066 - Part 4
(Revelation 13)

Part 4 of 4 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


We are in Chapter 13 of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to Saint John. We are finishing up the first part of that chapter, which is the first beast and, Lord willing, in the next meeting we will start preaching on the second beast. Hallelujah.


Recap, Revelation 13:3-6. “And I saw the beast [?die?] to his relationship with God, and he lost his ability to appear in the realm of appearance, but the intelligence which dwells in the earth of the living soul took over God’s role of male spirit, incestuously fertilized his own human spirit, and begat the carnal mind instead of Christ. And as a result of all this, the living soul exists in this realm of appearance, even though she is separated from God, her rightful husband. And the conscious minds of the many members of the living soul highly esteem man.” Glory to God. So, what are we saying here? We’re saying that for the living soul, which is a spiritual creation, to appear in the realm of appearance she must be having a form of spiritual sex with a male spirit. When God separated Himself from the living soul she therefore lost her ability to appear in the realm of appearance, because she appears through her offspring. When the living soul was having spiritual sex with the Father God, Christ was appearing in the realm of appearance. God separated from the living soul, and she lost that ability, and as we learned in the last message, the living soul raised up a part of her own being into the place of male spirit. Satan himself started fornicating with the human spirit, and they could not, of course, produce Christ. They produced the carnal mind, which is appearing in this realm of appearance.


Verse 4. “And the human spirits of the many members of the living soul submitted to and fornicated with Satan, the spiritual powerbase which is empowering the living soul to manifest in the realm of appearance, and the conscious minds of the many members of the living soul worshipped the man which was appearing in the realm of appearance saying, ‘Who has spiritual strength that can be compared to that of the spirit which is in man? Who can engage in a warfare with him and not be destroyed?’ And the beast brought forth the carnal mind which preaches about the greatness of this world system, but evil things about God, and he was permitted to bring forth the carnal mind and appear in the realm of appearance beyond the generation in which God is confronting man, even into the next age.” And I just want to call to your attention one more time that, according to this verse, Verse 5, Satan has permission to be fornicating with Eve and producing the carnal mind in this hour. Satan cannot do anything without special dispensation from God and for whatever the Lord’s purposes and plan, He is permitting everything that’s happening in this hour that we perceive to be evil. God is in total control and when the hour comes for it to end, it shall end and Satan shall go down and disappear and be seen no more. Hallelujah.


Verse 6. “And men spoke evil about God and opposed Him in their minds and they spoke evil about His spirit, about God’s spirit, and they spoke evil about the soul life of Jesus, and they also spoke evil about the men who were dwelling in Jesus’ soul life. And men, carnal men, spoke evil about God and opposed Him in their minds and they spoke evil about His spirit and the soul life of Jesus, and the men who were dwelling in Jesus’ soul life.” Hallelujah.


Verse 7. “And it was given unto him, unto the beast, to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations.” It was given. That word given means permitted. Satan has permission to make war with the saints. That word make war, we’ve had it in a prior verse, it simply means to go to battle, to make war. And the word saints is Strong’s number 40. It means sacred, pure, blameless, and I’m suggesting to you that the saints of Almighty God are those spiritual men that are dwelling within the womb of the natural man. Now, the church has a lot of trouble with this. They call themselves the saints. Some of them think they’re perfect. Some of them think they can’t sin. The church has got to get this understanding. Christ is emerging forth from within the spiritual beings of the members of the church. He is the one that is perfect. He is the one that is without sin and until He swallows up our carnal mind we are separate, we are double souled. So, we’re told here that the beast was given authority to make war against the saints. Well, brethren, if Christ is within you and you have thrown your will in line with Christ, that war is coming against you also. But the Holy One is Christ in you and you are not holy until you are without sin. You do not become holy when you receive the imputed anointing. When your sins are forgiven you, you become justified but you don’t become holy until you have been completely purged of that sin. There’s a difference. When God imputes righteousness to you, you become justified and you have been granted the right to have a relationship with God because His Son is holy. God has imputed righteousness to you because the first fruits is holy. The whole lump has righteousness imputed to it. But that righteousness must become a reality in the next step of your deliverance and that step does not come when you die, it’s coming right here in this world, brethren, and that evil must be purged out of you through a series of different processes. Curses must be broken, demons must be cast out, and finally, the very root of your carnal nature must be swallowed up on Christ. And all three are happening simultaneously and, of course, before this process can even start we must confess the spiritual condition that we’re in and the way we confess that is by the Lord imparting a vision of Himself to us. And when we look at Jesus and when He imparts the ability to look upon ourselves we see the terrible condition that we’re in. Then, the next step is confession of the sin, repentance of the sin, and utter purging of it and we’re involved in this very great process that the Lord Jesus Christ has taken upon Himself right in this hour. It’s happening right now.


So the beast was given permission to make war with the saints, to make war with those members of the living soul, and I don’t even want to call them Christians. These are people who have conceived Christ and who have a revelation of what’s going on and who have thrown their will in line with Christ. Now, brethren, if you call yourself a Christian, if you have the holy spirit, if you speak in tongues and dance, that does not put you in this category. You have to conceive Christ and you have to get a revelation of the evil within your own heart and start resisting it or there’s no warfare. First of all, if Christ has not been conceived in you, who is the beast going to be waging war against? Christ has to be conceived in you and you have to be making an effort to leave behind your wicked ways. That’s when the warfare starts, when you try to start changing by the power of God and Satan rises up in you and does not want to let you go. And for every step of victory that you have, he is bombing you, that part of you that is hidden in Christ.


Now remember, Satan is a part of the beast. What are we saying? The beast is man. We’re saying the beast is man and the spiritual authority that gives him existence is Satan. So the two are one but God separates them for purposes of understanding, just as if to say we are a human being but we are made up of spirit, soul, and darkness, yet we’re one entity. OK, so the beast is man and Satan is the spirit that rules in him.


“And the beast was given permission to wage war against the saints and to overcome them.” The word overcome is 3528 in Strong’s. It means to conquer; it means to deprive of its power to do harm. The beast has been given permission to wage war with those of us that are trying to live out of Christ and to deprive us of our power to harm the beast. That word overcome means to conquer, to deprive of its power to harm, to subvert its influence, to subdue, and this word subdue, Webster says, means to bring under control, especially by an exertion of the will; to bring under cultivation; to reduce the intensity or degree of. When we start living out of Christ, brethren, we are trying to bring our carnal mind, Satan, under control by an exertion of our will and the strength that’s giving us the power to exercise that will is Christ. And we are trying to bring our own soul under cultivation. We’ve had a lot of teaching on that. And we are trying to reduce its degree and its intensity of authority over us. We’re trying to reduce its degree and intensity of the emotion it’s manifesting, of its hatred, of its envy, of its murder. But the Scripture says here that the beast was given permission to wage war against us and overcome us. How strange. Glory to God. What is the Lord talking about here?


Alternate Translation, first half of Revelation 13:7. “And man was given permission to wage war with the spiritual Sons of God that are developing within him and to deprive them of their power to harm him and subvert man’s influence.” In other words, God has said to Satan, “if you can overcome them, I give you permission to do so.” In other words, this war is for real and we, the spiritual Sons of God, and required to cleave unto Christ and to do everything that He’s shown us to do that’s within our power to not let this happen to us. But I find it very clear here in the Scripture that it is possible to tread Christ, within our own hearts, underfoot and we’ve taught this a lot in this ministry. And it’s very clear in the Book of Hebrew. Christ, after conception, can be tread underfoot by the carnal mind. We must be vigilant. We must watch and look and beware and we must fight with everything that Almighty God has given us to fight with that is in Christ because it’s possible to even have come this far and have Christ tread underfoot in your own heart.


And the Lord showed me last night, very clearly, areas in which I’ve received a lot of deliverance. I’ve had demons cast out and He made it very clear to me that I still have great potential to sin in those areas. And what He did by casting the demons out and breaking the curses, was that He gave me dominion over the sin that had previously had dominion over me. I could not stop sinning. Sin had dominion over me and Christ moved in, cast out the demons, broke the curses, and gave me dominion over that potential within my very own being. And He spoke to me last night and He told me, “Sheila, you have dominion over this sin. It’s under your feet. If you slip you’re going right back down under, and that thing’s going to be manifesting in your life in even greater strength.” And I want to tell you, it was very humbling, and it was very frightening because He really spoke to me clearly last night. He said, “that wickedness is still a part of your root and you better be vigilant and you better keep it down under because it’s just there waiting to tread Christ in you underfoot, if it can.”


And I want to tell you, it was really upsetting when the Lord spoke to me last night. I was really upset but I know that it’s true. Up until the time that Christ swallows up our carnal mind completely we can slip, and having demons cast out of you merely means that you are given dominion over that sin in your life. It does not stamp the potential for that sin out. The potential to perform that sin will be stamped out only when Christ appears in you. That’s very humbling, brethren, and as you all know I’ve had 5 years of intense deliverance. If the carnal mind in me gets back up over Christ, if Christ in me gets tread underfoot, I’m a goner. I think if that happens I would probably never stand up again. This is very humbling. I’m going to say it again, the breaking of curses and the casting out of demons merely deals with sin that has dominion over you and the way it deals with that sin is that it gives you dominion over the sin. It gives you the power to say no, I won’t do it. But the potential for that sin is still very much a part of your personality. This is very humbling, brethren. It’s the truth.


I also wanted to call to your attention that what I said here, I don’t know if you heard it or not, but what I’m saying here is that the living soul is a spiritual womb that is bringing forth the Christ and this spiritual womb is trying to kill the fruit of its own womb. Man has been created to be a spiritual womb that will birth the Christ. She is the spiritual woman, Christ is the man-child. And what do we have here? A spiritual woman that is trying to destroy the fruit of her womb. And we know that this whole realm of appearance is a reflection of the realm of the spirit and I believe that Christ is going to appear across the world and, unless I’m mistaken, and I could be, I really see the most spiritual activity taking place in America. Why? Because we have the freedom to do so. But he is appearing across the world. But all of the new moves of God seem to be starting up here, the Sonship Message, the reconciliation message, it seems to be emanating from this place and I wouldn’t argue with you about this if you disagree with me, it’s just the way it looks to me. And in this country we are being overrun with abortion. The living soul is trying to abort Christ and we see it happening in the realm of appearance in almost a mass murder condition. So, we can look up and say Glory to God but Christ must be coming forth if the living soul is trying to abort Him. And if a reflection of that spiritual reality is existing in this nation, this realm of appearance is the mirror image of what’s going on in the realm of the spirit. So, if there’s massive abortion here that would mean that the living soul is trying to abort Christ.


Well, Glory to God, Christ is coming forth. Hallelujah, Glory to God. And I really believe abortion laws must be turned around in this nation because Christ is not about to be aborted, brethren. He may very well be aborted in individual members. This is a hard message we’re preaching here. I don’t care how mature you think you are in Christ, until the process of Christ appearing in you is complete you can lose it. And, therefore, the abortion of Christ can take place in an individual member. Now whether or not you would be fertilized again in this lifetime, I have no idea. I don’t think there’s any pat rule, I think that’s up to God. But overall, Christ shall appear in the living soul. It’s just a question of whether or not you are going to be one of the members that He is going to appear in during this lifetime, but He is going to appear. So, beware, this is a hard word. The Lord spoke very sternly to me last night that the fact that you had a demon cast out does not mean that you can never fall into that pit again because the propensity, the inclination to perform that sin did not come from a demon, it came from a weakness in your own soul and when you yielded to that weakness and performed the sin the demon was birthed, and when enough demons were birthed, or maybe it was just one demon, I don’t know, that sin took authority over you and you couldn’t stop doing it. So when you had the demon cast out, God returned the authority to you to say no to that inclination in your own soul, but that’s still there. Don’t be deceived. We are very carnal men. Everyone in the church out there, I speak to you. Do not be deceived. You are not God. You have every weakness of the natural man until Christ appears in you. I don’t care how gifted you are, we are natural men. Lets stop making ourselves something that we’re not and in the hour that Christ appears in us we shall be gods, but not one second before. Hallelujah.


OK, continuing with, “And power was given him over all kindreds, tongues, and nations.” Power was given to the beast over all kindreds, tongues, and nations. The word power is exousia, the Greek word exousia, which means authority, legal authority. The word kindred, we’ve had this several times before. Kindred is 5443 and it basically means every physical race, every tongue, Strong’s 1100, it basically means that of every way of thinking, and nation is Strong’s 1484. It means usually all of those nations that have not known God, that are not Israel. Now I want to call to your attention that in other passages of Scripture where we study this expression, out of every kindred, tongue, and nation, there is usually another phrase there, and that word is peoples. It’s usually out of every kindred, tongue, nation, and peoples.


Now why is that word left out here? I thought it was interesting, I just wanted to call it to your attention. The Greek word that’s translated peoples is used to describe Israel. It’s used to describe Israel. So what are we saying here? The beast has authority over all of the physical races of the earth, all of the different languages of the earth, and over all of the peoples that have never known God, but the word peoples is not there. The beast does not have authority over Israel, brethren. Glory to God. Now we’ve got to get it straight in our head who Israel is. Israel are those that are living out of Christ, brethren, Israel are those that are living out of Christ, and that’s where the warfare comes in. If you are a natural man the beast has full authority over your mind. Don’t you think that you could defeat him, because he could press your buttons and make you do anything, but he does not have authority over you if you’re living out of Christ. But if you’re living out of Christ and you’re resisting that authority that he thinks he has over you, you’ve got a war on your hands. You’re not going to walk away and say, “the beast doesn’t have authority over me.” Why? Because the spiritual man that is emerging in us, that hopefully we are joined to in our minds, is living within this carnal soul. He thinks he has authority over us and he’s been given permission to exercise that authority to the fullest, and the only way we’re going to overcome him is by joining to Christ and waging war. Brethren, if you don’t fight, most likely you’re going to go down.


At the beginning of your walk with God He may be babying you, He may have babied you, and He may have answered your every prayer and met your every need. I’ve heard millions of testimonies like that. But if you think that you’re going to enter into this deep warfare where Christ is emerging forth in you and that He’s going to do everything for you I’m telling you you’re mistaken. We had a woman right in this congregation that believed that. And I want to tell you that God babied her. I have never seen Him baby a believer like He babied this woman. And she told me outright, “that’s too hard for me, God’s going to have to do it,” and she made very little effort, extended herself very little, and every hole she got into He picked her up out of and brushed her off. And then she got into this ministry and heavy warfare descended upon her. I did everything I could to encourage her to fight. She gave almost no resistance. The Lord must have given her three chances right in this ministry and she said, “well, He’s going to deliver me. I could do all these things, I could commit all these sins.”


She never, in my opinion, really repented and, “God’s going to bring me through, I’m going to make it.” I don’t know what her future is but she’s not in this ministry anymore. She didn’t make it in this ministry, lets put it that way. She never thought it would happen to her. You’re going to reach a point where you’re going to grow up, brethren, and God’s going to say, “Fight!” I’m not criticizing her, I’m not, I’m just telling you what happened. She wouldn’t fight. God sent us to another ministry together. As soon as the persecution came, she ran. She wouldn’t go to that church anymore. She wouldn’t stand. I’m not criticizing her, I’m not against her. I’m telling you about her so you can learn something. You’ve got to fight. This is a warfare and in the power of Christ we’ve got to stand against whatever He sends our way, if it be persecution, if it be from within us, from within our own mind, if it be from pastors that are persecuting us, if it be from our loved ones, whoever it is we must stand in Christ and wage war against the carnal mind wherever it’s manifesting. And if you don’t fight, brethren, you can’t expect Him to do everything. You’ve got to start taking some responsibility for your own warfare and there’s a wickedness going around the church that your warfare has been accomplished. What a lie. I know that’s a Scripture. I haven’t personally studied it. You have to read the Scriptures before it and the Scriptures after it and go into the Hebrew and find out what it’s all about. Your warfare shall be accomplished when Christ appears in you. Glory to God. I’ll just read you my note in case I missed something.


The beast has permission to govern men of every way of thinking, every nationality, and the men who have never known God. That is all men on the face of the earth except those that are in submission to the internal government of Christ within them. The only way you’re not going to be ruled by Satan, brethren, is if you are in submission to another government. Nobody can exist without being in submission to spiritual government. So, if you are a Christian and you are not in submission to Christ -- I don’t care if you have the Holy Spirit, I keep saying this over and over again but it’s the truth, I don’t care if you have a dove pin, I don’t care if you go to church, I don’t care if you prophesize -- if you are not living your life in submission to Christ that has been conceived within you, you are in submission to Satan, and he has dominion over you. So, who is Israel? Israel are those who are in submission to the internalized Christ. I don’t care if Christ has been conceived in you and He’s mature, if you’re not listening to Him, you’re subject to Satan. The only occasion under which Satan has no authority over you is when you are submitting to the authority of Christ. Now I hope that those that are attending this ministry know that you can be in both places. In certain areas of your life you can be in submission to Christ and Satan has no authority over you.


In other areas of your life, or of your thinking, you are not in submission to Christ and you better believe that Satan has authority over you. Glory to God. There’s a new kingdom in the earth, a new base of power. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ and He’s rising forth in your mind from the depths of your spiritual being, saying to you, “don’t obey that other king, obey me,” and if you say, “yes, Lord, I hear you, I see you, I recognize you, I declare that you’re right and I want to submit to you,” you have the wherewithal to wage war against the beast that is now waging war against you and saying, “you’re not going over to that other guy, you’re mine,” and we see it happening in the natural, preachers out there saying you can’t go to another ministry, you’re mine. That’s what Satan is saying. That’s a manifestation of Satan. If you see that in a preacher he is manifesting Satan. If God says go to this ministry and your pastor says no, God told you to stay here and you stay there you are not in submission to Christ and Satan has taken dominion over you. You are not responding to, submitting to, the indwelling authority or the indwelling government of Christ within your own being, you are submitting to the external authority of a satanic manifestation. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, second half of Revelation 13:7. “And man was given authority to govern every physical race, every way of thinking, and all the men who have never known God.” Glory to God. Now check this out, he was given authority to govern every physical race, every way of thinking, and all the men that have known God. He was given permission to wage war against the saints. He was given permission to wage war against those who are submitting to the authority of Christ. He was given authority to govern everyone else in every physical race, every way of thinking, and all men that have never known God. He has authority to govern them. If you are in submission to Christ, he has no authority to govern you but he has permission to wage war against you and, if he can do it, to overcome you.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 13:7. “And man was given permission to wage war with the spiritual Sons of God that are developing within him, abortion, and to deprive them of their power to harm him and subvert man’s influence, and man was given authority to govern every physical race, every way of thinking, and all the men who have never known God.” Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Verse 8. “And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him,” that’s the beast, “whose names are not written in the Book of Life, of the lamb, slain from the foundation of the world.” Glory to God. All that dwell upon the earth, I’m suggesting to you that those are all of us that are living out of the earth and soul, which is Adam, which means every natural man. And I just want to call to your attention that in Revelation 13:6 we have the expression, “them that dwell in heaven,” and in Revelation 13:8 we have the expression, “them that dwell upon the earth,” in and upon. I want to show you the difference there. The Greek word translated upon with regard to dwelling upon the earth is Strong’s 1909 and it is a word that refers to distribution. In other words, all those that are distributed over the earth, all those members of the living soul, and all those that dwell throughout all the many members of the living soul, all the natural men that are dwelling, that have been distributed into many members of the living soul. But in 13:6, that word in is the Greek word number 1727 and this word means a condition of rest. Them that are dwelling in heaven are in a condition of rest. In other words, all of those resting in heaven. And what is heaven? Anybody? What is heaven? It’s the soul life of Jesus Christ. When you’re dwelling in the soul life of Jesus Christ you’re in a condition of rest and every member of the living soul that is dwelling in Christ is in the same place and we’re dwelling in Christ, but if you’re a carnal man you’re spread out across the earth and there’s division. You’re dwelling upon the earth, you’re spread out, and there’s many minds and many thoughts and many ideas and you’re separated. But if you’re dwelling in heaven you’re resting in Christ. Just a little tidbit. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Remember that the curse of dispersion that was pronounced in Babel is not just in the body. The curse of dispersion is affecting our minds. We oppose each other in our minds. There are wars waging out there because people don’t agree with each other and even in the church world, even among the best of believers that really care for each other there’s difference of opinions. OK? Because in our natural mind we’re still under the curse of dispersion and that curse of dispersion is upon the natural man. In any area of your life that you’re in Christ, you will be in agreement with anyone else that is in Christ in that area. The whole problem is you can’t prove it, you can’t prove who is in Christ. You know, if you come up against somebody and you have respect for them as a believer there’s just no way to prove who’s in Christ in any particular issue. So at the moment that the difference becomes a controversy, Lord willing we should be able to discuss doctrine or anything else and respect each other’s views but the moment that it becomes a controversy we are to withdraw from the controversy, respecting one another, blessing one another, and waiting for the Lord to witness the truth, which witness may come the next day, the next week, the next month, or 10 years later. So you put it away and you put it on a shelf and you don’t think about it, because if you strive with your brother about it in your mind it’s not Christ. If you’re striving with your brother about it in your heart or your mind it’s definitely a carnal man and you’re waging war against him and you need to repent because that’s witchcraft. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Let me see what I wrote here, I don’t want to miss anything. Everyone who was in Christ is resting in one place. There is no division. There are those who dwell upon the earth or those who have been dispersed by the Lord. OK, I just told you this. Remember, this dispersion is not only in the body but in the mind. When man is glorified, however, we will of course be resting in the one mind of Christ. I believe, this is my opinion, I believe, however, that our bodies will remain separate but because all bodies will be ruled by the one mind of Christ we shall be so synchronized that we shall speak and move as though we were one man. Now I believe it’s the will of God that our bodies will remain separate but because our souls and our spirits will be so in one mind and one accord we’re literally going to be moving like one body, and we’ve taught here that these human bodies that we have are made up of many molecules that are moving very rapidly so that it gives the appearance of being solid but we’re not solid. And of course you go your way and I go my way and we’re all the bodies of Christ doing what we want, going in different directions, but we’re going to be so synchronized because we’re going to be ruled by the same mind that we’re all going to be doing what God tells us and there’s going to be an order in this earth that man has not seen since the fall. There’s going to be peace. At the very least there’s going to be a cessation of war and hostility on every level, from national war right down to war within our own minds, and we’re all going to be doing what we have to do. There won’t be any problem about someone not doing their part. Everybody is going to be helping everybody. And nobody is going to be lacking anything. Wow, utopia, hallelujah. Glory to God. Glory to God. Oh boy, I hope I see it, I hope I see it.


OK, continuing with, “And all them that dwell upon the earth shall worship him,” shall worship the beast. Now this word worship, we’ve studied the word worship in other messages but there is more than one Greek word that means worship and this particular one, I didn’t put down the number, I’m sorry, it means to crouch before, to utterly prostrate yourself. That means to utterly submit to somebody, to let them rule in every aspect of your life.


Alternate Translation, first half of Revelation 13:8. “And every natural man will submit to the corporate man, and all that dwell upon the earth, all the members of the living soul, shall worship the beast.” And who was the beast? Now this is getting very hairy. I put down corporate man here because I was trying to make a separation but I don’t know how good a choice that was. The beast, he is the spiritual entity that is the natural man. Now I don’t want to get into this too much now. After I finish the second beast I hope to have a chart made up for you showing you the first beast, the dragon, the second beast, and the image of the beast, and showing you their relationships to one another. What we’re saying here, the whole is man, OK, and God has broken him down into parts. He’s broken him down into two beasts, a dragon, and the image of the beast. So what I’m trying to say here is that the alternate translation of this phrase, “And all that dwell upon the earth,” that’s every natural man, “shall worship the beast.” He’s worshipping the spiritual entity known as man that is within his very own mind. Does anybody have a problem with that? OK, it’s getting hairy. The lines are going to be very fine because we’re one entity that God’s breaking down into four parts, OK? So every natural man that appears in the realm of appearance is going to be worshipping the natural man that’s in his mind. That’s a good way to say it. OK, Glory to God.


Continuing with, “Whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world.” So every man, every natural man, that appears on the face of the earth, unless your name is written down in the Book of Life, you are going to be worshipping the mind of man that’s in your own mind. Now, we have two minds in this hour. Christ and Adam. So we do have an opportunity to worship Christ if we have that second mind. And this Scripture is saying, “every man on the face of the earth that’s a natural man,” everyone’s a natural man today except Jesus, “he is going to submit to the mind of man except those whose names are written in the Book of Life of the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world.” Now what does this mean? Let’s find out. The word names, we’ve been teaching here, means spirit. A name is a spirit. And the word written, we’ve had much teaching on this, it really means to engrave. Writing is really engraving. So we’re saying the men whose spirits have been engraved into the Book of Life of the Lamb. Well, let’s take the Book of Life. The Book of Life I hope you can receive as the soul of Jesus. We’ve taught on that before if you’d like to review it. You can review message number 36, part 5, that the Book of Life is the soul of Jesus. And I want to remind you, I know I’ve taught this before, that we are all books. We are all books and our souls are being engraved and they’re either engraved with the spiritual life of Satan or they’re engraved with the spiritual life of Christ but our souls are books and those books are being written upon and according to what’s written that’s the personality that we manifest to the world. We’re living, walking, talking books. That’s what we are and I just want to briefly, I know its on message 36, part 5, I want to briefly go over it.


In Revelation 20:12, that’s the white throne judgement, it says, “And the books were opened and another book was opened, which is the Book of Life, and the teaching on that that’s come forth here is that the books, pleural, are the many members of the living soul and the Book of Life, singular, is the one soul of Jesus Christ into which we hope to enter. So what are we saying? If your human spirit is engraved with the life of Jesus Christ then you are not going to be submitting to the mind of the natural man that’s in your heart. You see, we just have one soul. If the engraving is Christ then we’re not going to be submitting to the natural man. If the engraving is the natural man we’ll have to submit to him, because we’ll be his captive. The lamb slain from before the foundation of the world, we’ve preached that quite a bit here if you want to review that. The lamb slain from the foundation of the world is the spirit of Jesus Christ, the spiritual Son that was propelled into the earth. If you want to review it, you can review message numbers 18, parts 2 and 5, I also teach on it, and message 39, parts 3 and 4, and message 40, part 3. The lamb, I hope I don’t have any problem convincing you, is Jesus. I think everybody knows that. And the word slain is Strong’s 4969. It means butchered. It’s the same word translated wounded in Verse 3 of this Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation and we studied that in the last message, that to butcher means to cut in many pieces and prepare for food. So He’s the spiritual Son that was butchered, cut into many pieces, from the foundation of the world, and this word from, it’s Strong’s 575, it can also be translated because of. It usually denotes separation, departure, or reversal, and I’m suggesting to you that Jesus departed from the realm of the spirit and His spiritual condition was reversed when He was made into a man. He was propelled into the earth, He was cut into many pieces, because He was joined to the earth.


OK, we’re going to go over this again. From the foundation of the world, or because of the foundation of the world, He was cut into many pieces because the world was founded. The word foundation is Strong’s 2602 and it means conception. It means to be born. Jesus was cut into many pieces because the world was born. Brethren, this whole world that we see, not just our human bodies, the earth, the trees, everything, came out of the spirit of Jesus Christ. It’s as if to say, I know this is ghoulish but it’s the only example I could give you, it’s as if to say somebody would take a human being and kill it, take its life and cut it up, and take the flesh and the bones and form a whole new being out of it. That’s what happened to Jesus. He was the spiritual Son of God and He submitted to separation from His Father. He left the realm, that glorious realm of the spirit, and permitted His own Father to butcher Him, to cut Him into pieces, to literally change His form that this whole world could come into existence. That’s what the Scripture teaches. Yes, Jesus was crucified and His body died on the cross and His soul died on the cross, yes, but that was just a reflection of the spiritual reality that happened from the beginning of time. We are made of the flesh of Jesus in a fallen condition. There’s much teaching on this if you’re hearing the message. I don’t have the message numbers for you now. We do have other teachings on this. And in this hour the Father God is raising His butchered Son back up into the heavenlies. Glory to God.


So He was slain because the earth was conceived. He was slain because of the conception of the world and we had on a recent message that there are three Greek words translated world. This is the Greek word 2889; it means cosmos and a cosmos is an ordered system. Each individual is an ordered system. We have a heart, we have lungs, everything’s functioning in perfect order or we would be dead or very sick. We are a physical cosmos. Our heart, without our heart beating we would die. Everything centers around the heart, which could be likened to the sun. We are a spiritual cosmos, we have a spirit, a soul, and spiritual offspring but also the cosmos is physical. The earth, the world, the stars, everything is in ordered arrangement. That is what is so ridiculous about man saying that this just happened to be. Everything in its place, everything performing its function. How ridiculous to say that this just was happenstance. How ridiculous, but that’s what man is saying. So this is the word for the world. So what are we saying? Jesus, the spiritual Son of God, was butchered because of the conception of the cosmos, the whole world, including the planets, are out of the substance of the Lord Jesus Christ. Mars, Jupiter, other galaxies, they’re all made out of the substance of this great spiritual God that permitted Himself to be killed so that His substance could be used to form this. That’s quite a mouthful but it’s glorious. And in the process of this formation this great God gave up His spiritual power, became a natural man, but in this hour His Father is raising Him back up and He is, what? This whole creation. And what does that say to me? That in the resurrection it’s not just for man, it’s for the whole planet, it’s for the whole universe, because everything that exists that is matter is a part of the spiritual flesh of Jesus. We have Christians in the church saying, “how can Satan be reconciled?” Brethren, everything’s going to be reconciled, Mars and Jupiter too, and man is looking for living things on the other planets. They don’t even understand the slightest beginning of what happened. They’re looking for life on the other planets. Everything that we could see, everything that is a form and shape is out of the spiritual life of Christ, who literally laid Himself down on a butcher table and said cut me up and make clay out of me and form me into something totally new. Is that incredible? I find that incredible, overwhelming to tell you the truth. I find it overwhelming. Glory to God.


OK, Alternate Translation. This is the second half of Revelation 13:8. I just want to give you the lead-in here because it doesn’t make too much sense. “And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him.” That was the lead-in. “Whose human spirits, everyone on the earth shall worship him, except those whose human spirits have not produced the image or the engraving,” you’ve heard about the image of Christ, that’s the same word of engraving, that’s the same word as engraving, that’s the same word as writing, who, except those whose human spirits, have not produced the image of or the engraving of Christ. Even the spiritual Son of God, who died to or was separated from His spiritual authority when He was joined to the earth so that the material world could be conceived. Now, brethren, check this out. The Scripture clearly does not state, “until the material world,” so that the material world could be born. I have a flash for you. The material world has not been born yet. We have been conceived. We are in utero. We don’t know what we’re going to look like when this thing is over. We don’t know what the earth is going to look like. We don’t know what Mars is going to look like. We don’t know. The earth has been conceived. It has not yet been born. Glory to God. We don’t know what we’re going to look like. Paul said we don’t know what we’re going to be. We don’t know what the world’s going to look like. We don’t know what kind of houses, if we live in houses, we’re going to be living in. We don’t know, we simply don’t know. Is that incredible? This whole creation is still being conceived. We have no idea what it’s going to be like. Glory to God.


“And all that dwell upon the earth, all the natural men, shall worship the minds of man, except those whose human spirits have not produced,” I guess they shouldn’t put the not in there, “except those whose human spirits have produced the image or the engraving of Christ, even the spiritual Son of God, who died too or was separated from His spiritual authority when He was joined to the earth so that the material world could be conceived.” Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, the whole of Revelation 13:8. “And every natural man will submit to the corporate man, whose human spirits have not produced the image or engraving of Christ.” I guess I should change that, change this right here. “And every natural man will submit to the corporate man, except those whose human spirits have produced the image or the engraving of Christ, even the spiritual Son of God, who died too, or was separated from, His spiritual authority when He was joined to the earth so that the material world could be conceived.” Every natural man will submit to the mind of man except those whose human spirits have produced the image of Christ. Glory to God.


OK, I’m going to do Verses 9 and 10 together. “If any man hath an ear, let him hear, he that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity. He that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.” Glory to God. He that hath an ear, let him hear. We touched on this at the beginning of the Book of Revelation. That simply means he that hath any of the ability to understand, and everybody does not have the ability to understand spiritual things. Everybody doesn’t have the ability to understand intellectual things. Everybody doesn’t have the ability to understand human things. Everybody can’t be a carpenter, everybody can’t be a cook. He says, out of all the members of the living soul, you who have an ability to understand spiritual things, well then understand. Here, I’m going to tell you about it. If you have the ability to understand, listen, I’m going to tell you about it.


Alternate Translation. “If there is any man who is capable of understanding spiritual things, then let him listen and understand.” Continuing with, “He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity. He that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword.” This word, leadeth, is Strong’s 4863, and it’s the only time that it’s translated lead, and it means to join together those things previously separated. It means to join together in one, to assemble, to gather together, and you may recall from the teaching of message 32, Mystery Babylon, we had a whole teaching on incarnation. If you want to review that I really think it would be to your benefit, if you have the time. It’s message number 32, parts 4 and 5, and it’s about spiritual incarnation. It’s about the spiritual reality of how a man is formed, and the concept is that we’re in many parts. We’re in many parts and if someone’s going to make a sculpture, the sculpture usually takes a piece of metal, a rod, and stands it up and takes the clay and globs the clay around the rod. So you could say the rod is the base and it’s standing there and it’s gathering to it all this clay and forming a human being. So the teaching is that the spiritual rod is either Satan or Christ, the spirit around whom a man is being formed. You cannot appear in this realm of appearance unless a male spirit has stood up and decided to incarnate. That’s either Satan or Christ. And when He decides to incarnate, the way the Scriptures describe it is that He gathers all the spiritual components that He needs to make a man and they cling, almost like a magnet. They come clinging to that rod and the end result of it is that we appear in the realm of appearance and we called it spiritual gathering. God taught us how a man is formed. I’m suggesting to you that that’s the intention in this word. He that leadeth into captivity, and I’m translating it for our purposes here, he that gathereth, he that incarnates, unto captivity, Satan, the spirit that causes human beings to incarnate so that they could go into captivity. Go into captivity to whom? To Satan, to worship him, to serve him for his wicked and ungodly purposes.


And this word, go, is Strong’s 5217. It means to lead oneself under, to withdraw or retire, as if sinking out of sight. There are several Greek words translated go. This is 5217. It means to go under and I hope everybody here knows that Adam, ruled by Satan, is going under. He’s going under where? Under the feet of Christ. He’s coming under the authority of Christ. He’s going down. He’s being pressed down by the soul of Christ that’s going to rule in these many members of the living soul. So he that incarnates human beings for the purpose of leading them into captivity and eating their flesh and using them for his own wickedness, he himself shall go down under the feet of Christ into captivity. What are we saying? Satan is incarnating human beings that we might serve Him. Anybody cannot say Amen to that? Well he, the one that’s doing that, Satan, that’s causing all these vessels to incarnate because he wants us to serve him, how? Submit our minds and our bodies to him. He himself is going down under the spirit of Christ and he shall serve Christ. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


The one that incarnates men so that they could serve him. He himself is going down under the feet of Christ and he shall serve the One that’s greater than he. Glory to God. He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity and he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. This word, killeth, is Strong’s 615 and it means to kill outright. It can also mean moral death but it means outright destruction. And the word sword, there are two Greek words translated sword, this is 3162 and it really isn’t a sword. It can be a large knife or a small sword but it’s not the kind of sword that you would think about that someone wears on their belt that they use in a duel and that they go into battle with. It’s not that kind of a sword. It’s either a large knife or a small sword and its function is for the killing of animals and cutting up the flesh. It’s a slaughter knife. It’s not a knife that you go into battle with. If you kill animals and cut up the flesh, you know, that’s someone that can’t really fight back. Either they’re dead already and you’re slaughtering them or they’re just a harmless animal and you just slit their throat. There’s no battle involved in this at all. I’m going to give you the Alternate Translation and then I’ll comment on it some more.


Alternate Translation, the second third of Revelation 13:9-10. “The one who incarnates men so that they can be his prisoners in the realm of appearance,” and I didn’t tell you that this word, captivity, is Strong’s 161 and it means the state of being a prisoner of war, so, “the one who incarnates men so that they can be his prisoners in this realm of appearance, even Satan, must himself become a prisoner of Christ.” “He that kills men by causing them to sin, even Satan, must be killed because he is sin.” OK, this word kill is destroy. “He that destroys men.” Well, how are men destroyed? How does Satan destroy us? By getting us to sin. So I added that explanation in. “He that kills men because he causes them to sin, even Satan, he, too, must be killed because he is sin.” Glory to God. The one who incarnates men so that they can be his prisoners in the realm of appearance, even Satan, must himself become a prisoner of Christ. He that kills men by causing them to sin, even Satan, must be killed because he is sin. You know, I changed my translation from last night and I’m getting a little confused here with the Adam and Satan but we know that Satan is a part of Adam and I just don’t want to mess up this message but I think this last one should be Adam. I’m going to give it to you again.


“The one who incarnates men so that they can be his prisoners in the realm of appearance.” Well that’s Satan because we know Satan is responsible for incarnation. He must himself become a prisoner of Christ but he that kills men by causing them to sin, even Adam, must be killed because he has sinned himself. Adam must be destroyed, the living soul must be destroyed. Sometimes the lines get so fine here I have trouble putting my finger on whether it’s Adam or Satan myself. Glory to God.


OK, I have a comment for you. Let me read it to you just in case I didn’t touch on it. The Greek word translated kill means to be cut in pieces so we can say that this word implies ungathering. Now the first part of this phrase is, “he that incarnates men so that they could be his slaves,” he is going to become a slave, and the second part is, “he that kills or he that disintegrates that which has been gathered together.” What happens when you die? If your being born is a gathering of many spiritual particles, your dying would be a separation of those spiritual particles. So what is the Scripture saying? He that gathers spiritually to form a man and bring him into captivity, he is going into captivity, and he that breaks apart the gathering, he that destroys that which was gathered, he that kills -- and the way he kills is by causing men to sin -- he himself must be ungathered, which means that the human beings we see today can no longer exist. We are all the result of the gathering of Satan and we’re not going to exist anymore, we’re going to have glorified bodies and we’re going to be the gathering unto Christ. We’re going to be the human beings, both in soul and in body, that are gathered around the spiritual ramrod of Christ. So he that has gathered and formed what we see today, he is going to be ungathered. Everything we see is going to be dissolved because Christ is going to be doing it from now on. Hallelujah.


So the Greek word translated kill means to cut in pieces so we can say that this word implies an ungathering. Adam himself must be ungathered, which means that the human beings that we see today can no longer exist. Future men shall be gathered around the spirit of the Father and when that happens our appearance as well as our nature shall change. We shall be Christ. We shall be Christ, so the whole world is going to be different. The animals, the grass, the trees, it’s not going to look like this. Glory to God.


Continuing with, “Here is the patience and the faith of the saints,” 5602 is the word here and it means in this place. In this place is the patience and the faith of the saints. This word patience is 5281 and it means cheerful or hopeful endurance. The word faith is 4102 and that means moral conviction of religious truth, or of the truth of God. It means a conscience that agrees with God. It means a soul that is in Christ, a conscience that agrees with God. The conscience is the soul and the conscience that does not agree with God is the conscience that agrees with Satan, that’s the fallen soul, and a conscience that agrees with God would be a human soul that is now joined to Christ and has been revived by Christ. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, this is the third third of Revelation 13:9-10, and that says, “Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.” “The men who are maturing,” that’s the saints, “the spiritual men that are maturing from Adam into Christ must have a moral conviction that Christ shall appear in their human spirits, thus making the destruction of sin and the abolishment of death a personal reality for them, and they must also cheerfully endure the warfare between Christ and Adam which shall result in their new state of being.” This is the place where is the patience and the faith of the saints and the patience is the hopeful endurance of Christ appearing in you. And the faith is a moral conviction of everything that we’re teaching here. You’ve got to believe it for you to find yourself in the place where Satan is going. Now remember, Satan -- oh God help me I’m having trouble bringing this forth -- the one that leadeth into captivity, the one that’s incarnating men, for him to go into captivity in your personal life and for the one that killeth to be killed, for him to go underfoot of the Christ in your personal life, you must have a moral conviction that this is a promise of God. And after you get this moral conviction that it’s a promise of God you must be cheerfully enduring the warfare between Christ and Adam, which is going on within your very own spiritual being. There’s a warfare going on. That’s what this is saying. This is the place where the patience and the faith of the saints is necessary. If it’s happening to you, if Satan is going into captivity and if he’s going under the foot feet of the Christ and Christ is appearing in you, for this to be happening in you, you must believe and have a moral conviction of what’s being preached here, that Christ is going to do this, that the satanic mind and the satanic body is going to disappear and that you’re going to have a mind that is Christ and a body that is Christ, and once you believe it that should give you the strength to cheerfully endure the warfare between the two minds that are raging within your own spiritual being. If you have not come to this place yet where you have this moral conviction the chances are the warfare is even not going on, or if it has started, you know, it can’t be completed. Christ cannot appear in you until you get a moral conviction of what’s happening and that you cheerfully endure the warfare. That’s very interesting. Let me read it again.


The men who are maturing from Adam into Christ must have a moral conviction that Christ shall appear in their human spirits, thus making the destruction of sin and the abolishment of death a personal reality for them and they must also cheerfully endure the warfare between Christ and Adam which shall result in their new state of being. This is what’s going to be happening to you if you’re called to this. Somewhere along the line you’ve got to get this revelation and you’ve got to believe that it’s the truth of God, and then when you get it you have to endure the warfare. I think most of us here have the revelation and we’re enduring the warfare and sometimes it’s pretty tough but God requires us to not let go of the hope, that the end of all this is that He shall appear in us and we shall be glorified.


Alternate Translation, the whole of Revelation 13:9-10. “If there is any man who is capable of understanding spiritual things, then let him understand. The one who incarnates men so that they can be his prisoners in this realm of appearance, even Adam, must himself become a prisoner of Christ. He that kills men by causing them to sin, even Adam, must be killed because he has sinned. The men who are maturing from Adam into Christ must have a moral conviction that Christ shall appear in their human spirits, thus making the destruction of sin and the abolishment of death a personal reality for them, and they must also cheerfully endure the warfare between Christ and Adam, which shall result in their new state of being.”


Recap, Revelation 13:7-10. “And man was given permission to wage war with the spiritual Sons of God that are developing within him and to deprive them of their power to harm him and subvert man’s influence, and man was given authority to govern every physical race, every way of thinking, and all the men who have not known God, and every natural man will submit to the mind of man, except those whose human spirits have produced the image or engraving of Christ, even the spiritual Son of God, who died too, or was separated from, His spiritual authority when He was joined to the earth so that the material world could be conceived. If there is any man who is capable of understanding spiritual things, then let him understand. The one who incarnates men so that they can be his prisoners in the realm of appearance, even Satan, must himself become a prisoner of Christ. He that kills men by causing them to sin, even Adam, must be killed because he has sinned. The men who are maturing from Adam into Christ must have a moral conviction that Christ shall appear in their human spirits, thus making the destruction of sin and the abolishment of death a personal reality for them, and they must also cheerfully endure the warfare between Christ and Adam, which shall result in their new state of being.”


4/29/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

5/01/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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