Exposing The Tiny Angel

Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2000

Subject: Re: About The Tiny Angel


(This letter is a reply to the person who forwarded the poem and note, seen at the bottom of this reply)

Dear xxx,

I understand that you meant well in sending this to me, and that most people may think it sounds cute. But I need to let you know that I believe that this tiny angel they are speaking of here is not of God. I don't believe that he has little angels like this, and that something like this is really demonic angels, and that this letter even carries curses with it, which I do break now in Jesus name. I also by writing this letter do break the chain letter that has been suggested. I believe this letter is cloaked as a prayer for others and as good, but it's not really a true prayer at all. Jesus doesn't pray for believers this way, it's not Scriptural.


Also did you know that fairies are spoken of in this letter and that they are demonic and have their root in Satan? This is a shame to the Christian faith to speak lightly of such things as fairies like they are sweet and cute, when they are really from Satan at root. Something like this comes across as cute and funny and innocent to the Christian reading it possibly, but it's not. I will not be sending this on to four other people, except to expose to them also the nature of this letter.


I hope I haven't offended you, but in the event that I have, I still must stand for what I feel is right according to what the Lord shows me, and I believe this is what he showed me about this letter.


I prayed about this letter as soon as I received it and asked the Lord, What did he want me to do about it? I believe he answered me that I should write you back and tell you what I believe he showed me and told me to tell you.


I've decided to share it with you, so that perhaps when you read it, you can also see another view that someone has and have the opportunity to ask the Lord about this and see if he witnesses what I'm saying about it, and to give you the opportunity to pray and ask the Lord to break the curse over your self and any one else you sent it to, not knowing what it really was.

Pastor Vitale


I am a tiny angel.


I'm smaller than your thumb


I live in people pockets


That's where I have my fun.


I don't suppose you've seen me


too tiny to detect:


Though I'm with you all the time,


I doubt we've ever met.


Before I was an Angel...


I was a fairy in a flower:


God, Himself, hand-picked me,


And gave me Angel power.


Now God has many Angels


That He trains in Angel pools:


We become His eyes, and ears, and hands


We become His special tools.


And because God is so busy


With way too much to do;


He said that my assignment


Is to keep close watch on you.


When He tucked me in your Pocket


He blessed you with Angel care;


Then told me to never leave you,


And I vowed always to be there.


Just send this to four people and let me know what happens on the fourth day. Do not break this, please. A Prayer is one of the best free gifts we receive. There is no cost but a lot of reward. Let's continue praying for one another.


Dance like no one is watching,


Love like you'll never be hurt,


Sing like no one is listening,


Live like it's Heaven on earth.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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