Fight The Carnal Mind

I was in my car when these thoughts flowed through my mind: You are not of this world. You have been given the opportunity to learn about the Doctrine of Christ. You cannot continue to do as you please, there's no excuse. You must fight off the thoughts of the carnal mind to sin. Satan is sifting you.


When you sin, you have given her authority to apply the sowing and reaping judgment.


Everyone is not studying the Doctrine of Christ. You are among a selected few. So you are not of this world in that aspect, but the Doctrine of Christ exposes your sinful behavior. What's happening to you is the result of you.


Yes, everyone does what they want to do. It appears that they are okay, but they are not. You must fight off the thoughts of other people's minds. You know what to do, you know how my mind thinks, you're not listening to my thoughts. You can recognize the thoughts of Satan sometime. Not recognizing my thoughts, does not give you the right to sin.


The Sowing and Reaping Judgment will come quickly upon you when you sin.


Fight off the thoughts of the carnal mind. You can't continue to behave this way anymore. You must fight, fight, and it will be painful. You have no excuse, no excuse. As I said before, what you are learning is not of this world. Amen



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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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