How To Test The Doctrine Of Christ-Part 4

Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2006 7:42 PM


Pastor Vitale,

I wasn't writing to argue doctrine with him.  I was writing on my part concerning discernment.  He said:

Spirit (Pnuema) in the Greek is in the Neutral Gender (neither male nor female, an 'IT'), but in the Greek N.T. the Holy Spirit is always referred to as 'HE,' 'Him,' 'His,' etc..


[Pastor Vitale's Response:] As you say above, "pnuema" is neuter. How then can it be translated in the masculine in the New Testament? The answer is that the King James Translators chose to do so via "translators license." They did so because they had no knowledge that the Holy Spirit was the female side of the glorified Jesus. As I have explained to you previously, Jehovah has more than one female Name, one of them being “The Breasted One.” God is both male and female. We are also told that Jehovah has promised Messiah children (Is 8:18). The female side of God raises up the children (sons).


 It would be a violation of Greek to do so unless the Spirit were truly Masculine,


[Pastor Vitale's Response:] Who makes this judgment that a spirit designated as neuter in classic Greek is now masculine? The answer is in the eyes of the beholder, based upon his knowledge at the time.


regardless of the laws of the Greek Language. God is a Spirit and He is Masculine.  


[Pastor Vitale's Response:] Yes God is masculine, but He has a female side. The Holy Spirit (female) + the Spirit of Christ (male), collectively known as the “Spirit of God” is male. Adam was made in the image of Jehovah “and male and female made he them.”


You said that the Holy Spirit is the raw power of God, and is female to the Spirit of Christ.  So when it says that God is a Spirit (John 4:24).  What part of the Spirit of God is this passage referring to?


[Pastor Vitale's Response:] The “whole” Spirit of God (see above)


 Is this the Spirit of Christ (Masculine), because the Word is Christ,


[Pastor Vitale's Response:] The Word is Christ Jesus


and Jesus said I 'am the way the Truth and the life?


[Pastor Vitale's Response:] The Spirit of Christ is masculine because raw spiritual power is subordinate to the wisdom of God. This truth makes wisdom (Spirit of Christ) male in relation to the power of God (Holy Spirit) alone


Or is it speaking of Father God as the Spirit?


[Pastor Vitale's Response:] Yes


I was also wondering what scriptures there are concerning the Elohim of God, and where it refers to the Elohim of God as the Power of God, and the Female of God.


[Pastor Vitale's Response:] I do not know of any. This truth must be spiritually discerned. You must get your witness from the Lord. He will show you the Scriptures you need to satisfy you.


Besides Genesis 1:26.  Many scholars have always been at odds with this scripture on what it might mean.  You mentioned that the US refers to the Elohim and Jehovah of God.  How did you come to this conclusion?


[Pastor Vitale's Response:] By the Spirit of Revelation.


XXX – you cannot prove the Doctrine of Christ with Scripture. If you try, you will fail. Your own spirit (Christ within you) must witness to the Spirit of Truth within me, which has already happened. Now you must submit your discernment to the Lord and He will give you the second witness. The teachings of other men who are still understanding on a lower level of consciousness, and their methods of “proving” the truth, will only confuse you.


I suggest you study the article I sent you several times more. You will find that the answers to all of your questions are already answered in that article. Then seek the Lord with all your strength, and He will give you the confirmations you need.


God bless you, 


Sincerely in Christ,

Sheila R. Vitale,

Pastor, Teacher & Founder

Living Epistles Ministries

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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