Part 2 of 7 Parts
This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
And apparently what God is -- the information that God’s bringing forth about what’s happening in the realm of the spirit -- I had sought the Lord about what’s happening in the realm of the spirit. People that may know each other but haven’t been in touch with each other for a couple of months, all being attacked with the spirit of suicide; one airplane crash; a member of this congregation on a near airplane crash, and it’s -- newspapers filled with fathers -- one father killed his daughter, another woman murdered -- all right here locally in Suffolk County.
And I asked the Lord what was going on. This woman who called me wanted to know if I thought that it could be the local witches’ covens praying heavily against us. And I had to tell her that I didn’t think so. I had asked the Lord this question, and I didn’t -- sometimes I hear from God, and I really know that I’ve heard from God. I can’t tell you I’ve really heard from God, but this is what’s on my heart, so you try the spirit.
I really feel the Lord has told me that the hour has come that we have to stop blaming other people’s psychic power for the manifestations in our own soul, and the reality of what’s happening is that the living soul of which we are all a part -- OK, in our unconscious mind, we are all one. The Scripture calls it the sea, and it typifies the unconscious mind of Satan. We are all one, undivided. We are divided in our personalities. We are divided in the human soul that has been given to us. We each have an individual personality, and we’re under the curse of dispersion. We have been set one against the other; that’s why we get into all these arguments and dissensions. But in the realm of the unconscious, which is the dominion of Satan, we are one. We are undivided, and he flows like a great sea through all of our vessels. It’s a great mystery. We appear to be separate, but in our unconscious minds, we’re not.
And in this hour, the living soul, and Satan specifically, has got the message that the Lord Jesus Christ, by His Spirit, has entered into this realm of appearance and that Satan is no longer the ruling spirit or the only spirit with spiritual strength in this realm of appearance. And, at first, he laughed at the Lord, because had he known, he would have never crucified the Lord of Glory. He didn’t believe it when it appeared in the zygote, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, when it appeared in the seed. Jesus said He was the seed. He called Himself a [UNINTELLIGIBLE], and He said when He poured Himself into the ground -- in other words, when His soul was crucified and His body was crucified -- that there would come forth a great harvest, which is what we see happening today. His life is appearing in the many-membered body and many members of the living soul. Had Satan known or believed this, he would have never crucified Him.
But in this hour, 2,000 years later, the Lord has -- I’m sorry, Satan has gotten a revelation that Jesus means business, that He’s moving into many members of what was Satan’s dominion, and He’s taking us away from Satan. And Satan is enraged, he’s infuriated, he’s a wild beast. And, brethren, I’m telling you the truth. If he sees that you are in a place where Christ is about to appear in you, he would rather see you dead than see Christ appear in you.
Now, remember past teachings. If he wipes out every Christian on the face of the earth, Satan, the living soul, is still alive. He shall still be alive. Why? Does anybody know why he’ll still be alive? How will he still be in existence? Because -- what?
Well, he wasn’t swallowed up by Christ completely in that there will be many other members on the face of the earth in which he’s manifesting. OK? So he doesn’t care if he kills every Christian on the face of the earth. But, between you and me, he’s not going after the -- and when I say dancing, singing Christians, I hope you all know -- I just want it on the table -- I’m not against dancing and singing. I love to dance and sing. I’m talking about the baby Christians that really haven’t entered into the process, the end of which is that Christ shall appear in them. Satan is after the Christians in whom Christ is getting ready to appear.
And, in case you don’t know it, the Lord Jesus Christ is about to pierce through into the conscious minds of men and appear in members of the living soul. It’s really close. Satan knows it. He’s frantic, and if he can kill you, he will, and if he can put you over the line into a mental institution, he’ll do that. He’ll knock you out, however he can, and this is the word of the Lord to me as I understand it. We’ve got to stay -- and maybe other people are praying against us. Maybe witches’ covens are praying against us. Maybe other people are binding and loosing upon us, but the reality of it is that it’s Satan manifesting in all of these sources, and the square root of our problems is that Christ is about to appear, and He’s about to appear in people.
At least, if you’re hearing this message -- at least, if you’re in a ministry like this -- you’ve got to consider the possibility that He’s appearing. You know, I can’t promise any of you, but there’s a real good chance, and He’s also appearing in a lot of people we know that aren’t in a ministry like this. But we know He’s appearing in a first-fruits company. And if you’re listening to this, the chances are you’re a part of that company. And if you are being beaten in your mind, you’ve got to go to the square root of the source. Yes, maybe there’s a man over there that’s binding and loosing against you, but it’s the living soul -- it’s Satan in that man’s mind that has raised up that man to bring you down.
Does anybody not understand this? It’s really important, because if we understand it, it helps us to forgive that person, because if we retaliate or we don’t forgive that person, then we’re in trouble with the Lord, and it’s interfering with Christ appearing in us. Satan, if he’ll -- Satan will do anything. He’ll kill us, he’ll send us to a mental institution, or he’ll do something much more conventional: he’ll make us fall into sin by not forgiving our brother or hating our brother or waging war against our brother.
OK, now, this is a fine line. I’m not telling you not to break curses, and I’m not telling you not to war as the Spirit leads you, but it’s really important that you hold on to a revelation that the real problem is that Satan is trying to destroy us because Christ is about to appear in us, and whatever man is coming against you, it’s just Satan in that vessel. It’s going to help you survive. It’s going to help you get through this thing, if you can lay hold of that.
And I -- you know, I was really -- I’ve really been bad for these last few weeks. I prayed in front of the congregation the last couple of meetings, and God’s really answered my prayers. I was on a very low spiritual realm. I had gotten knocked down, probably because I had been sick for two months. Most likely, that’s the reason why. And I couldn’t stand up. I couldn’t forgive. I was raging like a lunatic. I mean, you’d never believe I was a Christian, least of all, a prea- -- an end-time preacher.
I couldn’t believe what was manifesting in my mind, but He answered my prayers, and He’s raised me back up, and I was attacked very badly last night. Satan came from three different directions. He tried to tear me down, and God gave me the victory. It was boom, boom, boom, and God let me discern what was operating in my mind on all three levels, and I prayed, and the Lord gave me the deliverance. He just went away. He went away. He literally came to me.
Brethren: and Jesus was caught up to a high mountain, and the Spirit swept Him into a high mountain, and the demons came unto Him. There were demons with Him, and when the demons left Him, Satan came unto Him and tempted Him. And He said, “Get thee behind Me, Satan. Thou art an offense unto me.”
Brethren, in this ministry, we are up against the unconscious mind of man, Satan himself. When he came to me and tried to get me to be mad at someone that I shouldn’t be mad at -- when I resisted, he tried to put melancholy and depression on me, and when God gave me the victory, he tried to make me suicidal, and God gave me the victory. Then he tried to get me to hate another person, and God gave me the victory, and he departed from me, glory to God. But before we could take this victory, we have to see him, and I declare to you, Satan was not walking around on some rock crags, and some man did not appear to Him. This happened in His mind, brethren. You’ve got to see him when he’s appearing, you’ve got to discern his devices, and you’ve got to cry out to God.
And I want to tell you something. I didn’t take this victory by any power that is permanently imparted to me. I couldn’t take the victory. When I cried out to Jesus, and I announced -- I spoke it right out. I said, I know what this is. It’s Satan in my mind, and he’s trying to make me fall. And I said, Lord, this mind that’s in me, it’s going to kill me. It’s causing me to sin. It’s my worst enemy. Oh, God, give me dominion over it. And he departed from me.
I hope you hear what I’m saying, because, glory to God, Jesus is going to appear. Do you realize that we are up to the temptation of Satan? Most of us here have passed through at least a measure of deliverance, some of us more than others. We’ve confronted the demons, we’ve slain the lion and the bear, and Satan himself is coming to us. It’s exciting. When he’s not on top of you, it’s exciting. But God’ll give you the victory, and in a ministry like this, you’re being strengthened. And i- -- if you’re overtaken, don’t get condemned. Just tell the Lord that you understand what happened, and you didn’t make it, and you want to make it the next time. He wants you to overcome.
Why? Why does he want you to overcome? Anybody? He’s going to appear in you, and He’s not going to appear without your overcoming. He is not going to appear when Satan has the power to bring you down. You must overcome by His spirit, and then He shall appear in you, and then it’ll never happen again. Then the war will be over. When He appears, the war is over. Brethren, all these ministries preaching there’s no warfare -- God have mercy on them. There is a very real warfare.
OK, I don’t want to go on too long.
I will sing unto the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously.
The horse and rider, I’ve thrown into the sea.
I will sing unto the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously.
The horse and rider, I’ve thrown into the sea.
The Lord is God, and I will praise Him.
The Lord is God, and I will exalt Him.
The Lord is God, and I will praise Him,
My father’s God, and I will exalt Him.
I will sing unto the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously.
The horse and rider, I’ve thrown into the sea.
I will sing unto the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously.
The horse and rider, I’ve thrown into the sea.
The Lord is God, and I will praise Him,
My father’s God, and I will exalt Him.
The Lord is God, and I will praise Him,
My father’s God, and I will exalt Him.
Oh, there’s another verse too.
I will sing unto the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously.
The grave is empty -- won’t you come and see?
I will sing unto the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously.
The grave is empty -- won’t you come and see?
I will sing unto the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously.
The grave is empty -- won’t you come and see?
The Lord is God, and I will praise Him,
My father’s God, and I will exalt Him.
The Lord is God, and I will praise Him,
My father’s God, and I will exalt Him.
I am He that liveth and was dead.
And behold, I am alive forever more, amen.
And I have the keys of hell and of death.
I am He that liveth and was dead.
I am He that liveth and was dead.
And behold, I am alive forever more, amen.
And I have the keys of hell and of death.
I am He that liveth and was dead.
I am He that liveth and was dead.
And behold, I am alive forever more, amen.
And I have the keys of hell and of death.
I am He that liveth and was dead.
I am He that liveth and was dead.
I am He that liveth and was dead.
And I want to say a few words about being afraid. I said something earlier about a lot of people being afraid of me, and they may be afraid of you. If they’re not, they probably will be in the future. What they are afraid of is the Spirit of God, and throughout the Scriptures, we find the natural man manifesting fear when he comes in contact with Almighty God. And I remind you that I’ve showed you on the board the theory of threshold. Christ is appearing in us. He may not have crossed over the threshold yet. These people cannot recognize Him in us, but when they come in contact with us, their -- the spirit of the natural man in them responds with fear because he discerns the Christ in us. And, right now, we’re in a study in Revelation 11 with the book of Re- -- with the two witnesses, and we’ll find out, not today, but in future meetings, that when -- that the whole world manifested great fear when the two witnesses appeared.
So, it’s the natural man that is afraid of the Spirit of God, and we’re going to find that, even in the church, a lot of the believers are going to be afraid. Why? Because, even though they’re in the church of the living God, and they are baptized with the Holy Spirit, they are carnal. They are carnal. They may have the Holy Spirit. They may or may not have an embryonic Christ, but they are living the life of a carnal man, and if they have Christ, He’s tread underfoot. And when they come up against somebody in whom Christ manifests freely, their natural man is afraid, and they don’t even know why.
And in this hour, when Christ is still behind the veil -- well, behind what veil? Behind the veil of our flesh. OK, when -- he can’t be seen because he’s -- he has to be discerned spiritually, and very few people can do that. It’s been my experience that only the people that are manifesting Christ can discern Christ, and the balance of the church and certainly the world -- they don’t recognize Him when they see Him, and because they experience fear, they draw the conclusion that there’s something wrong with you.
This is what we’re up against as Christ appears in us. When people become afraid of you, or they don’t like you because they’re manifesting in response to the Christ in you, they’re going to draw the conclusion that there’s something wrong with you, that you’re doing something wrong, that you have a wrong spirit, that you’re preaching a false doctrine, that there’s witchcraft in this ministry. This is what you’re going to hear: that you’re a witch, that you’re a false prophet. Because they are carnal, the thought never enters their mind that, maybe, what’s negative is manifesting in them.
So this is what we’re up against, and great fear is going to come upon the people that come in contact with us, and we have to deal with them according to the Holy Spirit -- in love, of course. We have to be very careful not to get rejected from this fear. I was having a real problem of rejection wi- -- from people being afraid of me, and the Lord told me that that was a totally wrong reaction, and I had to stop. By his power, I had to stop be- -- being rejected by people that were afraid of me and start understanding what they were going through and show them the love of Christ. And if they came out of that fear, praise God, and if they didn’t, I had to just ignore it, because it was something that they couldn’t control. And I’ve had conversations with people, knowing that they’re terrified of me, and there’s nothing I could do about it.
Throughout the Scriptures, when an angel would appear to a natural man, the angel would say, “Fear not, fear not.” And the Scripture never tells me whether the people stopped being afraid or not. All the Scripture says is, the angel said, “Fear not.” But if I were to say to somebody, fear not, they’d probably call the men in the white coats, or they’d stone me or try and throw me off a cliff. They’d say, what? Who do you think you are? I’m not afraid of you. And they would respond with immediate denial. Why? Because the Christ in me is still in part, and His ministry in many Christians are not -- is not acknowledged, and I could think of at least five right now, believers, that are afraid of me and would tell me I was crazy if I said this to their face. They would utterly deny it was fear.
So this is what we’re up against, but the day is coming that Christ is going to appear in us, and these people, both the believers and the unbelievers -- which we’ve studied in other messages -- God will lump together in one category for these purposes. If you’re living -- if you’re a believer and you’re living a carnal life, God puts you in the same category as the unbeliever, and however God’s going to do it, I would assume it’s going to be with supernatural signs and wonders, which to me is healing and deliverance, but all these people have seen healing and deliverance before. So it’s going to have to be something really stupendous for them to acknowledge that Christ has appeared in us and to acknowledge that the fear that they’re feeling is a fear of God and not that we are witches or some occult person.
But that’s the work of the Lord, to get people’s heads straight towards us. We just have to deal with these manifestations when they come, and it’s not easy. It’s not easy. But the biggest roadblock is in your mind. I know my biggest problem was rejection, and if you could just get it into your head that they’re not rejecting you, but they’re rejecting the Lord, and they really don’t even know what they’re doing, and they’re really to be -- you know, to -- not to be pit- -- I don’t mean that in a bad way, to be pitied, but we’re to have compassion on them because they’re really afraid.
And I was walking around saying, well, you know, why would anybody be afraid of me? You know, how can I frighten anybody? But I’m being naïve, because Christ is appearing in me, and people are afraid of Christ. And there is a reason to be afraid of me, not that I’m going to do anything, but if you really sin against me, there really is a reason to be afraid of me. And I have to live with that because I just want everybody to like me. But I have to live with that, that I am the servant of Almighty God, and there really is something about me to be afraid, if you’re walking in unrighteousness. If you’re walking in righteousness, we walk in the same spirit, but if you’re not walking in righteousness, there really is reason to fear me. It’s the truth. At the very least, God might send me with a word to you that’s going to really rip your heart out. At the very least -- at the very most, you might -- you know, you might really harm me, and God might really judge you with some severe judgment.
So, really, I’m to be feared, and you really are to be feared, and if we want to have compassion on the people and do the job that God’s giving us to do, which is to bring them to where we are, we have to start walking in an [sic] conscious understanding of who we are. We can’t walk around thinking that we’re just average Joes, because we’re not. We’re not.
And I know, a couple of years ago, when 15 girls ganged up on my daughter and got her up against a wall in the bowling alley and really frightened her, you know, we prayed and God gave us the victory. They left her alone. I don’t know what happened in these girls’ lives, but all that I could think about was, my God, do you -- they don’t even know who they had up against the wall. I mean that, you know, people are crazy to go around bullying people. I happen to be a son of God. What -- how God dealt with them, I don’t know, but I didn’t try to hurt them. Can you imagine doing that to a witch’s kid? You’d walk out the next day and get hit by a car, if she started praying black magic against you.
It’s dangerous to be unfair to people and violent towards them, and this whole world, or the large part of this world, they -- they’re in such darkness and in such ignorance about spiritual things that they don’t -- they jeopardize themselves every day. God has mercy on them, but those witches’ covens on Long Island -- there are practicing witches here. What if you go out and pick a fight with some practicing witch? You’d better walk circumspectly and seek peace with all men, because let me tell you something. I really believe that if one of us was having a carnal day, and we went out and picked a fight with a black witch, I don’t think God would let us die, but He’d let us get beat. I really believe He’d let us get beat, because we weren’t supposed to be acting that way with anybody. Do you hear what I’m saying?
Would you mind closing that door? Thank you.
OK, so, I just wanted to make that point to you. I want to pray.
[AUDIO CUTS OUT] chapter 11. I’m recapping Chapter 11, Verses 1 and 2. And a new soul was given to me -- this is John speaking -- which had all the weaknesses of my Adamic soul, yet it was strong. And Christ appeared in me, saying, transfer into my soul, and then measure the soul of Christ, the spirit of the Father and the redeemed Adamic souls, even the many members of the body of Christ, up against the established standard, which is Jesus Christ of Nazareth, that contemptuously reject the body and the skin which surround the souls of the body of Christ. And don’t measure it up against Jesus Christ of Nazareth, because Satan supplied it, and the judgment of men’s conscious minds, which will result in Christ appearing in them also, shall continue throughout the age of the kingdom and even overlap into the next age. Glory to God.
Now, I have a witness for you with regard to that recap that I just read you. For some reason, I didn’t put it on last week’s message, but the Lord asked me to give you to the witness -- a witness to the fact that this body and the skins that we live in are the image of Satan. Now, I’ve taught this here. Is there anybody that doesn’t understand how these bodies and skins are the image of Satan? Does anyone want me to go over that? Anybody?
OK, I have a witness for you then. In Philippians 3:21: The Lord Jesus Christ shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body, according to the working whereby He is able even to subdue all things unto Himself.
Now, this word change is Strong’s 3345, and it means to transfigure, to transform or transfigure. Webster says that transfigure means to metamorphose; to metamorphose. That’s an English word. There’s a Greek word that sounds very much like it, and what it means is to change totally. When a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, it is metamorphosized. It is changed so radically that if you weren’t told that it was the same insect, you would never know. You would think that the butterfly ate up the caterpillar, or some such thing. But the caterpillar had so totally changed that he is now no longer crawling on the ground but flying in the air, and no longer ugly but beautiful -- a total change in every element.
It -- the Lord Jesus Christ shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned unto His glorious body -- glory to God -- according to the working whereby -- I see what I did. OK.
The Lord Jesus Christ shall change our vile body. The word vile is Strong’s 5014, and that means humiliation. Webster says that the word humiliation is to reduce to a lower position, to abase, to be without dignity or prestige. The bodies that we live in, it is -- they are without dignity, and they are without prestige. No matter how big you build up your muscles, and whether you go get cosmetic surgery, there’s nothing you can do to your body to give it prestige in the eyes of God, because the only thing that will be prestigious in the eyes of God is an image, a body, that reflects His Spirit, and that’s what He’s bringing us to.
The Lord Jesus Christ shall change our body that has a lack of esteem, that it may be fashioned unto His glorious body. And the word fashion is Strong’s 4832. It means jointly formed or similar to, and it’s from a root that means -- it’s denoting union. It’s from two roots, one meaning union and the other denoting the adjustment of parts -- the adjustment of parts. So, if you have a body that’s going to be fashioned like the body of the Lord Jesus Christ, it’s going to involve union with Him, because we know that our body cannot reflect His image unless He is dwelling, where? Does anybody know where He’s dwelling, where He has to dwell to project His image and make it into our body?
He has to dwell in our spiritual center. He has to be dwelling in our heart. He has to be our spiritual substance, to vibrate forth and form His glorious body in our vessel. And the adjustment of parts that’s involved, I suggest to you, indicates the change of the moral order. When Satan is our center, our being is in the incorrect moral order, which results in our death, with Satan being the ruling spirit, and our body is his image -- our minds too, of course. When Jesus Christ becomes our spiritual center, not only will be -- will our being joined to Him result in a new body, which will reflect His image, but when He becomes our spiritual center, our spiritual parts will be changed and adjusted to be in the correct moral order.
So there are two requirements for us to get a glorified body. Jesus must be our center, and our moral order must be changed. And I remind you that when Jesus Christ is birthed in us, He is birthed in us in a position of weakness. Satan is still ruling in our vessel when Christ is first birthed in us. When He’s birthed, He’s caught up to the right hand of the Father and given spiritual authority and wages war against Satan to put him underfoot. There’s no hope of you getting a glorified body with Satan ruling in your vessel and the son of God tread underfoot. Is there anybody that did not understand this? Christ has to be the ruling factor of our life, and He has to have put Satan underfoot for us to get a body that’s fashioned like unto His glorious body.
According to the working whereby He is able even to subdue all things unto Himself.
What does that mean? We’re going to get a glorious body like his body, by which body, or by the working whereof, He is able even to subdue all things to Himself. This word working, it’s Strong’s 1753, and it means energy. Thayer says that in the New Testament it is used only to describe superhuman power. And this word subdue is Strong’s 5293. It means to be brought into obedience, to be put underneath. And I’m say -- and this word unto can be translated into. Let me read you an Alternate Translation, and then I’ll talk about it again.
Alternate Translation, Philippians 4:21. Jesus Christ shall change our bodies into a new physical form, which will look like His glorified body, and He’s going to do it by the energy source or by the power source by which He shall transfer the many members of the living soul into His glorified soul.
Let me go over that with you. We’re going to get a glorified body like His, according to the working whereby He is able even to subdue all things unto Himself. The same power that’s going to give you a glorified body -- it’s the same power by which His soul has appeared in you and by which He is causing your spiritual substance to transfer from the soul of Adam to the soul of Christ. And in this Scripture, as in many Scriptures, we find that the Lord has described the last event first. First He talks about a glorious body, and then He says you’re going to get that body by the same power that’s enabling me to transfer the spiritual substance of God, which is buried in the living soul, into the soul of Christ. That has to happen first. Any questions in that area?
There is a power source, an energy source. He is a spirit. He is a greater energy source than any energy source known to man, greater than the atom bomb, greater than the hydrogen bomb. Maybe there’s even another one. I think I heard there’s another one, but I can’t remember the name. Greater than the greatest weapon of destruction known to man, there is an energy source. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ, glory to God, and by the power that is His state of being, He is going to transfer our life substance out of the soul of Adam and make us one with Him. And by that same power source, He shall fashion us a new, glorified body. Glory to God.
So the bodies that we have now are the image of Satan. Hallelujah.
OK, we’re going on with Chapter 11 of the book of Revelation, Verse 3. Excuse me, I have a cold today, so I might be blow -- taking -- you might hear some empty spaces on the message as I blow my nose from time to time. I’m sorry.
And I will give power unto My two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
Now the first thing I want to point out to you is that that word power -- and I will give power unto My two witnesses -- is not in the original Greek. The original Greek word is Strong’s 1325, and it really means to give. It’s one of these instances where the translator or the listener of the Greek has to decide what is given by the context of the sentence. One of the possible translations of this word give is to pay wages or to give reward. In other words, if you work for me, I say to you, I will give you $20 an hour. How nice. I will give you. And I might not say in English: I will pay you the salary of, or I will pay you the wage of $20 an hour. I might simply say, come work for me. I will give you $20 an hour, and because I have followed the word give with the words $20 an hour, you as the listener will have no trouble drawing the conclusion that what I mean is, I will give you money for your work in the amount of $20 an hour.
So that’s one of the ways this word is used, and another way that it’s used in this [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- I just pray, Father, that You quicken this to everybody. It’s not that clear, but I believe it’s what God spoke to me, that what God is saying here is that I will give unto m- -- the Greek reads, and I will give unto My two witnesses. And we have to guess what He’s giving, and I’m suggesting to you that what the Lord is giving is Himself. He’s giving His two witnesses, typifying the first-fruits company of His Spirit in full stature that are going to give them all the powers that we’re about to read about in the subsequent verses. And I will give unto My two witnesses, and that word unto can be translated into. And I will give into, and I will put inside of My two witnesses My spirit and full stature. That’s what I’m suggesting to you, glory to God, and I will give into My two witnesses.
I will give Myself into My two witnesses, glory to God, and the word witness -- we studied that on several messages, if you’d like to review it. It’s Strong’s 3144. I have several message numbers. You can take your pick. It’s on message, but -- and I don’t really know when -- you know, it’s not going to be exactly the same comments on each message, so -- but I don’t know on what message I emphasize what area. But we did talk about the word witness on message Nos. 3; 32, Part 1; 35, Part 1; 36, Part 3; and message 41. The word means martyr, record or witness.
And in the first epistle of John, we hear Jesus Christ talking about -- the witness of the Father is in the Son. Jesus -- well, Jesus says it in several place -- in several places. There is a second witness to Who I am: the Father. And in the first epistle of John, Jesus said, “And this is the record that God gave His Son,” and that the life of God is in that Son.
So what I’m suggesting to you is that this word witness, when it’s used in the Scripture, means the witness to the fact that God is. God is spirit, He is invisible. Most people cannot see Him or discern Him, and the Lord has come to men, and He has said, “Be My witness.” Well, a witness to what? Be a witness that Jesus Christ lives, that He is real and that He is manifesting in your life. So, if Jesus Christ is manifesting in your life, you are a witness, or you bear the record of Him in your flesh.
And the reason the word also means martyr, I believe, is that when you bear the witness or the record or the spirit of Jesus Christ in your flesh that makes it evident to men, the men that have another spirit are going to persecute you, and if they can, they will kill you. And that is what makes you a martyr, whether you’re killed in the flesh or whether you’re killed because they hate you, and they deny you, and they do cruel and evil things to you. Sometimes they don’t even do it in the natural. Sometimes we get -- come up against religious people, and they won’t let themselves perform any ungodly act towards you, but they hate you in their heart. And they tell themselves they’re OK because they invite you to dinner instead of repenting of the sin and asking God for deliverance.
So you are a martyr if the spirit of Jesus Christ dwells in you and manifests in you. It’s no threat to anybody if He’s not manifesting. He has to be manifesting in you. You then become His martyr because you’re attacked. You become His witness, the witness to the fact that He is, and you become a manifestation of the record that the Father has given the Son, that life is in Him, the life of the ages. Glory to God.
So Jesus said in Verse 3, “And I will give Myself into My two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days.”
Let me give you an Alternate Translation of the first third of that Verse 3, Chapter 11. And I shall appear through My word and by My spirit in My first-fruits company.
And I’m suggesting to you that the two witnesses typify the first-fruits company, because as we go on in the chapter, we’re going to find out that the whole living soul has not yet been absorbed into Christ. There are going to be people hating them, so therefore, I draw the conclusion that this is the first-fruits company, that they are the witness to Jesus Christ, the witness to what? That He is. And how do they witness that He is? By the words that they speak and by the supernatural power that they wield, both to bring healing and to rain down judgment. Glory to God.
Continuing with, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, I’m not going to spend too much time on the numbers. We had it on another recent message. The number 1,000: 10 is the number of the law, 100 is the number of full stature. So 10, the law, times 100, full stature, equals -- anybody remember? The law times full stature equals the fulfillment of the law -- the fulfillment of the law -- glory to God, and I remind you that the fulfillment of the law in you and the fulfillment of the law in me means that we are now in a spiritual condition where we are incapable of sin.
Glory to God. OK, the number 200: we’re dealing with the figure, and they shall prophesy one thousand two hundred and threescore days. The number 200: again, I remind you, 100 equals full stature. Two times 100 equals full stature of the word and full stature of the spirit. That means that the spirit and the word of Jesus Christ is appearing in full stature, and He’s no longer in part. And the result of His appearing in full stature is that the law is fulfilled in these men. They are incapable of sin. What’s another way of saying they’re incapable of sin? Anybody?
And, yes, they’re righteous. Amen. They’re righteous, and only a righteous man can judge an unrighteous man. Excuse me. The Lord has never anointed an unrighteous man to judge an unrighteous man. The Lord said, “You who is without -- you who are without sin, cast the first stone.” However, we do know that under certain circumstances the Holy Spirit or the Lord manifesting within a man will cover him with a cloak of righteousness for a specific incident, and in that moment that a judgment is being executed by a man that is not fully righteous -- at that moment, Christ is fully manifested, not permanently, not indefinitely, but that Christ has appeared fully for that moment for the specific purpose of executing that judgment.
And, if you’re listening to this message, we’ve been teaching this here for almost two years. It’s a very dangerous position to be in, if God’s using you that way. Don’t be used by a spirit to execute a judgment unless you are convinced it is the Lord Jesus Christ, because if you are deceived and it is another spirit, you are guilty of witchcraft, and the Lord’s coming after you. So pray circumspectly, be responsible and certainly do not be afraid. Seek God, and if you need prayer on the issue, get prayer. Don’t be afraid.
OK, so we’re talking about one thousand two hundred and threescore days. Now we’re dealing with threescore. Threescore -- does anybody know how many years a score is? It’s 20. I believe it’s 20. It’s 20. Yeah, OK, I thought I was wrong there. OK, it’s 20, so we’re talking about 60 years. Sixty years, or 60 days, I’m sorry, 60 days. Sixty is 30 times two. The number 30 is the age of maturity for a Levite priest. You can be born -- in the arms of the Old Covenant, if you were born under the -- into the tribe of Levi, and you were a descendant of Aaron, you were called to be a priest and minister to the nation of Israel, but you could not formally assume your office until you were 30 years old. And that’s the age of priesthood, of full spiritual maturity, and we see two times three, I suggest to you, equals priesthood for the soul and the spirit of a natural man.
The natural man having his soul and his spirit raised up to priesthood: 60 days. Two hundred days, the word and the spirit of God having appeared in him in His fullness, the result of this being 1,000, that the fulfillment of the law is manifesting, not for a moment, not for an isolated incident, but indefinitely, permanently, in this particular man. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
I’m going to read you my comment, because I don’t want to leave anything out. The Spirit of Jesus Christ will manifest through the first-fruits company until every soul and spirit is raised up -- that’s every soul and spirit in the living soul -- is raised up to priesthood and manifesting the fullness of His word and His spirit, at which time the law of God shall have been fulfilled in the entire living soul -- in other words, the full salvation of the entire living soul.
The Lord is saving her, one member at a time. He’s starting with the first-fruits company, which will then go forward and minister to the other members of the living soul, and this ministry will continue until every last member of the living soul has been raised up to full salvation, glory to God, at which time there will be no more two witnesses. There will be no more priest company. The entire living soul shall have been redeemed. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus.
And I would assume -- it looks this way to me now -- that as members of the living soul come to full stature in their soul and spirit, as Christ appears in them in His word, in His spirit, in full -- in the fullness of His stature -- and as the law is fulfilled in them, they will be absorbed into the two-witness company. They will be absorbed into the two-witness company. The body of Christ is absorbing the living soul. Let me try and put this on the board for you and help you to understand it a little.
There are two souls in the earth or two kingdoms or two minds. We have the mind of Adam -- he was here first -- and right now we have the mind of Christ. He’s really small in this hour. Each mind has many members. I’ll draw them as little circles, each circle representing a man as we know men, glory to God. Hallelujah. Well, there’s ministry coming from the two witnesses or from the mind of Christ. There’s ministry, and it’s directed towards the soul or the mind or the kingdom of Adam, and it’s touching all these men in that kingdom, and the result of it is that some of these men are coming out, and they’re coming over to the kingdom of Christ.
And the power of Christ is attacking the kingdom of Adam. We are involved in the warfare of the ages. You want to know why Adam’s trying to kill you? You want to know why he’s trying to knock you down, get you to sin, go insane, commit suicide? His life is in danger, his life as he knows it. There is another kingdom in the earth, and He comes with great power, and He is entering into the kingdom of Adam, laying hold of one of these vessels and bringing him back to the kingdom of Christ. Adam’s no fool. He’s ruled by Satan. He sees the writing on the wall. This is a fight to the death as far as he’s concerned. He doesn’t understand that death in Christ is greater than life or existence as he knows it now. He doesn’t know that, and there’s no way that that knowledge can be imparted to him.
Well, I can’t erase that, so I’ll just draw it down here. Oh, that’s better. OK. The -- why is there no way that that knowledge can be imparted to him? Does anybody know? Because he’s not subject to the law of God. He’s not subject to the law. He doesn’t understand it, and he’s not even capable of obeying it. So this is the way this is going to look, eventually. We’re going to have Adam over here with a few members left in it, and Christ is going to start looking like this. So there’s going to be a transition, and Adam’s going to keep on shrinking, and Christ is going to cre- -- keep on growing until there’s not one member left in the kingdom of Adam, and every single member has now been absorbed into Christ.
It’s -- you know, this is really exciting. If you know anything about biology at all, you know, this is the way the lowest forms of organism get food. Amoeba and paramecium, it’s the -- you get that in your first year of biology. They’re the lowest form of microscopic life -- you can’t see them without a microscope -- and that’s how they get their food. They reach out towards it, and they literally absorb it. They don’t have mouths like we do. They literally absorb it.
So what am I saying? Is God a low life form? No, but everything in the realm of the spirit is the opposite of the realm of the natural, and the lowest life forms in the natural operate in some of the ways that the highest spiritual life form operates in. This realm is a mirror image. The man, natural man, is -- think of him as your own body and that each cell in your body is filled with the intelligence that you have. That’s what we are. There is one man. His name is Adam, and we are cells in his body, and a virus has entered into his body. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ, and from deep within His being, He is literally absorbing Adam to the point of his nonexistence. And Adam’s fighting like a wild, raging beast to save his life, but he can’t, because he shall be totally absorbed into the kingdom, the mind or the life of Christ, whatever you want to call it, and there shall be one man in the earth, and Adam shall dwell within him. Adam’s going to be destroyed insofar as this existence is concerned, but he’s going to live in a new form on the -- under the dominion of Christ. Hallelujah.
OK. Anybody have any questions on that? This is like a big science-fiction story, and the church rolls in. Get that woman down! She’s crazy. You had a lack of dignity. I’m sorry. I didn’t make up the story. It’s the truth. I’m not making you up a story. That’s what’s happening. OK, and I will give un- -- into my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days. Glory to God.
I didn’t make any note on prophecy here, so I’ll just remind you that to prophesy is to speak the word of the Lord. Now some people have a gift of prophecy, and they bring forth a prophetic utterance from the floor of the church. That is not the true prophecy, brethren. The true prophecy is to have Christ in you to such an extent that He speaks out through your vocal cords and through your mouth at His will. That’s the true prophecy. In the days of the ancient Hebrew and under the Old Covenant, when a Hebrew wanted to know the mind of God or the counsel of God, they went to a prophet, and the prophet sought the Lord and came back with an answer for these people. Sometimes the message would go to the prophet, and he would deliver it to the other person in his own language, and sometimes they -- the people seeking counsel would come in the presence of the prophet, and the Lord would just speak through him.
But this is not -- does anyone not see the difference? This is not a prophetic utterance. This is not an exhortation to the church. This is when you seek God, and you want to know what He thinks, and you want to know what He says, and you go to a man that you know He speaks through. Do you know that there are prophets in the church today? Not many people know it. It’s called the oracles of God. You can really go to them and say, you know, I have this question of the Lord, and I’ve been praying about it, and I just can’t -- if He’s answering me, I can’t hear it. But I know that you’re a prophet. Will you petition God for me? Do you know there are people that have that office in the church today? It’s not highly acknowledged. There’s so much pride in the church world today that these people -- at the very least, they’re not easy to get to.
And there are a lot of people executing this office, and God is sending people to them, and the people are being helped, but they don’t really have an understanding that they have just been in the presence of a prophet and that the oracles of God have been ministered to them. The mind of God with regard to their specific problem has been spoken to them through the mouth of a man. They might say, oh, well, that was the Lord. I know it was the Lord. But they don’t have a real understanding of what has happened, that God Almighty has manifested in the flesh of a man with regard to your specific problem. Hallelujah.
OK, Alternate Translation. This is the second third of Verse 3, Chapter 11. And they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days. And they shall minister judgment to the minds of men by the power of My spirit and shall impart My glorified soul life to the many members of the living soul through the preaching of My word until every one of them is raised up to the fullness of the stature of Jesus Christ, thus fulfilling the law in the living soul [AUDIO CUTS OUT] and performing the word of the Lord.
And the word of the Lord to the living soul in this hour is what? It’s bring forth My -- I’m s- -- you have an answer? Repent. OK, it’s repent and bring forth My Son. Repent of what? Repent of running away from Me, repent of sin, repent of failing to fulfill your function. Repent and bring forth My Son.
And what is included in bringing forth the life of Christ in people? Anybody? Judgment -- judgment and the impartation of the soul life of Christ. If I come to you and I say, repent, bring forth My Son, and you say, yes, I repent, what comes next? What comes after the repentance? Judgment, and then the two witness [sic]. They have to judge you, and they have to impart to you the soul life of Christ. They have to fertilize you. That’s what they’re going to be doing. They’re going to come, and they’re going to say, repent. You’re going to say, yes, I repent. They’re going to say, all right, judgment on your soul. Everything that’s opposing the fertilization of your spirit is going to be judged, and then they’re going to fertilize your spirit, and they’re going to bring forth Christ in you.
This is all included in the word prophesy. And they shall minister judgment to the minds of men by the power of My spirit and shall impart My glorified soul life to the many members of the living soul through the preaching of My word. They’re going to be preaching the word, and they’re going to be ministering judgment until every one of them is raised up to the fullness of the stature of Jesus Christ, thus fulfilling the law of God in the entire living soul.
And, brethren, deliverance comes under the heading of judgment. Deliverance comes under the heading of judgment. There are two ways the judgment is going to fall. If you’re in agreement with the Lord, it’s probably going to fall in the form of deliverance. It also could come through a prophet speaking to you and helping you to understand wrong thinking in your mind, but it’s not going to come like lightning out of the sky. It’s not going to be a car accident or some kind of terrible disaster on your life. Judgment means changing the mind of your conscious mind.
Remember, the judgment’s falling on your conscious mind. Why? Because it’s still thinking with the thoughts of Satan. So your thoughts have to be changed. If you’re in submission to God and He sends you to a teacher -- if you can hear it in this -- in a meeting like this, or if He sends you to a personal ministry, and a prophet or a teacher or anybody comes to you and says, “Hey, look, you’re thinking wrong,” this is the mind of God. If you’re in enough submission to God to receive it, that’s the judgment. Judgment has been executed if you receive the word that your thinking is wrong in that area. And if you accept it and you start to change, then, of course, deliverance will follow, and that is the judgment.
If you are resistant -- if you are not receiving the judgment -- if it’s going to be a conflict between you and Almighty God, then it’s most likely to be something unpleasant like infirmity, financial disaster, and it could mean, in extreme cases, the loss of loved ones. I’m not trying to scare you, but I can’t lie to you. This concept of this wishy-washy God in the church today is in -- a stench in His nose. He will give you every chance to go the easy way, to receive the correction through counsel and deliverance, and if you won’t or if you can’t receive it that way because your mind is so reprobate, then you have to go the hard way. You have to go the hard way.
There’s a -- well, it was my own daughter. I’ll put it on the message. I begged her for years, at least three years. I said, Maria, repent of that rebellion. I’m begging you to repent of that rebellion and get delivered, because in our family when the judgments fall, we get sick, and I’ve been suffering with infirmity for years. I begged her, and she said, “No, Ma, I’m going to do it my own way. I don’t need deliverance. I can do it myself.”
Well, it’s about five years since she spoke those words, and she’s sick. And don’t tell me I cursed her because I didn’t. I told her the truth. But the Lord has broken that yoke of rebellion on her. She’s really doing well, and I believe He’s going to heal her. But why go the hard way, people? Why do you have to go the hard way? She was a child. She really didn’t understand what I was saying to her. But I’m talking to all you adults out there. Don’t go the hard way. What do you have to go through this for?
Repent, receive the correction and get the deliverance without disaster being upon you like that. It might be painful. It’s probably going to be painful. Change is always painful. So change with pain but without disaster. Why do you have to change with pain and disaster? “Harden not your hearts as they did in the wilderness, lest God smite you,” saith the Lord. Glory to God.
I’m going to have a witness for you, Matthew 5:17-18. This is with regard to the fulfillment of the law, Jesus speaking. “Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.”
It’s a very common Scripture, greatly misunderstood in the church. What does it mean? It does not mean, Church, that you are under grace and you are not under the law, so you can do anything you want, and Jesus is going to take care of it. Put it under the blood. I love that expression. Put it under the blood! You’re OK. Put it under the blood. It doesn’t mean that, brethren. When Jesus is talking about the law being fulfilled, He means He’s going to do a work in you that will make you incapable of sin. And that work that He’s going to do in you is going to require pain -- is going to require repentance and change. You can go the easy way, or you can go the hard way, but you’re going, because this whole living soul shall be absorbed into the mind of Christ with your agreement or without it, and if that means to your carnal mind that God is not a gentleman, He’s not.
Don’t tell me God is a gentleman. I don’t want to hear that lie from the pulpit anymore. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman. He’ll never force you against your will. Wanna bet? You’d better find out who the enemy is, brethren. You’d better find out, because if you’re fighting God, you’re in trouble. You’re going the hard way. Repent now, for mercy’s sake. He will stop at nothing. He did not say [?betty?] at you. I think all these excerpts: or your arms should be cut off, or your legs should be cut off in the natural, but that you should enter into life. Do you hear this word? The Lord will let you be crippled, that you should enter into the life of His Son. Don’t me I’m crazy. I’m not. I’m telling you the truth. He’ll let you get sick. He’ll let you lose a limb. He’ll let your marriage go on the rocks. He’ll let you lose a child or a loved one. He will let you go through unspeakable torment in the flesh, that you might enter into life of His spirit. I’m telling you the truth.
OK, continuing with clothed in sackcloth -- they were clothed in sackcloth -- this word clothed is 4016, and we -- we’ve spoken several times about the fact that there are two Greek words translated clothed. This is the word that means clothed with something that’s removable. It’s not a permanent clothing, glory to God, but -- and the word sackclo- -- sackcloth is Strong’s 4526, and it means mohair. It means mohair. In the Scripture, specifically under the Old Covenant, it is used to describe grief. It -- when men were mourning for a dead one, they would wear mohair, and the whole concept of it was to make themselves uncomfortable, because mohair itches, it scratches, it’s unpleasant.
And we have one Scripture in one of the books of Kings, where the king was walking through his nation, Israel, that was riddled with famine, and one woman came and told him a story about cannibalism, and he -- in those -- in the Old Covenant, they would rip their clothes. Clothes are too expensive today. They ripped their clothes as a sign of grief, and when the king heard that there was cannibalism in his nation, he ripped his clothes, and they saw that underneath his clothes, he was wearing sackcloth.
You know that there’s nothing in the Old Testament that talks about not eating food, as far as fasting is go -- goes. The expression is, afflict your soul. The command is to afflict your soul, to make yourself uncomfortable in this natural realm, to deny yourself a basic need. The way the ancient Hebrews responded to this command, by and large, was to not eat food, but the command was not to not eat food. The command was, afflict your soul, O Israel. So, sometimes, they denied themselves food. Sometimes they wore mohair vests that irritated and scratched their skin.
But we don’t do that in this hour, because the true affliction of the soul -- why are you laughing?
Well, who would do that in this hour?
Well, we don’t -- I know a lot of people --
Well, a lot of people are sti- -- I don’t know anybody that is wearing a mohair vest, but a lot of people in the church still fast. OK, I am not against fasting. I’m going to say it again. I am not against fasting. I am not against fasting, but I recall you to the words of the Lord. He said, “No one need fast when the bridegroom is with him. When the bridegroom goes away, they shall fast.” What did He mean? The Jews had come to Him and said, “Why did John’s disciples fast? And your disciples don’t fast.” The apostles did not fast. And He said, “When the bridegroom is with them, there’s no need for them to fast. When He goes away, they shall fast.”
And I suggest to you that the New Covenant fast is the absence of Christ in your life. The New Covenant fast -- the fast of which not eating and wearing mohair was a type -- the true fast, the spiritual fast is the lack of the corn from heaven and the water of the spirit. Do you hear me? Fasting is healthy. It’s good. If you want to do it, it’s fine, but there are other forms of self-denial. There are other forms of self-denial. Don’t feel -- I know when I was a new Christian, the church was going on church fasts, and I couldn’t do it because of my health, and I felt very bad. That is not the only fast. Lack of food is not the only fast.
I’m just trying to think of examples, you know. A single person that has given up married life, that is a fast. If you lost your children, that is a fast. Anything that gives you satisfaction in the soul life -- if you lost your family life -- if you’re being reproached because you’re doing what God told you, and your family has rejected you, that’s a fast. You’ve lost the affection and the support of your family. If God said, “Get up and leave this country,” and you left your family, you’re on a fast.
Please understand what I’m saying. If you want to not eat food, that’s fine. It’s healthy. It’s good for you to fast, and if -- and in many instances, I believe that it will increase your spirituality -- in many instances, not in all. It will help you to get closer to God, if that’s what you’re looking for. But that’s not the only way to do it, and I’m suggesting to you, and I’m asking you, to not make a religious work out of it. And I’ve heard people in churches rebuked because they don’t fast. This is not godly, brethren. This is the religious spirit in the church. You are not required to fast unless you get a specific word from the Lord. The Lord has put me on a food fast -- it happened to me once in my lifetime -- and when He put me on a food fast, I couldn’t get a morsel of food down my mouth. It wouldn’t go down. So, if you’re trying to fast, and you cannot take the victory because you’re tormented with a desire of food, I suggest to you that the Lord Jesus Christ has not put you on that fast. Seek Him about it. Find out what He wants you to do. Don’t get religious. Please don’t get religious. The letter killeth. The letter killeth.
If you had a job paying $40,000 a year, and you gave it up because God told you to take a job that pays $20,000 a year, you’re on a fast. The only fast that’s going to glorify God is the fast that He has put you on. If He puts you on food fasts, which He does, that’s wonderful. If He’s put you on a people fast, on a family fast, on a job fast, on a money fast, that’s wonderful. But don’t show me your poverty and say God’s put you on a fast when it’s your religious work. Don’t do that either. For God’s sake, just -- let’s just get this thing -- let’s just get this thing right. Let’s just get delivered from these religious spirits. Don’t go walking around without shoes and saying poverty is holy, and don’t assume that God’s done it to you, because He’s promised to meet your every need. Just get your personal word from the Lord, please, and save yourself a lot of grief.
Jesus is not religious. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
And let me just get this one last comment on, that when He puts you on a fast, no matter what kind of a fast it is, almost without exception His motive is to increase your spirituality. Prune the tree, cut back on meeting your natural needs and force spiritual growth. I moaned and groaned for years, and I said, Lord, how could you do this to me? You’re not meeting my needs. And He would speak to me and say, “I’m forcing spiritual growth on you,” and I thought, I don’t want it! But He had to -- I didn’t say that. I didn’t say it out loud. I wanted the spiritual growth, but I didn’t want to pay the price.
But I can -- I can’t hold myself up to you and say I have achieved these wonderful things because I -- God never gave me a choice. He just laid hold of me, and what He cut out of my life, He cut out of my life. He never asked me. He never gave me a choice. I screamed and I yelled for years. I still scream and yell a lot, so I can’t go to anybody and say, look, I’ve taken the victory in this area of my life, etc., etc. Look at how wonderful I am. There’s not a chance I’d ever say that to you because I didn’t take the victory. I wasn’t given a choice.
But that is the purpose for fasting, to force spiritual growth, and it is just human nature that when your every natural need is met, you would probably not even go to church. Hardship and hard times and emotional need force us towards God. It’s just the way we’re made. I wish it was different. Who wants this pain? But it’s just the way it is.
So, if you are living your life, and an aspect of your life is lacking, examine yourself. If you’re suffering and it’s God, praise the Lord, but don’t torment yourself for no reason. Examine your life. Is that lack producing spiritual growth? If it’s not, you’ve got a lot of praying to do. You’ve got a lot of praying to do. Glory to God.
OK, let’s go on. Alternate Translation, oh, of the third third of Revelation 11:3: And they -- it was -- they were clothed in sackcloth, and they were clothed in their human, unglorified body. Hair is a natural substance, and I’m suggesting to you that it typifies the unglorified body. It’s made of a natural substance; it’s not made out of the glorified, light spirit.
Alternate Translation, Revelation 11:3: And I shall -- excuse me -- and I shall appear through My word and by My spirit in my first-fruits company, and they shall minister judgment to the minds of men by the power of My spirit, and they shall impart my glorified soul life to the many members of the living soul through the preaching of my word until every one of them -- every one of who? -- every one, every member of the living soul is raised up to the fullness of the stature of Jesus Christ, thus fulfilling the law in the living soul, in their human, unglorified bodies.
So what are we saying here? Men are going to be brought to a place where they are no longer sinning, where they are righteous while they are still in their unglorified body, and I remind you that Jesus was in that condition before the crucifixion. He was righteous, He was the Son of God. He said, “I and My Father are one,” and He said, “No man can take my life. I lay it down.” So we will be living in bodies, but our soul is fully saved. We have been raised up to righteousness for a season. We will still be walking around in these unglorified bodies, which will be corruptible if the Lord so wills it. But I believe we will be saying what Jesus said, “No man can take my life,” but if God requires us to lay it down, it shall be taken from us.
Once we’re glorified, we’re indestructible. When we’re glorified, we’re going to have that hard, crystal exterior. It’s going to be impenetrable. No destruction will be able to come to our glorified bodies. Did I make that clear? We’re going to be in bodies that can be destroyed only at the will of Who? The Father, at the will of the Father. Man will not be able to destroy them, but at the will of the Father, they will still be in a destructible while contemptible, corruptible state. Hallelujah.
OK, Verse 4. These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. These two witnesses -- they had two olive trees and two candlesticks.
Revelation 1:20 -- I’m going to do the candlesticks first, and Revelation 1:20, it says: And the seven candlesticks thou sawest are the seven churches -- are the seven churches.
Revelation 2:1: These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks.
Gold typifies deity, and I suggest to you that Jesus Christ walking in the midst of the candlesticks typifies Jesus Christ, who was now a spirit. He is a mind without a body that is appearing in the bodies of many members. Jesus Christ in this hour is a mind without a body, and He is in the process of appearing in many bodies. Anybody have a problem with that?
One man -- He was Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He was glorified. He is now a spirit. He’s a mind, and He’s in the earth in the process of appearing in many bodies -- so, and in many souls. OK, many souls and many bodies. And I’m suggesting to you that the seven golden candlesticks typify the fullness -- seven meaning the number of fullness -- typifying the fullness of the believers, gold meaning deity, and I’m suggesting to you that it typifies the souls, the redeemed souls of the body of Christ.
So, back to Verse 4. It says, these are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks. Well, we have to find out what the two candlesticks are. From these other Scriptures we found out that a golden candlestick, in which Christ walks in the midst of, is the Spirit of Christ manifesting in the many souls of His body. So now we want to find out what these two candlesticks are. Did I make that clear?
I’m suggesting a candle -- well, first of all, a candlestick. In the Bible days, candlesticks did not hold candles. They held -- they had bowls on the top of them that were filled with oil, and they hung the wick in the oil. It took fresh oil, olive oil. So a candlestick is a holder of oil, oil being a type of the spirit. And what I’m suggesting to you is that the candlestick is the holder of the spirit, and what holds the spirit? What does the spirit sit in? Anybody remember? What does the spirit sit in? Anybody?
No, what’s the -- no, what’s between the body and the spirit? The soul. The spirit sits in the soul; the soul sits in the body. So the candlestick typifies the holder of the oil of the spirit. It’s a soul; it’s gold. That means it’s been redeemed. So a can- -- golden candlestick is the redeemed soul of man in which the oil of the spirit dwells. So let’s find out what the two candlesticks are, and I’m going to stop here to go into Zechariah, Chapter 4, because we find some very similar Scriptures in Zechariah, Chapter 4, and I want to go over this with you.
I’m going to expound on the whole chapter. I only have an Alternate Translation of one or two verses. Let me tell you what I’m getting at, so you don’t have to guess. Trees typify spiritual life in the realm of appearance. We know that there’s a tree of life, and there’s a tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and I’m suggesting to you that trees in this context -- and we know that in this -- throughout the Scripture, Jesus Christ has referred to men as trees. And I’m suggesting to you that a tree is the image that spiritual life takes when it appears in the realm of appearance. Do you remember all of our studies on the rainbow, that the rainbow is the image that appears in the sky when the sun passes through water?
And we’ve had a lot of teachings that spiritual life has passed through into the realm of appearance, Satan has passed through into the realm of appearance, and we are what he looks like. Christ is passing through into the realm of appearance, and we know what He will look like because we know what Jesus Christ looked like when He had His glorified body. Only one man’s been glorified that I know of. But I’m suggesting to you that, symbolically, the tree in the Scripture is the image that is formed when spiritual life that has no form or shape wants to appear in the realm of appearance, that spiritual life is passing through the soul, is vibrating through the soul, and although we know that we don’t look like trees, we know that Jesus has called men trees, and we know that the Bible is filled with symbols, and I’m suggesting to you that the tree -- I’m not a very good artist -- but a tree is the symbol describing what appears on the other side of the mirror.
Remember this teaching? When a man looks in the mirror, he sees an image that looks like a man, but the realm of the spirit is much higher than this realm, and the realm of the spirit, which has no form or shape, when it pierces through the water of the soul, the realm of appearance is set up opposite it, just as if it were looking in a mirror. And what it sees -- the spiritual symbol of what it sees is a tree.
And, you know, years ago, they didn’t have mirrors like we have now, and if a young girl wanted to see what she looked like, she went down to the lake or to the river, and she looked over, and she could see her image in the water. So, traditionally, images appear in water. So we have spirit, and he’s appearing in the water, and what he’s seeing is what we look like, but to his spiritual mind, the symbol is a tree. Did I -- does any -- everybody understand that? Did I confuse anybody?
This symbol of what the image that appears in the realm of appearance is -- it’s called a tree. I don’t know why God called it a tree, because we know that there are several -- I know why God called it -- yes, I do know why God called it a tree, because He’s trying to help us to understand that a tree has roots which go deep down into the earth, which are the spirit. The tree appears in the realm of appearance. It has bark, which typifies the body. The tree has fruit, which is the life of the spirit, and the tree also has leaves -- which I can’t draw at all, you’ll have to forgive me -- which typifies the human personality that lives once and is never erected again.
And that’s why the Holy Spirit chose a tree as a symbol of life in the realm of appearance. It appears by its trunk and its branches. It lives by the unseen roots, which are the life of the spirit. It has personality, so that last generation, and it also has fruit, which is the life of the spirit in the personality, in your emotions -- the life of the spirit in your emotions. Glory to God. That’s why God picks a tree to describe human life.
OK, so we’re going to go through Zechariah 4. I’m going to read it through. It’s 14 chapters -- 14 verses, please. I’m going to read it through, and I’m going to expound quickly on the first few chapters -- on the first few verses. It’s just, I think, Verse 11 and 12 and 13 that I have an Alternate Translation on.
Zechariah, Chapter 4: And the angel that talked with me came again, and waked me, as a man that is wakened out of his sleep.
2 And he said unto me, What seest thou? And I said, I have looked, and behold a candlestick all of gold -- one candlestick -- with a bowl upon the top of it, and his seven lamps thereon, and seven pipes to the seven lamps, which are on top -- which are upon the top thereof:
3 And two olive trees by it, one upon the right side of the bowl, and the other upon the left side thereof.
4 So I answered and spake to the angel that talked with me, saying, What are these, my lord?
5 And then the angel that talked with me answered and said unto me, Knowest thou not what these be? And I said, No, my lord.
6 And then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.
7 Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it.
8 Moreover the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
9 The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also finish it; and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto you.
10 For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hands of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the Lord, which run to and fro through the whole earth.
11 Then answered I, and said unto him, What are these two olive trees upon the right side of the candlestick and upon the left side thereof?
12 And I answered again, and said unto him, What be these two olive branches -- not trees, branches -- which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves?
13 And he answered me and said, Knowest thou not what these be? And I said, No, my lord.
14 Then he said to me, These are the two anointed ones, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth.
So let’s try to get some idea. This is a pretty popular passage of the Old Testament. A lot of these Old Testament have been translated very incorrectly, some of them partially, some of them incorrectly. So let’s see if I can’t get some understanding to you as to these symbols of the olive trees and the golden candlestick. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus.
OK, he saw a golden candlestick. What it really is, is a menorah. It’s a menorah. It’s a -- it’s the candelabra of the Old Covenant Jew, and he said, this is what it looked like. He said, I beheld a candlestick of gold with a bowl upon the top of it and his seven lamps thereon and seven pots. It looks something like this; it went up like this. This is a candlestick over here, and it branched out. I’m trying to do this fast, so I don’t lose time on the message. So there should be seven there. If I have too many, forgive me. So, with a candlestick, it had a stand, and it had a branch, and then it branch -- it had a base, and then it branched out like this, and on the top of each one of these branches was a bowl, and in that bowl was the olive oil, and in the olive oil was hanging a wick, and they would set fire to the wick. Well, I guess it didn’t hang down. I guess -- that’s wrong, I’m sorry. It wasn’t hanging down. There was a bowl and the oi- -- and the wick floated in the oil. So the wick was, like, right here, right in the center, and then it burnt, and you had a flame similar to what you would see on the top of a candle.
They used to call it a lampstand.
They also called it a lampstand, yeah. They also called it a lamp -- lampstand. Why they switched that [AUDIO CUTS OUT] and holding many lamps, OK, and again typifying the spirit of [AUDIO CUTS OUT] many members. By his spirit, the olive oil that is burning. OK, glory to God, the wick being that which has substance in the realm of appearance. The gold candelabra typifying the redeemed soul, OK, appearing in many members, and the flame is what’s seen in the realm of appearance, burning on the wick.
OK, we’re in Verse 2, glory to God. Verse 3 -- oh, I’ll read it again. Verse 2: And he said unto me, What seest thou? And I said, I have looked, and behold a candlestick all of gold -- the soul that’s been redeemed -- with a bowl upon the top of it, and his seven lamps thereon -- seven being the number of fullness -- and seven pipes to the seven lamps, which are upon the top thereof.
I suggest to you, this is the fullness of the body of Christ in a redeemed soul and in the fullness of the many members in which Christ is appearing and shall appear.
Verse 3: And two olive trees by it, one upon the right side of the bowl, and the other upon the left side of the bowl.
So he saw a tree up over here, on -- we just had a tree. I should have left this one on the board. He had two trees, and what I’m suggesting to you is that this is - it’s a spiritual diagram of the body of Christ, and here is the soul, and on each side of it, we have a tree that’s appearing in the realm of appearance, the tree typifying the body. Within our body, in our innermost recesses, is the soul.
This is the way the Sc- -- the prophets symbolize it. We know that it really looks like this, that this is the body, and the soul is within it. We know that, but this is prophecy, and the prophets are talking to people that aren’t going to be able to understand this for centuries. So this is the way he describes it. In the center is the redeemed soul, and on the left side and on the right side or all around it is the bark of the tree, which is the body. Anybody having a prob- -- this is important. I’ll take questions as we go along. Anybody having a problem? Glory to God.
I think we have a -- I have a -- an exhibit made up, very similar to this, on one of the thirty -- No. 39 messages. I’m not going to go into it now. If you -- if you’re interested in it, question me about it later, and we’ll go over it.
OK, that was Verse 3. Verse 4: So I answered and spake to the angel that talked with me, saying, What are these, my lord? And Verse 5: then the angel that talked with me answered and said unto me, Knowest thou not what these be? And I said, No, my lord. Then the angel answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord.
Well, what in the world is this all about? Glory to God. Let me tell you, brethren, prophecy is exciting. Don’t ever turn away from it because you think it’s off the wall. It’s never off the wall. It’s never off the wall. Glory to God. Let’s find out who Zeba- -- Zerubbabel is. Does anybody know who Zerubbabel is? Anybody have any idea who Zerubbabel is? OK, because Ezra, the tribe of Judah -- at the time, Judah -- now Judah has gone into captivity. He was, kind -- he was -- I lost the word. He was conquered by Babylon, and he was -- he took -- he was commanded to take his wives and his children and all of his belongings and to go dwelling. And at the end of this captivity, at the end of 70 years, the head, the prince, the descendent of the king that had sat on the throne at the time of Judah’s demise was -- his name was Zerubbabel. He was the legal, genetic heir to the throne of Judah. And Unger says that at the time of the retu- -- OK, I’ll read it from the beginning. I try to shorten it, and then I mess it up.
The head of the tribe of Judah, at the time of the return from the Babylonian captivity, Zerubbabel led the first group of those captive in Babylon back to Jerusalem.
Now, for those of you that don’t know the story, God moved upon the Babylonian dictator -- OK, I guess he was a king at that time -- and he laid it upon his heart to release the Jews and let them go back to rebuild their temple, because you could not worship any -- legally, not worship anywhere except that they were -- whatever they were doing in Babylon. I don’t know, but God only accepts worship in His temple.
So, when the Lord laid it upon -- I believe the name of the king was Artaxerxes, if I’m not mistaken. It might have been Darius. I shouldn’t speak if I don’t know. It was one of the Babylonian kings, and he called the prince of Judah and said, “Look, I want you to go back. You’ve blessed me, you’ve served me. You’ve been a faithful servant, and I’m going to [AUDIO CUTS OUT].” That’s what happened. And when Zerubbabel, leading this contingent of Jews back to Jerusalem, when they arrived at Jerusalem, Unger says, their care was the building of the altar on its old site and to restore the daily sacrifice. Unger says the great work of Zerubbabel was the rebuilding of the temple. The great work of Zerubbabel was the rebuilding of the temple.
Now we’re living in a spiritual covenant now, and I’m going to suggest to you -- well, let me ask you. Who’s rebuilding the temple? Jesus Christ is rebuilding the temple. He’s rebuilding the temple, He’s rebuilding the altar, and He’s rebuilding the wall around the city of Jerusalem. He’s also rebuilding Jerusalem. We’re going to have a New Jerusalem. So I’m going to suggest to you that Zerubbabel is a type of Christ, and when the prophet or when the Holy Spirit wanted to speak about Christ through the prophets, the way prophecy works is that He chose a name of a natural man that did have something to do with rebuilding Jerusalem. But we’re going to find out that Zerubbabel can’t possibly be the one that the Lord is speaking about, although that’s the name that’s used, because in a ver- -- in a couple of verses down, it says that Zeru- [AUDIO CUTS OUT].
-- contradicts itself. We all know that all the history books say that Zerubbabel never finished the city. It’s not valid, it’s not of God. You’re carnal, if you say that. You’re carnal. So, I’m suggesting to you -- I want to make this clear because it’s good to know how prophecy works. God’s trying to impart knowledge to you. So, if He names a name in prophecy, you have to find out what that name signifies, either what the person was in history or what their name means, and we’re finding out that God’s talking about someone that’s rebuilding the temple, even though we’re go -- it’s obvious that this particular man, Zerubbabel, could not possibly, and did not in fact, finish rebuilding the temple. So he’s a type of Christ, glory to God.
OK, and the phrase, not by might or not by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord, typifies that the true temple of God shall not be built by human means, but by the spirit of God. And, indeed, Jesus Christ is rebuilding the temple right now by the spirit of God.
So this is what the angel is showing Zechariah. This is what he’s trying to say to him. He shows him an olive tree, and he shows him the candelabra, typifying the glorified Christ in the realm of appearance, and then he says to him, “You mean, you don’t know what this is?” And the next thing he’s talking about is the rebuilding of the temple, which is the glorified Christ in the realm of appearance. It makes very much sense, brethren. Any questions? Everybody with me? OK, glory to God.
Verse 7: Who art thou, O great mountain? Glory to God. I’m sorry. I’m going to start again. Verse 7: Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shouting, crying, Grace, grace unto it.
Who art thou, O great mountain? First, we’re talking about a candelabra and an olive tree. Then we’re talking about Zerubbabel -- not by might, not by power, but by my spirit -- and then we’re talking about a mountain. What in the world -- you know, this book was definitely written by men that didn’t know what they were talking about. I mean, how could this make any sense at all?
OK, we have a vision of the glorified Christ in the form of candelabra and olive trees. The Lord imparts to us the knowledge that He’s talking about re- -- now, let me point this out to you. We have the finished product first, at the beginning of the chapter. First God shows us the finished product, the Christ in the realm of appearance, a golden candelabra and olive trees. Now we’re going to find out how He got this way. OK? Remember, God starts with the finished product and works backwards.
Then He’s talking about Zerubbabel rebuilding the temple, but not in the natural, and if you read the book of Ezra, you’re going to find out that they rebuilt that temple in the natural, and they had all kinds of problems, right down to people making war with them, to lugging water and stone. So the Scripture’s telling us right here, I’m ta- -- I’m calling you, Zerubbabel, but I’m not talking about that temple, because when I build that temple, saith the Lord, it’s not going to be by your might, and it’s not going to be by your physical power, but it’s going to be by My spirit, saith the Lord.
And in the next verse, He says, “Who art thou, O great mountain?” What mountain? Well, what is Jesus building the temple out of, and who does He have to smite in order to build it up? He has to smite the living soul. And we know that, in the Scripture, nations are described as mountains, and I refer to you that the great mountain which has to be overcome in order to rebuild the temple is the mountain known as the living soul ruled by the spirit known as Satan, Zerubbabel typifying Jesus Christ.
Verse 7: Who art thou, O great mountain? Who are you, Adam, that stands before my Christ? Who are you that stands up and raises up the tent and say, you shalt not make a temple out of my wood? Adam is a tree. Jesus Christ is making a temple out of him, and Adam is standing up against him and saying, no way. And the Lord says, “Who art thou, O great mountain, Adam, that stands before My Christ, Zerubbabel? Thou shalt become a plain. Thou shalt go down under the feet of My Christ. You who are standing up as a mountain, who was eye to eye or higher than My Christ, you shall become a plain. You shall be under His feet.” Glory to God.
And he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it. Glory to God. The word headstone, it’s -- Strong’s shows no number for that word, so I went into the Interlinear, and I looked at the Hebrew, and I found, by comparing the Hebrew to the lexicons, that it’s two words, two Hebrew words, one meaning top -- Strong’s 7218, which means -- well, first of all, the Interlinear translates it top of the head -- top of the head. So I looked under the word top, and I found the Hebrew word that looked like the Hebrew word that was in my Interlinear. There’s more than one word that’s -- Hebrew word that’s translated top. That’s how I do it, OK?
So I found the Hebrew word that matched the word in the Interlinear that’s translated head in the King James, but it’s translated top in the Interlinear. It’s Strong’s 7218, and it means the head of men or animals, a prince of the temple. Who’s the head of men? Who’s the head of men? Anybody? Jesus Christ, the mind of Jesus Christ. The spirit of Jesus Christ is the head of every member of His body. He’s the spirit. Just like Satan is the spirit that flows through every member of the living soul, Jesus Christ is and shall be the spirit that shall flow through every member of His body. He’s the controlling force of all life, glory to God.
And I just want to give you -- I just want to give you a witness here. Psalms 118:22: The stone which the builders refused is become the head of the corner. It’s become the head of the corner. That’s the same word translated in the Interlinear, top, and translated headstone in the King James. The stone which the builders refused is become the head of the corner, and I hope you remember that the head of the corner -- I didn’t write -- the head or the ruler of the spiritual man, the corner typifying the spiritual man. If you want to review that, ask me. I’ll get you the message number for you.
OK, we’re trying to find out what this word headstone means, and we’re dealing with the phrase that He shall bring forth the headstone. Who? Zerubbabel. Who? Christ shall bring forth the headstone. Let’s find out what it means. The word stone is Strong’s 68, and it means the foundation of a house. Jesus is the zygote, He is the seed, He is the first spiritual man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He was the corn -- He is the corn of wheat that was sown in the ground, that’s bringing forth a great harvest. Glory to God.
This word stone is used to describe Jehovah in Genesis 49:24. It’s used to describe Jehovah in 49:24, and it means the beginner of a race. And I’m suggesting to you that the top of the stone, which is the literal translation -- not headstone, but the top of the stone -- means the top of Jehovah, the top of Jehovah, the part of Jehovah that’s seen. What is the part of Jehovah that’s seen? It’s His Christ. Jehovah is seen in His Christ. Jehovah has no form or shape. He’s seen in His Christ, so we’re finding out that this headstone must mean Christ. Glory to God.
We’re in Verse 7. Who art thou, O great mountain, Adam, that stands before Zerubbabel, My Christ? You shall become a plain. You shall be flattened out with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it.
When He puts you down, Adam, ruled by Satan, and He gets you under His feet in the realm of the soul, the next thing He’s going to do is bring forth Christ in the realm of appearance, with shoutings of grace, grace unto it. And the word grace is the ability to keep the law, glory to God. When Christ puts Adam underfoot in the realm of the soul, He shall then minister grace, the ability to fulfill the law, which will result in Christ appearing in the realm of appearance.
Brethren, Christ is not peering -- appearing in the realm of appearance unrighteous. He is not appearing until your vessel has been made clean. The appearance of Christ in the realm of appearance shall be simultaneous with your becoming. He’s not appearing in you if there is any sin in you whatsoever. Glory to God.
OK, I just have some notes for you I want to read you. Verse 9: Zerubbabel is building God’s house. Zerubbabel did not finish rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. Oh, this is history I have for you. Zerubbabel did not finish rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem or the temple. The work was interrupted by wicked men, natural men, who wanted to de- -- who wanted money and wanted power. Zerubbabel would not yield to them, and they destroyed the work that was done. I believe they burnt down the wall, if I’m not mistaken, but they destroyed the work that was done. The temple was rebuilt in Nehebel -- in Nehemiah’s day. The book of Nehemiah follows the book of Ezra, and Nehemiah led the second exodus out of Babylon with another group of people under another king. I’m not going to go into all the history now. It’s too late. He led out a second group of people, and they rebuilt the temple and the wall.
Thus, either this verse isn’t accurate, or the Holy Spirit is using Zerubbabel as a natural type to describe Christ, Who laid the foundation of God’s house when He became the living soul. Did I read you that in Verse 9? I got ahead of myself. I’m sorry, I got ahead of myself. Verse 9, the --
Well, Verse 8 says: Moreover the word of the Lord came unto me, saying --
Verse 9: The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also finish it; and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts has sent me unto you.
The -- and so -- and the history follows with that, that Zerubbabel, he laid the founda- -- well, he didn’t even lay the foundation. He went to rebuild it, and he didn’t finish the rebuilding. It was finished in the days of Nehemiah. So we cannot be talking about the natural Zerubbabel. So that’s just another witness that this must be Christ, and what I’m suggesting to you is that it is Christ who laid the foundation of God’s house when He became the living soul and is finishing it in the last day when He shall fill the living soul with the life of the Father.
The foundation of the temple of God is the natural man, which Christ laid when He was joined to the existence in the earth. The finishing of the house or the temple of God is when Christ shall fulfill His Father’s commandment to fill the earth. Everybody always thinks -- in Genesis it says, go forth and fill the earth -- and they think it means fill the earth with bodies. No, brethren, it means fill the bodies with the life of God. Fill the bodies; fill the earth up on your inside with the life of God. That’s what it means. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
OK, Verse 9. OK, this word hands -- it’s Strong’s 3027, and it specifically means the human hand, although sometimes it’s used to describe the hand of God. It’s a positive word, and I’m suggesting to you -- I have this on another message. For many years, you know, we read the Scripture that the whole world -- the worlds were made by Christ, and without Him, nothing was made. And I have this vision of Him being in humanoid form, fashioning this earth out of some potter’s clay, but, brethren, the Scripture is a parable because we are carnal, and that’s the only way God can give this understanding to us. So, I’m going to tell you again, when li- -- Christ laid the foundation of the earth, the way He did it was that He permitted His Father -- He -- not that He permitted -- He submitted to His Father, and He was propelled into the earth and joined to the existence in the earth, and the foundation of the temple that God will live in was laid when Christ bec- -- when the -- not Christ, but when the Son of God became the living soul, the foundation was laid, and now this foundation is going to be filled with the life of God.
So, when the Scripture says that Christ -- that He laid the foundation with His hands, it’s a parable, brethren. The foundation of the temple of God was formed out of the life of Christ. Anybody have a problem with that? it’s just an expression. He laid it with His hands, because men are carnal, and they can’t understand this, and men that don’t -- are not recipients of the teaching that we have here, they have to read this knowledge in a form that makes sense in their language, and this is how God did it.
OK, we’re in Verse 9. The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house. Christ became the foundation. He became the natural man. His hands shall also finish it. How are His hands going to be finishing it? He’s going to be filling it with His male substance. He became the female element, the living soul. He lost all His power and all His wealth, so that we could appear. And now He’s coming back in the form of the male spirit of God, filling each and every member -- each and every mansion, for those of you that still believe you’re going to have a mansion in heaven. I rebuke rapture spirits.
We are the mansions, brethren, and we are the houses. We are the many members of the living soul. We are the many members of the foundation of the temple of Almighty God that is being filled with the life, with the oil, of the spirit of God. And when the work is complete, we shall be Christ in the earth. Hallelujah.
The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this earth. His hand shall also finish it, and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts has sent me unto you. Who? That the Lord of Hosts sent Zechariah -- sent the angel to Zechariah? No, no, no, no, no. And thou shalt know who? All you living soul out there, you shall know that the Lord of Hosts has sent Christ unto you. You shall know who you are. You shall know that you were created to serve the living God. Hallelujah.
And Christ formed the -- I’m sorry. I keep saying Christ. Christ is the Son of God in the flesh. The Son of God formed the foundation of the temple, which is the natural man, and by His spirit, He’s going to finish it by filling it with His spirit. And you, living soul, you shall know -- in that day, when Christ appears, you shall know that the Lord of Hosts has sent Christ unto you. All you intellectuals out there, all you blasphemers that are saying there is no God -- in that day when Christ appears, you shall know that God Almighty has sent His Christ unto you. Hallelujah.
Verse 10: For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven. I’ll stop there. For -- who has despised the day of small things? It’s a strange thing to say. Who hath despised the day of small things?
I just have a witness for you that the Lord laid the foundation of the earth. Psalms 102:25, Verse 25: Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth. It was done by Jesus Christ. It was done by the Lord. Zerubbabel is typifying Christ. OK, glory to God.
Verse 10, we’re dealing with small things. That’s the Hebrew word, 6996, and Strong says that it means a diminutive. We talked about a diminutive when we discussed the little book in the angels’ hands. It means smallness, little vessels, and [?Gissenga?] says that it’s specifically referring to little in age or the younger ones.
So, what am I suggesting to you? For who has despised the day of the younger ones? Who has despised the day of the little ones? And who are the little ones? Jesus said, “If you touch one hair on the head of these little ones, it will be better for you as if a millstone had been tied upon your neck, and you had been dropped into the sea.”
Who are the little ones? They are us, brethren. We are the little ones, the 42nd generation, the offspring of Christ that are coming forth in the earth today. Who has despised the little ones? The word despise is 937. It means despise, but it’s from the root 936, which means to condemn, to despise or to trample underfoot. Who are you who have trampled underfoot the offspring of Christ? You, Adam, ruled by the spirit of Satan -- who are you manifesting in the many members of the body of Christ that have birthed Christ, but in whom Christ is tread underfoot by you? Who are you?
Glory to God. So who has despised the day of small things? For they shall rejoice. Who shall rejoice? The sons of God shall rejoice. Rejoice, Strong’s 8055 -- it means to make joyful, but one other time in the Scripture, this word is translated light, in Proverbs 13:9. The light of the righteous rejoiceth. Now, how can a light rejoice? But the lamp of the wicked shall be put out. And this is [?Gissenga’s?] note. The light of the righteous shall shine, as it were, with joyful brightness. The little ones, the despised ones, the offspring of Christ that are in our bodies, that are tread underfoot by Satan, they shall shine, as it were, with a joyful brightness. Glory to God.
And what are we going to shine with? The oil of the life of God. What does that mean? That Adam -- the day will come that Adam will no longer tread us underfoot, but that the brightness, the shining, the oil of Almighty God shall appear where? Where? In our souls, in our words, thoughts and deeds, and eventually, in our bodies. Glory to God.
For who has despised the day of small things? For the sons of God shall rejoice. You who have despised the sons of God, I’m telling you, they’re going to rejoice. And they shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven. And I remind you of last week’s message. The two witnesses are going to be given the commission to measure, and a plummet is a measuring tool. That was how they measured in the Old Covenant. They took a line, and they put, I think, like, a little weight on it, and they dropped it down so that it would be taut, and they measured how tall or how wide a building was. But what’s being measured in the sons of God? Anybody remember from last week, what’s being measured?
It’s our -- right, our spiritual life, the life of Christ that’s coming forth in our souls, absolutely. Correct. OK, for they shall rejoice, and they shall see the measuring tool in the hands of Zerubbabel, which is Christ, those seven, with those seven. They shall see the fullness of Christ in His body, seven being the number of fullness. For they shall see the measuring tool in the hands of Zerubbabel, with those seven. They’re going to see Him in the sons of God, they’re going to see the fullness of Christ, and they’re going to rejoice. They are the eyes of the Lord, which run to and fro through the whole earth.
How is God going to be everywhere throughout the earth? He’s going to be appearing in men. He’s not going to be on television, and He’s not going to be watching you through the television set in your house like Big Brother. I’m sorry if I’m hurting anyone’s feelings, but when you really see this thing, it’s funny. It’s really funny, how immature we have been in the past. I’m not condemning or mocking anybody. It’s just cute, like you look at a kindergarten child. It’s just cute. I don’t mean to hurt anybody’s feelings.
The eyes of the Lord are your eyes and my eyes and the eyes of the many members of His body, across the earth. Glory to God. OK, I have an Alternate Translation for you. I took the last phrase of Verse 9, which says, and thou shall know that the Lord of Hosts has sent me to do it, and I included it with Verse 10.
Alternate Translation, the last phrase of Verse 9 and Verse 10 of Chapter 4 of Zechariah: Because Satan shall not be able to trample the Lord’s little ones underfoot any longer -- I’m sorry. I read it wrong. I rebuke you.
Verse 9: And you shall know that the Lord of Hosts has sent Jesus Christ to you.
Verse 10: Because Satan shall not be able to trample the Lord’s little ones underfoot any longer. Why? Because the spirit of Christ in them shall shine forth as an energy source which will maintain their correct moral order. The sons of God are the eyes of the Lord, which are everywhere in the earth of mankind. And I’ll read it again.
And you shall know that the Lord of Hosts has sent Jesus Christ to you. You’re a living soul. You’re going to know that Jesus Christ -- that the Lord of Hosts has sent Jesus Christ to you. Why? Because Satan shall not be able to trample the Lord’s little ones underfoot any longer. Why? Because the spirit of Christ in them shall shine forth as an energy source which will maintain their correct moral order. Watch that, Satan underfoot. The sons of God are the eyes of the Lord, which are everywhere in the earth of mankind.
Brethren, do you hear this? The sons of God are about to manifest. They’re not about to manifest to bring pain and torment upon men. They are about to manifest as a living word, a living message, from the realm of the spirit of God. And what is that? God is. God is, and all of you who declare He is not, you shall be proven wrong. And God shall change your mind, and you too shall be absorbed into the body of Christ. Hallelujah.
OK, Verse 11: Then answered I, and said unto him, What are these two olive trees upon the right side of the candlestick and upon the left side thereof?
OK, now, we talked about the candlestick. We talked about the olive trees. Then the Lord started explaining about the temple, about the sons of God, and now back in Verse 11, we’re talking about the olive -- we’re talking about things in the natural again. Glory to God. Do you see what He did? He gave you a statement about a candlestick and olive trees. Then He went in to give you all the background of the house being built, Jesus Christ, the sons of God -- and now, we’re back to the issue.
Well, what are these two olive trees that stand on the side of the candlestick, on the right side and on the left side thereof? And I answered again, and said unto him, Well, what are these two olive branches? Now please notice: in Verse 11, the word is olive trees, and in Verse 12, the word is olive branches, which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves.
And what I’m suggesting to you is that he saw the candlestick and he saw the olive trees at the beginning. And the angels spoke in parables to him through all the -- through Verse 11, the angel -- I’m sorry, through Verse 10, the angel was speaking in parables. And he listened to all this, Zechariah, and then he said, “But I still don’t know what the olive trees and the candlestick is. You gave me this parable, and I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Glory to God.
I want to -- well, I already told you that the tree is the image of the spirit in the realm of appearance, and in Verse 11, the word olive trees is Strong’s 2132. It means an olive as yielding illuminating oil. This word is used to mean an olive, the olive tree, the branch of the tree or the berry, but basically, it means a source of illuminating oil. What is the illuminating oil? It’s the spirit. It’s the spirit of Almighty God.
So, in Verse 11: Then I said to him, What are these two olive trees? What are these two sources of the illuminating oil of God in the realm of appearance? Trees are the image of spiritual life in the realm of appearance, and these are olive trees. They’re trees that are producing or manifesting the oil of the spirit in the realm of appearance, and Zechariah said, “What are they?” There’s one on the right side of the candlestick, and there’s one on the left side of the candlestick. Now we know what it is because it’s up there on the board, and we just explained it, but Zechariah didn’t understand it. Glory to God.
And I just want to remind you that the right side is the ministry. Now, the sons of God have two ministries. The right hand is blessing, and the left hand is judgment. So, although it means, like we said earlier, that the trees are wrapping around the soul, there’s also another meaning in there, that the sons of God have the ability to bless, and they have the ability to judge. And I remind you that the ability to bless is what? It’s the impartation of the soul of Christ. They’re going to preach, and men’s spirits are going to get fertilized, and Christ is going to be birthed in them.
That’s the blessing. It’s not giving you a new car. It’s not giving you the $1,000 to go away on vacation. And I’m going to tell you something else. It’s not even getting your child healed. The blessing of Almighty God is Christ in you, the hope of glory, and He’ll have mercy on you in areas of your need because we’re His children. But the blessing is Him. Glory to God. And the judgment, the left hand of God, is the judgment, the deliverance, the trials and tribulations that bring you to a place where you submit to receiving the blessing. Why? Because our minds are darkened. We’re evil, we’re reprobate, we can’t tell good from evil, and we can’t even receive the blessing when he offers it to us. We must be chastened. Glory to God.
OK, verse 12: And I answered again, and said unto him, What be these two olive branches which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves?
Oh, I see I have an alternate. Let me give you this Alternate Translation of 4:11, Zechariah 4:11. Then I answered and said to the angel, what are these two sources of spiritual life in the realm of appearance, which minister blessing and pronounce judgment?
OK, verse 12: And I answered again, and said unto him, What be these two olive branches -- not olive trees, olive branches -- which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves?
This word, olive branches, is Strong’s 7641. It’s a different word, and it has nothing to do with olives. It merely means an ear of corn or a stream, an ear of corn or a stream, and I’m suggesting to you that it’s talking about fruit. We know that an ear of corn is the fruit of the plant, and a stream is the life of the spirit in the realm of appearance. It’s -- the -- spirit is vapor. You can’t see it. When it appears as water, it’s spirit in the realm of appearance, and I’m going to suggest to you that this word that’s translated olive branches typifies the life of Christ in the realm of appearance. The fruit of God, which is Christ, and the stream of living waters, which is Christ appearing in His word -- the ear of corn is His word -- and appearing by His spirit as the stream of waters. Glory to God.
Now, this word pipe -- let me read it for you again. I don’t want to lose you. And I answered again, and said unto him, What be these two olive branches, which through the golden -- two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves?
And this word pipe, the two pipes, it’s a different Hebrew word than the word translated pipe in Verse 2. Now the Hebrew word translated pipe in Verse 2, where it says -- let me give you this. And as seven lamps had seven pipes to the seven lamps, that word specifically describes a metal pipe through which something flows, but the word pipe used in Zechariah 4:12 is Strong’s 6804, and it does not mean metal. It means a tube. It’s the word that’s translated in the Scriptures water spout -- water spout.
And I’m suggesting to you that it’s the channel, it’s the funnel, it’s the tubing through which the life of God is being channeled from the realm of the Spirit into the realm of appearance -- into the realm of the soul and the realm of appearance. And I suggest to you that that is the flesh of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the veil is His flesh. The intermediary, the mediator, the connecting tube -- do you remember that teaching about six months ago? God told us Christ was a connecting tube. Well, here’s a Scripture to back it up. He is the connecting tube. He’s anchored in the heavenlies at the point at which the life-giving oil of God enters into Him, in a never-ending supply, and He is the tube through which it flows until it touches and covers over and converts everything in the Adamic soul realm and in the realm of appearance.
I found very interesting, is that this word pipe -- the -- [?Gassinga?] says that it specifically means -- it’s from a root that means to creak or to squeak, especially used of the stridulous sound of water flowing down violently. And if you remember, we had that word stridulous several times in our study on the book of Revelation: sounds coming forth from the sons of God when they strum their harps, which they’re not really being strummed -- it’s just a spiritual concept. The Scripture uses the word stridulous to describe it, a croaking sound, and apparently, it’s a sound that typifies spiritual communication -- spiritual communication.
So this pipe -- it’s the spiritual communication through which the life of the Father is being channeled and joined to, the life of the souls of men in the realm of appearance. And the word golden is Strong’s 2091. It merely means to shimmer or something gold-colored.
Alternate Translation, Zechariah 4:12: And I answered the angel again and said to him, what are these two sources of God’s spiritual life, which empty their life out of themselves through two purified connecting tubes? What are these two olive branches, which -- what are these two sources of the supply of God’s life, which flow through golden pipes, which flow through souls that have been redeemed and empty the golden oil out of themselves? And I answered the angel again and said unto him, what are these two sources of God’s spiritual life, which empty their life out of themselves through two purified connecting tubes? There are two purified connecting tubes that are connecting the source of God’s life from the realm of the spirit into the realm of the soul and the realm of appearance.
I have a comment for you. Now let me read it to you. In Verse 11, the two olive trees are the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The tree of life is the spirit of Jesus Christ, which is now the Father -- right? Jesus said, “The Father and I are one.” Who was the mind of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, when He walked the earth? It was the Father. Now Jesus has been made a spirit. He’s gone back to the Father. He said, “I go unto my Father.” Jesus is now the Father, and He is our Father. He is our mind. He is the tree of life, and the sons of God are the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which has now been redeemed and producing the same glory of the life of God as the tree of life. Can you hear this? Let me read it to you again.
The two olive trees are the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. There’s only two trees that I know about: the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That’s all that I know about in the Scripture. There’s two trees, right? There’s Adam, and there’s Christ. The tree of life is the spirit of Jesus Christ or the Father, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is the living soul, which has now been redeemed and become the life-quickening spirit. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil has been redeemed. That is the living soul that is becoming a life-quickening spirit. That’s us. That’s you, and that’s me. It’s the sons of God that have now extended to the entire living soul. Every member of the living soul is a son of God, and the whole living soul has been redeemed. This tree of the knowledge of good and evil has now become golden, and it is no longer producing putrid fruit, but it is producing the same glorious, golden fruit as the tree of life.
The living soul, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and the tree of life, the spirit of the Father, and they’re both appearing in the realm of appearance. How do I know that? Because they’re both trees, and a tree typifies the image of spiritual life in the realm of appearance.
In Verse 12, the two sources of God’s spiritual life, which are emptying themselves out of two different sources, are the spirit of the Father and the soul of Jesus Christ. We have the wine of the spirit, which is the Father, and we have the oil which typifies the soul life of Jesus Christ. So the life of God is pouring into the soul life and the realm of appearance to -- through two sources, through the spiritual life of the Father flowing through our spirit and through the spiritual life of Jesus or the soulish life of Jesus Christ, which is our soul life.
So, what am I saying? What am I saying? I’m saying that, in Verse 11 -- let me get it back to you again. Verse 11: Then answered I -- well, let me give you from my Alternate Translations. Hang on with -- bear with me just a second. I’m almost finished. This is the end of it. Sorry I was so long today.
Verse 11, Alternate Translation of Zechariah, Chapter 4: Then I answered and said to the angel, what are these two sources of spiritual life in the realm of appearance, which minister blessing and pronounce judgment?
I’m going to answer the question for you. The two sources of the spiritual life, which pronounce judgment and minister blessing, are the sons of God in the soul realm and the Father in the realm of the spirit. And the Father is going to appear in the realm of appearance. How? In the glorified body. When man gets a glorified body, that hard crystal cover, that is the image of the Father in the realm of appearance. So what are these two sources of spiritual life in the realm of appearance, which minister blessing and pronounce judgment? They are the Father and the Son. Glory to God.
Verse 12: And I answered the angel again and said unto him, what are these two sources of God’s spiritual life which empty their life out of themselves through two purified connecting tubes? What is the source in the realm of appearance, and what is the source in the realm of the spirit?
Verse 11 answers the question of who these -- the -- what the source is in the realm of appearance, and Verse 12, what the source is in the realm of the spirit. And I answered the angel again and said unto him, what are these two sources of God’s spiritual life which empty their life out of themselves through two purified connecting tubes?
And I declare to you, the answer is the same. The Father and the Son. The Father and the Son in the realm of the spirit are now fully manifested and appearing in a full-image form in the realm of the -- of appearance. Glory to God. Any questions on that?
I just want to -- I want to just make a quick comment here. I’m sure we’ve all heard how the -- how Eve ate the apple in the tree of -- ate the apple of the tree in the garden, and we all found out that, when we read the book of Genesis, that we’re not told that she was eating off of an apple tree. We’re just told it was the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but, brethren, we here in this meeting and those listening to the message now know what kind of a tree it was. It was an olive tree. It was an olive tree. We just found out in Zechariah 4 that the tree of life and that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil were olive trees, and they’re producing different -- they were at the beginning producing different kinds of oil. The tree of life was producing the oil of the Father, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was producing the oil of what spirit?
Satan. Amen. They were both olive trees. They’re olive trees in the garden. Do you hear what I’m telling you? But now, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil has been completely swallowed up by the tree of life, and he is no longer producing the oil of the inedible olives. You see, the oil from the tree of life was edible and life-giving, but the olives on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil produced death. They were poisonous. But that tree has now been swallowed up by the life of Christ, and He too is producing the tree -- the oil of the fruit of the olives of the tree of life. They’ve become one. Glory to God.
OK, I’m just going to take one more minute to give you Verse 4 of Revelation 11, because it’s basically the same thing of everything we just did. These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
The two candlesticks are the spiritual substance of the Father and the Son in the realm of the spirit and in the realm of the soul, and the two olive trees typify the image of that spiritual substance in the realm of appearance. The candlesticks are the Father and the Son in the realm of the spirit and the realm of the soul, and the olive trees are the Father and the Son in the realm of appearance.
Alternate Translation, Revelation, Chapter 11, Verse 4: These are the two life-giving trees which appear in the realm of appearance, and their two spiritual sources are rooted in the realm of the spirit. Glory to God.
Recap, Revelation, Chapter 11, Verses 3 and 4: And I shall appear through My word and by My spirit in My first-fruits company, and they shall minister judgment to the minds of men by the power of My spirit and shall impart My glorified soul life to the many members of the living soul through the preaching of My word until every one of them is raised up to the fullness of the stature of Jesus Christ, thus fulfilling the law in the living soul, in their human, unglorified bodies. These are the two life-giving trees which appear in the realm of appearance, and their two spiritual sources are rooted in the realm of the spirit, the Father and the Son. Glory to God.
04/20/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion
04/22/14 1st Edit BP