Pentecostal Church

Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 8:46 AM

Subject: "Church"


Pastor Vitale,

Please I would like your thoughts on the following issue: I usually go to a Pentecostal church. For some time now, I've been feeling like I do not gain anything at all in terms of the messages preached there, in fact because of the Doctrine of Christ, I find the preaching mostly contradictory to the truth. I do feel like the Holy Spirit is there, especially in the singing and the times when ministration comes forth for new christians and they do teach living a moral "christian" lifestyle. I have been going there for around 5yrs and at first I really gained from fellowshipping there. For the past few sundays, I have stayed at home, usually working on the webs or reading the Online meetings because I didn't think I could bear to go there. I have been wondering whether I should go somewhere else but then I think well, its still going to be another church preaching the same things. I have been asking God about this but haven't heard anything. Am I doing the right thing by not going and studying at home on my own?


Thank you for your awaited response.

Love, XXX

From: Pastor Vitale@LEM


Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 4:01 PM

Subject: RE: "Church"



I attended Pentecostal and Baptist churches for many years (LEM is 19 yrs old) in LEM’s early years (we had only midweek services) because I craved the music and large numbers of people, etc. eventually, I came to the place where I found studying the Doctrine of Christ (which is fellowship with the Lord) more satisfying than going to a church. Occasionally, today, I have to opportunity to attend a church service, but choose not to because time restraints force me to choose between attending a formal church service and  studying. Sometimes, the issue is not even time. I just prefer to fellowship with the Lord.


However, there is another factor which we must consider: Ministry to others.


For years the Lord had me “carry Him” to Pentecostal and Baptist churches so that He could speak to someone(s) in that church (we are His Chariot), and that still happens sometimes. Recently, I attended several “deliverance” services in a local church (about a month or 2 apart).


The Lord always has multiple purposes. I thought I was attending these services to take the person who was accompanying me. Also, I still need healing and deliverance from anything the Lord wants to deliver me from, and I did get a partial healing at one service. But now it appears that the Lord is revealing me to the pastor (I never told him that I was a pastor, too). So, it looks like I might be ministering the Doctrine of Christ to this pastor.


Don’t be surprised that I would go to another church for healing. The Lord can heal us in any way that He chooses to. Any Christian or pastor who thinks he can only be healed in his own ministry is in danger of losing their healing because of pride.


The bottom line is this, we must all keep in mind that:


1. It is a great blessing and a great responsibility to possess the wisdom, knowledge (and whatever power accompanies it) that is available through LEM.


2. This knowledge,, wisdom and power MUST be shared with others – in accordance with the Will, purposes and timing of the Lord Jesus.


3. Once we receive from the Lord, our life and time are no longer our own.


I can answer your question only by telling you that you must


  1. Be aware of your obligations, as set forth above,
  2. Be available in your mind and emotions to go wherever the Lord sends you.
  3. Pray always for the ability to distinguish between your own carnal desires, and the Voice of the Lord (your will vs His Will).
  4. Pray for direction, and then follow your spiritual instincts.


May the Lord guide you always, may you hear His voice accurately, and may you be a bona fide Chariot that manifests His Life in this fallen (but thanks be to Jesus, NOT God-forsaken) world.


God bless you,


Sincerely in Christ,

Sheila R. Vitale,

Pastor, Teacher & Founder

Living Epistles Ministries


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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