060 - Part 4
(Revelation 12)

Part 4 of 8 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


But I'd like to share it with you, and it's with regard to instructions from the Lord. And I'm sure we've all experienced this, that we get a word from God, and it comes upon us in great power and we feel the anointing and we know it's God. And then, the next day or the next week or the next month, we sit there and we say, did God tell me that? You know, I don't -- you know, was it really God? You know, or was I imagining it? Or -- oh, God couldn't have told me that, you know?


All th- -- and I'm sure that we all go through this, and I'm the kind of person that when I understand the way something operates, it really helps me to overcome, and this is what God told me. The reason that that happens is this. It's likened unto the planting of a seed. It's a word that God gives us, and it's a seed in our heart. And the way that He plants the seed is that He propels it with great force into the earth of our mind. And the way we perceive it is that it's a move of His Spirit upon us. With the great strength of the move of His Spirit, He plants that seed in the earth of our mind, and then the seed remains, and the power of His Spirit leaves.


And we find ourself [sic] in the same condition that Adam that felt him -- found himself in when the Lord removed Himself from Adam and said, Adam, I'm separating myself from you because I want you to multiply. And in place of Me, in place of My Spirit -- excuse me -- I'm leaving you with the law of God. Thou shalt not, thou shalt not, thou shalt not. But I'm removing My Spirit. I'm removing all power for you to implement the law. And we all know that Satan rose up, and Adam knew what was right and he knew what was wrong, and he did not have the strength to overcome Satan.


So this is the condition that we find ourself [sic] in. The power of His Spirit withdraws, and we're left with the word with no power to overcome Satan who rises up in our mind and says, now, did God really say that? It's the same thing that happened in the garden. And I just -- it's just really -- this word's just really strengthened me because I ju- -- now that I know what I have to do, I know -- when this doubt and unbelief comes into my mind, I understand what happened, that the power of the Spirit left and that I better not yield to this doubt and unbelief and that God said it to me. God said it to me.


And I know a prophet -- another prophet that I have a lot of respect for told me, years ago, you know, we're told to try the Spirit on the prophet. And I always thought that that meant, well, if it comes to pass, it's a true prophet. And if it doesn't come to pass, they're a false prophet and they're supposed to be stoned. It's the law. You're supposed to be cast down. But this woman taught me, and she said, no, God told me that's not true. She said, what about Isaiah and Jeremiah? It was years before those prophecies came to pass. You have to try the Spirit while the prophecy is coming forth, while it's being spoken. You have to make a discernment whether this is God or this is not God, and if you discern that the spirit is Christ, then you believe it, even if it doesn't come -- it hasn't come to pass for 30 years.


The judgment must be made on the spirit at the moment that it's coming forth. So if you get a word from God and you make a judgment that this was God, be prepared. The power that propelled the seed into your mind is going to withdraw, and Satan is going to rise up from your unconscious mind and say, now, did God really say that? Hallelujah. So the Lord wanted me to share that with you, and it's already strengthened me. When Satan says that to me, I say, yes, He said it. Yes, He said it. Glory to God.




Yea, sayeth the Lord. Indeed, I am exalted above all gods. Yea, even My name, sayeth the Lord Jesus Christ, I have exalted Him above all other gods, sayeth the Lord.




Yea, indeed, in this hour, the world thinks that they tread Me underfoot, sayeth God. And, indeed, for a season, even My two witnesses have lain in the street. Yea, even righteousness and truth have lain in the street and be trodden upon, sayeth the Lord. But in this hour, sayeth God, indeed, the spirit of life is entering into my two witnesses, and they shall stand, sayeth God. And I shall raise them up on their feet, sayeth the Lord. And I sa- -- shall send them forth to My rebellious nation, sayeth God. Yea, indeed, judgment even begins at the house of the Lord and even with the elders, sayeth God. And I shall send them, and they shall go, and the sound of them shall be as the sound of horses' hooves, sayeth the Lord.


And great shall be the fear of Me upon the many, sayeth God. And, indeed, I shall restore the altar in My church, and, indeed, I shall restore the altar in My land. And there shall be crying, and there shall be wailing, and there shall be mashing of teeth, sayeth the Lord. But I remind you that My judgments are the mercy of God. Yea, even the psalm is prayed. Let My judgment appear in the Earth. And I have answered that prayer, sayeth the Lord God. Even in this day, My judgment proceeds forth out from the Earth, sayeth God.


Flee not from your God, for, indeed, I shall overtake thee, sayeth God. And I shall knock thee down, and I shall raise up a great fish, sayeth God, that shall -- that thou shalt be swallowed up in. Flee not from me, sayeth the Lord, for there is no man that can do this thing and not be overtaken. For, indeed, it is the hour of My reaching out for all men, sayeth God. And it is my desire that I shall appear in My creation, sayeth the Lord. And I shall cast down the imposter, sayeth God.  I shall cast down the false one that has filled the minds of My people, sayeth the Lord.


And My image, it shall appear, sayeth God, and righteousness and truth shall appear in the Earth. And all men shall dwell in liberty, sayeth God, and in contentment and with peace. And, yea, I shall tear down the walls that separate us, sayeth the Lord God. And I shall make of the twain one new man, and there shall be no more dissension in the Earth, and there shall be no more dispersion in the Earth, and there shall be no more confusion in the Earth. But all shall, with one mind and one accord, say, praises be unto the living God and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who are, indeed, exalted above all other gods.


Well, we're still in chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation, verse 9, tonight. We're still in the message series entitled War in Heaven. We’ve been doing a lot of diversion in this series, going off back into the Old Testament and studying about who the angels that fell were. We will be diverging back into Genesis again today, but we're going to start out with the -- I did say verse 9, but we're going to start out with verse 8. I know that I did verse 8 on part 1 of this series, but I'm going to repeat it. We'll be doing verse 8 and verse 9 tonight.


Glory to God. I will recap verse 7 of chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation. This is our Alternate Translation. "And the war raged -- and war raged in the minds of men. Jesus Christ, manifesting in the minds of His sons waged, war against Satan, and Satan, in the carnal minds of men, waged war. Lauraine [SP], could you turn that volume down just a little, please? I think we're getting an echo, testing. OK, fine, thank you.


Verse 8, "And prevailed not" -- this is the King James, "And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven." Glory to God. "And war raged in the minds of men." The war is between the spirit of Jesus Christ and the spirit of Satan who has ruled in the minds of men for centuries. "Jesus Christ, manifesting in the mind of His sons, waged war against Satan." Where? In the minds of the men in whom Jesus Christ was not manifesting.


This spiritual warfare, this manifestation of the sons of God, this two witnesses company, brethren, the warfare is a mind to mind warfare of men. And I'm just going to put it on this message again. I am not hung up on this male, female. There's no male or female in Christ Jesus. We use the word men, indicating all believers, because if you are a mature believer in Christ, you are a man no matter what your body is. With regard to spiritual things, you are men. The warfare, brethren, is between the mind of Jesus Christ, in the men in whom He's manifesting, and the carnal minds in whom He is not manifesting.


And don't get hung up on whether or not somebody calls themselves a Christian. Don't get hung up on people that speak in tongues and manifest the gifts. The warfare is going to take place between the mind of Christ and the mind of Satan. And the gifts are without repentance. You must try the spirit on the man.


Glory to God. This is going to be an hour of confrontation on a one-to-one basis between a son of God and somebody in whom a reprobate mind is manifesting, either in the church or outside of the church. And the only way you're going to be able to tell who is who is through an ability to discern the spirit. I encourage you to pray frequently, if you don't have that ability, that God imparts it to you, and that if you do have that ability, that He lets you hold onto it and keeps you from making an error. We are moving into a treacherous hour. The warfare is raging even now. And if you're deceived, you can be hurt.


Glory to God. "And war raged in the minds of men. Jesus Christ, manifesting in the mind of His sons, waged war against Satan, and Satan, in the carnal minds of men, waged war." How, brethren? With their words. It's very exciting if you've tasted it. It's very hard. It's very stressful. It's a one-on-one confrontation, the righteousness of Almighty God against the sin in the mind of the carnal man.


And I declare to you, when God sends you out as a member of the two witnesses company, you shall prevail. I don't care what the circumstances look like. Jesus Christ shall prevail, and those that He send you to shall be fertilized, and Christ shall appear in them. I can't tell you how long it will take, brethren, but if God sends you up against somebody with a reprobate mind and it looks like they're not making it, don't you believe it. As you see them go down into judgment, you know that the day and the hour and the minute is already at hand in which Christ shall appear in them. Don't you look at the time. If you have confronted a son of God, you have been fertilized, or you shall be fertilized in the near future, and you better believe it because it's true.


Verse 8, "And prevailed not." Who prevailed not? Satan prevailed not, and the men in whom he was manifesting prevailed not, "neither was their place found in heaven anymore."


This word, prevailed, is Strong's 2480, and it means to have or exercise force, the authority of the satanic mind. And for those of you that haven't heard a lot of my teaching, the satanic mind is not necessarily the cult leader or the man that murders many women. Any mind that is not the mind of Christ is the satanic mind. You can love your children. You can honor your parents. You can be holding down a job for 25 years and be a respected doctor or lawyer, and your mind is satanic if it is not Christ. There's only two minds in the Earth, brethren, one or the other.


So -- and they prevailed not. The mind of Satan lost its force, lost its ability to exercise its power, the mind of Satan in every single man on the face of the Earth, brethren. Every man that the Son of God is sent up against will either capitulate or fall down.


Glory to God. And we are preaching here that your spiritual substance will be saved, even if your house burns down. So we know, in this lifetime, that you can lose your house. You can lose it in this lifetime, but your spiritual substance shall be saved. Glory to God.


So Satan prevailed not. "Neither was their place found anymore in heaven." And this word, place, is Strong's 5117, and it means a space limited by occupancy, a location. And I declare to you that that place is the unconscious mind of man, the place where Satan has ruled for thousands and thousands of years. That place was torn down. It no longer existed. What happened to it? Anybody want to say -- take a crack at what happened to it? It was swallowed up by the -- by who?




By the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ. There are two souls in the Earth in this hour, brethren. There are two kingdoms. There are two power bases that have the ability to generate existence. And the power base known as Satan is going to be dissolved. It is going to be swallowed up by the power base known as the Lord Jesus Christ. And it shall be found no more. First, it shall be stripped of its authority. For a season, it shall continue to exist under the dominion of the Lord Jesus Christ, and eventually it shall be swallowed up totally, and it shall not longer exist. Its place shall be found no more.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 12, chapter 8, "And Satan lost his power over the minds of men." Glory to God. "And Christ layered over the carnal mind so that it could no longer rule in the spiritual realm of the soul, even the minds of men." The spiritual realm of the soul is the minds of men. "And Satan lost his power over the minds of men, and Christ layered over the carnal mind so that it could no longer rule in the spiritual realm of the soul, even the minds of men." Glory to God.


Glory to God. Hallelujah. And I declare to you that if you have a confrontation with a son of God that you shall conceive Christ and that the members of the living soul, whose spiritual substance shall be saved but who might die in this lifetime -- that these are the people that the -- this ministry has not gotten to yet. I declare to you, if you have a confrontation with a son of God, you are fertilized. Does anybody not understand that?


We know that each man is being called in his own order, and the -- all of the people in the world out there are yelling, what about the people that die before they even hear about the Lord Jesus Christ? What happens to them is that their house is dissolved but that their spiritual substance shall be saved.


Glory to God. Hallelujah. Verse 9, "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out in the Earth, and his angels were cast out with him." The word great, "And the great dragon," that is the word that means mighty, big.


And we've studied the dragon from an earlier verse in this chapter. I'll just remind you of it. It's Strong's 1404. It means a fabulous kind of serpent, one who can fascinate. And we found out that that word fascinate is rooted in witchcraft, and the verb is actually from a root that means to look, and that is an indication of illegal, ungodly spiritual power. He has the ability to see into spiritual things in the realm of the spirit. The dragon is the super witch. He's the whisper. He's the one that hisses. He's the one that rises up from the deep recesses of your unconscious mind and whispers and says, that isn't Christ. Don't do that. Did God really tell you to do that? That's how the dragon is, brethren. He's in your own mind. He is your unconscious mind. And without Christ, you are utterly powerless against him. And very often with Christ you are powerless against him.


And we've had many teachings in this ministry that the imputed anointing, the anointing that comes without repentance, it is not defensive. It does not stand up against Satan in your unconscious mind and beat him down so that you are not overcome by the thought. He is curative. The sin is committed. The fornication takes place in your mind, and then he has the power to cast out the demon, to bring healing from an infirmity.


But in this hour, brethren, we are moving into the imparted anointing. The Christ Himself, rising up within us in a position of power whereby He is defensive, where He will stand against Satan rising up in your unconscious mind and say, I rebuke you. You will not whisper that thought into my mind, and if you do get the whisper out, the body or the vessel, the soul in whom I am manifesting, shall not fornicate with you, for I shall layer over her. And everyone in the soul realm is a her. And by my faithfulness, she shall not fornicate with you, the defensiveness of the imparted Christ, glory to God, the hope of all mankind, Christ in you, the hope of glory. Not the Holy Spirit, brethren, no way, but the very person of Jesus Christ Himself appearing in you, standing against the wickedness and the authority and the power and the rule of the serpent that is in your very own unconscious mind.


Glory to God. "And the great dragon was cast out." And this word, cast out, means violently hurl. We've had this in several Scriptures in the Book of Revelation. It means violently hurl. And if you remember, the 24 elders cast their crowns down. And what we found out that mean was that they literally threw their souls into the soul life of Jesus Christ.


And I'll just remind you about that, brethren. If you have Christ, you have two souls. There's two kingdoms in your earth, Christ and Adam, which is ruled by Satan. And even if you have the Holy Spirit, brethren, and even if you're moving into the imparted anointing, and even if Christ has been conceived in you, you are still living out of the Adamic soul, ruled by Satan. You're in the body that he has formed.


But the hour is coming. Praise God that when the soul of Jesus Christ in you reaches the requirements as according to the requirements of God, as measured by the line and plummet. When the Lord Jesus Christ says, yes, the soul of Jesus Christ in you has reached full stature, has reached maturity, there is going to be a happening. And the life substance that we really are -- we are not this body, brethren. Neither are we these souls, but there is a substance in us that was given to us from the Father before the foundation of the Earth. And that life substance is going to be raised up by us, by the power -- by us through the power that Jesus Christ has given us, and it is going to be propelled out of the kingdom of Satan and enter into the life of Jesus Christ that is within us.


And as soon as our life substance has transferred over to the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ, the soul, the manifestation of the living soul, the manifestation of Adam ruled by Satan, shall be burned to the ground. You better get out of the house, brethren, it's burning. And you better do everything that you have to do to labor in Christ and find out what that is, to get out of the burning house. Because if your spiritual substance doesn't get out and get into Christ, when the burning comes upon it, your house shall be burnt. Nevertheless, your spiritual substance shall be saved, but you could lose it in this lifetime. Don't play games with God, brethren. This is a very serious business.


Glory to God. So the word cast means to cast down, to violently hurl. So the great dragon was violently cast out. Cast out of where? Cast out of the unconscious minds of men. And the Scripture goes on to say --


Oh, I have an Alternate Translation of the first third of Revelation 12:9, "And the mighty Satan, the ruling spiritual power of the natural man, was cast out of the minds of men, even the unconscious mind of Adam." Glory to God.


Continuing with, "that old serpent called the devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world." Now, I have a little study for you on the old serpent. We're going back into Genesis. The word old is Strong's 744, and it means original, that which has been from the beginning, original, ancient, primeval. It means primeval, and Webster says that primeval means of or relating to the earliest ages. It means primitive. Brethren, we're talking about the original creation. We're talking about the hour in which God formed the living soul and Adam took form. That's what the word old means, and it's from a root, Strong's 746, which means a commencement or chief, the -- chief meaning first, in order, time, place or rank. It also means first estate, power, principality or rule.


This is the word that is translated first estate in Jude 6, and it's used to describe a man's previous moral condition. If you don't know it, we're a fallen creation. We were righteous by imputed anointing in the age of innocence when God first formed us, and we fell. We shall be righteous again by the imparted anointing of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we shall have life. We fell into the realm of death, and we shall be raised up into life by the imparted anointing, the very life of the Lord Jesus Christ dwelling in us, incapable of being separated from us ever again, even for the life of the ages.


Jude 6, "And the angels which kept not their first estate," that's the same word, old, "left their own habitation" -- "but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day." And this verse is almost exactly like II Peter 2:4, which we have spent about three services studying, very recently. I'm just going to give you a quick rundown of what it means. "And the angels," and we found out that the angels were the spiritual men that existed in the Earth that had been joined to God. Glory to God. That they were Noah and Shem, [?hath?] -- Shem, Ham and Japheth, in particular. 


"And the angels which kept not their first estate." They kept not their old ways. They kept not their relationship with God whereby Satan was under their feet, and they were under an imputed righteousness. But they left their own habitation. Where? The spiritual realm of God. They left the spiritual realm of God. For these angels, for these spiritual men, that are in this hour fallen, He has reserved them in everlasting chains under darkness. And we found out in our recent studies that these everlasting chains are these souls and these human bodies that we live in. Under darkness, under the authority of the darkness of the living soul, even Satan himself, until the judgment of the  great day when their sin shall be judged and purged from them by the fire of Almighty God dwelling within them. And they shall be raised back up to the realm of the spirit with much tribulation.


I have another witness for you indicating that this word describes a man's previous moral condition. And I remind you that the resurrection that we are looking is a moral resurrection. We are not looking for human bodies or the bones, which are the remnants of human bodies, to be dug up out of graves and see Almighty God lay flesh back on them again. This is a moral resurrection. The original creation was in the correct moral order, joined to Almighty God, flourishing and living. And there was a fall. The intelligence in the Earth rose up and whispered and seduced the mighty men of old, even Noah and his three sons, and Cain appeared in their mind, and they fell morally, in their minds.


Glory to God. And we are their descendants, the descendants of the fallen ones. Glory to God. So this resurrection is a moral resurrection. Cain is manifesting in our minds, at least part of the time. I don't know anybody that's all Christ. Cain is manifesting in our minds. We are descendants of Cain, brethren, and we are being resurrected out from under the authority of Satan and putting him back underfoot, being joined once again to Almighty God, and therefore being resurrected back unto the moral condition that Seth was in and that Enoch was in and that Noah and his sons were in before they fell.


Glory to God. Fir- -- II Corinthians, 5:17, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things," that's the word translated old. "Old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." And the promise of this Scripture is that this old mind that we have, the mind that we have that goes back to ancient times when Cain appeared, that is passing away. And, behold, all things are become new. We are being resurrected morally in our minds to a place where we once again dwell in the heavenlies.


Brethren, you cannot experience this resurrection without a body. Nobody's digging up the bones of old dead people and doing some mumbo jumbo over them. That's a [?type?], brethren. If you read Ezekiel and the resurrection of the dried bones, brethren, it's a parable describing the resurrection, which is of the soul, the mind of man. You've got to get spiritual, brethren. And when your mind and when your soul is resurrected back up into the realm of the heavenlies, your body will respond, and it will change, and it will become glorified as a result of your mind dwelling in the spiritual realm of Almighty God. It's not your body first. It's your soul first, brethren. Actually, it's your spirit, your spirit, then your soul. Christ is appearing in your spirit. He's saving your soul, and eventually your body will reflect your spiritual condition. Hallelujah.


OK, this word old, it's also used to describe the beginning of all things. And in John 1:1, we read, "In the beginning," that's the same word. It's Strong's 746. "In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God."


In the beginning of all things, brethren, that old serpent that existed in the beginning of all things, well, who is he, brethren? The word serpent is Strong's 3789, and it's from a root that means to have spiritual vision. It means snake, and it's a type of a sly or a cunning person. And if you'd like to review a message that we have which describes the serpent as being the fallen Adam, you can review message number 40, part 2. And if you would like to review our message were we establish that the dragon of Revelation 12:3 is Adam, you can do that on message 57, part 2.


So we have already established in this ministry that the fallen Adam is now serving Satan who was his unconscious mind and is manifesting him. And for the -- for all intents and purposes, Satan and Adam are one. When we are manifesting Christ 100 percent, we shall be Christ. What? Know ye not that ye are gods? When Christ is manifesting in you 100 percent, you shall be Christ. Brethren, before you received the call of Almighty God, you were Satan. He was manifesting in you 100 percent of the time. Now you are somewhere in-between. Only the Lord knows where. Sometimes you are Christ, and sometimes you are Satan.


Glory to God. So this old serpent and the dragon, they were from old, from the beginning of time. And I'm suggesting to you that we're talking about the original creation of which we are now a member. Glory to God. Well, we have something interesting here because I previously taught you that Satan illegally pierced through into the realm of appearance. But as we see above, we're finding out that, as always, God is in control, and Satan's piercing through was a result of God's curse upon him.


OK, now I moved this comment around. And what I just said to you was as above, but I haven't established it for you yet. I'm going to show you that Satan's piercing through into the realm of appearance was not an act that just happened as a result of man's rebellion. It was a result of the curse that God pronounced upon the serpent. It wasn't even an -- it was not an act of rebellion on Satan's part. When God cursed the serpent, the curse was, you shall fall down to a low spiritual realm where you shall appear in the realm of appearance. He not only did it with God's permission. He did it at God's instruction. And we're finding out more and more in this ministry that Satan has no power whatsoever except what God attributes to him. He is Satan's servant.


Brethren, if he's afflicting you, there's something in you that's making it legal for him to afflict you. And even if you tell me, I've repented, I've confessed, even if you tell me that, brethren, this may be a shock to you, but you can confess and repent all you want. It could still take years for that curse to lift off of you. It's been on your family line for years. It's been on your family line for centuries, and you could be doing the very best you can to serve God, and you're not out of the woods yet. And if Satan's after you, he's got legal ground, and you have to pursue the Lord and seek Him to find out if there isn't anything that you need to do for this deliverance to come forth.


And, brethren, sometimes the Lord will tell you know. You've already confessed it. You've already repented. You've already done everything you could do, but I'm going to let this thing stay on you for another 5 years. God does that sometimes, and when you come into that condition where you've done everything that you can do after seeking God, with much tears and great repentance and He says to you, I hear you, son, but I'm letting this thing stay on you for another 5 years, when you come into that realm, the affliction that's on you, now, is unto the glory of God, and it is being used for your perfection.


When you have not repented, and only God is the judge of that -- there is a false repentance, and there is a true repentance. Be not deceived, discern your own heart because if you think that you're repented and you haven't, no one's being fooled or hurt but you. If you have not repented, if your heart is not right, Satan's ministry to you is to harass you and torment you until you repent. Once you have repented, and God makes the judgment, there is nothing more for you to do. His ministry to you is to bring you into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ, revealing every imperfection in you, bringing it to the surface, exposing it so that you can work on it and change into the image of Almighty God little by little.


OK, so I want to establish for you -- I want to show you in the Scriptures that the piercing through into the realm of appearance -- because when God formed the creation, it wa- -- he formed the mind of man, the original Adam, the original formation that we read about in the early part of Genesis, was not in a body. He was a spiritual creation which was the mind of man.


And I want to show you in the Scripture that it was the curse that God pronounced on the serpent that caused him to pierce through into the realm of appearance. It was not an act of hostile rebellion on the part of Satan.


And as I tell you -- I've told you much before -- many times before, and I have this on many messages, if you hear any -- we are a very vital, growing ministry. The Lord Jesus Christ is moving in intense revelation in this ministry, and we're all growing and learning as we go along. If you hear a contradiction from one message to another, you shou- -- if you want to contact me, you can, if you're hearing these messages. But by and large, the Lord has corrected me. Take the revelation that's on the most recent message. I'm -- but I'm available to answer any questions if you want to contact me.


OK, Genesis 3:14, "And the Lord said unto the serpent, because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life." It's a very popular Scripture. Let's find out what God really said. OK, I'd like to call your attention to the word above. "Thou art cursed above all cattle." I could not find that word in the Hebrew. Strong's concordance had no number for it. I looked it up in the interlinear as I've done many times before when Strong's concordance has no number for it. I tried to find out, by looking at the Hebrew, what word it is, but I could not find the Hebrew for this word, above.


So I went into Webster, and the definition of above in Webster is overhead, in heaven, to a higher place. And I'm going -- I hope to establish to your satisfaction, as we go on with this study, that Satan was cursed or brought the curse into the higher place of the mind of man, which is the unconscious mind. I just want to give you that so you could follow me. I'll make it cleared as we go along.


The word curse is Strong's 779, and the [?Gesengus?] Lexicon says that this word can be translated to cause, to produce a curse. And I'm suggesting to you that when the Hebrew said cursed above all cattle, God was saying, you have caused to produce a curse in the high place of the mind of man, which is the unconscious mind.


And the word cattle, "Thou art cursed above all cattle." This worl- -- word, when -- is -- I don't have the number for you, but when you look it up, it means animal life. And I suggest that means our bodies. And thou shalt be cursed above the beasts. I lost my -- here it is.  "And thou has cur- -- art cursed above all cattle and above every beast of the field." And the word beast of the field means life. It's the Hebrew word, chai, which means life. It's the number 18, and it also means raw flesh. And I suggest to you that the word, beast of the field, typified the soul.


Glory to God. "And the Lord said unto the serpent," to the one that was from before old, and I'm suggesting he was the original creation, the serpent being that part of the original creation which was the intelligence in the Earth. And I remind you that the original creation was the spiritual Son of God joined to the Earth, the spiritual Son of God. The Spirit has no form or shape. God wanted to appear in the realm of appearance, and He joined His Son, the spiritual life of His Son, to the Earth. But there was an intelligence in that Earth, and the spiritual Son of God found Himself locked up in a soul living side-by-side, as close as a man and wife, if not closer, with this evil intelligence in the Earth.


Glory to God. "And the Lord God said unto the serpent," that original creation. When God calls him a serpent, it means that the evil part is ruling in him. I just want to remind you what we taught in recent messages. Adam and Eve was one entity, Adam and his wife was within him. And he produced a seed, and that seed was Cain and Abel. It was one being, Cain, the ability to reproduce the life of Almighty God -- sorry, I got that backwards. I rebuke you. Abel, the manifestation of the Son of God in this c- -- in this dual creation, and Cain, typifying the intelligence in the Earth, locked up in there together in one being. And God wanted to see which one was going to prevail.


And Cain slew his brother. He put the potential to manifest the life of Christ underfoot, and God -- and then the creation became called by the name Cain, and God cast him out from His presence. And Eve said, the Lord has given me another seed. She produced Seth, and his wife was within him, and he produced the whole line of descendants of which we see today. So my whole point of telling you that is when God calls the entity the serpent, He's still talking about the original creation. But when He calls it the serpent, it means that the intelligence in the Earth, the evil in the Earth, the wickedness of the creation is prevailing in the mind of the creation. Does anybody not understand that? Glory to God.


OK, "And the Lord God said unto the serpent," His creation, "because you've done this." What did he do? He rose up. The intelligence in the Earth rose up and prevailed over the life of the Son of God who was slain before the foundation of the Earth. He was rich, and He became poor, not when He hung on the cross but at the beginning of time when He gave up his spiritual authority to be joined to the Earth so that He could be formed into a man.


"Because thou hast done this," you intelligence in the Earth, you rose up, and you slew my Son that's joined to you and put Him under your feet. You are cursed above all cattle. He slew His Son, and he also fertilized the potential in the creation to produce the image of Christ. He committed adultery. He joined with God's wife, even Eve, the human spirit, the place where the image of God was to appear. And because you've done this, you are cursed. You have caused to be produced a curse above all cattle, in the higher place of all cattle and in the higher place or in the heaven or in the overhead of the beast of the field, which is the soul. The unconscious mind rules the creation. And He said to him, because you have done this, you have caused a curse to be produced in the higher place of the creation.


Glory to God. Hallelujah. "Upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life." Upon they belly, this word belly is Strong's 1512, and Strong's says it's the external abdomen. It's the belly. It's talking about the source of the fetus. It's talking about the vessel in which the growing child shall dwell. And I'm suggesting to you that what happened was because of this curse, the creation, the spiritual life of the creation which was dwelling in the most inner recesses of its being -- why? Because God is in the most innermost recesses of our being. He was expun- -- expelled to the -- to outer darkness, to the outer realms of the creation, to the darkness of the Earth. And it's described, symbolically, in the Scripture, as the belly, the external abdomen. He was propelled to the outer realms of the creation, as far away from God as he could get. Where? In his mind, got to get spiritual, in his mind. Glory to God.


And this word is from a root Strong's 1518 that means to gush forth as water, to issue, to break forth, to labor, to bring forth, to take out. And I suggest to you that as a result of this curse, God's creation was propelled into the outer realms, into the realm of appearance, and took form. Glory to God.


"And thou shalt" -- "and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life." You know, for years I labored over that Scripture, and I couldn't understand what it means. And the Lord gave it to me today. Jesus said to His people, you must eat My flesh and drink My blood. And the Scripture tells us that many left Him because they could not comprehend what they were saying -- what he was saying to them. They must have thought He was a ghoul, some sort of freak, carnal minded men. And what Jesus was saying, that if you want to be one with Me, you must partake of My soul life. You must divorce yourself from the soul life of Satan and become one with Me. And the way He described it was to say, you must eat My flesh, My soul. You must be a part of My soul, joined with My soul, and you must drink My blood. You must be a part of the spirit that dwells in Me, which is the spirit of the Father. That's how Jesus expressed it.


And I declare to you that this statement that says, "and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life," means that God was saying, to the serpent which is the creation of God, in the fallen condition, you shall be joined to the dust, to the outer realms of the creation for the rest of your days, "all the days of thy life." You shall no longer be joined to Me, Almighty God. But you, the unconscious mind of the creation, you shall be joined to the spiritual life within it, which is Eve, the human spirit, all the days of your life, and enter into this world as we see it now and all the torment that has existed for the fallen creation for thousands of years. That's what God was saying.


And this word, life, "for all the days of thy life," it's not the life of Jesus Christ. It's the same word that's translated beast, believe it or not. It's the same word that's translated beast. And I suggest to you that it -- that the curse was pronounced for all the days or for the season or for the time period that the living soul would be existing in a life of bestiality. Brethren, we're all living in animal bodies, and that's what God said to Satan. You shall be joined to the human spirit for all the days, for the season that this creation is in the flesh. Because if you don't know it, the day is coming that the whole creation is going to be spiritualized, and the Father shall be all in all, and these carnal bodies shall be swallowed up, and we shall be given glorious bodies, and we shall be pure spirit, but we shall have form to us.


Glory to God. Alternate Translation, Genesis 3:14, "And Jehovah said to the intelligence in the Earth, because you have polluted Adam's wife, who was formed to bring forth the seed which shall reveal My image, you have caused a curse to appear in the spiritual realm of Adam's soul, even the unconscious mind which rules over Adam's animal and soul life. You shall exist in the external realm that surrounds spiritual life, and shall be joined to man instead of God for the season that God's creation is in the form of bestial life or for the season that God's creation is in the flesh."


I'll read it one more time. "And Jehovah said to the intelligence in the Earth, because you have polluted Adam's wife, who was formed to bring forth the seed which shall reveal My image, you have caused a curse to appear in the spiritual realm of Adam's soul, even the unconscious mind which rules over Adam's animal and soul life. You shall exist in the external realm that surrounds spiritual life, and shall be joined to man instead of God" -- where? In your mind -- "for the season that God's creation is in the flesh."


Glory to God. And the Lord showed me a second witness of the pronouncement of this curse in the Scripture. It is the law of jealousies. If you need a better understanding of the law of jealousy, it's on message 17. We go into it in some depth on message 17. And we're just going to zero in now on Numbers 5:22, "And this water that causeth the curse shall go into thy bowels to make thy belly to swell and thy thigh to rot: and the woman shall say, Amen, and amen."


I'll just remind you that the law of jealousy applies a woman who was accused of adultery by her husband. And he takes her to the high priest who makes up a potion and causes her to drink it. And if she is indeed guilty of adultery, the law, the Levitical law, says that the spiritual power of Almighty God will cause her belly to swell and her thigh to rot. And if she is not guilty of adultery, the power of Almighty God shall keep the potion from hurting her. And this is how the man shall tell whether his wife is adulterous or not.


And the Lord showed me that if you take a spiritual application of this Scripture, we see that this is exactly what God did to the living soul, and she's rotting, brethren, and the Lord has proved her an adulteress. Glory to God.


The word water, and the water -- "And this water that causeth the curse," and I remind you that we've been teaching for months, if not longer, here that Satan is typified by water. He is spirit in the realm of the soul. The Father is spirit in the realm of the spirit. He's typified by vapor, spirit. But water is spirit in the realm of the soul. Sometimes it described Satan, and sometimes it describes Christ.


"And this water that casueth the curse shall go into thy bowels, to make thy belly to sell and thy thigh to rot: and the woman shall say, Amen, and amen." The word, bowels, is 4578, and it means womb. It means womb, but this word can be used to describe the womb or the generative parts in men, the place where the sperm is produced. It could be male or female. "And the water that causeth the curse shall go into thy bowels." It shall go into thy generative parts, "to make thy belly to swell," and the word belly is Strong's 991. It means womb, but it's used only for women. And the word swell is Strong's 6638. It means to become inflated, to amass, to array an army against.


And I'm suggesting to you that the spiritual application of this curse is that it's going to go into the generative parts, and it's going to cause the living soul to amass an army, to reproduce and to multiple into many members that we see across the Earth today. This was the curse that was pronounced upon the wife of God, even the living soul, when she committed adultery with Satan. The Lord was going to test her to see if she was truly an adulteress, and He permitted the curse to enter into the spiritual life of the living soul. And He said, if you are an adulteress, this is what's going to happen to you, your female parts are going to swell, and they're going to amass, and they're going to produce an army. Well, it looks like the living soul is an adulteress because she -- her fertile parts have swelled. She has multiplied into many members, and she has indeed amassed an army.


"And thy thigh shall rot." The word thigh is 3409, and it means -- it doesn't really mean female parts. It is used to imply female parts, but it really means shank, flank or side. And I remind you that when God took Adam's rib, if you check that word out in the Greek, what he really took was his side. He really took the lump of clay and broke it in half and gave him male parts and female parts. That's what He did. So this word thigh, it means the side of the creation that is female. What is the side of creation that's female? It's the living soul. The Spirit of Almighty God is the side of creation that is male, and He will be joining to the human spirit. Glory to God.


"And the thigh," the side of the creation that's female, "shall rot," and the word rot is 5307. It means to cast down, to cease to be. It means to be judged, and it also means to fall down from heaven and to be revealed. And God was saying to His living soul, I'm going to let the water of this curse enter into you. And if you produce an army and you fall down from heaven and you are revealed, I'll know that you committed adultery. And that's exactly what happened. The living soul has multiplies into many members. We have fallen down into the realm of appearance, and we have been revealed.


I'm going to give you an Alternate Translation on that. Numbers 5:2, Alternate -- verse 22, Alternate Translation, "And the spiritual existence of Satan, the one who is causing the detestable condition of the fallen creation," that's us. "And the spiritual existence known as Satan, the one who's causing our detestable condition, he shall enter in to the male reproductive organs and make the female generative organs to inflate into an army. And the female side of the creation shall be cast down from the heavenly realm of God's spirit and revealed in the realm of appearance."


Now, remember, who is the male generative organ after God separated from the living soul? Does anybody remember? Adam, indeed, he was Adam. God made him the man and said, keep the law, and don't let your spirit, your wife, Eve, fornicate with the intelligence in the Earth. So what is this saying? It's saying the spiritual existence of Satan, he shall enter into the male reproductive organs. Well, what happened after the fall? Does anybody remember? What happened after the fall? Adam was the man. Eve was the woman. Satan was buried down underneath the earth. He was just there to give the creation form. And what happened? Satan overturned Adam, and Satan became the man in the creation, and Adam was forced down into a female realm. So that's exactly what this is saying.


"And the spiritual existence known as Satan, the one who's causing the detestable condition of the fallen creation, he shall enter into the male reproductive organs." He shall become the man. God help us. We're still paying the price. Satan became the man. If Adam remained the man, he would have produced the image of Christ in his wife, but Adam was knocked down, and Satan became the man. "And thou shalt make the female generative organs to inflate into an army." This is the sign that Adam -- that Satan became the man. The generative organs shall inflate into an army.


And I remind you that each and every one of us is the -- is a womb that is producing the life of Christ. We are the female generative organs of the creation, each and every one of us. And we have created -- we have been inflated into an army, and the female side of the creation, that's us too, the natural man, shall be cast down from the heavenly realm of God's spirit and revealed in the realm of appearance.


Excuse me. That wasn't quite right, what I just said. And the female side of the creation, which is the human spirit, the one that is going to produce the life of Christ, she shall be cast down from the heavenly realm of God's spirit and revealed in the realm of appearance. And, brethren, we are all manifestations of Eve. We are the off- -- her offspring that she has produced through her marriage to Satan, and Jesus Christ is in the process of divorcing us from Satan and marrying us and producing the image of His Son. Where? In our minds. And after Christ appears in our minds, our body -- these bodies, which are the manifestations of Satan, shall be converted into manifestations of Jesus Christ, and they shall be glorious.


So I said all that to tell you that the serpent in the Book of the Revelation is the original creation, Adam, going all the way back. After the fall, his name was changed, and I remind you that when God changes a man from a natural man to a spiritual man, He changed his name. He changed Abram's name to Abraham. He changed Sarai name to Sara. He changed Jacob's name to Israel. When you ascend in God, God changes your name. When you fall, God changes your name. When the creation called Adam fell, God changed its name, and He called it Satan or the serpent. Glory to God.


We're back in the Book of Revelation, and in chapter 12, verse 9. Continuing with, "that old serpent called the devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world." Glory to God. And I'm suggesting to you that the serpent, the serpent of old, the fallen Adam turned into the dragon, the dragon of Revelation 12. It's a few verses above. In verse 3, chapter 12, we talked about the red dragon, and we established that it was Adam.


And the reason the words are different, the reason God says serpent once and dragon another time, the difference is that the serpent typifies the original creation that has fallen, and the dragon typifies the fallen creation after many generations with the wickedness just built up upon wickedness, and he's talking about modern man. He's talking about the bestial effect of sin that it had on the fallen creation. Thousands and thousands of generations of sin has turned the serpent into the dragon. He is now a fascinating serpent, a serpent working powerful witchcraft. And what I'm saying and suggesting to you is that the serpent has gained strength over the generations. He has produced generations and generations of vessels though whom he manifests his witchcraft. And I'm suggesting to you that he is much stronger in witchcraft that he was in the beginning of time, and God has changed his name from serpent to dragon.


"And that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world." And the great dragon was cast out, "that old serpent," the dragon, which is the serpent. Glory to God. He was cast out, and he's called the devil and Satan, and for years I thought that he had two names. And I said, Lord, why would you name -- why would you give that old dragon, which is the serpent, two different names? Glory to God. He has two different names, brethren, because he's in two parts. The serpent, which is the dragon, which is the original creation, is Adam and Satan. He is the unconscious mind known as Satan, and he is the conscious mind of man known as Adam.


And I remind you that Adam typifies the conscience of Almighty God that was given to man. And the conscience of Almighty God that was given to man in this hour is tread under the feet of the spiritual life of Satan. Adam is utterly overtaken by Satan, and the two are one. The Father and the Son and the two are one. It's the same principle. Adam is the living soul. He is in a fallen condition, and this spirit that rules in him is Satan, but the two are one. Jesus said I am the Father of one. I only say and do what the Father tells Me to do. And Adam stands up and says, the serpent and I are one, and I only say and do what he tells me to do. And God gives them two different names so that we can understand that there's two aspects to our mind. And we've had a lot of teaching on that. We have many, many messages on how Satan initiates our behavior and how when we don't have Christ, we're just victims. And if there are -- depending on the curses on our family line, Satan can make us murderers, child abusers, anything that he wants.


But in this hour, you could be the worst human being alive, you could be the lowest of lows, child molester, rapist, murderer, Nazi death camp ruler, and in Christ Jesus, you have the ability to withstand Satan coming up from your unconscious mind and turn your conscious mind around. You can get healed and delivered from the wickedness and the sin in your conscious mind, which is your soul. And Jesus Christ manifesting in you will stand guard and layer over and beat down the wickedness that has developed to such a degree in your soul that you could become a child molester, and put it under His feet and reproduce the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ in your mind.


Glory to God. You better not judge somebody because they're in deep sin because in this hour, that man can be a son of God in the next 10 years. You better not judge him out of your own soul because there isn't anybody that the Lord Jesus Christ cannot turn around. And the last shall be first, and the first shall be last, and there shall be weeping and mashing of teeth and many surprised people as to who stands up in Christ, or as to whom Christ stands up in. Because there aren't going to be very man rich, brethren, nor powerful, nor prestigious, very few. They're going to be lost of Earth.


Those who have been overcome by sin and wrecked in their souls and in their lives, and the Lord Jesus Christ is going to save them, but it's not going to stop there. He's going to stand them up on their feet and give them a decent life, but it's not going to stop there. He's going to appear in them, and you who are comfortable to start with, who condemn them, who judge them, you who didn't need any help, you who said that you could see so you didn't receive the ministry of the blind, you are going to be locked out of the kingdom. And, indeed, there shall be wailing and mashing of teeth. So you better confess your sins, brethren.


Well, you should have been able to discern what category you're going to be in from what I just said. It has nothing whatsoever to do with where you start or with where you came from. It has to do with the work of the Lord Jesus Christ in your life, which begins with confession and repentance. And if you are a Pharisee, there's nothing He could do for you. Glory to God.


"That old serpent called the devil, and Satan," that old -- that creation that was formed from the beginning of antiquity that is both the unconscious mind and the conscious mind, he deceives the whole world. And I just wanted to remind you, I know I've taught you this before, that the devil, the Greek word, devil, is the Greek translation of the Hebrew word, Satan. The word Satan is in the Hebrew. I think it appears at least twice, once in the Book of Job and once in one of the history books.


So we have here a translation and a transliteration. The translation of the Hebrew word, Satan, is -- into the Greek is devil. Translation from Hebrew to Greek, the word Satan is translated as devil, translation. Then we have something called transliteration, and that is a situation where there is no word to translate. There's no word in the language that you're translating into to describe what you've got. A good example of that is baptism. There was no English word, baptism, so the translators that translated the Greek into the English made a English word. The Greek is baptismo or baptismo. I might not have it right. I'm not Greek scholar. And in English, the word is baptize. That is a transliteration. They took the Greek word, and they gave it an English accent.


You see that in Spanish all the time. And sometimes it goes from English to Spanish, sometimes from Spanish to English. At one point here, I was trying to find out how you say computer in Spanish. I found out, it's computadora. There was no word computer in Spanish, so they took the word computer, and they added a Spanish accent to it. It's called a transliteration. So the Hebrew word, Satan, translated into the Greek as devil. And then there is also a transliteration, Satan, the same word as Hebrew.


And what this means to you and to me is that there are two parts to the devil. There is the conscio- -- and we are the devil, if you haven't picked that up by now. We're it, and we don't have red shoes on or horns or a tail. The devil is the natural man, brethren, the unconscious mind of which is Satan. So if the unconscious mind is Satan, what does that make the devil? Anybody? It makes him Adam. Adam is the devil. Satan is our unconscious mind, and Adam is the devil, our conscious mind, the one that has been utterly subdued by the wickedness of Satan who is being ridden upon in the -- in future chapters of the Book of Revelation. We've touched on it already. He's the beast that's filled with names of blasphemy, and he's been utterly overcome. I'm sorry to disappoint you that the devil is not more exotic, but the devil is your fallen conscience, and Satan is your wicked, utterly unredeemable unconscious mind of natural man.


Glory to God. So we have an Alternate Translation here of the second third of Revelation 12:9, which reads, "That old serpent called the devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world." Oh, I didn't talk to you about the word deceive. This word deceive is Strong's 4105, and it means to stray from the truth, to stray from safety or to stray from virtue. It means to err, to be seduced, to go out of the way. And I suggest to you that Satan and the devil, the unconscious mind of man and the conscious mind, which is man's conscience, caused the whole creation to err and to go out of the way because they both -- well, the devil failed. Satan did not fail. Satan was wicked from his inception, and he seduced Eve. He caused. He s- -- he was the seduction, but it was Adam's fault. Adam failed to protect Eve. Adam fell prey to the serpent, and the sin is upon the conscience of the conscious mind of man. The conscious mind of man fell. Glory to God.


S- -- and this word world, "they deceiveth the whole world," the word -- now, there are three words that are transla- -- three Greek words that are translated world. We have the Greek word, cosmos, which means the world system. It refers to the planets, and each one of us is also a cosmos. Aeon, which is translated age or world, this world system. And we also have this Greek word, which is Strong's 3625, and it means the terrene part of the globe. That means if you look of -- at a map of the world, it's referring to the parts of the world that are earth, that are solid, not to the water parts. And I suggest to you that this word is describing the human being and that part of our being which is earth and not water is our soul and our body. Our soul and our body are made out of the dust of the earth.


So they deceiveth the whole world. They lead -- they cause to go astray all of the members of the living soul that are dwelling in the dust of the soul realm. And the only thing that's going to prevent us from going astray, brethren, is the Lord Jesus Christ dwelling and ruling and reigning in our minds, opposing the error. Because the natural man is no match for Satan. He never was, and he never shall be. We must live through Jesus Christ, or we shall not come up out of this horrible condition that we're in. The only way out is the way up, and the way up is to enter into the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ.


The mercy seat, even the mercy seat, where the Father, God, shall meet us. We must ascend. We must come up. We are coming up. The spirit of Almighty God is coming down, and the meeting place, the Scripture says, "and I shall meet you upon the mercy seat. Our mercy seat, our atonement, is even the Lord Jesus Christ, the place where we shall meet the Father. There is no way we can enter into the presence of the Father without being destroyed. But we can enter into the soul life of Jesus Christ, and that is where the Father God shall meet us. And we enter in, brethren, with much tribulation.


Glory to God. Alternate Translation, the second third of Revelation 12:9, and we're talking -- I'll just -- "And the great dragon was cast out," OK, "the one who lost his manhood and was made subject to Satan." We're talking about the fallen Adam now, the one who lost his manhood and was made subject to Satan, the intelligence in the Earth, the one who became Adam's unconscious mind way back in the beginning of time. And both of them, Satan and Adam, are responsible for the creation falling away from the virtue and righteousness of Jesus Christ. They are the ones which deceiveth the whole world, and both of them are responsible for the creation falling away from the virtue and righteousness of Jesus Christ. Glory to God.


And that last phrase of that verse 9, "He was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him," well, that pretty much speaks for itself.


So the Alternate Translation of that third third of Revelation 12:9 is, "The unconscious mind of mankind was cast down out of his position of authority." That's Satan, your unconscious mind. He was cast down. He lost his power over you, brethren, and he was cast down to a position. Where? Where is he being cast down to, anybody want to guess? Where's he being cast down to, anyone? Underneath Christ, Amen. Underneath the soul of Jesus Christ, and the human souls who were manifesting Satan's spirit, that means all the natural men in the world and a lot of the church world, brethren, probably 99 percent of the church world, were cast down under the soul of Jesus Christ with him. And we've had a lot of teachings on the soul of Jesus Christ and how it's going to be pressing down upon our natural soul and upon the carnal mind, covering it over and preventing it from causing us to sin.


Alternate Translation, the whole of Revelation 12, chapter 9, "And the mighty Satan, the ruling spiritual power of the natural man, was cast out of the minds of men." Glory to God. "Even the unconscious mind of Adam, the one who lost his manhood and was made subject to Satan, the intelligence in the Earth, the one who became Adam's unconscious mind way back in the beginning of time. And both of them are responsible for the falling away of the natural man of the creation from the virtue and righteousness of Jesus Christ. The unconscious mind of mankind was cast down out of his position of authority to a position underneath the soul of Jesus Christ, and the human souls which were manifesting Satan's spirit were cast down under the soul of Jesus Christ with him."


And what happened? Christ appeared in the members of the living soul in which this happened. The Adamic soul was destroyed, but they lived. Why? Because their spiritual substance had transferred into Christ, and Christ was conceived in them and was appearing in them. Glory to God.


Recap, Revelation 12:8 and 9, "And Satan lost his power over the minds of men, and Christ lay it over the carnal mind so that it could no longer rule in the spiritual realm of the soul, which is the minds of men. And the mighty Satan, the ruling spiritual power of the natural man, was cast out of the minds of men, even the unconscious mind of Adam, the one who lost his manhood and was made subject to Satan, the intelligence in the Earth, the one who became Adam's unconscious mind way back in the beginning of time. And both of them are responsible for the creation falling away from the virtue and righteousness of Jesus Christ. The unconscious mind of mankind was cast down out of his position of authority to a position underneath the soul of Jesus Christ, and the human souls which were manifesting Satan's spirit were cast down under the soul of Jesus Christ with him."


Glory to God. Any questions on this message tonight? I'm not surprised. Glory to God. We've had almost 2 years of teaching backing this up. OK. Oh, yeah, come on. Don't be shy.


            If Satan is not an evil spirit, right, then these Satan worshippers, what are they worshipping?


Well, I didn't say that Satan was not an evil spirit. Satan is wicked. He is utterly unredeemable. He is evil. He is the source that seduces our conscious mind to sin. What did I say that made you think I said he wasn't evil?


            No, no, not that he's not evil, but that he was inside man, right.


Oh, I see.


            The unconscious mind.


Right, right.


            But he's not an evil spirit that's controlling the world.


Oh, OK, I'll try and explain that to you. Yes, OK. Satan is the wicked one, and he manifests in the minds of the natural men, of natural man, and he vibrates forth. He is an evil spirit that dwells in the minds of men, and he vibrates forth. He is the work of witchcraft, and he produces great evil. But he is rooted -- where he lives is in the mind of men, but he goes forth and produces all kinds of wickedness through witchcraft. And with regard to Satan worshippers, what they are actually worshipping is their own unconscious minds. And we've had a lot of teaching that the operation of spirits is that they will vibrate forth from your mind and stand in front of you. They'll take form in front of you. They'll manifest down the road. And they're trying to convince men that they're not rooted in human bodies, but they're all rooted in human bodies. They have the ability to vibrate forth and stand right in front of you and make you think that they're a free-floating spirit in the air, but they're not.


            [INAUDIBLE] outside of man.


I agree. Yes, I would say that. No, nothing outside of man. If they're out there floating in the air, if they're attacking you in your house, it's possible that someone 20 miles away is hating you and they're sending forth that hatred in the form [AUDIO CUTS OUT] and it's coming right into your house, but every demons is rooted in the mind of a man, yes. That's what I'm saying. Man is the wicked one. We don't have these problems with animals. It's the mind of man. He is the wicked one. He is the evil one. He is the fallen one. And we are all manifestations of the natural man, and we must admit who we are so that Christ can enter in and restore us to a higher moral realm where we shall no longer be evil, but we shall have the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Did I answer your question?


            I agree with all that. I'm just confused about -- you know, because you're always trained that there's demons out --




            -- outside of you.


Yeah, well, I understand that. And like I said, we've been here for almost 2 years now, and there's really been a lot of teaching that would disagree with a lot of traditional teachings. You don't have to agree with me if you don't want to, but this is what the Lord has shown me, and I think He's shown it to a lot of us here, that we've just got to get out of this fantasy that they evil is outside of us. The evil is in men, and they have the power to project demons at us, but they're coming right out of the minds of men. And that's -- sometimes it comes out of the mind of a man and comes at you and attacks you. And another way that it works is that witchcraft power can come at you and fly around you until it finds something in your mind that's ungodly, and it seduces it and causes it to fornicate and rise up and manifest in you.


            So we do have demons, though. We have [INAUDIBLE], and they're evil --


Oh, yes.


            -- inside of us, not just --






Yes, we do have demons, and we do have evil spirits, and they are inside of us, and they can be cast out, broken off from our soul and cast out. But the demons that are tormenting you, they're either in your own mind or they're being projected at you from a -- by the power of witchcraft from an evil mind. It could be either way. But, yes, we do have demons, and they do have to be cast out. There's no question about it. OK, anything else? I -- you're going to have a lot of questions every time you come here, I'm sure. Don't be embarrassed. You have anything else?




OK, anybody else? Glory to God.


04/28/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion
05/05/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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