066 - Part 1
(Revelation 13)

Part 1 of 4 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


We are starting Chapter 13 in the Book of Revelation, The First Beast. Lord willing, we’re doing Verse 1 tonight, Lord willing we'll do Verse 2 on Sunday, and if everything goes as planned, the next meeting after that, which will be the following Wednesday -- this is Friday -- we're doing Verse 1 tonight; we'll do Verse 2 on Sunday, and the following Wednesday we'll be starting a new study on Daniel, which sounds something like Verse 2, and we're going to find out exactly what the similarities are.


OK. Starting tonight with Chapter 1 [sic] -- Verse 1 of Chapter 13 of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John. “And I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and 10 horns and upon his horns 10 crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.” Glory to God. “And I stood upon the sand of the sea.” I'm going to take the easy ones first. I hope that I’ve established to all of your satisfaction that the sea is the living soul. We've talked about that on many messages, and we’re going to spend some time trying to determine what the sand of the sea is. The word sand is Strong's 285, and Strong says it means sand as heaped on a beach. Well, we all know what sand is.


Webster says that sand is a loose granular material resulting from the disintegration of rocks. Well, isn't that interesting? The disintegration of rocks. So we have a substance that was originally a rock but that's been broken down into many pieces that is a part of the living soul. Does anybody want to take a guess as to what that part could be? Does anybody remember what rock symbolizes in the Scripture?


Well, yeah, Christ is the rock. That's correct. It symbolizes spirit, and it symbolizes Christ. Christ is the rock definitely. So we have a rock, and He's ground down into many granules. Does anybody want to take a guess at what that could be with reference to the living soul? The corporate living so- -- the spirit, the human spirit in the corporate living soul, because that part of the living soul which is Christ is the human spirit. So what I'm suggesting to you is that when the Son of God was propelled into the earth and joined to the earth so that we could come into existence and He was broken down into many members for all intents and purposes, we could say that He was propelled into the earth with such force that His spirit, His spiritual life was ground down into sand, and that sand was distributed throughout the many members of the living soul, and if you have a human spirit, which we will do, Lord willing, we have at least a grain, if not several grains -- I don't know exactly how to express that -- of the sand, which was the rock of the Lord Jesus Christ. And we know that without the Lord Jesus Christ there would be no living soul. So I'm suggesting to you that the sand of the sea is the human spirits of the many members of the living soul. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Remember now that the human spirit is married to Satan and has become one with him and produced offspring that is seen in this realm of appearance. Does anybody remember the name of the offspring of the human spirit in Satan? Does anybody recall? The carnal mind. Amen. And the name of the offspring of the human spirit and the spirit of Jesus Christ, what will their offspring be named? The human spirit and the spirit of Jesus Christ when they copulate they produce Christ. Amen. So we have a living soul where the human spirit has married the spirit that rules in that living soul, even Satan. And they have produced the carnal mind, which is appearing in the personalities of the many members of the living soul. Well, we're all shocked tonight. That's really good.


OK. So, the Verse says, “And I stood, I John stood upon the sand of the sea.” Well, this word stood, we’ve studied this many times. It’s Strong's 2476, and it means to be placed in an up or an active position, and it is the words used to describe the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ is going to stand His church upright. We are a fallen creation. We are like unto those lying in a bed, we have fallen down and the whole soul realm is now over us. It has dominion over us. When we were standing the soul realm was under us. When we fell down we fell down underneath the dominion of the soul realm. And this word stood is the Greek word used to describe standing in an upright and active position. So, I declare to you that John, when he stood upon the sand of the sea he was standing in an upright and an active position. Why? Because his human spirit was producing the image of Christ and he was joined to that image of Christ, thus placing him in upright and active position. Glory to God.


So what am I saying? I'm saying that the human spirit, which is married to Satan is lying down in a condition of spiritual weakness, but John is standing upon or living out of his human spirit, which is an act -- which is in an active and upright position. And for John's human spirit to be in an active and upright position he must be producing the image of Christ instead of the image of the carnal mind. Why? Because if he was producing the image of the carnal mind he would be in a lying down weak position, so for him to be standing upright he must be producing Christ in his mind. And I’m suggesting to you that, because John was joined to Christ in his mind, he was separated from and thus able to see the spiritual reality of his own soul.


Now, we are spirit for all intents and purposes. We are our spirit and even though that spirit may be joined to Satan, our substance is spirit, but when we are married to Satan and we are dwelling with Satan and his offspring, the carnal mind we are one with them. Did you ever hear the expression you can't see the forest for the trees. When you're in the midst of the whole thing you can’t see what's going on, you can't recognize it. And we've been preaching in this ministry for months now that there is a separation taking place. That when Christ starts -- is conceived in us and starts to appear in us Lord willing we shall join with him thus separating ourselves little by little from our husband Satan and from our own offspring the carnal mind. And the more we are joined to Christ in our mind the more we will be able to discern the true spiritual reality of Satan and our own soul.


So, if you have conceived Christ you are double souled. You have Christ and you also have the carnal mind, the offspring of Satan, but when you reach up point where you're living whatever that percentage, only the Lord knows, to a sufficient amount out of Christ. You will start to see your soul for what it is and you will start to discern sin in your soul. We've been preaching this here for months and we must judge that sin. We who are spirit joined to Christ giving us strength and power is judging. We are judging our very own soul. And I suggest to you that when John says he was standing on the sand of the sea, what he's saying is that Christ -- the image of Christ was appearing in him. That he was joined to Christ in his mind and he was so joined to Christ in his mind that he was in an upright position.


I don't know about you, but I can’t really say that I'm an upright position in certain areas, but I don't know that I would dare to make that blanket statement that I'm standing upright. I don't think I would. So, John was saying that he was totally joined to Christ in his mind. Christ was not just conceived in him, Christ was appearing in him and as a result of that he was in a spiritually upright position. A position of strength and from that position he was able to clearly see his own -- not only his own soul, but the entire living soul with the reality and clarity of the mind of Christ. And this is what he is going to describe to us in the subsequent verses.


Christ’s opinion of the living soul and we have a world today that are filled -- that is filled with men that are spouting their own opinions. They have their own standards of morality, their own opinion as to where men came from, their own opinion as to where we are going, but I declare to you there is only one valid opinion. There is only one valid standard of morality. There is only one valid truth. And we do have a problem in the church today that we have carnal minded people that name the name of Jesus Christ as their God, but who have not receive the truth of His Word. They may have faith in Jesus Christ for their salvation and that is beautiful, but just because someone has faith in Jesus Christ for salvation does not assure you that the true revelation of this Word of God has been imparted to these men and women. And we have to be very careful about receiving doctrine. The whole church world is filled with false doctrine, but brethren, when you're mind is joined to Jesus Christ you will start to partake of the hidden manner, even the truth of the Word of God.


I'll just put on this message. I don't know who's going to be listing to this message. When you receive the Holy Spirit you have not received the mind of Christ. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the male element. He is like unto a human sperm and his function is to joint with your human spirit and produce offspring even the very person, the very image of the Lord Jesus Christ. And as the Lord Jesus Christ himself starts to emerge in you and join himself to your mind you shall start to partake of the hidden manner or the true revelation or the true understanding of this Scripture. And if you try to understand this book of Revelation with your carnal mind you are sure at the very least to fail to understand it and at the very worst to get into trouble to become bound with false doctrine.


So, we see John, the Apostle John joined to Christ in his mind, spiritually standing in strength and power and having the ability imparted to him to look upon the reality of the condition of the living soul as Jesus Christ sees him and evaluates him. Let's see what he saw. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


OK. I have an alternate translation right here. The first third of Revelation 13:1, “And because Christ was appearing in my humans spirit.” This is John speaking. “And because Christ is appearing in my human spirit and is joined to me in my mind -- and because Christ is appearing in my human spirit and has joined Himself to me in my mind.” Continuing with. “I saw a beast rise up out of the sea.” John saw the living soul and it's beast quality. This word saw Strong's 1492 and it not only means to see with your eyes, it means to have a knowledge of, to understand. And again I'm suggesting to you that because John's mind was joined to Jesus Christ he understood or received an accurate spiritual knowledge of the reality of the living soul in accordance with the standard and the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Not the standard of the Revelation of the carnal minds of man. Glory to God.


“I saw a beast rise up out of the sea.” This word beast is Strong's 2342 and surprisingly enough it is a diminutive. Now, we've studied this before. A diminutive is a form of a word that causes you to add the word little to it, which means the correct interpretation of this word should be little beast. Little beast. I don't about you, but I have the impression that this was a tremendous monster rising up out of the sea and Strong says it is a dangerous wild animal, but the form of the word is in a diminutive, so what are we saying. It's a little dangerous wild animal. How strange. OK. Now, what I want to point out to you is that everything is relative and I'm suggesting to you that this wild venomous beast was little in relation to John who was standing in the fullness of the strength of the Lord Jesus Christ.


And I'm also suggesting to you that what it means is that this living soul was a wild venomous beast was under John's feet. It had no authority over John whatsoever and therefore John calls it a little wild venomous beast, which is really a contradiction, but that's how he describes. That's a Scriptures way of imparting to us the understanding that as wild and venomous as this beast is -- was and is and shall be until it's utterly consumed in relationship to Christ it is a little wild beast. Glory to God. Thank God for it.


Now, just as a point of knowledge to you this word beast, it's the same word that's used in Revelation 6, Chapter 6 Verse 8. The only difference being that in Revelation Chapter 6 verse 8 it's in the plural and here it’s in the singular and I’d like to read you that verse and the alternate translation that we had for it.


Revelation 6, Chapter 6 Verse 8. “And I looked and behold a pale horse and his name that sat on him was death and Hell followed with him and power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth to kill with sword and with hunger, and with death and with the beasts of the earth.” And we pretty much drew the conclusion and that Scripture that the beast of the earth for the demons.


Let me review the alternate translation. Alternate translation Revelation 6:8. “And I looked into the realm of the spirit and there it was a sickly looking horse not qualified to reproduce and the spirit ruling him was the spiritual pestilence of God, the judgment of the Lord.” Even Satan and unconscious mind, and he caused the spiritual members of the living soul to separate from their bodies and the spiritual life of the living soul to continue in an unseen place under the earth of the souls and bodies of natural man. An authority was given to them over the -- that's to Satan over the unconscious minds of men to utterly destroy them off of the face of the earth by doing spiritual battle against them in their unconscious minds by depriving them of the bread from heaven which gives eternal life and by causing their souls to continue to separate from their bodies because of sin and to do this by using demons, that's the word beasts. And to do this by using demons whose tyranny it is impossible to overcome without the power of Christ.


Now I wanted to zero in on my point here. And the authority was given to Satan. An authority was given to Satan over the unconscious minds of men to utterly destroy them from off the face of the earth by using the demons or the beasts whose tyranny it is impossible to overcome without the power of Christ. Now, before I go on I'm going to tell you what I'm getting at. I'm suggesting to you that this word beasts when its used in the plural is typifying the demon and that this beast that's rising up out of the sea is the corporate beast. It's th -- all of the demons produced in everybody's mind working together and I'm going to give you a deeper explanation of that right now, but that's the direction I'm going in.


Now, the beast that rises up from the sea is a corporate manifestation of the unconscious mind of man. He is the spirit that flows through every man's unconscious mind that is in fact every man's unconscious mind. He also appears as the whole personality -- he also appears as a whole personalities of some very following individuals. Some very wicked people you will see this manifestation of the beast. Not -- well, and people that are trying to lead an acceptable life they will be covering up their wickedness and there will be personality, qualities that will be most pleasant and most acceptable. So, to see the beast in them usually you have to see them in crisis. It takes a crisis to bring out the worst in somebody right. If you want to see the beast in any one human being you have to get them mad.


You have to put them under pressure. But there are some people that are so wicked that they are manifesting this unconscious mind, this satanic mind, this beast of 100 percent of the time day in and day out. They're just wicked animal people. I think everybody knows that there are people like that in this world, just cruel, evil, degenerate people and in yet other individuals he appears as fragments of personalities or as the evil side of their personalities, or as demons. So, what am I saying, we’ve talked about this. What are the demons? The demons are a product of the unconscious mind of Satan that has fornicate with our soul, that God has scored off, made it a separate entity and cast it out. What am I suggesting to you? That a demon is just a fragment, just the manifestation of the wicked mind of man.


And we touched on this the other day when we said that when a human body dies, if that person had a very strong will and was opposing God and refusing to die that the personality could remain joined to the soul in the form of a ghost, for God has not told me how long. And that we can have a disembodied personality floating in the atmosphere. They are made up of soul and spirit for all intents and purposes they are the same construction as a demon, except that a demon is a fragment of that personality that can be cast out while the whole personality still remains in the body and the ghost is the whole personality. What I'm suggesting to you is that their construction is basically the same. The beast being the whole of the unregenerate personality and the demon being just a fraction of it, just a piece of it that for whatever reason is either cast out or rises to the surface and appears in a person or a human being that is leading an acceptable life or that he’s not leading an acceptable life.


Have I confused anybody? What I'm saying is the personality that's produced that is not a result of Christ for all intents and purposes is one big demon. Did you ever hear of a spirit of passivity? Did you ever hear of a spirit of goody-goody girl? I've spent five years in deliverance. Every demon is not wicked. Every demon is not trying to kill you. There are evil spirits in people that keep them passive. Evil spirits that won't let them excert -- assert themselves. Are you -- someone in the service just said she had that. We have -- I -- we have spirits of little girl, spirits of goody-goody. Every demon is not evil. Is not -- I don't want to say not evil. They're not out there robbing and killing and trying to destroy you physically, they are merely fragments of the carnal mind or the Satanic personality and the beast is the corporate Satanic personality, the carnal mind. That personality that has been produced as a result of Eve’s marriage to Satan.


Did I confuse anybody? OK. Glory to God. Let's go on. "And I saw a beast rise up out of the sea.” That's what we're dealing with. “I saw a beast rise up out of the sea.” This word rise up is Strong’s 305. It is the only time it is translated rise up in the Greek New Testament. It means to ascend, to grow up, to spring up and we had a discussion on a recent message. Message 47 Part 2 to be specific, where we did a study on a verse in the Old Testament where it says, “Iniquity was found,” in the -- I believe it was the anointed cherub and that word iniquity was found when we studied it. We found out that what it meant was that the iniquity literally sprang up just like a seed springs up into a plant. You can plant a seed under the ground, cover it over, water it and a few weeks or a month later, however long it takes. All of a sudden there's a green seedling that appears on the top of the earth.


And if somebody didn't know that you planted that seed you would say where did it come from. And sometimes we walk through woods and gardens and nobody planted a seed. The seeds which is lying dormant under the ground and then all of a sudden there's a plant. Well, where did it come from? It just sprang up. And that's what this word rise up means. I saw a beast, he just rose up out of the sea. Nobody knows where he came from, but we know that Satan married the human spirit and that that's where he came from. It's just like a human person. If you take a little child that knows nothing about human sexuality or reproduction. One day he sees his aunt Gertie, and 10 months later they go visit aunt Gertie, and aunt Gertie has a baby, and the little boy says where did the baby come from.


Well it just appeared, but we as sophisticated people know that there had to be sexual intercourse and there had to be a pregnancy, and then there was a baby. Where did that baby spring up from? Well, I declare to you that the Spirit of the living soul, Satan, had illegal intercourse with the human spirit and they had a child and that child is called the carnal mind or the beast and John saw it rise up out of the sea. It just appeared. And it is a beast indicating that it is an illegal offspring. Glory to God. Hallelujah. And I'm suggesting to you that it rose up out of the unconscious minds of men and manifested in the personalities of men. It wasn't seen in the garden outside of your door. It appeared in men.


Alternate translation. The second third of Revelation 13:1. “I could understand that Satan, the spirit that rules the living soul was rising up out from under this authority of man's conscience where the law of God is and was appearing in the personalities of men." Now, remember the teaching about Cain. The image of Christ was appearing in the minds of men. What happened? For the mind of Cain to appear in these men he had to rise up and come out from under the authority of Christ that was ruling in that man’s mind. I'm going to read you the first two thirds together a Verse 13 -- of Verse 1 of Chapter 13. And this is John speaking. “And because Christ was appearing in my human spirit and was joined to me in my mind for that reason only I could understand that Satan, the spirit that rules in the living soul was rising up out from under the authority of man's conscience where the law of God is and was appearing in the personalities of men in the form of the carnal mind.”


“And I John, because Christ was appearing in my human spirit and was joined to me in my mind I had the ability to understand that Satan, the spirit that rules in the living soul was rising up out from under the authority of man's conscience where the law of God is and was appearing in the personalities of men.” And the above is the fulfillment of the prophecy in Isaiah 14:16. This is -- you can find this. I'm going to read you an alternate transla -- I'm going to read you the prophecy and I'm going to read you an alternate translation. If you'd like to review the message upon which I worked up this alternate translation. It is message 31 and I didn't write down the part number. I believe it was part number six. If you're looking for it and that's not it give me a call and I'll let you know, but I believe it's part 6, message 31. “They that see thee.” Speaking about Lucifer now. “They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee saying is this the man that made the earth to tremble that did shake kingdoms.” “They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee saying is this the man that made the earth to tremble that did shake kingdoms.”


Alternate translation Isaiah 14:16. “They who see you shall look you over carefully and analytically discern you and separate themselves from you in their minds. This is the man of the earth who is changing position from a tyrant to a woman who is laboring to bring forth the bodies and souls that Christ shall appear in.” Now, I suggest to you that this is the prophecy that declares that those who see -- and who are those that shall see you. Those that are joined to Christ in their mind. They are the only ones that are going to see Adam ruled by Satan for what he is and they’re going to see him, they're going to carefully and analytically discern him. They're going to separate himselves from them and the result of it is that Adam ruled by Satan shall be the man of earth who was changing position from a tyrant to a woman whose job it is to labor, to bring forth the bodies and souls that Christ shall appear in. Glory to God.


And this concert can be studied more fully if you desire to do so in series number 40. There are four parts to it and we talk in that series about how Christ is appearing in the mind of man and how he is requiring us to join with him and wage war against our own soul. OK, going on with having seven heads and 10 horns. “And upon his horns 10 crowns and upon his heads the name -- and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.” The number seven I remind you is the number of completion, and the word heads is Strong’s 2776, and it is used in the sense of seizing. The part most readily taken hold of and I'm suggesting to you that it is typifying that which -- that part which appears in the realm of appearance, that part which can be taken hold of, the part which can be handled.


The spirit cannot be handled, brethren, so I’m suggesting to you that it is a physical manifestation of spirit. And I remind you that the spiritual life exists underneath the earth of our souls. It can be likened to a root system if you want to apply this to plant life here on this planet. Spiritual life can be likened to a root system. You walk outside and you cannot see the root system. I have many plants here, you cannot see the root system. All that you see is the leaves. And I'm suggesting to you that when the spiritual life known as Satan fornicates with Eve and produces the carnal mind in a human manifestation we get what we call a head. It appears on the earth. You can call it a blade of grass. The Scripture calls it a head. Satan is putting forth human vessels on the face of the earth. This is the earth of the soul. The spirit is underneath the soul and this spiritual entity is producing human bodies across the face of the earth. And I suggest to you that this symbology of the book of Revelation describes these human beings as heads, something that you could lay hold of, something that you could handle. A form of spiritual life that you can lay hold of and handle. Glory to God.


I know I can't give you any scientific proof of this. I cannot give it to you in black and white. If you're having a problem with that you’ll have to pray about it. This is what the Lord has showed me, the word heads mean. Glory to God. So what are we saying? What does seven heads typify? Seven heads typifies the fullness of the visible manifestation of the beast as the man of the earth. At this point Satan is experiencing his full potential, that’s the number seven, to manifest as many bodies and souls as he possibly can. John is seeing the living soul at his most powerful point and we know that mankind is increasing in numbers and constantly increasing. And we also know that there are scriptures that indicate he has a limit. The Lord says he knows exactly how many members of the living soul there shall be.


If you have a piece of dough when you're rolling it out with the cookie-cutter or if your making a pie crust you may be an expert in rolling out a very thin pie crust or a very thin piece of cookie dough, but, brethren, that dough can only go so far and you could only cut so many members out of it and God just formed one lump of clay into a man and there are just so many members that could come out of it and at this point that John was looking at the living soul and having the ability to evaluate him he saw the living soul in the very most members that he was capable of manifesting. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


He had seven heads and he had 10 horns. The number 10 symbolizes the law. I hope I’ve established that to you over these last two years and the word horns means power we've talked about that many times. I'm not going to spend any time on it. Horns in this Scripture typifies power. So, what are we saying, 10 horns typify the fullness of the authority of the law. The power that is in the law and what is the power that is in the law. It is a negative power that is in the law. The law gives the authority to destroy. When we break the law we are wide open to Satan to be judged to receive demons, to receive curses and to receive death. The authority of the law is a negative authority and we saw that this beast had the fullness of that authority. And if this is the first message your hearing, I'm sorry if I’m shocking you, but Satan is not God's enemy. He is God's servant. He is the enforcer of God's law.


When man broke the spiritual law of God he became subject to the vengeance of Satan. And as I’ve taught on other messages, Satan, I don't think I want to get into that on this message. Satan -- I'll just say this briefly -- Has never changed his position. Before the fall man had authority over him and after the fall man fell down underneath the authority of Satan. Man in this hour is being resurrected shall once again stand upon his feet and have Satan under his feet. Satan has never changed. It is man, it is the soul of man that’s sinned by fornicating with him. Hallelujah. Glory of God.


Satan is the Prince of the power of the air. He is the ruler of the spiritual realm of the soul. Yes, I read that Scripture that all power and authority is given unto Jesus, but all power and authority to do what. To do what does anybody know? To defeat Satan. Where? Where is Satan going to be defeated? In our minds. How is Jesus going to defeat him? By imparting to us the ability to stop sinning. So that we can stand up, so that Satan will be under our feet. Brethren, if you want Satan off your back you have to stop sinning. It's his job to judge you when you sin. Now, for the Lord calls you, his judgment is designed to bring you to repentance. After the Lord calls you his judgment is designed to expose your sin. So that by the power of God it can be stamped out forever by the power of Jesus Christ.


He has a purpose in your life. He is the servant of almighty God and at this point that John is seeing him, he sees Satan with all of the power and authority of the law. And I declare to you he cannot hurt you unless there is sin in your mind. Not in your life, brethren -- in your life too, but you could be doing everything perfectly and if there is sin in your mind, Satan in a measure has dominion over you. It's different in everybody's life. He has more dominion in some people’s lives than in other people’s lives and if you -- this is the first message your hearing from this ministry I've got a surprise for you, brethren, there is no way that you have the power to stamp the sin out of your own mind. We are a fallen creation. We have morally fallen in our mind -- in our minds and it is the work of the Lord Jesus Christ, by his soul life to raise us back to a spiritual condition of morality in our minds and all that we could do was wait for it, pray and do the very best we can with what we've got. Hallelujah.


OK. I have a note here. I just don't want to leave it out, so I'm going to read it. Where in your mind? How? By imparting the ability not to sin to you, until Satan is defeated in your mind. So long as you sin in your mind the power and authority that is given to Jesus is not operating in you in that area. If you are sinning in any way in your mind Jesus Christ has not appropriated all power and authority over you’re vessel or over your mind in that area. And there is a warfare going on, because Jesus wants to appropriate all power and authority over your mind in that area, but if you are sinning he has not done it yet. Jesus is a King that has inherited a kingdom, which must be fought for. Yes, in principle and law He is the King of the whole human race, but in reality Satan rules until he is defeated in the minds of each individual or until Jesus Christ has overcome every kingdom or human being in which Satan rules, and that war is raging now. It's been raising for 2,000 years, brethren. Glory to God.


Ok. And the Scripture says, “And upon his horns 10 crowns.” Glory to God. Crowns typify the weaving together of the human soul and the spirit that rules him. We established this on message 36. You can review part two and if you want a second witness you can review Part 6, Message 3. Please note, that the crowns on the horns of the beast are not gold. When the crown is gold it means that your mind is woven together with the Lord Jesus Christ mind. But these crowns are not gold and I'm suggesting to you that they typify the souls of men being joined to the spirit of Satan. Glory to God.


Now, we are told that the crowns are upon the horns. We are told that the horn typifies authority of the law and what is the authority of the law. How does Satan enforce the law? He has the ability to reign down, to execute curses. We know it all -- all the authority comes from God. Curses can wind up on you and demons can wind up in your mind or in your body. So, if these crowns on the horns of the beast, if the beast is the living soul and the horns mean power and the crowns mean are weaving together of the mind of man plus the judgment associated with the horns what are we saying. That in the living soul the judgment that has been given unto Satan is resting or residing or is resident in the very minds of the men that are being judged.


We’ve talked about this. If you have a curse on you, brethren, it's in your mind. It's operating in the way that you think. You are not OK with some demon waiting for you around every corner. Either there is something corrupt in the way you're thinking that perpetuates the problem in your life or there is a demon in your mind that is bringing to pass disaster in your life and the way it got there is that you are joined to Satan in your mind and he is right there in your very own mind judging the sin that's in your mind by imparting wrong thinking and demons right into your own mind. Does anybody have a problem with that? The church world doesn't like to believe it, I'm sorry. It's true. You are not clean and innocent and being afflicted by all those wicked demons and curses.


You are a sinner, you are guilty and even though you have the Holy Spirit and even though you are forgiven, that sin must be dealt with, it must be expunged from you. Expelled from you. It's not enough to be forgiven. You must acknowledge your sin. You must separate yourself from it in your mind and I hope this doesn't shock you, but there are many people calling themselves Christians that are thinking sinful thoughts and sin is not only sex. It's not only sexual sin. They are thinking thoughts of envy, they are thinking thoughts of hatred. They are thinking thoughts that they don't even know is sin. They are thinking of charging their brethren interest on loans. They are thinking of going into partnerships. It’s against the word of God. There must be an authority in a relationship. There is sin in your mind and that sin is in the form of wrong thinking, curses or demons and all three are a product of your own mind.


If you are a victim at all, you are a victim of your own sin and your own ignorance. Well, if we still have the message on we’ll continue. OK. We’re still in Verse 1. “And he had horns and upon the horns 10 crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.” Singular name of blasphemy. The word name in Scripture typifies spirit. We known that the name of the Lord is Jesus Christ is his name. It's the spirit of Jesus Christ. Now the word blasphemy is Strong's 988 and it means speech injurious to one's good name, especially against God. Evil speaking, railing, it can also mean rejection and in this case rejection of God, so the name of blasphemy is a spirit that is produced as a result of rejecting and speaking evil against God. The spirit -- the name of blasphemy is the spirit that is produced as a result of rejecting and speaking evil against God. Does anybody know the name of that spirit? Antichrist. Amen.


OK. “And upon his heads the name of blasphemy.” This word upon is Strong's 1909 and it means superimposed, over on top of. It means two things in the same place. Glory to God. Now, I just want to call your attention to Revelation 13 Verse 16. I know we’re not up to this today, but I decided to put this in this message Verse 16 of Chapter 13 says, “And he causeth -- talking about the beast -- and he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads.” Now, there's a lot of people in the church that think that that Mark is a tattoo and I hope to show you that that Mark is the same spirit of blasphemy that received described in Verse 1 of Chapter 13, which says, “That upon his heads.” His heads meaning the human bodies with souls in them and upon the bodies of his manifestation in their souls he's going to have the spirit of antichrist.


And I hope to show you this mark in the right hand, in the four head of Verse 16 is the spirit of antichrist. Now, the word mark is Strong's 5480. It means a scratch ar an itching. This is not a surface tattoo, but clearly the impressing of the image of Satan upon the souls of men. It's the same word used to describe the image of Christ being impressed upon the souls of men. And in the one verse in Verse 1 of Chapter 13, the word upon is used in Verse 16 the word in is used in their hands or in their foreheads and if you look that up in Strong's they have different numbers, but when I looked at it in the Interlinear it was the same Greek word. In Verse 1 it's translated upon. In Verse 16 it's translated in. Strong says two different numbers, but in the Interlinear it was the same word.


So what are we saying? The spirit of rejection of God that is upon or on top of or one with the human beings, Satan has manifested is the very same Mark that the beast is causing men to receive in their foreheads and in their hands. The Mark -- it's just two different words expressed in the -- it’s the same thought expressed two different ways. The word foreheads is Strong’s 3359 and it means the face. The part that is seen, the personality. It's in the forehead and in the hand. It's in the personality and it’s in the behavior. The hand typifying the behavior. The name of blasphemy that's on the head. The head typifies the whole being. So Verse 1 expresses it in one way, saying it’s the name of blasphemy upon the heads and in Verse 16 it breaks it down into parts into the behavior and the personality, but I'm suggesting to you that this mark of the beast, it’s the same spirit of blasphemy or name of blasphemy that’s upon the heads of the beast, which is the whole human being. Glory to God.


An alternate translation. The third third of Revelation 13:1. “And he was appearing in the personalities of men to the fullest possible extent and he was enforcing the law with the maximum authority that was given to him and Satan's authority to judge men was woven together with and joint to their minds and the men in which he was manifesting revealed the spirit of antichrist. I want to go over this phrase at a time with you. “Having seven heads and he was appearing in the personalities of men to the fullest extent possible.” And 10 horns. “And he was enforcing the law with the maximum authority that was given to him. And upon his horns 10 crowns and Satan's authority to judge men was woven together with and joined to their minds.”


That's the curses, the wrong thinking and the demons. “And upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the men in which he was manifesting revealed the spirit of antichrist.” They revealed the image of antichrist. The mind of Cain. Mankind was manifesting the spirit of antichrist, why, because they had been separated from God and joined to Satan in their minds, why, as a result of sin. These are the descendents, these are the Angels that are bound with chains of darkness until the great white throne judgment. And we've just gotten out of a study about that. Mankind, we are the descendents of those fallen ones that were bound in chains of darkness to the mind of Satan reserved unto judgment.


And I remind you that there are two different kinds of judgment. There is a reaping and sowing judgment that Satan has the authority to inflict upon us. There's no deliverance out of that. God is not mocked. You shall reap what you sow. If you do evil, you shall receive evil. If you do good you shall receive a good recompense, but there's nothing in that judgment that can restore your mind back up to righteousness what you get out of the circle just going round and round and round reaping what you sow, so Satan judges you, but it's just a manifestation of hell, but when Jesus Christ comes to judge you it's called a white throne judgment. When Jesus Christ enters into your heart and starts judging sin, He destroys that sin utterly and replaces it with his righteousness and the end of his work in you is that you shall be restored to condition of spiritual morality and righteousness in your mind with what you shall not sin and where by Satan shall lose all authority over you and become a tame, domesticated ox, castrated bull that shall serve you. Glory to God.


Alternate translation. Revelation 13:1. “And because Christ was appearing in my human spirit and was joined to me in my mind I could understand that Satan, the spirit that rules in the living soul was rising up out from under the authority of man's conscience, where the law of God is and was appearing in the personalities of men.” And he was appearing in the personalities of men to the fullest extent possible and he was enforcing the law with the maximum authority that was given to him and Satan’s authority to judge men was woven together with and joined to their minds. And the men in which he was manifesting revealed the spirit of antichrist. And I just would like to call your attention to the deep significance of these last few verses.


“And he was appearing to the fullest extent possible and he was enforcing the law with the maximum authority that was given to him.” Sickness, pain, torment, accidents, fear are pouring out upon mankind at least in this country and Satan's authority to judge men was woven together with and joined to their minds. Their thinking was becoming more and more corrupt. Their demonic behavior was increasing. The more corrupt their minds, the more demonic their behavior the more Satan was judging them and he was driving them and is driving them down down into the pits of hell. We see it all around us, brethren, we were just talking about it before we turned the message on. And the last phrase  is, “And the men in which he was manifesting revealed the spirit of antichrist or the mind of Cain,” the exact opposite of the goodness and glory of God, pure hatred and reprobateness and utter corruption, and we know that man at his lowest points becomes involved in witchcraft, human sacrifice, the drinking of human blood and the destruction of the fruit of his own womb and homosexual behavior. Those are the lowest points of humankind. They start devouring each other, and it’s cropping up much too frequently in this country. We are reaching our lowest point in this country. Now, I remind you, this happened in ancient Rome, wiped out the whole civilization, but the human race was not raised back up to a condition of spiritual righteousness. Why? Because that judgment was a part of Satan’s reaping and sowing judgment. They reached the depths of depravity. The judgments fell, and the empire was wiped out. But there was no restoration.


But I declare to you that in this hour we have hope. Our hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall be, and is in fact in this hour appearing in the minds of men, and our hope is a resurrection back [?unto?into?] the moral righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is the only way we shall ever defeat this [?wild?vile?], venomous beast. Our own soul who causes us to sin, seduces us to sin and then renders judgment upon us, the ultimate wickedness. We’ve talked about this on other messages. We see it manifesting in human relationships. People will seduce you to sin and be the first one to denounce you. It’s a fact of human nature. That is just a manifestation of Satan manifesting through that person. We have no power over this beast outside of the Lord Jesus Christ. The only hope that we have until He begins to appear in our mind is to receive and obey the law of God, which is being trodden down horribly in this nation, and we’re falling in direct proportion to the revilement of the law of God. That’s the temporary Band-Aid. But our only hope for ultimate and complete salvation and deliverance from this beast is the appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ in our minds who will restore us to a condition of moral righteousness, which will raise us up so high that in comparison to us, the beast will be a little, wild, ravenous beast that has no power over us whatsoever.


In fact, we’ll take it a step further, the Scripture says, he’s going to be castrated and turned into a straw-eating ox. Right now he’s meat-eating, brethren, and the meat that he’s eating is your soul. And this is the picture of the beast, of the living soul, as it comes forth from the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Any questions on this message? Anybody?


I’d like to add a corrective comment to this message, just in case anybody listening misunderstood something that I said. On the surface it sounded contradictory, so I’m going to comment on it.


I said that Satan is not God’s enemy, he is God’s servant, and then I said that the Lord Jesus Christ has come to defeat Satan in your own mind. So if there’s a question in anybody’s mind as to why God would want to defeat his own servant, I would like to comment on that. Satan is not God’s enemy. He is God’s servant. Satan is the enemy of humankind. Our own unconscious mind, which is ruling in our own souls is the enemy of mankind. He’s your enemy, and he’s my enemy, and the reason that he’s our enemy is that he continuously seduces us to sin, and then he is God’s enforcer that executes judgment against us, and Jesus Christ has come to share his strength with us, to join his strength to us so that we can resist the temptation and the whispers of our own satanic mind, cease from sin, be restored to spiritual morality and righteousness, become one with the Lord Jesus Christ, whereby Satan will no longer be our enemy but will be our servant. When we are joined to the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who is the servant of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be our servant, and the service that he shall perform for us is that he shall give our personality and our bodies form in the new creation or in the creation of God. In this hour, our minds are separated from God, and Satan is not serving us. He is eating our flesh. He is involved in an illegal marriage to us. He is fornicating with us at will. He is using us in every sense of the word, and then he is receiving his pleasure from serving God in that he is the enforcer which executes judgment against us.


So I hope I explained that to you. If you have any questions, feel free to write me or call the ministry. God bless you.


05/03/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

05/07/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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