Hierarchy Of The Godhead

Date: 7/11/1998 9:56:11 PM EST

From: Pastor Vitale


Hi xxxxx

When I read your question on the spiritual Hierarchy, it sounded familiar, but I couldn't place where you had read it. My first reaction was to talk about the Hierarchy of the Godhead, which I did. But I deleted what I wrote, and replaced it with a discussion on the hierarchy of the sons of God, because I thought that was what you needed to hear.

As I was trying to work on the Doctrine of the Ox tonight, I came across the paragraph where I talk about a spiritual, military hierarchy, and realized that was where you were coming from.

I explained the hierarchy of the Sons in my response to your questions on the On-Line Transcript for Revelation, Chapter 12, Part 2, and have added the following paragraph to my response, which explains the hierarchy of the Godhead:

Also, there is an hierarchy of the Godhead: Jehovah, Elohim, Michael, Elijah, Jesus, Sons of God. But this does not mean that one member of the Godhead is more important than the other, because there is only one God, and the members of the hierarchy are all different aspects of Jehovah, just as there is only one you, but you have hands, feet, a head, and many internal organs.

Jehovah never leaves eternity, but His Son, Elohim descends into the "field" of creation, Michael, Jehovah hand, does the work of creation, and Elijah, Elohim's personalized hand, descends into hell to aid mortal humanity. The Spirit of Elijah, Elohim's personalized hand, incarnated Jesus of Nazareth, and married him, and now Jesus has ascended into heaven and become the Saviour of the World.

Jehovah is all, and in all, in heaven, and soon, He will be all, and in all in the earth."

I will post this email to the web page.


Pastor Sheila

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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