Hot And Cold

Subject: Re: "Hot and cold"

Date: Friday, March 10, 2000


Hi Pastor Vitale,

Q. Saw this article in the paper yesterday. It reads: "Did you know? There's really no such thing as "cold," only more or less heat. That means that refrigerators don't make cold, what they do is move heat. Inside is a loop of pies filled with a chemical called Freon that makes it happen."

What would be the spiritual significance of the north being cold where Satan is and the south being hot where Jesus is and the info in the above article?

Is all cold just an absence of heat?

Hi xxxxx,

This is very interesting. What it makes me think of is that somehow when Abel was forced under the ground, he was the heat element, and Satan had moved him around. The position was changed. Abel was forced under the ground and Cain was on top, which was the cold element or if Cain wasn't the cold element, he was taken over by the serpent and Satan which are the cold element.


We have heard the outer ring of creation is extra and superfluous, also that it's cold. We know that the physical body is the outer most part of us, and is extra or superfluous and when Christ arises in us in full stature, this outer ring and the physical body will not be needed anymore. The heat from Abel arising back into his position above, and Adam rising from dead will be the heat. The cold wrapped around us will be melted and boiled away because of the heat rising from within us. It's as though we have been frozen in ice by Satan and hardened into the formation of this world but are being heated up to the position where our spirits will fly free, rise up to the upper window.


Love Pastor Vitale

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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