060 - Part 7
(Revelation 12)

Part 7 of 8 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.




Yea, saith the Lord indeed, the hour is at hand for the resurrection of the dead. Fret not, saith the Lord God, for the weakness of thy flesh and look not upon the hardness of thy God and see it in a negative way for indeed I shall strengthen thee saith the Lord. Yea, I shall put My law in thy minds and in thy heart, saith God. I shall make that forehead as hard as flint saith the Lord and thou shall indeed partake of the righteousness of My spirit. Fret not saith the Lord and cry not many tears for indeed My judgments are merciful saith God and My motives toward you are love and righteousness. Be as little children, saith the Lord. If thou canst not understand, submit thyselves to Me saith God and indeed thou shalt prosper, saith the Lord. I promise thee, saith God, that thou shalt prosper in submission. If thou canst understand I shall impart understanding to thee but if thou canst not humble thyself as a child before his Father, saith the Lord, and indeed thou shalt prosper in submission.




Yea, saith the Lord the living soul, even the wife of God in this hour fulfills her obligation, yea even in this day the man-child is appearing, saith the Lord. Yea, and the birth shall be complete, saith God. Indeed, in this hour she shall not come to the birth and fail to bring forth as she did in natural Israel. Yea, My Son saith the Lord, even Christ Jesus, is already appearing, saith the Lord, yea, even the crown is appearing in the earth, saith God. And the labor is coming forth, saith the Lord. And indeed the child shall be born, and yea, even the dragon stands at the side of the woman seeking to devour her child as soon as it was born. But, saith the Lord, he shall not prevail, for indeed My Son shall overcome by the power of My spirit and he shall come forth in every member of the human race and of the living soul. And I shall appear, saith the Lord, in my Christ and my Christ shall appear in the living soul. And I shall reconcile all things into one in Me, saith the Lord. And indeed the culmination of all things are at hand, saith the Lord. Yea, I shall brew Satan under thy feet, saith the Lord. Thinkest not that I could do these things. Thinkest that this is a fantasy, saith the Lord? Watch Me, for indeed the hour is at hand and I saith unto thee, I shall brew Satan under thy feet and I shall swallow him up and I shall restore your mind to moral righteousness, saith the Lord. And I shall restore thy body, saith God. And I shall have a people and I shall appear in the earth and righteousness shall proceed forth from the earth, saith God. And My plan that was ordained from before the foundation of the earth, it shall be fulfilled, saith the Lord, onto every jot and onto every tittle and nothing shall go undone. And there is no enemy that I shall not bring into submission. And there is no enemy that I shall not reconcile. And there is no tear that I shall not dry up. And there is no abomination that I shall not purify by My spirit.


Take heart, saith the Lord, for the hour is at hand that the lepers, yea even the lepers, shall be made clean. The sick shall be healed and the demonized shall be delivered. Yea, saith the Lord, look up for indeed the hour is at hand. The worth knowest it not. The church looks in the wrong direction but I say unto you, those who have ears to hear and eyes to see, the trump is sounding and this hour, yea even the last trump, and I shall do this thing and you shall see it with your eyes, saith the Lord, and indeed thou shalt even partake in it.




Glory to God. Glory to God. Thank you, Jesus. Hallelujah.


Recap, Revelation 12:13-14. “And when the unconscious mind of man perceived that some of the members of the living soul had brought him into submission to the soul of Jesus Christ within their own minds, He troubled those members of the living soul which had not yet birthed the spiritual man which would defeat Satan in their minds also, even Christ Jesus. And the Father and the Son were given to the living soul, even the soul life of Jesus Christ, and she became a spiritual being under the protection of Christ so that she could, by the power of the Christ which has been conceived in her mind, enter into that spiritual state of being where she resists and wages war against her husband, Satan, but is not yet joined to Jesus. That place where her mind is being turned away from the image of the unconscious mind of man, even Satan, and converted from evil to righteousness, a condition which will manifest in one lifetime for some members of the living soul but will take more than one lifetime in other members of the living soul. And in yet other members of the living soul will manifest halfway through one lifetime.”


Verse 15. “And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.” We’ve already established, hopefully, that the serpent is Satan, the unconscious mind of man, and this word cast out, it’s Strong’s 906, we had it in a few previous verses. This is not the word that means to cast down under, it means to cast forth, literally to spit out, to spew out, and the word mouth, we’ve had that over the past few months, it’s Strong’s 4750, and it merely means a gash in the earth, or the front, or the edge, and I’m suggesting to you that what it means here is that it’s the opening in our spiritual being where the unconscious mind of man communicates with the conscious mind of man. It’s that opening through which His spiritual life vibrates forth when He reaches out to touch man in his conscious mind. “And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood.” This word, water, is Strong’s 5204 and we talked a lot about water and I’ve preached and I hope, you know, if you have any problem you can talk to me about it. I don’t think anyone has a problem that water typifies spiritual life in the realm of the soul. We’ve taught that spiritual life in the realm of God’s spirit is typified by vapor, spiritual life dwelling in the realm of the soul is typified by water. That’s why Jesus said he’s going to be rivers of living waters, because that is the spirit of God dwelling in the realm of the soul. So, when we talk about water it could either be talking about the spiritual life of Jesus Christ or it could be talking about the spiritual life of Satan. There is no distinction made here, just as we found out when the Scripture talks about the earth there is frequently no distinction whether that earth is typifying the soul of Adam or the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ. It just means soul. So we have the word water, talking about spiritual power in the realm of the soul, and I’m going to suggest to you that for this verse it’s talking about the spiritual life of Satan which proceeds forth as curses, but basically the spiritual life of Satan. “And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman.” Now, this word flood is Strong’s 4215 and it means drinkable, running water. It could also be translated river but the major important point behind it is that it’s drinkable and I think most of us know that the water from the ocean is not drinkable, that salt water will make you sick, you can’t drink that, but a river is clear water and it’s drinkable water and the spiritual implication of that, I’m suggesting to you, is water or spiritual life that you can be joined with.


Now remember, Jesus said, “You have to eat My flesh and drink My blood,” and we know that there’s a constant joining together of spiritual life and I’m suggesting to you that if a spiritual life is typified by running water, it’s a form of spiritual life that has the ability to join with us, we have the ability to drink of it, and when we partake or drink of that spiritual life, that spiritual life will be revealed in our words, in our thoughts, in our deeds. So now we’re talking about the spirit of Satan when as spewed out water out of his mouth as a flood, he spewed out the manifestation of his spirit in a form that could be joined to the living soul. It was drinkable water. I’ll make this comment here that when Satan spews out water that’s joined to the living soul, what he’s doing is producing his image in the conscious mind of the living soul. He’s spewing out water from his mouth. It’s drinkable water. It’s going into the conscious minds of the living soul. It’s joining with her and his image is being reproduced continuously in the words, thoughts, and deeds of the woman.


“And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman.” And this word, after, is Strong’s 3694, and it means to the back, behind, and I’m going to suggest to you that that’s referring to her conscious mind. Now I don’t want to confuse you. At first I looked at it and I said well that sounds like the unconscious mind to the back, but all that I can say to you, this is my thinking and I leave it up to you, we have three areas of thought. We have the unconscious mind, we have the conscious mind, and then we have behavior that is appearing. And this water, which we already know is the spiritual life of Satan, chased after the woman. It came after her. And I’m suggesting to you that this is that in-between realm of the conscious mind. It is that which is behind her behavior. Nevertheless, it’s not the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is Satan. And the spiritual life of Satan went after the woman as drinkable water to join with her and it went to the place that was behind the behavior of the woman. So, what we’re saying here is that the unconscious mind of Satan joined with the conscious mind of the woman but this had not yet manifested in her behavior. Did I confuse anybody? Does anybody have a problem with that?


Alternate Translation, first half Revelation, Chapter 12, Verse 15. “And Satan, the unconscious mind of man, communicated a spiritual command into the conscious mind of the living soul. And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman.” “Satan, the unconscious mind of man, communicated a spiritual command into the conscious mind of the living soul.” Continuing with, “That he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.” Verse 4160 is the word to cause, and it means to form, to produce, to construct, to fashion, but for our purposes today we’re going to keep the King James translation. We’re going to use it, to cause, we’re going to translate it to cause, and these words carried away of the flood, that’s one Greek word, carried away of the flood, it’s Strong’s 4216, and it means to be overwhelmed by a stream of water, to be carried away of waters. In other words, if somebody would enter into a river and the current would carry them away. Now, this word comes from 4215, which is the same word that we just talked about. It’s translated flood, carried away of the flood, and it comes from that word, flood, and a second word, which is Strong’s 5409, which means to wear as clothing or to be a constant accompaniment. I remind you this word flood means drinkable running water and when we talk about being carried away of the flood we’re saying that this drinkable running water, which is the spirit of Satan, is being worn, is being absorbed by the soul, by the conscious mind of the living soul, and is being worn as a garment. So what are we saying here? That when she’s carried away of the flood, what are we saying? Satan generates a thought in the unconscious mind. It flows into the conscious mind of the members of the living soul and she does not have the power to resist it so the reality of what happens is that she fornicates with the thought and she is joined to Satan, she is remarrying him every time. She fornicates with him. She is emphasizing the fact that she is his wife and she is producing his image, where? In the minds of the members of the living soul, in their words, in their thoughts, and in their deeds.


Alternate Translation, the second half of Revelation 12:15. “So that his spirit could overwhelm her and join her to him as a constant companion, or as a husband.”


Alternate Translation, the whole of Revelation 12:15. “And Satan, the unconscious mind of man, communicated a spiritual command into the conscious mind of the living soul so that his spirit could overwhelm her and join her to him as a constant companion, or as a husband.” Brethren, what are we saying here? Listen to the implication of this. This is a diagram. This is a blow-by-blow understanding of how Satan keeps the living soul captive. Now listen to this. There are members of the living soul in which Christ is appearing. Satan has not given up. He is still doing his deeds. If Christ is conceived in you, if Christ is operating in you, Satan is still generating thoughts out of your unconscious mind and they are entering into your conscious mind and if you have not yet arrived at a place in Christ where you can lay whole of that thought that’s rising up out of the pit of your soul and put it under the feet of Christ in you, that satanic thought is going to fornicate with your conscious mind and you, a believer, will think, say, or do something that is satanic. This is a diagram of what’s happening in the depths of our very spiritual being. So, what are we saying here? If you recall, from the few verses before this, the Sons of God were birthed in the first-fruits company in a few members of the living soul and as a result of that, back in Verse 6, the woman fled into the wilderness. We said that Christ appeared in a few members of the living soul and the result of that was the balance of the members of the living soul fled into a wilderness, a place where God prepared for her, that she should receive the teaching of the word of God and the judgment upon her sins that were being ministered by the Sons of God.


Verse 7. “And there was war in heaven.” Well, what’s going on? The Lord Jesus Christ is appearing in more and more members and there is war raging in the spiritual realm of the soul. Brethren, Satan has not laid down and given us up. He’s going to fight until there’s nothing left in him to fight with. And we’re told in Verse 8 and Verse 9 that Satan was cast out of heaven. He was cast down to the earth, OK, and his angels were cast out with him, and this is talking about a group of believers. Now, this is not the first-fruits company. After the first-fruits company starts ministering, there’s going to be another group of believers that are going to come up. Satan is going to be cast down out of heaven and Christ is going to start prevailing in their minds and, if you remember from the past teachings, we’re told in Verses 10 through 12 how they overcame and then in Verse 13 it says, “and when the dragon saw that he was cast to the earth he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man-child,” and I believe it was in the last message we explained that this sounds like a contradiction. If Satan was put down under the feet of Christ, how could he persecute the woman which brought forth the man-child? Well, apparently, brethren, there are still members of the living soul in whom Satan was not underfoot. Now, they may have conceived Christ, and I think we’re going to find out as we go on that this group has conceived Christ but, brethren, it’s possible to have Christ conceived in you and to still be under the authority of Satan. We’ve taught that here. A lot of people would get very upset and emotional about that but, if you’re listening to this message, just stop to think about it. Christ is conceived in seed form and He is originally weaker than Satan. He has to rise up and, by the power of His Father, overcome Satan in the mind of that believer. So, when Satan saw that he was put under the feet of Christ in the minds of all of these believers, he fled after the remainder of the members of the living soul that did not yet have the power to put Satan under their feet and he started persecuting them.


Now check this out. Once you enter into the place where you are putting Satan under the feet of Christ in you, you are no longer the woman. You have been transferred into the man company. Glory to God. You have entered into the company of Christ Jesus. You have entered into the company of Christ Jesus. You are only a part of the woman company. You can’t have conceived Christ and still be a part of the woman company. You must be living out of that soul of Christ. You must be exercising it. You must be using it by the authority of God to overcome Satan. And when Satan is under the feet of Christ in you, you are now a member of the man-child company. So, the woman typifies those members of the living soul in whom Christ is not prevailing. Now notice, please, how God puts in the same category people that have not conceived Christ, people that may not even have received the Holy Spirit, and people that have not only received Christ but have conceived Him, but are not living out of Him. There are only two categories of people, brethren. Either you are producing the image of Satan or you are producing the image of Christ.


Now this is a very hard word. If I’ve upset you, pray about it. The truth is going to set you free. It’s the truth. It’s not the Holy Spirit, it’s not speaking in tongues, it’s not dancing, it’s not good works, it’s the moral condition of your mind, and the only way that you can be a member of the man-child company is if you are living out of Christ Jesus because there’s no way you’re going to have a moral mind if you’re not living out of Christ Jesus. There’s no human way to do it. It’s got to be a supernatural way to do it by the power of Almighty God and it’s not your works, and it’s not your deeds. It’s got to be your motive and the only way your motives can be righteous is if you’re living out of Christ Jesus. It’s the only way. You cannot fool God. So, there are only two categories of people in the earth. In this Book of Revelation and these Scriptures, God is just dealing with two categories of people. I don’t care if you’ve been born-again all your life, if your grandmother and five generations before you have been born-again. I don’t care if you preach, I don’t care if you’re a missionary. Brethren, if you’re not living out of the soul of Christ you are in the category known as the woman. You are female, you are weak, and you need a savior. There’s only one mediator between God and man and that is the man Christ Jesus and your savior is manifesting in those members of the living soul that in that hour are manifesting Christ. It’s a hard word but it’ll set you free. Don’t let your pride get you. If you’re not living out of Christ just ask God to help you. Don’t be tripped up by your pride, brethren, just pray.


OK, so we’re in Verse 15, and we found out, well, in Verse 14 from the weak before the woman flew into the wilderness with the wings of a great eagle for a place where she was nourished, by who? By the man-child company. And Satan looked at these members of the living soul and he says, “I can’t get them.” He says, “I can spew out suggestions from the unconscious mind as much as I want and this company, these members of the living soul, every time I generate an ungodly thought, they are sending down lightning from heaven and they are destroying it, and I’m not going to waste my time with these people, I’m going after the members of the living soul that are not yet mature enough to either recognize my thought when it comes up from the pit of their unconscious mind or are not strong enough to overcome it even though they recognize it. I’m going to go after them.” “And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman company, those members of the living soul that had not yet come to a place where they were living out of Christ, where they had authority to put Satan under their heel, to crush that ungodly thought before it fornicated with their conscious mind,” and the reason that he did this, his motive for casting water as a flood out of his mouth after the woman was that he would cause her to continue to be his wife. Satan wants to manifest in the minds and bodies of men. Everything he does is motivated by that basic root need. We talk about ourselves as human beings. We have needs for food, for clothing, for shelter, for love and affection. Satan has a need, brethren, to manifest through us and he is not going to stop trying until every last member of the living soul has put him underfoot. How? Because they are living out of Christ. Where? In their minds. Glory to God.


Now I took an old Alternate Translation for you here. It’s the Alternate Translation from Revelation 10:3 and I want to show you that the spiritual principle that we’re teaching here is the same exact thing as when Jesus Christ rises up from your unconscious mind and enters into your conscious mind and copulates with you. It’s legal when Jesus Christ does it and it produces the image of Christ but it’s the same spiritual happening, whether it’s the legal spirit doing it or whether it’s the illegal spirit doing it. The way mankind functions is that a spirit generates a thought. It rises up from their unconscious mind. It approaches the conscious mind and either fornicates or copulates with it and it produces offspring. If it’s the illegal spirit it produces the carnal mind and if it’s the spirit of Jesus Christ it produces the soul of Jesus Christ or the image of Jesus Christ.


And I’m going to read you the Alternate Translation of Revelation Chapter 10, Verse 3. “And the spirit of Jesus Christ in the unconscious mind in the Sons of God disclosed a forceful, authoritative message.” Where? To their conscious minds. “And when the mind of Jesus Christ spoke to the Sons of God,” where? In their conscious minds. “The sons of God repeated that message to the men they were preaching to in a language that the men could understand.” The spirit of Jesus Christ was the unconscious mind. It spoke to the conscious mind of the men that were in submission to him. There was a spiritual copulation that took place and when the Sons of God spoke the words or the intentions of the spirit of Jesus Christ those men became Christ. So we have the spirit of Jesus Christ copulated with the conscious mind of the men that He was dwelling in and fruit was produced, Christ, and Christ spoke out through the mouths of these men and nourished and fed the members of the living soul that they were responsible for. Glory to God.


I will read the Alternate Translation of Verse 15 one more time. “And Satan, the unconscious mind of man, communicated a spiritual command into the conscious mind of the living soul so that the reason that his motive was that his spirit could overwhelm her, the living soul, and join her to him as a constant companion, or as a husband, or so that his image would be produced.” Where? In her mind. How? In her thoughts, her words, and her deeds.


Verse 16. “And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.” The earth, I think we’ve established successfully here, typifies the soul and I’m going to suggest to you, in this case, that it’s typifying the soul of Jesus Christ, because I don’t believe that the Adamic soul would be helping a woman, and the soul of Jesus Christ helped the woman. This word helped, Strong’s 997, it merely means aid or relief. Why did she need aid or relief? She couldn’t stop fornicating with this unconscious mind of Satan and she was paying the price of producing the carnal mind and all of the demons that are a part of him. She could not stop so the soul, or the earth of Jesus Christ, helped her. Helped her to what? Helped her to stop. “And the earth opened her mouth.” Glory to God. This word open is Strong’s 455 and there was a comment in Thayer’s lexicon which says, “The mouth of one is said to be open, who recovers the power of speech,” and I’m suggesting to you that the soul of Jesus Christ opened her mouth. Now I just realized that the pronoun is feminine. I didn’t check that out but, to the best of my knowledge, in the Greek it’s one pronoun and it’s translator’s license to say whether it’s male or female, but I’ll try and check that out for you by next week. It has to be male. “And the earth helped the woman and the soul of Jesus Christ assisted the woman to stop fornicating and the soul of Jesus Christ recovered the power of speech and the soul of Jesus Christ opened his mouth, he recovered the power of speech.” What does that mean? It means that at some point the soul of Jesus Christ, the image of Almighty God, was appearing in men and He had the power to speak through men. We know that He did in Seth and that He did in Enoch and that He did in Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japeth before the fall. Jesus Christ had the power of speech.


Brethren, to speak you need a body, you need a mouth, and you need vocal cords. There’s a difference between language and speech. The soul of Jesus Christ recovered his ability to speak. He took authority over the minds of these members of the living soul and he generated their thoughts, their words, and their deeds, so we’re saying the earth of Jesus Christ helped the living soul to stop fornicating with Satan and the earth of Jesus Christ recovered His power of speech and He swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast after the woman.


I have an Alternate Translation for you of the first half of Revelation 12: 16. “And the soul of Jesus Christ helped the living soul and Christ Jesus manifested and put the Adamic soul under his feet.” Because what did He say when He recovered the power of speech? “I rebuke you, Satan. I will not receive that word but I will speak the thoughts of the Lord Jesus Christ.” And the soul of Jesus Christ helped the living soul and Christ Jesus manifested and recovered His power of speech and He put the Adamic soul under his feet. Continuing with, “And he also swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.” The word swallowed up is Strong’s 2666. It means to drink down, to devour, to consume. And the word flood is the same word as up above, 4215, drinkable running water, and the soul of Jesus Christ consumed the drinkable running water, which is the spirit of Satan, which the dragon cast out of his mouth for the specific purpose of sustaining his marriage to the living soul.


Alternate Translation, second half Revelation 12:16. “And He consumed the satanic spiritual power that was controlling the conscious mind of the woman, forcing her to be joined to him in marriage.” And Jesus Christ consumed the satanic spiritual power that was controlling the conscious mind of the woman forcing her to be joined to Satan in marriage.


Alternate Translation, the whole of Revelation 12:16. “And the soul of Jesus Christ helped the living soul and Christ Jesus manifested and put the Adamic soul under His feet and He consumed the satanic spiritual power that was controlling the conscious mind of the woman forcing her to be joined to Satan in marriage.” Glory to God. Satan swallowed up by the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ. How did Jesus Christ help the woman? He swallowed up the satanic mind. Glory to God. We hear a lot in the church about how God is our help and how He gets us a new job and how He heals us and how He delivers us. That’s all temporary, brethren. There used to be a preacher that used to call it a spiritual Band-Aid. I’m not against it. It’s good, it’s a mercy of God, but, brethren, it’s just temporary. The help that God is going to help you with is the fact that He shall be conceived in you and He shall swallow up your satanic mind. That is the help that is promised by Almighty God unto the members of the living soul. Everything else up until that point is first aid. It’s first aid. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


OK, Verse 17. “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” The word wroth is Strong’s 3710. It means to provoke or enrage, but it is from the root 3709, which we have studied in the past. It is the Greek word orgy and it’s appeared several times in this Book of Revelation and I’ll remind you that it means a reaching forth or an excitement of the mind and it’s talking about witchcraft power reaching forth for that which it wants, to obtain it by spiritual ungodly witchcraft power. So, when the dragon was wroth with the woman, he was lusting for her and, brethren, I remind you the Scripture draws a clear parallel between human sexuality and spiritual sexuality. Satan is fornicating with the living soul and he was lusting for her. He wasn’t mad at her, the dragon was wroth with the woman. He was not mad at her, he was lusting for her, and he was enraged. It was a lust that had been worked up to a point of a rage and he was not about to lose his sexual object, because we know that he doesn’t love her, so therefore she must be a sex object to him, and he was enraged. Why was he enraged? What was the motive for his rage? The motive for his rage was that he lusted for her and his having her was being threatened. Glory to God. “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed.” This word, make war, it’s Strong’s 4171. It merely means to wage war or to battle. And the word remnant is Strong’s 3062. It means those who remain. The word is masculine. It is the masculine plural of Strong’s 3007 and the fact that it’s masculine, brethren, indicates that these are members of the human soul who are living in Christ, because if they were not living in Christ they would be female. It means the things that remain but are wanting.


The seed of the living soul is Jesus Christ. I hope nobody has a problem with that. The living soul, brethren, to date, has only produced three seeds. The first seed was Cain and Abel, and we know that Cain overpowered Abel and God cast him out, he was an unprofitable seed. Abortion, it aborted. The second seed of the living soul was Seth. Seth indeed did produce the image of Jesus Christ but fell, where? In his mind. And the third seed that this living soul has produced, to date, is Jesus Christ. This is the only male seed, Jesus Christ, so the seed of the woman is Jesus Christ and the remnant of her seed are those members of the living soul who have conceived Christ. You cannot be male if Christ is not there. If Christ is not present you are female. So, the remnant of her seed are those who have conceived Christ but I am suggesting to you have not yet stood up in full stature.


Now, brethren, there are in-between stages where we can be kicking every ungodly thought to death as it rises up from the pit of our mind but Christ is still not yet in full stature. And what I’m suggesting to you is that this remnant typifies a group of believers who are having a lot of success in destroying all the satanic thoughts rising up in their minds but where there is still that marginal chance that Satan could cause them to fall. Christ was not yet standing in full stature where it would be impossible to fall in sin. I hope you all realize that it’s a process, that each day of our life that goes by we acquire more power to keep Satan under our feet, and the remnant of the seed that the dragon went after were those members of the living soul that had conceived Christ, that were living out of him, that was implementing the power to keep Satan underfoot, but in whom Christ had not yet stood up in full stature so that, therefore, Satan had a chance of causing them to fall.


And the word seed, “He went to make war with the remnant of her seed,” that’s Strong’s 4690, and that is something sewn. It means sperm. Again, we have the male implication. He did not go to make war with the members of the living soul that were living out of the satanic mind, brethren. They’re at peace. If you are a member of the living soul, if you are a member of the church and you are living in peace, you better believe Satan’s not bothering you and the reason he’s not bothering you is probably that you’re not living out of Christ. Very frequently we see believers in an intense ministry where there’s a lot of warfare and life is very hard and every day is a battle and a struggle and they get into some kind of a problem and they decide to back off out of the ministry and almost immediately their problems, 90 percent of their problems, subside and they say, “You see, God didn’t want me in that ministry. I was having all those problems in that ministry and now my financial problems are gone and my body is healed and I’m back together with my husband. That must have been a real mistake. God didn’t want me in that ministry.” Brethren, get your head straight. Satan does not bother you if you’re serving God.


I’m suggesting to you that those that keep the commandments of God are those human souls -- now remember, when Adam was commanded to keep the garden in the garden of Eden, what the Lord was saying to him was, “Don’t let your human spirit be fertilized by Satan. Guard it, encamp a military encamp around your human spirit who is defenseless. I’m naming you as conscience and when the ungodly thought rises up from Satan you protect your human spirit from fornicating with it.” And Adam did not execute his office. He did not defend his human spirit. She fornicated with Satan and the human race fell and what we see in this hour is that by the power of Almighty God and His Christ, the job of the human spirit to be conscience, the strength, the spiritual strength, to defend our spirit from fornicating with Satan is being restored to the minds of men. When that thought rises up from our unconscious mind, hate your brother. Our consciences, our human soul, is being strengthened to the point to say, “I recognize you as an ungodly thought and I will not permit my spirit to fornicate with you,” and the conscience, or the human soul, goes to war with the thought that has been generated by Satan.


Now, what happened in the garden was that Adam had a knowledge of right and wrong but he did not have the spiritual power. Now we don’t know whether he fought Satan or not. I don’t find it in the Scripture anywhere whether Adam did or did not resist when that thought rose up from the unconscious mind, but possibly he did resist him, possibly he did sound the alarm and say this is an ungodly thought, but Adam, in that hour, was without spiritual power to resist. God said resist but he didn’t have the power to do it. In this hour, if Jesus Christ has been conceived in your mind, your human soul is being strengthened and it is being given spiritual authority to defend your human spirit from fornicating with the ungodly thoughts being generated by Satan that cause us to die. And this is what the Lord is saying. We are being restored, brethren. Where? In our minds and our human souls, which is the conscience of man, is being brought to a place where he can recognize that sin and wage war against it and defend the human spirit and keep her a virgin. Why? Keep her unmarried. I said one of the translations of that word was to keep unmarried. Why would we want to keep our human spirits unmarried? Because she must be a virgin until Christ appears in her. She must be a virgin until she marries Christ and produces His image. And how is the human soul receiving this re-strengthening? Does anybody know? Anybody know the answer to that? It’s receiving this re-strengthening because our spiritual substance is being exchanged or transferred into the soul of Jesus Christ. You see, the Adamic soul does not have the power to defend the human spirit. The power and the authority is in the soul of Jesus Christ and Christ is there and the Father is there are we are there and when we dwell out of the soul of Christ, when we are living in Christ, when we dwell in Christ, when our motives, when our thoughts are coming out of Christ, we shall have not only a knowledge of right and wrong but the spiritual authority to stop Satan in the way and step on his head and say, “You will not fornicate with my spirit and produce your wickedness in my soul.” Glory to God.


Brethren, having Christ is not enough. You must be living out of Him. Glory to God. If you’re not, please don’t be condemned, just ask God for the power to do it. You have been granted great grace in this hour. Don’t let it slip through your fingers. Wage war, I encourage you. Wage war in the realm of the spirit. We’re admonished to be peacemakers in this realm of appearance. We’re admonished to be peacemakers amongst each other but within our own spiritual being wage a righteous Holy war, brethren, by the power of Christ in you against the satanic mind that would destroy you, if it could, and it will stop at nothing. Glory to God.


So what do we have here? “And Satan lusted to manifest through the woman and waged war against those members of the living soul who had conceived Christ but in whom He was not yet standing in full stature, those members of the living soul which keep the commandments of Almighty God.” They’re living out of Christ but they’re in a place where it’s still possible to trip them up, if Satan is just smart enough or if the Lord allows it, if the Lord allows it for learning purpose, or whatever. He’s not in full stature and Satan goes to those people, the ones that keep the commandments of God, the ones that are living out of Christ, and the ones that have the testimony of Jesus Christ. And this word, testimony, is the Greek word martyr. It means evidence, record, report, witness. We studied it, I believe, two messages ago.


And in Revelation 12:11, we are told, “They overcome by the word of their testimony, or their motives which witness to the fact that the life of Jesus Christ was present.” In other words, their word or their mental faculty, or their motive, witnesses to the fact that the life of Jesus Christ dwells within them. So, these that have the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ are those that have the life of Jesus Christ conceived in them and are living out of that life. Don’t forget the last verse, brethren. Christians just love to forget the next verse. And He’ll give you anything you want but they don’t want to hear that which you ask, which is in His will. He’ll grant you any prayer but they never read the verse that says, “that’s within His will.” Brethren, you’ve got to live out of the grace that has been imparted to you. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


So, what am I saying? Satan went to make war against those members of the living soul who are being strengthened in their consciences to the point that they could resist Satan’s unconscious seduction of their own mind. And the reason that they had the power to resist, or their motives for resisting -- and what I’m talking about is a desire for righteousness, what are your motives for resisting? Your motive for resisting is that you want to be righteous -- indicates that the live of Jesus Christ has been conceived in them. And I remind you that there would be no warfare if there was no resistance and the fact that Satan waged war indicates that these members of the living soul were indeed resisting him. How? By the power of the indwelling Christ. Therefore, they must have conceived Christ.


Alternate Translation, the second half of Revelation 12:17. “Those who have the power to guard their human spirits against illegal fertilization, which would result in the image of Satan appearing in their minds, because their righteous motives, which are rooted in the soul of Jesus Christ, are generating the power to do so.”


Alternate Translation, Revelation 12:17. “And Satan lusted to manifest through the woman, and waged war against those members of the living soul who had conceived Christ but in whom He was not yet standing in full stature, those who have the power to guard their human spirits against illegal fertilization, which would result in the image of Satan appearing in their minds.” Why? Because their righteous motives, which are rooted in the soul of Jesus Christ, are generating the power to overcome Satan. Glory to God. Brethren, the only way you’re ever going to overcome him is through a desire for righteousness. Hallelujah.


Recap, Revelation 12:15-17. “And Satan, the unconscious mind of man, communicated a spiritual command into the conscious mind of the living soul so that his spirit could overwhelm her and join her to him as a constant companion, or a husband. And the soul of Jesus Christ helped the living soul and Christ Jesus manifested and put the Adamic soul under His feet, and he consumed the satanic spiritual power that was controlling the conscious mind of the woman forcing her to be joined to him in marriage. And Satan lusted to manifest through the woman and waged war against those members of the living soul who had conceived Christ but in whom he was not yet standing in full stature, those who have the power to guard their human spirits against illegal fertilization which would result in the image of Satan appearing in their minds because their righteous motives, which are rooted in the soul of Christ, are generating that overcoming power.” Hallelujah.


Any questions today? Glory to God. Hallelujah.


The unconscious mind is like a water from Satan that flows into the conscious mind?


Yes, I’m saying that the Scripture describes spirit as liquid and the way liquid moves is that it flows and spirit flows.


So, when this water comes through the unconscious mind to the conscious mind, where does Christ rise up from to -- I mean, the picture I’m getting is like that Christ is going to rise up and just stomp out that thought before it comes through. Is this right?


That’s correct, and where he’s coming from is that he’s living right there. You have two unconscious minds. You have the unconscious mind of Satan and you have the unconscious mind of Jesus Christ. You’re double souled. So, when Satan tries to manifest, Christ is going to rise up and cut him off at the pass before he can fertilize your spirit and manifest in your conscious mind. And Christ is right there.


Through the back of the mind too?


Yes, he comes through the back of the mind too.


04/25/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

05/05/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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