Praying Negatively

Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2000


Hi Pastor Sheila - I have been praying all the ways I know about going to the convention. I've asked the Lord to speak to me, to convince me, to show me His desires for me about this meeting, I've rebuked and cursed every satanic spirit that is trying to influence me, stripped them from me, and I've had no recognizable word from the Lord. I really need to know if HE wants me to go because of my various physical ailments and financial condition at the moment. Not that I have no money, as I've shared. It is just not available to me right now, but if the Lord says to, I will take out a loan if I have to. I am willing to go even if it is difficult, but I have no desire to go if the Lord is not in it. Thanks for sharing your trip details with me. I haven't made any arrangements because I just don't have any witness to go.


I will continue on with my present prayer and rebuking unless you know of anything else I can do so that I can be sure I am following the Lord's will for me. Love - xxxxx

PASTOR SHEILA:  You must make a decision based upon what you believe to be the right thing to do under the circumstances - not what you feel like doing, or prefer to do, and tell the Lord that you will pursue this decision unless He tells you otherwise.


In general, my opinion would be that this is a ministry gathering and you should go, but your physical problems put me off. As I began to type "in this situation I don't know what is right" I perceived the Lord saying, infirmity should never hold you back from the things of the Lord."


Now, your decision must be your own. The primary lesson in this email is that you have been handling the situation incorrectly. You have been asking the Lord to tell you what to do. The very fact that He has not responded is a clear message that He wants you to make a judgment as to what is right, and offer that decision up to Him for confirmation or correction I believe I told you this before. If I have not, I apologize in advance for saying that you may have yielded to your own desire to not attend, and forgotten my instructions on praying negatively, i.e., I have made a decision Lord, based upon what I believe to be right in this situation, and now you must correct me if it is not your will.


God bless you, love - Pastor Sheila

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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