051 - Part 7
(Revelation 11)

Part 7 of 7 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Glory to God. We are recapping Revelation 11, chapters 10 and 11 -- verses 10 and 11, “And those members of the living soul, which are engraved with the image of Satan, shall experience a peaceful period of time throughout which the righteousness of God will not confront the evil in their hearts. And they shall be delighted within themselves that these two expressions of the life of God, which expose sin and force the souls of the many members of the living soul underfoot, were slain.


“And they shall thrust themselves through with demons because they rejoice at the death of truth and righteousness. And after more than three-quarters of the time period between the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of the living soul, the Spirit of God incarnated in a many-membered company. And those that discerned the Spirit of God and the word of God were terrified and alarmed.” Glory to God.


OK, we are going on with verse 12 of chapter 11 of the book of Revelation. “And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.” The appearance of the two witnesses is in two stages. I’m suggesting to you that the appearance of the two witnesses is in two stages. And those two stages are the birth of Christ in the many-membered company and the appearance of Christ in the many-membered company.


The birth of Christ is described in Revelation chapter 11, verse 11. The appearance of Christ we are reading about now in chapter 11, verse 12. I’ve had a lot of people come to me in a lot of confusion and say, I thought you told me I had birthed Christ. So, why is this happening in my life? And why is that happening in my life? And that’s because the birthing of Christ is not the same thing as the appearance of Christ.


When Christ is birthed in us, He is birthed in a spiritually weak condition. He is in -- the equivalent of what we would call an infant. He has to grow up. He has to grow up in the wisdom and the admonition of the Lord. He has to overcome the realm of the soul that is very powerful at the time of His birth. And it is not until His appearance in us -- and that is His appearance in our soul, in our personality. And the -- His appearance in our body will not be for a great deal of time after that. So, what we’re really waiting for now is His appearance in our soul, in our thoughts and in our words, and in our deeds. That is when we will no longer sin, because sin shall have been crushed under the feet of the Christ that has been birthed in us only God knows how many years before that.


So, in verse 12 -- well in verse 11, which I just read to you, that was the birthing of Christ. And we’re told that the Spirit of God incarnated in a many-membered company, and those that discerned the Spirit of God and the word of God were terrified and alarmed. And I told you last week that it’s my personal belief that it’s the spiritual realm that is going to discern Christ before He’s in full stature.


It seems like almost nobody, virtually nobody, recognizes Christ in a member of the living soul before He’s in full stature. Everybody just seems to be rejecting Him. We have a couple of people in this ministry that have birthed Christ. And God has sent them to people with instructions for ministry. And almost without an exception, they are not recognized as the vessels in which Christ is manifesting.


So then, who is greatly afraid when they are birthed? And I suggest to you that it’s the realm of the spirit, that it’s the Satanic, unconscious mind, the demons if you will, that recognize Christ in men. And I told you on last week’s tape [UNINTELLIGIBLE] it was Sunday morning’s tape that I have -- personally have had several experiences where I have seen great fear in the eyes of people that I was ministering to and that I did not believe it was the conscious mind of these people -- that they had no reason to fear me. They did not know anything about me at all. And in one instance, this fear was in the eyes of a mongoloid little girl, another young, mongoloid little girl, maybe six years old or seven years old.


And another time, I ministered to a derelict that hung out in the shopping center near where I live. And he had no reason to fear me, and there was -- this man -- I don’t know whether it was real or not -- but he would walk around the shopping center, begging for money in tattered clothes, acting like he wasn’t even in his right mind.


And I passed him one day, and this very wise spirit rose up in him. It knew me. There was no question about it that it knew me, and that it was afraid of me. And at the time, I wasn’t sure whether this derelict was putting on the whole neighborhood and that he was really a very intelligent person that was running around begging for money. I didn’t know whether that was the situation or he really was possibly senile. He was an old man and that this was just a demon that rose up in his eyes and looked at me and knew that he saw Christ. There was no question about it that he saw -- I know what I saw in his eyes.


And that was about five years ago. At this time, my guess would be that it was not the derelict, that is was something that rose up in him that saw Christ in me. And my job was to get him a Polish Bible, a Bible in the Polish language. I can’t put it on this message, but I had some very interesting experiences with this man to the point that he was ru- -- he would run and hide from me when he saw me coming. I never hurt him or threatened him in any way. It was purely a spiritual thing.


And the day that I had the Bible to deliver to him, I s- -- I couldn’t find him, and I told the Lord, you’re going to have to show me where he is. And he was literally hiding in a corner of the post office, which is in the shopping center with his face to the wall, hoping that I wouldn’t see him. And I walked up to him, and I just handed him the Bible. And from that day forward, when he saw me coming, he walked the other way. He really, really ran from me.


He’s dead today; he died. I don’t know what happened to him between that experience five years ago and his death. He was hit by a car. He wasn’t that old. He was hit by a car. So, whether or not he had a salvation experience, I really don’t know. But God wanted him to have that Bible in Polish. So, I saw deep fear in his eyes.


So, to get on with our message for tonight, I’m suggesting to you that those that were terrified and alarmed in verse 11 were basically the spiritual realm operating in men. Although there could be some -- you know, you could just carry it over the line. At some point, the fear can enter into a man’s conscious mind, and you would say the man is afraid.


But whether or not they know why they’re afraid of you -- I believe men could be afraid of sons of God that are in part not fully manifested, but they may not know why. They might -- may just think that they don’t like them. I don’t really think anybody out there is saying, I’m afraid of you because I see Christ in you. It’s just not likely. It just doesn’t seem to be happening. So, we see the Satanic realm of the unconscious mind being very alarmed as he sees Christ being raised up. And we see some human beings manifesting fear, but they really don’t know why.


Now we move into verse 12, and we see that this many-membered company of the sons of God that have birthed Christ, that are terrifying the Satanic realm of the soul -- now, “they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither.” And I’m suggesting to you that’s the catching up to full stature. “And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.”


OK, let’s take this a few verse- -- a few words at a time. “And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither.” Now, we’ve had a lot of these words before. The word great really means loud. The word voice means noise, sound, voice, a disclosure, an instruction.


And this word, come up, is Strong’s 305. It means to ascend, to arrive. And I have this on two recent messages. It can be translated to: spring up. This is the equivalent of the Hebrew word that describes the springing up of sin in Adam. And what is means is the springing up of spiritual life from what was before a seed. And I’m suggesting to you it’s referring to the spring- -- the springing forth or the sprouting of the seed of Christ unto full stature.


Alternate Translation, the first third of Revelation 11:12, “And the many-membered company, in which the word of God and the Spirit of God were birthed, heard a loud, spiritual instruction spoken out from the spiritual realm of God, saying unto them, ascend up to the full stature of Jesus Christ.” And, brethren, there is a company in the earth today that has birthed Christ, and we are waiting for that command to come out of the spiritual realm of God to say to us, ascend up to the full stature of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are waiting for it. We are praying for it. We are actively anticipating it. There’s no way we can get up there by ourselves. We have to be given dispensation from the Lord to come forth. There’s no way we can do it ourselves.


Continuing with, “and they ascended up to heaven in a cloud.” The word, ascended up, is the same Greek word, come up, that I just described. It means to arrive, to spring forth. And the word in, “they ascended up in a cloud,” is Strong’s 1722. And it also can be translated, within the midst of, as a part of. So, what are we saying? And the voice said, come up to heaven, and they ascended up to heaven in the midst of a cloud. In the midst of a cloud. Glory to God. Or as a part of the cloud. And I just want to point out to you that the Greek text does not say, a cloud. It says, the cloud. The cloud.


So, what are we talking about here? I’m suggesting to you that the cloud is the spiritual body of Christ. And I have a couple of references for you. Hebrews 11:32 and 12:1. “And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets. Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.”


So, we’re talking about all -- or not all -- but many of the heroes of the Old Testament. And Paul is telling us that we are “compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses.” So, what is he saying? That all of these heroes of the Old Testament form a cloud. And we’ve had a lot of teaching on the cloud. A cloud is vapor with many particles in it. And I’m suggesting to you that the vapor is the Spirit of God, and the many particles in it are the many souls of men that are in the soul of Christ, OK?


Let me read you another reference. Reveren- -- Revelation 14:14, “And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having his head a g- -- on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle.” So, we have an angel that looks like the son of man sitting on top of the cloud. And I’m suggesting to you that that angel is the Lord Jesus Christ. And He is the mind that is flowing through every member of the body of Christ, the cloud typifying the body of Christ or the soul of Christ and everyone who has transferred into the soul of Christ, Jesus Christ being the mind or the ruling force behind it.


Alternate Translation, the second third of Revelation 11:12, “And Christ sprang forth in them, raising them up into the high spiritual realm of God. And they transferred into the soul of Christ.” So, what am I saying? The voice said, come up hither. And I’m suggesting to you that what happened to them was that they transferred their life substance out of the soul of Adam into the soul of Christ. And they found themselves in the midst of a cloud, the ruling force of which, the mind of which, the unconscious mind of which was the Lord Jesus Christ, being their every motivating thought. Hallelujah.


Ephesians 3, verses 14 and 15, “For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named.” [INAUDIBLE] family of the Lord Jesus Christ in heaven as well as in Earth. And what that means to me, brethren, is that there is a many-membered body of men who are upon the earth, but their minds are in heaven. And your mind can only be in heaven when you have been transferred into Christ Jesus. If you are -- if your mind is manifesting out of the Adamic mind, you are 100 percent in the earth.


But the promise of the Scripture is heaven on earth: that our bodies should live and walk and function on the earth, but that we shall be in heaven at the same time. Why? Because our mind is in heaven with God. That was the condition of the Lord Jesus Christ in the days of His flesh. He was a man, but His mind was in heaven, and because of the condition of His mind, He was indefeatable [sic].


Brethren, your every problem in this world results from corruption in your mind. Some people have a little more corruption than others, but everyone’s mind is corrupted. And it’s only when you have at least a measure of the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ that you overcome that corruption. If you choose to live [?out?] of the wisdom and the knowledge and the understanding of the Scripture as ministered by the Spirit of God, not the letter of the law, that is how you overcome the corruption that is in the mind of the natural man. Your mind is killing you. It’s destroying you. It’s the cause of every problem that you have. It’s not the other guy; it’s your mind. How you are dealing with every problem that comes your way, that is your enemy -- your inability to deal adequately with your problems because you were lacking the wisdom of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Now, this is not to condemn you. It’s to say to you, lay hold of His wisdom. If you can’t get it out of the word of God yourself, ask God to lead you to a prophet or a teacher that will minister life in your situation of death.


I just ministered to a woman this week. She’s in agony. Can’t -- is constantly losing her place where she lives. She has two children and a husband and a dog, and she’s pregnant. And she’s under great stress because they’re constantly losing their home, not to speak about the work that she has to do to pack and move every time. And she called me up on the phone a few weeks ago, and said to me, is God trying to tell me something? And I said, I don’t know.


And two days later, He gave me a word of knowledge for her. And without any warning to me, she changed her phone number, unlisted it, and I couldn’t get in touch with her for six weeks. I finally had a chance to speak to her today. The same problems are still going on. In six weeks, it’s a whole new slew of problems, but if you square-root it, she still keeps getting put out of her home.


And I said to her, I have a word for you. You’re not going to like it. Do you want to hear it? She said, sure, I’ll listen. I said to her, the Lord told me to tell you that no one is entitled to anything in this world. We’re not entitled to anything. We can ask God for mercy, but we are not entitled to anything. We are all cursed unto death. And if we are living in a house with food on the table, with a roof over our head, we are the recipients of the mercy of God.


There is no law that says because you are married and have two children that you are entitled to your own home. And all of this is happening to you because you cannot afford a house. You can’t afford an apartment. You want a three-bedroom apartment. I’ve seen three-bedroom apartments advertised at a rental that you can’t afford. But sh- -- this woman had told me what funds were available to her. But you cannot afford a house.


So, you find yourself in all kinds of bizarre situations where you live in the house for a couple of months and then you have to leave, because it’s not a legitimate rental. And since I know you, you’re going under the premise that you are entitled to your own home. Well, you’re not. And I said, you asked me if God was telling you something. And two days later, God answered you.


And all that I can tell you is that I love this woman dearly. Her response to me was that she beat around the bush. And she ducked, and she turned, and she slithered like the serpent of the natural man. And it’s quite obvious to me that she did not receive the word from the Lord.


And now it’s going to be very interesting to see what happens in her life. God has closed every door from six weeks ago. I can’t take the time on this message. She had maybe three options of where to live. God has closed every door, and she’s now living in a house that’s about to be sold in auction. And the day that it’s sold, she could be put out on the street by the new owner, no place to go. Won’t rent an apartment. And she tells me it’s because she has a dog. I said, well, if you have no place to live, you get rid of the dog. Can’t get rid of the dog.


Well, sister, what can I tell you? This is indeed a rebellious house. The church is a rebellious house. The living soul is a rebellious soul. But you know what the problem is? The people can’t see their rebellion. They can’t see the corruption in their mind. And they really think that they’re being victimized. And even when God sends a prophet to tell them, they can’t see it. So, the judgments have to fall on them. It’s incredible.


I wish it were different, but it seems to be the case. Everywhere I go, I see human beings with their minds operating in the most corrupt fashion. And they can’t seem to take the victory. Even when they hear the truth, they think it’s a lie, and they reject it. Therefore, my friends, judgment must fall. There is no other answer. There is no other way God can deal with you except to rain down judgment on you. If you cannot -- if you will not or if you cannot hear the word of wisdom and truth, He must and He shall judge you. May God have mercy on all of us.


I’m guilty of this myself. People have come to me, and I’ve said, no, no, no. But by the grace of God, the last couple of times, I’ve caught myself. And I’ve considered it, and I’ve submitted. And I have been saved a great deal of grief because I’m actively working at hearing the voice of God in everything anybody says to me. God help us all. We are a rebellious house, brethren, and the judgments have already begun to fall. Glory to God.


OK, so these two witnesses, they were in heaven and earth at the same time. Their spirits had transferred into the soul of Christ, and their bodies and Adamic souls remained on the earth and came into submission to the fully mature Christ within them. Continuing with, “and their enemies beheld them.” The word enemies -- we had this in a recent message -- it’s Strong’s 2190, and it’s from a root meaning to hate. It means hateful, hostile adversary, and it’s specifically referring to Satan.


Colossians 1:21, “And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind” -- how? -- “by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled.” I’m suggesting to you, brethren, that Satan, who is the enemy of the two witnesses, is the unconscious mind of man and that it is man himself, who by the condition of his mind, is the enemy of the living God and His manifestation in His many-membered, two-witness company.


And the verse we’re dealing with is, and his enemies beheld him. And this word beheld is Strong’s 2334. It means to enjoy the presence of one, to have intercourse with. That’s not sexual intercourse; that’s spiritual intercourse with.


Acts 30:28 [sic] uses this word. “Sorrowing most of all for the words which he spake, that they should see his face no more.” [INAUDIBLE] word translated beheld, “that they should see his face no more.” And we’re talking about much more than viewing the apostle’s face. They’re talking about not having the presence -- the joy of his presence and not having the ability to have intercourse on the soul realm with him -- an exchange of souls, a Godly exchange of souls.


And the Hebrew usage of this word, beheld, is to get knowledge of. And we see it used in John 6:62, “What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before?” That word, see, is the same word translated beheld. And we’re talking about spiritual sight. We’re talking about the ability to discern spiritual happenings.


Alternate Translation, it’s the third third of Revelation 11:12, “And those men in whose minds Satan rules and reigns receive knowledge of and experienced intercourse with the Spirit of God and the word of God.” “And his enemies beheld him, and those men in whose minds Satan rules and reigns received knowledge of and experienced intercourse with the Spirit of God and the word of God.” They didn’t just see them. His enemies didn’t just see the two witnesses, they experienced them. They discerned them with a spiritual discernment, and they experienced them.


Why? Because it’s the ministry, or part of the ministry, of the two witnesses to fertilize the human spirit to have intercourse with other men, to exchange i- -- well, not necessarily to exchange ideas, but to have an interaction between the two wit- -- the many-membered company, in which the two witnesses are manifesting, and men. There is an exchange of souls. There is an intercourse on the soul realm. And the result of that is that the two witnesses shall fertilize the human spirit of whomever they are relating to.


When you have a conversation with somebody, there is an intercourse on the soul realm. I hope everyone here knows about [?soul ties?]. Some [?soul ties?] are godly. When you have a relationship with somebody, when you relate to somebody, when you talk to somebody, you develop a [?soul tie?]. Well, when you develop a [?soul tie?] with a member of the many-membered company that is manifesting the two witnesses, the result of it is that you’re going to walk away pregnant. That’s what this is saying. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 11:12, “And the many-membered company, in which the word of God and the Spirit of God were birthed, heard a loud, spiritual instruction spoken out from the spiritual realm of God, saying unto them: Ascend up to the full stature of Jesus Christ. And Christ sprang forth in them, raising them up into the high spiritual realm of God. And they transferred into the soul of Christ. And those men, in whose minds Satan ruled and reigned, received knowledge of and experienced intercourse with the Spirit of God and the word of God.”


And of course, what’s not stated in those Scriptures is that when the two witnesses are -- when the many-membered company, manifesting the two witnesses, stand up in full stature, that the Lord is sending these men to people to talk to them, to relate to them, to reason with them, to plead with them for repentance, and as a last resort, to rebuke them and execute judgments. And the end of all of this interaction or intercourse between a son of God and a member of the living soul is that the carnal mind and the member of the living soul shall be defeated. Why? Because their human spirit shall be fertilized against their will, and Christ shall appear in them and defeat their own rebellion and pride and every evil work within them. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


You know, you can really see this on a human level. People that are sensitive -- did you ever see two people come in contact with one another, maybe it’s an employer and an employee, and they’re forced to work together? They may not even like each other, but they’re forced to work together. And somewhere along the line, after they work it out and they find a workable situation, you see that one person takes on the characteristics of the other person. Have you ever seen that? It might even be something that they despise about them. And they start talking like them, and they start walking like them, and they start handling situations like they do. I’ve seen it a lot.


Sometimes, they don’t like each other; they don’t dislike each other. They’re just two people [?that?] work together. And they start picking up the other person’s characteristics. Well, brethren, if you are a member of the living soul and you come in contact with the son of God, you are going to pick up His characteristics. More specifically, you’re going to pick up His image. And His image is the image of the Lord Jesus Christ.


And it’s going to get on you, brethren, because the image of Satan that’s in you is not going to get on the son of God. I’ll tell you right now: He’s going to influence you, and His image -- the image of the Lord Jesus Christ -- is going to get on you. This is what we’re talking about. It’s not here in the Scripture. It’s not clear. It says, “and Christ sprang forth in them, raising them up into the high, spiritual realm of God. And they transferred into the soul of Christ. And those men, in whose minds Satan ruled and reigned, received knowledge of and experienced intercourse with the Spirit of God and the word of God.”


How? They came into human relationship with them. They talked with them. They walked with them. They had meetings with them. They may even have had dinner with them. They knew them on a human level. Let’s get these Scriptures to a place where we can apply them to the lives of men. Glory to God.


Verse 13, “And the same hour there was -- and the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.” Glory to God.


And in that same hour, there was a great earthquake. The word hour, I remind you, is just a time period. Now, I remind you that the word day is a time period in which the light appears. An hour is just a time period. It does not specify whether the light has appeared in it or not. It’s just a time period that has a beginning and an end. So, we’re saying in that same hour, at the same time that the sons of God were called up to full statue and they were out there interacting with men and women, fertilizing their human spirits -- in that same time period, there was a great earthquake.


And the word earthquake, we’ve established, typified in the Scripture a passing through from one spiritual realm to another. You can review that on message 42, parts 1 and 2 if you like. But the Lord has shown me that the symbol of an earthquake in the Scripture is used to typify the piercing through of one spiritual realm to another. Now, up until this point in the Scripture, it’s always someone from the spiritual realm piercing into the realm of appearance. But what we have here is the sons of God piercing through into the realm of the Spirit of God. This is the reverse.


Now, I remind you that when Adam fell, Satan pierced through the soul of the creation, the living soul. And he pierced through into the realm of appearance and took form. And we’ve had accounts in the Scripture of angels appearing, and there was a great earthquake. But to the best of my knowledge, the first earthquake that typified a living soul -- a member of the living soul going back into the realm of the spirit was when Jesus Christ of Nazareth was crucified, and there was a great earthquake, and He pierced through back into the heavenly realm of His Father. Glory to God. Hallelujah. And it’s typified by a great earthquake, a great shaking.


Alternate Translation. I’ve had this verse broken down into four parts. This is the first part, the first quarter of Revelation 11:13, “And in the same time period that the many-membered body of Christ was raised up to full stature, there was a great shaking in the realm of the spirit. There was a great shaking in the realm of the spirit.” Why? Because the sons of God had pierced through into the realm of the spirit [UNINTELLIGIBLE] they had transferred their life substance from the Adamic soul into the soul of Christ. And this is typified by an earthquake. There was a great shaking. Glory to God.


“And the tenth part of the city fell. And the tenth part of the city fell.” Now, I remind you -- Glory to God. I tried to jump ahead, and I couldn’t. I can’t find my notes. I must have put this in the wrong place. If you could just bear with me a second. I -- we recently discussed that the Lord Jesus Christ was slain. Can you shut that off for a second?




OK. There are two cities: the Adamic soul and the soul of Christ. They are both called cities. They’re holding places for spiritual life. And I’d like to read you Revelation 14:8, which says, “And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.”


Babylon -- that is the city typified by the Adamic soul, and message number 51, part 5 discusses that the city where Jesus was crucified is the spiritual realm of the soul. So, we’re dealing with the phrase, “and the tenth part of the city fell.” And I’m suggesting to you that the city that we’re talking about is the Adamic soul. The tenth part of it fell.


Well, what does that mean? The tenth part typifies the tithe. And I have an interesting study on that on message 8 if you want to review it. Now, I have to admit to you people that message 8 is the worst message that I made. I’ve preached over 100 messages to date, and it’s not really a bad message, but it’s a little confusing. I have a lot of information on it, and it’s very hard to follow. So, when I say it’s the worst message, that’s what I’m talking about. It’s hard to follow. But if you want to sort of flip through it until you get into this study, it’s really interesting. It’s a study in Isaiah, talking about the tenth part. And if you could take each isolated study, it’s clear, but I put too many studies in there together. So, as a message, it’s very confusing, but if you’re just looking for that one study on the tenth part, it is clear, and it is edifying if you’d like to look into it.


And basically, what that Scripture says in Isaiah is that the whole was destroyed. If God had not left us a tenth, we would not have survived. And I’m suggesting to you that the Lord is destroying everything of the natural man, except that within him, which is of God. The tenth, the tithe, we think of it in another way. We think of tithing, we think of taking 10 percent of what the natural [?Jew?] had and giving it to God.


Well, God’s looking at it from the [?heavenlies?], and the 10 percent that he really wants from you is what is His Spirit that is in you. That’s what He wants. So, this concept of the tithes is indicating that God is destroying everything in the natural man, except that, which is of His own Spirit.


OK, let’s pursue this a little further. OK, so what I’m saying is that tenth typifies Christ. That, which is left after everything else is destroyed. OK, “and the tenth part of the city fell.” The word fell is Strong’s 4098, and it means to descend from a higher place to a lower place -- from a higher place to a lower place. Now everybody thinks that the city fell. Everybody’s thinking that the city fell, but I’m going to read it to you again. “And the tenth part of the city fell.” “And the tenth part of the city fell.”


And I’m going to suggest to you that the tenth part, the tithe, the Christ, the human spirit that had birthed Christ in the man came down to the soul realm. Unstated in this verse is that the Adamic soul must be melted down and the Satanic moral order destroyed before Christ can descend. Do you realize that God is coming down from the high realm of the Spirit, and man is being caught up? And they’re going to meet each other in the air.


You know that Scripture that preaches the rapture? God is descending. We are ascending. And we’re going to meet in the middle ground, which is where? Does anybody know? Anybody know what the middle meeting ground is of man and God? The soul -- whose soul? Not the Adamic soul. Christ’s soul, the soul of Christ, amen.


Man is ascending from the Adamic soul. He’s ascending up into the Christ soul. And the Father is coming down into the soul of His son. And we shall meet in the air, and we shall be forever with the Lord in the soul realm, in the spiritual realm of the soul of Christ. And that’s what’s being described here. I suggest to you that the tenth part of the city descended, came down, alighted. And I suggest to you that it’s the spirit of -- the realm of the spirit of God came down into the soul realm.


Alternate Translation. This is the second quarter of Revelation 11:13, “And the moral order of the soulish elements of the creation was destroyed.” Now, I’m adding all this in, because I just told you before there was something left out of this verse. Let me read it to you in the King James again. “And the tenth part of the city fell.” OK, and now I’m adding all of this in. Now, the -- just the fact that it fell -- before God could come down into the soul realm, we have found over these last few months of studying the Scriptures, that something else has to happen first. “And the moral order of the soulish elements of the creation was destroyed. And that part of the creation, which is Christ, descended into the realm of the soul and pressed the Adamic soul under His feet.”


Can you hear this, brethren. “And the tenth part of the city fell.” And God and man descended into the realm of the soul. But before God descends into the realm of the soul, the enemies in the Adamic soul must come into submission to Christ. So, I therefore added in these phrases. “And the moral order of the soulish elements of the creation were destroyed. And that part of the creation, which is Christ, descended into the realm of the soul and pressed the Adamic soul under His feet.”


And I have the witness for you, 1 Thessalonians 4:16 and 17, “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first.” Now, that’s the Lord coming down. “The Lord himself shall descend.” “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air.” Glory to God. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.


So, that is the phrase that says, “and the tenth part of the city fell. And Christ descended into the realm of mankind.” Hallelujah. Glory to God. And his descending was preceded by the fact that the Adamic soul was utterly brought into submission. It doesn’t say that in the Scripture. Glory to God.


Continuing with “and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand.” The word slain is Strong’s 615. It means to kill outright, to destroy. So, there were 7,000 slain in the earthquake. What does that mean? The Greek interlinear shows that a word was left out in the King James translation, a very important word. And the Gree- -- both the Greek interlinear and the King James 2 translation says, there were killed the names of 7,000 men. Not 7,000 men were killed; the names of 7,000 men were killed. And names in the Scripture typify spirit. Glory to God.


The number 7 is the number of completion, and I’ll give you some spiritual numero- -- Bible numerology on 7,000. 10 is the number of the law. We have the law in the realm of the soul. I guess I’ll put that on the board for you. Glory to God. We have the number 7; it’s the number of completion. Completion in the realm of the soul times 10. Completion in the number of the Spirit, it’s a second 10. Completion in the number of the body -- spirit, soul and body -- 7,000. The number 7,000 is equal to the fulfillment of the law in the realm of the spirit and the soul and the body. Glory to God.


Complete fulfillment of God’s law in the three realms where the law exists. And I suggest to you that that fulfillment is accomplished by the judgments of God. And God is showing this to me, just more and more every day, that it is a very, very rare person that is going to heed the warnings of God and go the easy way.


This living soul shall be judged, brethren, with a great and mighty judgment. But the end of it shall be Christ appearing in the living soul. But it’s going to be a great and traumatic judgment. Men are rebellious, brethren, and they’re just filled with pride. They’re unteachable. Their minds are [?seared?]. Their consciousness is [?seared?]. They’re reprobate. There’s corruption in their mind. And the Lord would have them righteous. Glory to God.


OK, so what are we saying? We’re saying that the spirits of the men existing in the realm of the law, where the law has authority, were killed. 7 is the number of completion, the number of fulfillment in the realm of the body, soul and spirit. So, what am I saying? I’m saying it’s a general number typifying however many members there are in the living soul. It’s just a general number, the number of the fulfillment, the total number of the members of the living soul where the law exists in the realm of the body, in the realm of the soul and in the realm of the spirit.


And this Scripture says that the names of 7,000 men were killed. So, it’s just their spirits were killed. The spirits of the 7,000, the spirits of the general number typifying -- excuse me -- the total numbers of the membe- -- the total number of the members of the living soul. Just their spirits were killed.


What in the world are we talking about? It’s so confusing. The King James translators left a word out. Well, it’s really quite simple, brethren. Glory to God. 1 Timothy 2:14 and 15, “And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.” Brethren, the living soul is bringing forth a child. Every member of the living soul is bringing forth a child. And she’s going to be saved in that childbearing. Who know who the child is? Anybody? Christ. When Christ appears in you, you shall be saved by the child that you bring forth.


Genesis 35:16 to 19, “And Rachel had hard labor. And it came to pass, when she was in hard labor, that the midwife said to her, fear not; thou shalt have this son also. And it came to pass, as her soul was departing, because she died, that she called his name Benoni, but his father called his name Benjamin. And Rachel died and was buried in Bethlehem.”


Rachel brought forth Benjamin, the type of the 42nd generation. Rachel brought forth Joseph, the type of Christ, and she brought forth the second son, Benjamin, which is a type of the offspring of Jesus Christ. And she died in childbearing. And what I’m suggesting to you is that when your human spirit births Christ, she is going to die. We’ve talked about the squaring of the spirit. We have the Holy Spirit, the human spirit, Christ and the Father. But there is no more human spirit. For all intents and purposes, there is no more human spirit, and there is no more Holy Spirit. They have been swallowed up by Christ.


When you have a man and a woman procreating, you have a female ovum and a male sperm. And they join together, and they produce a child. And that child lives, and walks, and talks, and breathes and has an independent life. He is no longer your ovum or your sperm. He is your son or he is your daughter.


And when Christ is birthed in you, brethren, your human spirit, or the ovum from which He was produced, will no longer exist. So, the Scripture tells us that the spirits of the men were slain. How were they slain? They were destroyed. How? Because Christ appeared in them. That’s how they were destroyed. Christ appeared in them. Is there anyone that does not understand that? Is there anyone that doesn’t understand that? Glory to God.


OK, and -- so, the Scripture that we’re dealing with, “and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand.” And this word men, it really means man-faced creature. It’s Strong’s 444, and it means man-faced creature.


Alternate Translation, three quarter- -- the third quarter of Revelation 11:13, “And the spiritual power released into the realm of the soul when the many-membered body of Christ was standing in full stature shook this realm of the soul like an earthquake shakes the earth. And the living soul was dissolved into its basic elements. And the existing moral order was torn down. And the spirits of those man-faced creatures dwelling in the realm of the soul were fertilized and brought forth Christ. And they died in childbirth, but they lived in the next generation through their offspring even Christ.”


Can you hear that? The human spirit died in childbearing, but she lived in her offspring. She lived in the next generation. She is alive in Christ. Is anybody having a problem with that? Jesus Christ was crucified, but he lives in His offspring, and He’s appearing again in this hour.


And the same thing is going to happen to us. Our human spirit is going to die, but she shall live in her offspring in Christ in her. Glory to God. [?I have?] a witness. And obviously, I’m sure you’re aware that I added a lot in there. There’s a lot unsaid in these Scriptures, so I just want to give you a witness to the fact that when the spiritual power released into the realm of the soul, because the many-membered body of Christ stood up in full stature -- when that happened, it shook the realm of the soul like an earthquake. And the liv- -- and the result of that was that “the living soul was dissolved into its basic elements, and the existing moral order was torn down. And the spirits of the man-faced creatures dwelling in the realm of the soul were fertilized and brought forth Christ.”


OK? So, we’re saying when the man- -- when Christ stands up in the many members of the living soul, two things are going to happen. The living soul is going to be brought into submission. It’s going to be fertilized against its will, and Christ is going to come forth. And I have a witness to that. 2 Peter 3, verses 10 and 12, “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” That’s everything of the Adamic soul, except the human spirit. She’s not going to be burnt; she’s going to die in childbirth and live in the next generation.


Verse 12, “Looking for the hasting into -- unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?” Glory to God. “The heavens” -- the heavenly realm of Adams soul -- “the heavens” -- that’s Satan -- “being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?” The elements being Adam, Eve and Satan. They’re being separated, each element being dealt with differently. Glory to God.


Eve, dying in childbirth, having produced Christ. Satan being castrated and swallowed up. And Adam being purified and redeemed. “And the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.” The word remnant is Strong’s 3062, and it’s the same word translated rest in Revelation 9:20. I have a deeper explanation on that. If you want to review it, it’s under the category “Residue of Men” or “The Rest of Men.” It’s on message 48, part 2. And what we’re suggesting is that the rest of men is the human soul and the unconscious mind.


So, what we’re saying is that -- glory to God. I lost my place here. Just bear with me a second. “The tenth part of the city fell” -- let me get it in my Bible here. OK. “And the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand.” “In the earthquake were slain the spirits of all of the members of the living soul.” “and the remnant were affrighted.” Well, if the spirit was slain, what’s the remnant? I suggest to you it’s the human soul and the Satanic mind of men.


“And the human souls in men, and the Satanic unconscious mind that flows through all men were affrighted, and they gave glory to God.” What were they frightened of, brethren? What were they frightened of? Christ -- they were frightened of Christ. Christ was birthed in the human spirit, and the human soul and the unconscious spirit of Satan that flows through the whole living soul saw Christ and every eye shall see him. Not on the TV, brethren; I’m sorry to disappoint you. It’s not going to be on the TV. Christ is appearing in the soul of every man-faced creature on the face of the earth, and your human soul and Satan and your unconscious mind is going to be terrified. Glory to God.


And they “gave glory to the God of heaven.” And the word glory is 1391. It means praise, honor an- -- [?or?] worship. And I suggest to you that they weren’t standing there saying, glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. I suggest to you that this giving glory to God is a spiritual reality of submission to the lordship and the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. Their rebellion was put down. Their pride was put down. Their war-machine was dismantled. And they yielded to the rulership of the Lord Jesus Christ.


And if you recall prior messages, the way we’re going to make this real to human beings is that the unconscious mind of man and the conscious mind of man is devoted, is dedicated to getting the needs of men met. What are our needs? Food, clothing, shelter, love and, in an ungodly aspect, power. Man wants power to feel worthwhile. And the tools that are used by the natural man to get these met are witchcraft and mind control and lying and stealing and every kind of evil on the face of the earth. And I suggest to you what -- that when they give glory to the Lord God almighty, they have yielded up to Christ’s way of getting their needs met: total submission and total yielding to the move of Christ in their mind. All selfishness shall be put down. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, the fourth quarter of Revelation 11:13, “And the human souls of men and the unconscious mind of man, even Satan, trembled with alarm and fear and submitted to the lordship of Christ. And righteousness appeared in their thoughts and in their behavior. And righteousness appeared in their thoughts and in their behavior.”


And I didn’t put it down, but the Lord just gave me another witness for you on that. I cannot quote you the Scripture exactly, but it says in so many words, if you’re right with God in your mind, you shall be lacking nothing. So, the way to get your needs met, brethren, in accordance with the righteousness of God, is to obey His law to do no harm to any man but to serve God in righteousness and mercy and in truth, which we cannot do until Jesus Christ has been added to us.


So, this is a two-pronged offense here. Not only has Satan and the human souls of men submitted to Christ and given up their evil ways, but at the same time, the ability to be righteous was added to them so that they could do it the right way when they submitted. Glory to God.


Heaven -- the earth ascended -- the wickedness of men ascended by shedding their wickedness. And the heavenly realm of God came down by imparting righteousness to men who were now willing to do it God’s way. And they met in the air, and they shall forever be with the Lord in the realm of the soul. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation for Revelation 11:14, “And the second trouble has accomplished its purpose.” What’s its purpose? It’s fertilized the souls of men and brought forth Christ, an- --




-- -elation 11, versus 12 to 14, “And in the same period that the many-membered body of Christ was raised up to full stature, there was a great shaking in the realm of the spirit. And the moral order of the soulish elements of the creation was destroyed. And that part of the creation, which is Christ, descended into the realm of the soul and pressed the Adamic soul under His feet.

“And the spiritual power released into the realm of the soul when the many-membered body of Christ was standing in full stature shook the realm of the soul like an earthquake shakes the earth. And the living soul was dissolved into its basic elements. And the existing moral order was torn down, and the spirits of those man-faced creatures dwelling in the realm of the soul were fertilized and brought forth Christ. And they died in childbirth, but they lived in the next generation through their offspring even Christ. And the human souls of men and the unconscious minds of man, even Satan, trembled with alarm and fear at the sight of Christ. And they submitted to His lordship. And righteousness appeared in their thoughts and in their behavior.


“The second trouble has accomplished its purpose, and look! The third trouble is already upon the living soul.” Wow. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


04/20/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

04/22/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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