruined your night, but you’ve got to wake up sometime. It's the truth.


OK, I want to read you my note in case I left anything out. Satan has authority over life and death in this realm unless God has taken that authority from him in a particular individual or unless God intervenes in the life of an individual that does not have a relationship with God as an act of mercy. I can also hear somebody saying, but I thought everyone is dying because of sin. Well, how could you say Satan is causing you to die? Everybody's dying because God is killing us because of sin. I've preached that here. We're all dying because of sin, and when we stop sinning, we're going to stop dying. So how could you give Satan the glory for killing us?


Well, I have an answer to that too. That's true, but did you ever hear the expression, the good die young? Have you ever heard the expression, the good die young? Some of the nicest people die young, and some of the most rottenest, wickedest people lead full lives. What am I saying to you? I'm saying, yes, God has cursed this creation, and we are all dying because of sin. But the Lord has delegated authority to Satan. And within the realm of death, he can decide whether you die young or old.


So what are we saying here? I've preached this before too. This is a very important point. This is a rebellious living soul. There are people out there, they have a revelation of righteousness. They desire to live a moral, ethical life. They want no part of Christ. They want no part of Christ, and they think they are going to hold their own against this wickedness that is snowballing upon this country and upon the world. They think that they're going to remain moral without being joined to Christ in their mind.


And I declare to you that there's a category of people out there that will resist evil. They will not commit adultery. They will not, if they're young men, go and steal with the other fellows that are going to steal. They will not take drugs. They will not be rebellious against their parents. There's a group of people that fit into this category. And I declare to you that Satan's all over them because they're not joined to Christ in their mind. They have no defender. They're standing against Satan themselves. You see them all the time, brethren, in mental hospitals. They die from automobile accidents. They're locked away for mental illness. Sometimes they're phy- -- get physically sick, cancer, whatever, and they die, people that have spent their whole life serving mankind.


You cannot defeat Satan without being joined to Christ, brethren. You don't have a chance. When I used to travel into Manhattan on that commuter bus, there was a young man, in his early 30s, used to sit next to me. He was having one hard life. I think he had three children. He was only in his early 30s. Maybe he was jut 30. He was sick all the time. He was sick. His wife was sick, operations. The kids were sick. They couldn't -- he lost -- his job was terrible to him. He had a doctor's note. He was out, and they f- -- they docked him four weeks pay. It wa- -- that he shouldn't have been docked. He was having an awfully rough time of it. And I tried to talk to him, but he insisted that if he was a good person and if he was good to other people, things had to go good for him. He was filled with rebellion and pride. He didn't want to hear a word I had to say.


And one day, the Lord let me say it under the anointing. And, brethren, when God anoints you to say something to somebody, they will listen. God paralyzes them, shuts their mouth. They have to hear you. And I told him, I said, brother -- I didn't say brother. I forget his name, Mike I think it was. I said, Mike, you can't defeat this thing. They were losing their house, just utter disaster. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] he was a very pleasant guy, and I believe that he was living it. He was doing the best he could to be nice to people. I said, Mike, you can't beat this thing by being nice to people. What's on you has to be broken under the power of the Lord Jesus Christ because there was heavy curses on his family, heavy duty witchcraft. I said, Mike, you're not going to overtake this. This has to be broken off of your life by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. And he didn't want to hear it. He didn't want to hear it.


And what I'm saying to you is that people like that, they're going to do the right thing until the day they day. And the chances are, I'm not prophesying it to anybody, they could die young. Why? Because Satan has authority to kill in this soul realm. God has passed the initial judgment. You're under condemnation of death because of sin, but within his own sphere of influence, Satan has authority to kill you sooner or to kill you later.


Glory to God. Alternate Translation, the third third of Revelation 13:15, "And she" -- who? The human spirit -- "is causing all of the members of the living soul that are not submitting to the wicked demands of the carnal mind to die. And the human spirit is causing all of the members of the living soul that are not submitting to the wicked demands of the carnal mind, which is ruled by Satan, to die."


In this hour, if you dare to stand up and say you don't want group sex -- now, I'm not talking about Christians now. You want to be monogamous with your wife, you want to raise your family, you want to live quietly and peacefully. Do you dare to say that without being joined to Christ in this hour? Who are you going to fellowship with? Who is going to have anything to do with you? Although, I know there are groups of people living like this in this hour. I'm not denying that.


What I'm suggesting to you, as the society continues to descend, it is going to be harder and harder and harder to sit on the fence. Either you're going to be reprobate, or you're going to be joined to Christ. And the group that's trying to be moral without being joined to Christ is going to get smaller and smaller and smaller. And the day will come that it will be impossible to do it. You'll be overtaken by your carnal mind.


Alternate Translation, the whole of 13:15, "And the human spirit was given the ability to birth human beings into this realm of appearance, which are revealing the nature of Satan so that the carnal mind should have bodies and mouths to speak through. And she, the human spirit, is causing all of the members of the living soul that are not submitting to the wicked demands of the carnal mind to die."


Glory to God. Brethren, if you're living in this world, if you don't have Christ defending you and you are not permitting the satanic, carnal mind to live its lusts through your members, what good are you to them? If Satan's not defending you and you are steadfastly, stubbornly resisting the evil that Satan is suggesting to you, what good are you to him? He cannot use your members for his wickedness. He'd just assume knock you off. It's the truth.


Verse 16, "And he causeth all" -- still speaking about the human spirit. "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads." I have a surprise for you with this one, brethren.


OK, the word causeth is Strong's 4160. It means to make or to do. All is Strong's 3956. It means all, any, every, the whole. It means all of the members of the living soul. Small is Strong's 3398, and that means -- it could mean small in size or quantity or number, but it also could mean small in dignity. And we had that understanding in a similar Hebrew word when we did the studies on Ham, Shem, and Japheth, when it said that Noah looked at his younger son. And we discovered that Ham was not the younger son, and that what that really meant was that Noah was looking at the son that he least esteemed.


 So what we're saying here, this word small means those of very little dignity. You could be an alcoholic down on Skid Row. You could be a high-level executive that's taking drugs. You don’t have any dignity, brethren. You could be somebody that works very hard but just hasn't made it in this world. You have no dignity. You could be someone that's in a position where you're harassed and hated. You have no dignity.


Great, 3173 -- great -- small and great. And the word great means p- -- mighty, the powerful of this world system. We all know what the powerful of this world system is in this meeting anyway, people that have big money. They have political connections. There are people in this nation that have power, brethren. They could do almost anything. They have someone that'll do it for them, get you anything, do anything. They can get you almost out of any kind of trouble you're in. It's called pulling strings. They have the dignity of this world. They're mighty. So those of little dignity, those that are victims in this society and those that have a lot of pull in this society. They know how to get things done, and they usually have the money to do it.


The rich and the poor, rich 4145. It merely means abounding with possessions. We're talking about the carnal world, abounding with possessions. And poor is 4434. It means to crouch, to cringe, to be a pauper or a beggar, and it strictly means public begging. it's talking about someone that is so bad off that they sit on the streets, holding their hand out. And there are people that that's how they earn their living, every day, especially in Manhattan. They're out there with their cup or their hand. They do all different things. Some of them dance. Some of them play instruments. Some of them sing.


There was one woman in Grand Central Station, a young woman. She had -- either her legs were missing or her arms were missing. I can't remember. And she would sing Christian hymns right there in the middle of Grand Central Station. She's sing, "Glory to Jesus." People gave her quarters. So that's what this word poor means.


I had somebody tell me once that their husband's paycheck didn't cover the basic needs, which were food. And I had to tell her, sister, his paycheck is paying for things that aren't basic needs that you're not willing to give up. If you would give up the $25 a week for this and the $50 a week for that, you'd have food money, but you're counting that $75 a week as your basic need. Brethren, a basic need's shelter, a roof over your head, food in your mouth and clothing on your back. So don't tell me that your husband's paycheck cannot cover basic needs when you're taking $75 a week for what a lot of people would call entertainment or a luxury.


Let's get our heads straight, brethren, such deceit. We deceive ourselves. She believed what she -- she wasn't lying to me. She believed it. She believed it. She put these other activities ahead of food and then announced that her husband couldn’t provide food for their family, which was not true. It was a lie about her husband's ability to provide, and it's a lie that can really tear a man down. Glory to God.


Rich and poor, free and bond. Free is 1658, and it means at liberty, unrestrained or a citizen. It means someone that can go to and fro, like most of us can in this society. We do, pretty much, anything we want. We could choose to go to school. We could choose to get a job, and the opposite of that is bond 1401, which means a slave, someone that's subservient. In some societies, you can't choose what you're going to do for a living. You can't choose where you're going to live. The government tells you everything, and you're a slave, and your life is totally controlled.


Alternate Translation, the first half of Revelation 13:16, "And the human spirit makes the whole living soul, including the victims of this society and the powerful of this society, those who possess the wealth of this world system and those who have been reduced to public begging, those who have the privilege of pursuing their lives as they will and those whose lives are ruled by other men, she makes all of them to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads."


The word receive, surprise, is Strong's 1325. It's the only time it's translated receive. And, brethren, I want to know if all these preachers that preach about this mark have ever used their concordance because the word means to give, to bring forth, to show, to yield up. It means, Thayer says, to give one something of one's own accord, to give to the one who's asking, to supply. Brethren, this mark is coming forth from within the people. It's something that they're offering up at the bequest of Satan. I'll show it to you. It's the only time that word is translated receive, and it's a very inaccurate translation.


The word mark is 5480, and it means scratch or etching. It means a sculptured figure, and it's from the root 5482, from being sharpened to a point, a stake, a rampart or a military mound that surrounds oneself with a siege. What am I suggesting? I'm saying that the mark is the etching of the nature of the incarnating spirit upon the human soul. And then that human soul wraps around the spirit and becomes a fortress for it. I'm suggesting that the mark, which clearly states is an etching, it's the same word used for idol, is the image of the incarnating spirit etched upon the human soul of the individual.


The mark is a sculptured figure or an idol. The true idol in the Scripture -- we're told not to worship idols. The true idol is the sculpture of Satan etched in the soul of man. This statue or image is the protection that surrounds the spirit, whether the spirit be Satan or God, whether it be God the Father or Satan. The spirit that's incarnating etches his nature on the human soul of the man. And that is the idol that we are to keep ourselves from, if it's the image of Satan. That is the idol. Glory to God.


We also learned about the fact that God has a mark also, and we learned about that in Ezekiel 9:4 and 9:6. "And the Lord said unto Him" -- I'm not going to go into any detail right now, but this Him is Jesus. "And the Lord said unto Him, go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem" -- which we know is the soul of man -- "and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof. Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little children, and women: but come not near any man upon whom is the mark" -- now, this is a saving mark -- "and begin at my sanctuary. Then they began at the ancient men which were before the house."


And this word mark, in the Hebrew, is 8420. Did I get that wrong? I'm sorry, in the Greek. I -- no, no, it is the Hebrew, 8420 in the Hebrew, the word mark. And it's the only time it's translated mark in Strong's. it means a brand, a signature, to mark out or to scratch, something that goes beneath the skin, brethren. Glory to God. So God has a mark. Does anybody know where God's mark appears in the New Testament? Does anybody know where God's mark appears in the New Testament? Where do we hear about God's mark in the New Testament? We hear that Jesus Christ is the express image or etching or scratching or statue or resemblance or reproduction of the Father. And I pointed out on Wednesday's message that this word image, it's the same Greek word that says Jesus is the image, the express image of the Father. It's the same Greek word.


Glory to God. The image of the spiritual life is what appears in this realm of appearance. If there is a man standing in front of you, brother, he is a mirror image or a reflection of some spiritual life. And to the best of my knowledge, everyone is the reflection of Satan in this hour, in their bodies, with the exception of Jesus Christ. In our souls, we're up and down, brethren. We're up and down. Glory to God. But when we came into this world, we were the express image of Satan in our souls and in our bodies.


Now, the Scripture says that that mark is going to be placed in the right hand or on the foreheads. Back into the Greek now. Now, the right hand is two words. The Greek word for right is Strong's 1188, and Strong's says that this word means the right side or the feminine hand, as that one which usually takes. I know it isn't going that way in our society today, but traditionally and spiritually the female takes and the male gives. The male gives, the female receives. We're living in an hour of role reversal, brethren. But this is the way God set it up.


So what are we saying? The right hand typifies what? The feminine part of -- we're talking about spiritual things here. Well, what's the feminine part of our spiritual being, anybody? The soul, Amen. The soul. And the hand is Strong's 5495, through the idea of hollowness for grasping. It means the hand. It does mean the hand, but it also means an instrument for the purpose of grasping. Now, brethren, if you are a spirit that has no form or shape, you cannot lay hold of something and grasp it. You can't. you need an instrument through which to grasp it, and that instrument is a body. And to get a body incarnated in this realm of appearance, you need a soul to impress your nature upon. So the mark is being impressed upon either the right hand, the soulish instrument used for grasping. Did I get that backwards?


Let me go on. I might have gotten in backwards. I think that that was that body. I think that that's the body. OK, and the foreheads is -- 3359 is foreheads, and that, Strong's says, is as opposite the countenance. The countenance means the appearance of a person, their face. The forehead means the opposite of the countenance. I'm suggesting to you that it's the human soul. I'm sorry I got that backwards. I thought I had put this down. I don't know what happened here. The word that's translated right hand, I'm suggesting to you, is the body, the instrument that is used for grasping. And the foreheads, which mean opposite the countenance, I'm suggesting to you is the human soul in which the image of the nature of the incarnating spirit is impressed.


And this word, or -- glory to God. We are in Verse 16. He causes them all to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads. This word or, it's Strong's 2228, and it can easily be translated and. And I'm suggesting to you that that mark is going to take place both in their souls and in their bodies. Brethren, we have the nature of Satan, and this is Satan's body. Paul called it a vile body. We're going to receive a glorious body, and we'll receive that glorious body when the nature of the Father God is completely engraved upon our souls. The next step will be to give us a body that reflects the incarnating spirit. But both this body and our soul are reflections of Satan.


Glory to God. So I'm suggesting to you that this Scripture says that that mark, that engraving, which is the nature of the incarnating spirit, which is Satan, must appear in our soul, in our personality and in our body, the instrument for grasping. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, second half of Revelation 13:16, "To bring forth the appearance and nature of Satan in their bodies and in their souls so as to please the one desiring this, even Satan himself." Glory to God.


This is what they have to do. They have to bring forth, not to receive, not to take, to bring forth from within themselves the appearance and nature of Satan in their bodies and in their souls so as to please the one that is desiring this, even Satan himself. To get this mark, brethren, they have to submit to Satan, the spirit of Satan who is impressing his nature on their souls and generating their bodies. The mark is simply being a natural man. And it's apparent in your soul, and in your body. Satan said, incarnate. They incarnated. Somewhere, in the realm of the spirit, we have a lot of knowledge about it, but not all knowledge, Satan willed to incarnate, and a baby was born. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 13:16, "And the human spirit makes the whole living soul, including the victims of this society and the powerful of this society, those who possess the wealth of this world system and those who have been reduced to public begging, those who have the privilege of pursuing their lives as they will and those whose lives are ruled by other men, to bring forth the appearance and nature of Satan in their bodies and in their souls so as to please the one desiring this, even Satan himself."


The human spirit has the authority to make every member of the living soul incarnate as the image of Satan. And how does she have that authority? When she commits adultery with Satan, the baby that's born looks like us. When she copulates with the spirit of the Father, the baby that's born is Christ. So the human spirit has the authority to bring forth human beings in the image of Satan. We are the result of her adultery. Glory to God.


Verse 17,  "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that have the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." This word for man is Strong's 5100. This is a very general term. There are several words that are translated man in the Scripture. The most -- the one that's used most commonly is Strong's 444, which means man-faced creature. This is a very vague term, and it means a certain one, anyone. It's used of persons and things concerning which the writer either cannot or will not speak more particularly. And I'm going to suggest to you that the idea here, the suggestion here, is the many members of the living soul that are all individuals and different, and that's why the writer of this books uses this very vague word. It's not a man-face creature. We are a many membered living soul.


And the word buy means to go to market or to purchase. But I call your attention to the fact that this word buy is the say Greek word translated buyeth, which is the same thing, in Revelation 19:11. "For no man buyeth their merchandise anymore." And in the 32 series, we determined that this verse was speaking about incarnation. We have two whole messages on it, that the mer- -- the spiritual merchandise that's purchased is that which is needed for incarnation. We said that whoever the ruling spirit is, whoever the male spirit is, they will to incarnate, and they draw unto themselves like a magnet all of the spiritual substance that's need, just as if you had a big iron poker standing up out of the ground and you wanted to start globbing clay on it to make a sculpture. In the realm of the spirit, the male spirit wills to incarnate, and he becomes a magnet for spiritual substance, and he just gathers in all of the spiritual substance that he needs to form a human baby. And that's expressed in Revelation 19:11 as, "No one buyeth her merchandise anymore." No one wants to incarnate the living soul anymore. Why? Because Christ is incarnating. The day of the living soul is at an end.


The word sell is Strong's 4453, and that means to trade as a peddler, to profit or gain resulting from merchandising. And I'm suggesting to you that once that spiritual life incarnates in this realm of appearance, he is profiting by having these souls and bodies. If we don't have a defender, Christ uses these people. I -- oh, I'm sorry. I rebuke that in the name of Jesus. Satan ru- -- is using these people. I don't have a total understanding of it, but when I see someone totally overcome by drugs, someone whose life is in shambles, in just the depths of sin, somehow Satan is profiting off of that. Oh, the Lord just reminded me why. He is living out his lusts through this person, and he doesn't care that the living out of his lusts is killing their soul and their body. Satan is utterly reprobate, and he longs for, he hungers for experiences that we know to be sin.


And when we are weak, if we do not have a savior, if we do not have the word of God in our life, when we yield to these suggestions from our unconscious mind, God judges us for the sin, and death is upon us. Satan doesn’t' care. He will live out his lusts through us until we die, and then he'll go to the next member of the living soul. He doesn't care. As long as there are enough female members to birth more babies for him, he doesn't care who he kills.


Glory to God. Hallelujah. OK, so we're saying to buy means to incarnate, and to sell means to profit from the incarnation, to profit by the use of the soul and the body.


Alternate Translation, one half -- the first half of Revelation 13:17, "And that no individual member of the living soul might incarnate or have the use of a soul and body. And that no individual member of the living soul might incarnate or have the use of a soul and body unless he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name. Not unless, except" -- excuse me -- "except he, the one that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of the name."


Save means accept, Strong's 1508. The mark, I remind you, is the engraving upon the human soul. It's a soul that's been engraved by an incarnating spirit. What are we saying? We're saying that the soul is made of the earth. It is literally nothing. It's a blank pli- -- piece of clay. If you look at a sculpture's material, it's just clay, no character, no nature, not good for anything. That's what the human soul is. It's clay made out of the earth. It's not good for anything until it's impressed, etched, sketched, sculpted to reveal a ruling or male spirit. 


Glory to God. Name is Strong's 3686, and it means character or nature. We've discussed this before, especially in the 18 series. A name is not just a, hey, you, what's your name? When parents have a child, usually they spend a lot of time picking out a name for that child, not so much in this society but much more so years ago or in other cultures. Names are very important. There's a lot to it. I'm all for naming your children with Bible names. I think it -- there's just spiritual strength in it. Joshua. There's a lot of Joshuas around today.


Glory to God. It's hard to find a Bible hero that didn't really fall into some deep reprobate sin also, you know. A lot of people name their children David, but we know David got into a lot of trouble. Joshua is one of the few Bible heroes that I know of that really didn't get into any serious trouble. What really amazes me is how many people name their children Saul, S-A-U-L, King Saul. Boy, what an end he had. I'd never name my child Saul. So some people, they want a Bible name, but they don’t know the Bible, so they pick the wrong name. Glory to God. At least pick someone that had a good end, you know. Hallelujah.


So the word name means character or nature. And I'm suggesting to you that the name is the spirit that does the engraving upon the soul. And the word or, the name of the beast or the number of his name, again, that word or can be translated and, and we're going to be transiting it and. And this word number is Strong's 706, and it means a number as reckoned up. That means as you count it up. It's from the root 142, and -- which means to take up, to raise up. And I'm suggesting to you that this word means, spiritually, that which is raised up above the threshold and seen in the realm of appearance.


Remember the threshold teaching? You're in the realm of the spirit. You're in the realm of the spirit. You're in the realm of the spirit. I'll put it on the board for you. And you're walking towards a border, and that border is the realm of appearance. And there's a threshold that you have to cross. You have to cross that line.  This is all the realm of the spirit, and there's a spirit, and he wants to incarnate, and he's rising up, and he's rising up. No one in the realm of appearance can see him. He could be right there, and no one in the realm of appearance could see him, and he could be incarnating for 1,600 years, and he's not seen in the realm of appearance. And then one day, a baby's born. We know that he's in utero for 9 months. We don’t really know what's involved spiritually before that baby is born. That's his threshold. Glory to God.


So the root that this word number comes from is a word means that to -- that means to rise up and appear. Glory to God. And I'm suggesting that the number of his name is the body of his soul. Glory to God. Remember, the bodies we now have are representations of the spirit of Satan as seen in the realm of appearance, the bodies of his nature. Glory to God. Hallelujah. I don't know what I wrote here, so I'm going to go past that.


Alternate Translation, the second half of Revelation 13:17, "Except the one whose soul is engrave by Satan" -- well, let me give you the backup here. "That no man might buy or sell unless or except the one whose soul is engraved by Satan, no one might incarnate or have the use of a soul and body except the one whose soul is engraved by Satan and therefore has the nature and the body of his spirit, that which is needed for incarnation in the realm of appearance."


Because the soul is just a lump of clay. He has to get his nature from either God or Satan. No one can incarnate or have the use of a soul or body except the one whose soul is engraved by Satan and therefore has the nature and the body of Satan's spirit, that which is needed for incarnation in the realm of appearance.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 13:17, "And that no individual" -- oh, my. "And that no individual member of the living soul might incarnate or have the use of a soul and body except the one whose soul is engrave by Satan and therefore has the nature and the body of his spirit that is needed for incarnation in this realm of appearance."


Verse 18, "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is a number of a ma- -- it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six."


"Here is wisdom." Wisdom is Strong's 4678. It doesn't really tell us very much, so I went into Webster's. Webster's definition of wisdom is accumulated philosophic or scientific learning, knowledge, ability -- knowledge and ability to discern inner qualities and relationships of people, inner qualities of people and relationships between people or things, insight, good sense, judgment, a wise attitude or course of action.


Alternate Translation, first third of Revelation 13:18, "This is a situation where a knowledge of spiritual things and the ability to discern the inner qualities of man and the relationship between those inner qualities can be useful." "Here is wisdom." "This is a situation. Here is a situation where a knowledge of spiritual things and the ability to discern the inner qualities of man and the relationship between those inner qualities can be useful."


Continuing with, "Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast." Understanding is Strong's 3563. It means the intellect, the mind, and it can mean either the mind of man or the divine mind. It means an ability to reason. Intellect means reasoning ability.


"Let him that hath understanding court the number of the beast." The word count is Strong's 5585, and it means to use pebbles for enumeration. In other words, everybody takes a pebble and throws it in the middle, and then you know how ma- -- you count the pebbles, and you know how many people are there. That's what that means. And it's from a root 5586, which means a pebble as worn smooth by handling. It was something that was used as a counter or a ballot or a vote. Everyone that wanted the person elected threw their pebble in the middle, and they counted the pebbles.


Webster says that the word count means to indicate or name by units or groups, to find the total number of units involved. To count means to find the total number of units involved. It also means to indicate or name by units or groups, the part of a whole -- the parts of a whole.


Alternate Translation, second third of Revelation 13:18, "Let the one who has the ability to reason indicate the units of the human soul." To count means to indicate or name the units, the parts of the living soul. Let the one that has the ability to do so indicate the units of the human soul.


Continuing with, "For it is the number of a man." Now, that word, a man, the word a is not there in the Greek. "For it is the number of man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six." This word man is Strong's 444, man-cra- -- man-faced creature.


And with regard to this 666, I was really late getting here today, and I just copied this right off of an old message. I think it's in the 38 series. You should have this. If anyone doesn't have it and you want it, I'll give you another one. I have this whole things worked up, this Bible numerology.


Six is the number of man. Ten is the number of the law. Six times 10 -- what did I say here? I said, spirit is -- the s- -- we are basically spirit, so six is the number of man. I said, six is equal to spirit. Ten is the number of the law, and the law exists in the realm of the soul. So man in the realm of the soul is six times 10. That's 60. And there -- law also exists in the realm of appearance, where the body lives. So the number of man, six times 10 for the soul, and 10 for the body, equals 600.


Alternate Translation, third third of Revelation 13:18, "Because the whole of them is a man." Let me give you that backup on that. "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast." Let him point out the units or the many parts of the beast because the whole of them together is a man. The sum of all the parts is a man, spirit, soul, darkness and the carnal mind. You put them all together, and you have a man. The Scripture's saying, let's understand the parts that we're made of. That's what we've been doing here for two years, because when you put them all together, you have a man. And the units of the man are his spirit, his soul and his body.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 13:18, "This is a situation where a knowledge of spiritual things and the ability to discern the inner qualities of man and the relationship between those inner qualities" -- the relationship between what? Spirit, soul, darkness and carnal mind -- "the ability to discern the inner qualities of man and the relationship between those inner qualities can be useful. Let the one who has the ability to reason indicate the units of the human soul because the whole of them is a man. And the units of the man are his spirit, his soul and his body."


Now, there's one thing that I questioned, so I'm going to put it on the message. And that last phrase, it says, "Let the one that has the ability to reason indicate the units of the human soul." Now, I could not say living soul there. I had to say human soul because the Scripture says the beast. And the beast, we established, is the human soul. So I got a little confused, but what the Lord said to me is that what the Scripture is calling the beast is that clay that has been impressed -- if I could draw, I'd draw the traditional Satan, but I can't -- that clay that has been impressed with the image of Satan. And, remember, that joined to that clay from the foundation of the Earth is the human spirit.


Now, I know the Scripture teaches that there was a second beast, but they're all one, brethren. They're all one. We've been teaching this for years. We've been drawing it like this. The soul is a circle. The human spirit is in the middle, and Satan's in the middle. So when the Scripture says, check out the human soul, it's talking about the human soul that the beast is in the realm of appearance. And for the beast to be in the realm of appearance, the human spirit is within him, and she has married a male spirit, and they have produced an offspring. So that's how the Scripture can say the beast, meaning all of them.


Recap, Revelation 13:15-18, "And the human spirit was given the ability to birth human beings into this realm of appearance, which are revealing the nature of Satan so that the carnal mind should have bodies to speak through. And she, the human spirit, is causing all of the members of the living soul that are not submitting to the wicked commands of the carnal mind to die. And the human spirit makes the whole living soul, including the victims of this society and the powerful of this society, those who possess the wealth of this world system and those who have been reduced to public begging, those who have the privilege of pursuing their lives as they will and those whose lives are ruled by other men, to bring forth the appearance and nature of Satan in their bodies and in their souls so as to please the one desiring this, even Satan himself, and that no individual of the living soul might incarnate or have the use of a soul and body except for the one whose soul is engraved by Satan and therefore has the nature and body of his spirit that is needed for incarnation in the realm of appearance. Now, this is a situation where a knowledge of spiritual things and the ability to discern the inner qualities of man and the relationship between those inner qualities can be useful. Let the person who has the ability to reason indicate the units of the human soul, because the whole of them is a man. And the units of the man are his spirit, his soul and his body."


Glory to God. Any questions on this message tonight? Hallelujah. What happened to our question ministry?


05/01/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

05/07/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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