Empathy Is Spiritual

Subj: Dreams

Date: 07/21/98


Hi xxxx-

I have read the remaining four dreams that you have emailed me several times, but the Lord has not yet moved upon me to interpret them. This is not uncommon.

One possible reason why this happened is that there is a specific timing to receive the correct, spiritual interpretation for dreams, each one of which is a personal Word of the Lord.

I did recognize some spiritual symbols in the dreams, but it is possible to recognize Scriptural symbols with my carnal mind. It takes The Lord Jesus Christ moving upon the Mind of Christ in me, to accurately bring forth the hidden message of each dream. It is possible to interpret each symbol based on previously acquired knowledge and miss the whole point of what He wants to say to you. It is also possible that, even if I were to bring the accurate interpretations forth at this time, they would mean nothing to you, because your personal experience is an important factor in understanding what the Lord has to say. In other words, if the situations which these dreams are addressing have not yet manifested in your life, the interpretations would make no sense to you, no matter how accurate they were.

On the other hand, if you were prepared to receive the answers, both in experience and understanding, and I gave you the correct interpretations by the Mind of Christ within me, but, nevertheless, went ahead of the Lord Jesus Christ who gave you the dreams, my interpretation would lack the spiritual power to accomplish the Lord Jesus' purposes in giving you the dreams. In other words, you would have a "powerless" interpretation that would lack the strength to accomplish the purposes of the dreams.

So I will hold on to dreams ## 2-5, until the Lord moves upon me to interpret them.

You ask if you should share these things with your wife. You must answer this question yourself, based upon two factors:

1. How does you wife react to what you share with her? Does her reaction enhance or detract from your relationship?

2. How do you feel after sharing with her? Do you feel attacked in any subtle way? Do you perceive disapproval, rejection, fear, negative thoughts in your mind that have nothing to do with your relationship with your wife? Do you feel an unidentifiable discomfort in your emotions, or subtle pain in your chest, where your heart is? Does the conversation make you happy, sad, angry or irritated?

A husband and wife are one flesh. This means that you are joined in your emotions, and in your mind. Because of this, it is possible for you to experience what your wife is thinking and feeling as your own thoughts and emotions.

This ability, called "empathy," is one of the manifestations of spirituality. You are a spiritual man and have probably experienced empathetic thoughts and emotions already, not only from your wife, but from others also. You may have been aware of them, but you may not have been aware them.

"Empathy" exists both in the spirit of the world and in the Spirit of Christ. Empathy, also called "telepathy," manifests itself in many ways, but always through the mind and emotions, and always in a veiled, or hidden, form that needs to be interpreted. Empathy can manifest as thoughts, emotions, memories, and dreams, many of which are frequently unpleasant.

The only way to deal with thoughts and emotions which are "sins of the mind," is to be willing to confess that, as a fallen human being, we are potentially capable of every sin known to man, and war against it. After the victory is taken, and you have driven the ungodly thought from your mind, if you have any reason to believe that the thought was not from you, you can ask the Lord, who will tell you where it came from..

A spiritual man is one who registers spiritual communications in his mind and emotions. This condition is either inherited, or developed over many years of spiritual study. Registering impressions from other people's minds and emotions is the easy part. Interpreting and understanding the registered impressions is the hard part, which can take years of practice. The key to successfully interpreting and understanding spiritual impressions, is continuous communication with the Lord. Also, it is necessary to address the images in your mind, and the emotions that you are feeling. This is not so easy, because most people ignore unpleasant thoughts and emotions, and memories that they do not understand.

I'll give you one short example: I was watching TV one evening, relaxing on the couch, when, right in the midst of the program, I had a memory of someone who tried to commit suicide. Without trying to understand why this thought would pierce into my mind, or rejecting it, I rebuked suicide and sent the power of God to help whoever was in trouble. This took less than a minute, and I continued on with my TV program. Within five minutes, my phone rang. It was the person who had been suicidal. They told me that in the midst of their crisis, a thought of me came into their mind, which was so powerful, that they turned away from their suicidal thoughts. They were so moved, that they had to call me. Now, as far as I'm concerned, all I did was mechanically address a spiritual communication that the Lord impressed upon my mind. All of the glory goes to Jesus Christ. This was a rare occasion, that I received a phone call confirming what the Lord had done through me. It is very common that I have no feedback whatsoever with regard to the spiritual warfare that I pray.

Spiritual intercession is one of the ministries of the sons of God, which ministries are hidden. There is rarely any reward from human beings. The rewards are in secret, which means that your intercession is known of God, and he rewards you with spiritual fruit. You are called too much more than preaching.

God bless you.

Pastor Sheila

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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