How To Test The Doctrine Of Christ-Part 6

Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2006 11:25 PM



I would like to try to explain something to you.


You cannot test the Doctrine of Christ against a Sonship teaching. Not only will doing so confuse you, but it simply can’t be done, because you cannot test a doctrine against the understanding of a lower plane of consciousness.


A good example is trying to convince a Baptist that speaking in tongues is an experience sent by God, which, as you may know, is an exercise  in futility. Why? Because the Baptist position concerning speaking in tongues exists on a lower plane of consciousness than the one on which this spiritual truth (speaking in tongues) exists. Therefore, the adherent to the Baptist doctrine who believes that speaking in tongues is not of God, cannot “see” (understand) it.


My first response to your forwarding the response you received from the Eagle’s Forum was correct.  It was inappropriate for me to respond to the brother who wrote it. But it was also inappropriate for me to respond to you, who wanted to hear my response.


I gave you the formula for testing the spirit on a Doctrine of Christ teaching in a previous email.


First you must have the witness in your own spirit. Then you bring your own witness to the Lord for the second witness. He will give you all the understanding and Scriptures you need.


“Sonship” or “Kingdom” teaching is a higher level of consciousness than currently prevails in the Church, but it still arises out of the Carnal Mind, which will never understand the Doctrine of Christ, even when the Carnal Mind is under the influence of the Holy Spirit (which I believe is the case with Robert, the Administrator of the Eagle's Forum).


It is inappropriate to go to the Carnal Mind, which exists on a lower plane of consciousness than the Mind of Christ, to try the spirit on the Doctrine of Christ. 


I do not teach or respond to the Carnal Mind because the Carnal Mind will never understand the Mind of Christ, even when the Carnal Mind is under the influence of the Holy Spirit,


Accordingly, I will continue to respond to any legitimate questions that you may ask me so long as you are in your Christ Mind. 


I will not, in the future, however, respond to any unqualified person who has tried the Spirit on a Doctrine of Christ teaching from the lower level of understanding of the Carnal Mind. Neither will I respond to any request by you to answer the teaching of an unqualified person who has tried the spirit on a Doctrine of Christ teaching with their Carnal Mind.


God bless you,


Sincerely in Christ,

Sheila R. Vitale,

Pastor, Teacher & Founder

Living Epistles Ministries

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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