Jesus The Father?

Subj: doctrine

Date: 98-02-15 07:16:17 EST

From: xxxxxx


Hi, Pastor Sheila.

Please explain scripturally how it is that "The Lord Jesus Christ is now the Father. He became the Father," as stated in your series on right identity.

Thanking you in advance. -xxx

PASTOR SHEILA: The glorified Jesus Christ is our Father because everyone who is receiving His Spirit today is receiving a "cutting" of His life.

The man, Jesus, was born from seed, that is individually "quickened" in Mary's womb. The man, Jesus, is the offspring of a human woman's physical ovum and the spiritual seed of God. There was no physical male seed involved in Jesus' birth.

The members of the Church today are born of physical men and women. The Scripture indicates that the Body of Christ branches. Christ in us is the cultivated plant. The carnal mind that we are born with is the weed. Both plants are growing in the earth of our personality.

Also, on another level, the ascended Jesus Christ, became one with Jehovah when He overcame the powers and principalities of this world and ascended to the highest place through righteousness. Christ Jesus flowed into the eternal world like a river flows into the ocean. There is no separation between Christ Jesus and Jehovah, although as Jesus will always have the pre-eminance over the Body of Christ, Jehovah will always have the preeminance over all, because He is all, and soon to be all in all.

God bless you,

Pastor Sheila

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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