Infanticizing Adults (Testimony)

Subj: Re: Deliverance

Date: 98-09-12

From: xxxx

To: Pastor Vitale


I was just thinking that I learn something every day. I have just finishing reading "INFANTICIZING ADULTS", from the Question and Answer Section of your site.

I was going to wait and share this you, now I feel that the time has come. My wife did return. Prior, to her returning she said that the Lord revealed to her she is being driven by her emotions, and feelings. I have been praying your warfare prayer over her, and others. When I use to discuss your materials, I would perceive that she didn't want to hear anything about your ministry. One day I returned home from work, and saw her reading, "Spiritual Authority" by Watchman Nee. She is continuing to read it. I look at it as a start, Christ is revealing to her things according to her understanding. Today, I downloaded, "INFANTICIZING ADULTS" and placed it on the bed while she was sleeping. I was viewing other material from your site, when she woke up, and turned towards me. I saw her picking the material up and begin to read it.

A few minutes later she went into another room of the house, she called back to me to bring that material to her so she can
finish it. She told me that she agrees with what had been written. We had this discussion before, about her role as a wife, and her offering advice, when am just venting. I can tell that a change is taking place within her spirit, she's trying to hold on to her prideful areas. I know that Christ will continue to deal with her, as well as the serpent, however, I will continue no matter what happens.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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