Part 4 of 7 Parts
This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
There are two aspects, two parts to deliverance. One is no good without the other. Both parts must perform their function to bring forth a full and lasting deliverance, and the first part, the first part -- could you turn that down just a little, please? It’s the input. It’s the input. Thanks. And the first part that -- the first part of the deliverance is called the washing with the water of the word. It’s sometimes called sanctification, and this is the condition of the believer that is in need of deliverance, OK? He has a mind. He has a mind. It’s called his soul, and it’s ruled by the spirit known as Satan. And the kindest way that I could put it is that it’s filled with error. We know it’s filled with filth, but we just want to understand it. It’s filled with error, and the error that it’s filled with when we agree with it causes death in our life.
What’s happening in this hour if the Lord Jesus Christ has called you is that he is imparting a new soul to you, and it’s coming right forth in the middle of the Adamic soul, and it’s called Christ. It’s a new mind. It’s a new way of looking at things. It’s not error; it’s truth. It’s not error, it’s righteousness; and when you think with this mind, it’s going to impart life to you. The problem that we have in the church in this hour is that these two minds are utterly bound together. They’re utterly bound together.
The truth -- let me do it this way -- the truth, which is who? Jesus. -- And the error -- which is who? Which is Satan -- are inseparable in our minds. That’s the problem that’s in the church today.
I know a lot of people that went to deliverance ministries. They got a lot of deliverance, but, brethren, let me tell you, more than three quarters of the people in that deliverance church didn’t get what they hoped for. They didn’t get it. Why didn’t they get it? Because there are two processes to correcting this situation.
Why isn’t this board erasing? Oh, that’s better. OK.
There are two parts to the process that’s going to bring forth this deliverance, and the first part is washing. You’ve got to get your mind washed. Washing also means separation. You have to get the truth separated from the error. This is what we have now. We have truth and we have error. Well, you tell me how you’re going to cast the error out of there without casting the truth out too, and if you cast out both souls, you’re going to die because you can’t live without a soul.
You’re not eligible for deliverance until you get the mind of Christ. Why? Because when you cast out the error or the demon or the satanic mind, you now live by the mind of Christ. If you cast out a demon before you get the mind of Christ, you’re just wasting your time. If you cast out enough of them, you could kill the person, and if you just cast out one it’s going to come back because there’s nothing to take its place. How are you going to get those demons out of that, you can. You have to separate the truth from the error. You’ve got to get your mind washed, brethren.
And, actually, there’s a step even before that. You have to get the mind of Christ imparted to you. When you receive the Holy Spirit, you have not received the mind of Christ. You could be speaking in tongues and moving in all the gifts, but, brethren, the mind of Christ is not the gifts. The mind of Christ is how he thinks. The mind of Christ is what God thinks.
I like that fan. I’m going to take it home with me. No, you can’t. It doesn’t belong to you. Do you know that there are people in this world that wouldn’t know that? Do you know that there are people that have an error in their mind, that think that if they wanted that fan it’s all right to walk home with it. Well I can’t cast that demon of stealing out of them. They have to get another mind. They have to find out that it’s wrong to walk away with that fan. Two ways of thinking. It’s my right? No, it’s not your right. Which one is wrong? It’s wrong that I can walk home with it. OK, I acknowledge Jesus is right. Lord, cast out the demon that says I could take it home.
You can’t get these demons cast out until you understand that it’s wrong thinking. There is preparation for deliverance, brethren. The people that you’ve spoken to that tell you they’ve gotten a lot of deliverance, there are demons that will come out with no preparation. There really are. I believe there are demons of lust, demons of adul- -- but, you know, we all know adultery is -- well, that’s not even true. I’m trying to think of an example. I know there are people that will come to a servant of God, and the Lord will have mercy on them without this deep kind of impartation of a new mind, but it’s simple deliverance. Okay, it could be an infirmity, okay. It could be a stealing problem, but almost always when I guess, they don’t even know what I’m saying.
To get that deliverance, you’ve got to not want it. You’ve got to -- I guess what I just said isn’t even true. It might be a simple problem. It might be someone that takes drugs. It might be someone that takes -- that drinks. It might be someone that’s an adulterer, but they have a revelation in their mind that this behavior is hurting them; otherwise, why would they be asking for deliverance? OK? So they’ll come into a church, and God will have mercy and will cast the demon out of them.
But when we come up against people that have deep-rooted personality problems, the problem that we have is that we hear this word, deliverance, and we want deliverance, but what we really want deliverance from is from the symptom. We want deliverance from the symptom, which is wonderful. The only problem is the way this procedure works that brings forth the deliverance from the symptom is that you have got to look at the cause of it. This is the way God does it. You’ve got to look at the cause of it, and when it comes to deep-rooted emotional problems, the causes are very buried. They’re very hidden; and most of the time, the people don’t even know what they are. And then they submit for the deliverance. The deliverance doesn’t come forth, they get disillusioned, and they say it doesn’t work, but it does work.
And the first thing you have to do if you want it, you’ve got to get your mind washed. You’ve got to separate the thoughts of God -- well first, the thoughts of God have to be imparted to you, which is happening when you read your Bible and when you hear preaching like this and when you talk to anointed counselors. You’ve got to get God’s view of this situation. You don’t want -- well, I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but even your father and your mother, if they’re not in Christ -- When you’re looking for deliverance from God, you want His view on this from the counselor that he sends you to. If your father and mother can manifest Christ, that’s wonderful, but they may not be manifesting Christ.
You’ve got to look at this problem, and you’ve got it in your head what the cause of that problem is, and you can’t get delivered from it. Why? Because your opinion of what the problem is, is not God’s opinion, so the first thing that you have to hear is what God’s opinion is of what’s causing your symptom. What’s causing your symptom. You have to hear it spoken to you. If it’s spoken by someone under the anointing, God willing, it’s going to root in your heart, and that truth of the reality of the source of your problem is going to grow, and it’s going to separate out. The truth is going to separate out, and the error is still going to be there.
But the next time, when this thing crops up from your unconscious mind, when this root cause that’s going to cause you to indulge in behavior that’s destructive to you and those that you love, when the thought comes into your mind to do it, there’s going to be another thought, not jumbled and not confused, but very clear, and it’s going to say to you “if you go through with that, this unhappy situation will result from it.” You’re going to hear it, and when that first starts to happen, you still won’t be able to stop, but you will have heard the thought, and as the days and the weeks go by -- and I’m not going to lie to you, this doesn’t happen in a month. I’m not going to lie to you. This doesn’t happen in a month -- and as the time goes by, the truth is going to get stronger than the error, and the motivating factor that’s going to cause you to do the thing that’s going to bring destruction into your life is going to rise up in your unconscious mind, and the truth is going to step on it and put it under foot.
Submit yourself to God. Hear the truth about your condition. Resist the devil. Do not obey Satan rising up from your conscious mind, and he shall depart from you when God says you’re strong enough to hold your deliverance. When God says that the truth that he has imparted to you is manifesting in your mind in enough strength that when he casts this error out in the form of a demon, he’s going to stay out.
And that’s the reality of it, brethren, is a lot of people got delivered from drug addiction, a lot of people got delivered from alcoholism, a lot of people got delivered from compulsive sexual activity, all of these surface things.
But in this hour, if you’re looking for deliverance deep in your personality, or if you have a problem in your life and you don’t think it’s you, everybody you love leaves you; if you’re sick and you can’t get well; if you can’t hold a job; if there’s always a problem and you think it’s only the other person; you’d better see God. You’d better find out, what in you that you are totally unaware of is provoking this behavior, is causing other people to reject you. It’s causing other people to hate you. It’s causing other people to fight with you. Now if it’s the anointing, it’s fine, but you better make sure that you’re not blaming your own sins on the anointing of Almighty God, because if you do, you won’t ever get any better. Hallelujah.
OK, I don’t even know where this came from. I have absolutely no intention of doing this today.
But this is the situation. You’ve got to get your mind washed before the demons come out. You’ve got to get sanctified before you get delivered. You have to have the righteous mind of Almighty God in every situation in your life imparted to you, so at least you have a choice. At least you have a choice, that you should know that if you per- -- if you yield to a certain behavior that that behavior is going to start a fight that’s going to ruin your day, at least you should have the choice of saying I choose to do it or I do not choose to do it, and I choose to do it knowing that I will have a fight with this person, and my whole day will be ruined, and if you choose to do it, God bless you, you shall reap what you sew.
Don’t expect anyone to -- you are no longer a victim. You are no longer a victim. You have made an active choice. You knew that your behavior -- that your words were going to ruin the balance of your weekend, and you chose it. It’s your choice, but you, as sons of God -- as children of God, you should have choices. You should have the choice of saying if I do this, it’s going to ruin my day, and I don’t want my day ruined and I choose not to do it. That’s your choice. That’s your heritage as a son of God. And when you start overcoming in this area, eventually, God will bring deliverance, but I’m telling you, don’t expect him to cast that symptom out of you. God is not casting your symptoms out. He’s after your root causes, and you are not a passive -- just a passive hunk in all of this. You are to work with God. You are not just a hunk of wood that he is saving. You are to work with God.
We are all victims, brethren. We have all been born into this world, having inherited Adam’s sin, Adam’s death, and all of the curses of our family and our parents and our grandparents and our great grandparents; however, all of this sin is now ours. It’s not our parents’ sin and we’re victims. We are victims, yes, but it’s our sin, and the buck stops here. If you are called to God in this hour, and if you’re called to a ministry like this, I’ll tell you, the buck on your family line stops here. Right here.
God winked at it over there, because they didn’t know any better, and he winked at it over there because they knew better but they had no power to do anything about it, but if you’re here, he’s brought you to the power to do something about it. The buck stops here. It’s your sin, and you’ve got to work to get this deliverance, and if you don’t, I don’t even know where this is -- this is under the anointing, forgive me, don’t get mad at me. -- If you don’t work with God to bring forth what he wants to give you, there’s nothing left for a righteous God to do but rain judgment on you. There’s nothing left. Why? Because he’s righteous. He’s righteous. And if you are the generation where he has made every tool available to break this curse on your family line and for all generations to come, which is a great honor, and you can’t throw yourself in line with his program, there’s nothing left for a righteous God to do but judge you. Interesting day.
We’re in Revelation, Verses 5 and 6 today. Glory to God. I’m going to recap Revelation, Chapter 11, Verse 4. “These two witnesses to the fact that God exists are the two sources of God’s life-giving oil in the realm of appearance. Even the Father and the Son, and they are also the two redeemed souls that form a garment for the God of all mankind, even Jesus Christ and his many-membered body.” So what we’re saying here now is that there’s no trinity, there’s just the Father and the Son, and the Spirit of Jesus Christ is one with the Father in spirit form and he’s one with the Son in the realm of the soul. There is just Father and Son, there is just spirit and soul, and the Spirit of Jesus Christ rules in both realms. Hallelujah. He is both spirit and soul. He is both the Father and the Son. There is not a third entity known as the Holy Spirit. There is just the Father and the Son, and it is God in two different forms.
OK, Verse 5 -- “And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth and devoureth their enemies; and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.” Now first of all, this word, “any man,” -- the two words “any man,” the word man is not in the Greek. The word is any. It’s Strong’s 1536, and it can mean any man, anything, whosoever, anyone, and I’m suggesting to you that it’s referring to anything, any soul or any manifestation of the satanic mind, and if anything will hurt them, this word -- oh, I want to put this in first.
The scripture in King James says, “And if any man will hurt them,” -- now I don’t know about you, but that sounds to me like it’s saying if they are hurt by any man, but the original Greek text does not say that. The original Greek text reads, “If anyone desires to hurt them.” Now what’s the difference here? Well there are two major points here. First of all, to read the scripture saying if any man will hurt them, it implies that they can be hurt, and I declare to you that they cannot be hurt unless they agree to it themselves; and second of all, as the true Greek text reads, if anyone desires to hurt them, it is a confirmation that in this covenant, we are not dealing so much with behavior as we are dealing with motives. And I emphasize to you that the scripture says if anyone desires to hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth.
Brethren, we are going to be judged for our unaccomplished thoughts. We are going to be judged for our motives that have not yet manifested in behavior. Now years ago, I saw a science fiction movie, and I thought it was horrible. It was supposed to be taking place sometime in the future, where men were being convicted of crimes that were in their minds that they had not yet committed. They were being executed for murders when the person was still alive, and it was a science fiction movie that was supposed to be a horrible concept of the loss of freedom, moving into a society where Big Brother can read your mind, and you would be judged without even hurting anybody, but, brethren, there’s a truth in it in Christ. We shall be judged for our motives, and we’ve been talking about that over the last few meetings.
And there are a lot of believers that are still -- We’re all carnal in some areas. If I -- You know, I don’t mean to insult anybody, but if we’re carnal, we have to know that we’re carnal so that we can change, and some of us are carnal in some areas and spiritual in other areas. We’ve got to stop zeroing in on the motives. We’ve got to stop zeroing in on the fact that -- well, he didn’t really -- he didn’t really do anything offensive, and he really didn’t say anything offensive, but the reality is that the spirit that motivated the words were the spirit of murder, and very often, you get a spiritual person in a conversation with a carnal person, and the spiritual person knows that something really horrible manifested, and the carnal person says, well they didn’t mean anything by it. Oh yes, they did. That’s the spirit of murder that manifested. Whether they were aware of it or whether they were not aware of it, in this covenant, you and I shall be judged for the intents of our heart. Why? Because if it was a spirit of murder, it doesn’t matter, you see, whether it was a spirit of murder or a spirit of envy or a spirit of witchcraft.
What are we saying? We’re saying that the satanic mind manifested. That’s what we’re saying, and what’s wrong with that? If you have two minds -- the satanic mind and the mind of Christ -- you are supposed to be manifesting Christ. So it doesn’t matter what ungodly spirit motivates your words or your behavior, if Christ has been imparted to you, the challenge to you is to start living out of his soul. And when the sons of God manifest, if you are not living out of his soul, they will expose you. Not to condemn you, not to embarrass you, not to hurt you if they are God’s servants, but to say do you realize that your motive for what you just said was to control that person? No. Well be aware of it, because judgment is about to fall on you.
Work out your own salvation. Recognize witchcraft in your own heart, because if you don’t, judgment is upon you. Recognize it. Confess it. Repent and seek God for deliverance, lest disaster come upon you. Why? Because you’re practicing witchcraft when the mind of Christ is available to you. Do you hear me? We’re in the age of motivation. Jesus is concerned with our heart and the condition of our heart.
So the Greek text reads -- “If anyone desires to heart them, fire proceedeth out of the mouth of the two witnesses.” Now this word desires, it’s Strong’s 2307, and it means determined, chooses, purposes, is inclined to, is willing to, takes pleasure in. Now there’s a great swing there. There’s a big difference -- most men would say there’s a big difference between taking pleasure in hurting you and being inclined to hurting you. What’s the difference? Well, to be inclined to hurt you, it means, well, I have the inclination. If the circumstances are right, I could be swayed or influenced to say something that would hurt you. But to take pleasure in hurting you -- to the carnal mind, there’s a big difference, but not according to the mind of God. Why? Because being inclined to hurt and taking pleasure in hurting both come forth from the carnal mind. It makes no difference to Jesus. You’ve got to go. The carnal mind has to die, and you’ve got to start living out of Christ, and any manifestation of the carnal mind that comes in contact with the righteousness of God in one of His sons shall be exposed, and it shall be destroyed.
The word hurt -- we had this in another message -- it’s Strong’s 91, and it means moral, social, or physical wrong. It means to be unjust, and I’m going to suggest to you that only men manifesting the satanic nature would try to harm the sons of God. This scripture is just -- it’s just rooted with unsaid things. We have been teaching here that there’s a lot not said in the scriptures, and this is one verse where there is a lot not said. The verse is -- “And if any man will hurt them.” Well, did you ever stop to ask yourself why someone would want to hurt them? Does it have to be some maniac running down the street that wants to kill them? Who would want to hurt the sons of God? And I am suggesting to you, brethren, that anyone that does not have the mind of righteousness is inclined to hurt the sons of God. So what we’re really saying here is that any man that is in the natural mind would be trying to hurt them and that only men manifesting the satanic nature would try to harm them because Christ is threatening Satan and his kingdom with absolute annihilation of life as it is now known, and if your unconscious mind is Satan, you are inclined to hurt the sons of God. Why? Because he is standing up to defend life as he now knows it.
Now Webster says that the word wrong means the state of being mistaken or incorrect. It is the state of being guilty. It is a violation of the legal rights of another. It is an unrighteous act. So if any man will hurt them, if anyone will commit an unrighteous act against them, if anyone will be mistaken or incorrect -- brethren, if anyone doesn’t discern that they are manifesting Christ and thinks they are manifesting witchcraft, God says you’re trying to hurt his two witnesses. There’s no room for error. Kindergarten is over. Either you’re manifesting Christ or you’re not. If you’re manifesting Christ, you will be of one mind with the other men that are manifesting Christ, and if you are manifesting the satanic mind, you will be inclined to hurt God’s sons. Glory to God. And if you are inclined to hurt them, fire will come out of their mouth.
OK, Alternate Translation, the first third of Revelation 11:5. “And if any member of the living soul or Satan, his unconscious mind is inclined to oppose their righteous mind, to oppose the righteous mind of the sons of God.” And I declare to you -- I don’t care how harmless a member of the living soul you are, Satan is still your unconscious mind, and when you come up against the mind of God in a man, your mind will be opposing the righteousness that’s manifesting in the sons of God. The scriptures are so underplayed. I’m telling you, that’s what it means, and if any member of the living soul or Satan, which is his unconscious mind in that member, is inclined -- and that’s everyone. That’s everyone that’s in the living soul -- is inclined to oppose their righteous mind, fire proceedeth out of the mouth of the two witnesses and devoureth their enemies.
Fire, it’s Strong’s 4442. It means fire or lightning, and I’m suggesting to you that it’s the spoken word generated by the Spirit of God or the righteousness of God spoken in language form or the very word of God expressed in language. The symbol describing this in the scripture is fire coming out of their mouth. It’s the power of the Spirit of Almighty God spoken in language form.
The word proceedeth is Strong’s 1607, and it merely means to depart from, to be discharged from, to project from, or to issue forth from.
And the word mouth -- I just want to point out to you that that word is singular, and I checked it out in the Greek. There are two witnesses, and there is one mouth. Glory to God. And I remind you that we established in a previous message that the two witnesses are -- I hope I established it for you -- the word of God and the Spirit of God. The Spirit and the soul of Almighty God manifesting in men.
So there is one mouth -- no matter how many sons of God there are, there is one mouth. Why? Because Christ is not divided. And if you have two Christians together -- I don’t care how spiritual you think these two Christians are -- if they are not in agreement on every issue of righteousness and doctrine, you can believe that they -- either one or both of them, is manifesting Christ only in part, because if you put two people together that are manifesting Christ in full stature, there will be absolutely no disagreement in any area whatsoever. Hallelujah. That’s a good test for someone that thinks they’re a manifested son of God, but of course you need two manifested sons of God to test them.
OK, fire proceedeth out of their mouth and devoureth their enemies. The word devoureth is Strong’s 2719. It is the -- excuse me -- the only time it is translated devoureth in Strong’s, it is also translated “eat,” however, and it’s the same word that’s used in a few versus back where John is told to eat up the little book, and it means to forcibly appropriate. If you recall the teaching on that word a few messages back, it doesn’t simply mean eat like we would eat food. It means it’s a very strong word, and it means to forcibly appropriate, to strip one of his goods, to ruin by the infliction of injuries, to destroy, and we’re dealing with the phrase “fire proceedeth out of their mouth and devoureth their enemies.”
And the word enemies is Strong’s 2190. It’s from a root meaning to hate, and it means hateful, hostile, adversary, and it specifically means Satan. It is used frequently to describe Satan, and Satan, of course, is the adversary.
So this is what we’ve got, Alternate Translation, second third of Revelation 11:5. “Words of spiritual authority will come out of their mouth.” -- that’s if -- These are the men that’s going to hurt them. If you try to hurt them, words of spiritual authority will come out of their mouth -- singular -- “which will inflict injuries upon the corrupt conscious mind of the member of the living soul and strip Satan in their unconscious mind of his power over them.” If a member of the living soul tries to hurt a son of God -- and I could just hear them saying now, oh, I would never try to hurt the son of God.
Brethren, I don’t care how soft your voice is, I don’t care how respectful your demeanor is, if you are opposing in your mind, either speaking it or sitting there silently -- opposing the mind of God that’s being spoken forth through a chosen vessel, you are trying to hurt one of the two witnesses. Now, you have to get a revelation whether anybody is manifesting Christ or not, but you better not deceive yourself, because if a minister of God is manifesting the mind of Christ to you and because you love your sin, you’re denying the anointing and apposing them in your mind. Either speaking it to their face or not speaking it to their face, the scripture says you are hurting one of God’s two witnesses, and words of spiritual authority shall come out of their mouth which shall inflict injuries upon your corrupt conscious mind and strip Satan of the power he has over your unconscious mind.
And I want to give you a warning, brethren, because as God moves me on in this ministry, I see certain patterns forming in the people he sends me to minister to, and I’m telling you that when God brings you into this position, when you are cornered, when your sin is exposed by the power of God through spoken language from a chosen vessel manifesting the mind of Christ -- you know what you’re going to do? -- unless you really got a hold on this thing, you’re going to deny the anointing.
I see a pattern evolving. God has had me in this ministry for a long time -- way before this Living Epistles was raised up, I’ve had this ministry that he sends me to people to tell them things they don’t want to hear, and every time there’s been a confrontation where the person manifesting unrighteousness is attacked by the power of God, where their unrighteousness is exposed, the first thing they do is deny the anointing.
Discern your own hearts, brethren, save yourself a lot of grief. That’s the way Adam and Satan in your mind is going to react. And when you hear his voice in your head saying that wasn’t under the anointing, if you want to help yourself, you just say, Jesus, I know you’re in my mind also, what’s the truth? If that was under the anointing, I’ll submit to it. You have to recognize that every voice you hear is not God, especially when you are in a confrontation with someone who your overall opinion of them is that they manifest Christ a large part of the time. If you find yourself in a confrontation with that person and something that they have said to you that you didn’t particularly care to hear, and your response to that is that they weren’t under the anointing, you better check it out, because if you are denying the anointing on them to cover up your own sin, you are in this category. In the eyes of Jesus, you are hurting or opposing His mind and His son, and this is what is going to happen to your words, is spiritual authority will come out of their mouth which will inflict injuries upon your corrupt conscious mind and strip Satan of the power he has over your unconscious mind.
And I suggest to you that in this impart hour, if you’re experiencing this with a son of God that’s not in full stature, it may not happen instantly, it may not happen immediately, but I declare to you that the Lord will see to it somewhere along the line that these manifestations occur. He may send you another witness. He may speak to you in a dream. He may speak to you in the scripture, but if you are moving in the spirit of God and you have fallen into this error of receiving the counsel of your carnal mind when the Lord God is exposing sin in your life and you don’t receive the word of the anointed minister, believe me, he’s going to witness it to you again and again and again and again.
And I’m just reminding you -- I want the best for all of you. I’m giving you the benefit of my experience. I hope you never get mad at me. I hope you never get mad at anyone else. We’re not supposed to be mad at anybody, OK? But I’m going to make a strong suggestion to you, no matter what happens, don’t leave here in a way that you can’t get back. If I say something to you and you decide that it’s not the anointing and you flee from me, don’t do it in such a manner that when three months down the line you wake up in the middle of the night and say, oh my God, I just heard a word from the Lord. I was wrong, and now I can’t get back. I’m too embarrassed. How can I ever go back there? What will everybody think of me? Nobody will think anything of you but the love of God. Your bondage, your sins, your walls are in your mind. So don’t flee from me in a manner that will bar you from coming back. I won’t bar you from coming back. Do you hear what I’m saying? Just take it as a general rule. Glory to God.
OK. Continuing with -- “And if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.” So if you oppose them in your mind -- boy, it’s real simple to deal with hurting them. It’s real easy to say I wouldn’t hurt a son of God. -- If you oppose them in your mind -- which we’re all capable of, including me, and I was tried not to long ago. God sent someone to me with counsel, and I was re- -- well, I realized what was happening. I was resisting them. I was saying oh no, oh no, right to their face, and the word of the Lord came to me right in the midst of that conversation, and I realized that I was opposing them and that I should at least be considering what they were saying to me, and God gave me the victory. I reversed my stand right while still in the midst of the conversation. I listened carefully to what they had to say, and I told them that I would pray about it. I caught myself while the conversation was still going on. So it’s still happening to all of us, brethren.
This is a great trial that we’re being challenged with, but the end of it is glorious. The end of it is going to be Christ in you, the hope of glory, it’s glorious. So if you oppose a son of God in your mind, whether you speak it or not, don’t think you’re okay because the words didn’t come out of your mouth, because if you are dealing with a son of God, the chances are they know what you’re thinking anyway, but even if they don’t know what you’re thinking, God knows what you’re thinking, so if you oppose a son of God that’s manifesting Christ to you in your mind, OK, what’s going to happen is that fire is going to come out of their mouth, which is going to affect your corrupt mind. Your mind shall be changed, and in this impart hour, it could take several months, but God’s going to get to you, and he’s going to afflict your unconscious mind, but there’s something else that’s going to happen to you -- and it says “And if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.” He must in this manner be killed. In what manner? In the manner of having your corrupt conscious mind dealt with, having injuries inflicted upon it, and having your unconscious mind stripped of its power. You’re going to be killed in your mind. Glory to God.
The word must is Strong’s 1163, and it means is necessary or needful or should be. In other words, it’s obligatory. If you oppose a son of God manifesting Christ in your mind, this must happen to you.
And what I’ve been trying to tell you for the last 10 minutes is that while we’re in this impart realm, there are sons of God manifesting Christ in the Earth, but to the best of my knowledge, no one’s in full stature and no one’s doing it 100% of the time, OK? Even if you’re up against someone that’s manifesting Christ at this moment, they’re not in full stature, so this might not happen to you in that conversation, but it’s going to happen to you. Your corrupt conscious mind is going to be corrected, and Satan’s going to be stripped of his power over you and your unconscious mind in that area, and the result of that, the scripture says, is that you’re going to be killed. That’s what it says. It’s necessary that you be killed. Why? Because your mind is corrupt, and Satan has too much power over you. If you oppose a manifesting son of God preaching from Christ, your mind is corrupt and Satan has too much power over you, so it is necessary, it is obligatory. There’s no one exempt to this rule. You must be killed. Injury shall be inflicted upon your conscious mind, and your satanic mind shall be stripped of his power.
The word killed is Strong’s 615, and we’ve talked several times that there are several words meaning death and killed in the Greek, and this is -- I believe it’s pronounced apokteino. That’s probably wrong. It means to kill outright, to put to death, to slay, to destroy. We are not talking about the word thanatos. We’re not talking about the separation of the soul from the body, that the soul should continue to live. We are talking about absolute, outright destruction. If your mind is opposing the righteousness of God, you shall be destroyed, but what the scripture doesn’t say in the English language is that you shall be resurrected to new life in Christ Jesus. That’s why there’s such error.
God -- this is hidden. This word is hidden, and it’s only for the people that God’s giving it to. When your soul is destroyed, what’s going to happen? What happens when your soul is slaughtered? You’re going to live by the power of Christ. Get out of the burning building. Get out of your soul, it’s burning. Run into Christ. Flee into Christ. Flee to another country. Flee to the mountain, the angels said to Lot. Flee to the soul of Christ. Your soul shall be destroyed.
In other words, brethren, the sons of God, they are a physical manifestation of the touchstone. We’ve studied about the touchstone, the testing of your spirit to find out whether it’s pure gold or not. If Christ manifests in me and we have an encounter, and I come to you and I say to you, you know, your motive towards me is unrighteous. Whether you’re aware of it or whether you’re not aware of it, your motive towards me is unrighteous, and you say to me, well, I’ll put it before the Lord, you’re judging yourself. But if you say to me, oh, no, I’m not, and that’s no anointing on you. If you could say that to me, your mind is corrupt, and Satan is too strong in your unconscious mind. And as a result of not what you said to me, not that you hurt my feelings, not that you cursed me, not that you wounded me personally, but because of our encounter, it has been exposed, it has been revealed, that there is corruption in your conscious mind, and God will deal with that corruption, not because you hurt Sheila, but because he wants you righteous, and corruption and unrighteousness have been revealed in your mind, so God, by His spirit, shall inflict injuries upon your mind and shall weaken your satanic realm, killing your Adamic soul, leaving you no place to live except in the soul of Christ, the resurrection, power, and glory of the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ.
He is going to destroy all unrighteousness out there in the sky -- free-floating spirits? No, brethren, in your brain. In your brain. Nobody wants to believe it’s inside of them. They’re not free-floating spirits out there. They’re in your heart. They’re in men. They’re in your mind, and God’s going to destroy every last vestige of unrighteousness. And that doesn’t mean the poor delinquent out there that’s beating up the grandmother. In your mind.
And judgment shall begin at the house of the Lord, and he’s not judging your behavior, he is judging your heart. And when he judges it, an- -- I’m repeating myself a lot today, I believe this is what God is telling me to do -- your heart shall be judged. The way it’s going to be judged is that he’s going to put you in a confrontation with a man that is manifesting the mind of Christ, and God will know that his son is manifesting Christ, and when conflict arises, he shall know that you are not manifesting Christ. Why? Because Christ is not divided. He knows that his son is manifesting Christ. Remember the teaching? If there’s a conflict, either one or both people are not manifesting Christ. He has already proven his son is manifesting Christ. If there’s a conflict, he has just established before his judicial court that the mind in you is not Christ. Is there anybody here that doesn’t understand this? This is the touchstone. This is the testing. Your spirit is not gold, it is satanic, and he shall inflict injuries upon you, and he shall destroy your satanic mind and your corrupt mind. He shall burn it, destroy it outright, and you shall live for the life of the ages in his soul. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
OK. Revelation -- the third third of Revelation 11:5. “And if any member of the living soul or Satan, which his unconscious mind, is inclined to oppose the righteous mind of the spirit of God and the word of God manifesting in the sons of God, the mind” -- and I’m adding those two words in -- “the mind of that member of the living soul must be destroyed by the mind of Christ in the sons of God.” The scripture said he must in this manner be killed, but I’m changing that and I’m saying the mind of that member of the living soul must be destroyed by the mind of Christ in the sons of God. God’s not killing your bodies, brethren. He wants your bodies. He wants to appear in your bodies. He’s not killing your bodies. It’s your mind that’s being destroyed. Glory to God.
And if any member of the living soul or Satan, his unconscious mind, is inclined to oppose the righteous mind of the Spirit of God and the word of God manifesting in the sons of God, the mind of that member of the living soul must be destroyed by the mind of Christ in the sons of God. This is a battle of the mind, Armageddon, the battle of the ages. It’s a battle of the mind. It’s the transferring of our life’s spiritual substance from being married to Satan to being married to Christ. Hallelujah.
OK. Alternate Translation, I’ll give you the whole verse. Revelation 11:5. “And if any member of the living soul or Satan, which is his unconscious mind, is inclined to oppose the righteous mind of the two witnesses, words of spiritual authority will come out of their mouth which will inflict injuries upon their corrupt conscious mind and strip Satan of the power he has over their unconscious mind, and if any member of the living soul or Satan, his unconscious mind is inclined to oppose the righteous mind of the spirit of God and the word of God manifesting through the sons of God, the mind of that member of the living soul must be destroyed by the mind of Christ in the sons of God.”
Brethren, do you hear this? If God sends the son of God up to you, and you have a certain thought pattern, and you think that you’re right, and God sends the son of God manifesting righteousness up against you and there’s a confrontation, and the son of God speaks the truth, you’re telling me that you’re doing this for my benefit, and I declare to you that your motive is to use me for your own good. It’s just an example.
The truth has been imparted into your mind. You have been moving in a spirit of error. We talked about it earlier. You’ve been moving in a spirit of error, now the truth is in your mind. In this situation, you now have two minds. You now have two minds, the truth and the error. And the truth spoken to you under spiritual authority is going to root in your heart, and it’s going to grow, and it’s going to rise up, and it’s going to separate itself out from the error, and the day is going to come that you’re going to have a choice. You can either continue to try to harm the in- -- or other people in this manner, but when you do it, you’re going to know the truth of your motive why, because the son of God spoke the truth to you under spiritual authority -- those words were spirit and they were life, and they were pelted upon your heart. They rooted in your heart, they reproduced in your heart, and now the truth is there.
And you know that if you’re going to come to me and say, oh, it really doesn’t matter whether you help me or not, and the whole time, your whole soul and spirit is desiring greatly for me to help you, but you don’t want to admit it because of pride or whatever ungodly reason, the next time you manifest that kind of behavior, the next time you hear the words coming out of your mouth saying, oh, you don’t really have to help me, you are going to know that you really want that person to help you, but because of pride or for ungodly reasons, you are being dishonest. Do you know that that’s not the truth? Do you know that that’s not Godly to say to somebody that offers to help you? Oh, you don’t really have to help me, it doesn’t matter, when you really want them to help you, and you want it to look like it’s their idea? Why? So that you owe them nothing? If somebody helps you, at least you owe them a thank you, but if it’s their idea, well then you owe them nothing. So you prance around, and you say, oh, I don’t really want your help, and you just stand there, and you walk around and you wait for them to offer. And you just stand there, and you walk around until they say, oh, well, all right, would you like me to? Do you know that that’s manipulation? Do you know that that’s manipulation? That’s dishonesty. It’s an ungodly way of getting your needs met.
Remember, we’ve spoken in recent meetings about the fact that judgment is coming upon the minds of men in this hour, because even though they have Christ, they are still getting their needs met by the means of the Adamic mind. Jesus says let your yea be yea and let your nay be nay. Can you help me, brother? If you can, that’s fine. If you can’t, that’s fine too. It is not Godly to go to somebody and plant ideas in their head. If you’re making subtle statements so that they will birth what you want them to do as their own idea, this is witchcraft, brethren. OK?
So this is the ministry of the sons of God. If someone comes to you and says, hey, do you know that this is what you’re doing today? No, I didn’t know. Oh, well, now you know. Now you have two minds. And the next time you are tempted to use that device to get your needs met. -- Why? Because that’s what you were taught. That’s what your mother did. That’s what your father did. That’s what your grandmother did. And that’s how you learned to get your needs met. The next time you speak those words, there’s going to be another mind in you, and it’s going to knock on the back of your head, and it’s going to say, hey, that’s manipulation, that’s witchcraft. If you want them to do something for you, why don’t you just ask them? You may choose to use your witchcraft, but you’re going to know that it’s witchcraft, because there’s a new mind in you. It’s the spirit of truth, and it’s going to be telling you the truth about your own motives in this area.
Does everybody understand what I’m talking about? OK? It’s really important, brethren, because half -- three quarters of the church world is walking around saying why is this judgment falling on me? Because your heart is wicked. Why is this judgment falling on me? You’ve got to know what you’re doing wrong so that you can change. You need a new mind. You need the spirit of truth so that you can choose. Glory to God.
OK. Verse 6. “These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy and have power over waters to turn them to blood and to smite the Earth with all plagues as often as they will.” These who? These two witnesses. These two witnesses to what? These two witnesses to the fact that God is. OK? And they are the spirit of God and the word of God. The truth. Jesus is the truth. You now have the spirit of truth in your mind. Choose ye this day who ye shall serve.
These two have power to shut heaven. This word power -- there are two Greek words translated power in the scripture. This is the word that means authority. It does not mean physical strength. It means authority.
And the word shut -- these have power to shut heaven. The word shut is Strong’s 2808, and it means to make inaccessible. So if they shut up the heavenlies, that means that man could not reach God. Man could not reach God. They shut down the vehicle by which man reaches God. Now under the old covenant, the way you reached God was through the priest. It was through the priest. Man -- The average Israelite could not go directly to God. He had to bring a sacrifice and go to the priest. In this hour, how do we reach God? It’s through Jesus. We reach God through Jesus. Well this says they have the power to shut heaven. That means that Jesus isn’t going to hear us anymore?
There’s a scripture -- I can’t think of the whole thing, it’s just eluding me -- but it says do something that your prayers be not hindered. It’s an admonition. Do something has something to do with your [?life?] -- that your prayers be not hindered. I’m suggesting to you that having heaven shut means the hindrance of your prayers. Glory to God.
So if you are confronted by a son of God and you oppose them in your mind, and you will not receive the truth, brethren, I suggest to you that your prayers shall be hindered because the judgment of the two witnesses is that they shall have the power to shut heaven. If you won’t receive the correction, if you won’t even pray about it, if you won’t open your heart to it, heaven shall be shut unto you. Your prayers shall be hindered.
That it rain not in the days of their prophecy, and the word rain is Strong’s 1026. It means to moisten [AUDIO CUTS OUT] you’re not going to be washed. We just talked about it earlier. The thoughts of error are not going to be separated from the thoughts of truth. Therefore, there is no deliverance from the symptoms that are tormenting you. Glory to God. These have the power to hinder your prayers that the thoughts of error and the thoughts of truth be not separated in your mind during the days of their prophecy. This is the people that are opposing the mind of Christ. Glory to God.
And the word prophecy is Strong’s 4395. I remind you that it does not mean a prophetic utterance from the floor of the church, but it is referring to the prophetic office, and the prophetic office manifests by -- manifests through men, and it is the mind of God speaking directly to other men through that man. It is not a prophetic utterance which is a general exhortation, usually of encouragement to the church. A prophetic office most likely and more likely is an utterance of the pronouncement of judgment or warning, and the ministry of the two witnesses are, by and large, the pronouncements of warning. Your mind is wrong. Your mind is corrupt. You’re thinking wrong. There’s error in your mind. This is the correct thought. Here is the mind of Christ. Receive it or receive the judgment of your prayers being hindered and not being washed or sanctified in your mind. That’s the judgment for not at least praying that with an open heart [?when the son of God tests you?].
Alternate Translation, the first third of Revelation 11:6. “These two witnesses that God is have the spiritual authority to make it impossible for the members of the living soul to communicate with God and to dry up the anointing which he is pouring out in the time periods that the spirit of God and the word of God is revealed in full stature through men.”
Now, I didn’t think it was necessary to remind you that the days -- it shall not rain in the days of their prophecy. Day is a time period where the light appears, that’s where God is with them, and God just changed this alternate translation for me. What I have written down here -- Well let me start from the beginning. “These have the power to shut up heaven that your prayers would be hindered and that it rain not in the days of their prophecy.” What I had down was that the anointing would dry up, but God just changed it, and he told me that you won’t be able to be washed, so let me try and do this ad lib.
I’ll give you an Alternate Translation here, ad-libbing it. “These two witnesses that God is have the spiritual authority to make it impossible for the members of the living soul to communicate with God and to dry up the anointing, which he is pouring out, and to also prevent you from being sanctified from having error and truth separated out in your mind in the time period that the spirit of God and the word of God is revealed in full stature through men. The days of the prophecy of the two witnesses is [sic] the time period that the spirit of God and the word of God is revealed in full stature through men.”
Now, I want to comment to you that the heavens are closed in two ways. Man cannot reach man, and God is also withdrawing the Holy Spirit. Man cannot reach God, and God is cutting off communication with men, and that is the -- the withdrawal of the imputed anointing and the moving on to the wormwood judgment. And I also wanted to comment to you that the reason I believe the days are pleural -- the word days is pleural is because day is breaking in many members of the living soul. It is day for the members in whom Christ is appearing, and it is yet night for those members of the living soul in whom Christ has not appeared, so when the scripture says in the days of the ministry of the two witnesses, it’s talking about each member of the living soul that is manifesting Christ is a day. The light has appeared in him. Did I make that clear? These have the power to shut heaven that it rain not in the days of their prophecy -- that it rain not in the vessels of the members of the living soul to whom the sons of God are ministering.
If God comes to you -- if you are a day -- if the light of Christ has appeared in you and you’re no longer darkness, and God sends a son of God to speak the truth to you, and you will -- and you will not receive that mind -- When they speak the truth to you, what they’re doing is imparting a new mind to you, and if you oppose that mind and you will not receive it, your prayers are going to be hindered. You will not be able to reach God. He will stop communicating with you. You will not have error separated from truth in your mind, and -- I lost my train of thought. And -- I was talking about days, and I was just saying that the reason the word days is pleural.
OK -- And this will be the day of the ministry of the son of God to you. When he comes to you -- if God sends the son of God to you. If you could believe that Christ is manifesting through me at least a sizeable part of the time or at least when I minister to you, if you could believe that Christ is manifesting in me when I minister to you, for you, in this hour, it is the days of the prophecy of the two witnesses. If I am imparting the mind of Christ to you, you are a day in the ministry of the two witnesses. You are living in the days that they minister. Did I -- Anybody have a problem with that? It’s really not an extremely important point.
OK. Alternate Translation, first third of -- Oh, I did that already. OK. Moving on. I just [UNINTELLIGIBLE] that confusion that just came on me.
I had an Old Testament witness to the ministry of God and men, and it’s in 1 Kings, those of you might be familiar with the story of Elijah closing up the heavens. 1 Kings, Chapter 17, and I’m going to read you one verse from Chapter 17, Verse 1, and then I’ll read you three verses from 1 Kings 18.
1 Kings 17, Verse 1. “And Elijah, the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitance of Gilead said unto Ahab,” -- for those of you that don’t know, Ahab was the king of Israel. He was, I believe, the most wicked king ever to appear in Israel. “And Elijah the Tishbite, the prophet of God who was of the inhabitance of Gilead, said unto King Ahab, as the Lord God of Israel liveth before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years but according to my word.” The dew and the rain typifying the anointing of God, and I suggest to you that King Ahab typifies the Adamic soul in believers today, and God is sending a son of God to you to say until you repent, there shall not be dew nor rain, and the two witnesses shall hinder your prayers, and you shall not be able to receive deliverance because there’s no deliverance without the impartation of the mind of Christ, and if you oppose the words of the two witnesses, you are rejecting the mind of Christ. Is it clear? Does everybody have that? There’s no deliverance until you receive the mind of Christ, and if you can’t receive it from God’s witness to you, that means there’s no deliverance for you. And here it is in the Old Testament.
OK. Going on to 1 Kings 18, Verse 40. “And Elijah said unto the men of Israel,” -- I just put that in so you could follow along. Elijah -- I left out all of the verses where Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal and Almighty God is proven to be the God with power. “And Elijah said to the men of Israel, take the prophets of Baal, let not one of them escape. And they took them, and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon and slew them there.”
Brethren, the purpose for which heaven shall be shut up to you and your soul shall be destroyed -- I keep losing that other judgment. There shall be no rain -- and heaven shall be shut up, and there shall be no rain. The reason for it is that God intends to destroy the false prophet in your mind. The false prophet in your mind, the whisperer, the one that’s telling you that your thoughts of error are correct. This is what God’s going to do to them. He’s going to take them down to the brook Kishon and slay them.
Verse 41. “And Elijah said unto Ahab, get thee up, eat and drink, for there is a sound of abundance of rain.” The heavens have opened again to the wicked king when after the false prophets were destroyed, and I declare to you that after your corrupt mind and your unconscious satanic mind is utterly destroyed by the power of Almighty God flowing through the two witnesses, that the Lord shall say to you -- He shall say to get thee up, eat and drink, for there is a sound of the abundance of rain where? In the soul life of Jesus Christ. Resurrection, brother, after destruction.
1 Kings Chapter 18, Verses 44 and 45. “Behold,” -- And this is still Elijah talking to the king -- I’m sorry, speaking to his servant now. He’s saying “Behold, there ariseth a little cloud out of the sea like a man’s hand, and he said to his servant, go up, say unto Ahab, prepare thy chariot and get thee down that the rain stop thee not.” In other words, Elijah is saying the rain is coming. The power of God is returning into your life, when? When your false prophet is destroyed and when you transfer into the resurrected life of the Lord Jesus Christ. And I just want to comment on that. Elijah says “Behold, there ariseth a little cloud out of the sea.” A cloud typifies the sons of God. The sea typifies the satanic mind. So coming forth from the satanic mind is Christ in you, coming forth from the satanic mind, from the natural man, Christ is going to arise out of the sea, and when he arises, he’s going to look like a man’s hand and hand his ministry, and it’s coming through men. “And he said to the servant, go say unto Ahab, prepare thy chariot and get thee down that the rain stop thee not.” There’s going to be an abundance of rain, Ahab, you better hurry.
Verse 45. “And it came to pass in the meanwhile that the heaven was black with clouds and wind, and there was a great rain.” The great rain is coming, brethren, but it’s coming with judgment, and it’s coming with blackness and with wind, and if there’s no sin in you, it cannot harm you. It will destroy every vestige, every jot, and every tittle of unrighteousness in your heart, which is your mind.
I don’t know about you, but when I hear somebody preach about the heart, I really have trouble -- I think of my heart in the middle of my chest, and I really have trouble relating it to my everyday life. I do much better when the word mind is used. It’s our thinking, it’s our thought processes that are motivated by our unconscious mind.
OK, continuing with -- and -- now, this is the two witnesses. They also have power over waters to turn them to blood. That word power is, again, the Greek word, translated authority.
Waters, I suggest to you, we’ve studied this many times. Water typifies spirit, and I’m suggesting to you that the waters, pleural, are the spirits of the many members. They are the human spirits of the many members of the living soul, and they’re going to have the power to turn our spirits into blood.
And the word turn to is Strong’s 4762. It means to twist, to turn quite around or reverse, to convert, to turn back again, to turn one’s self, that it means a total reversal. It sounds like repentance to me -- supposed to turn around completely. Well, these two witnesses, they’re going to have the power to turn our human spirits into blood, blood to define what? The life -- and I suggest to you the life of the Lord Jesus Christ, the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Alternate Translation, second third of Revelation 11:6. “And these two witnesses shall have the spiritual authority” -- after they shut up heaven to you, after they kill your false prophet, they’re going to resurrect you from the dead. They’re going to have the spiritual authority to convert your human spirit into the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. And they shall have the spiritual authority to convert the human spirits of the members of the living soul into the soul of Jesus Christ.
First, they’re going to prove that you’re unrighteous by confronting you. Then they’re going to judge you. They’re going to shut up the heavens. They’re going to deny you sanctification. They’re going to kill your false prophet and utterly destroy your soul, and then they’re going to fertilize your human spirit. Glory to God.
Now remember, this is all happening simultaneously, because you’d be dead otherwise. It’s all happening together.
So I have now an Alternate, Alternate Translation of the second third of Revelation 11:6. “And the two witnesses shall have the spiritual authority to engrave the image of Jesus Christ upon the members of the living soul.” Or we could say -- “And the two witnesses shall have the spiritual authority to birth Christ in the human spirit of the members of the living soul.” They shall destroy you who oppose God in your mind, brethren, but they shall also resurrect you by birthing Christ in your human spirit. It’s a simultaneous process, the destruction of sin and the calling forth, the emergence of Jesus Christ in your own mind. It’s not going to do you any good in my mind. It’s not doing you any good in the mind of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. It’s got to get inside your mind. It’s got to be appropriated. I’m not denigrating the work of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, but it’s not doing you any good until it gets inside of you.
OK. I want you to take a few minutes to read -- oh yea, this is interesting. John 2, Verses 1 through 11. This is Jesus’ first miracle, and I got excited when God showed it to me. This is a witness to the fact that Jesus turns wine or the human spirit to the life of the Father. This was his first miracle, and that’s what it typifies. John 2, starting with Verse 1. “And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there, and both Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage, and when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, they have no wine.” -- Wine typifying the life of the Father. How could you get married without the life of the Father, brethren? We’re all getting married. -- “Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? Mine hour is not yet come. And his mother saith unto the servants, whatsoever he saith unto you, do it. And there were set there six waterpots of stone.” -- Waterpots is that which holds the wine, that which holds the spirit is the soul, and these waterpots typifying soul were made of stone, and I remind you the Jeremiah promised to take away our stony hearts and give us a heart of flesh. So we have here waterpots, or souls, made out of stone, and they were empty. They were empty. Okay, I’ll read that to you again. Verse 6. “And there were set there six waterpots.” -- Six being the number of man. -- “of stone,” -- Six hearts of stone -- “after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three firkins apiece. And Jesus said unto them, fill the waterpots with water.” So they were empty. They were souls that had no spiritual life, and they were made of stone instead of flesh. He’s typifying natural Israel, brethren. He’s typifying the natural Israel, and in this hour, the natural man. And the servants filled them up to the brim with water and Jesus said to them “Draw out now and bare unto the governor of the feast, and they bare it.” And when the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, he changed the human spirit into the life of God. The human spirit [UNINTELLIGIBLE] satanic -- he is converting, turning around, completely changing in the opposite direction, the satanic spirits of our human -- of our -- of men, and he is converting them into the life of the Father, what is now your mind, your satanic spirit, you shall now have a mind ruled by the life of the Father; and when the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine and knew not whence it was, but the servants which drew the water knew, those that are ministering this ministry to the world, we’re going to know where this change is going to come from in people, but the people that it’s happening to, they’re not even going to know what’s going on, brethren. Glory to God. The governor of the feast he called the bridegroom, and he said to him “Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine, and when men have well drunk then that which is worse, but thou hast kept the good wine until now.” Brethren, Jesus started out with water. There’s water in your soul, brethren, it’s the water of the satanic mind, but he’s converting it to wine in this hour at the end, he waited until the last to bring forth the good wine in you and in me. And Verse 11 says “This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee and manifested forth his glory, and his disciples believed on him.” Hallelujah.
I remember for a couple of years, I prayed, and I said, Lord, it seems like such a frivolous miracle to change water to wine. Why would you do that and why would it be your first miracle? You didn’t raise anyone from the dead. You didn’t heal a desperately sick person. Why would you do such a frivolous -- why would you use your power to do such a frivolous thing? Because Jesus was making a statement, and he was expressing a promise of the scripture in the natural -- your spirit, brethren, though it be now water, it shall be turned to the wine, the glory of the Father. Hallelujah.
OK. Continuing with the two witnesses -- “They shall also smite the Earth with all plagues as often as they will.” Now this word smite, it’s Strong’s 3960. It means to knock, either gently or fatally, with a weapon. So we’re talking about a knock. If I knock this table, it’s a collision. I’m suggesting to you that this word is chosen because when God sends a son of God to you and there is a conflict between your satanic mind and His righteous mind, God calls it a knock. It’s a collision. It’s not only a confrontation. It’s not only a conflict. The scripture says it’s a collision. The mind of Christ against the satanic mind, and they’re not going to pass each other like ships in the night. They’re going to crash, and I want to tell you, brethren, it’s not the mind of Christ that’s going to sink. Glory to God.
OK. Smite. That’s what smite means.
Webster says that the word Knock means to strike something with a sharp blow, to collide with something or to set forcibly in motion with a blow. If there’s a ball on the floor -- if there’s a golf ball, and I want to send it over to the next hole or the next tee, whatever they call it, I will smite it with a golf club, and the ball will move. Brethren, there’s a ball in each of us, it’s our human spirit, it’s been lying dormant or doing witchcraft for all of these generations. It’s got a job to do. It’s got a function to perform. It’s got to serve God. It’s got to bring forth Christ, and it doesn’t want to move, it doesn’t want to budge, it doesn’t want to yield to Christ, and he’s sending his mind against it, and he’s going to collide with it, and it’s going to do what it’s supposed to do. Christ is going to appear in the human spirit and the conscious mind, and the satanic unconscious mind shall be destroyed. By whom? By the emerging Christ that’s coming forth in the human spirit. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
OK. What did I do here? Oh, I got my pages mixed up.
And to smite the Earth with all plagues as often as they will. OK, the Earth typifies the soul, and the word all is Strong’s 3956. It means the whole of, the whole of, and the word plague is Strong’s 4127. It means stroke, plague, wound, calamity, stripe. It’s a judgment of God.
And the word will -- to smite the Earth with all plagues as often as they will. That word will means choose, desire, or are so inclined; and I declare to you that every time the mind of Christ comes up against the unrighteous mind of Satan, they shall be inclined to smite it, and they shall come up against it and conflict with it and confront it whenever the Lord God brings them into such a confrontation.
Alternate translation, the third third of Revelation 11:6. “And as often as they, the two witnesses, choose, they shall confront the members of the living soul, forcibly setting the process in motion which will birth Christ in them.” Forcibly setting in motion the process which will birth Christ in them. The hour is coming, brethren, where God will no longer wink at the minds of men opposing the righteousness of Christ and getting away with it. They’re going to have a righteous mind forced upon them.
Alternate Translation, Revelation 11:6. “These two witnesses that God is have the spiritual authority to make it impossible for the members of the living soul to communicate with God and to dry up the anointing which he is pouring out in the time periods that the spirit of God and the word of God is revealed in full stature through men, and they also have the spiritual authority to prevent sanctification or separation of truth and error in the mind, which will prevent deliverance, and they shall also have the spiritual authority to convert the human spirits of the members of the living soul into the soul of Jesus Christ, and as often as they choose, they have the authority to confront the members of the living soul, forcibly setting the process in motion which will birth Christ in them."
Recap, Revelation 11, Verses 5 and 6. “And if any member of the living soul or Satan, his unconscious mind, is inclined to oppose their righteous mind, words of spiritual authority will come out of their mouth, which will inflict injuries upon their corrupt conscious mind and strip Satan of the power he has over their unconscious mind, and if any member of the living soul or Satan, his unconscious mind is inclined to oppose the righteous mind of the spirit of God and the word of God manifesting through the sons of God, the mind of that member of the living soul must be destroyed by the mind of Christ in the sons of God. These two witnesses that God is have the spiritual authority to make it impossible for members of the living soul to communicate with God and to dry up the anointing which he is pouring out in the time periods that the spirit of God and the word of God is revealed in full stature through men, and they also have the authority to prevent sanctification or separation from truth and error, which lead to deliverance in the minds of men, and they also have the authority to convert the human spirits of the members of the living soul into the soul of Jesus Christ, and as often as they choose, they have the authority to confront the members of the living soul, forcibly setting in motion the process which will birth Christ in them.
Glory to God. Hallelujah.
04/20/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion
04/22/14 1st Edit BP