Jezebel's Judgment

[Pastor Vitale:] XXXXX told me this evening that she woke up this morning hearing the word “Abimelich” over and over in her head. We discussed the several men who are named Abimelich in the Scripture, and I told XXXXX that I thought that her experience had something to do with XXXX, but I wasn’t sure in what way. I also told her that I had asked you to intercede for XXXX .


Our conversation took place before I read XXXXX’s email, which I have responded to below.


Apparently, your intercession accomplished the Lord’s purposes: The Christ within XXXXX entered the battle by proclaiming into the spiritual realm that XXXX is guilty of manifesting a Jezebel Spirit, which pronouncement of guilt is a necessary precursor to deliverance


God bless everyone who has had a part in XXXX’s deliverance.


Hi Pastor Vitale:  Last night I felt a heaviness come over me.  Went to bed, slept good, had pleasant dreams, woke up this morning and  the word  "Abimelech" was racing through my mind.


[Pastor Vitale:] When I opened your email I was hit with, “Abimelich, the traitor that took the Kingdom from Gideon’s sons.”  That is XXXX’s mind set. She has always been set on taking over the ministry, but she doesn’t know her own heart, or believe the truth of her motives, which I have revealed to her many times. 


I think that, since XXXX is interceding so powerfully, that you heard the Lord’s truth about XXXX resounding in the Spirit, which truth is that XXXX is vying with me for the headship over LEM – but she doesn’t understand the motives of her Carnal Mind, or believe that she is Jezebel, which I have told her is the case. 


XXXX is probably seeking the Lord about the conflict, and the Lord has pronounced the judgment of Jezebel, who is destined to be thrown off of the spiritual balcony of her illegal spiritual ascension (the brow (6th) energy center) by 2 or 3 spiritual eunuchs (prayer warriors), which are XXXX, XXXX and I. 


In view of this revelation, I now question the King James translation, which says that the dogs will eat Jezebel’s flesh -- a horrible death.


I now think this Scripture means that Jezebel will be cast down from her illegal spiritual ascension, and the flesh of the dog (male prostitute=Abel fallen under Cain) shall be consumed by Christ, which is the Scriptural judgment for Leviathan. Listen to this:


In the portion of = allotment (“in the” improvised – we will not use it)


Jezreel = (translation of 2 words: “God” and “seed”)


Shall eat=consume


Dogs=Abel (the whore of revelation)


The flesh =pudenda=female sexual organ=Leviathan


Jezebel = how could this have happened to me? (we will amplify this word, ie, use it twice in our translation)


Abel, [who is presently Cain’s male prostitute], shall receive the seed (2nd of the 2 words that are the roots of "Jezreel") of God (first of the 2 words that are the roots of "Jezreel"), [and Christ shall burst forth and] consume Leviathan, [the Serpent’s male spiritual sexual organ, within the one who is asking], how did this happen to me?


Alternate Translation 2 Kings 9:36 – Abel, [who is presently Cain’s male prostitute], shall receive the seed of God, [and Christ shall burst forth within] Jezebel, and consume Leviathan, [the Serpent’s male spiritual sexual organ, within the one who is asking], how did this happen to me?


 XXXX was completely seduced by her Carnal Mind, and must be asking the Lord how she came to be outside of the household of God. This is a confession that she went wrong somewhere along the line, and it appears that the Lord is going to have mercy on her and deliver her. Hallelujah!


Sincerely in Christ,


Sheila R. Vitale,

Pastor, Teacher & Founder

Living Epistles Ministries.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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