Fear Of The Doctrine Of Christ

Pastor Vitale,

I was studying your on-line message, "The Illusion Of Our World, on 8-31-99. The next morning, when I woke up, these questions, and statements flowed through my mind.

Who is the serpent? How does she look? Most people don't have any idea pertaining to these questions. I was asked, Who Is the serpent? Do you know, who she is? I said, "Yes", I learn from L.E.M, and I had viewed a picture of an illustration. I felt that I should look up the word, "Primordial Serpent" I went on-line, and typed the word in one of the search engines.

After viewing through several sites, I came across a site that was displaying a picture that I saw on L.E.M. Spiritual Hand # 457, and Spiritual Black Hole. I began to wonder what does all this mean? What am I to learn from this?

Then I began to think on this, that most people are afraid of the materials that L.E.M teaches, and yet there are others out there that are pointing people, in the wrong direction. That are teaching things that you teach, and yet some won't believe you, but they believe the other guy. This picture is one example, that the truth will be known to some who believe. That we are, in the serpent's image, and this world is an illusion of the Primordial Serpent.

The site address: www.inanna.com/yggdrasil/ouroboros.html

The same morning, I was surfing the net, and came across this site:

www.messengers-of-truth.org I don't remember how I came across it or what led me to it.

The messengers of truth, has a ring to it. L.E.M is the messenger of truth.

I was viewing a live every 60 seconds shot of the Western Wall, in Jerusalem.

I was thinking about the wall, and one time I wanted to see it. Through the net I can view it. I also began to think about all those people, who stand around and pray to God for hours day after day.

They would place a note into the wall. As I was thinking, this word entered my mind, "consciousness."

The wall represents all of humanity, the spiritual state of man. The carnal mind is the wall of humanity. Humanity is separated from God. The wall has stood for many years, as well as humanity thinking of their approach to God. The Jews will fight to their death for this wall, and humanity will fight to their death for their belief.

Humanity believes that God will accept them as they are, in the carnal mind. The wall (carnal mind) must be torn down. There must, and will be a tearing down of the minds of man.

There must be an UN-veiling of the sons of God, in the midst of humanity walls (2 Cor.3:14-17). To reveal to humanity their consciousness state of separation from the true Spirit of Christ Jesus.

Each person's mind must be torn down.

God Bless

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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