Example Of Corrective Judgment

(Real names not used)


Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 2:00 PM

Subject: UPLOAD REQUEST FORM - suggestion

Good morning Anne

I have been using the TRF and The URF on the database I noticed at the bottom there is a drop down button that say NEW, PENDING, FIXED. This is ok for the TRF but on the URF it would sound better as NEW-UPLOADED-COMPLETED.

For new would tell me it’s a new request

Uploaded would tell me its still on the FTP

Completed would be when I deleted it off the FTP site

This is my opinion, what do you think Pastor?

God Bless

Love, Jane

Pastor’s response:

Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 6:29 PM

Subject: RE: UPLOAD REQUEST FORM - suggestion



This email should have been addressed to me only.

Your decision to write directly to Anne with a new idea has the same root as the time you went over Grace’s head and wrote directly to Linda.

This means that we have to keep talking about this until you understand the correct order.

The general rule is that all new ideas and suggestion go to the Pastor first.

If you stop to think about it, you will see that Anne cannot make any changes without my approval, so you should have spoken to me about this first.

If I agree with your suggestion, then, I will ask Anne to implement it

By writing directly to Anne with a new idea and copying me on the email, you gave Anne decision making power that she does not have, and put me under her.

I am sure that you did not intend to do this, so let’s keep talking about right order until it gets into your spirit.

God bless you.

Sheila R. Vitale,

Pastor, Teacher & Founder

Living Epistles Ministries

Christ-Centered Kabbalah


Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2010 5:34 AM

Subject: Re: UPLOAD REQUEST FORM - suggestion

No it was not my intention I just thought everyone needed to be sent a copy I am sorry.

Love, Jane


Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2010 10:03 AM

Subject: RE: UPLOAD REQUEST FORM - suggestion


I want you to know up front, that I love you and that the email that follows is my attempt to help you WITHOUT CONDEMNATION.

I have told you that you are not required to submit yourself to Corrective Judgment if you do not want to.

In the alternative, you may choose General Membership in LEM/CCK, which requires only that you respect the Elders and co-exist peacefully with your fellow Members.

You have told me that you choose to participate in Corrective Judgment, for the purpose of exposing your sin nature in preparation for its destruction, and the ascension of the Christ Nature within you.

In accordance with your choice, below is my response to the issue at hand, which includes

1.   My declaration of hope for your future, based upon my belief that the Lord Jesus is standing by, ready to assist you in all of your efforts to change for the better, and

2.   My attempt to clarify the issue at hand which resulted in a decision of “unintended usurpation of authority.”



Copying others when the email should have gone to me alone is not the main issue. It is a secondary issue.

The main issue is that your email is written as though you were the head of the Team.

It would not have been such a big deal if you addressed the email to me and copied Grace and Anne.

If you can see it, in your email, you took on my role as head of the Team, and placed me under you.

This is called “usurping authority,” or, taking authority that is not yours.

It goes without saying, that when someone takes authority that does not belong to them, there must, of necessity, be someone who loses the authority which is “taken.”

This is why it is accurate to say that your email “usurped the authority of the head of the team.”



First of all, we have to ask why you would address the email to Anne, since Anne’s function is to make the changes to the database that the Pastor asks her to make.

Addressing an email to someone indicates that you expect a response from them.

Asking someone who is copied on an email “what they think” indicates that you want a secondary response from them.

You and Grace use the database to process Audio Messages to implement the Pastor’s vision of a system that coordinates all aspects of processing Audio Messages.

As I explained previously, from this perspective, Anne is the technician who makes the requested changes.

Anne has not conceptualized the database and does not use it, so why would you direct an email to her asking for a decision about the database’s use?

By doing so, you also draw her away from her area of expertise and involve her in an area where she has no expertise at all.

It would be inappropriate for Anne to even give her opinion, since your suggestion has to do with the use of the database, and Anne doesn’t use the database.

In addition, asking Anne to respond to an issue where she probably does not even have an opinion, is an unfair drain on Anne’s time and energy.



It appears that your thinking in this instance has been confused.

It also appears, based upon previous issues, that this confusion goes beyond this one instance.

Confused thinking may be a mental and/or emotional expression of internalized physical or mental abuse, or incest, which is confused behavior.



I can help you by offering you an analysis of your present thinking, and a presentation of an alternative train of thought, which I have done in this email.

You can change your thinking, by the power of God, if you choose to do so.

So, we, who can do all things in Christ, which strengthens us, have some work to do. Amen.

Phil 4:13

13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.



God bless you.

Sheila R. Vitale,

Pastor, Teacher & Founder

Living Epistles Ministries

Christ-Centered Kabbalah

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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